The Straits Times, 28 June 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.997 SINGAPORE, MONDAY. JCNE 28. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. I Thousands of Dollars Worth of Goods j. I W b e Sold at any PHc« to Clear Stock Cash Clearance SALE! July 1 to July W ONLY fO DAYS l§6ttrsday, Mv U to Saturday, Mv 10Every Department Offers Exceptional and Bigger Bargains than Previous Sales owing
      93 words
    • 118 1 Empire Hotel, KUALA LUIIPUR. F.M. 8. A New First-class Hotel. Fitted witb ■laotrlo Light and Fans Fire miMtas from Railway Station. Overlooking the Padang. Bingle and Doable Bedrooms, wish Private Bathrooms attached. O«Wsjenartw Earopean Snpervisioo. Cold Storage Snpplie. weekly Iran Singapore. Hotil Porter meet* all Mail Trains. IHMBiwwt: THE EMPIRE
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    • 364 1 Kynoch Loaded Cartridges AH pacbrd in air-tight tin casern. ThO "BON AX" i- a par er carJ&.J tridge carefully loaded with Kynoch Smokeless powder, it is the cheapest reliable eless carBONAX 86.25 tridge sold, and the shooting will always b.- found S» per 100, to be good and regular.
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  • 670 2 POSSIBILITY OF A CHINESE INVASION. Defences of North-East Frontier. Sinoe the warning contained in Mr. C. Pearson's book on National Life and Character, published fifty yean ago, more than one statesman of reputation has come forward to declare that China was growing up into a Power which
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  • 234 2 Country Hooded and Ships Left High and Dry. An extraordinary accident occurred on the night of June 8, on the Willebroech Canal, one of the great artificial waterways of Belgium. About eleven o'clock some boatmen on the canal noticed that the level of the water was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 425 2 RATNER Safes "List 2" Pattern, ADAPTED FOB THE CUSTODY OF VALUABLE PAPERS, BOOKS, ETC. Lined throughout with Fire-resisting chambers, 3^ thick, filled with best non-conducting material. LOvKO Unpickable, violence and gunpowder proof, protected with j plate of Ratner drill-proof Compo Safe Steel. All usual sizes in stock. BORNEO CO., LTD.,
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    • 549 2 PSORIASIS FROM inn feet Five Doctors Treated this Bid Cate —Irritation vas Terrible— Suffered for Years a,H Got No ReliefFriend also Had a Rash on Face. TWO COMPLETELY CURED BY CUTICURA "I had seen fire doctors in retard to my trouble and not or* of them cay* me any ease.
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    • 73 2 All AMERICAN NEWBPAPER MAN RECOMMENDB A WELL KNOWN REMEDY. Not long sinoe the following editorial appeared in the Centertown, Missouri, U. S. A., Leader The editor knows by personal experience that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will care diarrhoea, and we hare heard like testimonials from other reliable people
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    • 588 2 The Flying Man I _^«^S^«^ssbm*»sbbP^^^^§B^^P^^l/| s. vk -si f \i MILES JkSSS CM>« Hknmt wtl ww a Mof m m Ottobtr JO. t$M. Nerve Strain and Exhaustion— Mr. Henry Farman's marvellous conquest of the air is another of those brilliant triumphs of nerve force and endurance which are made possible
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    • 50 2 MAR/TELiL'S Blue and Silver Label is an accepted guarantee, all over the world FOR THE BEST QUALITY IN BRANDY THREE STAR AND ONE STAB. Yon know it For particulars of Tab* had b, th. 81.. B d tonk P"«*. an Si**,Latel. pleMe 4pply to ADAMSON GILFILLAN 4 CO., LTD. 829
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  • 1143 3 MAGNIFICENT CONTEST IN FINAL MATCH. Maxwell Defeats Hutchison. The final round of thirty-six boles in the amateur golf championship was played on May 28, at Muirfield, the course of the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfern, which supplied both of the finalists Robert Maxwell, the champion of 1908.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 746 3 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL, MECHANICAL ft ELECTRICAL GENINEERS, IRON BRASS FOUNDERS, BOILER MAKERS, BRIDGE BUILDERS ft GENERAL CONTRACTORS. SOLE .A-Q-EIsTTS FOB Worthington Pnmp Co.'s Patent Pumps Pulsometer Engineering Co.'s Piileometer Pumps Robey and Co.'b Portable Engines and Machinery Richard Hornsby and Son'a Oil and Gas Plants Waygood's Lifts and Hoists
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    • 179 3 /%4SIX&JV£AY£S SINGAPORE SODA WATER Estafi/isWorer 2Sj*xb3. H. ABRAMS. New shippnept of horses due* to arrive Thursday, Janß 24. A specially selee- ted lot of high-class horses, cobs and ponies. Inspection invited. Any reasonable trial given and a guarantee given with each horse sold. 5. ORCHARD ROAD. New Arrivals. The last
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 652 4 STEAMER BAILIK63. p. a? a STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Far Cfeaas. Jtaaa, Peaaag. Ceyloa, Auatralla, India. Aden, Hrypt, Mediterranean Port*, Ply. •nth and London Through BUU of issued for China Ooast, Ptrtiau Gulf, Continental, and Amwissn Ports. Steamers wiU leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Outward (for China) Delta
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    • 600 4 STEAMERS SAIUHfi. OCEJU STCJdi SHIP CO. LTD. AND SKINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY CB.LTD. The Oompanles* staamsrs are daspashta from Liverpool u*Sil»d* for the Btralto, Obdna and Japaa every week and from Japan homeward* tot London, Amstordam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa. ManeUlM and aTsrpsol and for Marseille., Havre and
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    • 491 4 BTEAHER BJUUW6B. C. P. R. Canadian Paoiflo Railway Company* Royal Mailßlp Lin*. THB HATIOSAIi HIOHWAI TO BDBOPB fIA OOIBA JAPAJ OABADA aad ta* \y Ml IT M O 3XATBBa Boa vl tram HooMrluxia] tH*s S*BB%aa«%B»i BaMMMMHoatI (lalnsWl BeaJjapasi). aUaaTYakohamT VtctortaTS VanconTSt. H.K.B. •EnnassoFlßß/- ITwto,SMS* stea R.MJS. a l9M« Jam"
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    • 282 4 THE OCEAN 8. S. COY.. LTD.. ft THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. nmn rmuuMmm <pb«tbu murnm WUT AUBTBALIAB P*>BT« JAVA AIB HlfaAPwU Bogota Fortnlgh Ut *airjngs bstwaen Stnga PON and Wsstarn Australia, oaWag at Java (as tohasßiait offan), Derby, Kmg-. Bound. (Port tor th* Khnbertef Gold Ftelds), Broom.;
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    • 665 4 STEAMER BAJUWBB. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Tbe Ititmsn of this Company maintain a regular aarries betweea Hamburg, Bremen Antwerp, and Rotterdam, sad ft* Straits. China and Japan. Homewards, they ars a-natuh.a fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and one* a month for nrsnrnbaif dlreot, calling at Panaag sad Colombo. Taking oargc
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    • 749 4 steamer mums. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd. Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail rtasmori ol this Company sail fortnight? from Bremen, Hamburg, via Tlnttordtm, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connection Marseille., Naples, Alexandria, and vice vena) Port Bald, Bus*. Ada*, Colombo, Penang. Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 155 5 FIXTURES. Monday, June 28. High Water, 6.40 p.m. M.M. homeward mail due. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marl borough Cinematograph Tuesday, June 29. Hi«l. Water, 7.W a.m., 7.36 p.m. St. Peter. Philharmuuic Orclnxttm, 6.15. Wednesday, June 30. High Water, 8.82 a.m., 8 8 pin. Anglo-Chinese School pri«enivin|>. V.
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  • 293 5 Despatches. To P«.S.B. Bi.L»o <££, Ampanan Nam Yong .lane 28 Bpm Australasia Sydney 18 8 p.m. liagan Hong Ho 28 3 p.m. Rali Nam Yong 18 3 p.m. Bangkok Singapore 18 4 p.m. Cungkok Wongkoi 18 4 p.m. Bangkok Lootok 18 4 p.m. Batu Pahat R. Halewijn
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  • 146 5 The outward M. M. Packet Caledonien left Colombo at 10 p.m. on Saturday, the 26tli instant, and may be expected to arrive here at about 2 p.m. on Thursday, the Ist prox. The P. and 0. homeward mail steamer Devanha left Hongkong at 1 p.m. on Saturday,
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  • 424 5 Latest Arrivals. Amktrtt, Brit. str. 186 tons, Captain Boott, "ane 27. From Pontianak, Jane M. 0.0. and 18 d.p. Ban Lee Heng. For Pootiaoak, Jane 19 BanWkatt Hin, Brit. itr. IN tarn, Oapteio Cox, June 97. From Tslupia, Jane 18. G.o. and 48 d.p. Straits Steamship Coy. Ltd.
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  • 94 5 Jun» ift Hydra, Nor utr, Colombo and Karachi Ban Bin (Juan, Brit str, Pontianak Ipoh, Brit str, Penang \is pirts Pin Seng, Brit str, P. Swsttanham, Peiung f Xanuhan, Brit str, Hongkong Hong Moh, Brit str, Penang via ports' Boribat, Siam str, Bangkok via ports Dovre, Nor str, Bangkok
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  • 203 5 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To- Day. TAN JON a PAQAB. Ei»T Wbabv Bisn— Tanoarville, Paroo. Em W. Saorioii 1 Olenfalloch Kalomo, A par (ma Sscnoa No. 1 (Suns Whist)- Sanotona. Samoa Taroba, Ariake Maru. 3— Lai Sang. 4 Denbighshire. Charon B—
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  • 194 5 Coming to Singapore. Per P. and O. steamer Mantua, connecting with the steamer Delta, at Colombo due July 2.— Mr. F. Toynbee. Per P. and O. oteamer Syria, due July 9. Misses M. and K. Cabill, Mr J. Luaney. Mr. J. P. Masters, Mr. T. H. Whitneld,
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  • 123 5 From Saigon a cargo of ripe and Ash arrived yesterday, by the Norwegian steamer Nord. The Datoh steamer de Hoan arrived from Java ports lost night, with 817 passengers, 151 pigs and forty sheep. A baby was born on the Charon, on the trip from Fremantle. The Charon
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  • 96 5 Horse-Betting, Limericks, and Stock Exchanges. Renter's correspondent at Pretoria telegraphed The report of the commission on race meetings and gambling recommends considerable restrictions on betting, including the prohibition of betting by minors, by natives and other coloured persons. It also recommends the prohibition of the publication of oversea
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  • 32 5 A Bengali named Osman and a Tamil named Vein have been arrested on a charge of theft of 1164.60 from Sapi, who lives at 727 Kampong Siglap. The police have recovered 118.
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  • 207 5 Mention is Made of Extensive Fields in China. Sir Boverton Redwood, of the Home Offioe, gave an address on liquid fuel at the session of the International Congress of Applied Chemistry. Within reoent years, he said, there had been a growing appreciation of the value of petroleum as
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  • 295 5 Sensible Comments on Exhibition of British Hysteria. The spectacle of two great powers passingthrough an acute attack of spy-mania is not very suggestive of the approach of the Millennium, says an Allahabad paper, though it is impressive enough as an indication of the trend of public opinion.
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  • 186 5 The colossal equestrian statue of King Victor Emanuel 11., which is to crown the summit of the national monument in Rome has been successfully oast in bronze. In its way it will be a new wonder of the world, for, putting aside the legendary horse of Trey,
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  • 236 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SIMAFOU, JCNI 28, 1909 On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4,*, Demand 2/B|} Private 6 m/s 2/4/, do 8 m/s 2/4/, On Qtrmany— Bank d/d 287| Private 8 m/s 240* do 6 m/s 242 i On Frttnot- Bank d/d 292* Private 8 m/s 296 do 6 m/s 2994
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    • 51 5 Howarth Erskine 6% 600,000 1% prem. Biley, Hargreaves 6% 284,000 1% prem Spore Electric Tramways Co., Ltd. 6% 860,000 nominal Strait* Knginnwring Syndicate. Ltd. 6% 46,000 par. Singapore Municipal 6% 100,000 20%p.n0m 6% 1,878,000 7% prem. 4*% 1,600,000 8% prem. 602,900 6% disc. Tanjong Pagar Dock Board 6% 1,060,000
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    • 263 5 CiPTui. J Paid Ik I PAn> aom Q= D -$BOO,OOO •800,000 •800,000 £600,000 •400,000 £80,00(1 £100,000 •160 AM £120,000 •460,000 £260,000 10 10 Bclat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 6.00 12% for 08 10 10 7,500 Bruaug, Ltd. 7.00 10 ilO Bruseh Hydraulic T.M. Co., Ltd.(l) 8.00 10% (or 'oB
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    • 426 5 £160.000 j ♦'200,000 10 480,000 1 «80,000 i £80,000 j 470,000 1 486,000 416.000 475,000 1 4110,000 1 4810,000 > •680,000 £50,000 4180.000 1 4100,000 1 4820.000 0.176,000 sao 4126,000 4100,000 'f £140,000 4800,000 £80,000 2/ •acofloo 430,000 1 •100,000 100 4100,000 £30,000 8/. ♦600,000 100 ♦260,000 100 4176,000
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    • 253 5 a) 6% debentures.— (6) subscribed by employees.— (c) part paid shares. Bowusas.— and bonus 8* per cent for year ended 81/12/08.— fand 5/bonus.— Rbsbbtbs -Fiirares after names of companies indicate that they hold reserves as follows (1) 126,000, (2) 814*00, (8) MfiOO, *4£78, (6 •ft.OOO, (6) 97,400, (7) X8.784
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 98 5 AUCTION SALES. Howell and Co. June 28.— At No. 848, Beo Lane, off Havelock Road, Chinese household furniture, at 4.80. Jane 29.— At Saleroom, leasehold land and house, known as No. 80, Java Road, eto., at 2JO. June 29.— At Saleroom, Land at Ulu Bodok, off Cbangi Road, at 2.80.
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    • 133 5 Fine Art Printing AND Bookbinding BY LATEST IT TO-DATK METHODS Q*f A/T produce Printing that will make your business grow Iky a °d w0 w P^ g r ©co foliage on the bare branches of \^%r your business. There are many printing houses of coarse. Cheap printing, however, will not
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 238 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kauda+t Ktrbau HatpiUii, .lun, IW9. 9 4. m. 8 r. m. 9 v. a. Riniriix. Bar. 89 Fab 19.921 19 823 19.886 Tamn 88.8 87.8 810 WetßalbTher 79 6 79.0 78.6 DirofWud.. N.B. 6.W. calm Max. Tamp.. 88.6 Mm 74.9 Max. In Baa.. 1C7.8 Terrnd. Thsrl 71.9
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  • 1239 6 The Straits" Times, PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, JUNE 28. JAPANESE IN MANCHURIA. We are not very partial to Japan and we do not feel a glow of pride when reminded or reminding that the Japanese are the only people on the face of the earth wKh whom our country has
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  • 15 6 Mr. M. A. Tobin is expected back from Batavia by tbe Van Imhoff. this evening.
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  • 20 6 Manila papers say:— "Stork is to visit Alice at Beverly, Mass." A word to the wise is sufficiet, we imagine.
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  • 22 6 The Temple of Confucius, in tho Kuk Fan District, Shangtung, the place of birth of the Sage, has been destroyed by fire.
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  • 27 6 The Sultan of Tringgann paid his last act of homage to the King of Siam, on June 12, when tbe tributary gold and silver flowers were presented.
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  • 25 6 The steamer Glenogle, when between Horsburgh and Singapore, rescued six members of t>ie crew of a wrecked Chinese junk and took them on to Hongkong.
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  • 28 6 Mrs. Win. Defoe wishes to thank the many kind friends for their wreaths and other tokens of sympathy on the occasion of the death of her h oand.
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  • 25 6 The Municipal Commissioners are holding a special meeting this afternoon to consider a proposed tmni^m^iit of the resolution relating to issue of 1909 debenture stock.
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  • 29 6 Amy Bock, who masqueraded as a man and married a young woman, was sentenced at Wellington to two years' imprisonment. She will be medically examinee! as to her sanity.
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  • 29 6 The manoeuvres which it was proposed that the M. S. V. R. should carry oat at Port Swettenham in conjunction with the seamen from the Waterwitch, have been cancelled.
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  • 25 6 The Alhambra cinematograph was crowded on Saturday, when the Burn-Johnson film was presented. Everyone was satisfied with the perfection with which the picture was presented.
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  • 27 6 The Legislative Council meets on Friday next, when bills will be considered relating to Christian marriage, Courts, Civil and Criminal Procedure, Brunei Prisoners, Civil Law and Fisheries.
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  • 33 6 Messrs. Howarth Erskine's tenders havo been accepted by Government for erecting a bridge at the 43rd mile, Kuala Kangsar Hoad and for steel work required for seven bridges of the Perak type design.
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  • 34 6 Mrs. Larson, the wife of a mechanical engineer and inventor, died suddenly at her home in Bras Basah Road, yesterday. A post mortem examination is Doing held to ascertain the cause of her death.
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  • 37 6 The annual distribution of prizes at the Anglo-Chinese Free School takes place on Wednesday, the ioth instant, at 10.30 a.m. Parents and friends of children and others interested in the school are cordially invited to be present.
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  • 38 6 What a reputation for keeping late hours Hongkong will obtain when the following paragraph has duly circled the globe i Empress boats find it possible to call up Hongkong with wireless at night, but not in the day-time.
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  • 44 6 At 1 p.m., yesterday, Mr. L. F. Willis had occasion to visit the Albambra Cinematograph. When he went oat in the street agaiu, lua private ricksha and the puller were no longer to bo seen, and had not yet been found, at last advices.
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  • 36 6 Chan Ah Kow was sentenced to throe months' rigorous imprisonment in tho district court, on Saturday, for making a false statement under oath at the Chinese Protectorate in regard to a Chinese society. Mr. Peacock prosecuted.
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  • 46 6 While the bine funnel steamer Dardancs was discharging her cargo at the wharves, yesterday forenoon, one of the wharf coolie h met with a somewhat serious accident through a case of bags falling on him. He was taken to the hospital but died on the way.
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  • 47 6 A new Turkish consul for Batavia has just been appointed at Constantinople. He is Eahed Raabid Bey, formerly councillor to the Turkish Embassy at St. Petersburg. He is young, comparatively spwaHng, of great promise, and is a strong partisan of the party now in power in Turkey.
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  • 47 6 The dredging of the river by »he Mudlark near the Rlfiin bridge la causing frequent and vexatious delays to river traffic at low tide, but this cannot be helped and the improvement which will result from the dredging will more thau compensate for the temporary obstruction caused.
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  • 52 6 The two companies of the Guides, who were under canvas for field training at Batu Oajah, brought their operations to a close with a forced march from that town to Ciupong, and thence to Ipoh, whence they arrived at Taiping on Jane '24. The oamp at Batu Oajah has been
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  • 57 6 The Malay Mail understands that the colonial office system of keeping accounts in the government treasuries, which Mr. H. C. Barnes, auditor of the East Africa Protectorate, came the other day to introduce into tho Federated Malay States, is now being worked in the Selangor treasury, ondor the supervision of
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  • 403 6 Mr. E. Xavier, postmaster at Seromban, in to be transferred to Kuala Luuipar in a similar capacity. Mr. 11. O. Sarwar, on June 24, took his seat as second magistrate, l'enang. Probably he will act in that capacity during tbo absence of Mr. A. V. Drown at
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  • 80 6 The Dutch steamer Same Bandior which it will be rememberd was reported as being badly ashore at Anjer, Sonda Strait, in the early part of this month, arrived at Singapore Roads on Friday evening. With the assistance of one of the Paketva&rt steamers, she was refloated and
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  • 86 6 The Backnall liner Kalomo, which took fire and was sunk by the artillery fire at Pasir Panjang last December, is now discharging her general cargo at the East Wharf, Tanjong Pagar. It is interesting to hoc the damage caused by the salt water. Canes of stationery, swollen and
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  • 95 6 The directors of the Hotel van Wijk Co., Ltd. have just declared an interim dividend of 15 per cent for the half year ending May 81, 1909. Poring the past two years tho dividends paid hr.vo been '20 per ***** and 'JO per cent, respectively, and
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  • 117 6 On Saturday last the pupils of the AngloChinese School gave a reception to Mr. and Mrs. Pease on their departure for America, writes a correspondent. In spite of the inclemency of the weather there was a good gathering of the old boys and the present teachers
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  • 151 6 A quiet bat pretty wedding was solemnised on S<rturday afternoon, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, by the Rev. W. Marsh Kirk by. the con traction parties being Mr. H. T. White, of Messrs. Kobioson and Co., and Nellie Paton, daughter of the late Mr. U. Orey, Posttnaater(iencral, Edinburgh,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 51 6 <^^S5 K. jj "•p I^H ft U I a?* U —ft I ftOO inif» i uiibbi m m m Messrs. Robinson Co, andShlgh-clam Fresh Australian APPLES Just Arrived. JOHN LITTLE AND CO., LTD. JFRENCHJ I TILES, s M S LARGE STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND. J Write to GUTHRIE CO., LTD.,
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    • 203 6 ALHAMBRA Gigantic Success HUN'DREDB:RBFUBED ADMISSION. House full at 8.30 p.m. on Saturday. BURNS JOHNSON World's Heavy Weight Championship. Owing to the Sameness of Rounds 6.7,8,9.10 These Will be omitted. NO FREE LIBT. PRICES. Reserved Seats »2. Unreserved 11.50 Third Chairs 11. Fourth, 50 cts. for Chinese and Malays only. Benches,
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  • 491 7 PROBABLE DISSOLUTION OF REICHSTAG. Buelow's Retirement DANGEROUS SITUATION IN GERMANY. Appeal to tbe People Likely. RSOTB B'I TsUQIAH London. June 26. The Reichstag has adopted the tea and coffee duties which occasioned a stormy debate on May 29. Prince Buelow has gone to Kiel to report to the
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  • 63 7 king Leopold's Quarrels With his Daughters. [Dm Osraaunsou Llotd Tblj9ba«l Berlin, June 27. King Leopold of Belgium shows signs of relenting in the long quarrel be has carried on with his two daughters. It is said that he is seeking for a reconciliation with one of them Prinoees
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  • 59 7 I'opulace Urged to Proclaim Holy War Against Foreigners. [Dv Osti&uTiscai Liotp Thmui| Berlin, Jane 27. News has oome from Teheran that then is a growing excitement in Persia against Kosaiaa political intervention in the country. Placards have been posted np in some places in which the Persians
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  • 283 7 Interesting Function Spoiled by Rain on Saturday. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. G. M. Dan was at home to a number of motoring friends, at her charming residence at the Thomson Road impounding reservoir, but unfortunately the weather proved unkind, and not all of the more than twenty motorists
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  • 354 7 Final Settlement of Long Standing Dispute. The matter which has been popularly known locally as the six widows' case was finally dealt with on Saturday morning by the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith and Mr. .Justice Mraddell, sitting in the Court of Appeal. Tbe circumstances, briefly,
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  • 244 7 Tbe preliminary enquiry into the charge of murder against Indar Singh has been completed by the second magistrate. Mr. Crabb Watt, counsel for the accused, made a strong plea against th? committal of his client to tbe Assi/cs on the capital charge, arguing that nothing had
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  • 160 7 Property owners in Singapore appear to be having a joyful time at the expense of the .Municipality owing to some overlapping in the working of the departments. From time to time the engineers' department accommodate* bosy landlords with notioes respecting repairs to property, and these having
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  • 514 7 FIERCE FIGHT WITH FUMES AT SEA. Bound for Singapore. The Indo China Swam Navigation Co.'s steamer Kutsang, which cleared for Singapore last Wednesday, says the Hongkong Daily Press of June 21, returnod to port yesterday morning, at seven o'clock, flying the signal fire in the hold.
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  • 378 7 Proposal to Increase Capital of the Company. An extraordinary general meeting of this company was to have been held at Winchester House, London, on June 10, when the subjoined resolution was to have been proposed That the capital of the oompaay be increased to £400,000, by the
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  • 90 7 Mr. Hart Davies asked Mr. Haldane in Parliament, if his attention had been called to the oaae of Major and Mrs. Patten Betfaune, who were, about six months ago, ordered to leave the cantonment of Secnnderabad by General Biniington, a proceeding usually applied to disorderly
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  • 947 7 BRITISH NATURALIST IN WILD Singular Experiences. Mr. Pratt, a British naturalist, has just returned to Java, from Dutch New Guinea. He is a seasoned explorer who has travelled t for years in China, Tibet, South America, and Asia Minor. Ke then gave New Guinea a turn and spent
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  • 103 7 Sir Thomas T. Ewing, ex-Minister of Defence, accompanies Mr. Joseph Cook, the present Minister, to represent Australia, at the Imperial Defence Conference in London, in July. Great interest centred in the informal meeting of members of Parliament held on June 7. to discuss the visit of Sir Joseph
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  • 411 7 Crown Appeals Against Acquittal of Sub* Postmaster. The case of the Chinese sub-postmaster at the post office adjoining the polios courts, who was recently acquitted in tbe District Court of a charge of criminal breach of trust as a public servant in respect of a sum of
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  • 488 7 Facilities (or Communication Required. Elsewhere in this issue, says tbe Malay Mail, we announoe that on Thursday next tbe ordinary mortal will have the option of travelling overland to Singapore in comfort and, providing the amount of the railway faro be forthcoming, in all probability in peace.
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  • 134 7 Mr. E. R. Koek, the well-known local lawyer, who lives at Tanjong Katong, has been visited by chicken thieves, who made away with six fowls. The fourth magistrate resumed, this morning, the caw of alleged defamation, an aged Jew named Esra Bekor being the complainant and a young
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  • 87 7 LORD CHARLES BERESFORD AT PRESS CONFERENCE. Colonial Offers. CONDEMNATION OF IMPERIAL GOVERNMENT. Situation Summarised. [RbCTBB's TbLIORAM] London, Jane 27. At the final meeting of the Press Confer•1108, Lord Charles Beresford declared that Ike gravity which dominated the speeches of the statesmen daring the Conference was doe to
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  • 177 7 EASTERN INTERNATIONAL TRUST SYNDICATE. Tangkah Estates. i From Otr Own Corresfondekt.) London via Penang, June 26. The Tangkah Rubber Estate, in tbe Moar district, with a capital of £135,000 is to issue 62,500 six per oent participating preference shares. The directors an Sir W. H. Treacher. Messrs. Trailles,
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  • 27 7 [Rscma's Taia«B4its| London, June 28. The result of the Grand Prix, run at Paris, yesterday, is Verdun 1 Rebille 2 Union 8 Eleven ran.
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  • 25 7 IRaora's Tblsobal) London, Jane 28. Tbe Czar and Czaritsa have arrived at Stockholm. Cordial toasts were exchanged with the King of Sweden.
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  • 29 7 [RsoTsa's Tslboram London, June 28. A workman of Stockholm fired a revolver and killed General Bookman, tbe chief of tbe Coast Artillery. He then committed suicide.
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  • 39 7 [DBS OfTISIATUOHS LIOTD TWSM«| Berlin, June 27. King Edward has received tbe members of the Duma who paid London a visit. They were introduced by tbe Russian Ambassador. Tbe reception was of the friendliest kind.
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  • 14 7 !DM OSTASUTISCHB LbOTO TbUUHM Berlin, June 27. The Prussian Diet has dosed.
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  • 187 7 The funeral of the late Mr. See Ewe Boon, compradore of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, took place on Sunday. The prooee sion left Boon Villa, Balmoral Itoad, at about 10 a. m. Those present included Messrs. T. S. Baker, manager of the bank,
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 32 8 Dreamland won the Klang Derby last week, beating Dormer by half a length. The visiting Australians hare beaten the west of Scotland team by an innings and IBS runs.
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    • 50 8 Keppel Qolf Club. The preliminary competition in connection with the President's Prize (or 1909, i. c. 18 boles medal play, 16 best oards to qualify, will be played on Saturday and Sunday next, July 8 and 4. Local Bale Practioe play on the Saturday not allowed in this competition.
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    • 94 8 Match at Malacca. On Jane 24, at Malacca, the police cadets engaged the town football club on the depot ground. Play was rather even in the first half, and the teams crossed over on level terms, one goal each. In the second half, tbe town asserted themselves and a
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    • 190 8 Malacca L. R. C. Tbe weekly praetioe at the miniature range of the Malacca Ladies' Rifle Club took plaoe on June 28, and resulted as follow* Mrs. Howell 88 Miss Williams 80 Mrs. Williams 26 Mrs. Evans 25 Miss Evans 28 An Interesting Announcement. Mr. R. W. Chator
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    • 285 8 Derby Sweeps. In point of enthusiasm Dorby sweepstakes, especially in the London olubs, beat all records this year, no doubt owing to the King's chances in the great race. The biggest sweep in the world is that of the Calcutta Turf Club. Last year, upwards of 180,000 tickets
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  • 127 8 In the course of his comments on the Oaks, Larry Lynx writes in the People as follows Mr. W. W. Bailey bought Cupola none too cheaply at 700 guineas. This and a later auction were equally sensational, for the same Irish sportsman, a newoomer to
    127 words
  • 101 8 The first public test of electric current for lighting being sent without wires has been made at the Electrical Exhibition at Omaha, Nebraska, I*. 8. A. Fonr thousand in candescent lamps were successfully lighted by a wireless current from the Government station at Fort Omaha, six miles
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  • 33 8 Foot masked bandits stopped an express train on tbe Union Pacific Railway, at Omaha, U.S.A., and intimidating the passengers with a fusillade from their revolvers, secured seven registered mail bags containing 160,000 dollars.
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  • 271 8 Meeting of Canton Self -Government Society. At Canton, on Jane 16, a meeting was held by tbe Canton Self Government Society in connection with tbe alleged murder of a Chinese passenger on board the steamer Fatshan. when there was present a oonsiderable number of people of all classes.
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  • 247 8 Matrimonial Agent in a Liner. Among the crew of the new Orient liner Orsova, whioh dropped anchor at Tilbury, on Jane 1, after her maiden cruise in the Channel, is a man with a strange record. He is tbe ship's barber the match-making barber, as be is called.
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  • 188 8 Mr. B. G. Davis, tbe independent Gospel preacher from Calcutta, addressed the members of the Singapore Indian Christian Association on Friday, at the Short Street Girls' School, on Heavenly Citisenship. There was a large gathering who followed the speaker's eloquent and earnest address with close attention. Tbe
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  • 189 8 Shire Company Inaugurating New Service. There are many routes to Europe, bnt moat people evinoe a preference for other things being equal the cheapest. That being so, says tbe Hongkong Daily Press, a new service which offers adequate accommodation and reasonable speed, may well attract attention. The
    189 words
  • 72 8 On Jane 18, the weavers conferred with the representatives of the Tokio Chamber of Commerce. Tbe «>imi»li— represented the seriousness of tbe impression that would be created in England by a refusal of tbe weavers to exhibit speouneos of their work at the Anglo-Japanese sihihitsosj. The weavers, however,
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  • 275 8 Services Rendered by the Steamer Malacca. The Pinang Gazette bears that the award of the umpire, Capt. Mamntyre, in tbe case of the claim for salvage brought by the Straits Steamship Co., owners of the atoamer Malacca, against tbe Eastern Shipping Co., owners of the steamer A vagyee,
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  • 262 8 Commander Jumps into Sea to Save a Sailor. An act of conspicuous bravery on the part of a naval officer was witnessed on board H. M. S. Britannia, during the recent voyage from Cromarty to Portsmouth. A shipwright named Tooner fell overboard, and as it was blowing hard,
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  • 165 8 Mishap to a Cruiser During Steam Trials. The cruiser Defence, on returning to Devonport, after carrying out gun -laying tests in tbe North Sea, reported that she went aground towards the end of May, on the Goodwins. She was carrying out ntnam trials on the way
    165 words
  • 150 8 Prof. Kenwood on the Dangers of Sea-Bathing. The seventh International Congress of Applied Chemistry continued its sectional sittings on Hay 39, sixteen room* in the buildings at South Kftnsingtori being used for the various meetings. Tbe papers read were again all of a highly technical character. Several demonstrations
    150 words
  • 89 8 It has at last been decided to perpetuate the memory of Tom Brown, the Manx poet The memorial will probably take the form of a cairn on Maughold Head, a plaoe in which the poet delighted to roam. Mr. Hall Came is chiefly responsible for the memorial, and to bis
    89 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 246 8 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir,—l read with the keenest interest your remarks, anent Bishop Oldbam's anti opium disoourse at Kuala Lumpur. They were not only logical, but perfectly true. 1 wonder if the reverend gentleman would care to read the following: My oompradore last
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  • 539 8 Early Morning Struggle in Penang Bedroom. No. 16, Logan Boad, Penang, was the scene of daring burglary in the early hours of this morning, reports tbe Echo of .1 v ne 34. Tbe burglar, a Malay, entered tbe house by the bath room window on the left,
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  • 224 8 Burled Alive in Imitation Fort at Wood Green. A schoolboy, named Frederick Graham living at Hewitt-avenne, Wood ttreen, has met his death in remarkable circumstaooeH. Although not members of the Boys' Brigade or Baden-Powell Scouts, he and several other lads were playing at scooting on a piece
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  • 169 8 Accommodation for Guides Requested and Refused. The Pinang Gazette reports that an extraordinary situation has arisen in Kedah. On June 20 the commissioner of police in Kedah received a request from the Malay States Guides to provide accommodation for one hundred men for two days and one night at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 497 9 CHEAP SALE From 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Yong Lee Seng Co., 27, KLING STREET. Removal of Business to Orchard Road Branch. The whole of the extensive stock of Hats and Shoes, Perfumery, Toilet Requisites Kitchen Utonsils, Hosiery, Lamps, Glassware and Sundries of every description now an sale at prime
      497 words
    • 796 9 PENANG TURF CLUB. Programme AUTUMN MEETING. 1909. T'texilay, the Sttli. Thunulay, tlf 89t1i\ ami Saturday, the 3Ut July, 1909. FtROT 0»Y. Tiistday, July 97, 1909. 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE.— Value $600. A Race for Maiden Hones. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All Horses imported into the Straits or
      796 words
    • 698 9 CAP.— VaIue 4200. A Handicap for all Roadsters that- have run in the r>th Race, First Day. Gentlemen Kiders. Kntrance, 110. Distanoe, 1} miles. 4. THE PENANG PLATE. 5. THE PENANG PURSE.— VaIue »300 and »400, respectively, with 100 added for the Seoond Hone in each case. Two handicaps di
      698 words
    • 506 9 STEAMER BAILINBB. APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. Tn nndermenUoned mail itsamsrs of thl above Lloe maintain a regular ssrviss between OalonMn and Japan, oaUtag at Panang, StngapoN, Hongkong and Shanghai m routs FLItT. Tom rv^wiw^t^^y i.i. 'Juu" 6,013 J. Q. Ounn SJ. "ClBBSIBlAjBAB" 4,600 B.H.BBLMB Abb*toq» Arcii- 4,600 A. Stbwabc SJ.
      506 words
    • 552 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. KY.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD Two regular service* are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWINSCREW STEAUERS. under Mail Contract with the Imperia Japanese Government, specially designed (or the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent aooommodation for First and Second
      552 words

  • 782 10 A BRITISH EXPEDITION BEING ORGANISED. Start to be Made in the Autumn. The British expedition which is being organised for the exploration of Dutch New Guinea grows steadily in interest and importance as its plans develop. The enterprise had its inception at the jubilee meeting of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 620 10 BANKING COMPANIES CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY BOTAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital In (0,000 Shares of MOeaoh ..41,100,000 Baeerva Fund 41,576,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* ..41,200,000 BANKERS. Bank ot w«gi«n< National Bank of Bootland. T»e Lesdon Oity Midland Bask, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANOH. Current Aooounta are opened
      620 words
    • 546 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up Capital n5.000.000 RESERVE FUND Bterung Reeerve 116,000,000) a«g jsoo noo Btlvsrßaeerve iU.MO.OwJ W.SOu.OOC Baaarva Liability ol Proprietors 115.000.00 C COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Oraaran, Oh airman. H. E. Tomkins, Eaq., Deputy Chairman. E. O. Barrett, Eaq. O. R. Lanimann,
      546 words
    • 520 10 INSURANCE Complies GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE GO., LIMITED. Head Office Winchester House, SINGAPORE. Board of Directors 1 G. A. Dskru k, Esq., Chairman. Ao. Asmi-s, Esq., Vioo-Chairman. A. H. Fair, Eaq., Managing Director. Pbter Fowlib, m.b., cm., Chief Med. Officer. F. M. Elliot, Eaq. Rev. N. J. Couvrbur. Vow NuA.N
      520 words
    • 189 10 Hat Problem in Choirs. Dr. Frederic Cowen, at the choral rehearsal in connection with the Handel-Mendels-sohn Festival, which is to take place thin month at the Crystal Palace, announced that he had reoeived numerous letters complaining of the very large hats worn by some ladies. This question cropped up in
      189 words
    • 708 10 MLEB BY AUCTION. GREAT TWO DAYS' AUCTION SALE Friday aad Saturday, July 2 and 3. HIGH-CLASS TEAK FURNITURE. Which for Design and Elegance is Probably Unsurpassed in the Colony. MESSRS. H. L. COGHLAN k CO. are instructed by N. N. Adis. Esq., to sell by Auction at "ADIS LODGE," ADIS
      708 words
    • 358 10 AUCTION SALE. At Powell and Co.'s Hale-room, On Tuetday, June 29, at 3 p.m. 100 bags tamarinds and OJ bags chillies. ex s.s. Catherine Apcar. (For account of concerned). Powell Co., 126* Auctioneer* AUCTION SALE OF LAND. On Tuetday, June W, at 3.30 p.m. Agricultural land situate at Ulu Bedok.
      358 words

  • 1310 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A friend writes me from New York by the last mails, says, Mr. Gerald Biss in The Standard, that a new automobile act for New York State, had passed both Houses and was only awaiting the Governor's signature to make it law. It
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  • 291 11 Scientific Discussion of a Weird Subject. The Occult Review for May discusses the cause oi the sneoedsion of disasters that have overtaken all those who have anything to do with the haunted mummycase of the Priestess of Amen- Ka in the Egyptian Room of the British Museum.
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  • 172 11 Perilous Plight of the Capital of Portuguese Guinea. The Seoulo, of Lisbon, publishes a lons communication from Biaaao, the oapital of Portuguese Guinea, reporting that, in consequence of a rising of the natives, anarchy reigns throughout the province, and that the town of Bissao itself is being
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  • 91 11 A new tea tabloid has come on the market. It emanates from the west of England and many advantages over the ordinary tea leaf are claimed for it. It is claimed that the useless portions of the leaf are kept out of the preparation, and that
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 784 11 Another Record for Dunlops. 2.875 MILEB THROUGH INDIA. NO TYRE TROUBLES. Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Bombay, May 17, 1909. To THE DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE CO., LTD., Bombay. Dear Sirs, I have much pleasure in congratulating you upon the grooved tyres you are now making. During my tour through India, on
      784 words
    • 4 11 Zymole Tooth Paste l£?S2*S!£
      4 words
    • 61 11 Into the trade school at Liego, Belgium, there has been introduced a course in cigarmaking, fostered by Government subsidy. HARVEY'S S I I CHOP R. V. I 1 Price: $13 per Oase, Duty Paid. SOLD BY Yong Hoa Seng Co. Ghee Soon Co. Yong Lee Seng Co. Hoon Rest Co.
      61 words
    • 260 11 SHEFFIELD SIMPLEX CARS. 20-24 H.P.. 6-CYLINDER, 5-BEATED. WITH HOOD. BCREEN. H.T. Magneto Ignition, Wire Detachable Wheels, 815 x 106 m/m Tyres. Lamps, Horn, Mechanical Lubrication. Petrol capacity: 10 gallons. COMPLETE $5,600 NETT CASH. sole Agents: CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. LATEST NOVELTIES IN Motor Accessories EXSB. M B,MUT AND "TEUOER" Cylinder Oil.
      260 words
    • 262 11 GOUT. 0 Years Cukid. Mr. James Vick, of Avon Cottage, Batheaston, near Bath, England, is well known and highly respected. He writes Dear Sin You will remember that about three years ago I called to thank you personally for the good Doan's Backache Kidney PiUa had done me. It is
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 545 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— Mis •sUaneoas Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc.. to let, are inserted at tbe following rates i— One Insertion $1 30 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 6.30 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.12 Twenty- five 10X0 (Bach subsequent month 96 per inch.) Tbe above
      545 words
    • 377 12 ■isceluieous WANTS. attut-rov Llam, oh or t»» ItNrtlw, R.M Bf las lash, bm sooio oi Cku»w. SHORTHAND-TYHBT WANTEO. Wanted at once, thoroughly competent tutistant shorthand writer and typist. Apply by letter to Derrick Co. ul2oB ASSISTANT SURGEON WANTED. Wanted urgently, qualified Assistant Surgeon to act as Locum Tenens for a
      377 words
    • 608 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Utm -TM* Use* ass mtw laarttaa (us ■r «ka lath, s« ssala al abMam OFFNETBBE LET. OBes oa sseood floor et. Ho. 7. Battery Boa*. Apply to Oasaris aad Co.. Ltd. IST* BUNGALOW TO LET. A fine bungalow, No. 18-*, Mount Elizabeth Road, immediate entry.
      608 words
    • 515 12 TOT BE LET OR SOLD. limi-rwUwMottrkMtkoina at bmb, sm Sal* at Obsbjss. NOUBEB TO BE LET. ■ss. UkWn, lastaMaw HUI. BHar VaJtoy Baal. Applj to LIB OHBJIQ IAB aaiOs. IfTl HOUBES TO LET. No. 28, Sophia Road, and 15 and 16, Devonshire Road. Immediate entry. Apply to 18-3, Prinsep Street.
      515 words
    • 504 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate I rioes. All kinds of India Robber Articles, Sheets, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Oardenhoses, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOORTILES, MATTING, EBOKITE aad Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sol* Agents i MESSRS.
      504 words
    • 370 12 aaw t-fwt Ll—«. m «w ImwMim, KM Bf tta Uah, Seal* of Ckufw. BOARD AND LODGING Rooms vacant. Mrs. von Bargen, 8, Mount Elizabeth. 1113 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Board and apartments for sijgle gentlemen at 11, Dhoby Ghaut. Terms Moderate. 1115 BOARD AND RESIDENCE Comfortable rooms with board. Near town.
      370 words