The Straits Times, 26 March 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.918 SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. MARCH 26. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 370 1 John Leckie's Reliable English Harness Superior Serviceable >Q?*^ Single Harness. SO^ii^W Horse size $65 complete \l Including kicking strap and <^*tMMMaMßaJnM&azaaiHE3ttMa' BRASS MOUNTED IN BLACK OR /T^ JW BROWN LEATHER. Jf Jf^ A BRIDLES HEAD STALLS «O Pony size $3.25 Pony s'z* $4.00 W^ iRI (Job $3.75 Cob $4 25
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    • 234 1 JFtOBIJSTiSOISr A3STIP 00, Wedding Presents. •**A AyARIETYOFTHE BEST CUTLERY CABINETS 2 t^^E 1 1 wv 1111 1 1 v i ■bwi i >'\ y ~j^ _i. i!■ i v i^V mm I'PIVIVT^ 5 Funcb Fire-proof China V 2-' M&*^^^^^^K^^t^^H^^^^^ fi S A "B EFUL PRKENT. BEBT ELECTRO w^ iB Le
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  • 399 2 NOT MURDERED BUT TAKEN AWAY BY FAIRIES. Story of a Strange Irish Crime. A strange murder story was told to Mr. Gardiner, the resident magistrate at Galway, on February 2a. The accused are brothers Michael and Bartley Coyne, and they are charged with the murder of James
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  • 388 2 . Law on Plea of Drunkenness in Murder Cases. The appeal of Thomas Meade, who was sentenced to death at Leeds Assizes for the murder of a woman with whom he had lived for seven years, was dismissed on February l-> by Justices Darling, Walton and Pickford, Bitting
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  • 192 2 The War on Opiuir. Writing to the Daily Chronicle from Batley, Mr. Hamilton Crothers, who has already had something to say on the subject, observes: The article under this heading in your issue of February 20, well-informed and friendly to the auti opium movement as it is, needs correction on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 466 2 GARRETT'S PORTABLE ENGINES Fitted with patent Economical Fire-box for burning wood fuel. OVER FIFTY IN USE IN THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES. 10, 12 and 14 h.p. In Stook. IMPORTERS: BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. No More Crust IN BOILERS! WHERE "D.M." BOILER COMPOSITION IS USED. A little "D.M." introduced into a boiler
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    • 798 2 SO WEA< HE COULD HARDLY CRAWL. Hi m in ank Strength, Shattered By Malabia ami Pneumonia, Rkstored Bt DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLB. Mr. Thomas Henry Cha is one of the oldest and also one of the best respected British residents in Burma. After 21 years service in the British Army
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    • 39 2 THE FRUIT BEASON. This season always brings on more or less diarrhoea which is promptly checked by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Get a bottle and be prepared for sodden attacks. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 368 2 Howarth Erskine, Ltd. CIVIL, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL GENINEERS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, Boiler Makers, Bridge Builders and General Contractors. SOLE -A.C3-EITTS FOIR, Worthington Pump Co.'s Patent Pumps Paleometer Engineering Co.'s Pulsometer Pumps Robey and Co.'s Portable Engines and Machinery Richard Hornsby and Son's Oil arjd Gas Plants Waygood's Lifts and
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  • 980 3 ATTRACTIVE HEADGEAR FOR THE COMING SEASON. Charming Old -Fashioned Costumes. Authoritative statements may now be made as to matters of dress. Whatever truth there may be in rumours as to the trend of fashion towards psniers and other alterations of general outlines, there is no question that
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  • 367 3 . A kKLIABLB AND LASTING CI'KE. Constipation means that there is not a regular and sufficient action of the bowels. It is a very dangerous disorder because it prevents the body's waste from leaving the system, and this waste Roon turns to poison. This is how many fatal diseases begin
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 946 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. The Spring Race Meeting will be held on Tuesday the 11th, Thursday the 13th and Saturday the 15th May, 1903. PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Ttu-tdiy. Uth May, 1900. 1.. THE MAIDKN PLATE. Value $600 and Isii to the Second Horse. A Kace for Maiden Horses. Wijight 9st. Entrance,
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    • 461 3 Entries Close at noon on Saturday, the Ist May. except for Race 7 on the Third Day Entries tor Race No. 7. on the Third Day, must be made belore the start of Race No. 5 on that day. In all races, the advertised Second prize will only be given
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    • 69 3 CROUP. The first symptom of this disease is hoarseness. When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, the attack can always be averted. Even after the croupy cough has appeared, the attack can be warded off by the prompt use of this remedy. It is
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    • 150 3 (ROB ROY) ur»». but rtlNa »n i.s I I 1 CO.. I I**"— 1 30Sam P les2d. FREE. -NS^"** Wines Wines I I Oennlne toble ol»rel kt 4 75 per dot Vermouth of Turin 1 20p- litre bol Motosl of Bynonae, an Invigorating wine mostly raoommended for weak people and
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    • 202 3 Milkmaid JT_ f^^^^WßßHl^^*^ BRAND v*H BensedS H/TMl* nSr Milkmaid brandM' 1 1 1 1 \JSmL ■'ffijllP^g.. See that the CflL'H 'f^WWBS CONDENSED Mfl> tl j MILKMAID Trade Mark S >^r;j~~»M^;jrgg^ is on every Tin ;y TRADE MARK. Largest Sale in the World CHEAPEST and BE6T. MAYNARD'S Oriental Hair Wash. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 713 4 STEAMER SAILING'S. pTeTo. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penan*. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills A Lading issued for Ghtn» Coast, Persian Gull, Continental, and Amerioa Forts. Steamers will leave Singapore on or abo'r MAIL LINE. Outward (for China) Devanha Mar 26 Delhi
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    • 663 4 STEAMERS SAILINGOCEAN STEAM BHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. GO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, Ohina and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and
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    • 641 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS Tan undermentioned mall steamers of ths above Line maintain a regular servios between Oaloutta and Japan, calling at Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai m rout* FLEET. Tons Commander t.a. "Juu" 6,800 J. O. Ounn s.s. M Gbmobt Amab 4,600 S. H. Bilbos s.s. Abbatoob
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    • 303 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lin*. THE NATIONAL HIOHWAT TO BD3OPB 9U OHINA JAPAN, OANADA and tbs UNITED STATES Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Vletorta and Vaaoouvar, R.M.B. "EnrßßssoF Iron" Twin sorew stsa R.M.B. "Emtbbhb oiJuu" men, 6,000 tons,
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    • 658 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular asrvioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are daspatehed fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onos a month for Bramerhaven dlreot, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 847 4 STEAMER SAILINBB. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Uerman Mail Line. The fast and well-known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnighty from Bremen, Hamburg, via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples (connection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice versa) Port Said, Sn»z, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hongkong Shanghai, NagasaKi and
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  • 1203 5 1 l, Ui.b heading the followmr; abbreviations are UHeJ »tr. steamer sb. ship bq. barque Bch. schooner; Yet. Yacut Cru. Crumer. G'bt.— Gunboat Tor.— Torpedo j H.p.— Horne-i ower Brit. British D .B.— United States Feb..— French Oer.— German Dm.- Dutch Ital.— Italian Span. Spauish Bar.— S
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  • 131 5 . Change in Ceremonies and Date Probable. It is believed that the next inauguration of a President will see a great change in ceremonies and date, says a Washington despatch of Bth instant. The inclement weather of March 4 last has caused a vigor, ous renewal of the
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  • 65 5 Motor launches for the pilot service are under experiment in Java. One is alrrady on trial, and runs at Taujoog Priok (Batavia). The Batavia Nieuwßblad fays that four such craft will be required in West Borneo waters. That journal points out that at Polo Sambu, near Singapore,
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  • 134 5 From Eurpoe By the N. DL. steamer Buelow, dne April 8. B. I. steamer Tarobi, dna April 8. M.M. steamer Nera, due Apiil 5. From China N.D.L. steamer Kleist, dne Mar. 28. M. M. steamer Tonkin, dne April Time Table of Mails I Left Singapore Dae in
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  • 193 5 List of Passengers Coming to Singapore. Per Imperial Gorman mail steamer Bulow due April H— Mr. A. Hancocks. Mr. J. C. Ham and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ladds, Mr. A. J. Stokes. Per M M. Htoamer Tonkiu, due April 5.— Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Oabagan,
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  • 124 5 Foi Pii Stuhii Time To-MOBBOW Muntok and Palembang BauYony Seng 10 a.m. K. Pabang, Pekan, K'tan Hye l.t»< <i 11a.m. Colombo and Bombay Yehoihi Maru 11am H'kong, S'ghai, Japan J,.pan 11 a.m. Babang, Colombo, Genoa K Willtm II noon Colombo Itla de Luzon noon P. Ewettenham. Penaug Ipoh
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  • 81 5 March 2$ Lindula, Brit str, Penaug, Rangoon, Calcutta Nam Yong, Brit str, Macaswr via ports t Pitsaunlok, Ger str, liaDgkok Uiikata Mara, Jap str, Hongkong and Japan Renolder, Brit str, Hongkong and Japan Gerd, Nor str, Bangkok 36 Naentung, Ger str, Bangkok Devanha, Brit str, Yokohama via ports Grotius,
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  • 93 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAN JON Q FAOAR. Ein Wjar Bibih New Orleans. East W. Section I— Penang, Lombok. Section No. 1 (Biuas Wham)— Orotius. Bectiob 2 Japan. a 3-Nil. m 4 Gregory Apcar. B— Minilya. 6— Saint Dunttan,
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  • 202 5 Finance Commerce. EXCHANGE. Sinoapore, Mabch 26, 1909. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4* JSAjj g On Germany—Bank d/d 237 Private 8 m/s 241 do 6 m/ 8 248' On France- Bank d/d 292 PraTW On India Bank T. T. 174 i Private 80 d/s 1751 On Hongkong Bank d/d 25
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    • 52 5 Howarth Erskine 6% 600,000 par. Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 20% p. norn Riley, Hargreaves 6% 284,000 1% prem. 5% 1,878,000 6% prom. Spore Electric Tram 1,600,000 6% prem. ways Co., Ltd. 6% 860,000 nominal W% 602,900 nominal. Straits Engineering Tanjong Pagar Dock Syndicate, Ltd. 6% 45,000 par. Board 6%
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    • 293 5 I g I MHI.K. Captial J Paid Urn issued Company Qdota TIOMS Last Dividend •800,000 10 10 i Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 600 •800,000 10 10 7,600 i Bruan R Ltd. 6.00 •600,000; 10 10 Bruseh Hydraulio T. M. Co., Ltd.(l)| 8.75 £500,000 1 1 48 Duff Development
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    • 346 5 £150,000 1200,000 10 £30,000 1 .£30,000 £70,000 1 1150,000 10 £16,000 £75,000 1 £310,000 £50,000 £180,000 1 £320,000 3.176,000 ♦250,000 10 £100,000 2 £300.000 j £80,000 1 1250,000 j" £20,000 1 1100,000 100 £30,000 2/ $500,000 100 $250,000 100 1100,000 10 £110,000 j 1 £50,000 £60,000 < 2/1 Anglo-Malay
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    • 310 5 (a) 0% debentures.— (6) subscribed by employees.— (r) part paid shares. Bonuses. *and bonus 1\ per cent for year ended 81/12/08. and 5% bonus. and 5% bonus for half year ended 80/9/08. Reserves. Figures after names of companies indicate that they hold reserves as follows (1) $25,000, (2) 110,000,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 304 5 AUCTION SALES Mnwell and Co. Mar. 26— At No. 6-4, Oxley Road, furniture, etc., at 4. Mar. 27— At Rusholme Lodge, No. 11, St. Thomas Walk, furniture, etc., at 2. Mar. 27 At No. 21S, Serangooo KJ., furniture, etc.. at 2.30. Mar. Mil -At saleroom, British steamer Karang, at 2.30.
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    • 49 5 I Hs2^ AHIGH-CIASS '^*^.*r ~*z j£ •^^^fi/P^ UIVTIIDC SfijfifikF Pit nt Ai Tight x 41 obtainable at Messrs. Robinson Co., m *SSST The UT% ¥7 O T BLSI Light t=| is the BEST LIGHT. 100 CANDLE POWER FOR ONE CENT PER HOUR. Huttenbach Bros and Co., 18, COLLYKR QUAY.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 165 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, March 36. High Water, 1 87 p m. Municipal Commission, 2.80. V \V. C. A. Concert, 8.80. Albambra Cinematograph. Hariuia Cinematograph. Marlboromjli Cinematograph. Saturday. March 27. Hiyii Water, 1.26 a.m., 2 80 p.m. Pirates of Pulo Brani, 9. Sunday, March 28 High Water, 2.5 am., 8
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    • 186 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Feom Marc 11 26 to April 1. HIGH WATER. LoW WATER Time H 'ght Time IH'gbt March °rs. miv. ft mx. hrs.min. ft. ins. M 0.51 am 90 7.8 am, 06 m 1 1.37 pm 8 7 7.25 pm 2.8 j „.07:I 1M tm 8.8 756 am
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  • 42 6 Chun... At bis residence Keminitton House, No. 436, Gaylang Raod, Trampost No. 292, Singapore, on Thursday, March 25, Chong Ghee Long aged 59 years. Funeral cortege will leave for Bidadan on, Saturday, March 27, at 880 p.m. l'cuang papers please copy.
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  • 1018 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. FRIDAY, MARCH 26. MISDIRECTED EDUCATION. The itch for education is everywhere. If a white man can rub the Roman alphabet and a dozen European historical dates into the b ains of some boys or girls who may be eithei black, brown, or yellow, he
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  • 25 6 Mr. Hume, Public Prosecutor, Calcutta, whose life has been attempted four times, is guarded night and day by four detectives by order of the Government.
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  • 27 6 Fire broke out in a densely populated part of RaDgoon, on the 18th instant, destroying 28 buildings and causing damage to the extent of nearly five lakhs.
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  • 32 6 On the sth instant, undergraduates refused Mr. Keir Hardie, M.P., a bearing in the Oxford Town Hall. They pelted the platform with cogs and oranges, and wound up with a free fight.
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  • 14 6 A claim by the Baldwin hotel was ad journed, this morning, for a week.
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  • 14 6 From January 2 to 17th instant, 1,717 deaths have occurred in Calcutta from smallpox.
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  • 23 6 Halley'a Comet should be seen in Singapore from January 81 to May 17, 1910. It will be only some twelve million miles distant.
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  • 27 6 A towkay living four and a quarter miles from town ou Thomson Road has reported to the police that one of his coolies has absconded with $86.
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  • 38 6 The conviction and sentence of two years' imprisonment passed ou Damlo on a charge of mutilating and tarring the Queen's statue at Nagpur has been upheld on appeal. The conviction of tbo second accused has been <iv ashed.
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  • 34 6 A Rome paper says that during his approaching visit to India, the Duke of the Ahruzzi will attempt the ascent of Kinchinjunga, the Himalayan peak, and, if possible, secure the world's record in mountainclimbing.
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  • 38 6 The medical officer of the Port of Londou has discovered tiOO cases of diseased sheep's liver recently landed from tbe United States. The boxes bore an official label indicating that the goods had been inspected before being exported.
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  • 33 6 At Liverpool on the Ist instant, sixteen members of the -Chinese colony were admitted into the Protestant Church by confirmation. The officiating clergyman was Bishop Eldridge, of tbe Reformed Episcopal Church of England.
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  • 40 6 A Scotsman, said to be a doctor who arrived from Rangoon about a week ago, was arrested by Sergt. Little at the Adelphi Hotel, yesterday, as be was acting in an extraordinary manner. He was sent to hospital for observation.
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  • 39 6 The Daily Chronicle states that on 4th inst., a pseudo-Commissary of Police and six pu. iido constables entered a gambling club in Paris and disappeared with £1,000 in stakes after solemnly taking »he names and addresses of all present.
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  • 45 6 Able Seaman Jones, tiring the other week from the new battleship Agamemnon with a 12 pounder 18 cwt. gun on the newest type of mounting, made no fewer than 15 hits with 15 rounds in the short period of M seconds. This is a'world's record.
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  • 42 6 Ah Tai, a Chinaman, quartermaster of tho Bteamer Strathendrick, suddenly rushed on Cecil Abbott when the vesael was in the bay of Bengal with a large knife, but Abbott pluckily disarmed him. The Chinaman will now be tried for attempt to murder.
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  • 60 6 The assistant secretary of the National Union writes as follows: The N. I Sham Court, which was held ou the 24th instant, on a case of attempted murder, was adjourned to 31st instant. A lecture on Earth and Planets will be delivered by Mr. A. M. .1. Mowjee at tho
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  • 56 6 Insp. Krayne explained to the second magistrate, this morning, that tho injured man wished to withdraw the charge against Low Ah Lo, the tram conductor who was charged with negligent conduct in orderiug a man from his seat without having the tram stopped. The Co. has agreed to compensate the
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  • 73 6 There was a disturbance in Omar Koad, yesterday evening, when Sergt. Little and and a detective went to execute a warrant in an assault case. He was followed by a number of coolies who shouted poh, in an attempt to incite others to assist in releasing the prisoner. There was
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  • 58 6 A collision occurred on the 6th instant, between two railway trains at Tunbridge (29 miles from London), with the result that throe persons were killed and twelve others injured. An inspector smartly stopped the Margate express from dashing into the wreckage. The accident blocked the line and delayed the journey
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  • 70 6 Mr. Eardley Norton, concluding his summing ny |i the Alipore case, at Calcutta, so far at) regards Arabindo Ghose, on the 17th instant, said the book Human Bullets showed that Aabindos influence was felt so far away as Japan. His was a type of mind most dangerous to the public
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  • 71 6 The jury, who, on Wednesday, convicted a Chinaman of gang robbery in Upper Macau Street, said Chinaman being sentenced to seven years' rigorous imprisonment by the judge, may be interested to know that while being taken to his cell, tbe prisoner remarked to a bystander that it was a shame
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  • 71 6 A Chinaman, one of several charged with being found in possession of housebreakiog implements, remarked to the third magistrate, yesterday, that his interesting occupa tiou was to fry coffee and boil eggs, at least that is how the interpreter put it. The outfit captured when the police broke in on
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  • 84 6 Mr. Saunden resumed the Malacca damage snit in the district court, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Baker appeared for the plaintiff, a Malay woman named Seejah binte Lemat, and Mr. Leigh Clare for the defendants, the Jasin Exploration Syndicate, whom the plaintiff thought ought to pay her damages on account of the
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  • 409 6 . It is said that Shutn Chun Hsu.-.0. the retired Viceroy of Canton, will be appoints! a Grand Councillor. There are no hopes of the recovery of Miss Clarke, daughter of the Oovernor of Boinbav. says a wire of 19th instant. Mrs. Frayne, the wife of Insp. Kraym;,
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  • 58 6 . The yearly general meeting of tho lin I jang Lebong Gold Mining Co. is tixed to be held at Batavia on April 3. The sharehold ers will be asked to pass a resolution to fix the dividend for I'.kim at one hundred n r cent.! The
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  • 67 6 The Army Estimates for the coming yoar lay down the following establishments for the Straits Settlements garrison Two companies Royal Garrison. Artillery, 2.V2 of all ranks one company Royal Engineers, 118; one battalion of infautry 982; Army Service Corps, 12 Royal Army Medical Corps, 85; one Indian
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  • 98 6 Mr. John Anderson, whoha^ beon far trom well lately, in expectation of leaving Singa pore for a change t > I'.ti^land at an early date has resigned bis Mat on the Legislative Council. It is known that Dr. Galloway is also going on leave, so there
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  • 128 6 The following passengers left Singapore, yesterday, for London direct, on board of the P. and O steamer Macedonia Mr. K. Campbell, Mr. F. J. Beuton, Mrs. E. Recdor, Mrs. D. Tedlie, Mr. J. E. A. ilillegaart, Mr. G. Dearie Russell, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bacon, Dr. and
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  • 133 6 . The Earl of Roaebcry will be one of tliu speakers at the inaugural bauijuet in connection witb the Imperial Press t-'oui.-n-iicr, whicJi will bo opened in London in .I iao I. Additional events in the cntartaiutiunt of the visiting journalists bave been arranged as follows: Reception by
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 346 6 PURE CEYLON "T.A.J." Teas. THE BEST PROCURABLE. THOMPSON THOMAS COMPANY. NEW STUDIO. HOUBE TO BE LET. Lee Brothers, Compound House, No. 157, Middle Road, HI H »V,H? S ?HO? HO T OI APU K s' w i^ otaWiDg. etc. Very comfortable. Rent 58-4, H.U Steeet^off Stamford Road. modet^ Immediate o^
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    • 189 6 ALHAMBRA NEW PICTURES TO-NIQHT. 1. DORY-TA, the Famous French Danseuse. 2. PATHE FRERES 1 BEAITIFIX PICTURES. 3. ILFOR. the Illusionist. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 31. Under the Distinguished Patronage and in the Immediate Presence of BIR ARTHUR YOUNG, K CMC, AND LADY EVELYN YOUNG. ANO PARTY. SPECIAL PROGRAMME This Night. Seats may
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  • 149 7 GRAVE SITUATION AND FEARS OF WAR. Women and Children Leaving Belgrade Servian Crown Prince Abdicates. [Rbotbr's Tblbubam.] London, March 10. British mediation at Vienna lin the interests of peace between Servia and Austria) has hitherto been unsuccessful. Pourparlers continue, but the situation is distinctly worsening. London, March
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  • 114 7 BUELOW BLOC DISSOLVED ON A FINANCIAL QUESTION Contradictory Accounts. Kai-TBK'.- Tblbobam.) London. March M Uorliu telegrams btate that the internal situation in Germany has suddenly become the sensation of the hour. Prince von Buelow s Bloc has broken up over tho financial reforms questiou, and there is
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  • 50 7 RUSSIA AND JAPAN. Important Decision of the Supreme I'rize Court. |Übutku.s hiMW| London, March 2f>. The St. VWtantarg Supremo Prize Court has decided that the Japanose Taschio Compauy is entitle! to uuimuii— not exceeding 39,000 roubles in connection with the sinking of the steamer Telartos during the war in 1905.
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  • 50 7 [RaOTIB'x i hlk ,kam London, March 25 Cambridge has rowed from Putney to Hammersmith in 7 minutes 12 NMah This is 18 seconds under record. BISHOP MOUNSEY CONSECRATED [Rbotbb's Telegram] London. March 26. Bishop Mounsey, tbe new Bishop of Labuan, was consecrated at Lambeth Palace Chapel, yesterday.
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  • 74 7 Railway. [Die Ostasutuom Lloyd Tblb<hum| Berlin, March 25. A Peking message to the Times wbicb states that the offer of a loan from a German syndicate for the construction of the Hankow-Canton railway will probably be withdrawn is untrue. The uews has
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  • 26 7 [Dbr Oituwwai Llotd '[iuou»| Berlin, March '25. Admiral Ispinski has been nominated to the command of the Kusuian naval forces in the Atlantic.
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  • 50 7 The constitutional administration department of Peking has telegraphed to Lord Li King-fang, Chinese Minister at London, to obtain copies of the plan of the English House of Lords, the idea being to build a similar parliament bouse on the site now occupied by the metropolitan examination B
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  • 693 7 The Cracker Fatality Case Being Heard. An'at bin Abdul Samat, for whom Mr. Emerson appeared, was charged at the Assizes, yosterday. with usint! as genuine a forgid Straits Steamship Co. passage t'cki-t for Teluk Anson. Mr. Crabb Watt pra*e cuted. In this, as in t.;e previous c i-e.
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  • 326 7 . Free Fighters Fined Five Dollars a Head There has been some trouble between the sons of Mr. A. Maclean, of Scott's Hoad, and neighbours, resulting in a lengthy case before thr fourth magistrate, yesterday. One of the neighbours, a young Chinaman, named Aog Cheng Chua, prosecuted Mr.
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  • 73 7 One of Dr. Sun-Vat-Sen's subordinates named Yeow Lit was arrested at 1 a.m. to-day in Club Street. It is understood that he and a Urge number of others who have been found to be, or are suspected to be, connected with secret societies, which have been gaining considerable strength locally
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  • 222 7 Anglo- Siamese Treaty. ALLEGED INJURY TO GERMAN INTERESTS. An Understanding with France The Deutsche Export lievue complains that Gorman commercial interests are seriously injured by the new agreement between Groat Britain and Siaui, under which 15,000 square miles of Siamese territory have passed into British possession. It says: Wo are
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  • 251 7 THE CIGARETTE HABIT. A Puff of Smoke Followed by Police Enquiry. A woman named Cluing Mi Moy was walking alnofl North Bridge Koad, on the afternoon of February '20, when two men aivtsud her and one uf them blew some ci^ireitc smoke into her face which, as she exii 'iiiued
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  • 232 7 Perak Correspondent Enlightens Ladies' Journal Wuldon s Ladies' Journal prints the following, concerning which comment would be superfluous: The following information is kindly sent by a correspondent in Perak in answer to a published inquiry from another reader (Curious) respecting tbe opportunities for women's work in
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  • 105 7 Cbanan Singh, a Sikh constable who was fined %'i a few days ago on account of a little difficulty he had bad with a tramway conductor and was, on the same day, sent to gaol for a week for being noisy in the hallway of the police
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  • 68 7 Another development in connection with the Abode of Love took place on 6th instant, when Bishop Kennion, the Bishop of Bath and Wells, performed the ceremony of unfrocking the Bey. Smyth- Piggott, the conductor of the Abode of Love. Piggott did not put in an appearance.
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  • 46 7 The present position at Peking is that all affairs connected with Mancbus are decided by Prince Chine matters concerning railways, mints, education, and the constitution, are under the control of Chang Chili Yung while the appointment o( officials in in the hands of the Prince Regent.
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  • 295 7 ABANDONING WATCHWORDS OF LIBERALISM. Results of Recent Revelations Colombo exchanges to hand, this morning, contain further details of tbe discussion at borne in respect of the Navy estimates. Wires of the Hnh inst., state that the Daily Chronicle and Moruiug Post concur in declaring that the question
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  • 320 7 PIECE OF COLONIAL IMPUDENCE A Chine: Merchant Who Pecents Degrading System. Mr. I'iug Nam, president of the Chinese Merchants' Society in Sydney, referring to Mr. L.'vien's statements as to Chinese being smuggled into Australia and his suggestion mto remedial measures, said The law may bu made as stringent as possible
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  • 255 7 Lord Crewe's Observations on Report of Committee. Hi 9 Excellency the Governor of Ceylon has been favoured with a copy of the report of the Committee which was appointed to inquire into the organisation of the office of the Crown Agents for the Colonies together with
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  • 73 7 Five thousand Chinese corpses, bound for their final resting place in the Flowery Kingdom, loft Brooklyn on February 10, on the steamer Shiiuosa. The bodies of the dead Chinese were disinterred from bury inggrounds all over the United States and placed in sealed caskets, which in turn
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  • 663 7 Ghosts and Suffragettes at the Victoria Theatre. The ghost of Jerry Buudler is one of those dramatic little episodes by W. W. Jacobs which serve London managers so well for curtain raisers and which form a fitting contrast for the light fare that, as a rule, succeeds them.
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  • 230 7 Negotiations that may Effect Rates for Transmission. A Calcutta correspondent writes to the Manchester Guardian that there is reason to believe changes in the Indian telegraphs may have a very important effect on the cable rate*. At present messages banded to the Eastern Cable Co.
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  • 161 7 . The third magistrate concluded the hearing of evidence in the cue against A. K. van der Beck, yesterday afternoon. It will be remembered that he was accused in connection with the disappearance from the Raffles Institution of a bicycle belonging to A. Molteni, a watoh belonging to
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  • 92 7 SIR EDWARD GREY'S TRIBUTE TO HIS MAJESTY Official Diplomacy would do Harm. [RaUTIB'I TIUOBAk] London, March 26. Meplying to criticisms of the fact that tbe King on his visits to foreign countries is not accompanied by tho Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Grey said tbat the King bad
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  • 100 7 AUSTRAL. EAGER TO OFFER A DREADNOUGHT Lord Charles Beresford's Attitude. [Rioter's Teleqrax.| London, March 26, An enthusiastic meeting held at Melbourne passed resolutions urging tbo Commonwealth of Australia to immediately offer a Dreadnought to the Motherland or convene Parliament to deal with the question. A similar meeting
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  • 26 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipob, March 26. The line has been cleared at Taipeng Pass, and trains rosumed running, this morn-
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  • 29 7 (From Ocr O>.n Correspondent.) I poh, March 26. Two arrests have been m vie in connection with tbe gang robbery at tho Chemor Gambling Farm.
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  • 164 7 . Cordial Reception Accorded by Caius College Dc Sven Hodin bad a most cordial roeep tion on the Itli inst., at Cambridge, where be was entertained at luncheon in Caius College Hall by the Master and Fellows. Tho health of Dr. Sven Hedin was proposed by tho
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  • 55 7 . The delegate despatched by the Viceroy of Manchuria, Cbu Shicbong, shot and killed a number of farmers engaged in some land reclamation °cheme. The relatives of tbe aggrieved parties and a number of tbe local gentry aro now at Pokiog lodging their complaints with the Board
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  • 76 7 . In the House of Commons on Ist inst., Mr. Reginald McKenna. First Lord of the Admiralty, stated in reply to Sir Charles Dilke (Liberal) that he regretted native women were killed during the punitive expedition of H. M. S. Prometheus to Santo Island, in the South
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  • 92 7 On March 14, a European hunter came to a sad end near Sourabaya, in Java. He went out with a companion to shoot wild bogs. On passing through dense jungle, he went in first, the companion following his footsteps close behind. The latter was bolding bis gun
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  • 88 7 The other evening an entry was made into tho Masonic Hall at Hongkong, by some evilly-disposed persons. Tho thieves made an attack on the Masonic banner, -.alned at about £60, which was presented to the Orand Lodge by Dr. Jordan and Brother Howell, and stripped it of
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  • 545 8 Notes in General Mr. G. D. Murray, of Adelaide won the long jump at the Cambridge sports. He covered 20it. llin C. B. Fry has resigued tho captaincy of the Sussex Cricket Club, and it is rumoured that he will play for Hampshire. Sir Arthur Young has forwarded
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  • 45 8 Malacca Ladies' Club. The following scores were made at the weekly practice of the Malacca Ladies' Rifle Clnb, at the High School range Mrs. Howell. 84 Mrs. Kinder, 81 Mrs. Williams, 26 Miss Williams, 26 Miss O. E. Williams, 21 Mrs. Caldwell, 22
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  • 97 8 In the House of Commons, on 4th inst, in reply to Mr. Smeaton, Colonel Steley said The Secretary of State is responsible for the administration of the Crown Colonies, and loans cannot be raised by the Crown Agents on behalf of a Colony without bis authority.
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  • 65 8 An express train with nobody on the engine dashed into the terminus at Montreal at forty miles an hour, crashing through two waiting roon-s into the street and killing five persons and injured twenty. The passengers were unhurc. It appears that when two miles from the station
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  • 69 8 swell thief, calling himself Dr. Pullman, of Chicago, invited a jeweller to bring £2,500 worth of goods to his suite of rooms in the Savoy Hotel, on the 3rd instant. The jeweller complied, whereupon the thief attempted to escape with the goods. An assistant of the
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  • 18 8 The Toyo Kisen Kaisha have not paid a jividend. The loss for the hall year is Yen 800.000.
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  • 592 8 . A Humorous Consul's Eloquent Address at Hongkong. At a banquet given to the officers of tho Philippine Squadron at Hongkong on March 17, Dr. Amos I*. Wilder, the Consul-General for the United States, in proposing the toast of The Colony said When Mr. Hough, the uncrowned, unofficial
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  • 272 8 . Grave Accusations Against Punitive Expedition. A Taihoku dispatch dated February 23 reaching the Mainichi Dempo reports that the chiefs of the rebel aborigines in Kwarenko approached the Waiyu line (the line under the police cordon) carrying a white flag, and sur-ondered to the expeditionary troops. According to
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  • 140 8 Robbers held up a ricksha in China Street on Wednesday night and robbed a passenger of seventy cents. A hue and cry were set up and one man was arrested by Malay P. C. No. 6. Scrgt. Little prosecuted him before Mr. Howard yesterday afternoon.
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  • 98 8 It is stated that owing to the growing import of cigarettes in China, which is a drain on Chinese profits, the Government is taking up the question of adopting counteracting measures. It is proposed that the Ministry of Agricnlture, Industry and Commerce should establish a Chinese tobacco company, and that
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  • Correspondence.
    • 558 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The old saying that the best way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach, can be applied in a more genuine and in a broader sense to the patrons of the Singapore food markets than to the inhabitants
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    • 92 8 To the Editor pf the Straits Times. Sir, As no reply has been received to the challenge I issued on the 25th ultimo in the columns of your paper, may I ask whether it would he right for me to claim thu title, Long-Distance Champion Swimmer of the
      92 words
  • 148 8 Proposed Gift of Land to the Victim's Family. Government are considering the question of conferring a jagir of land on the family of the late Ashutosh Biswas. His assassin was hanged this morning, says a Calcutta wire of the 19th instant. The relatives asked permission to
    148 words
  • 199 8 The tenth annual general meeting of the Singapore Marine Insurance Agents' Association was held at the Singapore Exchange, on Wednesday afternoon, Mr. W, Macbean presiding. The proceedings were mainly of a formal nature, during the past year nothing exceptional requiring the consideration of the members of
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  • 467 8 Immense Sum Expended on Clearing Thoroughfares. Winter has set in in England, and especially in London, with a vengeance. London, since February 27, has been the victim of severe intermittent snowstorms and sharp frosts. On tue Ist inst., the city awoko in a deep snow, and almost
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  • 150 8 Japanese Imports Wiih Revolutionary Trade Marks Merchants exporting Japanese goods to India arc cautioned, says the Japan Times, to pay attention to the following communication from the Japanese consul at Bombay Recently, among the Japanese merchandise sent to India, such as matches, handkerchiefs, combs, etc., have been
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  • 98 8 The report of Dr. D. K. McDowell, C.M.G., the Registrar of Births and Deaths, shows that, during the week ended March 20, 147 deaths were registered in Singapore, equal to a death-rate of 27.53 per thousand of the estimated population. Malarial fever claimed 19 deaths, phthisis '21,
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  • 140 8 . On Friday last, a Chinese schoolboy named Lim Tek went to his father's shop to get $2.50 with which to purchase a bicycle tyre. While passing along Sago Street, a Chinaman snatched the money, which was in coppers and tied np in a handkerchief, from
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  • 58 8 . The Earthquake Relief Committee at Rome reports that about £740,000 has been collected for the sufferers by the earthquake disaster in Sicily and Calabria. Correspondents show that some demolished villages in remote portions of the two provinces were forgotten or overlooked until a fortnight ago. Many persons starving
    58 words
  • 51 8 The nineteen Chinese who were arrested after the Jurong and Chua Chu Kang gang robberies, and detained on the charge of being members of an unlawful society, most of them being revo'utionists and Saigon deportees, were discharged by the second magistrate, this morning, and immediately afterwards re-arrested on banishment war
    51 words
  • 364 8 Messrs. Fraser and Co.'s Weekly Report. In their circular, dated March 25. Messrs. Fraser and Co. report as follows Our market still keeps fairly active and a few of tho local tins have attracted more attention than has been the case for some time past, although the
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  • 297 8 The Plaint of a Derelict British Colony. It is now nearly eleven years, says the China Critic, since Wei-hai-wei was proclaimed a British possession the place was actually occupied on May 24, 1898, but little has been done to develop the colony and if it cab hardly be styled
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  • 492 8 A Chinese correspondent writes to inform us that last niyht, a Chinese Sinkeh who was endeavouring to ride a bicycle near Cavenagh Bridge, and is described as wearing a very nice ami smiling faco with a cigarette between his lip-," came a cropper, rubbed his smiling face in
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  • 70 8 In the Matripuja sedition cave, the translation of an article entitled Gods and Demons shews Englishmen described as demons and Indians as gods. The article contains the story of Puranw, the author introducing episodes suggestive of the political situation. The goda are described as
    70 words
  • 158 8 Holland can boast of public warehouses ran by companies with large capital, some of which not only store but also prepare produce for the market. Java, however, lias none of these conveniences though the need for them is pressing. But, at Sourabaya, a syndicate has been formed to
    158 words
  • 23 8 The prices quoted arc generally thusu current at Clyde Terrace Market. At the o.her markets there may be small variations.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 227 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. THE ROYAL J3HORE TIN MINING CO.. LTD. Notice is hereby given that a dividend of 8%, =16 cents per share, has been drclared for the year ending January 22, 19u9, and holders of Share Warrants can obtain payment at the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation on presentation
      227 words

  • 854 9 Same, port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agents. BTEAMBRH alrl>e. byrtcey. Apl 2* P^-'w 1 Ambria, Hongkong, Apl 27 Bebn Meyer Anamba. Suez, Apl 15 East Asiatic Coy Asbaye, Colombo, Apl 9 ,v O. Coy Ayntbia, Bombay. Mar ii H..r.« Coy Austria, China, May 7 Rant-nberg
    854 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 372 9 Our PIANOS are ar Selected Personally AT THE FACTORIES AND ARE The Pick of the Best ENGLISH AND GERMAN MAKERS, and are built in every particular for this climate. Hire op Monthly Payments. THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LDCINEMATOGRAPH PATHE SINGAPORE. L" "q Sole Agenoy for Jp/t Pathe Freres, Paris. y
      372 words
    • 152 9 Singapore Automatic Gas Machine Co. NOTICE. We beg to inform the public that we have this day bought the Letters Patent from Jennings Clement Hugh, Esq., to manufacture Automatic Gas Producing Machines. These machines will work by themselves and no persons will be required to look after them. Beautiful white
      152 words
    • 423 9 Miscellaneous NOTICES Bin* U» sloatta, (10 par Inch. B»b— q»«t moßtks, |i. Por shorUt period* Ml Seals of CbargM. noticeT HOWARTH ERSKINE. LIMITED The Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from the 18th to the 26th inst., inclusiTe. By Order of the Board, V. V. LEHBERQBR, 518 Secretary.
      423 words
    • 570 9 STEAMER BAIUNBB. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. Two regular services are maintained between JAPAN and EUROPE by the Company's well-known TWIN-SCREW SJTE4WERS, under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for Pint and Second
      570 words
    • 549 9 THE ASSOCIATION OF DIAMOND MERCHANTS, LIMITED, Jfcj. vXCanufvclurcrs of TJ|gQ-y GOLD AND SILVER mmTU JEWELLERY. *^3T"^ 1 1 Diamonds. -r& £55 10.. i\npMk^j3 Gold Safety Pin Brooch IhinitnJl li in.. 7s. 6d. V^JsfcT Bs. 6d. It in.. 9s. 6d. -t, 10.. bd. f&nrri|-^ ■2r Catalogue (S.T.) 1908 Edition MUO Illustrations,
      549 words
    • 53 9 DONT BE ALARMED. METHVLOIDS will cure it. All affections of the iin-thi a arc quickly cured with Metbyloids. Their effect is rapid and agreeable, Tin y nlii \c pain and promptly arrest thu disohat'Kb. Where other remedies have failed try Mfcthyloids and watch the results. Con Tt-uicnt tc carry and
      53 words

  • 574 10 EXTRAORDINARY BANQUET GIVEN TO NEW PRESIDENT Grotesque American Humour. Mr. Taft, the President Elect, was the subject of good-humoured pleasantries at the dinner of the Knockers' Club, of Cincinnati. As he entered the banqueting-room he was met by a huge man, disguiued as his cotmterpart, who escorted
    574 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 625 10 BANKING COMPANIES,', CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IHOORPORATjSD BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Bbaraa of attOeach «1,»00,000 Beaerva Fund C 1.525.000 Beaerva Liability ot Proprietor «1,800,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tk London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aooonnta
      625 words
    • 633 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 115,000,000) asa -,in no< Silver Reserve $14.5»,000| B sW>oo asserve Liability of Propriatora 115.000.00 C COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. W. J. Greeson, Chairman. H. E. Tomkins, Esq., Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Esq. 11. K. Lenzanann,
      633 words
    • 707 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE or HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC., At No. 215, Scrangoon Road, On Saturday, March 27, at 2.30 p.m. A good toned cottage piano rattan chairs and lounges teak rocking chairs; polished dining table bentwood standard chairs crockery glassware, etc. Iron bedsteads dressing tables with mirror attached, etc.
      707 words
    • 792 10 SALES BY AUCTION. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Important Sale OF Valuable Teak Furniture, Etc., AT NO. 11. LLOYD ROAD. On Saturday, April 17. The sale will include a collection of VALUABLE ORCHID AND PALMS. Powell Co., u6OO Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF Teak Household Furniture. The Property of W. B. Bel, Esq., AT
      792 words

  • 962 11 SPORT AND TRADE INTERESTS IN CONFLICT. Disease and the Motor-car. The Medical Officer of Health for Cam ber well, in his annual report, calls attention to a successful appeal against a decision obtained by the Borough Council in a summons taken out against the proprietors of a motor-bus for
    962 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      432 words
    • 255 11 INSURANCE Companies. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRK AND LIFE, IOTAL FONDS EXCEED £14.250,000 ra> übobbi nu orrioc in rax woku>. BOUSIEAD Co.,— Agnti GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED, LONDON. Subscribed Capital £1,000,000 Total Invested Funds £8,100,000 Annual Income £1,100,000 The undersigned. Agontl for the anovi Joxpany, nra prepared to accept tiro
      255 words
    • 130 11 You owe it, first of all to yourself, next to your family, to get rid of that headache. Steams' Headache Curo does the work. CALMONS PNEUMATIC TYRES. UNEXCELLED FOR RELIABILITY AND DURABILITY. SOLE AGENTS BEHN, MEYER CO., LIMITED, Singapore and Penang. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Repairing of Church Organs, Harmoniums, Pianos
      130 words
    • 265 11 SIDDELEY AUTOCARS are the Most Reliable in tho World. They are Famous also for High Efficiency, Comfort and Silence, with Small Maintenance and Running Costs. They are produced by a branch of the world-renowned firm of Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Limited. They are made in Eight Models, including the New
      265 words
    • 96 11 Full Particulars from the Sole AGENTS i CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. J. DA. PEREIRA. HORTICULTURIST AND FLORIST Collector and Exporter of Orchids. Diploma •nd Gold Medal from the late King of Denmark. By Special Appointment to Hia Majesty, the King of Siara., H. H., the Sultan of Johore, and H. H.,
      96 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 570 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MisceIIaneous Wants of Every Description, Houses, Land, etc., to let, are inserted at the following rates One Insertion $1.20 per inch. Two 2.00 Three 2.80 Six 5.20 Nino 6.40 Twelve 7.12 Twenty- five 10.00 (Each subotquent month Jo per inch.) The above rate is based
      570 words
    • 449 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. &4THI— Fo«r Llms, oae ot two UssrHom*. tl.oo Br tas (Mh, n* Seals of Charfsi. LEBBONB IN HINDUSTANI Given by experienced teacher. For terms, etc., apply to N., c/o Straits Times. 607 OFFICE WANTED. Spacious Office, with or without storage godown. Replies to C. c/o Straits Times. 596
      449 words
    • 584 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. Kins i— roai Uaas, oa. at Iw l—»lcai. t jo Br «hs Inch. m« Seals ol ChVKOT. OFFICE TO BE LET. Office oo seoond floor of. No. 7, Battery Road. Apply to Qathrie aud Co., Lid. D 1878 OFFICE ft BOOOWN TO BE LET Wilb
      584 words
    • 495 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co Ld SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds of HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, for Carriages, Motor care, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, OardenhoMt Brake-BE-TBEADiNO MOTOE IYBES. CODDr'.NQs! o/ug! SSSS JnOs! All kinds of I.R. Buffer* and Springs for Bail- INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and
      495 words
      263 words
    • 233 12 FOR SA'E. An Antique Spanish I 'ollar dated 1768, in circulation during the reign of Carolus 111. No reasonable offer refused. Apply to Y.K.. c/o Straits Times. In connection with tin above it may be stated that a Coin dated 1787 was recently sold in Chicago for dollar6,20(1. 578 BELDIN6.
      233 words