The Straits Times, 15 May 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.960 SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. MAY 15. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 FOR THE RACES A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF THE VERY LATEST SHAPES IN Ladies' Trimmed Hats. JUST ARRIVED. FINE MODELS. Races I Races I KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. Raffles jrift Hotel <5K5> jßpecial Dinner TO-NIGHT. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietoi ASAHI 9 BEER H Best ana vj| Cheapest. /I'lß [Jl Ihe MITSUI BU&SAN KAISHA.
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    • 128 1 HARIMA HALL Cinematograph, North Bridge Road. To-Night at 9.30. Jealous Husband. Cupid's Four Darts. Mr. Absentmind. You Must not Play with my Feelings. BTRIN6 ORGHEBTRA. COOL HOUSE. K. HARIMA, Sole Proprietor. THE Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.M.S. A New First-class Hotel. Fitted with Electric Light and tans. Five minutes from
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    • 328 1 THERMOS m ft li Patent Flasks, fijl M H 1/ WTT^ OBTAINABLE AT V 1 (^[||j ROBINSON'S. I p "THERMOS WITH BTR(N6 Invaluable to Travellers. -St lj LEATHER CABE. Invaluable to Sportsmen. "^ESJfcyRk-^ Invaluable to Excursionists. &m HOT BEVERAGES fl K w remaiQ hot for 24 hours without any application
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    • 281 1 NOTICE, IN THE GOODS OF ZECHARIAH HOSKEN (DECEASED). PURSUANT TO THE CONVEYANCING AND LAW OF PROPERTY ORDINANCE VI OF 1886. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of Zechariah Hosken, deceased, late Sab-Inspec-tor on the Harbour Works,
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    • 128 1 HOLIDAY TICKETS. For trips to the Netherlands-India Archipelago by steamers of the Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatschappy and Stoomvaart Maats chappy Nederland, made between April 15 and July 16, 1909, return tickets will be issued against payment of tho single fare, on condition that the return voyage must be mado not later
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  • 849 2 the babble of loquacious globe-trotters. Phantasms of Imaginative Brains. The wise man shuns the loquacious traveller as he shuns the plague. By iustinot, his own sex avoid him when they run across him unawares in the hall of their olub, and consider themselves in luck if they escape
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  • 107 2 The Liverpool Post bxplains the phrase on the nail, by suggesting that outside the Corn Exchange, Bristol, there are two iron pillars with flattened tops, and a these the merchants placed their coins when they made a cash purchase, or, at least, they plaoed a few representative
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 732 2 WHITE ANTS, TEREDOS, DRY ROT. DECAY IN TIMBER. JODELITE The Only Safeguard has been on its trial in large quantities for the past ten years in the Straits Settlements and proved all that is claimsd for it. The six pieces of deal illustrated below were partly coated with Jodelite and
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    • 56 2 A POPULAR AMERICAN REHFOY. Mr. Fred C. Hanrahan, a prominent druggist of Portsmouth, Va.. U. S. A., says For the past six yean I have sold and recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is a great remedy and one of the beat patent medicines on the market." For
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    • 610 2 ISMAIL &RAHEEM ARE NOW SHOWING A LARGE VARIETY OF Diamond Jewellery, LOOSE DIAMONDS AND OTHER PBECIOUS STONES. Early Inspection Respectfully Solicited. The United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ld. 80LE AGENTB FOR The UNITED ASBESTOS Co., Ltd., London. FRANCO-BRITISH EXHIBITION. This Company's awards were DIPLOMA OP HONOUR AND POUR GOLD MEDALS. PATERSON,
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  • 722 3 M. LEMOINE'S ADVENTURES SINCE HIS ESCAPE. Some Clever Disguises in Paris. Henri Lemoine, the artificial diamond maker who defrauded Sir Julius Wernher of £64,000 and fled from justice some months ago, was arrested in Paris on April 14. The fugitive, who in the first instance had been
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  • 220 3 List of Gifts Received For Dutch Heiress. The following ia a complete lint of the preHfnU received by the Queen of Holland for the heir North Holland— Silver tray with two sugar pota, a milk jog, a porridge dish, two spoons, all in silver. South Holland— Cradle in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 373 3 The Federal Life Assurance company, ol Canada. EBTABLIBHED 1882. Head Office: HAMILTON, ONTARIO, CANADA. Capital and Assets exceed 4,000,000 Gold Dollars. The Federal Life Assurance Co. is one of the Oldest and most favourably known Companies in Canada. Its long and successful experience enables this British Canadian Company with its
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    • 3 3 Steams' Headache Cure^rJi.,
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    • 545 3 J Wf ROYAL JkSJL APPOTKTHENT. li|J TABIX MXICACIE^S, jIL-^ PICKLES, SOUPS, I<^* p stsS^laM JAMS. JELLIES. b t^£* von WsSS^^ POTTED MEATS. I •^^s* Isw MALT VINEGAR S?"^ IiiIIJcROSSE A I l.r la battar tnan food, I I atat you out battar Uh baat, I trcrr Inch mII 4
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    • 123 3 THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. 'ESTABLISHED 1&83) MANUFACTURERS OF PURE ROPE 3 STRAND CABLE LOO I U STRAND 1/2* to 12* 6* to 10" 8" to 10" Prices, Samples and full particulars will be forwardul on application to Agent: W. A. STOPANI, V&PtU""' GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD. Portland Cement.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 732 4 STEAMFR SAILINGS. R 4¥ O. STEAK NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penanf Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Port*, Plymouth and London. Through Billi of Ladiog issued for Chin* Coast Perjian Quit, Continental, Mid Amerioan Portf. Htatmers will leave Singapore oo or about. MAIL LINE. Outward (for China) IVlhi Hay
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    • 673 4 STEAMERS SAILINGOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. Ths Companies' steamers are despaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Qenoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and
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    • 623 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS la undermentioned mall steamers of ths above Line maintaiu a regular servioe between Oaloutta and Japan, oalling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Bbiagbai m route FLEET. Tons Commandsr i.e. Jams 6,800 J. O. Ounn s.s. Osasoßi Anab 4,600 8. H. Belsor s.s. Abbatooh Amab"
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    • 286 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. cTpTr Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Stoanublp Lino. THB NATIONAL 3IOHWAY TO BUROPB Plfl CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and Ik* UNITED STATBP, Route bom Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Hobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanoouver, K.M.B. "Übissh I ill Twin" Twin sore w steaK.M.B. Tmubmi in
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    • 629 4 STEAMER SAILINGSHAMBURG AMERIM LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, oalling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo at
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    • 803 4 STEAMER BAILINBB. n.d.x; NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mail Line. Tbe fast and well-known mail steamers ol this Company sail fortnighty from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southamp ton, Gibraltar, Qenoa, Naples (oooneotion Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai, Nagasaki and Kobe
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  • 1246 5 LORE AND LESSONS BY JOHN ROBERTS. Part XIII. Reply to Unfriendly Critics. One of my pupils, who states that he bu learned a great deal from these articles, says that much of my teaching is opposed to hints on the gamo given him by an old friend. Tluh friend,
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  • 474 5 (Sunday, May i 6.) ROOATtOH SUNDAT. 8t Andsbw-s CAT»»i>aAL.— 7 46 a.m Holy Communion (Choral) 11 a.m. Choral Matins 11.45 a in. Holy Communion (Plain) 3-40 p.m. Sunday School; 3-15 p.m. Bible Classes (AdulU); 6-80 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Si. Matthew I*,1 Sefot Lots.— ll-15 a.m. Foo Chow
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  • 109 5 7-4S a.m. -Holy Communion. Introit 828 Service Maunder. Hymn at Offertory ...169 Hymn at Communion... 62B Hymn at Ablations ...82 1 11 a.m. Choral Matins. Responses Ferial. Vemte 65 I'xahuH ...12 267. First Lesson Deuteronomy vL Te Deam Set i. Second Lesson 8. John v, 1—24. Benedictus
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  • 1039 5 Onder this heading the following abbreviations are used star. steamsr sk. ship bq. barque soh.— schooner Tot. Yacht Cm. —Cruiser. O'bt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— United States Foh.— Frenoh Ger. Oerman Dot.— Dutch: Hal.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Bar. Sarawak; 0.0. General 3»rgo; d.p
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  • 88 5 Wharves at which VeaMli are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAGAR. Bast Wbarf Basts- Banka. 8. J. Spsnos East W. Bection I— Mil. Sbction No. 1 (Braw Wbaw>— Nil. Section Taroba. S— Monmouthshire. 4— Japan. I 6— NiL 6— Kcemnn, Yangtacs. T- Nil. 8-
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  • 68 5 Homeward French Mail. The M. M. company's steamer Tnokin left Saigon, at 8 a.m. to-day, and may be expected to arrive hers on Monday the 17th instant at about 6 a.m. Outward French Mail. The M. M. company's steamer Sydney, left Colombo at S p.m. on the
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  • 54 5 Fob Pu Ton Monui. Telok Adiod vi» ports Ptrak p.m. H'kong, Shanghai, Japan CardiganifUri I p.m. Tmui. B»Uvi» £o S«y« 9 »m. SamwmJi Kuching 1 p.m. P. Swettanhun, Panaog Rotonta 1 p.m. Moar and Malacca Lady Weld p.m. Port Bwettoharo via port* Pm**t I p.m. H'kong, Bhaoghai, Japan
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  • 46 5 Time-balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime. The time- gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at one o'olook.
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  • 53 5 May 14 Ltdy Weld, Brit str, Mnar and Malaooa t Fuh Wo, Brit str, Langkat via BsngkalU Singora, Ger str, Bangkok f Chow Tai, Ocr str, Bangkok Deli, Ocr str, Bangkok De Kerens, Dot str, Bandjsrmassin Rumphius, Dut str, Batavia Baud, Dut str, Batavia Marudu, Ocr str, Tawao via
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  • 240 5 Finance Commerce. EJM|AN<f 8woak)m, Mat 14, IMs! On London— Bank 4 m/s 3/4* Demand a/gJJ Private 6 m/a 2/4| do Inji 2/4/, On Qtrmany— Uank d/d 387 Private 8 m/s 340} do' S ni/i 243} On From* -Bank d/d 292} Private 8 m/s 296} do' 0 m/« 299} On Indui
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    • 49 5 Howarth Erskine 6% 600,000 1% prem. Riley, Hargreaves 6% 284,000 1% prem. Spore Elootrio TrswayBCo.,Ltd. 6% 860,000 nominal Straits Engineering Syndicate, Ltd. 6% 40,000 par. Singapore MunicipsJ6% 400,000 20%p.n0m 6% 1,878,000 7% prom. a 4i% 1,600,000 B%prem. 4% 602,900 0% disc. Tanjong Pagar Dock Board 6% 1,060X100 par.
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    • 267 5 Captial «j Sbasm Paid UhIBBDID Company Qdota- Lam TIONB DmCIND 1800.000 •800,000 •600,000 10 10 10 10 10 10 7.6C0 Bolat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. Brnang, Ltd. Bnueh HydraaUo T. M. Co., Ltd.(l) Duff Development Co., Ltd. ...I Kanaboi, Ltd. KinU Tin Mines, Ltd. Kledang Tin Mining Co., Ltd.
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    • 384 5 £150,000 •200,000 480,000 £80,000 480,000 470,000 £36,000 1150,000 410,000 476,000 £110,000 10 10 260 1 17/6 10 1 1 1 10/--1 17/0 10 1 I f 18/ 10/--8,800 iisoo 12,908 7,600 4,140 800(6) 7,400 o^6o 10,000 Anglo-Malay liubber Co., Ltd. contributory Baltfownie Rubber Estate Ltd. (0.1... Batu Caves Robber
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    • 173 5 •1400,000 •226,000 16,000,001 •2,400,000 •1,000,000 •34,000 10 50 125 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 50 1 100 100 10 10 7 60 126 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 4511 Eastern Smelting Co., Ltd] 10.00 0.75 Fraaer Neave, Ltd. (8) 142.50
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 165 5 DAY BY DAY. Satu'day, May 15. High Water, 7.26 p m. Singapore Races, Third Day. 2.45. Bandmann Opera Co., 9. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinematograph. Sunday, May 16. High Water, 7.83 a.m., 8.88 p.m. Fourth Sunday after Easter. N. D. L. homeward mail due. Monday, May 17. Hi«h Water,
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    • 81 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandamg Kmrbau HofUal, May 41, 1909. I a. r. a.i 9 t. a. RAntrAii. Bar. M Fab 19.883 19.780 19 881 Temp 89.6 84 0 74 S nil. Wet Bulb Thar 810 710 76.0 DirofWind.. oalm calm oalm Max. Tsmp 90.6 Mia 74,0 Max. in Boa.. ltt.O Terrrmd.
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  • 1104 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. SATURDAY, MAY 15. TRAITOR OF TRAITORS. It is a grim and terrible story that has been revealed at St. Petersburg in connection with the trial and conviction of the exChief of Russian Secret Police, Mr. Lopukhin. There has been a good deal of misapprehen.
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  • 307 6 We publish to-day a foil report of the speeohes made at the banquet given to Hi* Excellency, Sir John Anderson, before bU departure from London to resume the onerous duties of Governorship in these Colonies. In the speech of the Chairman we are glad to observe a very clear approciation
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  • 16 6 The Sumatra Development Syndicate, Ltd., has been registered with a capital of £2,000 in £1 shares.
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  • 21 6 Mr. Scovell's yacht Muriel arrived at Ryde, Isle of Wight, from Bombay, ou April 29, after an excellent passage from Gibraltar.
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  • 23 6 A man named Theseira, a olerk in the education office, Malacca, has been arrested on charges of forgery and criminal breach of trust.
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  • 27 6 The estate of the late Sir Frederick Wills (of the famous tobacco firm of W. D. and H. O. Wills, of Bristol) has been valued at £8,000,000.
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  • 20 6 The Penang Volunteer Raffles Club, the Penang Volunteer Sports Club, and the Malacca Catholic Club have been exempted from registration.
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  • 25 6 Monday May 24 (Victoria Day) and Thursday, June 8 (Prinoe of Wales's birthday) are declared public holidays. Whit Monday (May 81) is a bank holiday
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  • 25 6 Rules made by the Governor in Council under the Mahomedan Marriages Ordinance, which comes into operation on July 1, are published in the Government Gazette.
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  • 29 6 The balance on hand reported at yesterday's meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was 1207,283.64, as opposed to $1,586.22 at the date of the previous meeting, held on April 80.
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  • 33 6 Victoria Day will be celebrated by the Methodist GUls' School, Short Street, on Monday, May 24, at 6.80 p.m., by a literary and musical programme to whioh the public are invited to listen.
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  • 42 6 It is more important that boys should be trained to grow vegetables and to destroy caterpillars than that they should know the domestic arrangements of Henry VIII., said Mr. Richard Jones, chairman of Montgomery's Education Committeee, at a meeting of the authority.
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  • 41 6 The Wright Brothers' pupil, Lieut. Calderara, was experimenting on a Wright aeroplane at Rome, on 6th inst., when the machine fell obliquely for sixty feet. Lieut. Calderara was removed to the hospital, having sustained a dislocated shoulder and other minor injuries.
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  • 57 6 The I'enaug police are offering a reward of $500 for information leading to the arrest of a Hokien named Lim Chee Seng, wanted on a charge of criminal breach of trust as a servant of about 110,000, the property of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank. He is said to be
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  • 50 6 A Chinese dhoby who was charged with theft of clothing belonging to a European and an Indian explained that the clothing was stolen from his shop while he was ill. He was acquitted by the third magistrate, yesterday afternoon. He gave the complainants 110 each as compensation for their loss.
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  • 84 6 Before Mr. Justice Seroombe Smith sitting in bankruptcy, yesterday afternoon, Mr. Beatty examined F. do Rozario whose total debts were about 1600, to pay off whioh he offered his creditors t5 a month. An order was made for payment of 110 a month. M. Pereira, a fitter employed by the
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  • 102 6 In the bankruptcy Court, yesterday, in the matter of a petition (or a receiving order against T. C. Loveridge. Mr. r-'arrer Baynes appliod to Mr. Justice Seroombe Smith for a fortnight's postponement, stating that Mr. Lovendge had given an option to lease bis quarries to certain contractors, but that the
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  • 293 6 Doctor Fletcher lias lift Kuala Lumpur for long leave in Europe. Mr. E. A. Taylor Weber, formerly Governor on the West Coast of Sumatra, is dead. Lieut. G. R. Home, 3rd Rn. Middlesex Regt., was placed on the sick list on the 13th instant. Sir Walter Roper
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  • 73 6 Preparatory prayer meetings will be held next week as follows:— Monday, the 17th, Tuesday, the lath, Wednesday, the 10th, Thursday, the 20th, Friday, the 21st, Wesley Parsonage Wesley Church Presbyterian Church Bethesda and the Cathedral. The Cathedral Service is at 6 p.m. The other services
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  • 99 6 The report of Dr. D. K. McDowell, the Registrar of Births and Deaths, shows that during the week ended May 8, 222 deaths were registered in Singapore, equal to a death rate of 41.59 per thousand of the estimated population. Malarial fever churned 84 deaths, bronchitis 8,
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  • 110 6 Was it the Welshman Three ship's officers were returning tv their vessel by sampan at an early hour, yesterday morning, when they got into an argument as a result of which their sampan was upset and they were thrown into the sea. One of the men was an Englishman, the
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  • 115 6 It is announoed in the Government Gazette that telegraphic messuages will be received at the Government telegraph office, Singapore, for transmission overland to Malacca or places in the Federated Malay States, commencing from Monday next, between the lours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily, except
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  • 165 6 In thin charming musical oouiedy which is being given by the Bandmann Company in the Victoria Theatre, this evening, tii cast is remarkably good judging by pros. criticisms. Miss Mabel Gregory as Peggy Quainton is said to be delightful i her ningm^ and acting in the role
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 95 6 Alhambra To-Night! To-Night! Change of Programme L. F. WILLIS, Manager. I 18 YEARS' PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IN SINGAPORE Gives Weight and Value to our GUARANTEE. The Cheapest Safe PIANO is made on that experience and sold by us at $15 per month. m THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. LIMITED. PHOTOGRAPHY. The Oldest
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  • 194 7 CORDIAL WELCOME GIVEN AT VIENNA. Gratitude for Recent Support. [RSOTBR'S TILSORAMS! London, May 14. The Kaiser has arrived at Pola, where he received an ovation, and an enthusiastic reception is being prepared for him at Vienna. There are articles in tb,e German and Austrian Press which hail
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  • 126 7 GOVERNMENT SUPPORTED BY THE CHAMBER Socialists Make a Tumultuous Scene. [Rbutir's Tklkoram.l London, May 14. TLe French Chamber by an overwhelming majority has resolved to refuse the right of officials to strike, and expressed confidence in the Government. Tbe wrangling of the Socialists led to an extraordinary tumult,
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  • 70 7 SPAIN CONTEMPLATES AN ARMED ADVANCE. Sultan's Passive Resistance. [DIR OSTASUTUOBI I-L'iTH TltlOlAM Berlin, May 14. Great disappoiutmeut is felt at Madrid in consequence of the failure of the mission of the Spanish A tubas-tailor at Fez. There are rumours of preparations for sn armed advance. Complaints are also
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  • 57 7 No Settlement Reached by Berlin Conference. IKbDTBR'S TILiGRAM. London, May 15. No decision has yet been reached by the Conference of groups of international Banks which have met at Berlin to consider a scheme of settlement wtth reference to railway loans in China. It is expected that
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  • 23 7 IKauTM's Tilioram] London, May 15. The China Association has issued a strong appeal for funds on behalf of the Hongkong University.
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  • 39 7 Wright Patents Bought in Germany. [Dm OsTASUTisoms Llotd T«l»oeah| Berlin, May 14. The Wrights liavo floated a company at Berlin to produce aeroplanes, and the patents of the brothers have been taken over by the new firm.
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  • 35 7 [Dm OtTMUTiaan Llotd TiuaiAn| Berlin, May 14. Tbe result of the trial of M. Lopakhin is a sentence of five years' penal servitude, and Ims of ail oivil rights and property.
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  • 411 7 Another Successful Production at Victoria Theatre. Counter attractions were responsible for some vacant seats at the Victoria Theatre, last evening, when the Bandmann Comic Opera Company presented the side-splitting musical farce Gentleman Joe, which many will remember haviug seen on the boards of the Prince of Wales' Theatre,
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  • 284 7 Alleged Acceptance of Illegal Gratifications. I uur Javanese constables and one corporal of the T. P. Dock marine police were again before the second magistrate, yesterday, for the further hearing of the charge against them of agreeing to accept illegal gratifications from some tongkang men employed in the
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  • 193 7 Trenchant Criticism of Penang Contemporary. After comparing tbe programme for the forthcoming Penang Turf Club meeting with the Singapore programmo to tbe advantage of the latter, the Pinang Gazette proceeds as follows What the Straits Turf does need very badly is tbe introduction of not a little bat
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  • 70 7 A man believed to be Davitt Samuel Windell, who is alleged to have swindled the London and South- Western Bank of over £2,000 in September last, was arrested at Madrid on April 19. The swindler's mod as operandi was to forge letters of advice from tbe Harleeden branch and send
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  • 859 7 HIS PRIVILEGES MORE AND MORE RESENTED. Singapore and Shanghai Compared. A correspondent to the Manchester Guardian writes from Shanghai as follows The spirit of independence in steadily growing in China. It becomes more and moro difficult for a foreigner to obtain any new concessions for cither
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  • 136 7 Yesterday afternoon, the case in which three Tamils figure as defendants for being disorderly, assaulting the police and obstructing them was called before Mr. Green for final disposal. A noticeable feature in the case is the fact that a European police officer is declared by
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  • 46 7 In anticipation of the raid on the henroosts about to be made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer a good deal of cover has been done recently at Lloyds' especially on i tea. Large clearances of tea have aluo taken plaoe both in London aud Liverpool.
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  • 559 7 THE CHARGE AGAINST FORMER POLICE OFFICIAL. Treachery of Azeff. The indictment against M. Lopukhin, formerly head of the Russian police, who, as Reuter told us yesterday, has been sent to imprisonment for five years, charged him with treason, and with having, under stress and intimidation, betrayed Azeff,
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  • 292 7 Rev. Gray's Resignation Accepted With Much Regret. Much and sincere regret will be felt on the announcement that the Key. J. A. Gray, M.A., does not see bis way to extend his ministry in Singapore beyond tbe term of his engagement which terminates in September It was hoped
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  • 160 7 According ti> private advices received at Fremantle the German mail steamer Bremen, which left Fremantle, on March 30, had quite an eventful trip to Colombo. When about midway on the journey the passengers were somewhat alarmed to observe smoke rising from one of
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  • 255 7 Syce Fined for Galloping Around the Esplanade. Ahmat bin Awang, a syce in the employ of a Chinaman, was prosecuted by Insp. Connor in the third magistrate's court, yesterday, on a charge of rash driving. Mr. Connor explained to the magistrate that accused was driving a victoria around
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  • 652 7 Septuagenarian Cloth Dealer's Little Affair. 1 n the bankruptcy Court, yesterday, beforo Mr. Justice Sercombo Smith, Heng Moey, the seventy-five year old proprietor of a cloth shop in Circular Road, trading under tbe style of chop Wah Kee, which failed recently, was publicly exam ad by Mr. Beatty,
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  • 182 7 In their report of April IT, Messrs. W. J. and H. Thompson state regarding Para that: Owing to firmness of holders, combined with a good demand for Dear rubber, tbe market has been very firm during the past three weeks, and hard cure fine spot has advanced from
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  • 24 7 Tbe old bull-dog breed is still with as The other day a man was arrested in East London for assaulting his mother in -U
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  • 68 7 GROWING FAVOUR OF MILITARY TRAINING. Socialist Opposition Overpowered. Raima's Timoram] London, May 16. The feeling in favour of compulsory military training is growing in New Zealand. Mr. MoNab, t\ Minister of Defence in stumping tbo country in favour thereof. A orowded meeting at Welling was dis turned
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  • 77 7 GOVERNORS PROTEST AGAINST INCREASING COST. Estimates More than Doubled. From Our Own Corrksi-ondskt.) Hongkong, May 14. The Governor, Sir F. Lugard, has made a statement to the Legislative Council on progress with the Hongkong Railway. He commented on the continual increases of the estimated cost. The original estimate
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  • 46 7 [RaoTu's T»Liußinl London, May 15. The bill removing all existing disabilities of Catholics, and amending the Coronatiou oath has km read a second time in the House of Commons by 1 !■'> to 12a. There is no chance of it Dbcotuing law this session.
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  • 199 7 Forthcoming Tour of New Territory by Sir John Anderson. As we have already announced, the formal transfer of tbe Malay States coded by tbe new Anglo-Siamese Treaty will Uko place in June, when tbe first moiety of the sum to be paid to Siam will be
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  • 207 7 Planter's Coolie Ticked with Lighted Joss Sticks. Yet another gang robber has been scut into durance vile by the Judioial Commissioner at tho assizes now being hold at Ipoh. It would appear that this man, in company with two others, raided Towkay En Tong Sun's plantation at
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  • 106 7 Mr. P. A. F. David is appointed deputy registrar, Supreme Court, and assibtant official assignee, at Penang. Mr. J. W. Goldthorp of the civil service, acts ax district officer, Nibong Tuba I, also as a magistrate, assistant district judge, a deputy collector of land revenue and a coroner
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  • 66 7 About tbe last thing of which there seems to have been any scarcity in these parta siooe January in water, yet in the last published minutes of the Koala Lumpur Sanitary Board, says tbe Malay Mail, we read I that the supply at tbe stand-pipes had been cut off at
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  • 3617 8 AT THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS ASSOCIATION DINNER. His Excellency's View of the Future. A large number of members and guests of the Straits Settlements Association attended a dinner given at the Ritz Hotel, London, on April 20, to His Excellency Sir John Anderson, X.C.M.0., who is due in
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 191 8 Mrs. T. G. D. Cooper has taken over tbe duties of honorary secretary to tbe Penang L. R. C. Arthur B. Postle, the champion sprint runner, met and defeated B. R. Day, the Irish champion, in a 440-yards race at Johannesburg on April 18. Postle covered the
      191 words
    • 45 8 Malaya Association Championship. A fairly interesting match in this oompetition was played at Beach Road, yesterday, between tho Rooshdiab Club and the Darul Ariffln, both proving to be good teams. The match ended in a pointless draw. Mr. Farrer did doty as referee.
      45 words
  • 600 8 More Money Wanted for Local Fire Department. An unimportant meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held in tbe Board Room, yesterday afternoon. Those present were Messrs. E. G. Broadrick, president; John Polglase, secretary R. Peirce, engineer F. E. Jago, Ong Tek Lim, W. Peaoook, A. J. W. Watkins,
    600 words
  • 60 8 A Frenchman who gives his address at the A del phi Hotel has been arrested on a charge of importing three cases of spirits without a permit. Mr. Thomas Sargeant prosecuted two Chinese before the second magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of theft of piping from the Caledonian
    60 words
  • 70 8 The mtVjm to-day, with tbe exception of two events, should be quite equal in interest to tbat of tbe first two days. We give out readers the following selections Open Griffin Handicap. Melecbut Harvest a place. Sinoapobk Stasis— Second Start. Qoorrobolong a place. Ex < iHiKFiN
    70 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 297 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, The account ycu gave of a recent prosecution under this beading, reminds one forcibly of the old saying tbat the law is a bass I This qualification is no doubt applicable rather to the interpretation than to the intention
      297 words
  • 146 8 Singapore- Bangkok Run. The plans have now reached Bangkok of the new steamers building at Home for tbe Siam Steam Navigation Co., for ase on the Singapore Bangkok run. For some time past, says the Bangkok Times, the growing nature of the company's business has made it evident to the
    146 words
  • 97 8 A cargo of copra arrived from the Anamba and Natuna Islands, this morning, by tbe Dutch steamer Van Goens. The Dutch steamer Sultan van Langkat has arrived from Pengkalan Svesoe with 1,026 drams of Crown oil for discharge at Polo Bukom, 2,680 tons of dangerous petroleum for
    97 words
  • 95 8 After long agitation, the boon of Sunday rest has been granted to Government servants at Saigon. They wanted rest every week from noon on Saturday to noon on Monday. But the Governor held that service would suffer by too loog.a rest, and decided that the Government offices should be closed
    95 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 175 9 List of Passengers Coming to Singapore; Per M. M. steamer Oceanien, due May 17.— Mr. Pretre, Mrs. R- lhomme and child, Mr. J. Per P. and O. steamer China, connecting with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, dne May 21.— Mr. F. Toynbee, Mr. J. W. Haddon, HE. Sir
    175 words
  • 29 9 From Eurpoe By the M.M. steamer Sydney, doe May 17. P. *O. steamer Delhi, due May 21. From China If M. steamer Tonkin, dne May 17.
    29 words
  • 86 9 Lpril 1 B I. ipril 5 M. M. L pnl 8 P. &.O. Lpril IS N.D.L. 15 B. I. .pril 19 M. M. ipril 33 P. *O. Liinl 36 N.D.L ipril 38 B. I. Uy 3 M. M. lay 6 P. AO. lay 10
    86 words
  • 718 9 Namt, port, probable daU of arrivi, and name of Agents. STBAMBRS. Airbe, Sydney. Jnue 18 Bonatead Aaaaye, Colombo, .Tnne M| P. A O. Coy Aynthia, Bomba, May Borneo ("toy Astyanax, Liverpool, May 15; W. Minefield Arratoon Apoar, Calcutta, May 17 P. Simons A. Bebio, Marseilles. June 14 M.
    718 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 733 9 SLEDGE MILK. Sweetened. Gendeneed. Preserved with mil Its Cream.'. RETAIL PRICE: ,tl» q gr fN per case of 48 90.9 v nominal 1 Ib. tins. Obtainable from ANN LOCK k CO. GUAN CHIN HONG. CHENG a CO. YONG LEE SENG. YONG HOA SENG. TIANG BNG. GHEE SOON k CO. KWONG
      733 words
    • 432 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. ntyvk: JAPAN MAIL BTEAMSHIP CO. LTD. Two retralar seryioes are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW STBAMBKS, nnder Mail Contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for tbe Company'! Rnropean Serrioe, lighted thronehont by Electricity, provided with exoellent accommodation for Fimt and Second
      432 words
    • 920 9 TENDERS for REVENUE FARMS. Tenders are invited for the lease of Revenue Farms in the State of North Borneo from the Ist January, 1910, as set out herounder. REVENUE FARMS IN THE STATE OF NORTH BORNEO. 1. In making arrangements for the leasing of the Farms for the next Farm
      920 words
    • 269 9 (A) The Opium Farmer is responsible for seeing that Chandn is not sold by retail at the Opium Farm or at the Opium Farm shops at prices higher than those fixed by Government and named above (g). The Opium and Spirit Farmers may fix their own prices for supplying the
      269 words
    • 59 9 ARCHIBALD CURRIES AUSTRALIAN AND INDIAN LINE. For Java, Melbourne and Sydney, alao taking cargo for other Australian and New Zealand Ports with transhipment. 8, S. "GRACCHUS" 3,730 tons, Captain Suffern, is expected to arrive about May 19, and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight and passage,
      59 words
  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 130 9 Singapore Tide Table. (Faoej May IS ro Mat 91.) HIGH WATER. {LOW WATER Time H'ght Time H'ght Kay bra, mm. ft. in. hra.min. ft. ins. I 6.8 ami 7.8 0.86 am 4.8 BATOBBATIS 7Mpm 74 16pm 9 c™. i« f 7.38 am 7.8 i 1.46 am 3.8 Somtat 16 I
      130 words

  • 891 10 THE POSSIBILITIES FOR FUTURE EXPLOITATION. Tin Mining Industry. Mail papers from Europe are devoting much space of late Vo the mineral wealth of Siam and the great possibilitier which it offers for future exploitation, say the Siam Free Press. Home papers, however, are not so very accurate
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 625 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital Id 10.000 Shares of IHeicb aU.JOO.OOO Beserre Fond 11 '5Z* I SSS Bassrr* Liability of Proprietor* «1,M0,000 BAM KERB. Bank oi England. National Bank of Sootland. 11. London City Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH.
      625 words
    • 477 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. t-AiD up capital •u.000.00c 4EBERVE FUND Sterling Rewrre 118.000.0001 aw &00 000 BilTsriWe •14,600,000} W Utrrt Liabilllj of Proprietors •M.000.000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. Boa. Mr. W. 3. Or— son, Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, Eaq Deputy Chairmaa. E.G. Buntt, Esq. 1 R- Lensmann, Bag.
      477 words
    • 71 10 OCNT PUT IT OFF. Don't allow twenty-four hours to elapse without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in your home. True you may not need it within that time, but it is better than any doctor's prescription and worth twenty times its cost in canoe of diarrbcea, cramp colic or
      71 words
    • 437 10 OH* (DHHJ ill. jL i\ [I I MIRMITD SCALPS Warm shampoos with Cuticura Soap followed by gentle applications of Cuticura to the hair roots clear the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, allay itching and irritat on, destroy microscopic life, soften the scalp skin, stimulate the hair glands and promote
      437 words
    • 1069 10 BALK BY AUCTION^ A.TJOTIO2ST SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC. The property of W. J. Mayson, Esq., AT DUNROBIN," No. 40, BARKER ROAD, ON SATURDAY, MAY 22. AT 2 P.M. Carved and polished teak octagonal tables handsome fibre drawing-room suite mounted with Malacca cano valuable steel and coloured engravings
      1,069 words

  • 1127 11 CONFUSION OF PEDESTRUNS IN AMERICA. Mails in Airships. To say that the motorcar driver is responsible, in many cases, for the confusion of pedestrians and drivers ot other vehicles sounds (writes an American correspondent) like the bombastic Rpeeoh of a motorphobe, bat to anyone who has driven very much
    1,127 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 516 11 a Agra to Peshawar 760 Something Like a ...h^artocaicntt. <.«» Calcutta to Bombay 1,668 Motor Tyre Test. 3 jL m A WAS 4^^ S^S ia!\'* HTPCW A 6 AD. Jj=j i=^S= ll^fi jgk 'i B ejvg a zm -\J>*- i =^*~y NO TYRE TROUBLES ALL THE WAY. ANOTHER RECORD FOR
      516 words
    • 167 11 Is/L ABTELL'S Blue and Silver Label is an accepted guarantee, all over the world FOR THE BEST QUALITY IN BRANDY THRt <«: STAR AND ONE STAR. You know it For particulars of Tobehad by th* ot Blue and trade prices, all SI«rL.W. pleage Bpply I*al.r.. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. 829
      167 words
    • 239 11 SHEFFIELD SIMPLEX CARS. 20-24 HP.. 6-CYLINOER. 5-SEATED. WITH HOOD. SCREEN. H.T. Magneto Ignition, Wire Detachable Wheels, 815 x 106 m/m Tyres, Lamps, Horn, Mechanical Lubrication. Petrol capacity: 10 gallons. COMPLETE $5,6 OO NETT CASH. Sole Agents: CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. 15-2O H.P. STAR Five-Seated, Fitted with BOSCH DUAL IGNITION WITH SELF
      239 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 510 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MisoeIIaneous Wants of Every Description, Honnes, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at the following rates One Insertion $1.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 5.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.12 Twenty- five 10.00 (Each subsequent month 95 per inch.) The above rate is based
      510 words
    • 409 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. aim i-Fo»r Lldm, OM or two I—tloM, H.OO Br th* laeh, *c* Baal* of Cham*. RUBBER BTUMPB FOR SALE Good Rubber Stumps, 10 months old. Apply Manager, Linggt Plantation!, Ltd., Seremban. FOR SALE The Hulk Tancarville," as she now lies off Polo Samboe. For further particulars, apply
      409 words
    • 547 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bin -fo»r Übm, om ot two lasarUoi 11.00 B 7 »h. IHh, *m Mill .1 shan*.. HOUBEB TO BE LET. Commodious terrace houses in Wilkie Road to be let. Rent 125. Apply to u775 OUTHRIE CO., LTD. COMPOUND HOUBE TO BE LET. No. 102, Waterloo
      547 words
    • 444 12 INSURANCE Odmpahies. Son Life v:: r ::.v of Canada. I.t.*M»k.4 IMS). Aum exoeed 46,000,000. 0.0 Surplcs over all liabilities according to Government Standard 4 846,266.0.0 broom, 1906, £1, 428,000. 0.0 Oflee:a-c. Battery ßd.,i w. wniti Stagapor*. If aa»«*r, Soath- Barters Art* a CANTON INSURANCE OFFIOE LIMITED. Oapltal BQbseribed....l*,Mo,ooC Amount paid-up
      444 words
    • 507 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets. VALVBS, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suotion, Steam, Hydraulic), Oardenhosee, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOORTILES, MATTING. EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sola Agents i MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      507 words
    • 485 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES KiTU'-lat Month, SlOpttineh. B«b*t«a*nt month., St. For «horUr period* Seal* olCh*rf**. NOTICE. We hare now started business as ship chandlers and comminsion agonts at 101. Market Street! under the style of Hean Boon and Co., Chop Khoon Hong Chan. CHU SHU MING, 970 WBE HEAN BOON. NOTICE. I
      485 words