The Straits Times, 3 September 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.055 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 174 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. Children's Hats wSO JMf ft OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. THE HOTEL of the Highest THE only Hotel of He unique Standard and Repute <<s»ii£fiHJKV st J le in U c East "RAFFLES" SPECIAL DINNER On Saturday, Sept. 4. MUSIC: Ny the famous Diets Parisian Quartette." SAKKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors.
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    • 96 1 STRAITS CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., LTD., 15, Battery Road. CYCLE AND ALL MOTOR ACCESSORIES Plating, Repairs to Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Rickshaws, etc. DEPOT FOE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITERS The Latest Models Stoiked, Connolly Rickohaw Wheels, British Make. American Rickshaw Wheels, with Nickel Spokes, Ball Bearings, Rubber Tyres. Carriage Wheels, etc. HARIMA
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    • 134 1 ROBINSON CO. Annual Sale IS NOW llpl Once a Year. PROCEEDING. 1 Once a Year Only. Real Bargains! Genuine Reductions! ROBINSON CO. H. KAPS, Piano and Music Depot. The cheapest and the most reliablo Establishment for everything MUSICAL. Tuning" 94 No. 20, Stamford Road. lsse SINGAPORE ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. The
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  • 859 2 SOLDIERS IN THE WILTSHIRE SOLITUDE. A Magic Tableland. The tented towns of the London Territorials are quite imposing when you are near them or in their midst. See one of them from a distance, and it bears a fair resemblance to a Hock of sheep. You are
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  • 101 2 The following is from an official report submitted to the Shanghai Municipal Board In view of the approaching closing of the remainder of the opium houses in Shanghai it may be of interest to state that private smoking is distinctly on the increase. There is evidence to show that opium
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 237 2 SIDEROSTHEN PAINT (in Black Dark Chocolate) Anti-Corrosive. AN ABSOLUTELY RUST-PROOF AND RUST PREVENTING PAINT. Resists the action of Chlorine, Ammonia, Nitric, Acetic, Sulphuric aud Muriatic Acid Fumes. It will not blister undev Tropical Heat. It is unafl'ected by Salt, Air, Spray or Sea Water. SOLE IMPORTERS: The Borneo Co., Ld.
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    • 61 2 DON r TAKE THE RISK. When you have a bad cough or oold do not let it drag along until it becomes chronic or develops into an attack of pneumonia, but give it the attention it deserves and get tid of it. Tike Cliamterla'n'a Cough Remedy an i you are
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    • 891 2 THE DOCTORS S4IO IT WAS HEART DISEASE. Bed— Ridden Lady is Ceylon Rkgainn Health and Strength Through DR WILLIAMS' P.NK PILLS. Mr. Wilfred Alfred Gooneratne of Alfred Cottage, Panadare, Ceylon, is a twice thankful man, for not only has the cure wrought in his own case by Dr. Williams' Pink
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    • 505 2 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL, MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, IRON BRASS FOUNDERS, BOILER MAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Steam, Gas and Oil Engines for all purposes. Boile-s and Pumps for every use. Light Railway Boiling Stock and Railway Implements. Rails, Tipping Wagons and Sleepers. Winches, Cranes and Steel Hawsers. Steel Pulleys, Blocks
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 165 2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issue per year 180.00 do per quarter 7.60 do per month 2.50 do por copy 10 Woekly issue poi year 12-00 do per .quarter 8.00 do per oopy 28 When sent by pout, there is added for the daily issue, two dollars a quarter
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  • 1217 3 WEST END MANAGERS FAVOUR THE CENSOR. Mr. G B. Shaw and the Committee. The Joint Cotntniltce cf the Lords and Commons, presided over by Mr. Herbert S tuitirl (Chancellor of the Ducliy of Lancaster), resumed, on August ft, the hearing «f evidence on the question of the dramatic
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  • 592 3 Details of Quick Passages at Reduced Rates. As already reported in thtso columns, the Times of india publishes details of an iuiportaut scbimo urganibtd by lliu Austrian Ldoy d Company conjujtutiug February 1 next, for quick pauses between Bombay and I ..j. auu and vice
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  • 106 3 Messrs. Ridley, Robinson and K loss's expedition into the ulu of Upper Perak, Betves to remind us, says the Pinang Gazette, how comparatively large a proportion of Biitish Malaya still remains not only uusurveyed but absolutely unexplored. Are there no adventurous spirits among the young Englishmen in these
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  • 106 3 Make your pie crust rich, slice your apples thin, put in plenty of them and use lots of sugar, said Mrs. F. W. Seymour, the sixty-seven-year-old brido of JuHtice of the Peace Seymour, aged seventy five, of Maywood. Mrs. Seymour won the heart, hand and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 852 3 In a Kitchen where MONKEY BRAND is used for the coppers, the tinware, the kitchen tables and floors, the good housewife's work is done almost before the day is begun. WONT WASH CLOTHES. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. The Autumu Race Meeting will be held on Tuesday, tlu.mii, Thursday, the 14th, and
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    • 594 3 Meeting and not won. Entrance, $15. Distanoe, Scurry Course (5 furlongs, 143 yards) Entries Clcee at noon on Saturday, the 2nd October, except for Race 8 on the Third Day. Entries for Race No. 8 on the Third Day, must be made before the start of Race No. 6 on
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    • 70 3 BOWEL COMPLAINT IN CHILDREN. Children when teething arc liable to attacks of diarrhoea and this trouble, especially in warm weather, should never be neglected. The best medicine in nse for ailments of this kind is Chamberlain's C. li.-, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. When reduced with water and sweetened, it is
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    • 382 3 [The REGISTERED TRADE MARK of 111. Milkmaid! Full Cream Milk SBBBB>[ IS THE HALL-MARK OF PERFECT PURITY gJnßfclil &n^ Guarantee of Highest Quality. gSJ?^ UNTOUCHED BY HAND. The Original and Best. [Il LARGEBT BALE IN THE WORLD. y CHEAPEST and BEST. C. H. Willis Has now opened a Book on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 676 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. p. era BTEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mellterraaean Pj-ts Piymiulh and London. Through Bills of Ladi-g issued for Chin* Coast, I'ersiau Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Porta. Steamers will leave Sini{apon on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Delta S'pt 10
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    • 710 4 STEAMERS SAILING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. C 6. LTD. The Companies' steamers an despached from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, Cblna and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseille* and Liverpool and for Marseilles,
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    • 590 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tbs ateamen of this Company maintain s ngalar direct aerrioe between Caloutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking oarg on through Bills of Lading tor Canton, Swatow Amoy, Ohefoo, Tientsin, Newohwang, Yangtase Porta, Formosa), Ihe Philippines, Aa,, Ac. Steamers Tons Commander KuTSAae 4,880
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    • 311 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Paolflo Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Lino. THE RATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BIJROPK ru CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and Iks UNITED STATES. Roata from Hongkong, via Shanghai Naessaki, (Inland Sea of Japaa). Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanooarer, R.M.B. *amnamowlMDu" lTwtn-eonw steaRM.a Enrßßss of J4»*a" I men,
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    • 654 4 STEAMER SAILINGS HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a recular service between Hamburg. Bremen Antwerp, and Rottardam, and the Btr»ita China aud Japan. Homewards, they are despttoh>d fortui jht'y for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Breraerhaven direct, calling at Penang au i Colombo.
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    • 732 4 STEAMER SAILINC3. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail staamen ol this Company sail fortoighty from Bremea Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, O'braltar Genoa. Naples (connection Marseilles, Naplea, Alexandria, anl vioe versa) Port B»id. Suez, Aden, Cob™ bo, Penan* Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai,
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  • 190 5 FIXTURES. Friday, September 3. High Water, 12.34 p.m. Legislative Council, '1 p.m. Municipal Commission, 2 30. Tanglin club special meeting, 9. Cliinest! Christian Asiocn. Piinsep St. 8. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinematograph. Saturday, September 4. High Water, 0.3 M a.m 1.7 p.m. R. I. outward mail
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  • 262 5 To-Day. .Vuamba and Natuna Is. Van Ooena 3 pm Hatavia Runnphiau 3 pm Urn >n k. k Deli 3 pm M our and Malacca Lady Weld Bpm H'ki ng, B'gM, Japnn aud German N. Goinca via Hongkoog I*. E. Friedrich 8 pm Malacca aud P. Dickson Hong
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  • 391 5 Latest Arrivals. Ilanka, Rrit. atr. 127 ioub, Cajit KaMMI. Sept 3. From Natuna la., Aug 30. Copra and 16 d.p. Teo Hue Lye. For Natana Island, Sept 4-Bda. Betty, Dnt. str. 107 tons, Nacodab, Sept :t. From Bagan, Sept 1. O.c. and 40 d.p. Tan Ab Choon. For
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  • 114 5 Se umber a ftenta, Hrit Btr, Mart aa via pirt-i Hrhe, Brit atr Podmi^ and Deli Poh Ann Biitstr, Port Swettenham via ports AntiloehiK, ISrit str, Liverpool via ports Syria, Brit «tr. Antwerp via ports I'il'm'ang. Dot str. Taketoya and Yokuhama Surpedon, Brit Btr, Liverpool Will o'the Witp, Brit
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  • 144 5 The i!. I. Contract Packet Thongwa, with tfio London mails of th« 13th ultimo, left Neaapatnin at R p.m. on Saturday, tho 28th ultimo, and may be expected to arrive here on Saturday morning, the 4th instant. Tho M. M. company's steamer Oceaoien left Colombo at 2
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  • 97 5 Wharve§ at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAOAR. SiBT Whuut Bisni— Nil. EiST W. Section 1 -Kalimo. Section No. 1 (Shkiiw;t)— Calypso. Sionoa S— Mer.ipi. Ariake Mara. 8— Clau Maciver. 4- II .ng Mjh. 6 Charon 6— De II i;m.
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  • 90 5 The Dutch steamer Palcmbang arrived from Pladjoe, yesterday, with 2,100 tons of oil in bulk, for Japan. A cargo of coal for the Mitsui BussaD Kaislia has arrived from Tairen, en route to Java. This is the second within a week. From Amoy and Swatow, 846 passengers have
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  • 266 5 Coming to Singapore. Per P. and O. steamer India, connecting with the steamer Delta, at Colombo, due Sept 10.— Mr. J. M. Russell, Mrs. Bussel, Mrs. K. CroftH, Mr.X. U. Ricketts. Per N.D.L. steamer Laetzow, due Sept. 16.— Mr. K. Brehn, Mr. A. Genkel, Mr. Oberleuthaut Mom
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  • 50 5 IVr steamer Ipob, September I—From1 From Penang Mr. and Mrs. K M. Ezekiel, Messrs Lee Toon I'oon, Khoo Tbeam Seong, Caul field, J. H. Kobertson, Savi and Job Guan From Port Swettenham Messrs. A. F. Comrie, S. Haycroft, van Dort, J. 1). Paul, J. O. Campbell and Looke Cbeong.
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  • 46 5 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapon standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Green wioh meantime. The time-gun is fired at 11 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at one o'clock.
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  • 208 5 The Chinese vice-consul in New York, Mr. Luk Wing, was shot in his oflice at No. 18, Broadway, on July 31, by a Chinaman named Wong Cheung. It was just before the time for closing the office, and Mr. Luk Wing was preparing to leave when Wong Cheung
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  • 22 5 A python, 22 feet long and 14 inches thick, has been shot by a forest guard at Kuala Lipis, nays a contemporary.
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  • 105 5 Information has been leceived by the Colombo police from the chiof of the detective service, Helsingfors, with regard to the arrest of a Finn of many aliases. He is known as Towo Poviander, and has a passport under tbe name of Peter Evert Smolander. The man is
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  • 398 5 Singapore, August 30, 19C9. ARTICLES. Brans, Long (per catty) 0.01 (do.) French (do.) 0.12 Beef perlb. 0.16 Beef Steak (do.) 0.18 Bran Sprouts (per catty) 0.02 Bamboo Sprouts (do.) 0.02 Hlacliau (do.) 0.12 Brinjals (do.) 0.05 Cabbage, Batavia (do.) 0;JO (do.) China (do.) nit (do.) Salted (do.)
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  • 249 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SIMOAPOBI, Shl'IKMIiKl; 8, 1909. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4& Demand 2/4 s Private S m/s 2/4 a do 8 m/s 2 4 On Germany— Bank d/d 288J Private 8 m/s 241 do 0 m/s 248 On France- Bank d/d 294} Private.B m/s 296J do 6 m/s
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    • 265 5 Issos Paid Valui Up i Company Last I Dimini j BuYBBB Sellers 10 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 6/. 1 1 1 10 1 1 1" 6 10 10 10 10 1 10 Bolat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 10 Braang, Ltd. 10 Brnseh Hydraulic T.
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    • 574 5 Sterling:. 2 2/- Anglo-Malay Robber Co., Ltd. 80% for '08 1 1 Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd 10% for 'oB 1 1 Batu Ti«a (Selangor) R.Co. Ltd. 5% for 'oB 1 1 1 Bukit Kajang Rubber Estate Ltd 1 6/- Contributory 1 1 Bukit Lintang R. Estates, Ltd 1
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    • 180 5 10 10 60 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 10 7 60 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. ...j 10% for 10% for 17i% forW 80% for '08 2J%for'oB 7% for "08 10% for '07 I 8% for '07 20% for' 08
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 159 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co.. Sept 4. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Sept 7. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Sept 7. At saleroom, freehold residential property, situate at Burmah Koad, at 2.30. Oct 26. At saleroom, valuable sawmill property, situate off < >aylang lioad, at 2.30. H. L.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 202 5 WbAinbß KLPORT. Kandmg Kurba* lloipital. Sift, 4', 1909. i« a ill r. h. 8 r. a. Raiktua Bar. 88 Fab '3 89 738 891 Temp 88.0 00.4 78 8 .It WetßnlbTher 78 7 0 76 8 DirofWind.. calm B.W ca'.m Max. T.'tn;i 808 Mm. 73 0 Mix. in San.. 1
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  • 39 6 Okulbks. On September 8, Hkuricl Oehlere, at the age of 71. Friends are here by notified that the funeral will take place from 102, Waterloo Street, at 4 p.m. to morrow, the 4th instant, to the Bedidan Cemetery.
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  • 1180 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. NORTH POLE ROMANCE. If Dr. Cook has actually reached the N'ortli Pole he lia-i accomplished a feat unequalled in all the thrilling romance of exploration. A day was bound to come sooner or later when that almost mythical fragment of t lit earth or
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  • 20 6 The Malay Mail hears that the shipments of robber from Port Swettenbam this week are likely to beat the record.
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  • 18 6 Many remonstrances are being addressed to the Government of India against the distribution of Buddha's remains outside India.
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  • 30 6 It is reported that the glass factory in Peking under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, which was orgauized last spring, is assuming a tangible form.
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  • 9 6 The membership of the Primrose League now number 2.00J.000.
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  • 22 6 It took 98,199 pi'-ces of poison to get 8696 dead rats last year. The IVnang rat seems to be a wary bird.
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  • 18 6 The municipal commissioners of Penang have given up all t xpectation of materially abatingthedust nuisance. Vide annual report.
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  • 30 6 A bottle containing the following message has been picked op at Ryde Barge Lily, of London, off Selsey, sinking. G jod bye. Smith, master. No date was on the paper.
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  • 34 6 The Perak Pioneer, Taiping, says s The local traffic dtpartment danies that railway communication in Jobore in at the present in >mcnt interrupted they tell us that trains have been running through since Sunday.
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  • 36 6 Penans's Municipal revenue in 1908 was •1,040,116.90. In 19D7 it was (944.737.42 and in 1906 •884,233.47. Rates brought in •102,791 96 more than the year before, taxes 1,918 lees, licences 9080 more and fees 98,629 less.
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  • 38 6 The revenue of the Penang gharry and ricksha department wan 959,841.55, or •3.492.93 moro than in 1907. This does not include reimbursements, derived from the sale of apron cloth and so forth to the value of S7,7in 57.
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  • 39 6 At the Liverpool Assizes, a verdict of £8,250 damages was given in a libel action brought by Mr. Thorns Da vies, of the Widnes Iron Works, against Messrs E. Hulton and Co., the proprietors of the Manchester Sunday Chronicle.
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  • 33 6 The Jewish World, published in London, states that the Freemasons of Boston have started a movement to rebuild Solomon's Temple at Jerusalem, and that Masons throughout the world are being asked to cooperate.
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  • 44 6 The British Royal Commission on Whisky reports that the evidence adduced has failed to establish that any particular variety of whixky is specially deleterious. Neither the medical, hospital, nor distillery evidence showed that pot still spirit was necessarily more wholesome than patent still spirit.
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  • 45 6 A special meeting of members of the Tanglin Club takes place tonight at the club, to consider the report of a special committee to enquire into tho practicability of the Hurricane House and Goodwood Estate schemes. The committee considers that both schemes are financially impracticable.
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  • 54 6 Mac Whirter, Clelland, and Stafford, three of the directors of the Mutual Bank of Glasgow, which BUnpeodrd payment in November, 1906, were sentenced to three months' injpri sonment for having falsified the bank's 1905 balance sheet. Wilson, another of the direc tors, was scut to gaol for 18 months for
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  • 67 6 The death of the chief stoker of H. M. S. Pioneer, now in Colombo Harbour, t jok place between Thursday Island and Batavia. When the deceased was Bfcriously.ill the Pioneer communicated with the Psyche by wireless telegraphy. The latter vessel, which was then at a distance of 200 miles from
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  • 68 6 The appointment of Mr. Idenburg, the Minister for the Colonies at The Hague, to be Governor-General of Netherlands India, had been expected for months. The Java Bode deems that no better choice could have been made. He is no stranger in Netherlands India, and has Colonial experience,. His successor in
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  • 86 6 The Shanghai Mirror regrets to learn that Mr. R. B. Levieu, the popular Victorian Government Commercial Agent, who expects to soon depart for Australia, leaving Mr. Sinclair in chargo of the agency, has received the sad news of the death of his father in Australia. In this connection, the strange
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  • 89 6 An active trade in cattle between Siatn and German New Guinea in North German Lloyd steamors is now springing into existence. These steamers are allowed by the Java Government to call at certain ports there— Taoiong Priok, Samaraog, and Sourabaya and handle cargo, but only on condition that the cattle
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  • 87 6 A Havas telegram tells how M. Tronillot, the newly appointed French Minister for the Colonies, has been interviewed by a representative of The Matin, a Paris newspaper. The minister said pointedly that it was impracticable to follow a cut and dried policy with the colonies. Each colony has its own
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  • 103 6 A meeting of planters wan held at Bandong in West Java, on August 27, when the most burning question discussed was that of the labour laws, the planters being in favour of legislation to compel ooolies to keep tliei. contracts by sharp penalties. Some speakers held that a sounder situation
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  • 400 6 Sir Percy Girouard has started for East Africa. The Hon. Emily Kionaird, vice-president of the Worlds Y. W. 0, A., lias arrived at Colombo. The Duke of Abruzzi arrived in Bombay on August 26, and sailed for Europe two days later. Mr. T. S. Bakrr, nianiger of
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  • 93 6 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. inform us that they are in receipt of a telegram frum the general manager, of Linggi Plantations, Ltd., advising that the output of dry rubber from the company's estates during the month of August was 44. f 0(1 lbs. It should be noted
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  • 70 6 Messrs. Outline and Co. inform us that they are advised that the output of dry rubber from the KamuninK (Perak) Rubber and Tin Co.'s estate during tho month of Auttust was 5,000 lbs and the net revenue derived from tin mining, (2,400. They are
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  • 81 6 At eleven a.m., yesterday, fire bruko out in a crockery shop in Clyde Terrace. Tho estimated loss is $100; the brigade arrived promptly on tho scbdo and had the flames extinguished within a minute or two after their arrival. Tho building is an old brick structure:.
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  • 116 6 So far a.H its superior officers are concerned the Penang police force is lamentably shortbanded, nays the Straits Echo. Then. ought to be three assistant superintendents of police stationed in Penang but, for Pome reason best knawn to the authorities, there have been for a long time two
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  • 142 6 This is one of the most unique organisations in the world. It is composed entirely of cniMren rang ng front seven to fourteen years old, they are one and all gifted vocally and dramatically and do work that adult artists would have no need to tjlu-li for, they
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 141 6 Shi" of the Desert BOlltOll ROllge Is no less famous than Bp FCIUCC2^ S? mm £C EGYPTIAN Op CIGARETTES WJfw yi by Messrs Masrero Frtres *%W/\— jdPff JOHN LITTI E fc co LT0 -iM ROBIKSDN CO. John Little Company, Ltd. W A Lfci CURIOS. 3^^ For One Week Only TM
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    • 249 6 ALHAMBRA 2ND BHOW. AT 9 30 P.M. 1. Overture, Lodoiska, by Kreutzer. 2. THK MAYOR'S HOLIDAY. .(Comic) 8. SAMMY AS SPOi.ToMAN.^. (Comic) 4. Film dArt: THEODORES CO ICERT. Comic Sk tcli by Paul Bonhomme. Actors M. Prince ot the Varit tes. M. Landrin of the Nouveautes. Mme. Rosin Derys of
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  • 386 7 ARCTIC EXPERTS SOMEWHAT SCEPTICAL. Dr. Cook's Amazing Story ESQUIMAUX HUNTERS GIVE ASSISTANCE. Describes Observations at the Pole. lin iki-.'s Telruram London, September 2. A ti lugram received from Dr. Cook at the Brussels Ob-iervatory adds that he discovered land in Mm far north. Newspaper couments, and interviews
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  • 42 7 Repaired Airship Sails for Home. |Drr Ostasiatische Lloyd Telegram] Berlin, Setpember 2. Count Zeppelin, after provisional repairs to his airship, which broke its second propeller while returning from the trip to Berlin, was able to resume his voyage to Friedrichscbafen.
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  • 71 7 Lord De Clifford Killed Near Brighton. [Rcctir's Telegram London, September 2. Lord Do Clifford has been killed in a motor accideut near Brighton. Jack Southwell Russell, 25th Baron de Clifford, was born in 1884, and was for a time second lieutenant in tbe Shropshire Imperial Yeomanry. He married
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  • 43 7 [Dbr Ostasiatiscbe Lloyd Tilioram] Berlin, Septamber 2. The Sultan has been at Brussa to pay a to the tombs of bis ancestors. On bU return to Constantinople, he succeeded in removing the ministerial crisis.
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  • 26 7 (From Ocr Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 2. Tbe Tekka Company announces payment of a dividend at the rate of 1 per share.
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  • 86 7 Judgment Favoured by Mercantile and Unofficial Community. i From Ocr Own Correspondent.; Penang, September 8. The judgment in the Weld Quay reclamation appeal case, which was given in favour of Messrs. Boastead and Co., against the Crown, has been well received by the mercantile and unofficial community.
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  • 86 7 Discharged Kangany Committed for Trial. [PMM Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, September 2. The dischugedkangauy who attacked Mr. W. .1. Man, superintendent of Bukit Hitam Estate. I'uttiling, during tho small hoars of tbe illuming of July 22, has been committed for trial on a charge
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  • 74 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.', Kuala Lumpur, September 2. The August crop of the Anglo Milay was 47,183 lbs. Patalin^ crop for August was 1'2.82'j lbs. and the London and Asiatic was 6.U27 lbs. Later. The lVnani! Sugar Estates Rubber crop for August was Caledonia, 16,500 lbs. Talinger 9,800
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  • 19 7 (From OrR On Coiirksposdest.) Kuala Lumpur, September 2The Tongkah tin dredging output for August was 850 piculs.
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  • 371 7 Towkay Accused on a Charge of Cheating. Tbe third magistrate, yesterday afternoon, resumed the hearing of tbe charge of cheating against a towkay named Liong Tham. who keeps a lodging house, the complainant being an Arab known as Sheikh Salleh. Messrs. Mundell and Everitt appeared for tho
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  • 169 7 A European named H E. Olsen pleaded guilty before the third magistrate, this morning, to vagrancy, saying tbat he bad no work, no money and no place to Bleep. He came as a passenger by tbe French mail steamer Cal'.donien. The police at Saigon gave him
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  • 576 7 AMERICA'S SUGGESTION OF A SECOND CONFERENCE. International Control of the Drug. Our correspondent, at Kuala Lumpur, wired us, on August 80, to the effect that the Malay Mail had learned privately tbat a further Opium Conference would take place at the Hague shortly, on the suggestion of
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  • 341 7 Views of Straits Pharmaceutical Association. Exception is taken to tbe draft of tbe proposed Pharmacy Ordinance by the Straits Pharmaceutical Association on various grounds, says the Pharmaceutical Journal, of July 81. Thus, it is pointed out tbat, sb no definition of a pharmacist is given in the
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  • 754 7 CHARTED ISLANDS THAT HAVE NO EXISTENCE. Man's Strange Life with Dogs. On the homeward voyage of the Nimrod, the vessel of tbe Shackleton expedition, further geographical work of the highest interest has been carried out, adding considerably to the scientific value of the work of the British Antarctic
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  • 238 7 Rough and Tumble at a Singapore Police Station. Sergt. Donovan prosecuted three Euro pean employees of Messrs. John Aird and Co., in the second magistrate's Court, this morning, on various charges. The sergeant stated that he found two of the accused fighting in front of the Baldwi n
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  • 51 7 The St. Joseph's Boys will meet tbe Waterloo Football Club at a football match, this evening at the Old Gaol Site. Tbe following will represent tbe latter A. Rodrigues, B. Dias, B. Oliveiro, A. Lazaroo D. Minfodt, C. Pestana, L. De'Sonze, N. Bristone, F. De'Sonza (Captain) M. Fernanda and Aloysuis
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  • 741 7 St. Thome Compared with Ceyloo and Malaya. Lieut. Col. J. A. Wyllie (Indian Army, retired) writes as follows to tbe London Times, from St. Thome, Portuguese West Africa: I have just received extracts (undated) from a letter of your Lisbon correspondent which presumably appeared in your issue of
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  • 217 7 Lieut. Shackleton Paying Off Loans on Personal Guarantees. Lieut. E. H. Shackleton will lecture in the United States and Canada on bis experiences in the Antartic regions. President Taft and Earl Grey (Governor- General of Canada) are members of the committee appointed to receive him. Tho celebrated explorer
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  • 112 7 Burglar or Customer New Soon lives at 148, South Bridge Rd. He was visited by a burglar, at an early hoar, on Wednesday morning. The intruder explained to the district judge, yesterday, tbat he went to tbe shop as a prospective customer, but tbe complainant was angry because he was
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  • 812 7 {EXCITING HOURS IN BARCELONA FOR CABLE STAFF. Heavy Trade Losses. A special correspondent. WRMMJ fruiu Bar celona on August 7. says Now that the wave of red revolution has passed, people are beginning to figure out tho amount of thu damage the week of rioting has caused to
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  • 210 7 Messrs. W. J. and H. Thompson's fort nightly india-rubber circular, dated August 7, says Para. During tbe last week of July thu para market was forced up to Ha. M. per lb. for spot, whilst distant positions were worth about Is. 4d. discount. Witli the bat
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 220 8 Ipoli has bren adjudged winner of tbc Walker. Football Trophy. Mr. Galstaun, the well-known race-horse owner and landed proprietor, was, on August 20, rim virtfd of assault on a Mohamedan and was lined Rs. 10. The launch for the Swimming Club will leave Johnston s Pier, on
      220 words
    • 58 8 Home Matches. The matches, Middlesex and the Australians, Kent and Yorks, and Sussex and Warwickshire, have been abandoned owing to rain. Sum y has beaten Leicester, at Leicester, by 48 runs. 'Hi- matches, Gloucester v. Essex, Worcester v. Somerset, and Lanes, v. Derby, were drawb. Middlesex has beaten Gloucester,
      58 words
    • 57 8 Tanglin Club. The result of the August bowling competition was as follows C. Kansford rUti 200 -846 11. Freeman 823 20 843 I. Dennys M 200 758 C. M. Howe 556 190 746 S. Dunn 604 140 744 J. Robertson 047 80 727 A. O Harrington 178 200 678
      57 words
    • 100 8 M. F. A. Junior Competition. The tie between the Persenangan Stia and the Tanjong Pagar Dock team, which had previously ended in a draw, was replayed at Beach Uoad, yesterday. Play was fairly interesting, and in the first half the Perse nangans bad the better of matters and
      100 words
    • 70 8 The Singapore Championship. Two ties were played yesterday afternoon. at the Keppel Harbour golf links, in connection with the competition for the golf championship of Singapore. They were as follows Fowlic (Sepoy Lincsi beat Crabb Watt (S.) one up. Stevens (S) beat stn.tton (S.i at the 20th 1.010. The
      70 words
    • 269 8 The Ladies' Club. The members of the Singapore Ladies' Uifle Association held a shoot at Balestier range, yesterday afternoon. The following Mix best scores count in the September competition for the Walker cup Miss Qunn 34 Mrs. Maulden 81 Miss Lloyd 81 Mrs. Learmont 31 Mrs. Saluiond HO
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    • 709 8 S. C. C. Tournament. Following arc the results of yesterday's play in the S. C. C. lawn tennis tournament:— Cll vMl'lONnllll'. Howe beat Kleinman, 6—l, 6—o. A SIMiLES. \'Mes scr. beat Ti.n-.iai> owe 8, I—6, o—3, 7—5. >.u/.iuann owe 1 beat O'Connor scr., 6—4, V. D. Parsons scr.
      709 words
    • 180 8 Selangor's Next Meeting-. The Selangor Tnrf Club evidently do not intend to let any grass grow under their feet so far as racing goes in the F. M. S. Thongh the Singapore Autumn and the Pcnang January meetings have both to come off in the iuterval, the secretary
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    • 151 8 Interport Aquatics. True to their princely traditious and their lore of true sport, the house of Jardino Matbeson and Co., Ltd., we loam from the Shanghai Mercury, have arranged that the members of the swimming team to represent Shanghai in the Hongkong gala shall travel to Hongkong at a
      151 words
  • 252 8 Will Pass Through Singapore About End of Month. Field -Marshal Lord Kitchener, who has vacated the command of the army in India and has since been appointed to succeed the Duke of ConnaDgbt as High Commissioner and Commander in -Chief of the Mediterranean, will pass through Singapore about
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  • 216 8 Shanghai Envious of Hongkong's Opportunity. I au; glad to see that there is to bo a uliaucc for a series of interport matches in Hongkong this autumn. We rather envy Hongkong in this respect, says the Shanghai Mercury. They see the Straits men :we never do. And this
    216 words
  • 292 8 A Destroying Plant Described in American Journal. A mosquitodeetroying plant ig described in the Municipal Journal and Engineer (New York). Apparently its introduction, however, would not be unattended with inconvenience, says the writer:— The effort to eliminate malaria by exterminating the moequitos which are credited with transport, ing
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  • 287 8 Girl-Wife's Remarkable Story Related at Calcutta. On August 24, in the Court of Mr. Swinhoc, Presidency Magistrate. Calcutta, a strango story was told by a girl of lb. Oo the previous day a yonng up-country man. named Kalichurn Kurmi, of ibitpur, applied through a pleader before
    287 words
  • 421 8 Messrs. Fraser and Company's Weekly Circular. hubbers still keep tbe feature of the market, anc there has been a noticeable advance in a great number of the shares daring the past few days, with good enquiries, bat sellers are difficult to find at present prices, so that
    421 words
  • 144 8 How Damage to Mr. Wellman's Balloon was Occasioned. ltegarding Reuters wire of Aug. 28, we learn that Mr. Wellman's balloon was travelling northwards at a speed of twenty-five miles an hour. The engines were working perfectly, and the vessel was nearing the pack ice when a leather
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  • 103 8 Wong Cheng Sung and Tans Ah Nam were iried before the third magistrate, yesterday, on the prosecution of Mr. Harmer, assistant supt. of police, on a charge of carrying on a Wah Woh Inttery on the pavement near the Chartered Hank. Mr. Parsons appeared for the
    103 words
  • 24 8 Stuart Forbes, who shot Mini Violet Constance Jacob, aud afterwards shot himself at Calcutta, is now quite oat of danger and is making progress.
    24 words
  • 176 8 Sloop Algerine Challenges Ferry Liner. A few days ago the palatial ferry linei Princess Victoria was summoned by a gun fired from a man-of-war, says the Daily Colonist, Vancouver.The Princess was steaming towards Vancouver when the steamers Charmer and City of Seattle were racing at one
    176 words
  • 115 8 Holland has an Airship society which oan boast of a branch in Java, at Sourabaya. The Java branch feels the need of metco'Ological HurveyH to find bow it stands with the higher layers of the atmosphere. Information on this point can only be secured by means
    115 words
  • 78 8 The beat of the sun, on August 12. caused eight deaths in England. It was aUo responsible for an explosion at the Chilworth Gunpowder Co.'s works, near Buxtoo (25 miks from Manchester). One man wax killed in the explosion. The maximum shade temperature in London was
    78 words
  • 96 8 Mr. Alan Korgusson ison of the late Sir James Fergusson, who was killed in the Jamaica earthquake disaster of 1907) left Creetown, (in Hircudbrightshire,) on August 9, in a motor launch accompanied by his wife, two friends, and a chauffeur. When tin: launch was two miles off shore a lighted
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 153 8 VICTORIA THEATRE, PoHard's Lilliputian j_ Opera Co. To-morrow Night: THE BELIE OF NEW YORK Monday, September 6 "IN" TOWN" Tuesday, September 7 A GAIETY ciIHL Wednesday, September B -THE GIRL FROM »A«f" Box plan ou view at Robinson Piano Co. Prices: »3.00, »2.00, »i. OO and N cents. THE "MANSION"
      153 words
    • 167 8 We Lead— Competition Follows. NEW PIANOS I ON HIRE ••s'lo MUI MONTH. Tuning and regular attention inclusive. S.Moutrie&Co. (LIMITED). I 'mil r Hcttl lltirnj),; Aiu Buildings. Telephone No. i' 22. MARLBOROUGH (Binematograpd. BEACH ROAD. To-Night, at 9.30 p.m. ENTIRELY NEW FILMS. THE DO(i REFUGE AT OEN\E\ ILLE. SOUDANESE TROOPS DRILLING.
      167 words

  • 506 9 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, :ird September, 1909. fMossra. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange an 1 Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations tlrs morning:— ■1, Value. S< Hers. It- An K loMalay 15/- 15 9 £l Anglo Sumatra 27/6 80/1 Banteng 87/
    506 words
  • 155 9 Bnvprn. Sellers. 10 Belat •8 25 650 10 Brnang 6.— 6.25 10 Brrißch 775 B.— 1 Duff Development 690 610 1 Teher 2— 275 10 Kunaboi 1-25 1 80 1 Kinta 1060 1125 1 Kledang 150 175 1 KramatPulai 4.— 4.60 10 Knantan 876 460 1 Lahat 10.65
    155 words
  • 82 9 I 10 Eastern Smelting Co. 17 pd 10.— 10 25 60 Kraser and Neave Ld 140 145 10 Hot. 1 van Wijk 22.50 24 50 100 Howartb F.rskine Ld. 85.— 100 7% Pref 100 100 Kilt y Hargrt ayes Co. Ld. R9.— 60.100 1% Ptef 91.— 94.— 10 Singapore
    82 words
  • 36 9 1 100 Howarth Erskine Ld. 6% par 1(K) Riley Hargreaves ACo ,Ld.6% 2% pm 100 Singapore Municipal 6% 20% pm. 100 do 6% o%pm 10-> rio 4i% 2%pui. 00 &> 4% 6%<tis£l\aj Singapoio^.octTrama b% 80% diao
    36 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 635 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. KY.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. $fti Two regular serrioea are maintained between JAPAN and BUROPB by th. Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS. under Mail Contract with the Imperia Japanese Government, specially designed tot tho Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided witi excellent accommodation for First and
      635 words
    • 364 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF BTEAMERB, Tn undermentioned iiiMl steamer* of tbt above Line maintain a ragnlar servlot between OalenMa and Japan, oalling at Penang, Binga pore, Hongkong and Shanghai m mm FLEET. Tons Oommander i.i. "J*f»ii- 6 013 J.O. Oumi i.e. Ouoon Aroii 4,800 B. H. Bneoa 4.5. AaaiTooa
      364 words
    • 333 9 A positive paying investment in any business, whether large or small, is II GOOD Printing Its value cannot be overestimated. Your advertising matter which you distribute and the stationery you use generally makes a lasting impression, favourably or otherwise, according to its kind. Don't Pay Out Money for the poor
      333 words
    • 118 9 $100 Cash FOR A Brinsmead AMD 19 PAYMENTS OF $25 each. I The Robinson Piano COMPANY. LIMITED. FLEURifAZUR Perfumes and Toilet Preparations. May be obtained from all Chemists and Store-keepers. THE CROWN PERFUMERY COMPANY. PARIS AND LONDON. Mi Proprietor: J. CARAPIET. MOLUM MANaOEMCHT. Established 1868 THE ADELPHI HOTEL. Lin ton
      118 words
    • 44 9 $75 Cash FOR A Werner AMD 25 PAYMENTS OF $18 each. The Robinson Piano COMPANY, LIMITED. AFTER DINNER CONCERT AFTER LINKER CONCERT Saturday Night, Ski t. 4. AFTER DINNER CONCERT AFTER DINNER CONCERT Saturday Nn.nT, S«pt. 4. No charge for booking. Carriages at 10.46.
      44 words

  • 1040 10 ELEVEN HUNDRED BUILDINGS DESTROYED. Serious Loss of Life. The Japan Chronicle, of August IT, says: The earthquake on Saturday afternoon, which had its centre a little nortb of Lake Biwa, resulted in a serious loss of life and great destruction of property. The centre of the disturbance
    1,040 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 453 10 INSURANCE. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors i G. V. Dihrkk, Esq., Chairman. Ad. Asmls, Esq., Vice-Chairman. A. H. Faih, Esq., Managing Director. ?k in; Fowlik, m.b., cm., Chief Med. Officer. F. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Couvbecr. Vow X<;an Pan,
      453 words
    • 434 10 INSURANCE. THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. Head Office— 13A, Canton Road. Shanghai. Registered uuder the Life Assurance Companies Acts, England, and under the Hongkong Ordinances. Board of DoboMH Alexander McLeod, Esq., Chairman. Lee Yung Su, Esq., C. Stepharius, Esq., J.H. McMichael, Esq., C. U. Burkill, Esq., J. A.
      434 words
    • 587 10 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. ■OORPORATiSD BY ROYAL CHARTER. --•Id np Capital Id 80,000 Shares of iMeaoh 61,100,000 ieaerra Fond ..41,674,000 iaserr. Liability of Proprietor! ..61,300,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bwik of Scotland. a« London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Onrrenl Acoonnta are opened
      587 words
    • 533 10 BANKING. HONGKONG AND BHANGHA! BANKING CORPORATION. Bjerlino Reserve 118,000,0001 IQq BUyer Keaerre •14,500,000/ MMOO.OOi. ieierre Liability of Propriatori 115.000.00 C COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Gresaon, Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Esq. 0. R. Lennmann, Eta J. W. Bandow, Esq. E. Bhelllm, Esq. 8.
      533 words
    • 621 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE Of VALUABLE TOWN PHOPEHTY, At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Co.'s SaleroomOn Mvn.luj, September G, ,it 1.30 p.m. Valuable Statutory Grant Land at Robiu son Road, comprised in Lot 215 of (irant No. 5520, Sub-diTision I, estimated area •_',681 square fee*. to K cthor with the
      621 words

    • 467 11 Attitude Towards Private Cars. Mr. Troutbeck held an inquest at Westminster, on August 8, on the body of Sydney Edwards, aged fifty, a clerk in the Admiralty, lately living at Bushey, wbo died in Charing Crocs, on July 30, from injuries ccived by
      467 words
    • 336 11 The It. A. Club has just officially observed a trial of the Atlas tyre protectors, which is wortbv of notice. The total distance run was four tboaaand miles, three thousand on the road and thousand on the llrooklands track, the covers used being grooved Dunlops. Tue
      336 words
    • 431 11 Residents of Calcutta who use the roaidan roads alter dark are often dazzled by the great power of the headlights used by gome nioiiii l- t-t, says tlio Asian. The driver of a carriage in suddenly confronttd by a blaze of light that blinds the eyes and throws into
      431 words
  • 67 11 A motor coach service, twelve trains each way, for the carriage of passengers only, will run daily between Rangoon and Tbingangyun stopping at Poozoondoung and and Tamwe, in lieu of the present local trains. A compartment in each coach has been provided for a limited number of nppor class passengers
    67 words
  • 105 11 An agreement was signed by' representatives of China and Japan at Shanghai on August 25. By it's provisions .Japan recognises Chientao as Chinese territory under Chinese jurisdiction, and it is aereed that the railway may be extended northwards of Hiiinmintun after the negotiation of details. Japan has agreed
    105 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 245 11 Is larply on WOLSELEY-SIODELEY. ight a car may usually carry, tlie |""Tn phire roads hk nt i."IO Is on tyres, covers, s^)g^RjH; Si" iiturr is ratlier heavy, tliere were no ru fanical replacements whatever. Full particulars may be had from tbe LAg ljtß! CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. Motor Accessories EX S.B.
      245 words
    • 152 11 1910 CARS I 1910 CARS I Great Improvements. CABS CAX BE USED WITHOUT STARTING HANDLE. STANDARDS. STARS, NAPIERS, ROVERS, BELSIZE AND REOS. Cars for Hire by Day and Night. AGENTS: C.F.F. Wearne&Co. 168 k 169, Orchard Koad. DAY PHONE 61*. N IOH T 'PHONE 7I 4 Jnsure Your Motor Qar
      152 words
    • 220 11 PAY DAY What Does it Mean to YOU? X* natter what war paMaa rray l*f, \vh<tt.rr *iay Lilnrcr or oftU-o •mr, if y.m arc in tliat dfaconnoad line '>l men who js<-t the same pittance week after v..<-',: without licet of anvthintf better, it is time you ap|f:ilcil t" the
      220 words
    • 246 11 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained st the followiug places in Singapore: Messrs. .lu!m Little Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel, Beach Road. Messrs. Kirn ft Co., Battery Road AraeLian Street. Messrs. Knh ft Co., 90. Bras Basah Road. Messrs. Oheo Soon Co., Orchard Koad. Adelphi Hotel.
      246 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 633 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD K»TI Foar Llao. <» <*° l».«llo» «l Bf tb. laoll teut of tnuiu OFFIOE 4 8000WN TO BE LET. With immediate entry No. T, Malaoe* Street Auply to OUTHRIK CO.. LTD Ttm HOUSE TO LET. "Monks Hill Cottage," from October 1. next. Apply Paterson, Simons
      633 words
    • 611 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. K.-«a r.>«f Li*-- m i<* -miliiii 9JJBB 60D0WNS '0 BE LET. Nm. 9 and 10, Magazine Road, large, fronting Singapore River. Apply to 32, Market Street. 1714 OFF CE AND GODCftN TO LET. No. 95, Robinson Road. Moderate rent. Apply to J. LEVY, No. 10,
      611 words
    • 629 12 NOTICES. Riraa lat Mooch, no pw Inch, Smbaaqaail month. St. For ahortar parioda a* tSoaJa of Chiircaa. NOTICE. Siow Soon Hoe having left our employment, be is no longer authorised to collect accouuts on our behalf. RILEY, HARGREAVES k CO., LTD. a 1220 NOTICE. I, the undersigned, Chan Yam San,
      629 words
    • 513 12 WANTS. »UT»« 1--PO.T Liar*, on. oi two l.Mrtloa*. ll. oc By th. larii ifeaj. of Ctaanaa. BHORTHAND TYPIBT WANTEO. Wanted, a good shorthand and type- writing Jlerk. Apply to H. Abrams. ***** COCOANUT PUN r A lON WANTED. Wanted to bny, Coooanut Plantation. Full particulars to be sent to P.J.,
      513 words
    • 554 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Gardenhows, Tubo», ENDLESS BELTS, FLOORTILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      554 words