The Straits Times, 14 September 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.064 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1909. PRICE 10 CTENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 116 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. LIGHT, COOL M I ami Msfe*' 9 t GQf^FORT'BLE. §BT Best English Make. Price: $2O Price: $22. SSSSSf RAINPROOF. A VARIETY OF COLOURS AND PATTERNS TO SELECT FROM. THE HOTEL of the Highest CfL.JPiL^ £5; 'i* f !H^'lA\- Style it) tbe East, "RAFFLES" SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday,
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    • 94 1 STRAITS CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., LTD., 15, Battery Road. CYCLE AND ALL VOTOR ACCESSORIES. Plating, Repairs to Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Rickshaws, etc. DEPOT FOR SWITH PREMIER TYPEWRITERS The Latent Models Stocked. Connolly Kickshaw Wheels, British MakeAmerican Rickshaw Wheels, with Nickel Spok,-s Ball Bearings, Kubbor Tyres. Carriage Wheels, etc. CHEONG BROTHERS,
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    • 170 1 ROBINSON CO. EVERYTHING FOR Ladies 9 and Gentlemen's Wear. STTBST-A.nSTTIA.IjIjY Reduced in Price. The Cash Sale NOW PROCEEDING. ROBINSON CO. J. d'A. PEREIRA, F.R.H.8.. LONDON. Horticulturist ond Florist. Collector and Exporter of Orchids and Rare Plants. Diploma and gold medal rotn the Late King of Denmark. By Special Appointment to
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    • 32 1 THORNYCROFT'S MOTOR BOATS AND I MOTOR ENGINES Of Every Description. BRITISH MAI»K THBOCGBOUT. For full particulars as to prices, etc., apply to BOUSTEAD CO., Sole Agonts, Straits Settlements and X.M.S. j 1699
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    • 193 1 W. J. GARCIA, Corner of Orchard Road. j For Good, Cheap and Btliable I'ianoe, new second-hand and for hire. ORGANS. j Music aud small musical goods— the lowest prices in Siuyapore. .1689 ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT tIT. Urnfuinl Hwui. ARRANGED FLORAL BASKETS, BOVQL'F.TS, SHOWERS, ETC. Welding Order* receive speciil
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  • 1189 2 MR. CHURCHILL'S INSURANCE SCHEME EXPLAINED. Interview with Board of Trade President. Among the schemes which the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the President of the Board of Trade have matured in connection with the budget, special interest attaches to the proposals for insuring the industrial workers of the country
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  • 638 2 Description of New Premises at Bangkok. Visitors to Bangkok from other Far Eastern tow js have, says the Bangkok Times of September 6, often dwelt on the fact that the capital of Siam did not possess buildings designed for commercial purposes befitting the importance of the port
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  • 91 2 Seams Estimated to Produce 32,000,000 Tons Disclosed. The Department of Mines, at Melbourne, has sunk thirty-nine experimental bores in the Powlett River Basin, covering an area of four miles by two. Tho bores disclosed coal seam? varying from four to nine feet in width, and officially estimated
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  • 105 2 One remarkable feature of the Java sugar trade is the large exportation of inferior qualities to Britain where it is ntilised for the manufacture of beer, chiefly in the form of stout. The muscovado quality of Java sugar is most in demand in the United States. Second boilings are mainly
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 190 2 Moet and Chandon CHAMPAGNE. Bulmer's Herefordshire CIDER Jeffrey's Edinburgh ALE STOUT. IMPORTERS: The Borneo Co., Ld., SINGAPORE. The Straits Times, AMD The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issue per year 180.00 do per quarter 7.60 do per month 2.50 do per copy 10 Weekly issue pei year
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    • 180 2 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD, (NEAR ENTRANCE to BORNEO WHARF) Telephone 1026. Sea stocks of all kinds of FROZEN MEATS, etc., can be delivered to Shipping at the Wharves, or in the Singapore Roads, on short notice. If THAWED DAILY^SUPPLIES arc required, orders for same muet be telephoned to the
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    • 41 2 CHAMBERLAIN 8 COLIC. CHOLERA ANO DIARRHOEA REMEDY. This remedy has been in age for over thirty years and lias proved itself to be the most successful remedy yet discovered for bowel complaints. It never fails. Sold by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 432 2 tSOZODUN 1 POWDER A delicious dentifrice. Free from acid and grit. Just the thing for those who have an inclination for the niceties of every-day life.^ Positively beneficial, gives perfect satisfaction. The best for sixty years. Handy for the traveler. In patent Sanitary Tins. Sole Agenti for the Strait* S,
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    • 90 2 SALONA. The Siamese Cure for DLoby Itch. Corel the worst canos in a few days and does not stain the linen. To be obtained iroiu THE SINGAPORE DISPENSARY, LTD 1024 Artie Tully& Co. TURF ACCOUNTANTS Have now opened their liook on tho forthcoming SINGAPORE AUTUMN KEYING Han on October 12,
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  • 770 3 ITALIAN OFFICERS FLIGHT OVER THE ALPS. Record Height Said to be Beaten. A home paper, dated August 11. contains the following interesting article It was not until late yesterday that the anxious crowd of tourists, guidee, and members of tho Alpiue and Aero Clubs at
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  • 114 3 Tlio Chinese Regent, tho other day, ordered Prince Su, President of the Board of Administration, to prohibit domino playing, (agame commonly known among the Chinese as Sparrow i in consequence of which orders, Prince Su has caused proclamations to be issued throughout the metropolis that on and
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  • 84 3 An unusual case has just been dealt with by the Criminal Court at Medan, in Deli. An Englishman was called to account for slandering (so it was alleged) another English man. Both belonged to the planting community. The defendant wrote a letter which complainant considered to be of a defamatory
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 619 3 MAINTAINS THE HNMEBT REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the^System against Disease wltii it'-.. llMd I«J9 ESSENCE OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED^J*MAJ£» •'We cannot apeak _r^_Va^_T—*_f^_VA_f —*_UMV JV_|B B 9 MB* A U t<» tufhiT oi it _^s S Kw**w V r ■—W I "ti m
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    • 50 3 CHRONIC OIARRHOEA. Many sufferers from chronic diarrhoea have obtained prompt relief by the nse of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Some of the wont oases of this disease have been permanently cured by it after other treatment and skilled physicians bad failed. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 192 3 How JA, Deaf Ears Hear tof PNftaaor Edward Hoffmana (Author of "The Sense of should lie invaluable to every deaf WriNMr E. HOFFMANN,' 5 E*r Phim- <-„„ I'm t. i 4" B 1 J <r<c UO_ 14 o*. ttrwl., Km*-, U,. Tm. WORLDS REHEDY m COPOHH. COIJis, THROATS Otibridge-s
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    • 718 3 Diamond Emerald Necklace. If A I HE QfiK flflA You aro invited to sco this beautiful ffILUC *PUU,UUUi necklace, a triumph of the Jewellers' Art and one of the many instances of tbc high- class work turned out at our factory. You may buy it if you want, but we
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 668 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p. 6. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. ■ar China, Japan, Penan*;, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Pi'ti, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for Chin* OoMk, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Ports. Steamer* will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Hi-ntlaya Sopt 2t
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    • 701 4 STEAMERS SAILING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CB. LTD. Tbe Companies' steamers are riespached from Liverpool outwards tor the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London', Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseille* and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 218 4 STEAMER 3A1L1W63. BURNS PHILP LINE. SINGAPORE TO -JAVA PORTS, PORT DARWIN, TBDRSUAIf ISLAND, BRISBANE AND SYDNfi'S. ALSO TAKING CARGO FOil OTHER NORTH QUEENSLAND PORTS, BRITISH NEW ODINEA, NEW BRITAIN NEW ZEALAND PORIS (with transhipment). "As indaoement offers. Smooth passage. Superb Scenery. A regular monthly servioe to above ports ie maintained
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    • 623 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURB. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hambarg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they aro despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hambarg aad onoe a month for Bremorhaven direct, calling at Penan*; and Colombo. 6 Taking
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    • 705 4 STEAMER SAiUKSS N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known aiail stearn-m ol this Company sail fortaighiy from Bremen, Hamburg, vta Rotterdam, Antwerp. Sontbarap ton, Oibrallar, Oenoa, Naples (oooaeotloa Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, I'enang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai.
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  • 215 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, September 14. Hiuh Water, 10.40 p.m. New Moon. 10.9 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinomatograph. Wednesday, September 15. High Water, 11.22 a.m., 11.10 p.m Shield Football, Police v. M'sex 111. llandmann's Comic Opera Co., 0. Thursday, September 16. Ili^h Water, 1141 a.m., 11.40 p.m.
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  • 246 5 To-Day. fiS^Peiiaug Ceylon, Australaxia, India, Aden, Egypt and via Naples for Europe, etc. Buelow 3 pm Moar and Malaora Lady Weld 8 pm Malacca, Port Dickson and Port Swettenham Pen&ng 3 pm S'baya. Bali, Ampanan ami Maca*wr Nam Yong 3 pm K. Pahaug, Pekao, Kuantan aud Trincganu
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  • 72 5 The Imperial German mail steamur 1.u.-u.jw having left Colombo at 4 p in. on the 11th instant, may be expected to arrive bore on l'riday morning, the 17th instant. The B. I. cm tract packet steamer Taroba, with the London mails of the 27th ultimo, left Negapatam
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  • 68 5 ,ug 13 P. A O. Liig 17 N.D.L. aiK 10 B.I. Lag 23 U. M. iog 87 P. O. LUg 81 N. D. L. lept 2 U.I. iopt 6 M. M. lept 10 P. A O lept 14 N.D.L. Bept 5 Sept 9 Sept 12 8ept 16
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  • 174 5 Latest Arrivals. 9m Yong Seng, Brit. sir. 380 torn, Captain Angus, Sept 13. From Palembang, Sept 11. Q.o. and 33 d.p. Hook Beug. Far Palembang, Baal H— Bd»BMM, Dut. sir. 170 tous, Capt Scliletie. Sept IS. From Pangka'an lirandau. Sept 7 Wax. Khm» Ageuoy. lor Pangkalao Brandan, Sept
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  • 383 5 Lai Sony, Brit. str. 3460 tons, Captain Tadd, Sept 11. From Hongkong, Sept 7. G.c. and 6tH d.p. Boubtead Co. For Ca'cutta, Sept 15— W. Laurent Pit, Dnt. str. 154 tons, Capt Kroef, Sept 14. From Indragiri, Sept 12. 0.0. and 85 d.p. Ships Agency. For Indragiri, Sept 18 l.olhian.
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  • 80 5 September 13 s..r.ini.i, Gcr utr, Hamhur,; via ports Humphiut, Dut str, Deli M Kum Sana, Brit str. Hongkoug Amirdl lhipern, Fch str, Hongkong liuf'.iiv. Ger str, Bremerhaven via ports t IV-'.. J/ur«. Jap sir, Sonrabaya Sari,- Borneo, Dut str, Cotie via ports IS,,n>Uikan, Ocr 6tr, Saigon M-ii-n, O'rstr, Hamburg
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  • 95 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONQ PAOAU. EiBT Waul lUnra-Nil. East W. B«ciioa 1 Vadala. Baonojt No. 1 (Sheiis Whaiik)— Calypso. Baanotl 3— Teeit», Ping Saey. B—Amiral8 Amiral Duperre. 4— Lai Sang. m a S— Minderuo. B—Dagmar,8 Dagmar, l'orjon m
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  • 254 5 From Hongkong. 698 [ussiu^ern have arrived by the British strainer Laisang. A cargo of rice arrived from Saigon yosttr day. by the French steamer Kampot. The N. D. L. stoaincr Phrauang has brought over four hundred passengers from Swatow. A cargo of hemp from Manila for New York
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  • 312 5 Coming to Singapore. Per N.D.L. steamar Luetzotr, due Sopt. 17.— Mr. K. Brehn, Mr. A. Genkel, Mr. Oberleuthant Mom Chow Pante, Mr. Freiherr It'i-lt Ton Collenborg, and Mrs. Therese Sala and child, Mr. M. Sanders, Mr. J. R. Berghnis, Mr. A. Kappors. Per P. and O. steamer
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  • 120 5 I'er steamer Kinta, Sept. 13. From Teluk A ij-ou Mrs. Rode, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, Mr. and .Mrs. It. 15. Norman, Messrs. H. P. Curtis and N. S. Vincent. From Port Swettenham: Rev. Mother St. Amatollie, Mrs. K. W. Harrison, Messrs. S. McArthur and Alma Raker. From Port Dickson
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  • 224 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. PRODUCE. SlNOAPORI, StITKMBKK 14, 1809. SlKOAFOBI, ill 14, 10C9. On Lender.- Bank 4 nj/s MM OlBcbier buyers 111.76 Demand V/4ft ao (Cobe No. 1) tnpicked 14.17* T te 8^ I'M* CepulWi MO FmateSm/s 241 P«PF«. Black buyers 18.2". do 6 m/B 248 d° White 6% 22.26 On
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    • 261 5 Issue Paid Last Vaiu. Up Compaiit Dirn>wn> BcY1!B9 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 12% for '08 6.25 10 10 Braang, Ltd. 6.75 10 10 Bruseh Hydraalio T. M. Co., Ltd. 6% (or '08 «.C0 1 1 Doff Development Co., Ltd 5.75 10 10 Kanaboi, Ltd. 1.25 1
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    • 565 5 Sterling. 2 I 2/. Anglo-Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. 80% for '08 1 1 Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd 10% for '08 1 1 Batu Tiga (Selangor) R. Co. Ltd. 5% for 'oB 1 11 Bukit Kajang Rubber Estate Ltd 1 7/6 Contributory I 1 Bukit Lintang R. Estates, Ltd
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    • 177 5 10 10 60 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 50 1 100 100 10 10 7 50 10 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. 10% for '06 1 10°/. for '06 Frasor Neave, Ltd. 17*% for 'o6
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 205 5 Ship" of the Desert BOlltOll ROUge Is ni. less famous than SjjS FdllCC^ mm EGYPTIAN jr^sta CiSAKETTES I K«J° M Messrs. Maspero Freres '^PtviM A Luxury \r" a»«eu«''',«Th" t p"e E s y S J^V^^l ROBINSON CO. AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Sept. 14 At saleroom, land situate off Thomson
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    • 114 5 Boat 1 v iiay, 27-1 to 27 1, off North Boat Quay and n to 89, High Street, at 2.80. Sept. °.'l— At saleroom, 73, Prinsep Street, at 2.30. Sept. 23 At saleroom, valuable Singapore town properties, 40 C to 40 X, High Street No. A, Ford Street 12, North
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 248 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau RotpUal, Sept. 1:1, 1909. |9 4. m. 8 m. 9 r. m. RanvaUi. Bar. 82 Fab 29.^>6 39.821 29.874 Temp 88.5 85.0 79.S Nil. Wet Bulb Ther 77.5 81.0 77.0 Dirof Wlud.. calm S. E. calm Max. Temp 85.5 Mid 76.5 Max. in Ban 151.8 Terrnd.
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  • 1254 6 The Straits Times. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. LOCKE ON SANITATION. Every man is entitled to bis opinion, and every man, whose professional training qualities him specially to speak on the subject with which ho deals, is entitled to express his opinion strongly. But the courts of law have made us familiar
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  • 7 6 Smoke was recently rising from Mount Fnji.
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  • 15 6 An interesting description of the Chartered Bank's new premises at Bangkok appears on page '2.
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  • 16 6 The Boribat is towing a seagoing launch from Bangkok to Singapore for Messrs. Howarth Erskino Ltd.
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  • 29 6 The Military Aeroplane Association of Japan was to hold its general meeting on the 7th inst. to discuss the rules and the objects to be studied by the Association.
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  • 35 6 In spite of having had to contend against the difficulties incidental to re building, the Ipoh Club is able to show a profit of S^ftOO on its working during the first half of this year.
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  • 28 6 The Choral Festival, when selections will be given from the Messiah and Elijih, will take place in St. Andrew's Cathedral on Wednesday, October 6 and Thursday, October 7.
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  • 35 6 Mr. E. M. Hawes. dow at home, has presented his simian monkey, of which there was no living specimen at home, to the Zoo, and is to be rewarded with a fellowship for his contribution.
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  • 37 6 The P. and O. stamer Peshawur is due at H inkow next month to load frozen meat for Europe. The steamer has 6,000 feet more refrigerating space than the Palermo, which took the last consignment to London.
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  • 40 6 The fall in mining labour has been very marked in Kuala Pilah district last year. On the open cast system alone in that district the figures foil from 909 in the beginning of tho year to 99 at its end.
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  • 40 6 The Dolls Show, in behalf of St. Mary's Home, will take place in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday, November 12. Anyone requiring undressed dolls for the show, can, after to day, obtain them from Mrs. Izard, at the Parsonage.
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  • 37 6 On Friday evening at eight o'clock there will be a boxing tournament at Tanglin Barracks, in connection with the 3rd Middlesex Regiment. The finals for the novice competition and the championship of the regiment will take place.
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  • 44 6 The Malay Mail understands that, as funds are much needed at the present time for the completion of the Malay mopque in Kuala Lumpur, the Selangor Government has, on tho representations of H. H. the Sultan, made an advance of 93,000 for that purpose.
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  • 42 6 The Governor of British North Borneo has received information from Vicu Admiral I led worth Larubtoa that, accordiug to present arrangements, H. M. S. Flora will visit I. aim in. Jefselton and Sandakao about the end of September, or beginning of October.
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  • 47 6 The Gambling Suppression Department is evidently doing good work in Penang under the able supervision of the assistant superintendent's of police and acting inspector T. W. Thralo. Since the institution of the department there have been about a hundred cases, in all of which convictions were obtained.
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  • 54 6 When is Penang to have a proper cold storage chamber asks the local Gazette Kuala Lumpur is to have one very shortly and we are sure that an enterprising firm, which obtained tho agency of the Singapore cold storage company and ran the business here ou proper up-to-date lines, would
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  • 57 6 A Chinese coolie who insisted upon joining the police force was turned away twice from the Central Police Station and then went before the third magistrate, and told him that he wanted his worship's support in getting employment. His worship thought the insane asylum was the proper place for him
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  • 93 6 Mr G. A. Fernandez was sued by a Chinaman named Tan Theam, in the district court before Mr. Howard, yesterday afternoon for 5304.60, as follows 9200 as money, de posited as security, 980 as four months' wages at 920 a month as bill collector, and 924.60 for certain repairs done.
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  • 100 6 Mr. Colman, the third magistrate, gave judgment, yesterday afternoon, in the case against a Chinese trader named Liong Thiam, who was charged with cheatiog an Arab named Sheikh Salleh by inducing him to pay 1100 on a draft for 950, by making him believe that it was drawn for 110
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  • 134 6 With reference to a paragraph in yesterday's paper saying that tickets for a lecture next week at a Chinese Reading Room could bo secured at Little's and various other places in town, Mr. Buckley requests us to pay that he was asked to speak about Singapore to the Chinese at
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  • 427 6 Mr. H Leatherbarrow, of Messrs. Howarth Kiskine's staff, is not returning to Bangkok, but will be statiouod in Siugapnro. Mrs. Ridgeway was a passenger from Manila to Singapore by the Spanish mail steamer Isla de Panay, which arrived, ytsterday. Mr. W. H. Blackmore, Inspector of W.iy and
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  • 73 6 The British steamer Sri Tringganu is bailly on shore in the Indragiri Kiver, according to the captain of the Dutch steamer Lauivim Pit, which vessel arrived from Indragiri and Rhio, yesterday. The Sri Tringganu is a small wooden scrow steamer, of 150 tons gross, and was built
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  • 96 6 The Times of Malaya is informed that tlio Singapore Co.d Storage Co., Ltd., have completed arrangements so that a cold storage depot will be erected in Fraser ami Neave's new building, from which place an up-to-date retail and wholesale trade will be carried on. A cold
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  • 119 6 Mr. W. J. Napier, who has resigned his post as Attorney-General, and Mrs, X ipn r, are through passengers for Hum l>y Mm P. and O. mail Devanha which arrived hero this morning, says the Straits Eclio, of tho 11th inst. Shortly after tho
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  • 127 6 In noticing tho appointment of Mr. I' t. Sproule as acting judicial commissioner, P. M. S a Ceylon paper says:— This is bjf(b and well-deserved honour to a clever aii'l rising young civilian. Mr. Justice Bpcoola is the second son of the late Mr. J. li.
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  • 119 6 A special telegram to the Manila Times from San Francisco, under date September 2, says (hat a wiraless message has b< < v received there announcing that the Htcamcr Ohio has sunk off the Alaskan coast. Tho message states that one of tho wireless opera tors, Eccless,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 226 6 WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews o' the Glen. Rare Old Blend. The Old Highland Blend. Perfection (U. 4 J. McCallnm's). The Old Brigade. Polo Brand ;T. P. Griffin Co.'s). Robert Macdonald. Finest Liqueur (Chop Rajah). Club Whisky. Club Bharu. Monarch o' the Glen. O. I>. S., and V. O. S. (Old Matured).
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    • 212 6 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT. La Vila de loises, or The Life of Moses, THE BISERAS. /ERIAL CONTESTS An Interesting Novel Game. The rules are, that the last person whose feet touches the ground is the loser. CATCHING FISH WITH THE AID OF DYNAMITE IN THE SALOMON ISLAND Sporting Coloured Picture, taken from
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  • 123 7 STRANGE STORIES TOLD BY HIS CREW Explorer Did the Last Stages Alone. Kbctbk'h Tblbobam.l London, September 1 1. Tho crew of the Roosevelt report that I' ii v r.ii -h"l tin: I'olo only accompanied by one K-.| limau. Tho other BMsahsM of the party wero fcent
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  • 60 7 AMERICAN WINS THE GRAND PRIZE. Fees as High as for Greatest Tenor. IKki'tkr's Tklbuna-i London, September 13. At tho Brescia aviation meeting, the American, Curtis-i, won tho grand prix of £1,200 by doing fifty kilometres in 411 minutes 21 seconds. C.irti-w ;iii:l I! mgier aro inundtted with offers
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  • 76 7 Commander Scott Preparing Another Expedition. [Rkuikr's Tblkorah] London, September 13. Commander Scott starts another expedition to the South Pole next August. London, September 14. The main objects of Commander Scott's Autarctic expedition will be to reach the South Polo and explore King Edward Land Ho will uso dogs
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  • 46 7 Frightened Horses Trample Sleeping Troopers. n:i:'s TrleoramJ London, September 18. At Mm Austrian mamcuvres, two hundred horses, which had been frightened by the searchlights, stampeded. They gallojr'd over a number of sleeping troopers, iuj.irm^ fifty, and it is reported that t«eh bMI ■•urcuinbed.
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  • 35 7 Probable Dissolution of the Body. |HiuTßa's Tilbokam] London, September 13. It i- probalilo that tho Liberal League, of which Lord Kosebery rosigned the presidency Mm his speech at Glasgow, will be dissolved.
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  • 27 7 'Reutkk's Th.i..,i:\h London, September 14. A contract has been signed at Washington for the construction of a large naval dry dock in Hawaii.
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  • 52 7 German Committee Formed for Exploration. [Dbk Ostasiatischk Lloyd Telegram] Berlin, September 18. For tho exploration of the Polar Seas, in connection with the progress of the airship, and other scientific labours, a committee has been formed, under the presidency of Prince Henry of Prussia, with Count Zeppelin as
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  • 30 7 I'm Ostasia.'iscub Lloyd Tblborax] Berlin, September 13. Tho American Secretary of State is issuing a circular letter inviting cordial co-operation in the American Exhibition at Berlin.
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  • 127 7 Four European residents spent Sunday last in an interesting and lively fashion. They sot Hail from Johnston's Pier in a small boat belonging to one of them, and bowled over in a spankiog breeze to the Swimming Club. After a bath, ami being hardy mariners descended from
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  • 307 7 Japanese Who Values It Higher than the Hi mil ay as. (Ida, tha Jarancse who is charged with criminal breach of tru-t in respect of a scroll, valued at $230, tbo property of a fellow-countryman nam^d Kuroda, was nailed on for his defenc before tbe third
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  • 197 7 Hungry Chinaman with the Tuan's Boots. Mrs. Quinn, who lives in Oxley Road, had ocoasion to go out, yesterday morning, and upon hor rtturn found a Chinaman hiding behind a door curtain and holding a pair of her husband's boots in bis bands. There wero two
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  • 295 7 Hsing Shun Collides With Warship at Shanghai. The Chinese Commercial S. N. Co. stc ami huu has collided with and damaged H. M. S. Clio, which was moored to tho senior naval buoy at the time. The mishap occurred when the Hsing Shun was
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  • 198 7 Yesterday afternoon, in the Supreme Court, Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith disposed of several appeals from magisterial decisions. In the case of a Malay Tanjong Pagar Dock policeman, who had been convicted of abetting other constables in the offence of agreeing to receive an illegal gratification
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  • 739 7 THE MURDER OF A CHINESE POULTRY REARER. To Await the Governor's Pleasure. The elderly Javanese named .Tan bin Abdullah, who was again betore the Chief Justice and a special jury at the Assizes. yesterday, charged with the murder of a Chinese poultry rearer on the Kraoji road in
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  • 235 7 Late Manager's Claim to Recover Wages. In the district court, before Mr. Saunders, this morning, Mr. Alexander Lewis i-ued the Oriental Co., Ltd., for $100 as wages for the month of May, as manager. Mr. Chopurd appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. Cooper for the defendants. There
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  • 86 7 In regard to the threatened strike of engine drivers on the F. M. S. Railways, the Ipob paper says There are many who think that the drivers have a very substantial grievance, and are perfectly justified in fighting for what are recognised, all
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  • 493 7 FEAT ACHIEVED BY A PROFESSOR IN JAPAN. Thrilling Narrative. In connection with the recent descent down the crater of active volcano Asama by Prof. Jay Rorigers, Presidentof the American University Union, he has written a most entertaining account of his feat. It seems that he left
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  • 359 7 Strict Silence Kept Regarding Last Illness. On Saturday, we printed a telegram announcing the death of Mr. E. H. Harriman, and from a Now York wire of August 27, "lean the following information regarding his illness Mr. E. 11. Harrimau's strength continues to decline, but although
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  • 132 7 The report of the Committee of the Hongkong St. Andrew's Society, for presentation to the annual meeting to be held on the 23rd inst., states that the balance at the credit of the Society now stands at 18,876.28. A special effort was made during the year
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  • 43 7 A feature at the Alhambra Cinematograph this evening is a beautiful film depicting the Life of Moses. There are other new pictures which are equally worth seeing, and as there will be an entire change on Wednesday the opportunity should not ba lost.
    43 words
  • 248 7 Brave Malay and Popular Resident Honoured. iFrom Oi:h Own OttWMMn.) Labuan, September 9. Two interesting ceremonies took place in tbe Court House, this afternoon, where a large crowd had gathered to witness them. One was the presentation of a mcd.i!, subscribed by the Chinese community, to Abas
    248 words
  • 361 7 Rights of Criticising Actions of Public Individuals. Oar Saigon contemporary, the Opinieu. has won a libel action brought against it by Tye Chow Bong, a naturalised Chinese British subject, who, as manager of the Spirit Farm there, has aroused strong feeling against him. Before the Lower
    361 words
  • 258 7 Treatment to Manufacture Into Paper. Though the war warged between rubber and lalang says the I'orak Pioneer, threatens to end in partial extinction of the latter, it would appear that oar hitherto all-conquer-ing-friend is not without its good points. The man who has discovered them is Mr. Ellerton, district
    258 words
  • 114 7 Messrs. Bonstead and Co. annonncts that, nnder arrangements between the British India Steam Navigation Co. Ltd., the Madras and Southern Mahratta and South Indian Railways, cheap first and second-class return tickets by steamer and rail (available for three months) are now issued from the Straits to Coonoor
    114 words
  • 58 7 GREAT MILITARY GATHERING AT KARLSRUHE. Airship Acting as a Scout. Rki"tkk's Tki London, September IS, One hundred and twenty thousand men, 29,100 horses, and 040 guns are engaged iv the German manu uvres at Karlsruhe. These are unprecedented figures, and the participation of a military airship, fated with
    58 words
  • 439 7 Klings Must Pay the Penalty for Assault. Four Klings appeared before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, in the Supremo Court, this morning, as appellants in respect of a decision of the district judge who had found them g'lilty of assau ltina a Kling boy. Mr. van Someren appeared for
    439 words
  • 31 7 Police Asked to Investigate their Conduct. Mr. 1). de Souz v of 42 Waterloo Street, bas boon visited by burglars who marie away with property valued at $52 75.
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  • 18 7 An Italian, living in Victoria Street, misses a sewing machine- and clothing valued at a trifle over $20.
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  • 56 7 A Chinese krani employed by a towkay at 197 Arab Street has reported to tho police that burglars entered the premisos, opened the towkay's safe and made off with the nonya's jewellery, valued at S l l7. The police have been unable to find any signs of forcible entry into
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  • 61 7 The police have unearthed a nest of chicken thieves, a number nf whom are, under deteution. All are ChiucMs excepting one, a Malay named Osman, who upon bis arrest gave the police information which has led to the recovery of no less than 350 fowls, some of which are still
    61 words
  • 144 7 A terrible tragedy occurred in the artillery barracks at Monte Fort, Macao, on the 6th inst. when a young sentry, H years of ago, shot at and killed Capt. Isaac Pinto. The unfortunate officer was attending* to correspondence when the soldier levelled his rill's at bis
    144 words
  • 82 7 For bringing twenty-three unstamped lettors into the colony, a Chinaman was fined I2S by the third magistrate, yot>terday. Mrs. Doral was fined $5 and costs by the fourth magistrate, yesterday, for using criin inal force against a woman named Lim Uo, I who was trying to collect a
    82 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 21 8 Seven or eight ladies are going from kinta to take part in tbe Ladies' Bisl uy in Taiping.
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    • 20 8 Dr. T. Heyward Hays has offered a silver challenge enp for competition among hockey teams at tbe Skating Rink, Bangkok.
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    • 39 8 The Singapore shield football match between tho R. G. A. and the Middlesex Regiment's second team, which was to have been played yesterday afternoon, has been pontponed till Saturday next. The game will take place on the Tanglin ground.
      39 words
    • 48 8 In connection with team races, the members of the Swimming Club are invited to u.itu that no post entries are taken for these events. Previous notice of the closing of entries is given, and it is a simple matter to send in one's name to thu secretary beforehand.
      48 words
    • 46 8 The M. F. Association. The Malaya Football association ground will bo dosed 'from to-day till after the Fasting month. Darul-Ta'alan beat Joliorc team at football by one goal to nil, on Sunday. Mr. Colman has unfurled the flag of the Haffik Moslem football club.
      46 words
    • 152 8 5. C. C. Fixtures. The following list of S. C. C. Rugby football fixtures for October December has been arranged. It should be noted that the fixtures are liable to alteration Oct. 7 Whites v. Club colours. 11 Whites v. Club colours. 18 Telegraph Co. and Banks v.
      152 words
    • 158 8 (Jolf for Paupers. Golf for workhouse inmates li a novelty which has been introduced in Sussex. Tbe proposal was made at a meeting of the (tuardians of East Steyning Union (which includes part of Brighton), when a recommendation, wbioh caused considerable amusement, was made that the board accept the
      158 words
    • 304 8 The Ladies' Bialey. The pri/o meeting of the Singapore Ladies' Kiflo Association was continued at Balesticr rifle range', yesterdiy afternoon, whon there wore some excellent scores made in a fresh wind. At ISO yards ten shots, Miss Ounn made the best not total of IC In the 50
      304 words
    • 156 8 Players and the Budget. A statement with regard to the Finance Bill has been issued by tbe Marylebone Cricket Club, and will be sent by the secretary, Mr. Lacey, with a covering letter, to all tbe county clubs and other leading clubs in Great Britain. From the statement it
      156 words
    • 226 8 Dead Heats. The latest news regarding the Viceroy's Cup and Trial Stakes run for in Calcutta next December is that Mr. J. C. Galstaun's bay English mare Bantock is favourite for the former at rive to one, and Mr. M. Goculclass's bay Australian mare Soult Line at four
      226 words
    • 434 8 S. C. C. Tournament. Following are the results of yesterday's play in the S. C. C. lawn tennis tournament B Sinoles. I). Brandt scr. beat S. Dunn owe <i, 5—7, 6—B, 6—B. Butler scr. beat A. C. Mergler owe 5. C Sim.lks. .1. Watson owe 1 beat Kcr
      434 words
  • 89 8 A playor who recently took part in the Hongkong Garribun tour in Japan suggests in the S. C. Morning Post that it might be possible for Japan, Shanghai, Hongkong, and the Straits to combine and work out some programme by which regular visits were made, and that every
    89 words
  • 967 8 Notes and Comments on Racecourse Training. Tuesday morning. The Racecourse, this morning, wore quite an animated appearance as a few extended gallops quite worked off the plodding pace indulged in during the last four weeks. With fine weather and a number of people present, it helped to
    967 words
  • 83 8 Tenders were opened for the Macao opium monopoly. The price this was expected to realise was 8131,700 for the year, and an otfer was made of 1 132,000 and was not accepted by the Government. It is rumoured that a private otfer of 1 1 50.000 has
    83 words
  • 105 8 Assistantn now run such risks on tobacco estates in Itoli. that they have to keep ever on the alert to guard themselves against murderous assaults by labourers. On Sept< mber 2. so the Sumatra Post tells the story, an assistant at the Pagar Marbaa estate was on the way home
    105 words
  • 377 8 Result of Working During Month of August. Mr. W. M. Bath, manager, has submitted his report to the directors of the work done on tbe Belat Tin mines during tbe month of August, 1909. It is as follows Block II Sungei Gambang. Tbe tributers working
    377 words
  • 137 8 Mr. W. M. Bath, manager of the Kuantan Tin Mining Co. reports to the directors as follows I beg to submit to you my report of tbe work done on the mines during the month of August, 1909. No. 1 Hill.— This party have again
    137 words
  • 120 8 Mr. W. Henry Sutton, manager of Bruang Ltd., reports as follows During tbe past month I have to report that only one monitor was at work for the first part of the month when heavy rains took place enabling me to work with two monitors. We had two
    120 words
  • 199 8 Advertisements in New York Papers Offer Inducements. Half-page advertisements published in New York describe the delights of aviation and the desirability of buying a practical aeroplane, ready for delivery within forty days. The price is not mentioned. In America over 8,000 inventors have flyingmachine designs in hand, and
    199 words
  • 286 8 Pin-Pricks of New York Customs Service. Satirical congratulations are being offered to Mr. Loeb, Collector of the Port of New York, on the uniquo success of the dracocic measures he is enforcing with the object of preventing petty smuggling. Even the captains of the great Transatlantic liners,
    286 words
  • 31 8 The body of a Chinaman was found floating near the Swimming Club, this morning. An inquest is being hold this afternoon. Thia is the second body discovered there within a week.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 60 8 DON r TAKE THE RISK. WLcu you have a bad cough or cold do not let it drag along until it becomes chronio or develops into an attack of pneumonia, but give it tho attention it deserves and get rid of it. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy kid you are soro
      60 words
    • 213 8 CALL AT Moutrie's TO HEAR THE Piano-Player. MADE AND GUARANTEED FOR THIS CLIMATE. THE CHEAPEST AND UNDOUBTEDLY THE BEST. S.MOUTRIE&CO..LD. i'.uropr Hotfl Buildings. Telephone No. 422. STAMPS Brunei on Labuan, complete set $12.00 Siam Jubilee do. 1.80 Siam Coronation, Ito 40 Ticals do. 20.00 Jobore Coronation SI do. 1.50
      213 words
    • 404 8 Victoria Theatre. 4 NIGHTS ONLY 4 WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 15. Bandmann's Merry Little Maids Comic Opera Company. For the tirst time in Singapore, ocbt ie Tho Great Oaiet y Theatre otrl. 13 Success: HAVANA. Tho Famous Musical Comedy SEPT. 16 MIBB HOOK OF HOLLAND. From the Prince of Wales' Theatre, London.
      404 words

  • 782 9 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, 14th September, 1009. Meawi. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning: Norn. Value Buyers. Sdlers. •l\- Anglo-Malay 15/- U/»J £1 Anglo Sumatra 27/. 80/1 Banteng 87/6 40/. 1 Batu Caves 10f>/.
    782 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 475 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Hail Sttamsnlp Lino IHK NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO SUBOPB ru CHINA JAPAN, CANADA aad Ik* UNITED STATES Bout* from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki. (Inland Bea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama Victoria and Vanocuver, H.M.B. "Enraass o» Irou" j Twin sorew iteaP.M.B. "Enures
      475 words
    • 585 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF BTEAMERB Thi undermentioned mail steamer* of tn> above Line maintain a regular sorvloe between Caloutta and Japan, oalling al Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai tn nmtt FLEET. Tons OonDindN m lktkm" a.OlB J. O. Ourni M. "Ouwnlmi" 4,800 B. H. Baxooa a.s. Aaaiioos AtO4a" 4,800
      585 words
    • 508 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. Two regular services are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by tbe Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, under Mail Contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for tbe Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First
      508 words
    • 137 9 PATRONISED J *3jJF^^'f < l!te^!& liV ROYALTY Latest Novelties in Jade. J BANGLICS J BRACELETS A NECKLETS CHARMS CHAINS J\. LINKS A n RINGS "T\ BROOCHES "I™* JT BUTTONS PENDANTS *T ML* pins E/ earrings E/ B. P. DE SILVA. Proprietor: J. CARAPIET. ekoiish management. Established 1863. The Adelphi Hotel
      137 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 473 10 INBURAHCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors 1 G. A. Dibrilk, Esq., Chairman. Ad. Asmcs, Esq., Vice-CUairman. A. H. Fair, Esq., Managing Director. Pitkk Fowlib, m.b., cm., Chief Med. Officer. F M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Couvredb. Vow Pan, Esq.
      473 words
    • 404 10 INSURANCE. THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO.^J-TD. Head Office— l3A, Canton Road, Shanghai. Registered nnder the Life AssuranceCompanies Acts, England, and under the Hongkong Ordinances. Boakd of DlßEeTons Alexander McLeod, Esq., Chairman. Lee Yung Su, Esq., C. Stepbarius, Esq., J.H. McMichael, Esq., C. R. Burkill, Esq., J. A. Wattie, Esq.
      404 words
    • 589 10 BANKING. CHARTERED. BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. U.COBPORAT4D BT ROYAL OHABTER. Paid op Oapital in 80,000 Bbarea of rfMeaoh £1,200,000 GUeerve Fund C 1,574,000, 574,000 ieearve Liability of Pnprlctora £1,100,000 BANKEKS. Bank oi England. Rational Bank of Bootland. rat London City A Midland Bank, LM. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooooiita
      589 words
    • 526 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up c&pital tuoooooo 4ESERVE FUND Bierling Reaerve 115,000,0001 Bilver&eaerve »16,250,000| 130,153,000 OaMrr* Liability of Propristors 115.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Oreeson, Chairman. H. E. Tomkina, Esq., Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Eaq. In. R. Lenzmann, Eaq. J. W. Bandow, Eaq. |E. Bhellim,
      526 words
    • 637 10 SALES BY AUCTION. THE STRAITS ENGINEERING SYNDICATE. IN LIQUIDATION. AUCTION SALE OF The Whole of the Plant, Machinery, Buildings and a Steam Launch, AT THE mm PUEMISES BEACH KOAD, On Tuesday, September 21, at 10.30 a.m. Messrs. H. L. CoghUn and Company, are instructed by the Liquidator of tho abort
      637 words
    • 314 10 IMPORTANT SALE Of VALUABLE 999 YEAKS LEASE UfiuSHOP HOUSE PROPEIiTY AND GODOWNS, Situate in the town of Singapore and adjacent to the Singapore River, To be held at Powell and Co.'s Sale- root On Tuesthuj, September 21, at 2.30 p.m. HIGH STREET and NOKTH BOAT (HAY. All that valuable piece
      314 words

  • 51 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Klang-Kuala Selangor Motor Service. A complaint reaches us that a case of reckless motor-driving took place in Treacher St. this morning, a car recklessly driven narrowly missing wiping a ricksha and its occupants out of existence, says the Times of Malaya, of Bth
    The Times  -  51 words
  • 145 11 The reckless motorist deserves all tbe punishment tbat tbe law can impose, states the Daily Graphic, bnt the careful driver is at least entitled to justice and that he does not invariably receive. The trap of 200 yds. worked by a couple of village policemen with handkerchiefs and very cheap
    145 words
  • 487 11 Motoring: in Selangor. Ong Keng Swee, writes to the Malay Mail from Klang, under date, 7th iust., as follows Your concluding remarks in your editorial notes on Mr. J. S. Mason's administration report that appeared in your journal of August 31, are uot only most appropriate, but characteristic of the
    487 words
  • 461 11 Competition on Highways. Id the ir report o{ the week, ended August 21, the Koyal Automobile Club state:— In tbe early part of next week the report of the judges on tbe recent teets of headlights carried .out at tbe Crystal Palace will bo issued. Tho report, with its tables,
    461 words
  • 419 11 Indian Murderer Executed at Pentonville. Considering the atrocious character of the crime, the execution of Madar Lai Dhingra the Indian student who murdered Sir W. Carzon Wyllio and Dr. Lalcaca at the Imperial Institute, excited singularly little public interest. Only about a hundred people gathered outside Pentonville Prison
    419 words
  • 153 11 A recent diner at the Carlton tells tbe Bystander of a quaint incident be noticed there the other night. The band was playing a certain popular music-hall air, and a young lady at one of the tables, curious to know what it was, asked her waiter to
    153 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 311 11 0l running depend* largely on WOLSELEY-SIDDELEY. Hrn m i^lit a car may usual y carry, tho mileage it ruus. and, las:ly, its horse- T)ffT I ~\a I. |m,»v r. During the past year an owner J^S&Sy^^^HjL of alO VI li. p. \V(,!«i-lfry.Siddulcy car that C^~. *JSBSBB-i\l\ ran 7,104 tuilus en
      311 words
    • 115 11 HOW TO PREVENT BLO3O POIBON. Carelessness and neglect are the chief causes of blood poisoning. A cut or bruise, however slight, should have immediate attention. A good liniment and one that not only gives prompt relief from pain, but being antiseptic, heals tbe wound without maturation, is Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
      115 words
    • 300 11 1910 CARSf 191 0 CARS! Great Improvements. CARS CAN' BE USED WITHOUT STARTING HANDLE. STANDARDS, STARS, NAPIERS, ROVERS, BELSIZE AND REOS. Cars for Hire by Day and Night. OHTS: C.F.F. Wearne&Co. 166 k 169, Orchard Road. D«* 'PHONE Sl«. NIGHT PHONE .71*. Jnsure Your Motor (Bar AND COVER YOURBELF AGAINST
      300 words
    • 116 11 C. H. Willis Has now opened a Book on the forthcoming Autumn Races on Ottober 12, 14 and 16. LONG PRICES THE GRIFFINS. BETTING STRAIGHT OUT AND DOUBLES ON ANY TWO RACES. All bets made by wire or telephone must be confirmed by letter. No reply, no business. For prices,
      116 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 430 12 WANTS. rat t— Foir 1.1 m aW UHTIDH. KM Ky tba Inch «•>■ Koala COCOANUT PLANTATION WANTED. Wanted to buy, Cocoanut Plantation. Full particulars to bo sent to P.J., c/o Straits Times. 1694 TEACHERB WANTED. Qualified Teachers needed in St. Joseph's Institution for Standards I and 111. Apply to the
      430 words
    • 478 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. H.TU -rut i.i.m .1, it» tannioaa, (I.Ot Bf Ilia Ueb. *c»la ol Ckicm OFFICE A SODOWN TO BE LET. With Iromodiata entry No. 7, Malaooa B»re«l. Apply to OUTHRIE A 00.. LTD. MM OFFICE AND.6ODGWN TO LET. No. 95, Robinson Road. Moderate rent. Apply to
      478 words
    • 599 12 TO BE LET OS SOLO tU-l -foar >■■> or iwnln Xi the i-.-n m« m*>> if ebir«M. HOUSES TO BE LET No*. 81 aad 88, Inalitulluo Hill, Hirer Valley Boad. Apply to LEE CUfcNQ TAN udOo. MTI BFFIOES TO B£ LET. OFFICES.— Offiooi loii floor Ho. I, Flaiayoa Oraea, Apply
      599 words
    • 745 12 NOTICES. iun>--lii Mmiii «I 0 par inch. Sabuqmanl monchi. «t Kar .honor psrladx Soda of Chtu-Kaa NOTICE. Slow Soon Hoe having left* our employment, be is no longer authorised to collect accounts on our behalf. RILEV, HARGREAVES A CO., LTD. u1220 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. A list of applications for public house
      745 words
    • 695 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prioes. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Oardenhoses, Tubes, ENDLBSS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore Sole Agents 1 MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      695 words
    • 384 12 BOARD AND LODGING. HtTH 1 -For I.Lm, or two liuwtloli, II.M <F lb« iueli, *>• Bui* et Chun*. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Board and apartments for single gentlemen at 11, Dboby Ghaut. Terms Moderate. 1704 BOARD AND LODGING. lioom vacant. Mrs. von Bargeu, 8, Mount Elizabeth. 1771 BOARD ANO RISIDENCE. Comfortable
      384 words