The Straits Times, 28 October 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.102 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 195 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ld. ZfcTIErW STOCKS OF 1808 Ferro Motors COMPLETE AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. 3 H.P. FERRO Price: ft22O AjJBjB *hp $275 yf^^^^ sup $350 Model of Single Cylinder I'erro Motors, <f\ J% f^k -i. in size8 f"»•'«f 7^ h.p q>4<OO 8 H.P 2 Cylinder $4*50 Sjjfc 12 H.P, 3 Cylinder
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    • 74 1 IMPORTANT NOTICE Chin Wah A Co. having now rented tbe Lingga. Amir, Sinkcp, Tamiang and Riouw Timber Concession Co.. desire to inform Contractors, Builders, etc., that the following timbers can be supplied at the shortest notice, at moderate rates. Ballow. Tempinis, Dae Ha Han. Darco, Kapor, Kampas, Poona, Krabo, Red
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    • 116 1 W. J. GARCIA, b Corner of Orchard Road. i For Good, Cheap and Reliable Pianos, new second- hand and for hire. ORGANS. c Music and small musical goods tbe lowest prices in Singapore. Paris Cinema=Opera (FOOT OF FORT CANNIN6). TO-NIGHT Yariette (Bompany, Tuo Kogel Sisters and Brothers, the great trannformists
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    • 460 1 ROBINSON CO. The Territorial Target Rifle. <303 BORE). Thin is t| c woll-known Loug Lee-Enfield Pattern Rillo, which lias been modified by tbe introduction of (1) m ,v bn. 1; si^ht slide, Iraf and bed (21 dpw fore sight find protrctor (3) a charter guide bridge," < I) a now
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  • 751 2 ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF THE DEFENCE. Sydney as the Base. Colonel J. O. Foxton, the delegate of the Commonwealth Government at the Imperial Defence Confereucc, has since the conclusion of the sittings of that body been busily eugagid in settling details connected with Australian naval deience— mostly
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  • 170 2 Reward for Services to the Royal Family. Czar Nicholas has no idea of the value of money and never carries any with him, «*y» a St. Petersburg dispatch to tin K ¥>rb World. By turns, as the m 1 talo-H him, he is extravagantly generous
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 654 2 DRINK Tansan A PETITION TO CONGRESS. A Memorial signed by nearly one hundred leading American Doctors and Physicians has been presented to the U.S.A. Congress praying that TANSAN from TAKARADZKA may be admitted duty free into the United States of America. The "Japan Advertiser" says "The virtues of TANSAN are
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    • 62 2 RHEUMATISM. More than nine ont of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muoclcß, due to cold or damp weather or eh ronic rheumatism. In snoh cafes no internal treatment is roquired. The free application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in all that is needed •idit is ceruia
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    • 102 2 7%atis Fpasix&MeaveS *rTHE-w SINGAPORE SODA WATER £staM*sAetforer 25yeans. MM i^^ t of all Tonic* J Y/r* w***m*. THB Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.M.S. A New First-class Hotel. Fitted with Electric Li.'ht and Fans Fivo minutes from Railway Station. Overlooking the Padang. Single and Double Bedrooms, with Private Bathroms attached. Cuisine
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    • 206 2 The Secrets Out PI Tht ttelt-dralntd cup ttlls tht start of "Cadbarv's" taodiuis. Trom tht first to li tht last drink It grijs tht patott. Tht fluionr It dtllihifal. Its pariti lf lf dtal t should Jilt your rocoa cholct. foe *"bouiinvu.ii. wi^^^^^ POLJRSE ENGLAND. i^- V* V^ V* 1^
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  • 810 3 TERRIBLE SCENES OF BLOOD SHED IN KIEFF. Apathy of the Troops. According to 'private information received in Jewish circles in' Berlin. Rays the correfpondent of tho Standard, an anti Semite outbreak took 1 place at Kieff, in Russia, ou S. [Hi i.:i 1 1- 16, IT and IS,
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  • 118 3 A man named Uussi roccntly made a wager i for L-";(> with Mr. Hauncgao, an Kit«li--h sportsman, that lie would make his horse i Emir go up tho stairs of a house, aDd bliow itself at a window on the fourth floor. Tbe feat lias just been
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 403 3 Jieeklaees! /SmfflmtjH Wu liaVo J St tllrnc< out our actlir y a viry valuable and hi^liclats collection of fJ^TI itr-fT-m MAMOMD NECKLACES, also Bracelets, mW^mrnGGmfmtf Pendants, Kin^s, Urooclios, etc. as well as a linu ast-ortraont of jewellery sot with other The Ch.apc-t House tli Tiuilf prt-ciout ntones. 1 lit-y nhould
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    • 61 3 CHAMBERLAINS PAIN B(LM. Yoa will liuat a good while before you find a liniment Mint is equal to Chamberlain's Pain B.ilui. In cuvs of rheumatism and sciatica it Ml ie vos the in truce pain and makes sleep and rest possible. Soreness of tho muacles, swellings and lameness are quickly
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    • 276 3 I A Dollar an Hour £jl Instead of \&wL A Dollar '"'"national V 1),,11,,r an Uuur i> not out ol >mir m, li. it .Tin „n v fa us hrlp >»" It »iii eM yam MtUag to avk m—Htwf Cm urn the i'.i upon mark am mrmftAm jroo like -mail
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    • 242 3 PEARSON'S HYCOL (Carbolic Co.— Efficient 18 to 20). ITISE most powerful Disinfectant in the World. Guaranteed 18 to 20 times more effective than pure Carbolic Acid. Ask other manufacturers of fluids for a Guarantee of the SKS) Germicidal Strengths of their products (in relation to Pure Carbolic Acid) under the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 756 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. gTo. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Medlterra <can Ports, PiymDuth aid London Through BUI* of Ladlog iasued for Ghioa < 'jaat, Porai^u Oalf, Ojntinontal, and Amerioau I' :rta. Stoamora will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China)
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    • 600 4 STEAMERS SAILING. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL BTEAMBHIP CO. LTD. u^ Two reuular sorvicoa aro maintained between JAPAN and EOROPB by the Company's well-known TWIX-SUKEW STEAMERS, under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed tnr tbe Compauy'B European Service, lighttc throughout by Electricity, provided will excellent accommodation for
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    • 599 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwcp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homeward*, they are deapttohed fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhavon direct, oalling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 726 4 STEAMER BJHLINB3. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The taat and well-known mail (teaman of this Company aaii f:r»nlghty from Branfen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Soathamp Jon, Gibraltar, Genoa. Naplea (oonnooticn Maraeillea, Naplea, Alexandria, and vioe »cr»«) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Ooljmbo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai,
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  • 204 5 FIXTURES. Thursday. October 2». High Wat< r, '.I IH aio.. 10.14 p.m. St. Siutoa Mid fM -In PbUbarmonie Orehwtra, ''10. Baadnuun Ootedy c'<>. AlhrTtikm Cinem kiognph, H'iriuia Ciuciir.L.ji MarlbornuMH Cn ttOBTIfb. Paris Cineniato^raph. Friday, October 29. Hiyh Water, 10.10 am., lO.'iSp.m. IjOKiHlativc Couucil, I Municipal Commission. J..!().
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  • 245 5 To Dat. KrPaOMg* Madras, tiki«(i mnils te buropr, mi Rmnhay IVosta 3pm Malacca, Port I)i km, un.l P. Swvti 'liiliam Pub Ami 3 pm llnagtoiu kmoy and Bvakra UongUu pm H if tbaatfbai and Jii|.ui Qtoalo by 3 pm Pnniianak Bm Hrn Guau Spm I'ennug, Baugoou aud
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  • 74 5 The Imperial German mail xtc-amer Kleist left Colombo at 10 p.m. on Saturday, the 23rd instant, mid may be expected to arrive here mi Friday moraiai;, the i. J tli mstuit. Tlu 1 B. I. c,)iit-n-.t picket steamer Taroba. with tli. Lonion mails of the Bth instant,
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  • 67 5 Sept 30 B. I. [Jet 1 P. AO. Dct 4 M. M. 'Jet 8 P. *O. tot 11 N.D. L. Dct 14 n. I. Dot '8 M. M. l>ot 21 P. *O. Oct 28 N. D. L. 28 B. I Oot 23 Uct 23 Oct 27 Oct 80 Not S
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  • 300 5 Latest Arrivals. Our Ktr, r,fi toaa. Cap-, K-inat, Oct 27. From Hongkong, Octal. G.c. Bebn M. v, rft Co. For l'onKD-. Nov. 22 -Rds. «.i*,;. Urit Btr 127 tons, Mimic Oot 27. Prom Pontwnmk, Oo» 23. G l-. tad U |i. Too Hod Ly*. U— Rd«. //.r«
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  • 96 5 October 16 Al.A 1 S. lUru, Dut btr, Rfcfa Lady Wild, Brit Ur, Munr and Mulacca Pin Sen, i, Brit Mtr, P. Swettenlmm and Penang ''i mi Ann, Dut .<tr, S\^larang via port* Hitcmfa. Bri btr. Lan^kat I WUtmrim, Rrit atr, Calrntu via l'.ingncn M i.m.r.-, G r str.
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  • 92 5 Wharves at wVVi \'CM«ta are Berthed Co- Day. TANJONO PAQAK. Eun Witu Basin Nil. East W. Section I—Mioi'\ a, UilwaiM, Tcosta. SacrioM No. 1 (BnuasWHAUF)— Nil. Sichoh i— N.I. B— OUnluchy. 4-N.l. a— Nil. a 8— Calypso, Ulaucus. 7-Nil. m B—Glunroy.8 Glunroy. H
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  • 58 5 The twiuscrow Hatnlmrj; Aincrikn'i liner Ambria arrived from B(M|pMK, yi-sterday, en route to Hlurope with a general cargo. From I; uiyKuk. the Siauieso tutii.ini; ship Mill. ut Itujakumou. Lieut. Sri in command, arrived yesterday, eu route to Pukct. She :1 m il the Freuch criiincr a i .artoasteaux
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  • 256 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SINOAPOU, OITOBEH 1909. On Lond'm— Bank 4 m/s a/4. Demand a' 1.1 Private 6 m/g a/4 do 8 m/ 8 2/4 On Germany— Hank d/d 289 Private 8 m/g :M1 do 8 tu/> 248 On France Bank d/d 294 J Private 8 m/g 296 do 6 m/g
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    • 272 5 Valci SBD« ALCI Up Up Co d™.™ b 3 Sellers 10 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 6/1 1 1 10 1 1 1 6 10 10 10 10 1 10 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 611 1 1 10 1 1
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    • 609 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/. a/l l l a/l l l 2/. 1 1 1 1 a/l 10 17 60 5 10 10 10 100 10 100 100 Sterling. 2/- Anglo-Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. 12J%iu. "09 1 Batu Cavos Rubber Co., Ltd
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    • 179 5 10 60 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 so 1 100 100 o 7 60 10 100 100 I 10 I 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 Eautorn omolting Co., Ltd. 10% lor 'O 110%1 10% for '08 Fraaer Neavo, Ltd. 17 i for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 66 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Oct 30— At saleroom, Japanese Fancy Articles, at 11. Nov. 2 At saleroom, unredeemed pledges at 10. Nov. 2— At saleroom, valuable jewellery, at 11. J Nov. 'i— At sa'eroom, building land at Tanj'KiK liliu, at MO, Nov. 4 At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10.
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    • 389 5 I Players J Iftavy (DiKture In 1 lb. Patent AirTight Tins. PRICE: 55 CTS. obtainable at i T ROBINSON CO. NOTICE. On November 1, 1909, we are removing from our present address to The Arcade, Baffles Square when we shall have on exhibition our new Unit Filing system. RONEO LTD.
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    • 243 5 INDO-CHINA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. FOR HONGKONG. The Coinpiny'a steamer KUM-3ANO. i.23 1 tuna, E. J. ballot, Commiuder, is doe h>re on 1 30tli instant, and will be despatched fur the above port on Monday, November 1, at 5 p.m. She his excellent accommodation far tirjt class paiisengeto, amidships, carries
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 340 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandan) Serbau Hotpitnl, Oct. 1909. .9 A. M..8 r. H. J p. m. Kauwaix. Bar. .'.2 F»h 23.0*2 23.818 29 913 Tomp 77 4 84 0 79.0 Nil. Wet Bulb Ther 78.2 78 0 17.0 Oil ui Wi&d I calm calm calm Max. Tump 85 0 Mm 74
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  • 1239 6 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28. PRINCE ITO'S FATE. In common with all civilised nations we abhor the atrocious spirit of pseado patriotism which expresses itself in murder and the like fonl crimes. No doubt tho slayer of Prince Ito, like the depraved fanatic who recently shot Sir Curzon-Wyllie, believes
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  • 12 6 The ques'ion of a wirtlesg statiou n H jugkong is undtr cojsiJcratioo.
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  • 14 6 The International Banking Corporation is arrangiDg lor lU« opeuiog o( a branch at Hankow
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  • 16 6 Although the town of Karnpar has a population of over 15,000 people it has no magistrate.
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  • 19 6 Professor Percival Lowell, head of tbe Lowell Observatory, Boston, Fays tbe ennuis on the planet Mars are gradually disappearing.
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  • 27 6 A Chinese member of tbe Singapore police force has been arrested at Pencng, fcr desertion. He was ordered by Mr. Hamilton to be sent back to Singapore.
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  • 33 6 The transport Rewa is expected here about noon, to morrow, and will be berthed at the P. and O. wharf. The draft of tho 3rd Bn. Middlesex Regt will disembark at 5 p.m.
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  • 34 6 The Bengal Government bas notified tbat quinine for tbe cure of malarial fever is on sale at all post offices. Ea:h packet of quinine contains one dose of 10 grains and costs ono pice.
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  • 36 6 It may interest people in Singapore to learn tbat the population of Ipoh has just been estimated at 30,000 while tho town of Ipoh comprises Rome 1,200 first class brick sbopbousbs, exclusive of other dwelling houses.
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  • 43 6 Four Europeans, ono of them said to be a veteriuary surgeon, were before tbe third magistrate, this morning, on a charge of vagrancy. The bearing of tho case was postponed till Saturday that enquiries might be made regarding the record of the accused.
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  • 45 6 From that portion of the new sea wall near Johnston's Per which bas been completed, a largo lighter belonging to Mr Jobn JacksoD, Ltd., is at present engaged in ex tractiug tbe massive piles which carried tbe staging from which the work has been conducted.
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  • 54 6 The United States revenue cutter Thetis, which for the last three years bis been revenue station ship at San Francisco, bas been ordered to the Hawaiian Islauds, with a view to preventing the increased smuggling of opium by Japanese It has been discovered tbat tlu-y li iv<; been Uhiog highpowered
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  • 50 6 The Japanese Government proposes to provide in next year's Budget for the i -i: funds to establish commercial commissioners to stay at various trade centres of the world. The proposal will take definite shape next yoar, when commissioners will be appointed to London, New York, San Francisco, Poking and Canton.
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  • 59 6 Eleven Chioeso vagrants, most of them afflicted with disease, hobbled into the third magistrate's court, this moruiuit, to anMwer to the charge of haviug no visible moans of subsistence. They all admitted being beggars, saying that they wero unablu to do work. They were sent to tbe house of detention,
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  • 70 6 The standing crops look to promising in Tonkin that the prohibition to export grain from thu Colony, on fear of dearth setting in, has been withdrawn. Tbe Avenir dv Tonkin says tbat the prohibition so far benefited speculators only. The price of grain never fell, and the holders of stock
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  • 85 6 Lim Ah Oy, the Chinese ayah who promised to give her daughter in marriagu to a Hylatn servant n tun d Lim Ah Keug, and thereby induced him to p.iy to her numerous sums aggregating a'jout 500, whoa she bad no daughter, was convicted of cheating by tbo third magistrate,
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  • 72 6 The Straits Municipal Commission are still inviting persons who may be in possession of special information to give evideooe thereon. A certain number of witnesses have already been arranged for, but there may be others not known to tho commisMoners who would be able to give help and they are
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  • 93 6 In tbe early hours of September 23, four European prisoners escaped from the central gtol in Saigon. They were captured in about twelve hours. Practically they bad not the slightest chance of evading pursuit, but the idea they were trying to carry out when recaptured was to make for Cambodia
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  • 112 6 Speaking at a meeting of the Hongkong Legislative Council, Mr. Murray Stewartjdid not agree with Mr. Hewett tbat they were paying too much for the military contribu tion, and be did not consider that at thu moment the taxpayers were paying too much for the beat fit the pretence of
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  • 425 6 Mr. A. Campbell, assistant district ol*>rr died suddenly »t Kuala Kaii|>gar on Sunday The marriage arranged between Viscount (inmstou and Lady Violet Brabazou was to lake place in London yesterday. President Taft, who has been ent 'rturec at successive bamjui-l*. is new rccu ir ating, nays a
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  • 102 6 The report on the mortality of Singapore, for the weeK ended October 2:!. which is signed by Dr. W. Gilmore Ellis, shows that 267 deaths were registered in Singapore, equul to a dcath-ratn of 50 per thousand of the estimated population. Malarial fever cUimcd 44 donthr, dysentery
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  • 130 6 Salutes were exchanged between Fort Canning and tho French cniistr d'Entrecasteaux, at 8 am to day, thu cruiser haviog just arrived from Siigon in route to Europe. She is a vessel of 8,200 tons and 13.500 horse power. She is taking homo Admiral Perrin, who bands over
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  • 153 6 Thu concert which Madamo Monti Baldini will give at the Teutonia Club to-morrow i i^ht, under the patronage of 11 E. the Governor, promises to be a musical treat. The programme is as follows Songs by Madamo Baldini Ario->a from The Prophet (Meytrbcer) (j tvotte from Manon
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  • 170 6 Referring to the afmassinatioo of Prince Ito a correspondent writes The won'lor is (hat the Marquis should perish at Harbin in Northern Manchuria. It should be borne iv mind that Kussi.i i*>us uf tho increasing Japanese influence in Southern Manchuria. The railways there are mostly in
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 303 6 ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. CHANGE OF PKOQRAMME. SPECIAL ATT a ACTION To-Nlght, AND FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY. EXPENSIVE ENGAGEMENT OF Prof. William Vincent, In his entirely new and up-to-date BLH6rIT-CF-HAND PERFORMANCES Supported by tbo following New i-'iim-". THE PRODUCTION, PREPaRaTIONAND EXPORTATION OF COFir EE. A good companion to our recent
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  • 296 7 WORLD-WIDE SYMPATHY WITH JAPAN. Royal Condolences. Lord Cur/on Contrasts Difficulties in India and Korea. ißbutsb's Telioramj London, October 27. Tho papers contain columns about the assassination of Prince Ito. and articles syrnpathixing with Japan. Prince Ito'* son has arrived at Genoa, where he received the nows. London,
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  • 40 7 Eight Men Seriously Injured. IRsuter's Telegram] London, October 27. An explosion has taken place in the stokehold of His Majesty's ship Hogue which was undergoing repair* at Devonport. Eight men were injured, two of them seriously.
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  • 21 7 ;Khtkbs TelxobimJ London. October 28. Tbo result of tho Cambridgeshire was Christmas Daisy 1 Mustapha 2 Sir Martin M
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  • 29 7 [Dkr Ostasiatische Lloyo Telegram] Berlin, Ootobcr 27. Tbero is still a good deal of provocative comment in the Russian Press with reference to the Harbin affair.
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  • 33 7 [Deb Ostasiatischi Lloyd Tkliubam' Berlin, Octobor 27. M. Pichon and Signer Tittoni declare that the meeting ot the Russian and Italian monarebs at Racconigi will be a guarantee of peace.
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  • 36 7 [Deb Ostasiatischk Lloyd Tiliobah] Berlin, October 27. The Khedive of Egypt will upend 87 days on liis trip to Mecca. He will make a short stay at several of tno towns en route.
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  • 26 7 (Dm Ostasiatische Lloyd Tkleobam] Berlin, October 27. Turkey has ordered a quantity of artillery from Krupps. Ammunition will be supplied by Armstrong and Vickers
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  • 24 7 [Da* Ostasiatucbe Lloyd Tilbqkam] Berlin, October 27. The Riff tribes are now asking for peace negotiations with the Spaniards.
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  • 22 7 Dm OsTASIATISCHE LLOYD TkLKORAM] Berlin, October 27. The Spanish Queen and her children have gone to England incognito.
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  • 190 7 Verdict for Defendant Recorded at Shanghai. The case in reference to Langkat share transactions brought by Mr. M. M. Tackey against Mr. It. S. F. Mcßain, commenced at the British Supreme Court at Shanghai, on the 18th instant, before tbe Chief Justice (Sir Havilland de Sausmarez) and a
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  • 290 7 China's Need for Having Great Men j in Authority. I The Chinese Recorder just to hand from t j Shanghai say 4 there seumj reason to hope that China's one strong man will soon be restored to power. This is not happening a j day too soon
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  • 271 7 Japanese Coolies and Their Silk Umbrellas. Sixteen silk umbrellas handed over to as many Japanese coolies to use as canes in coming on shore from the Kumano Maru a few days ago. were the mcaus of getting K. Nakashima and Tatsu Anami into trouble with tho
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  • 143 7 A very pleasant entertainment was given at the Alhambra cinematograph, last night, when Prof. Viuornt introduced new slight-of-hand tricks, his card manipulation being particularly good. His legerdemain is abovo the ordinary and should be seen to be appreciated. The picture portion of the programme was quite as enjoyable—
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  • 121 7 Personal letters have been written by the acting secretary of the American Navy to six enlisted men of the navy attached to the U. S. S. Aarayat for gallant and courageous conduct under fire during the fight of July 4 on the Island of Patian, Sulu Archipelago,
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  • 441 7 EXPLORATION AND RESEARCH IN THE DUTCH SECTION. Many Expeditions Organised. Timely particulars of exploring work in Dutch New Gninea, as it stands at the present moment, are given in the Samarang Locomotief of October 13. A Dutch expedition has taken the field, ti 0 advance section of
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  • 655 7 The Flag Lieutenant at the Victoria Theatre. Obviously Mr. Henry Dallas, as the Flag Lieutenant, Dicky Lascelles, was speaking the truth when, in response to his lady love, who wished him to distinguish himself, he remarked last night It's such a long way to the South Polo
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  • 662 7 I TRADE AND INDUSTRIAL CHANGES EXPECTED. Singapore to* Bangkok by Rail. In transmitting to Washington the following report on the Anglo- Siamese treaty, which was ratified on July 16, Minister Hamilton- King, of Bangkok, stated that it will be followed by an advance in business in all lines
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  • 441 7 Darwin's Famous Ship Sold to the Japanese. The Jjii reports that relic of the Beagle, the ship on which Darwin made his evermemorable voyage in *****, has recently been found in Tokio as a sequel to an enthusiastic search by Mr. Shiga Suko, a well-known Japanese
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  • 118 7 China to Receive Island Back on Certain Terms. From a very reliable source the China Mail learns that tbe agreement concerning the Pratas Island dispute was signed at Canton by Consul Segawa, representing Japan, and H. E. Yuen, Viceroy of Canton, on tbe 12th inst. The agreement
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  • 148 7 Amusing Resolution at Meeting of Guardians. At a recent meeting of the Bishop Auckland guardians, Dr. Campbell said I beg to give notioe of the following resolution That a new wing be added to the infirmary for the especial accommodation of dnkes that it be of an
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  • 186 7 Printing Press at Bombay Ordered to be Forfeited. At Bombay, on the 18th inst, Mr. Rieu, the district magistrate, Thana, gave his decision regarding the order in which he had called upon Krishnaji Kashinath Phadke and Dhondu Kashiuath Pbadke to show cause why the Arunodaya printing press used
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  • 275 7 The Cute Detective and the Chinese Boy. It is not an uncommon practice among a certain class of Chinese who demand heavy compensation for a slight injury to act the part of the dying man, remarks the Hongkong Daily Press. But when snob cases fall into
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  • 83 7 One hundred and two kilos of crude opium have been seized by the Customs Secret Service at Manila, this amount being concealed in a case of salted olives imported from Amoy on the British freighter Taisang. The case was marked K. S. C. and as this
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  • 96 7 Some time ago a German ship was instru mental in saving the lives of certain Chinese Bailors who had been wrecked in a typhoon in the Gulf of Siam. The acting Viceroy of Canton at the time petitioned the government to decorate the captain with a star.
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  • 69 7 LORDS AMENDMENTS TO IRISH LAND BILL. Premier Announces Their Total Rejection. [Reutek's Telioramj London, October 27. The House of Lords has real the IVvelnp ment Bill a third time, and has adjourned until November 8. London, October 28. Mr. Asquith has announced that the rcjec tion, en
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  • 65 7 STEAMER SUDDENLY SINKS BEFORE SALVING. Engineers Missing. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong. October 28. The Norwegian steamer Ragnar which went ashore on the Paracels has foundored in deep water. At tbe time the Danish salvage steamer Protector was preparing to refloat her. No news has been received of
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  • 43 7 Captain Hulbert Restored to Full Pay. (Reutbe's Tiligram.] London, October 23. Captain Hulbert, one of tho officers mentioned in Lord Charles Bercsford's complaint about breach of faith to witnesses at the naval inquiry, has been re employed on full pay.
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  • 380 7 Petition to be Presented to the High Commissioner. The Times of Malaya publishes the text of a petition which is bung largely siuood by residents in the various towns of tho Kinta district, and will phortly be presented to His Excellency the High Commissioner, ou his visit
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  • 51 7 Two Malay members of the crew of tho oil steamer Fuh Wo were before tbe marine court, yesterday, on a charge of wilful disobedience of orders. One of them was suffering from a bad attack of fever and was remanded. Tho other was sentenced to fourteen days' rigorous
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  • 107 7 Oog Chin Hong and N^ Siew Chweo were tried in the district court, this morning, on a charge of bousebreaking with intent to commit theft at 44, South Bridgo ltd., a shop belonging to Ho L>h Sang, who lives in Wayang St. Court Insp. Ambrose prosecuted. The evidence for the
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  • 118 7 Police constable A. C. La flan was sentenced to six weeks' rigorous imprisonment by the third magistrate, yistordiy. fur con duct to the prejudice ot yooJ order and discipline in refusing to obey the lawful commands of his senior officer. Sergt. Ford. Accused explained that be was formerly a wealthy
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 104 8 Archery for women has been revived in Berlin, where tbe sport is growing almost as popular as roller-skating. Wo are sorry to learn from the Straits Echo that the Ipob ladies have squabbled over the running of tbe Ipob Ladies' Rifle Club and that a party of
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    • 60 8 Malaya Football Association. An eleven of the M. F. A., probably the Kriss, will meet the United Batu Pahat eleven, tbe Dato Bentara Luar's team, this evening, on the former ground. The latter is passing through Singapore on its way back to Batu Pahat after taking part in the
      60 words
    • 121 8 The Interport Match. There was some excellent shooting at the rifle range, yesterday morning, in tho practice for the interport rirlo shooting contest, no less than eight getting into the nineties, pays the Pinaug Gazette of the 25th inst. If this form bo maintained and the two last men
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    • 196 8 5. C. C. and XI. v. R. E. An eleven representing the R. E. played s I mckey match against a second eleven of the S. C. C. yesterday. The teams were woll matched the game was more or less level ii tbe lirst half, neither side scoring, though
      196 words
  • 205 8 Situation in the Province of Battambong. M. Klobukowßki arrived at Angkor on (iteuilxr 27, travelling up to the end of tip great lake on the Iberville. King Sisowath had preceded him on the Comete. On bis arrival the Governor- General addressed those who met him as
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  • 212 8 Mea Have Ascended Nearly Seven Miles in Height. Tho unprecedented elevation of 3,2.<0 (eet, or eighteen miles, wan attained by an unman ne<i registeiing balloon which was reoentlj reieased at tho Belgian meteorological in stitute at Uccle. At this elevation tin barometric pressure is only two tilths ot
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  • 1026 8 General Manager's Report for the Four Weeks Ending Oct. 0. Toe (.'hairmau an<l Directors. Raub Australian Gold Mining Co.. Ltd.. Singapore. Gentlemen.— l beg to submit the following Mining and Milling Report for the four weeks ending October 0, 1909. Bukit Malacca. Drive
    1,026 words
  • 992 8 Notification of the Agreement for its Constitution. The special telegram, published in oar yesterday's issue, fully covered the publication of the notification by the F. M. S. Cioveminent regarding the constitution of a Federal Council, but as recording au historical event wj now reproduce the agreement fully.
    992 words
  • 806 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, 28tb October, 1909. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Nom. Vahir. Buyers. Sellers. 2/- Allagar :i JJ 8/0 2/- Uptions 1,6 2 3 2/- Anglo-Malay 14/6 15/6 £1 Anglo-Sumatra
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 525 8 An Unparalleled Event in the Annals of Singapore Theatricals. VICTORIA THEATRE. Maurice B. Handmann presents his NO. t (Bomedy (80. OF LONDON ARTISTS. In all the Greatest and Latest London Successes. TO-NIGHT. For the first time iv Singapore. The Latest London Comedy Success: Mr. Preedy and the Countess. Now Crowding
      525 words
    • 373 8 A "Moutrie" OOMBIMU) PIANO-PLAYER fjfaf $800. This perfect nimbi <»/ mechanical genius con !>•■ heard at our Sliown mills da i hi. S.Moutrie&Co 'LIMITED), Europt Hotel Buildings. Tclci liouc No. 122. MARLBOROUGH Second Show, at 9.30 p.m. ENTIRELY NW PICTURES. TOM S FROLICS. An excellent comic subject, very vlovcrly performed
      373 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 188 9 BURRELL GO.S Pale Bulled Linseed Oil, Bcottopiiing, SnoW'Whitt Zino, and Assorted Paints. SANOILANOS BUTTERY AND CO., Sole Agents, Straits Settlements k F.M.S. tan JUST ARRIVED: Finest Baited Sardelles, n in. Large Salted Herrings, r.\ i ii k. A ?RESH SUPPLY OF Roquefort (jorgonzola Cheese M. BOLTER, CALIFORNIAN FINEST ASPARAGUS. Import'
      188 words
    • 1509 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers art despaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
      1,509 words
    • 420 9 SLEDGE MILK sT"fr I L-JJ ~.X I TL.Bist Sanatorium in rvOVfl IiOTP S. D g ap ore. Firm- class 1 I I V WWIs Milliard Tablt s* Tennis Lawn. Cuisine Wineti arc of tl.-e highest order. 11m tramcar with letter "8" in front of it will brine you from Bras
      420 words

  • 364 10 TAKING THE CENSUS OF THE UMTED STATES. Compiling Answers by Electricity. Sixty- tive thousand men are being appointed by the American Government to assist in taking the thirteenth decennial census of the Unittd States, covering the decade 1900 1910. This army of inquisitors will ask a total
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 484 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors i O, A. Dbrrick, Esq., Chairman. Ad. Asmus, Esq., Vice Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esq Managing Director. I'btbb Fowlib, m.b., cm. Chief Med. Officer. F. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Cocvrbcr. Vow Hail Pan,
      484 words
    • 460 10 INSURANCE. ■BgSrTM.™*"^?.' Established 1787. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLT. Amount Inaured I «335,000.000* paid 80 0 Preminm lnoome. iCB.WU, Insuranoe effeoted on slmoet every deaorirtiox iroperty at ourrent ratea of premium. Biaki 'or 10 d'sya are now aooepted at 4 oent per 1100 THE BORNEO COMPANY, Ln>. B%ngapor*. COMMERCIAL p^N
      460 words
    • 572 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. HOORPOKATiSD BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Share! of «Meaoh 5H.100.000 ieaervs Fund «1,67J,00< iettrve Llabllily of t.-oprietora sll.aOO.OOt BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Sooiland. Iks London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINOAPORE BRANOH. Current Aoooanta are opened
      572 words
    • 371 10 FOR WHOOPING COUGH. Give Cbamberlian's Cough Remedy. It will keep the cough loose, expectoration easy and render the fits of coughing less frequent and less Bovere. For sale by All Dispensaries and Dealers. THE BZE HAI TON 6 BANKING ANO INSURANCE 00.. LTD. IT AND 68, KLINO .STREET. Butkblished January
      371 words
    • 830 10 SALES BY AUCTION. -A.TJOTIOZST SALE HIGH-GRADE TEAK FURNITURE, The property of E. C. Howard, Esq., AT DIMBOOLA," NASSIM ROAD. (First house ou right haul side), ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, AT 3.30 P.M. Comprising: MASSIVE TEAK SIDEBOARD. TKAK DIMNBB WAGGON, teak dining-room table, set of bentwood elbow chairs, TEAK PKDESTAL WRITING
      830 words

  • 179 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Two interesting developments have occurred in connection with motoring publications. With a rcceut issue the Automotor Journal publinhes a penny edition. This publication has long been recognised by eugiueers as being the most pound on all technical matters, apart from which it has
    179 words
  • 139 11 Motor Hill -Climbing: Contests. The performance of tho New Daimler cars at the Cairn o' Mount bill climb will be noted with interest by motorists, says a home paper. Lieutenant Brand's 38 b.p. New Daimler car won the class prize and also Messrs. Steecs' silver cup for the car showing
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  • 235 11 Hush of Motor Orders. Practically without exception all of the manufacturers of motors suitable for automobile MM are Hwunjped with orders and are usable to accept an immense amount of business which is offered them, says an American exchange. One of the big carriage compuuies in Indiana which had made
    235 words
  • 185 11 Trades Benevolent Fund. The fourth yearly banquet of the Cycle ami Motor Trades Benevolent Fund wan to take place at the Prince's Hall Restaurant on the 21st iost., when Earl Russell, chairman of the Hnmber Co., would preside. During the past year the fund has been instrumental iv affording timely
    185 words
  • 335 11 Great Increase of Deaths in India Last Year. A resolution by the borne department is published girin.' the results of measures adopted (or the destruction of wild animals and venomous snakes last year, states a Simla despatch of the Bth inst. It shows that the total
    335 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 281 11 KELVIN MOTOR Launches Engine Sets AS SITI'UED TO Crown Agents, F.M.S., and Singapore Municipality. Kull particulars and prieM from tho Sole AfMfc for Strait Settlements CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. Motor Accessories. EX S.S. SOMALI AND "OANFA. GOOdrtch TyreSm The rubberstad tyro cannot slip, and the fine quality of the rubber makes
      281 words
    • 140 11 Jnsure Your Motor (Bar AND COVER YOURSELF AGAINST REBULT OF CAR ACCIDENTS. Don't take the risks any longer. You may be called upon for HEAVY DAMAGES at any moment. The payment ol a small sum annually relieves yon of great responsibility, especially if you use a native Chauffeur. Full particulars
      140 words
    • 53 11 1910 CARS I 1910 CARS I Great Improvements. CARS CAN BE USED WITHOUT STARTING HANDLE. STANDARDS, STARS, NAPIERS, ROVERS, BELSIZE AND REOS. Can for Hire by Day and Night. •oehts: C.F.F. Wearne&Co. 168 k 169, Orchard Road. DAT PHORE: tl4. NIOHT 'PHONE 7 I* J. MOTION CO. Watohmakers, Jewellery, Opticians.
      53 words
    • 294 11 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little A Co.. Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel, Boach Road. Messrs. Kim Co., Battery Koad A Armenian Street. Messrs. Kob Co., SO. Bras Basah Road. Mossr.;. Ghee Soon A Co., Orchard Koad. Adelphi
      294 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 602 12 WANTS. situation wantsd. A young lady (English) desires situation ai Nl 888 to one child. I'leaee address Miss XL., c/o Straits Times. 2098 LADY TEACHERS WANTED. Wanted for the ANGLO! HINESE FHEE SCHOOL, two lady teachers for Primary Clasecp. Apply, personally, to the Principal. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. Wanted, employment by Chinan
      602 words
    • 656 12 TO BE LET OB SOLD. OFFIBE ft BODBWH TO BE LET. Wlta Immediate entry Ho. T, Haiaooa Btrttt. Apply •>-. GUTHRIE A 00., LTD. MM HOUBEB TO BE LET. Commodious terrace houses in Wilkie Road to be let. Rent 125. Apply to u776 GUTHRIE k CO.. LTD. COMPOUND HCUBEB TO
      656 words
    • 432 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. OFFICE <NO.GCO(.«N TO IET. No. 05, Robinson Road. Moderate rent. Apply to J. LEVY, No. 10, Robinson Road. ■UM HOUSES TO BE LET. Hot. 81 aad 88, lusttiatioß Hill, BJtu VaUey Road. Apply to LBB OHBHQ lAN aad Co. MR HCUSE TO BE LET. Nob.
      432 words
    • 738 12 NOTICES. CHILDREN CARED FOR AT HOME. Miss Elphinstone. Clewf. Haslemcro. Surrey, takes charge of children whose parents are abroad. Dry and bracing climate. Quiet family life, with good education, (treat experience with children from 4 to 17 years of age. References Sir Howard Elphinstone. Bart., 2, Stone Buildings.Lincoln's Inn Sir
      738 words
    • 976 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retrcaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles. Sheets, VALVES, Rings, TTRBS, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Oardenl;oßcs, Tub. s, ENDLESS BELTS. FLOORTILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i MESSRS.
      976 words