The Straits Times, 15 April 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 15 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.934 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. APRIL 15. 1909. PIUCE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 444 1 W6e Popular "Merlin." OJ MACHINE embodying all modern improvement which practical experience has been able to produce into the trade, tf\ absolutely reliable as regards all wearier parts, and for a low priced machine splendidly finished and equal to any upon the market. IQOQ fi^^ MnHpk COMPLETE WITH LAMP, BELL.
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    • 522 1 ROBINSON COMPANY. HOUSE FTJRITISHEBS. ?s!hjm fo*s One-pint Tumb!ers $7.50 doz. v^z&et Half-pint do. $3.75 Quarter-pint Tumblers $3.25 Ik Port $3.75 I Liqueur $3.25 Champagne $7.50 IX-——-3. /r Finger Bowls $12.50 V JU i^k^K^^^^/M^ I f irt Half-pint Decanters $2.50 ea?h OIISwBW One-pint Decanters $3.00 T~ |l Two-pint Decanters $4.00 CHAMPAONL.
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  • 1480 2 AUTUMN ARMY MANCIiLVRES ON A LARGE SCALE. Fifty Thousand Troops to Take Part. Arrangements are being pushed forward in connection with the great Army manoeuvres which are to uke place ir the southern counties in August and September. The manoeuvres, the Standard states, will be tbe largest
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  • 546 2 Vandalism Discovered at the Ming Tombs. During a recent visit to Nanking, writes J. C. F. in the Shanghai Times, I made an excursion to the Ming Tombs for the special purpose of seeing what bad been done in the defacement and spoliation of the monoliths and tablets.
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  • 66 2 When Barry Sullivan, the Irish tragedian, was playing Richard 111. one night, and the actor came to the lines, A horae, a horse My kingdom for a horse some merry wag in the pit called out And wouldn't a jackass do as well for you Sure, answered Sullivan, turning like
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 325 2 Special Reductions, HUMBER CARS 10-12 AND 20 H.P. Mewly Arrived. Latest Model. M U IVI t5 C i\ Owing to .facilities for turning out large numbers of these famous Cars in order to meet the growing demand, COST OF PRODUCTION has been reduced to a point which enables them to
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    • 31 2 KEEP THIB IN MIND. Bowel complaint ia sure to be prevalent during tbe fruit season. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy gives prompt relief. For eale by all Dnfenairies and Dealers.
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    • 326 2 ISMAIL a^RAHEEM ARE NOW SHOWING A LARGE VARIETY OF Diamond Jewellery, LOOSE DIAMONDS AND OTHER PRECIOUS STONES. Early Inspection Respectfully Solicited. The United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ld. 80LE A6ENTB FOR The UNITED ASBESTOS Co., Ltd., London. FRANCO-BRITISH EXHIBITION. This Company's awards were DIPLOMA OF HONOUR AND FOUR GOLD MEDALS. PATERSON.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 166 2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issue per year 180.00 do per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.50 do per copy io Weekly issue per year 12-00 do per quarter 8.00 do per copy as When sent by post, there is added for the daily iasue, two dollars a quarter
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  • 1634 3 ANOTHER PROBLEMATIC NOVEL BY HUBERT WALES. Recent Volumes of Light Fiction. Hilary Thornton-. By Herbert Walee. London .lolin Long. Singapore Kelly and Walsh. Mr. Wales continues to brave Mrs. Grundy and her disciples. In The Old Allegiance be supplied us with a simple though delight fully written romance
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 964 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. The Spriug Race Meeting will be held on TucHday the 11th, Thursday the 13th and Saturday the 15th May, 1901. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tui-Htlnij, 11th May. 19O!>. 1. THE MAIDEN PLATE. Value 8600 and 850 to the Second Horse. A Race for Maiden Horses. Wright 9st. Entrance,
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    • 450 3 Entrlen Close at noon on Saturday. the ltt May, except lor Race 7 on tbe Third Day Entries for Race No. 7. on the Third Day. must be made before the start of Race No. 5 on that day. In all races, the advertised Second prize will only be given
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    • 322 3 C^ TTte Cocoa of the Old Country adMyuj's s-f^^- _ft^r mJ9ltf* c J t ff* "w x, n ll^A t jffj&^ a recuperative after physical -^n^j^A .'f-'A/j 7 or menla strain, Cadbury'i Cocoa I 'SmjKaki m 3f as no C l Ul delicious flavour \^<*»iS«^ mikes it unquestionably Ihe most
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 678 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. JE STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China. Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, fcicypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bill* if Ladl'g issued for China Coast Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Pert-. Stenmers will leave Singapore on oi about. MAIL LINE. Outward (for China) Delta Apl 23 Devanba
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    • 624 4 STEAMERS SAILING. OCEAN STEAM BHIP CO., LTD. AND ClflNA MUTUAL BTEAI NAY. CO. LTD. i I^L^^sßbw The Companies' steamers are despaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Stralte, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every forlmight for Genoa, Marseille! and Liverpool and for
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    • 968 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. IVMBIMKU HKKIUD OP THE OCEAN 8. 8. COY.. LTD.. ft THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. BtTWlt* FREKAXTLI (PERTH) NORTH WEST AISTRAI.IA* PORTS JAVA AJTD SIXCtPORB Rsgular Fortnightly sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, oalling at Java (as Inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound (Port for the Kimberle,-
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    • 684 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBUR6. The steamers ot thli Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bromerbaven direot, oalling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 825 4 STEAMER SAILINGS N. D. L. NORDCEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial (Icrman Mail Line. The fast and well-known mail steamers ot this Company sail fortnighty from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplee (oonneotion Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice vena) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai, Nagasaki and
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  • 196 5 List of Passengers Coming to Singapore. I'er N'.D.L. steamer Derfllinger, due April 18 Mr. and Mrs. K. \V. Cookson and child, Mr. 1< Hi I. J. Bovcrluis, Mr. B. Sliver man. Mr. 11. lira* ckmiiun. Per F. and steamer Somali, due April 17.— Mr. and Mrs. B.
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  • 172 5 Powell and Co. April 16— At Utrecht, No. 11, Lloyd Koad, plants, at 4. April 17— At Utrecht, No. 11, Lloyd Koad. Java teak furniture, etc., at 1.80. April M At Erin Lodge, Kmerald Hill Road, off Orchard itoad, teak furniture, etc., atl. April 24 At Chancery House,
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  • 119 5 A cargo of rice arrived from Saigon, yesterday, by the German steamer Fiume. The British steamer Flintshire, with a general cargo for London, arrived from Manila yesterday. From Penang, 649 passengers most of them coolies bound for Hongkong and Amoy, arrived by Mt»srs. Wee Bin and Co.'g
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  • 92 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAGAH. East Wauir Bahix— Giang Ann. East W. Szciion I— Kum Sang, Tara. Section No 1 (Khkerx Wharf Simoatan. Section 2 Van den Boach, Christian Nobe jt-liharata. a 4-Av.itln.i. B—Crmmton.8 Crmmton. 6 .Memnon, Ping
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  • 400 5 Singapore, April 12, 19(9. Prices. Articles. Beans, Long (per catty) 0.05 (do.) French (do.) 0.15 llLtf perlb. 0.15 Meof Steak (do.) 0.18 Bean Sprouts (per catty) O.OJJ Kamboo Sprouts (do.) 0.04 Blachan (do.) 016 Brinjals (do.) 0.05 Cabbage. Hatavia (do.) nil (do.) China (do.) 0.12 (do.) Salted
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  • 68 5 April 14 t Cardium, Brit str, P. Soesoe Asdang, Siam str, Bangkok via port* 18 Norman Prinoe, Brit str, Pt nang. New York Tara, Brit itr, Madras via p >rts Bbarata, Brit str. Penang, Rangoon, Calcutta Poh Aon, Brit str, Port Swettenham via ports Janet Niroll, Brit str, P.
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  • 583 5 Under this heading the following abbreviaiioiiH are used «tr. steamer eh. ship bq. -barque ech. schooner Yet. Yacht Cm. —Cruiser. G'bt.— Qnnboat Tor.— Torpedo); H.p.— Horse-power Brit. British U.S.— Ouited States Fob. French Oer. German Diit.— Dutch; Ital.— Italian Span.— Spanish Sar. Sarawak; O.o. General- rxirgo; d.p
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  • 105 5 Outward Gkhman Mail. The Imperial Qerman mail steamer Derfflinger, having left Colombo on the 11th inst. at 2 a.m. and may be expected to arrive here morrow morning. Octwibo B. I. Mail The B. I. contract packet steamer Thongwa, with the London mails of the 26th ultimo,
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  • 143 5 Koi Pn Ht«»«i« 1 mi To-MCBBOW Bandjermawim, etc. De Herein 7 a.m. K. Pabang, Pekan, K'tan Aing Thye 11a.m. Batn I'uhat Emilie 2 p.m. Batavia Rumphiut 3 p.m. Bangkok Deli 3 p.m. Mu.ii and Malacca Lady Weld 8 p.m. Teltik Anson via ports Selavgar 3 p.m. H'kong, Amoy.
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  • 213 5 Finance Commerce EXCHANGE. PRODUCE. Sinoaporb, April 15, 1909. Sinoapom, April 15, 1909. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4-& Gambier goo Wa &<££?■■*-■— z On Germany-Bank d/d 287 d Po ia ak 7 60 Private 8 m/s 241 Pepper, Black 1150 do 6 m/s 248 White 5% 1880 On France -Bank
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  • 49 5 Howartb Erskine 6% 600,000 par. Riley, Hargreaves 6% 284,000 par. Spore Electric Tramways Co., Ltd. 6% 850,000 nominal Straits Engineering Syndicate, Ltd. 6% 45,000 par. Singapore Municipal e% -'00,000 20% p.n00 6% 1,878,000 6% prom. 4i% l,ftX),ooo s%prem. 4% 602,900 nominal. Tanjong Pagar Dock Board 5% 1,050,000 par.
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  • 291 5 Captial J Paid' Un- Company «oota. i > I IBBUBD I •800,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 5.60 •300,000 10 10 7,600 Bruang, Ltd. 6.25 $600,000 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulic T. M. Co., Ltd.(l) 8.00 £500,000 1 14 3 9^a) Duff Development Co., Ltd. 4.00 •400,000 i
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  • 355 5 I 11 Anglo-Malay Rubber Co., Ltd. ...5 2.6 iiso.uuu j I 17^| contributory 5.0.0 1200,000 10 10 7,400 Balgownio Rubber Estate (6) 27.00 £30 000 1 1 6.250 Batu Caves Rubber Co., Ltd 4.1.0 MAnnn 00 Bukit Lintang U. Estates, Ltd. 1.3.0 £30,000 j 10/ n/ £70,000 1 1
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  • 213 5 JE5.877.10.0 1250,000 1.500,000 $225,000 15,000,000 •2,400,000 1,000,000 •84,000 12/6 100 10 10 50 12.". 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 50 1 100 1(X) 100 10 12/0 916 100 475 4511 50 125 i 100 |100 10 100 100 10 85,000 60 100 480 100 100 20
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 55 5 LAME SHOULDER. This is a common form of muscular rheumatism. No internal treatment is needed. Apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely four times a day ami a quick cure is certain. This liniment has proven especially valuable for Bcuscular and chronic rheumatism and ia certain to give quick relief. For sale
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    • 135 5 pOw the Banks of the Nile the perfect qualities of Messrs. Maspero Freres fßouton Rouge and Felucca Egyptian Cigarettes Jip are recognised by all. Made of the finest selected Turkish Tobacco under Ideal conditions in Cfro. A LUXURY TO TSE MAN OF TASTE IN 50'S AIR TIGHT TINS, OBTAINABLE AT
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 145 5 Singapore Tide Table. (From April 15 to April 31. HIGH WATER. LOW WATER Time H'ght "Time H'ght April bra, mm. ft in. hri.min. ft.ina. T l5 Uo'P M UtJu Fmdat 18 1 6 52' 52 m 71 0.88 am 5.3 Fudit 16 J 844pm 72 140pm 15 1< 7.48 am
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    • 216 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, April 15. High Water, 8.0 p 111. 8.1. homeward mail closes, 8. Philharmonic Orchestra, 6. Bandmann Co., Theatre, 9. Alhambra Cinematograph. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinematograph. S. R. A. Ladies Shoot, Balestier, 4, Friday, April 16. High Water, 6 22 a.m., 8.44 p.m. N. I). L. outward
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  • 974 6 The Straits Times PRIOH 10 CBNTS. THURSDAY, APRIL 15. THE PRICE OF PEACE. We find a singular confirmation of the views we have expressed in regard to the crisis in the Near East in a recent issue of the Saturday Review. In all our comments we have insisted that Germany
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  • 17 6 Society in the Philippines is discussing the dance halls which are said to be menaces to virtue.
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  • 14 6 Cross Street, between Cecil Street and Teluk Ayer Street, is undergoing much needed improvement.
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  • 28 6 The accounts connected with the management of Epping Forest in the past year show the receipt of no less a sum than £605 from boating on the lakes.
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  • 27 6 The Epworth League of the Wesley M. E. Church are having a social at the parsonage adjoining the church, to-night, to whioh all their friends are invited.
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  • 37 6 In a case at the marine magistrates court, at Hongkong, the other day, the Chinese master of a private launch admitted runniug down a sampan, but said be did not think it was unlawful to do so.
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  • 38 6 An aeroplane station is to be constructed at Camber, near Rye, Sussex, where there is a fine stretch of sand, which would make an admirable trial ground, and also form a convenient landing station for cross channel aeroplanes.
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  • 37 6 There is an important movement on foot in Canada, whioh is receiving considerable support in England, to revive the experiment of shipping Canadian western wheat to Europe by way of Vancouver, Hongkong, Singapore and the Suez Canal.
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  • 61 6 Sooner or later there must be a railway to Hudson's Bay. When the latter is connected with Lake Winnipeg by river and canal and this also will be— the town of Winnipeg, itself in the very heart of the American Continent, will b» turned into a seaport every summer by
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  • 17 6 The price of tin in Singapore to-day is $67.70 per picul. One hundred tons have been sold.
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  • 24 6 At the Sunday Service at the Boustead c Institute Bto 9 p.m. the Speaker on Sunday c next will be Mr. K. D. Pringle.
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  • 21 6 Hauin, the Puzzler, is going to puzzle the public at the Royal Cinematograph, Tanjong Pagar Road, at 9 p.m. to-day. i
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  • 29 6 Work on the construction of the new Y. M. C. A. building, which has been unfor- tunately and unexpectedly delayed, is now to be rapidly pushed to completion. i
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  • 32 6 I During questions in the House of Commons, I Mr. Haldane justified the official preference given to a razor and shaving brash over an extra flannel shirt in the soldier's kit. i
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  • 39 6 Messrs. Dick, Kerr and Co., who constructed the tramways in Singapore, are now engaged upon the electrical work on the Keihan Electric Railway which is to link tho former capital of .Japan, Kioto, with Osaka, the great industrial centre.
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  • 54 6 Judgment was given for plaintiffs at Hongkong, in a case in which the Robinsou I'iano Co. Drought an action against Madame Flint to fulfil the conditions of a contract, alleged to have been concluded in a series of letters, to occupy the eastern portion of their stores, at a rental
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  • 50 6 A couple of Chinaman chose to disagree at the water pier this morning, and as the structure does not present much space for pugilistic activity, the result was that both men went into the sea. The douche cooled them, and apparently their courage also, for the combat was not renewed.
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  • 54 6 A ricksha puller has been before Mr. Hooper charged of pursuing, with a view to obtained moro fare, a Eurasian girl, thirteen years of age. The girl's brother and father protected tho girl and took the puller's number. Mr. Hooper considered that the puller was in fault and called upon
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  • 51 6 Mrs. Churl Morse, wife of the convict banker and ice king, who only throe years ago boasted that he possessed j&>,000,000, has sold her collection of jewels, which realised £50,000. This with the proceeds of other sales will be devoted to paying the expenses of Mr. Morse's trial and pressing
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  • 59 6 Mr. Wilkie Bard, with his She sells sea shells, has something to answer for. Tonguetwisters, as we liave before remarked, are becoming the order of the day. Here is an evening paper gravely heading a column, Tsar's Tars See Stars. Should the practice become general there should be some interbsting
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  • 67 6 The smallest inn in England the Phcenix at Aln wick -has just been closed by compensation. The inn is merely a two-roomed house. The upper room is a bedroom and the lower, with an area of sixteen squaro feet, is partitioned into two rooms, one being used for cooking as
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  • 72 6 As to cryptic signs mentioned in our columns a few days since, wo may add the case of the man who had the letters Y. M. C. A., outside on his door. The gas inspector and the tax collector demanded settlement of their bills and pointed reproachfully to the familiar
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  • 85 6 A new story is of a captain who was attached to another regiment. On the night of his arrival at a certain port they did him very well by way of welcome, so well, in fact, that when he went to look for bin quarters in the small hours, he
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  • 88 6 The American army transport Kilpatrick arrived from New York, this morning, en route to Manila, She has on board 67 officers and members of their families, 45 second class passengers and 741 troops. A regimental band which is on board struck up the National Anthem as the Kilpatrick came to
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  • 100 6 Manila detectives have arrested Emil S. dc Malanes, a Frenchman, who was convicted in July last year of tho illegal possession of tire arms and sentenced to imprisoment. He i was pardoned on condition that ho loft the islands never to return and left on the i steamer Ruby, on
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  • 93 6 A few days ago, a Jewess, with three infants iv her care, engaged a puller to take her a drive round the Esplanade. At the Hotel de 1' Europe, the pullor stopped and demanded money wherewith to buy cakes, and because he did not get it frightened his i fare
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  • 111 6 The commercial public in Tonkin rejoice I at the steadily increasing export trade as > shown by the returns for 1906. Unfortun- I ately, the imports do not advance at the t same pace. The annoying result, says the Avonir dv Tonkin, is that many vessels t arrive there in
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  • 424 6 Lieut. C. J. P. M. Grant, ot the Utth Die »n Infantry, has boon promoted to tho rank >f captain. Mi^n May Hodge was a passenger from I'ontianak by the local steamer Amherst. yesterday. The marriage arranged betweeu Miss Dorothy Grosvenor and Lord Dalmony will take place
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  • 60 6 The Tan Tock Seng Hospital committee met at the new hospital on Tuesday evening and took over the institution. Preparations are being made for tho removal of stores and furniture to the new place, which is* quite complete and will contain 648 bods The patients, between
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  • 131 6 It is instructive, as showing the amouut of endurance there is in a hen or a rooster, to stand at the landing place devoted to pigH and poultry, and watch the way in which poultry is handled in putting them into baskets and crates. The manner
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  • 152 6 Lim Chew Suan, a police court kraui. prosecuted Sikh I. C. 169 in the fourth magistrate's court, this morning, on a charge of wrongful confinement, tnsp. Kraynu defended the accused. Complainant stated that he was arrested by accused on a cliargv of obstructing a police officer in
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  • 185 6 The removal of sand from the sea uuoro at many points between Tanjouft Him and Teluk Kerau still continues uierrily, ap[■art'iitly witlmut chock or supervision, ami -mi is ltd to enquire whctlier the aatluu -itn -> ire aware of the extent to which this is being done,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 A Fresh Shipment of Tansan Ginger Ale Made (by The Clifford Wilkinson Co.) from a Special Recipe with the life-giving Sparkling Tansan of Takaradzuka (Kobe. Japan). Mixes well with all Spirits. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR AND 00., Sole Agents. TWO EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS AT Little's Sale. Tally-Ho Table Cutlery AND Walker and Hall's
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    • 236 6 ALHAMBRA To -Night t SPECIAL NEW PROGRAMME OF NEW ART PICTURES, COMEDY BY M. LABICHE: 1 COLLEGE ChUMS Ltased on the perusal of a back number of the paper by two people, the morning following an unßual spree "THE MEUDON BUTCHER A DRAMA by MR JULES MARY, acted by M
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  • 546 7 THE SULTAN SUSPECTED OF COUNTENANCING. Victory of Mutineers. I THE UNPOPULAR PARTY TO BE BANISHED. Possible External Complications. [Rbctbr's Telegram 1 London, April 14. l'hore are reports that the Turkish Minis tor of Justice has been murdorod and that the Minister of Marine was wounded, while tho Minister
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  • 32 7 [Dee Ostasutuohb Lloyd Tbuobam| Berlin. April 14. Denmark refuses to permit tbe landing of ex President Castro in any part of the West Indies over which she has control.
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  • 26 7 [Dm* OsTASiATisoai Lloyd Tblboram] Berlin, April 14. The confinement of Queen Wilhelmena is expected to take place not later than the 20th inst.
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  • 23 7 IDm Ostasutisubb I.lou) Tbuoraml Berlin, April 14. England and Russia declare that the sending of troops to Persia is temporary.
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  • 658 7 Serious Allegations Against European Constable. Three Tamils named Veerasauiy. Letchman and Govindcn, respectively, were on trial before the second magistrate, yesterday afternoon. The first two were charged with disorderly conduct by fighting, with assault upon P.C. 48 to deter him from his duty, and with escaping from
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  • 386 7 Performed by Bandmann Dramatic Company. In attempting to produce the dramatised version of Anthony Hope's novel, the Band maun Co. have, we fear, overestimated their powers. The story of the imaginary kingdom of Ruritania is, of course, familar to all. The majority of novels, however, when
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  • 59 7 Crazy Snake, leader of the uprising ol Creek Indians, in Oklahoma, U.S.A., hat surrendered after losing fifteen of his followers in a sharp fight. The other Indians that have been on the warpath for some days are surrendering to the authorities owing to the immediate preparations for
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  • 189 7 CRUSADE AGAINST PROLONGED CREDIT. Government Work Lauded. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, April 15. Speaking at Mm annual meeting of the Penang Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Cecil Guinness, agent of the Hongkong aud Shanghai Banking Corporation, said be feared he was unable to paint in rosy colours the
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  • 617 7 Further Hearing of Action Against Mr. Schaefer. Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith yesterday c;'tinued the hearing of the action brought by C. W. Frankel and others (of tho Shanghai Life Assurance Co.) against H. Schaefer, concerning certain concessions in Dutch Borneo. Messrs. Delay and Ellis appeared for plaiutiffs,
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  • 91 7 According to an official return, the total nnmber of foreign tourists who visited Japan during last year was 19,828, showing a decrease of 1,440 as compared with the previous year. Classified into nationalities, the Chinese head the list with 6,844 followed by the English with 8,481,
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  • 40 7 In view oi recent wires, regarding a fal in Deli Tobacco Co. shares, in Holland, planters have been gladdened by a telegram dated the Hague, April 2. The message notes the fact that Sumatra tobacco hat again fetched record prices.
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  • 858 7 ROUTE OF BAGHDAD RAILWAY DESCRIBED. Record of a Scot's Journey. If there is a classic land of travel sorely it is that ancient land which stretches as a diagoual between the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf, and which includes such marks of time as Mesopotamia,
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  • 263 7 Judging from the number of cases brought before Mr. W. E. Hooper, it may fairly be assumed that the ricksha traffic is being reasonably watched. An average of thirty cases is dealt with daily. This morning, there were over forty. Among them was a Chetty who was
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  • 422 7 Story of Deferred Wedding and Scene at Rectory. The dispute concerning the will of the late Mr. William Whalley Downes, banker, of Nantwich, was carried a stage further before Sir John Bigham and a special jury in the Probate Court, recently. The testator died leaving about .£35,000.
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  • 446 7 Effects of Chinese Enterprise and Industry. The Standard of Empire refers to British North Borneo as follows Our correspondent at Kudat tells us that the slow but steady success that this little Far Eastern British Protectorate has won for itself amongst its surrounding competitors, and the firm
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  • 116 7 Mr. Howard proceeded with the Kampong Bahru housebreaking case, at the district court, this morning. It will be remembered that Ti Ko Pay was charged with committing a burglary at a European mess, the cook of which had been on friendly terms with him and invited him there.
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  • 74 7 > The Chamber of Deputies at Paris hai debated the political policy followed in IndoI China. A wire dated April 8, says that the s minister for the colonies gave satisfactory assurances regarding the reforms in progress to remove discontent among the natives. The intention of Government is slowly but
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  • 509 7 STOCKBROKER FAILURE IN NEW YORK. Liabilities Three Hundred Thousand IRbotm's Tslboram] London, April l.~i. As a result of the immense wheat corner engineered at Chicago by the speculator Patten a firm of stock -brokers, Ennis Stopanni of New York, has failed with liabilities amounting to £800,000 sterling. Some
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  • 46 7 The Berlin Foreign Office Denies Rumours of Dissolution. IDbR OST4BIATIMH LtOTD Tlli«lll| Berlin, April 14. Rumours of a weakening of the Anglo Japanese Alliance are denied, and described as ridiculous, by the Berlin Foreign Ofice. They had obtained wide publicity in the continental press.
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  • 22 7 I D» OsTABIATISOHB LIOYD TsiiatAM Berlin, April 14. The German Emperor and Euipreiw are still in Venice.
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  • 188 7 A programme of pictures as interesting in some respects as it is amusing in others, is now biing shown at the Japanese Cinematograph in Harima Hall, North Bridge Koad, which still maintains a good reputa tion as a place of enjoyment. Among th« films is a very interesting
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  • 168 7 At a wbUt drive held recently in Honing ton. Lincolnshire, says a correspondent of the Yorkshire Post, a bottle of champagne was offered for a prise. The rector of the parish, the Rev. A. C. H. Kioe, writing in the parish magazine, dofends the whist
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  • 1583 8 CAREER OF THE LATE SIR DONALD CIRRIE. How he Founded the Castle Line. Wo recorded yesterday the death of Sir Donald Currie, one of the most remarkable of England's merchant princes. He was born at Grcenock in 182.», of poor parents, w'io moved from the Clyde to
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  • 239 8 Sketch of the Career of London and Paris Exchange. The creditors under the failure of Mr. Alexis Moreton Mandeville, of Kensingtonam, W., a financier, and managing director of tlie I, iniliu and Paris Exchange, Limited, met at the Bankruptcy Court, London, last mouth. The liabilities were estimated at
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  • 188 8 The somewhat peculiar will case in wbicl a .Mri. Thomas, suing in forma pauperis, re ecutly a«kod the Chief Justice to revoke t will mule by a dying man in the Genera 1 1 sjutal will be fresh in the memorj of our readers. Tho point
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  • 200 8 j Some twenty-six boy scouts under Mr K H. Mauleffinuh entrained at Tank Roac I station, ou Eister Monday morning, for Bnki Tim ill. where they held a field day. Twi companies were formed, one under Sergt. M.i j a A. I'ereira marchiug to tbe eight
    200 words
  • 45 8 1 Mrs. French Sheldon, the Americai I traveller in Central Africa, has received tlu i unique honour, for a woman, of beinj appointed a Fellow of the Royal Geograpbica l Society in honour of her courage and ir I appreciation of her book on Africa.
    45 words
  • 318 8 Notes in General. I There will be no tennis on tbe S. C. C. I ground, on Saturday. It is reported that Jeddah, who won the r Derby in 1898, in a snowstorm, at 100 to one, I is dead. t The Ipoh Club Lawn Tennis Tournament resulted
    318 words
  • 557 8 J Short Holes. t Although there has been daring the lant f few years a general lengthening of courses. 3 there has been at the same time a perceptiblo 3 increase in tho number of short holes, the adjective short being used to designate those that can be reached
    557 words
  • 598 8 Notes and Comments on Racecourse Probabilities. Thursday Morning. The heavy rain of yesterday improved the race track which was in the best of ordor for this morning'^ work. Both racehorses and griffins are beginning to put in stronger work and no doubt on Saturday a good number
    598 words
  • 79 8 A dispute between two Chinese firms culminated yesterday in au action before the Chief Justice, in the Supreme Court, a cUitn being brought by Lim Kay Liam and Co. against Seng Chiang and Co. for damages amounting to over 1900 for alleged breach of contract in not
    79 words
  • 63 8 About 10,000 degraded or cashiered Chinese officials have reported themselves at the Board ot Civil Appointments, as those who are entitled to the benefit of the amnesty decree issued on the accession of the present pmperor to the Throne, and to have their former ranks restored to them. The Board
    63 words
  • 252 8 The police have received information in regard to tho .lurong gang robbery and murder which has led to an arrest. The second magistrate lias acquitted Teo Na and Ong Gee Sin of offering a bribe to Serut. Dicksou of 810. Mr. R. St. J. Braddell defended them. The
    252 words
  • 131 8 The committee of the British Weights and Measures Association, having charge of the question of weights and measures reform as affecting the Far East, held a meeting in Manchester on March 15, to decide how best to secure the formal adoption of British standards,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 458 8 QUO VADIS Cigarettes were Introduced at the request of numerous smokers of our jfijk other High Class Productions, unable to find a suitable Wrj Turkish or Egyptian Cigarette. &r^&SJr 1° doing we have every confidence of aucceas, relying M9P^ oa the good taste of the smoker to prefer a pare
      458 words
    • 271 8 COMPOUND HOUSES TO LET. Comfortable European residence. No. 12, Mandalay Road, off Moulmein lioad Water, Stabling and Tennis Ground complete. Also another house adjoining No 12, Mandalay Road. Immediate entry. Rents moderate. Apply to T.C.K., 31, Robinson Road. 768 I TOWN PROPERTY AUCTION, At Messrs. 11. L. Coghlan A Co.'s
      271 words

  • 754 9 Samr, port, firobable date »f arrival, and name of Agents. STFAMERS iirlic. Sydnry, Apl 13 hotigtoci Ambria, Hon«konj;, Apl 27; Bella Meyer Asssye, Hongkong, May 6 P. >* O. Coy lyothin, Bangkok. Api Bjnicf.v Austria, ''.bin*. M .v 6 Raotonberg Kebmidl Arratoon Apvw, Hongkong. Apl j P. Simons
    754 words
  • 28 9 From Eurpoe By the N D.L str. Derfflinger, due April 16. B. 1. steamer Thongwa, die April 17. M. M steamer Oceauien, due April 19
    28 words
  • 96 9 .11 M. steamer UaledouieD, due April 19 9. Time Table of Mails Due Left Singapore DueioLondoD Arrived far 8 M. M. Mar 31 Apl 1 far 12 P. O Apl I Apl 3 far 16 N.D.L Apl 8 Apl 8? lir 18 B. I. Apl 10 Apl 10
    96 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 392 9 CINEMATOGRAPH PATHE SINGAPORE. 1 SOLE AGENCY FOR JP'it Pathe Freres, Paris. y^fl mfa CINEMATOGRAPHS. ACCESSORIES New Films by Every Mail. mm^ sPssßsssvsßs^sSßßHsk^- Branches Batavia, Saigon. F. DREYFUS, jg^^jjjsss*" l^^^ 19. Stamford Koad, Singapore. '"""■^k NOTIPF* ft Edge" BRA"* IYI 1 LJV O can uo» be obtained as follows PURE STERILIZED.
      392 words
    • 476 9 INSURANCE Companies. UNION FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PARIS SSTiaUBHED 1818 RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES 44,000,000 Th* undeisigned, Agents for the abovi Company, are prepared to aooept fin risks for long or short periods at oarrent rates. OABH SETTLEMENTS promptly made by (he agents in Singapore. MOINE OOMTB A Oo LONDON
      476 words
    • 486 9 INSURANCE Companies THE STANDARD LIFE OFFICE. (Over £2,000 paid daily in claims). £1.000 POLICY FOR £2.0.8. The above monthly premium will secure a £1,000 policy on a good life aged 25 nest birthday. Premiums accepted by monthly instalments WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. Apply for full information and Prospectus to BORNEO CO.,
      486 words
    • 588 9 STEAMER SAILINGS. nly:k: JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD, Two re»fular serrioen are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS. nnder Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's Enropean Service, lighted thronehont by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second
      588 words
    • 141 9 FOR LONDON AND ANTWERP. Th? an. rtiIHTOBIKB, I s ion?, Captain O. C. C'ndy. R.N ;< i dai >t Singapore on or about April, 11, uud will hive prompt despatch forubive nirtu Aocommoditiou (o'mloon ps, a Bern; rs Cabins are titte 1 wilh ehrtric Emm, ami fsMl ia light■J tb
      141 words

  • 697 10 TWO NATIVES AWUTING TRIAL IN SANDAKAN GAOL. i Difficulties as Regards Decision. r t The presence of two men in the Sandakan Gaol awaiting their trial on the capital j charge, for purposeless and apparently un- I premeditated killing, again raises the ques- tion as to the responsibility of
    697 words
  • 81 10 This is how the New York Herald refers to a spirited competition in the undertaking trado at Jersey city If you want to get buried at bargain prices now ia the time and Jersey City is the place. There is a war on there among the dealors in mortality, and
    81 words
  • 435 10 How Red Tape Hampers Physical Freedom. The absurdity of some of the conditions imposed upon the British soldier receives conspicuous demonstration in a report by the committee on the physiological effects of training, clothing, and of the food of the soldier. A notable illustration is to be found
    435 words
  • 177 10 Mr. Keir Hardie declares that he was not after all shouted down at Oxford the other day. He counted tho opposition, and found they were about thirty all told. The rest of the "students" listened to him with patience and respect. We are glad the
    177 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 620 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Sharea of «*>each .H.W0.000 Reserve Fnnd 41,536,000 Beaerve Liability of Proprietors 1,200 ,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Ih London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooounts
      620 words
    • 544 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital ■10.000.00 c SESERVE FUND Bterling Reserve 118,000,0001 ..o ',m no;) 8!lT 8 r Reserve IM.SOO.OOo} 9 joo>ooo Seaerva Liability of Proprietor. •16.000,000 COURT 09 DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Oreeson, Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, Eaq., Depnty Chairman. E.O. Barrett, Eaq. In:
      544 words
    • 391 10 AUCTION SALE OF TEAK FURNITURE And a duo Collection of PLANTS, AT BEN VENUE.' TAN6LIN ROAD. (Opposite Jervois Road), On Saturday, April 17, at 2.30 p.m. Comprising carved teak cabinet, lady's teak bureau, teak hat and coat stand, teak octagonal and side tables, teak lounge chairs, well-made rattan furniture, teak
      391 words
    • 634 10 FURNITURE SALES. MORTGAGEES SALE. SATURDAY, APRIL 17, at No. 11, Lloyd n» r* P We f Co s Sale-room. Road, off Oxley and Killiney Roads. n ft* «•*> ,'.m. SATURDAY, APRIL 24, at Erin Lodge, Rtt t i^' d laud Bltu at Kampong Emerald Hill, 1 p.m. Bahru Road, Singapore,
      634 words

  • 1075 11 I IMPORTANT DECISION REGARDINC POLICE OBSTRUCTION. Death of a Famous Motorist. The dismissal by Mr. Denman of the case in which a person was t ummoned for obstructI ing the police, by warning motor-oars not to exceed the legal limit near a trap, is only what was to be
    1,075 words
  • 294 11 Mr. Archibald Little writing in The Christian says We did not help the Japanese when they were forsaking their old ways, and forcing themselves forward to occupy that grand position they now hold among the foremost nations of the wotld. We left them to struggle
    294 words
  • 23 11 The Waiwupu has received a letter from the gentry of Shantung, objecting to foreign i merchants opening offices and stores in their province.
    23 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      371 words
    • 506 11 siddeley autocars are the Most Full Particulars from the Reliable in the World. They are Famous Sole AGENTS also (or High Efficiency, Comfort and Silence, with Small Maintenance and C* IVI TD A I Running Costs. They aro produced by a wLllllxML branch of the world-renowned firm of Vickers, Sons
      506 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 530 15 Scale of Charges* PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— Mi». oeUaneous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at the following rates One Insertion 91.20 per inch. Two '2.00 Three 2.80 Six 5.20 Nine 6.40 Twelve 7.12 twenty- five 10.00 (Each subsequent month 95 per inch.) The above rate is
      530 words
    • 405 15 Miscellaneous WANTS. EiTllt— romr Ll.m, om or two laMrtlOM, 11.00 Bf Ik* teak, im ScjJ. of ChargM. TEACHERB WANTED. Applicants must be willing to qualify in Government Normal Classes or present equivalent certificates. New Salary Schedule may be seen at Principal's Office, THE ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL. BOOK-KEEPERS WANTED. There is always
      405 words
    • 405 15 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Hatis i— row Lim. om ot two Immllom, tl .oc Bi th. UK*. Soai. of Chart*.. RUBBER BTUMPB FOR BALE. Good Rubber Stomps, 10 months old. Apply Manager, Linggt Flotations, Ltd., Beremban. 0 1587 FOR SALE The Hulk Tanoarville," as she now lies off Pulo Samboe. For
      405 words
    • 571 15 TO BE LET OR SOLO. R*T«i .-romr Llao, oh ot tw hOTttosa, d M Mr »b» tmea. m Soda of CKarsw. OFFIOE TO BE LET. Offloe on second floor of. No. 7, Battery Road. Apply to Guthrie and Co., Ltd. 0 1878 OFFiOE ft 80D0WN TO BE LET. With immediate
      571 words
    • 1246 15 SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. Netherlands Gutta Percha Co., Ltd. Motor-tyres retreaded at Moderate Prices. All kinds of Imiia Hubber Articles. Sboete, VALVES, Rings, TYRES, HOSES (Suction, Steam, Hydraulic), <iardenhoscs, Tubes, ENDLESS BELTS, FLOOR-TILES, MATTING. EBONITE aud Hard Rubber Articles, Bicycle Tyres. Works Offices: Passir Panjang, Singapore. Sole Agents 1 MESSRS. HOOGLANDT
      1,246 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous