The Straits Times, 29 June 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.998 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JUNE 29. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 102 1 KATZ BROTHERS, LtcL I Thousands of Dollars Worth of Goods j __^l_^jb,^B will be Sold at any Price to Clear Stock H~ Cash Clearanca^ July I to July IO ONLY IO DAYS V>6ursday, July 1, to Saturday, July W. Every Department Offers Exceptional and Bigger Bargains than Previous Sales owing
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    • 121 1 THE Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.M.B. A New First-class Hotel, Fitted with Electric Light and Fans Five minutes from Railway Station. Overlooking the Padang. Single and Doable Bedrooms, with Private Bathrooms attached. Caisine under European Supervision. Cold Storage Supplies weekly from Singapore. Hotel Porter meets all Mail Trains. Management THE
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    • 303 1 i i Kynoch Loaded Cartridges All packmd ha air-tight tin caaem. Iffijl KYNoc-iffoADEo. The "BONAX" JCT V Jjjw^^ 1 tridge carefully loaded with Kyncch Smokeless powder, it is the cheapest reliable smokeless carBONAX 55>25 tridge sold, and the shooting will always be found per 100. °I be 8° od and
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    • 222 1 NOTICE. I beg to advise tbat neither I, nor the Agents of the Gorman Steamer, '-Maria Rickmers," will be responsible for dobte contracted by the crew. (Sd.) AUG. RUPP, Master s.a. Maria Rickmers." 1207 NOTICE. Siow Soon Hoe having left our employ ment, be is no longer authorised to collect
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  • 919 2 IF ENGLAND FOUGHT GERMANY FOR SEA CONTROL Would America Take Sides A rather embarrassing discussion was begun in the English press the other week over the attitads that America might take in oase the threatened struggle between Great Britain, and Germany should actually take place. The Spectator devotes
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  • 48 2 In the River Lark at Isleham Ferry, Cambridgeshire, on the spot where the late Rev. Charles Spurgeon was baptised, thirty male and female Baptists were baptised the other Sunday. The choir from the local chapel, from a ferry boat in mid-stream, rendered the musical part of the service.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 438 2 ASPINALL'S Genuine White Zinc. (994% PURE OXIDE OF ZINC). Very finely ground in raw linseed Oil. Covers more square fee to the cwt. than any other Zinc. CANNOT BE EXCELLED. ASPINALL'S Genuine Pale Boiled Linseed Oil. (Star Bright). Of all dealers, or THE BORNEO CO., LTD. SIDEROSTHEN PAINT used by
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    • 447 2 J. d'A. PEREIRA, F.R.H.B LONDON, Horticulturist IN Florist. Collector and Exporter of Orchids and Rare Plants. Diploma and gold medal from the Late Kins of Denmark. By Special Appointment to His Majesty the Kins of Siam, H.H. tbe Sultan of Johore and H. H. the Sultan of Liogga. Fresh cut
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    • 49 2 GET IT TODAY. Do not neglect your family. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is sure to be needed when least expected. It costs bat a small amount to keep this medicine always on hand and it is economy In, the end. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 277 2 tO\j£Aji}\}n 1 POWDER Is of benefit as a deodorizer, antiseptic cleansing agent and preservative. Produces a beautiful polish. Absolutely free from grit and acid. Positively beneficial and deliriously fragrant. Very convenient for the traveler. In patent Sanitary Tin. Sole Ageuts^for the Straits Settlements and K.M>«, Majnard Co Ltd., Singapore. The
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  • 456 3 SIR F. BANBURY SILENCED BY THE SPEAKER. Colonel Carliit's Similar Fate. The House of Commons ia still making a holiday, writes a correspondent on 4th inst. When tbe Speaker took the chair at noon to-day there were only about thirty members in their places, and these
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  • 397 3 Oldest Marriage Contract in the World. A Gottingen University paper publishes a very interesting translation of one of the famous Elephantine I'apyri now in the Koyal Museum at Berlin. This papyrus contains what is perhaps the oldest extant marriage contract in existence. It begins thus, the
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  • 23 3 Tar coated water pipes most be ahallaoked before they are painted, or the tar will make stains that will show through the paint
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 801 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with <T!B!s!^^!^^^^isa»Not^^Lui^T^wA^^^<vp_j ''We etnnot apmk ■^B^Bwa^fla^^BVSß^BWA^HaS>^B^^H V^B ufi BvA^B 100 k«h.r of it." Ikfll •AS'U'Vlfil il Hkl i ■j^^ua^^B^^^^^^^a^l^Ma^B^^jl^B^j^^^^^g Pronounced by the HIQHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES ijfS s Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, CJd PURIFIER
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    • 55 3 PAIN IN THE STOMACH. It is most annoying, as well aa disagreeable, to be troubled with pains in the stomach, and there is no need of it, for one dose of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will allay the pain. Try it onoe and be oonTinoed. For Hale by
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    • 248 3 H. ABRAMS. New shipment of horses doe to arrive Thursday, Jane 24. A specially selected lot of high-class horses, cobs and ponies. Inspection invited. Any reasonable trial given and a guarantee given with each horse sold. 5. ORCHARD ROAD. APIOLINEI (CHAPOTEAUT) For functional troubles, delay, pain and those irregularities peculiar
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    • 264 3 ISMAIL RAHEEM ARE NOW SHOWING A LARGE VARIETY OF Diamond Jewellery, LOOSE DIAMONDS AND OTHER PRECIOUS STONES. Early Inspection Respectfully Solicited, NEW PIANOS FOR HIRE From $1Q per month, or may be bad by tbe birc purchase system to suit the convenience of purchaser. S. Moutrie and Co., EUKOI'E HOTEL
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 649 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penanc Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Pots, Plymouth end London Through Bill* of Lading issued for China Coa t Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Delta July
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    • 642 4 STEAMERS SAILING. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO/ LTD. The Companies' steamers are despached from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, Ohina and Japan every week and from Japan homeward* tor London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 967 4 STEAMER BJUUMB. COMBISBI* HXKVI4JB Of FHE OCEAN 8. 8. COY.. LTD.. A THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BKTWI IN rBIMAItTU (PERTH) *OETH WEST A TBTKA LI AX POSTS, JATA MSB SUCAPaUI. Rsgular Fortnightly saUings between Stage Ei and Western AastraUa, calling at Java Induoement offers), Derby, King's Sound,
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    • 680 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Ths sssamsrs of this Company maintain a regs Jar sstilus between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, aad Rotterdam, aad the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly tor Havre and Hamburg aad onos a month tor Bremerhaven direot, calling al Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 764 4 STEAMER BAILINQB. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnighty from Bremen. Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Soothamp ton, Gibraltar, Oenoa, Naples (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai,
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  • 160 5 FIXTURES. Tuesday, June a«High Water, 7.26 p.m. St. Peter. Philharmonic Orchestra, 5.1.V Albambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinematograph. Wednesday, June 30. High Water, 8.82 a.m., 8 8 p.m. Anglo-Chinew! Froe Schcol prioegmng, 10..10. Y. M. C. A. lecture. Preabo. Church MS. Thursday, July 1. High Water, 9.22
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  • 271 5 To i Pn 8. 8. S ILUI0 ci£L Ampanan Nam Tong luoeift) 8 p.m. 1-»'| Nam Tong ..19 p.m. I'.augkok Cbakrabhoogi 30 2 p.m. Hangkok Cbiengmai SO 4 p.m. Itatavia Zweena 89 4 p.m. BliDjoe Van Diemen 80 11 a.m. C»lou;ta Kat Sang 90 tp.m Colombo Denbigahire
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  • 143 5 The outward M. M. Packet Caledonien left Colombo at 10 p.m. on Saturday, the 20tb' instant, and may be expected to arrive here at about 2 p.m. on Thursday, the Ist prox. The P. and U. homeward mail steamer Devanha left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday,
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  • 421 5 Latest Arrivals. Anttnor, Brit etr. SMI tons, Capt Haxeland, .1 one 96. From Baigon, June 94. 0.0. Manefield it Co. For Liverpool, Jane 30— W. Ban Fo Soon, Dot. itr. 838 tons, Capt Odink. June 88. From Pontianak, June '26. O.c. and 18 d.p. Thong Ek. For Pontianak,
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  • 99 5 Jans »7 Yebothi tlaru. Jap itr, Colombo and Bombay ■1 Banki, Brit Rtr, Anambas, Natunaa Islands OUtnburg, Ocr str, Colombo and Bremen Sydney, Kcb Rtr, Marseilles via ports Aparima, Brit str, Calcutta Sentfambia, Ocr str, Hamburg via ports Hibe, Brit str, Penang and Deli Opkir, I )ut str, Patani
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  • 98 5 Wbarvu at which Vessel* arc Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAOAK. Bast Whu; B*an— Paroo, Taaoarville. EabiW. Sxcnoal— Glenfallocb, Kalomo. Ariake Mara, Bai Bang. Samoa No. 1 (Sanaa Waia?)— Kanotoria. Baonoa a— Nil. S— Lai Sang. m 4— Nil. (—Nil. 6 Charon, Titan. a
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  • 145 5 Coming to Singapore. Per P. and O. steamer Mantua, connecting with the steamer Delta, at Colombo due July 2.— Mr. F. Toynbee. Mr. H. G. Bracken, Mr. H. A. Roberts. Per M. M. steamer Tonkin due July 26.— Mr. K. Black. Per M. M. steamer Ernest Semonft,
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  • 61 5 The Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co.'s steamer Clam has arrived from Pladjoe with 2,100 tons of kerosene for China. The British steamer Titan arrived from Liverpool, yesterday, en route to Manila, Hongkong, Japan, British Columbia and Washington ports, with a general cargo and eight passengers. Five saloon and 529 deck
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  • 104 5 An Englishwoman, who was at Pan, when King Alfonso went to see the Wright aeroplane, tells many stories of bin popularity. There are two French journalists in especial who cannot say enough in his praise. He bad his meats in the public dining-room of the
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  • 47 5 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m (Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime. Th» time goa is fired at 13 o'clock noon, indication Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at one o clock.
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  • 293 5 Loyal Troops Prevent Coup D'etat in Pent. Romance ban not yet fled from South America, and Peru has been its latest theatre. A party, led by a man named Piorola, a political leader, attacked the Government uffici .< tn Lima, the capital, and captured Senor Leguia tin President,
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  • 138 5 I Retiring After Forty -One Years in the Commons. The Right Hon. J. G. Talbot, who ha* sat in the House of Commons for forty-one years without intermifuiion, announce!) that he will retire from the representation of Oxford University at the next general election. Mr. Talbot,
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  • 237 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SnoAFoai, Jp«i 29, 1908 On Lcndrn— Bank 4 m/» 2/4/, Demand 2/4 Private 6 tn/R 2/4^ do Bm/ 8 ■_>■■«-: Ott Germany— Bank d/d 287* Private 8 m/i J4OJ do 6 tn/B 242+ Of Franoe— Bad d/d 292} Private 8 m/* 296 do c m/a 299) On
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    • 52 5 Howarth Hralane 8% 000,000 1% prom. Riley, HMgrewM 6% 384,000 1% prem. S'poro Blectric Tr&m ways Co., Ltd 6% 860,000 nominal Straiti Rngi peering Syndicate, Ltd. 8% i 6,000 par. Singapore Municip*l6% 400,000 20%p.n0m 5% 1^78,000 7%prem. *i% 1,000,000 8% prem. 602,900 0% disc Tmjonv Pa«ar Dock Board 6%
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    • 258 5 OiffU *!|Mir CC 1 411 IhSLn Captul j > SHAKJIS Paid UwISaUBD •800,000 10 !10 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 600 12% for OH •800,000 10 10 7,600 Brtmng, Ltd. 7.00 •600,000 10 10 Bnueh Hydraulio T. M. Co., Ltd.(l) 8.00 10% for 08 £600,000 1 1 48*^^) Duff
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    • 423 5 £160,000 1200,000 10 £30,000 1 £80,000 1 £80,000 470,000 £86,000 £16,000 £75,000 1 £110,000 1 £810,000 j I •680,000 j £50,000 £180,000 1 £100,000 1 £820,000 0.176,000 58 J £ias,ooo £100,000 2 4140,000 1 £800,000 480,000 2/•260,000 420,000 1 •100,000 100 £100,000 480,000 3/1 •600,000 100 •860,000 100 4176/100
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    • 262 5 a) t% debenture*.— (6) subsoribed by employees.— (0) part paid shares. Botrosas. *and boons 2| per cent for year ended 81/12/09.— tand 6/bonus.— Bmsbvm -Figures alter names of companies indicate that they bold reserves as follows (1) •15,000, (3) 114,000, (8) £6,000. (4) £4378, (5) •26,000, (6) 17,400, (7)
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 116 5 AUCTION SALES. r«owell and Co. June 20.— At Saleroom, leasehold land and bouse, known as No. 80, Java Road, etc., at 2.80. June 29.- At Saleroom, Land at Ulu Bodok, off Changi Road, at 3.80. June 29.— At Saleroom, Land, district of Bedob, at 2.80. July 2.— At saleroom, Unredeemed
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    • 118 5 W. D. a H. O. WILLS' THREE CASTLES "MAGNUMS" A Large Hand-Made Cigarette. Packed in 1% magnums: jAfe I] I Ti •■VrT'l] Price: ,)08, )08 nree Castles Jj "*-W* 55 Q T g g ,oa. OBTAIN A HUE AT Messrs. John little Co., Robinson Co. July 3. At salerooms, I
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 225 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kmimf Kmhm HofilaX, Jtme 29, 1909. 9 a. v. |8 «.|9 m.| RinitALL. Bar. M Faa 99.891: n Ten W.k-,6 Tamp 85 8 89 6 819 oil. Wet Bulb Ther 80.0 79.8 78.S I DirofWind.. N.E. B.W. oalm Max. Temp.. 90.0 Mm 74ii Max. la Boa I*B.o Terrrad.
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  • 1293 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, JUNE 29. POETS AND PROPHETS. Recently we had a comment on the strange disappearance of John Davidson, poet and journalist, whose friends asserted that he took bis own life because an unappreciative public did not give poets snfUcient support to provide them with
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  • 371 6 Notices were received by tbe last mail of an extraordinary general meeting of Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited, which was to have been held at Winchester House, London, on June 10. The object of that meeting was to pass a resolution authorising the raising of the capital of the company to
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  • 17 6 The price of tin in Singapore to-day is 167.271 per picul. Two hundred tons have been sold.
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  • 14 6 That well-known Shanghai weekly, Sport and Gossip, was to suspend publication after Jane 27.
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  • 21 6 The annnal prize distribution at tbe AngloChinese Free School, Telok Ayer St., takes place to-morrow morning, Mr. It. J. Bartlett presiding.
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  • 26 6 The work of rearranging the lawn in front of the Victoria Theatre, and the consequent destruction of some of the fine shade trees there have begun.
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  • 26 6 Two bankers from the Argentine are alleged to have escaped to the Far East, and are wanted for absconding with a large sum and committing frauds.
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  • 37 6 Vioeroy Tuan Fang, in denounciug Ti Liang, president of tbe board of war at Peking, says that the regulations drawn up by the board in connection with a scheme of provincial defence, are far from being perfect.
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  • 39 6 According to a Sheung Po wire, tbe Chinese residents of Singapore, natives of the San-ui and Hok-san districts in China, propose to raise a capital of three million dollars for the construction of a railway from San-ui to Hok-san.
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  • 37 6 It has been notified that the water in Yokohama harbour has changed to a darkred colour since the 7th instant. The authorities are m^Vi'tig a microscopic examination, with a view to ascertaining the cause of the phenomenon.
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  • 73 6 The annual general meeting of shareholders in the Indo China Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., will take place in London, to-day. The sum of £10,000 has been transferred from reserve fund and XHO.OOO from underwriting account, which will then stand at £143,091, and that a\V.,3."jS has been written off for depreciation.
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  • 81 6 Mr. Cheang Jim Choan, patron of the Ann Siang Hill Party, invited its members and members of the Jolly Boy Minstrels to dinner on Saturday last, at his residence, Nassin Koad. Daring the dinner the bon secretary of the Party who is also the President of the Minstrels, proposed the
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  • 358 6 Baron and Baroness Holstein lUtblow and suite have arrived in Singapore, and are staying at the Grand Hotel de l'Europo for a week. William Jennings Bryan hax announced that he is a candidate for tbel'nited State h Senate from bis State 'Nebraska' to succeed Senator Burkett. The
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  • 35 6 The traffic manager of tbu Federated Malay States Kailway wires us from Kuala Lumpur, that the altered train service comes into operation on Thursday next, July 1. Details will appear in due course.
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  • 51 6 It is reported that the Empress Dowager has instructed Cheong Hing-kwoi to parchase taels 2,000,000 worth of shares in tbe communication Bank (established by the ministry of posts and communication and taels 9,000,000 of the redemption bonds of the Privy Purse of the late Empress Grand
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  • 66 6 A sign of the increasing connumption uf Japan, Hongay and Northern China coals, is the fact that the coal export returns of Oreat Britain for the first four months of the year show a falling off as far as Hongkong is concerned. Shanghai and the Straits Settlements
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  • 93 6 The fire on board the Indo China steamer Kutsang, although destroying all the cargo in the lower after hold, which consisted of general Chinese merchandise such as silk, medicine, candles, etc., has done no damage whatever to the vessel, a coat of paint in the hold and 'tween
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  • 96 6 Yesterday afternoon, the Municipal Commissioners held a special meeting met to authorise the raising of 91,000,000 of debenture stock, bearing interest at four and a half per cent., and redeemable in 1966, to pay for certain public works, among which are Pulau Obin quarries, new incinerators, electric installation,
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  • 133 6 The annual kanduri festival cauie to a close last evening, with tbe grand procession starting from the shrine at Toluk Ayer Street. This festival is being celebrated in memory of a Mahomedan saint, popularly known as Xsgore Andavar, who lived about 400 years ago. It is said
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 99 6 CALDBECK, MACGREGOR AND CO.. Raffles Quay, SUfcTO- A PORE, CALDBECK. MACGREGOR AND CO., Clarke Street, KUALA LTTZMZFTTI?,. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR AND CO., Bishop Street, pjansTAnsra-. Fresh APPLES John Little Co., Ld. Dreadnought Milling Files are the simplest and most radical improvement in files ever conceived. Briggs* Viaduct solution is used exclusively
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    • 163 6 ALHAMBRA Gigantic Success! HUNDREDS REFUSE 11 ADMISSION. House full at 8.30 p.m. on Saturday. BURNS v JOHNSON World's Heavy Weight Championship. Owing to the Sameness of Rounds These will be omitted. NO FREE LIBT. PRICES. Reserved Seats 92. Unreserved J1.50 Third Chairs 81. Fourth, 30 cts. for Chinese and
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  • 76 7 GENERAL PICQUART OF BONDS OF BROTHERHOOD. No Reference to Triple Alliance. [Raima's Tblboram.l London, June 28. The anniversary of the battle of Solferino was celebrated at tbe Sor bonne. Paris, yesterday. (ieneral Picquart, presiding on behalf of tho Government, recalled the unbreakable Franco -Italian brotherhood in arms,
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  • 39 7 TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND DISMISSALS. Discontent and Misery Expected. [ROTHB'S TbLßQß**.] London, June 29. The Turkish ollioers and officials dismissed or pensioned in accordance with the Government's scheme of retrenchment number 27,000, and much discontent and misery is anticipated.
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  • 37 7 Recognition of the Railway Loan Claims. KlUTIR'a TlUOKAX] London, June '28. A Washington telegram states that China has yielded to the demand of tbo ("nited States for recognition in awarding thtt Hankow S/ochuan loan.
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  • 44 7 Selection of the Team to Represent England. Ksothe's Tilmbaju] London, .Ijoe For the third test match between England and Australia the team to represent Kngland will bo MacLaren (captain) Fry, -lessop, Hrearley. Hayward, Uubbs, Tyldesley, Hirst, Rhodes, Lilley, and Belf.
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  • 40 7 Balloon Shed Destroyed in a Gale. (Rbutir's Tblbokam] London, Juno 21). Wellu.ans balloon shed at Spitsbergen has been blown down during a gale. A start for the North Pole during the present year is now very doubtful.
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  • 29 7 Mail Boats Resume Sailings. |R»DTSI'9 Tl Lillian London, June 29. The strike of Navai Reservists at Marseilles has terminated, and the mail boats have resumed service.
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  • 22 7 [KSDTBE'3 TsLBURASd] London, June 21). Three small failures have taken place o n tho London Stock Exchange.
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  • 52 7 President Fallieres Insulted at Grand Prix Meeting. Ds» OtTMunsoaa Llotd Tslbukaml Berlin, June 28. The Hamburg Derby has been won by the Graditzer stables with the racehorse Arnfried. The i iiand Prix of Paris has been won by Lord Rothschild's Verdum. President Fallieres was insulted while returning from
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  • 33 7 Over Two Hundred Deaths in One Month. |Dik Oituutischs Llotd T«l»oh«| Berlin, June 28. There have been W cases of cholera at St. Petersburg in four weeks, and 211 deaths.
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  • 24 7 (Dsr OsTAsiATiaoaa Llotd Tbuoiam| Berlin, June 28. General Beckmann has been treacherously shot at Stockholm, and the murderer has committed suicide.
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  • 22 7 IDm OrtAMUtmmm Llotd Tblmkab] Berlin, June 28. King Edward is expected to go to Marienbad on August 1 3.
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  • 752 7 Tale of the Trenches at Tanjoog Pagar. A claim for wages was heard in the district court, before Mr. Saunders, yesterday afternoon, Mr. W. A. Squier being the plaintiff and Mr. G. I). Mac Lean, who narrowly escaped being murdered in Pahang, the defendaut. The claim was
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  • 232 7 Fort Cover Collapses at Night and Buries Officers. i >v the ">th inst. a mixed battalion of Japanese infantry from the 2nd regiment of the Imperial Uuards, under the command of Major Sasaki, and a corps of engineers from Akaba Imperial (inards, commenced manoeuvres on tbo training
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  • 85 7 A Chinaman named Ho Keng was attacked by a crocodile while bathing at the mouth of the Kallang River, at 11 a-m. yesterday. He succeeded in netting oat and went to the Tan Tock Seng hospital, where it was found that he had been badly bruised
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  • 63 7 FRIENDLY ASSURANCES AT STOCKHOLM. Pledge to Promote Cordial Relations [Dm Oiiabutischb Llotd Tilbu&am i Berlin, June 28. A gala dinner in honour of tbe C/ac's visit took place at Stockholm, and the heartiest toasts were exchanged. The Czar emphasised the development of firm and friendly relations between
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  • 87 7 Offered Professorship fn Prussian College.^ (From Our Own CpßKuateuKNT. 1 A Professorship, jn tiie.^lj^jjj. Theological College, at Kraokfo^-on-the'^lain, has been offered by cable to the Rev. H. L. E. Luering, Ph. D., superintendent of the Anglo Chinese School, Penan;;. Dr. Luering has not decided at present
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  • 59 7 THE PLANTERS' MEETI NG. (From Ouk Own Cukhi-.mmmk i i Kuala Lumpur, June 2H. The Planters' Association of Malaya did not hold a meeting, yesterday, on ac.ount of there not being a quorum present. Tho meet ing was consequently postponed till July. It has been decided to present a cup,
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  • 421 7 Policeman's Mutilated Body Found in a Drain. Sundaram, a Kliag in tbe service of the Municipality, while passing along Sumbawa Road, near the old Malay cemetery, at about 1 1 a. in yesterday, saw a body in a drain. (>oing to investigate, he found that the dead man
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  • 144 7 An eighteen year old clerk employed at Tanjong Pagar, Chan Hook Pua, charged with the theft of two cases ot tinned milk valued at 918, the property of the Dock Board, was convicted by Mr. Oreen, and sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment. From this conviction
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  • 55 7 China is preparing to take a census of her 400,000,000 people. From a circular received in New York, it appears that the job itself is to be a most thorough one, and that after it is done the facts aad figures are to be kept
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  • 773 7 THE RECENT RAID AT KALANG PUDDING. Convited Persons' Appeals Dismissed. Late on the evening of January 2, a party of police 'visited a compound at Kalang Pudding, Gaylang, and there found a crowd of at least twenty-five Chinese, of whom at least nineteen were "Treated, and certain paraphernalia
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  • 219 7 Chwa Kirn, charged with the murder of a ship's conk in Synagogue Street, was committed to the Assizes by the third magistrate, this morning. Lee Tien Chu, charged with attempting to murder a boatman and a plucky Chinese constable, was committed to the Assizes on these two charge*
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  • 766 7 Supreme Court Reverses Decisioa of District Court. In our issue of yesterday, we gave some part ot tbe hearing of a case, by Mr. Justioe Sercombe- Smith, in which tbe Crown appealed against a decision of the judge of tbe District Court, acquitting a Chinese sub-postmaster of
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  • 165 7 In the Court of Appeal, yesterday, before the Chief Justioe (Sir W. liyndman Jones), Mr. Justice Thornton and Mr. Justioe Braddell, yesterday, Mr. von Someren submitted the appeal of Cbee Tong Cheng, who had been committed to prison by Mr. Justioe Seroombe Smith, in the bankruptcy court, for
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  • 137 7 The report of the Standard Life Assurance Co. for 1900 shows that this concern experienced a satisfactory year of progress, and that it continued to maintain its position in the front rank of British life offices. The revenue for the year was £1,611,849, of which £991,006
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  • 3022 7 SPECIAL FEATURES OF STRAITS CONFERENCE. The Secret Rebates. SHARP CRITICISMS IN ROYAL COMMISSION REPORT. Serious Breach of the Obligations Assumed. In our former article we summarised the general conclusions of the Royal Commission ou Shipping Kings. There are many local references in the course of the Reports and
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  • 114 8 She never undressed, and she had not been to bed for years, ho it was said at an inquest at Crewe, on the body of Mrs. Armstrong, of Nantwich-Boad, a residential part of the town, on whom a verdict of death from natural causes was returned.
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  • 75 8 Mr. Alfred Barn, tradesman of Alnwiek, is a passive register against a harden which originated in feudal times'. Being a freeholder, be declines to pay a borough rate of thirteen penoe annually to the Dake of Northumberland. The duke's bailiffs having taken legal proceedings, twenty -six pain of slippers seised
    75 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 44 8 Mr. L. E. (Jaunt, Singapore's tennis champion, who is now at home on a holiday, was playing in the Middlesex open championships at Chiswiok on May 24 he snecombed in tbe second round to .'I. Marley, being defeated by 7-5, 7—6.
      44 words
    • 96 8 A Oenerous Offer. Football is booming at Malacca, at present, and one of their best-known planters has offered a cup if sufficient number of teams come forward. There should be little difficulty in getting the teams, as there are seven already in existence, and with the increase of planters
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    • 112 8 Sepoy Lines Oolf Club. Tbe June monthly medal was played for on Jane 26 and 27, and the following scores were returned C. F. J. Green 84— 7=77 H. C. Sells 90 10 80 T. A. Melville 108 17 86 M. Thunder 108 10 98 The Ordeal by Lunch.
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    • 134 8 Enthusiastic Ladles. On Jane 26, tbe Malacca Ladies Rifle Club held their first shoot at Bukit Sebukor range. The party set oat in rickshas at 7.30 a.m. in a morning that looked anything bat promising and they were little more than a mile from the town when the
      134 words
    • 98 8 a. C. k C. Tournament. Tbe results of yesterday's play are as follow:— Championship. Tan Chew Kirn beat Tan Tiam Keat, 6—2, 0—6,8—4. Kiong Chin Eng beat Chua Sim Ghee, 6—8,6—2. Wee Kirn Hoe beat Chua Seng Hong, 6-4, 2—6, unfinished. To-day's Put. Championship. Cboo Sian Kirn v.
      98 words
    • 163 8 Henley Regatta Prospects. The intention of two reoent Diamond Soolls winners of note, Capt. W H. Darell, of the Household Brigade, B. C. (who was on active service last year), and A. McColloch, of the Leander Club, to compete again for that notable trophy, this forthcoming Henley regatta, at
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  • 126 8 Mr. K. L. Talma, ■nsisisnt anpt of Indian immigrants, prosecuted Kadir Hussein before the third magistrate, yesterday, on charges of indooing labourers to go to Kelantatl without signing a contract, and abetting their departure from the Colony without passes. A large amount of evidence was adduced
    126 words
  • 731 8 Interesting Report by Imperial Among selected reports from the ncientiflc and technical department" of the Imperial Institute, there is a section dealing with fibres. In this reference is made to two samples forwarded by the Director of the Botanic Gardens at Singapore in 1906. One of
    731 words
  • 308 8 How Thousands of Dollars Have been Plundered at Shanghai. The Shanghai Meroory reports that details of a really remarkable oase of plunder from one of the Hamburg-America liners transpired at the Shanghai Mixed Court on May 28, when seven men were brought up on a oharge of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 2 8 Stearns' SSSfiSKf
      2 words
    • 71 8 Property Sale. Mean*. H. L. Coghlaa ud Co. held a property motion, yesterday afternoon, wbrin the following properties were sold; 128 acres and 0 poles of land held under statutory grant with a quit rent of $65, sold to Mr. R. Hamilton for »926. Nob. 80 and 81 Clyde Street,
      71 words
    • 3 8 Iste-rns* Wine 0
      3 words
    • 484 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MUBIG TEACHER WANTED. A vooal Music Teacher needed for boys' choir. Apply X o/o Straits Times. 1207 TEACHER WANTED. A qualified Teacher for Senior Cambridge needed. Apply by letter to St. Josephs nstituuon. 1296 HOJBES TO LET. N'oh. 15 and 16, Devonshire Road. Immediate entry. Apply to 18-2,
      484 words
    • 351 8 WARLBOROUGH CINEMATOGRAPH, BBACH ROAD. ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. MO BHOW. AT 9.30 P.M. 1. The Story of Psyche. 2. The Process of Liquefaotion. 3. A Virtuous Young Man. 4. The Gold Piece. 6. A Night in Pans. 8. Film d Art The Hair Primri levenge 7. Balloon Making. H. A
      351 words

  • 1123 9 Tender* nrc invited for the leaso of KMM KarnJH iv the State of North Borneo from tho Ist January, 1910, as set out herejnder. REVENUE KAUMS IN THE STATE OF SOUTH BORNEO. 1. I n making arrangements for the leasing nf the Karma for the next
    1,123 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 286 9 USEFUL BOOKS JUBTRECEIVED. Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare 9 .45 I van hot by Sir Walter Scott .45 Latin and English Dictionary 1.10 French and English Dictionary 1.10 Comic Reciters .55 Humorous Dialogues .55 Aesop's Kables .55 Orimm's Fairy Tales .55 Guy Boothby's 6d. Novels, including Dr. Nikola's Experiment, and Reynold's
      286 words
    • 516 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD Two recrular services are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, under Mail Contract with thatqisuperia Japanese Government, specially doagnad for the Company's European Service, J^iied throughout by Electricity, provided! excellent accommodation for Fir«t and Second Class Passengers,
      516 words
    • 487 9 BTEAMER B*lllllBB. tt .»>siiosEw,r 4 Inauguration of Mew Trans-Pacific Line. REGULAR BERVICE FROM HQNGKON9. CONNECTINS AT TACOMI WITH THE CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND PUGET SOUND RAILWAY AND THE CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE AND BT. PAUL RAILWAY. i The only direct train service, without transhipment, also shortest and fastest route, from the PACIFIC COAST
      487 words
    • 317 9 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. UNITED. FOR PENANO. RANGOON AND CALCUTTA. I The Company's Steamer PALAMCOTTA, 3,413 tons, D. F. Maodonald, Commander, will be despatched for the above ports on Thursday, July 1, at S p.m. She has excellent accommodation for first and seoond-olaas passengers. For freight or passage, apply
      317 words
    • 459 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF BTEAMERB. Tm undermentioned mail tteamers of the abov* Una maintain regular semoe between CalnatU sod Japan, calling »t Pennog, Singapore, Hongkong *ud Sluatibai §n ratal FLEET. Too* Ocramanitsr t.s. *J»r»«* «m 3 O. Ourut l.s. Utnon Anus 4.6C0 t>. H. Bsuon i.e. AaaiTooa iron" 4,600
      459 words

  • 258 10 KAISER AND HIS ISLAND OF CORFU PURCHASE. Interesting Revelations. The criminal process concerning the proposed establishment of gambling tables on the Island of Corfu, before the Emperor purchased his estate there, will take place at Cologne. In the trial, for which twelve days have been sot aside, interesting
    258 words
  • 346 10 Great Things Expected of New Paving Material. The use of reinforced concrete or ferrocement roads lias been suggested in France, and thin style of pavement has stood trial in a testing-machine very well indeed. Great things are predicted of it as may be seen by the following
    346 words
  • 264 10 Offer to Boy 5,000 Quarters of Barley From Distiller. Mr. Archibald Williamson, M.P. for Moray and Nairn, has been challenged by Mr. Thomas Mackenzie, of the Dailuaine-Taliaker distilleries Co., Ltd., as to the effect of the proposed increased spirit-tax upon the price of home-grown barley. Mr. Mackenzie,
    264 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 612 10 BANKING COMPANIES CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. taOORPORAT£D BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital la 60,000 Shares ol anOeach £1,»00,000 Bsssrvs Fund I 'ES'S2 Beeerrs Liability of Proprietor C1.M0.000 BABKERB. Bank ol England. national Bank of Scotland. lac Lendon OMy Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRAHOH. Onrrent Aooounts are
      612 words
    • 513 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. f aid up capital •ia.000.000 aBBERVE FUND Sterling Reserve $18,000,0001 aeg jum 000 SUverßeserve •14,500,000| 8OO WO ftsssrvs Liability of Propriston 1U.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. Bon. Mr. W. J. Oresson, Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. B. Q. Barrett, Esq. O. B.
      513 words
    • 521 10 INSURANCE Coupmiies THE IMPERIAL FIRK OFFIOK. ÜBIISU win TBS Aasiraanoa Oomwun, Loans Bartholmew Lane, London. SSVABUBBJD 1808. Capital sU.iaO.OM Total Funds exoeea. 10,000,000 General Manager, Robut Lnra, Bag. BARLOW A OO.,— Aftntt LONDON AHD LANCASHIRE FIRB INSURANCE OOMPANT. Capital £1,641,000 Pa&upOapiM £164.100 Reserve Fund £1,906,04 The nndsraigned, Agents for the
      521 words
    • 40 10 A REMEDY THAT NEVER FAILS No matter bow severe an attack of diarrhoea may be, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never fails to give relief. Von cannot afford to be without it For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
      40 words
    • 1025 10 SALES BY AUCTION. GREAT TWO DAYS' AUCTION SALE Friday and Saturday, July 2 and 3. HIGH-CLASS TEAK FURNITURE. Which for Design and Elegance is Probably Unsurpassed in the Colony. MESSRS. H. L. COGHLAN a CO. are instructed by N. N. Adis. Ext]., to sell by Auction at ADIS LODGE," ADIS
      1,025 words

  • 1032 11 A STORY OF LOVE AND A CHAUFFEUR. The Honeymoon Car. I shall call it the honeymoon car amply. As a car, it has just about as many parts as most other oars, and called itself a 40-50 h.p. till the Budget was introduced, when it dropped to something like
    1,032 words
  • 56 11 M. Kernand Pila, Frenoh Commercial Attache in the Far Kast, has attended a meeting of the Paris Chamber of Commerce, when a discussion took place on matters affecting Frenoh trade in Cbiiia and Japan. Before leaving for the Far East M. Pila proposes to pay a round of visits to
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  • 270 11 Offered to Marry Millionaire's two Daughters. A highly romantic story is now going the rounds in New York, to the effect that the Misses Mamie and Barbara Deering, daughters of Mr. Charles Deering, the wellknown Chicago millionaire, recently declined an offer of marriage made by an Indian rajah,
    270 words
  • 205 11 Gift of Chinese and Siamese Ladies of Penang. Some wealthy Siamese and Chinese staunch Buddhist ladies of Penang, acting in acoordanoe with the advice and instruction of reverends Dhammassara and Onanawansa, two of the Siamese Buddhist priests inoumbent at Pula. T kus temple, Penang, have presented a
    205 words
  • 178 11 Scientist Says the Cannibal is Sensible. What would be the most efficient food for man asked Dr. F. Oowland Hopkins, speaking at the Royal Institution. Clearly although it was not a point of practical dietetics the most sensible person in this connection was the cannibal. In
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  • 18 11 Peroxide of hydrogen will strengthen the background colour of blue prints that have faded through exposure to punligbt.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 661 11 Another Record for Dunlops. 2.875 MILES THROUGH INDIA. HO TYBE TROUBLES Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Bombay, May 17, 1909. To THE DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE CO., LTD., Bombay. Dear Sin, I have much pleasure in congratulating yon upon the grooved tyres yon are now making. Daring my tour throngh India, on
      661 words
    • 5 11 Johnson's Digestive Tablets for ißdifaatloD.
      5 words
    • 438 11 SHEFFIELD SIMPLEX CARS. 20-24 H.P.. 6-CYLINDER, 5-SEATEO. WITH HOOD. SCREEN. H.T. Magneto Ignition, Wire Detachable Wheels, 81 5 x 106 m/m Tyres. Lamps, Horn, Mechanical Lubrication. Petrol capacity: 10 gallons. COMPLETE $5,600 NETT CASH. sole Agents: CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. LATEST NOVELTIES IN Motor Accessories EX 88. "BHIU AND"TEUCER" Cylinder Oil.
      438 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 548 12 Scale of Cbargee. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MisceIIaneous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at the following rates One Insertion 91.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 6.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.12 Twenty- five 10.00 (Each subsequent month 95 per inch.) The above rate is based
      548 words
    • 378 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. ■Unst— f M> LU*a, ec two t— *rHa—. 11.01 By h*alaah,*M SemJa of Cb»n**. SHORTHAND-TYPIST WANTED. Wauted at once, thoroughly competent assistant shorthand writer and typist. Apply by letter to Derrick k Co. urns 60VERNE8S WANTED. Wanted, English or Eurasian Governess for one child, aged nine, in Deli
      378 words
    • 598 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD RiTl -Fomi Una, om m two famfttoa iI.OC Bf U>. laoh, m M*la of ob*rt»i, OFFICE TO BE LET. Offlot on second floor of. No. 7, Battery Road. Apply to Oathrle and Co.. Ltd. uiars OFFICE ft BODOWM TO BE LET Wttb immediata entry No.
      598 words
    • 616 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. a*™ i-Fomi Urn*, watr liiiiHi-, tIJM Br U>a IKb. m SoUa ot Okarca*. HOUSES TO BE LET. Hot. 81 111 83, IniHtnHoo Hill, HfW Valley floai. Apply to LKE CHENG TAN MdCO. MM HOUSEB TO LET. No. 28, Sophia Road, and 15 and 16, Devonshire
      616 words
    • 500 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate I rioes. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, VALVES. Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Gardenhoses, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i MESSRS.
      500 words
    • 449 12 LOST OR FOUND. Kates:—FWa l.inea. ona or two inwt;:..i f 1.00 Kj the Inch, so* Scale of Chir'M. LOST. Hetween Beach Road and Sea View Hotel, on Friday night, J mc 25. Leather Purse containing 25 Sovereigns. Kinder well re warded by returning same to 1., c- o Starmitl Times.
      449 words