The Straits Times, 24 September 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.073 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 367 1 IBfje Popular "Merlin" *n MACIIINK ombodying all modern improvements which practical experience lias been able to produce into the «/l trade, absolutely reliable as regards all wearing parts, and for a low-priced machino splendidly finished and equal to any upon the market. lOfiQ n>2 [Uin Hole m W m f
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    • 218 1 ROBINSON CO. MEN'S FOOTWEAR AT Sale Prices. A smart up-to-date dark Tan Willow Calf Boot in CC Cfl per 'Jalmoral and Derby" Shapes. All sizes yJ>jU pair. A very useful and comfortable fitting Black Boot in the <£|- rr\ per '.Balmoral" Shape. All sizes yJ 3U pair. Gentlemen's White Canvas
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  • 623 2 NEW DECREE SIGNED BY THE SULTAN OF ZANZIBAR. Outstanding Features. A parliamentary White paper which was issued recently is of peculiar interest from the evidence it affurda of the development of humanitarian raetho<l« of solving the prob lenis of giving freedom to slaves. The parliamentary paper in
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  • 239 2 Notorious Criminal Released By Mistake. Gaston Jasserre, a notorious burglar who was awaiting his trial at the Saute' prison Paris, has regained his liberty by a remarkable piece of good fortune. A namesake, Hector Jasserre, bad been arrest* d a few days ago for theft, but
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 262 2 BUCHAlAf Black White _AND Red Seal. Both these blends continue to increase in popularity because the quality is steadily maintained and they are sold at a small margin of profit. NOTE THIS GUARANTEED FACT. nThe above-named blends are BOTTLED IN SCOTL VND and no diffe ence whatever is made whether
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    • 188 2 W EASIEPHIT "1 I 7 6 HELMETS I r>'STACI KXTtA. HACkV^*,'"' I Easiephil Helmets are built I I as light as a feather compared I with their size. Selected pith I I bodies covered with white or I I khaki shrunk cloth, green under- I linings, patent ventilated brims. I
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    • 69 2 BOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN. Children when teething are liable to at tacks of diarrhoea and this trouble, especially in warm weather, should never be neglected. The best medicine in use for ailments of this kind is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. When reduced with water and sweetened, it is
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    • 831 2 COMPELLED TO RESIGN His Position Through Ckipflino rUIKIMATIS.iI, Ex Dktkctivk Blankbnhym or Sinoapobk Was a Imw Supfkrkb Until I'l lim BY OR. WILJAMs PiNK PIUS. Through getting wtt and beine obliged to continue wearing my damp clothes whilst engaged in tracking criminaU I contracted rheumatism oeveiely in tbo legs; the
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    • 459 2 doesn't pay f%f 'o allow your linen to be W// rubbed and banged to tatters \o^ mil upon rough stones. Insist upon \Y^ W\ being used in (he Sunlight Way, and I/M W\ you will save money. llm It always pays to use /Vjr Sunlight Soap. sdmr Maynard Co., Ld.
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  • 548 3 LORD KITCHENER PRESENTED WITH AN ADDRESS. The Field Marshal's Thanks. The following is a copy of the address the native members of the Malay States Guides hastily drew up, had it inscribed, and got up in Regimental colours and presented to Lord Kitchener, when at Taiping. The
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  • 99 3 Judgment has been given in the cose of Tamada Sbotaro on whose premises the recent great Osaka fire originated, on September 4, at the Osaka Ku Saibansho. He was convicted of having caused the fire by negligence, ami the maxim in penalty, a fine of yen 300,
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  • 115 3 By the death of Towkay Chua Moh Cboon which took place tit his residence in the main baznar, c.n the Bth inst., Knching lonch one of its old. st traders. Cbua Moh Choon went to Sarawak ">1 years ago and worked with hop Tiong Bee for about
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 330 3 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL, MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, IRON BRASS FOUNDERS, BOILER MAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Steam, Gas and Oil Engines for all purposes. Boile s Pumps for every use. Light Railway Boiling Stock acd Railway Implements. Bails, Tipping Wagons and Sleepers. Winches, Cranes and Steel Hawsers. Steel Pallejs, Blocks
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    • 1083 3 Milkmaid aaw^*^^^?\^^^ mßl^ 'D A XT t^ cj I Milkmaid branJ/ |M|9 f 1/ W*S lUlf j iTiUK m ■ijlifl^ "c»sr See that the pwW'IsSsSEDMIIJf'jJ MILKMAID Trade Mark ii is on e?ery Tin TRADE MARK. Largest Sale in the World CHEAPEST nnd BEST. SPECIAL LIST OF WINES. SPIRITS. LIQUEURS. CHAMPAGNE.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 661 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*;, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Erypt, Msdlterraaean Pa"tf, Plymouth and London Through Bills of LadHg isaued tor Chin* Coaat, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Porta. Hteamera will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Himalaya Sept 14
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    • 652 4 STEAMERS SAILING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. GB. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despaobed from Liverpool outwards for tbe Straita, China and Japan every week and from Japan bomewardi for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnirht for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 630 4 STEAMER SAILINBB. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a ■eguiar service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, 3hina and Japan Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly lor Havre and Hamburg and onoe a montli for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo Taking oargo
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    • 740 4 BTEAHEH BAIUIIIB. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ol this Company sail fortmghly from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa. Naples (oonneoUoa Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vloo versa) Port Said. Suez, Aden, Ooljmbo. Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 179 5 FIXTURES. Friday, September 24. High water, 4 11 p.m. V. and ontwnrd mull Hue, 2. Children* Concert. Th-atro, 5.80. Tennis Championship l'inal. Albambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinomatograpb. Marlboroat(li Cinematograph. Saturday. September 25. High Water. 7.4* a.m., 5.57 am. Day o( Atonement ..lnwisli Holiday Koppol Oolf Clnb, Montbly Modal.
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  • 234 5 ToDat Peuaut! and Ueli Hebe 3 pm Hongkong, Amoy aud Rwat w Hong Bee 3 pm Maar and Malaooa T ariv Weld pm Colombo and Bombay Yeho-tbi Mara 3 pm Bangkok Nuentnng 3 pm Malacca, P. Dickson, P. Bwettenham an 1 Teluk AtnoQ Relangor 3 pm 1'i'nn
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  • 106 5 Thu P. anil O. out« ir.l mail str. llimaiaya left Penang a'< 10 a in. yeiterlay and may be expected t > arri\ here at 2 p.m. today. MAILS FOR EUROPE. Left Singapore I 33 M. M io(,' 27 P. *O. Vii! SI N. D. L. Sept
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  • 351 5 Latest Arrivals. MAN-OF-WAR. I Mtr, U. 6. A. Naval oollior. 2070 toua, 50 crew, 1500 hp. Capt Easton, Bopt2t. From Fort Sari, Bei>t 2. For Cavite P. 1., Sept 25 -Bd». Catherine Apcar, Brit. btr. 1730 tons, Captain Hudson, Hept 24. From Hongkong, 6apt 17. O«. and '1
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  • 79 5 Sertember 33 >f oi«i t J/iiru. J*p sir, Japan via ports I ■n-lel. I) it etr, Balavia *4 A-'»f, Prit sir. Bonibuy ia port* Ham, Japatr, ilju^kong and Japan Pot-Ki, O-r »sr, Hi k On Niu,>(. Brit at.', Hamarnng and Sourabaya I umi Spau Btr Il'jilo and Manila QfjMsr,
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  • 91 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAN JON Q FAQAR. Eaht Whabf B»ntN— Nil. Emt W. Section 1 C»i>n. BionoH No. 1 (Smciw> Wium)-Ni>. BaonoR Keirstad, Volga. a Nil. a 4 Flensbarj. ft— Nil. H 6— Catherine Apoar, Bangkok. 7— Wnk.B»Miiru.
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  • 199 5 The Sappbo, of thu Straits Steamship Co has gone into dock. A cargo of rice and meal arrived from Banekok, yesterday, by the N. D. L. steamer Chiengmai. Fish comprised the cargo of the Will o' the Wi*p, which arrived from Bagan and Beng-l-.ii.i-. yesterday. The Dutch steamer
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  • 249 5 Coming to Singapore. Per P. and O. steamer China, connecting with the Himalaya at Colombo, due Septem-Im-i 1 1 —Mr. OHtordaan, Mr. E. N. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Baddeley, Mr. F. L. Mouldney, Mr. J. Galloway, Mr. E. Valty, Mr. H. DE. B. Darley, Mr.
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  • 99 5 Per steamer Assaye, Sept. 23 —From Shanghai Mr. A. M. Rogers. From Hongkong Messrs. M. Mendes, C. Pooh Masino, W. C. Wickersham, P A. von de Stadt, C. Wilton. W. H. Darby and A. Ebratbie. Per steamer Lady Weld, Sept. 23.— From Malacca: Mr. R Mclntyre. Per steamer Hye
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  • 245 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SINOAtOHB, Inm '24. 1909, On London— Bank 4 m/B 2/4 Demand 2/4* Private fl m/B 2/4 J do 8 m/s 2/416 On Germany— V.anV d/d 289$ Private 8 m/a 241 do 6 m/s 248 On Franca- Bask d/d 286 Private 8 m/s 286t do 6 m/B 800
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    • 270 5 ValOl ALOI uT c«™ D Up DI^MD j B M BttLMi B dyers SIIXIBI 10 10 ia 1 10 i i 10 1 10 6/. 1 1 1 10 1 1 1 6 10 10 10 10 1 10 Betat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. ...I 12% for '08 10
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    • 594 5 Sterling. 2 2/- Anglo-Malay Robber Co., Ltd. 80% (or '06 II 1 Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd 10% for '08 1 1 Batu Tiga (Selaogor) R. Co. Ltd. 5% for 'oB 1 1 I Bukit Kajang Rubber Estate Ltd 1 7/6 < Contributory 1 1 Bukit Lintang R. Estates.
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    • 187 5 10 10 60 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 ■10 10 7 60 10 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 j 100 100 i 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. f 10% for 12.50 10% for Of 10.15 Fraser Neave, Ltd. 17*%
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 117 5 AUCTION SALES Howcll and Co. Sept. 25 At saleroom, miscellaneous goods, at 11. Sept. 23— At saleroom, valuable Singapore town properties, 40 C to 40 F, High Street No. A, Ford Street 42, North Bridge 1! >ad 26 to 29, Hollovay Lane; 21, Rochore Road, and 21 to 29, Garden
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    • 588 5 SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, Ltd. I AND CO., LTD. HEfDOrTICES: i BRANCH OFF IC IS: Caxton H.ks., Westminster, 0 1, 2, 4 and 6. Winchester House, London. f SINGAPORE. 6. Btacb Street, Penang. u >»&3 Balthazars Buildings, Rangoon. S'.allord. Woolwich. Dalston. AuJ iv India, Australia, etc. MANUFACTURERS or
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 137 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Faoa Septemder 24 to September 30 HIGH WATER LOW WATEK Time n'filr. Time H'gb' September hra mm. ft id. bra.mio.lft. ma. ,i«-J«.i a-.«.. K lB.6oaro 7.8 1.80 am 2 6 BOSDIT Jb 133 pm 8 0 20 pm j 6 M n «>.» 27 f927 am 8
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    • 90 5 WEAHiER REPORT. Kiindang Kurhau Hospital, Sept. U, 1909 9 a. S r. m. 9 r. Rinrrtiir Bar. S3 Fab 39 968 29 691 W 959 Temp 86.0 MO 7«5 .37in. Wat Bnlb Ther 79 H 78 0 DirofWlnd.. calm calm calm Max. Temp 89.0 Mia 74 8 Vlbx. Inßnn.. 164.0
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  • 1067 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. METHODS OF INQUIRY. Some cariosity, and in certain quarters naturally Rome anxiety also, is shown as t> tlin method in which Mr. Antlionisz and hi' colleagues of the Municipal Commission will approach the task that has been laid upon them. In the terms of
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  • 14 6 It has been decided that the Chinese military uniform shall be khaki iv colour.
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  • 16 6 The old court bouse at Tras, Pahang, is be ing converted into a government halting bungalow.
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  • 27 6 Chinese in Singapore will be sorry to learn that the crop of lycheea is very poor this year, and the prio* is higher by SO par cent.
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  • 22 6 The inaugural ceremony in connection wi'h the opening of the Peking. Kilg in Railway was to ;ake place on the 17ih lust.
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  • 24 6 Mr. Justice Serx>mbe Smith was engaged in disposing of biukruptcy business, this mo n ing. Ill' cases were of no particular pu jlic interest.
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  • 32 6 T le forest guard's q iyter« at Kuala Terabeli ig. P.thani', were ac ii ientally burn* down some few day>ago, and in consequence a new house is being erected for that otti.-e..-.
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  • 31 6 U nder the auspices of the Formosan Govern rufciit a scheme is now being mooted for establishing in the islaod warehouses on a gigantic scale with a capital of one million
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  • 35 6 Sulong, caretaker at the (1 >'f Club on tho race cours >, has inform-?. 1 the police that the club house has been broken into, and lemonade and soda water valued at 91 8 J taken.
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  • 34 6 A meeting of the Legis'ative Council will be held on Friday next, when it is probable that the Budget for the Co'onv, for the year 1910. will be introduced by His Excellency the Governor.
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  • 28 6 The case against Ribort Goodenough. Rubpostmaster at Tanjong P igar. was mentioned to tho sec Hid luujist'nt". this morning, and further postpmed till Wednesday next, for additional enquiries.
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  • 34 6 It is proposed to name the two waste n towers of Truro Cathedral, which ar now. approaching completion, after the King and Queen. Tho control tower was erected as a memorial to Qm.-n Victoria.
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  • 45 6 An inveterate smoker, who has just died at Val Blegnn, in the Canton of Tc-sin, has left a charge in his will that a kilo>;r<mme of tobacco, a pipe, two boxes of matcht s, nnd a walking stick are to be placed in his coffin.
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  • 45 6 The annual inspection of the S V. I. has Leen postponed until Sunday. October 10. It will takn pace at Alexandra, and the unit will be put through corapiny drill and fi-ld exercise. The annuil inspection of ih" Singapore Volunteer Artillery is on October 8.
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  • 48 6 The Chinese Ambassador in London has consented to preside at thn annual bang iet of tho Xewsvendor's Rrn«volent Institution in November next. This honour is nniq'io in the history of the ins'itu'ion. and is an in-li-cit on of the good relations that exist between Great Britain and China.
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  • 53 6 Mr. Figs, the direc'or of the If mgkong O'is»rvatory. his informed the P,-e<s ihit the reappearance of H*lley'n comet is announced in a priv ite telouraru whHi had j'ist reach"'! him. It was obvrved on a photographic plate on September 9. by a German profess ir, noar the constellations of
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  • 61 6 Private Charts Murdock, of the Middlesex Regiment, was bifore the ercond magistrate. this morning, on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of a cheque for $50. the property of Lieut. Drew, which was en t ust. d t" him by a lance-corporal to be cashed. He pleaded
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  • 55 6 In the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith continued the hearing of the Negri Seiubilan rubber estate case— Sect Tiang Chnaa v Rubber Con. cessions Ltd. Mr. El is who, with Mr. Parsons, appeirs for the plaintiff had not concluded his op ■niog statement when tho court rose. Mr.
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  • 69 6 A feeble old Chinaman named Liong Kirn Siong was before the second magistrate, this morning, on a charge of criminal misnpproprittion of 1500 b longing to Chew Ah Chang. Mr. Song Ong Siang appeared for the prosecution. Another man named Wong Xi ii Liang was also charg-d with criminal misappropriation,
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  • 75 6 The ninth annual gnnrral meeting of tho m»mbers of l'enang St. Andrew's Society "ill be lit Id on Moud*y the 27th inst. The business includes adoption of the report and accounts for th-i past year election of officebearers and committee for the ensuing year and ad op ion ot revised
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  • 87 6 The Rev. A. G. Robinson, rector of St. John's, Coventry, npeaking at an Oddfellows' floral exhibition, said that, despite its allround excellence, he saw many more brilliant displays than theirs. He added, I have only t > climb into the pulpit to see »ights which beat this into a cocked-hat.
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  • 95 6 D.-strnetive flx>ds have ravaged several provinces in Tonkin, and a famine is foared. Tonkin is a largo exporter of grain, and voices hive been raised to cipo with the expected dearth by forbidding such export To do so runs counter to the teaching of orthodox political economists, by the cry
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  • 109 6 Specially attractive programmes are advertised for the Alhambra and Marlborough Cinematograph bliowh, at both o( which new pictures and an entire change are on tonight. At the Alhambra, interest will be centred in a film depictiog the Zeppelin airship, while this will be backed by four fi'ms rl'art entitled Sous
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  • 497 6 Mr. F. A. Vaurenen, iu«pector of schools in SrUngnr, goes liome ou a year's will earned furlough from about October 10. Mr. BMiop, from Singapore, will act for Mr. V*nrencn. Mr. T. C. Knapton. a cousin of the late Lord K-lvia, and said to h.ue been fomerly
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  • 29 6 Our own correspondent at Kuala Lumpur telegraphs to day that the claim of Mr. Agar, the contractor, agxinst the Pahang Government, has been dismissed with costs.
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  • 54 6 The Mercantile Bank of India, L'd a -1 vise us that they have today rectiveda telegrai i from their London ntlico informing them that an iuteiiin dividend has been declared on the A and li shares a", the rate of 6 per cent, per annum,
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  • 100 6 Following is the programme of the Children's concert which is beiug given in tho Victoria Theatre this aftt moon Ovt rturr, Mariooetten, the orchestra soul. Sleeping in the nd B.ick V ird, Miss Alma 1* ak v«i-o letite, Dans la Nuit, the orchestra; t-ong, selected, Miss Ma van
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  • 132 6 The Deli Courant tells of an unpleasant adventure which Left I a party of picnickers, including several ladies, out in the wills at Bandar M iria on S pteiuber 16. While rest ing themselves, a loud roar reached their tars. Their terror may be imagined
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  • 164 6 Mr. Miles, a son of Capt. Miles, tho lato general uiaoager of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co., his obtained an option, through the agency of a Chinese at Tongkati ov.r Mr. Tan I'-nk Huat's land at Sam Iv >vi» for $200,000 willi a view of fluting a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 305 6 ALHAMBRA and Show, at 9.30 p m. BPECIAL ATTRACTI3N. All Mew Pictures. "THE BANKS OF THE GANGES," An exceedingly 1 icturtque coloured film. Film dArt: SONS OF THE SOIL," adapted from Balzac by M. Bnhier. Caste11. Bahier of the Odeon Theatre. Mile. Paul Laurent of the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre staged
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  • 125 7 ALLEGVTIONS OF BOYCOTT DLMED. Americans and Japanese Suffer More. [Rectrr's Tfxkoraml London. September 21. Mr. Bellairs drew attention, in tbe House of Commons to a statement by the Shanghai correspondent of the Times that B r.ish shippiog w*s Doing biycotteJ on tho Yangt-ie, and ask. ,1 what
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  • 157 7 DENOUNCES THE FINANCE BILL PROPOSALS. Mr. Chamberlain Listens to and Praises the Speech. [Kkuikr's Telegram] London, September 23. Mr. Balfour ad Ircssed an enthusiastic meeting at ISirininuh im. A letter was read from Mr. Chamberlain expressing a hop" that the House of Lards would force-aa eloctioa. Mr.
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  • 48 7 Experts Unite in Praising the Infantry. [Reuteb's TeleobamJ London, September 24. Thn British Army manoeuvres have now concluded. All the exports unite in praising the remarkable mirching of tho infantry, who finished fit and well, thus testifying to tbe efficiency of the. new system of training.
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  • 46 7 To Get the Freedom of New York City [Recteb's Tklhoramj LondoD, September 24. The Board of Aldernea of New York has decided to b stow the freedom of tbo city on Dr. Cook, thus treating him as the discoverer of tbe North Pole.
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  • 28 7 [Redteb's Teleqbaxl London, September 28. Tbe Duke of Albreclit, Regent of Brunswick, starts in December for a trip to Siam. Java, and Sumatra.
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  • 23 7 [Deb Ostasiaeiscbb Lloyd Telrobam] Berlin, September 28. Tbe International Congress on sea rights b as commenced its sittings at Bremen.
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  • 26 7 [Dib Ostasiatiscbe Llcyd Tkleobam] Berlin, September 2.3. Herr Betlinnnn Hollweg, Imperial Chancellor of Oiv-iu my, is at present at tbe shootin box at Ludeohof.
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  • 17 7 [Dib OsTASiATiscn* Lloyd Teleobam] Berlin, September 23. The Z 'ppvlin balloon has returned to Friedrickshafcn.
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  • 23 7 iDm Ostasiatischk Lloyd Telrobam] Berlin, September 23. Herr Dernburg is going to America to make a tour of the Cotton Districts.
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  • 14 7 Dee OdTASMTicnE Lloyd Teliobamsj Berlin, September 23. The Hungarian Cabiawt Urn raaigned.
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  • 534 7 South Manchurian Railway Co.'s Scheme. Mr. Asaknra, of tbe South Manchurian Railway Co., lias stated to a Press representative in connection with the relative outputs and nale of Kyushu, Kaiping and Fushun coal, which occupy a uniqne position in the coal market in the tar
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  • 106 7 Solution of Problem of Navigation in Foggy Weather. Details are published in Paris of a noteworthy inveation which it is believed, will I solve the prob'.em of navigation in foggy weather. The ioventirs are Capts. Tosi and Bellini, two Italian savants, and their apparatus is described an
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  • 154 7 Spraying Land with Arsenite of Soda. We are informed, s«ys the Malay Mail, that as a result of spraying land with arsenito of soda, a planter in this State has lost two horses and a calf through poisoning, and further that another planter hid several bullocks killed
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  • 172 7 Rumours Regarding His Probable Successor. Several rumours are current concerning the probable successors of Vice. Admirals the Hon. Sir Hddworth Limbton and Sir Richard Poore when they relinquish the command of the China and Australia stations respectively at tbe end of the 1 year, oa completing two years
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  • 1150 7 RESULT OF A COLLISION IN THE;! DARK. Counsel on Concentrated Impudence. A motor-car collision case was heard in the district court, beforo Mr. Sannden, I yesterday afternoon. Mr. W. O'Connor sued I ran K ill K«e, Chop Hfaq ll*, of 865 K illang a IM.. for $7(5
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  • 68 7 A corporal has disappeared from the military barracks at Chalons (107 miles east of l'aris) and has taken with him a machine I gun of the latest pattern. The affair is regarded as a grave one in consequence of the construction o( the gau being a secret. The French authorities
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  • 1101 7 MR. BUCKLEYS INTERESTING ADDRESS. The Founding of (he Settlement. Mr. C. Buckley, probably tbe best kuown of all the old ro-i leots of Singapore remaioiDg amongst us gave an interesting iddress at tbe Su Po Si i, Tanjoag Pagar, last night, on the early beginnings and jrowth of
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  • 38 7 f The receipts of the Pacific Cable Board t for the year ended March 81 last amount* d 1 to £118,093. The expenditure was £96,485. l The tot»l number of message* dispatched during Urn twelva south* was 'H2MI.
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  • 324 7 Itinerary of His Tour to Pacific Coast and the South. A detailed itinerary of President Taft's Western and Southern trip was given out at the White House, Washington, on August 6. It is as follows The Presidential pirty will leave Boston on Syptembor 11. Th? fir-t
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  • 392 7 CANTON AN TI-OPIUM MOVEMENT. Viceroy Inaugurates a Vigorous Campaign. The new Viceroy of Canton, H. E. Yuan Shi Hsiin, is an avowed anti opiumist, says tue Canton correspondent ot the Hongkong Telegraph. No sooner did l:e assume charge of office here than be declared his intention to put a stoo
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  • 271 7 Song Seng, of 1,173 Serangooc Rd., has reported to the police that four persons antered his house on Wednesday and stole 8856. Kirn Watt. Chinese Detective No. 831, has been arrested on a charge of poHse»xio'i of property which had been stolen tiom Messrs. Uobinson and Co. A
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  • 21 7 Advices from Alor Star state that Ktdah has suffered considerably from the reflent rains, and tbe padi crop has been damaged.
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  • 53 7 THE FRENCH CROPS RUINED BY FLOODS. Earthquake Precedes the Storm. [Reuteb's Tkleobaml London, September 24. Following an earthquake in the South ot France, storms and floods have ruined the crops, and devasted tho vineyards where the vintage, which was proceeding, is considered ruined. Many people have been drowned
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  • 72 7 MAKES FLYING MACHINE AND USES SUCCESSFULLY. Will Offer to Chinese Government. (Fbom Oca Own Corkespoxdest.) London, September 24. A San Francisco telegram says that a Chinese science graduate, Fung Quey. has invented a flying machine of the biplane description. He has flown on it successfully for a distance
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  • 33 7 [DIR OsTASIATISCHK LLOYD TkLKGRAm] Berlin, September 23. The Czir, owing to religious reasons, baa adjourned the visit to Stambul. His voyage in tfc" Mediterranean with the Czarina, will tak> plan
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  • 180 7 Philippine Revolutionaries louring Japan. A Nagasaki telegram to the Tokyo Asahi reports that one Ishikawa Yasumasa arrived there from Manila accompanied by a Filipino wbo is described as the president of the new weaving factory in Manila, and two other Filipinos. The object of the tour
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  • 215 7 Young Wife's Amusing Query at a Police Court. Intending applicants for advico and sum monses at Clorkenwcll police court are interviewed by an official of tbe court before they i-eo tbe magistrate, in order that their complaints may be put into something like t-lmpe-and obviously frivolous applications
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  • 219 7 Curious Report Concerning Huge Array. A Chinese officer who is said to liavo spent many years in the stu<ly of Japsneho military questions is quoted by t lie Gjlos Moskvy (Voice of Moscow) for th I BtaU in nt that the Tokio government lias essayed the
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  • 1151 8 CLOSE OF A SUCCESSFUL MEETING. An Example to the Slackers. Tho first annnal p*ize meeting of the Bingapore Ladies R fie Association, which has been in progress for some weekß past at the Balestier range, was brought to a successful conclusion, yesterday afternoon, when tho two events wore
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  • 42 8 Notes in General. The steam launch Argo will leave Johnston s lier for the club bungalow on Sunday at 7, 9 and 10 a.m., 2.3o and 3 30 p.m., returning at 8.30 and 9.30 a.m., 12.15, 3 and ."..30 p.m.
    42 words
  • 51 8 Playing for England against Scotland, at Shanghai, on tbe 11th inst T. W. H. Monk; made 89 and, according to tbe Shanghai Mercury, he is in great form. It is rumoured that it is very improbnble be can make the trip to Hongkong to tako part in the coming interport
    51 words
  • 69 8 Mr. Alma Baker, who bus been on a short visit to Singapore, has returned to Ipob, says Tbe Times of Malaya. During bis nojouru there bo took a keen interest in the training for the autumn racing fixture, and informs us the meeting should be a great success, tbe number
    69 words
  • 73 8 At the Municipal batb, Shanghai, on tbe 10th inst., a serious accident happened to Mr. J. Witchell, the popular athlete. Whilst going up a short flight of stairs in tbe bathhouse he slipped and fell down to the bottom. In bis descent be put his leg through a win dow,
    73 words
  • 119 8 Book of Records. Mr. J. W. Bains, late of Tho China Mail, and now with the Shanghai Times, has a volume on interport cricket in the course of production, which will be placed on the markut early in October. The book is a complete record of all matches
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  • 127 8 S. C. C. Tournament. Tbe last stage but one in the S. C. C. lawn tennis tournament was reached yesterday afternoon, when Wolterstan owe seven, met Mi-Arthur, receive three, in the semi-final of tbo veteran's single handicap. Tho match provided some uowl play, and McArthur secured tbe first
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  • 169 8 Shield Fixtures. The following fixtures have been arranged in connection with the football shield competition Sept. 23 2nd Mi.M v. 3rd Midd. 27 Ist Mnl.l. v. Police 29 2nd Midd. v. Y. M. C. A. Oct. 1 3rd Midd. v. S. R. C. I S. C. C. v.
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  • 239 8 Interport Practice. Twelve men went down before the targets at Balestier range, this morning, in practice for tbe forthcoming interport match. At 200 and 500 yards, tbe conditions were favourable, but on going back to 600 a storm blew np and the ensuing wind and rain were not
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  • 827 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, 24th September, 1909. M&wr. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotatiuus this morning: •>OIU. Value. Bnyern Sellers. 2/. Anglo Malay 16/9 16/6 £1 Au^lo Sumatra 27/- 80/. 1 Banteng 88/- 40/. 1 Batu
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  • 369 8 Messrs. Fraser and Company's Weekly Circular. The recent rapid advance in tho price of ru ibiT, and the near approach in many instances of dividends, resulted in strong buying orders from London at prices which attracted local holders of the heavier priced stocks to realise some of
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  • 218 8 Munificent Offer of Former F. M. S. Tin Magnate. On his return to Hongkong, ou the 10th iust. from CautoD. en voyage for Tientsin, Prince Shun Pui lap wan presented with a humble petition from one Cheung Yenng-hin. This gentleman, we are told, is a brother of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 216 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MORTGAGEE'S SALE Of VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTIES. On Tucuduy, October l'J, at 2.30 p.m. 1. All that valuable piece of land fronting Telok Ayer Street and Stanlny Street, together with the residential premises erected thereon and known as NO. 81, TELOK AVER STREET and NO. 16, STANLEY STREET, Singapore.
      216 words
    • 720 8 --r THE BINGLE DOUBLE ROOMS -I*-™ 4 :*3: *3 J ?r TERMS MoDERATK. 18 YEARS' PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IN SINGAPORE Gives Weight and Valuo to our GUARANTEE. The Cheapest Safe PIANO is made on that cxporienoo aud sold by us at $15 per month. THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. MARLBOROUGH (Binematograpf).
      720 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 694 9 NOTICES. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Applications will be received at the Master Utcndant's Office up to the KNh September. 1909, for tlit post of Steward, Sailois' Howe. S.ilary |M 0 p. a., with free board and Mfhg and with an additional sum of SoOO p. a. for other duties, which can be
      694 words
    • 732 9 NOTICES, TENDERS INVITED. FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. SUPPLY OF BAKAU FIP.EWOOD, 1910. Tenders are invited fiu- the supply of Bak.-i i Firewood at Port Swetenbam. Port Dickson and Malacca to the l; ulway Department for 1910. The wood to be supplied in billets weighing not more than ID katis or
      732 words
    • 639 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Hail Steamship Lint. THB RATIONAL BIGHWAY TO BUROFB VIA CHINA JAPAN. CANADA and tka D SITED STATES Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Bea of Japan). Kebe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanoonver, B.M.°. "Eitrans o» liron" Twln-ierew itea R.M.o. a
      639 words
    • 492 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD Two regular services are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by tbe Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, nnder Hail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's Enropean Service, lighted I throughout by Electrioity, provided witb excellent accommodation for First and
      492 words
    • 565 9 PEARSON'S HYCOL (Carbolic Co. Efficient 18 to 20). THE mi3t powerful D^in fectaul in the World. Guaranteed 18 to 20 times more effective than pure Carbolic Acid. Ask other manufacturers of iluids for a Guarantee of the ®\2> Germicidal Strengths of their products (in relation to Pure Carbolic Acid) under
      565 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 447 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINUAI'OKE. Board of Directors 1 O. A. Dubrick. Em]., Chairman. AD. ASMVS, Esq., Vice Chairman. A. H. Fair, Enq Managing Director. Pbtbr Fowlib, MB., cm. Chief Med. Officer. V. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Coovrbdr. Tow Noan Pan,
      447 words
    • 363 10 INSURANCE. THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.^JJD. Head Office— 13 A. Canton Road, Shanghai. Registered nnder the Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and under tbe Hongkong Ordinances Board of Directors Alexander McLeod, Esq., Chairman. Lee Yung Su, E«q., C. Stepbarinp, Esq., J. H. McMicbael, Esq., C. R. Burkill, E*q., J.
      363 words
    • 591 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. MOORPORATxSD BY ROYAL CHARTER. 'aid op Oapital la 60,000 Bharet of IHtmh f11.100.0C0 Heierve Fund ..41,874.0(0 teservi Liability of Proprietors «l,Mo,uto BANKERS. Bank ot England. National Bank of Bootland. fcoadoa Oily A MMland Bask, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Oarrent Aoocunts are opened and
      591 words
    • 450 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. P LUPUi'lli, ..$18,000,000 J^ERVEFUNU Reserve 118.1100,000 1 ,M, M v iilverß^erve $16,250,000/ •"'•"W.Otli t Liability of hropn ior. ll».u0u.00 cOUKi op IMMKTVM don. Mr. W. J. Gresson, Chairman H. K. Tnmkins, Esq., Uepnly Chairman U. Barrett, Esq. I" K. Lenzmann, Esq J. W.
      450 words
    • 869 10 BALES BY AUCTION. -A-TTCTIOISr SALE or Teak Household Furniture, Plants, etc., The property of P. H. Gibbs, Enq AT "BISiOPS HOUSE. STAMFORD ROAD. On Saturday, September 23, at 2 p.m. Comprising: Teak Occasional Tables, teak display cabinet. Upholstered rattan urniture, Miraboo D.uiog room Table, well-made miraboo sideboard, teak dinner waggon
      869 words

  • 1085 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON, CURRENT TuPICS. New Motor Roads. Louis Strang, driving a Bnick car, won a I<H) miles raoo at Indianapolis In 92 mia. 48) sec. This is a world's record, the previous best performance for 100 miles being 104 minutes. Thanks to a recent invention motorcars in
    1,085 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 258 11 Cost of runnin,, depends largely on WOLSELEY-SIODELEY. the weight a car may usually carry, the mileage it runs, and, lastly, its horse- I^CT^ tl±_ f pow.r. During the past year an owner JSSS3fc«\A 1O IM iriuTtto^struf SUfforf St»B shiro "roadTepcnt XISO Is on tyres, <*>*««, j"^ "^g^ Motor Accessories FX
      258 words
    • 607 11 1910 CARS! 1910 GARS f Great Improvements. CARS CAN BE USED WITHOUT STARTING HANDLE. STANDARDS. STARS, NAPIERS, ROVERS, BELSIZE AND REOS. Cars for Hire by Day and Night. C.F.F. Wearne&Co. 168 <t 169, Orchard Road. D*V 'PHONE: 114. NIOHT PHONE: 714 A MOTHER'S UNBOUNDED JOY. Aftkk losing Threk Children in
      607 words
    • 765 11 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. Tlio Autumn Race Meeting will bo bold on Tuesday, the lath, Thursday, tho 14tb, and Saturday, tho 16th October, 1909. programme. firsTday. IWtiaft October IS. 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE.-Valne »600. A Race for Maiden Hones W-ight 9st. Ex OriffinB allowed 7ib. Entrance, 120. Distan c, RaceConrse. THE
      765 words
    • 635 11 I1I 1 7 THE GIMr'FIN CONSOLATION Va ac t.iH) and IV to tho Second Horn. A Haidtcan for all Griffins that have ran at this Mtetiog aud not w. n. Distanoe, Rtee Own, 8. THE ROCHORE IT, ATE.— V iloe $410. i A Handicap for all Boraea that have run
      635 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 449 12 WANTS. 1 «_Tii I— row IM ar two l_.«rtlo__, fI.OS bt tin tmttx. B«_u of C-MtM. 60VERNE88 WANTED. Wanted, English or Eurasian Governess lor one child, aged nine, in Deli (Sumatra). Apply by letter to Dr. Romer, Modan, Deli, Sumatra, stating references and salary required. ***** RUBBER EBTATEB WANTED. i
      449 words
    • 450 12 rO BE LET OR SOLD. ainui-rni LUm-, o__ of tw tUBf tb. iMk, SoU* ol O-j-nw-OFFISE ft 80D0WN TO BE LET. With Iro mediate entry No. T, Malaooa BlrMt. L P plv to ODTHRIE CO., LTD. IM OFFICE AND GODOWN TO LET. No. 95, Robinson Road. Moderate rent. ipply to
      450 words
    • 421 12 rO BE LET OR SOLD. tun -Fo_i Umm, o_- or two __iw-oi n .oc bt ttai l-ch. m. m_l. of __vgM. HOUSES TO BE LET. No*. 81 MA Bt, iMtitattO-i Hill, Hirer Valley fioad. Apply to LEE OHBHQ TAB MadOo. UTI BFFIOEB TO BE LET. OFFIOBB.— CMBom top Boot Ho.
      421 words
    • 573 12 NOTICES. R_TW— Urt 110 p«r i-cb. B_tl__qa«-t month*. |i. For ibotur period, m Be*!* of Ch_rt«_. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, owiug to ttc indisposition of Mr. C Zimmermann, Mr. J. Stevenson, well-known among Horse' Dealt r^ an(> Racing men in Australia, and Importers of Horses in tho East,
      573 words
    • 868 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres rotreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, VALVES. Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Gardcnhoscs, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles. Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents 1 MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      868 words