The Straits Times, 17 August 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 23.040 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. AUGUST 17. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 214 1 LADIES' ROBES BPBJH R^R^Rr e^hß^RV^^ NEIT LACE ROBES'nIVORY ECRU (LIMITED x*F -^^^^''^^tC^^kiii^^lz^jU^K^f^^^^j THE HOTEL of the Highest fiLJBLvjft tup iu*i -»^J?WDfIpV THE only Hotel of its unique standard and F.epute t J9 jHMjgIH *gL^ "RAFFLES" GUEST NIGHT: Saturday, August 21, 1909. MUSIC: By the famous IHetz Parisian Quartette." BARKIBS BROTHERS,
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    • 81 1 ROBINSON CO. l ARE NOW SHOWING SOME Very Handsome Wedding Presents COMPRISING NEW AND ORIGINAL DESIGNS IN SOLID SILVER ROSE BOWLS, SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES, Silver Liqueur Cups in Cases, Silver Salts and Peppers in Cases, Silver Cake Baskets, Silver Bon-Bon Dishes, Silver Cigar and Cigarette Boxes, and SILVER CANTONESE
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    • 140 1 NOTICE. VOLUNTEER CLUB. A Subscription Dance, under the auspices Siow Soon Hoe having left our employ- of the above Club, will be held in the S.V.C. ment, be is do longer authorised to collect I ri H*U> °P Friday, August 20. Applicaaccounts on onr behalf tionß for *'ckets must be
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  • 224 2 the picture that Sabang offers is height ened by the huge-hatted Chinaman carrying bright coloured baskets of fruits or cold drinks slung across bis shoulders by the old-world native carts drawn by humpbacked oxen and by the little native children in all the colours of the
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  • 335 2 Companies will not Risk Money on Their Lives. The Wright brothers, Wilbur aud Orville, do not carry any ballast in their aeroplane flights in the shape of life insurance policies. Thil was acknowledged at Washington, on June 26, in an interview. While the insurance companies are believed to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 442 2 Special Reductions. HUMBER CARS 10-12 AND 20 H.P. Newly Arrived. Latest Model. Owing to facilities for turning out large numbers of these famous Cars in order to meet the growing demand, COST OF PRODUCTION has been reduced to a point which enables them to be offered to the public at
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    • 248 2 PROPER TREATMENT FOR DY3ENTERY AND DIARRHOEA. The great mortality from dysentery and dinrrln i a is due to a lack of proper treatment at the first stages of the disease. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho-a liemedy is a reliable and effective medicine, and when given in reasonable time will prevent
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  • 1115 3 SIR R. CLARKE'S OPTIMISTIC OPINION. Will Beat the World for Cheapness. Sir Rupert Clarke. Hart., passed through Colombo on the sth inst., on his way to England. A short time before his departure from Australia Sir Kupnrt returned from New Ouinea, where he is largely interested in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 855 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the 11 System against Disease with ■■Wr cannot .pemk BvAW too hifhl. ut .t nkl*lß#^f*l^ A fift« HBhl Pronounced by the HIGHEST medical AUTHORITIES •&*£NoV Jorpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, cad Z WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the HUMAN BLOCP.
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    • 403 3 The Greatest *\&OT 5^%« of all Tonics fZ < Vs/-jA Proven Remedy lor all N«r»el .<N QXZ Pt— rd«r«. r» MM KF.MP.IIY to. COFOBS. OHM, THKOVTH Qttbridge-s \J LUNG TONIC L'STUICHED HT HAMI >11 1 A r..KEa CHANGE OF ADDRESS W. J. Garcia, Piano ani M isic Dialer, has remived
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    • 395 3 tSfl/finONT TOOTH sJAjisVJU V/ll 1 POWDER Is the favorite dentifrice of the tourist because it is known and sold in every corner of the world. It cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the mouth, as nothing else will. In new patent tin which keeps the dirt out and the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 677 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. For China, Japan, Peoang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Ply. mju'.h and London. Through Bills of Ladleg issued for Ohint Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan forts. Steamera will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Assaye Aag
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    • 587 4 STEAMERS SAILING. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.LTD Two regular servioes are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWIXSfKEW STEAMERS, under Mail Contract with the Imperia Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second Class
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    • 627 4 BTEAIEH SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Xhs steamers of this Oompany m»t«it»ln a regular direot serrioe between Oalontta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking oargo, on through Bills of Lat'ing for Canton, Bwatow, Amoy, Ohefoo, Tientsin, Newehwang, Yangtass Porta, Formosa, the Philippines, 4),, Ao. Steamers Tons Commander KnsABS 4,898
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    • 295 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Paelflo Railway Company's Royal Hail Staamsblp Lino. THK NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE WU CHINA JAPAN, CANADA aad the UNITED STATES, Boots bom Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Bea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Vietorla and Vanooover, R.M.S. "BsmaßS a* Ibdia" Twin-screw iteaR.M.B. "Eavaaas of Jatab"
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    • 680 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. I^BBBBBSaSftaBBBBBBB. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direot, oalling at Penand and Oolombo. Taking
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    • 741 4 STEAMER BAILINQB. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE The fast and well known mail steamera el thia Oompany sail fortnigbty from B rentes Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Soathamp ton, Gibraltar, Qenoa, Naples (oonneoUoa Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Saez, Aden, Coljtrbo, Penang, Singapore,
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  • 134 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, August 17. High Water, 11.28 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinematograph. Wednesday, August 18. High Water, 0.22 p.m., 11.58 p.m. S.C.C. tennis tournament begins. Thursday, August 19. High Water, 0.42 p.m. B. I. homeward mail closes, 8. Friday, August ao. High Water, 0.29 a.m.,
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  • 198 5 To- Dat. Maar and Malaoca Lady Weld 3 pm Malacca, Port Dickson and Port Swettenbam Carlyle 8 pm Sarawak R. of Sarawak 3pm Penang and Deli Hebe 3 pm Batu Pahat Mena 3 pm Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Machaon 3 pm Sourabiya, Bali, Macassar, eto., Mo3sel 4
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  • 105 5 The B. I. Contract Packet Teesta, with the London mails of the 30th ultimo, left Negapatam at 9 p.m. on Saturday, the 14th instant, and may be expected to arrive here on Saturday morning, the 21st instant. MAILS FOR EUROPE. Left Singapore Dae in London Arrived July
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  • 580 5 Latest Arrivals. Anghir, Get. str. 1001 ons, Capt Kuiupol, Aug 16. From Bangkok, Aug 10. G.c. and i d.p. Helm Meyer A Co. For Bangkok, U.— Rds. Bahala*, Dat. str. 434 torn, Capt Morik, Aag 16 From Saigon, Aag IS. Nil. Asiatic l'etro leutn Co. For Saigon, Aag
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  • 117 5 August 14 Ipi'h, Brit str, Penang via ports Hai Sam, Brit str, Muar and Malacca I'm Seng, Brit str, P. Swettenham, Penang Urntiiu, Dut etr, Amsterdam via ports Indrarelli, Brit str, Boat in and New York Aymliia, Brit Etr, Bombay Stirtlad, Nor str, Colombo and Bombay Ranee, Ocr str,
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  • 95 5 Wharves at which Vessel* are Berthed To- Day. TAN JONG PAOAR. East Wham Bahih— Tancarvillc, Hong Bee. East W. Section 1 Kalamo, Kum Sang. Baonoa No. 1 (Smnua Whakk)— Nil. Bsjonoa 2 Tuongwa, Palamootta. 8— Korat. a a 4— Meinam. m 6 Dagmar.
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  • 142 5 Coming to Singapore; Per P. and steamer Nile, due August 20.— Mr. C. Waller, Mrs. Macneill and child, Mr. .1. H. Elliott, Mr. Rigg, Mr. and Mrs. A. Macpherson, Capt. and Mrs. T. Robinson, Sergt. and Mrs. E. K. Budd. Per P. and O. steamer Mooltan, connecting
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  • 303 5 From Now York via Durban, 186,000 cases of kerosine oil for Taku arrived yesterday, by the British steamer Inveresk. From Bali, 843 pigs were brought, this morning, into port by the N. D. L. steamer Kwong Eng. Forty-two deck passengers and a cargo of copra arrived from the
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  • 881 5 General Manager's Report for the Four Weeks Ending July 17, 1909. The Chairman and Directors, lUub Australian Gold Mining Co. Ltd., Singapore. Gentlemen, 1 herewith beg to hand you my report on your mining and milling operations. The mine measurements and assay returns
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    • 257 5 Issoi Paid I V ale» Up Com- ant Dr^mm Bdvbes Sk«i<3 I I I 10 10 Bolat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 10 10 Braang, Ltd. 10 10 Brusoh HydraulioT.M. Co., Ltd. 1 1 Doff Development Co., Ltd. 10 10 Kanaboi, Ltd. 1 1 Kinta Tin Mines, Ltd. 1 1
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    • 575 5 Sterling. II 1--1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/--1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2/. 1 1 1 2/--1 1 1 2/. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a/--1 Anglo-Malay
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    • 181 5 10 10 60 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 10 7 60 10 '1)0 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. 10% (or ...i 1 10% for W Fraaer Neave, Ltd. ...I 17*% tor
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 205 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Aug 17.— At saleroom, dutch steel screw steamer, Sarie Bandjer, at 2.80. Ang 17.— At saleroom, Iran Hulk Tancar. ville, at 2.80, Aug 17. At saleroom, town properties, No. 852, Victoria Street, etc., at 2.80. Aug 17. At saleroom, building land at the seaside Punggol,
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    • 150 5 Banks of the Nile |flr the perfect Quai.tiet of Mean. Matpero Frirw Bouton Rouge f Obtainable at IB| and Also at I 1 JOHN LITTLE 5 FeIUCCa ROBINSON I CO., LTD T&r Egyptian Cigarettes 3Hr gqq g arc recognised by all. Made of the finen k .elected Turkish Tobacco under
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  • 1064 6 The Straits Times TUESDAY, AUGUST 17. LORD KITCHENERS TASK. We do not know enough about the details of the arrangement made with Lord Kitchener to say with absolute confidence whether the last phase of Imperial Defence policy represents high wisdom or the reverse. That the youngest of oar Field Marshals
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  • 20 6 A despatch has been received from the S ecretary of State sanctioning the construction of the Southern Shan States Railway.
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  • 24 6 By a twakow collision in the harbour, yesterday, a coolie named Ah Chow was thrown into the sea and has not been seen since.
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  • 28 6 More rotan coming down to the coast from the interior of Borneo. It is understood that this is owing to the price having gone np slightly in Singapore.
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  • 28 6 The rubber trees in Tenom gardens are in fruit, so distribution of seeds will soon start. Some rubbr trees planted at the Residency and Kamabong are doing well.
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  • 34 6 The money market at Kuala Lumpur is said to be much easier now, where 15 per cent, was the usual rate of interest a year ago, 10 per cent, is now the general rate.
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  • 32 6 The Yokohama Dock Co., Ltd., is going to raise a loan of 1.000,000 yen for tho expansion of its business. Fur this purpose negotiations have already been opened with some foreign capitalists.
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  • 34 6 The naval dock at Hongkong is expected to be opened some time next month. We would add that it is not before time, considering the amount of money expended on the making of it.
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  • 29 6 A holiday fund has been started for the nurses of the Presidency Hospital, Calcutta, among whom the recent outbreak of cholera occurred. The Lieutenant Governor has contributed Rs. 750.
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  • 39 6 Towkay Loke Yew's electric plant, which is now used in his mine at Serendah, will be removed to Port Swettenham, where he is opening up a cement factory with Mr. D. G. Robertson, who is coming out from home.
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  • 44 6 ruder the auspices of the Chinese Christian Association, the Rev. W. Murray, M. A., will give a lecture on Shakespeare's King Lear in the C. C. A. Hall, Prinsep Street, to-night at 8 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to members and their friends.
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  • 40 6 Permission has just been given to the First Royal Dragoons to wear Tangier and Warburg on their colours in recognition of the bravery displayed by the regiment in their engagements with the Moors and in the Continental campaign of 1759-60.
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  • 45 6 Steam launches, tongkangs, sampans and other boats are required to keep well clear of the boats of H. M. S. Waterwitch engaged in taking soundings in Singapore harbour. The boats will exhibit a red peudant. Steam-bsats that are obliged to pass near should ease down.
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  • 51 6 The Times of Malaya is informed that the European and other drivers and hremen of the F. M. S. Railways are dissatisfied with the present general orders issued in regard to their overtime pay, and that trouble is brewing on the subject which may lead to legal proceedings in Kuala
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  • 46 6 In connection with the Agricultural Show, the Pinang Gazette learns that the inventor of an ingenious automatic patent pipe grip, is Mr. H. F. O. Larsen, of Singapore. He has obtained Royal letters patent, and the Board of Trade have complimented him on his ingenious inventions.
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  • 73 6 Lord Meath, in acknowledging receipt of the photographs sent by Mr. Guy of Kuala Lumpur, of the Empire Day celebrations in that town, said that he would try and have them inserted in one of the London illustrated papers. This promise has been redeemed for in the Graphic, of July
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  • 76 6 His Excellency the Governor will lay the foundation stone of the new Y. M. C. A. building on Friday, the 27th inst., and on the same evening a concert will be held in the Victoria Theatre, at which it is understood Major General I'errott will take the chair, supported by
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  • 76 6 The Taikoo Dockyard Hongkong has scoured an order from the Philippines Government for the construction of a steam launch. The tenders were opened on the 2nd inst., the Taikoo bid being 121,500, to be completed in 4) months. The bid of the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Co. was 822,400 to
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  • 109 6 In a brief paragraph yesterday, we noted that natural saline water from the hot spring which was discovered in Singapore last year year, is being bottled by Messrs. Framrtz and Co., and sold locally. The spring from which the water is obtained at 148 degrees Fahrenheit, is situated on property
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  • 131 6 A portion of the new central fire station in Hill Street is now in the occupation of Mr. Wilson, second officer of the fire brigade, and of the motor engine and firemen formerly located at Police Bharu, but the building has not yet formally passed into the possession of the
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  • 133 6 Tan Heu Mob., of 8, Ellonborough Street, was visited by a burglar or burglars on the early morning of August 9. He was aromed from sleep by the touch of a man's hand on his face. In the darkness he could just make ont the form of a man, with
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  • 432 6 Mrs. Noel Walki-rhasbi eu elected lYi-Meot of the Ipoh Ladies' Hirlo Club in place of Mrs. \V. \V. Douglas, who has gone to Kuala Lumpur. His Ksrellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, Q. C. M. (i and party retnriud from Penang, this morning, by the Sea Mow,
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  • 81 6 Tho Daily Telegraph, of 7th inst my that rumours of change ot tactics on tho part of the opposition in regard tn the budget uro groundless. The alt ick will bo renewed with fresh zeal. The RidicaU boast that the battle will be finished on':> I 17,
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  • 92 6 The conspicuous ruddy-hued star which rises in the east early in the evenings at present is the planet Mars. In about four weeks or so from now the planet will be in opposition and will then be at a less distance from the earth tliau it has
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  • 96 6 A London wire of the Oth inst. says: The Maori, a cargo boat bound for New Zealand valued at jE-4'.i.000, has been wracked near Table Hay. Thirteen of the crew wero saved. Eight still remain on board, but there is no news of the remainder, lifty four in
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  • 100 6 Mr. Keiller, of the St.tnd.ird Oil Co., sued a Tamil woman named Vamgoom in tho discrict court before Mr. Sauuders, yesterday, for 920 as the value of five banana trees and thirteen ferns alleged to have been destroyed by her cattle. The evidence showed tint there were several
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  • 135 6 I'uah Hok prosecuted three other Chinese in the district court, yesterday, on a charge of causing him grievous hurt. The names of the accused were Lim Kow, Lim Mi, ami Lim Chuan. Mr. Cooper appeared for the prosecution and Mr. Campbell for the defence. Complainant said
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 119 6 Dow's Ports SHIPPED BY nAinncnif silva and cosens, CALDBtbK, OPOHTO MACGREGOR °< AND CO., "Dow" Brand A and by Royal Warrant of AppointbOlß Agents in ment p ar?e yors of Port Wine to HIB MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII. Flower Vegetable SEEDS EcXS 1 s f Per Packet, 35 cts. JOHN
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    • 202 6 Alhambra NEW PICTURES TO-NIGHT. 2NO SHOW. AT 9.30 P.M. 1. Overture La Koheme Puccini The Orchestra. 2. COW.BOYS EXPLOITS. 8. Yonr Licence, Please I 4. The (iirl Detective. 5. Blessington's Boncy Babies. 6. The Widow. 7. Across the Island of Ceylon. 8. Mr. Durand wants Amusements, y. Film d 1
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  • 117 7 AUSTRALIAN COMMONWEALTH POLICY. Agreement with the Admiralty. linn TiiamaiM London. August 16. A M Ibourne telegram says it is believed that tli" Imperial and Commonwealth Governments have agreed to an alternative schemn to the proposed gift of a I 'readnought. Austrahi. under this alternative, provides insf id a
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  • 104 7 APPEAL FOR AUSTRO-GERMAN SUPPORT. Anxious Situation in Crete. Ukitkus Tn.Kcit w London, August 16. A Canea telegram says that in consequence of Mussulman protestations of alarm, the Government is patrolling the town, and the Militia and Gendarmes arc expelling the villagers. I'M. OsTASIATISCHK LLCYD TkLKOKAM, Berlin, August 10.
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  • 100 7 DISASTROUS FIRE ON THE CUNARDER. Sunk in a Liverpool Dock. Reitki:V Tklegham London, August 16. Kir. broke out on tho Cunarder I.ucania while she was in dock at Liverpool. She was completely gutted forward, and was sunk in order to save the remainder of the ship. She now
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  • 73 7 Belgian Prince's Enthusiastic Forecast. Hkltkr's Tklkouam, London. August 17. Prince Albert of Bolgii.m has returned to Brussels after his tour in the Congo. He says that what he has seen of the Congo surpassed his expectationsThe country offers inexhaustible resources to men of energy and initiative, and the
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  • 55 7 SPANIARDS IN MOROCCO. Condition of General Marina's Forces. Kkiteh's Telegram London, August 17. Keuter's special correspondent at Melilla says that General Marina has a force of 30,000 infantry, 1.400 cavalry, 16 field, and 40 mountain guns. The spirit rf the troops is admirable, but tho nature of the country presents
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  • 73 7 Great Loss of Life and Property, Uei'tkr's Telegram London, August 17. T he area of the earthquake in Japan was wide, and the shocks wero very severe. Hitherto it is known that thirty persons have been killed and eighty-two injured, bnt it is feared that the list
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  • 350 7 Milkman's Dealings with Water Department. The second magistrate was engaged with a Uengali cane, yesterday afternoon, the complainant being Deo Naran Rai. a petty trader and the accused Mata Din Rai, a milkman. Mr. Crabb-Watt appeared for the former and Mr. Everitt for the latter. Tbe charges were
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  • 400 7 Seng Rang, Sua Betong and I'assir Panjang. The prospectus of the L'uited Sna Betong Rubber Estates was issued last month. Tbe capital is £70,000 in 11 si a cs, and the directors are Sir William 11.....! Trea< her K. C. M. G., Mr. James Henry i<
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  • 258 7 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. The eighty-eighth report of the court of directors of tbe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation to the ordinary halfyearly general meeting of shareholders to be held at tbe City Hall, Hongkong, on Saturday, August 21, at noon, is as follows: Gentlemen. The directors
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  • 527 7 BOUSTEAD AND CO. AGAINST THE CROWN. Important Appeal at Penang. iFkum Or it Ows Cokuesi'ONDENT.) Penang. August 18. This morning, before the Fall Court of Apjieal, comprising tbe Chief Justice, Sir W. Hyndman Jones, Mr. Justice Thornton, and Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, the hearing was commenced of
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  • 52 7 Moroccan Pretender Severely Beaten. Kkctkk's Tklkhram London. August 17. A Tangier telegram states that in a combined attack the Sultan's forces defeated the Protender to the Moorish throne. They took many prisoners, and all the camp material. The Pretender escaped, but it is expected that bis power is
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  • 31 7 Colonel Cody's Two Mile Flight at Aldersbot. Recter's Teuiikah London, August 16. At Aldershot on Saturday Col. Cody flew two miles in the British Army nroplane with two occupants.
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  • 31 7 'Deb Ostasiatis chr Lloyd Telegram Berlin, August 16. The Powers are handing over to tbe Turkish Government at Constantinople a note recommending the abolition of the Macedonian Financo Commission.
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  • 17 7 [DltK OST.ISIATISCHB LLOYD TfI.Ki.KAM Berlin, August 16. The Czar will visit Constantinople in October.
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  • 37 7 Dm Omtimai'im hk Lloyd Telegram Berlin, August 18. It is believed that King Edward will take occasion, on tbe birthday of the Emperor Francis Joseph, to inaugurate better relations between Austria and Great Britain.
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  • 1025 7 MAJOR HUBBACKS SUCCESS AT BISLEY. Home Interest in Rubber Industry (From 01-h Own Correspondent.) London, Jnly 2.", During tbe past week, considerable interest has been aroused in investing circles by tbe appearance in the Financial News of several letters criticising the Kamuning dotation. You have already dealt with
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  • 328 7 Notes and Comments on Racecourse Training. At 5.45 a.m. to-day tho weather at the racocousc was fine, though there was a slight fog hanging round the bend up to the 1 J mile post, but this cleared as soon as tllesuu peeped over the house tops. Work
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  • 368 7 (From Opr Own Correspondent.) Labuan. August I' 2. A small Chinese junk with a crew of two and seven passengers which left here on July 24, for Mempakul, B. N. 15., is reported missing. Search has been made but no trace of her can be found, and up-to-date
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  • 367 7 A silversmith of 98, North Bridge Road, has been arrested on a charge of issuing a counter feit dollar. For selling chandu without a licence, two Hokiens were fined $15 each by the second magistrate, yesterday. Gob. Yeap was fined $25 by tho second magistrate, yesterday, for placing
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  • 2289 7 PROPOSED NEW RULE PASSED YESTERDAY. The Secretary's Salary Raised. The annual general meeting of the m. bers of the Singapore Crickot Club wm held in tho club pavilion, yesterday after noon, the business on the agenda being to receive the annual report and accounts for the year
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 29 7 Mr. Churchill has appointed a committee to inquire and report as to the present state of tbe law, and its administration with respect to pilotage in the United Kingdom.
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  • 271 8 A committee meeting of the Singapore Football Association will be held at the S. C. C. pavilion (north room) on Friday next at 6 p.m., to make arrangements for the shield competition. A general meeting of the Garrison Golf Club will be held on Thursday, the 19th
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  • 128 8 M. F. A, Junior Competition A fairly good game was played at Beach Road, yesterclay. in connection with this competition, between the Keppel Harbour and the Pulo Bukom teams. The Keppel Harbour eleven's attacks were much in evidenoe at the start, and early on a penalty kick against
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  • 368 8 5. C. C. Tournament. The following ties will be played in the S. C. C. lawn tennis tournament to-morrow D. Singles. Henderson v. McLeod Craik. W. R Taylor v. J. O. Campbell. Orothe v. Moßitchie. Aoyon v. Elmenhorst. Brockwell v. Adler. H. A. E. Thomson v. F. E.
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  • 717 8 Further Instalment of Awards at Penan g. Ttie latest Penaug papers to hand publish a further instalment of awards at the Agri-Horticultural show. The exhibitors and prize winners in agricultural produce were largely natives. The following is the complete list of awards in tho rubber section Para
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  • 194 8 Harrison Golf Club. The reralt of play for the August modal was as follows Lieut Eddis 75— 4=71 Col. Glover 98 18 75 Capt. Bower 94 16 78 Lieut. Bagley 96 14 81 Major Ford 96 14 82 Lieut. H. E. Large 101 18 88 Capt. Oliver 90 6
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  • 155 8 Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, 17th August, 1909. Meson. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations this morning 1 10 Eastern Smelting Co. »7 pd 9.70 10.— 60 Fraser and Neave Ld 142.50 145. 10 Hotel van Wijk
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 54 8 CHVM3ERLAINB COUGH REMEDY. This is a medicine of great worth and merit. Try it when yon have a cough or oold and yon am certain to be pleased with the i) nek relief which it affords. It ia pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. For sale by
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    • 479 8 CALL AT Moutrie's TO HEAR THE Piano-Player. MADE AND GUARANTEED FOR THIS CLIMATE. THE CHEAPEST AND UNDOUHTEDLY THE BEST. S. MOUTRIE CO., LD. Europe Hotel Buildings. Telephone No. 422. Proprietor: J. CARAPIET. English Management. Established 1863. The Adelphi Hotel. The recognised place for the most recherchi dinners in Singapore." Vide
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    • 338 8 The above Trade Mark is the property of Crockett and Jones, boot and shoe manufacturers, Northampton, England, and is used by them in connection with boots and shoes of their manufacture. In the event oi any infringement in respect of the said Trade Mark, legal proceedings will be taken. Dated
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 669 9 Dr. GABRIEL GUN AWARD ANA'S MARVELLOUS TONICS. TONIC NO. 1. TONIC NO. 2. ft TONIC NO. 3. (These Tonics have well experienced and maintained their world-wide reputation as reliable and sure cures for the following ailments). TONIC NO. 1. This Tonic is a most efficacious and infalliable Remedy for DEBILITY,
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    • 359 9 COHIMIB BIBTICI OV THE OCEAN S. S. COY.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BETWEEN FBBMAHTLB PERTH) HOBTH WEST AUSTRALIAN POBTS, JAVA AJTD SINGAPORE Regular Fortnightly (ailing, between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (a* lndnoemenl offer*), Derby, King's Bound, (Port for the Kimberley Gold Field*),
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    • 390 9 DR. GABRIEL GUNAWARDANAS Cough Remedy. It is a sure speciic for curing STUBBORN COUGHS AND CONSUMPTION, as well as ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, DIFFICULTY of BREATHING, SHORTNESS of BREATH, Tightness and OPPRESSION of the CHEST, CATARRH, Nervous Debility, Night sweats, colds, Influenza, Hooping Coughs, Sore Throat and ALL DISEASES of the LUNGS,
      390 words
    • 314 9 DONT REMAIN SO THIN IT IS DANGEROUS!! I dou't know the reason why every man or woman should not obtain a perfect figure. IF UH WANT TO GET A NICE, PERFECT AND HEALTHY FIGURE by adding flesh, blood, nerve power, strength, weight and beauty, TRY AT ONCE DR. GABRIEL GUNAWARDANA
      314 words

  • 810 10 GRADUAL LOSS TO THE COLONY OF HONGKONG. Its Causes and the Remedy. Many and varied have been the reasons put forth to account for the gradual decline of the trade of the Colony, says the S. C. Morning Post, of Hongkong and though the majority of the reasons
    810 words
  • 222 10 Poor Children Let Loose to Feast in a Kentish Field. Fifty-six sturdy boys from Dr. Barnardo's Homes, Stepney, all blessed with splendid appetites and a vast storage capacity, had a glorious cxpericDce the other day, one which they are not liksly soon to forget, for they were turned
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 613 10 BUNKING COMPANIES CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IHOORPORATiSD BY ROYAL OHABTER. Ptld up CaplUl In SO, OOO Shares of ■Msaoh ..£1,100,000 K.»rve Fund -II6^'SSH Bfjerva Liability of Proprietors £1,100,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. las London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Ourrent Aooounta
      613 words
    • 536 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. ?aid up capital 3EBERVE FUND Blerling Reserve 115,000,0001 mo 5 00 000 SllTerßeserre »U.500,000| M5OQ ww etatarre Liability of Proprietor! 118.000,000 COURT Ol* DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Gresson, Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. E. G. Barrett, Esq. O. B.
      536 words
    • 399 10 INSURANCE Complies, The Standard Life. THE OLDEST BRITISH LIFE OFFICE IN THE EAST. PROVIDE FOR RETIREMENT by taking a policy under the new SIMPLE ENDOWMENT BCHBHB without Medical Examination. .61,000 at age 5O oan be secured by a life aged U next birthday by payment ot £X?-I<M> per annum, ALL
      399 words
    • 657 10 SALES BY AUCTION. ATJOTIOIT SALE OK DAMAGED GOODS, EX S.S. KALOMO. TO BE HELD AT Godown A, Keppel Road, ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, AT 9.30 A.M. Solder sticks, weighing scales, motor tyre pumps, lawn mowers, carpentero bits car centers vices, coffee mills, hand pumps, tire extinguishers, printers' knives, iron box
      657 words
    • 261 10 AUCTION SALE Of A LAHGK QUANTITY OF PROVISIONS, KTC, IN GOOD CONDITION, To bo held at I'owell and Co.'s Saleroom, On Salunh.y, Au.jutt 11, at 11 a.m. 7 cases green peas, 2 cases artichokes, 4 cases pork and beau*, 3 cases turkey and tongue. 2 cases of roast and smoked
      261 words

  • 1836 11 GRIEVANCES IN FEDERATED MALAY STATES. From the point of view of people who do not use motor cars and they constitute the bulk of the inhabitants of this country, says the Malay Mail, the drivers of motors fall into two classes those who show some consideration for other people,
    1,836 words
  • 67 11 A German exploring expedition under Dr. Elbert has been exploring the island of Lombok to the West of Java, and collecting valuable scientific materials. The exploration has disproved the accepted statement in geographical text-books that Mount Rinjani, a volcano in that island, is the highest mountain in that neighbourhood. Its
    67 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 525 11 Another Record for Dunlops. 2, 75 MILES THROUGH INDIA. NO TYRE TROUBLES. Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Bombay, May 17, 1909. To THE DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE CO., LTD., Bombay. Dear Sirs, I have much pleasure in congratulating yon upon tho grooved tyres you are now making. During my tour through India,
      525 words
    • 148 11 To Planters! Two Useful Books. TAP OCA A 8 A CATCH CROP FOR RUBBER SUMATRA TOBACCO. •r 1. mathicu. On Salk at tbb Principal Book Sellers. CRUSHED FOOD. Try it and Von Will be Patiifitd. I. R. BELILIOS begs to inform the public that bis Factory for preparing Crashed Food,
      148 words
    • 136 11 80L0 THE WORLD OVER. "We have in stock many colic and diarrh. a medicines says R. M. White, a prominent merchant of Turtle Bayou, Tex., U. S. A., but sell more of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy than of all others put together." For sale by all Dispensaries and
      136 words
    • 430 11 Cost of running depends largely on WOLSELEY-S I DDELEY. the weight a car may usually carry, the mileage it runs, and, lastly, its horse- T I powtr. i hiring the past year an owner 'SbCt^. J— t of alO 12 h.p. Wolscley-Siddcley car that C w-Tg^*3BiZgA A ran 7,104 miles
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 577 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MisceIIaneous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at the following rates One Insertion 11.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six a 6.20 Nine 0.40 Twelve 7.12 Twenty- five 10.00 (Each subsequent month 95 per inch.) The above rate is
      577 words
    • 452 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. aUn*l-ro«f LiMa, oat ot two laafttioa*, fI.M Br th* la«o. M Bcalt of Cbar|«. HOUBE WANTED. Wanted, a furnished bouse 4 bedrooms, and tennis court. Tanglin district preferred. Apply to 8., c/o Straits Times. 1611 CHINEBE CLERK WANTEO. Wanted immediately, smart lad as Junior Clerk. A seventh standard
      452 words
    • 610 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bin Fomr Llaw, oa* at two lawrMoa fI.H Bj tht laoh, at* Malt ot ahaffa*. OFFICE TO BE LET. Offloe on aeoond floor of. No. 7, Battery Road. Apply to Ontario and 00.. Ltd, o 1878 OFFIBE ft 8000WN TO BE LET. With Immediate en
      610 words
    • 594 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. lUrut-rmr Lira, oat ot tw'la—Muat, nxc' Br •>>• toeh. Hoali of Caaig**. HOUSE TO LET. 14, Sophia Road. Immediate entry. Apply to No. 2, Baffles Place. 1511 HOUSE TO LET. No. 28, Sophia Road. Immediate entry. Apply to 18 2, Prinsep Street. 1012 OFFICE AND
      594 words
    • 582 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreadod at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articlos, Sheets, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Gardenhoses, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents t MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      582 words
    • 451 12 BOARO AND LODGING. HiTU i-f oar LI ua. ou of two Iwrtlou. tI.M Br tht laoh. m Scale ot Chuiii, BOARD AND LOOSING. Rooms vacant. Mrs. yon Bargen, 8, Mount Elizabeth. 1.1G4 BOARD AND RESIDENCE Comfortable rooms with board at Cambc House. River Valley Road. 1604 BOARO AND RESIDENCE. Board
      451 words