The Straits Times, 27 August 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.0-10 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. AUGUST 27. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 374 1 A Fresh Stock of SUTTON'S SEEDS Packets. VEGETABLE SEEDS. FLOWER SEEDS. TO IUhKI. PKI: P.UKKI. Mixed Turnips 20 cents. Dahlia, double 35 cents. 1 Mixed Cabbage 15 Dahlia, single 35 Parsley 16 n Gloxinia 35 Mixed Tomatoeß 35 Carnation 35 Water Cress 30 Phlox Drummondic 35 Plain Cress 15 Aster,
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    • 83 1 THE Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.M.S. A New First-class Hotel. Fitted with Electric Light and Fans Five minutes from Railway Station. Overlooking the Padang. Single and Double Bedrooms, with Private Bathroms attached. Cuisine under F.nropean Supervision. Cold Storage Supplies weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter meets all Mail Trains. Management THE
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    • 158 1 HARIMA HALL Cinematograph, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TO-NIGHT Grand Change of Programme. TEN NEW FILMS Just Received. STRING ORCHEBTRA. ELECTRIC FANB. K. HARIMA, Sole Proprietor. Under the patronage of H. E. Sir John Anderson, '..c.m.o. TEUTON! A CLUB Saturday, August 28. GRAND EVENING CONCERT BY Madame Monti Baldinl. THE CELEBRATED ITALIAN
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    • 111 1 GRAMOPHONES AND NEW RECORDS. OBTAINABLE ONLY OBTAINABLE ONLY ROBINSON CO. ROBINSON CO. In listening to the Reoords of such great artistes as /V l\ PATTI, MELBA. CARUSO. f^Av PLANCON, BATTISTINI. Etc.. fe 4 You will hear what true right vocal tone is. THEY SING FOR THE GRAMOPHONE, a popular brS^T
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    • 74 1 IN THE MATTER OF THE STRAITB VERMICEL'.I FACTORY. LTD.. IV LIQUIDATION. For snle as a Koio^concor-i the Vermicelli Machinery complete, consisting of an Engine, Boiler, Pumps, also b Vacuum Drier, Pug Mills, Pressing Machines and all tho Stock-in-trade, etc., etc and the Lease of Land and r>ui!dings now open to
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    • 70 1 NOTICE. I, the undcrsigued, Chan Yam San, lx^ to tho pnh'ic that my wife Ong Suan I Neo, d»ii£h f «r of Ong BwM Raok, ft house on the 2Urd March, 1909, without uiy consent. And I do lictcrt.y i;ive notice that I shall not be responsible for any debt
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  • 872 2 AN AMAZING ACCOUNT OF KING ALFONSO'S NEGOTIATIONS. Another Side of the Question. E.\. lnfante Alfonso of Orleans who incurred degradation at the hands of the King of Spain by his secret marriage at Coburg to Princess Beatrice of Saxe-CoburgGotba has given an amazing account of negotiations j
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  • 70 2 Touched by the pleading of a young man convict; d of forgery, Mr. Justice Hart, at Longbeacb, California, the Mail says, not only set him free, bat enabled him to pay the costs on the spot by cashing a cheque signed by the prisoner. With fatherly advice, urging the young
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  • 708 2 E.nolish Socibty Lady Dkm imufk Bkr famm at A Royal Rkception. No privilege is more appreciated by ladies of society in England than that of being invited to a Koyal Reception. There are always many eager aspirants to the distinction when it becomes
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 307 2 Of ALL TYPEWRITERS THE "Empire" Has the Largest Sale in the Far East. DURABILITY, SIMPLICITY, EFFICIENCY, LOW PRICE are its strong points. FOOLSCAP MODEL $112. BRIEF MODEL $140. POLICY MODEL $162. The Borneo Co., Ltd. IMPORTERS. BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES are not an experiment. They have been the favourite blends at home
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    • 69 2 INFANTILE CHSLEM. Any unusual looseness of a child* bowels daring the hot weather should be a warning to mothers Infantile obolera may develop in a few hours, and prompt action should be taken to avoid it. Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, followed by a dose of castor oil, will
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    • 258 2 MARTIN'S M miforLadies.l bLk# a Frsnch F»m»dv far all lrr.«ul»rlt!««. Th.»i> .rv"> w i ■■>-„■ IS IS •wn of jii> Imvutafh* Syvem a timely dow: may b« ■mnin:~.erru liun« .new ih«m te mamd th«m. ben.* Ihej uirnii. cow souTuinPTOM. aVi'iiajiD.* ROB ROyTENS^ "I FREE IT Colonel Sir DAVID BRUCE, C.8..F.R.5.
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    • 421 2 It doesn't pay to allow your linen to be Wfl rubbed and banged to tatters \JW mil upon rough stones. Insist upon W\\ being used in the Sunlight Way, and I'M W\ you will save money. i/M upon the wrapper rc.unj It always pays to use y^Ar Sunlight Soap. i44i
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    • 21 2 BUNGA MELOR lone en trated^^^^t^ Extract 3H9^ 1 \s v R|l v '"Jiiß >.( l|/7 V. RIGAUD PARIS Sold bj ill Perfumers
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  • 133 3 NEW NOVELS FOR COLONIAL READERS. In Dialect. With m Wahukn ov thk Mam hk>. By 1 1. .war l'easu, London Constable and Co. Mr. Pease has written a stirring tale of the Border, and though we confess the dialect has proved a stumbling block to our enjoy, ment
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  • 148 3 flcu Littlk Town. By Charles Lee. London (iibbings and Co. Our Little Town is a Cornihh story, full of ijuiet humour and written in a flowing, easy style which makes pleasant reading. Although Mr. Charles Lee's Porthjulyan will hardly bear comparison with other villages famed in literature, be
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  • 155 3 Tin- Wwiox. By Frances Forbes Robertson. London Oreening. The Wanton is a stirring tale of the Middle Ages in the time of the great Emperor Frederick 11. It gives us a vivid and most interesting picture of life in the Thirteenth Century, and for the time being
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  • 190 3 Tub Comin.. ok Airoha. Mrs. U. Champion do Crespigny. London Eveleigh Nash. Mrs. Champion de Crespigny has written many stories, but we hardly think that The Coming of Aurora can be counted among her Hui-cr The idea of a rather vulgar and very foolish young lady forcing her way
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  • 409 3 Thk Vhii.. By E. S. Stevens, London Mills and Boon. Northern Africa, as many writers have found, makes an irresistible appeal to one's sense of romance. Here East meets West on tin; ruins of the old civilisation of the Mediterranean and the boulevards meet and mingle
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  • 386 3 Most Valuable Collection of Arms in the World. Dr. K. F. Martin, formerly dragoman of the Swedish embassy at Constantinople, has sent home an interesting account of the valuable collections of ancient arms and armour, that are still to be found in Turkey. He says For
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  • 290 3 Awards Still Awaiting Successful Aviators. There is a very large number of valuable prizes remaining to be won by flight both in England and in France. 1 lie amounts approximately for aeroplanes and airships are —England, £25,000 France, A' 20,000. The prizes offered in France include A
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  • 182 3 To Show How Alarmingly We Are Deteriorating. Anthropology, which the dictionary describes as the natural history of man in its widest sense, has found a new home in a mysterious-looking, black tent at Shepberd'sbush. The Royal Anthropological Institute, which is responsible for the tent, is also responsible
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 717 3 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL. MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL GENINEERS, IRON BRASS FOUNDERS, BOILER MAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS. SOLE FOR Worthington Pump Co. s Patent Pumps PulBoin»'ter Engineering Co.'s Pnlsometer Pumps ltobcy and C'o.'s Portable Engines and Machinery Richard Hornsby and Son's Oil and Gas Plants Waygood's LiftB and HoiBts Robert Roger
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    • 56 3 DON T I6NORE SLIGHT INJURIEB. bout neglect giving every cut, wound or bruise prompt attention. Blood poison may appear and an ugly scar or even the loss of a limb result. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an antiseptic, heals the wound rapidly and all danger is avoided by its use. For
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    • 189 3 Milkmaid JJ* BRAND WQk njrrii, Milkmaid brani*,,! 1 |lf| 1 1/ vJ»*V f|f JWIIK m Qjo „gL 2 See that the ;^WBSroNOENSED** Tl MILKMAID Trade Mark S i TT^S^ '8 on every Tin *«x*.V. TDAOE MARK. Largest Sale in the World CHEAPEST and BEST. COMPRESSED Roofing Slates. 1 FIRE AND
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    • 274 3 MARTELLS Blue and Silver Label is an accepted guarantee, all over the world FOR THE BEST QUALITY IN BRANDY THREE STAR AND ONE STAR. Youkuusii F or particulars of T.i^hud b, th. of uldo m't trade prices, mi>.!. please apply to:— D a ADAMSON, (iILFILLAN CO., LTD. CRUSHED FOOD.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 660 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For Chins, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Parti, Ply. rniuth and London. Through HilH of Laiiog issued for Cbim C >ast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Ports. Btcamer9 will laave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Assayo
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    • 635 4 STEAMERS SAILINGOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. GO. LTD. The Companies' Bteamen are despaehed from Liverpool outwards for tbe Strait*, China and Japan every wck and from Japan homeward! for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Oenoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles. Havre and
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    • 900 4 STEAMER BAILIHQS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. COu LTD. Taa (teamen of thi* Company maintain rogular direot service between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking oargc, on through BUI* of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Ohefoo, Tientsin, Newohwang, Yangtsze Port., Formosa, the Philippine*, A},, *o. Btesusen Ton* Commander KOTBAJM 4,891 K.
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    • 648 4 STEAMER SAILINGSHAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen. Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo at
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    • 725 4 BTEAHER BAILIN.B. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ol this Company sail fortnighty from Brome*), Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton- Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonneotio. Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, aud vice venal Port Said, Baez, Aden, Colrabo, Penang, Singapore, HoDgkong Shanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 176 5 FIXTURES. Friday August -7Iliuli Wa».<?r, 8.38 p.m. Legislative Council, '2 80. p.tu. P. iiinl outward mail due, U p.m. Y. II. C. A. foundation «toni- laying. ">.1.V M. C. A. auniversary. Thoatn-. 8.48 CUhm lliri-tim Assocn. meeting, 8. lpoh Olympic MM, Football shield entries close. Alhambra Cinoraato«rapli.
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  • 230 5 To-Dat. Mnar and Malacca Lady Weld 8 pm Malacca. P. Pi kson, l'urt Swettcnham aud Te'nk An.mii Hclaugor 3 pm Bill km, Batavia, Kmra ii\.i Macasar, e'c. Van den Bosch 4 pm Bangkok Nuontiug 4 pm Hmu'kok port 4 pm l'.iuti*nak Han Fo Snan 4 pm Kingkawan^.
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  • 95 5 Tha outward P. aud 0. Packet Assaye f iss, ,1 Malacca at 0.1.") a.m. to day. The Mail dispatched from Singapore to I. hi, lon. via llrimlisi, on the liOtb ultimo, was iL'livc red on tlio 23rd instant. Left Singapore July 30 P. AO. Anil i 1..
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  • 260 5 Latest Arrivals. Bm I' lit Bm, Drit. Btr. 193 tons, CapUin Gully. Ang 26. From lYnun.. Aagit, Gc. and 68 dp. Talk Loo Gnu, For I'uQaD^, Anu 28— Rda. I, Dut. str. 5778 tons, Capt Ilarin«a, Vug 26. From Rotterdam, July 10. G.o. Ships A gone v Ltd.
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  • 98 5 August 16 B, Jiit hmtrt, Gir ttr, Piemen via ports Uai .V.ibi. Brit air, auJ Malacca P— IHa ffnan. ISrit t-ir. Pontianak l.dcndalc, Brit Btr. Bamarang vim port* AtOttrtt, Brit str. Sambas and Pamangkat iuIUU, Brit str, Pcnanf, Rangoon, CaicatU 1 ■I'-mi. Gcr eti, Bangkok liemiTiffl'. Mr.
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  • 89 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day TANJONQ PAOAB. EiflT Wami Basis— Nil. Eabt W. Rkctioh 1 -Kill no. BecnoN No. 1 (Sdfkiw Wuaki i— Nil. Stcrios Behaafa, 3-H»!.ata Maru. 4— Airlie. M B— Calypso. GUmor(jausliiro, Autiluobus. 7— Nil. B— Sluvonia, Tno^aun.
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  • 135 5 The l'iuani; UaaaMa hears that the Straits Trading Co s launch Incline broke from her mooring ou Sunday night and drifted ashore at liigan Luar. She was hauled oft on Monday morning ard towod to Prye Dock. The Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Cos steamer Volute arrived from Suez, yesterday, via
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  • 368 5 Coming to Singapore Per P. and O steamer Mooltan, coiinc cting with the steamer Assayc, at Colombo, due August 27.— Mr. J. P. Macaulcv. Mr V. C. Lalmin, Mr. I). 11. Hiiuiug, Mr. D. Milue, Mr. .1. S. Oliver. Per N.D L. steadier Prinz Eitcl Friedrich, due
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  • 138 5 I'er steamer Caledonia, August 26. From Shanghai: Mr. W. A. liolton from Hong, kong: Mrs. Macdonald infant and amah, Mr. Loo Sun, Mr. Wai Van Chow. Mr. Wong Wing Dai. I'er steamer Solaugor, August 26. From Penang Miss Stercns, Messrs. D. Gilchist. W. B. Stevens, W. A. Bicknoll, F.
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  • 298 5 A man has been arrested with pawuticket« iv his possession calling for two krosongß stolen from a boatman in the Gaylang River. as described in yesterday's issue. Low Hcug Ang, who snatched the earrings from a woman named Liong Ah Mcc in Cecil St. on Saturday last, was
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  • 123 5 It will be of interest to philatelists in the Straits Settlements and tho F. M. S. to hear that the Imperial Chinese postal administration is shortly issuing three special stamps to commemorate, the accession to the throne of His Imperial Majesty Hsuau T'ung. Unlike China's present issue
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  • 270 5 Messrs. Fraser and Company's Weekly Circular. The past week has been extremely dull in rubbers, and rates are practically unaltered sinco last advices, whilst Tins on the other hand have been .n moderate request in sympathy with tho recent steady advance in the price of the metal.
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  • 168 5 Resolution by Members of Hongkong Council. A meeting of the unofficial membors of the Hongkong Legislative Council was held on the afternoou of the lHth inst. at which the follow ing resolutions were passed unanimously That a duty be imposed on all foreign and Chinese alcoholic liquors
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  • 123 5 Lieut. Shackleton announces that he will not attempt to reach the South Pole until Capt. Scott returns. If (apt. Scott is able to land on King Edward VII. Land, he will break entirely new ground. If Igo south again, Lieut. Shackleton continued, I should start from tho
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  • 46 5 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time corresponding to C a.m. Green wich meantime. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at ono o'clock.
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  • 245 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SlNOAPOBI, ACliUST If, 1909. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4,°, Demand 2/4 A Private 8 m/s 2/4 do 8 m/s '2/4,; On Germany— Bank d/d 289 Private 8 m/s 241 do 6 m/s 248 On Francs-Bank d/d 294.} Private 8 m/a 296} do 6 m/s 800 On
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    • 259 5 Issue Yalcb Paid CouT Di^ikd Buyers Sellers i j 10 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 t 1 1 1 10 l v 1 J 1 J 1 J 10 10 10 1 10 1 1 10 1 10 6/--1 1 1 10 1 1 18/10
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    • 558 5 Sterling. I 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/1 1 1 1 1 2/. 1 1 1 2/. 1 1 1 2/. 1 1 1 1 I 2/- Anglo-Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. 80% for '08 1 Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd 10% for "08 1 Batu
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    • 178 5 10 10 BO 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 10 7 60 10 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. 10% for 'Or 10% for W Frascr Noave, Ltd. 17J% for'oB Hotel van
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 119 5 AUCTION SALES. I' ell and Co. Aug 28. At Oodown A, Keppel Koad, Damaged Ciood^, ex s.s. Kalomo, at 0.30. Sept At saleroom, unredeemed pledges at 10. Sept 4.— At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. Sept 7. At saleroom, unredeemed plouVes, at 10. Oct 26. At saleroom, valuable sawmill property,
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    • 49 5 Godfrey Phillips, Ld. LONDON, ENGLAND. SMOKE The King of .^^^m Cigarettes The Kiag of d n U A free sample "P obtainable by \J -<^^^^^ Sold by applying to t,,0 All the Principal Singapore Branch, c 55, ROBIHSOH RO. Tobacconists. Godfrey Phillips, Ld. Awarded Grand I'rix "for Cigarettes, London, 1908.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 160 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Kbob August 27 to Si.rr«ym:R 2.) man water low water f time flight TiSTTß'ght Vugaßt hra mm. ft io. bn.inin. ft. ins. I 7.51 am 7 0 0.30 am 3.4 FaiDAT 27 J628 pm 8.0 O.SOpm 6.0 I 9.9 am 7.5 8.0 am i.x Sircißil 25 ,I,
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  • 33 6 Waknkokh Lock. At Bandarawella, Coylon, after eight weeks' severe illness, C. G. Warnford-Look, M. lust. M.M., F. 0.5., aged 56 years. All communications to be addressed to Mrs. Warnford-Look, Poste Restantc, Colombo.
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  • 1213 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27. PAHANG CONSOLIDATED. Some recent papers from London supply as with more information than has been available locally in reference to the crisis in the history of Pahang Consolidated. There are a few shareholders here, no doubt, who know more about the actual position and
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  • 18 6 Five Moro scoutH have deserted with their arms in the Southern Philippines, and bave not yet been recaptured.
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  • 32 6 News has been recevieri at Kjopliow of the death of Mr. Schouisky, Russian Cousnl at that port, who appears to have died on the train while on the way home via Siberia.
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  • 36 6 Where is Singapore in the matter of wireleas.' In Japan a foreign wireless message costs but 2/i sen for live words. A press wireless cau bo sent at the rate of 20 sen for 50 jvords.
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  • 30 6 This has been a great month of literary centenaries— Kingslake's nn the Mh, Tennyson's on the rith, John Hill Burton's on the 22nd, and Oliver Wendell Holiness on Sunday next.
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  • 32 6 The Peking government lias proposed to develop the government bank and will again send its deputies to Dutch ka«t Indies and other places to get the Chinese abroad to subscribe for shares.
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  • 36 6 Tho Pinang Gazette hears ihat Mrs. Scott, wife of the late Mr. Clement Scott, the dramatic critic, is leaving Euglaud with a theatrical company for the Pu East next month, and will visit Penang and Singapore.
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  • 40 6 The South China Morning Tost is uiven to understand that Mr. Nels Peterson has been successful in Hougkong in disposing of his interest in the Amalgamated Mining Co., to a local syndicate, through the agency of Mr. H. l'helps Whitniarsh.
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  • 43 6 The total number of coral fishers caught in the recent Sturm off Japan was ,Hori. Of these the torpedo boats which were despatched to render assistance discovered 70, twelve of whom were dead, but of the remaining 2:)* no trace can bo found.
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  • 41 6 Private Thomas Kearney, Engineer Corps, U. S. A., has been sentenced to life imprison meut for the murder of Sergt. George Hueber who had reported Kearney's previous bad conduct to the commanding officer and caused his reduction from sergeant to private.
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  • 44 6 The members of the European contingent of the Police are giving a farewell dinner to Mr. W. R. J. Hawtry at the Adelphi Hotel on Saturday night. Mr. Hawtry s resignation as second superintendent of police takes effect at the end of the month.
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  • 49 6 The silk sarongs from Kelantan. famous for their lightness as well as the beauty of design and texture, and which were hitherto unattainable, are now coming in freely, and the industry in Kelantan has developed in ten years from exports to the value of 522.000 to 81(),-i,355 last year.
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  • 48 6 Cultivation of coconuts makes no progress in Negri Sembilan. The Resident remarks that in the absence of any extensive plantations, no nil mill could possibly pay, and the absence of an oil mill with tli- ready market it affords, in turn prevents the general extension of this cultivation.
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  • 44 6 The shareholders of the China Merchants' Steam Navigation Co have elected a committee of ten. headed by 11. K. Shing Sliunwai. to look after their interests. Two auditors bave also been elected. These elections have been communicated to the board of communications at Peking.
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  • 48 6 It is an extraordinary fact, says the Piuarjg Gazette, that while hundreds of people at home, and scores in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur have made huge profits out of the recent rubber boom, hardly anybody in Penang wems to have derived any direct pecuniary benefit at all therefrom.
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  • 60 6 The work of clearing tho harbour of Port Arthur of the sunken ships is nearly done. The few wrecks that cannot be raised are being divided in pieces that they may be removed out of the way. When all this is completed very shortly, the dredging of the portion of
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  • 61 6 The Courrier Saigonnais says, that the European export firms at Saigon bave been so hard hit by the long-standing commercial crisis and by Chinese failures that they bave formed themselves into a syndicate to safeguard their mutual interests. The post of president of the syndicate has been offered to M.
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  • 59 6 Singapore is not without its careless syco They have them at Shanghai, too, for we read in an exchange that sentence of two weeks' cangue and one week's imprisonment was imposed upon a careless mafoo, from Hupeb Boad, in the Mixed Court, for driving at a furious and dangerous speed.
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  • 125 6 Now dhohies, and especially those of that ilk resident in Singapore who tell us, on elaborate signs, that they are from Hongkong "or "from Shanghai are known to be beyond reproach, so the following choice example of twentieth century English, found on a tastefully arranged business card, has no connection
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  • 127 6 At 2 a.m. on Sunday, a Chinaman giving the name Tay Ah Soon was caught by a constable in the act of breaking into the house of a Malay widow named Mima, in Serangoon Koad. He had cut a hole through the door with a chisel and was trying to
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  • 405 6 Mrs. A. .1. Amery has sue cessf ally undnrgone the operation for which went he me. The Rev. M. Lonfcridgc, naval chaplain, who left Hongkong a few months ago, has been appointed to H M.S. Superb. Bishop Oldhaui, Ins been please! to accept the office of
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  • 73 6 A movement is on foot to present a pastoral staff to Bishop Ferguson-Davie on the occasin of his enthronement as Bishop of Singapore. The minimum cost is estimated at S:SOO. but if a larger snm is obtained it will be used for the purpose of adding
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  • 110 6 An important focial function, such as the wedding of the daughter of the representative of tho King, a jouug lady who has discharg ed tie honours of the Government House for some years charmingly and creditably, says the I'erak Pioneer editorially, could not be fittingly celebrated
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  • 92 6 Before next Empire li.'.y comes around, an exchange remarks, an Act should tic passed providing that anybody who alludes to the British Empire on which the sun never sets i<hall get three months without the option. Tho statement only serves to upset the average youth's ideas of geography.
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  • 101 6 The report of Dr. D. K. McDowell for tho registrar of births and deaths, shows that during the weekended August 21, 212 deaths were registered in Singapore, equal to a death-rate of 39.72 per thousand of tie estimated population. Malarial fever claimed 38 deaths, dysentery 20, bronchitis
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  • 124 6 Mr. J. Bromhcad Matthews (late of I'res> grave and Matthews, Penang, and now Attorney-General, Bahamas) lias been appointed by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to be Attorney-General of tho Straits Settlements, in succession to Mr. W. J. Napier. Mr. Matthews will arrive in Singapore to take
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 86 6 The GARRICK Cigarette 22™A LARGE HAND-MADE CIGARETTE. Packed in 50b 1 IR^Sa R P /jS Price OBTAINABLE AT Messrs. John Little Co., Robinson Co. LA WSON'S Liqueur Whisky. ■M i^ Per Case: ■BKWi Less 5 per cent. 1 s t JUST ARRIVED PER S.S. KANAGAWA MARU t s I o
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  • 87 7 GRATEFUL TO THE POWERS FOR INTERVENING. Assurances of Peaceful Intent. |Rkdt«b's Tblroram.l London, August -!li. Reuters Constantinople correspondent states that the Council of Ministers bus approved a reply to tho note of the protecting Powers, thanking them for solving the tUg question, and assuring them of Turkey pacific
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  • 262 7 AEROPLANE COVERS A HUNDRED AND FIFTY KILOMETRES. Yet Another World Record. Rfi tkk's Tklki.rvm Londou, August 20. At RheimH, Paulham flew eighty-two miles in 2 hours 4:» minutes aud '24 seconds. This is a world's record. London. August '27. At Uhciin*, M. Latham twho it will h< remembered
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  • 57 7 Elaborate Precautions Being Taken. Rutkh's Titihii London, August 27. Four children have died of cholera at Rotterdam, and twenty eiglit suspicious cases are under observation. The most elaborate precautions have been taken to prevent the disease spreading. [Dkr Ostasiatischk Lloyd Tki.k.iram Berlin, August 28. An outbreak of
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  • 55 7 Will Speak for the Budget Protest League. Baom'i Twitrirn London, August 26. It is announced that Lord Roscbery has agreed to address a mooting of the Itudget Protest League at Glasgow. Tho Times says it is believed that an inference may be drawn from this with regard
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  • 46 7 Worldwide Improvement on Last Year. 'Rrutbh'd Tklkoram London, August 27. Tbe Board of Agriculture estimates that tho wheat crop throughout the I'nited Kingdom will be above the average. There is a strong belief that the world's harvests generally will be above those of 1008.
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  • 35 7 The Norddeutsche Liner Free From Blame. [Dm OsTASUEisiHK Lloyd Tklekram Berlin, August 26. It is stated that the Colombia was entirely at fault in the collision with the Schlesien at Monte Video.
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  • 35 7 Oik Ostasiatisciu Lloyd Telegram] Berlin, August 26. The Powers have made a strong protest against the oruel tortures to which Mnlai Hand. Sultan of Morocco has subjected a pumber of hit captives.
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  • 263 7 Indian Money-Changer Who was Not to be Had. I, iew Ho was tried in the district court, yesterday, on charges of possession of seveu counterfeit ten-cent pieces and attempting to p.iss four of them on an Indian money changer named Kassim, iv Crawford St. on August 1 1.
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  • 704 7 Address by Bishop Oldham at the Methodist Church. Last night, Bishop W. P. Oldlmin. I>.l>. delivered an address M the Philippines, (whither he proceeds via Hongkong by the I', anil O mail steamer tomorrow inorniogi under the auspices of the I'. u worth League, at the Wesley
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  • 64 7 Yesterday morning. Sikh P. C. 23;! was on duty near the Singapore Cricket Club when a runaway pony attached to a gharry came tearing along. A woman and child were inside. The sikh pluckily seized the animal's head, bringing it to a stop and thus obviated what might have been
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  • 714 7 ALLEGED FIGHTING SOCIETY AT PAYAH LEBAR. Curious Story Related A Tamil named Letchmanan prosecuted seven of his fellow-countrymen before the fourth magistrate, yesterday afterncon, that his worship might bine' them over to refrain from molesting him. Mi. Tozer appeared for the prosecution and Mr. Kuuwlrs for tire
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  • 207 7 Ex- Policeman Sent to Gaol for Two Years. Vong Ah Pi, Vong Moi Ti and Ling Ab Kian are alleged to have entered a native restaurant belonging to Chu Cbye, at H7, Ophir Rd., on the 15th inst., and having eaten their fill refused to pay, played fast
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  • 50 7 The patronal feast of the Singapore Catholic Club will be celebrated on Sunday, the 29tb instant, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd by a special High Mass at 9 a.m. A reception of the members will be held by the president, at the Club, after Mam.
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  • 1973 7 SCIENTISTS' EXPEDITION TO UPPER PERAK. Roughing It in the Wilds Last month. Mr. 11. N. Kidley, director o the Singapore Botanic Gardens, Mr. H. C Robinson, director of F. M. S. Museums, auc Mr. C. B. Kloss, curator of the Kula Lumpui Museum, undertook a collecting trip to
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  • 221 7 Napoleon Bonaparte at the Allham bra. It is oue thing to read of the great deeds and the eventual downfall of the great Napoleon and quite another to nee him so realistically moving -before our eyes, directing in some scenes the great armies that for a time before the Battiu
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  • 61 7 A church parade for members of the Singapore Volunteer Corps will take place at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Sunday, September .*>. The Volunteers will fall in at the Drill Hall at 5 p in. After tho service, His Excellency the Governor will present a long service medal
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  • 31 7 A very fine display of the latest novelties in jade is biting shown by Mr. B. P. De Silva, jeweller, High Street, consisting of rings, charms, bracelets, and numerous other designs.
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  • 127 7 IMPORTANT SCHEME EXPLAINED BY PREMIER A Powerful Pacific Navy. itei ra'a Tbimbui London, August J7. Mr. Asquith, speaking iv tho Houso of Commons, referring to military and naval defence schemes, made an important announcement. He said the squadrons iv the Far East would be remodelled. A Pacific
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  • 57 7 COMMISSION OF SCIENTISTS TO INVESTIGATE. Lord Cromer as Chairman Rki-trii's TIUMUaJ London. August °2n. Lord Crewe, the Colonial Secretary, liai appointed a committee of twenty-one distin guished scionti.sts, under the chairmanship of Lord Cromer, to organiso entymological research in connection with the propagation of diseases in men and
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  • 32 7 iDhr Ostasiatisi iik Li,ow> Tblei>kaji| Berlin, August ilfi. Enormous preparations are being made at Berlin for tho reception of the Zeppelin airship which is to arrive on Satutday.
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  • 252 7 Yesterday afternoon, (Juuon Stroet presented an unusual scene in connection with the funeral of the Rev. Father Bos. Parish iouers gathered in the church of St. Peter aud St. Paul at an early hour. Tho church was quite full before 4 p.m while there were gathered
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  • 157 7 It is some nine years since Pollard's Liili putians provided njoymeat for theatregoers in Singapore, and those who attended tho performances and have not left tho Settlement will be delighted tv hear that, in tbe course of a few days, the juveniles will be playing in tho Victoria
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  • 177 7 It may be of some interest to the uaany guests who visit tho Hotel Van Wijk nightly, to boar that the lintel Vau Wijk Co., Ltd. intend to enlarge the dining hall consider ably, the present one being rather xuiall tv accommodate the numerous visitors. Another great
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 334 8 The White Cross Club will meet the Straits Chinese Recreation Club at soccer, to morrow afternoon, on the latter* ground. Ipoh shortly loses its champion lady rideshot in the person of Mrs. Bristow who is going to Kuala Lumpur, where Mr. Bristow has obtained an appointment. The
      334 words
    • 46 8 ■Selanjfor Oolf Club. The following cards were returned for the August Medal: D. H. Laldlaw M— II N 11. C.Pratt M 7 86 11. I". Browell 102 15 87 I), a Highot 91 scr. 91 <;.!>. Freer 101—10 01 W. C. A. Dainion 109 18 91
      46 words
    • 51 8 The following ties wore played oil' yester day:D SINi.LK-. Henderson beat Bullmore. Doig beat Stockwell. Malcolm beat Lloyd. To-day's Ties. D Hnraiw Doig v. Makinson. Cruttwell v. Malcolm. Saturday's Ties. Coveney v. Cruttwell or Malcolm. Henderson v. Doig or Malcolm. Monday's Ties. 1- inal tic in D. Singlo
      51 words
  • 111 8 A Real White Man's Land Under the Equator. Mr. Theodore Roosevelt, ex-President of the I'nited states, was entertained at a banquet at Nairobi (in tbe British East Africa Protectorate), on returning from his hunting and scientific expedition in Central Wrica. In the course of a speech Mr. Hoosevelt
    111 words
  • 295 8 Reinforced Construction Possible in Hongkong. The South China Morning Post learns that when the Green Island Cement (Jo's new block plant, now in course of construction, k completed, it will be possible to produce any thing from architect's design in cement concrete. llt may be added
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  • Correspondence.
    • 562 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Telegraphic summaries, especially of speeches, are often misleading but if Hishop Welldon did say, in whatever connection, as he is reported, that Kpiscopacy is suitable to the Oriental mind, because democracy was alien to it. Orientals did not
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  • 188 8 Messrs. Thompson's Fortnightly Circular. Owing to tho extremely small quantity of hard fine Para olTeriug on spot and too strong American demand, we have had an excited market, and tho price has advanced Is. Id. per lb. for this grade during the past fortnight ended July 24.
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  • 160 8 A certain individual returning to New York from Manila sent a communication to an editor of one of thu papers, which was immediately transmitted to the War Department. The letter read as follows: Kar Sir: Have just returned from the Philippine Islands and have some information of
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  • 26 8 Hibcrlo, the Hceond clown of Uarmston's circus, who lias been in Hie hospital in T&ingtau, buffcriuy from blood-poisoning, has recovered and rejoined the oircus at Tientsin.
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  • 774 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, 27th August, 1909. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue tho following list of quotations this morning Buyers. Sellers. 9 10 Belat 6.— 6.25 10 Braang 6. 6.25 10 Brußeh 7.75 B.— £1 Duff Development 5.75 5.90
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 993 8 THE RAUB AUSTRALIAN GOLD MINING COMPANY, LIMITED. General Manager's Report for the Four Weeks Ending August 14, 1909. The Chairman and Directors, Kaub Australian Gold Mining Co., Ltd., Singapore. < irutli'inru.I herewith beg to hand you my report ou your mining and milling operations. The mine measurements and assay returns
      993 words
    • 68 8 Bukit Malacca. No. I Mill ran 2:U days (crushing 430 tons mine ■ore and 1,349 tons No. II 23 'surface ore. Total crushed 1,779 tons. Amalgam collected 2J5.50 ozs. producing. Retorted Gold 81.00 Smelted Gold 73.00 Average yield per ton .89 dwt. Total.— Tons orushed S.lHt. Ama'gam 2,946.5) o/.s. Smelted
      68 words
    • 17 8 LEE BROTHERS Ksc f New Studio. Prico libt on application. 58-4. HILL STREET, OFF STAMFORD RO. 1089
      17 words
    • 354 8 Coming Coming POLLARD'S Lilliputian Opera Co. In Grand production o. !u plan -t THE BELLE OF Company. NEW YORK. ikcksT; suai We LeadCompetition Follows. NEW PIANOS ON HOUR $1 Q »B MONTH. Tuning and regular atteiition iaclusivo. S. Moutrie&Co. j (LIMITED). Under Hotel Europe, Adis Buildings. I Telephone No. 122.
      354 words
    • 331 8 THORNYCROFT S MOTOR BOATS A\ I > I MOTOR ENGINES lOf Every Description. BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT. ror full particulars as to prices, etc apply to I BOUSTEAD CO., Sole Agent*, Strait* Settlements ami 1..M I. 1699 ENGINEER WANTED. Wanted an experienced and lirst class engineer to take charge of an
      331 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 157 9 $2 H^ $2 IKK "Si FER WEEK. WEEK. TALKING MACHINES ON EASY TERMS Enjoy the Listnuumt while ij"n arc paying for it. A LAJKiI SELhXTIoN TO OHOOSB IKOM, AT PRICES RANGING FROM $2O TO $100. Records from each. THE ROBINSON PIANO CO.. LTD. FLEUR d AZUI Perfumes and Toilet Preparations.
      157 words
    • 356 9 STEAMER SAILINGS' APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. Thi undermentioned mall steamers of tha above Line maintain a regular ssrvioi between Oalontta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singe p>re, Hongkong and Shanghai routt FLEET. Tons Commander 1 1.1. JaFiß" 8.013 J. Q. OUFBBI I i.b. Gbbsobt Artui 4,tC3 8. H. BiLsoa 1
      356 words
    • 563 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. KY.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD Two regular services are maintained betwoen JAPAN and EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, under Mail Contract with the Imperia Japanese Government, specially designed for tbe Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second
      563 words
    • 989 9 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. The Autumn Race Meeting will be held on Tuesday, the 12th, Thursday, the 14th. and Saturday, the 10th October, 1903. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, OiUihr It, 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE— Value $800. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight Sat. Ex Griffins allowed 71b. Entrance, t20. Distan :e,
      989 words
    • 363 9 Not;:— A penalty of 7 lbs. is incurred by tbe winner of any race rcn subsequent to ibe publication of the weights, aud of 12 lbs. by tbe winner of two or more races. The winner of the Maiden Plato running in any subsequent race on tbe same day carries
      363 words

  • 693 10 MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND ATHLETIC CONTESTS. Discussion at Belfast The British Medical Association, at its conference at Belfast, on July 29, discussed several subjects of popular interest. The medical aspects of athleticism were dealt with in papers by Dr. Tyrrell Brooks, of Oxford, and Dr. Clement Dukes,
    693 words
  • 152 10 Completion of a Great Scheme Reported. In his annual report, the Director of Public Works at Hongkong writes These works, which have now been fully completed, form part of the scheme for the full development of the Tytani Valley supply. They comprise the following A storage reservoir in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 590 10 BANKING COMPANIES CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. iKOORPORATjSD BY ROYAL CHARTER. r%td up Capital In £0,000 Sbarea ot «oeaoh £1,200,000 tt,«erveFund "-"I'SK M*erv« LlablUty of Proprietors ..£1,200,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank ot Scotland. Ik* London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. BINQAPORE BRANCH. Jnrrent Aooounta are opened
      590 words
    • 509 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital 3EBERVE FUND Sterling Reserve »16,000,000) |ja 500 00C BilTer Reserve »14,500,000j sUierve Liability of Propristora 118.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Greeson, Chahman. H. E. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Esq. 1 B- Lenzmann, Eaq. J. W.
      509 words
    • 441 10 INSURANCE Complies. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Director* i O. A. Dirrick, Esq., Chairman. Ad. A-iMi-s, Esq., Vice -Chairman. A. H. Fair, Esq., Managing Director. Pkter Fowlib, m.b., cm., Chief Med. Officer. F. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Coi-vrkur. Vow XciAN
      441 words
    • 53 10 CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY. This is a medicine of great worth and merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. It is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. For sale by all
      53 words
    • 852 10 SALES BY AUCTION. Tanglin Auction Sale TEAK FURNITURE, PIANOFORTE, WINES AND PLANTS, The property of the Hon. \V. J. Napier, D. C. L., AT "OEANROW, PATERSON ROAD, On Saturday, August 28, at 1.30 p.m. Comprising: BRILLIANT TONED COTTAOE PIANOFORTE BY BKCKSTEIN teak drawing-room suite, teak writing table, CARVED BLAOKWOOD MARBLB-TOP
      852 words

  • 1478 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. The Huinber Co. has presented Messrs. G. A. Phillips and W. O. Tuck, who drove their successful cars in the Scottish and the Irish trials, with a gold watch each in recognition of the judgment and conscientiousness displayed by them throughout those events.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 395 11 Oml of running depends largely on WOLSELEY-SIDDELEY. the weight a car may usually carry, the mileage it runs, and, lastly, its horse 16^^-^-^ l/j power. During the past year an owner _i<JagsEffcrfr'r^ of a 10-12 h.p. WolscleySiddeley car that C...~. vSSgESBBLA t\ ran 7,104 miles on tho North Stafford ■KJ^
      395 words
    • 365 11 RHEUMATIC GOUT. For years I suffered cruelly from rheumatic gout," says Mr. E. Phillips, of 7, New Riverside. Springfield, Wellington, Somerset, England, who has been a nurse for eight years. The pains in my legs were so awful that I couldn't stand. I was as helpless as a bady. At
      365 words
    • 65 11 j[A I. l&aat 6" m/^ fader. Ji.'pjii'W \^£!sZ% RETAILERS: |ff£&jHP| Hoon Keat Co. J^-y jewi mm I Kwong Van' A Heng. 5H n i Youg Hoa Seng Co $1.25 PER BOTTLE. 85 CTB. PER BOTTLE. s,.e i**., HANDELSVEREENIGING "HOLLAND." "7%atis /E4S£e&AfeAV£s SINGAPORE SODA WATER £sta/>/isAedorer 2Sybtu9. T»l WORLD'S REMEDY ro>
      65 words
    • 231 11 T.HE STRAITS TIMES" Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little Co.. Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel, Beach Road. Messrs. Kirn Co., Battery Road k Armenian Street. Messrs. Koh Co., 90, Bras Basah Road. Messrs. Ghee Soon Co., Orchard Koad. Adelpbi Hotel. Hotel
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 582 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MiseeiIanuouH Wants of Every Description, Uonscs, Land, etc., to lot, are inserted at Ihc following rates One Insertion 11.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Tbrco 2.80 Six 6.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.12 Twonty- five 10.00 (Each Hubsoquent month 95 per inch.) Ihu abovo rate is based
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    • 572 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. RiTiii— foar Lia**, oa* at two laMrtloa*, 11.00 Br laoh, M* Sold, of Chart HORSE AND CARRIAGE WANTED. Wanted, one four-seated Victoria and two horses in good condition. Write to C.1.8., c/o Straits Times. 1650 NURSE WANTED. Wanted, European or Eurasian Nurse for a child of two years.
      572 words
    • 610 12 TO BE LET CR 80LD. Bin Fon Lin**, oa* ot two lauritoa lI. OC Bi tb. laeta. aoal* ol ohjtff a*. OFFIBE ft 80D0WN TO BE LET. With Immediate entry No, 7, Malaooa Street. Apply to OUTHRIE A 00., LTD. IW HOUBE TO LET. Monks Hill Cottage," from October 1,
      610 words
    • 637 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. lUB I— fou Lla**, oa* ot rw- li—Muaa. 11.00 Br in* laoh, m Seal* of Okanaa. HOUSE TO LET. 14, Sophia Road. Immediate entry. Apply to No. 2, Raffles Place. 1511 HOUSE TO LET. No. 28. Sophia Road. Immediate entry. Apply to 18 2, Piineep
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    • 447 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motortyroa retreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Oardenhoses, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      447 words
    • 184 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Rates i— Poar Linn, oa* cr two lOMrttou, 11.00 Br th* Inch, a** Seal* of Chargu. RUBBER BTUMPB FOR SALE. Good Rubber Stomps, 10 months old Apply Manager, Linggi Plantations, Ltd., Bcrumbao. 0 1567 HORSEB. COBS OR PONIES for sale or Lin. FODDER of best quality. BHOEING
      184 words