The Straits Times, 31 May 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.973 SINGAPORE. MONDAY. MAY 81. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 183 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd THERMOS" PATENT FLASK. Always Ready Without The Least Trouble. .HOT m COLD BEVERAGES J|mL DRINKS will remain Hot for H hours without any g£ Alil rc ain Cold for weeks. No ce or application of fire or any precautions 9fcp~~~" lSl artificial cooling means required, against cold.
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    • 115 1 HARIMA HALL Cinematograph, North Bridge Road. To- Night ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. STRING ORCHESTRA ELECTRIC FANS. K. HARIMA, Sole Proprietor. THE Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.M.B. A New First-class Hotel. Fitted with Electric Light and tans. Five minutes from Railway Station. Overlooking tbe Padang. Single and Doable Bedrooms, with Private
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    • 278 1 ROBINSON CO. dssk> I PERAMBULATORS AND -=g> MAIL CARTS. No. 1. is a perambulator made of strong papier iu:i:lu- gt (I 's. jb body, which is' very jliglit and durable, is well uphol jtu^-O^Abv l\\ stered[and has rubber-tyred wheels and reversible hood. m > *>Jcy^- J^ jt^, \i v Prioei
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  • 983 2 EXPERIMENTING WITH GALVANIC PSYCHOMETER. Back of the Human Eye. The electrical device described at length in the daily preaa as a machine tor detecting lie*, and technically called a galvanic psyebometer, is useless aa a detector of falsehoods, we are told by a writer in The Lancet, although
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 286 2 GARRETTS PORTABLE ENGINES ~t I ~S/K m^BfS/mWfBtS'j3KP sTs^BsaßsM^T (^^ES^^l Fitted with patent Economical Fire-box for burning wood fuel. OVER FHTIf IN USE IN THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES. 10, 12 mnd 14- h.p. In Stock. IMPORTERB i BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. No More Crust BOILERS! WHERE "D.M." BOILER COMPOSITION IS USED. A
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    • 6 2 Johnson's Digestive Tablets difMt aU food.
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    • 491 2 SEVERE TEETHING RASH CURED Sprwd Owr Body and Face— Btby Scratched and Rubbed Till It Bled and Caused Great Pain and Agony —First Bath with Cuttcura Soap Brought Sleep— Cure Followed. MOTHER FINDS GOOD FRIEND IN CUTICURA "I first started lining Cutieura Soap about two and a half years ago
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    • 611 2 The Flying Man r X^ v^ -s v ss^ N~"N >» < -—^^^SSir^ssiL- i "iT^-_»»~ <J "ILBS pm CMssi to k«nmi t.,ikml a :l<>p on Oclolm JO. IM. Nerve Strain and Exhaustion— Mr. Henry Farman's marvellous conquest of the air ;s; s another of those brilliant triumphs of nerve force
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  • 1158 3 AN IMPORTANT GROUP OF THREE ESTATES. Productive Land in Perak. The results of threo more rubber'companies came to hand yesterday, and all of them bear witness to the remarkable prosperity of the industry, says the Financial News of the 30th alt. The most important of the little group
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  • 290 3 Causes Unpleasant Interruption to Festivities. Although festivity i« naturally the rale, uninterrupted harmony does not always reign at wedding parties of the humbler classes, and a very queer story is told of the rather tragic conclusion of a marriage banquet in Paris, a few days ago. According
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  • 294 3 Cumshaw Curashaw. I met with a fanny adventure while in Hongkong, writes a recent visitor to a Manila paper. I was walking along the waterfront smoking a cigarette to help keep the smell away one meets with all kinds and conditions of smells in Hongkong when a little slip of
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  • 231 3 According to M. P. Bellile, a French naval surgeon on board the Descartes, which has been engaged in the campaign in Morocco, the members of the ship's company who were employed in wireless telegraph doty developed various affections in consequence of the action of the Herrian waves.
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  • 86 3 A young servant named Florence Jermyn, employed by Mr. Arthur Stables, of Colchester, was awakened to find her room full of smoke. She tried to make her way downstairs to alarm the household, bat was driven back by the flames. The girl then got oat of her
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 700 3 CALL at "MOUTRIE'S" FOR THE PIANO. 36 Years' Experience. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. Mou trie Co., Ltd. UNDER 6RANO HOTEL EUROPE. CORNER OF HIGH STREET. The United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ld. SOLE ABENTB FOR THE UNITED ASBESTOS CO., LTD This company has held, and still holds, a prominent place in adapting
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    • 5 3 Johnson's Digestive Tablets ur» d;fp*p.U.
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    • 33 3 A CURE FOR BOWEL TROUBLE No matter how severe an attack of diarrhoea may be, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy never failss to give relief. For sale by all Dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 402 3 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL GENINEERS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, Boiler Makers, Bridge Builders and General Contractors. SOLE AGENTS IFOIR, Worthington Pump Co.'s Patent Pumps Polsometer Engineering Co.'a Pulsometer Pnmps Robey and C'o.'s Portable Engines and Machinery Richard Hornsby and Son's Oil and Gas Plants Waygood's Lifts and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 680 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China. Japan, Penan*;, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Port*, Plymouth and London. Through U.ih of L»i mml for Chin* Coast r.T tv Gulf, Ooitiuiuttl, aul Aimrioan Fort i ri will 1 jay Sio (»p >ra on or about. MAIL/LINE. Ou'.wird (for
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    • 668 4 STEAMERS SAILING. OCEAN STEAM BHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every we»k aad from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 623 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P.R Canadian Paoiflo Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lino. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE TIA OHIHA JAPAN, CANADA aad the UNITED STATES, Route from Hongkong, rid Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kcbe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, R.M.B. "E-nassor Ihdia" 1 Twin-sorew steaR.M.S. Eimnss or Japas men,
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    • 337 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBDIIU KKKVHE OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. COY.. LTD.. THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. ■Biwasi KKKJI4XTLE (PERTH) KOKTH WEST 41 STKAI.I A.\ POSTS. JAVA AUD SINGAPORE Regular Fortnightly sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as Inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound, (Port for the
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    • 642 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Ths steamsrs of this Company maintain a regular servloe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and ths Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerbaven direot, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 792 4 STEAMER BAIUHBB. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Herman Mail Line. Tbe fast aud well-known mail steamers ol this Company Hail fortuighty from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Osnoa, Naples (oouneotion Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port S»id, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongksng Shanghai, Nagasaki and
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  • 609 5 Satisfactory Rise Reported in Price of Silver. Meters. Samoel Montagu and Co. report from London, on May 6, as follows Bar gold was in special request and the price rose to 77s. 9|d., on which basis the arrivals about balf a million sterling were sold to the Continent,
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  • 241 5 Coming to Singapore. Per P. and O. steamer Macedonia, connecting with the steamer Devaoha at Colombo, due Jane 4.— Mr. M. Tadd, Mr. K. Loon Kin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott, Mr. K. J. Blair, Mr. W. Gibson, Mr. A. D. Allan, J. B. Wilkinson. Per P.
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  • 1387 5 Under this heading the following abbreviations are used str. steamer ah. ship bq. barque ;»oh. schooner Tot. Yacht; Cm. —Cruiser. O'bt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Hone-power Brit. British U.S.— United State* Foh.— French Oer.— Oennan Dot.— Dutch Ital.— Italian Span.— Spanish Bar.— Sarawak O.o.— General- aargo; dj»
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  • 306 5 Famous Zoo Tortoise Beats All Records. The aged tortoise at the London Zoo, well named Methnnelab, has failed to wake from his annual winter sleep, says a home paper. Consternation reigns amongst bis admirers, and it is feared that after two hundred and fifty years of life this wonderful
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  • 199 5 Oh now adays, we read of naught Bat beastly German scare* Of bow they're bnilding big Dreadnoughts To tails us unawares. And all the country round about Has taken such a fright With party politicians gup Ita hard to say who's right. Jack Fisher with his one horse
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  • 74 5 Fob Phi Htbajco Tim To iouoi BaUvia La Seyru Q ».m. Muntok and Palembang 0. 0. Jf«y«r 11 ».m P. Swattanham, Peoaag iiotonui 1 p.m. Bumwak Kucking 1 p-m. Saigon Kampot lpm. Manila, Honkkong, Japan Teuctr lpm. Hoar and Malacca Lady IVcld > p.m. Port Swatteham via port*
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  • 71 5 Prom Eurpoe By the P. A O. steamer Davanha, do* Jane 4. From China By th. P. A. O. iteamer Ooeana, due May t. lime Table of Mails Due M» 7 8 MM. M»y 8 F. 10, M»y 10 M.D.L. M.y IS B. I. M»y 17 M.
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  • 249 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. SiNOAFOU, Mat 29, 1908. Or London— Back 4 m/a 2/4} Demand a/8 ft Private 0 m/a 2/4} do 8 m/a 2/4 On Grrm any— Bank d/d '287 1 Private 8 m/a 24(ty do 0 m/a 343J On Franee Bank d/d 302 Private 8 m/a 296 do 0
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    • 51 5 Howarth Erekine 6% 000,000 1% prem. Riley, Hargreavee 6% 284,000 1% prem. Spore Electric Tramways Co., Ltd. 6% 350,000 Domioal Straits Engineering Syndicate, Ltd. 6% 45.000 par. Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 20%p.n0m 6% 1878,000 7% prem. *i% 1,600,000 B%prem. 4% 602,900 6% disc. Tanjone Pagar Dock Board 6% 1,060,000
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    • 260 5 Captial I H I > Sharks Paw Urn COMPANT Quotations Last DtVIDIHD $800,000 8300,000 •600,000 10 10 10 10 10 10 7,600 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. Braang, Ltd. Bruseh Hydraulic T. M. Co., Ltd.(l) Doff Development Co., Ltd. 000 7.00 7.60 \'i% for "08 i' 6% for"6e £600,000
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    • 403 5 £160,000 •200.000 £80.000 £80,000 £80,000 £70,00(1 £35,000 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17/6 10 1 1 1 10/. nn 15/17 18 1 m 10/. 8,800 7,400 6.260 10,000 Anglo-Malay
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    • 178 5 $1,500,000 10 60 125 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 7 60 125 4611 EIMWIU OlUUlblUg VAI., LjIU. IU.UU I 675 I Fraser A Neave, Ltd. (8) 142.50 HoDgkong A Shanghai Bank. (9) 00.0.0 Howarth Erskine Ltd. (10) 90.00 7% Preference 100.00
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 152 5 Mall Steamer Movement. Hokbwabo P. axd O. Mail. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Oceans, left Hongkong, at 1 p.m on Saturday. and is due hura at 4 p m. on Wedo.aday, th. Ind proximo. OCTWABD P. AMD O. MAIL. The P. anil O. outward mail steamer Devanha, left
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    • 187 5 AUCTION SALES. Mowell and Co. June 1. At saleroom, freehold building site fronting Orchard Road, etc., at 2 80. June 1. At saleroom, unredeemod pledges, at 10 June 8. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10 June 6. At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10. H. 1- Cog-blan and Co. Jnne I.—
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    • 87 5 a) debentures.— (6) subscribed by employees. (o) p»rt paid shares. Bonuses. *and bonus 'H per oent for year ended 81/12/06. fands/bonus. Rbsirvbs Figures after names of oompanies indicate tbat they bold reserves as follows: (1) 125,000, (2) »14,000, (8) £6,000, (4) £4,873, (5) $25,000. (6) $7,400, (7) £8.784 (8)1160,000, V
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 117 5 DAY BY DAY. i Monday, May 31. High Water, 8.81 p.m. Whit Monday, Bank Holiday. M.M. homeward mail due. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinematograph. Tuesday, June 1. High Water, H. 57 a.m., 8.60 p.m. Wednesday, June a. High Water, 0.40 a.m., 0.26 p.m. Thursday, June 3. High Wator, 10.20
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    • 352 5 Vessels at Tanjong Pagar and Xeppel Harbour. Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day TAN JON Q PAGAK. East Whib» BAsm TanoarviUs. Bast W.Ssonoa 1 Olaofalloob, Teeata.Lai Sang Sw«« No. 1 (Snmas WiAar)— Nil. Sacnoa I— Knoa Sang. K S— Nil. 4— Hong Moh. m S-Nil. 6— Tsnoer Fnh
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    • 27 5 WE Al HER TBLBORAM. Hongkong, May SI, 10 a.m. Barometer 19.80 Direction of Wind East FwoeofWlnd Max. Temp In Shade 77 Manila, 768 B.W. 1 10. IS
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  • 1265 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, MAY 31. SIR JOHN FISHER'S WORK. It has been stated that Sir John Fisher will retire from the position he holds as First Sea Lord of the Admiralty next October, that being the date at whioh a five years' term of servioe will
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  • 19 6 Tbe long bayonet has been issued to the home battalions tbe Buffs Middlesex Regiment and Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders.
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  • 30 6 A coolie employed at a Chinese shop at 89 North Bridge Road, wan given 960 by the proprietor to change, yesterday, bnt neither coolie nor coin Has since been seen.
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  • 34 6 A woman is said to be at tbe bottom of Home trouble afflicting Matsut, a Javanese gardener of Stevens Road, who bas reported to the police the loss of ten sarongs and a coat.
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  • 29 6 A correspondent is informed that the provisions of the Sunday Labour Ordinance do not affect tbe coolies tapping and tinkering on the roof of the Supreme Court on Sundays.
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  • 36 6 One of the features of the naval and military tournament has been tbe display of hedgerow fighting by cyclists of the old 20th Middlesex K. Vs., who are now tbe only Territorial oyolist regiment in London.
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  • 48 6 Lord Roberts, who wrote regretting his inability to attend the inspection of tbe Datchet Co. of tbe Church Lads' Brigade, said I want every boy to have tbe satisfaction of feeling when he grows np that, if his country needs his services, be is fitted to give them.
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  • 51 6 In the House of Lords on the 6th inst., tbe motion for the second reading of Lord Alverstone's Bill providing for simply recording, without pronouncing, the death sentence in oase of child murder by a mother when the sentence is unlikely to be executed, was carried by 75 votes to
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  • 48 6 To-morrow is to be the Rev. F. B. Meyer's field-day for the Chinese The engagements are all preachors and other workers 9 a.m. Prinsep Street Church, 7 80 p.m. Chinese Christian men and women, and 8-80 p.m. Tanjong Pagar Koad Church for a Chinese mass meeting for preaching.
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  • 47 6 The body of the man found drowned at Salford. and identified as that of John Marsden, was buried at Leigh cemetery. After tbe funeral Marsden appeared at his home, and said that he had been tramping in search of work. His relatives bad drawn the insurance money.
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  • 50 6 A syce attired in spotless white driving a private gharry, containing a similarly robed Chinaman, along the Esplanade, at 6 80 p.m. yesterday, should be given to understand that it is against tbe law to smash up a thirdclass ricksha, upset three people and then sneak away into High Street.
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  • 54 6 Intense bitterness prevails in Newfoundland in connection with tbe general elections. Sir Robert Bond, tbe ex- Premier, in attempting to land at Western Bay on Ist instant to address a political meeting, was thrown into tbe sea, but was rescued by sailors. Tbe meeting that be was to have addressed
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  • 61 6 In the Supreme Court, on Saturday, Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith upheld the convic tion of a Chinaman named Gob. Cbee Cbian, who appealed against a sentenoe of four months' imprisonment imposed by Mr. Colman on a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of 184 belonging to his employer.
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  • 81 6 Tbe hearing has been concluded of the case in which Mrs. Diana Cooway Thornton, widow of the late Mr. Cinway Thornton, who was in the British Diplomatic servioe. brought an action to recover compensation from Messrs. Henniker and Hogs;, Limited, ol S juthaniptun, in respect of what is described as
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  • 84 6 The ordinary general meeting of the Ban que de I'lndo Chine was held in Paris, on May 5. The report of the Council states that the results of 1908 allow the distribution of a dividend of 150 as compared with f.47 50 for the preceding year. The meeting unanimously approved
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  • 75 6 An animated controversy is in progress between Sir A Swettenlmm, the ex-Governor of Jamaica, and Sir S. Oliver, the Governor, regarding the amalgamitioo of Kingston with St. Andrew, where Sir Alexander Swettenham owns property and resides. The ex-Governor says that the Government misunderstands the financial situation, to which Sir Sydney
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  • 110 6 The fea»t of Wbit Sunday was celebrated at the Cathedral of the God Shepherd, yeHterday, with the usual Puntincal Hiith Mass and Venpem. Bi-liop Barillon officiated at both xervicen, an<l «v afwixtwrl by Fuuer» Rivet. Poug«t ami Uliaplio as Maater of o»remoni< 8. d. a*>u aud hub tl aeon, rexpectively.
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  • 445 6 Mrs. Pearoe, wife of Rev. T. W. Pearoe of the London mission, Hongkong, is dead. Capt A. H. Hooper, 3rd Middlesex Regi. ment, was placed on the siok list on tfce 27th inst After divine service at the Achilleion, Corfu, on May 2. the Kaiser as usual
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  • 23 6 The steamer Netherton, in command of Capt. Watson, arrived at Port Said from Singapore on May 12, all well.
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  • 55 6 The China Mutual Steam Navigation Co.'s steamer Kintuck arrived at Port Swettenham at 1 p: m. on Friday, and left for Europe at 4 p.m. with a large cargo which included rubber. The steamer thus has the distinction of being the first oceangoing vessel to call at Port
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  • 90 6 The mobilisation of the garrison of (lib raltar fortress came to an end on May 1, and the result of the mimic attack was favourable to the garrison. A new feature of the manoeuvres this year was tbe firing with 60-puunders at a dummy aeroplane moored
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  • 94 6 Mr. Horley 's Holiday. The Rev. W. E. Horley. principal of the Methodist Boys' School, Kuala Lumpur, in enjoying a holiday at home, and incidentally taking a share in the anti-opium campaign. We notice that he was preseut on April 80, at the annual meeting in London, of tbe Society
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  • 95 6 Mr. Andrew Pears, managing director of Messrs. A. and F. Pears, Limited, hoapmakers, who died on February 10 last, left ehtate of the gross value of £134,402. of which the net personalty Inn been B worn at £72.445. Probate of his will has been granted to his
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  • 112 6 At Hongkong on May 22, Chit f Defective In»p. Hanxon charged Sim Cliou Samy >.h >i J. W. Dod-400,a Eiropuan driH^d Chiut He, with the larceny of 170 000, Ihiw-oq S^pw-iubi-r 80, 1901. aod April 9, l»(i». wiihia the juriNdiciiua u( the Straits S ill.*.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 68 6 Messrs. Robinson Co., "USEST I HIRANO »f Japanese t\ Table Water. mk 'I? Per case of 4 do/ P illts $4.25 nett HIEA-n O I>er case of H doz. splits $6.00 nett U V^v- j SOLE AGENTS i 111! John Little Co. •••••••••••••••♦••••••••••♦a* SfrenchJ I TILES. I f t m
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    • 170 6 ALHAMBRA To-Night I "La Tosca" FOR A FEW NIGHTS ONLY. Wednesday, June 2, Under the Kiid Patronage of THE MALAYA FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. A Special Programme will be Presented. Seats may be booked in advance at the Alhambra. IN ACTVE PREPARATION. From the Book that made EMILE ZOLA famous "L'ASSOMMOIR" better
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  • 161 7 BITTER FIGHT IN REICHSTAG COMMITTEE. Allegations of Terrorising. [Fbdtir'i TaiiomAMJ London, May 30. A Berlin telegram states that there h»B been a stormy scene in the Finanoe Com. mittee of the Reichstag. The minority, consisting of Radicals, Liberals, and Socialists, withdrew under protest that there was terrorisation by
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  • 62 7 EXPECTED TO OCCUPY ALL THE SESSION. Very Little Compromise Made. [Rsutbb's Tblboram] London, May 30. The text of the Finance Bill is remarkable for its length and complexity and its controversially. I. is expected to monopolise all the timt of the House until the prorogation. It contains
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  • 27 7 [Rbutm's TsLsoaAM.] London, May 29. The Invincible has steamed from Queensterry to Spithead at an average spaed oj 98 knots per hour.
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  • 26 7 [RaUTHB'S TSLS(»R»«IS| London May, 81. Tbe Japanese Princes attended the annual parade of tbe Berlin Garrison and a gala performance at the Opera.
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  • 64 7 Strange Story of Interference .with Senate. [Die ObtaBl»tisohs Llotd Tslborah] Berlin, May 80. Attacks have been made in tbe American Henate on account of alledged interference by Germany in the discussion of the tariff bills through the delivery of wages statistics. It has been stated officially on
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  • 48 7 Charged with Corrupting Several Ambassadors. [Dib Ostisiatvcm Lloyd Tblbobam) Berlin. May 26. The Ex-Sultan Abdul Hamid is suspected of having made money presents to two re-called Ambassadors. Alleged disclosures have also been'made which compromise the Ambassadors of certain Great Powers, but these have been officially contradicted.
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  • 38 7 Powers Considering How to^give Assistance. IPm Or.TASUTiMiHs Lloyd Tblb«baml~ Berlin, May 80. Russia, England, France, and Italy are seeking uians of giving financial relief to Turkey. Germany and Austria assume a reserved attitude on the matter.
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  • 34 7 lI'SB OHAaiATIBOBB LLOTD TBLSOBAIf] Berlin, May 80. The close of the Berlin Municipal visit to London was of the heartiest description, and the visitors have left highly gratified .with their reception.
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  • 31 7 ii... UsTMUTiaoaa Lloyd Tulbouml Berlin, May 80. Csar Ferdinand of Bulgaria baa banded to the German Ambassador an attestation, and has made the friendliest references to Bulgarian-German relations.
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  • 1304 7 AUSTRALIANS COLLAPSE ON SOFT WICKET. England Wins Easily. SUPERB BOWLING OF HIRST AND BLYTH. Hobbs in Fine Form. (Fbom Oub Spbcial Cobbbspondbmt.) London, May 28. All cricket enthusiasts have eagerly anticipated tbe debut of the Australian team in the first of the five test matches with England,
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  • 262 7 Fishing Boat Found on Rocks at i Pulau Battam. Many links were added to the ohain of evidence against the five Chinese now in custody on a charge of piracy off Songei Bantu, Johore, by the expedition made by a polioe party under Detective Inst. Taylor, yesterday,
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  • 72 7 A Luckoow corre»ix<ii.i, nt says that telegrams respecting controversies are becoming I the order of the 'lay at Delhi. Arya Sama I jiits, Mahomedans and Indian Chrimianit, I who once lived ia peace, are now at variance. I A fortnight ago a controversy between I odiaif
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  • 343 7 INVITATIONS ISSUED TO THE DOMINIONS. To Meet in London in July. His Majesty's Government has despatched by telegram invitations for a Conference on Imperial Defence. These invitations were sent on April 30 to Canada, the Australian Commonwealth, New Zealand, Newfoundland, Cape Colony, Natal, the Transvaal, and the Orange
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  • 165 7 Explorer Acquitted of Charge of Fraud. To his many strange experiences, which include being shot in the head by savages in Central Africa, Professor J. B. Moore, a wellknown explorer and scientist, now of Liverpool University, has added that of appearing as a prisoner at Westminster Court.
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  • 147 7 Daring tbe past year the cable companies have felt the effects of the general financial depression and only the report of tbe Eastern Extension Aastralasia and China Telegraph Company for the second half of 1908, shows increased earnings, says a London paper. The gross receipts amounted to
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  • 153 7 Particulars appear in an advertisement in another column announcing that Professor Ramamurti will open bis performance in Singapore on Thursday. A Burma paper to hand says :—The Professor's company is entertaining, but the attraction ia tbe Professor himself. He is idolised by his countrymen in the town
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  • 117 7 Messrs. Obee Soon and Co. sued Mr. Krarup, of Messrs. Barogh and Co., in the district court before Mr. Sunders, on Saturday, for 172 aa the value of four drums of sulphuric acid alleged to have b< en supplied in Ft-bruary and March. Mr. Stevens appeared for
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  • 54 7 STRONG PROTEST AGAINST FAVOURITISM. Exclusion of British Firms From Railway Orders. lIUUTU'l TlLlliRAM j London, May 80. The Times Shanghai correspondent says the Chinese continue to ignore obligations regarding British interests. The Provincial Railway Bureau has publicly advertised for tenders for locomotives for the Shanghai-Hanchow-Wingpo Bailway, limiting
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  • 20 7 [Dm Ostasutisom Llotd Tslbokam] Berlin, May 8oThere is to be a great exhibition in Rome in 1911.
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  • 25 7 [Dm OtTMiATUOM Llotd TauaaAn| Berlin, May 80. Oreeoe is pressing the Cretan question on the attention of Turkey and other Powers.
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  • 21 7 [Dm O*tasutimu Llotd TiL«at»« 1 Berlin, May 80. The Czar will visit Stockholm about the end of Jane.
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  • 91 7 Singapore Vigors Spend a Jolly Time. The Singapore sportsmen who went op to spend the Whitsuntide holidays appear to have had a good time. A telegram has been received stating that in the cricket match with the representatives of So r em ban, the Singapore eleven made
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  • 284 7 Tbe Golden Wedding Celebrations on May 17. A home paper to hand by the last mail, referring to the fact that Lord and Lady Roberts celebrated their golden wedding on May 17, at their charming house Englemere, Asoot, says that for the oooaeion they would entertain
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  • 169 7 Messrs. W. J. and H. Thompson report as follows, on May 1. Para Our market has continued very firm, and hard cure fine spot has advanced from ss. 4d. to ss. 6d. per Ib. The demand is rather quiet, bat stocks are firmly held. At the close
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  • 113 7 At the annual dinucr of tbe Herts Philatelio Society the Chinese Minister was a gwst, and gave pome very early history about postage. From ancient records it was known, said bis Excellency that there existed an important and well-organised system in China, so far back as a
    113 words
  • 225 7 TERRIBLE EXPERIENCES ON NAVAL COLLIER. Heroic Quartermaster. RESCUES CAPTAIN FROM CERTAIN DEATH. Europeans and Filipinos Dead. (From Our Own Cobrsbpondskt Hongkong, May 80. While coming across the China Sea from Manila, tho American naval collier Nanshan, commanded by Capt. Carver, encountered exceptionally heavy weather. Waves swept her from
    225 words
  • 36 7 FOUR THOUSAND PASSENGERS DETAINED. Both Sides Unyielding. |RlDTlB's TlLIOKAIl] London, May 80. Four thousand passengers are detained at Marseilles as the result of the strike. Employers and employed seem equally determined not to yield.
    36 words
  • 79 7 Lau Sze Kee Victim of Brutal Crime at Canton. (Fhox Oor Own Cobbbspondknt.) Hongkong, May 80. Taotai Lan Sze Kee who bad jut returned to China from America where he induced the Chinese to subscribe two million dollars for the promotion of industries in Kwangsi Province has
    79 words
  • 353 7 Bad Fire Smartly Extinguished by Local Brigade. Fire broke oat in the Victoria Saw Mi 11 Sambawa Road, owned by Messrs. Seog Chiang and Co of which firm Towkay Ngo Bee Than is the proprietor, shortly before two o'clock this morning, and a very dangerous blase was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 940 8 A PEN PICTURE OF A GREAT CRICKETER. Montague Alfred Noble. Montague Alfred Noble, who has oome as the new captain of tho Australian cricket team, is one of tbe greatest and most accomplished players his country has ever sent to as, says a writer in a home paper.
    940 words
  • 158 8 News of great bloodshed arising out of ignorant impatience of taxation comes from Priaman, a district in the west coast of Sumatra. On May 20, about sixty Malays, dressed in white garments as a sign that they had devoted themselves to death, assembled near a sacred grave. On tidings of
    158 words
  • 904 8 Expert's Views on Planting in F. M. S. Mr. J. A. Hunter, the well-known ex-Ceylon planter and robber visiting Agent, arrived in Colombo, by the mail steamer on his way to EDgland. Mr. Hunter is very well satisfied with tho state of things as he left
    904 words
  • 159 8 Tbe cremation of the body of the late Phra Rajathon Pithaks. will take place thio evening at a Wat out Klong Bangkok Noi, says tbe Bangkok Times of 22nd inat. la tbe early part of the year this gentleman inserted an advertisement, in Siamese, in a number
    159 words
  • 39 8 A four-storied building in Sheikh Mnnon Street, at Bombay, oontainiogalarge quantity of felt and silk, was seriously damaurd by fire. The damage it estimated at Rl 15,000. The contents were insured f jr H\to 0-O.
    39 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 253 8 The Evening News Marathon Race from Windsor to Shepherd's Bash was run on 22nd inst. Oardener of England waa first, bis time being 2 hoars, 58 minutes, 28 seconds. Labry of France was second, and Morris of England third. A handsome <ulver oup has been presented to
      253 words
    • 33 8 Empire I ay Competition. The results of this competition already to hand are: M. S. V. B, 767 Singapore 767 Shanghai 727 Penang 719 Ipob 716 Taiping 698 Ceylon 698 Hongkong 060.
      33 words
    • 398 8 Raffles Institution v. S. C. C. and. On the S. C. C. ground, on Saturday, there was a match between the Raffles Institution and a second elven of the Cricket Club. The latter were the winners by a handsome margin. The scores follow Rafflss Institution, Fibst Inninos. E. Howell
      398 words
    • 232 8 Malaya Association Championship. The Strait- Union and the Jinrickisha team opposed o-e another in a match connected with the above competition on Saturday The Straits Union proved the better team »nd scored a goal in the first period. In the second half they put on two farther goals.
      232 words
    • 157 8 Singapore Club. A foursomes match wm played on Saturday between President's ant 5 Captain's teamR, the result being a win for the President's team by 6$ points to 1 The match counted as a point, and the bye as a quarter point. Details:— Sir A. Young (President) and J.
      157 words
  • 771 8 Importance of the East India Station. His Exigency Rear- Admiral Slado, M. V. O tho new Commander-iii-Chief of the East Indies, was kind enough to grant an interview to a Times of Ceylon representative on board the flagship. Regarding the questions affecting the Navy, which are agitating
    771 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 5 8 Johnson s Baby Powder J
      5 words
    • 3 8 ZymoleTooth Powpsr -SSSU!*'
      3 words
    • 4 8 Stearns' Headache Cure^Lr^f i
      4 words
    • 33 8 I have been taking some moving pictures of life on your farm. Did you catoh my man in motion I did. Ah, science can do anything these days. I ymole Tooth Paste ycSSuSS:
      33 words
    • 631 8 I M SPECIAL BARGAINS OFFERED IN SOME First-Class Pianos CASH TIME PAYMENTS. BRINSMEAD d $550 RONIBCH suS"^ 011 Ora Dd $550 The Robinson Piano werner garait.,^: $495 CO. Ltd. KRAUBB Modern Art Style $430 ALLISON Tr °P'<s»'UprightGrand 1 «I»LIOUH (slightly used) $275 California Oilfields. In their report for the year
      631 words
    • 197 8 L Artistic Printing AND Bookbinding DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AT MODERATE PRICES I tP Programmes, Menu Cards, Company Reports, Business Circulars, Insurance Policies, etc. Under European Supervision. TELEPHONE NO. 348. VICTORIA THEATRE. 3 Nights Only. THE BANDMANN DRAMATIC CO., THURSDAY, JUNB 3. The Manxman." FRIDAY, JUNE 4. "The Sign
      197 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
      352 words
    • 904 9 TENDERS for REVENUE FARMS. Tenders arc invited for the lease oi Revenue Farms in the State of North Borneo from the 1st .January, 1910, as set oat hereunder. REVENUE FARMS IN THE STATE OF NORTH BORNEO. 1. Id making arrangements for the leasing nf the Farms for the next Farm
      904 words
    • 593 9 (7i) Tbe Opium Farmer is responsible for seeing that t'liandu is not sold by retail at the Opium Farm or at the Opium Farm shops at prices higher than tboso fixed by Government and named above (g). The Opium and Spirit Farmers may fix their own prices for supplying the
      593 words
    • 183 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. In andermentioned mail iteamen of tht above Lino maintain a regular senrioe between Calcutta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai en routt FLEET. Tons Commander 1.8. ■Jlfia" c,300 J. O. Ourmsi s.i. Grioom Akiab 4,600 8. H. Bixsos s.s. AaaAiooH Arcit"
      183 words
    • 620 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. Two regular services are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by Iba C'ompaDy's well-known TTVIX SCREW STEAMERS. nnder Mail Contract with tlic Imperia Japanese Government, specially designed for tho Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provMod with excellent accommodation for Kirit and
      620 words

  • 704 10 LORD KITCHENERS SUCCESSOR INTERVIEWED. Army of the Empire. General Sir O'Mooru Creagh, V. C who has been appointed to succeed Lord Kitchener m Commander in Chief of the Indian Army, is approaching the end of his service aa Military Secretary at the India Office, and
    704 words
  • 234 10 Numerous Buildings and Canals Bear Evidence of Ability. The criticism of the Chinese engineers by the foreign Press, brought forth a defence of that dans in the columns of the Chinese Public Opinion. The writer of the article says it is an established fact that the Chinese
    234 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 622 10 BANKING COMPANIES CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. mOORPORATiSD BT ROYAL CHARTER. raid np Capital In 80,000 Share* ot MOeaoh ..£1,100,000 Baeerve Fuod 11,676,000 Bawrv* Liability of Proprietors fl 1,100, 000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National" Bank ot T»s London City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Ourrent Aooounts
      622 words
    • 471 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. i- aid up capital 6i5.000.000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 116,000,0001 tM SOO 000 BUverJWv* 614,500,000| •».«»,ooe tUaerrs Liability ot Propritton 118.000 "OC COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hoo. Mr. W. J. Greaton, Chairman, H. B. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Esq. T B. Lepamann,
      471 words
    • 477 10 INSURANCE Compijhb. The Standard Life. THE OLDEST IBRITIBH UFB OFFICE in THE EAST. PROVIDE FOR RETIREMENT by taking a policy under tbe a** SIMPLE ENDOWMENT SCaWaD without Medloal Examination. 1,000 at age BO oaa be atoarad by a Ufa aged If oaxi birthday by payment of MMIKO per aflim in
      477 words
    • 65 10 RELIEF FROM RHEUMATIC PAINB. The great pain relieving power of Cham ryrlain's Pain Balm, is clearly shown in cases of sciatica and inflammatory rheumatism, both of which are extremely painful but one application of this liniment gives relief and enables the sufferer to sleep, which in many instances he has
      65 words
      872 words

  • 1183 11 MOST USEFUL CHARACTERISTIC FOR A MOTORIST. Difficulties of Finding (he Way. The question has often been asked What is the most useful characteristic for a motorist A cool bead, a steady nerre, and good eyesight are more or less requisite in handling the delicate steering of a motor-car when
    1,183 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 550 11 ARGYLL CARS. •XTTST -A-R-IR-J- v .Ui.D. SK^tSf- Argyll Model de Luxe. PAINTED DARK GREEN, NICKEL PLATED MOUNTINGS, FITTED WITH HDOD, MAGNETO, WIND SCREEN, LAMPS AND ACCESSORIES. Illustrated Catalogue and full particulars from SYME COMPANY, "°»£nt.. Another Record for Dunlops. 2,875 MILEB THROUGH INDIA. NO TYRE TROUBLES. Taj Mahal Palace Hotel,
      550 words
    • 684 11 I SHEFFIELD SIMPLEX CARS. 20-24 H.P. 6CYLINDER. 5-BEATED. WITH HOOD. SCREEN. H.T. Magneto Ignition, Wire Detachable Wheels, 815 X lO6 m/m Tyres, Lamps, Horn, Mechanical Lubrication. Petrol capacity: 10 gallons. COMPLETE $5,600 NETT CASH. sole Agents: CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. JHTST XjAISTIDEr): 15-2O H.P. STAR Five-Seated, Fitted with BOSCH DUAL IGNITION
      684 words
    • 182 11 Insure Your Motor Car! AND COVER YOURSELF AGAINST RESULT OF CAR ACCIDENTS. Don't take the risks any longer. Yon may be called upon for HEAVY DAMAGES at any moment. The payment ol a small sum annually RELIEVES YOU OF GREAT RESPONSIBILITY, especially if you use a native Chauffeur. Fall particulars
      182 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 842 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. RiTXS .-Tom Uaw, oat Of two iasotkms, tI.OO By tbt incb, it* Soil* ol Cbwjw. RUBBER STUMPS FOR BALE. Good Rubber Stomps, 10 months old. Apply Manager, Llnggi Plantations, Ltd., Seremban. BUILDING BITEB FOR SALE. For sale, privately, at reasonable figures, over 100 lots cf valuable building
      842 words
    • 561 12 TO BE LET OR 80LD. Sin -Fo«r Lla**, od. oi two latertleß IXOO Br tta* laea, mil cf chirj... COMPOUND HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 102, Waterloo Street, and 96, Kampong Java Road. Apply S. MANASSEH k Co. v 602 OFFICE TO BE LET. Offioe on second floor of. No.
      561 words
    • 465 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. BiTll I-Fo«r Llmi. om oi tw InurtioM. fI.OO Br th« IKh, i»t BeaU of Chart**. HOUSEB TO BE UT. Nor 81 and 83, Instirarloa HUI, Rlvar Valley Scad. Apply lo LEE OHENO VAN aadOo. 1171 HOUBEB TO LET. No. 28, Sophia Road, and lo and
      465 words
    • 989 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of ludia Kubbor Articles, Sheets, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, UOSE3 (Suction, Steam. Hydraulic), Gar.lenhoses, Tubes. ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTINU, EBONITE and Hird Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sola Agents i MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      989 words