The Straits Times, 6 August 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 23.031 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. AUGUST 6. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 291 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. FresH Stock OF "DE YONGE AMERICAN DUTCH CIGARS AT Reduced Prices. QUEEN CIGARS in boxes of 50 $2.25 FAVORITAS n «-75 Also Fresh Stock of LEOPOLD ENGELHARDT'S EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES. 5A15 in tins of 100 $1.20 FARIDA 1.3© DAMITAS i.7© MENA in tins of 50 and 100 1.70
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    • 15 1 DUNLOP MOTOR TYRES Prices have been advanced 25% from August I. AGENTS SYIYIE QO. 1521
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    • 121 1 'Medical Reserve' (LIQUEUR) A Delicate Old Cognac _Z nwwßoctEad .3j O t^SrrH m <I>O Ou p e p Bottle H>^m^m%3 Duty Paid. ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT tl7. Orchard Rood ARRANGED FLORAL BASKETS, BOUQUETS, SHOWERS, ETC. We dding Orders receive special attention Many Local Testimonials. Pbices Modebate. Cot Flowers from
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    • 90 1 Wedding Presents AT ROBINSON CO. BSS^SlL^ll STjfi iv paccc -iiwfi* "i^-i TvT T7I TXT Also h oice Sterling -Silver Goods A A SM iffi WEDDING Cantonese Silver Ware presents NOTICE. My wife, LEE SIOK LIAS, having left my protection since 1906, I shall not be responsible for any debt or
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    • 39 1 SINGAPORE COLO STORAGE CO., LIMITED. NOTICE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVES', that the Transfer Register will be closed from Toesday, July IT, to Monday, Angust 9, 1909, both days inclusive. By Order of the Directors, 11. G. HODDER, 1468 Secretary.
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    • 26 1 NOTICE. It \g hereby notified that the Exchange Lanka will be closed on MONDAY. AUGUST 9. Coronation Day of Their Majesties the King and Queen. 1489
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  • 947 2 INSTRUCTIVE REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR OF AGRICULTURE. Experiences in the F. M. S. Mr. J. B. Carruthers, tbe ex- Director of Agriculture, who is now in Trinidad has the following remarks on rubber tappiug in bis annual report for 1908 Tbe whole quebtion of tapping requires cartful investigation.
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  • 107 2 Tlio students of the Birmingham University contributed their full share to tin- interest of Degree Day at tlie Congregation on July 3. The Vice-Chancellor, Alderman Beale, and the Principal, Sir Oliver Lodge, bad to take their chance with the others of escaping the nhowt rs of paper
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 449 2 Special Reductions. HUMBER CARS 10-12 AND 20 H.P. Newly Arrived. Latest Model. "Mil mi pro Owing to facilities for turning out large numbers of those famous Cars in order to meet the growing demand, COST OF PRODUCTION has been reduced to a point which enables them to be offered to
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    • 580 2 l r I ,-i ifl .'.> I j^ts. FOOD DISTASTEFUL WORK A WORRY. Th« Eveuv-uay Thpublks of a Dkbilitatbd M*a. By Fillimi thk Vkiss with Rich, Rkd, llumhi.him. Blood DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PIUS Rbstobk Appktitk, Enkkoy, Thk Joy of Living. Proof to thk Point fiiom Java. With the new, good
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    • 6 2 Johnson's Digestive Tablets dlgwt all food
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    • 248 2 In a Kitchen where MONKEY BRAND is used for the coppers, the tinware, the kitchen tables and floors, the good housewife's work is done almost before the day is begun. WON'T WASH CLOTHES. I Ismail and Raheem ARE VOW SHOWING A LARGE VARIETY OF EARLY SSZxy Diamond Jewellery SOLICITED. LOOSE
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  • 904 3 REMARKABLE STORY OF SECRET POLICE. A Paris Sensation. The French Premier bas ordered an inquiry to be held into the statement made liy M. Bourtzeff who played such an important part in bringing the Aziff affair to hylit— that Michel Landtscn, who is ahegtd to have
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  • 74 3 A Havas telegram says that M. Trouillot is minister for the colonies in the new cabinet at Paris. M. Trouillot is a lawyer and a member of the senate. He is 59 years old and owns a newspaper in the department for which he sits in the senate. M. Truaillot
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 905 3 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL, MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, IRON BRASS EOUNDERS, BOILER MAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Steam, Gas and Oil Engines for all purposes. Boile s ami Pumps for every use. Light Railway Rolling Stock and Railway Implements. Rails, Tipping Wagons and Sleepers. Winches, Cranes and Steel Hawsers. Steel Pulleys,
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    • 69 3 INFANTILE CHOLERA. Any unusual looseness of a child's bowels during the hot weather should be a warning to mothers Infantile cholera may develop in a few hours, and prompt action should be taken to avoid it. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho-a Remedy, followed by a dose of castor oil, will
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    • 644 3 E Persian erve Essence i treitm-"t for niimii .lability, ileoplem. rci ihge>ii<>n. weak memory, overwork and Ptnlaa Nerve Kuance clean the brain, ntrength«n» th« circul.ition nn>l i-np.irta :i magnetic vigour to the whale beiug. aU iheS and los.*. are perni.uieulh •toppeil. lte preparation come, in a convenient tablet form. ••I"
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    • 166 3 The REGISTERED TRADE MARK of W Milkmaid! Full Cream Milk 13 igSH^I IS THE HALL-MARK OF s!lk perfect purity "tfv >v jag? '''^jJftnflß ani uararitee Quality. ■\^*fjL^ UNTOUCHED BY HAND. l^igg^ The Original and Best. JQ LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. y CHEAPEST and BEST. The United Asbestos Oriental Agency,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 673 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. 61 STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Po'ti, Plym >u'h and London. Tbrongh Uill« of Laifg issued lor Chin* Ooaat, Pewian Oulf, Continental, and American Ports. Bteamera will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Devanha Ang
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    • 566 4 STEAMERS SAILING. N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL BTEAM3HIPICO.LTD Two regular services are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW STBIXBRS. ander Mail Contract with tba Impiria Japanese Government, Rpooially designed lot tlib Company's European Servioe, lighted throti|{lioiit by Eloctnoity, provided witb excellent accommodation for Fint and Second
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    • 605 4 STEAMER SAIUHaS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Ths steamen of this Company maintain a reeolar direct servioe between OalouMa, Strait*, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo, 3D through Bills of Lading for Canton, Bwatow kmoj, Cbefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yanglase Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, A>„ Ac Steaasera Tons Commander KoTSAia 4,899
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    • 317 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Paoiflo Railway Company's Royal Mail Staamsblp Lino. THK NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPB ru CHINA JAPAN, CANADA aad las UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Viotorla and Vanoonvat K.M.B. "Earaaai o* Iaou" Twin screw staaR.M.B. ■Earaanov JiTAa"
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    • 682 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. X^Hbb^bbuHbbhbßa The stwamsn of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits China and Japaa. Homewards, lhay are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoa a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 775 4 STEAMER SAILimS. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamen of this Company sail fortoighty from Bremea, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (ooaneotioo Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Sold. Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 220 5 FIXTURES. Friday, August 6. High Wftt.-r. Oil h m.. 1.46 p.m. Cold Storage Co. mooting, noon. Lh-kislhliv. Council, ISA Unaieipd f*<miml— lim. 230 (i rv.Ttrirr visits Lanirk iwi Islands. L L. T C. Tournament. S. C. C. Howling Tournament. Alhambra Cuieuialuurapli. Harimt Cinumatograph. Marlburough Cinematograph. Saturday, August
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  • 172 5 To-Day. Mnar and Malacca Tarty Weld 3 pm Pa> gk k Deli 8 P"i Ma'acca. P. Di kson, Por Swe'tenham and Ten k \n«in Relanßor Bpm SingkawaDg, PomUnak Vao der Lyn 4pm T i Moitnnw Billi'nn B'ma^ii, etc Di Eirens 7am i Benuki'>s, Siak. Pakaa, I'.mhli, A^nlian
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  • 102 5 Thn B. 1. Con l r*ct Pack-t Tirobv with the. London nniU of the. 16th ultimo, left Ni-capaUt'ii at lOn.m.on Situr.iay, the 3 1st nltimo, and 111 iv bn rxp'-c'"! to arrive here on Saturday morning, the 7th instant. (■eft Singipore 'ill v RBI. nlv 1« M
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  • 386 5 Latest Arrivals. Anhmi, Brit. atr. 135 tona. Captain Scott. Angast ft. From Pnatian'ik, A g tat 3. O.c. and 82 -I. p. Ban Lee Ilojg. For Poutianak, Angnat 7— llia. Unrnto, Prt. 'tr. 2911 tona Cart Hall Aug Fr im L nd n Jn'y <. O.c. P. AO.
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  • 93 5 Wharves at which Vessel! are berthed To-Uay. TANJONQ PAGAR. East Wham Basis— Hong Beo, T«ncarvil!e. Eakt W. Sictotn I K»l mo, Kumphaia. Section No. 1 (Sbww Wi."" Nil. Bictioh 8— t.ightn iw, Nippon. a r»iiib>s<>B. 4 Y.-rii Mara. l'«r«'. 6— Catherine A pear
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  • 237 5 Coming to Singapore. I Per P. and O. ftt^amer B irneo, dne August 'a— Sorgt. M. M'-Ntmara, Mr. M. C ScaiJ bmugh, Mr ,f. S W. Uter, Cipt C. N. Ewart 1 In«p and Mrs. Lnca«, Mr. Q C. Sh-irtridge. Per German mail steamer Ruelow. Buelow, dne
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  • 27 5 Per steamer Borneo, August 5. From London: Mr. Siarborouili, Capt. Ewart, Mr. .1. Webster. Insp and Mrs. Lucns. Mr. Shortridgo. from Penang Mr. and Mrs. Hammond.
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  • 142 5 Over a hundred pissoneers and a cargo r{ I enpra arrived from the Natuna Islands and Mara*, this morning, by the Djtch steamer Van Ooens. Tli« Norwegian Rteamer Breid arrived from B.iUiikok and Tolnpin, yesterday, with thirteen pa«son(?ets, 120 bullocks and a general cargo. S"c<"ity.six passengers wore brought
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  • 109 5 Professor Jevons, of Cardiff University College, addressed a meeting of the uiciuberc of tho CardifiF Exchange on the theory of a connection between suoßpots and trade cycles. The lecture was illustrated by diagrams dealing with prices, falling trade, wagos, and wheat yields, all of which, Proli-s-S"r
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  • 33 5 At a general meeting of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colouro, Piccadilly, Sir James D. Linton was elected PreMident in the plaoe of the late Mr. E. J. Gregory, R. A.
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  • 47 5 Time-bills on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 pm Sineapore standard time corr«<ipoodioK to 6 a.m Greenwich meantime. The time gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, md eating SiiiKaporu standard lime on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at oao o'clock.
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  • 321 5 Messrs. Fraser and Company's Weekly Circular. The holidays rather interfered with busineso, but now that they are over renewed activity in rubbers at advancing rates i« the orde of the da), and the slightest demand at once'pushes i -ices ap considerably. Rubber. Our local companies are at
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  • 33 5 John Mad-on has been arrested at San Francisco for having bigamously married ten women. Mailsou robbed tlie wurncn be ha«t married, and he also robbed fourteen others whom he had arranged to many.
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  • 252 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SlKGAPOBI, AcGCST 6, 16C9. On London— Baik i nj/g -j/4\ Vimaad v j s i Pmate 6 m/s 2,-i j do 8 in/a 2/4ii On Germany Bank d/d 286) Pmate 8 m/8 240} do 0 m/8 242} On France- Bti k d/d 284 Private 8 m/s 266}
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    • 52 5 Howarth Erekino 6% 600,000 1% prom. Riley, Hargreaves 6% 284,000 1% prem. S'pore Electric Tramways Co., Ltd. 6% 860,000 nominal Strata Engineering Syndicate, Ltd. 6% 45,000 par. Sinpaporo Municipal 8% 400.000 20%p.nom 5% 1,878.000 7% prom. 4i% 1,600.000 8% prem. 4% 60-2,900 6% dUo. Tanjong PaRar Dock Board 6%
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    • 284 5 ALOI MM ALOI P»ID Up COMPAMY DITOIMD B S B 9 SSL'E 10 10 10 1 10 10 10 1 bulut Tin Aiming Co., Ltd. 12% tor OB 560 675 Bruang, Ltd. 6 25 0.50 Bruseh Hydraulic T. M. Co., Ltd.(l) 10% (or '06 760 800 Duff Development Co.,
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    • 650 5 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 17 1 50 2/--1 1 1 1 1 1 580 1 1 ML 1 1 1 2/--10 1 10 10 1 100 1 1 2/. 1 100
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    • 193 5 10 10 10 7 60 50 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 10 1 10 100 100 100 100 10 10 60 60 1 1 100 100 100 100 U 10 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd. 10% for '0- 10% (or O Fraser N»»ve, Ltd. (8) 17*% for
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 329 5 Godfrey Phillips, Ld. LONDON, ENGLAND. SMOKE The King of mv- .^^^m Cigarettes The King of n n V Cigarettes '^^^\^vu«\ A free sample 'f obtainable by \J <y^^^^ Sold by applying to tho Singapore Branch, th PrIDC1 P al 55, .R081X50N RD. Tobacconists. Godfrey Phillips, Ld. Awarded Grand Prix "for
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 180 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kamdamg g«rV»u Hotpilal. Aug. i,J9W_ ,9 4. m >S r. a |9 r. a. KtnriLL Bar. 3S Fab 931 99 '96 29.'»1j Tamp ..I "4.8 B'.S 810 nil WelßnlbTber 1 7>.l 8" 0 77 0 Oirof Wind ..i E. St. calm Max. Temp *S. > Mm 75 0
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  • 1186 6 The Straits Times. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6. GREAT BRITAIN'S BUDGET. Wo are not surprised to hear that there has been a turn of public opinion in favour of the Lloyd-George Budget. It waiattacked will) something akin to ferocitj during the earlier stages of its progrestbrough the House of Commons, and thenare
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  • 15 6 Ad instructive article on robhor tapping, by Mr. J. B. Carrulhera, appears on page 2.
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  • 15 6 HarmHton's circa* opened at Tientsin in Tory njuslly weatber on the night of July 17.
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  • 16 6 A company of the Middlesex regiment go to Xormanton, to-n_orrow for their annual course of musketry.
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  • 19 6 The Empress Dowager of China has issued an order for the installation of electric lights in the Imperial Palaces.
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  • 25 6 A subscription dance under the auspices of of the Volunteer Club will bo held in the S. V. C. drill hall on Friday. August 20.
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  • 31 6 Owing to the drought there has been practically no fruit in Malacca in July Some two or tbreo weeks ago resort was had to prayers and ceremonies in the Malay kampongs.
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  • 30 6 The Cbino German University will open next October, according to an announcement, tiigbty pupils will be in attendance and the faculty will consist of three German teachers and one Chinese.
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  • 32 6 The functions connected with the Imperial Press Conference were concluded on July IS, by a farewell reception to the delegates, *hich was givon by Sir Hugh Graham (Canada) at the Berkley Hotel.
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  • 46 6 Preparations are going on for great military manoeuvres by tbo army in Java. They will ue held in the mountainous districts of the western section of the island. Nine thousand men will take part in this military display which is expected to be hold next month.
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  • 46 6 The monthly devotional meeting of the Indian Christian Association, Singapore, will be held at 8 p.m. to-morrow, the 7th, in he Short Street Girls' School. Mr. Paul Ponniab of Teluk Aoson, will give an address in Tamil. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to all.
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  • 56 6 Yesterday afternoon at the S. V. I. drill •'all, Bras ISasali Road, Lieut. Uixon, of the Middlesex Regiment, was attending to the drills, when his horse, under the charge of a syce, got loose and ran into Stamford Road and thence along Orohard Road. About twenty minutes later the animal
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  • 55 6 At the Assizes yesterday, Termok, the young Javanese, employed on board the Dutch steamer Van den Bosch, was sentenced to sevon years' rigorous imprisonmont in connection with the death of a Javanese fireman, named Dj<n, on board the vessel on June 7. The jury brought in a verdict of culpable
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  • 56 6 Canada, while retaining the poll-tax of £'100 per head on Chinese coolie immigrants, has modified tho restrictions applicable to Chinese students and somo Chinese merchants. Chinese students possessing a liberal education, and desiring to pursue a higher course at a Canadian university or college, will be exempt from payment of
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  • 59 6 The Samoan castaways who were recently rescued nnder extraordinary circumstances were taken home on July 24, the German Consular authorities sending them away. As far as Hongkong they proceeded by the N. D. L. Kleist, and from there they are to be shipped by convenient steamers to the Palow Islands,
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  • 63 6 Mr. il. Lazarus, opthalmic optician, son of the late Mr. N. Lazarus, the well-known optician of Calcutta, is making a short stay in Singapore and may be consulted at tho Straits Cycle and Motor Co.'s office in Battery Road. Those who are in need of their eyes being tested or
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  • 75 6 The Negri Sembilan Malays continue to show an undiminished appreciation of the advantages of education and a most pleasing readiness to avail themselves of any facilities, for the education of their sons, which the Government may put within their reach, observes Mr. D. G. Campbell, British Resident, Negri Sembilan. On
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  • 104 6 M. Voisin, the Frenchman kidnapped by brigands near Hanoi, in Tonkin, has escaped from the clutches of his captors, on their being bard pressed by the troops in pursuit and who beat the enemy in an encounter on July 22. Two days afterwards, the brigands found the pursuit so hot
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  • 105 6 In the couroe of a report Mr. Stuart K. Laptop, the United States Consul in the Catania district, states that whilst nothing has been done to re-establish the city oi Messina, there can be no doubt that it will regain its old place, if for no other reason than because
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  • 113 6 At tho conclusion of the July Assizes, yosterday afternoon, his lordship the Chief Justice, began the hearing of the first case on the August general cause list. Mr. J. A. Delay addressed the court on behalf of Mis olient, Neo Chan Neo, and bad not finished when the court adjourned.
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  • 402 6 Mrs. Winston Churchill hat) birtb to a daughter. Tennyson was born in this anfaobionablo month of August and to-day is his centenary. Mr. F. H. Hawkins, of the Penan*; Freo School, and Mr. E. Cauldwoll have arrived in Penang. The Roy. Father George Tyrrell, one of the
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  • 37 6 Messrs. K. \V. Barker and Co. inform os that the output of dry rubber from Sandycroft Estate for the month of July was 6,193 lbs. making a total to date of 24,592 lbs.
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  • 40 6 There will be a sitting of tho Bankruptcy Court, this afternoon, when a long list of matters is to be presented for consideration. There are seven petitions for receiving orders, several applications and a number of public examinations.
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  • 87 6 The annual Naval trooping season com mences in the middle of this month and goes on till the middle of October. This year the majority of the vessels are to meet at Colombo for recommissioning and exchanging of crews. There are three or four ships of
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  • 101 6 The report ot Dr. D. E. McDowell, tho registrar of births and deaths, shows that daring the week ended July 81, 181 deaths were registered in Singapore, equal to a deathrate ot 88.91 per thousand of the estimated population. Malarial fever claimed 29 deaths, dysentery IS, bronchitis
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  • 165 6 The following statement occurs in the report of the late Mr. Spooner regarding the M. S. liailway There were 1!' fatal accidents during 1908. In three of thc*e cases the individuals wore railway employee*, the other» m trcspaHsrrs. In all ca.ios where an in<|iu'Ht
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 98 6 W. D. A H. O. WILLS' THREE CASTLES "MAGNUMS" A Large Hand -Made Cigarette* p-—- 5 ffipj I Iji I Packed in c magnums' y\£ rack-cain r W Pnce: n 'nree Castles Cigarettes! 55 CTS Airtight CT^— a-Si";, acH WD.frHoW.lls 'iv OBTAINABLE AT Messrs. John Little Co., Robinson Co. Salvers,
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    • 83 6 ALHAMBRA Cinematograph, BEACH ROAD. ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT I L. SCHWARTZ, Manager We LeadCompetition Follows. NEW PIANOS ON HIHK m't fl PER MONTH Tuning and regular attention inclusive. S. Moutrie&Co. (LIMITED). I'mlcr Hotel Europe. AH» Buildings. Telephone No. 422. G. R. Lambert Co., Ltd. Established 1875. QCfl DIFFiRINF SLJ3JECTS
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  • 139 7 TURKEY THREATENING AN ULTIMATUM. Demand for Withdrawal of Greek Officers. [BmTßß'n TttsouaJ London, August 5. The Cretan .{ threatens to become acute, as Turkey is determined not to abate one jot of her rights. Greece, replying to the Portc's demand for the withdrawal of her gendarmery and militia
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  • 45 7 Weather-Cock and Conservative Press Kkiikr'*- Telkoium London, August A. It is noteworthy that the Daily Mail publishes two coTumus setting forth the advantages of Mr. Lloyd-George's Budget. The Daily Telegraph, the Morning Post, and tbe Standard deny that I'nionist opposition thereto is slackening.
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  • 39 7 Contradictory Rumours Being Circulated. [Bmjub'i Tmnbam] London, August 6. Numerous contradictory statements bave boon published concerning the Duke of Connaught and the Officers Selection 1; ard. Latest information is that tbe >juostion of resignation has been dropped.
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  • 39 7 Dvh OsT.VSIATISCDE LLOYD TeI.EORAM' Berlin, August S. M. Bratiano, Minister President of Ronmania, is on a visit to Kerlin, and has had interviews with the Crown Prince, the Imperial Chancellor, and Herr Scboen, the Foreign Minister.
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  • 18 7 Dee Omasiatisiuk. Lloyd Telkgram] Berlin, August 5. The visit of King Kdward to Ischal is adjourned.
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  • 18 7 l>m Oruuhmi Lloyd Tklkkram Berlin August ■">. I'riuoe Eulcnburg's solicitors declare that no memoirs have been written.
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  • 17 7 (Dkr Ostasmtischk Lloyd Tblkoraml Berlin, August 5. Connt Zeppelin has arrived at Colon from Frankfort.
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  • 160 7 Ships Hereafter May Have Greater Carrying Capacity. A decision of tbe greatest importance to shipbuilders, whiob, it is stated, will bave a far reaching influence on the shipbuilding industry of tbe world, has just been taken by the committee of Lloyds. As the result of deliberations
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  • 86 7 An old man was carrying this hoop iron. I saw that it was too heavy for him and offered to carry it. lam a sinkeh. This wan the explanation given by a coolie who was charged before the second magistrate, yesterday, with theft of two picnls of
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  • 622 7 Alleged Criminal Breach of Trust Case. Tbe preliminary enquiry into allegations of criminal breach of trust in respect of municipal funds, made against Mr. M. A. Tobin, ex clerk in churire, water dept.. municipal offices, was resumed before the third magistrate, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Perkins appeared for the
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  • 304 7 Seen to Drop into the Sea with two Aeronauts and Disappear. The inhabitants of the village of Posillipo, near Naples, on July 4, noticed a large balloon at a considerable height among the clouds, and apparently at the mercy of tbe strong winds. There appeared to be two
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  • 92 7 Progress is being made with the improvement of the Hindustan-Tibet road. A wire suspension bridge over tbe Sutlrj at Spoo within five miles of the Tibet frontier it under oonßtrnotion nnder tbe superintnndenoe of Mr. C* «il and is to be completed bj next year. A bridge
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  • 288 7 SIR JOHN ANDERSON ARRIVES AT PENANG. Eimese Yacht at his Disposal. •"rom Ocn Own Correspondent.) Penang, August t. Excellency the High Commissioner, in Anderson, U. C. M. G. arrived here Sea Mew, this morning, with Major Oeneral IVrrott, Capt. Dundaa and Liont. Perrott on board of the S
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  • 399 7 Prospects of the Malays in Sumatra. The Locomotief, a newspaper published at Samarang, draws a comparison between Dutch and British administrative methods, as Ken in the F. M. S. and Sumatra, respectively. Full justice is done to tbe wonderful strides made in tbe F. M. S. through
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  • 166 7 Mr. Gerald Strays, of Tanjong Pagar, was before tbe seoond magistrate, this morning, on a charge of wrongful confinement of Mr. John Gush, of Messrs. M. S. Martin and Co. Mr. Gush stated tbat be intercepted a letter between accused and Mrs. Gush and went to
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  • 112 7 In the House of Lords, on July 14, an animated debate took place on a motion proposed by Lord Gorell in favour of cheaper divoroe courts in tbe interests of tho poorer classes. Lord Goroll incidentally remarked that, if the practice nf drink could be abolis hod,
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  • 192 7 GOVERNMENT TO WORK THREE LOCAL FARMS. Singapore, Johore and Malacca. The Government are taking over the manufacture and sale of opium for Johore as well as for Singapore and Malacca, from January 1 next, tho farmers remaining in control at Penang for the present. Mr. F. M.
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  • 99 7 Heartrending Treatment of Little Children. A startling discovery of the practices pursued by misguided Russian religious fanatics has been made by tbe police at St. Petersburg. Recently the police raided fire den*occupied by a sect called Johnnnitos, when they found 120 emaciated children between two and eleven
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  • 200 7 How Yuan Shi Kai Dealt with a Squad of Boxers. Dr. F. Wisner, formerly President of tin Canton Christian College, in an article in the North American Review tells the following story of Yuan Shi Kai Sent to Shan, tung as Governor in 1900, to deal with
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  • 270 7 Excursionists Spend a Night on a Mud Bank. The H. A. L. steamer Tsintau left Shanghai on July 17 for tbo Saddle Islands with twenty-five passengers on board. The weather was excessively warm and the pleasureseekers were looking forward with tbe liveliest anticipation to tbe cool ocean
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  • 146 7 There was a change of programme at tin Alhambra cinematograph last night when the pictures projected on to the screen were of a higly interesting ami pleasant character. Tbe excellent films dart entitled Ruses and A Street Waif were put on and their production w.s much enjoyed, while
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  • 186 7 Seventh Annual General Meeting To-day. The seventh ordinary general meeting of the Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd., was held at tbe Singaporo Exchange, at noon to-day. Mr. K. A. Stevens was in tbe chair, and there] were fourteen shareholders present. The minutes of the previous meeting
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  • 613 7 Perfectly Justifiable to Kill Englishmen. Madar Lai Dbingra, the young Indian student, by whose hand Sir William Hutt Ourzon-Wyllie and Dr. Lalcaca were killed at the Imperial Institute on July 1, was committed for trial at the Old Bailey on the charge of murder by the Westminister magistrate
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  • 165 7 There will be a change of programme at the abovo hotel on Saturday night. Tbe management have boon able to secure, by kind permission of Lieut.- Col. Glover, D.5.0., and officers, the baud of the Middlesex regi ment to play selections during and after dinner. A special menu
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  • 300 7 VISIT A SUCCESS POLITICALLY AND SOCIALLY. First Appearance as Constitutional Monarch. .Ukcieb's Xbmnui Loudon, August i. The toasts at Cowes, especially the reforonces to the Duma, have produced a profound impression at St. Petersburg, where it is pointed oat that this is the lot time in history
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  • 192 7 Boat's Crew from Clan Macdonald Lost and Found. It was telegraphed recently that tbe steamer Millpool, outward-bound, had picked up, in tbe Rod Sea, a boat's crew belonging to tbe bteunier Clan Macdonald, houiowardbound. From subsequent details, which are lew, it would appear tbat a man bad fallen
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  • 89 7 Before the Lord Chief Justice, on July 15, Mr. I. iwfurd, a solicitor ot Tunbridge Wolls, sned Sir G. Armstrong, Wuitwortb and Co., for £20,000, being 2{ per cent, on tUe coat of proposed Commouwealtb mail ships. Tbe plaintiff in hi* evidence stated tbat he proposed a
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  • 89 7 His Majesty the Kiug has granted tbe Edward modal to five European and six native miners for having risued their own lives iv rescuing six native miners who wore entombed (or 40 hours as a result of an iuru-h of mud in a Kimberluy diamond mine. Tho
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  • 243 7 Walter de Silva, a Eurasian yooth sixteen years of age, pleaded guilty before the second magistrate, yesterday, to theft of a quantity oi tools from toe Volunteer Drill hall, and was sentenced to fourteen days' rigorous imprisonment. Lo Ha, who lives at 105, North Bridge Road, has recovered
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 183 8 At Konnington Oval on July 10, the players defeated the Gentlemen in the t-eoin I of their annual encounters. C. Blythe, the Kcnu-h slow left-handed bowler, took U wickits for IM runs for the professionals. A great featura of the blood stock sales at N v~n irket
      183 words
    • 88 8 5. C. C. Tournament. The resul'.s of yesterday's play are: Single. J. Mclv-uzie ow<j 5 beat A. E Pas-more 6, 21—18. Cnaiuni Miship— M B MuKean beat II T. Wolte. 21— 8. Djnl.les B A. B ddulph and O. W. Pugh ov<.. 1 I) 'it C M van Cuylouburg
      88 words
    • 157 8 Cri cket. Colony v. F. M. S. Thu t- Hin to represent the Colony against the F. M 8. at P nang. on Monday and Tuesd iy. has been completed by the inclusion ot P. Gtodmi'i. Province WeMesley. He has a big lVc~t Indian reputation, and has represented the West
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    • 112 8 The Walker Cup. Iv yeser,li\'i shooting for the Walker Cup the f ill.iwiug scores were made. The usual weekly shnnt by the members of the IVuang Lalius' R ft) Club took place <>n the 2u I inst at tho R fit Ringe. Ktmpong B urn Iv fie cointx-tilioo
      112 words
    • 149 8 L. L. T. C. Tournament. Tii.» results of yesterday's play tre as follow:— Mrs. MvHaggtrt and Mr. Cochrtn brat Mm. Brm.ko ami Mr. Mi"es. 6-1. 4 -6, 10-8 Ci >runi iiish'p Pairs. Miss J. G inn and Mr N.iuneley hit Urn. Carver and Mr. Kftrr, 7—5 6— 1,
      149 words
  • 108 8 Tin 1 cash account uf ihe Singapore Sport. iiK Club for ih. i half year ending June 30. has b m iH-iuil. Tli- balance in the bank on Ist J.ininrv was to 798 Qea- ral receipts liav.b en f21,M')9.-nbscri|iti<ins $6,880. hors. eritr mcv fetti $3 930, ami
    108 words
  • 73 8 Further particulars concerning the accident which 'o-'ilioil iv the sinking of nubmtrine C 11 off V triu<>iiili show lint the rescue of t!i«> hi..!u in Wakias wa< entirely due to the heroism I by tilt c xutnaii'lor of the bjit, L c it. Krudie. W ttkins,
    73 words
  • 566 8 Accusation nf Insobriety Against a Labour Member. Details of this incident were wired briefly by Reuter, and the following extended iccuunt is fiotn th<> latest home papers.— During the discussion of the land taxation clauses of the Finance Bill in Committee in the House of Commons
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  • 311 8 Letter from Dr. Grace Regarding the Team. The committee of the S irrry Cricket Club entertained the Australians at dinner at Kunnington Oval, on July 15, Lord Alvt>r»toue, president of tlii club, being in the chair. Kr, Noble, in replying to the toast of Our Quests, said that
    311 words
  • 125 8 A few <Uyi »«o the Daily Nows announced ibat iv Miy last, Dr. M Boyd, with two companion-, cro--« il the Irish Channel io an >>rship at night time with the utmost «ecrecy. The v. »-el tlew, it waa stated, at a height of 8,300 fc.
    125 words
  • 854 8 Wireless Route to Singapore Through Colombo. The brief statement published recently that it is now settled that the rate for Press messages between England and India will bu reduced to 9.1. a word from August 1, is the first achievement of the Imperial Prei-s Conference,
    854 words
  • 247 8 Wound up Voluntarily at a Meeting in Colombo. An extroardinary general meeting of the Sen-moan Estate Rubber Co., Ltd., was held, on July 80, at the offices of the agents and secretaries Me-nrn. Whittall and Co. Colombo. Mr. W. H. Fivg presided and there were also
    247 words
    • 423 8 Norn. Value. Bnyern. Seller*. £1 Anglo Malay ISO/- 155/--1 Anglo Sumatra 25/6 80/--1 Banteng 17/6 pd in 12/- pram 1 Bitu Caves 107/6 112/--1 Batu Tiga 40/- 41/--1 Uudufort Borneo 12/6 pd 4/- 4/6 prem 1 Bukit Kajang f.pd. 47/- 49/--1 5/- pd 18/- 19/ [prem 1 Bukit
      423 words
    • 158 8 •10 Belat 6.50 675 10 Brnann 025 660 10 Brnwh 7.60 B.— £1 Duff Development 6.20 6SO 1 1.-Iht 2.— 275 1 10 Iviniboi 175 '1. -£1 Kinla 1025 10 75 1 KI-<Un« 850 RSI 1 Kram-U Palai 8.75 4.60 1 10 Knintan 8.35 £1 Latiat 875 10.25
      158 words
    • 86 8 1 10 Eastern Sm-ltiog Co 17 pd OSO 0.70 60 Framr and N«ave Ld 14S. 147.60 10 Hotel vao Wijk 80.— M $100 Howarth ErokineLd 85.— 100 7% Pref 100.— 100 Riley I lan-reavos k Co. Ld 62 50 65.— 100 7% Pref 9.60 94 10 Singapore Cold Storage
      86 words
    • 41 8 1100 Howarth Erskioe lid 6% par 100 Riley Hargreaves k Co. Ld«% 3% pm. 100 Singapore Municipal 6% 20% pm. 100 do 6% t% pm. 100 do 44% 2%pm. 100 do 4% s%diac 4100 Singapore Elect Trami 6% 80% diae
      41 words
  • 138 8 TRANS-AUSTRAL IAN RAILWAY. No Engineering Difficulties to be Encountered. It is expected that the cost of the pro- posed trans-Australian railway lii c will be between 3,000 and i4,of 0 per mile. The engineering difficulties are not great, the steepest grade being one iv 80, not one in 20 as
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 633 9 ABDUL HAMID'S HATRED OF ENGLAND. Fatal Mistrust. Now that Abdul Hamid's shadow is no longer the Shadow of Clod, and lies no more over the lives of men in Constantinople, writes the correspondent of The Standard, many secrets aro being revealed and light thrown into dark places.
    633 words
  • 188 9 Masterpieces Possessed by Indian Princes. That art is not anything of an important factur in Anglo-Indian life will be generally admitted, says a correspondent of the Times of India, and, if proof of that aspersion bo needed, it may be found in the fact that within Calcutta,
    188 words
  • 364 9 Happy Conclusion to Runaway Match. The announcement Uiat Conntess butli Seefritd has left Imr liomo in Austria to visit ber parents, Prince and Princess Leopold of Bavaria, at Munich, revtuls the happy concluHon of a royal romance. Princess Elizabeth of Bavaria was nineteen years old when she
    364 words
  • 215 9 The definite decision of New Z ■n1.m.l to present tbe Navy with a battleship makes the thirteenth gift of the kind that *.rt-at Britain, or the British Fleet, has received. First in Charles ll.'s reign tbe City of Londun presented a battleship called the Loyal London
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 330 9 BECHSTEIN, BRINSMEAD, ROYAL Pianos. Monthly Terms* Sole Agents i THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. FLEUHd^AZUR Perfume and Toilet Preparations. May be obtaiiml iioiii .ill Chemists aud Store-keepers. THE CROWN PERFUMERY COMPANY. PARIS AND LONDON. SKETCHES STORIES OF MALAYA. A few copies of tbe STRAITS ANNUALS FOR THE YEARS 1906-7 aro
      330 words
    • 46 9 PILSENER BEER. KEY BRAND. ■poaiio diet MM. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Vone Genuine without the above two Labeh BEHN MEYER Co., Ltd., Hole Imooptsr KENSINGTON WINE. PROVISION AND SPIRIT STORE. No. 810. Xortu Bridge Riad. LATE CEYLON STORES. I i.-U-r European Management. MR*. T. HERCHCOVICH, l'> Proprietress.
      46 words
    • 719 9 BTEAMER SAILINGS. inauguration of New Trans-Pacific Line. REGULAR BERVICE FROM HONGKONG. CI^ECTINI AT TACIMI WITH THE CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE ANO PU6ET SOIHI RAILWAY ANO THE CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE ANO ST. PAUL RAILWAY. (Tho only direct train service, without transhipment, also shortest and fastost ronto from the PACIFIC COAST to CHICAGO). Taking Cargo
      719 words
    • 391 9 OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despaohed from Liverr ool outwards for the Straits, China and Jar an every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool *nd for Marseille!, Havre
      391 words

  • 341 10 ACTIVITY IN AFGHANISTAN AND ON THE BORDER. Amir's Factory Turning out Repeaters. There is very little doubt, from the report* which are constantly bpiug received from the frontier, that the trade in arms ix ver> active, both in Afghanistan and ainone the ti ibes on the
    341 words
  • 729 10 Charming Moral Lesson For School Children. The simple manner in which a moral lesson can bo conveyed to the miud of a child was delightfully demonstrated, on July 2, at the bouse of Mrs. Eric Hambro, 70, Prince's inti London, S. W. A large company, including Lady Grovo.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 618 10 BANKING COMPANIES CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. mOORPORATiSD BY ROYAL CHARTER e.ld up Capital in 60,000 Sharea of M 0 each s!'!^™ 11**™ Kund !'^2J bUMTT* Liability of Proprietore «l.*OO,WX> BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Ik* Leodoa City A Midland Bank, Ltd SINGAPORE BRANCH. Ourrenl
      618 words
    • 497 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. •AID-UP OaPITAL 1U.000.00i IEBERVEFUND:Bterllng Roger** t11i.000.000l M 9 S oo,00( 3llverKeserTe H4.500.000j iaaerve Liability of Proprietors tIS.OOO.OOi COURT Of DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Greseon. Chairman. H. E. Tomkina, Eeq Deputy Chairman. 8.0. Barrett, Esq. R- LeoßmaßO, Eaq J. W. Bandow, Eaq. E
      497 words
    • 501 10 INSURANCE Companies The MzDifdeiurers Life Insurance Co. OF CANADA. Established 1887. It has to-day, more business in force than any other Canadian Life Company ever bad at tbe samo age. ear $96,940.***** (8.8.0 nXWer. $20,334,103.57 (8.8.C.) F SJlaii*. «nthr c a < Ltd. \A.B ow Manager for (isneril Agents, District
      501 words
    • 5 10 Johnson's Digestive Tablets for indlgMtiga.
      5 words
    • 1045 10 SALES BY AUCTION. 566 LOTS. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OK VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, COTTAGE PUNO AMERICAN Oi\OAN, TURNOUT, AND A VALUABLE COLLECTION OK PLANTS, at the residence, known as "SEA VIEW," NO. 141. TANJON6 KATONB (Entrance from East Coast Road), On Saturday, August 7, at 12 noon. Excellent toned cottage
      1,045 words

  • 764 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. Whether tbo motor-car and petrol taxes ever reach the stage of being discussed in Parliament or are ultimately pqueezed through by the closure process which at this distance seems quite possible the questions which from time to time elicit a little information from
    764 words
  • 194 11 Satisfactory Decrease in Number of Offences. The return of courts martial in the Navy during 1908 shows that altogether 219 offences against discipline and punishable by ordinary law were charged against seamen and Royal Marines afloat. By far tin greater number are offences against authority, there
    194 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 561 11 Another Record for Dunlops. 2. 75 MILES TKFXICH IKDIA. NO TYRE TROUBLES. Taj Mabal Palace Hotel, Bombay, May 17. 1900. To THE DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE CO., LTD., Bombay. Dear Sirs, I have much pleasure in congratulating you upon the grooved tyres yon are now making. During my tour through India,
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    • 58 11 THE Empire Hotel, KUAIA LUMPUR. F.M.B. A New First-class Hotel Kitted with Electric Light and Fans Five minutes from Railway Station. Overlooking the Padang. Single and Doable Bedrooms, with Private Bathromt attaohed. Cuisine under European Supervision. Cold Storage Supplies weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter meets all Mail Trains. Management THE
      58 words
    • 55 11 DON'T IGNORE SLIGHT INJURIES. Don't neglect giving every cat, woand or braise prompt attention. Blood poison may appear and an ugly scar or even the loss of a limb rc-ult. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an antiseptic, heals the woand rapidly and all dangnr is avoided by its use. For sale
      55 words
    • 366 11 Cost of running deptnds largely on WOLSELEY-S I ODE LEY. the weight a car may usually carry, tho T i\ mileage il runs, and, lastly, its borne- '^l. pow r. During the pint year an owner ,4^a^a>s3B^fc^B^r"Tl of alO 12h.p. Wolwl.y Siddeley car that C(3?, f\ ran 7,104 miles on
      366 words
    • 152 11 CHEONG BROTHERS, Dentists, 25, South Bridge Road. First-class Mechanical Dentistry, Gold Crowns, Bridge, Filling and Vulcanite. Duration of Wear guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. FULL LINE DENTAL SUPPLIES. Best Tooth Powders and Brushes for sale. CRUSHED FOOD. Tryit»>4Y« Will be Satbficd. I. R. BELILIOS begs to inform the public that his Factory
      152 words
    • 306 11 THE STRAITS TIMES Can be obtained at the following places in Singapore Messrs. John Little k Co.. Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel, Beach Road. Messrs Kirn 4 Co., Battery Road k Armada* Street. Messrs. Koh k Co., 90, Bras Basah Roal Messrs. Obee Soon Co., Orchard Road.
      306 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 571 12 Scale of Charges. I PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— Mis«elUncouH Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let, aro inserted at the following rates One Insertion 11.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Threo 2.80 Six 6.20 Nine 6.40 TwelTO,, 7.12 Twenty- fivo 10.00 (Each subsequent month $5 per inch.) Tho atx l rat-o
      571 words
    • 453 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. R*risi-roar Uaw, om ot two lantttoat, fl-M Bi thi IMb, M« Seal* of Ckuiaa. PREBBMAN WANTEO. Wanted, a good pressman for the Straits Times Press, Ltd. Apply to the Manager. Tf ACHERB WANTED. Trained teachers needed for the Elementary Classes in St. Joseph's Institution. Apply to the Director.
      453 words
    • 577 12 TO BE LET OS SOLD. Bin -f oa* Übm. om at two lawrtloa ll.oc Bf Uu laeh. hi mh of ehugM. OFFICE TO BE LET. Offloe on second floor of. Mo. T, Battery Road. Apply to Gatnrie and Co.. Ltd. 0 1878 OFFIBE ft BODOWN TO BE LET. With immediate
      577 words
    • 720 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. BiTw >-rou LiMa, tm tw- i—mm, u.OO Bf ta* iaoh, *m Potlt of Ghana*. HOUBE TO LET. 14, Sophia Road. Immediate entry. Apply to No. 2, Raffles Place. 1511 OFFICE AND GODOWN TO LET. No. 95, Robinson Road. Moderate rent. Apply to J. LEVY, No.
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    • 520 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres rotreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), GardenUosos, Tubeß, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      520 words
    • 430 12 BOARD AND LODGING. 1UT«» i— Vov Llaw, obi or MM Ibmtlluu. lI .M Bi Mm l.oh, ms Sen. or clurrM. BOARD ANO REBIOENCE. Comfortable rooms with board at Caubc Hous<>, Uiver Valley Koad. UM BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Board and apartments for siagla gcntlemcc at 11, Dhoby Ghaut. Terms Moderate. 1539
      430 words