The Straits Times, 11 October 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.087 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 301 1 Gjrand Motel de T Europe THE LEADING HOTEL BY VIRTUE OF ITS EQUIPMENT, CUISINE SERVICE UNRIVALLED POSITION. Special Tiffins Dinners on Race Days. Monsieur Eeverger'e Orchestra perform a Repertoire of the latest Londou selections daring Tiffins and Dinners, also on the Promenade Roof after Dinner each Night. To Planters! Two
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  • 795 2 EXTRAORDINARY DRAMA AT HIS MAJESTY'S. Heathen Gods v, the Unknown. In a newly decorated and brightly upholstered tlu ;'tre, in which the acoustics and ventilation have been greatly improved, Sir Herbert Tree produced, on September 14, before a crowded and brilliant audience, a gorgeous and powerful Egyptian play
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  • 99 2 The final dimensions of tho great dry dock which the United States Navy is building at Pearl Harbour, in the Hawaiian Islands, show that tho Government is wisely building for the future. The dock will be 1,152 feet long from the coping to the outer sill, 140
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 528 2 lodclite. Prevents the attacks of White Ants, Dry Rot, Teredo Navalis and Decay in all kinds of Timber. At the same time it stains the wood A HANDSOME WALNUT COLOUR. Estate Bungalows built of soft woods will last for many years without attention, if the timber is "JODELITED." ONE GALLON
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    • 95 2 A REMEDY THAT CURES COLIC. "Some time back I had a very bad attack of colic," says Mrs. C. Pienaar of Middelburg, Cape Colony. 'I saw an advertisement in the paper of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I at once got from the chemist, Mr. W. C. Turpin.
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    • 627 2 MARTIN'S Mmi&LLz s] rt i\mtmmt\9 m\ Pr«noh Rimidr for all Irr«(ulwUl«a. TV>u*»i»4i«# lilf< k«r) „^,'c v^hitPn rh« ftrtt »km of *ny ImguUrity ot tbr Syvetr a •:■,,<, 1 m n\\y bm t.Tia ni-ter»d Ttw** »lio Mi them t» oni-ner. th«ir. hrn c tbctf 1- V It iwl r**. or no-t
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    • 492 2 §;3^fj r— xh For a ""xirgSt Thousand Household 'Jfc^SSM Wash Clothes. I MONKEY Ks BRAND \k\ Makes Copper like Gold, Tin like Silver The First Over-Channel Flight (Baraqucs to Dover, July 25, 1909) I 11. BUHtt momnUmi uhmrm^ 's£%£-* r ,;.i^ "''^^^^K'^ "<i '^^t- r \to m b^c'oLt"a'"iituli<m4'%u Hutoiy. p*'"«
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  • 540 3 PROPOSED BRITISH DASH TO THE SOUTH POLE. New Route and New Means of Transport. Leaving England in July, paid Captain Scott in an interview, we shall call at New Zealand to pick up he ponies, dogs, and stores. We hope to ri-sch McMurdo Sound in December, and
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  • 239 3 Wife Cut off With the Proverbial Shilling. Cut off with the proverbial shilling is the fate of the wife of a tradesman whose will has just been proved. He also stipulated that the shilling was to constitute her sole claim against his entale, and that any expense she
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  • 103 3 Cargo Successfully Landed on The Mekran Coast. Gun running to the Mekran Coast is reported to have began again and it is believed that at least one consignment of arms has already been snccessfally landed, states a wire from Allahabad, dated September 29. A party
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  • 87 3 The Chino- Siamese Steam Navigation Co. are erecting a range of wharves, offices and godownB on the river bank in front of Wat Yannawa. Bangkok. Daring these operations they have uuearthed an old grave- yard from which have been taken over 800 skulls and a huge pile of other human
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 716 3 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL, MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, IRON ft BRASS FOUNDERS, BOILER MAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS ft GENERAL CONTRACTORS. SOLE .A.GOEIN'TS FOR Worthington Pump Co.'s Patent Pumps Pulsometer Engineering Co.'s Pulsometer Pumps Robey and Co.'b Portable Ed p nes and Machinery Richard Hornsby and Son's Oil and Gas Plants Waygood's Lifts
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    • 49 3 A BAFE MEDICINE. Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to your children. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and it is the best medicine made for these diseases. It contains no opium or other narcotic. For sale by All Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 186 3 7%atis fiMS£lC&tf£AV£s SINGAPORE SODA WATER £sra£/jsAeifoYer 25ybaxs. FOR LADIES m D"JORET<HOMOLLE'S"APIOL" I* tht mett sun rtmedjf iqtlntt tht Sicknest, and zther ttTccti causea by th» tft/ay of the riguUr periods. atOTOTagliUgß ,Ra« »»-Honor4. P«HIS J. d'A. PEREIRA, F.R.H.S.. LONDON. Horticulturist and Florist. Collector and Exporter oi Orchids and Rare Plants.
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    • 320 3 PEARSON'S HYCOL (Carbolic Co. Efficient 18 to 20). THE most powerful Disinfectant in the World. Guaranteed 18 to 20 times more effective than pure Carbolic Acid. Ask other manufacturers of fluids for a Guarantee of the <2K2> Germicidal Strengths of their products (in relation to Pure Carbolic Acid) under the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 705 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. fiTo. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceyloa, Australia, India, Aden, Rfypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China (Joast, Persian Oulf, Continental, and Amerioan Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Devanua Oct SI
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    • 609 4 STEAMERS SAILING. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. Two regular service* are maintained betwoon JAPAN and EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Servioe, lighted throughoat by Electricity, provided with exoellent accommodation for First and Seoond
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    • 607 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular aervioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 749 4 STEAMER BAILINB3, N. D.T. Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamen of this Company sail fortnighty from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Oibraltar, Oenoa, Naplea (oonneoticn Marseilles, Naploa, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Buez, Aden, Ooljmbo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai, Nagasaki and
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  • 192 5 lIXTURES. Monday. October 11. High Water, 9.26 a.m 9.5 p.m Shield Football. M'sox 111. v. U O. A. Keswick I'raynr M:g C.U. 5ch001, 6.:)0 a 111. S. C. Kucurr Practice. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinomatograph. Marlborough Cinematograph. Tuesday, October 12. High Water, '.1.01 a m., MS p.m. Siuuaporn
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  • 142 5 ToDat. Malacca, l'ort Dickjon. Port Swettenliara and Telok An«on Perak l|i» •> minnow. l'enang, Milacca, K.MS. and Johore lOverland) (By train) 6am Anamba and Natuna la. Bank* 9am Anamba aod Natuua la. and PainaDgkat Flevo 11 am Port and Peimig Pin SeDg 1 pm Karawak R-
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  • 74 5 Lett Bingftpore I jepi 10 r.sO 3ept IS N.D.L. jept 16 B. I. Sept 30 M. M. itopt 24 P. AO. Sept 39 N.D.L. Sept 3) B. I Jot 4 MM. :>ot 8 P. 40. Jot 11 N.D.L. Due In Londo Oct 3 Oot 8 Oct 9
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  • 565 5 Latest Arrivals. itonfci, Brit. str. 127 ton?, Capt Mayne, Oct 9. From AnambaH la., Oct 8. Copra and 111 p Too Hoa Lyo. For Nattina Islanda, Oct 12-Rds. liromcer, Dut. atr. 312 tons, Captain Reaver, O.t 11. From I'j mbie, Oct 9. 0.0. Shi[w Agency. For Djambie. Oct
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  • 82 5 October S y We.ii, Hnt itr, Mnar and Malacca Hydra. Nor -tr. Hangknk Snm Yonn, Bnt atr. K-jnrabaya and Biielelong ItmigM'l,. Hnt str. Swatow via p]rts Stlmigiir, Brit str, Telok Ansoo via ports Surntumj, Ocr atr, K&ngkok Balarier, Brit Btr, Billiton ani I'untianak 9 Bani), Bnt str,
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  • 89 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAGAR. East Whabv Babih— Giang Seng. East W. Sbotior 1— Taroba, Norfolk. Bbotioh No. 1 (Seuas Wbirf)— Nil. Samoa 2-rNil. a a I Rnmpliiui. 4— Kiel. Astytnix. 8— Gorgon, Machaon. m 7— Nil. M
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  • 150 5 Tho Austrian cruiser Panther arrived from I'enang, yesterday, en route to Hongkong, for which port she leaves to-morrow. An old wreck discovered iv the mud of the \-tr.i 1 Channel of the Huangpu is believed to be the remains of an American paddle steamer burnt at her moorings
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  • 661 5 Coming to Singapore. Per P. and O. steamer Namur, due October 15.— Mr. U. Leatherbarrow, Mr. T. C. Proctor, Mr. A. Palmer, Mr. M. Hellier. Per N.D.L. steamer Prinzess Alice, due October 16.— Mr. It. von Hemert, Mrs. J. P. Boissevain, Mr. M. W. Flies, Mr. Phil.
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  • 56 5 Per steamer Penang, Oct. 9. From Port Swettenham Mr. A. W. I.risk. Per stoauier Perak, Oct. 9.— From Teluk Anson Mrs. Oow and children, Messrs. Klciini and Black. From Port Swettenbam Messrs. Cumming, H. Armstrong. Van Someren, Fitzi^nild and Parkinson. From Malacca Dr. Black, Messrs. Koh San Tee. Lee
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  • 38 5 liim Ngob, a Hokiea servant employed by Lee Choi Tee, at 618 North Bridge lid pleaded guilty before the second magistrate, this morning, to theft of jewellery valued at 1698.50, and wan sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 79 5 Among judgment summonses which came before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, today, that of T. Sergeant v. L. I. Willis was mentioned. It was stated that an' action which the judgment debtor is bringing against Messrs. Patbt' Fn'res will come up for trial next month, and the judgment summons was thereupon
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  • 251 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SlNOAPORl, Ol TUBER 11, 10GV. C* lit rfct Beck 4 m/s 2/4; I'truaBd Private 6 m/g 2/jj do 8 m/g 2/4 jOn Germany— Bouk d/d ifpjj Privates 8 m/n 241 J do 6 m/p 248 O« France— Back d/d 295 Private 8 m/R 2(6 do 6 m/s
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    • 275 5 Issci Talus 98DM ALDI Paid i Up Paid Up COMPAl T D.^n> B s I I 10 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 t 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 6 10 10 10 10 1 10 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 ,J
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    • 587 5 Sterling. 2 3/. Anglo-Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. 80% for '08 14/9 1 Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd 10% for '08 5 12.0 1 1 Bato Tiga (Selangor) R. Co. Ltd. 6% for 'oB 2.0.0 1 1 1 Bukit Kajang Rubber Estate Ltd 2.7.0 1 7/6 J Contributory 1.6.0 1
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    • 178 5 10 10 50 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 7 60 10 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. J 10% for 10% for W Fraser Noavo, Ltd. 17 J for '06 Hotel
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 538 5 B»BBa«aB^»B»B»aB«WK»»»a»B»BB»iB»SBB^BB»sla»lB»BBB»«B»»S»B»B»B»B»BB»»BB»BB^Ba« Godfrey Phillips, Ld. LONDON, ENGLAND. SMOKE The King of The King ol A free sample *m obtainable, by \J Sold by applying to tho slgapore Branch, All the Principal 55. ROBINSONtfD. Tobacconists. Godfrey Phillips, Ld. Awarded Grand Prix "Jor Cigarettes, London, 1908. ti. L. C >ehlan and Co. Oct.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 325 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kan&ano Ktrbam Botpital. Oct. 2909. a. a. r. a. 8 r. v. Buntu. Bar. 81 Fab 29 943 19 835 39.E85 Temp 84.0 89 0 815 Nil. Wet Bulb Thar 7-. 5 79 8 78 0 Dirof Wind.. W. B.W. B.W. Max. Temp 88.8 Mia 77 0 Mas.
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  • 1090 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, OCTOBER 11. MR. BAXENDALE'S BACKER. We are glad to see that .Mr. Baxendale lias found someone as ready to rush into print as be is himself. He seemed to stand in sore need of a backer, and if he had found one who had tbe courage
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  • 346 6 From the documents we publish to-day, those who are taking a close interest in the currency question will be able to form a clearer opinion on tbe meaning of the letters of Lord Crewe and the Lords Commissioners of His Magesty's Treasury. It will be observed that, whereas during discussion
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  • 7 6 Pony Moore, tho veteran minstrel, is dead
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  • 11 6 Shanghai is said to be investing money heavily in rubber shares.
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  • 15 6 The French fleet has been redistributed the best warships being sent to the Mediter ranean.
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  • 18 6 Tbe Exchange banks will cloho at noon as usual, to-morrow and on Thursday, the first two race days.
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  • 19 6 His Majesty tbe King opened the Tuber culosis Institute at Montreal by presssing an elcotric button at Buckingham 'Palace.
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  • 26 6 Mr. Bryce has reported to the police the loss of a pair of gold sleuve links, set with rabies and diamonds, which are valncd at »200.
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  • 20 6 Mr Justice Sercombe Smith will deliver Judgment this afternoon in the action of Sect Tiang Chuan against Rubber Concessions, Ltd.,
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  • 21 6 His Excellency tbe Governor and Mies Anderson will be "At Home at Government House at 445 p.m. on Wednesday, October 18.
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  • 27 6 The Chartered Bank bave rented the old Astana at Klang. It is being put into thorough repair and will be ready for occupation about tbe New Year.
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  • 25 6 The first return of imports and exports at Port S.vettenham which the Selangor Chamber of Commerce propose to publish once a fortnight has been issued.
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  • 28 6 Tbe date for receiving tenders for a brick building to be erected at Keppel Harbour for the Taojong Pagar Dock Board has been extended to tbe 15th instant.
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  • 32 6 Mr. J. R. Lee, who was despoiled of (HO worth of property in IUO7, has turned over to the police a man named Soona Tamby, whom he alleges to be the thief.
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  • 27 6 Another rubber estate has been floated. There is room for plenty more along the railway line, says a Jesselton, B lironeo. correspondent, and plenty of good land.
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  • 41 6 At 7.30 p. in yesterday, a Chinese woman named Kein Leang, sixty years of age, was run ovtr by the carriage of Mr. Chan Kee Hock, in Havelock Rd. The Malay syce has been arrested on a charge of careless driving.
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  • 39 6 Tbe claim of Mr. M. H. Hilckes against Cheng Keng and Co. was di.-mi.-wd by Mr. Saunders at tbo district court, on Siturday, and judgment was given for defendants on the counterclaim for 181.85. Mr. Johannes appeared for plaintiff.
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  • 48 6 At a mooting of tbe directors of the Kalumpong Rubber Co. Ltd., held at Shanghai, it was decided to recommed the payment of a dividend, subject to tbe audit of the accounts, of Tls. 8 per share (16 per cent, i for the yoar ending August 31, 1009.
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  • 62 6 A pleasant variety entertainment was given at the Chinese Volunteer Club on Saturday night, when a full bouse listened to an attractive programme. A feature of the evening was the comic song contributed by Mr. 8. Lentone who was encored. Mr. Low Kway Soo contributed some excellent lightning sketches of
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  • 67 6 Yap Bee Ouan, the woman who was wanted on a charge of theft of i 11,000 of jewellery from Mr. Cbia Teow Yang, of the Opium Farm, has been arrested. Tbe police bave seized jewellery valued at over $8,000. She was before the second magistrate, this morning, and was released
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  • 64 6 An interesting programme of pictures was presented at tbe Paris Cinema-Opera on Saturday night to a fairly good house, the pick of tbe series being tbe talking pictures, of which there were three, and a film entitled A Christmas Adoption. A number of humorous subjects also figured and added to
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  • 85 6 R. M. M. R. M. Ramanathan Chetty prosecuted V. S. Tharmalingam. a clerk in the employ of Messrs. Persons and Rhodes, this morning, in the summons court, that be mi^tit be bound over to keep the peace. Mr. Everitt appeared fnr tbe prosecution and Mr. Cooper for tbe defence. Several
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  • 80 6 Cboo Kay has been lodging with a dhoby at 145-15 Orchard Road lor two months past. Ten days ago, the dhoby missed some clothing, jewellery and money, having a total value ot over 168, whioh he kept in an unlocked box in his room. Upon ascertaining that Cboo Kay bad
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  • 421 6 Qmmni lUden Powell, tho hero of Miifokiug has bet 11 knighted. Dr. ami Mrs Traverr are coming on a visit to Singapore Kuala I.uinpur. Mr. A. R. Adams wan a passenger irom Pjnaug by tin. Kintna. this tuorning. Bishop Moun-ey arrived from l.ibuan yesterday, by tlie
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  • 103 6 The annual general meeting of tl.e Corn wall Minstrels was held on the Hth instant, at the residence of Mr. Lim Kian Hock. In the absence of the president, Mr. Lm Kirn San was voted to the chair. Thefollowing gentlemen wero elected as office-bearers for tlio ensuing
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  • 121 6 A revenue officer uuned Chi saw two Chinese place the body of a chil.l under a tree in Beach Hi., on Thursday, ami arrested them. They wore before the sec mil magistrate, on Saturday, on a charge of depositing a coi-pso in a public pla:o. Cue of
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  • 235 6 A correspondent writes that Hovoral youu^ Labuan. born Chinese bave formed tin m< selves into an as*o ,'iati.m or club for Moiml purposes, combined with mutual atsUttm in marriage and funoral ceremonies amongst its members. Tbe club is called the Labuau Kirn Lin Tong Association
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 124 6 W. D. H. O. WILLS' THREE CASTLES "MAGNUMS" A Large Hand-Made Cigarette. Purkpd in c MAGNUMS" J^f racked in j ,<>VS. 111 1 Price m X I hree Castles L Cigarettes 55QTS. A r i|||§p 1 1 wd.&ho.wiiis 'ly OBTAINABLE AT: John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. FINEST INDIAN TEA
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    • 226 6 ALHAMBRA CHANGE OF PROGRAMME To-Night, at 9.30 p.m. NEW PICTURES. "Th 3 Black Hand." This is a long and most interesting film worked up on the subject of the dreaded Spanish Society of the Black Hand, tbe headquarters of which is the town of Cadiz. From here the wealthy of
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  • 195 7 BITTER PERSONALITIES ON BOTH SIDES. Mr. Lloyd George Called a Welsh Thief. Replies that Unionists are Hypocrit Pharisees. [Kbutkr's Teleora»| London. October 11. Mr. Lloyd <irorg<-. speaking at Newcastle, said that when the landlords called him at' lit f ;m 1 .i W. Ishman he replied, "You
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  • 45 7 ENTRENCHED PIRATES ROUTED BY THE FRENCH. Heavy List of Casualties. (Reutkr's Tblf.oraml London, October 11. A French force in Tonquin on the sth inst. routed 350 pirates who were entrenched in a forest. The French had nineteen killed and thirty five wounded.
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  • 55 7 Reckless Statements by the French Commander. (Reuters TeleorahJ London, October 11. The Trench commander in Morocco has bin placed on tho retired list on account of the publication of an interview in the course of which he strongly resented the Spanish advane in Morocco, and suggested that
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  • 46 7 Warships to be Built in Canadian Yards. Hiutik'h Telegram.] London. October 9. There is a strong movement in Canada in favour of building warships there for the Canadian fleet. It is stated that Messrs. Harland and Wolff arc prepared to establish shipyards in Canada.
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  • 45 7 |)i i. Om \m\msc hi- Lloyd Tflkoram Berlin, October 9. At the conference on Maritime Laws which has been sitting at Brussels, resolutions have been passed d'-tiuing the duty of giving assistance to ships in danger under peace aud under war con litions.
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  • 31 7 [Deb Ostasiatische Llotd Telegram] Berlin, October 10. The Czar when be goes to Italy will not travel via Austria. He leaves Odessa on the 20th inst. for Alexandrowok.
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  • 28 7 [Der Ostasiatiche Llotd Telegrams] Berlin. October 10. A Times telegram states that the action of Hilmi Pasha on the Egyptian question ia •till very uncertain.
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  • 25 7 I Reuters Tkligraml London, October 10. The German Chancellor. Horr Bethmann Hollwtg, will pay visits shortly to Kin; Victor Emmanuel and the Pope.
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  • 25 7 (Fbom Ocr Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, October 9. The Tronoh Mines pays on October 18, ai intsrim dividend of one khilling per abar*.
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  • 236 7 THE S. V.I. Annual Inspection Yesterday at Alexandra Barracks. Practically the whole of the Singapore Volunteer Infantry, and the Cadets, fell in early yesterday morning, at the S. V. I. drill ball. Bras Basah Road, for their annual inspection. The Volunteers went by rail to Pasir Panjang ami inarched to
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  • 334 7 Rough Voyage from Singapore to Hongkong. The steamer Lightuing, underthe command of Capt. A. E. Gentles, which left Singapore on September 2M, arriving at Hongkong on the 6th inst., having encountered temptestouß seas. Up to the 3rd inst. the weather was fine and clear with a
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  • 136 7 A Bugis named Daying Malungei was prosecuted in the second magistrate's court, on Friday, by Tan Keh Kwa, on a charge of wilful trespass in his house in Beach Xl and was discharged, but in consequence of what he had to say the Chinaman was arrested on
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  • 230 7 H. M. S. Flora left Labuan for Brunei on the morning of the 4th inst having on board Mr. Stoney acting Resident and Mr. Roberto, superintendent of works. She anchored in Brunei Bay off Ujong Sapu and acting resident, L'apt. Nicholas H.
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  • 88 7 Lord Kitchener arrived at Shanghai at 10.80 a.m. on the 3rd inst. He was conveyed from the English mail boat to shore in a special launch. At the customs' jetty a very large crowd had gathered and his Lordship was given a large unofficial reception. He was entertained by Colonel
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  • 849 7 PROSPECTUS ESTIMATES OF PROFITS. Are They Put Too High? Rubber appears to be as provocative of argument as it is conducive to money making just now, says the Financial Time*, of September 9. Since our article of Friday last on the shortage of the Para supplies and
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  • 226 7 Interesting Voyage off Coast of South Australia. The Federal Fisheries investigation vessel Endeavour returned to Melbourne on September 7. after some interesting exploratory work south of South Australia. Soundings taken by the Endeavour on previous voyages off the coasts of New South Wales and Tasmania went to prove
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  • 1602 7 OFFICIAL REPORT MADE TO THE COLONIAL OFFICE. The Protest Made by Unofficial Members. There was laid on the table at the last meeting of the Legislative Council a paper containing correspondence which was sent to the Colonial Office along with Currency Note Ordinance Amendment Ordinance in December 190
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  • 391 7 Statements and Reports of Directors to Shareholders. The general condition of the rubber fields on the Tremelbyc (Sclangor) 1 lubber Co.'s properties is reported to be very satisfactory, and it is the intention of the directors to extend the cultivation from time to time till an area of
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  • 30 7 A gentleman who missed bis train at Victoria ordered a special train to Dover to catch the mail boat, which he succeeded in doing with only two minutes to spare.
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  • 35 7 The revision of the officers' pay in the British army has been refused. Mr. F. D. Acland, financial secretary to the war office, admitted daring the discussion that pay in the French army was higher.
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  • 42 7 Arrangements for holding an exhibition of fibres and fibrous plants at Sourabaya next year are now being pushed through. The Sourabaya Handelsblad says that the show will also include a display of fibre products. The exhibition will be open for a month.
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  • 78 7 Through the courtesy of the general manager of the Singapore Electric Tramways Ltd., a sufficient number of cars to cope with the traffic will be placed on the Tanjong Pagar— Gaylang line with an inspector 'to regulate the traffic at the Gaylang teri' minus on the occasion of the entertainment
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  • 117 7 CORDIAL RELATIONS BETWEEN BLUEJACKETS. Admiral Seymour on Anglo-German Friendship. [Dbr Ostasiatisciir Lloyd Trlkoram] Berlin, tctober 9. At the German Club, in New York. Hurgu master Kellan gave a banquet to the Admirals who are visiting the I'nited states in coo nection with the Hudson- Fulton Festival. The name
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  • 214 7 Termination of a Successful Meeting. (From On Own OtMMMUaR.) Kuala October 9. In the team quick tiring Selingor was first and Taiping second. In the head and shoulders competition Taiping won. In the brick competition Taiping was firstipoh won the gun team competition. Kuiila Lumpur, October,
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  • 83 7 (Fl.oM On Own OoaHNOßtj Kuala Lumpur, October 11. The Salak South September output wu 300 piculs in 543 hours working. Messrs. Barker and Co. inform us that the output of clean ore from Salak South mine for the month of Setpember was 800 picnls Messrs. McAlistor
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  • 204 7 (From Our Own OoaiMMMMR.) Labuan, October 7. A sad accident occurred at Coal I'oint on the 3rd inst. A Chinese lad in boarding the passenger van as the tram was moving missed his footing and fell, with the result that the wheels passed over his thigh and crushed
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  • 53 7 Following is the result of crushing operations at Raub for the four weeks ending 9th inst Bukit Koman stone crushed 8107 tons gold obtained, 659 ounces average per ton 4 24 dwt:— liukit Malacca; stone crushed, 1*49 tons gold obtained, 120 ounces i average per ton,
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  • 89 7 Sixty dollar* in bank noton have been stolen from Mr. 11. Young, of 2 Cuff ltd. A Bengali named Sunai was convicted at the district court, on Saturday, of criminal intimidation of two others knuwn an Sibili and Mobamed, and was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment, besides
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 47 8 Tlio local l'atlian champion wrestler at I poh has mot and defeated the champion wroatlcr of Prof, liamauiurti'a Circus. The Kowing Club are holding a series of «i ratc-li four races about the middle of next month, for four cups presented by Mr. Blair.
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    • 73 8 keppel (Jolf Club. The m>Ul medal for this year WM played (or on Saturday aD i Sunday, the 9th anil 10th mstant, and wan won by Mr. James Hinnic with a nett score of 76. Urns 38 43 81— 5 76. Other txoresi were S. Hitchcock 41t87-78scr 78 r.
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    • 48 8 Donegal Bronze Badge. Shooting in the above competition od Saturday, the following scores were made Scrgt. Martin 82 to. Sergt.-Major Harding 89 Spr. C. Webb 89 The monthly handicap cup resulted as follow!) Co. Sergt. -Major Harding 96 Spr. C. Webb 89 Spr. J. McMullan 88
      48 words
    • 253 8 The Club Cups. The quarterly tournament for the Club Cups was continued on Friday under favourable weather conditions when the following teams met in the final match: B. C. Mr. Tnlloh 1 Capt. Hilton Major Davis 2 Mr. J. A. N. Pickering Mr. 11. Wack 3 Mr. Cooke Yarborough
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    • 533 8 S. R. C. v. S. C. C. )n the Esplanade on Saturday the S. R. C. drew with the S. C. C. Scores were <«, follows S. R. C— Emil Oalistan b Bevan 31. (i. James c Clarke b IScan 21, A. E. Coelho c Home b Bevan 11,
      533 words
  • 596 8 Notes and Comments .on Racecourse Training. Saturday morning. Io line weather the last of the training gallops were done this morning. After the slight shower we had the last two days, the going has greatly improved and with one more good downpour say next Monday, everything should
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  • 173 8 Application to Change the Venue of Trial. Mr. Douglas, the solicitor acting for Mr. Butler Wright, applied to the Shanghai Supreme Court on the Ith inst to change the vonue of trial to Shanghai. He filed an affidavit by the ac« used in which he said
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  • 199 8 Christian Science Treatment at Worthing. Some remarkable evidence was f orthooming at an inquest beld at Worthing on Mrs. Lilian Elizabeth Harper, who died after buffering from consumption for five years. On the advice of a sister, it was stated, she consulted a local Christian scientist,
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  • 451 8 Perfect Genius of the Chinese for Making Profit. Messrs. Samuel Montagu and Co., writing from London on September 16 state Bar gold was again in great request and the price rose on Monday 1 }d. to 775. ll,;d per oz. standard. Over JYiOO.OOO camo into the market
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  • 446 8 Handcuffed Lads Rescued by Men of Devon. Exciting scenes were witnessed at Bideford Quay on September 14, in connection with the crew of the schooner Setti, of Riga, which, arrived with timber. The vessel is manned by Capt. Kadakas and mate and half a dozen
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  • 84 8 M. R.i ujuut. a Frenchman, and his wife were murdered at Haiphong, on September 21. The syce entering the house in the morning found them lying dead in adjoining rooms. The pilice ascertained that there had been a desperate struggle, and that Madame CU'ment had been
    84 words
  • 48 8 Jooeph Thornton, aged eighty-four, superintendent of the street cleansing department of the Bradford Corporation, who died the other week, had been in the employ of the corporation fifty-three years During that time lie never took a holiday, although he was at liberty to do so whenever ho liked.
    48 words
  • 801 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, 11th October, 1909. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exohange and Share Brokers, issue the following lilt of quotations this morning General. I 10 Eastorn Smelting Co. 17 pd 9.65 10.— 50 Kraner and Neave Ld 146.*****.60 10 Hotel van Wijk
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 830 8 I M SPECIAL BARGAINS OFFERED IN SOME First-Class Pianos CASH TIME PAYMENTS. BRINSMEAD SJSC': $550 RONISCH sn7; 1 b' t ton:. 0n <irßn $550 The Robinson Piano werner mi-'-^ $495 CO Ltd, KRAUSS Modern Art Style $430 Al I ICnU Tropical Upright (Jrand <tn-i(L ALLIOUH (slightly used) WID THE "*^4-
      830 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 538 9 NOTICES. KOTICE. Our offico lias b< M Nanotwd from 7a, 1 rincf Strut, to I'rince Street, from this laU\ Oetobet BRBMBB. BTI lll.Koiil: IWBKIK, LTD., 1 1 1< EM K X C 1 1 A I !C AX E M KG CO. LTD.) 197fi NOTICE. NOTICK is BBBBBY GIVEN, that
      538 words
    • 444 9 NOTICES* Merlimau Rubber Estates, Ltd. It is hereby notified that shares in the above-named Company have been allotted in full to those applicants whose names are on onr Reserved Shares List. The balance of one shilling per share is payable to the Mercantile Bank of India, Limited, not later than
      444 words
    • 538 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall SUamsblp Lint. T IK NATIONAL HIGH WAT TO EUROPE ru CHINA JAPAN, CANADA aad Ik* UNITED STATES, Routs from Hongkong, via Bhanghal, Naguaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanoouver, P.M.?. 'Eiubbss or Irou" Twin-screw (teaP.M.B. "Ennaaa
      538 words
    • 502 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers an deapaebed frcm Lirerpool oatwardi for the Strait., China aod Japan every week and from Japan homeward s for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Qenoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles,
      502 words
    • 277 9 FOR THE SEASON. Sporting! CXJPS S P° rtin Of Sterling Silver. Q-IR/ZE^T VARIETIES. Now on View. B. P. DE SILVA. Proprietor J. CARAPIET. ft A,. Race Dinners >*<&S*^ <^ 0 N> .Saturday Nexl Zgi^' $p\& Special Theatre Dinner l% f& Selected Programme by the ADELPHI ORCHESTRE MIGNON. Telephone No. SH.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 494 10 INSURANCE. UNION FIBE INbUKANCE COHPANI OF PARIS BSTASUSBSD 1818 RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES «4,000,000 The unde i signed, Agenta for tha abort Company, are prepared to aooept fire riaki I (or long or short perioda at ourrent ratei. CABH SETTLEMENTS promptly made bj aha agoou la Singapore. MOINE OOMTE A
      494 words
    • 434 10 INSURANCEFEDERAL LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA. Established 1882. Insurance in Force, Over 935,900,000 New Business, 1908, Over $6,000,000 Nat Surplus above liabilities for reserve and all outstanding claims, over 52.035.000 (Straits Currency). J. H. EVANS, Manager, South Eastern Asia. WE BORNEO CO. LTD., General Agents, Singapore. ROYAL INSURANCE 00MPAN1, LIMITED.
      434 words
    • 573 10 BANKING, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. ■CORPORATiiD BT ROYAL CHARTER Psld np Capital in 80,000 Bbares of itOeaoh «1,J00,000 Stterra Fond 41,574.000 Susrrs Liability of Proprietors 41,900,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Sooiland. CfeS Londco City A Midland Back. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANOH. Oarrenl Aoeounts are opened
      573 words
    • 613 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S BALE. On IPMbmbVr October 13, at 2.30 p.m. 99 years Leasehold land and houses known as Nos. 66 and 67, Sultan Road. Singapore. Total area 2,628 square feet. Total annual quit rent 9;). Total rent 984 a month. G. A. FERNANDEZ ft CO., Auctioneers. 2018 MORTGAGEES'
      613 words
    • 800 10 SALES BY AUCTION. RARE CHINESE PORCELAIN. Messrs. H. L. Coghlan and Co. Beg to announce that they have received a VALUABLE COLLECTION w Rare CHINESE PORCELAIN and BRASS WORK, Which are now ON^IEW AT THEIR SALE-ROOMS, and which Will be Sold by Auction, ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT RESERVE, ON TUEBDAY AND WEDNESDAY,
      800 words

  • 966 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. In his record crosscountry aeroplane flight Mr. S. F. Cody used an eight cylinder E. N. V. motor lubricated with Vacuum Mobiloil, and using 1'. (i. K. motor spirit. The Palmer Tyre Co. delivery vans are fitted with bodies designed in exact imitation
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 366 11 depends lately on WOLSELEY-SIDDELEY. the weight a car may UHually carry, the I £1 mileage it runs, and, lastly, its horse. c power. iMirinj; the past year an owner A^^S^jfe^trTTyK of a 10-12 h.p. WolßeUySiddeley car that 1;.. W^Ss»sS*9rW\*\ A ran 7,104 miles on tlie North Stafford MVfa ■Bj.**-s^tJr*ir^ ,tt
      366 words
    • 36 11 FOR WHOOPING COU6H. Give Chamberlian's Congh Remedy. It will keep the cough loose, expectoration eisy and render the fits of coughing less frequent and 'c s severe. For sale by All Dispensa-ics and 1 1 >eaiers.
      36 words
      432 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1006 12 WANTS. km i—fcmi Llan, om of lw» taMrtlou, II .Ot By %h« Urh. mo Seal* oi Chuff. TEACHERS WANTED. Trained teachers needed for the lower standards in St. Joseph's Institution. Apply ia writing to the Director. 2000 SITUATION WANTED. Want. d. by with Military and Police exr< neuce, wtuation
      1,006 words
    • 652 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bin Fo«r L 10... ob. two Incrtioa II 0C Br th. iMta, Malt of ahargM. HOUSES TO BE LET. Hoi. 61 »nd 88, luMtuMoa HUI, BItt; Valley Boad. Apply to LEE CHENG VAN ftadOo. 1171 HOUBE TO BE LET. Nos. 8a and Bfi Chancery Lane,
      652 words
    • 758 12 NOTICES. KiTM'-l.t Month. FlO par Inch. BubMqn.nt month*, t>. rot ibortar periods M ticaU of Charge.. NOTICE. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed at noon on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 12 1 R aeaD ttv« THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14' Kace DayMUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners require a dresser
      758 words
    • 1150 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyros retreadod at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sbcote, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Gardenhoscs, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS. FLOOUTILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: PassirPanjang, Singapore. Solo Agents i MESSRS. HOOGLANDT CO.,
      1,150 words