The Straits Times, 28 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.794. BINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 28. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTB.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 298 1 Just Landed. m*mr On« four-cylinder, '20-25 h.p. "MORS" LIMOUSINE, punted Red, four speeds and reverse, fitted with SELF-STARTING DEVICE, detachable rims on back wheels and one extra detachable rim fitted with tyre, tyres 920-120, side and rtar lamps, two acetylene headlights with separate generator, horn, jack and tools complete. Trial
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    • 188 1 HALES TOURS BEACH ROAD. BIN6APORE. The following three most interesting Tours, just arrived from London, will be presented To -Night: 1. SAAHDEN TO LAAKEN. 2. XIAGKA KALLS, 8. NAPLES AND VESUVIUS. Trains run from 7 to 11 p.m., stopping 15 mins. to take up passengers. One Trip $0.50 Throe Trips
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    • 183 1 Robinson Company. A NEW SHIPMENT OF GOLF CLUBS. A^^^ Simpson's Special Drivers ami fi i&A. Brassies. Y^tej^ ff V R Scott's -'Unbreakable Neck" If 8| Drivers and Brassies. <;-.i Taylor's Special Mashies and B^Bl Mashie Irons. J Simpsons Mashie Niblicks. Cleeks and Irons. 4&wt B Scott's Patent Patters. SIMPSON'S BAFFY
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    • 408 1 UNDER NEW PROPRIETORSHIP. (ESTABLISHED 1868). ADELPHI HOTEL. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY HOTEL, FACING THE CATHEDRAL AND ADJOINING THE ESPLANADE. The Building is Spacious and replete with Every Modern Convenience. Over 100 Bedrooms, with Verandah and Private Bathroom attached. Drawing aad Reading Rooms, Smoking LouDge, Large Billiard Room (six tablcM. Lawn, and Roof
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  • 992 2 PRACTICAL VIEWS OF AN EXPERT IN SCRAP. Visions of a Silent London. Among the very interesting exhibits at the International Rubber Exhibition is one that stands by itself as something different from all others— we refer to the exhibit of Mr. A. W. Leslie, of Stoke Newiugton, London,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 411 2 Special Reductions. HUMBER CARS 10-12 AND 20 H.P. Newly Arrived. Latest Model. >^^^^^^m^ M \j iVI DCn Owing to facilities for turning out large numbers of these famous Cars in order to meet the growing demand, COST OF PRODUCTION has been reduced to a point which enables them to be
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    • 482 2 VICAR COMMENDS CUTICURA Which Brought Him Relief from Affection of Face and Forehead —Tried Several Other Remedies and Consulted Two Physicians, IN MIDST OF BUSY LIFE SENDS LETTER OF *AISE DUNKIBK VICAKAOB, FatimhiM, July 10, 1907 Dear Sir: I am very busily #ofaged in preparation for the reopening of our
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    • 33 2 LAXATINE, *he Ideal Pargstire, reoom msnded by the beat medical aathorities. Eaai to take and certain in results. To be had of all ehsmists. Wholesale from The Pharmacy, Bat mit Road, fliof«p.r»; ■Iff
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    • 738 2 The United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ld. 80LE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING CO., LD. Bronze and Steel FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING. WILL NOT CHAR. KINK OR CRUSH. ANO IS UNAFFECTED BY CLIMATIC CHANGEB. Stocks held J" to 6" diameter. Paterson, Simons and Company, Ltd., Agents. SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY.
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  • 1807 3 ANOTHER CRAZE FOR OSTRICH PLUMES. Feathers Never More Beautiful Tban Now. It is easy to tell a good ostrich plume,'' said the forewoman in one of the largest wholesale feather houses in New York. The quill should be one continuous piece, smooth, glossy and pliable, the flues wide,
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  • 126 3 The Lieutenant-Governor of the Pnnjab has under consideration the question of issuing revised rules for the maintenance of an attendance register and providing for the identification of factory children. A circular of instruction for the inspection of factories and an epitome of the factory law will
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 759 3 mmsssss«mmmmmmmmmmm«mmmmmmmm| VANHOUTENS Stands Alone." THE COCOA THE CHIUHIEN ENJOY. SIWGAFOBE Tourist Agency (1, ST. ANDREW S ROAD (CORNER OK KSfLANAKE iV HIGH STRKIiTi. Telephone Ho. J9I IB A.CK3--A.G-E DEPARTM E"NTT. We havti tho honour to inform the residents of Singa|K>re and the travelling public, that our arrangements arc complete for
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    • 419 3 I_S^H KTri nC IIHP_— I CHEAPEST and BEST. s KE Maynard Co CHESTS SUPPLIED OK LIMITED CHEMISTS and DRUGGISTS. Tt? iikal' iifficr: tin m:\Miii.n-HK: ■4. Battery Road. 309. North Bridge Kd. ES FATES, MINES AND 1 HOSPITALS SUPPLIED AT SSt 1 m SPECTACLES. Dispensing and Optical DePATENT MEDICINEB partmeLt under
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  • 683 4 Name, port, probable date oj arrival, and namr oj Agents. STEAMERS. Alicante, Manila, Nov 1 Barlow Astyanax, Liverpool, Nov 34 W. Mansfield Arraand Behic, M'saiies, Nov 3; M. Maritime* Aasayc, Hongkong, Nov 5 P. O. Coy Avntbia, Bangkok, Oct 30 Borneo Cl.iv \mual Olry. Saigon, Nov Moine Comte
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  • 188 4 Passengers Outward. IVr I. anil O. steamer Himalaya, connecting with the steamer Oceaua at Colombo, due November 6.— Dr. L). K. McDowell, Mrs. Leigh Clare, Mr. .1. W. Staples, Mi. M. E. Kudolf, Mr. \V. K. Lett, Mr. P. M. Matthew, Mr. K. E. <}.■ I'aul;i. Mr.
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  • 108 4 Tin- trade return* of ImloCliiua for 1907, which have just been published, show that the import and export totals in that year amounted to over 548 millions of francs, against over U97 millions in l.'O6. The export figures were swelled by unusually heavy shipments of rice.The improvement in trade is
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 59 4 Shakespeare says, "This sickness doth in- it the very lifeblood of our enterprise." True, indeed. The way to avoid sickness is to keep the body in perfect health by tli< occasional use of Steams' Wine, which imparts new strength to tbe system and enriches the blood. Asa tonic and appetizer
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    • 686 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills of Lading i.>sced for ''bm Coast, Persian Golf, Continental, an-1 Am r Ports. Stoamcr* wil! ltsve Siupap re ou cr abou: MAIL LINE. (Outward for China). 1908
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    • 1171 4 BTEAMEB SAILINGS. BURNS PHILP LINE. SINGAPORE TO -JAY* PORTS PORT DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND, BRISBANE AND BTDNKT. ALHO TAKING OABOO rOSOIHSB SOSTU QDEENBL \NT) PORTS. BRITISH NEW GUINEA, NEW BRITAIN VNDNEW ZEALAND PORTS (with transhipment). Aa inducement offers. Smooth passage. Superb Scenery. A regular monthly servioe to above ports la maintained
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    • 554 4 FAMER SAILINGS. BURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The "(teamen of thii Company maintain a regular serrioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homeward!, they are despatched fortnightly tor Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Taking cargo at
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    • 810 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEin vCHER LLOrD. Imparts) Uurmtn mail Line The fast and well known mail steam r of this Company sail fortnightly from Brora. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South, n ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonr. Marseille!, Naples, Alexandria, anl vice f*«j ai Port Said, Sues, Adeo, Colombo,
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  • 1166 5 I nil tbi» haading tha following abbrartaUooa >n a~ I :-«tr. -atoamer sh.-ahip; bq.-baraua; ach.Hb'K>a»r; Yet.-Yacht; Cm.— Croiaar Obt.-O«o boat; Tor.-Torpado: H.p.-Horaa-powar Brit.Britiah; IT. H.-Unitad SUU. Kch.-Fr.nch O«Oeiman Hut.— Dutch lt&l.— ltalian Span.— Hpiniah Hu.-»M>»t (I.e.— Oanaral carlo; d.p.-deck p« a»n»ar I.- Uncertain; W.— Whar?; T.P.D.— Tanlon»
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  • 92 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONG PAGAR. East Wharf Basin— Airlie, Jos. L Evioton. Eaht Whar* Section I— Peuang, Japan, Aparima. Section No. 1 (Shebbs Wharf)— Darius. Section 2— Taroba. I tola 8— Lightning. 4— River Forth. 8— Sultan. 6—
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  • 95 5 Outward German Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Prinz Ladwig, hiving left Colombo at 9 a.m., on the ttth instant an 1 may expected to arrive here on Friday afternoon, the 3 th instant. She will probably be despatched for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japau on the following
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  • 141 5 r uk P» Bnuuna Time To jiorrow Rbio and Indragiri Laurent Pit 7 a.m Treniajanu via ports Aing Leung 7am Cuoob Olanggi 10 a.m. Freinautle via ports Sultan noon Malacca, P. D. aud P. S. Janet SieoU lpm. Malacca and Linggi Kheng Seng 1 p.m. Ragan via ports
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  • 90 5 October a? Taintan, Ger str, Bangkok Batoum. Brit str, Bombay Rajah of Sarawak, Sar str, Sarawak Terrier, Nor str, Calcutta *8 Aparima, Brit str, Calcutta Patani, Ger str, Bangkok Sliimosa. Brit str, Penanp, Boston, New York Airlie. Brit str, Batavia and Sydney via ports Cheung Chew, Brit str, H'kong.Amoy,
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  • 120 5 From EoaoPi—By the N. D. L. staamar Prinz Ludwig Oct. B. I ateami r Thongwa Oct 31 and M. M. steamer A Behic Nov. 1. From Cbda— By tbe M. M. steamer Caledonien, due November 2. Sept 17 B.I. Sept SI M. M. 8ept 25 P. 4
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  • 630 5 Bt Major E. 0 Ki.i.h, Acting Commandant, S.V.C.. Singapore, October 27, 190 H. B.V.C. Ceremonial Parade I ceremonial |>a rade of all units S.V.C. will take place on Friday November 6, for a Rehearsal of the King* birthday parade. Fall iv at tho S.V.C. Drill Hall,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 446 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. lSf. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. V I A regular FORTNIGHTLY aervloe la maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Servioe, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent
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    • 500 5 STEAMER SAILIHSS. UNION SS. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND. LTD. SINGAPORE TO NEW ZEALAND DIUCT, AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON, LYTTLETON AND DUNEDIN, ALSO OALLINO AT SAMARANG AND FIJI lIP INDDCimNT 0FPIR8). The Company's T.S. Steamer APAkIMA, 6,704 toDH, Udwd. Stott. Commander, maintains a regular four -monthly servioe between Singapore and New Zealand. Excellent
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    • 572 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Sttamship Lin* TUE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO KUROPB ru CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and tba UNITED BTATBB Koule from HnngkoDg, via Shanghai, Nagwiakl, (Inland Sea of Japan). Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Vanoonver, R.M.S. "Kmnaoilnu" \Twlnaorow steaR.M.B. "Empbjsho* Japah" mere, e.OOOtonj, R.M.S.
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    • 277 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Oot 30— At Riley Hargreaves and Co's shipbuilding yard at Taoj rag Rhu, scrap iron, at 2-30 p.m. Sl— At No. 17, Race Course Road, valuable household furniture, at 3-lAp.m. 81— At Iras Street, valuable Chinese furniture, at 2 p.m. Nov 3— At sale-room, substantial
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    • 50 5 PROPER TREATMENT FOR DYSENTERY The great mortality resulting from dysentery is due to a lack of propor treatmeut. Not one case in a thousand will prove fatal when Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is given at the first onset of the disease. For sale by all Dispensaries and dealers.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 225 5 Singapore Tide Table. (FaoM Octobxb 28 to Novemmi 8.) HIGH WATER LOW WATER Time H'ght Time", H'ght October bra, mm. ft. ma. hra.min Jf tin, no 1 0.3 am! 9.2 Uiun 8.0 M f 0.41 am 8.9 6.lUam 8.4 ?■<>««>« W o.Upm 9.4 6.39 pm 0.6 lj 1.27 am 3.6
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  • 1009 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28. After the issue of various denials for which it docs not appear easy to find a satisfactory explanation, the liuvsian Government seems to liave acknowledged quite frankly that its troops have are in readiness to outer Porsian territory. With what intention
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  • 18 6 From Bangkok and coast ports, IM bullocks and 86 pigs were brought, yesterday, by the Siamese steamer Asdang.
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  • 25 6 A fancy bazaar is to be held at the Kuala Lumpur Town Hall on November 3 and 4, in aid of the Kuala Lumpur Convent.
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  • 23 6 The Wai-wu-pu propose to station Imperial Commercial Commissioners at Singapore, and in the cities of Australia for the purpose of protecting Chinese trade.
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  • 40 6 It is reported that the flax crop in Behar, India, is threatened with a serious danger in the shape of the flax dodder, a parasite of European origin, which has been discovered on two estates on which flax is grown.
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  • 33 6 Although the typhoon, at Anioy. has done enormous damage to the sheds erected for the reception of -the American fleet, it is thought there is ample time to repair them for the occasion.
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  • 35 6 Two Mißao women, charged with selling chandu without a licence at 2 Frascr Street acd 28 Tan Quee Lan Street, were fined »100 each by Mr. J. S. W. Arthur, Aotiug Second Magistrate, this morning.
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  • 39 6 According to l'Avonir dv Tonkiu, a proposal is on foot at Haiphong, the capital seaport of Tonkin, to invite the whole or a portion of Admiral Sperry's fleet to pay a visit to that small, but gay French city.
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  • 39 6 A Censor in China has memorialised the Throne that the Imperial Edict regarding the issue of one tael and half -tael coins bo withdrawn, on the ground that it is not convenient to adopt the new system at present.
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  • 37 6 Next year is the centenary of tho birth of Mendelssohn, and the circumstance will enable the Corporation of London to consider the desirability of erecting a monument to the great musician on their beautiful property, Burnham Beeches.
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  • 46 6 Two Kehs were arrested in a house in Phillip Street, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of gambling, and were fined S.! each by the Third Magistrate, this morning, half the fine to go to the informer. The sum of (8.77, which was seized there, was forfeited.
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  • 53 6 Kwek Cheoug Tek, of Pulo Bukom, was before the Third Magistrate, this morning, on a charge of murder, tho man with whom he is alleged to have quarrelled ovor the possession of a changkol having died in hospital. The inquest not having been held yet, the taking of evidence was
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  • 54 6 The master of tho steamer Rajah uf Sarawak reports as follows: On October 21, at 12.25 a.m., struck with propeller what was supposed to have been a submerged lou in Latitude 2deg. 2min. N. Longitude 109 deg. 12 mm. East. The master states that he passed a quantity of wreckage
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  • 53 6 A Duumow Flitch Bacon Company has, we learn, been formed to manufacture in bulk the famous flitches that have hitherto been so rare and so hard to come by. Just when the Daily Telegraph has convinced us, too. that nobody has ever been justified, by matrimonial experience, in venturing to
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  • 62 6 A serious theft occurred on Thursday night at the K. and O. Hutel, Peuang, which involves jewellery to the value of 92,000 belonging to Miss Allen. It is understood, says the Straits Echo, that tho boys in the hotel are suspected, but at present the Police are reticent on the
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  • 65 6 At the Institute of International Law at Florence an interesting discussion took place on the subject of the legislation existing in different countries in regard to financial contracts, the prevailing viow being that such contracts should be governed by the law of tie land in which they are made rather
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  • 73 6 It is stated, according to the Hankow Daily News, that application has been made to the British Court at Hankow for permission to commerce an action against Mr. E. W. Tribe as editor of the Hankow Mail, aud an unknown writer, for criminal libel, arising out of the publication of
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  • 62 6 The Kling bullock cart driver who was charged with falsely stating to Inspector Brereton that a Chinaman had stolen a bag of Hour which had dropped from bis cart was convicted by the Third Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, and fined $25 or, in dofault. sentenced to a month's rigorous imprisonment. In
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  • 64 6 A disaster has taken place at the village of Dhaukuria, in India, on Uie occasion of the Poojah alms-giving. When the gates of an enclosure in which 18,000 men were waiting were opened, a fearful rush took place, resulting in a number of persons being trampled under foot. Thirty-five people
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  • 67 6 The Japanese Government has included the Malay language in the curriculum of public instruction, and, the other day, it engaged a qualified Malay teacher at Singapore. The next thing to be done was to secure a supply of teaching materials. Recourse was had to Holland, a bookseller at the Hague
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  • 106 6 A wedding that will arouse no little interest in theatrical and journalistic circles is announced to take place at Home during November. The bride is Miss Nita Aria, the only daughter of Mrs. Aria, the well-known writer. The bridegroom is Mr. Harry A. Thompson, of the Royal Survey Department, Siam.
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  • 110 6 Another number of the Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums has been issued from the X.M.S. Government printing office, at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Oldh'old Thomas writes on Mammals collected by Mr. H. C. Bobiuson on Tioman and Aor Islands, South China Sea; Mr. 11. N. Kidloy and other botanists
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  • 710 6 H. H. Sanyal. Superintendent of the Zoological Gardens, Calcutta is dead. Mr. K. A. Crawford, of Klang, returned from leave with Mrs. Crawford on Sunday. Mr. Fred Ellis, the actor, is under trial at Poona on a chargo of endangering human life by firing a revolver. Mr.
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  • 41 6 A cargo of petroleum fur Bombay arrived from I'uio Sambu, on .Monday night, by tin; European Petroleum Company s steamer Batoum, and a cargo of kerosene in bulk arrived from Palembang, yesterday, by tin: Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company s steaui' r Palembang.
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  • 54 6 Sergeant Dixon mentioned to Mr. C. F. .1. Green, who was acting as Fourth Magistral this (morning, a case against a Malay motor car driver against whom were charges of rash driving and driving on tho wrong sid i of the road, saying that he could not bt found. A
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  • 109 6 The Anti-Japanese focliuu runs high at Saigon and at other Indo-Chiua ports, though •lapaiiUHC immigrants coutinuc to come in increasing number-. A lar^e bmHh of tin. public views them with -uspiciou its lieuiy spies iiud political tahtaM The Saigon Opinion draws the attvntiun of Mm authorities to the growing number
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 766 6 The One Decoration which excel-, all others for Hospital*, Convalescent Home-N. Nursing Institutions, etc. f j^''"> Hall's Distemper, because l^^T II is when first applied a thorough jy H^l disinfectant destroying all vermin and la' H^F'iqj £k\ microbes. It cm be guaranteed to contain In fc-m ier cen Cresylic Acid.
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  • 331 7 COMPLICATED AND PRECARIOUS SITUATION. England and the Turco-Austrian Deadlock. Kki in; Teleoram 1 London, October 27. Tho situation in the Balkans continues complicated and precarious. Much depends upon Germany's advice to Austria, and an official statement issued at Berlin says that the German Governuieut does not object to
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  • 70 7 Vindication of the Laurier Ministry Assured IRbotbb's Tblbgbam.] I iii i ii In n. October 2*. The elections in Canada already give an ample vindieatiiin of the Lauricr administration. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has been elected for < >ttawa East. The Quebec returns are incomplete, but indicate Mint the
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  • 217 7 Government Proposals Approved. [Rbctbr's Tklec.kam London, October 27. The House of Commous has'had a discussion on the proposals for rcliofjof the unemployed made by the Primo^ Miuister, Mr. Asquith. The proceedings, which Jwore very lively, wore preceded by fifty five questions. Mr. Keir Uardiu moved
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  • 22 7 [Dbi Oitasutiscbb I. loth TnraßAKl Berlin, October 27. Geraiany ami fiubsia have expressed entire approval of th« new Franco- Spanish Note.
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  • 889 7 Allegations of Making False Claims in Supreme Court. The inquiry into the charges of having made false claims in the Supreme Court against Mutukarpen (Jhetty was proceeded with before Mr. M. Thunder.the Third Magis trate, yesterday afternoon. Mr. R. St. J. Braddell appeared for the prosecution, and
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  • 76 7 four Chinese have been arrested on a charge of being concerned in the gang robbery and murder in MacPhcrson Hoad, in which an aged pig-rearer lost his life and the sum of 9600 which he and his wife had saved and were about to take to China
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  • 82 7 Notices prinl-sd in tour languages are being posted in place of public resort, calling attention to tlie in w anti-spitting Ordinance, which lays down rigid restrictions regarding the practice of this disgusting habit in public buildings, on side- walks and five-foot ways. Chief Sanitary Inspector Mayhew was
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  • 433 7 A BRILLIANTLY SUCCESSFUL VOYAGE. Prince Henry as a Passenger. [Dbb Ostasiatischi Lloyd Tblbobam] Berlin, October 27. The greatest excitement prevails in Germany over the success attained by Count Zcpplin in his new airship. Prinoe Henry of Prussia, one of the most enthusiastic aeronauts in Europe, ascended in
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  • 221 7 Interesting Point of Identification in Court. After a prisoner at the Hongkong Criminal Sessions, on the 22nd instant, had been sentenced on a charge of stealing, the point arose as to the disposal of certain notes, valued at 9260 odd, found on him when arrested. A pocket
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  • 150 7 Mrs. Isabel Gonzalez sued Mr. M. E. Sbasha in tho District Court, before Mr. E. C. C. Howard, yesterday afternoon, for $100 as damages for alleged defamation of character and for expenses incurred. Mr. Shasha retorted with a claim for 180 as a month's wages.
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  • 129 7 A Bengali watchman took a ricksha ride to the Post Office, yesterday afternoon, and when he alighted from his ricksha, carelessly paid the money to the wrong man, another Chinaman, who had put out his hand for it. The ricksha puller demanded his tare and the
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  • 771 7 THE SHIPPING CONFERENCE QUESTIONS. Cautions Answers by the Colonial Secretary. At a meeting of tlte Legislative Council, this afternoon, Mr. John Anderson asked the following questions 1. Will the Government state if it is in possession of copies of the following papers printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office
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  • 859 7 Mr. T. S. Baker asked the following questions 1. Is it competent for members of the Financial Committee in approving or disapproving a vote for any service to criticise the methods employed in making arrangements for the carrying out of such service 2. What are the
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  • 353 7 Mr. E. C. Ellis then asked 1. When did the Government first receive the report of the Opium Commission 2. Has the same been forwarded to the Secretary of State for tho Colonies, and, if so, when 3. For what reasons have the Government decided not to
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  • 63 7 Mrs. Henry Gardner, a passenger on board the Cunard liner Carmania, has reported to the company the loss during the voyage of jewellery worth 12,500. The lady believer they were stolen, while the Cunard officials incline to the view that the missing property has only
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  • 173 7 DESCRIPTION OF THE MISSING PROPERTY. Three Persons Arrested. (Fkom Ocr Own Cohhxspondbnt.) Ipoh, October 27. A reward of ***** has been offered for the recovery of the Crown Jewels belonging to the ,Sultan of Perak, which were stolen from the new Istana at Kuala Kangsar. In all
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  • 136 7 Important Statement by Sir Edward Grey. [Rbotbb's Telioram| London, October 28. Sir Edward Uroy, replying to Mr, John Dillon, in the House of Commons, said that Russia had ordered four hundred men to the Persian frontier, but had instructed them not to cross unless Russian lives wero
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  • 43 7 Drastic Treatment of Traitors to the Constitution. UaUTBB'S TILIOBAMs] London, October 28. A criminal court in Constantinople has sentenced to death two Turks found guilty of iuciting to revolt against the constitution. The public cheered the sentences, shouting Long live Liberty."
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  • 36 7 (Dim Ostasiatisohb Lloyd T»uobam| Berlin, October 27. The Austrian Imperial Council, in the prosence of the Crown Prinoe and Princess, will receive Prince Kuni of Japan on the 17th of next month.
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  • 98 7 Throng of Coolies Jump from a Coasting Steamer. There was an exciting sceue in the harbour, yesterday evening, when a throng of contract coolies jumped overboard from a local coasting steamer just as she wan weighing anchor. The unwilling passengers piled into boats, and no lives
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  • 132 7 The steamer Cbeang Chew went aground on Friday in the Penang Harbour whilst engaged in shifting her anchorage from the position she first occupied on arrival. This accident has caused the following ordi r to be issued by the Penang Harbour authorities Masters of vessels are warned
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  • 85 7 The three tours now ruuniug should prove very attractive. The tram riilu from Naardcn Holland along the Zuyiler Zee pa«H Hui*on Enkhuizon-Blariuiu and on to Laaren m most realistic, and should bti i'*ptvi.illy interesting to Dutch R»wideiit* herv. Naplos and Vesuvius hlu wim; the burning crater and the
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 39 8 Scott Russell Prizes. Weather permitting, the first race for the S.-ott Russell prizes will be rowed on Friday, November 6, at 5 30 p.m. The succeeding heat, or heats, will bn arranged later, to suit the competing crews.
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    • 39 8 The Caulfield Cup. The race for the Australian Caulfield Cirp resulted as follows Marana 1 Tulkeroo 2 Islaire 8 Twenty-two ran. The race was won by three-quarters of a length, with one length between second and third.
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    • 53 8 Duffer's Competition. In the Duffer's competition at Kuala Lumpur, for a prize presented by one of them, the following scores were returned: N. F. J. Haszard 52,48,47,49 =196— 25-171 (winner) J. H. Pyo 54,45,49,60 198—11 187 H.C.E.Zacharias 51.52.(>2.ft0 215—20 195 D. tl. Hampshire 65,61,55,57 228—28 205 J L. Niveu
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    • 89 8 Team Race Competition. The attention of the members of the Singapore Swimming Club is drawn to the TuHin Raco competition, which is to take pl tee at the Swimming Club on Sunday, November 8. If the competition is to bo the success it deserves to be, it is obvious
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    • 160 8 This Afternoon's Match. The following arc the teams for this afternoon's polo match, on the Race Course Solangor.— Mr. C. E. Spooner, C.M.G. Captain A. McD. Graham, Mr. R. J. G. Jewitt, and Mr. G. D. Ru«sell. Singapore Polo Club, Civilians. Mr. G. E. V. Thomas, Hon. W. I).
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    • 378 8 Singapore Shield Competition. The S.C.C. and the. R.U.A. mot in the Singapore Shield Competition on the Esplanade yesterday beloro a large crowd of spectators. The game was not as interesting as it might have been, and was at times ■low. The S.C.C. appear to have some difficulty in
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  • 152 8 The Oxford University Press is about to fiublish a sumptuous work on Chinese Porceain, the work of Hsiang Yuan-P'ien, a celebrated connoi»sieur of the 16th century of onr era. This was in the form of an illustrated manuscript catalogue, which was destroyed by lire in London. Happily careful
    152 words
  • 871 8 The thirteenth game in the match for world championship which has been won by Dr. Laskor, resulted in a draw after 119 mnvi-H and 15 hours play. The fourteenth «ame waa also drawn, and for this the following is the complete score Ki-v Lopez (Rio dk Janeiro
    871 words
  • 1488 8 DECREASED PASSENGER TRAFFIC CAUSES LOSSES. Curtailment of Building Schemes. (From Our Own Cokkksfonoknt.) Hamburg, October 2. At a meeting of the Council of Administration of the N'orddeutscher Lloyd, held in Bremen last week, tbo Director-General, Dr. Wiegand, stated that the accounts for the first half of the present
    1,488 words
  • 106 8 During a busy portion of the 3rd instant all the trains in the London tube system, with the exception of the Central, stopped simultaneously owing to an accident having happened to the machinery in the Chelsea power house. Weird scenes were witnessed in the tunnels,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1444 8 CATARRHAL DISEASES OF THE LUNGS Often Lead to Consumption by Stealthy Wfc, and Gradual Degrees. jflM fe THE word catarrh designates an in- SmPIJBSmBbJMBhj flammatory condition of a mucous! fV \Pfi'fli-tI/2 k 1/ membrane, it usually lesulU from AlfS. catching cold. r*,.~ n£ 1 1 A™ wR Elizabeth While It
      1,444 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 133 8 DAY BY DAY Wednesday, October 28. High Water. 11.13 a.m Legislative Council. 2-30 pm. Polo. Racecourse. Corniab Pixie. 51 1 7 and 9to iipm. Hill St. (jrand Cinematograph. Theatre Royal. Hale'a Tours. 7 p.m Japanese Cinematograph. 7 30 p m. Albmnbrn Cinematograph. 7 30 p.m Harima Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m Wa\ang
      133 words

  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 327 9 >»to of formation^ Capital Subscribed I °5 Bharlara* Paid Sham Value op to Untuned Company QcoiATiom 1903 1300,000 1907 1300,000 1901 MOO, OOO 1903 £400,000 1907 1400,000 1901 £60,000 1906 £100,000 :eos »iso,ooo 1906 £130,000 1906 £80,000 1 906 1450,000 1906 £350.000 1907 £100,000 1904 £130,000 1907 1450,000 1906
      327 words
    • 348 9 1805 1906 1904 1903 1906 1904 1905 1908 1905 1906 1907 1906 4160,000 1300,000 £80,000 £70,000 1160,000 416,000 476,000 4810,000 466,000 4180,000 4330,000 7175,000 117,062/11 126,000 32,750 66,700 110,000 16,000 95,000 259,5*0 53,750 180,000 301,500 175,000 1 I i 46,600 108,600 10,600 2,100 22,760 66,700 13,600 10,000 6,000 66,000
      348 words
    • 190 9 1894 1398 IH«S £5,?77.10.0 •125,000 116,000,000 4.SOS 125,000 15,000,000 7.68S 4,500 110,000 18,000 I >.000 f 8.000 I 4.000 3,400 f 6,000 1 3, 750 24,000 600 400,000 1,120 1,000 4,966 300,000 12/6 80 116 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 100 10
      190 words
    • 84 9 3ambier 7.90 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 12.00 Copra Bali 760 do Pontianak 7.20 rc^..:,;— 9-87* do White 6% 15.87J S.-.^o Floor Sarawak 2.95 do Brunei No. 1 2.80 Pearl Sago 8.75 Coffee Dal!, pioked 22.50 Coffee, Palembang. 20% b-ois nom. Coffee. Liberian 24.00 Tapioca, small Xl ke 5.05
      84 words
    • 123 9 On London— Bank 4 m/l 2/4A Demand 2/3J Krivate 6 ro/t 2 4£ do 8 m/s 2/J O. flH.n .r.., -Bank d/d 387 Private 8 m/i> 241 do 6 m.'l 243 Onttonc Bank d/d J92 Private 3 m'e 207 do 6 ml* 209 C« /twiw-BankT T. 174* Private £0
      123 words
    • 21 9 dowartta Krskine 6% MOO.OOO 1% prcir. Riley Hirijreaves 6% 1*6,000 1% prem 9'pore Eleotrio Tramway! Co., Ltd. 6% 850,000 nominal
      21 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 483 9 INSURANCE Companies COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED FIRE, LIFE. MARINE, ACCIDENT GUARANTEE. ASSETS exoeed £17,000,000. W. A. SIMS, c 1375 Manager, Eastern Branob NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH 4 LONDON. Established 1787. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount insured tWS.OOO.OOO Losses paid 11,600,003 Premium inoome. Ik 906,000 lnsuranoti effeoted
      483 words
    • 61 9 Singapore Municipal 6% 400,003 10% p. nom. 5% 1,878,000 6% prem 4)% 1,600.000 5% prem i% 603,000 3% die cr. dtraitt Engineering Byd., Ltd. 6% 46,000 par Tanjong Pagar Dock Board .v 1,050,000 par. PILSENER BEER. KEY BRAND. IMPORTED SINCE MM I^Slfl^ nAJt^^Mtwt. r\^^^^i BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. None Genuine without
      61 words
    • 100 9 J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers, Jewellers, Opticians. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. gf»M»»1 [MAKES THE SKINas S O F T as flfl I 'J B in inn in "i Gr IRRITATION, TAN.and KEEPS THE SKIN SOFT, SMOOTH, and WHITE Alt THE YEAR ROUND. Dolujhtrollo COOLINC X REFRESHING during th« lummr Botil^ l/,l^.and?6Mch M.BEETHAM
      100 words
    • 339 9 VERY CHOICE SELECTION OF LOVELY Christmas Cards. GREETINGS FOR THE SEASON GOLDEN WISHES. A box containing 12 specially seleoted Xmas a box of U specially selected Xmas auj and New Year Cards, including Envelopes. ew Year Cards, including Envelope*. E 7^t y ins har S V Y; et p;r S
      339 words

  • 364 10 EXPERIMENTS CONDUCTED ON NINE CHILDREN. Is the Origin Bovine or Human. A most iutereating experiment is proceeding in Washington in connection with the International Tuberculosis Congress, and one which it is expected will have a decided bearing upon the settlement of the question as to whether human
    364 words
  • 197 10 Yunnan Governor Takes Opium Edict Seriously. The anti-opium edicts of the Chinese Government meet with only lukuwarm support from the provincial Governors and Viceroys. The Central Government, under pressure from the British Minister at Peking, has suddenly awakened to the need of stirring them up in the matter,
    197 words
  • 23 10 The death has taken place of Mr Kos worth Smith, a master of Harrow and of Mr. Ross Scott, formerly Commissioner of Ondh.
    23 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1389 10 Kk i By Special fcsJU3> Purveyors to Warrant />3vt^\ HM K g II q MB Celebrated Oilmen's Stores Xl sfe^Kfc PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES. Tb^^ potted meats, malt vinegar. M W\ Agenu for LEA PERRIN*S WORCESTERSHIRE SAICE HUp HP Crosse Blackwell, Ltd. AN IDEAL INVALID FOOD IN HOT CLIMATES. _VflHM*fi
      1,389 words
    • 145 10 Story of a Slave To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. Mr. W. Knowles, Tragant Street, Bath, tng.,says: "About five years ago I was prostrated with Sciatica. From my right thigh to the bottom of my foot excruciating
      145 words
    • 542 10 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO.. LTD.. jflßßK>v^4ij v~ i f* £S\ We avc J UB t received yffi^Wx&y/aH klmvFsShM issß a Dew sui P meDt of g/jfm&r (JENTS. LADIES. Manufactured by the Star Cycle Co., Wulvcrhauipton. Hundred-* of these machines have been sold iv the Straits, and are unequallud in price
      542 words
    • 456 10 I SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEES SALE OF Tuesday, November 3, at 8.30 p.m. The substantial 3- storey dwelling houite known as Municipal NO. 27, NKIL ROAD. Singapore, area 1,660 square feet, being part of Government Grant No. o. Powell fir Co.. Auctioneers. Evans and Kitovitz. Solicitors. 3333 BY ORDER OF
      456 words

  • 2108 11 PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS FOR IDEAL TOURING. Description of the Car. Knowledge of the advantage and disadvantages of tin- car for extended touring is being increased every year, and in the school of experience definite ideas aro being evolved of the chief requirements of a suitable car. These may be summarised
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 283 11 ARGYLL CARS. SIMPLE f fvry Car Fully Guaran teed EFFICIENT One 14-16 hp, 5-Seated RELIABLE Car expected Shortly. Illustrated Catalogue and full particulars from Syme and Company, SOLE -A^G-EIN-rS. SCOTTISH /^Z^\ TRIALS, 1908. IIHOE MARK. As usual, the most noticeablu feature was tbo overwhelming popularity and success of OFFICIAL RESULTS
      283 words
    • 421 11 SIDDELEY flutocars, FAMOUBFOR W Sole Agents: consistent reliability. CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. JUST LANDED: 20 HP., 6-CYLINDER STANDARD, Painted Green (Sold). TWO MOKE OF THESB MAGNIFICENT CARS ARRIVING IN A FORTNIGHT TO SECURE WHICH YOUR ORDER SHOULD BE PLACED AT ONCK. vindec special motor cycles, :U H.P., with Magneto Ignition and
      421 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 551 12 Scale of Charges* PREPAID ADVKRTIBEHENTB.— MtaeeIItaeoui Wanta of Every Description, Houses, toad, do., to let, are Inserted at tha following IMS*:— One Insertion I 1.10 per inoh. Two 1.00 TfcrM I.M Six I.M Ulna 1.40 Twelve 7.M Twenty-five 10.00 (Each subsequent month IS par inoh.) Tke above rate II baaed
      551 words
    • 519 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Bates Four Line*, on. or two liuertioM, *1. By th. inrh, m Meal, of Charges. BILL COLLECTOR WANTED. Wanted, Bill Collector. Security required. Salary »25. Apply to the Manager. Btraits Times Press, Limited. HOUSE WANTED. Wanted small House, suitable for married conple, with or withont Tennis Court. Write
      519 words
    • 594 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. VUXU i-Poir, om or tw t—rttuM, n.oo Bf la* inoh, n» Boat* ol Caarg**. OFFICE TO BE LET. No. 7, Battery .Road. Apply to Onthrie and Co., Ltd. d 1878 ROOM TOUT. Boom soluble for Married Couple or two Bachelors. Apply Eden Hall, Nassim
      594 words
    • 431 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. U SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds ol HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, lor Carriages Motor Cats, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose, Brake-RE-TREADINO MOTOR TTBES. CODDMNef g'/uGE^LAs! l^Gs! All kinds ol I.R. Buffers and Springs lor Rail- INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and MATways,
      431 words
    • 257 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. RiTCS Poor Lin.., on.;or two in»ortion», »1. Bj th. inch, m Seal, of Charges. RUBBER STUMPS FOR BALE. Good Rubber Stamps, 10 months old. Apply I Manager, Linggi Plantations, Ltd., Beremban. 0 1567 RUBBER ESTATEB FOR BALE. Two Bobber Estates aboot 1,000 acres each (just valued). WiU
      257 words
    • 340 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES K*T«J :-l«t Month, (10 per inch. Sabwqasnt month', 19. For shorter paricxb aee'Mcale of Chart.**. SINGAPORE COLO BTORA6E CO.. LTD. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Transfer Register will be closed from Thursday, October 22, to Wednesday, Octooer 'IH, 19.8, both inclusive. By order, H. G. HODDER,
      340 words