The Straits Times, 12 December 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.833. SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 397 1 Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER TO -ITlca-HT sarkies Brothers, PBOPRIKTOFS. DAHL'S MILK. As a uuarantee of the purity and quality of this well-known brand of Milk, attention is called to the following analysis by the Government Analyst "THE SAMPLE CONTAINS IN 100 PARTB. Solid Residue 1 %m Fat on Non Fatty
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    • 357 1 HALES TOURS, Beach Road. TOURS TONIGHT Will include 1. The Matterhorn from the ViegeZermatt Railway. 2. The Distracted Traveller. :i. Burmab Teak Forest. 4. London to Paris, etc., etc. Ist Class, 1 trip 20 cents. 8 trips 50 cents. 2nd Class, 1 trip 10 cents. 3 trips 20 cents. Trains
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    • 168 1 ROBINSON AND CO. Suggestions for Xmas and the New Year. USEFUL GIFTS. NEW FAMILY HAND MACHINE. k h Will sew from the finest to the stoutest cloth. This Machine fiK> <^iV-« At\ is on a Walnut Base, with Fast and Loose Wheel Multiply- Wfsi I: Ij&MMI in({ Action. Automatic Bobbin
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    • 154 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. Select fireproof residential and transit Hotel, commanding the most peaceful «nd attractive outlook in Singapore. comfortable f\entral. lean i heehful col Convenient The highest class acocmirodation st moderate prices. Specially a tractive rate* by tbe quarter or year. Those deairiog rcooemy combined with continental cooking and a quiet
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  • 441 2 POSTPONEMENT OF INITIAL ISSUE ANNOUNCED. How the Money May Be Raised The trade unionists are not going to possess and manage their own daily newspaper just yet. The matter has for some time been in the bands of the joiut board of the three central organisations, and
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  • 450 2 Birmingham Boys and Their Cave in the Woods. Five juvenile Kobin Hoods have just been captured by the Birmingham police. The band had its lair in a little cave in a pretty cups known as Punchbowl I>• il. in the semi-rural district of Harborne known as California.
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  • 40 2 At the Oxus inquiry, counsel remarked that since 1908 several ships have foundered in smooth waters, with the very disagreeable concomitant of insurances by outside people, whose only interest in the ship was the hope that she would be lost.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 298 2 WHITE ANTS, TEREDOS, DRY HOT, DECAY IN TIMBER. JODELITE The Only Safeguard has be. n on ill trial in large quantities for the pnst ten years iv the Straits Settlements and proved all thst is claimed for it. The six piece! of 'leal illustrated below were part'v coated with Jodelite
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    • 83 2 J. MOTION CO. WRtchmak«?rB, jewellers, Opticians. titU Aiho PROMPTLY K&EcUTKD. Daring H.M. the KING's stay at Marienbad last August, HIS MAJESTY USED EXCLUSIVELY TEPLITZ WATER aud H.M. waa fo delighted with it that on his departure he o dered it to ba taken in the Royal train. This water is
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    • 30 2 BRICKS!! THE BATAM BRICK WORKS. We are now able to supply our customers Hard-burnt Bricks, delivery on th* foreshore of Singapore, at §100 per 10,000. Apply 135, Prinsep Street. 2654
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    • 61 2 No man who loves bis wife can bear to sco ber health failing. Steams' Wine is a fine thing for pale, tired, overworked and wornout women. It makes them gain flesh, enriches their blood, and fills them with rigorous vitality. Yon can easily tell when a woman lias been taking
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    • 290 2 ISMAIL RAHEEM. VIIIC Jewellery AlT|/i<s Bazaar.. JUST UNPACKED, A LARGE VARIETY OK Diamond and other Jewellery IN NEW DESIGNS. SUITABLE FOR. Xmas Ifteu? year PBESEITTS. PRICES BEYOND <ffi our customers the pib. r+ruuiDCTiT-mAi X LIC OENEKALLY ARE CORUI. COMPETITION O ally invited, a:::::: BUY NEW CURTAINS DIRECT. \\jjbj/klM'-ii Illustrated List
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  • 1654 3 THE SECRET. I saw him walking down the floor of the A.B.C. shop where. 1 was lunching. He was gating about for a vacant seat with that va ;nr stare of puzzled di*trees he always wore when engaged in practical affairs. Then be saw me and nodded.
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  • 220 3 In the annual return dealing with the health of the British Navy, it is shown that a considerable improvement was noticeable last year in the number of those recorded as sick. But the average loss of service for each person in the year is still 10 45
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 900 3 Don't Trifle With a Cough! Cure it Now. There is positively nothing to Angitr'b Emulsion for coughs, bronchitis and all hint,' affections. By its peculiar soothing and baaing effects it stops the cough, allays soreness and inflammation, improves the liruatinng, and makes expectoration easy. At the same time it
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    • 72 3 n By Special -fefit^- Purveyor, to <SB^I V^^B Warrant H.M. The Xin S lip II Celebrated Oilmen's Stores I-— J\J IK PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES. Iy^ I I^H POTTED MEATS, MALT VINEGAR. H |B Agent, for LEA PERRIN'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE j//0 Crosse Blackvvell, Ltd.* Oood-byk, Hkadachkd is what people say
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    • 274 3 MERRYWEATHERS' PATENT "6rccnu)icb 6cm" STEAM FIRE ENGINE. The Lightest and Best Steam Fire Eng-ina on the Market. A Chief Officer writes:— "The M;«n' Type is «n romp*' t und t.atidy. that it can eauily !>■■ Ktnknl and m.rlr.l If MM nun a fact that does not apply In other Kiil-im*
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    • 265 3 SELF CURE NO FICTIONI MARVEL UPON MARVEL I NO SUFFERER NEED NOW DESPAIR, bnt without running a doctor 1 bill or falling into tbe dfru diti-h of quackn-y. may uirly, sprcdily and economically cure bimvlf without the knowledge of a second party. By the introduction of THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 792 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through BUI* if Lading Issued for Chin U Puralao Oulf nontioenlal, and Amnrioo forla. Stiamers will le»>e Singapore on or aboi MAIL LINE. (Outward for China) 1908 Auaye Dec
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    • 673 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamera are deepaohe 1 from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam arH Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseille! and Liverpool and for Marseilles,
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    • 990 4 Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij (ROYAL DUTCH PACKET COMPANY CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RETURN TICKETS, Fiat auJ Iniwil f'ltm. at SINGLE rates, will be issued from Singapore to BATAVIA and SOURABAYA, available for use between December 15, 1906, and January 15, 1909. FARES i BATAVIA First-class: »45. Second class 127. SOURABAYA (direot) First-class: 968.
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    • 575 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The* teamen of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait*, China and Japan. Homeward*, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direot, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 797 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCNER LLOYD. imperial Uirmm Mall Lin*. The fast and well known mail etoam-<r I Ifaii Oompaay tail fortnightly from Br*-n t Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Bou'.h--r ton, Olbraltar, Oenoa, Naples, (oonn > UartaiUet, Naplaa, Alexandria, and vice v. Port Said, Suet, Aden, Coiombo, Singapore,
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  • 440 5 (Sunday, December 13). Third Sunday in Auvskt. St. Ahprhw's Cathedral. 7 a.m. Matiua 7-45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 3-40 p.m. Sunday School 3-45 pm. Bible Classes (Adults); 5-30 p.m Evensong and Sermon. Bt. Matthew'h, Sepoy Limeh.— ll-1S a.m. Foo Chow Service 3-40 p.m. Sunday School 8-15 p.m. Evensong
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  • 81 5 Choir Notice Third Sunday in Advent, December 13. 7 a.m.— Matins. Hymn M 7-45 a.m.— Holy Commdnion (Choral). Introit Like as the Hart. Service Simper. Hymn at Offertory 353 Hymn at Communion 403 Closing Hymn 855 3.40 p.m. Scmmy School and Biblk Classis. 5-80 p.m.— evbnBono and
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 83 5 Tm S.C.C. hockey fixture for the 17th inst. will be Lieut. W. F. S.otfs team v. It. L l>nninau's Warn an I uot IVobablen v. Possibles. In a cricket match, at Penang, bit wren The Married and Tho Kindle, the Utter t- mi won by five wickets.
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    • 70 5 Tanglin Club v. Teutonia Club. The side (six) to represent the Tanglin Club in the Annual Uuwliog match against the Teutonia Club, which takes place on Thursday 17th inst, (at Taoglin). ami Satur day 19th inst.. iat T< utonmi, will b> selected from the following H. M. Ciintrell. C.
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    • 165 5 S.R.C. v. Band, 3rd Middlesex. A team of liandhinon of the 3rd. Middlesex Regiment nx-t an elt fm of the S It C, in a Hockey nmtcli on the Ksplanade ytstcrday and a good and fairly f.i-t game whh played. From the bully-ofT at list start, lisa hcmf> team
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    • 106 5 Sepoy Lines Golf Club. The result of the Sappers Cup competition against Bogey (two cards), in connection with the Sepoy Lines Golf Club, is as follow- Mks. Hep A Creery 8 4up G. D. Freer 4 4op J. G. McGregor 4 Hup 11. Marriott 5 3up LtM Miss Darbishire
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    • 237 5 S.C.C. v. The Qarrison. The Rugby football match on the S.C.C. portion of tlie Esplanade, yesterday. Mm 11 the S.C.C and a team representing the Garrison, was .111 txoi llent one. The Chili broke away from the start, anil thonuh they were successfully tackled at first, tin v
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  • 96 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAN JONG PAOAR. Eibt WHi»r Binrs J.L.Eviiton, New Orleans. East W. B«cnon I— Qorgoo, Thongwa, Japan. Ssctioh No. 1 (Shizrs Wham)— Lady Weld. Bscnos B—Patani,8 Patani, Van Riebeeck. S Malacca. 4 Yttorofu Hara. Paroo. B—Zanoni,8
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 553 5 CONTINUATION til- Fine Art Curio Sale, At Mem*. H. L. Coghlan aD(I Company's Saleroom?. ON MONDAY, DEC. 14, AT 10.30 A.M. H. L. Coghlan Co., MM Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, At SLINDON, No. 1, Scotts Road i first house on right, off Orchard Koad), ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER
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    • 689 5 FURNISHED HOUSE TO LET. Haleswortli," Bukit Timah Road, to let, furnished or unfurnished suitable for a large family or mess. Nine bedrooms. Tennis Court. Good well water. Fifteen minutes by train from town. Telephone No. 671. i 2690 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE. 1888. In thk Suphemc Cocrt or th« Straits Settlementm.
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    • 743 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line TBB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO BUBOPB riA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and tbs UNITED STATBB Roots bom Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotorla and Vanoonrer. R.M.B. "Enrisss 01 Iron" Twin sore w ateaR.M.S. "Earssss
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    • 177 5 STEAMER SAILINGSCHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. INDO-CHINA S.N. CO. LTO. RETURN TICKETS at Single Fares will be issued by the I.C.S.N. Company 1 steamere, for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, available for nse between December 5. 1908. and January 25, 1909. RETURN FARES:— Hongkong t M Shanghai 95 Japan $185 For furtiier information, apply
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    • 59 5 THAT MEANS RHEUMATISM. Sore aud swollen joints, sharp shooting pains, torturing muscles, no rest, no sleep. Tbat means rheumatism. It is a stubborn disease to fight, but Chamberlain's Pain Balm has conquered it thousands of times. It will do so whenever tho opportunity is offered. Try it. One application relieves
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 81 5 DAY BY DAY Saturday, December v. High Water: 032 p.m. Cricket: S.C.C. I. v. B.R.C. S.R E. Monthly Shoot. Ladies' Competition for Raffles Cup. Alhambra Cinematograph, 7.80 p.m. Grand Cinematograph, Theatre Royal. Wavang Kassim, Alexandra Hall. Hate's Tours, 7 p.m. Japanese Cinematograh, 7.80 p.m. Harima Cinematograph, 7 80 p.m. Gaiety
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  • 455 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12. Quite unexpectedly, the journey over the new F.M.S. railway, on which His Excellency the Governor started this morning, has developed into what may be described as an official opening of the line. We bad regarded the visit as private in character,
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  • 507 6 We published yesterday a Reuter^telegram which must have caused a good deal of surprise to those who have direct or indirect financial interests in the United States of America. It stated .that Mr. Cortelyou, Secretary to the Treasury, bad estimated that there would be a deficit of £29,000,000 sterling in
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  • 17 6 A Labuan stamp, first issue, 12c, carmine unused, fetched SA at a sale a few days ago.
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  • 14 6 From Saigon, a cargo of rice arrived, this morning, by the Norwegian steamer Skramstad.
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  • 19 6 A cargo of copra arrived from Serasan, Mid«i and Maras, this morning, by the N. D. L. steamer Natuna.
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  • 20 6 The Manager reports the output of the Sipiau Tin Company, Limited, for the month of November to bo 75 piculs.
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  • 21 6 This morning, the Anglo-American Oil Company's steamer Seneca arrived from Manila with a cargo of hemp for Boston, U. S. A.
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  • 26 6 Captain Harrington, of the British India steamer Thongwa, which arrived with the mails, this morning, reports that one death occurred, before reaching Penang, from ptomaine poisoning.
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  • 15 6 Yesterday, a cargo of timber for Bombay arrived from Bangkok, by the Norwegian steamer Hydra.
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  • 17 6 Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day will be observed as public holidays in the Colony.
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  • 19 6 Two Chinese were found trying to stow away on the Australian liner I'aroo, this morning, shortly before her departure.
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  • 29 6 There aro twenty eij' v >t Aoiatic passengers for Fiji on the New Zealand steamer Aparima, which arrived from Calcutta, this morning, en route to Auckland and way ports.
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  • 38 6 A Chinese carpenter, belonging to the local steamer Singapore, now in dry dock, died of cholera, yesterday. He had been away from the ship for some time, and it iB believed that he contracted the disease on shore.
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  • 34 6 At the Franco-British Exhibition, the I'uwiT Gas Corporation, Ltd., were awarded the grand prize for gas engines and gas producers, particulars of which may be bad from the Central Engine Works, the local agents.
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  • 41 6 The medical examination, of the body of the quarryman, who died after angbt at the eighth mile, Bukit Timah Hoad, showed that deceased had an onormoun spleen and had partaken of too heavy a moal to make fighting a safe pastime.
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  • 47 6 A Javanese coolie, employed on Prye Estate, is alleged to have been murdered on Tuesday, and in consequence of information received Detective- Sergeant Thrale proceeded to the scene and, we bear, succeeded in arresting three men. Full particulars of the alleged crime are not yet to hand.
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  • 54 6 A very audacious highway robbery took place, at Ipoh, on Wednesday. A Chinaman was made to stand and deliver at Kampong Kepayang in broad daylight by three Chinese highwaymen armed with revolvers. The holigans at the pistol's point relieved the unlucky victim of some S7O in hard cash and then
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  • 57 6 A native of Annam, Indo-China, who was sentenced in Paris, for theft, wrote to his employer All Annamites, whether emperors, mandarins, secretaries, litorary men and others are born thieves. It is a grave and deadly complaint, and there is no euro for it. I know people do not like thieves
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  • 57 6 Mr. Justice Fisher is expected from Penang, to-day, to sit in the Court of Appeal with Their Lordships the Chief Justice and Mr. Justice Braddell, to bear the appeals from decisions of Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, of which there are several. The Towkay Saigon case must first be finished, however,
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  • 60 6 Much interest is being manifested in the meeting between Peter Bannon and his two opponents, Mamdeen and Sunder Singh lit the Theatre Royal this evening. Bannon has to throw both men twice, which IS undoubtedly big undertaking. A struggle of the most strenuous character is anticipated, and the match ix
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  • 68 6 A daring voyage across the English Channel has been accomplished in a small motorboat by a young man belonging to Amiens. He crossed from Boulogne to Dover alone in this boat, the Eugenic Juliette. After some repairs to bis motor, he set out from Dover to Calais. Very foggy weather
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  • 64 6 The total value of exports from Perak during the Brd quarter of 19OH m« »H,464.461.00, whioh is a decrease of 12,185,718.00 from the figures of the corresponding period in the previous year. The total value of imports into Perak during the same quarter was 95,847 ,7. r >l.oo, a decrease
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  • 65 6 At the last mumont, the St. Petersburg police authorities prohibited the performance, on November 10, at one of the principal theatres of Mr. Oscar Wilde's Salome under an assumed title. The house had been •old out and the audience had assembled. The performance was prohibited in virtue of the statutes
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  • 85 6 The American Association of China, at a special meeting at Shanghai, unanimously resolved to request Congress at the approach ing se««ion to enact a law providing a jury of five for trials before the American Court in China, and not to give the district attorney powers usually exercised in America
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  • 103 6 After the lady Marathon runner comes th« lady wheelbarrowist for charity. Recently, a young lady interested in chatitable and mission work requested a farmor of Shavington, near Market Drayton, to contribute towards a bazaar to be held at Calver Hall, Shropshire, in aid of charitable funds. The farmer promised a
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  • 107 6 The annual report of the Colonial Survey Committee deals with the surveys of Ceylon, the Federated Malay States, and oth.r colonies. The Committee worked with the Topographical Section of the General Staff. The exploration of China is a matter of legitimate interest to European nations, in view of the many
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  • 402 6 Mr. Justice Belfield has gone to Rangoon Dr. F. Dent returned from Ponang to .lay Mr. W. P. do Ba«agoiti, of Kuala Lumpur went on short leave yesterday. The Rev. Marsh Kirkby has left Singapore for Malacca and will return on Wednesday the 16th instant. Mr. L.
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  • 78 6 The Assessor system, ah it prevails in the F.M.a., has been the bubjectof much adverse criticism, ways the Perak Pioneer. The annnal list compiled and forwarded to the Resident-General for approval uud confirmation, we are told, include* the names of sundry gentlemen with hardly any knowledge oi
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  • 103 6 Chang Tok Boi, the chinchew of the local steamer I-'levo, had suffici ntly regained con sciousness, yesterday afternoon, to make a formal statement to the police, but it throws no light on the manner in which he received his injuries. He states that he weut to sleep
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  • 123 6 The interim dividend announced on Wod nesday, says the Malay Mail, brings the total dividends paid out to date by the Vallam brosa Rubber Company to 135 per cent. See ing that the company was only formed in April, 1904, this is cot so bad. The 2s.
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  • 122 6 At the annual meeting of the Penang Board of Licensing Justices on Wednesday, the first name on the list wan of that Mr. A. Sarkies for renewal of the licences of the Eastern and Oriental Hotel, 10, Farquhar Street, and the Crag Hotel, Penang Hills. Mr.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 JOHN LITTLE Co., L. VIADUCT SOLUTION g protects iron and steel from corrosion under extreme temperatures, and is used with remarkable siicci'hs in all climateH from the Arctic circle down to IJ Otlie Kcjiintor. It is 4 solutiou of bitumens refined by IAM m, a special process, and limit never
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    • 168 6 Alhambra. TO-NIGHT 3 s&ig Sdows, 5.30 P.M.. MATINEE. 7.30 P.M. 9.30 P.M. Theatre Royal. TO-NIGHT. Grand Wrestling Contest For a substantial prize presented by the proprietors of the Grand Cinematograph. AT 9 15 PM. PETER BANNON. Champion of England and Australia, i WILL ATTEMPT TO THROW Mandean and Sunder Singh,
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  • 123 7 MANSION HOUSE CONFERENCE HELD. Appeal to the Prime Minister. (Fkom Oli: Own OMMMMJ London, December 12. A conference has been held at the Mansion House in favour of State owned imperial cables. The suggestion is made that the Atlantic cables sliould first be acquired, and the object
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  • 133 7 PERIOD OF DEPRESSION WELL SUSTAINED. Hope from China Coalfields. (Fkom Ot'R Own Cokkkspondknt.) London, December I.. Sir Thomas Sutherland presided at tho annual meeting of shareholders of the Penin s.ilar and Oriental Steamship Company. In the course of his address he stated that the company had
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  • 286 7 PRINCE BUELOW'S SPEECH ON DISARMING. Significant Reference to Duties of Allies. IiKITKKs TILBORAXj London, December 11. Prince von Buelow, speaking in the Reichxtag said that disarmament was eminently desirable but tho difficulties were eonnidora ble, the more ho in consequence of Germany's strategically unfavourable position in the world.
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  • 35 7 Drastic Action by the Melbourne Legislature. |Rmct«r's Telkoram| London, December 12. Tho Melbourne House of Representatives Las passed a bill rendering shipowners liable to a fine of £100 sterling for every Chinese stowaway.
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  • 173 7 Efforts to Establish an Entente with Turkey. [RaCTIB'K TILROBAM.I London, December 12. Austria's reply to the last Russian Note proposes negotiations among the Powers with a view to recognising of the annexation of Bosnia by protocol, which would then be submitted to a conference of the Powtrs. This
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  • 123 7 No Immediate Withdrawal to take Place. IRauTßß's Tuliokam; London, December 12. The Foreign Minister, Herr von Scboen, hasstated in the Reichstag that it has been deemed expedient to refrain from the immediate withdrawal of the troops stationed in China. Such withdrawal might have a disquieting effect
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  • 33 7 Lancet Gives Satisfactory Report. (RiCTir.'s TblbokamJ London, December 11. The Lancet has the best authority for stating that, the condition of the King's health gives no cause whatever for anxiety.
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  • 29 7 Dutch Warships Cleared for Action. (Rioter's Tklkukam London, December 12. The Dutch men-of-war, Heeraskery and Gelderland. have left Williamstadt for Laguaira. They are cleared for action.
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  • 26 7 [Dam Ostasutisobi Lloyd Tblio«jiii| Berlin, December 11. The German ambassador in Rome, Herr Monts, has resigned, and will be succeeded by Herr Jagow.
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  • 273 7 Counsel's Long Speech in the Tow kay Saigon Case. Mr. E. C. Ellis addressed the Court of Appeal nearly all day, yesterday, and was still speiking when the hnar of adjournment arrived, the tenour of his remarks Offing to the effect that a Chinaman could have but one
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  • 34 7 It is officially announced that tho King has approved the appointment of Mr. L'oyd George, Chancellor of the Exchequer, t > be Constable of Carnavon Cttstle in tne room of the late Sir John Puleston.
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  • 604 7 ROUTE OF THE NEW RAILROAD OUTLINED. Picturesque Scenes. SIGNIFICANT SIGNS OF FUTURE PROSPERITY. Interesting Ceremony at lohore Bahru. By the kind invitation of His Highness the Sultan of Johore, a representative of this journal was present at the ceremony of the driving of the last spike at
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  • 1941 7 It was just about five years ago that the proposition to build a line through Johore State emanated from Sir Frank Swettenham, who was then the Governor of the Straits Settlements, and the work of construction was put in hand on the various sections, an officers
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  • 228 7 t Interesting Presentation to Rev. P. N. Hunter. To the regret of all who know him and who are acquainted with bis excellent work here, the Rev. P. N. Hunter, Army Chaplain, is about to leave Singapore. On Thursday afternoon, there was a gathering at the Y.W.C A.,
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  • 238 7 A number of dyers were taking a load of cloth, one hundred and sixty two rolls in all, towards town down Bukit Tirnah Road, at noon, on November 19, when they were attacked by fifteen or twenty men near the corner of Mackenzie Road, and robbed of
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  • 158 7 The trial has begun in the criminal court at Manila of the two American soldiers, George W. Liedel and Albert H. Laberdie of the 26th Infantry, charged with highway robbery. The opening of the trial was attended by a large number of soldiers comrades
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  • 31 7 The harvest on Balgownio Estate for November according to the Manager's Report was 8,784 lbs. dry rubber. An amended total of 2,997 lbs. ii the output (or October.
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  • 5726 7 SPEECHES AT ANNUAL STRAITS DINNER. The Governor Eulogised. INTERESTING REVIEW BY MR. W. H. SHELFORD. Mr. Hugh Fort and the Joint Advisory Board. The annual Straits Settlements dinner, which was held, on Wednesday evening, November IS, was distinguished this year by the presence of the Right Hon. the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 600 8 THE EXPERIENCE OF MANY WOMEN Demonstrate Beyond All Cavil That Pe-ru-na Is a Safe and Useful Household Remedy. Read What the Women ~^~~Z iT^ttlh^ /mV ibiRSD.C.CAMERON. v ijM ffIRS.WM.HOHMANN,J^/ Chronic no.rsen.ssT '^A. fK^ f^ Bro chtal Mr,. Delia C. C.meron. Hea,d. b «r g ./j^"' T™Z, Oal^mamber Daughter, o,
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  • 271 9 Sinoapou, December 11, 1908. PRODUCE. iambior 10.00 do (Cube No. 1) oopiiked 18.624 Copra Bali 8.00 do Pontianak 7.50 Pepper, Black buyers 11.00 do Whi»- 9% buyers 18.26 Saeo Floor aarawak 8.00 do Brunei No. I 2.86 Pearl Sat(o 8.76 Ooffee Bali picked 22.50 Coffee, Palembang, 20% ba*i« nom.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 481 9 INSURANCE KORWICH TJHION FIRB INBUBANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH A LONDON. Established 1797. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amoant insured £335.000.000 Loaaespaid £11,600.003. Premium inoome. 906,000. lnsnranoe efleoted on almost every descrit tine property at oorrent rates of premium. Riski for 10 days are now aooepted at 4 oent per 1100.
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    • 187 9 1 Jiigd Street I t^ 1 Jiig6@lass XMAS REQUISITES! Choice Selection of fl *V Heaps of Novelties, Jewels, Plate and H Assorted Curios, Silk in Great Vari- Hj Toys Bou-Bons eties Displayed to U all scattered in gather. H H II Galore. VW TV WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., 56 <Sc 57.
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    • 44 9 H. ABRAMS, HORSE REPOSITORY. 5, ORCHARD ROAD. Has just landed ex s.s. Euryalus, twenty Horses, Cobs and Ponies in the best of condition and thoroughly broken in. This shipment undoubtedly comprises some of the best Horses and Cobs ever landed in Singapore. Inspection invited.
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  • 181 10 AN AMERICAN CHAT WITH THE KUSER SUPPRESSED. Portion of Magazine Destroyed. In consequence of what is described as "enormous pressure which has been brought to bear," the management of the Century Magazine destroyed the- portion of their Deoember issue containing an interview with the (>( rniKii Emperor, and
    181 words
  • 262 10 Brain Specialist Believes Few are Perfectly Sane. The contest for the possession of the £'40,000 left by tbe late Andrew MacMahon, of Newport, Mon., was continued the other day, by expert evidence concerning Mr. MacMalion'H mental condition. Mr. MacMahon amassed bis money by a potato business, a hotel,
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  • 161 10 General BUrs, commanding the Department of Mindanao, has reported tbe refusal of a portion of the enlisted men of the 9th Company of Philippine Scouts, Macabebes, to obey the order of their commander, Captain Frank Skievaski, to board the transport Warren on its trip to Manila. The
    161 words
  • 123 10 For tho last dozen years Dr. Jim," the only tusker at the Zoological Gardens, has been a favourite with visitors, and in bis time he must have borne many thousands of children up and down the Broad Walk. A few months ago, while carryiug a holi day
    123 words
  • 106 10 Doctor John Bull's appearance in the Lord Mayor's Show has naturally revived the question whether there are really sufficient grounds for crediting him with the composition of the National Anthem. The pros and cons of the question were first thoroughly sifted by Mr. Thomas
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 631 10 BANKING COMPANIES. 1 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares ot CM each «1,*»,000 Keserre Fund £1,523,000 BsserTe Liability of Proprietors C 1.900,000 BANKERS. Bank oi England. National Bank of Scotland. Tht London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH.
      631 words
    • 511 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. c aid up capital IEBERVEFUND:— glerlinc Reserve 116,000,000 1 «aa 000 Ooc Bi!T«r Reserve 114,000,000 W».W»,UWJ -taserre Liability of Proprietor. 116.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. E. Shellim, Esq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. W.J. Qrosson. Deputy Chairman. B. O. Barrett, Esq. W. Halms, Esq. C.
      511 words
      445 words
    • 55 10 TRY THEM. They are the most efficacious remedy known for catarrhal affections of the urinary tract. A positive and easy cure. They can be carried in the vest pocket, are cleanly and reliable. Injections which arc usually painful and cause stricture are unnecessary. METUYLOIDS relieve tbe pain and produce visible
      55 words
    • 670 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MOTOR CAR AUCTION. 1 At Metsrs. H. L. A Co.'s Sale-rocnia, On Wednesday, Dtcember 16, at noon 16H.P. "Syker"C»r, 4 Cvliuder. Magnito, to seat 5 C<tpe Hood, Ol:n- Screen, 6 lamps, I and accessories. Inspection and trial by arrangement. H. L. Cogfctan Cs.. 1681 Auctii neers.
      670 words

  • 827 11 SIMPLE STORY OF THE LAYMAN IN THE CAR. Impressions Formed on a Singer. After a tortuous day of tortuous ink-sling-ing, the newspaper man looked up gratefully as he was invited to take a motoring run in the late afternoon Only a short spin," said the man at the wheel
    827 words
  • 101 11 The following message from Rear Admiral Sperry," transmitted by wireless telegraph from the Flagship Connecticut to the station of the D. S. Signal Corps, was received by the chairman Frank L. Strong of the Fleet lire-option committee, Manila, on December 1. Fleet Reception committee, Manila On
    101 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 692 11 Miscellaneous NOTICES tUTB* let Month, |10 per inch. Hnbeoqaent m.mtlii. Sft. Por ahortar peltodi Mepfekle of Chargee. hoticeT Tbe office of tbe undersigned bat keen removed to .4, (olljer Quay, ground tloor. 1640 METER BROTHERS. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given tbat the firm of Kame and Co. has been ld
      692 words
    • 593 11 DOCTOR ADVISED USEOFCUTICURA Patient's Arms and Hands in Fearful State— Burning and Itching were Unbearable No Rest NightorDay —Five Months of Intense Torture. HOPELESS CASE OF ECZEMASOON CURED "Six months ago I used some green dye, and I think some of It must nave fgot into a small cut on
      593 words
    • 94 11 CHAMBERLAINS COUSH REMEDY IN S.UTH AFRICA. Mr. S Schneider, ol Koffeyfontein, O. R. C, is very grateful to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. He has found that it cures bis children as well aa himself of their coughs and colds. They wore all coughing and got no relief until
      94 words
      350 words
    • 42 11 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. are not an experiment. They have been tt~ fivourite blends at home for many years and are rapidly gaining similar popularity in the Colonies. No expense is spared in keeping both "RED SEAL" AND "BLACK AND WHITE" up to the'mark.
      42 words
    • 137 11 RANEEGUNGE PIPES. The interior of these Pipes being glazed, nothing will grow on them and cause obstructions, as is the case with cement or unglazed pipes and drains. Sole Agents i THE BORNEO CO., LD. ELECTRIC HOME TREATMENT. Health it Beanty Massage, Nervous Disorders Superfluous Hair permanently removed by ELECTROLYSIS.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 631 12 Scale of Charges* r-RKFAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MIeoei laaeous Want! of Every Description, Houaee, ftaaa, etc., to let, are inserted al the following •Mm:— One Insertion t I.M per laah. Two 1.00 Hum 1.80 Blx IN Mine 1.40 Twelve T.M Twenty-five 10.00 (Eaoh aabseqaenl month M par iaoh.i Tfce above rate Is
      631 words
    • 508 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Batis Foot Linsa, on. or two inwrtiom, tl. Br tbs inch, MS Heal* ot Charg**. LANGUAGES BY PHONOGRAPH. The phonograph as a means of acqairing practical familiarity with foreign languages has Hoperseded teachers, having been found to be far superior in imparting (he correot pronunciation and rendering pupils
      508 words
    • 488 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bins Fow Llaes, on.ior two laMrtioM, (1.00 Br th. Inch, m. Seal, of CbantM. FOR BALE. Horse and Victoria, cheap. Apply B. II o/o Straits Times. 8841 RUBBER BTUMPB FOR SALE. Good Bobber Stumps, 10 monthi old. Apply Manager, Linggi Plantations, Ltd., Beremban. 0 1667 RUBBER EBTATEB
      488 words
    • 440 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Lo. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Robber Tyres, all kinds and shapes for Carriages Motor Cats, etc. RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES. All kinds oi I.R. Buffers and Springs for Railways, etc. India Rubber Sheets tor Pomps, Valves, etc., also with wire and cloth insertion. Moulded India Robber Goods, Valves,
      440 words
    • 458 12 All kinds oi HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose, Brakehose tor Railways, Speaking Tubes, CODDRINGS, GAUGE-GLASS RINGS. INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and MATTING. EBONITE (Vulcanite) or Hardrubber Goods viz. Sheets, Rods, Tubing, BATTERY CELLS, etc. BLOCK-RUBBER, CHEMICALLY-PURE RUBBER, and SOLUTION. LEAF GUTTA, CABLE GUTTA, and CHATTERTON COMPOUND. TO BE
      458 words
    • 234 12 SINGAPORE LIGHTING COMPANY, No. 20, Raffles Place, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS. Telephone No. 895 T.l. graphic Address "LIOHTNINO." Open from 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. We have just received a large stock of the following goods Gas, Benzine and Acetylene Lamps ot any design and of the latest improve mente,
      234 words