The Straits Times, 28 September 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.076 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 28. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 310 1 Mellin's Food EASILY DIGESTED. j 1* f O HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS. RJ R w\ill>\J VERY PALATABLE AND SUSTAINING. FOR CONVALESCENTS, AGED AM) DYSPEPTIC. IN 1 LB. TINS. TRY THEM. Specially Of All Dealers. J M Good for Infants. The Sole Agents: KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. Mellin's Food EASILY DIGESTED. ¥c j r*l
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    • 188 1 ROBINSON CO. Last Days OF THE CASH SALE. Remnants and Oddments in all Departments at BARGAIN PRICES. i ROBINSON CO. Municipal notice^ PULQ UB N QUARRY The Municipal Cominisrioners invite tenders for the supply of labour for tne removal of granite from the Municipal Quarry at Pulo Übin. Forms of
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    • 100 1 (T A. TJ£W.> FR.H S.LONDON. HorliCHllurisl itnnrist. Col ec tor and Exporter oi Orchids aiid Bare Plants. Diploma and gold medal rom the Late King of Denmark. By Special Appointment to His Majesty the Kins of Siam, H.H. tbe Sultan of Johore and H. H. tbe Sultan of Lingga. Fresh
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    • 200 1 JW. J GAECIA, i Corner of Orchard Road. For Good, Cheap and Reliable Pianos, new second-band and for biro. ORGANS. Made and small musical Roods— the lowest prices in Singapore. IN THE COURT OF THE JUDICIAL COMMISSIONER, NEGRI SEvBILAN RE CHAN AH PIAN AND CHAN CHIN EX, CHOP SIN SENG
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  • 659 2 FAMOUS PARIS TREASURES BOUGHT FOR £500,000. Four Fine Rembrandts. Something like .£500,000 has been ex pended by Messrs Duveen Brothers, the well known Bond-street, London, art dealers, 01 the purchase of a great Paris art collection Only two years ago the name firm, at the huge outlay
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  • 286 2 Imperial Parliament Discusses Grave Question. Mr. Fell, in the Flouse of Commons, asked the I're-iili nt of the Local Government Board whether tho shipment of Chinese pork has now been paßsed by the inspectors and whether he has received any report from the inspectors of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 312 2 Sizaire-Naudin Motor Cars. 12 HP. COMPLETE $2,300.00. With Hood, Magneto Ignition, Lamps, Horn, all tools, etc. An exceptional opportunity to secure a POWERFUL 4-SEATER CAR at a reasonable figure. On view at The Straits Motor Garage Syndicate, Orchard Road. The Borneo Co. f Ltd., AGENTS. SALONA. The Siamese Care for
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    • 60 2 DON T TAKE THE RIBK. When you have a bad cough or cold do not let it drag along until it becomes chronic oi develops into an attack of pneumonia, bat gire it the attention it deserves and get rid of it. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and yon are rare
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    • 252 2 mm i^, of all Tonic* <%-i Mr* Pl.«r<«r«. iki.ii KkxenT n» rouoHs. toLu-. throats :flnbrtjflfe j Vf LUNG TONIC .NTOICHED BT HAND -t vi r«r«(I-TS >.TOHli 6 New Arrivals The last vinUuu having been very r superior in qaality, we are in a pooition to snpply our clients with a
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    • 408 2 MAINTAINS TBK HIGHEST lIMTTATION EWRYWHKRK. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the* System against Disease with (tlUMMhwl tne* t»2».) ESSENCE OR FLUID EXTRACT KtO J«M«IC« too kichlj of it." B^W ?#i^^W m Sill aTf! B Pronounced by the HIQHEBT medical AUTHORITIES SS 5 Jorpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, cad
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  • 684 3 HOW OPINIONS DIFFER ON THE QUESTION. Committee's Task. Some time must elapse beforo the Committee who aro considering the position of tbe Consor of Plays can report to tbe House, but speculation is alrr.tdy rife with regard to tbe recommendation which they may make. The inquiry, so far
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  • 235 3 Old Choruses in Army and Navy Canteen. The desirability of improving the quality and tone of canteen concerts has recently been urged by several distinguished officers. and one effect of this has been tbe organisation of the Naval and Military Union to popularise in both Navy and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 368 3 THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. MANUFACTURERS OF PURE ROPE 3 STRAND I CABLE WO 4 BTRANO l/T to 12* 5" to 10" 8" to 10* Prices, Samples and full particulars will beforwn H.H affMwtfw to Agent: W. A. J TOP^l, EJHU""' GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD. Portland Cement. In Casks
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    • 50 3 CHRONIC DIARRHOEA. Many sufferers from chronic diarrhoea bave obtained prompt relief by the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Some of the worst oases of this disease have been permanently cured by it after other treatment and skilled physicians bad failed. For tale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 1078 3 I was Deaf, BUT Now I Hear. TIIK BEMARKABLR StOBT OF A CI.KVKR INVENTION WHICH SN4SLRS Till DEAF TO Hkaß. A WIRELEBB TELEPHONE FOR THE EAR. By PROFEBBOR HOFFMANN, Inventor of the Ear Phone. I want to tell all thorn mciutxrs of tbe public who sutler from Deafnen* or Defective
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    • 528 3 A SOZODONT jjpjjj Millions of people all over the [lIJL. world are using Sozodont, because 4^puwim\ of its genuine value as a cleanser. I iOfIDONT preserver and beautifier of the TEETH teeth Invaluable to those who I StSSa aye B ocl teeth and want t0 ke€ P I siiiiifl them
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 672 4 p. 6. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For Cum, Jaian, Penan*;, Ceylon, Australia, Inlit, Aden, Bffpt, .W.-Jlterriiean Po"t», Plymiuth and London Thronßb Bil'a nf Lai g issued for Chin* Ooadt, l'-rai»n Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Porta. St-jaraeri will I lave Sianpore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward {for Ohina) Delhi Oot 8
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    • 625 4 STEAMERS SAILINfi. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' iteamers are deapaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, Ohina and Japan every week and from Japan homeward* for London, Amiterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa. Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseille., Havre
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    • 649 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamen of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tba Straits. China and Japan Homewards. th»y ars despttohed fortnightly for Havre aud Hamburg and onoe a msnth for Bremerhaven direot, calling at Penang ani Oolomoo Taking oargo
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    • 765 4 STtAWLF. SAIUHBS. n7d. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-kni>*n mail steam-r of thia Company <ail f>rtnlghty from Brern- n, Hamburg, via Rotterdam. Antwerp. Southampton, Gibra tar, Q -u ,i» Naples (oouneol' a Marseilles, Naples. Alexandria, and vioe varaa) Port S-«id Snez. Adou, Oolimbo, Paoa
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  • 182 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, September at). High Water, 9.31 p.m. Aiuaiuuta L inematograph. Harima Cinomatograph. Marlborough Cinematograph. Wednesday, September 39. High Water, 10.82 a.m., 10.22 p.m. Mi .-haulm <ts Day. Full Moon. Shield Football, Y. M. C. ft, v. M'sex 11. Thursday, September 30. High Water, 11.1 a.m 116
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  • 209 5 To-Dit Penang and Deli Calypso 3 pm Maar and Malaoca Lady Weld It pm Malac*, Pnrt Dickuon and Port Swettenham Penang 3 pm Harawak R. of Sarawak Bpm Pcntianak Baa Hin Gaan 3pm Ba<i, Maoastiur, Meuado, Teruat-f. rte. Too Pao 3 pm BAngHilia. Siak, Pakan Kian Ann
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  • 157 5 The Imperial. Girmau mail atr. Derffl ucer baring left Hongkong on tbe 35th insttnt, at 11 p.m., m»y be expected to arrive here on Thursday morniug S'Hb instant, at 5 a.m She will pr ibably be lespatobed for Europe on tbe following day, at 6 a.m. Tbe
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  • 477 5 Latest Arrivals. MAN-OF-WAR. 1 itHL H. M. cruiser, 4160 to is, 397 crew, 10 fiuns, 7000 h p Captain Nicholas, Sept 37. From CoU nib'". Sept 20. Senior Naval Officer. ForLaooan. B«pt 80— W. A'-uta Mam, Jap str. 5281 tans, Captain Thomp«on, Sept 17. From Hongkong. 8 pt
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  • 45 5 September Jnteiior, But *tr, Hankow via ports Ban to Soon, Dot etr, l'onuanak 28 Lightning. Brit str, Hongkong Cnlipnu, Brit str, Penang and Deli 1' nang, Br-t str, Port Swettenbam via port* Rajah of Saraiiak. Sar str. Sarawak I* Hin Quart, Brit Btr, Pontianak
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  • 97 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAN JON O PAQAR. East Whim B*bth— Nil. East W. Samoa 1 Thongwa. Bio Tim No. 1 (8nm«« Wbuf)— Nil. Samoa t— Lindula, Lightning. B— Volca. 4— H.M 3. Flora. 6— Paroo. a a 6—
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  • 81 5 11. M. S. Flora arrived from Colombo, yesterday, nn route to Labuau. She leaves here on Sunday. It is reported that tbe steam launch Carnarvon, belonging to tbe British Borneo Exploration Co., is on the rocks near Tigabu, and will probably be a total loss. Eighteen thousand tins
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  • 491 5 Coming to Singapore. Per N.D.L. steamer P. R. Loitpold, dne Ootober I.— Mr. and Mrs. Oscar witscher, Mr. C. Zippert and wife, Miss Marie Drossel, Mr. Valdemar Sylow, Mr. J. van Dooremaal, Mrs. Louise Ooetsche and child, Mrs. A. Hilkers and children, Mr. A. Hoeffer, Mr. J.
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  • 101 5 Per steamer Lidy Weld, Sept. 26.— From Mnar Messrs. J. Henry and Ho Uoan Seng l Per Bteamer KinU, Sept. 87.— From TeJuk Aifion i Dr. Skte, Mewn. F. G, Ban and J. O. T. Pooley. From Port Swettenham: Messrs. E. O. Walk, r, F. J. Hallifax and L
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  • 219 5 Remarkable Discovery on Shore of Selsey Bill. Much interest has been aroused in Sussex, says an exchange, by tlie discovery of the «rcat part of a skeleton of a mam moth (Elephas primogeniue) on the shore of Selsey Bill. Tbe remains were found below high water mark
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  • 258 5 Finance Commerce. I LMHAHE. SiMtAt^oßi. SimMiHi 28. IWJV. n /.one/in Hai k 4 n./s 2/4 s I*m» j>;4fl Private 6 m/s 2,- j do Bm/a I/44 On Germany Pank d/.l 2tt>4 Private 8 m/s 241 4 do 6 m/s 248 On Fraret— Bank d/d 2f>6 Private 8 m/s £90 do
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    • 253 5 Issoa Paid Valob JUp Company La<i Dividend 81-yehh Selleri 10 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 6/1 1 1 10 1 10 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 611 1 1 10 1 1 18/10 6 10 10 10 10 1 1 Belat
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    • 575 5 2 3/- a/Sterling:. 2/- Anglo-Malay Rnbrxr Go., Ud. 30% for 'OH 1 Batn Caves Robber Co., Ltd 10% for '08 1 f Hatu 1 iga (Selsngor) R. Co. Ltd. 5% for '08 1 U Bokit Kajang Rubber Estate Ltd. 7/6 < Contributory ...i 1 Bnkit Lintang R. Estates. Ltd.
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    • 183 5 10 10 50 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 >0 10 7 50 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. 10% (or I 10% for W Fraaer k Neave, Ltd. 17i%forW Hotel van Wijk Co. Ltd. OO'i for '08 Howarth Erbkmo Ltd. ...i 2|%
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 321 5 The GARRICK Cigarette A LARGE HAND-MADE CIGARETTE. Packed in 50s C^AH^^?^ Price: lli^a%W^**^" "'^■aafill OBTAINABLE AT: ROBINSON AND COMPANY. Oct. I— iAt saleroom, unredeemed pledgos, *t 10. Oct. 4— At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Oct. 6— At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Oct. 18— At No. 80, Outram Road,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 257 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kmiamg Ktrbo* BofUol, Sept. Si, 1909. 9 a. a. S r. a. t r. h. tUnmix. Btr. 8t Fah <n.015 99 879 39 977 Tamp 79.0 87 S 79 0 NU Wet Balb Thar 74 76 0 75 S DirofWlnd.. S,W. calm calm Max. Tamp 8-1.2 Mm 78
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  • 23 6 Vizconde —On September 25, Adelina, the only daughter of J. Vizconde, agtd 18 years. Deeply regretUd. (Madrid and Manila papers please copy).
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  • 1105 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. MR. BAXENDALE'S GRIEVANCE. There is something peculiarly rocky about the figures in Mr. C. E. S. Baxendale's report to tbe Kuala Langat District Planters' Association. He tells us that tbe "2 J per cent, export duty on gross output is equal to a 2/
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  • 211 6 We are jnst a little surprised that tbe business heads of Singapore bave so little to My for themselves. At the half yearly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, yesterday, they listened to an exoellent speech by Mr. Boyd, and then they rose solemnly and went away— half of them
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  • 18 6 A small amount of gold is found to bo mixed with the tin at Kanaboi Mines in Jolebu.
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  • 19 6 An Indian cricket eleven wHI probably go to England for a tour in tbe summer of 1911 or 1912.
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  • 16 6 Tbe cricket match between Mr. Cochrane's eleven and tbe Australians, at Bray, in Wicklow, was drawn.
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  • 24 6 An i ra pressi ye oereinon y has been conducted on tbe abandonment by tbe naval authorities of the salvage operations on tiubmarine Cll.
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  • 26 6 Kedah will soon be open f> Tirail immi grants. It is a noteworthy fact that the first Tamil or Kling settler oimo to Penang frcm Kedah.
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  • 24 6 Steamers arriving at Honglong aro experiencing the novelty of being boarded by a revenue officer who inquires as to what liquors are on board.
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  • 28 6 The Viceroys and Governors of all the provinces in China bave sent a telegram io Piking promUiag a contribution of 10 million taels towards the Naval Reorgacisation Fund.
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  • 35 6 The man arrested at Bangkok on a charge of being one of the Johore pirates has been released, tbe party which went from Singapore to identify him reporting that he was not tbe man wanted.
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  • 36 6 Tbe British cruiser Bedford has left Yokohama for San Francisco, for ths celebrations tint are being held in connection with tbe rebuilding of tbe city. Tbe Japanese cruiser Idzumo was to leave on the 18th inst.
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  • 38 6 The body of the poet John Davidson, who disappeared from Pencance in March, has been found in the sea at Penzince. It seems that according to his wishes deceased was buried at sea ten miles out of Penzsoce.
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  • 39 6 Five men have been arrested in the New Territory, Hongkong, for being concerned in the murder of the two Indian policemen aho'it a month ago. Descriptions have been obtained of three others suspected of having been in tbe party.
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  • 41 6 Tbe Paris Cinematograph has now opened at tbe foot of Fort Canning, and as tbe building has been entirely renovated, and new pictures are being shown there should be no lack of snppirt. Tbe films are changed every Wednesday and Saturday.
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  • 43 6 Chungking, at the heal of tho Yangtze Gorges, will noon be lighted by electricity. Should tbe venture prove a success of which there appears no doubt, a powerful water works plant will also be in-tailed. Messrs. Arnhold, Karberg and Co. are the contractors.
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  • 53 6 Ore samples running $147 60 to tbo ton reached Manila a few days sgo from the San Mauricio mine in the Parncale district. These samples contain gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc, and the assay made nt tho mine i« borne out by tbe one made in Manila at the
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  • 56 6 Before Mr. F. A. Haze Und, at Hongkong, an inquiry was held t .uching tbe death of the native who died as the result of chopping his hand off. A rickshaw coolie gave eviden,c< that deceased had Raid he was a fairy, and wanted to see the Emperor of Cbina
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  • 108 6 A gold watch chain and silver watch belonging to Mr. Brown, and a silver watch and chain belonging to Mr. Roy, which disappeared from the vestry at St. Andrew's Cathedral during service, on Sunday evening, bave been recovered by tbe Colonial Chaplain and handed by bim to their owners. Cyril
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  • 63 6 The Chief Ju«tioe of Hongkong Sir- F. Pi'egott) has awarded special damages as follows in the action for criminal conversation brought by Capt. Mi-chell against John Lemm All costs already paid by Capt. Mitohe 1 to be paid by defendant. Leave to move the court was also granted to include
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  • 56 6 In tbe Supreme Court, on Monday afternoon, the Chief Justice considered a written complaint made by the Registrar, against an advocate and solicitor of tbe court. His Lordtbip granted an ordar calling npon tbe advocate and solicitor to appear on Monday next to show cause why be should not be
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  • 60 6 The Oovernor-in Council at Hongkong has approved and appointed the godowns at Ko loon Point and at West Point, the property of the Hongkong and Kowloon Wharf and Godown Co., Ltd., aid the sodowns at Kowloui Point known as Holt's Wuarf, tbe property of the Ocean Steamship Co., to be
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  • 370 6 Mr. C. F. Stephens, of Songkai is going bom i on leave. Mi»s Birch is tho lucky owner ot an autograph photograph of Lord en r. Colonel George R. Colton, io'le:tor of cv Philippine I lands, Las been appointed Governor of Portj ll. co, wit
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  • 59 6 Within the last few days Messrs. S«ik:es, of Ruffles hotel, have made teveral improvements lor the greater comfort of residents and tourists, which we are sure will be greatly appreciated. la the dining room four new overhead fans have been added, whi'e en tbc balcony tho customary caae
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  • 75 6 The Maori King went badly ashore near Niugpo while voyagiug from Chinwantao to Hongkong. Tugs and lighters were despatched to the tcuue of the accident today, says a Shanghai wire of the U'.h inst. Clio Maori King is a stoel screw steamer, registered luU Al m, Lloyd-i,
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  • 95 6 Presiding at the mating of tbo I lantera Stores and Agency Co., in London, Mr. R P. R'jwo said that the report for the lulf.yoir oould be considtrct f-atisfactory, the t>tal net profit bt ing jE4,232. to which was to be addtd ,£13,57j brouxlit forward from the previous
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  • 159 6 The death occurred, on the 22nd insi H. R. H. Prince Uruphongn, the youniii-st kod of His Maje-ity tho Km^ of Siam. The late Pi ince was a delicate child from birth, and though be accompanied His Majesty on his tour through Europe in I'Ju,
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  • 149 6 According to a visitor from Singapore, pays tbu Pioanit Gazette, the bazaar is id quite a beallby condition there and money generally is freer than it hih been for over eighteen months. As proof of tliit it in asserted that the money required for a local tin
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 111 6 AQUARIUS CO.'S Sparkling Mineral Table Waters. SO well-known throughout China. IN QUART i. P.NTi AND SPLITS. IDIR/X" G-IHSTQ-lEIR/ ALE IN PINTS AND SPLITS. Free samples on application to Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., ;fi $9 each. jfi AND CO., LTD. THE MAKERS OF THE SILENT WOLSELEY-SIDDELEY CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS, Sole Agenti. I
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    • 299 6 ALHAMBRA and Show, at 9.30 p.m. BPECIAL ATTRACTION. All New Picture: THE BANKS OF THE GANGES, An exceedingly picturesque coloured film, j Film dArt: SONS OF THE SOIL," adapted from Balzac by M. Bahier. Caste: M. Bahier of tbe Odeon Theatre. Mile. Paul Laurent of tin Sarah Bernhardt Theatre. Staged
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  • 80 7 AUSTRIAN COMMENT ON GERMAN FRIENDSHIP. Relations With Italy Secure. [Kbutkr's Tklkgbam I London, September 27. The Virona semi-official Fremdecblatt •ays that Herr Hollwcg's visit has strengthened the po!i?y of the alliance, pursued by Germany and Austria for three decades, and their relations with the third ally as the
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  • 59 7 GREAT SCHEME FOR RUSSIAN DEVELOPMENT. Syndicate Offer Twenty- Five Million Loan. [Kkctfr's Tilborax| London, September 27. The Daily Telegraph states thfct a British syndicate is negotiating for an advance of twenty five millions sterling to Russia in return for a concession to work existing railways and exploit minerals
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  • 71 7 Liberals Endangering Safety of Their Party. [Rbcter's TbleoramJ London, September 28. In view of the narrowness of the recent majorities in tbe House of Commons, the whips of thu Liberal Party have made a special appeal to about a hundred Liberals who have been absent from recent late
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  • 47 7 The World's Telegraphic Services Disturbed. [Deb Ostasiaticbb Lloyd Telegrams] Berlin, September 27. An eartb-magnetio disturbance has upset the world's telegraphic connections, especially in England, Berlin, Strassburg, and Montevideo. A splendid display of the northern lights can be seen at Christiana, Stockholm, and St. Petersburg.
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  • 55 7 Rent Liable to Revision Every Thirty Years. (From Ocb Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 28. Tbe Selangor Gazette publishes a notifioation to the effect that the rent of State land, alienated after December 81, 1909, will be liable to revision on and after January 1, 1940,
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  • 203 7 Rescues Comrade from Drowning at Peitaiho. Miss Webster, while bathing at Peitaiho, tbe China Times of 10th inst. says, got out of her depth, and being seized by current or tide, fourjd herself in difficulties. Mrs. Rowland Wade, who was also bathing, went to her assistance, and
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  • 82 7 The members of Peary's expedition discover) d some rem»rkable rtlics of previous explorers. Oreely's camp in latitude 81 44 is still standing. Peary's men dined off potatres and pemmiean which had been banioned quarter of a century before. They found a hymn book and other
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  • 66 7 Yosterday afternoon, a Chinese lad riding a bioycle in Cecil St recklessly made a dash aorosa the road in front of an approaching tramcar. Ton prompt action of the driver probably savtd the lad's life. As it was tbe cycliit was struck by the car, and so severely bruised and
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  • 817 7 Tournament for the King's Own Cup. I Yesterday afternoon, tho members of the Singapore Polo Clnb were at home to tbeir I friends on tbe race-course ground, on the occasion of the tenth annual tournament for the cup presented by the officers o the Ist King's Own
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  • 129 7 Twelve Miners Killed at Kolar Gold Fields. At midday on tbe 15th inst., tbe Champion Reef mine, Kolar Gold Fields, Mysore, was visited by one of tbe worst air blasts which have taken place in recent years. It took place at a slope below the seventh level.
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  • 88 7 In the police court, yesterday, Mr. S. V. Elvy, of Messrs. John Aird and Co., was acquitted on a charge of having given false evidence to tbe police in connection with an alleged theft of ISO. Mr. KitoviU defended two Chinese named Yit Ah Wan and So Sow,
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  • 539 7 TWO THOUSAND LIVES REPORTED LOST. Great Damage Ashore and Afloat. We have already referred to a disastrous typhoon which passed to tbe south of Foochow on tho morning of tho 15th inst., and now give farther details supplied by a correspondent of the S. C. Morning
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  • 258 7 German Sailor Loses -His Life when Rescued. A sad drowning fatality is reported from Shanghai. Three sailors belonging to tbe German gunboat Luchs, accompanied by a sailor from tbe H. A. L. steamer Aragonia, pat off from one of the jetties in a sampan to go on board
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  • 175 7 Military and Civil Administration to Co-Operate. The Manila Times, of the 14th inst., says acting Governor-General Forbes had a conference this morning with Colonel Soriven, chief s'gnal officer of thia division, Captain Wildman of tbe signal corps of tbe Army, and Mr. Cotterman, director of post,
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  • 58 7 I Three chicken thieves, a Malay named i Hassan and two Chinese named Li Kow and f Wi Ah Yu, respectively, were sent to prison i by tbe district judge, yesterday, for robbing r tbe henroost of a Malay named Saalamat. I Hassan will spend six months
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  • 1540 7 LITTLE DOING IN THE PAST SIX MONTHS. Chairman Addresses Members. The half yearly general meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce was held in the Exohange room, yesterday afternoon, tbe business before the meeting being to inform members of what das taken place during the previous six
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  • 535 7 Judge Dismisses the Marlborough Appeal. The appeal by the proprietor of the Marl borough cinematograph against the assessment levied by the Municipality was further resumed, yesterday, before Mr. .Justice Sercombe Smith. Mr. Perkins, for the municipality (the respondents), said the only point to be considered was, what was
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  • 54 7 During a meeting of the Constitutional Party at Tokio, Kawakami, one of the leaders of the party, attacked one of bis rivals named Taya, with a dagger, and murdered him before any of the startled assemblage could interfere to restrain him, according to a special telegram to the Manila Times,
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  • 101 7 THE BETTER PRINCIPLE OF THE ZEPPELIN. Aviators Martyrs to Science. [Better's Telegram; London, September 23. The French Government, considering that the aviators of the Bcpnbliquo died in the cause of science and for the Fatherland, makes provision for the victims of tho disaster. Attention is drawn to
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  • 68 7 GENERAL MARINA PREPARES AN ADVANCE. Foreign Minister Says Campaign is Ended. [Rictir's Telbc-ram] London, September 28. General Marina has concentrated twenty thousand men at Mador, in readiness to advance against the Moors stronghold at Zeluan, but the Spanish Foreign Minister, who has been interviewed, said the
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  • 36 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 28. The Malay Mail has received private ad vices from Shanghai to the effect that exViceroy Yuan Shib-kai is negotiating with a view to re-entering public life.
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  • 461 7 Musings of a Scribe on Manchester Journal. Turning over the pages of a certain Manchester daily the other day we came across the following story of court procedure at Bangkok which is good to bo sent to the municipal dust cart along with otliar con tents of
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  • 129 7 A demonstration was to be made early in Uie present month of the I'oul-en system of wireless telegraphy and telephoning. It is the invention of a Danish gentleman, and many advantages are claim d for it. It is stated that f-00 words per miuute have been received
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 369 8 Major \ii I, oils, of Hertfordshire, at tlir shoot iv c miiecLi in with tba V- n'uanry com I. titn.ii, toad ii ri mark thle scon-, wcuriDj; no lan th.ii. tivcuty one MOMHiM bulls. The Ladies' Bix'ey at Taiping. is likely to prove a record one, it
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    • 265 8 Singapore Shield Competition. A fairly largo crowd watched the, playing off of tho leaiine football match hetwetu Middlesex I and Police, on the Beach Roßd reclamation, yesterday. The uneven surface of the ground did not apptar to suit the tactic*, of the men froui Tanglin as anything like
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    • 298 8 Famous Runner Dead. After a career of many vicissitudes, Charles Rowell, who in bis best days was the finest longdistanco runner in the world, has died at Cambridge. R iweil, who was 56, won no Itss than A'-O.n 'O iv prizo money, but, by the htrange irouy of fate,
      298 words
    • 362 8 The Season's Prospect*. A home paper says Tho forthcoming billiard season promises to be every bit as interetitiug as any of its predecessors, although we shall still have to lament the absence of Charles Dawxon. whose eyes will not permit of his engaging in tbe gime at which ho
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    • 110 8 The Interport Match. Further practice for the coming intorport ritli' mulch waR held at Balestier Kange, tliis ojorniuf!, uudi r favourable conditions except at 6CO yards where the riflemen were troubltd with very strong niirni;.;. Apparently, however, this was l)r Fowiio's morniag out, foi at the longest range
      110 words
  • 506 8 Favourable View of Near I inure Taken. M. --1-. Samuel Montagu and Co. write under date. 2nd int-t., as follows A n cord shipment from tbe Cape arrived amounting to .£1, 14:1.271 in bar gold, the whole of which was purchased for tbe ContiueTrt (principally (or Austria)
    506 words
  • 99 8 Mr. L m Chin Thouk, of Rangoon, hat purchas. d tho steamers Shropshire and Cheshire of the Bibby line to serve the increase of trade between Rangoon, th S'raito and China. The Shropshire will h. delivered in Rangoon during the latter day* of November this year. The Cheshire
    99 words
  • 1023 8 Notes and Comments on Racecourse Training. Tuesday morning. Some good gallop* were made on the outride track. Tbe going was in excellent Condition owing to yesterday's rain, and things generally were lively. Kxcelsior (Pierbux) and Cardinal (Holley) did a nice morning's work together, and covered 0 furlongs
    1,023 words
  • 131 8 TImm Scuts who fo strongly object to the use of the adjective Scotch instead of Scottish have just received a blow to their pride by an pttatal recognition of the former in the cipitul of Scotland itself. On the official windows of the Education Department in Edinburgh
    131 words
  • 810 8 Prices Quoted in tbe Market This Morning. Singapore, 28th September, 1909. Measrn. Lyull and Evatt. Exchange and Share Brokers, issue tbe following list of quotations this morning Rubber Shares. Nora. Value. Bayers. Stllera. 21. Anglo-Malay 16/- 16/8 £1 Anglo Sumatra 27/. 80/. 1 Banteng 88/- 41/1 Batu
    810 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 400 8 To tbe Editor of the Straits Times. Dear Sir, la the interest of drivers of vehicles, it should bo pointed out that in the motor collision case to-day, the decision in favour of the oolio was apparently based ou the conclusion that tho car was travelling
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 618 8 M i y M SPECIAL BARGAINS OFFERED IN SOME First-Class Pianos CASK ft TIME PAYMENTS. BRINSMEAD cg^Lft^.' $550 RONISCH su^tone 011 0 11 $550 The Robinson Piano werner SMSU^ $495 CO Ltd, KRAUSS Modern Art Style $430 Al I I finM Tropical Upright Grand QO7R MLLIOUiI (slightly used) vllO I
      618 words

  • 613 9 The New Testament in Modern Speech. One ol tho pleasant surprises the Hey. P. U. Meyer brought with him to Singaporo was Ma regular reading of Dr. WcykioutU's version of :he Nuw TuHlauit-ut in Modern Speech. Many were struck with the singular beauty and aiiprupri.itt in oi
    613 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 46 9 CHEESE. RUSSIAN IiEU IHEESE. UAOAKUNI CHEESE. DOUBLB I'KKME. GUIKI 'N/Df.A. ROQUKPottY. t A.MK.MUKUT. PAJUaBSAN. At tiOLTklft'a Only G9, Anson IJoaJ. 1753 PIL ENER BEER KEY &KAND. IMPOKitO SIMM MM BRVARB OF IMITATIONS. rtonc Genuine without the above two Label? BEHN, MEYER A Co., Ltd. Kola Importer
      46 words
    • 861 9 NOTICES. NOTIGt. The umiorHigued beg to inform tho public tbat rh< buMutNs of Hip Fong Seng Kongsi, as nago and rubber planters in Kuala Pilah, Negri Sembilan, F.M.S., was originally started by Woiß Hol-ui, KuokChco Fat, Chan Hang Choon, Lai Seng Wong and Chop Chiocg Seng Chan. In tho month
      861 words
    • 621 9 STEAMEB SAILINGS. C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Stoamsblp Lino. TJE RATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUBOFB WU CHINA JAPAN, CANADA ul tk* UNITED BTATEB, Route from Hongkong, via Bbanghal, Nagasaki llblbbi) Sea pf J*r»n), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and VanoonTer, X.M.P. "EuPMmi o» Ibdia" Twinsorew sle» R.M.P. ■Eitpbbs* or
      621 words
    • 598 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. nTyTk. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. Two repilar Borvicos are mainUinod between JAPAN and EUROPE by tht Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, under Mail Contract witb the Imperial Japanofie Government, specially designed foi the Company's Europear Service, lighted throughout by Electrioity, provided witb exoellont accommodation for Firnt and Second
      598 words
    • 680 9 PEARSON'S HYCOL (Carbolic Co. Efficient 18 to 20). THE most powerful Disinfectant iv the World. Guaranteed 18 to 20 times more effective than pure Carbolic Acid. Ask other manufacturers of fluids for a Guarantee of the @KS> Germicidal Strengths of their products (in re'ation to Pure Carbolic Acid) under the
      680 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 488 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors 1 G. A. Dsbbjcb, Esq., Chairman. As. Ashes, Esq., Vice-Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esq., Managing Director. Pbtbb Fowlib, m.b., cm. Chief Med. Officer. F. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Couvrbcr. Vow Noah Pan, Esq.
      488 words
    • 391 10 INSURANCE. THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. J.TD. Head Office— 13 A. Canton Road, Shanghai. Registered under the Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and under the Hongkong Ordinances. Board of Dibbctors Alexander McLeod, Esq., Chairman. Lee Yang Sn, Esq., C. Stephariue, Esq., J. H. McMichael, Esq., C. a Burkill, Esq.,
      391 words
    • 595 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. ■OOBPORATiSD BY BOYAL OHABTKB. »ald np Capital In 60,000 Bbarea ot mOaaeh aU.MO.OOO gaasrvs Fond aU,674,000 *e«erv» Liability of Proprietor! ft 1.100,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Banl ot Scotland. C»e fcenden City A Midland Bank, LM. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooounta an
      595 words
    • 457 10 Banking. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital 110,000,000 4eBerve fund aierlaißeaerva 116,000,0001 180 j M 000 SilTer Reserve •18,250,000/ I80 1 <»,000 btsaerv* Liability of Proprbton 115.000.00 i COURT or DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Oresaon, Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. E.O. Barrett, Esq. I 0. R.
      457 words
      805 words

  • 1289 11 The weight and cost two very important points in such an invention are no greater than the present pneumatic-tyred wheels whilst what is, perhaps, more important stili, tho inventor claims that once the wheels are adopted side-slipping will be a thing of the past. One journal states that it
    1,289 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 341 11 Cost of running depends largely on WOLSELEY-SIODELEY. the weight a car may usually carry, the mileage it runs, and, lastly, its horse- Uj power. lhirirßthi) i>f»st year an owner -^SsSi^fat^VA of a 10-12 h.p. Wolwli y Siddeley car that tj.v.». VjliiJTra >\ ran 7,104 miles on the North Stafford- frjfci*^
      341 words
    • 174 11 CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC. CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. This remedy has been in use for over thirty years and has proved itself to be tbn most successful remedy yet discovered for bowel complaints. It never fails. Sold by all Dispensaries and Dealers. 1910 OARS I 1910 CARS I Great Improvements. CARS CAN
      174 words
    • 114 11 Insure Your Motor (Bar AND COVER YOURSELF AGAINST RESULT OF CAR ACCIDENTS. Don't take the risks any longer. Yon may be called upon for HEAVY DAMAGES at any moment. The payment of a small sum annually relieves yon of great responsibility, especially if you nse a native Chauffeur. Full particulars
      114 words
    • 169 11 Tire Straits Times, The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable ia Advance. Daily issue per year 180.00 do per quarter 7.60 do por month 2.60 do per oopy 10 Weekly issue per year 1200 do per.quarter 8.00 do per oopy 36 When sent by post, there ia added for the l*ily
      169 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 412 12 WANTS. B>TBI I-For LlM*. OB* Of tw* I—irWOM. |I.* Hrthrtaeh. of Ch»r«M GOVERNEBB WANTED. Wanted, English or Eurasian Govorncss for one child, aged nine, in Deli (Sumatra). Apply by letter to Dr. Romer, Medan, Deli, Sumatra, stating references and Ralary required. BUM SITUATION WANTED. Wanted, by Britisher with Military and
      412 words
    • 478 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. linii-lou llih oMortw inaeftloH, tut Bt tbt iMh. Sotlt ol Ofcottw OFFIBE BODflWa TO BE LET. With Immediate entry No. 7, MaUoea Street Apply to GUTHRIE CO.. LTD. lll« HOUSE TO LET. No. 95, Waterloo Street, large compound house, with stabling, eta Apply to M.
      478 words
    • 446 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. tun roat Um>. !>■• or two im:«oi |i By U» lack. m« mm. of BMa HOUSES TO BE LET. Hot. SI aad 88, ißiillatloß Hill. River Vtller Eoad. Apply to LEE OHENO YAV aad Co. 1671 BFFIOEB TO BE LET. OFFICES.— Offloei top floor Ho.
      446 words
    • 539 12 NOTICES. lUTI< —lit Mnsth. 110 per inch. Hih«-qu»M mouthi. se. r« SksMSJ period) M Bc*U of Cbarxaa. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat, owing to tbe indisposition of Mr. C Zimmermann, Mr. J. Stevenson, well-known among Horse Dealers and Racing men in Australia, and Importers of Horses in the East,
      539 words
    • 654 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articlos. Sheets, VALVES. Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suctiou, Sti-am, Hydraulic), GardenhoKis, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR- TILES, MATTING, EBONITE auU H ird Rubber Articles. Bicjclo Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i
      654 words
    • 504 12 ARTICLESJOR SALE. Ba v i— r«t Mm. ot two imrtiona li.en B» th. loeb. Ma Heal* of Chut.. RUBBER STUMPS FOR BAL£. Good Rubber Stamps, 10 months oil. Apply Manager, Linggi Plantations, Ltd., Beromban. ***** RUBBER STUMPS *0R FALL From Petaling Rubber Entatc Seeds. Apply CYCLE CARRIAGE CO u1779 Kuala
      504 words