The Straits Times, 23 January 1909

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.865. SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. JANUARY 23. 1909. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 151 1 FOR SALE. Pommery Greno's CHAMPAGNE. Vintage, 1900. w raffles hotel. FR AMROZ Co. 87, Cecil Street, GRATED WATER MANUFACTURERS, Supplies to the MILITARY. MESSES, CANTEENS, HOTELS, j MKN-OF-WAK, SHIPS Mid PRIVATE FAMILIES. Purity Assured. Wishing our Chinese A Happy and Prosperous PatPons a Happy and New Year to our Chinese
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    • 90 1 STRAITS CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., LTD., 15, Battery Road, ELECTRO PLATERS, ENAMELLERS, MAKERS OF THE CELEBRATED "LAJU" RACING BICYCLES.;.:,. Triple ij Motor Tyre jj Pump Saves Worry, Time, Labour. The Largest Tyre can be inflated in less time and less fatigue than any other. WITH GAUGE PRICE $22 NETT. Star
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  • 402 2 Eczema Spread All Over His BodyNot a Minute's Comfort in Sixteen Months Constantly Experimented With Remedies, but Even the Doctor's Treatment Failed Writer Pronounces the CUTICURA REMEDIES OF MARVELOUS POWER "A gentleman, who is a near relative of mine, has suffered terribly with co-Z'-tn.-i. The trouble
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  • 491 2 EXTRAORDINARY PLAN TO BOOM A NOVEL. Mischievous Manoeuvre Discovered. Fuithor details of this remarkable fraud will be of interest An advertising hoax of unparalleled audacity was perpetrated in Germany to rouse inti-ri-t in a trashy backstairs romance not worth a penny, but which is being sold at
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  • 415 2 Marquis's Mysterious Loss in a Brest Surgery. A sensation lias b»«n causod at Brest, by the mysterious dixappearance from a local surgery of a nnu of i>reat value belonging to the tiormsu Marquis Wilhelni von Hraiin. Tin tuarqui?, who is a lieutenant in the reserve of tbe Artillery
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 427 2 RATNER Safes "List 2" Pattern, ADAPTED FOB THE CUSTODY OF VALUABLE PAPERS, BOOKS, ETC. Lined throughout with Fire-resisting chambers, 7>\ thick, filled with best non-conducting material. LUvKb Unpickable, violence and gunpowder proof, protected with plate of Ratner drill-proof Compo Safe Steel. All usual sizes in stock. BORNEO CO., LTD., SOLE
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    • 338 2 DENTAL SUPPLIES. Larokst Stock or C. Ash, Sons and Co 's Manufactures and American Goods. CHEONG BROS., DEMTISn, 25. South Bridge coal Singapore, Guarantee b<gh-olnaa w.rk and the latest irourovera dU for Enropenn clients. CHARGER MODERA. The D>ait or CARLISLE write. Sir. I was almnat twyoad exiarlenoe I a martyr
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    • 69 2 NO OPIUM IN CHAMBERLAIN'S COU6H REMEDY. There is not a particle of opium or other narcotic in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and never has been since it was first offered to tbe public. It is as safe a medicine for a child as for an adult. This remedy is famous for
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    • 263 2 ISMAIL a^RAHEEM ARE NOW SHOWING A LAIfGE VAKItCT OF Diamond Jewellery, LOOSE DIAMONDS AND OTHER PRECIOUS STONES. Early Inspection Respectfully Solicited. AUioMATiguE DUG ASBL£ PtitU A AIR LIRRL. o THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that thin Trade Mark is the property of Tho Nedcrlandsche, Gutta Percba Maatschappij, of The Ha^ue,
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  • 995 3 CO-PROPRIETORS AND PIECE OF BROWN STRING. I i>ot a bit ot brown string" and tied it on to his collar. He was very pleased. He saw my bat on my head, and knew he was going out. What the brown stiiug was for be neither knew nor
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  • 103 3 From February to April. l'JOtt, writes Dr. Sven Hedin in tbe Graphic, describing his adventures in Tibet, I disguised myself as a Ladakhi. and blackened my face every night and morning. At critical momenta when Tibetans approached our caravan I uned to run after our
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  • 319 3 Knowledge of Opium Acquired from Arabs. -Mr. Clcincuti, Assistant Colonial Secretary of Hongkong, lms laid all stixl. Nts of tbe Opium question in China under a fnrther debt of gratitude to him by tbe publication of an article on the Poppy from the compendium of Literature and
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  • 194 3 Six Steamers on Hongkong-America Run. A correspondent writes that the Osaka Shosen Kaisha contemplates the starting of a new Pacific line between Hongkong and America in June next. Keeluug, Moji, Kobe and Yokohama are all to be included in tbe ports of call, and six steamers are
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  • 264 3 Proposed Loan from Public Works Commissioners. The fon a assistance which will be sought for Crystal Palace by thedeputation tlfiKTVi- *-itii rrpoTn tturi'reiuieriirfefS- shadowed hf the Kill which the Crystal Palace OonpMJ hM deposited at tbe Private Bill Office for introduction next Session. The preamble of
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  • 65 3 In the month of March last year the Cantonese merchants home and abroad, at formed a Navigation Association with a capital of 110,000,000 to run steamers, open a bank and an insurance company. It is reported that the capital has been partly subscribed. They have purchased a block of houses
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 541 3 For Catarrh. Old. Northampton. Dear Sirs, After suffering from bronchial catarrh and stomach catarrh without relief for several years. I was advised by an eminent authority to try Angier's Emulsion. After taking your medicine for some weeks. I have been entirely cured of both the above troublesome complaints, and have
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    • 61 3 Shakespeare rarely wrote a wiser tiling (ban (his: "Now good digestion wait on appetite and health on both." Steam t Wine improves both the appetite and tbe digestion, so it soon brings back health to the weak and sickly ot both sexes. It is a splendid reconstructive tonic, making rich,
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    • 161 3 The REGISTERED TRADE MARK of j IL. Milkmaid! Full Cream Milk ggjßj^j) IS THE HALL-MARK OF PMOJ PERFECT PURITY ID i< hß[ an( Guarantee of Highest Quality. W%r^ UNTOUCHED BY HAND. g^g[ The Original and Best. I I LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. CHEAPEST and BEST. The United Asbestos Oriental
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  • 832 4 Samr, port, probable date of arrival, and name oj Agents. STEAMERS Achilles, Liverpool. F.b 4 W. Mausßeld Alicante, Barcelona. Feb 4 Barlow Airlie, Sydney. Feb M Bon'Jtrad Ambria. Hambui c. Mai 1 Bebn Meyer Aisayc, Colombo, Ar 1 P. *O. Coy Ayathia, Bombay. JaatS; Borneo Cov Astyanax, China,
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  • 113 4 FROM EUROPE By the B. 1. steamer Thongwa, due Jan. 24. N.D.1., str. P. R. Lnitpold, due Jan. 24. 11. M. steamer Oreauien. due Jan. 21. FROM CHINA M. M. steamer Tonkin, due Jan. IS. too 14 M.M. lee 18 P. *0. lee SI N.O.L. >Ec M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 48 4 CURE THAT COLD WHILE YOU CAN. Better spend the small amount a bottle of I hamberlain's Cough Remedy would cost you right now than to ruu the ri->k of a cold developing into pneumonia, which may mean a big doctor's bill. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 671 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. .*9? O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Eg-ypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Tfaroigb Bills of Lading issued for Chin Ooast, Peraian Quit. Continental, »n i America' Porte. Bio c will loive Singapore oa or abou'. MAIL LINE. OxrsMtnl y< i
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    • 696 4 STEAMERS SAILING. OCEAN STEAM BHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM KAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 712 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Thee teamert of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fcrtaightly for Havre and Ilambnrg and once a month for Bremorhaven iirect, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargp
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    • 796 4 STEAMER BAILIN63. N. D. L. RORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Impsiial Usimaa Mali Lins. The fan and well known mail steam.- r I this Oompaay sail fortnightly from Br lamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South.:>. on, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonnoi'M a Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice >--'. Port Said. Buei, Aden, Colombo, Prmi Singapore,
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  • 1311 5 mi'w IktMMVkp *br.r*"t»lli.l'« mS9 .1 i:. w i" ■i *li.- »liip: b<|..-L>rqu«; ach.— 1 On. <:rniier. (Ibt.-Oan U.P. Hi— IIWWj Bnt.- UalUdftUlMj Feb.— K««ncb. Oeninn Out. -Du^-H |t»l. -itMiu ,Si li.— Spmi»b. > N.i iMmlwn: <l.p. d«ck pu ■a. -Wbvt: T.F.T).— Tanjons II rt K. H -Keprtl
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  • 92 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAGAR. East Wharf Bamin— New Orleans, Sultan. East W. Section I— Nam Sang. Section No. 1 (Sheers Wharf)— Nil. Suction 2— Hud, Gutbrie. 3— Nil. 4— Clan Cumming. 6— Miuilya, Oriel. 6 Calypso. 7—
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  • 108 5 Ootwakd B. I. Mail. The B .1 contiact packet iteainer Th ngwa left Penang at 4 pm. yester.lay, and may be expected to arrive here to-morrow morning. OcTwiRD German Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Prioz R. Luitpold having left PentDg at 6 a.m. to day, aod
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  • 67 5 K > Pis 8tbam«i Tnut MnltDAT. Labuan, Saudakan, etc. Marudu 11 a.m. Colombo and Bombay Totomi Maru 8 p. in H'oDgk, S'hang, Japan .\.iim Sang S p m. Teluk Anaon via ports Stlangor 3 p.m Madras via ports Thongwa 4 p.m. Tbkdat. Sarawak Kuchiny 7 a.m. I'ort Bwettobaro
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  • 138 5 Juusary 21 Kut Sang, Brit str, Penang and Calcutta Hum. Mar 11, Jap utr, Yokohama Amiral Duperie, Fch str, Hongkong Solfoad, Nor str. Penang and Rangoon Sknmstad, Nor str, Saigon ■a Nore, Brit Btr, Hongkong, Shanghai, Japan I stria, Ger str, Hamburg via porta Siani, Brit str, Bangkok Biam,
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  • 547 5 List of Passengers Coming to Singapore; Per N.D.L. steamer Prinz Regent Luitpold due January 24. Mrs. Waldmann, Mrs. Begleitunfc, Mrs. Baronin K. von Griesheim, Mr. Frits Hanfland, Mr. Alfred Solicit Dr. and Mrs. K. Boehman, Mr. W. van Heuren and family, Per P. and O. steamer China, connecting
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  • 239 5 Weekly Circular of Messrs. Fraser and Company. Messrs. Fraser and Company's share circular for the mail on Thursday was as follows There is still a small amount of business passing, but the approach of Chinese New Year has prevented any material improve ment in our market, which
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  • 471 5 (Sunday, January 34) TniKD Bcndat After Eriimsv St. Andrew'b Cathedral.— 7a.m. Matins; 7 II a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 4 p.m. Children's Service 6-30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. St. Matthew's, Sipot Tjixm.— lMS a.m. Foo Chow Service; 4 p.m. Children's Service; 8-15 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Garrison Chorch, Tanolin.
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  • 65 5 7 A.M.— MATIN9. Hymn 79 7-45 a.m.— Holy Commcnion (Choral). Iutroit M Servioe Simper. Hymn at Offertory 169 Hymn at Communion HI Hymn at Ablutions 824 4 p.m.— Chilian's Service. 6-80 p.m.— Choral Evensong and Skrmon. Responses Ferial. Psalm As Set. Magnificat 69 i( loss.) Nnno Dimittis
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 231 5 NORODEUTBCHER LLOYD FOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN PORTS. The Imperial German Mail Steamer PRINZ REGENT LI'ITPOLD, 6,288 torn, Captain Kirchner, having left Co'ombo on Monday, January 18, at 6 p m., may be expected to arrive here on Sunday morning, January 24, eu route for above ports. For passage and
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    • 433 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO LTD. The steamers of this Company maintain regular direct service between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking oargo od through Billa of Lading (or Canton, Swatow, Amuy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtsze Port*, Formosa, the Philippines, Ac Ao. Steamers Tons Commander KoTßtso 4,898 R.
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    • 444 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. O. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Lin* THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUROPB VIA OHINA JAPAN. CANADA end Ibe UNITED STATEB. Hoale from Hongkong, Ha Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Bea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanoouver R.M.B. "EMPKBBaar Iron" Twin screw R.M.B. "EMmsw or Jims"
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    • 154 5 AUCTION SALES Howell and Co. Jan. 26. At saleroom, The Caledonian Hotel, at 2.80 p.m. Jan. 26. At saleroom, freehold residential property. Maisonetle, Tanglin, at 2.30 p.m. Jan. 26. At saleroom, freehold land situate at and adjacent to Gayland Road, at 2.80 p.m. Feb. 1. At East Reclamation Ground, Tanjong
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    • 49 5 LOOK AFTER YOUR HEALTH. If you have a cough, cure it. A cou<;h is a symptom of more serious trouble. Cham berUin's Cough Remedy is the best obtainable and you nued have no hesitancy in using it as it contains nothing injurious. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 166 5 DAY BY DAY. Saturday, January 23. High Water, Midnight. Government holiday. Birthday of H.E. Sir John Anderson. Mohamedan year 1327 begins. Cricket, S.C.C. v. Bangkok Withers Concert, Teutonia Club. S.C.C. Smoker, Pavilion, 9 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph. Japanese Cinematograh. Harima Cinematograph. Marlborough Cinematograph. Gaiety Cinematograph. Sunday. January 24. High Water, 0.20
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    • 49 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kamdang Ktrbm^Ho^U^jlaHuaryJl^m^ tA. M. 18 r. M.y r. v. lUisrii.L. Bar. SJFah M.971 29.9<M 29 Temp 7-.0 78.5 77.8 o.3«in. Wet Bulb Ther 75.0 76.» 75.8 1 DirofWind.. N.E. oa'm calm I Max. Temp 73.0 j Mm 73.0 Max. in Ban.. MS Terr rad Tber 71 0
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  • 10 6 Mkss. At Yokohama, on January 19, Marcus Moss suddenly.
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  • 1136 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. SATURDAY, JANUARY 28. The question of party Government crops ■f everywhere. Even in tbe Horono atniorliere of a Crown Colony, where ouu may rise to the dignity of being a legislator dosoonding to the ignominy of coddling a constituency, wo are not wholly
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  • 17 6 The body of a Chinese infant was found floating in the soa at Tanjong Pagttr, this morning.
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  • 27 6 1 he Malay Mail announces the interest) ng fact that there are numerous eugagemen ts in the air in the good town of Kuala Lump v r.
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  • 17 6 The Chinese-owned ships is harbour are gaily decorated with flags in celebration of tbe Chinese New Year.
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  • 23 6 One of tbe men supposed to be connected with tbe recent Chinchew Street gang robbory has been arrested, but is not yet identified.
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  • 9 6 The Siamese gunboat Bali left for Pukct yesterday morning.
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  • 14 6 A cargo of coal arrived from Kuchinotsu. yesterday, by the British steamer Stanley Hall.
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  • 17 6 The clerks in the Government offices at Kuala Lumpur are to have their quarters lit with electricity.
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  • 17 6 Malaya contributed more pilgrims to Mecca this year than India, the figures being 10,548 and 9,608. respectively.
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  • 33 6 From Hongkong, the Danish steamer Siaui arrived here, yesterday, with a cargo of seeds" for Marseilles. Sixty thousand tins of kerosene oil arrived from Langkat, yesterday, by tho British steamer siam, for Bangkok.
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  • 20 6 The burglars who visited the residence of Mrs. Boyle, River Valley Road, stole property belonging to Mr. Campbell, her cousin.
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  • 28 6 Tho last of the tenders for the construction of the naval base at Rosy th have been pent to the Admiralty. Tho work will be commenced in February.
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  • 28 6 It is currently rumoured in Ipoli, nays the Perak Pioneer, that tin will fall below $60 per picul shortly, and steadily remain down for several months to come.
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  • 35 6 Chong Tye stands charged with breaking open a box iv godown No. '2 at Tanjong Pagar Dock, early yesterday morning. To this is added a charge of the theft of six locks worth a dollar.
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  • 37 6 Mr. Justice W. W. Fisher has directed that a lad, named Etam bin Ali, a cake stiller, who gave evidence iv the Perak Road murder case at the Penang Assizes, should receive a reward of twenty-five dollars.
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  • 39 6 I'oon, tho Javanese who was connected with Messrs. J. Little's Chinese clerk just sent to prison for six months, was, on Thursday, discharged by Mr. Colman, it being apparent that he was rathor a scape goat in the matter.
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  • 42 6 On Thursday, the now P. and O. Cos. wharf was formally opened the first boat, the P. and O. intermediate Nore, being moorod alongside This wharf has been entirely reconstructed ou stoel piles and, at present. takes first rank among local wharves.
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  • 43 6 Mr. E. C. Ellis went on with his crossexamination of Mr. George Smellio in the Benzie case, on Thursday afternoon, before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, at the Supreme Court. The proceedings were of the mine uninteresting character as on previous hearings this week.
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  • 48 6 The Church of St. Peter and Paul, Queou Street, was a scene of festivity yesterday. A Chinese congregation, numbering at least a thousand, thronged tbe edifice. M. Zaleski celebrated a solemn pontifical high mans, assisted by the Rev. Father Gazcau aud other clergy. Tho Papa! Benediction was Riven.
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  • 55 6 The Government of India have decided to extend to Burma tho convenience which, for some time past, has been afforded tt the rest of India, of the universal five-rupee currency note. A bill, therefore, to render the Indian five-rupee currency note legal tender in Burma has been introduced at a
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  • 54 6 The .lave Bode announces the arrival at Bataviaof an American engineer from the Philippines, who comes on an official mission to study the irrigation system in that island. The engineer made inquiries on the subject in the Public Works Department, which sent him to East Java where extensive irrigation works
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  • 59 6 Woh Ho Chong entered a coolie lodging house in Tek Wan Street, last night, and managed to possess hinivelf of a box which, with its contents, in valued at ♦9. Wheu ho was leaving, he wan seou aud a cry of "police" was raised. He was arrested. This morning, he
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  • 52 6 Tho newest Japanese Shipping veuturo in a new line of steamers to run to Chili, a progressive South American Republic. The service was to begin from Japan, this month, with three steamers, the number being raised to five at the first opportunity. It be subsidised by both the Chilian and
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  • 72 6 The Perak Pioneer understands that, on the 14th instant, some Bengali Police, while arresting a Tamil coolie on Gapis Estate, were attacked by a body of the prisoner's friends who attempted his rescue. One of the police was stabbed with a grass cutting knife, the weapon penetrating so deeply that
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  • 91 6 In the Tauiiang district, South Acheen, rubber cultivation is going ahead so far as labour difficulties will allow. The planters freely avail themselves of Achinese labourers. They are found to be far preferable to Malays, who will not work on the fields if they can help it, so long as
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  • 89 6 The possessors of private telephones complain loudly against the nuisance of kite flying in the town. The strings become ontangled with the wires and so disarrange them as to put them oat of order, thus causing considerable inconvenience to those who have them to say nothing of tbe inflni te
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  • 413 6 Mr. Loke Yew is expected back in Kuala Lumpur, from Hongkong, next week. Mr. K. W. Talbot, Revenue Auditor, Porak is ou an official visit to Kuala Lumpur. Lord Northcoto, the retiring GovernorGeneral of Australia, and Lady Northcote arrived at Liverpool on December 21. Tho Rev. A.
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  • 116 6 Gruesome Work on the D jambi. Considerable difficulty is being experienced in getting up the fragments of the bodies of the drowned stevedores in the wreck of tlio Djauibi, as the Filipino and Japanose divers object to handling them. One of the divers was slipping a chain under some of
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  • 113 6 The following Officers of the I.M .S. 'loveminent are vow on loavo Mr. H. C. Grey, Secretary to Resideul Selangor. three mouths' vacation loave to bo followed by ten months and niuo days' loav< ou half salary, with uffeot from January 5. Mr. C. E. Spool"
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  • 116 6 The report of Dr. D. K. McDowell, C.M.G., the Registrar of Births and Deaths, shown that, during the week ended January 16, 221 deaths were registered in Singapore, equal to a death-rate of 41.40 per thousand of the estimated population, a considerable decrease from the figures for
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  • 141 6 A -hurt time ago, wo -UU<l thai Ha lulioru Opium and Spirit l-nrui was hell by tho *iugapore >piuni Farmer* and lost haavily. The farmers asked for a reduction but (he Johore Govnrnment rofused to grant a roduotion suffloieni to cover the expenses, and took over
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 159 6 WHOLESOME FOOD, EASILY DIGESTED. Shredded wS PER PACKET: 4O CENTS. THOMPSON, THOMAS CO. THB /©j "Tnermos" Flash. VII Keeps HOT BEVERAGES hot fur 24 hours, B>v COLD DRINKS cold foi weeks. JOHN LITTLE COMPANY, Ld. MOND GAS. Th* Fu«l for Power and Heating G.n.rit.d from Bituminous Slack. PLANT CAPABLE
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    • 260 6 ALHAMBRA TO-NIGHT S PROGRAMME. All New Pictures. AT 9-30 P.M. 1. Overture. "MESSIDOR."' The Alhambra Orchestra. 2. The Aviator's Thrilling Experience-. 8. WHALING IN THE SOUTH SEAS. We are happy to be ablo to offer our patrons, who are fond of cinematography and sport, this interesting series of snapshots from
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  • 272 7 WAR SCARE EXCUSE FOR MORE DREADNOUGHTS. Dread of Invasion. Remarkable Report by General Staff (From Our Own Corrkspokdbnt.i London, January Tho Washington House of Representatives has voted tbe necessary expenditure for the building of two additional Dreadnoughts. The opponents of this expenditure angrily fought against it, declaring
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  • 174 7 AUSTRIA AND TURKEY AGREE TO MUTUALLY DEFEND. Montenegria's Protest to the Porte. [lUutkh's Tklk.., London, Jauuary '21. Turkey has instructed the customs authorities to proceed to take the necessary measures to suppress the boycott 'of Austrian and Bulgarian products. It ia cxpltiiued tint tins order is issued because
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  • 48 7 VILLAGES DESTROYED IN ASIA MINOR. Many Lives Lost. [Rbctbb's Tblkoram] London, January 21. A telegram from Smyrna says that over three hundred houses have been destroyed by an earthquake which affected all the villages in the Pbocea district. The reports indicate that many people were killed.
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  • 65 7 Effects of Gold Production. IRBOTBR's TILIUHAM.j London, January '21. air Felix Schuster, speaking at a meeting in London, said that the causes of the dislocation of business were disappearing. He anticipated a revival of trade in tbe Beat future. The ever-growing produotion of gold was
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  • 168 7 Superintending Introduction of New System. Mr. 11. C. E. Barnes, the Auditor of the East African Protectorate, is coming out to tho Straits Settlements shortly, at the instance of the Colonial Office, in order to superintend the introduction into the Colony of the now system of accounts
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  • 447 7 An Accused Unlearned in Art of Gambling. At the continued hearing, on Thursday, of the Assize case in which five Chinese were charged with gang- robbery and the murder of an aged Chinese planter off Macpberson Road, on October 21, tbe accused rosumed their statements. Ho Ah
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  • 170 7 Prizes Distributed to Scholars at tbe Convent. O'rom Ocb Own Correspondent.! Malacca, Jauuary 21. Wednesday being the Prize Distribution Day at the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus, the Mother Superior and Staff issued invitations to the pupils' parents and friends, and a crowded audience witnessed the
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  • 125 7 Inspector Connor and some of bis men shadowed ten men, last night, for some hours. These men passed through a considerable portion of the town, doubtless taking notes. One of them was well-known to Inspector Connor and this officer thought it well to place him in safety.
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  • 43 7 L'huau San Keb, arrested undor a warrant from the Singapore Polioe, wa» brought before the Ponang Magistrate on 19th intt., on a charge of attempted murder. He admitted being the person described in the warrant. Toe oaee «u transferred to tbo Singapore Court*.
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  • 118 7 ALL IMPORTANT QUESTIONS SETTLED. Bloemfonteina Possible Capital. [Kkctkk's TblbgramJ London, January 22. Reuters Capetowu correspondent states that tbe closer union Convention bas practically completed its labours, and is likely to rise at the end of the month. It is understood that all the important questions have been
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  • 43 7 ;Dbb OsTAßiiTiscm Lloyd Tbliobam Berlin, January 22 Herr Dei übcrg gave a lecture on his recent Colonial tour in Africa at the Reichstag. The Emperor aud Empress and Prince Henry were present. Herr Dernberg's speech was received with great applause.
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  • 44 7 i|)n. OsrASUTisoBB Lloyd Tblbqkaml Berlin, January 22. Queen Wilhcluiina announcing her thanks for all the congratulations with regard to the expected birth of an heir to tho throne of llollaud, oxpresses her wish that all donations should bo used for charity.
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  • 195 7 Steamer Capri Docked for Repairs at Tanjong Pagar. When the Italian steamer Capri arrived in port from Hongkong, on Wednesday afternoon, Captain Domenico reported to the harbour authorities that, at half -past three that morning, his ship, in avoiding a sailicg tongkang, went ashore on the
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  • 312 7 Enterprise of the Straits Steamship Company. On tho 19th instant, tho Straits Steamship Company was to inaugurate its new service between Ponang and Alor Star, tbe capital of the State of Kedah. The Lady Weld, which arrived at Penang from Singapore, on Monday, was to leave -wettcuham Wharf
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  • 163 7 Compared with past years, the Police Courts were practically empty, this morning. 'bviously tbe polioe overlooked the incurable amusement of games of chance indulged in by the Chinese, and gavethem a day's respite on this festive occasion. There was not a single case of
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  • 482 7 LOSS OF SIX HUNDRED LIVES REPORTED. New Lakes Forming and Earth Still Moving. We have already given some details of the disaster in Java, and take the following account from the Java Times, of tbe 16th instant I The landslip at Pendjaloe, about 27 miles from Tasikmalaja,
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  • 424 7 Trip on Dutch Passenger Steamer Rumphius. To the strains of the National Anthem, His Excellency tbe Governor, Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G., accompanied by Captain H. H. F. stockley, aide-de-camp, Mir. Meadows Frost, H.B.Ms. Consul for the Monthons of Saiburi and Puket, and Mr. Claud Severn, private
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  • 71 7 In a few weeks more, it will be fifty yean sinoe tbe French force captured Saigon and began tbe conquest of Cochin China, which now flourishes exceedingly as a colony. It was intended to keep op the anniversary with high festivity. Bat, says the Saigon Opinion, the idea baa been
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  • 177 7 F.M.S. Eleven's Weak Response to the Colony. (From Odr Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, January 22. When play commenced shortly after half past ten this morning, the wickets were so! t and the sky was overcast. Tbe Colony batted first and by lunch time bad lost five
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  • 515 7 Deportations Confined Chiefly to Alien Chinese. According to the new regulations for the banishment of undesirables from tbe federated Malay States, the duty of making recommendations to the Resident for the banishment of any of them devolves upon the Protector of Chinese and tho Chief Police Officer.
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  • 247 7 Performance by tbe Band of The German Flagship. In spite of tbe date having to be changed for tbe performance of tbe Furst Bismarck's orchestra at Raffles Hotel, a fairly large company was present on Thursday night prepared to enjoy the excellent dinner always provided on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 518 7 FLOODS ON THE RAND. TERRIBLE LOSS OF LIFE IN THE MNES. Many Houses Swept Away. IRIUTIB/fl TILMIAM.] London, January 23. Sovon inches of rain fell in Johannesburg in twenty-four hours. There have been continuous floods from jurat dams, and many houses bave been washed away. At Eesbnrg thirteen persons were
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  • 448 8 A LATE START ON A WET WICKET. Bangkok all out for 54 in First Innings. The Bangkok cricket cloven arrived in Singapore badly in need of practice owing t.i Hoods in their own district. During the |n,; \w( k tluy put -in sumo useful work at t
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  • 502 8 Singapore Out First Innings for 61 Runs. l*i ■_v was resumed, this morning, on a wicket which, it was cvidcut from the start, was going to prove troublesome for tlie batsmeu. There was no rain overnight and tlio enrly rooming had been bright ami sunny, and matters
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  • 114 8 Native papers report that arrangements are bciug made to start a school in tbe Western suburbs of Canton, with the New Year, in which the German language in to be taught. Tbe time of the students is to be divided b< tween the acqnirinfiof the German
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    • 67 8 The Selangnr Turf Club balance-sheet for •-he recent meeting shows a deficit of under 91,200 not so bad considering the haid times, observes tbe Malay Mail. The Penang Turf Club authorities have erected an observation turret at tbe turn coming into the straight by the three coconut
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    • 46 8 The Selanjfor Cup. The first round, Selangor II v. a Singapore Polo Club team, for the Selangor Cup, was to be played at Kuala Lumpur, yesterday.^ The cup was presented oy Mr. C. E. Spooner, C.M.G., with a view to encouraging the less experienced players.
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    • 128 8 The Tramway Cup. The Marine Police tried conclusions with the Babul Khairat in a Tramway Cup football tie at Beach Road on Thursday. Iv the first period the Marine Police scored one goal and in tbe second they scored three more, thus winning by four goals to nil.
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    • 250 8 Sporting Match at Penaujc. A veiy sporting match, says the Penang Gazette, of the 18th inst., took place over the links of the Penang Golf Club, y« sterday, between Mr. S. F. B. Martin and Mr. C. T. Dnrward. The champion had backed him self to do 72 holes
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    • 276 8 Competitions at Penan?. At the Rifle Range, Kampong Bharu, on the 18th inst., tho members of tbe Penang Ladies' Rirlo Club fired off for Colonel Walker's Challenge Trophy, which is open for competition to all the ladies' rifle clubs in the Straits Settlements and the Federated MalayStates. The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 54 8 BRITISH INDIA BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. LIMITED. FOR PLNANG, RANGOON AMD CALCUTTA The Gompaoy'i Steamer LINDDLA, 3,353 tons, J DavU, Commander, will be despatched for the above poru on Thorn day. January 28, at 8 p.m. She baa excellent accommodation for flrat ud »eoond-nl«88 paeeengen. For freight or paeeage, apply to
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    • 611 8 THE EXPERIENCE OF MANY WOMEN Demonstrate Beyond All Cavil That Pe-ru-na Is a Safe and Useful Household Remedy. Read What the Women s /O /In Chronic Hoarseness. A\. 1 Bronchial CaUrrH Mr.. Delia C. Cameron, Heald.burg, Vv W M Wm ohm nn P»n"na Oal., member Daughter, of America, Wf|™ E
      611 words
    • 89 8 TheGREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: WINCHESTER HOUSE. SINGAPORE. Simple, Liberal and Indisputable Policies issued on all approved plans. CASH LOAN VALUES GUAR- 0 °< t!c Nt p ofitB t^« to the > UTrcn U TU nnl ou <(»V Policy holduiH. Claims settled here in AN I ECU
      89 words
    • 618 8 Two APPEARANCES ONLY. I'ril'r the Special Patronnyr and in the PrfWßOl at U.K. the Qvtwnsi and 'of H.E. the General Commaudiu^ and Mr-. TEUTONIA CLUB, SINGAPORE, To-Night I (SATURDAY) AND MONDAY £VEXING. JANUAKY 23 AND 25. AT 9 GC.OCK. The Moxt Notable Oi^aui/.ation uf PiHtinpii>lird Musiial Artistes Evtr Presented in
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  • 234 9 Finance Commerce. Singapore, January ai, 1909. EXCHANGE. l'.ank 4 vi s 2 4 Demand 2 81 Private 6 in I do 3uis S/4$ Bauk d d ii" Private :t in 241 do 6 in s 243 On Franc. Hank d d XX Private 3 ni/s 296 do 6 m n
    234 words
    • 49 9 xinuapore Municipals 400,000 20", p. u0m Howarth Erskine b 600,000 par. 5 1.h7m,000 6.,prem. Hiley Hargreaves 6% -225,000 l°oprem. 1.ii00.000 5 ,prem. spore Electric Tram--4 602,900 nominal. ways Co., Ltd. 6% 850,000 nominal TMsiooa I'agai- lWk Straits Engineering Board V 1. 050.000 par. syndicate, Lt<l 6., 45,000 par.
      49 words
    • 283 9 Capital f Paid Su.\i:«v On. Quota- Last t MI ANV TIONS DIVIDKSI> ISBCKD I -aui,(HHi 10 10 *:SOO,OOO 10 10 *600,0(>0 10 10 £400,000 1 1 1400,000 10 10 tttO.OOO 1 1 £100,000 1 1 1150,000 10 10 *iao,ooo i i taojooo i i -IMI.OOO 10 10 XJ .11,000
      283 words
    • 302 9 11.-KUMXI J j 2 7 6 ioo ooo 10 7.5(» tiMMKMI 1 1 12.000 A-70,000 1 1 :1,800 150,000 10 10 2,500 ii«.«jo CVij.OOO 1 1 20,000 1 1 5.000 £810,000 i 12 0 1 1 t«i.-..1«K) 1 xi« 6booo t!20.(l00 1 5/--<i.I7.*».«MKJ 2."i0 li:.O Sn i i t-klO.OOO
      302 words
    • 220 9 ami bonus '2$ per cent for year ended 31 12 U? tad B bonus for hall year ended .10 9 08. 177. 10.0 12 0 12,6 *****06 100 100 1.50 1,000 10 7 »2a.J,000 r>o 5(1 1.J,000,(HM 126 138 2,400.000 }JJj i.uuu.uuu 1(K) 1(|() 1.1K.X) 10 10 z z
      220 words
  • 35 9 Just arrived, a small quantity ot IIANOKORTE MUSIC. SONG ALBUMS, DANCE ALBUMS, also Violin and Banjo Strings. Apply between 12 and 6 p.m. W. J. GARCIA, Pianoiorte and Music Dealer, 50, Bras Basali Road.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 95 9 COMMONSEMSE IN A NUTSHELL A dew medical work on the causes and most scientific »od effectual means of self-cure ever discovered fcr nervous and functional debility, waste of vitality, depression of spirits, etc with practical otaervations on marriage and full directions for removing certain disqualifications tbat destroy the happiness of
      95 words
    • 319 9 M*^^^**^^^^^^^ 4^3 BYROTAX ji^st APPOINTKENT. I TABLE BEUCACIICS, jt^ PICKLES. SOUPS, JAMS. JELLIES. mkotmuk w t POTTED MLATS I &l^ MALT VINEGAR •=^^^^l SALAD Oily. Celebrated l^^^lvJcROSSP" X) Oilmens Stores, |^^7| BIACKWELL. Sledge Milk. oBSfk ABSOLUTELY ffiif \CQ A#/w! PURE. Every Single Tin JL^% OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. J. TRA.VBRS SONS, LTD.,
      319 words
    • 317 9 H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY, S. ORCHARD ROAD. Has just lauded ex s.s. Euryalus, twenty Horses, Cobs and Ponies in the best of condition ai:<i thoroughly broken in. This shipment undoubtedly corrprises some of the best flore-is and Cobs ever landed in Singapore. Inspection invited. Whiteaway, Laidlaw Go Ltd. STOCK-TAKING SALE.
      317 words

  • 384 10 BURGLARS ENTER CATHEDRAL IN DENMARK. Graves of Queen Alexandra's Parents Desecrated. A most daring robbery was committed the other night at Roskilde Cathedral, the burial-place of the Danish kings, qaeecs and princes, a largo number of gold and silver wreaths being stolen. The tomb of .King Christian
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  • 295 10 Limitation the Only Way to Keep Up Prices. Mr. Oats, chairman of De Beers, speaking the annual general meeting, at Kimberley. on December 19, said the company had accumulated large stocks, but the board was absolutely determined to uphold the policy of production to the world's demand.. Such
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  • 236 10 Natives Approximate to Olympic Time. A Marathon Race for natives of Iganda took place on November 9 in connection with the important Industrial Exhibition held at Kampala to celebrate the King's birthday. There were forty-eight competitors. The course measured twenty-six miles, and lay along the high road between
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  • 31 10 Uneasy rests the bead that wears an acheNo use wearing it. Steams' Headache Care will take the ache and leave the bead good as new. Easy to take, easy to bay.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 494 10 INSURANCE Companies LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital «2,290,000 Paid np Capital 929,000 Ra*erv* Fund £1.781,376 Ihelundersigned, Agents for the Company are prepared to accept fire risk* at oarrem rate* of premium. BOUSTEAD A Co.,— Agmu THE IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE. chitio with r»i Ali.uuci Ashdbakci Compart, Lnfiras A 1
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    • 633 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Share* of £30iach £1,300,000 -Userre Fund £1,5 M,000 *e*erve Liability of Proprietors £1,300,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Fa London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. BINOAPORE BRANCH. Ourrent Aooounta
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    • 543 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid up capital 115,000,00 c RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve »15,000,0001 Silverßeserve •U.000.000J •».0«',000 EUaenr* Liability of Proprittor* 118.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. E. Shellim, Esq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. W.J. Gressoa. Deputy Chairman. E.O. Barrett, Esq. Jl. R. Lenzmann, Ksq. 3. Frieuland, Esq. (I. Shewan,
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    • 863 10 SALES BY AUCTION. Tanglin Auction Sale OF NEW AND STYLISH TEAK FURNITURE. tbe property of a gentleman leaving the Colony, at AUCHENC W UN, No. 1, Tannin Hill ON BATURDAY. JANUARY 30. AT 2 P.M. ComprisiDf.' Cottage pianoforte in rosewood case, '>')>' teak writing table, lady teak writing bureau, handsome
      863 words

    • 414 11 ;'»8»ir P»UJ»DR Borneo Wharf Peoplo'a Park rank Koad 'limy Road Holland Road BukitTimab Bakit Panjaug Wood lands I j bore 4.H. i.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. i.M P.M. P.». I.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P M. P.M 7 10 11.3 487 7 18 158 4 35
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    • 308 11 1 1 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 Parair Panjaug Borneo Wharf People's Park Tank Road Newton < limy Road Holland Koad ISukit Timah Hukit Panjang Woodland* Johore t.u. 4.M. 700 7 10 7 17 7 23 730 7 36 7
      UP  -  308 words
  • 988 11 GREAT INCREASE OF TAXI-CABS IN LONDON. How to Test the Speed of Animals It is impossible {or anyone who goes much about London not to notice that horned cabs are becoming fewer each year, while motorcabs are growing in numbers and apparently in popularity. According to the Police Commissioner's
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 307 11 A -BROKEN-DOWN SYSTEM. h fc-w oi tli.-m r.-j v I In., -v; I] ■cakn al>r...,k-,1..»n. i ttlit'viul tor. fathatwuia the mti m Mo mjit.-r »li^t Majrbf In i in ihi iwi >l. m. itnumU-Tlcul.iT* svniptom- jn-iiiu, hthr^m.-: the rinirr pti'min.nt HM llorplnMM>% Man prustratiim or wrannrsv il. }>r, *mi.ii „f
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  • 113 12 FHEPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.-&liml- j taions Wants of Every Description, Hooms, ftiki, «to., to let, are Inserted at tht following mmc— One losertion I 1.10 per Inch Two 1.00 Three 1.80 HII I*o Nlae 1.40 Twelve 7.10 Twenty five 10.00 (Eaoh jubseqaenl month IS per Isieh.) Iks above rate
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 480 12 CONTRACT ADVEKTIBEMENTB.— Ar ■aagemants for larger trade advertisement* oan •s made, rates for wbioh oan be eeoured npon ■FPlloatlon. la the case of advertisements whioo are contracted for for a period exceeding one month, las Manager may leave the advertisement ont o( the paper In case of preas of matter,
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    • 419 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bins Pour Lldw, on«|ot two iaurtiooj, fl.oo By the inch, m Seals of Charfti. RUBBER BTUMPB FOR BALE. Good Rubber Stamps, 10 months old. Apply j Manager, Linggl Plantations, Ltd., Seremban RUBBER EBTATEB FOR BALE. Two Robber Estates about I,ooo acres eacb; (just valued). Will take 4
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    • 634 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rinsj-rou Lisas, omoilw Im.i>lu— n.x Bf:b« lmeb. im Seal* of CaantM OFFICE TO BE LET. Offioe oo second floor of. No. 7, Battery i Road. Apply to Qathrie and 00., Ltd. c 1878 OFFIOE 6000WN TO BE LET. With Immediate entry Mo. 7, Malacoa Street
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    • 496 12 The Van Rijn Tyreless Rubber Wheel. PATENTED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND ALL PRINCIPAL COUNTRIES AND COLONIES. A Perfect Wheel for All Kinds of Motor The Van Rijn Wheel is made of one solid ehlcles> mass of Pura Rubber. It is unbreakable. No Costly Tyre ienewals No Punctures to n
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    • 399 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES Katks :-l»t Month, lib par inch. Hubiaqntm month., IS. For shorUr ftrio Is leeficida o( ChargM. NOTICE. Mohamed Gbouse t C0.,0t Nos. ."it aud 177. Arab Street, Singapore. Merchants, dealing in pulicat kain and piece goods, beg to inform the public that they are in no way conuectid
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    • 278 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES lt,T?»-_!,. y.. ri ii. »i p r i-.r-i,, IpgksasjMM nionthi, IS. Cor ■Oi.Ttur p- of CburK^v NOTICE. R. Morton wiebes to notify tbm he has removed bis hor-c business from next Hotel d> la Paix to 19.1, Orchard Real, whan he is nou prepared to supply fodder, shoe
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