The Straits Times, 31 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.797. SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 31. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 154 1 Just Landed. wmmr One four-cylinder, 20-25 h.p. "MORS" Mti&LNE, Tainted Bed, four speeds and reverse, fitted with SELF-STARTINGD^W Hal le rims on lack wheels and one extra detachable rim fitted with tyre, tyres '•'^H L^tt^ rear lamps, two acetylene heaulights with separate generator, horn, jack and too^H^P^ Trial drives by
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    • 27 1 New Japanese CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. Grand Change TO-NIGHT! Next Week i THAW'S TRIAL. WAR IN PHILIPPINES. American Battleship Squadron in Manila. Red Indiana Friendship, etc., etc. ASAHI
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    • 311 1 HALES TOURS BEACH ROAD. SINGAPORE -ie most remarkable Illusion in the world yd v rapid Hailw ay travel. >aq °'n to night v.-,0.v 1. RHODESIA and a Hippo Hunt. Mjjjil. HOLLAND, Neerdeu to Leeren. Two most WONDERFUL HAHWAYS in the world. K CANADA. H ENGADIXE VALLEY— FA YBTTg :^H CHAMOCNIX,
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    • 107 1 Robinson Company. A NEW SHIPMENT OF GOLF CLUBS. Simpson's Special Drivers ami B Brassies. m H Scott's Unbreakable Neck H 11 H Drivers and Brassies. Mm fi B Taylor's Special Mashies and B^Sfe' H Mashie Irons. VI Ef m M Simpson's Mashie Niblicks, JU H Cleeks and Irons. B Scott's
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    • 220 1 UNDER NEW PROPRIETORSHIP. (ESTABLISHED 1868). ADELPHI HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL, FACING THE CATHEDRAL AND ADJOINING THE ESPLANADE. The Bnilding is Spacious and replete with Every Modern Convenience. Over 100 Bedrooms, with Verandah and Private Bathroom attached. Drawing and Reading Rooms, Smoking Lounge, Large Billiard Room (nix tables), Lawn, and Roof
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    • 222 1 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. WATER SUPPLY BY METER. The Municipal Commissioners of Singapore hereby rive public notioe that on January 1, 1909, there will be introduced a system cf payments In advance on ac:onut of water supplied by meter. These advance payments will be used to defray the cost of water consumed,
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  • 382 2 ANIMAL ATTACKS MEN IN SOMERSETSHIRE. Lady Cfdkl and Child Attacked. The stoat." says London, the naturalist, is a bloodthirsty little creature, and ao bred that it will attack animals larger than itself," but there are fow recorded instances of its attacking human beings, for it usually
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  • 357 2 NAVAL EXPERIMENTS. Further Texts with Man<lffig Kites at Portsmouth. Further tests with roan. lifting kites yijl be carried out at Portsmouth under the dirT;,tinn of Mr. F. S. Cody, says a Times correspondent. The utility of these kites for reconnoitring purposes lms long been reby the military authorities, and have
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  • 106 2 At Calcutta, on the 14th instant, ten wealthy Bengali purda nashin women and men belonging to the weaver caste, living in Beadon Row, Darjipara, Calcutta, were charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Qiribala Dassi, a young Bengali woman, aged about 24 years. She was found
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  • 113 2 . In magazine circles in New York, it is reported that President Kouaevclt will accept the editorship of The Outlook when he re turns from South Africa. His plans are to tram-form the noted weekly into a powerful political, economic and moral organ, following the same lines laid
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 243 2 WHITE ANTS, TEREDOS, DRY ROT, DECAY IN TIMBER. JODELITE The Only Safeguard has been un its trial in large quantities for the past ten years in the Straits Settlements and proved all that is claimed for it. Tin- nix piecea ol il«al illustratt-d below were paitlv coated with Jodeiitc ai
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    • 96 2 ALL SOULS' DAY. Great I N uu-tic. u in Prices of METALLIC BEADED WREATHS OF ALL SIZKS. ALBERT L. A. DALEY, Undertaker and TombHuilder. 43. PRINSEP STREET. TEL NO. 619 Nutricia Milk. Another Cauued Milk I iff*'"*) rol >t*'n in which the Full Lv-. MMt';' j 15% mire Milk than
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    • 44 2 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. urn uot ao experiment. Tbey bave been tbe Uvounte blends at home for many years and are rapidly gaining similar popularity in the C ilooien. No expense is spared in keeping both "RED SEAL" AND "BLACK AND WHITE" up to tbe mark.
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    • 23 2 Stkar.ns' Headache Ccrb always affords prompt relief, not only in headache, bnt neuralgia, muscular aua joint pains, and all forms of neuralgic pain.
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  • 426 3 THIRD VISIT IN HISTORY TO FALLS OF L4BR\DOR. Heard Twenty Miles Away. Two Americans, Eugene Delano, of Chicago, and George Washburn, of Philadelphia, have just returned after a visit to the famous (irand Kails in Labrador. The existence of these was discovered in 1H59 by one Duncan MacLcan,
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  • 250 3 Scrimmage Between Gendarmes and Deserters. An incident which has occurred at Casablanca is, ou the whole, calmly criticised at Tangier, except by tbe more excitable and bellicoso subjects of the two nations concerned, writes a Times correspondent The undisputed facts appear to be as follows Five soldiers
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  • 105 3 Further rcmirkable discoveries are reported from Sakje Gouzi, near Aintab, where Professor Garstang, of Liverpool, is continuing hia excavations. Following up certain indications, the explorers located the entrance, or sanctuary, of a Hittite temple. On each side is a sculptured lion of massive size, built
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 734 3 Franco-British Exhibition. rPTPT JPr*T> AIWT received by the JL ill i-IUILXJIXiXILVX LNDtRSIQNED Franco Exhibition, London, awarded Buttercup Goldmedal. Ilit American Navy contracted at j(Sf% BUTTKRCI P brand in one of SKr tho best knowu brands of Australian Manila, in Auyust last, for 2,1. 1n JC 1 able Butter and exceedingly
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    • 70 3 FROM CANADA Mothers have the wame terror of croap in all ooautries, bnt Chamberlain's Cough Remedy leads in popularity for a prompt euro of this dreaded disease. Mrs. Thos Matthew of Caleden, East Ontario, says: "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy several times, and I try to keep it in
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    • 179 3 j| A Bfr By Special J&&JL Purveyor, to ■In MM Celebrated Oilmen s Stores I Xj IK PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES. H I I|V POTTED MEATS, MALT VINEGAR. H Bj Agents for LEA PERRIN'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE JBLW Crosse Blackvv el! Ltd. Special Bargains FOR Home Presents I CASH SALE! T
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  • 766 4 Same, port, probable date oj arrival, and name oj Agents. STEAMBRS Alrlie, bydney, Dec 13 Boustead Alicante, Manila, Nov 1 Barlow Astyanax, Liverpool. Nov 14 W. Mansfield Armand Behio, M'aeilles, Nov 1; M. Maritlmea Assayo, Hongkong, Nov 5 I.JO. Coy Ayuthia. Bangkok, Nor Borneo Coy Amiral Olry, Saigon
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  • 189 4 . Passengers Outward. Per P. and O. steamer Himalaya, connecting with the steamer Occana at Colombo, due November 6.— Dr. D. K. McDowoll, Mrs. Leigh Clare, Mr. J. W. Staples, Mr. M. E Rudolf, Mr. W. E. Lott, Mr. P. M. Matthew, Mr. F. E. de Paula, Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 680 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Efypt, Mediterranean Porti, Plymouth and London. Through Bllli of Lading leaned tor Chin. OoMt, Persian Qalf, Continental, and Amerioan Mil Rtearaers will lene Singapore on M about MAIL LINE. {Outward for China). 1908 Octana Not
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    • 1107 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM BHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The^ompaniea' steamers are despaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straite, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards tor London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortaight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre and
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    • 669 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. VWaaaaW^aBBBBiBBBBV The steamen ot this Company maintain a regular, eervioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direot, oalling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 802 4 STEAMER BAILINBB. N. D. L. RORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Uarman Mall Line. The fast and well known mail steam t this Company sail fortnightly from Br-.n Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Boattuiii ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oono Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and rl-ve Port Bald, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Poo < i Singapore, Hongkong,
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    • 54 4 NO DANGER. Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain's Cough remedy to your children. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and it U the best medicine made for these diseases. What makes it sale in that it contains no opium. Children like it. For sale by
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  • 1043 5 i'idii tliii heading ths following aobmiatiuu »t» I nr. -<t»m«r; ah.— ahip; bq.— barqun Kb.— Ml ..i,-t. Vct.-Yncht; Cru.-Or«ii«; 01*. <i«nb.. .t; icr. -T.irpe.lo: H.p.— HorM-powor Brit.— BtitM D. 8. -Uatt«d BtallS] Kch.— French (f»r.!iut.—Dutch; Ilal.— ltaliun Span. IBaakk; 1 iwak i U.c. UttDeral c.irgo d.p. (link
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  • 105 5 From Europe —By the M. M. steamer A. Behic due November 2. From China—By the M. M. steamer Caledonien, due November 2. -M-l.i -2\ M. M 8*pt 25 P.*O. Sept S9 Nl> I. Oot 1 B. I. Oct 6 M. M. Oct 9 P. 4 O. Oct
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  • 297 5 Powell and Co. Oct Sl— At No. 17, Race Course Road, valuable household fainiture, at 3-liSp.m. 31— At Tras Street, valuable Chinese furniture, at 2 p.m. Nov 2— At saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10a.m. B— At salo r-orn, subs'a itial S-storey d i elliLg house, No. 27, Neil
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  • 66 5 OcTWiKD French Mail. The M. M. company's steamer Armand Behic left Colombo at 10 a.m., on tbe 2sth inst. and may be expected to arrive here on Monday, November 2, at about 6 a.m. Homeward French Mail. Tbe M. M. company's steamer Caledonien, left Saigon, at 6
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  • 79 5 Fob Pu Stbamib Time Mondii. Christmas Island JiUinder 7 a.m. Bangkok Shantung 11 a.m. Indragiri Aing Thyi noon Malacca and Linggi Kheng Seng 1 p.m. Europe via ports Calatonitn 2 p.m. Bagan via ports Meran 2 pm. Teluk Anson via ports StUmgor 3 p.m. Penang and Calcutta d.Apear
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  • 75 5 October 30 Sikh. Brit str, Hongkong, Shanghai. Japan Breid, Nor str, Bangkok 3< Darius, Brit str, Samarang, M'bourne, Sydney Yunnan, Fell str, Marseilles via ports Prinz Ludwig, Ger str, Bremerbaven via port* Banka, Brit str, Anamba aud Natuna Islands Deli, Ger str, Bangkok Ping Seng, Brit str, P. Swettenham,
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  • 458 5 (Sunday, November I.) Twentieth Sunday ArreR Trinity. 8t. Andrew's Cathedral.— 7 a.m. Matins 7 4"i a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9-19 a.m. Holy Communion (Plain); 3-40 p.m Sunday School and Bible Classes Mt p.m. Foetal Evensong and .Sermon. St. Matthew's, Sepoy Links.— 11-15 a,m. Foo Chow Service 3.40 p
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  • 122 5 . Choir Notice -Twentieth Sunday After Trinity, November i. (All Saint's Day.) 7 a.m. Matins in Litany. First Lesson Wisdom 111, 1 10. Second Lesson Hebrew i XI, 83, XII, 7. Hymn 446 7-45 a.m.— Holy Communion (Choral). lntroit 429 Service Siainer. Hymn at Offertory 427 Hymn at
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  • 45 5 Per Selangor, Captain W. Cox, October 81. From Teluk Anson Misses Leicester and Scbwalee, Mr. and Mr-. Lewis Suel. Port Swtttenham Mr. and Mrs. O. Domon and Mr. Diepenlieim. Port Dickson Mr. Gallinogh. Malacca: Messrs. Chi Wan CUiong and Tan Kirn Lock.
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  • 22 5 Baron Chinda, who ban been appointed to succeed Mr. Inouye an Japanese Ambassador in Berlin, arrived in Berlin on tho sth inst.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 45 5 BLOCD POISON PREVENTEO There i- no danger from blood poison re*ulliug t.oiu a wound when Chamberlain's I'.nu Mm is applied. It is an antiseptic linimrnt, aud unless tho injury is very severe it will not U-ave a scar. For sale by all MmCMtnm and dealers.
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    • 437 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C.R. CHAR6EURS REUNIS "ROUND THE WORLD" LINE. II H- Dew t« in-MTi-w Steamer "Copse" 16,000 tons displacement, DUE ABOUT NOVEMBER 20. 1908. Splendid Pansengor Accommodation KOK HONGKON3, SHANGHAI, CH'NWANTAO. KOBE. YOKOHAMA AND AMERICA. Kirst clans Passage Faro from Singapore to CANADA I 4^150 UNITED STATES' TO BOBOMI (VIA
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    • 456 5 STEAMER SAILINGSINDOCHINA STEAM NAV. CO., LTD. Tbi steamers of this Company muiuiiin regular direct service between Calcutta, Straits. SbnQK'h&i tad I»p»u, taking oargo on throngh Bills of Lading for Caoton, Bwatow, \moy, Cbefoo, Tientsin. Newobwang, Yangtsse Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, *o., Ac. Hteamerx Tom Commander KcTfuno 4.89S K. O.
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    • 483 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Una. THK NATIONAL HIGH WAY TO K UROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN. CANADA »ad IhONITED STATES Route from Hongkong, m Shanghai, N»<m«ki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Vtotorta and Vnnooaver KM.H. Kiubbhs o* Ihdu ITwio.-.jrow stea R.M.Q. "KinnsoiJiua"
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    • 32 5 LAXATINE, the Ideal Purgative, reoom mended by the beat medical authorities Easy to take and certain in results. To be had of all ohemUta. Wholesale from Tb* Pharmacy Battery Road. BinB*pon itn
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    • 55 5 TRY THEM. They aro ttio most efficacious remedy known for catarrbal affections of tbe urinary tract. A positive and easy euro. Thoy can b« carried in the vest pocket, are cleanly and reliable. Injections winch are usually painful and cause stricture are unnecessary. MKTHYLOIDS relieve the pain and produce visible
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 30 5 WEATHER TELEORAM. buegkong, October 81, 10 a m. Barometer 10 07 Direotion cf WimJ East. Koroe of Wlol ..2 Mai. Temp in WnM- .74 Manila 758 H.W. 1 2- 14
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    • 300 5 DAY r»Y DAY Saturday, October 31. High W»*-r l.vsl p.m Criokel. S C.C. II. v. R W K. < oruUh Pixie St 1 7 and 9 to 0 p.m. Hill St. Grand Cinematograph. Theatre Royal. llale's Tourt). 7 p.m Japanese Cinematograph. 7 30 p 111. Alhambra Cinematograph. 7 SO p.
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    • 136 5 Singapore Tide Table. (FSOM OcTOBKR 31 TO NoVKUBM 6.) HIGH WATER.' LOW WATER Time H'ght time < H'gbt October bra, min. t%. ins, brg.minjft. m«. I 1.13 am 8 0 7.25 am 4.6 8ATOBDAT 81 j pm 8 g 8Upm lf November 8 14 ara 7S 8 .14am 6 0
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  • 949 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31. 'fiat so much f.-eliug has been aroused by the statement* credited to the German N«< au interview published by the Daily Toli-graph can hardly be matter for surprise. The fueliugs of anuoyauue are universal, aud, so far as we eau see,
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  • 342 6 It ih the common fate of Municipalities to bo accumulating dubts km rapidly than ttiuy aru mcn -usiu^ rcvuiiuu», aud Singapore r. no exception to the rule. At the meeting nt Singapore Municipal Commissioucrs yen-U-rday, tlie Deputy Chairman had It utter a warning while presenting the estimates of iucouic aud
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  • 14 6 From Padang 2,137 tons of coal arrived, this morning, by the Dutch steamer Taxman.
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  • 16 6 From Bagan, a cargo of fish arrived, this morning, by the Dutch steamer Cheng Hock Kiam.
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  • 12 6 Nearly tiOO passengers arrived from Swatow yesterday, by the N.D.L. steamer Shantung.
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  • 17 6 A cargo of copra arrived from the Natuna and Aoambas Islands, yesterday, by the local steamer Flovo.
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  • 18 6 Copra from the Natuua Islands was the cargo brought by the N.D.L. steamer Natuna, which arrived, this morning.
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  • 22 6 It is reported at Baluchixtan that a sepoy has absconded from the Loralai fort with two rifles and 180 rounds of ammunition.
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  • 22 6 A Siddeley car has been delivered to tho Crown Agents of the Colonies for Mr. Nioholson, of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board.
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  • 23 6 The Indian Government has ordered the permanent location of the headquarters of the Southern Army at Ootacamund. instead of Poona as at present.
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  • 22 6 The Waiwupu has requested tho British Minister to restrain his nationals from opening hongs and establishing warehouses at Cbangsha. in Hunan Province.
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  • 27 6 The body of a male infant, probably of Malay parentage, was deposited at the side of Bukit Timah Road near tho Tramway Company's premises, during last night.
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  • 25 6 Twenty-six prisoners, on escort of fifteen mon and a European warder and a subwarder arrived from Penang, this morning, by tho British India steamer Thongwa.
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  • 29 6 Sunday being the festival of All Saints, there will be Festal evensong at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Dr. Woodward s anthem, The Sun shall be no more, will bo sung.
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  • 28 6 The British Minister in Peking has requested the Imperial Government to be on the gui vivo lest the Dalai Lama should enter into embarrassing agreements with other Powors.
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  • 31 6 Savia, a Javanese woman living in Gaylang Road, has reported to the police that her bouse was entered during her absence, yesterday, and a gold bracelet valued at 9100 was stolen.
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  • 32 6 Teo Kong Ti, charged with housebroaking at No. M, Pearl's Hill Road, the house of Hang Yong Tow, was convicted in the District Court, yesterday, and sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 37 6 At the Presbyterian Church, to-morrow, the subjects of discourse will be, in the morning, Tho Solitariness of the Human Soul," and in the evening, "Finality in Kcligion.' The Roy. J. A. B. Cook will be the preacher.
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  • 34 6 The case against Hussein bin Mohamed Ghouso, a collector for Messrs. William Menkc a\<i Company, who was charged with criminal breach of trust of nearly $400, was withdrawn iv the Third Magistrate's Court, yesterday.
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  • 50 6 Nu Ng Sung, a trader, of Chin Hen Court, placed silks, tobacco and curios to tho value of $724 in a ricksha, on Thursday, and ordered the puller to take thorn to his address. The goods havo not boon seen since and the number of the ricksha is not known.
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  • 45 6 The two Chinese who wore arrested on a charge of theft of clothing and jewellery valued at $563 from No. 79, Amoy Street, appeared before the Third Magistrate, yesterday. The bearing of the case was postponed till Thursday next. Bail was fixed at 1,000 each.
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  • 67 6 Mr. C. F. J. Oreen, trie Second Magistrate, was engaged, yesterday afternoon, with a case against a postman named Abdulrahman, who was accused of securing stamps from euvelops which, iv the performance of his duty. he. had collected from the Kopple Harbour pillar box. selliug them to a Kliug sbupkoeper
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  • 86 6 On November 30 (St. Andrew's Dayi, a Scottish National Festival (-'oucert will he held, under the auspices of the Committee of the Singapore Philharmonic Society, iv the Victoria Memorial Hall. An interesting programme of carefully selected Scottish items is being arrangod, and after the interval there will be an informal
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  • 92 6 The Governor-in-C'ouncil has ordered that the Tamil Immigration Fund Ordinance, 1908, shall come into opei ation in the Settlements of Penang and Malacca on November 1. The Immigration Committee under the Ordinance is to be composed cf the following Super intendent of Indian Immigrants, Straits and F.M.S., (Chairman), the General
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  • 115 6 A very Urge audience at the llarima Hall was disappointed, last night, in not seeing Mists Anna Abbs do her wonderful act of lifting a horse and six persons, as advertised. Announcement was made that Miss Abbs was feeling indisposed, but hoped to be able to appear to-night. The audience
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  • 791 6 Major Phra Rajavairthra. of the Siamese Army, arrived from Penang. this morning. Mr. George Drummond lias been appointed to act temporarily as Assistant Government Marine Surveyor, Singapore. Sir \V. H. Hyudman-Jones. Chief Justice Straits Settlements, resumed the duties of his appointment on the 24th instant. liishop Laos
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 269 6 Mfi? ill r^j^M T^B& v Mf CA.LiiFOißasri.A.nsr Sparkling Muscatel. Quarts $25 Pints $28 PEK CASE. ggfe PER CASE. SOLE AGENTS I JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. BRITAIN'S BIGGEST B R I DGuS are coated with BRIGG'S BITUMINOUS A f\ 1T AN A I PROOFS OF THIS SOLUTION'S W_ J I I
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    • 289 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT S PROGRAMME. FIRBT SHOW AT 7.30 P.M. 1 The Lost Umbrella 3 The Pretty Flower Girl 3 Spiritism Sitting Party 4 Myaterious Flames 5 The Secret of the Iron Mask 6 The Pardon 7 A Lottery Ticket 8 The Innkoeper'a Remorse 9 Beauty and the
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  • 290 7 AN ENTENTE WITH GERMANY IMPOSSIBLE. Modification of References to the Far East. IKbutih's Tklioram] London, October 30. Interest in tbe interview with tho Kaiser by a representative of .the Daily Telegraph is unabated. The German Press is especially augry at the rumour of the formulation uf a
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  • 41 7 Proposed Visit to South American Waters. I Rioter's TbleohamsJ London, October 31. Roar Admiral Sir I'orcy Scott's squadron has been ordered to proceed to South America at the close of its cruise in South African wn' ra.
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  • 25 7 JACKET. lUbutbh's I mi- London, October 22. The Sbab of Persia has obtained what is described as a patent bulletproof jacket.
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  • 46 7 Germany's Reply to the Franco* Spanish Note. (Dbß OsiASLATISOHB IjLOTI) TiLIOKAm! Berlin. October .1(1. llorr von Scbocu, the Imperial German Secretary for Foreign Affair* lihs given verbally a satisfactory reply to -M. < aiulxni, tho French Ambassador, regarding the Franco Spanish Note ou Morocco.
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  • 21 7 |I)»B OsTiaiATisciii Lloyd Tklkcjkau Berlin, October 80. Count Zoppeliu has made another successful flight of four hours' duration.
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  • 221 7 It appears from the Times of Malaya of Wednesday that the reported arrest of three persons in connection with the theft of jewels from the Sultan of l'erak'- Istana at Kuala Kangsar was premature. It appears that previous to tbo robbery His Highness the Sultan
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  • 15 7 Dr. and Mrs. Fowlie returned froui India, thin morning, by the British India steamer Thoagwa.
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  • 476 7 Successful Concert at Singapore Golf Club. There was a merry crowd of club men at the Singapore Golf Club house last night, where a most successful smoking concert was given. Captain A. 11. Vuung. C.M.G., being in tho chair. Considerably over ono hundred men were present, which severely
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  • 110 7 Mr. Maurice Thunder, the Third Magistrate, continued, yesterday, the hearing of tbe charge of extortion against Arsalah Khan, Bengali Police Constable No. 696. Sergeant Little prosecuted and Mr. R. St. J. Braddcll appeared on behalf of the accused. The complainants wore two Chinese women who kept a coffee
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  • 91 7 Tho steamer <■< i mania ran into and sank twakow Ny ;l«>, which had a load of IPO boxes of tinned pineapples, off Tanjong Pagar spit, yesterday afternoon. Tbe twakow, in rounding the spit, got between the Germania and another steamer, and lost her headway, the
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  • 67 7 recently, Mr. F. B. West, who is investigating the Colombo ily nuisance, liberated some hundreds uf Mies, which had been whitened, in the hope of ascertaining their movements and the probable distance they travel. The Hies were set free at Naharcnpitiya, and a few have already boon
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  • 84 7 The English mail steamer Moldavia, which brought the mail, arriving here, last Saturday, as far as Colombo, was about eleven hours late from Aden. The steamer arrived at Aden about ten bours late through her electric searchlight giving out in the Suez Canal. Another delay took place
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  • 99 7 The death occurred in Madras on the l'Jth instant, of Mr. A. R. Shaud. who was Agent fo the Madras Bank in Colombo prior to the appointment of Mr. O. W. Black, and then went to Madras as Deputy Secretary. Mr. Shand contracted enteric fever
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  • 37 7 News is Ijust to hand that the American submarine Octopus has created a reoord for all navies at Newport, Rhode Inland, by diving to a depth of 107 ft., and remaining below th. water tor two hour*.
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  • 151 7 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT SIGNED. Germany and England to Work Together. I Die Ostasiatisohi Llotd Tblbobam] Berlin, October 30. An Anglo- Oerman agreement has been signed for researches into tho origin and alleviation of sleeping-sickness in East 'Africa. Tho convention, which is for a period of three years, provides that
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  • 480 7 Interesting Lecture by Sir Frank Swettenham. Sir Frank Swettenham inaugurated the new session of evening lectures at the Working Men's College, St. Pancras, ou kbe ird inst.. with a lecture ou Sir Stamford I! ilfes, the Founder of Singapore. Tbe lecturer expressed the opinion that Raffles was
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  • 110 7 An interesting difference of opinion at tho Magistracy at Hongkong bus resulted iv the dismissal of a case. The mastor of a st coud-haud shop was charged before Mr. J. K. Wood with having becu iv unlawful possession of two stolen chairs. Inspector Ritohie based the prosecution
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  • 113 7 A cootie charged at Hongkong, recently, with theft of a $100 note, admitted the offence, but exoused himself by saying that he was not aware that it was $100. He had thought it was no more than $5. He had received the sad news from his family at
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  • 106 7 A meeting of the Chinese Christian Association was held, last night, in their hall in Prinsep Street. Dr. Lim Boon Keng led a discussion on the subject, That the habitual use of opium is prejudicial to the best interests of the individual and tbe community." There were
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  • 1746 7 PROBABLE DECREASED REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE. Estimates Considered at Special Meeting of Board. Yesterday was Budget Day at the Municipal Commission. The following gontlemon were present at the meeting :—Mr..). Polglaao, Deputy President; Mr. F. J. Bcnjaneld, Acting Secretary Dr. W. K. C. Middleton, Health Officer; Messrs. C. W.
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  • 159 7 Tho trial of the three Filipino fiends who robbed and violated Miss Jennie Ridgway, iv San Juan del Monte, was begun in the criminal court, Manila, the other day. There wore the usual abogadillos and curious spectators, but Judge Smith wisely ordered that the room be
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  • 138 7 MONTENEGRINS MOUNT GUNS ON BOSNIAN HILLS. Bulgaria Promises Conciliation. [Rbutbr's Tblborax.] London, October 31. Tho Montenegrins have posted guns o» the mountains along the Bosnian frontier. Tho whole population is armed. London, October 30. Bulgaria has now replied to the AngloFrench Russian Note. She promises to do bor
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  • 509 7 Committee's Rules Under tbe New Ordinance. The rules made by the Immigration Committee under the Tamil Immigration Fund Ordinance are published in tbo Govornmont Gazette. Free or assisted tickets for bouu fide labourers and their families may bo issued on behalf of the Immigration Committee, in Negapatam by
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  • 184 7 The school managers are beginning to realise the undoubted fact that a visit to Hales Tours is a romarkable object lesson to their pupils. No verbal description of other countries, citios and world renowned marvels of nature such as Niagra, Mount Vesuvius, the beauty of Switzerland, tho grandeur
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  • 40 7 Queen Alexandria is publishing a Camora Christmas book, which is to bo sold at half a-crown, the proceeds to go towards charity Instant enormous success is already anur*4. The book is to b* ready on November 10.
    40 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 98 8 Local rillists aro reminded that the entries > for the S.V.A. annual I'.ilK- Meeting close on \.nember 4. P. Flanagan {Queensland) and P. 11. liur^e (Sydney i. niemliers of the Australian Rugby 1 ni. hi (Amateur) team, at present in Kng hind, who each had a leg
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    • 40 8 Swimming Club Launch. The strain launch Argo will leave John ston's Pier on Sunday, the Ist proximo, at 9, 10 and 1 1, a.m.. 2.:)O and MO, p.m., returning at 9.U0 and 10.30 a.m., 12.15. 3 and 5.80 p.m.
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    • 96 8 . Rangoon Racing Topics. Two Calcutta bookmakers have been buspemli 1 by the Hangoou Race stewards on tho ground that they paid money to induce an owner to lay a protest in the races on tho lTtli instant, with tlio promise of a larger SUlu if the protest MN
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    • 131 8 Whites v. Colours. A rugger match was played on the S ground yi-storday between teams representing tho S.C.C. colours, and tho Wlntos. The gamo ivas fairly interesting, but a trifle slow. In the tirst half. Mm Club col >urs got bettor of the garau and scoied a
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    • 240 8 . IVnang l.adit-s' Practice. Tho seventeenth practioo shoot by the members of the I'enang Ladies' Kill.- Club took place on the Rifle Range at Kampoug 1 ilium mi Monday, when there were twenty two members present. Appemied aro the scores at tbe 100 and 150 yards range:-- Extraordinary Incident. An
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    • 293 8 Association Football. Singapore Shield Competition. The West Rents land the R Ci.A. played off their fixture in tho Singapore Sliiel.l competition <>v the SRC. portion ot the Esplanade yesterday. 'I he <;ame, though soiuewhut keenly contested, was not as good as w.i« r\p< cteil. .is |ha teams HH nut wi
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    • 306 8 Penan* Uolf Club. Ciolf bos boon much interfered with by wiallur conditions lately, and consequently lull MMiag generally has been tbe result. A notable i'Xci ption, liowever, was tbe tine Kcort- of 88 returned by Mr. Rogers on Saturday last wben playing for tbe monthly medal. I The first
      306 words
  • 432 8 House of Representatives Discuss the 1). fence Bill. In the Anstralian House of Representatives, nn September 10. Kwiuy. Minister of State for Defence, moved iln second reading of the Defence Bill. The time of the Act's coming into operation ha* not yet been fixed. The Bill prescribes that
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  • 161 8 Speech In a Government Official. Mr. I', H. Craddock, C.5.1., Chief Com missioner of the Central Provinces, made a speech at Amrooti, which is attracting wide attention. Ho pointed out the wantonly mischievous influence exerted by those endeavouring to stir up discontent. He urged all moderate
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  • 98 8 The Dalai Llama has been highly favoured by dining will. Their Imperial Majesties at the Tsz Kwong Palace, Peking, when he placed before the Kmpress Dowager a proposal for the reformation of the Government of Tibet, and suggested tbe early construction of tbe railway. Her Majesty only
    98 words
  • 1064 8 . Result of Final Revision of Supply Bill. Mui'li business was transacted by the J. nuiiiitti-' 1 of the Legislative Council, yesterlay afternoon. Thpre w< n present at the iieeting His Exc llenty the Governor, Sir! Inliii, X.C.M.0. His Exoellency ihe General Officer Commanding tbe Troops, Major General
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 308 8 Catarrh, the Bane of the World Pe-ru-na, the Standard Remedy. r^j jcANADAj MEXICOf CUBA jAfRIcA WmW( \ORIENT EUROPCi J^J J i »t% wfflll ßlß^^Pl I'MIhI l^Lml^L%£^JK^^^RmLm. HOT WEATHER Mh% v\ Sv^HSIUKLD OVlI* rOLDWEATHER CATAFSRH li U JjL^A j^WSuil Tfflfl COLUWtAiMtH Bowels, jes* J f^' Lungs, Pelvic 2 J^T^'Ol^ bMI Bronchial
      308 words
    • 134 8 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Colonial ■Secretary's Office up to noon of November 1 21, 1908, for the following Police Services for tbe year 11K)9. 1. For making of Sign Boards for Coffee Shops, F.atiDg and Lodging Houses in Singapore. 2. For removal of night soil and
      134 words
    • 240 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. DRESSER WANTED. Wanted for Britiah North For >, a,<iuali. Bed Il'.Hpitil Dresser. Apply v> Barlow and Co Smgapare. 2372 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on and after the Ist day of November, 1904, 1 -hall not Iw responsible for any contracts made in my name, unleia a
      240 words

  • Stock© and Shares,
    • 329 9 >ato of formation Otpttal Sabooribed Somber of Shan* l«ne Vain* Paid apto BhMM Untamd 1903 i »800,000 1907 8800,000 1901 8800,000 1903 £400,000 1907 8400,000 1901 £60,000 1908 £100,000 1906 8160,000 1906 £110,000 1906 £80,000 1906 8450,000 1906 £160.000 400,000 600,000 880,000 875,000 80,000 100,000 89,000 180,000 80,000
      329 words
    • 359 9 1908 IMS 1904 1908 1906 1904 ItOS 1908 1906 1906 1907 130* 4160,000 £80,000 £70,000 1150,000 * £76,000 4310,000 £66,000 £180,000 £880,000 ;ns,ooo 137,062/11 115,600 sa,7to 66,700 US, OOO 16,000 W,OM 269,580 68,760 180,000 201.500 176,000 280,960 I I I I 46,600 108,600 10.600 2,100 21,760 66,700 11,100
      359 words
    • 178 9 894 45,477.10.1 898 mv>oo •sea m 5.000.000 909 12,400,000 SPB •I.OJC'.OO 4,801! MB.OOO 18.000,000 J.jOO.OO'J 4',J00 110,000 r > 8,000 f 4,000 5.400 6,000 t I.TSO 84,000 600 400,000 1.120 1,000 4,956 800,000 60 124 100 ion 100 100 10 ion !00 10 :o l 100 100
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  • 219 9 SIM44F0M, OCTOBBB 1908 PRODUCE. Qambior buyers t 8.00 do (Cabe No. 1) unpicked 12.00 Copra Bali 7.60 do Pontianuk 7.20 Te-^c: E buyers 10.00 do White 6% buyers 1575 Sago Floor Sarawak 2.95 do Brunei No. 1 2.80 Pearl Sago 8,75 Coffee FtH. pioked 22.50 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basi*
    219 words
  • 54 9 lowarth fcnkiae 6% MOO.OOO alley Hargreava* 6% tU.OOi 1% prero. Spore Eleotrle Trmm ways Co., Ltd. 6% 860.000 nominal •lngapor«i Manisifil 8% 400,000 30% p. nom. 5£ 1,878,000 6% prem. 4J% 1,600,000 6% prera. 603,900 S% dls oom Straits Engineering Byd.. Ltd 6% 46,000 par. Tanjong Pagar Dock
    54 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 526 9 INSURANCE Companies SUN LIFE ABBDBANOE COMPANY OF CANADA. (I»takllsli*4 Assits exoeed f6,400,000 iHOOirt, 1907, exceeded ODlc«: e-C, B»tt«rj Bd. V W. a. WNIT t. Mingivpore. Mulwr, SoathKuUra Alia. Sit ONION FIRE INBUKANOE OOMPANT OF PARIS XBTIBUBHKD 1838 RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES £4,000,000 The QDdeisigned, Agents for tbe abovs Company, are
      526 words
    • 83 9 MINING AND CONSULTING ENGINEER DISENGAGED. Eighteen >e»rs' axperienoe above and below ground. Ore redaction. Concentrator, aerveyor and draughtsman, will proceed and report, prospect or open up a property anywhere. Apply Economic o /o Straits Times. MM Jeffrey's Stout AND IPale Ale. In order that the above Flrmt-Clmmm Stout and Pmle
      83 words
    • 10 9 J. MOTION GO. Watoh makers, Jewellers, Opticians. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTBD.
      10 words
    • 150 9 WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., BS mnd 87, High Street. JUST UNPACKED: A Large Consignment of Goodx Comprising Silk Lace, Shawls, Collars, Scarfs, LACE (by the yard), etc., to) numerous to[mention. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLO. ifeZ Prices Strictly Moderate. Inspection Kindly Invited. Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co Ld. WILL HOLD A SPECIAL Cheap Sale
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  • 1437 10 MR. SMYTH-PIGOTT CHASED AND INTERVIEWED. m Agapemone Only a Gentleman's Home. The Bridgwater correspondent of the Daily Chronicle writes rs follows:— I have succeeded in getting Mr. J. II Smyth Pigott, the solf-styled Messiah," to enter into a discussion with me concerning tbo Abode of Love.
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  • 63 10 The Port of Toulon has been informed that the ad vice- boat Monette is to put at tbe disposition of the King of Cambodia in view of an approaching vinit of SiHowath to Franoe. The vessel is to undorgo extensive repairs, and be ready to leave Toulon in March of
    63 words
  • 63 10 "Charms strike the sight but merit wins tin' soul," said Pope. Steams' Wine has both the charm of appearance and the merit of an unequalled tonic and blood-builder Wasting diseases are promptly checked by its list-, as it increases tbe appetite and enables the system to use more food, thus
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 637 10 BANKING COMPANIES, 1 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, j AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital In 60,000 Shares ot £30 each £1.200.000: Beserre Fund fI.Vi.VCOO Beterve Liability of Proprietors £1, 800,000 BANKERS. Bank ot England. National Bank of Scotland. lbs London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE
      637 words
    • 517 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. up capital IEBERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 118,000,0001 «o a noo oOf Silver Reserve 114,030,000| W' ooo itwrve Liability ot Proprietors 115.000.001 COURT OP DIRECTORS. E. Bhellim, Esq. Chairman. Son. Mr. W.J. Gresson. Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Esq. IW. Helms, Esq. C.
      517 words
    • 189 10 THE STRAITS TIMES CAN BE O3TAINED AT THE Following Places IN SINGAPORE Messrs. John Little k Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel, Beach Road. Messrs Kirn. k Co., Battery Road and Amer. nian Street. Messrs. Jitts k Co., North Bridge Road. Messrs. Kob k Co., 90, Bras
      189 words
    • 545 10 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO.. LTD.. •fc DATT CDU nfl l V^fl^^^^flß^ B £69V^*a ßßßß mw jjUP-ti* RSK liavo just rtriivid Manufactured by the Star Cycle Co., Wolvcrhampton. Hundreds of these machines have been sold in the Straits, and are uuequillud in price .in. l tini-di. Inspection invited. SALES BY AUCTION.
      545 words
    • 475 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF Tuesday, November 3, at 2.30 p.m. The substantial li-storey dwelling house known as Municipal NO. 27, NEIL KOAD Singapore, area 1,600 square feet, -being part of Government Grant No. 5. Powell t¥ Co., Auctioneer. Evans and Kitovitz, Solicitors. H33 AUCTION SALE PAWNBROKERS' UNREDEEMED PLEDGES.
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  • 1072 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. Motor Legislation in Siam. That Siam is keeping well abreast of other countries in the march of progress iri Rliown by the promptitude with which the (iovernnicnt makes legislative provision for necessities which originate from the adoption of new inventions or methods.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 478 11 ARGYLL CARS. JUST A.n.I^I'VESID. ?rv c ci 4 eat 6 e? p Argyll Model de Luxe. TAINTED DARK (iKEKN, NICKEL-PLATED MOUNTINGS, KITTED WITH HtH)D, M.U.NETO, WIND- SCREEN, LAMPS AND ACCESSORIES Illustrated Latalcguc nnd full particulars from SYME COMPANY, Tcents GREAT BARGAINS BY OCEAN MAIL See the recognised Guide to Window
      478 words
    • 228 11 To EXPLORERS OF COUNTRY far from Road or Rail. MERRY WEATHER &BONB LIGHT MACHINERY, i Particularly Pumping Plant. "~iM "^^s^slljsft^B I'thp. s to in Pump "Valiant," Mt-i^lit b»j fwi. MS W rarrii-d by lour mru. Writ^for 1 illustrated Pmnphlet No. 738*n- I MERRYWEATHERS' 6.1. LONG ACHE. LONDON. W.C. Established over
      228 words
    • 656 11 FEfIRFULECZEMA: SKINJNJIBBONS Arms were Perfectly Raw -Desperate with Terrible Irritation and Almost Crazed by Lack of SleepAll Efforts at Cure Failed Until MATRON OF HOSPITAL RECOMMENDED CUTICURA "Four years ago txxema brokn out on my hands aud arms and I became so tl>ad that I was unable er«n to dress
      656 words
      222 words
    • 368 11 A BROKEN-DOWN SYSTEM. rttsbscsssMsa »rJ.,v t.,»-ir.. (■.<!■„ i.,,< 1;.. names, but whi< n f.-w of thrni'y sadeismiiL lllsslsiiiliwlssm sliiasl cliius, it M-r.-.uf tilt* v.t^l fon c^t BMSsIB the tystt-aj. No matter «hat may br its c.ium (forthi'van- almtrit number less),itt s^-mptorasareniuch tnrsamt-: tbe more pruminrnt MSH «lcepleMnrss
      368 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 538 12 Scale of Charges. I < FKEFAID ADVSKTISKMKNTB.-Ml.oel li.soqs Wuts ot Every Description Iloom, fts.4, ate., to let, an Inserted M the following Ona Insertion I IJO per Inch. Two 1.00 Thro. I.M Biz I.M j ■las 1.40 I Twelve T.M Twenty-five 10.00 (Baoh subsequent month M par look.) lie ftbove
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    • 477 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Rates Four Lime, one or two insertions, fl. Bt the inch, see HclUe of Chug ee. OREBBER WANTED. Qualified Dresser for Rubber Estate in Perak. Apply with references to .GUTHRIE CO., c 2176 CHINEBE BROKER WANTED. WANTED AT ONCE, a good Chinese Broker for Life Insurance business. Good
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    • 682 12 LOBT OH FOUND. lUns:— Flts Linw, one or two insertion (1.00 Bj the inch, see Bcals of Charges. LOST. Last Saturday night, about 9-20 p.m., in front of Adelphi Hotel door, one black Ladies' Handbag containing One gold watch chain, with black metal watch with initials L.E.R. on back, »5
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    • 497 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. L SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds ol HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, for Carriages Motor Oats, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose, Brakert? TRWAmwa uotor TVRWH hoBe lor Raaw »y«i Speaking Tabes, RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES. CODDRINGS, GAUGE-GLASS RINGS. All kinds *i I.R. Buffers
      497 words
    • 424 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Katbsi— Fow Lisas, on. ot two lasertlosa, fl. Bf Ike loon, see Seals ol Charges. GODOWN AND OFFICE TO LET. Godown and office, No. 85, Anson Road. Floor space about 5,500 square feet. Apply to Sisson and Delay, 16-a, Change Alley. 2274 HOUSE TO LET.
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    • 236 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Rates :—Pour Linw, one,or twu insertions, li.ucv Bj the inch, see HcaJe of Charges. RUBBER STUMPS FOR SALE Good Rubber Stumps, 10 months old Apply Manager, Linggi Plantations, Ltd., Seremban. VMM RUBBER EBTATEB FOR BALE. Two Robber Estates about 1,000 aores eaob (just valued). WiU take i
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