The Straits Times, 23 September 1909

Total Pages: 14
1 14 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.072 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 349 1 W6e "Merlin." fj MACHINE ombodyinn all modern improvements which practical experience has been able to produce into the t/* trade, absolutely reliable as regards all wearing parts, and (or a low-priced machine splendidly finished and c<jual to any upon the market. 1909 Models. COMPLETE WITH LAMP, BELL, PUMP, TOOL-BAG AND
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    • 309 1 ROBINSON CO. MEN'S FOOTWEAR AT Sale Prices. m A finart up-to-date dark Tan Willow Calf Boot in *r Cf\ P er -'Balmoral" and "Derby" Shapes. All sizes yJ»JW pair. A very useful and comfortable fitting Black Boot in the Cf% CH P er Balmoral Shape. All sizes yO OU pair.
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  • 1443 2 MR. LATHAMS GREAT FEAT AT RHEIMS AVIATION MEETING. Speed of 43 Miles an Hour. Mr. Lloyd-George returned to London from RlieiuiH on August 25, and gave his impressions of the flying there to the Daily Miil Parliamentaiy Nobby correspondent. It was one of the moot marvellous nights
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 460 2 DRINK Tansan! A PETITION TO CONGRESS. A Memorial signed by nearly one hundred leading American Doctors and Physicians has been presented to the U.S.A. Congress praying that TANSAN from TAKARADZKA m*y be admitted duty free into the United States of America. The "Japan Advertiser" says: "The virtues of TANSAN are
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    • 399 2 HOW 10 PREVENT BLO. OPOIBON. Carelessness and nrgloot are the tJhltA cauM>s of b o<>d poi»ooing. A cut or bun i, however slight, should have immediate attention A K«o<1 liniment and ••a« that m t only itives prompt relief f>om pain, but Mag antixeptic, heals the wound without matur.i. tion,
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    • 441 2 Diamond Emerald Necklace. VALUE $65,000. SCSSiiSiftKSB Art and ono of the many iDßtannes of tbe high clasß work turned ont at <mr factory. V.m may buy it if yon Z^\'J^lT, c a ood co"*"**' 0 «>* o'her NEW and HIGHLYFIMSHKI) JLWELLEKY and LOOSE STONES to suit all tastes and purses.
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  • 1231 3 PRODUCTION OF THE SHOWING UP OF BLANCO POSNtT. Profane and Indelicate. Mr. Bernard Shaw's play, The Showing up o( Blanco, was produced at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, before a crowded audience. Blanco Posnct is an tin washi d ruffian a drunkard on the verge of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 641 3 Cy The Cocoa of the Old Country 1 (f^/f J;</^^ As recuperative allrr physical > [a£x& MJ his no equal. Its <!■ liciou* flavour %mHB9H I m.ikes il ur.q icsliouably tilt most nalat- w| jMg JJ \BfSt [^r able (ooJ-l«ver^g<-. while us n-iurishing bg^ Vmß' and sustaining pioperliei build up
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    • 284 3 i**^fetJCfc%e»lr!l£^af— a> C. H. Willis Has now opened a 800 on the forthcoming Autumn Races on 0^ tober 12, 14 and 16. r LONG PRICES THE GRIFFINS. J BETTING STRAIGHT OUT AND DOUBLEB ON ANY TWO- RACES J All bets made by wire or j telephone must be con- firmed
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    • 591 3 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL. MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, IRON BRASS FOUNDERS, BOILER MAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS. sole s for Worthington Pump Co.'s Patent tamps PuUoineter Engineering Co.'s Pulsometer Pnrups Robey and Co.'r Porthble Engines and Machinery Richard Hornsby and Son's Oil an! Gas Plants Waygood's Lifts and Hoists Robert Roger
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 685 4 STEAVIER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For Clint, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, \den, Bcypt, Mediterranean P *'t«, Piymouth and London. Through Billi nf Lai g issaed for Ohlm Ooaat, Persian Gull, Continental, and Amerioan Porta. Steamers will laave Siajaporeon or aboat MAIL LINES. Outieard (for Ohina) Himalaya) 8-jpt
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    • 664 4 STEAMERS SAILINGOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. GB. LTD. The Companies steamers are despaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewardr for London. Ammerdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa. Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles. Havre and
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    • 239 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. BURNS PHILP LINE. SINGAPORE TO JAVA PORTS. PORT DARWIN, THIHS ■Atf ISLAND, BRISBANE AND SYONfil. ALSO IAK'NG C\RGO FOil OTHER NORTH QOEENSLAND PORTS, BRITISH NEW GUINEA, NEW BRITAIN NEW ZEALAND PORIS (with tranahipmeot). *As md .cement offers. Pmootb passage Superb Scenery. A regular monthly service to above ports
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    • 635 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servioe bntwreo Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan Homewards. th«v are despttohed fortnightly for Havre and Humbirg and onoe a month for Rremerhaven direot, calling at Penang and Colombo Taking oargo
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    • 796 4 STEAMER 3A1L1N63. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steam -re ol this Company sail fortnglnv from Bremen, Hamburg, vta Rotterdam. Antwerp Soalbamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa Naples (oonneotloa Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said. Suez, Aden. Ooljrobo, Peuang, Singapore, Hongkong
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  • 263 5 AGREEMENT ON NEAR EASTERN QIESTIONS. Reserved Attitude About Crete and Greece. [Bnm'i lumbimJ London, September 22. i official couiiuuu .iuo has been issu«d at Vienna with reference to the conhi tween l> 'iron von Athrentbal and Herr Bi t'uiiiaun-liollwe". This (bow* tint (i.riiiany and Austria are anxious
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  • 85 5 NEW MINISTER ON CHINA'S GREAT PROBLEMS. Determined to Have a Share of Her Trade. [Rbcter's Tkl»oramJ London, S-ptcmber 23. A New T«k MHpm stitos that Mr. Craae, the new U. S. Minister to China, speaking at a farewell bimri-t. slid that he believed China had great problem" to
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  • 83 5 TAXATION AND SOCIAL REFORM PROPOSALS. Comprehensive Programme Outlined [Dbb Ostasiatiscur Lloyd Tilkoram] Berlin, September M. The 1> itch speech from the Throne refers to rc'ations with foreigu Powers which, it says, are, very friendly. The c I'ouial position is described as satisfactory. R -ference is made to various
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  • 45 5 Dangerous Experimenting at Boulogne. [Reutek'3 Tkleopam| London, September 23. A French captain named Ferber has been kilU-d while experimenting at Boulogne, during Mio avi iti in week, with an aeroplane. The aeroplane turned turtlo and while landing, the motor crushed tho aviator's chest.
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  • 47 5 Cotton Growing Proposals by Herr Dernburg. [Ricter's IWMUIJ London. September 23. Hjrr Diruburc, the G.-rm»n Colonial Mi n-ter, has sUrtcd on a t nir of tbe cotton districts of thu Cuited S ,i'.es, in connection with a scheme for promotiug cotton growing in German colonies.
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  • 38 5 [Ukutek's TkleqraiiJ London, September 21. A report by the medic il officer for tbe port of London sta'.es th it samples of Chinese pork have v en examiuei and that no trace ol triobiaoaU was found.
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  • 614 5 Accused Acquitted in the Police Court. j The hearing of tho defence in the alleged torture case was resumed in the third magistrate's court, yesterday afternoon. It will be remembered that Kasivisvanathan Chetty was charged with voluntarily causing hurt to a young lad named Sibapathy, who
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  • 341 5 Evidence of Accused in the Jar Throwing Case. The case to which we alluded yesterday, in which five coolie lodging-house runners were tried in tho district court before Mr. Howard, on a charge of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to a coolie named Lee Al: Tow, on Angus'. 12,
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  • 115 5 Insp. F-ntoo and Detective Cashrnan had a n wrow escape from instantaneous death or serious injury during the britf thunderstorm on Tuesday night, reports the Hongkonu 1) uly Press, of the 16th inst. Both officials were Htaodiog in the teleplioue room at the central police station when
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  • 394 5 MORE REALISTIC THAN EVER BEFORE. Seventy-two Hours' Fighting. More severely modern and re\li>-t o than any programme yet devised in Great Itritian are tho Army mamcuvres which have been taking place in the upper Thames valley during the past few dits. A London paper to hii-id by the
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  • 558 5 Why the Admiralty Abandoned the Search. Replying to an inquiry from Mr. Alfred Deakin, the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth, as to whether or not a further naval search for the missing Blue Anchor liner Waratah is possible, tho Admiralty officers state it is improbable that the
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  • 75 5 An interesting interview has taken place at Fr z— the msuls form illy presenting a protest auninit crutltifs to p,i-oucrs to the Suit in. Tue latter replied lie was actuated by mercy, tho mutilation being preferable to death. Moreover Moroccans were nut really civilised. He
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  • 1260 5 HEART OF TANJONG PAGAR SET BEATING. Miss Anderson Starts Machinery. Tho new electric power station which the Tanjong P.igar Dock Bmr I have caused to be erected at Keppel Harbour, close to the tramway tertniuus, was formally opened, yesterday afternoon, by Miss Anderson, who arrived with His
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  • 251 5 Hongkong Milling Co.'s Successful Claim. The final stage of the Hongkong ice cawwas reached on September 16. in the Supreme Court, when the Chief Justice, Sir K.unriPiggott, and Mr. Justice Gomperz delivered judgment. The case was one in which *103,' 00 was claimed by the Hunukong
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  • 338 5 Cargo Underwriters Involved in Heavy Claims. K report from London, dated August 26, says this has b. en another back day for tho market. The casualty of greatest interest is the beaching at midng!it of the British India mam Nivigat'on Cos. Waipara inside. Cap Moreton. The
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  • 113 5 National Finances on a Sound Footing. Connt Katsnra, the Piimo Minister, speaking at tbe Biikm's Club in T ikio in tilo an announcement regarding the coiniug Budget. There would be uo mc tase in tbe nival and military expenditure, but fiero would be amiterial Immn in tho
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  • 102 5 TheCbinese Army comprises 216 battalion* of infantry, 45 t-quadious of cavalry, 54 ticlil and 82 mountain batteries. 16 machine nun companies, U battalions of engineers, aud 1.: trausport battalions, equipped aud trained on [modern principles, »iih a peace strength ol ■I 5,400 officers and 163.000 men. The
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  • 134 5 AMERICAN TOWNS FLOODED AND WRECKED. Great Destruction of Life and Property. iReDTERS TsLEOBASfi London, September 22. There has been a disastrous hurricane in Mississippi The damage at New Orleans is estimated at a million dollars, and live people have perished. The Htorm was general aloog the Oulf Coast,
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  • 61 5 HEAVY CASUALTIES ON BOTH SIDES. Diplomatic Complications Arising. 'ReOTEB'S TeLF.GK\JI London. September 23. Reports state that nineteen killed and 108 wonnded have been brought back to Melilla. The Moor losses are stated to be four hundred. [Deb Ostasiatiscde Lloyd Tblbgbam] Berlin, September 22. The Powers have exchanged opinions
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  • 20 5 1 DIX OSTASIATISCRE Lloyd TeLKURAM Berlin, September 22. Reports state tlut the various crops in Russia are excellent.
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  • 31 5 [Deb Ostasiakiscuk Lloyd Tklkobam] Berlin, September 22. Herr Bethmann-H >llweg has revived an invitation from tho Princo R igMl Luitpnld of Bavaria to go to a Bavarian shjoliug district.
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  • 107 5 (From Out Own Corkkspondksit j Penang, September 22. The following interim dividend* have be en declared. Klanang Produce Co.. Ltd., ten per cent. Felorated (Selangor) Ribbor Co, Ltc'., Hftcen per cent. Cicely Itubber Estates, L.d., twenty-fivo per coat, on the ordinary, and 2VJ per cent, on th"
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  • 59 5 Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. We are informed that the local branch of the Chartered Bink nf India, Australia, and China, to day received the following telegram from the London Office i The Directors have declared an interim dividend for the past half year at the rate of
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  • 205 5 I The Chinese servant of Mrs. Gibriel, who I was charged with theft of her j nulhry, to the value of $150, was disclia by tl.o second magistrate yosterd ly. A Chioaman who had [.hod arrmted for xlty thievery admitted to the third maxistrate, yesterday afternoon, tint ha
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 292 6 I some 4"■ members of the Royal Bangkok Sports (I ub preset, t at thu geueial lur. nut ou luu 16th m-t only one was a Siamese. Lord Crewe cannot approve of the visit to Kogland of a team of Fijian cricketers, tbe tour to be carried
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    • 62 6 Fixtures. Practice for the interport rifie match will bo held at Bulestier range to-morrow morning, commencing at seven o'clock sharp. Tho S. R. E. (V.) club handicap will be held on Saturday, at 2.!IO p. m. The second of the series of S R. A. long range shoots
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    • 102 6 The Vade Cup. A Urge number of players entered for the two c impotitions held ou the 19th inst., on tho I poll course. In addition to the monthly medal competition, the cup presented to the club some weeks ago by Mr. 11. Vado, oi Singapore, an a memento
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    • 163 6 5. C. C. Tournament. A large crowd watched the final contest for the A singles, in the S. C. C. lawn tennis tournament, yesterday afternoon. Eddis had fir-,t to finish tbe semi-final with Miles, whom he boat 6—4, 5—7. 6—3. He then faced Tyler in the final, the
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  • 90 6 Business Rearranged on System of Partnership. Various rearrangements are pending in the Mitsui commercial undertakings. Tbe .Mitsui Mining Co., will in future be known as the Mitsui Co. It will have a capital of yen 50,000,*KX)and be administered under tin partnership system. The Mitsui Bank and
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  • 103 6 Yesterday evening. stystLe Pinaug Gazette of fie -i 'tli ins*'., while one of the daughter*, jf Mr. K. I*. Scully was coming down from her house in College Lane, she accidentally trod on a vonomus Miake, called ular kapah liy the Malays here. Tho reptile
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  • 56 6 Dr. E Doyen, an eminent French surgeon, has Miccessfully transplant^ vein from a lire sheep into the leg of a man Ruffcii't: fr m irierial aneuriHm, with ti e res"ltth t ih circulat on of the patient's blood was restored. This is the first recorded instance nf an organi-m of
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  • 1111 6 English Captain's Estimate of tbe I Play. Mr. A. C. MacLaren, who captained the England eleven in the five test matches, has written an article in Couutry Lilu reemdiug i his general impressions of the test mitchcs In a general estimate of the sides Mr i MacLaren
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  • 78 6 It is understood that tV steamship Minilya. belonging to thu W. t Australian Steam Navigation Co has been sold to ao American oable oompany, for approximately £6.000. Tbe M ui.ya is a steel screw st- aiucr of 1,728 ton-, bint at Suud-'Hand in 1896. and formerly traded between
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  • 824 6 Notes and Comments on Racecourse Training. Thursday morning. Owner* aud tratnrrs are r< minded that entries cl'>->' at ii'-nn on Saturday, Octolx r 2, xcept for race Xo. B on the third dtv; it is al-o advisable to note that the hour for scratching is 5 p.m.
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  • 254 6 Terrible Loss of Lire and Damage to Property. In connection wit i the Keuter telegram announcing a disastrou-t hurricane in the Mississippi valley, details are now to hand of the terrible d > >ds in North Mexico towards the close of last month. Kivers •vt'rrijwod causing enormous
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 556 6 Powers' Naval Expenditure During Last Tin Years. I\v Admiralty ban published a return of the expenditure of thepiincipal uava 1 Poweis during the last ten years. The total naval expenditure of Great Britain iii 19.0 1901 was jf.29,998.529, aud steadily ro'« to X:io 8o»,681, the figured
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  • 121 6 European Fabrics Crowding the Warehouses. In the Houxe of Cummonn Mr. Roob a-ki d wbu'her tho European and Augln India Dof. ncv AnHociation compUined to the Bangui Govcrument of the tffect of the boycott movement, whelber warehouses in Calcutta were crowded with fabrics from England owing to
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  • 85 6 Thu St.i ton. in publishes a report of the recent conference of Buddhist monks and lav tnen at Colombo pre-ided over by the high priust of Western Ceylon at which it watdecided that the relics recently excavated at Peshawar might be accepted as genuine remains of the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 44 6 LHAM3ERUINS COLIC. CHOLtRA AND DURRHi'EA r.EMtLY This remedy has been in use for < ver thirty years and has pioved itself to bo th« most successful rem <> yet d soovere I I* bcwel oomplaiuto. It er fails. Sold by all Di* I •asaries aad Dtuterd.
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    • 150 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. STRING BAND, The Alhambra STRING ORCHESTRA is open to I'KIVATE or I'l EL U e^ate ments, for BALLS, PARTIES, AT HOMr 8 DANCKS etc., anytime before 5.30 o.' on week days, on SUNDAYS ANYTIME. For terms, etc., please apply at 8), ttobiui-oo Road. 1448 IN THE C3URT OF
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    • 810 6 SIEMENS BROTHERS SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, Ltd. I AND CO., LTD. HE«D OFFICES: BRAKCH OFHC'B: Caxton Hourh, Westminster 0 1. i and ti. Winchester House, London. A SI NOA POKE. WfIRVS BB tac *> tr cet, Penang WMHK*: Balthazars Buildings, Rangoon. Stafford. Woolwich. Dalnton. And in India, Australia, etc. MANUFACTURERS
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  • 198 7 FIXTURES. Thursday, September jj. High \V-t.r. M pm. Lidies Itisli y. I'ri/." Distrihutioo. I. Pliilliariuonie Orcliohtrn. SJJ 51.i.1.1 Football, Mkcx 11 v. 111. Mr Buckley's Lecture, 8 30. Altiauibra Ciurmato^raph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborouuli CinomatOKrapli Fri ay, September 24. IliUli \V it.r, ,*> :»> a iv 4 II
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  • 236 7 To-Dat. Mal«ro«, P. Dickaon, and P. Swettenbam Pub Aun 3pm Peimiiij Hong Wav I 3 pm Penan^, R^ngoou aud Calc itta Pa' i tana 3 pm Pnk-rg. ivkan Trennganu ami Ke'autan Hork L«o I pm Ilmlo and Mauila 1-ln de Lnzon 4pm Bangkok I'.'t.mi 4 pm Uatavia
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  • 33 7 The P. and O. outward mail stoamer Himalaya Inft Cofombi at 6p m on bat irdtv, and m iv b > expected to arrive here on Friday morning, tv 24th i-ist«nt.
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  • 72 7 Am X'K Au- 23 U. M. Aig -V P. *O Aug 31 N.D L. Srpt 2 H.I. Bept 8 M. M. Bept 10 P. O B«pt IS N D. Ej. Kept 16 B. I Kept 20 M. M. Duo in London S.|it 13 Sept 16 s.-i.i 19
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  • 466 7 Latest Arrivals. Hut. str. 4A.19 tons, Capt Jnuea, .Sept H. Fr in Bliangba:. S»pt 14 0.0.. mails and pawngri'u P AO.K N. Coy. For Bombay, Sept 2 1— \V. Hatmier, Brit. str. '215 tons, Capt Simpson, s«|it From Pontiauak, Sept 19. O.c. and I*d p. Te Ho« Lye.
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  • 91 7 September >a linii Mn.i. J*p str, Antwerp via porn JtmuUtr. lfnt str Hongkong aud Japan Xi'in. Dtit atr. B*tavia I '/v«i Brit str, Macas ar \ia ports (in, l. Nor str, UiogVok Htahb, Brit str, Samarang via jiorti r.'iuren* I'il, Dnt str. In rai'iri Jond Sii-oU. Brit str, P
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  • 92 7 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-Day. TAN JON Q PAOAK. East Wbibv Bmih— Nil. E*«i W. -Sktion I Tot mi Marti, Capri. Btonoa No. 1 (SHRift* Wh.vhk)— Nil. Bacrtoa Volga, I pub. a S— lsla de Ijiuon. a 4— Flenxbnrj. m PaliUna.
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  • 223 7 The local steamer lUtavier arrived from Pontianak, this morning, with a cargo of copra. A cargo of copra arrived from tho Natnnas and Anarabas, this morning, by the Dutch Dteamer Van Uoens. From the Moluccas and Bah, tlin N. D. L. steamer Teo Pao brought a general cargo
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  • 336 7 Coming to Singapore. Per P. aud O. !.'i;uiht China, connecting with the Himalaya at Colombo, due September 24 —Mr. Osterdaan, Mr. E. N. Turner, Mr. and Mrs F. M. Baddeley. Mr. F. L. Mouldney. Mr J. Galloway, Mr. E. Valty, Mr. H. DE. B. Darley, Mr. C.
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  • 355 7 Inspector Arrow Relieved of His Duties. The British Detective- Insp. Arrow has been officially relieved of his linti.-B as chief ■■mil organitcr of tbo special police at Barcelona. It is now just over two years sinco Chief Detective lu«p. Arrow completed upwards of a quarter of a
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  • 40 7 A powerful steamor wiili salvage gear has l>ft Hull for Iceland withtuenhj-otof recovrr. ing the salvageable portion of il («i worth property. counting of 26 Hull steam trawler*. stranded on the coasts of the island during the past 10 years.
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  • 48 7 A sensational culmination to tliu recent firo at tho y,«l<iwn of Mes-rx. Sliownn, Tinned and Co, S'nnnhai, vm announced wli> v a charge of a'Ron was pr- (erred aijiinst four iij. v ni connection with the nut I: After tho fire, Tls. 1,000 worth of goods «M miHsiog.
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  • 254 7 Finance Commerce. KXCMANGE. SiNi.AioKn. Sei-tlmblk "3, 11*09. On London— B«Dk 4 m/s 2/4j ItiDinud 2/4^ Private 6 m/g 2/4 j, do 8 m/ 8 J>/4ji On Germany— Bank d/d 2t9J PriVHto 3 ni/g 241 do ft m/H 248 On France- Bart d/J 2P6 Private 8 m/a 296) do 6 iu/h
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    • 285 7 N-i-k l'«iii Valoi Up iSOB ALOI p»id i Up Co PP Xt j Di^Jkd I Bo S«"-™»S 10 1U 10 10 10 10 j I Kelac Tiu Mining Co.. Ltd. 12% for 'OH 5 75-1 600 Hrnang, Ltd 6.75 6.00 BruHoli Hydraulio TM. Co., Ltd. 6% for 'Oh 800
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    • 624 7 Sterling. 2 j 2/. *nelo Malay Rubber Ou.. U«i. Bn% for 'Ofl 1 Batu Uavnn R.ibbt r Co., Ltd 10% for '08 1 1 rUtuT.yit<S.Un«orl RCo Ltd. 5% to.- 'OB 1 I I Bukit Khj»dk Rubber Estate Ltd 1 7/8 I Contributory 1 1 Bukit Lintaog R. Estate*. Ltd
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    • 183 7 10 10 M 10 1(K) 100 XX) 100 10 100 UK) 10 60 1 100 100 JO 10 7 r.o 10 mo 100 10 100 1(10 10 60 UN) 100 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. 10% for 'O>\ 12 50 1 10% (or 10J8 FrnM<r Noave, Ltd. 17}% for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 104 7 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Sopt. 24— At Godown A, Keppel Koad, damaged goods ex s.s. Kalomo, at 9.80. Sept. '25 At saleroom, miscellaneous goods, at 11. Sept. 24 At saleroom, valuable Singapore town properties, 40 C to 40 F, High Street No A, Ford Street 42. North Bridge K»d
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    • 135 7 sJporthcDcscr: B WOSlge f >— a:iU Is no less famous thaii HJ -iT »"•"**> XL Ciik:oLtt /y M EGYPTIAN £p sga* CIGARETTES rlP^C^ Luxury Vr~ 8J»i»IiS l ll l h« I MaIP* Ul x£JP*4ff\ ROBINSON co RONEO STEEL 1 Letter Filing System. THE SYSTEM that you have got to use
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 259 7 WEATHER REPORT. ftHtJanp KfThau Hntpttal. Sept. i'l, 1909 »t>«.|» r. h.i 9 r. jßiinrAix >«r. SI Fab 29 893 79 796 29 81 reran 78.0 k9 810 .23m. VetßulbTherl 74 U 78 0 77 6 >irofWind.. calm W*st calm •l»i. Tamp 90 I •hi 76 0 Ut. in Bon.. 1
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  • 1284 8 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. LORDS AND COMMONS. We expressed a doubt the other da> whether all tho bluster about humbling tin Moufb ot Lords aud asserting the sovereign npremacy of the people would end in a real tight, Rnd an appeal to the electorate. Thn< loubt seems now
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  • 17 8 There aro no less than four expeditions r piri ig for tho exploration ot the Antarctic reg'ouj.
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  • 15 8 The while of the endowment money in connection with the Hongkong University scheme is assured.
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  • 20 8 Beriberi has kroken out among the lusrars of the gunboats in the Persian Gulf, wuich is attributed to the diet.
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  • 18 8 The twenty-three Chinese sent to England by the Viceroy of Canton to study weaving, havo arrivtd ia London.
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  • 21 8 The Japineoe Givernraent his decided to redeem yen 20,000.0 0 of thn second financial loau by the beginuiug of next month.
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  • 24 8 A bip fire breke out at Kube. on the 15th inst. Three hundred houses were burned, but the total damige ia not yet known.
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  • 29 8 On tho 15th inst. the price of whisky, in Hongkong, was advanced hy cm tain firms as much as $2 a case, in view of tlie new liquor law.
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  • 23 8 A mast 160 fict high Ims been erected by tho Chinese at Shanghai for the wireless apparatus leceutly removed from the Palace Hotel.
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  • 30 8 Mr W. J Ga'la«h-r, M. A. is lecturing on tho treatment of plant, parti -ularly tho«e of th<" Para rubber tree, in the Sjmenta School house, Kapar, this afteruoon.
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  • 32 8 A trader, whose pldcn of business is at No. 91 Mi kct S.r.'ct, charges an employee with criminal breach of trust in respect of five hundred gunny bags valued at $12' J.
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  • 33 8 Chu S'li-cheunu has reported t« tho Chinese Throne that he limls that the actml sum piulii /./I il by thn late direc'or uf the Tientsin P.ikow Railway, Li Takshur, amounts to ,'n mho.
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  • 41 8 Mr. R 'berts i« being brought back from Colombo by the, P and O Himalaya due to arrive in Singapore, to-morrow. He, will be taken on to Iluitk k to answer the charges brought against him by the Standard Oil Co.
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  • 44 8 While on her way up the Huangpn. H.M P, AstipQi ran into and sunk a cargo bout laden with hs'es of sik. T'ik crew of tl c bout *a< re«cned and mist of the silk was recovered, iv a riam.igid condition, from the water.
    44 words
  • 40 8 Mr. B it'er Wright, who was arrested at Shanghai on a cha-ge of f in* zzliiiL' a sura of money, the pro|n-rtv<'f th-- Canton Kowloon lUil^-Hv (Chinese sec'iou), left Shanghai oo the 16th iust., on the bteamcr Anhui, for Canton.
    40 words
  • 42 8 At Howarh station, near C iiciitti. a bomb was thrown at Wlliam (Jowri Bs-ista>it in Arathoon .lute Mills, who was mi-taken f >r some marked Kurop an The benb explo led witn great fore r>, but Gowrio hid pissed out of range.
    42 words
  • 55 8 As the miil train was rnnningon Thursday last between SingeiTaiuneian nml Sereii'lnh, the en.'iue ran into a lame blick buff<ln. and broke i's spine. Tlieanimtl was kill- d in |ft day by tho police who h ivo been unable to find tli> on n< r The engine and the permaui
    55 words
  • 55 8 Earl Grey, Governor G "neril of Canada, while hiiirin>j alum* on August HI, in tho woods aHj lining Jervis Inlet, in Br'tish Columbia, lost lii-a way at nightfill, and ha r mi hushed for five hours. During his wanderings he narrowly c cined falling over a precipice. He was eveutually
    55 words
  • 66 8 None of the new Chinese Coronation stamp* seem to have been on saY at the Imperial Post (Mli-cs in South China yet. hut they were issu' d in Shxnghai the week before last and thu supply all soM cm', in one day. Tho design of tin 1 stamp is very
    66 words
  • 59 8 We understand that a night-school for Jipanesehas been commenced in Victoria St., the founder being Mr. Ti/in, Japanese interpreter attsched to the Chinese Protec 'oratn. Kuglish is being taught by an Mnsili-hman, and it is |>ossilile that the orgauiz ition may eventually blossom forth into a |i :in ■in nt
    59 words
  • 72 8 A burglar secured prorerty valued at 920 from t 1 c resilience o'. Ko Lco'c in T.nj in« P .g*r Kd iiu the nitllit ol the in-t On the night fol'owing,aburg'ar si cured prorerty valued Ht 14 70 Irom the residence of Tan Uikui Wan in Si la-. l<
    72 words
  • 68 8 In moving the second reading of the bill to provide for tho colltictinii of revi n of excise upon intoxicating hq torx ia H mukoiig. the acting Atioruey-Ueneral, Sir 11. ■my liirkelt-y, said the particular provisj.ius in this bill havo been taken from the ordinance "f the neighbouring colony, tho
    68 words
  • 71 8 The public standpipe at the junction of Albert aud Snort St-. has been closed fir -ome time ou ing t its being uiit of repair, it is said and the residents of that district are> put to con-iJerabltj expense ami iiciovooi t-iie-e to procure water from more remote standpipes. Owners
    71 words
  • 81 8 Although Iliodmann'H Comic Opera Co. missed their tram from T.tuk it I on Suu il ty, by a couulo of miuulc-4, ul were leiayul the next day owiux to a heituil axle they managed to reach the tuwu hall at Kuala Lumpur, an hour before the performance was duo to
    81 words
  • 384 8 Colonel Gxigh, of the Ifith Lancers, who was sori.iiisly hurt nhiUt pUyiog polo at Aldershut, last iv juth. is much better. Private Mnrdoek. of tho Middlesex 11 mnieot. who is Hllteed to hire stolen a $'iC\ flu (j le MMI ileserteil, Inls l>. on am I t.y
    384 words
  • 86 8 Why slioul I bo asked so many questions when I hive ten cents with whieli to buy rice? xskeil a vagraut win was being in'crmalted by the S'eo i.| m ii,'ist'.i'e. v> st. r d ly, as to his w iy of earning his liveliho »l.
    86 words
  • 109 8 Tho report of Dr. D K. McDowell, the»r of births ami d aths, hlioa's that during tho week en In! S.-pteiuber IS, 22: i dea'hs were mMnd iii Siiigapore, equal to a death-rate of 4i.G"i per thonsauiluf the c-ti-mated population. Ma'arial fever einiuied 30 di-alhs, ily-entury
    109 words
  • 142 8 We hear that an Americin cmnptny is constructing a new soapirt oi tlu> Scr.nvnk coist, and is spending tlicii-aiuK of |> Minds iv the i reitinti uf gulowns. in uhiin ry for preparing riilber. to. Tli< iiHim^r is nnw in Singapore in que-t of a cl cap
    142 words
  • 134 8 Hongkong papers aru filled with long reports of the meeting of the Legislative Council at which tho now Ikjii >rs or.liv i,-. was discussed. Many coiuiueuts were male. subsequently one of the tr vie rc|iru-< iitunn writing:— King's WMatmna U a pr.'Uy tenu, but why not call
    134 words
  • 159 8 In tlic S iprera« Court, yi.-t-rdiv, Mr. Jmtiou S rciiiub.! S.uiUi coii'inucl heir Bfl thu Ni'uri S luliiUn rubber i 1 intation raw, ill which B««t Tiitni; Chu lv. a .M,li,- i towkay, the Rubber Concession*, I for the ft turn of tlio titlo <l e<lt of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 93 8 AQUARIUS CO.'S Sparkling Mineral Table Waters. SO well-known throughout China. IN QUABTB, tins ANl> SPLITS. JDTtI? (3-llSra-Bl^ ALE IN TINTS AND SPLITS. Frco samples on applirition to Caldbeck, Macgregor Co., i Jiigfjland Evaporated 111 MILK SOLE AGENTS: Larg* Tm. v .ioz »2.25. John Little Cx, Ltd. THE MAKERS OK THE
      93 words
    • 246 8 ALHAMBRA CHAN 3E OF PROGRAMME. and Show, at 9 30 p.m. NEW PICTURES. •H )NEY" An interesting Ind excecdirgty Novel I'ietuiu de|ii( tiiif. ia its enlirety tin I'.ciss of iiu mi. tin.< of II >ucy by tin lJusy Dten. Tin- various I'icc-sms (I tr. am« th(<, thu collection cl
      246 words

  • 272 9 AGREEMENT ON .NEAR EASTERN QIESTIONS. Reserved Attitude About Crete and Greece. [Bmn'i TbmbwJ London, September 22. A semiofficial coujiuun'.|ue has been isvutd ut Vicuna with reference to the conf mm iMtiveeti II noil von Achrenthaland Herr It. t iiii.-iuii-HoIKm This cli'iu 1 tint Quf— f and Austria
    272 words
  • 86 9 NEW MINISTER ON CHINA'S GREAT PROBLEMS. Determined to Have a Share of Her Trade. [Rbdtrr's Tkl'obamJ London, September 23. A New V >rk tel"»'am st ites that Mr. Crane, the new U S. Minister to China, speaking at a farewell bincii"t. said that he believed China had great
    86 words
  • 79 9 TAXATION AND SOCIAL REFORM PROPOSALS. Comprehensive Programme Outlined Uku OsTASiATiscns Lloyd Tilrobam] Berlin, September 21. The D itch speech from the Throne refers to relations with funigu Towers which, it says, aru very friendly. The c )'ouial position is described as satisfactory. It fen nee is made to
    79 words
  • 45 9 Dangerous Experimenting at Boulogne. [Rectek's Tklkoram| London, September 23. A French captain named Ferber has been killed while. e\perim Dt nu at Boulogne, diirin'.: Hit- aviitim week, with an aeroplane. The. aeroplane turned turtl-i and while landing, '.he motor crushed tho aviator's chest.
    45 words
  • 45 9 Cotton Growing Proposals by Herr liernburg. [Riuteh's TklkouamJ London, September 23. Horr Djruburn, the G.-rmin Colonial Mi lister, has sUrtod on a tour of tbe cotton districts of th.> Uuitod S'.ates, in connection with a scheme for promoting cotton growing in German colonies.
    45 words
  • 36 9 ,I!kutkk's TkleoramJ London, September 22. A report by the medical officer for tbe port of London states th it samples of Chinese pork have been examinei and that no trace of trichiuoaU was found.
    36 words
  • 624 9 Accused Acquitted in the Police Court. I The hearing of tho dt fence in the alleeed torture case was resumed in the third magisI irate s court, yesterday afternoon. It will be remembered that Kasivisranathan Chetty was charged with voluntarily causing hurt to a young lad
    624 words
  • 347 9 Evidence of Accused in the Jar Throwing Case. The case to which we alluded yesterday, in which five coolie lodging-house runners were tried in tho district court before Mr. Howard, on a charge of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to a coolie named Lee Al: Tow, on August 12,
    347 words
  • 116 9 Insp. F nton and Detective Cashman had a n mow escape from instantaneous death or serious injury during the brut thunderstorm on TiK-kdny sight, reports the Huniikong I) lily Press, of the 16th iost. Both officials were standing in the telephone room at the central police station
    116 words
  • 397 9 MORE REALISTIC THAN EVER BEFORE. Seventy-two Hours' Fighting. More severely modern aid retlistV than any programme yet devised in Great Brilian are tho Army mamcuvres which have been taking place in the upper Thames valley during the. pist few di>« A London paper to hand by the last
    397 words
  • 558 9 Why the Admiralty Abandoned the Search. Replying to an inquiry from Mr. Alfred Deakin, the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth, as to whether ur not a further naval search for the missing Blue Anchor liner Waratah is possible, tint Admiralty officers stiiti' it is improbable that the
    558 words
  • 74 9 An interesting interview has taken place at Frz— the Consuls formally presenting a protest auainst cruelties to prisoners to the Suit in. Tne latter replied he was actuated by mercy, the mutilation being preferable to death. Moreover Moroccans were not really civilised. He was obliged
    74 words
  • 1258 9 HEART OF TANJONG PAGAR SET BEATING. Miss Anderson Starts Machinery. Tho new electric power station which the T.injong P.i gar Dock Boat I have caused to be erected at Keppel Harboir, close to the tramway teriuiuus, was formally opened, yesterday afternoon, by Miss Anderson, who arrived with
    1,258 words
  • 253 9 Hongkong Milling Co.'s Successful Claim. The final stage of the Hongkong ice case was reached on September 16. in the Supreme Court, when the Chief Justice, Sir F.anci* Piggott, and Mr. Justice Gomperz delivered judgment. Tho case was one in which $103/00 was claimed by the
    253 words
  • 337 9 Cargo Underwriters Involved in Heavy Claims. A report from London, dated August 26, says this has bten another back day for the market. Tho casualty of greatest interest is the beaching at ruidn g!it of the British India Steam Navigat'oo Cos. Wiipara inside, Cap Moreton. The
    337 words
  • 113 9 National Finances on a Sound Footing. Count Katsnra, the Piimo Minister, speaking at tbe Bilker 'l Club in T <kio iuklo an announcement regarding the coming Budget. There would be no mc tase in tbe nival and military expenditure, but fioro would be amiterial increase in tho
    113 words
  • 102 9 The Chint se Army comprises 216 battalions of infantry, 45 Mjuadioos of cavalry, 54 field and 82 muiintaiu batteries, 16 machiue gun companies, VI battalion* of engiueers, aud l.j transport battalions, equipped aud trained ou modern principles, with a peace strength ot 5,400 officers and 169.000 men.
    102 words
  • 134 9 AMERICAN TOWNS FLOODED AND WRECKED. Great Destruction of Life and Property. IRbotir's Tileoravl London, September 22. There has been a disastrous hurricane in Misbisnippi. The damage at New Orleans is estimated at a million dollars, and five people have perished. The Ktorm was general along the Gulf Coast,
    134 words
  • 38 9 HEAVY CASUALTIES ON BOTH SIDES. Diplomatic Complications Arising. 'RICTIRS TkIKGRISI London. September 23. Reports state that nineteen killed and 108 wonnded have been brought back to Melilla. The Moor losses are stated to be four hundred.
    38 words
  • 23 9 [Dkb Ostasiatiscbe Lloyd Telegram' Berlin, September '22. The Powers have exchanged opinions with reference to stopping Uie Spanish advanco in the Riff districts.
    23 words
  • 20 9 1 D«R OBTASIATISCBE LloyD TILEORAM. Berlin, September 22. Reports state the various crops in Russia are excellent.
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  • 31 9 [Deb Ostasiakisciii Lloyd Tklkorav Berlin, September 22. Herr Bethmann-H >llweg has revived an invitation from the I'rinco K Ignl Luitpold of Bavaria to go to a Bavarian bhjotiug district.
    31 words
  • 75 9 (From Out Own CoßßßsroxnrwT Penang. Snptember 22. The following interim divide ads have b<en declared. Klanang Produce Cj.. Ltd., ten per cent. Fclerated (Selangor) Ribbor Co, Ltd., ■ n per cent. Cicely Rubber Estates, L',d., twenty-fivo per coat, on the ordinary, and 2 ij per cent >ii
    75 words
  • 33 9 (From Ocb Own CoMBMnUT.] Kuala Lumpur, Scptc-moor 23. The Planters' Stares and Agency lias received a cable from London announcirg that the average price of p'aut.iUon No. 1 rubber is 9s. per Ib.
    33 words
  • 59 9 We are informed that the locil branch of the Chartered B ink of India, Australia, and China, to day received the following telegram from the London Office The Directors have declared an interim dividend for the past half year at the rate of
    59 words
  • 194 9 The Chinese servant of Mrs. Oibriel, who was charged with tbeft of her j to the value of $150, was discba >jed by tl.n second magistrate yesterd ly. A Chinaman who had [m en arrested for »'liy thievery admitted to the third magistrate, yesterday afternoon thtt he had
    194 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 287 10 (H some II members of the Royal Bangkok Sports Club presebt at tho geneial me. uu>. ou the lUtb iu-l. only one was a Siamese. Lord Crewe cannot approve of the visit to Kogland of a team of Fijian cricketers, tbe tour to be carried out in
      287 words
    • 62 10 Fixtures. Practice for the ioterport rifle match will bo held at Balestier range to-morrow morning, commencing at seveu o'clock sharp. Tbe S. B. E. (V.) club handicap will be held on Saturday, at 2.110 p. m. The second of the series of S R. A. long range shoots
      62 words
    • 101 10 The Vade Cup. A Urge number of players entered for the two c impetitions held ou the 19th inst on tbe I poll course. In addition to the monthly medal competition, the cup presented to the dob some weeks ago by Mr. H. Vado, ol Singapore, as a memento
      101 words
    • 162 10 5. C. C. Tournament. A large crowd watched the final contest for tbe A singles, in the S. C. C. lawn tennis tournament, yesterday afternoon. Eddis had tir-t to finish the semi-final with Miles, whom be beat 6—4, 5—7. 6—8. He then faced Tyler in the final, tbe
      162 words
  • 91 10 Business Rearranged on System of Partnership. Various rearrangements are pending in tbe Mitsui commercial undertakings. Tbe Mitsui Mining Co., will in future be known as tbe Mitsui Co. It will have a capital of yen 50,000,000 and be administered under tin partnership system. The Mitsui Bank
    91 words
  • 100 10 Yesterday evening. -iys tl.e I'inaug Gazette of fio -"fi ins*-., while one of the daughter*, of Mr. K. P. Scully was coming down from her bouse in College Lane, she accidentally trod on a veoonius snake, called ular kapah l iy the Malays lure. Tbo
    100 words
  • 57 10 Dr. E Doyen, an eminent French surgeon, has Mii-ct sufully trau«pUuti'<l a vein from a h»' sheep into the leg of a man suffering fr m arterial uncurisin. with ti e result tb..t tb' circulaton of tbe pjtieut's blood wat> restored. Ttiis is tbe fir^t recorded instance nf an organi-m
    57 words
  • 1100 10 English Captain's Estimate of tbe Play. Mr. A. 0. MacLaren, who captained the England eleven in the five test matches, has written an article in Couutry Lilo recordiug his general impressions of the test matches. In a general estimate of the sides Mr MacLaren says In my
    1,100 words
  • 78 10 It is understood that tV steamship Mioilya. belonging to thu W t Australian Steam Navigation Co has been sold to ao American cable company, for approximate!) £0.000. Tbe M unya is a Bteel screw sUamcr of 1,728 tons, built at S.iud--rland in 1896. and formerly traded between Sing*1
    78 words
  • 804 10 Notes and Comments on Racecourse Training. Thursday morning. Owners aud trainrrs are n minded that entries cl'>-«. at n"on on Saturday, Octotx r 2. except for race No. 8 on the third day; it is al-o advisahle to note that the hour for scratching is 5 p.m.
    804 words
  • 252 10 Terrible Loss of Life and Damage to Property. In connection wit'i tbe Heuter telegram announcing a disastrous hurricane in tbe Mississippi valley, details are now to band of tbe terrible Hood* in North Mexico towards tho close of last month. Kivers •verrljwed causing enormous damage. At Monterey
    Reuter  -  252 words
  • 559 10 Powers' Naval Expenditure During Last Ten Years. Tbi Admiralty has published a return of tbe expenditure of thepiiiicipal naval Powuia during the last ten years. Tbe total naval expenditure of Great Britain iv 19.0 1901 waa £-.29,998.529, and steadily io^« to XviC 809,681, the figure* fur
    559 words
  • 127 10 European Fabrics Crowding the Warehouses. In tbe Hourc of Cummonn Mr. Roos a-k< d g wbuther tbo European and Auglo India De- j, (•lire A-wipciation compUined to the Bnogxl Government of tbe effect of the boycott movemeut, whether warehouses in Calcutta were crowded with fabrics from England
    127 words
  • 84 10 I'bo Stdteeuan publishes a report of tbe rt>- cent conference of Buddhist monks and lavuicn at Colombo presided over by tbe high priest of Western Ceylon at which it wa* decided that the relics recently excavated at t'esliawar might be accepted as genuine remains of tbe Buddha
    84 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 46 10 CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC. CHOLERA ANO DI-RRH 'EA r.EMfcLY. This remedy has been ia use for over thirty years and has pioved itself to be tb« most successful rem rj yet d -covers I Im k* wel complaints. It mer fails. Sold by all bisI •omtms aad Deatara.
      46 words
    • 150 10 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. STRING BAND. Tbe Alhambra STRING ORCHESTRA P is open to PRIVATE or PUBLIC engage ment-, for BALLS, PARTIES, AT HOMtg DANCKS etc., anytime before 8.30 o.- on week days, on SUNDAYS ANYTIME. For terms, etc., please apply at 31, liobiufon Road. <l 1448 4 IN THE C3URF OF
      150 words
    • 805 10 SIEMENS BROTHERS I SIEMENS BROTHERS Dynamo Works, Ltd. j AND CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICES: J BRAKCH 0FFIC8: Caxtou Uous», Westminster, 0 1. -1 and ti. Winchester House, London. i SINGAPORE. M/noife Biach Street, Penang. WHH Balthazar's Bnildings, Rangoon. Stafford. Woolwich. Dalstco. And in India, Australia, ttc. MANUFACTURERS ot Electric Light
      805 words

    • 500 11 Norn. Value. Havers. Sellers. II- An L 'lo-MaUy 15/- 16/£1 An«lo Sumatra 27/- 80/1 I! mU-na 38/ 40/1 Kntu Caves I°7'« IW 1 lUtu Ti«a 37/6 :W 6 1 B»aufort Borneo l.i/- pd. 8/3 3,9 pm 1 Brirh nt p.l. 1/6 2,9 pm 1 Biikit Kajanc f. pd
      500 words
    • 169 11 S in Point r> >r. 10 P-inno fl— fi^'i JO Prn«.li B— SSI) 1I > "Vvplnimiont sa"> 590 1 1 L<>r 2 2.75 10 Kinihoi 1?S IJO 1 ii 1' r,O J-2 1 K'..l»n<? 1 7. r BKO 1 U mml Pn'ni 4 4.50 Ml K "tin «50
      169 words
    • 76 11 I IOE-iot.-rn^m'-ltinuro. $7pflin._ 1" 10 W Ml ,n.i V. v,. T.I MtM 14. inH-trl v«n w;.i- 22.50 24 5n inn Hi«»nHti Fr*'. inel.'. «n.— I inn ii 1 lnnI )(mF: .vih'"'"tp'4Co,Uf- 61.j ion T< t'n' P-"0 p.-,-i in Sl-ir.'irt- *'■>'! 0.-il 10 P r,.| !> ->■ mrv HJII Ss.—
      76 words
    • 39 11 finO Hiwnrtli Er-kinf I.<l. par lOn Hi'evH<ir K r,.r,v. •-O.JA.*% 1% pm. ■H 100 Singapore Vnnicip*! 20% pm. 4 mo do R% pm. ki 100 do 4K 4%pm. > Ifio do 41(; par. XlOO S>u»poreE'eetTwß» 8% 80% disc
      39 words
  • 432 11 VACATION BETWEEN AUGUST AND DECEMBER. No Change at Easter. Leuve things as they arc, U the verdict of the majority of the members of the London Chamber of Commerce on the following proposals which at the request of Lord Avebury were submitted to them That the Saturday
    432 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 379 11 CHR N C D ARRHOEA. Many sufferers from chronic diarrhoea liave obtained prompt relief by tlio use of Chamberlain's i'olic, Cholera and Diarrhoea l:« in. ii y- Some of tbe worst cases of this disease have been permanently cured by it after other treatment aud skilled physicians had failed. For
      379 words
    • 632 11 STEAMED SAILINGS. C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Hail Stoamsblp Lino. THB HATIOSAt HIO2WAT TO BOHOPB TU CHINA JAFAJI, OASADA sad Ik* UNITBD BTATKB Boats from Boagkoag, via Soaafikal. HaftßaU. llalaal Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Vletorla and Vancouver, R.M.P. 'Eimaßi or Ibdu" 1 Twhisorsw ***a R.M.P. "EsirBBBS
      632 words
    • 588 11 STEAMER SAILINGS. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. Two regular aorvioes are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by tbe Company's well-known TWIN SCREW STEAJIEBS. under Mail Contract with tbe Imperil 1 Japanese Government, specially designed foi tbe Company's Bnropean Service, lighted throughout by Blectrioity, provided witb excellent accommodation (or Fimt and
      588 words
    • 612 11 PEARSON'S HYCOL (Carbolic Co. Efficient 18 to 20). THE most powerful Disinfectant in the World. Guaranteed 18 to 20 times more ertective than pure Carbolic Acid. Ask other manufacturers of fluids for a Guarantee of the @*S> Germicidal Strengths of their products (in re'ation to Pure Carbolic Acid) under the
      612 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 492 12 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINOAI'OKE. Board of Director* 1 O. A. Dkrkick, E«]., Chairman. Ad. Asmus, Esq., Vice-chairman. A. H. Fair, Ewj Managing Director. Pbtbb Fowlie, m b., cm. Chief Med. Officer. t. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Codvredb. Vow Noan Pan,
      492 words
    • 360 12 INSURANCE. HE CHINA MUIUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.^TD. Head Office— i.^A, Canton Road, Shanghai. Registered undrr the Lifo Assurance :ompanies >Acts, England, and under tbe longkong Ordinances BoABD OF DIRECTOBS Al« xinder M< L<-od, Esq., Chairman. |jf Yung Su, K-.| (J. Stepharluf, Br-q., J. H. Me Michael. Esq., C. R. Burkill,
      360 words
    • 591 12 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. OORPORAI CD BY ROYAL OBARTEB. <aM ie r*pltal In 60,000 Share* of flflOeaoh f11.t00.000 tesm Fund f11.874,000 mwii Bt Proprietor! •I.JWU.UVO BANKERS. Bank oi England. National Bank of Scotland. Cks London Oily A Midland Bank. Lid. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Oarrent Aooonnl* are opened
      591 words
    • 426 12 B4NKIN6. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI HANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital 915.000.0c0 SBUERVE FUND Sterling Keaerv* 916.00u,000i Silverßeaerve »18 2WOOOj 3 <>.sißO.ol>o Osasrva Liability of Propri-tur* SIO.UOO.OU COURT Or DIRbCTOKft 800. Air. W. i. Oresaon. Chairman. H. E. Tomkina, Esq., Deputy Chairman. O. Barrett, Esq. 11. K. Leozmann, Esq J. W. B»Ddow, £*q.
      426 words
    • 965 12 BALEB_BY AUCTION. SALE OF Damaged Goods, ex s.s. Kalomo TO BE HELD AT Godown A, Keppel Road (Adjacent to the Tanjong Pagar Police Station), ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2*l, AT 9.30 A.M. Rubber insertion cloth, aqua ammonia, rifles, braxn valves and cocks, brass wheels, flexible hose pipes, suction liomj pipes, insulated
      965 words

  • 987 13 SUGGESTION TO BOYCOTT TRiPPtD DISTRICTS. The Mwgestion made in a motor car jour- 1 mil that motorihts throughout the kingdom shonld combine to boycott certain towns within tbe limits of which traps are set is a reminder, says a writer in a home paper, that the war between tbe
    987 words
  • 1210 13 The Autumn Race Meeting will be beld oi< Tuesday, the 12th, Thursday, the 14th, and Saturday, the 16th October, 190 J. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, Octobrr 1?. 1. THE M VI I iKS PL VTE.— Valne »6O«. A Race for Maiden Horses W-i«h-. f>st Xx Griffins allowed
    1,210 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 301 13 Cost oi running dep.Dd» largely on WOLSELEY-BIODELEY. the weight a car may usually carry, the r j mileage it runs, and, lastly, its horse- ''ttT'-'ti. |x>w. r. Duriug the p«Ht y<ar an owner r^^^SSiWrTß^ of alO l'ih.r. WoWli y Si(Mel«-y car that *<*«— ifiFsMKLivVV ran 7,104 miles ou the North
      301 words
    • 68 13 BOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN. Children when teething are liable to attacks of diarrhoea and this trouble, especially in warm weather, should never be neglected. The best medicine in use for ailments of this kind is Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. When reduced with water and sweetened, it is not
      68 words
    • 347 13 19tO CARS I 19 tO CARS I Great Improvements. CARS CAN BE USED WITHOUT STARTING HANDLE. STANDARDS. STARS, NAPIERS, ROVERS, BELSIZE AND REOS. Cars for Hire by Day and Night. MWWI C.F.F. Wearne&Co. 168 v 169, Orchard Rnad. DAY PMOUE tl«. mOMT PMOME TU. Jnsure Your Motor (Bar AND COVER
      347 words
    • 46 13 MARTIN'S Pf aLLS > hulk RamMlT for mix IrracaluttM* n..i»l,< >•»!' >-'■ "> M n f ill u> If.. liovn.. Hut >• xk. tat •ulctVm'. c^'J. aouTuijii>Toic iiWouiiia'''" FUSSELL'S (GREEU BUTTERFLY |W|:||~ BRAND IVIIIK. IPFSs^ETiTsi I y FRESH 1 I^JZ£D:IMPROVED^| ALL DEALERS KEEP STOCKS. Paterson, Simons and Co., Ltd., gss-^
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1027 14 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bins H-ren Llm*. •>•• i» a— Mn—, iiJ» Bf th* la»h. h* fleala of Chun* OFFICE A BOOOWN TO BE LET. Wita Immediate eatry Ho. T, Malacca SirMt. apply to OUTBRIB 00.. LTD. lM OFFICE ANO GODOWN TO LET. No. 95, Robinson Road. Moderate rent.
      1,027 words
    • 618 14 TO BE LET OR SOLD tUn -row Una. oa. or two la**rtloa 11.0. B? th. la**. aaata at aaann HOUSES TO BE LET. Hot. 81 aad SI, lartilultoa Hill, Bivo Vailav Road. Apply to LEE CHENG TAB aadOo. IITI BFFICEB TO BE LET. OFFIOEB.— OIDom top floor Ho. I, Flaky
      618 words
    • 802 14 NOTICES. Ban* <— tat aloath. no parlaoh. SmbMqanl ■oath*. For ahortar period* Seal* of Ctaaic**. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat, owing to tbe indisposition of Mr. C Zimmermann, Mr. J. Stevenson, well-known among Horse Dealers and Racing men in Australia, and Importers of Horses iv the East, will manage
      802 words
    • 630 14 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Per c ha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreadbd at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, VALVES. Rings, TYRES. HOSES (Snction, Steam, Hydraulic), Gardenlioscs, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOORTILBS, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Robber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i
      630 words
    • 429 14 BOARD AND LODGINfi. BtTlSl— roar Una m <-» laxrliaai f I Cf at tka laob. Bml* or Cha-t«a. BOARD ANO RESIDENCE Board and apartments for single gentlemen at 11, Oboby Ghaut. Terms Moderate. 1764 BOARD ANO LODGING. Room vacant. Mrs. von Bargon, 8, Mount Elizabeth. 1771 BOARO AND RESIDENCE. Comfortable
      429 words