The Straits Times, 12 August 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.030 SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. AUGUST 12. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 465 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ld. 1963 Jerro Motors COMPLETE AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. '^a. 3 H.P. FERRO Price: S^^O Jfcfrj jy3E 4hp $^/O W shp $350 Model of Singlo Cylinder Kerro Motors made in si/en of 4 ."< t 7 H. P. $40 G^ te^^SW 8 HP, 2 Cylinder JjtUU d Mfeygj^ yft'AiiiaLi^y"
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    • 440 1 ROBINSON CO. P™" I^^ ARE NOW SHOWING SOME Very Handsome Wedding Presents COMPRISING NEW AND OUGOUL DESIGNS IN SOLID SILVER ROSE BOWLS, SOLID SILVER TEA SERVICES, Silver Liqueur Cups in Cases, Silver Salts and Peppers in Cases, Silver Cake Baskets, Silver Bon-Bon Dishes, w Silver Cigar and Cigarette Boxes, and
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  • 1028 2 STRIKING STATEMENT BY LORD GORELL. Cheaper Divorce Proceedings. Lord Gorrell, wbo has bad great experience both as a judge and as President of tbe Divorce Court, on .1 uly 14, invited tbe House of Lords to agree to the following proposition That it is expedient that jurisdiction
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 465 2 TJSE "Eagle" Cement Tor HIGH- CLASS WORK. n g% A_| Contractors to DOPIICO UO M LXQ. f Government. WHAT'S THE. USE. OF A ROOF THAT I y J YOU HAVE. TO KEEP TINKERING? J I Genasco I Ready Roofing (Mineral and Smooth Surface) I puts an end to your roof
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    • 467 2 FOOTBALLER PRAISESJCUTICURA For Wounds and Ihe After the Game —Leg Kicked During Play and Would Not Heal -Maturated and Swelled to Thrice Its Usual Size. CUTICURA CURED HIM WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED "My trouble arose through getting kicked nn the fo.itl.nll field. It was a very !>a<l wound about thre..
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    • 59 2 PROPER TREATMENT FOR DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOEA. The great mortality from dysentery and diarrhoea is due to a lack of proper treatment at tbe first stages of the disease. Chamber. lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy is a reliable and effective medicine, and when given in reasonable time will prevent any
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    • 327 2 GTJie Cocoa of Me Old Country If Jf jf)~l/rf^ As a recuperative after physical ■~S-^/ i^\ f J7 r 7 or mcnta stra n Cadbury'i Cocoa I i^3fl9L Mtf a 5 nu < 'l ua ls delicious flavour ImIHBVHJ I E^ makes it unquestionably the most pjlat- I V^^^B^Et able
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  • 1228 3 HIS INFLUENCE IN GERMAN WORLD POLICY. Personal Traits. I v the domain of foreign policy, says the Berlin correspondent of the Times, Prince Bnlow represented the reaction which, in various influential and representative German quarters, had succeeded the conciliatory attitude of Count von Caprivi in foreign affairs. That
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  • 731 3 Baronet's Daughter's Death at Narrods The remarkable story of how a lady -the daughtei of a baronet— met hor death during the process of having her hair dressed by a shampooing process involving the use of tetra chloride of carbon was related to the Kensington coroner, Mr.
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  • 42 3 A foreigner by means of fictitious cable message?, on July 21, endeavoured to obtain X'ST.OOU from each of three Londou banks. The cashiers in the banks were suspicions of the man and his documents, and they refused to hand the money over.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 CHAMBERLAIN 8 COUGH REMEDY. This is a medicine of great worth and merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you arc certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. It is pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. For sale by
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    • 1130 3 MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Issue of $1,000,000 four and half per cent. Debenture Stock, 1909. 1. The Municipal Commissioners of the Town of Singapore, having in pursuance of the provisions contained is the Municipal Ordinance, 1890, decided with the sanction of tho Governor in Council, to create and issue debenture stock,
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    • 1114 3 SCHEDUI E D. Statkmkm sin. win., rim WIMI AWTOAI. nWXHg nou MWBUL iwim OI m SIMAMU Mink 11-ality for thk unimntv, ncbCDOhi (Una, Taxjh am. Rkiiii Ykak. FkiiiH Fkis. Kkm». WitWM Mis- BnrtT. cßUMwra, »"r»'» 190-J :'.l I.". 76,0i15.2-4 KUM4I 8M.714H Ni.7N.iNM nUOC.IO 1905 8036*89 6H,r);t0.81 »7,M&00 808.610.28 50.70^47 779^7088
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 669 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For Chins, Ja?an, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, ItiHa, Aden, Egypt, Mediterra lean Parti, Plymiuth and Londin Through Bill* of Lad or issued tor Chim Ooaat, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amarioao P.rts. Steamer* will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Devanba
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    • 688 4 STEAMERS SAILINGOCEAN STEAM BHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. Tbe O jmpanlea' (teamen a*e despaohed from LlTerfOol outwards for the Strait*, China and Jar.n ersry week ard from Japan homeward! for London, A-ntterdsm and Antwerp every fortnight for Genos, Manaillei and Liverpool and for Marsjillei, Havre
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    • 636 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Paoifle Railway Company's Royal Hail Ste«m ship Lin*. TIB RATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE WIA 0 iIBA JAPAN, CANADA tad Ihe UNITED BTATBB. Bo it* bom Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagaaakl, (Inland Saa of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotorta and Vanoourar, P.M.B. "EaraaaaovlanA" Twin-screw atea H.W.B. ■Ebis—of
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    • 261 4 STEAMER SmiNnS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tea steamers of thi* Company maintain regular diraot servioe between Caleatta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking oargo, on through BUI* of Lading (or Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Ohefoo, Tientsin, Newohwang, Tangtue Ports, Formosa, the Philippine*, Ai,,A<\ Btoauaen Ton* Commander KcttiM 4,896 R. O.
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    • 692 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. vtiaßsaHHalKm. The (teamen of thla Company maintain a regular aarvio* between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, aad the Straits, China and Japan. Homeward., they an daspatebad fortnightly (or Havre and Hamburg aad one* a month for Bremerhaven dlreot, oalliag at Penang an] Colombo. Taking
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    • 743 4 STE'MEn BAILIHBB. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The faat and well-known mail (teamen of this Company sail fortaighty from Bramen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naple* (oonneoMea Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe vwraaf Port B»id, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 164 5 FIXTURES. Thursday, August im. High Water, 7.12 )> iv. Anniversary of the- Si-ttk'iueot of Penaug. L. L. T. C. Tournament. Oaiatj Hall. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harirua Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinematograph Friday, August 13. KTatoC, a.m., H.lB P. aud 0. homeward mail closer, 6 a.m. P. and outward mail
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  • 205 5 To-Day. Malacca, P. Dickson, and P. Swettenbam Pob Ann 3pm Penaog and Deli Calypso 3 pin Batavia. C henliou and Samarant; Kdrndalo S pm l'> uauK. Rangoon and ('alcutta 1. I nd ill* 4 pm Paugalan Itraudan Benoa 4 pm To uokbow fcsl-Penau,;, Ceylon, A'tralasia, Mauritius. luilia,
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  • 87 5 The outward I', k U. Packet Devanha left Penang' at miduight last ni{;ht, and may be expected to arrive here at 6 a.m. to-morrow. Left Singapore oly 16 P. <t O. uly 21 N.D.L. oly 21 B. I. uly 2! MM. aly 80 P. 40. Lag 3
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  • 553 5 Latest Arrivals. Ban fo Soon, Out. atr. 222 tons, Capt Odink Aug 12. From Sunbas, Aug 10. Q.o. and 79 d.p. Thong Ek. For Poutianak, Aag IS— Rds. BnUmtrt, Brit. Btr. 2120 tons, Capt Bee, Aug 11. From London, July 4. lit. Paterson Simons Co For .lupin. A'ng
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  • 93 5 Wharves at which Vessel* are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAGAR. Burr Wmar Uihik— Taucarville, Hong Bee. EaxtW. bKCTiosl-Kalwio, Ipoh, Fook Sang. Section No. I (Shews Wnurl- Yeddo. Section 2— Van BoOfß, BaaBMNH 8- Sliinchiku Maru. 4- Itrasilia. Lindula. e— Dagma-. Mm, Hyaoa. 7—
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  • 207 5 Coming to Singapore Per P. and O. steamer Moron, connecting with the steamer Devanlia, at Colombo, due August 18. Mr. Ci. C. Ciillau. Mr. P. R. Hall.] Mr. F. Toynbeo, Mr. .1. Kenwick, Mr. C. H. Munro. Mr. .1. Young, Mr. H. C. Colvin, Mr. j K.
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  • 31 5 Tin- British steamer Benin arrived from Delagoa Bay, yesterday, en route to Haifong in ballast. Tlio pilgrim Nteaiuer Ningcbow arrived from Hongkong, yesterday, eu route to Liverpool via .leddoli.
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  • 856 5 Serangoon Pig Dealer Resents a Surprise Visit. tu the district court before Mr. Howard, some mouthti ago, Oog Oeok Swee sued Loo Teow Kee for 9500 damages for alleged tlefamatioD. wrongful arrest, false imprison- i in -lit and trespass, and secured judgment I for the amount
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  • Finance & Commerce.
    • 139 5 Sinoapoki, Auoust 12, 1908. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4) Demand 2/4^, Private 8 m/s 2/4 J do 8 m/s 2/4H On Qermany Bank d/d 288jj Private 8 m/s u m< do 0 m/s 2424 On France- Bank d/d 294 Private 8 m/s 296* do 6 rn/d 800 On
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    • 104 5 Sinoapori, Adocht la. 1908. Gambicr 10.62 J do (Cnbe No. 1) nnpicked 18.76 Copra Bali 8 90 do Pontiaoak 8.20 Pepper, Black buyers 11.60 do White 8% 18.00 Sago Floor Sarawak h.'jv j do Bronei No. 1 8.10 Pearl Sago 4.U6 Coffee Bali moo Coffee Palembang, W% baaia noiu.
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    • 272 5 Issob Paid Last Valui Up Compakt Dividimd BrvKKs Skllkk* 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 12% for 'oB 10 10 Bruang, Ltd. 10 10 Brusoh Hydraulic T. M. Co., Ltd. J 10% (or '08 1 1 Duff Development Co., Ltd. ...j 10 10 Kanaboi, Ltd. 1 1 Kinta
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    • 569 5 Sterling. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a/. l l l 2/. 1 1 1 1 2/. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a/1 Anglo-Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. 80% for 'oB 17/6 contributory 1 Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd
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    • 180 5 10 10 60 10 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 10 7 60 10 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. 10% for 12.5U 1 10% for "OP 9.75 Fraser k Neave, Ltd. 17*%
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Aug 14.— At No. 7, Mount Sophia, household funiture, etc., at 2.30. Aug 17.— At saleroom, dutch steel screw steamer, Sarie Bandjer, at 2.80. Aug 17. At saleroom, Iron Hulk Tancarville, at 2 30, Aug 17. At saleroom, town properties, .No. 852, Victoria Street, etc.,
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    • 127 5 Ship" of the Desert BOlltOSl ROUge and is f*» ih n g Felucca EGYPTIAN W CIGARETTES »^^l^ «^9 J Cigareiif j ?re th- most W4\jm[ JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD. AM rob| nson co. BONEO STEEL i 1 Letter Filing System. i THE SYSTEM that yon have got to use sooner
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 235 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kando*; Ktrbau Hatpital, Aug. il, 190). |9 a> h.i St. a.i9 r. n.| Ruktall. 3ar. S2 Fah 30X01 29 891 29 934 Temp 79.4 80.8 |77 0 .05in. Wet Bulb i Ther 77.0 77.0 75 0 Dirof Wind calm calm calm Max. Temp 86. Mia 73 0 Mix.
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  • 1275 6 The Straits Times. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12. A SECOND RUBBER. The world is getting along pretty comfortably without our help even the Turks and Greeks are looking as if they might fall or each other's necks with something softei than swords and so we need not niaki profuse apologies for a
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  • 11 6 To-day is the anniversary of the settle ment of Pcnang (17H6).
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  • 19 6 The Chinese Board of Foreign Affairs has decided to appoint a Consul-General and a Vice-Consul to the Dutch Indies.
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  • 19 6 The nett return from the Sercndah Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., for July was IM piculs of dry dressed ore.
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  • 23 6 H. M. S. Tcrnorairc was firing a salute in the Solent review whon a four-inch gun exploded and four mon were seriously hurt.
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  • 29 6 China proposes to lay down the rule that priuces and officials, who may be found giveu up to the gambling vice, be recommended for instant dismissal from the service.
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  • 33 6 H. M. S. Terrible, battliwbip, from Portsmouth, in due in Colombo en the 25th inst. with relief crews for ships of the Australian and China squadrons, which arrive the same day for recommissioning.
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  • 34 6 Mr. C. O. Warnford Lock, who for about four yrars was manager of the Raub Australian Gold Mining Co, but was recently engaged in planting at Travancorc, died at Bandarawella, Ceylon, on July 30.
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  • 35 6 In the Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice Surcombe Smith, yesterday, the Crown mit over the possession of the land at Kampoog Sambau, on thu foreshore near Fort Palmer, was concluded, his lordship reserving bis decision.
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  • 39 6 The German cruiser Cormoran, Capt. Siemens, from Port Said, arrived at Colombo on July U, on her way to Batavia, whither she was to nail on the 9th inst. She exchanged salutes with the saluting battery and the flagship.
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  • 43 6 James Casey, a liroman from the Callope, which is now in Batavia, was before tho marine magistrate, yesterday, ou a charge of being in the colony without a certificate of discharge. It was decided to send him to rejoin his ship at Batavia.
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  • 48 6 The case which has been occupying the attention of the Chief Justioe at the Supreme Court since Thursday was stopped somewhat unexpectedly by consent of the varions parties, yesterday afternoon, the action btiag discontinued without costs on certain lengthy conditions of no interest save to the parties themselves.
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  • 54 6 The Ipoh Railed from l'enang southwards on Monday evening, among l<er passengers being a large contingent of planters who had been on a visit to the agricultural show. Most of these disembarked at Port Swettenham, yesterday, bound for their various estates. The Ipoh brought on several of the Colony's cricket
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  • 66 6 The Chinese in Perak have joined in a telegraphic memorial to the Waiwupu for the establishment of a consulate there, says the Peking Daily News. The memorial says that from time to time Chinese affairs have been bandied in the port in a manner which is not at all agreeable,
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  • 73 6 Mr. W. R Hearst, the own«r of a series of yellow newspapers in the I'uited States, is reported to have purchased a property of 1,000 square miles on tho south coast of Newfoundland, which will be made the centre of extensive papor- making operations. It is understood that the plans
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  • 74 6 At Hongkong, on 4th inst. before the Chief .lustice Sir Francis Piggott, and Mr. Justioe (rompertz, an action was heard in which the Hongkong Milling Co, claimed 8100,000 from Messrs Arnhold, Karborg and Co. The plaintiffs, who are in liquidation, Mr. Horace Percy Smith being the liquidator, claimed this sum
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  • 141 6 We are inform*! that the option on the Merlimau Rubber and Tapioca estate, which is situated in the Merlimau district. Malacca, and which has been very favourably reported on by Mr. lI. M. Darby, has been secured by a local syndicate acting in conjunction with an influential London group, and
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  • 161 6 Since the exodus of the West Kent Band, Mr. Brunei-Norman has been at a loss to know how to replace the concerts which used to delight the hotel patrons ou guost nights. In the now Adelphi orchestra under the oonductorship ;of Mr. Liuton David, which gave its inaugural concert last
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  • 404 6 Mr. 11. If. Mody, the promoter of the Hongkong university schune. is seriously ill. Mr. .1. Gibson, of the Standard Oil Co., Shanghai, died suddenly on July, 31 from cholera. Capt. John A. Dougherty of the I .S. S Rainbow died at tho Shanghai general hospital on
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  • 85 6 Mr. T. W. Gellatly, second officer of the steamer Gwalior, was accidentally shot with a revolver by the chief officer, Mr. F. E. Harvey, on July 28, while the vessel was lying along a jetty in tbo Hooghly. Mr. Harvey was examining a revolver belonging to Mr.
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  • 114 6 Plantation rubber is expected to total 4,000 tons this year or, say, onoeightoonth of the whole output, Rays a wire in the Ceylon Observer. With J,J0i.20l lbs. for the half-year, or 1,100 tons, exported by the Malay States, and SVJUB lbs. or US tons sent iron. Ceylon
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  • 144 6 Admiral Fitzgerald, having previously issued a challenge to the Folkestone Boy Scouts that ho would make an attempt to enter their camp, accompanied by his son, one night did so recently. Only the ordinary pickets were ported, but they were sufficient. A man seed in the
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  • 170 6 Two alleged deserters from the JohoM police were before the senior magistrate, yesterday. The hearing of tha evidence was postponed till the lMth instant. Cbiain Chia and Ng Kow were tried in the district court, yesterday, o-i cliar«o of having united in a grievous assault on Si Liong,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 79 6 Dow's Ports SHIPPED BY r/unQcptf silva and cosens, CALDBtCK, OPORTO MACGREGOR AND CO., "Dow" Brand C«l. Atran+c in and by lloyal Warrant of Appointaoia Mgenis in mcnt i> arvcyorg of p ort wine to HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD VII. t WALKER'S White Label. $10.50. SOLE AGENTS: JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD
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    • 177 6 ALHAMBRA To-Night. 2ND SHOW. AT 9.30 P.M. 1. Overture, Ballet de Faust, Gounod, the Orchestra. '2. An English Boxing Match. 8. An Unfortunate Encounter. 4. HARD LUCK. 5. THE (iIRL DETECTIVE. 6. Film dArt: THE SLEEPER, Comis Piece by Max Vermont. Actors— M. Matriat of the Odeon Theatre. Mme. Couinont
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  • 591 7 AUSTRALIA DECLARES WITH BIG SCORE. Unprecedented Feat. ENGLAND'S WEAK BOWLING AND MODERATE FIELDING. Result of Match Always Assured. ist Test Unhand Won by 10 wkts. and Australia 9 wkt5. 3rd Australia 126 runs 4th Drawn. 5th Drawn. iI-ik.,1 Ocit Sii.ul OouaaromwNT.) I ...n. Inn, Augu-t 11. Fifteen
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  • 107 7 SIR EDWARD GREY DEFINES ITS OBJECTS. To Check External Aggression and Internal Discontent. [Bmn'a Tummm] London, August 11. Sir Kilward Qnj, speakioj; at Leeds, dofended tlio Budget, which he said was just and reasonable. Its purpose was to provide security against external aggression, an I internal discontent. Tlio
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  • 39 7 Italian Balloonist* Remarkable Journey. IthlTKK's TkLK'.RAM London, August 11. The Italian aeronaut, Captain Spelteri n 1 with three passeugers, has crossed the Alps in a balloon from Chamonix. Ho reached a maximum height of 17,000 foet.
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  • 102 7 Austrian Comment on King Edward's Visit. [Rbi-tkr's Tm.k..kvm LodcIoo, August tt. The l'reut lenb'.att, wbicb is the organ of tbe Austrian Kjreign (>tti:e. heartily welcomes King Klward to Marienbad, and describes the reports of coolness between His Majesty and the Emperor Krauci-t Joseph ad baseless. [Den QRUUflBom
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  • 29 7 I'm; Ostasutiscuk Lloyd Tki.klkam Berlin, August 11. Hcrr von Kiuom, tbe (jerman War Minister, has resigned, and takes over tbe command of the Seventh Army Corps.
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  • 53 7 Powers Threaten Reoccupation of Crete. Dm OnuuiMn Lu»n Ikmii li r'in, August 11. At Constantinople tho (iovernmont gives assurance!) of prae«\ although there in a warlike foeliug at Salonika. Berlin and Vienna refuse to cooperate in the details of tlio Cretan settlement. Tho protecting l'owcrs are threatening
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  • 55 7 rrospects 01 Kussia uetung rree Passage. Dm; QbmUORM Lloyd Tki.k.kvm Berlin, August 11. At Si. Petersburg, statements are published with reference to settlement of tbe Dardanelles question. Tbe press says t'<at Baron von Acbrenthal is agreeing to tbe principle sought for by Kussia, but reserves for international consideration the
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  • 35 7 [DlB OSTASIATISCUB LLGYD TeLBORAMj Berlin August 11. It is reported from Rotterdam that a united expedition is about to start for the Bettlerueut8 ettlerueut of frontier questions in Dutch and German New Guinoa.
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  • 22 7 |DlSB OsTASIATISCHK LLUYU ItUMU Merlin, August 11. America b prepariug an expedition for exploration of the South Sea Islands.
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  • 63 7 i 1"i:m\i On Ows Corkksposdest.) Kuala Lumpur, August 11. Towkay Yap Hoo Cliio was taken before a magistrate privately, this afternoon, and it is understood that if bo satisfies bis Worship be will bo released on bis own bond and two sureties. Kuala Lumpur, August 12. The
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  • 67 7 ALL POINTS OF DIFFERENCE SETTLED. Dominions Combine for Naval Supremacy. [IJkltkk's IkUMUlJ London, August VI. HcuU r learus that the Imperial Defence Conference is on the point of concluding its labours. Some far-reaching decisions have lieen arrived at, and all important differences have bocn overcome. .Ml parts of
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  • 113 7 An Official Round on Inspection Duty. (Fuom OfK Own OoUMMUBJTf) IVnan^', August 11. His Kxcollcncy the Governor, Sir John Andcrgoo, (i. C. M. yestorday visited Province Wolleslcy with Mr. l{. N. liland, Resident Councillor, and the inspecting seniui district officer and a Public Works Departlunit official.
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  • 67 7 Chinese Surprised at the Penang Ropewalk. (Fimmi Our Own Correspondent.) Pen&ng, August 11. The police have effected a smart discovery of a socrct society, at the Kopowalk, during tlio ceremony of swearing in new members. A <j'iautiiy of paraphernalia was secured a ad fifteen Chinamen were arrested.
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  • 29 7 (Fkom Our Own Corhksimindent. 1 Penang, August 11. The next Agri-Horticultural Show will' subject to confirmation by the Governor in Council, be held in Singapore.
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  • 228 7 Mysterious Banquet Given in Singapore. There was a banquet at 18 l!ernam Street, last night, as a result of which a Kling and his wife are at the General Hospital at tin point of death. One Nadasan Pillay missed a necklace belonging to his child, some three
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  • 240 7 Action Against Owners of the Hansa Line. At the High Court, Bombay, on July 27. Mr. Justice Beaman, assisted by Capt. Dobson, R. I. M., and Capt. Andrews, P. and Co as assessor*, began the hearing of the Admiralty suit in which the trustees of
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  • 2281 7 THE GOVERNOR OPTIMISTIC ON RUBBER. important Speech at Penang. (Fkom Oi-b hnu Omhmmr] Penang, August 9. After liravy rain on Saturday night, and tho promise of more yesterday— fortunately unfulfilled to-day lias passed off in the most brilliant and hot weather. Those who have donned anything more sober
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  • 1853 7 MEETING OF THE MALAYAN ASSOCIATION. Governor's References to Rubber. A largely attended meeting of the Hanteri' Association of Malaya was held on Tuesday morning, in the Grand Stand at tbo racecourse, Ponang, Mr. Malcolm Cuuiniiog in the chair. Amongst thoso present woro Messrs. Pears, Syuionds, Lamb, Skinner,
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  • 226 8 West Australian Inventor on the N. D, L. Gneisenau. Among the transit passengers, for London bay the G. If. S. Gneisenau which left i'rcmantle for London via Colombo at an early hour on .lie morning of July 20, is Mr. Walter Thomson, who, in conjunction with Mr. Fred.
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  • 711 8 Dismal Failure of the Colonial Representatives. In Augcst last year, the Straits cricket eleven defeated tbe States representatives, at Singapore, by seven wickets. On Monday last, at Penang, the similar match pertained very much to the nature of a damp squib. The men of the States wiped
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  • 234 8 British Officer Disappears While on a Visit. The strange disappearance of a British officer named Anderson, who has been missing since Monday last, is occupying the attention of the Paris police, says an exchange dated July 17. It is said that the officer has been suffering from
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 141 8 The Australians have beaten the team representing South Wales by eight wickete. Tbe entries for the S. C. C. lawn tennis tonrnament close, at tbe pavilion, to-morrow evening. Mr. S. P. Hayley won the tennis championship of tho Garden Club, Colombo, by beating Mr. W. K. Mitchell.
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    • 29 8 5. C. C. Tournament. The results of yesterday's play are as follows Championship. McKenzie beat Passmore, 21-7, and Scoular beat Biddulph, 2117. Singles.— Biddulph beat Pugh, 2116.
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    • 40 8 Novices' Race. The Swimming Club novices' race will take place on Sunday. Eotries to be sent to the captain or secretary, or placed in the box at the S. C. C. aa soou an possible on account of handicapping.
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    • 94 8 R. Q. A. v Darul Ta'alam A soccer match was played at Beach Road yesterday, between an eleven of tbe U. G. A. and the Darul Ta'alam Club, the gunners scoring a goal early in the first half. The Darul Ta'alam failed to equalise up to half time.
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    • 119 8 L. L. T. C. Tournament. Following are the results of jestc-rday'B play Ladies' Doubles.— Mrs. (latley and Miss Hastings beat Mrs. Uartnell and Mrs. Mactaggart, 7 S, 6 2 and Mrs. Buckland and Mrs. Carver beat Miss Webster and Miss F. A. Webster, w. o. Championship Pairs. Miss
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    • 424 8 County Championship. The table given below shows the position of the counties in the Championship up to the beginning of this month. One point is reckoned for a win, one deducted for a loss, and neither drawn nor abandoned games are included in the table. The Championship is decided
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  • 463 8 I Prices Quoted in the Market This Morning. Singapore, 12th August. 1909. Messrs. Lyall sad Kvatt, Exchange and ihare Brokers, issue the following list of juotationa this more ing Rubber Shares. Norn. Valur. Bayers. Sellers. £1 Anglo Malay 181/6 140/- ez/d 1 Anglo Sumatra 28/6 27/6 1
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  • 148 8 Bavfirn. Sellers. •10 Belat 5.50 6.75 10 Brasng 6.25 0.50 10 Brnseh 7.50 B.— £1 DaS Development 6.10 620 1 Joher 2.— 2.75 tlO Kanaboi 1.50 2 £1 Kinta 1025 10.75 1 Klo«1an« 8.50 885 1 KramatPalai 8.75 4.50 •10 Kaanten 8.75 425 £1 Lahat 9.40 9.75 •10
    148 words
  • 83 8 1 10 Eastern Smiting Co. $7 pd 9.50 9.70 60 Fraser and Neave Ld 145. 147.60 10 Hotel van Wijk 20.— 22.— 1100 Howarth Erskine Ld 85.— 100 1% Pref 100.— 100 Riley Harereaves ft Co. Ld (JO.— 62.50 100 1% Pref «o.— 94.— 10 Singapore Cold Storage Co.
    83 words
  • 42 8 1100 Howarth Erskine Ld 8% par 100 Riley Harp-paved Co. Ld6% 2% pm. 100 Singapore Municipal 6% 20% pm. 100 do 6% 8% pm. 100 do 4i% 2% pm. 100 do 4% 6% disc ElOO Singapore Elect Trams 6% 30% dUo
    42 words
  • 398 8 The West Australian Company's Minderoo. The steamer Mindcroo is tin- latest addition to tin- Singapore line tradiug between Fremantle, .lava, and Singapore, via (ieraldton, Carnarvon, Oaslow, Cossack, Port Hedland, Brootne, and Derby, on tbe West and Nor'- West coast of Westeru Australia. Tbe vessel is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • Page 9 Advertisements
      966 words
    • 653 9 If you Suffer from sny Hlood or Skin Disease, such as Sores, Pimples, Itchings, Ringworms, Rash, Boils, Scurry, Ulcers, Cancers, Abscetses, Blood Poision, Tumours, Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, Eczema, Blotches, Spotes, Eruptions, paleness, bad legs, etc., etc. TRY AT ONCE DR. GABRIEL GUNAWARDANA'S Sariba Rasa (THE WORLDRENOWNED BLOOD PURIFIER). It not
      653 words
    • 888 9 Dr. GABRIEL GUNAWARDANA'S MARVELLOUS TONICS. TONIC NO. 1. TONIC NO. 2. TONIC NO. 3. (These Tonics have well experienced and maintained their world-wide reputation as reliable and sure cures for the following ailments). TJNIC NO. 1. This Tonic is a most efficacious and infalliable Remedy for DEBILITY, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, RHEUMATISM,
      888 words
    • 289 9 APCAR LINE OF BTEAMERB. In undermentioned mall steam erf of tfct above Line maintain a regular scrvioe between Oalontta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai m rouu FLEET. Tom Commander U. "Jmi" 8,018 J. O. Uumi M. 'OuMnAnu" 4,600 8. H. B«l«ob A»eatoos Ahm" 4,800 A. BuwaM
      289 words
    • 379 9 DR. GABRIEL GUNAWARDANA'S Cough Remedy. It is a sure speoiSc for curing STUBBORN COUGHS AND CONSUMPTION, as well as ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, DIFFICULTY of BREATHING, SHORTNESS of BREATH, Tightness and OPPRESSION of the CHEST, CATARRH, Nervous Debility, Night sweats, colds, Influenza, Hooping Coughs, Soro Throat and ALL DISEASES of the LUNGS,
      379 words
    • 188 9 DON'T REMAIN SO THIN IT IS DANGEROUS!! 1 don t know the reason why rvory man or ttuuMti should not obtain a perfect figuro. IF VOl" WANT TO C.XT A NICE, PBHFECT AND HEALTHY KICIRE by adding llesh, bloo 1, nerve power, strength, weight and beauty, TRY AT ONCE OR.
      188 words

  • 839 10 CORRESPONDENCE OF RUSSIANS INTERCEPTED. More Revelations. M. Bourtzeff continues to publish startling revelations with regard to the practices of the Russian secret police in Paris, and has addressed a letter to the Minister of Justice on this subject. French law, ho says, guarantees to all persons
    839 words
  • 118 10 The trials of a now and powerful type of uteam dredger for use up the White Nile by the Irrigation Department in Khartum are creating much interest in Egypt. The first dredger in now undergoing her trials in operating on a submerged sandbank in tho Blue Nile
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 621 10 BANKING COMPANIES CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IMOOBPORAT4D BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hid np Capital in 60,000 Share* of «»oeaoh f1.0T0.000 gfierve Fund aU.S7i.OOO tUierve Liability of Proprietor* aU, 300,000 BANKERB. Bank oi England. National Bank of Scotland. Ik* London Olty A Midland Bank, LM. BINOAPORE BRANCH. Onrrent Aoooants
      621 words
    • 524 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. eAiDUP capital IEBERVEFUND:— Sterling Reserve 115,000,0001 soo OOC Bllver Reserve .14,500,000 1 aeserre Liability of Propriaton 118.000,000 COURT 01 1 DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Oresaon, Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. K.G. Barrett, Esq. In. R. Lenrmann, Esq J. W.
      524 words
    • 462 10 INSURANCE Comp»iiies. GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors i O. A. Dirrk'k, Esq., Chairman. Ad. Asmus, Esq., Vice-Chairman. A. U. Fair, Esq., Managing Director. Pbtkr Fowlib, m.b., cm., Chief Med. Officer. F. M. Elliot, Esq. Rev. N. J. Couvrkwr. Vow No an
      462 words
    • 52 10 80LD THE WORLD OVER. We have in stock many colic and diarrlm a medicines says li. M. White, a prominent merchant of Turtle Bayou, Tex., D. S. A., but sell more of Chamberlain's Colic, Cbo lera and Diarrhrea Remedy than of all others put together.' For sale by all Dispensaries
      52 words
    • 476 10 SALES BY AUCTION. -A-TJCTIOHSr SALE OK HIGH-CLASS TEAK FURNITURE, PLANTS AND TURNOUT, The property of J. Baird, Esq., AT GLAREMONT, NO. 108, ORCHARD ROAO, On Saturday, August 21, at 2 p.m. Comprising Upholstered rattan cuite, halt writing table, teak occasional table* HANDSOMELY DESIGNED TK\K CABINET, SOLIDLY MADE TEAK SIDE BOARD,
      476 words
    • 442 10 AUCTION SALE or HOI SEHOLI) FURNITURE ANI> PLANTS, The property of Captain W. M. liower AT THE PO ICE BUN6ALOW. FORT CANNING ROAO. On Saturday. Auij.nt 14, at 2.30 p.n. H. L. Coghlan V Co.. 1587 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE or HOUSEHOLD Flri.NlTl RK, ETC.. At No. 7, Mount Sophia, On
      442 words

  • 918 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A special to the N. Y. Times from Greenwich Conn, gives the following rather strong hardluck story When Ja; Cramer, chauffeur for Ualph B. Peck, who is living on the Quaker Hidge Hoad here, applied for a incuse as an automobile driver in
    918 words
  • 156 11 cWood Green Octogenarian Weds His Housekeeper. Particulars of an interesting wedding which took place at Wood-green recently were disclosed on July 18. The couple are the Rev. John Thomas, whose age is nearer 90 than 80, and bis housekeeper, Louisa Florence Nipper. The ceremony was very quiet, and
    156 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 509 11 LATEST NOVELTIES IN Motor Accessories EXS.B. "SIMLA" AND "TEUCER" Cylinder Oil. Our own special oil was selected after expert laboratory and running tests of all best oils. Minimum friction, smoko, and soot. Efficient lubrication at the highest temperatures. Price $2.50 per gallon tin Acetylene Headlights in Brass and Nickel, with
      509 words
    • 779 11 Cost of running depends largely on WOLSELEY-SIDDELEY. the weight a car may usually carry, the r mileage it runs, and, lastly, its horse- ro^.^. power. I Hiring the past year an owner il^S>«l"S^>. *Jl^*l of a 10-12 h.p. WolßeleySiddeley car that CS ran 7,104 miles on the North StalTord ■^'*S
      779 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 576 12 scale ot Cbargcs. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MisceIIaneous Wants of Every Description, Biases, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at »iio following rates One Insertion 11.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 280 Six a 6.20 Nine 0.40 Twelve 7.12 Twenty- Cvo 10.00 (Each subsequent month 15 per inch.) I'hit abovr rate is
      576 words
    • 437 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. aUrati— Poat LlMa. om ot two laaarMoaa, il.oo Bt aha IMb, aa« BoaJa of Ctaaxgw. TEACHERBWANTEO. Experienced Teachers needed in St. .Joseph's Institution, for the Elementary Classes. Apply in writing to the Director. 1551 LARGE RESIDENCE WANTED. Wanted, large modern built Residence in Tanglin, by November. Spacious Compound
      437 words
    • 579 12 TO BE LET OR 80LD. tin —row LlMa, oaa ot two InarMoa fI.OC Br aba lawta, aa* asaia-ol obugaa. OFFICE TO BE LET. Offloa on aeoood floor of. No. 7, Battery Boad. Apply to Ontbrte and Co.. Ltd. o 1878 OFFIBE ft 8000WN TO BE LET. With lmmwllala entry Nr.
      579 words
    • 620 12 10 BE LET OR SOLD. aUna l-Pow Llßaa, oaa n tw- liiiillom, lI .OC Bf Mia laah. aaa Semla <if Gkaicaa, HOUBE TO LET. 14, Sophia Road. Immediate entry. Apply to No. 2, Kaffles Place. 1(511 OFFICE ANO GODOWN TO LET. No. 95, Robinson Road. Moderate rent. Apply to J.
      620 words
    • 1140 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Qutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets. VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Gardenhoses, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOORTILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      1,140 words