The Straits Times, 11 May 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.956 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MAY 11. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 77 1 FOR THE RACES A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF THE VERY LATEST SHAPES IM Ladies' Trimmed Hats. JUST ARRIVED. FINE MODELS. Races I Races I KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd. Raffles M& Hotel. Special Dinner Tuesday, May 11. Thursday, May 13. Saturday, May 18. SAKKIES-.BHOTHEKS, Proprietors. ASAHI (la f> r*rjW\ fj B BeSt and
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    • 138 1 HARIMA HALL Cinematograph, North Bridge Boad. To-Night at 9.30. Jealous Husband. Cupid's Four Darts. Mr. Absentmind. Too Mast not Play with my Feelings. BTRING ORGHEBTRA. COOL HOUBE. K. HARIMA, Sole Proprietor. THE Empire Hotel, KUALA LUMPUR. F.M.B. A New First-class Hotel. Fitted with Electric Light and tans. Five minntes from
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    • 231 1 THERMOS n 4- Patent Flasks. fOl ■hp OBTAINABLE AT |j ROBINSON'S. II •THERMBB" WITH BTROMB Invaluable to Travellers. aS-i-fL U t LEATHER CABE. Invaluable to Sportsmen. Invaluable to Excursionists. #^.3 HOT BEVERAGES <B H> will remain hoi for 24 hoars without any application -^Sp or any precautions against cold. I"!
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    • 85 1 NOTICE. Artie Tully begs to inform the Sporting Public that he has authorised Messrs. J. Symondsand A.F.Mitchell to transact Lin business till his return from Java on May 8, 1909. uBB4 A W. T CLLY. NOTICE. I hereby give notioe that I hare ceased to employ "H. Smith as my
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    • 107 1 ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT f 17. Orohord Bead ARRANGED FLORAL MBKETB. BOUQUETB. SHOWERB. ETC. Wadding orders raoair* ■paolal attention. Many Looal Teilimoaiali. Prices Moderate Cat Flowers from on own Nnrtorie* always Qnite Frash. COABTIN6 BTEAMERB Will find excellent Wharf, Cargo, and Bunkering Accommodation at Labuan. For terms, apply to
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  • 1131 2 SHAKESPEAREAN PLAYS WITHOUT SCENERY. New Farce By R. C. Carton. On April 12, Mr. GeraM Lawrence and Miss Fay Davis opened a six weeks' season at the Court Theatre of Shakespearean revivals, beginning with As You Like It. The chief feature of the revivals is that there
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  • 534 2 Search for Perth Man Terminates in Finding Dead Calf. Though every possible inquiry has been luade, says the Western Mail (Australia) there has not yet been discovered any trace of the missing man Tolhurst. During February last Tolburst came to the city from Moors for the purpose of
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  • 199 2 Famous Richmond Hotel Under Auctioneer's Hammer. The freehold, fully licensed house on Richmond Hill, known as the Star and Garter Hotel, was offered for sale on April 6, at Tokenbouse Yard by Messrs. Chancellor and Sons. There was a large attendance at the auction, whioh was
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  • 169 2 Certain German manofactmers are asid to have succeeded in producing an excellent edible fat from copra, the meat of the coconut. The substanoe, which is knewn as palmin, is used for cooking and this is described as a hard, snow-white vegetable fat of practically 100 per
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 241 2 TTSIE "Eagle" Cement aft J&^- y/ ~^T~^ mW 'vt^ff^MF For HIGH-CLASS WORK. BOPneO CO., Ltd.. Government. GENASCO Tropical Roofing. 2 Ply $1O per roll of 216 square feet. 3 Ply $12 per roll of 216 square feet. Complete with Nails, Caps and Cement for fixing. •'GENASCO" is prepared for THE
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    • 196 2 BATAM BRICK WORKS. A Urge stock of Bricks always on hand. D. J. vaji WYNGAAKDBN, 18, Boat Quay. Tblbphonb No. 439. Sole Agent 656 B r Straits Times, 4MB The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issue per yew $80.00 do per quarter 7JJO do per month 2.60
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    • 56 2 A POPULAR AMERICAN REMEDY. Mr. Fred C. Hanrahan, a prominent druggist ol Portsmouth, Va., U. S. A., says For the past six yean I have sold and reoommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrboßa Remedy. It is a great remedy and one of the best patent medicines on the market." For
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    • 298 2 ISMAIL &RAHEEM ARE NOW SHOWING A LARGE VARIETY OF Diamond Jewellery, LOOSE DIAMONDS AND OTHER PRECIOUS STONES. -Early Inspection Respectfully Solicited. ENO S FRUIT SALT A HOUSEHOLD REMEDY FOR All Functional Derangements of the Liver, Temporary Congestion arising' from Alcoholic Beverages, Errors in Diet (Eating or Drinking), Biliousness, Sick Headache,
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  • 925 3 FOUR DAYS' SIEGE TERMINATES IN SURRENDER. Far Too Weak to Resist Police. Cecil Dencb, the St. Blazey madman, has capitulated, and is now safely lodged in the cell at Tywardreath police station, about two miles from the house in which for four nights and three and a half
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  • 56 3 Buckingham Palace has lost the services of its giant policeman, W. K. Leggott, who baa just retired, after twenty-six years' in the force. Police-Constable Leggott was on duty for some years at Maxlborongh House, and prior to that at Sandringbam. He was about 6ft. 6in. tall. His late colleagues will
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  • 415 3 Scene with Burglars at Barnes Rectory. Early the other morning, there was an exciting scene at Barnes Rectory, the aged rector, the Rev. B. Meredyth Kitson, being severely injured in a fight in the dark with a burglar. Fuller details of the occurrence came to light at
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  • 269 3 Great Tenor Chaffs New York Reporters. Caruso Hailed from New York for England, on the Mauritania on April 14, after having been half-suffocated on the pier by scores of reporters anxious to learn from the great tenor's own lip* the truth of the sensational story circulated that his
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  • 138 3 The matter of growing shade trees by the aide of our public thoroughfares ought to receive more attention than it does now, says the Ceylon Patriot. They not only answer the purpose of affording shelter to the public from the intense heat of the tropical sun, bat add
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  • 112 3 A telegram to the Matin from Toulon states that when tbe commission of inquiry into the condition of the French navy appointed by the Chamber visited the battleship Justice, it found that boilers were in a lamentable condition, and that the stock of ammunition was not complete.
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  • 69 3 Mi«s Klltu Terry gave practical evidence of her sympathy with the votes for women movement by opening a bazaar on April 15, at Caxton Hall, Westminster, organised by the Women 'h Freedom League for tbe purpose of replenishing the war chest. The stall-holders wore the costume of the fifteenth century,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 443 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with a^pa^aVa^aVa^a^va^avsa^ava^ava^^avß^Maflpa^asa^HMPVH ■■w» muiM.t .pc*k aT^knVA^HaW^aVs^a^VA^avaV^V A^aa "^H BaT k too kifhir of it I^Vlb .A-vlaJtß.fll HrH Pronounced by the HIQHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES .!wHv* Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, Jd -WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the
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    • 71 3 DONT PUT IT OFF. Don't allow twenty-four bonra to elapse without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluta Remedy in your home. True you may not need it within that time, bat it s better than any doctor's prescription and worth twenty times its oost in cases of diarrhoea, cramp oolic or
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    • 4 3 Zymole Tooth Powder SESrSSS
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    • 356 3 A SOZODONT LJ£y[ Millions of people all over the Jpßat world are using Sozodont, because A<p^sSi\ of its genuine value as a cleanser, iOZlltffll P reserver a nd beautifier of the S TEFJH I teeth Invaluable to those who 5525 l aye 8 0 d teetn anc w ant to
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    • 40 3 WAH SANG, Photographer. No. 15, High Street, SINGAPORE. DEVELOPING PRINTING. Photo Enlargements AT MODERATE PRCIES. 765 DOGS HEAD Brand AHEAD of ALL. BASS'S ALE, GUI N NESS'S STOUT. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Sola AqotU: KIM HIN AND CO., 13, Kling Street, Singapore.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 712 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*;. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porta, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Ladlsg issued for China Coast Persian Quit, Continental, and Amerioan Port. Steamera will leave Singapore on or about. MAIL LINE. Outward (for China) Delhi May 21
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    • 605 4 STEAMERS BAILINB. OCEAN STEAM SKIP CO.. LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CB. LTD. Ths Companies' steamers are despached from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and tor Marseilles, Havre
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    • 907 4 STEAMER BAIUIHB. APCAR LINE OF BTEAMERB Tbs undermentioned mail steamers of ths above Line maintain a regular servioa between Oaloutta and Japan, oalling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai m route PLBKT. Tons nnmmaßrtar l.«. ■Jafab" 1,800 J. O. Ourm i.s. Gaasoai Amab 4,600 8. H. Bauoa s.s. Abbatoob Akab"
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    • 642 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG Ths steamers of this Company maintain a regular aervioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and ths Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they ars despatohed fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and ones a month for Brsmerhavsn direot, calttag at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 809 4 BTEAMEB BAILIIHB. N. D. L NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (Jerman Mail Line. The fast and well-known mail steamers ot this Company sail fortnighty from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Boothamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (oonneotion Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Soez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai, Nagasaki
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  • 233 5 Reception of the News in Java and Deli. The happy event in the Royal Family of Holland resulted in great rejoicings in Java and Deli, along the lines which we have already described. The only thing that marred the gladness was regret that there was so little
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  • 174 5 Criminal Appeal List Ten Feet Long. There is again a very considerable congestion of work facing the judges of the Calcutta High Court, says the Statesman. Particularly ir this the case in the Criminal Appellate Division, where the cause list in already over ten feet in length,
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  • 89 5 With regard to the ancient privilege accorded to the Masters of Trinity of wearing their hats in the presence of royalty, it is recorded of a former Master that be took this privilege on an occasion when Queen Viotoria wan vifiiting Cambridge. The Queen remonstrated. Bat,
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  • 137 5 According to the Cebu Courier of April 16, Liddiarri's LiliputianH had a rough experience aftor leaving that city on the coasting steamer Bungao, and were in danger of drowning wbile off the north coast of Mindanao. The story in the Courier follows Liddiard's Lilliputians left on the
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  • 110 5 Per Hteamcr Kinta, May 10.— From Telak Anson Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker, Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. W. E. Hooper, Messrs. F. O. Ban, Innes and C. B. Buckley from Port Swettenhain Miss O. Hara, Mr. and Mrs J. Zelmann, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ah Soo, Mesurs. D.
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  • 87 5 Wharves at which Vessels are berthed To-Uay. TAN JON Q PAOAR. Run Wsuai Etna— Banka, E. J. Spanos Eui W. Baonoa I— Bbatata. Baonoa No. 1 (Sanaa Wbaaf)-Nil. Samoa J— Tee»ta, Singora. 8-Kut Sang. 4— Nil. I Nil. 6— Maohaon. 7-NM. Sabins Bickmsrs
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  • 1218 5 tinder this heading the following abbravia..ona are need str. steamer ah. ship bq. -banas ash, mhsoasr Yet— Yaoht Cm. -Crouar. G'b*.— Onabsal Tor.— Torpedo H.p.— Hone- power Brit. British U.S.— L'uited State* Fob.— French Ocr. German Dnt.— Dntoh Ital.— ltalian Span.— Spanish Sar.— Sarawak O.o.— General-aargo; djj
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  • 78 5 OOTWAJU) GIRM AX Mill.. The Imperial German mail ateamsr Lnetzow having left Colombo at 8 pm. on the 9th mutant, and may be axpeotcd to arrive bare 00 Friday morning the 14th instant. Outward B. I. Maji. The B. I. oon tract packet steamer Taroba, with the
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  • 111 5 For Per Btiahbi 1 m Tn nuiioi K. Panang, Pekan, K'tao Aing Tkye 9 am. Caoob Olangai 10 a.m. Sabak and Djambie Bnmwtr noon Anamba and Natnna U. BatarUr noon P S'tenham and Panang Kittna 1 p.m. Moar and Malaooa SH M«ar I p.m. liaugkuk via ports Uakidol
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  • 105 5 Prom Eurpoe By the N.D.D. steamer Luetuuw. da* May 14. 81. ttaamar Taroba, doe May 15. MM. steamer Sydney, doe May IT. Prom China U. M. steamer Tonkin, doe May 17. l»r W M.D li. .pnl 1 B. I. .pril 0 M.M. Lpril 9 P.A.O. .pnl IS
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  • Finance & Commerce.
    • 51 5 Howarth Erekine 0% 800,000 1% prom. Riley, Hargreave 6% 284,000 1% prem. S'poro Electric I'ramways Co., Ltd. 6% 860)060 nominal Strait* Engineering Syndicate, Ltd. 6% 46,000 par Singapore Municipal 6% 400^)00 2O%p.noni 6% 1,878,000 7%prem. *i% 1,600,000 8% prem. 4% 602,900 8% diso. Tanjone Pagar Dock Board 6% 1,060,000
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    • 264 5 > BMABM Paid j Urn Quotations Last DIVIDINIi I •800,000 •800,000 •600,000 £600,000 ♦400,000 £60,000 £100,000 •160,000 £120,000 •460,000 £460,000 £100,000 £120,000 •460,000 £27,000 10 10 10 10 1 1 10 1 I 10 6/--1 1 10 1 1 1 1 100 6 10 10 10 1 1 10
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    • 393 5 4150,000 10 10 1 1 1 1 i i 10/--1 17/6 io 1 1 I 1 12/6 10/. 18/ 10/- Anglo Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. it f i c<ft trfu rrto ry Halgownie Rubber EsUte Ltd. (6)... Batu Caves Robber Co., Ltd Batu Tiga (Selangon R.Co. Ltd. (17) Bukit
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    • 175 5 •I^oo,ooo ms,ooo •iMaaooo •2*80,000 11,000,001' •84.001' »re,oou JO 10 60 126 100 100 100--100 10 100 100 10 SO 1 100 100 10 10 7 60 126 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 10 4611 Kaatern Smelting Co., Ltd. 10.00 j m «-75 Fraaer Neave,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 4 5 Zymolc Tooth Paste *I£x£*
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    • 2 5 Steara*' H«adaeh«Cur«,o&
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    • 167 5 Fw the Banks of the Nile the perfect qualities of Messrs. Maspero Frtres f Bout on Rouge and Felucca Egyptian Cigarettes §p are recognised by all. M«ade of the finest selected Turkish Tobacco under Ideal conditions ip O'ro. A LUXURY TO THE MAN OP TASTE IN 60S AIRTIGHT TINS, OBTAINABLE
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    • 87 5 <a) 6% debentures.— (6) subecribed by employoes.— (c) part paid shares. BONSjams.— aad banns 3* per oent for year ended 81/13/oa— faod 5/-boaua.— Raaarms. Furores after names of companies indicate that they bold reserves as follows: (1) 126,000, (3) 110,000, (8) £0,000, (4) £4,878, (6) 126,000, (0) •7,400, (7) £8,784
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 171 5 DAY BY DAY. Tuesday, May 11. High Water, 3.60 pm. Singapore Races, First Day. 2.44. Chinese Prayer Meet., Hot Im Koan, 7.80. Alhambra Ctnemategraah. Harima Cinematograph, Marlborooga Cismaatofrap*. Wednesday, May ML High Water, 1.46 a.m., 4. Vi p.m. Bandmann Opera Co., S. Thursday, May 14 High Water, 3.00 am 6.»1
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  • 1186 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS TUESDAY, MAY 11. RAILWAY POLICY. We have heard of a worthy griffin who, on arrival in Singapore, selected a house oa the Buldt Timah Road so that be might bear the soroech of a railway whistle and have sweet memories revived of Victoria andChariug
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  • 19 6 The Drams of the 3rd Bn. Middlesex llogiment will not beat Retreat in the Botanical Gardens on Wednesday next.
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  • 26 6 The Dutch community in Penang are celebrating the birth of an heir to the throne of Holland with a danoe at the Penang Club to- night.
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  • 31 6 The Russians have persisted in dredging for gold in the Amur River in spite of remonstrances. The governor of the province has telegraphed to the Waiwupu to take up the matter.
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  • 35 6 The Empire Day fond at Kuala Lumpur amounts to 9360, but to this some 1800 has been promised by members of the European community, and it is understood that the Tamil community is contributing tIOO.
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  • 35 6 The hearing of the case in which several Jews are involved in charges of trespass, using criminal foroe and insulting conduct, to whioh we made some reference yesterday, has been adjourned to the 19th inst.
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  • 40 6 The fact that Ceylon rubber planters are able to sell their crops to home merchants a year ahead at fixed prices puts them on a better plane than any agricultural interest elsewhere known to us, says the India Rubber journal.
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  • 37 6 The Chinese branch of the local Young Men's Christian Association is getting a secretary from Amoy. He comes very highly recommended, is a good athlete and speaks two dialects of Chinese, as well as the English language.
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  • 42 6 Messrs. John Little and Co., Ltd., sued Mr. G. R. Oehlers in the district court, yesterday, for 159.64 as the balance due for goods supplied. In the absence of defendant, judgment was given for the plaintiffs for the amount claimed with costs.
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  • 42 6 Singapore was threatened with a terrible drenching last night as banks of the darkest clouds crept down Johore Straits and quite a stiff blow tempered the heated atmosphere. But the unexpected happened and the storm spent its fury far out at sea.
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  • 51 6 In the case of A. Perreau and another against L. A. A. Allagappa Chitty, a dispute as to a mortgage on property at Moulmein Road, which mortgage the court was asked to declared void, Mr. Justice Seroombe Smith this morning gave judgment fer the defendant, and allowed the counterclaim, with
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  • 61 6 The story goes that the trains, both passenger and goods, are running so punctually, that the people up country set their clocks and watches by them, reports the British North Borneo Herald. It is quite a common occurrence for the trains to arrive so punctual that the town clock strikes
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  • 51 6 To the literary treasures of the Guildhall Library an interesting and valuable addition has just been made in the form of a copy of the eighteenth -century work by Jonas Hanway, entitled A Sentimental History of Chimney Sweepers in London and Westminster with a Letter to a London Clergyman on
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  • 61 6 It seems that the flying of the Chinese dragon and other flags has been becoming too extensive in Shanghai, for we are informed by native reports, says the N. C. D. News, that the municipal council has instructed the police to direct all Chinese shops and other to cease hoisting
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  • 55 6 A painful sensation has been caused throughout Burma, owing to the arrest of Mr. J. S. Birch, deputy superintendent, Mr. C. Gupta, assistant superintendent, and a Bengali subordinate in the Kheddah's department, on charges of fraud involving K20.000. One charge relates to the theft of an elephant. All the accused
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  • 71 6 The case of Sarkies Bros, versus W. Palliser, was referred to before Mr. Justioe Seroembe Smith this morning, and it having been announced that a settlement was come to, judgment was entered accordingly. The writ was originally issued in June, 1908, whioh led his Lordship to remark that if this
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  • 92 6 The police at Batavia are "■^"fl inquiries into the complaints of about forty Chinese coolies who allege that, at Singapore, they were bound and taken by foroe on board a steamer. The vessel called at Batavia on the way to Benooolen in Sumatra the destination of the coolies. These men
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  • 103 6 Some tune ago, Wong Choon sued the Union Times for »'2,000 damages for alleged libel, but failed in his claim and was ordered to pay the costs amounting to some 1280. He was before the court for non-payment and was told he must pay 15 a month until the amount
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  • 122 6 Last night, at the Hotel de l'Europe, the Dutch Club gave a banquet and reception in honour of the Crown Princess of Holland at which 160 people were present. An excellent dinner was served and much credit is doe to Mr. Schuti, the enterprising manager, and his staff, for the
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  • 396 6 Dr. E. A. O. T ravers has come to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur for a short holiday. Mr. A. R. Adams was a passenger from Penang by the Bharata, this morning. Lieut. G. R. Home, 3rd Bn. Middlesex Regt., was removed from the lick list on Bth
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  • 82 6 It is said that over ten thousand natives of the Shun I district have emigrated as coolies to the Straits and Malay States, writes the Canton correspondent of the China Mail. Very few of them attain wealth, but one lucky fellow named Ngan has lately returned
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  • 91 6 The attention of the Manchester Courier has been drawn to the figure of a lion an the gable end of some houses at Latcbiord. Mr. W. Chrimes, in a letter, points out that some birds, believed to be German sparrows, are building in the lion's mouth.
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  • 142 6 Some months ago, a chetty prosecuted another chetty, but the prosecution failed and the prosecuted one turned round and claimed 11,100 odd damages for malicious prosecution, judgment for which he obtained. The matter oame before Mr. Justice Seroombe Smith, yesterday, in the form of a judgment summons.
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  • 186 6 There is considerable difference of opinion among local members of the bar regarding the advantages and disadvantages of certain features of the new civil procedure code, 1907. Under it, the discovery of documents in tin. district court is not allowed. Before the code went into force, all
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 122 6 ALHAMBRA To -flight! This Programme. MEW PICTURES. 2nd Show, at 9.30 p.m. 1. Overture. 2. The Invisible Thief. 3. BOSTOCK'B DANGEROUS ANIMALS Daring operation on an Arizona Rattle-Snake. 4. A Jealous Husband. 5. Film d 1 Art: THE FEAR. 6. William's Suicide. 7. Launching of the Man of- War Voltaire."
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  • 11 7 TMfcATBO KKWAL fF TK fafteafafawftt {WmmmmW MBMi SM>
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  • 41 7 Iflpy. CAHKT I««O AT TBWI tJaV •Jl|BtMaßwaWy •mmm m i m^m\ m mm m f a Mm\ mmaaaa mW I Tw-,,,, tm i Tir-lIMIC ■ft Hi mmjjmmm* mmmM bwMPMbbbbb bbbv aßaaaai mmm.mwm. B UfaaaJ Caaaaat ta* baas liiiaafl a
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  • 30 7 tffta Ufc Alfcr S^m, lakniir Tbmiii ii Laaaam. May U iiaajfcli 111' I II Km thOa aad I«Bdkaa af Oaaaaaaal tnakam. was aafli IT ut urn ii.kmmi
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  • 21 7 Xka l-lk^Mi GPm aaW «bbb* faaW afff tafat «WbbV> t Irt fafjiil** H MibTmtt. Wmmm* mmmAt^mS mm 9
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  • 35 7 CtWs. rtk. Ii I— Turn m\ mtmrnmtfUi ai atMtaaMß bmbbmbb Vbmbb B^aiakv af ■aaiavaaißke ow> Naajaal tolas jmbbbob Tt» 1»7 <b«b law kaaa •yjaad. Bad iatv aiaßuar BBaaßaalß «kaß at aaa taflßßttoa Inuu*.
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  • 31 7 ■Maavaßß/ttL T«n aMMBBMfI* n UNHlMajimi at a^BBB^BBB^BBBBBBaI BBBaaaA 1 iiJM till ISaaTaSaMOB ■af ■aTaßTafafaVfaa£ Sal naVJaMaV laVaTaHTJaafah VBHBt JaVa) KMbI tmmVJ %Wm Wmm9 aWHM MU liftt 111
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  • 22 7 ■T IWCHI MHrln riMC ■jakftvU. I lac. UtuntataUl bbombbb. jb »y CBBB) M 9J HMMB ■aajrp—t aat M »U1 Hanrtaali
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  • 4 7 lWmWttHt'9 TlBHaMt
    4 words
  • 4 7 ■afawaajral
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  • 6 7 j fctftaaaßT "t. taM* BBBam *B^BBBBBaI
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  • 176 7 aVcr. Ibmmi m 4 Ca. f Ssc* It. a»Ma> tLmWm*. lUUKI M* aaa& VA _f a v laaaaaaa araaal bbcbbbi aaotaaary at s bb» af ffJBB. V-ana bb aaMMal. t*t-~^*r SBaaal aas aaa «bbb aaalv to dalnw. kat aaaaaato aaaar aaak mmmmj. Tin ma. aaaaf aaa bbbbbum-
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  • 119 7 A aaauar aaiaßßk aaoUBBBt 1m» bafaaßMM) to var aaaaniyar faiaa. aaa af ate vaaajaißfiba kdaatt flaat uadar Connßaal af Maraaai aaaalb Eaßßßkm wium m mow vmmbbmi ■»iurui by aka aanaaA. wtaot bwiiih iw «BaaA.kiakßß aBBBJag* aaat Tbb^Wbbmi mj M mmjmm |^I^^^b^bb»*» b^bVbl im \mmY ala^M bbbbt «M»
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  • 75 7 ajaa— Jfc. fctha «awaaja»Jaaafx ym cSt Waa. aaaiaat bbwb> a iw puiux pjaj| i" k- ■aaaja| :n t faMfJ fia*7 MMi aaMy to tbrnlaaa*. «»> aaai t.t... to* '1 a—- a~*~~ bb 4mb mbbbbk, wlmbmm* A mbo Baaß bibwbs 1 bb «t> aakar laar IMm*l
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  • 68 7 American Society Sensation. imhbbb at n»~mt kilted luaaaad waa MJiWtflit* ita* ob April 111 Ti» m wa» tnqiißart Amml wa youtulu «nc oapukv tMk. waa Uw latoi m tot mmm* d *fJ m <^m* tv& TTbt tot tmto 1 1 fl—; a mm n wa» fauaaaal toat i» aal Boaßßtotßl
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  • 6 7 m-^bbbbm aaf fl^Bk bb^bV^bVßbW
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  • 319 7 wmumc asskutims «f a KAI7IWDLCITT f ■•aßßaa* aftM am «B*jVaBBBaaBBBBBBi aaal Xaaa) Sa^iifc. wiuofc wil to 4h> MMfy ymmm Mr to Ate n** mm rtf Bhbbh, wto is UHt is aaiar ftvkaW 4bbbbbb *bbbbbb» *bhbbb) Ibbbbbl *Mbbbbbbbi atM af aaaal u>c oudHw auuat jiMjb t, aai «rtaa*aa* tint
    319 words
  • 11 7 tBOB^MBto yaw vtalM fi l ji 7TI M
    11 words
  • 159 7 TK KSETT. sHtmfJ VMOflf tat HHHi ••■aar a-aaaaaaaa «ua .*«bbbbi «mhbbm> mmmw•ff r%x*aßaßßi t*i BBaaaVaSSBBm. Il mm «>■■» IHlaWtlafll CahiaftHft IllkfJ^l qOaM-aUim ft» mmj to a— ga— I n Baaaar. at aaaaaaa, akM* aaaaa-e W aatii aahaa. aatoaai*«aaK<jßaaßßaaaf«aVakßaaaa a^arMtaawaTtoaWaaaaßaaaofj mii Jaaaaaar MManaaaß, aai aaaal «2
    159 words
  • 149 7 IflpSrtMt DIBOSWHy QMftZ M ■at aaaaafl fcaaVMt kill "ltßAakaafl 4w> Man—* tmj, 4t. M< aVfIfJaMKHaB tftaTaTaai m% mm% ■bTMb% mmtiA p)i^l IHIC. aa Ma aaaa bbbbi ll of bbb aaaaßal mmmmhbb'* BBBort tor tin inu? «aakß aaaaw JbbjH Mat. a a. mb* i_ m_^ a mbbA ska
    149 words
  • 117 7 1 «uul«>» atiupiuwnw uuaaa CHa» Kmb Vw* lad aujiit i—tf ■naiaqni haMaaa. ■a of ppM-namd yjfc»nti,«.aaag >■*#■» Bad b aaad bob wiuoL oMBBB^aaBBa Bajaßaav LBB,JT»Bak. Th» ■ahBB BBBMBI Ml Bt Ttaa tluat flaaaaaA mat bbbbb. Ab taal af tut M_ taai totd iim ttaak laa ftaafMr a
    117 words
  • 17 7 Tim knMn af «m» biomb latflraw o» IhHi MteHkß ibf 4ka> ■■■■■■> Affifl
    17 words
  • 7 7 JW^^pMilit;* aa»-a»UBBB»«B» Ife aTaatal 4flßßHHti4 HMMWBIUOB^V ftliC
    7 words
  • 145 7 flaßß**/ I B*^BMBBMaBVfrwB#BBB*aI Jaaf WaßßßaMAMfaaVal •"i ibml ii raaaai nan fainfl hii i bbbb at an iH^i,<faaa wit aaat aaat to wil kt warffc afkjr aaaiab ate fa aaatoaalaa total laa. tmt fa kaml mm* Tka I itoaa fawn. mmmEk bmßb bbbb ka toaaa a* ttat aaaaal
    145 words
  • 120 7 Ob «mb lat iBBU niaaliin wm laud is to»l PaMMBBB aft f^Mpaaaoai, at Mana* burnt paaßßl aaar by aßkaaar mbbbbl Mi SaaWtoaU-a/ Tbb aaaatßMjaa. aaaal |PM| «SSL hMmal h aa ake aHaatßß ataa* Maaw aaa toaal. aai aaMaaai aaMMMaaaaaaaa mbmMb aaa abat •'toaaaaßß at ant to
    120 words
  • 71 7 Wmmmmm\ mmmX I mm> mm\ Vafaataafaßßf Tilt mmVf fjf ft teaflaaOf IMMmTJC ftflftUM f«*l ftaUat* Laaal n i i at mm* mpart Mt_aßM> bb «jbJ -L TW MBjaJry Mai <> ftp^lafßfaTaßßTßßal WJ IHbV CiafaMaTaH ta g ai at bb* mmm Ibb> >BJBi- ÜBBBBBBBr t>. fl— t BBMI MBB
    71 words
  • 61 7 af aaJfaia— win In il,*w» OaaHM^ «Mm tt» mm af LA Mm taa. aad fliaai tew te «Mri j^g aaal Sa3aaiii»JaaML Sb. U. m aW wm mm— l Tb* te lJk«L*r. K. fi. farf *> WMI t— tjagaii fii am at ■BSaalß^ilß^i>B> te> •ajaafaw] Mak hat fc—
    61 words
  • 18 7 K^M.MMl^im, alft "j^** l ffT ZI "t». mi CTTii aafati—y 1 I 1 Tat ffiiil
    18 words
  • 68 7 IH BVAL IMK OTEKESTS l«alam. May 11 I aaator mbbbb aaal bmbßbbj kaa kaaa janaaaal to ka kali at Bate aa aka IMb mmßmb» af BBBBaatalaa at tka Aaaaam. *ti* r.ngi*. :ii««ai i_tmj AbbbvOmJbbb bbbb a aaary bbbbb to kaaaaa a bbßbaaat aaatoaary aa aa aaa bb bbbbbV
    68 words
  • 12 7 TWO TWOSAH) N/»*T aarTaa Taoaaaxa. 1 LobAob.. Mat 11
    12 words
  • 101 7 ■BBBMMB. ka«B 8888 MMai_ky BmT^.h'Ti teAaaj aaßMMaat- lhay aaaaal. akat bbmmu> and ftaaaßj bmbmmm*. Our IMBM^jaBBBaaaaBBBat<MBBB aka* ska V^mmmW i^kmmmJ aaf to^aft^B^Bß^ak Oa»r%a^oaaaßßaaßaaa»awßß akat ska 7*l mmmmm ml mmmmmmmm* mmLiitliir tl aTafaTakTaTaTl aTafA bbbTl 1 ftilfaTaTaAV MMb ■VmßbSbbTbl BBbV AlmbbHWbbl AW wMaTaTy aPVaaMHaBTaI tW AatJ IWy
    101 words
  • 104 7 Tiir OatBBBBBBB BDCMaBaBaBBt td bbbbbi laaaaag aaai af aW mbws «aBB aa» aa* Mm sblbb Memml few aaai to JaJ aatfc inh Hi Aaawaaai «bbj» as iar la— aaf, mJm/mb m» Im kmm mat* m aaA at th» MBBMtTSLar aaJ aaaMfc— M«BiaMilMaßm.lMßM»aßaaMaaß%a»Baßajaaßai aaai 1 Mai mhb ■mbbbmbbi
    104 words
  • 40 7 ■HHB te MtyHEt MMBaftl faUB) HflßdktßEMt Tim V'vfjriiin. taiM«nkpti«d ■■> j j m m» Jf!ZZm£ wy JBaaMaaMMV Bit KaUHHHaMy BMI tt ft fIWISBHV^ rf a aB -f- BB mif| fvaaaaV te 4h> faflt 4kßt fIMBV fMaTOBM MM fIBBJ IS
    40 words
  • 35 7 m^litenMLfaß Kafc a BaaaaßttM m mm^mmmmmmt X^Omx.VmUimJi ipri' t 1. bbbbl at WaA i^BHBBBteJ ■afaaHaf aftf IbmA tawac m Mm aßßßayßaam tf^^ tat Jufcnu rtat .at 1 Ihl Iwi fipii j\ nfaw
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  • 455 8 EXPECTATIONS OF A GOOD AFTERNOON. Our Special Selections. Racecourse, Tuesday Morning. Should the weather prove favourable, tbe racing in most of the events this afternoon will be particularly good. Tbe Maiden Plate, with only four runners' will be at the mercy of Second Start, who is now quite
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  • 218 8 Submarine Earthquake Shock Felt off Yokohama. The San Francisco Chronicle of March 80, reports Sighted twenty-five miles southwest of the Farallones at 2.45 o'clock yesterday morning, the big Pacific Mail liner Manchuria, Captain Daniel Friele, arrived off the barge office shortly before 6 o'clock and was docked with
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  • 104 8 A correspondent writes to the Malay Mail that motor-cycling is absolutely dangerous on the roads in Uln Pahang, and wishes our contemporary to warn motor-oyclists intending to travel in that locality. The roads, in spite of their sharp corners and uneven surfaces, would be far less
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  • 144 8 Sir Henry Berkeley, K. C, moved at the Supreme Court, Hongkong, on Brd instant, before the Cbief Juntice, Sir Francis Piggott, that Mr. E. Potter be admitted as a barrister. Sir Henry Berkeley said Before the cage is called on I have much pleasure in presenting
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  • 252 8 Cheltenham Clergy and Miss Maud Allan's Visit. Miss Maud Allan is not to be prevented from appearing at Cheltenham next Saturday, says an exchange of April 14. She is now fully assured of the magnificent town hall, which will seat 8,000 people. Since the first public announcement
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  • 174 8 Measures of Marine Insurance Companies. According to the Hoohi, a certain party interested in marine insurance i» reported to have stated that, during the Russo-Japanese war, the Japanese Government chartered for campaign purposes many Japauese vessels, with the consequence that the number of ships disqualified for
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  • 201 8 Britisher in a letter to the Bangkok Times of the 6th inst. says The publication of the exact terms of the telegram sent from Bangkok to the Navy League in London clears up a misunderstanding that war not with some importance locally. Mr. Norman Prentice's wire, if
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  • 159 8 A certificate of incorporation has just been granted at Albany to the Europe-America Aero- Navigation Society, the aim of which is to promote flights of dirigible balloons aoroos tlir Atlantic Uoean and generally to encourage the science of aeronautics. The society pro pours to establish branches
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  • 77 8 The smuggling of Chinese out of Mexico and into the United States is to be oombated through the use of the Mexican navy. The gunboat Guerrero has been ordered to the island of Revillagigedo, where it is reported a band of renegade Americans are preparing to
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  • 82 8 At the Teachers' Conference, the other day, Mr. A. R. Pickles, in regard to the scholarship mill, quoted the lines Ram it in, jam it in. Children's heads are hollow, Slam it 18, BUM It Iff, Still there's more to follow. Rap it in, tap it in, What
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 24 8 Tenom, British North Borneo, is going to start a sports club which will include miniature rifle shooting, cricket, tennis and goli
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    • 38 8 The following gentlemen have been elected stewards of the .Hangoon Races for the present season Mr. Jtutioe Robinson, Mr. W N Baines, Mr. L. Chin Tsong, Mr. H. P. Todd-Naylor, Mr. C. Stewart, and Mr. E. C. Shuttleworth.
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    • 76 8 We were puzzled at the time to know what horse Lafayette oould be who ran third for the City and Suburban. His name was not to be found in Ruff, nor in the published entries for the race. We now learn from the Sportsman of April 6> that tbe American
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    • 71 8 Malaya Association Championship. The Sunlight Football Club met the Majilis Persukasn Sri in connection with the above competition, lyesterday, and a hard-fought game was witnessed. Shortly after tbe start, the Majilis team scored a goal, but this was all tbe scoring in the game, as though both sides did
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    • 59 8 The Walker Cup. The following scores have been made by Ipoh in tbe Walker Cup competition for May:— Mrs. Bristow 84 Mrs. Hodges 82 Mrs. Noel Walker 37 Mrs. K.llar 38 Miss A. Jackson 26 Mrs. Whiteside 35 Total 171 [Penang and' Kuala Lumpur each made 188
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    • 93 8 N. U. C. v. P. Co. Middlesex Rest. Last night, at the National Union Club house, a billiard match was played between the N. U. C. and F. Co. Middlesex Regiment with the following result Pte. Smith and Pte. Preston, 60 v. S. Ahmed Ally and M. S. Kader,
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    • 225 8 Straits Champion Beware I Mr. K. Frohlioh successfully aocomplixhed the swim yesterday evening from the flag-i-taff jetty to the Swimming Club bungalow at Tanjong Bungah, says the PJnang, Gazette of Btb instant. There was a strong breeze and a heavy swell, and at one time heavy rain as well,
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    • 273 8 The King's Luck. The London correspondent of the Shanghai Mercury remarks that the feature uftiae flat-racing season so far baa been the success that has attended the Royal colours. By the doable victory at Newbory of the lung's horses, Minors and Oakmere, received naturally with extraordinary enthusiasm by
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  • 870 8 General Manager's Report far the Four Weeks Ending April 24, 1909. The Chairman and Directors, Raub Australian OoM Mining Coy., Ltd, Singapore. Gentlemen, I herewith beg to hand yon my report on your mining and milling operations. The mine measurements and assay returns
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  • 52 8 Messrs. Wee Brothers' steamer Will o'tbeWisp attired from Bagan, yesterday, with a caryo of fish. A cargo of copra arrived from the Natnnas and Anambar ,"*tty the local steamer Batavier. From Amoy hod Swatow, 3,081 Chinese passengers arrived, this morning, by Messrs. Wee Bin and Co.'s steamer
    52 words
  • 210 8 Three Bugis, who brought 4} tahils of chandu from Samarang for their own consumption were fined 110 each by the second magistrate, yesterday. Mastan Singh, a tram driver, who was charted with can ing grievous hart to Chang Ah Fook, who *as badly hurt in being ran over
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  • 145 8 For a long time the Premier of Australia has been considering the question of punishment by means of solitary confinement at gaols, and he has come to the conclusion that there should be some alteration in the present system. He thinks that a riotous prisoner may well be
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  • 108 8 A female prisoner, believed to belong to aa organised gang, was sentenced by the sessions judge of Allahabad to five years' rigorous imprisonment. The prisoner accosted, near Bara Banki, two Ksjput women who were going on a pilgrimage, decoyed them to Allahabad, and, after administering a drug
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  • 25 8 More than half of tho leading Chinese merchants of Chemulpo have closed their shops owing to the dullness of trade, and have gone to Chefoo.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 1108 9 Tenders are invited for the lease of Revenue Farms in the State of North Borneo from the Ist January, 1910, as set oat hereunder. REVENUE FARMS IN THE STATE OF NORTH BORNEO. 1. In making arrangements tor the leasing of the Farms for the next Farm
    1,108 words
  • 221 9 OUTWAR D BOUND. List of Passengers Coming to Singapore. Per P. and O. steamer Namnr, dne May 15.— Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith, Mr. J. McClymont, Capt. F. J. Saunders, Madame Borlee and child, Dr. G. Gray, Master gunner W. A. Houston, Mr. A. F. Thavenot, Mr. L. E.
    221 words
  • 66 9 May 8 K. Willem 111, Dut rtr, Amsterdam via ports Nam Sang, Brit sir, Penang and Calcutta 9 Sri Mnar, Brit str, Moar and Malacca Haliotis, Dut str, Haiphong Antenor, Brit str, H'kong, Shanghai, Hankow Charon, Brit str, Fremantle via ports M f Oronsay. Brit str, Saigon Buelow, Ger
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 212 9 CINEMATOGRAPH PATHE SINGAPORE. 1 SOLE AGENCY FOR ££m* Pathe Freres, Paris. /^/m mft CINEMATOGRAPHS. ACCESSORIES New Films by Every Mail. ■a— B^^^-^^^^bw Brancheß Batavia, Saigon. F. DREYFUS, "^"""^PJ^^Bt*^ I*^1 19, Stamford Road, Singapore. SLEDGE MILK. Sweetened. Condenmed. Preserved wNh ait Urn Cream. RETAIL PRICE: »J> QjT f\ per case of
      212 words
    • 125 9 ARCHIBALD CURRIES AUSTRALIAN AND INDIAN LINE. For Java, Melbourne and Sydney, also taking cargo for other Australian and New Zealand Ports with transhipment. S. S. GRACCHUS 3,730 tons, Captain SuSern, is expected to arrive about May 19, and will have prompt despatch for the above ports. For freight and passage,
      125 words
    • 563 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. In stsamersof ibis Company maintain a regular direct sarvioa between Oalontta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Bwatow, Amoy, Ohefoo, Tientsin, Newohwang, YangtlM Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, *0,, ate. Steamers Tons Commander KoxsiM «,SM R.
      563 words
    • 533 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.LTD. Two regular servioes are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by tbe Company's well-known TWIN-SCKBW STEAMERS, nnder Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electrioity, provided with exoellent aooommodation for First and Second Class
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  • 238 10 THEFT OF IMPORTANT PAPERS IN JAPAN. Insinuation io Japanese Papers. On the night ol April 6, important documents were found to have been stolen from the barracks of the 35th Infantry regiment at Kanazawa, reports the vernacular press; bnt were recovered through the strict search ol the military
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  • 220 10 Cinen rti graph Action Decided at Hongkong. The Pathe Phono Cinema-Chine, through its sub-manager, Francis Arnold, proceeded against B. D. Casley, proprietor of the Star Cinematograph, before Mr. J. H. Kemp at the Hongkong magistracy recently on a charge of falsely applying a trade-mark. Defendant, who was represented
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  • 89 10 Text book to Train Japanese Girls in Ethics. The vernacular Yamato, in an editorial deploring the tendency of the female sex of modern Japan to lapse from the path of virtue, suggests as a text-book for the teaching of ethics to Japanese girls, the Onna Daigaku, by Kaibara
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  • 109 10 Deceit is not necessarily fraud, said a prisoner in an Australian Criminal Court recently. When asked by the solicitor (or the Crown to explain, he likened the statement to what occurs in, say, a game of bridge. He argued that a player always concealed his hand from
    109 words
  • 104 10 The Canard Steamship Co.'s report (or last year shows that the profits (or the year, including £100,882 brought forward, amount to nearly £800,000. To this is added nearly £100,000 from the insurance found ana £60,000 from the reserve fund. After debiting income tax and depreciation for ships
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  • 75 10 The Japanese vernacular press claims that obstructions have continually been pat in the path of Japanese doctors, anxious to practise at Honolulu. The Hawaiian Assembly, according to the same source, has recently introduced, on the looal doctors' association, a measure controlling the medical licences examination.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 621 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. nOOBPOBAT4D BT ROYAL CHABTEB. Paid up Oapital In 80,000 Share, ol 4 10 each ..41,100,000 newii i* Fond 11,67 5,000 Bewrre Liability of Proprietor* aU.MO.OOO BABKEBB. Bank of England. Rational Bank of BooUand. T»e Uedon City Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH.
      621 words
    • 472 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up Capital iv.000.000 bbbkbve fond Starling Bassrvs 118,000,0001 sm son 000 BUvsTfisssrvs Mt.500,000j 5OO WO Sssarrs Liability of Proprietor! 116.000,000 COUHT OP DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. W. J. Oresson, Chairman. H. E. Tomkina, Esq., Deputy Chairman. 8.0. Barrett, Esq. O. B. Lsnsmann, Esq. J.
      472 words
    • 470 10 MBBBAHCE Cowimia, COMMERCIAL USION ARBURANCK OOMPANY, LIMITED FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, ACCIDENT, ODABAHTEE. i ASSETS sxossd «U7,00C,000. W. A. BIMB, a 1878 Managsr, Bastara Branch. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH LONDON. KstaMtshsd 1797. FOB FIBB INBDRANCE ONLY. Amount insured 4W3,000.000. Loan* paid dj 11,600,008. Premium inoome. 4 908,000. lniuranoe
      470 words
    • 3 10 ZymoleJTooth Powder ih'u^Uw
      3 words
    • 436 10 Persian Nerve Essence 1* tanou for n.rroo. debility, tipple.. mm, impaired digntion, weak menorj, oorwork md all menci! ami pfay.ical eiluuation. Femian Nerte Kaaence cl«lr« the brain, •tren(thm-i the rirrnl.itloD anil imp ,rt« a magnetic tirout to the whole b«in(. All drain, and luues are psrm.inentlT •toppwl. The preparation
      436 words
    • 294 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SMi or A CINEMATOGRAPH MACHINE AND ACCESSORIES. At Powell and Co.'* Bale-room, On Wednesday, May 12, at 11 a.m. Now on view. Powell Co., 925 Auctioneer". MORTGAGEES BALE OP THE TONGKANO "KIM ENG GUAN," At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan A Co.'s Salerooms, On Friday, May 14,
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  • 1065 11 HORSE-POWER RATING BASED ON FUEL CONSUMPTION. London Motor Death-Roll. Few subjects, says a contemporary, in connection with practical automobile engineering have demanded and received more attention than that of calculating the horsepower of the motor. The chief objection to most of the rules put forward, including, of course, the
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  • 114 11 It is stated that the building of a parliament house is one of tbe questions which seems likely to interest citizens of Calcutta for some time to come bot in any case it will take some years to carry out such a work, even when a
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  • 58 11 Copeland Khinolander, son of a New York millionaire, some time ago married a servant girl, and in consequence his father disinherited him. The father died recently, and be left £10,000,000 to his two younger sons and only £1,000 a year to Copeland. The latter contested the will in tbe law
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 308 11 ARGYLL CARS. JUST Am-RIVEID jE&Ed* Argyll Model de Luxe. PAINTED DARK GREEN, NICKEL -PLATED MOUNTINGS, FITTED WITH H3OD, MAGNETO, WIND SCREEN, LAMPB AND ACCESSORIES. Illustrated Catalogue and full particulars from SYME COMPANY, Tc E ENT s C^-.,.!!.!-- ;r,_ mm Agra to Peshawar 780 SOmetninq LIKe a Peshawar to CalcnHa 1,800
      308 words
    • 119 11 CRUSHED FOOD. TBT IT AMD TOD WILL BH SATIBFUD I. BELILIOS begs to inform the public •hat his Factory for preparing Crushed 7ood, at No. 1, Belilios Road, is now opened. Prioe of a bag of Crushed Food, 1 p. 10 oat •4.50 per bag. No. 1 Bran, wt 78
      119 words
    • 13 11 »i., r ttlina tb« twM «r<p»naioa of Cod otearns wine u»«ou »oj iwu
      13 words
    • 583 11 Insure Your Motor Gar! AND COVER YOURSELF AGAINBT RESULT OF CAR ACCIDENTB. Don't take the risks any longer. You may be called upon for HEAVY DAMAGES at any moment. The payment of a small earn annually RELIEVES YOU OF GREAT REBPONSIBILI FY, especially if you nse a native Chauffeur. Fall
      583 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 538 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— Mis oellaneous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at the following rates One Insertion II. i» per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 5.90 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.12 Twenty- five 10.00 (Each subsequent month $5 per inch.) The above rate
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    • 399 12 ARTICLES FOB SALE. RUBS i-romr Uw, Mnlm linMlst, tIM Bf laeiaek,eeeaeeleafr>artee. RUBBER BTUMPB FOR SALE. Good Rubber Stumps, 10 months old. Apply Manager, Linggi Plantations, Ltd., Beremban. FOR SALE. The Hulk Tanoarville, as she now lies off Pulo Samboe. For further particulars, apply to The Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd., 14,
      399 words
    • 542 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bin -Fo«i U—m, om ot two iMrttoi SMI TT-T-ri TiimhOtsuM BUNBALOW TO LET. A fine bungalow, No. 13-a, Mount Elisabeth Road, immediate entry. Apply Oaggi no A Co. uO9I HOUBEB TB BE LET. Commodious terrace houses in Wilkie Road to be lei. Rant 185. Apply
      542 words
    • 562 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. ».ni>-foßmnaHm. i—wn... WJQ bi in. iMh. m son. ot oawsw. OFFWETO BE LET. Offios on ssoood float of. Ho. T, Battery Boad. Apply to UuthrU and 00.. Ltd. 1878 BFFMJE ft BOOOWN TB BE LET With Immadiata en«ry No. 7, Malaooa Bit— >■ AppJy |o
      562 words
    • 675 12 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Per c ha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prioes. AU kinds of India Rubber Articles, Sheets, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), Oardenhoses, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING, EBONITE and Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents i
      675 words
    • 447 12 NOTICE. IN THE GOODS OF ZEOHARIAH HOBKEN (DECEASED). PURSUANT TO THE CONVEYANCING AND LAW OF PROPERTY ORDINANCE VI OF 1886. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of Zeohariah Honk' u, a -ceased, late Sub-Inspec-tor on the
      447 words