The Straits Times, 19 August 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.042 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. AUGUST 19. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 411 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ld. "SABINA" THE RAZOR THAT HAS CHANGED THE SHAVING WOBLD. THE MOST DURABLE SHAWNS DEVICE IN THE WORLD. SABINA I'.la.les are of the SABINA Frame consists of a I'xible Wafer Steel and r vfwwmuiJWJUW Electr0 P lated bolder with are t(tn{Hied by the most modern jBfQ V r
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    • 103 1 THE Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.M.B. A New First-class Hotel Fitted with Electric Li^ht and Fans Five mimiUs frcm Railway Station. Overlooking the. Padang. Single and Doublo Bedrooms, with Private Bathroms attached. Cuisine nnder European Supervision. Cold Storage Supplies weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter meets all Mail Trains. Management THE
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    • 205 1 To Planters! Two Usetol Bocks. TAP OCA A3 A CATCH CROP FOR RUBBER SUMATRA TC3ACCO. ■f E MATHIEU. On Sale at tub Principal BookSbllkbs. PAY DAY What Does ii Mean to YOU? X'o TnMtfr wfasl vsv r^r.itlnn mar be, whether <lay la^rcr or otHce worker, it you are in tliat
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    • 183 1 ROBINSON CO. TfcE BEST ELECTRC-SILVER PLATED THE BEST EIEQT"?-S!LV£I PLATED TjJ^"^OSWHBSJ' x2l inches. Other eu-s in stock 1 A VERY HANQSOKE ROSE BOWL. In best quality Electro Silver-Plate, is misMv. iv frv^r BB construction, stmds upon a pliuth. 'i^-'l''~V v j pattern as illustrated. "•^l^2^ CLASH j '>>..^...>. .-A. 1
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    • 140 1 NOTICE. THE GOODS OFAIEXANOER STUART lATTA UIECEA ED). Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands npon or against tho estate of Alexander Stuart Latta, late Chief Engineer on tho S.S. KutsauH," who died at sea on the 2ud August, 190U, are hereby
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    • 35 1 THE GROVE HOTEL AND SANATORIUM. BUILT ON THE POINT Z? TAVJOM KATONG. Sundays Two special curries will be served with sambals made by an expert curry cook. 1 illin SI si head. 1242 jno 110
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  • 475 2 MANCHESTER OF JAPAN IN GRASP OF GREAT FIRE. Troops Hastening to the City. Details of the great fire at Osaka are now to band, the Japan papers containing full accounts. One of our exchanges, dated the 7th inst., says The whole city of Ooaka is in utter confusion
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  • 262 2 Band of Politicals Fighting its Way Toward Alaska. Information concerning the escape in the interior of Siberia of a band of political convicts, who are making tin ir way toward East Cape, in an effort to reach Alaska, baa been brought to Seattle by Mr. John
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  • 221 2 At the Imperial International Exhibition at Shepherd's P.nsli, the exhibit of the Petroleum Institute was officially opened. It covers several thousand feet of space in the Machinery Hall, and shows every phase of tiiu industry, from oil wells to the latest methods of oil utilisation. Dr. Paul
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 274 2 DRINK Tansan! A PETITION TO CONGRESS. A Memorial signed by nearly one hundred leading American Doctors and Physicians has been presented to the U.S.A. Congress praying that TANSAN from TAKARADZKA may be admitted duty free into the United States of America. The "Japan Advertiser" says "The virtues of TANSAN are
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    • 180 2 *7%atis /VAS££&tf£AY£s SINGAPORE SODA WATER £staMJsAttfover 25y&a/3. The Greatest *WmT i-^»> t of all Tonic* sv/7J A Pr«v«n Kemedy lor all N«or«r <j5 Wr* DllO.^ Vi^ Tb* dud or CARLiai c writ.. Sir. I wiu almoat bayood eiparlaooa Laurtrr to (nil for i»«.iiy n.- j«ara< I look ♦ii lb madlel.fla.
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    • 53 2 CHAMBERLAIN'S COU6H REMEDY. This is a medioine ol great worth and merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold and yon are certain to be pleased with the quick reliel which it affords. It is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. For sale by all
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    • 250 2 GTlie Cocoa of the Old Count/y gtcjb tar trs If ./i jfi?/rf^ As a recuperative after physical /f' jyf r 7 or mental strain, Cadbury'i Cocoa .'A Ha>»3aß& Bw Has no equal. Its delicious flavour NCfIHRBI) \^^^-^2i9» make* it unquestionably the most palatVt^^Sßr able food-beverage, while its nourishing vE^SEr/ \l»H|p
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    • 22 2 KENSINGTON WINE. PROVISION AND SPIRIT STORE. No. 810. North Und^o lload. LATE CEYLON STORES. Under European Management. Mes. T. HEKCHCOVICH, 1535 Proprietress.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 174 2 The Straits Times, MSB The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issue per year 180.00 do per quarter 7.60 do per mouth 2.60 do per copy 10 Weekly isftae pei year 12-00 do per (juartor 8.00 do per copy 26 When eont by post, there ia added lor
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  • 1603 3 TITLED MEN AND THEIR CURIOUS WAGERS. Lord Montford's Doings 1 ndoubtt illy the most notorious resort of its kind in the world is White's of London, England, for 200 years the head quarters of titled bettors and other gay followers of the pamo of chance. The betting book
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  • 551 3 Instructions to Navy Department for Plans and Estimates. The recent decision of the President to abandon Olongapo as a war base has ended a long and animated controversy between naval officers on one side and army engineers and coast artillerists on the other. Tho President has
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 52 3 80LD THE WORLD OVER. We have in stock m any colic and diarrln a medicines" says H. M. White, a prominent merchant of Turtle Bayou, Tex., I*. S. A.. but sell more of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy than of all otht rs pat together." For tale by all
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    • 1136 3 MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Issue of $1,000,000 four and half per cent. Debenture Stock, 1909. 1. The Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore, having in pursuance of the provisions contained in the Municipal Ordinance, 1896, decided with the sanction of the Governor in Council, to create and issue debenture stock,
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    • 1119 3 SCHEDUI E D. Statement MOTM the average ami KM wmm mnu ucura M m Bn Municipality for the last fivk years,,; Ratks, Tax*, am. Rumii k^ m* n i s. Year. Licenses. Ffes. Kents. Watf.e Mis. S-rm. .mi uown, iotvi.. 1904 HJM.M 76,098.24 284.928.67 *****4 91 86 786 83
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 675 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For C>iini. JapM, Penanj, Ceylon, Australia, inJi-i, Aditi, Ejypt, Al.-JIUr.-iuan Pj't«, Plym *nJ t.-jnlin r,il Imul for Chin* i 'iau Gulf, Cojlinjntal, and Amarioan For^. rjteam.ira will ljave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outwird (for China) Assayo Aii> 21 I Davinha
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    • 606 4 STEAMERS SAILINGOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despaohed from Liverpool ontwarda for (he Straits, Obina and Japan every wnok not from Japto homewards f.r Lon.lon, AroJtcrdxni and Antwerp every U rtnl|!ht fo* Gdana, Marseilles and Liverpool Marseilles, Havre and Liverpool
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    • 874 4 STEAMER BAILIHGB. INDOCHINA STEAM NAV.COm LTD. Tbi steamers of thia Company maintain s regular direct servioe botvreen Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and J*pan, taking oargo, on throngh Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newohwang, Yaogtsse Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, A\,Ao. Steamers Tons Commander Kctharo 4.893 K. O.
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    • 645 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The aleamera of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnlghllv for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, oalling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oarso
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    • 744 4 STEAMER SAILIK6B, N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ol tbia Company Bail fortnight)- from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Gonoa, Naples (oonneotion Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, aul vioe versa) Port Said, Saoz, Aden, Colin: bo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai,
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  • 167 5 n\iLkbS. fhiirsdny, Atijrust 19. Hii'h Water. 0 42 p.m. J{. I. h mi' ward mail olos Alhatnb r a Cinematograph. H irima Ciaematograpb. Hariboroagb Cinanaionafh. Ladies spoon aboot, UtO. Friday, August 20. llit;li Water. 0.2 J am., 1.1 p.m. Municipal Commiamoa, 2.\0. PootbaJl Ajnooa. oommiMM mei'tinn. 6.
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  • 260 5 To-Day. fcj-r'PcDßii!; anil Madras, hiking mails for Purnpe, etc. via Hoirbav Tbongwa 3 pm Mulvx*, P. Uirksou, ami P Swettenham Poh Ann 3pm B'baya Bali, Ampauan n HHBar Nam V ing 3 pm Malacca P. Diokaoa Beof Lm 3 pm Calcutta l'alamcotta 4 pm iiin-'aii O. Hock
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  • 141 5 I'll- I!. I. Contract Packet Tecsta, with the London mail*, of Mm BOtti ultimo, lift Nr^iipataiu kt 9 p.mi. on S:itirlay. tlic instant, and may be esaaoted to arrive lure vii Saturday luorniui;, tin: Jlst instant. Thr (Mitvar.l M. M. I'ackot Polyn.-.i( 0 1. ft, Colombo
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  • 335 5 latest Arrivals. Amhertl, lint. olr. 135 toua, Captain Scott, twem Pontiauak, Anj. 1 16. O.c. and >', d.p. Hau ico Hung. For Pontianak, August 19— Bda. /.'an *<> Sum, Put. etr. 222 tons, Capt Odink Aug 19. From Poutia-iuk, Aag 17. O.c. and 18 d p Thong Kk.
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  • 108 5 .-.i..'1-t iM F.i ,n aba Mil aorta Kin v, Brit str. Telak i hi in \ia (lorts kok ria i^orts Am flu, Oma, Urit -,:r. p..utianak 1 i>iiii,,n. c,.r atr, Ban^ok Ki'lna, lint Btr, P. S.vt tt<Miham and Penang Hai Siiw, lint str. Muar and Malacca 9 Ojiiiir, Dut
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  • 100 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed T.-Uuy. TANJONC; PAQA H. Eahi Waxar l'.isiN 1 nucar\ iiv. East W. Skctiom 1— Kal 'mo, Kum Sang. SicnoN No. 1 (Sheeiji Whmi Nil. Bbotioh 2 -Tii i i va, Pilamsotta. 8— Cirus. n 4— Nil. B—
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  • 119 5 Coming to Singapore. Per P. and O. Rtcauior Mooltan. connecting with tli-i stiaiucr Assayo, at Coloiubi, duo August 27.— Mr. .1. P. .Macaul.v. Mr V. C. Lahuni. Mr. I>. 11 II lining. Mr. l>. Milne. Per P. aud O. Rtcanier India, connecting with tiic steamer Delta, at
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  • 57 5 Per steamer Nile. Aiiytist 1H. From London Mr. 0. Waller, Mrs. Macneill and child. .Mr. Ki«i;, Mr. U. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. A. M icpln rson. Capt. and Mrs. T. Robinson, Scr^t. and Mrs. E. K I'.udd Penang Mr, L. Chouy, Capt. Xiitlson, Mr. and Mrs. Cowler, and nativo
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  • 93 5 Tbe K. V. K. linet T.ikasaki Maru came in from Bombay, yestunluy, with a car^o of cotton for .lapan. I'roni Aiuoy anil 7^57 passenj^ors arrived, yesterday, by Missrs. Wee liin and oo.*l traiuir lloii({ W'.ui I. Two caryocs of copra arrived from the Anamba ami N'atuua 1-lnnds, yesterday,
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  • 774 5 Bl Likit.Coi.. K. G. Bkoai.bick. Commandant, 6.V.C. Singapore, \uju-t 17, 190' J. Hi- lixcellency the Governor, with the approval of the Right Hon. the Suciettry of State for the Colonies, tins been plfilHid to ap|xiint Capt. C. K. Kwart, B. G. A.. fc> be Stall Officer
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  • 252 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SINOAPOBB, 1 1101)11 19, 1909. On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 n "j Demand 2/4 A Private 6 m/s 2/4J do 8 m/s 2/4J On Germany Bank d/d 288J Private 8 m/s 240J do 6 m/s 2A-2\ On France Bank d/d 294 J Private 8 m/s 296}
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    • 260 5 JsSCK Valuk Paid Up Co**** 1 Di^dVnd BCVKRB SUXM.--10 10 10 1 10 10 10 1 Bulat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 12% for '06 Bruang, Ltd. Brusob Hydraulic T. M. Co., Lta. ...i 6% for '08 Duff Development Co., Ltd. 5.25 K.OO 7.50 5.75 5.50 6.25 7.7.1 6.00 10
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    • 564 5 Sterling;. I 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/. 1 1 2/--1 1 1 2/. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a/- Anglo-Malay Rubber
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    • 188 5 10 10 60 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 10 7 60 10 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 I 100 100 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. 10% for 12.50 1 10% for "Of 9.75 Fraser A Nnave, Ltd. 17 j%
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 278 5 COARSE-CUT. r Price: If t isi»2tfV*'|B hife~^!."'""»iiTil!!. > '.'.°*?f. I .'i?^*,?vJ3wOBTAINABLE AT Messrs. John Little Co., Ltd., Robinson Co. AUCTION MUD. Powell and Co. Auk At t- Abrams' linrse repository. Orchard Koad, racehorse Perplex, at "i.l'i. Aag 21. At saleroom, provisions, etc., at Aub 21.— At Godown A. Kippol Road,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 209 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Ktrbau Hotpital, Aug. is, 7909. |9 a. «.|8 r. m.i 9 r. a-iKuaFALL. Bar. S3 Fah 944 29.864 29.927 Temp 88.0 83.2 7)0 nil. Wet Bnlb Ther 78 0 76.0 76 0 Dirof Wind E. calm calm Max. Temp 87.0 Mid 74 0 Max. in Ban.. 152.0
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  • 1143 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19. BRITAIN AND JAPAN. There was a semi-official tone about the telegram we published yesterday from Renter in reference to an allegation that Australia and Canada were combining in naval policy as a safeguard against what has become known as the "Japanese Peril." Because the
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  • 18 6 Burglars entered a Chinese residence in Tras street, on Tuesday night and secured personal effects valued at $167.50.
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  • 39 6 The Robinson Piano Co. have received a wire from Mr. Pollard informing them that he and his company of Lilliputians will arrive here by the Euryalus on or about September 1. The company will perform here for a week.
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  • 45 6 The police department at Peking has issued notifications regarding the prohibition of gambling in that city. First offenders will be fined not more than 1120 or less than 180, and business bouses where gambling is discovered to take place, will be closed for seven days.
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  • 31 6 Pahang would appear to be rich in tigers if not in anything else. In a fortnight recently there were no less than five of these beasts of prey brought into Pekan.
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  • 30 6 A Manchester plaintiff, suing successfully for the recovery of money paid for a dress suit, complained that the trousers climbed up his legs and remained there, making a terrible pictnre.
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  • 37 6 On Tuesday, the child of Mr. S. Suppiah, Tamil interpreter at the district court, was robbed of jewellery valued at $70, as the youngster was playing in the five-foot-way in front of tho house in Queen Street.
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  • 38 6 The management of the Alhambra cinematograph regret that a certain film should have caused auuoya nee to one of their patrons, and while not admitting the picture was of tho character stated, have withdrawn it from the programme.
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  • 47 6 Yesterday, a thief visited a Chinese residence in Teluk Kurau Kcchil and secured a bicycle, valued at $70, and clothing valued at $4 50. The bicyclo did not suit, however, tnd was taken back to the premises, last night. The thief retained the clothing for his trouble.
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  • 50 6 Served at a restaurant in South Dakota with a bad egg, a man (the Mail states) sent it by express post with a formal complaint to the Attorney-General at Washington, whoso assistant made the following memorandum No. 147,563. Subject transmits boiled egg, which he believes rotten. It seems so. File.
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  • 57 6 A party of musicians climbed to the summit of Mt. Fuji at 6 a.m. the other day and a musical performance was conducted at the summit under Mr. Nagai. It is said that playing was very difficult on account of the highly rarefied air, but the performance was enthusiastically received
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  • 56 6 The Government of India have been in active communication with the Secretary of State regarding tho gold standard reserve and the question of the disposal of the profits on coinage. An important despatch on the subject is known to bave been received from home, but no information is available regarding
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  • 58 6 Mr. S. Vincent sued Mr. E. M. Ellis, of Messrs. Katz Bros., in the district court, before Mr. Howard, yesterday afternoon, for $140 as commission in effecting the sale of a petrol launch belonging to defendant. Tho defence was that the launch had been sold by another broker. Mr. Rnowles
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  • 56 6 Interest at the Alhambra cinematograph is now centred on two remarkable films, one showing the review before their Highnesses the Grand Duke and Duchess of Baden and their four suns, the other being a beautiful art picture by Henry Lavedan, of the French Academy, descriptive of the Prodigal Son. There
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  • 62 6 During the month of July. 98 arrests were made of Chinamen, Filipinos and Americans in the Philippines under the opium law. Of these Xl were Chinamen, 14 Filipinos, and one American. Three of the Filipinos wore women. Of the canon tried the sentences were for the most part imprisonments of
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  • 70 6 The absolute prohibition of tho sale of liquor has been in force in Georgia since the beginning of last year, but the number of arrests for drunkenness during the past six months in AtaUnta. the capital of the State, has been very nearly as great as in the corresponding period
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  • 111 6 Editors get queer letters sometimes. Says the Straits Echo:- At first, on opening a letter from A Plain Speaker, and reading hisopinion that wo are a terrible humbug and a brazin faced liar of the first water, we begin to suspect that he did not wholly approve of us. The
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  • 92 6 In a recent number of the New York Publisher's Weekly it was announced Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowo, on Juue 1 1th, celebrated the ninety-eighth anniversary of her birth. In the next number was this correction Of course, Harriet Beecher Sto we was present only in spirit when her ninetyeighth birthday
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  • 99 6 In view of the export of Chinese pigs to England, the Echo de Chine notes that porkers bad for some time been forwarded to neighbouring Russian ports from China. The business was brisk until Russian medical officers closely examined the pork, and found it to be ro unwholesome that the
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  • 119 6 An exceedingly nsefnl little book on The Management of Cattle in India and Ceylon and Their Diseases has been issued by A. S. Chandra Segra, now of Ponto Pedro, Ceylon. Mr. Segra will be remembered as Veterinary Inspector at Jobore Bahru, and Sanitary Inspector at -Port Dickson. He writes dearly,
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  • 446 6 Mr. M. S. Parry has arrived back iv Selangor. Mr. and Mrs. Huttcnbach are expected back in Penang shortly. Mr. E. Foster Lee has returned to Kuala Lumpur from his trip to Ceylon. Dr. I> K. McDowell was a passenger from Pahang, this morning, by the local
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  • 103 6 The report of Dr. \V. Uilmour Ellis for th»t registrar of births and deaths, shows that during the >veck ended August 11, 180 deaths were registered in Singaj>ore. irlTial to a death r ate of 34.06 per thousand of the estimated population. Malarial fever elaim -il M
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  • 112 6 Special preparations arc being made at Calcutta against the arrival of two bis; batches of American tourists, one lot from New York via Europe, and the other from Frisco via Japan. Each batch numbers some 700. One lot arrives on November 27, and the other on April
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  • 106 6 The Rev. C. Y. Ferguson Da vie is to bo consecrated a Bishop in St. Paul's Cathedral on St. Bartholomew's Day, Tuesday next, says the Malay Mail of the iTtfc has asked for tho prayers of his future Diocese, very specially on that day. Tin
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  • 138 6 Almost daily tho public are receiving prospectuses of now rubber concerns, says an exchange. Tho successes achieved by former companion, and the big earnings at the present very high price of rubber, have aroused the cupidity of the public sufficiently to make it worth the while of tho
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 WHISKIES. SCOTCH. Dews o the Glen. Rare Old Blend. The Old Highland Blend. Perfection 1 1). &J. McCallnm's). Tho Old Brigade. Polo Brand (T. P. Griffin 4 Co.'s). Robert Macdonald. Finest Liqnenr (Chop Rajah). Club Whisky. Club Bharu. Monarch o' the Glen. O. D. S., and V. O. S. (Old
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    • 155 6 ALHAMBRA To-Night I GRAND REVIEW before Their Royal Highnesses, THS GRAND DUKE (Brother of II I. M. the Emperor of Germany i AND DUCHESS OF BADEN and their four sons. Film dArt: THE PRODIGAL SON by Henry Lavedan of the French Academy. 81'PPOBTED BT k Change of Programme OF Entirely
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  • 146 7 QUESTIONS ABOUT TIENTSIN RAILWAY TENDERS. Sir John Newell Jordan's Zealous Watchfulness. 11l i 111: Tl London, August I*. Iteplymg t-> a strict of nut-htions concerning the Tientsiul'iikow UailwHy put by Mr. Wint<-t >n iv the Ho'ise of Commons, Sir Khwrt (irey there was no reason to
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  • 110 7 PRESS BOMBAST ABOUT BRITISH DISCOMFITURE. America China's Real Friend Kki-tkr- Tklki.i.vm London, August 18. The Hankow Railway loan question has ■Jed at Peking by the American representative and the Chinese Foreign Office. The loan is increased to six millions sterling, to enable American participation to the extent
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  • 56 7 Perfect Accord with the Imperial Scheme. Hkitkii's ItaMU London, August IH. The Canadi&u scheme of military defence, as agreed to at tho Imperial Defence Conference, comprises acquiescence in uniformity of organisation, like thu other oversea Dominions. The neucleus of a Canadian navy will be commenced forthwith, both ou
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  • 44 7 Distinguished General Honoured by The Czar. Rw ml Tf i k..i:\m London, August M. Sir lan Hamilton attends the ground mana-uvcres of the Russian Army near Krasnorselo in September by the Czar's special invitation. He is the only foreign general invited.
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  • 59 7 Sultan's Concession to the Czar's Escort. I'fk Osi'asi \tis< HH Lloyd Tklf.gkami Berlin, August t& The Sultan has agreed that on the occasion of the Czar passing through the Dardanelles on his way to the Mediterranean, tho accompanying rucn-of war from the Black Sea may pass through
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  • 233 7 klOrt TKLKURAMi London. Augnst 19. The death of Sir Theodore Martin is announced. Sir Theodore Martin. K. C. 8., cr. 1880; K C. V. O cr. 1896 L. L. I)., .1. P. Par liamentary a^, firm Martin and Leslie, '11 Abiugdon Street, Westminster. He was
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    • 345 7 Yesterday afternoon, Mr. Colman, third magistrate, disposed of the case arising oat of a -i i/ure of ohandu at 20 1 Sophia Road, to which we referred nt length yesterday. As •It of a surprise visit by tho chief pottM officer and various
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    • 120 7 To the Editor of the Strait* Times Sir, 1 hope readers of y<>;ir report of tlie opium seizure in Sophia Komi will clearly understand that Mr. Schwartz, who wax fined by the magistrate, was merely a lodger in my house. I bad uo knowledge of the bwbMM in which he
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  • 258 7 Nothing Amiss in the Presidency Hospital. Professor Haffkine s investigations in connection with thu outbreak of cholera at the General Hospital are not yet completed, says a Calcutta report of the 6th inst. In au interview that afternoon ho said: I would like to correct the reports
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  • 265 7 Brother who Died 150 years Ago." A correspondent writes Not long since, I had occasion to refer to tbe service of my family under the British, which even the. long period of about 200 years in Northern India and the Straits without a single break in the record and w
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  • 82 7 This play, which was such a success in London last season with Miss Mario Tempest in tbe principal role will bo produced at Viceregal Lodge, Simla, on the 30th and 81ht inst.and September 1, in aid of local charities. Colonel E. A. Hobday is undertaking the stage management.
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  • 286 7 ITS AIMS, PECULIARITIES, AND MANIFESTATIONS. Value of Mouey in Politics Chinese nationalism takes strange twists and turns, judging froui news in the Echo de Chine which sums up the situation by pointing out that the Chinese wish to be masters in their own houses. The Chinese managing director
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  • 321 7 Messrs. Katz Bros. Take Proceedings at Penang. A curious and ingenious case of cheating was heard by Mr. A. de Mello in the Penang police court, on 14th iust. It appears to have come to the knowledge of Messrs. Katz Bros. Ltd, tho solo agents for
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  • 230 7 Suggested Rebate on Certified Indian leas. The annual meeting of the United Planters' Association of Southern India took place in Madras, on the 9th inst. The chairman, the Hon. Mr. Hamilton' referring to the Ceylon tea duty, said We took steps aiming at a better understanding with
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  • 114 7 A resolution of the Government of India, Commerce and Industry Department, is published on the subject of facilitating clearance through too Customs Department of earn pies brought by commercial travellers from the United Kingdom in British India for use as models and patterns for the purpose of
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  • 382 7 SHOCKING CRIME DETECTED AT SOURABAYA. Accusations Against Stepmother. The criminal court at Saurabaya has just tried an atrocious murder case in which a stepmother, Marie Bigot, by name, stood charged with so ill-treating her husband's daughter, eight years of age, that the child died of the injuries
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  • 370 7 Meeting of the Shareholders in London. The fourtceuth ordinary general meeting of tbe shareholders of Bell's Asbestos Eastern Agency, Limited, was held at the offices of the company.79,Gracecburch-Street, London, on July 7, Mr. A. G. Angier (chairman of directors) presiding. The secretary (Mr. O. Lcnucx) having read the
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  • 170 7 The dark cloud on the rubber horizon says a London financial writer, is the largo stock of rubber held by one or two wealthy dealers, who will probably unload in the autumn. This will lower the price of ParaWith rubber over 7s a pound all the plantatic
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  • 88 7 Tbe dead body of an aged Chinese pauper was found by the police in Gemmel Lane, this morning. It bore numerous deep Btab woundi showing that he bad been most viciously attacked. The case promises to be one of the most mysterious of recent murders in Singapore, as
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  • 804 7 [Mr. Montagu Harris Seeks to Recover Costs. Mr. Montagu Harris sned Neo Pee Keng, a cashier employed by Messrs. Bebn Meyer and Co., in the district court before Mr Saunders, yesterday afternoon, for $813 33 as principal and interest ou a promissory note under date of January
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  • 135 7 Strained Relations Between Japan and China. The Mukden correspondent of the S. C. Morning Post, wiring on the 7th inst., says In regard to tbe Antung-Mnkden railway, according to the Treaty of Poking, Japan was allowed up to December last to improve the line. Japan has not carried
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  • 76 7 The Shanghai Times understands that arrangements are being made to have tbe vestels of the Spanish line of steamers which now ply between the Philippines and Mediterranean ports come on to Shanghai. Endeavours will be made to work up a big trade in hides from China, for which there ia
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  • 117 7 GREEK FLAG LOWERED BY THE POWERS. The Incident Passes Quietly 9m ml Tn.Ki.iim London. August 16 A Canea telegram states that the international squadron of two battleships and six cruisers Anchored yesterday. At the request of the British r, who beads the squadron, the consuls uo:..
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  • 275 7 An Amazing Deception by Police Officials The additional sessions judge of < mud* sitting at Uahraich, has commenced the hearing of a case of unusual interest aud importance, in which a largo number of police officers are charged with concocting a false case, says a despatch from
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  • 247 7 Loses Life in Saving Drowniug Workman. The tollowingproceediugs have been issued by the Mysore Government -The lu»eil ment of His Highness the Maharaja l:a\. received with profound sorrow the MWI oi the death of Capt. Bernard B. Dawes. EL B officiating chief ongiueer, Mysore, and Re tary. Public
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  • 251 7 A Chinese servant who was charged with theft of 1110 from one of tho European warders at Sepoy Lines, was acquitted by the second magistrate, yesterday. Mr. Farrcr-Bayncs mentioned to the third magistrate, this morning, tho case against A. J. Monteiro, who had formerly been in the employee
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 368 8 It is proposed to hold a tennis tournament at tho Selangor Club, consisting of the following eveuts Championship (singles without handicap). Handicap singles, Mixed doubles, and Men's doables. A duffers' competition will shortly bo held iv connection with the Selangor golf club, for prizes presented by Mr.
      368 words
    • 435 8 5. C. C. Tournament. I'lny commenced yesterday afternoon in the preliminary rounds of the S. C. C. lawn tennis tournament, with the following results I I .-.IScLI-.v. Henderson boat McLeod Craik, 6—o, 6— l. W. 1!. Taylor beat .1. O. Campbell, 7—5, Grothe beat McKitcliie, w. o. Anyon
      435 words
    • 270 8 Scots v. The Rest. There must bo an evil spirit watch, ing over attempts to coirect errors in the press and checkmating them. An Attempt was male t.) circumvent that -pirit thr I Ihcr day. yet it triumphed M u^iial. But we try aunin. In t) Tin i;> st
      270 words
  • 184 8 Notes and Comments on Racecourse Training. Thursday morning A line morning, the weather close and the fog heavier than usual. The following ttahles were represented Abrams— First Tenor (P. Hux), Dispute (Kirwan), Little Titch (native), Halopin (native), Disguise (native), Grey .Seatou (Mr. Muglistom, Unexpected (P. IJuxi and
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  • 435 8 Appeal by Newly-Appointed Bishop of Labuan. The following letter, published in a recent issue of the Ouardian. may be of interest to our readers: Sir You were good enough to insert an appeal from mo on behalf of tiir church in Borneo some few weeks ago.
    435 words
  • 81 8 l.m.t. William H. Noble, couimandiug a detachment ot nine unlisted mm of Co. li, 2;trci lul.intry, and one hospital corps man, bad au engigetnent with tho remaining; constabulary mutineers on -Inly IM. at Mulaau, 10 miles south eust of Kort I'ikit. Three ol the mutineers were killod, and
    81 words
  • 89 8 Ii the Kronpiin/.jssiii Crcilie bad arrived at Plymouth from New York a few hours earlier than she did six American gentlemen who are hastening round the world in an attempt to break all records would have uained a we kon the journey. Fog hindered th< ntaHMI at the begiui.iny ar.d
    89 words
  • 774 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, 10th August, 1909. Lyall and Kvatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotatious this morning General. 10 Eastern Sranlting Co. 17 pd 9.65 9.85 50 Fraser and Neave Ld 142.50 145.— 10 Hotel van Witk 20.—
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  • Correspondence.
    • 343 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I have beeu led to believe that the Singapore police force is an efficient body. I am quite preparrd to accept this as a fact, and to sleep pMMM tally on my bed at night, knowing that my property
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    • 308 8 To the E Jitor of the Straits Times. Sir,— l see that your Kuala Lumpur contemporary iiiienlious the wisdom ot holding nexiyear s Agrillorticultural Showiu Siu^apore a decision wliicu was come to at a meeting of thu Mtaudiug committee of the function lately held iv I'euuog and
      308 words
  • 194 8 Sir Conan Doyle and the Government of Bengal. The Calcutta correspondent of the Indu l'rakash writes What I learn will engage our attention in Calcutta for the next three months of all other topics rumour be true, is that Sir A Counan Doyle, author of Sherlock Holmes and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 75 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. EYE -SSIGHT. Mr. H. Lazarus I son of the late Mr. N. LazaiuM, can be consulted tor Spectacles AT MESSRS. CH'JI FO-J ENG COMPANY Hi i IM Stnat) Mi'.laeca, l'roni August 21 to August M only. AT MESSRS. CHOW KIT COMPANY (Kuala Lumpur). From August 30, uutil further
      75 words
    • 836 8 C. H. Willis Uas dow opened a Book on the forthcoming Autumn Races on October 12, 1 1 mv\ 10. BETTING_STRAiGHTjyT AND DOUBLES ON ANY TWO RACES. All bets made by \v.r«> or telephone must be confirmed by letter. No reply, no business. For prices, apply Offi first lloor, above
      836 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 2752 9 jp||Dß. GABRIEL GUNAWARDANA OF COLOMBO, li%P#ll Ayurvedic Physician IN ALL DISEASES OP MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. !\Vjtf-Ki^' /a SPECIALIST FOR DIABF.TES. COUGHS. CONSUMPTION. BLOOD. SKIN. PRIVATE, NERVOUS, URINARY and KIDNF.Y DISEASES, etc., etc.. and an Expert in ALL CHRONIC AILMENTS, which pas< as IXC: rvri Can be relied upon for
      2,752 words
    • 553 9 DON'T REMAIN S3 THIH IT IS DANGEROUS!! I don't know the reason why en or wom-in >lioulil not ob< tin peril I IK Mil WANS Tn GET NICE, PERFECT AND HEALTHY FIGURE by adding ileah, blood, nerve power, strong, weight and beauty, TRY AT ONCE DR. GABRIEL GUNAWARDANAS MANSA DAH
      553 words

  • 526 10 AMAZING TALE OF AMERICAN OFFICER'S DEATH. Mother's Effort to Probe Mystery. Knprit-de corps in the United States Marine Corps is now on trial, because a woman's loyalty to her son's memory has again compelled investigation regarding the death of Lieut. Sutton, of the Annapolis Training School for young
    526 words
  • 260 10 Important Experiments in Wireless Telegraphy. Wireless telegraphy will play an important part in the war game of tho Atlantic fleet during the summer manoeuvres off the New England coat-t now bring held. Admiral Scboedor's flagship Connecticut has boon equipped with a highpowercd wireless telegraph apparatus and the
    260 words
  • 127 10 llabu Prag Das, judge of the small cause court of Allahabad, was severely assaulted on July 28, in open court, by a litigant named Gbszi Kulwar. It appears that the judge bad decided two cases against the man, who, apparently in revenge on hearing
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 622 10 BANKING COMPANIES CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INOORPORAT4D BY ROYAL CHARTER. P»ld np Capital In 60,000 Shares of «Maaoh £1.100,000 g«Mrr« Fund 41,673,000 B«»rT« LiabtlUy of Proprietors i 1,800,000, 800,000 BAD KERB. Bank ol England. National Bank of Boodand. Laodon Oity A Midland Bank, Ltd. BINQAPORE BRANCH. Current
      622 words
    • 516 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. r-AiD-UP capital iF.BERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 115,000,0001 tag 500 OOt Silver Reserve •14,.W0,000f W W •teterve Liability of Proprietor* 116.000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Oreuon, Chairman. H. E. Tnmkim, Esq., Deputy Chairman. B.G. Barrett, Esq. In. R. Lenimann, Esq
      516 words
    • 504 10 INSURANCE Complies GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors i O. A. Dirrick, Esq., Chairman. Ad. Asmcs, Esq., Vice-chairman. A. H. Fair, Esq., Managing Director. Pki kk Fowlik, m.b., Cm., Chief Med. Officer. F. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Couvreur. Vow NciAN
      504 words
    • 58 10 PROPER TREATMENT FOR DYBENTERY AND DIARRHOEA. The great mortality from dysentery and diarrlma is doe to a lack of proper treatment at the first stages of the disease. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a reliable and effective medicine, and when given in reasonable time will prevent any dangerous
      58 words
    • 495 10 SALES BY AUCTION. -A.T7CTIOIT SALE OF HIGH-GLASS TEAK FURNITURE, PLANTS. ETC., The property of J. C. Bainl, Esq., AT CLAREMONT. NO. 108. ORCHARD ROAD. On Saturday, August 21, at 2 p.m. Comprising Upholstered rattan Buite, teak writing table, teak occasional table* HANDSOMELY DESIGNED TKAK CARIXET, SOLIDLY MAKE TEAK SIDE BOARD,
      495 words
    • 373 10 AUCTION SALE Of A LARGE QUANTITY OF PROVISIONS, KTC, IN QOOO CONDITION, To bo held at I'owell and Co.'s Sale-room On S«tnr<l«y. Au,j,i*t 21, at 11 ,i.m. 7 cases ureuu peas, 2 cases artiuhukus, I cases pork and beans, 3 cases tiirki-y and tongue. 2 cases of roast and smoked
      373 words

  • 1401 11 MOTOR SERVICE ACROSS THE GOBI DESERT. Serious Smash in Hawaii. Echoes are beard from tiiue to time of the activity of Russia in settling \housandg of her picked agriculturists and workers along the southern border of Siberia and Manchuria, in order to offset the heavy influx of Chinese to
    1,401 words
  • 426 11 Flaming Motor-Cycle Hurled Among Spectators. As wired by Reuter, a terrible accident occurred on July IH, on the new bicycle track in tl.*< old Botai.!c Gradcns at Berlin. During a race two I >otcr cycles which were acting as pacers collided, and one of them, caught tire,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 701 11 Cost of running depends largely on WOLSELEY-SIODELEY. tin v.. i^ljt a car may usually carry, the mileage it runs, and, lastly, its horse- p power. l>urinc the past year an owner -^3ifiSss!ss^rf\iV of alO 12 h.p. WolwU-y Siddeley car that [:.<«. "WIJT^TaJm x 1\ ran 7,104 uj lies on the
      701 words
    • 107 11 DON'T I6NORE SLIGHT INJURIES. Don't neglect giving every cnt, wonnd or braise prompt attention. Blood poison may appear and an ugly scar or even the loss of a limb result. Chamberlain')) Pain Balm is an antiseptic, heals the wound rapidly and all danger is avoided by its use. For salo
      107 words
    • 106 11 Insure Your Motor (Bar AND COVER YOURSELF AGAINST REBULT OF CAR ACCIDENTS. Don't take the risks any longer. You may be cilled upon for HEAVY DAMAGES at any moment. Tbe payment of a small sum annually relieves yon of great responsibility, especially if you nse a native Chauffeur. Full particulars
      106 words
    • 103 11 CHEONG DROTHERS, Dentists, 25, South Bridge Road. First-class Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crowns, Bridge, Filling and Vulcan. :«> Duration of Wear guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooth Powders and Brushes for sale. New Arrivals. The last vintage having been very superior in quality, we are in a position
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 601 12 :alc of CbarocsPREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.-Mis-sellaneous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Laud, etc., to let, are inserted at Ibu following rates One Insertion 11.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 6.20 Nino 6.40 Twelve 7.12 Twenty- five 10.00 (Each subaennnnt month S5 per inch.) 'I he above MM is b:.sed upon
      601 words
    • 452 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. EUTlli— Four LlBWt on« or two laiertlon*, $).Q0 Br tb« Ueb, we BoMe of Cbtrt*». BOARD AND RESIDENCE WANTED. Board and residence wanted. Near town preferred. Apply to H.X., c o Straits Times. 1632 CHINEBE CLERK WANTED. Wanted immediately, tmurt lad as Junior Clerk. A sc v nth
      452 words
    • 593 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. B»l —Fou LlaM. oat at two (ait'Uon SI.OC Bt tbe Inch, im M*la ol etintjri, OFFIBE 4 BODOWN TO BE LET. With tmmedlale entry Mo. T, Malacca Btreel. apply to OUTHBIE 00., LTD. ISM HOL'SES TO BE LET. Nob. 91 and 88, Inatltntioa Hill, Rlrrr
      593 words
    • 624 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rill i--Fo»r Lldh, one i tw lOMrttoaa, HOC Hr tb> lacb, Sctfa of Gh&nr*i, HOUBE TO LET. 14, Sophia Road. Immediate entry. Apply to No. 2, Raffles Place. 1511 HOUSE TO LET. No. 88, Sophia Road. Immediate entry. Apply to 18 li, PrinMD Suet t.
      624 words
    • 552 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Fercha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate l'rices. All kinds of India Rubbor Ai ti. B VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam,, Gardcnliosi Tulx-3, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, BBOKITB and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Solo Agents > MESSRS.
      552 words
    • 424 12 Poet Lines, one ;t two mi.rii iv, (100 Hi < ;lcii, an Baal** HUB STUMPS FOR Good Rubber t tempt, 10 mr.tLe old. Apply M»u«ger, Liu^,, ,:mblß. TWHIWT, ETG. FOB SmLE One turnout, eoaipleta ii li^ itb < ob), ana one ty|M mil r B lohi snV, owin Calouy. Apply
      424 words