The Straits Times, 9 June 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.981 SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 9. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 398 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. WINCHESTER REPEATING RIFLE, MODEL 1906. Extra Light Weight. For .33 Short, .32 Long, and .33 Loiir Rifle Rim Fire Cartridge*. k r^*ff*^BMa> "*^t v^ J. The Winchester Model 19U6 is a compact, light weight, takedown rifle, handling .'2J Sliort, Jl Long, and .22 Long KiSo Kirn lin
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    • 329 1 ROBINSON CO. A Fresh Shipment of rovMiutu* otic. rouMisseu* oc s rovmuutu* U VICC-ftOI OH IKDIt It Mad HCftlTIC* 01 i.ntr.t Of IC (MtO'/i Nestor Gianaclis EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES. Petit Format, Fine Quality. Petit Format, Extra Fine Quality, f "Inn, Format Moyen, Extra Fine Quality, i Queen (Gold Tipped). tiL Tho
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  • 703 2 THROUGH SUMMER SEAS WITH HIS MAJESTY'S FLOTILLA. Picturesque Scenery. Writing to the Bangkok Times, from Koh Lak (Pranbnri), on May 89, a correspondent says:— King's weather has attended His Majesty's tour on the Gulf— summer seas, bright sunshine and pleasant breeses. The King is looking very
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  • 334 2 Canadian Pacific Railway Company's New Structure. The Canadian Pacific Railway is now oon strnoting over the Bolly river at Letbbridge, Southern Alberts, one of the largest bridges in the world, and, among large bridges, the highest, or, rather, the one with the greatest headway. It is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 510 2 flspinalls Sanalene (SUPERSEDES PAINT AND VARNISHES). 1 Foi Use on Railway Carriages, Ships' Saloons and Public Buildings. Where this ENAMEL is used no varnish is required: A splendid wall covering for Hospitals and Public Buildings. In "SNOW WHITE" it gives a sanitary hard wearing glossy surface impermeable to dirt and
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    • 6 2 Johnson's Digestive Tablets for Indif Mtion
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    • 817 2 HAD ECZEMA rape Offind On— Mass of Small, Watery Spots Came on Hands, Feet, Legs and Head— lrritation was Fearful —Sought Diferent Doctors and Skin Hospitals in Vain. FOUND "WONDERFUL" CURE IN CUTICURA "I havn nuffewd off and on with eoeema for forty rears in my hands, feet, legH and
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    • 214 2 CALL mi "MOUTRIE'S" FOR THE PIANO. 86 Years' Experience. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S.Moutrie&Co.,Ltd. UNDER GRAND HOTEL EUROPE. CORNER OF HI6H BTREET. Maynard Co., Ltd. 9 ZSS^ l 4» Batter y Wm Singapore, olMBe to Suit Motor Glasses. havr a laroi stuck or all Sights. Pincne,.. BPECTACLEB AND EYEGLASSES Folders. IN
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  • 478 3 FORMIDABLE DEFENCES BUILT IN HELIGOLAND. The Rod to Beat England When in 1890 Heligoland was ceded to Germany by Oreat Britain, Kaiser William 11. declared to the naval forces gathered in bis presenoe This island is destined to become a bastion in mid sea a protection for our
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  • 393 3 General Expansion of the Industry Probable. The Ipoh oorrepondent of the Straits Echo, writing on 2nd inst., says: In the course of the past week I have met some of oar leading miners and have made it my business to obtain their opinions as to the present
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  • 27 3 Did yon parents leave yon anything asked an employer of an applicant for a situation. Yes, sir, replied the lad somewhat curtly they left me an orphan.
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  • 226 3 Mr. John Barrow, residing at 15, Duke Street, .Bradford, Manchester, England, writes: "I shall never fail to recommend Doan's Backache Kidney Pills to others, for the medicine has done me wonderful good. For two or three years I suffered from what I believe was sciatica and rheumatism.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 560 3 I WTAMTQ l? 2 mark HirMll I *3 Sr jfc*^ zA CHILDREN igJ I INVALIDS QUITE A NEW DEPARTURE. 4 Based on Science and Practical Experience. Japanese Grass Matting. THE BEST Fop the FLOORING In the TroDics. IN ROLLS OF 4O YDS. (36 INCHES WIDTH) AND In a Variety of
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    • 73 3 AN AMERICAN NEWBPAPER MAN RECOMMENDS A WELL KNOWN REMEDY. Not long since the following editorial appeared in the Centertown, Missouri, U. 8. A., Leader: "The editor knows by personal experienoe that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure diarrhoea, and we have heard like testimonials from other reliable people
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    • 375 3 M^NNKtWkWLWNNtNkWL^k^M «vgfc» BH^NkWtLWk^Kk^nßEkWKßKk^^kWt BY ROYAL «b 55 AFPOEFTTMEirr. i TABLE DEUCACIES, i^ PICKLES. SOUPS, I I'SiHN^IPV MALT VINEGAR I c^ at 4? l^gy CROSSE I OilinensStqres -ir^L i^^g^gji fH CfIAPOTEADT'S IJJpiOSPBO-eLYCERiTE MM OF LIME Kpconvnenaea ot Loss of Vitality Mid Power, *v Nervous Debility, n. Neurasthenia, foioN. Impotence, nrnuc-N. Dyspepsia,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 638 4 STEAMER SMLMI^ P. &6. STEAM NAVIOATIOI CO. For China, Japan, Penanf, Ceylon, AnatraUa, India, Aden, Bfypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Port I. Steamer) wiU lsave Singapore on or about. MAIL LINE. Outward (for China) Assaye June
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    • 662 4 STEAMEBB SAILING. OCEAN STEAM BHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are deepached from Liverpool outwards for ths Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 678 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. COXBOBD BaWTICB OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. COY.. LTD. A THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BIWBSjB r KEXA«TLB (PERTH > SOUTH WBST A rMTRA LI A* PORTS, JATA A» BHGAPORE Regular FortnighUv sailing! between Singepore and Western Australia, ealttag at Java (as Inducement offers), Derby, King's
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    • 284 4 STEAK! BAILHWB. C.P.R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Hail Stoansblp Lino. THK NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EDBOPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and th. UNITED STATES, Route from Hongkong, via a>..Mfc»i Nagasaki. (Inland Baa of Japan) Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aad Vanoouver, BJLB. "EnTßass or Isuu" Twin-screw (teaBJLB. "Emtbjsm o» J*fm" I men,
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    • 662 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamer* of this) Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and Ih. Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg aad onos a month for Bremerhaven direot, oalling at Peaang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 762 4 BTEJWEB BAILIHI3. N. D. L. Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. The fast and well-known mail steamers ol this Company sail fort nighty from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Saez, Aden, Colombo, Penang. Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai,
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  • 156 5 FIXTURES Wednesday, June 9. High Water, 2.49 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinematograph. Thursday, June 10. High Water, 1.46 a.m 3.52 p m. R. I. homeward mail closes, S. Corpus Christi. Friday, June 11. High Water, 2.52 a.m., 4.56 p.m. N. I>. L. outward mail due.
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  • 161 5 Psr. S. 8. Sailing Mm. Closes Bangkok Braid Jane 9 4 p.m. IVjermMbin Va Haank U 7 a.m. Batavia V. den Bosch 11 7 a.m. Batavit Rumphiue 41 S p.m. l<«tavm Coen 9 4 pm. littu Pahat Mena 9 S p.m. Bali. M'catiar Teo Pao 9
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  • 137 5 ■all Steamer Movement* Tbe Imperial German mail Bteamer Yorok having left Colombo at 7 pm. on tbe sth instant, may be expected to arrive here on Friday morning the lltb instant. The' B. I. contract packet steamer Tara, with the London mails of the 2Ut ultimo, left Negapatam at
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  • 219 5 Latest Arrivals. OUnofU, Brit. itr. 5399 tons, Capt Paddle, June 9. From Rangoon, Joua 3. G.o. and 880 dp. Talk Lee Guan. For Amoy, lane 10 -fas. Hainam, Brit. itr. 149 tom, Capt Phillips, Juu« 9. Frjm Malaooa, June 8. 0.0. and d.p. Boon Keck. For Malaooa, Jane
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  • 140 5 Jan* 7 Comrie, Brit ttr. Calcutta 0.0. Unj.r, Dnt itr. Mnntok and Palembang I'trak, Brit rtr, Telnk Anton via porti f Bamsen, Q«r itr, Bangkok 8 P. K. Iriedrich, Ger Btr, Bramerhavcn via porti TriugfMu. Our atr, Zamboanga \ta ports Japan, Brit btr, Uougkong. (Shanghai, Japan Rajah oj Sarautk,
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  • 88 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONQ PAOAR. East Wharf Basis Tanoarville. EAnW.Sicnoßl-O'fallocli, Sangola. Tbongwa. SaonoM No. 1 (Sauu Wha«t)— Zwetna, Bmtioh Taroba, Patanl. n 8— Hydra. n 4— Vellore. I— Nil. China. 7— Nil. B— Persia. 9— Nil. jAioun'a Wbami—
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  • 125 5 Coming to Singapore. Per P. and U. steamer Malta, due June 12.— Mr. H. V. Towner, Mrs. E. T. Jones and child, Miss Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Urosset and child, Mr. and Mrs. H. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E.
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  • 54 5 Per steamer Kinta, June 7. From Teluk Anson Messrs. Walber and Willes from Port Swettenbam: Messrs. R. Killiani, Fleming, and W. M. Mason from Port Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Roche; from Malacca: Mias Holden, Messrs. W. L. Watkins, Rennie, Robinson and Mica). Per steamer Poh Ann, June 8. From
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  • 184 5 Tbe Dutch cruiser Koningin Kegentes has been released from dock and departed eastwards. Tbo stoaui trawler Tamaye Maru, which is to be put under the Japanese flag, arrived from Swansea, yesterday, en route to Nagasaki. She left England on April 24. She is a vessel of 81 tonn
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  • 324 5 Officers in India Congratulated by Lady Mioto. Tho following is Lady Minfo s speech at a Salvation Army meeting held at Simla on May 29 -Mr. Commissioner and Mrs. Booth Tuoker, I thank you for the opportunity you have given me today of hearing somothiug of the
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  • 214 5 A vory striking testimony to the utility to the public of the new Court of Criminal Appeal was given by Mr. UiU, the most able and experienced defender of prisoners at the liar. Ho remarked that a defendant in a criminal case should have the fact investigated and
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  • 30 5 I hadn't been talking with him three minutes before he called me an ass. What sort of a person is be Well, I never knew him to tell a lie.
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  • 200 5 Four Persons Gored to Death io Portugal. Home papers contain graphic accounts of a panic which was caused at Salucar de ISerramoda, Portugal, by two fierce Spanish bulls which escaped from an enclosure where the) were being kept with a number of others in readiness for a
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  • 240 5 Laughable Cross-Examioation of a Magistrate. A prisoner's cross-examination of tho magistrate formed an amusing episode on Thursday, at the London Sessions. A bricklayer named John O'Brien was put in the dock for sentence as an incorrigible rogue. Refused permission to ask questions of the officer who proved
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  • 177 5 The I'nited States Grand Jury for tbe Southern district of New York has just found an indictment sgainst Robert, M'Mullen, master of the dredger Onondaga, belonging to the Newark Meadows Improvement Co. for breaking on January 22, two cables belonging to the New England Telegraph Co. a
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  • 56 5 One of the pleas put forward by a juror at London Sessions the other day as that reason why he should not serve was that he was a rogue and a vagabond. He was an actor, which, under an old act of Parliament, meant the same thing. That act had
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  • 236 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Sinoapobb, Jink 9, 1909. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4,^ Demand 2/B^', Private 6 m/g 2/4 ,<, do 8 m/s 24 ,'j On Uermany—bmnV d/d 28R Private 8 m/s 2404. do 0 m/s 242} On France- Bank d/d 292 Private 8 m/s 296 do S m/s 2994
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    • 53 5 Howarth Erskine 6% 600,000 1% prem. Riley, Hargreaves 6% 284,000 1% prem. Spore Electric Tramways Co., Ltd. 6% 850,000 nominal Straits Engineering Syndicate, Ltd 0% 45,000 par. Singapore Munioipal 6% 400,000 20% p.n0m 6% 1,878,000 7% prem. 4J-; 1,600,000 8% prem. 4% 002,900 0% disc. Tanjong Pagar Dock Board
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    • 263 5 Captial •800,000 •600,000 £500,000 •400,000 £60,000 £100,000 160,000 £120,000 9450,000 II; j j 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 6.00 12% for '08 10 10 7,500 Bruang, Ltd. 7.00 i 10 |10 Braaeb Hydraulic T. M. Co., Ltd.(l) 7.60 10% (or '08 1 l 48*W(o) Duff Development Co.,
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    • 470 5 Dinnnnn I l > Anglo Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. ...6.0.0 80% for '08 £150,000 j 17/6 contributory 5.17.6 1200,000 10 10 7,400 Balgownie Rubber Estate Ltd. (0)... 42.00 12*% in. '08 £80,000 1 1 6,250 Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd 4 15.0 £80,000 1 1 10,000 BatuTiga(Selangor)R.Co.Ltd. (17) 111.3
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    • 265 5 a) 0% debentures. (6) subscribed by employees.— (c) part paid shares. Bondsss. 'and bonus 2 T por oent for year ended 81/12/03. f and 6, -bonus. Risebves —Figures afternamen of companies indicate that they hold reserves as follows (1) 126,000, (2^14,000. (8) £8,000, (4) £4,878, (5) ♦36,000, (8) 17,400,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 86 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. June \b. At Saleroom, SStTBB Launch A/.uieere. at MA n. L. Coffhlan and Co. lnuo 11. -At Itiloy llargreave.s A Co.. Ltd.. scrap iron, etc., at °2.30. .luno It.— At salerooms, freehold aud leasehold land, Nos. :>, 4 and 5, Roberts Lano, at 2.80. Juno
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    • 108 5 CIGARETTES. "Three Castles" MAGNUMS. A large hand -made Cigarette manufacture! I from the highest grades of Bright Virginia Tobacco. In 50s Patent Air- tight Tins. Obtainable from all first-class Tobacconists. Price: 55 cents t p CO.IC AND DIARRHOEA CURED. After an hour's suffering from cramp colic or diarrhoea, the best
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    • 2 5 Steams' HeadachelCure.fX.iu
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 230 5 WEATHER REPORT. tindang Kerbau Hotpital, June 7, 1909. 9 a. a. |S r. m. 9 r. ir > RAmriixT Bar. It Fab 29.H92 39.848 29.865 Temp 80.0 b 1.5 79 o'■ O.iia. Wet Bulb Ther 710 78 4 77 8 Dirof Wind calm calm calm Vu. Temp.. 88 0 Mm
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  • 1145 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9. BEHIND THE THRONE. For a little while a curt cablegram in the words Obituary Holstein left us sorely bewildered. Who and what was the particular Holstein who was considered worthy of that message? There are Holsteins of royal blood and ducal
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  • 24 6 There was a tremendous crush in the river at noon, yesterday, the stream being impassable to even the smallest craft for over an hour.
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  • 24 6 A Chinese wharf coolie engaged in loading the German mail steamer, yesterday morning, stumbled and fell into the sea. He was not seen again.
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  • 28 6 After their abort, bat successful, season in Singapore the members of the Bandmann Dramatic Co. left to-day for Calcutta. They will play at Penang and Rangoon en route.
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  • 28 6 j The other day a prisoner escaped from the Batu Gajah prison, but had not gone further than a mile from the gaol when he I was captured.
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  • 35 6 Col. H. S. Nelson, C. It A has kindly consented to give a lecture to tbe S. V. A. on tbe examination servioe at the S. V. 0. Drill Hall, on Friday, at 5.30 p.m.
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  • 33 6 A telegram, from Ipoh. in the Malay mail, says that Mr. T. C. Brown, at one time a prospector, has been arrested on charges of impersonating a public servant and extorting mo ley.
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  • 40 6 Sometime ago, we gave particulars of tbe murder of a Canadian boremaster named Rutherford at the oilfields in East Sumatra. The Deli Con rant says that the murderer has since confessed, but he stoutly denies that the crime was premeditated.
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  • 45 6 Ahmat, a syce employed by Mr. J. Cohen, was acquitted by the third magistrate, yesterday, of rash driving in running into a Chinaman. The evidence showed that the Chinaman wax frightened by a motor car and ran into the carriage rather than was run into.
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  • 39 6 The Government buildings are receiving their annual overhauling. PaiDt, whitewash, yellow wash and tar besprinkle the floors, and samples are carried away by the numerous visitors who have business at the Government offices and particularly at the police courts.
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  • 57 6 The Standard nays i It is believed that there is a clever scheme behind Mr. LloydGeorge's Budget. Should the present proposals be passed, it is predicted that there will be a surplus next year, and that the Government, wi'h this sum in hand, will take off as mm taxation as
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  • 63 6 This morning, a pony and a fairly well appointed buggy careered madly along Bukit Timah Road, the syce having altogether lost control over the animal. It cleared the turn into Kampong Java Road by a very close thing and pursued its way towards the race stands. It was then lost
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  • 59 6 News from Kampol, the pepper growing district of Cambodia, show that the local military precautions have baulked the rebel who bad assumed a threatening attitude in that quarter. A patrol, which had traversed the neighbourhood, did not meet with any of the enemy. A detachment has, however, been stationed among
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  • 76 6 A Haiphong paper calls attention to the readiness with which Chinese traders profit by the Tonkin-Yunnan Railway. At the important trading centre of Mongtse customs trade values have risen from about fourteen millions of francs, in 1897, to over 44 millions ten years later an increase of 300 per cent.
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  • 79 6 The cashier of the Chartered Bank at Sourabaya who, as we stated the other day, was stabbed while he was carrying .10,000 guilders for deposit, is recovering. His assailant appears to be a bill collector of another banking institution, and the evidence points to robbery as being the motive force.
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  • 92 6 Is it an airship, or a flock of geese, or a new comet, or a bagge by night that the East Coasters have seen in the sky? asks the Daily Chronicle. In any case it is scaroely probable that it is a German invader prospecting a new and unknown country.
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  • 80 6 The Hugh Ward Comedy Co. finished early this year an extended season of 51 performances (thirteen pieces) in Caloutta. It is curious to note that the backbone of the combination was drawn from the Royal Comic Opera Co., the principals. Miss Celia Ghilooi, Miss Rose Musgrove, Mr. H. H. Wallace,
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  • 84 6 Many Siamese and Chinese are now said to be doing a very excellent trade by bartering goods in Siam. They go to the local stores and get cloth and other articles of olothing, cooking utensils, articles of cutlery, agricultural implements of various kinds, tobacco, cigarettes, mirrors, different sorts of medicine,
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  • 86 6 Reports continue to reach Cochin as to the serious loss sustained by the local merchants in the reoent gale, which seems to have prevailed with unusual severity. Several patamars bringing oargo consigned to merchants here from Bombay and other places on the west coast have either been partially or totally
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  • 94 6 We understand, says the Shanghai Mercury, that as a result of negotiations between the Spanish authorities and the municipal council no oaae as was anticipated, and was even intimated to the council, will ensue in tie court of consuls over A I ham bra contretemps. At present a settlement seems
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  • 459 6 Sir A. F. O. Law has been on a short visit to Penang. Mr. G. A. Will, the chess champion of Aberdeen, recently went to America with tbe intention of making his home in South Carolina. Major General John lago-Trelawny, of Coldrenick, Cornwall, who led the Highland
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  • 61 6 In the speed trials of H. M. S. Invincible 2a knots were made for eight hours. A record of 29 was reached in one hour. The Invincible, according to Brassey's Annual, is one of three new first clans cruisers. She is a sister vessel to the Inflexible
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  • 69 6 The Masonic Lodge at Sourabaya, which bears the name of Friendship has celebrated the centenary of its foundation. Festivities were kept up for three days. The roll of members included the name of Sir Stamford Raffles. Congratulations reached the Lodge from various countries suoh as the Far
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  • 76 6 The attention of the Municipal department ooncernod is drawn to the serious waste of water at a standpipe in Gaylang Road, sitnated near tramway post No. 800. The screw cap of the large nozzle of this pipe has been detached for some time, and immense quantities of
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  • 82 6 The auctioneer's afternoon audience was vory unresponsive. Fetch six policemen with search-warrants, said he to the attendant I must find a bid somehow. This produced nothing better than a grin, and the auctioneer proceeded i There's a chap out there selling forget-me-nots at a penny a bunch.
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  • 131 6 The startling fact is mentioned in the annual report of Dr. H. Williams, medical officer of the port of London, that during last summer the bodies of some dead rats were found in the basement of the pay office at the West India Docks, and investigation showed
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 449 6 llHiluM«Vj|^^i lm\^ *4flM L^L^La^ni^^Lßiifi^L^LiflHEl^ttß SEA WALL AT HORNSEA, BUILT OF CONCRETE REINFORCED WITH V V\ SI M A /3 A BOLE AOENTB FOR MALAYA expanded GUTHRIESCO ITD mJ^^^tjCllt Singapore and Penang. A FEW SUITINGS At Specially Reduced Prices to Clear Before Taking Stock. FANCY LINEN, TWEED. FLANNEL!ANO BLUEBER6E SUITINGS. SHIRTINGS'.
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    • 111 6 G. R. Lambert Co., Ltd. CSTMLISHCD IST*. COURT PHOTOGRAPHERS. The Premier and only Europoan Firm in Singapore. AGFA "AMATEUR ARTICLES prepared and packed specially for the Tropics, are of such quality and offer such facilities that every amateur photographer will do his own developing and printing himself if he has
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  • 101 7 MR. A. CHAMBERLAIN MOVES ITS REJECTION. Challenge to the Free Traders. |HsCTSBB TILIOBAM] London, June 8. In the House of Commons, Mr. LloydGeorge moved the second reading of the Finance Bill. Rejection of the Bill was moved by Mr. Austin Chamberlain. He criticised the provisions of the Kudget
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  • 87 7 FORTY-FIVE BATTLESHIPS PROPOSED. Ten Years Construction Programme Adopted. Rbdtbb's Tblboram. I London, June 9. It is understood that the French Navy Counoil has decided on a programme fixing tbe number of effective battleships at fortyfive. This programme will involve an expenditure of one hundred and twenty millions
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  • 38 7 [RauTst's Tblboraml London, June 9. Notts has beaten Gloucestershire by two wickets. Lancashire has beaten Warwickshire by an innings and 122 runs. Middlesex beat Worcester by seven wickets. Tbe Australians boat Hampshire by six wickets.
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  • 42 7 [Rbutm's Tblboram) London, June 9. Japanese Society in London gave a garden party in honour of the Prince and Prinoess Nashiiuoto. Many diplomatists, Mr. McKenna, First Lord of the Admiralty, and some prominent leaders of society were present.
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  • 114 7 [Rnmi'i Tilioram] London, June 9. The French have won the oup at the international horse show at Olympia. We stated the other day that a record number of competitors had entered for the International Horse Show which opened at Olympia, on Satu -day. The military competitions and
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  • 56 7 Firm Attitude of tbe Constantinople Government. IDm Ostasiatuchi Llotd Tumiu| Berlin, June 8. It is understood that the Greek Government favours the agitation for annexation of Crete to the Crown of Greece. The Grand Vizier of Turkey has declared that bis Government will adhere absolutely to the
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  • 35 7 [Dig Ostasiatischs Llotd Tsuqk**| Berlin, June 8. The Czar visits Denmark in August, but tbe rumours that he will have a second meeting with the German Emperor at Kiel are still unconfirmed.
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  • 24 7 I Dim OtTAsunaon Llotd Tumbaii] Berlin, June 8. The English Labour leaders were highly pleased with their reception at Bremen.
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  • 21 7 [Dm OtTAaiATtaoma Llotd liumu| Berlin, Job* 8. Tbe Sultan will pay visits to Brussa, Adrianople, Salonika and Damascus.
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  • 153 7 Seat of Disturbance Reported to be Near Famous Mine. Our surmise that the recent earthquake could be traced to Sumatra is apparently well founded. The Batavia Nieuwsblad of June 4 says Last night, at about 2 o'clock, an earthquake was recorded at the magnetic observatory here. Tbe
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  • 292 7 Astonished Crowds Dispersed by Police. A hat of the Merry Widow type— of which an official polioe report estimated tbe circumference at 12ft. caused such a stir in Brixton High-road the other evening that the police had to disperse the people who gathered to gaze at it. Probably
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  • 137 7 The Shan Piu and Po Pin lotteries contract in tbe province of Kwangtung, Ciiina, in about to expire. Tbe present monopolist is So Sing Kne, who has held the monopoly for tbe last three years paying $2,000,000 annually for the privilege. Although certain Chinese merchants
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  • 415 7 Toh Wall, who lives at 51—2 Rivet Valley Road, has reported to the police that thieves have removed from his house property valued at 1116. Chan Ah Vow, of 828 Tanjong Pagar Road, heard a burglar in his bouse, last night, and on making investigations discovered that his
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  • 284 7 SULTAN OF KEDAH RECEIVES GOVERNOR'S LETTER. Favourable Impression Created. (From Our Own Cobrespondbnt.) Penang, June 9. Tbe Penang Gazette has tbe highest authority for stating that on the sth inst. tbe Sultan of Kedah received a letter from His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, informing him that
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  • 233 7 Rewards for Bravery in Disaster of 1908. It may be remembered that during February last, rewards were conferred by H. E. The Viceroy of Canton on cortiin members of the Chinese staff at the Taisnan Station of the Kowloon Customs, for life saving and bravery displayed during the
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  • 145 7 Hun Peng Chew was tried in the district court, this morning, on a charge of cheating a coffee-stall holder named Lai Ah Kam by falsely pretending that he intended to pay for coffee and thereby inducing the man to dole ont drinks for three.
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  • 153 7 K% the Municipal board meeting to be held on Friday next, the following resolution will be moved on the recommendation of the Finance and General Purposes Committee: That the following resolution passed at tbe Municipal board meeting held, on May 28, be rescinded (1) That after June 80
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  • 58 7 The King of Portugal has conferred upon Queen Amalia the Grand Cordons of three military orders for works of philanthropy. The Duchess Maria of Sodermanland has given birth to a son. The infant Prince will receive the names of Onstaf Lennart Nicolaus Paul, Lennart being bis principal [name. He will
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  • 366 7 DISCOVERY IN DINING SALOON DECORATIONS. A Neat Plant of Opium. To tbe customs officials at Fremantle, has been revealed still another instance of the cunning of the Chinese in their efforts to keep the supply of opium up to the level of the local demand. In this oase
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  • 302 7 Proposed Club in London for Sea Wanderers. Bronzed and bearded sea captains, mates, marine superintendents, and other mariners, whom business has brought to the port of London, met at the Boroogh Hall, Greenwhich, to discuss the formation of a Maritime offioers' club. The idea is to revive
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  • 255 7 The peculiar sight was witnessed in the polioe court, yesterday, of a man in full Malay costume giving evidence through a Chinese interpreter. He was a Chinaman who had turned Mohammedan. He charged a Mohammedan Indian with cheating him by securing tbe loan of 1100 by giving
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  • 79 7 Commendatore Boni has returned to bis work in the Forum after an arcbnological tour in Egypt, undertaken for the purpose of studying the Roman monuments of that country. His journey extended as far as Assouan, that porta Syenes, where Juvenal was perhaps banished and where three
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  • 74 7 Judgment in Favour of Steamer Owners. The Chief Justice, yesterday, gave judgment with cost* for defendants in the oaae of Chop Boan Teck Seng against Soon Keok, Ltd., owners of the Sri Muar, which recently sank at toe wharf at Muar, the claim being for 11,260, the
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  • 274 7 Not Warranted to Fly the Blue Ensign. The Imperial Merchant Service Guild have lately raised an interesting point concerning certain merchant vessels flying the union jack having a blue border iv addition to tbe blue ensign. Tbe latter flag is flown in virtue of an admiralty
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  • 464 7 Lessons to be Learned from Fatal Carriage Accident. A shocking carriage accident which lately occurred in Park Street, Calcutta, as a result of whioh an unfortunate native coachman who was endeavouring to steer a runaway horse in an office gharry was killed, is a warning to all
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  • 193 7 Many soldiers were in court, yesterday afternoon, when the Pulau Brani fatal shooting incident came before the third magistrate. Mr. Hawtry, assistant superintendent of polioe, prosecuted and Mr. Harris defended the accused, Privates Miller and Dunkley, of the Middlesex Regiment, who stood charged with culpable homicide
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  • 61 7 AUSTRALIA'S DREADNOUGHT ACCEPTED. Wireless Stations on British Coast. Raima's Tslsoram] London, .1 uno K The Imperial Government has accepted the offer of a Dreadnought made by thu Commonwealth of Australia. The British Admiralty proposos to take over the wireless stations aloun thu Kritish Coast and to establish others
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  • 88 7 Assize Case Stopped by a Jury at Penang. (From Ouk Own l'okkkmuvuknt.i Penang, June 9, At tbe fifth day's bearing, before Mr. Justice Braddoll, in the Supreme Court, of tbe case against Joseph Smith and a Malay named Ismail, who are charged, the first with using a forged
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  • 185 7 Commander's Son Missing From Enniskillen. What is foared to be a sad drowning accident in Lougb Erne, county Fermanagh, is reported from Knuiskillen. For some months past Mr. Lewis Delves Brougbton, son of the late commander C. D. Broughton, R. N., of Swiss Cottage, Deal, and related
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  • 299 7 Prof. Ramamurti. the Indian Sandow. continues to draw large audiences with his excellent entertainment on the water front in Beach Road. He has a number ol very clever Indian acrobats in his troupe, and the mystic cabinet act of Miss Flora is sufficiently mystifying to bewilder everybody.
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  • 135 7 Before the Chief Justice yesterday, Syod Mahomed bin Alsagoff, L. P. van Cuylenberg and others, owners of the Express sawmill at Gaylang, commenced an action in which they claimed a right of way to their sawmill over certain adjoining land which had been purchased by tbe
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  • 116 7 A Malay gardener named Kassiui was arrested by the Orchard Road polioe on a charge of assault and was taken to the station. Baba, a Malay corporal, took charge of bis effects, which included, according to his story, a gold ring worth 116. Subsequently, when he wax
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  • 1288 8 LORE AND LESSONS BY JOHN ROBERTS. Part XVII. Decline of Pool. Pool, always excepting the popular snooker, is not played nowadays to anything like tho extent it used to be. Players of the old school can easily remember the time when pool went on merrily every night iv many
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  • 389 8 New Establishment at Philippine Hill Station. A boarding school for European and American boys is being constructed at Baguio, the Philippine bill station, by the Episcopalian denomination. Work on the main building, which is to cost 10,000 pesos, has been commenced and it is the ex pec tation
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  • 185 8 Unable to Meet the Municipal Wages Bill. The Macao correspondent of the HongkoDg Daily Press writes lam sorry to report that the Leal Senado finds itself in a position of inability to fully meet the wages bills of the Municipal employes. Municipal policemen and the Sanitary
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  • 148 8 Srinagar news says that nothing further has been heard of the Abruzzi Expedition, and its operations are apparently kept secret. Letters are forwarded to Skardu in a special post bag and the postal department have detailed an official to assist the party with their mails. The local
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  • 111 8 According to the Manila Times. Mr. John Hays Hammond has declined to accept the post of minister to China offered to him by President Taft. The President is reported to be in a quandary as to the selection of a man for this post. Among men in
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 341 8 High tide on Sunday next is at 5.46 a.m The annual competitions of tho National Rifle Association, at Bisley. start on July 12 and last till the 24th. Taiping drew a starter in the Calcutta Derby swoop this year, the holders of the ticket being a warder*
      341 words
    • 47 8 Imperial Conference. It is officially announced that the following have been nominated to represent the M.C.C. at the Imperial Cricket Conference which it is suggested will be held on June 15 The Karl of Chesterfield (president of the M. C. C), Lord Harris, and Lord Uawke.
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    • 60 8 Singapore Qolf Club. The May competition for Souvenir Spoons was played on Friday, the 4th inst., and resulted in a win for Mrs. Fowlie. The Juno competition, played on Monday, was won by Mrs. Dundas, who returned a nett score of :>h. The following cards were returned. Kuicrsuu Miller
      60 words
    • 204 8 S. C. C. v. R. E. A fast and exciting game, despite the slippery state of the ground, was played on the Ksplanade, yesterday, between elevens representing the S. C. C. and the R. E. Play started with the Club running down nicely, but tho attack was staved off
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  • 229 8 London Scottish Beaten in Annual Contest. The contest at Bisley in combined marching and shooting for the 50 guineas cup given by the Daily Telegraph proprietors was evenly divided between the Household Troops and the London Territorials, each being represented by nine teams. The preliminary march of
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  • 345 8 How Minoru Won a Great Race on the Post. Latest exchanges state that the King's cort Minoru won the Derby amid a scene of unparalleled enthusiasm. His Majesty afterwards leading in the winner. Just before the race started rain fell. Sir Martin fell coming down the hill,
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  • 427 8 Pretty Pageant at the Sports Exhibition. The clean and ingenious game of bowls— to apply the epithet bestowed on billiards by King James the First— has a certain superficial resemblance to the indoor pastime, but they differ in this whereas billiards is essentially spectacular bowls otters but
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  • 162 8 A general court martial was held, on May 25, in the library, N anowrie Barracks, for the purpose of trying three prisoners. Col. Wustlake, -itith Light Cavalry, was the president, Major Wilkins, 11th Mabrattas, was ludgo Advocate aud Capt. Kllis, 121 st Pioneers, prosecuted. The prisoners, Privates
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  • 119 8 Australian Rifles Smuggled Across the Frontier. With reference to the declaration made by the Commonwealth defence department that since the federation of Australia barrels of discarded rifles have invariably been twisted and flattened beyond repair before sale, the Englishman, of Calcutta, insists that Martini rifles bearing Australian marks
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 180 9 Our PIANOS are i— v Selected Personally AT THE FACTORIES AND ARE The Pick of the Best ENGLISH AND GERMAN MAKERS, and are built in every particular for this climate. Hire op Monthly Payments. THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LD. CINEMATOGRAPH PATHE SINGAPORE. 1 SOLE AGENCY FOR J^/t Pathe Freres, Paris.
      180 words
    • 898 9 TENDERS for REVENUE FARMS. Tenders are invited for tbe lease of Revenue Farms in the State of North Borneo from the Ist January, 1910, as set oat hereander. REVENUE FARMS IN THE STATE OF NORTH BORNEO. 1. In making arrangements for the leasing of the Farms for the next Farm
      898 words
    • 471 9 (h) Tbe Opium Farmer is responsible for seeing that Chanda is bo* sold by retail at the Opium Farm or at 'the Opium Farm shops at prices higher than those fixed by Government and named above (g). The Opium and Spirit Farmers may fix their own prices for supplying the
      471 words
    • 416 9 STEAMER SAILINGS, UNION 8.8. 00. OF NEW'ZEALAND. LTD. SINGAPORE TO NBW ZEALAND DOtBOT, AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON, LITTLETON AND DDNBDIN, AISO CALLIMO AT SAMARANG AND FIJI (IF IHDUCIMINT OfTIBS). The Company's T.S. Steamer APARIMA. 8.704 tons, H. A. Rutter, Commaadar, maintains a regular f oar-monthly service between Singapore and New Zealand. Excellent
      416 words
    • 555 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD Two regular services are maintained 1 between JAPAN and EDROPB by tbe Company's well-known TWIVSTREW STEAMERS under Mail Contract with tbe Imperia Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Servioe, lighted throaghoat by Electricity, provided witli excellent accommodation for First and Second
      555 words

  • 689 10 SPANISH HATRED OF INSPECTOR ARROW. Bodyguard Supplied. Owing to the extraordinary acerbity which characterises Spanish municipal politics, the difficulties of Inspector Arrow's work of fighting the bomb-throwers of Barcelona, have been enormously increased. At the recent municipal elections in that city the Government party, which had previously
    689 words
  • 141 10 The following are facts so far as can be ascertained concerning an alleged kidnapping of a Mahomedan girl and alleged attack on missionary ladies. For a fortnight or so a Mahomedan girl residing within the municipality of Brahmanberia, India, was missing. She was ultimately found in
    141 words
  • 140 10 Sweeping reforms are suggested for Cambridge University. Some time ago a committee was appointed to consider the constitution and government of the University. They have issued two reports, which will probably be brought before the Senate for voting in the near future. The first report deals
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 607 10 BANKING COMPANIES CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IHOORPORATi£D BT ROYAL CHABTEB. Faid op Capital in 60,000 Shares of aoL «i,i00.000 n—l1 11 Fund *1. 574,000 It 1 Liability of Proprietor! fll,K»,000 BANKERS. Bank oi England. National Bank of Bootland. Tie leadoa City A Midland Bank, Ltd. BINOAPORE BRANCH.
      607 words
    • 591 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital iv,000,000 RESERVE FUND Btsrlins Rsservs 116,000,0001 MB fiOO 000 BUTerlWve •14,600,000f l lOW| w tUsarva Liability of Propritton 118,000,00 c COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Orssson, Chairman. B. E. Tomkinu, Esq., Deputy Chairman. E. O. Barrett, Bsq. O. R.
      591 words
    • 412 10 INSURANCE Complies ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE AND LIFE. TOTAL FONDB EXCEED *14,M0,000 •a. LAuan mi omoa a m wo«u>. BOaSTEAD a 00.,—A t mu ODARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, LONDON. Subscribed Capital 0,000,000 Total Invested Funds £8,160,000 Inoome 41,100,000 Tha undersigned. Agents for tha abort Oomnany, an prepared to aooept
      412 words
    • 4 10 otearns wins «<>• wh»i. •j«.m.
      4 words
    • 783 10 SALES BY AUCTION. SATURDAY. JUNE 12. AT 2 P.M. Important Auction Sale OF HIGH-GRADE TEAK FURNITURE. PIANOFORTE PLANTS. THE PROPERTY OF W. E. SHARP, Esq., who is prooeeding to Europe, At "Selbourne Villa," 36, Cairnhill Road. Comprising: a BRILLIANT TONED COTTAGE PIANOFORTE IN TEAK CASE BY "H. RAWIE," VERY HANDSOME
      783 words

  • 1024 11 NOTES AND COMMENTS ON CURRENT TOPICS. A correspondent writes to the Times of Malaya that, owing to the dangerous and trumpery deviation pnt up by the P. W. D. on the main road from Kampong Dew to Taiping, at Simpang Ampat this road is now unsafe for motorists, gharries,
    1,024 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 497 11 Another Record for Dunlops. 2.875 MILEB THROUGH INDIA. NO TYRE TROUBLES. Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Bombay, May 17, 1900. I To THE DUNLOP PNEUMATIC TYRE CO., LTD., Bombay. Dear Sirs, I have much pleasure in congratulating yon upon the grooved tyres yon are now making. Daring my tour through India,
      497 words
    • 6 11 Johnson's Digestive Tablets difwt all food.
      6 words
    • 490 11 SHEFFIELD SIMPLEX CARS. 20-24 H.P, 6-CYLINDER. 5-BEATEO. WITH HOOD. SCREEN, H.T. Magneto Ignition, Wire Detachable Wheels 815 X lO6 m/m Tyres, Lamps, Horn, Mechanical Lubrication. Petrol capacity: 10 gallons. COMPLETE $5,600 NETT CASH sole Agents: CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. LATEST NOVELTIES IN Motor Accessories EX 8 8. "BHMLA" AND "TEUCER CYLINDER
      490 words
    • 124 11 DOGS HEAD Brand AHEAP of ALL. BASS'S ALE, 'GUINNESS'S STOUT. SOLD EVERYWHERE. KIM HIN AND CO., 18, KJing Street, Singapore. 726 PILSENER BEER. KEY BRAND. I»PO«TIO lIICI IIT« f^gjlßll* tm^'^im. Ml^^PV. \&3Uai ..u" Jwm ¥JP^ XaBJ^BL fTfv wuZa JM^Y' AJ^BL""' 7 "'JB^^w -t j&y^Bh_*M£KJtojr BBWARB OF IMITATIONS. None Genuine vithont
      124 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 532 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— Mis eellaneous Wants of Every Description. Houses, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at the following rates One Insertion 81.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 6.20 Nine 5.40 Twelve 7.12 Twenty- fire 10.00 (Each subsequent month 15 per inch.) The above rate is
      532 words
    • 440 12 ARTIGLES FOR SALE. KiTis I— Yon Llim, oh or two l«j*rtlomm, fIJH Bi ttn|i*nh>ll Inill rrf flisrrti RUBBER BTUMPB FOR BALE. Good Bobber Stamps, 10 monthi old. Apply Manager, Ltnggi Plantations, Ltd., Seremban. ■MM FOR BALE. i 11 ilk Tancarville," as she now lies at Tanjong l'agar, close to the
      440 words
    • 561 12 TO BE LET OR 80LD. Bin -row Urn, dm ot two iwrtioi fim Br sk. task, w. smJ* %l shtrtM OFFICE TO BE LET. Offlee on weond floor ot. Mo. 7, Battery Boad. Apply to Qalhrle aad 00.. Ltd. Olt7B BUNGALOW TO LET A fine bungalow, No. 13a, Mount Elizabeth
      561 words
    • 604 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Itnii-rost Urnm. w m Mr smUm, SUM CkaifM. HOUSES TO BE LET. Hot. SI aad 83, Imillnbon HOI, Rlrw Valley Boad. Apply lo LEE OHENQ TAH HOUBEB TO LET. No. 28, Sophia Road, and 15 and 10, Devonshire Road. Immediate entry. Apply to 18-2,
      604 words
    • 395 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Gardenhosos, Tubes. ENDLESS* BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      395 words
    • 308 12 LOST OB FOUND. Ratis:— Pira Linn, on* or two liwrtlot (1.00 By the inch, Scale of Charge*. DOG LOST OR STOLEN A fox terrier, dog, spotted black and whitr short tail, named Tom." To any person giving information for the recovery of tin right dog, a reward of S2O will
      308 words