The Straits Times, 6 September 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.057 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 222 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. Children's Hats OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. THE HOTEL of the Highest RfcjJStfJ» THE on'y KjUi ol >ts unique Standard and K.-putu TJSFKSmfIn&S «y- v-.». "RAFFLES" SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, Sept. 11. MUSIC: By the famous "Dietz Parisian Quartette." SAREIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. ASAHI I W|i BeSt and Cheapest. ji
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    • 133 1 ROBINSON CO. Annual Sale IS NOW Wd Once a Year. PROCEEDING. I Once a Year Only. Real Bargains Genuine Reductions! ROBINSON CO. ifir. j. garcia, Corner of Orchard Road. 'or Good, Cheap and Reliable I'ianos, new, second-hand and for hire. ORGANS. ■Insic and small musical goods the lowest prices in
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  • 808 2 INTERPRETATION OF LAWS IN NETHERLANDS INDIA. Complicated and Burdensome. The shortcomings in the mining laws of Netherlands ludia to which we have several times called attention, so far as they have checked enterprise, form the subject matter of a letter in tbe Java Bode written by Mr. J.
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  • 79 2 Earl Nelson, who with Viscount Morton and Lady Alice Nelson, is staying at the Oolf Links Hotel, Hnnstanton, within a few miles of Burnham Thorpe, the birthplace of the Grot Lord Nelson, celebrated Li- eightysixth birthday, on August 7. He received a large number of congratulatory messages from his wide
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 72 2 lodeUtc. Prevents the attacks of White Ants, Dry Rot, Teredo Navalis and Decay in all kinds of Timber. At the same time it stains the wood A HANDSOME WALNUT COLOUR. Estate Bungalows built of soft woods will last for many years without attention, if the timber is "JODELITED." ONE GALLON
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    • 178 2 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES are not an experiment. They have been the favourite blends at home for many years and are rapidly gaining similar popularity in the Colonies. No expense is spared in keeping both, up to the mark RED SEAL AND BLACK AND WHITE 46 SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE CO., LTD, (NEAR
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    • 69 2 BOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN. Children when teething are liable to at tacks of diarrhoea and this trouble, especially n warm weather, should never be neglected. The best medicine in use for ailments of thi« kind is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. When reduoed with water and sweetened, it is
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    • 596 2 atond, |"the Ear* MEMOKY IS THE FOUNDATION of knowledge, experience, and success. The man with a faulty Memory who tries to learn is sowing seed in mnninx water. You must improve the Memory FIRST to enable you to profit by what you loam. Sneers is impossible without a good Memory.
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    • 655 2 A Famous Cricketer fuT^ C. H H»4 ii k«t cruktttr to takt OKI AW I 2.000 r.« i. on, Nerve Strain, Weariness, Exhaustion To enable me to MW well, says George Hirst, the cettfaraled Yorkshire cricketer, lo Ret the best oul of oneself, I'hosferine is woiulertully ellective. ami imparts a
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 165 2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issae por year 180.00 do per quarter 7.60 do per month 2.60 do per copy 10 Weekly issne pei year 12-00 do per .quarter 8.00 do per copy 38 When serit by post, thore is added for the daily issue, two dollars a quarter
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  • 1154 3 AGITATION ON QUESTION OF REGISTRATION. What is Done in Ceylon. The question of the registration of domestic servants, which has so often been mooted by 'the Europeans in this Colony, says the Pinang Gazette, is sow agitating the European community in Burma, and a number of papers on
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  • 497 3 Provisions in the Will of the Late Mr. Wadia. Hazy notions are prevalent in Bombay a« to the provisions in the will of Mr. N. M. Wadia, C.1.8., who recently passed away. The accumulated fortuna to which be was beir was estimated in bis life time to
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  • 488 3 Ceylon Jurors to Serve Only Once in Twelve Months. The proposed amendments to the Criminal Procedure Ordinance, when passed will provide a fairer system than has prevailed hitherto ot drawing jurors in Ceylon and will make evasion of service difficult, says the Times of Ceylon. At present, in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 365 3 :^:::jijiji^There is no need to :::X:.":'.":X::::: ::X:.":'.":X:::: *ijr use boiling water when using IjFSunli(^tf I Soap I :jx* and it does not matter whether the water Ijx '&$$L is hard or soft— the result is the same. JSS ;XiC V«v A saving of labour, ;WjHj\ 1 A saving of time,
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    • 668 3 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL, MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, IRON ft BRASS FOUNDERS, BOILER MAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS ft GENERAL CONTRACTORS. SOLE j^C3-iri2SrTS IFOIR, Worthington Pump Co.'s Patent Pumps Pulsometer Engineering Co.'s Pulsometer Pumps Robey and Co.'s Portable Engines and Machinery Richard Hornsby and Son's Oil and Gas Plants Waygood's Lifts and Hoists
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 675 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. For China, Japan. Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Pa-tv Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for Chin* Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amenoan Ports. Steamer* will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Belli Sept 10
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    • 664 4 STEAMERS SAILING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO.. LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAi NAY. C 6. LTD. The Companies' stoamer. we despached from Liverpool outwards lor the Straits, China and Japan every week and bom Japan bomewardi for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp ersry fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles,
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    • 636 4 STEAMER BAIUNQ3. I C.P.-.R Canadian Paelfle Railway Company's Royal Mall Stoamshlp Lino. THK NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE wu CHINA JAPAN, CANADA ud the UNITED STATE P, Bool* from Hongkong, via Hllangtiai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, VlotorU ud Vanooaver, R.M.B. "EmiMoiliniu" 1 Twin screw uteaH.M.B. "Ehmsbs or Jltim"
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    • 263 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. In steamers of Ihii Company maintain regular direot Mnrioe between Oaloatta, Btraits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking oargo, on throogh Bills of Lading for Oanton, Swatow, Amoy, Obetoo, TienMn, Newohwang, Yangtsx Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, *J,, *r. Bteaaera Tobi Dommander Kotum 4,89 a
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    • 660 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a ■egnlar service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, 3hina and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly 'or Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 695 4 STEAMER BAIDNBB. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamer* ol this Company sail fortnighty from Bremea, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonneotioa Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe vena) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai, Nagasaki and Kobe to
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  • 143 5 FIXTURES. Monday, September 6. Hit; 1 1 Water, Ut p.m. S (I. ladiPH spoou. Pollard Co. Tlicatrr. Concert, Masonic Hall, Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinomatograpb. Tuesday, September 7. High Water. MO a.m., 3.1 p.m. Singapore Assi/.os. Legislative Council, 2.;i0 p.m. Pollard Co. Theatre. Wednesday, September 8.
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  • 159 5 To-Dat. trS"< '< 'yl"ii, Anstrilaaia Maurilios, India, Egypt an. l Europe, etc. Tonkin Ipm Deli Rinee 8 pm Malacca. I'orl Dickion, Port Swettenham and Tulok Antou Perak 3 pm Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Nam Sang I pm I. Swettenbam. Peutng Negapat:tui .V M.idrai Thongwu 4 pm reoang
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  • 547 5 Latest Arrivals. A'"n,i, An I. str. 4571 tons, Captain Cobol. SeptS. From Trieste. .Inly 21. G.c. Rnatenberg Schmidt A Co. For Japan, U.— W. Dan Liong, Dnt. str. 27S tons, Capt Van der Karat, Sept 4. Bandjermassin, Snpt 1. 0.0. and 106 >l. p. Ban Keng. For Bandjermaisin,
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  • 78 5 September 4 Sicomtdia. Ger Str, Japan via pjrta Jj. >■', Dnt atr, Fenang 5 Chunm, Brit »tr. Fremantle via ports imp ;i Ann, Diit str. Kamarang via ports Sum-in, Ocr atr, Bangkok 6 hlundcr, Brit nti\ Christmas Island i),;, mil n. Fch str. .Tapan via ports, Fch str,
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  • 161 5 The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Ue\anha, left Hongkong, at 1 pm on Saturday, and is due here at 7 o'clock on Thursday morning, tbe flth instant. Tbe P. and O. outward mail steamer Delta left Colombo at 6 pin onSatinWy, and may be expected to
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  • 89 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAN JON Q PAOAR. Bin Whist Basis— Nil. EisrW. Bmtioiil— Kalomo. Sicnoß No. 1 (Shkibs Whaui— Dagmar. Scotioh 2 Thongwa, Austria. B— Nil. 4— Meranon. 5— Nam Sang. B— KraanH Si. 7— Tonkin, Oceauien. B—
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  • 123 5 Over four hundred passengers arrived ftuiu the r M. S and Malacca, this morning by the S. S. S. Co.'s Steamer Kinta. A cargo of coal arrived from I'ulau Laut, on Saturday, by tbe K. D. L. Steamer Singora. which goes from here to Saigon. The Captain of
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  • 254 5 Coming to Singapore. Per P. and O. steamer India, connecting with tbe steamer Delta, at Colombo, due Sept 10.— Mr. J. M. Russell, Mrs. Russel, Mrs. K. CroftH, Mr. F. O. Rickett?, Mr. K, Bailey. Per N.O.L. steamer Luetzow, due Sept. 16.— Mr. K Brehn, Mr. A.
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  • 49 5 September 6. At saleroom, freehold land, Dunearn Ei»tate, Chancery Lane, at 2.80. Sept. 11 At saleroom, Beautiful Japanese Pottery, etc., at 10.30. Sept. 13 At saleroom, Beautiful Japanese Pottery, etc., at 10 30. Sept. 21— At Beach lioad, Plant, Macliinery, etc., The strait* Engineering Syndicate, in liquidation, at 10.30.
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  • 158 5 Reporter Sails on Trip Round the Horn in Search of Experience. Aboard the British ship WayTarer, which Hailed from San Francisco on July 2tt, for England with a cargo of barley, a trip that will lake rive months around the Horn, were two landlubbers. They are (I
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  • 157 5 The condition of Dr. Herbert Peck, medical health officer for Chesterfield, Derbyshire, who was bitten several times by a viper recently at Kaius.'oy. near Chatsworth, was stated to be very serious wben the mail left home. Three medical men arc in constant attendance at ltamsley. and
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  • 45 5 Timo-ballg on Fort Canning and Mount Fabor drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time on every day excepting Sunday, when it in tiri'ii at ono o'clock.
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  • 254 5 Finance Commerce' EXCHANGE. Singapore, laWtSßaaaaal 6, 1909. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/4,5, Private 6 m/s a/4 .j 1 do 8 m/s 2/4 j On Germany— Bank d/d 288J Private 8 m/s 241 do 6 m/s 248 On France— lianii d/d <*94 J Private 8 m/a 296} do
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    • 266 5 Issue Paid Valdb Uf Courun Dito««> BIVKHS Skllebs r i I i 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 io io 1 1 1 1 10 10 1 1 10 10 t 6/ l 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 1 1 1 1 18/10 1
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    • 571 5 Sterling. 2 2/. Anglo-Malay Rabber Co., Ltd. 80% for '08 1 1 Bata Caves Rabber Co., Ltd 10% for '08 1 1 Batu Tiga (Selangor) R. Co. Ltd. 6% for 'oB 1 1 1 BukitKajang Rabber Estate Ltd I 5/- Contributory 1 1 Bakit Lintaog R. Estates, Ltd 1
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    • 183 5 10 10 60 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 10 7 CO 10 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. 10% lor 'Or 10% for W Kroner A Noavo, Ltd. 17 J% for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 128 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Sept 7. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Sept 7.— At saleroom, freehold residential property, situate at Burmah Koad, at 2.30. Sept. 7 At saleroom, freehold land with dwelling bouse, No. 816, Uaylang Koad, at 2.80. Sept. 10 At (iodown A, Keppel Road, damaged goods,
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    • 188 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. JTJST -A.R.K<IV:Ero. Japanese Janey Mrtieles EX S.S. MISHIMA MARU. For Sale Privately at our Safe-room, A collection of beautiful silk embroidered screens fancy brass and bronzewarc, etc. Also a number of elaborately carved cherrywood chairs, tables, cabinets, etc. Exceptionally low prices. Inspection invited. POWELL CO., Auctioneers. A.TJOTIO2ST SALE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 231 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandant Kurbau Hofital, s,-pt. ***** a. m. I r, a, 9 r. RiisriLL. Bar. SI Fah 29 936 ?9.H?7 29 87ff Temp 74.0 82 0 7 .5 On. WetßalbTher 7i.0 78 0 76 0 DirofWind.. North calm calm Max. Temp 83.0 Uin 72 8 Max. In Snn 1
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  • 23 6 Cuscaden.— At the General Hospital, Singapore, on Sunday, September 5, Norman Henry Dawson, third ton of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cuscaden.
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  • 635 6 The Straits Times. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. MEDITERRANEAN STRATEGY. We remarked some time ago that there were certain phases of tho new appointment conferred upon Lord Kitchener which left us in doubt as to the actual intentions of the Government. True, a speech delivered by the Minister for War, Mr. Haldane,
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  • 589 6 The new dispositions and appointments seem to indicate two things very clearly the one that British statesmen see a grave necessity for making preparations on a bold and comprehensive scale to meet a danger which they do not expressly dutine, the other that the outlying parts of tho Empire have
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  • 10 6 Pollard's Lilliputians open in Kuala Lum pur on Monday next.
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  • 11 6 The Liddiards are in Hongkong en route ,o Singapore anl Ca'cutta.
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  • 22 6 The Fedrral Lunatic Asylum, the building of which was taken in hand late last year, w.ll not be couplet d till 1911.
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  • 23 6 The Bangkok Dock Co. Ltd. advertise in the Bangkok papers that they are prepared to supply Ml,' riot aeroplanes at Tcs. 7,000 each.
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  • 23 6 The Perak Pioneer hears that a Chinese gentleman from Kuala Lumpur has been looking for a site in Singapore for an ice factory.
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  • 21 6 A tiger killed a Chinaman near the Tebrau Rubber Estate, some three miles from Tatnpoi station, in lohore, on Saturday evening.
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  • 31 6 The Chartered Bank at Klang is said to be doing a big business, especially with the Planters. The want of a properly equipped general store is said to be felt there.
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  • 29 6 Mr. Gibson, Forest Officer of Simla Hills, has been shot by a dismissed subordinate. Mr. Gibson was seriously wounded, but is still alive, says a Calcutta wire of August
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  • 29 6 An alarm of fire, at a children's cinematograph entertainment at South-sea, on August 14, caused a stampede, which resulted in one child being killed and eight others being injured.
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  • 29 6 Another machine for stripping hemp the biggest ever made is to leave Hongkong for the Philippines at an early date. The manufacturers are the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co.
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  • 30 6 Hong Myat, a servant on board the steamer Hong Mch. who was arrested at Rangoon for being found in illegal possession of cocaine, was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 31 6 A sad cage accident has taken place at the Penygraig Colliery, Rhondda Valley, Glamorganshire. The cage, with the colliers in it. fell, and six men were killed and twenty seriously injured.
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  • 32 6 Mr. Dwarkadas Dharamsey, ex sheriff of Bombay, committed suicide at Bombay, on August 29. He bad been financially embarrassed for some time. His death deprives the Bhattia community of a prominent leader.
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  • 33 6 The Supreme Court re opened this morning when the Chief Justice, Sir W. HyndmanJooes, who returned from Penang, on Saturday, was engaged in chamber work. Tomorrow, his Lordship will open the Singapore assizes.
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  • 43 6 We understand that on Wednesday morning, His Excellency the Governor will attend at the Post Offioe and there present to one of the Malay postmen the Imperial Service Order which has been conferred upon him in recognition of many years of meritorious service.
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  • 51 6 The Pinang Gazette learns that the stupid old custom of making the second-class passenger^ dine at mid day is to be discontinued at once on the P. and O. steamers, both mail and intermediate. Henceforth second as well ah first-class passengers, will have lunch at midday and dine in the
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  • 61 6 Tho Bangkok agent of tho Chartered Bank of India, Australia, and China, states that H. R. H. Prince Kityakarn, the Minister of Finance, has consented to open the new premises of the Bank on the Menam Hiver, next the Oritmal Hotel, to day, at 5 p.m. punctually, when the agent
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  • 71 6 Plans are on foot to hold an international World's Fair at Sourabaya three years hence. The project liads favour in influential circles there where craftsmen and manufacturers stand sorely in m.ed of being kept abreast of industrial progress in other parts of the world. The cost of the exhibition buildings
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  • 68 6 There were eight British cruisers in Colombo harbour on August 80. Besides the Admiral's Higship, the Hyacinth, there were three vessels belonging to the East Indies Squadron, viz., the Proserpine, Fox, and the Sealark, while the Australian Squadron was represented by the Pyramus, Pioneer and the Psyche, all three of
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  • 64 6 The Chinese of six companies which practically govern Chinatown, San Francisco, urge the city authorities to sappress the guides who conduct visitors to their quarter. The guides, they declare, maintain opium dens and pay the Chinese to smoke opium in order to onbaoce the value of their services. The Chinese
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  • 79 6 The namo of the British Army officer who was recently killed at Peking was Capt. Leary, who was chief ordnance officer at Tien. tsin. As the train was pulling out, be lost his balance, fell under tho wheels of one of the coaches, and was crushed to death. He was
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  • 119 6 American capitalists have supplied the money to float a jungle produce company, which has just been started at Amsterdam. The promoters have made searching inquiries into the prospects of collecting in Borneo the gutta known by the name of Jelutong which finds a ready market in the United States. The
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  • 443 6 The Pinang Gazette hears that .Mr. Maxwell Thornton, cf the loci! bar and now at homo on leave, is engaged to be ruarrii d. Mr. W."* J. Napier, Attorney General, was entertained to dmnor at the Singapore Club on Saturday night, by the members of the local
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  • 93 6 The Agricultural Bulletin of tho Straits and F. M. S. for the current month contains nearly thirty pages devoted to til).' report of the Director ot Agriculture of the M. S. for lyOM; also the reports of the (i.-vornnient mycologist and entomologist foi the same period. There is
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  • 103 6 Despite the fact that we have thu Pollard's Lilliputians with us at present, there was another crowded hocM at the Alhambra cinematograph, on Saturday night. The series of pictures pal ou the screen were mostly new to Siii_M,>ore. and were of an exceedingly interest i:^' nature. The picture
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  • 117 6 His Lordship the Chief Justice of Hongkong (Sir Francis Piggott) has deliverei his reserved decision in the Supreme Court, in the case in which the Tun Sang Wo firm, of 2, Ningpo Road, Shanghai, brought actiou against the Po On Marine Insurance and (iodown Co Ltd., to
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  • 170 6 The Ellen liickmors arrived alongside tl>« Tanjong Pagar wharf shortly after 9 a.m. yesterday ami proceeded to replenish her bunkers with t bout 400 tons of cual preparatory to resuming her voyage to Port Said. After about 880 or 390 tons had been takeu in, two
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 78 6 The GARRICK Cigarette A LARGE HAND-MADE CIGARETTE. OBTAINABLE AT Messrs. John Little Co., Robinson Co. White ./A Label PER CASE: $10.50. WHISKY. s^ John Little Co., Ltd. Affnts^v^ I By SPECIAL REQUEST 1 of a number of local motorists I TfT)<s\«ri H I Silent Knight Engine 5 HAS BEEN m
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    • 170 6 ALHAMBRA 2ND BHOW. AT 930 P.M 1. Overture. Lodoiska, by'Krrutzer. 2. THE MAYOR'S HOLIDAY. (Comic) 8. SAMMY AS SP)KTSMAN. (Comic) 4. Film dArt: THEODORES CONCERT. Comic Sketch by Paul Bonhomme. Aotors I M. Prinoe of the Varietes. M. Landrin of the Nouvt antes. Mine. Kot>in Dcrys of the Sarah Bernhardt
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  • 100 7 GRATIFYING REPORT OF RECENT CURE. As Strong as a Mao Ten Years Younger. Uki-ihs's TK.i.K.iHAM I.omlon, September 4. The Kin« has left Marienbad, aDd an official statement has been issued that His Majeyty if in perfect health. Him strength in PTerv wa y inlilar that of a
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  • 92 7 ZEPPELIN ENTERTAINS GERMAN LEGISLATORS. Trips Over Lake Constance. (Riotir's T«lkqeam.l London, September 6. Count Zeppelin invited two^undrod membora of the Reichstag and the Frudrechscbafen, and took them in batches of fifteen lor trips across Lake Constance in his air-. <<hip. The aviation week at Blackpool begins on October
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  • 91 7 KOREAN BOUNDARY QUESTION SETTLED. German Comment on Protectorate Rumours. Kkitkii's Tklkhram London, September 6. At IV.king the Ohino .Japanese agreement has i v Hi^nnl. Jap;iQ recognises the Tumeu Kiver a« tbe bound try of Korea and Manchuria. [DM Ostamakischk Lloyd Tklkokajil Berlin, September '>. The South German
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  • 38 7 k DK.R OSTASUTISCHK LiLOYD TeLKORAM| Berlin, September 5. A St. Petersburg message says that the Czarina is ill, and that this may have (be effect of changing the Czar's plans for a voyage in the Mediterranean.
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  • 26 7 [Dkr Ostasiatischb Lloyd Telrobam] Berlin, September 4. The general strike which has lately produced much inoonvonienoe and loss in Sweden is now Bottled.
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  • 22 7 [Dib OsTASiycmcHE Lloyd Tilioham] Berlin, Setpember 4. London rumours as to a dissolution of the British Parliament are officially contradicted.
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  • 18 7 ,Dtß Ostasutiscbi Lloyd Tileoiumj Berlin, September 4. Prince Henry ol Russia bas been Gazetted Grand Admiral.
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  • 15 7 DIX OsTASUTISCHB LLOYD TbLEGKAX] Berlin, September 4. Hussia is fortifying the Kinuish bay.
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  • 25 7 (From oik own Corbcspokdint Kuala Lumpur, September 6. A fancy dress danco was held at Seremban. on Friday, and was most guooentu).
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  • 202 7 Advance Figures (or Eight Months of Current Year. We have received from the Mines Office the advance tttatement of the weight of block tin and tin ore exported daring the first eight months of 1909, and of the duty collected thercm, as compared with the
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  • 458 7 Capt. Ben j afield Decorated With Long Service Medal. The various unite of the S. V. C— Gunners, Maxims, S. R. K. (V.) and S. V. I.— were very strongly represented at a church parade held in St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday afternoon. The men to
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  • 271 7 Coming to Singapore on the French Mail Steamer. Lord Kitchener will arrive in Colombo from India, via Tuticorin, ou September 13, and will be met by Capt. Theobald, A. D. C. Lord Kitchener, who will be accompanied by Cspt. Fitzgerald, late Assistant Military Secretary, will
    The Times  -  271 words
  • 46 7 The dry rubber harvested (or August is 8,404 lbs. Last yeai tbe amount (or August was 1,088 lbs. The dry rubber for the first eight months of 1909 is 40,747 lbs. and for tbe same period, last year, it was 7,870 lbs.
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  • 505 7 PASSED AWAY YESTERDAY AT THE HOSPITAL. Military Funeral To-day. Mr. Norman Henry lUwson CiiHcaden, who had been lying ill at tbe General Hospital for some time, died in that institution, yesterday afternoon, much to the regret of his colleagues of the Telegraph Company's staff and of the
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  • 319 7 arcwell Dance and Concert at the Old Stadthouse. iKntiM OnOn Ohmmmr i Malacca, September 4. On I' ml iy the Stadtbouae contained the arrest aucl most brilliant assemblage it has lone for a yea. The occasion was a fareveil to Mr. and Mm. Howell, of thu High v'.'imil.
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  • 105 7 At the meeting of the Hongkong Legislative Joancil on the Ist innt.. Mr. M. Stewart was to ask the following question Is it a fact that, as stated in the newspapers k coolie was lined $25 at the police court for playing a dice game in the street,
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  • 103 7 A Government Gazette extraordinary wai issued on Saturday, giving notice on beball of tbe Governments of the Straits Settle mints Perak and Kedah that tenders will be received at the office of the Resident-Council lor, Penang, up to noon of October 1 for the purchase of the
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  • 271 7 ATTACKED BY SAVAGES ON COAST OF SUMATRA. Troops Despatched to the Scene. News of a shocking tragedy comes from tlie i'ageh islands, a group off the West Sumatra Coast. The islands themselves are not of much consequence and the islanders are savages, whom the authorities on the coast
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  • 729 7 Valuable Colk tion of Malay Metal Work. i)n Saturday. Dr. Hanitsch completed at RatHes Museum the arrangement of an excel lent display of Malay works in silver, oopper I and gold, which he has for some time been collecting. The exhibits are very neatly arranged in four cases
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  • 357 7 Old Resident of Singapore Wbo Died on Friday. On Friday of last week, there died at his residence in Waterloo St., Capt. Heinrich Oeblers, wbo had been a resident of Singapore close upon fifty years aad was well known amongst tbe older members of the community.
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  • 591 7 Opening Performance at Victoria Theatre. Clever as were Gulliver's Lilliputians it must be admitted that the Australian variety which have favoured Singapore with a second visit, after a lapse of ten years, are superior in many respects. The company was reorganised in Melbourne after a successful American and
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  • 152 7 Tbe largest road bridge in the F. M. S. is the Belfield Bridge over the Klang River at Klang. It is of the Linville girder type and has four spans of 140 feet each and is 20 feet wide and cost two hundred and sixty thousand dollars.
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  • 147 7 READY TO MEET SCIENTISTS WITH PROOFS. Greatest Result Discovery of New Land. RerTßK's TkIKORA.U, London, September i. Or. Cook, in an interview with rcferenoe to hia visit to the North (Pole, *ayß he it prepared to submit the obhervatioux he madu to any scientific authority. The most
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  • 202 7 High Commissioner Affixes the Decoration. iKkom Oi'H Own C<»:kkniom>knti. Kuala Luiupur. September 4. His Excellency the High Commissioner, F. M. S., Sir John Anderson, O. C. M. O.< attended at the Selangor Council Chamber, this afternoon, and presented Mr. 11. Con way Belrield, British
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  • 167 7 Enthusiastic Afternoon's Sport Much Enjoyed. (Fkom Out Own OmMMBHT.| Kuala Lumpur. September 0. Oood sport wag much enjoyed at Ipob, ou Saturday afternoon, when the Oymkbana Club presented a capital programme. The weather wan fine and conßiderable enthusiasm was occasioned. The programme opened with a match between
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  • 96 7 iFkihi Ouk 0»> OhMMMR| Koala Lumpur, September t>. Tbe rubber crop of tbe F. M. 8. Rubber Co. for August wm 22,500 lbs. against 8,686 lbs. during the corresponding month of last year. The total crop for the past three months was 60,638 lbs. against 10,903 in the
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 192 8 The Westminster athletic club met the G.P.0., on the latter's ground, yesterday, before a fair crowd and the game resulted in a win for the G.P.O. by 2 goals to nil. Mr. D. A. M. Brown, of Penang, has won the Highlands open amateur golf championship on
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    • 82 8 The Walker Trophy. The Pinang Gazette hears that Mrs. Hristow. of Ipoh. has won the Walker Trophy (presented by Col. R. S. F. Walker, C, M. G. in the rifle-shooting competition among the various Ladies' Riflo Clubs of the straits and F. M. S. Mrs. Bristow is a daughter
      82 words
    • 74 8 Home Matches. Hampshire has beaten Warwick, at Bournemouth, by an innings and 53 runs. Lancashire has beaten Somerset, at Manchester, by '.i.'l runs. Notts has beaten Derby, at Nottingham, by an innings and 94 runs. Kent has beaten Leicester, at Dover, by an innings and 10 runs. Yorkshire has
      74 words
    • 295 8 M. F. A. Junior Competition. A fast game was witnessed at Beach Road, mi Saturday, when the Post Office team met the Babul Kbairat in a tie in the M. F. A. ii-iior competition. Both were good teams, and from the onset it was seen that there was
      295 words
    • 222 8 The Singapore Championship. During tbu past week, and on Saturday, further ties have been played on the Keppel Harbour golf links with ths following results F'iwlie beat Crabb-Watt, 1 up. Mtigliston beat Hitchcock, 5 and 3. Stevens beat Stratton, at 20th hole. Miles beat Ferguson, \i and 2. In
      222 words
    • 525 8 S. C. C. Tournament. Following arc the results of play on Saturday B Sinulks. Butler scr. beat Bush scr., 6—3, B—l. M. H. Mergler scr. beat Matson rec. 1, 6—2, 6—2. Marsh boat Penury 7—5, 4-6, 6—l. Freeman scr. beat Keenan owe. 5 unfin. A. C. Mergler, owe.
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  • 241 8 H. E. Olson, charged with vagrancy, was acquitted by the third magistrate, on Saturday. Major Macarthy has lost 1200 in notes from a drawer in his room at the Tanglin barracks. Towkay Tan Choon charges his coolie, Tan Chew, with theft of 1185 in notes from the towkay's
    241 words
  • Correepondence.
    • 451 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— Modesty would in any other circumstances prevent me ftom making public a matter which, in the eyes of many, especially in those who do not view it with displea sure, may seem trivial, inasmuch as seeing that the
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    • 326 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I notice that in one of your columns, you draw attention to the Chinese schoolboys drilling to music in the People's Park. You say it is a nuisance to the residents of that neighbourhood. It does sound ridiculous
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    • 227 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I trust you will not deny me a little space in your paper to print this. Many people I have come across, not only Britishers but Germans, Dutchmen, etc., often wonder why the F. M. S. government do not
      227 words
  • 48 8 A great codd 1 igration broke out in the district of Chukwaugsa, near Taishatou, on the morning of August 29. The tire raged furiously and was practically unchecked in its progress. No less than 68 booses and 27 sheds were consumed by the flames.
    48 words
  • 757 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, 6th September, 1909. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning Buyers. Sellers. 10 Belat 6.25 6.50 10 BroaoK 6.— 6.25 10 Branch 7.75 B.— 1 Duff Development 5.90 6.10 1
    757 words
  • 245 8 Rubber and Sugar Estates in Eas. Africa. Offer at par of 150,000 6 per cent, participating cumulative preference shares of XI each reports the Economist, of August 7. The ordinary capital consists of 100,000 XI shares, of which 75,000 will be paid to the vendors at* part price
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 504 8 M M SPECIAL BARGAINS OFFERED IN SOME First-Class Pianos CASH TIME PAYMENTS. BRINBMEAD SSSSHKC $550 RONIBCH s^U™... o^ $550 The Robinson Piano werner SSWSUj!!^ $495 CO., Ltd, KRAUSB Modern Art Style $430 ALLISON Bgag^ $275 VICTORIA THEATRE."" _J Pollard's Lilliputian Opera Co. To-Night: "IN TOWN." Tuesday, September 7 -THE GIRL
      504 words

  • 430 9 How Egyptian Bandit Served Two Years in a Police force. Kxtraordinary thinßs do at times take place in Egypt, at which no one expresses surprise, but the recent incident at the Cairo Police School will certainly take the palm amongst the list of unusual happenings, soys a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 220 9 CHAMBERLAINS COLIC. CHOLERA AND DIARRHEA REMEDY. This remedy lias been in use for over tiiirty years and lias proved itself to be the most successful n niedy yet discovered for bowel jomplainK It never fails. Sold by all Dispensaries and Dealer*. I A positive paying investment iv any business, whether
      220 words
    • 623 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. ry:k. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.LTD. Two rogular services are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWIN SCREW STEAMBRS. nnder Mail Contract with the .Imp?™ Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company* European Service, I'tfhted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation tor First and Second
      623 words
    • 642 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. 1 APCAR LINE OF BTEAMERB. Tv DDdermentloned mail tteameri of tkl •bore Line maintain regular eervioe belweai Ualoutta and Japan, calling at Fenang, Blnga pore, Hongkong and Shanghai $t> routt FLEET. Ttm Commands* i.s." B,L!S 3. Q. Oumi ■.a. •Oimom&hu" 4,800 6. H. Bilbos 1.1. "AjuutoobAmab" 4,600
      642 words
    • 342 9 SINGAPORE SODA WATER JEstaMsAetfover 2Sytwa. M. Bolter's SALT HERRINGS, SMOKED SAUSAGE, S WHITE CREAM CHEESE, l«l RUSSIAN CREAM BUTTKR, j FRESH MACARONI, ASSORTED SOUP PASTES, Etc. are now awaiting your trial purchase Telephone 898. 69, Anaon Road. NOTICE. The undersigned beg to inform the public I that the business of
      342 words
    • 366 9 Latest Novelties In Jade. J BANGLES. J BRACELETS NECKLETS CHARMS J± CHAINS .A, LINKS A. "W\ RINGS T^ BHOOCHES "1^ BUTTONS J^ TEXDANTS W*\ PINS I<> EARRINGS T<^ B. P. DE SILVA. FRAMROZ'S Aerated Waters GUARANTEED as having passed through the world-renowned Germ-proof Berkefeld Filters, as used in His Majesty's
      366 words

  • 470 10 NO CHANGES RECOMMENDED BY THE ROYAL COMMISSION. Final Report Issued. Tbe whisky trade and the publican bave nothing to fear from the conclusions of the Itoyal I'ommiss'oD on Whisky, for in its final report issued on Angust 9, all the recommendations leave things as they are. In
    470 words
  • 578 10 Results of Recent Experiments in France. That the rails ou a railroad become magnets under the influence of the earth's magnetic field has long be< n known. Any steel bar held in the direction of magnetic north and sooth and hammered so as to jolt its molecules
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 455 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors i O. A. Derrick, Esq., Chairman. An, Asms, Esq., Vice-Chairman. A. H. Faik, Esq., Managing Director. Peter Fowlib, m.h cm., Chief Mcd. Officer. F. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Couvrbur. Vow Noan Pan, Esq.
      455 words
    • 357 10 INSURANCE. THE CHINA MUTUAI LIFE INSURANCE CO.^J-TD. Head Office— 1 3 A, Canton Koad. Shanghai. Registered under the Life Assuranc Companies Acts, England, and under tb Hongkong Ordinances. Board of Dikkctors Alexander McLeod, Esq., Chairman. Lee Yang Su, Esq., C. Stepbarine, Esq., J. H. McMicbael, Esq., C. R. Burkill, Esq.,
      357 words
    • 586 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. MOORPORAT4D BY ROYAL CEAKXEK. -aid np Capital Id 60,000 Share, of I2oeaoh «U,J00,000 x.erre Fund 11,676,000 <M*rr. Liability of Proprietor. «U,200,00C Bank oi England. National Bank of Booiland. London Oily A Midland Bank, Ltd. BINOAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooounts are opened and Intend
      586 words
      545 words
    • 352 10 MORTGAGEE'S BALE. On Tu,x,lay. StpUmber 7, al 2.30 t ,.m. Freehold land, area 20,00(1 square feot, part of Grant 2, together with the dwelling house thereon known as No. 816, Gaylang Koad, Singapore. POWELL A CO., Auctioneers. 1758 MORTGAGEES' SALE Of VALUABLE FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY, Situated at Burmah Koad, Singapore,
      352 words

    • 263 11 H. K. the Acting Governor has confirmed the following bylaw made by the Municipal Council of Colombo :—Horns shall not be used to warn the public of the approach of any vehicle other than mechanically pro pelled vehicles. Dr. Douglas Kawcott. the well-known motorist,
      263 words
    • 295 11 At Hißbgate Police Court on Anaiist 9, Sidney Fleming, twenty-six, engineer of St. Albaus avenue. East Ham, was charged on a warrant, having failed to appear in answer to a summons, with driving a motor-car in Hampsteadlane, Hi«l'gate. Mr. Barker (Messrs. Wontnrr and Sons) prosecuted Kvidrnce
      295 words
    • 336 11 Medions writes to the Motor as follows Mechaniste's comments on dirty hands and nails has stimulated me to fiend you an account of my experiences which, uh a doctor who drives and owns a car, may be, I think, of use to many who, both
      336 words
    • 495 11 The problem presentad to the motor omnibus companies of London by the new regulation reducing the total weight limit of each vehicle from five to three and a half tons is one of considerably wide-reaching importance, says an exchange, for from their point of view it amounts to
      495 words
  • 335 11 Heavy Speculations by European Agent. Mr. F. L. V. Joyce, agent of the Madras branch of the Bank of Burma, has been arrested on charges of criminal misappropriation and breach of trust by a servant. As a result of the representation by a shareholder of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 297 11 Cost of running depends lately o« WOLSELEY-SIDDELEY. the weight a car may usually carry, the mileage it runs, and, lastly, its horse- MRikv c power. I luring the past year an owner of a 10 .12h.p. Wolsel.y Sidil Vt-r-i that 1;..— ran 7,104 miles on tho N0:... Stafford- fca^^ :3>k
      297 words
    • 112 11 1910 CARS I I 1910 CARSF Great Improvements. CARS CAN BE US Eft) WITHOUT STARTING HANDLE. j STANDARDS, STARS, NAPIERS, ROVERS, I BELSIZE AND REOS. Cars for Hire by Day aud Night. AGENT*: C.F.F. Wearne&Co. 168 169, Orchard Koad. DAY PHONE 51*. KIG H T PMO NE 7I Insure Your
      112 words
    • 160 11 G. OTOMUNE CO's Crepe ft UJ EXTREMELY POPULAR Foil Y\ \M 1° I 1"."1I 1 1 I I SPOKTINCi A OFFICE WEAK. ft with and withoit collar. mk J^M f All Sizei First Quali'y 1.53 a=^^ Second Quality SI.OO GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD. Portland Cement. In Casks of 375
      160 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1019 12 NOTICES. BiTU'-lit Month, no par Inch. 8«bM«»nl months ft. For •taortw pmrlodi Seal* of Charg*>. NOTICE. Siow Soon Hoe having left our employment, he is no longer authorised to collect accounts on onr behalf. RILEY, HARGREAVES A CO., LTD. n1220 NOTICE. MERLIMAU: ESTATE. Applicants fur shares arc hereby notified that
      1,019 words
    • 642 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Kin —Fen Lint, en ot two Imnloa n.oc Br th. uwh. m* wale ol etavgu. OFFICE ft 80D0WN TO BE LET. With hrmodUle entry No. 7, Malaeo* Bsn*t Apply to GOTHRIE A CO., LTD. IIW HOUBE TO LET. Monks Hill Cottage," from October 1 next.
      642 words
    • 624 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rim t-fni Ui.^ on oi I*- ImMw DA Bf thi l«oh, Mt of OkWfsc. GODOWNS TO BE LET. Nos. 9 and 10, Magazine Road, large, fronting Singapore River. Apply to 32, Market Street. 1714 OFFICE AND GODOWN TO LET. .No. 96, Robinson Road. Moderate rent.
      624 words
    • 835 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles. Sheets VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Gardcnhoses, Tube, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres, Works Offices: PassirPanjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i MESSRS. HOOGLANDT CO.,
      835 words