The Straits Times, 27 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.793. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 27. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 297 1 Just Landed. tmm r One four-cylinder, 20-25 h.p. "MORS" LIMOUSINE, painted Red, four speeds and reverse, fitted with SELF-STARTING DEVICE, detachable rims on back wheels and one extra detachable rim fitted with tyre, tyres 920-120, side and rear lamps, two acetylene headlights with separate generator, horn, jack and tools complete.
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    • 290 1 HALES TOURS BEACH ROAO. BIN6APORE. The following Tours are on To-Night: 1. Naples and Vesuvius. 2. (a) Swinging Railroad, Elberfield to Barmen, Germany. (b) Monserrat Mountain. 8. English Scenery and Express Trains. Trains run from 7 to 11 p.m., stopping 16 ruins, to take up passengers. One Trip 10.50 Three
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    • 361 1 Robinson Company. A NEW SHIPMENT OF GOLF CLUBS. I Ajh^. ***"^oa Simpson's Special Drivers and B l^^^" Bi Scott's "Unbreakable Neck r aOS^ S Em t^9 Taylor's Special Masbies and H^Si *m B Masbie Irons. H jM f-~. "^sk Simpson's Masbie Niblicks. Jm K- ,--ya ,-1. i j t AM
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    • 138 1 TUNG CHOY. MERCHANT TAILOR. Fit and Quality guaranteed. Prices Moderate. Latest styles in Hats, Caps, Ties, etc. etc. received by every mail. J3-11, COLEMAN STREET, also at ADELPHI HOTEL. 2287 AGENT WANTED. For the Eerste Ind. Stoomververij, established 18 years since in Weltevreden, Pientoe Besie the only one in the
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    • 23 1 DE SUMATRA POST. Published daily at Medan, Deli, ia the LEADING paper in Sumatra. 6 p H 3 a. W o O W
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  • 1034 2 FORTUNE FROM COMIC OPERA IN FIFTEEN MONTHS. Enormous Success of The Merry Widow. The fortunate composer of The Merry Widow baa already made £70,000 by this most popular comic opera. It is safe to say that in the history of the stage no such work has attained
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 200 2 TTSE "Eagle" Cement For HIGH -CLASS WORK. H f\ I J Contractors to DOPnCQ OO.s E-TU.. Government. GENASCO Tropical Roofing. 2 Ply $1O per roll of 216 square feet. 3 Ply $12 per roll of 216 square feet. Complete with Nails. Caps aop Cement for fixing. "GENASCO" is prepared for
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    • 181 2 BUCHANANS WHISKIES. are not an experiment. They have been the favourite blends at home for many years and are rapidly gaining similar popularity in the Colonies. No expense is epared in keeping both "RED SEAL" AND "BLACK AND WHITE" up to the mark. 46 Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. NBAK
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    • 398 2 LOOK VAN KIT, OENTIBT. AND DENTAL SUPPLIES. No. 28, South Canal Road, and 17, South Bridge Road. High-Class Work. Moderate Charges. Consulting Rooms fitted with electric lights and fans, etc., etc. 1406 J. DA. PEREIRA. HOBTIOOtiTURIST AND FLORIST. Collector and Exporter of Orchids. Diplonu and Gold Medal from tbe late
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    • 25 2 A bead takes all the sweetness out of life. Steams' Headache Cure driven 'theache away and brings the sweetness back. Costs little, does much.
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  • 748 3 LETTERS OF THE LATE QUEEN VICTORIA. King Commands a New and Popular Edition. A most interesting litcra/y announcement was made in London, on the Ist instant int iresting not only as bearing on the publioat on of a book, but as marking in dramatic fashion the close of
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  • 112 3 Traders in Tibet have found that it is choaper to import goods via Calcutta, says the Indian Trade .Journal and an instance is given in which a Tibetan merchant carried 1 ,34,400 rupees in hard cash in his baggage with which to make purchases in
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 588 3 MAINTAINS TOE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with "W« mnnot ipok BX^^BU^B^B>BMa^K^BMB^I^^BIB^^BT m Bb^BTA^K too iifti? Xi I iv*r^ 1 aVI 4 "V&l Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES %Kr%* Tor P id Liver Debility, Eruptions, ad WONDERFUL PURIFIER of
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  • 665 4 Name, port, probable date oj arrival, and name oj Agents. STEAMERS. Alicante, Manila, Nov 1 Barlow Antnng, Hongkong, Oct Behn Meyer Aatyanax, Liverpool, Nov 24 W. Mansfield Armand Behio, M'suillea, Nov 2 M. Maritime! Assaye, Hongkong, Nov 5 P. A O. Coy Ayuthia, Bangkok, Oct 30 Borneo Oov
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  • 329 4 Passengers Outward. Per P. and O. steamer Himalaya, connecting with the steamer Oceana at Colombo, due November 6. Dr. D. K. McDowell, Mrs. Leajfa Clare, Mr. J. W. Staples, Mr. M. B. Rudolf, Mr. W. E. Lott, Mr. P. M. Matthow, Mr. F. E. de Paula, Mr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 32 4 LAXATINE, the Ideal Purgative, reoom mended by the beat medical authorities. East to take and oertain in results. To be had of all chemist*. Wholesale from Tha Pharmacy, Battery Road, Singtpcrs IMS
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    • 678 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. g?O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penan* Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porta, Plymouth and London Through Bills of Lading issued for Hhin Ooaet, Persian Gulf, Continental, and America i Porta. Steam- ra will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINE. (Outward for China). 1908
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    • 492 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AVD CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are deapaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China aod Japan every week aud from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseille] and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 567 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular, servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Stralta, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven dines, oalling at Penang and Colombo. Takmg ijurgo
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    • 799 4 BTEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. HORDDEUV.CHER LLOYD. Imperial liar, .I*ll m b Liaa. The fast and well knows mall steamer I this Company sail fortnightly from Brera- v Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southamp tost, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonn Marseille*, Naples, Alexandria, east vioe r ix, Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo,
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  • 1381 5 •.•<n«» thi. h.».linn th. following Abbrv-i.tti«n> iif ■Md «lr.- .h.-nLip; bq.— l>.»rqaa- Mfcv KbiKiHl; Yet.— Yacht', Cm.— Cron.r O'ttt. -xun ba&t; Tor.- TonMKlo; ll .p. -11, -no power liiit.— Briti.h; O. -lnit»«l SUtM: bch.-Fr.uch; O«.--rn-riv.inu .in l>ul. Dutcii It:U.— ltalian Span.--.sp.mi«!i Har.— Marawak 0.c.-Oeneril curio d.p.— d«k
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  • 78 5 October 3$ fGryfevale. Brit str. Newcastle (N.S.W.i M'iri'X. I'.rit atr. Durban Nam Yon;:. Fril str. Macasaar via ports 26 Zieten, Uer str, Bremerhaven via ports Sigoal, tier str. Hoihow and Hongkong Totomi M»ru. Jap ir, Colombo Bombay Dovre, Nor str, Bangkok Ban Yong Sentf, Brit str, Palembang Ophir,
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  • 96 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO I'AGAR. East Wharf Bahin— Airlie, Jos. L. Eviston. East Wharf Suction I—Penang,1 Penang, Totomi Mara. Aparima. Section No. 1 (Suburb Whaht) Darius. Section 2— Taroba, ltola, Patani. 3— Terrier. 4 Lightning. NiT 6 Alcinous.
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  • 93 5 Outward German Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Prinz Ludwig, having left Colombo at 9 a.m., on the 25th instant anl may expected to arrive here on Friday afternoon, the 30th instant. She will probably be despatohed for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan on the following day, at
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  • 101 5 Fo» Pn SißAMia TutTo- morbow Cucob Qlanggi 10 a.m. Bangkok Patani 11 a.ra Treugganu via ports Aing I.eong 11a.m. Sabak and Djambie Brouwer noon P. S'tenham and Penang Kitlna. 1 p.m. Mnar and Malacca Hong Lian 1 p.m. Malacca, Port Diokson Hong Lee 3 p.m. Batu Pahat .lin
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  • 229 5 Interesting Report by PostmasterGeneral. Au interesting report issued by the Postmaster- General shows that nearly nvo thousand million letters aud packages of ono form or another were delivered in thft United Kingdom in tho past financial year, an average number of 1125 for each person. A sum
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  • 183 5 H.E. Lord Kitchener's vory ploasant dance at Simla, on September 80, onco moro threw open Snowdon, which has boon undergoing changes for the better, to a largo number of appreciative gueists. The drawing-room is the chef d'oeuvre of tho improvements, says a correspondent, and it certainly justifies
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  • 20 5 The above is Singapore Standard Time; to obtain Mean Time, snbtraot five minntes from the time given in the tables.
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  • 120 5 From Ecropk By the N. D. L. steamer Prinz Lndwig Oot. 80. B. I. steamer Thongwa Oct. 31 and M. M. steamer A. Behic Nov. 1. From China— By the M. M. steamer Caledonien, due November 2. .ept 17 B.I. opt 21 M. M. ept 25 P.AO.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 355 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. 7XR7 CHARGEURS REUNIS "ROUND THE WORLD LINE. Tho new twin-screw MtMMf "Corse" 16,000 tous disjilac. nii'iit. DUE ABOUT NOVEMBER 20. 1908. Splendid I'a.sHcnger Arcornmodatiou XIX HONGKONG. BHANGHAI. CH NWANTAO. KOBE. YOKOHAMA AND AMERICA. First-class I'aHsago Fare from Singapore to CANADA I f»ri) INITEDSTATKSf JfrOfca TO BUBOPR I (VIA
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    • 561 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY servioe Is maintained betwoeu Japan i>-id Europe by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughoat by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and
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    • 607 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Lin*. TUX NATIONAL HIOHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN. OANADA and the UNITED STATKH Route (rom Honghong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotoria and Vanoonvcr, KM.B. "Ehpbisb ow Isdia" Twla j-jrew steaR.M.S. "Empudb <i»
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    • 270 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Oct 81— At No. 17, Race Conrse Road, valuable household furniture, at 3.15 p.m. 31— At Tras Street, valuable Chinese furniture, at 2 p.m. H. L. Coghlan and Co. Oct 28— At Godown 14, Tanjong Pagar Wharf, two steam launch engines, at 2.30 p.m. 30—
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    • 70 5 FROM CANADA. Mothers have the same terror of croup in all countries, but Chamberlain's Congh Remedy leads in popularity for a prompt cure of thin dreaded disease. Mrs. Thoa Matthew of Caleden, East Ontario, says: I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy several time*, and I try to kuep it in
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 156 5 DAY BY DAY Tuesday, October 37. High Water. Midnight. Hari Rayah. Football. R.G.A. v. S.C.C. Cornish Pixie. 5 tj 7 and 9 to 10 p.m. Hill Bl Grand Cinematograph. Theatre Royal. Hale'a Tonrs. 7 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph. 7 30 p.m Harima Cinematograph. 7-BO p.m Wayang Kassim.
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    • 193 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Faov October 27 to Noveubeb 2.) HIGH WATER. LOW WATER Time H'gbt Time (H'gbt October in. mm. ft. ins. hn.min.lft. in*. T*». 27 |^-j*T £»S w-~.-if.ft:. m trass TmMn M J 0.41 am 8.9 6.10 am 8.4 Thcr8 D atJ9 (n.upm 9.4 9.39 pm 0 .6 raiDAt
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  • 908 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27. All real danger of an armed conflict in Europe arising out of the recent occurrences in the Balkan Peninsula had passed away before full and accurate information as to the points of difference reached this part of the world. When, for
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  • 303 6 It will be seen from a short report of tbe Hongkong Dairy Farm Company, which we publish to-day, that it is possible to have a pure article and a good profit if tho business of milk supply is in the right hands. The Hongkong Company was started twelve years ago
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  • 18 6 Admiral Lambton was to have been received in audience by the Emperor of China on the 12th inst.
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  • 11 6 Twenty-five horses arrived from Melbourne, yesterday, by the Britinh xteamor Darius.
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  • 16 6 Liong Kow got an additional month for offering 110 to P.C. 41»; to gain his release.
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  • 18 6 From New L'antle, NSW., a cargo of coal arrived, this morning, by the British India stOKinir I tola.
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  • 18 6 In an Assize caxe at Hongkong, a Chinese priHoner described a pocket-book an being of pig's liver colour.
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  • 16 6 A cargo of teak for Colombo, arrived from Bangkok, this morning, by the Norwegian steamer Terrier.
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  • 12 6 The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company's cable ship Recorder arrived from Hatavia, yesterday.
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  • 15 6 Fifty-two thousand cases of kerosene arrived from Langkat, this morning, by the British steamer Stettin.
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  • 17 6 Thieves entered St. Matthew's Church, Neil Road, on Saturday night, and stole a quantity of brass fittings.
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  • 18 6 On Sunday, the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company's steamer Sutra arrived from Pulo Saiubu with 973 tons of crude oil.
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  • 23 6 From Hongkong. 7!<4 passengers arrived, yesterday, by the British steamer Alcinous. Two of these were morphia victims and wore not allowed to land.
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  • 28 6 The usual weekly meeting at tbe V.M.C.A., to-morrow night at 9 o'clock, will be addressed by the Rev. Marsh Kirkby, M.A. Tbe subject of his discourse is Prayer.
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  • 26 6 Four Chinese fortune-tellers were fined 115 each by the Third Magistrate, yesterday, or, in default, sentenced to seven days' rigorous imprisonment, forjobtaining money under false pretences.
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  • 33 6 Two cases of supposed diphtheria have beeu discovered in Orchard Road and one case of small pox in Hokien Street. A Chinaman, who arrived from Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday, died of cholera, yesterday.
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  • 36 6 No. 256, Paesir Panjang Road, occupied by two Europeans, was entered by thieves on Saturday night and a quantity of paints, varnish and table linen was stolen. Entrance was effected by climbing up on a verandah.
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  • 31 6 The passenger's handbook for the all-round-the-world line of the Chargeurs Reunis, tbe French Steamship Company, has been published. It is replete with information valuable to intending passengers aud is artistically illustrated.
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  • 45 6 There was a fight at Pulo Bukom, yesterday, between two Chinese over a possession of a changkol. One of them lies in the hospital in a precarious condition as a result of the injuries he received. A man named Chat Kong Teck has been arrested.
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  • 46 6 The coming naval review at Kobe is definitely announced for November 17. His Majesty the Emperor will come down from N'ara to Maiko on the preceding day, and arrivo at Kobe on the morning of the 17th, wl on he will embark on the cruiser Asama.
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  • 46 6 Qiian Pheow sued Mr. Robert J. Keasborry in the District Court, before Mr. C. .1. Saunders, yesterday, for 938.24 for fixing zinc guttering and piping to three wards at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Defendant putting in no appearance, judgment was given for plaintiff with costs.
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  • 51 6 A Chinese rattan dealer, living in Kauipong Martin, left a hundred bundles of rattan on the mud in the Singapore River, to his loss, for they disappeared on Saturday. A large proportion of the missing rattan has been found in three or four Chinese shops. The police have made two
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  • 48 6 Liong Ku and Liong Kow were tried in tbe District Court before Mr. E. C. C. Howard, yesterday, on a charge of robbing Seah Song Tin of ISO in notes in Upper Cross Street, on October 19, and were convicted and sentenced to nine months rigorous imprisonment each.
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  • 55 6 From Amoy and Swatow, 1,166 passengers arrived, on Sunday, by the British steamer Glenfallock, belonging to Messrs. Wee Bin and Company. The Captain reports that, at 4.80 on October 21, hu paused au upright spar, standing 10 feet above water, apparently attacked to a submerged junk, in latitude 14.35
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  • 55 6 The latest snake story comes from Calcutta and tells of a python which some resident was keeping as a pet, but which broke loose the other day and disappeared. There is considerable apprehension in the city, but anyone who comes across the python, and survives, is requested to lead it
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  • 74 6 Two interesting Ceylou jungle scenes at the Colombo Museum will shortly be on view under the shelter of immense glass case which are now being fitted up in the Zoological section of tbe Museum. The scenes will contain sambhnr and young spotted deer, bear and leopard, crocodile, porcupine, peacock and
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  • 108 6 The sharpness of the boycott in Chinese hands has been again instanced at Blitar in Java. The Chinese community put Harmston's circus nnder ban on a rumour spreading that one of the employees bad beaten a Chinese child, and not one of the Chinese would patronise the oircus. It was
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  • 663 6 Lieutenant D. Percival, R.G.A., rejoined from leave of absence on the 21th instant. Mrs. otte-ii. wife of Mr. J. B. OtUm of th« Chartered Rank. Bangkok, diod a few dayx ago. The Rev. H. C. Izaril returned from Malacca, this morning, by the local steamer Sappho. Captain
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  • 12 6 Shanghai has been in the throun of a vory serious financial panic.
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  • 34 6 The police have received a report of an alleged gan^ robbery and the theft of about $400 worth of jewellery iv a house in Bitw Valley Road, last night. One arrest MM been made.
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  • 41 6 Four Chinese were before tho Third Magistrate, Mr. Maurice Tuunder, this morning, on a charge of possession of 143 packets of morphia and a hypodermic syringo. Threo were acquitted ani thr either »aa fined JIUO. or, a mouth, on each charge.
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  • 55 6 Ah Kiln, the Hylam m mint of Mr. B. Draper, of Orange Grove Road, pleaded guilty before the acting Second Magistrate, Mr. J. S. W. Arthur, this morning, to making away with $30 which his master bad ontrusted to him to be passed on to the cook. He was sentenced
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  • 61 6 The man who was arrested on a charge of being one of three who cauw <l the deatb of a Chinaman on Ann Siang Mill, by assaulting and kicking him bo that his spleen m ruptured, has been released, there being no evidence against him. A reward of 12,000 has
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 293 6 griffins "*Pob" Whisky. A HIGHLAND W WHISKY OF f UNDOUBTED MERIT. SOLE IMPORTERS i Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co. CALIFOE/ITIA 3ST Sparkling Muscatel. Quarts $25 Pints $28 PER CASE. AJjHfe PER CASE. SOLE AOENTS i JOHN LITTLE CO LTD. BRITAIN'S BIGGEST BR I DGI.S are coated with BRIGG'S BITUMINOUS fS. o\.
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    • 280 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT S PROGRAMME FIRBT SHOW AT 7.30 P.M. 1 Mr. Chomp is Too Fat The Arabitn'B Dagger Tbe Text-bcok of a Perfect Oentleman 4 Tbe F*lm Coin 5 Stoney broke Wishes to be Locked Up 6 Tbe My«frioui Knight 7 Tbe Ho«tJ«e 8 Tbe Two Model!
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  • 305 7 DARING BURGLARY AT PERAK SULTAN'S ISTANA. Robbers Obtain Property Valued at $30,000. iFhoM Oil: Own I'nUUKsl'iiMihM I. Ipoh, October 27, 11.40 a.m. A daring robbery has been perpetrated at the new Ihtaua of the Sultan of Perak at Kuala Kangsar. On Saturday morning, the ]>olice authorities at
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  • 114 7 British Schooner Seized and Crew Imprisoned. IRrotkr's Tklrqram| London, October 26. Tlit- Venezuelans have seized a British schooner which was eu route for Trinidad. President Castro, it appears, has practically prohibited trade betweeu Venezuela and Trinidad. Tin Venezuelans have imprisoned the passengers and crew of tin schooner. Tho
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  • 88 7 Oil Trust Nominees as Supreme Court Judges. IiKI in: TbLKIIKIM Loudon, October 26. Mr. Hearst has published more lotters shown. ;j political and financial relations between the Standard Oil Company aud the Republican cx-Guvcrnor and ex-Attorney-General of Pennsylvania. Three of the Standard Oil Company's nominees, including Mr.
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  • 56 7 Goad Behaviour of Sir Percy Scott's Men. |R»ctir'» Tblbobam.] London, October 27. IU-ai Admiral Sir Percy Scott's squadron has left Durban for East London and Capotown. Contingents from the squadron have visited Pretoria. Johannesburg and Capetown. The behaviour of the men has been excellent, and there
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  • 54 7 Australians Beat United Kingdom in Opympic Final. Rkitkks London, October 27. In the ftual of the Rugby football contest in connection with the Olympic Games the Australians beat the United Kingdom by 82 points to 8. An account of the Australian team* opening match will be
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  • 449 7 Preliminary Inquiry into Serious Allegations. A. R. A. Mutukarpen Chetty, of No. 92, Market Street, was before the Third Magistrate. Mr. Maurice Thunder, this morning, for preliminary inquiry into three serious charges. I'alaniappa Chetty was the com plainant in the first charge, accusing Mutukarpen of abetment of
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  • 368 7 The Registration of a Letter of Hypothecation. In the Supreme Court, this morning, Mr. Justice T. Sercombe Smith continued the hearing of the case in which Mr. Gino Pertile is suing the N'edcrlandsche Handel Maatschappij for the return of certain deeds relating to property in Bras
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  • 89 7 The Governor of Shantung has forwarded a telegraphic despatch to the Waiwupu in which he intimated that the German authorities at Tsin^tau bad levied heavy taxes on the Chinese merchants there. The despatch added that the merchants have retaliated by a cessation of business. The Chinese Governor
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  • 124 7 A trader, named Chan Peob, of No. 29, North BriJg« Road, reported to tho police, on Saturday, that he loaded thirteen bags of rice, valued ut $183, into a bullock cart on Friday, but they did not reach their destination. The 'police made inquiries and found
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  • 521 7 THE DASTARDLY ASSAULT UPON MISS RIDGEWAY. Suggested Lynching of Filipino Assailants. Another oue of the Filipino criminals who, at Sao .Juan del Monte. Philippine Islands, assisted in the violation of Miss .lennie Ridgeway, formerly of Singapore, ha* been captured at Lacuna. It was learned by the detectives of
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  • 143 7 Struggle with Tin-Stealers on the Kledang Hills. Another tragedy has occurred as a sequel to the depredations of tin-stealers at Ipoh. It appears, according to the Ipoh journal, that three Malay forest rangers were patrolling the Kledang Hills when they encountered two Chinese tin stealers hard at
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  • 310 7 Enforced Appearance in Police Court Follows. Mrs. Mary Little sued a Christian Tamil, named Maria, in the District Court before Mr. C. J. Saunders, yesterday afternoon, for 154.80 the value of jewellery alleged to have been entrusted to her to sell. Defendant responded with a counterclaim
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  • 649 7 COMMENCEMENT OF THE TUSSLE FOR K.O.R. CUP. Selangor Wins Easily over Garrison Team. Bravo, Selangor For the first time in the history of play for the K.O.R. Cup lias the Selangor team won over a Singapore The ninth annual polo tournament for the cup presented by the
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  • 147 7 While interest has been aroused in Singapore respecting action by the Municipal Commissioners in regard to the milk supply of the Colony, it is worth while noting that, at the twelfth ordinary yearly meeting of the Dairy Farm Company, Ltd., of Hong kong, to be heid today,
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  • 105 7 A Kling bullock cart driver was tried in the Third Magistrate's Court, this morning, on a charge of giving false information to Acting Inspector Brerton, in stating that a certain Chinaman had stolen a bag of flour which was missing from his cart. Accused
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  • 331 7 Pensionable Offices in the IMS. Civil Service. (From Oca Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. October 22. Malaria, which has worked considerable havoc on the inhabitants of certain districts in Selangor, has made its appearance at Kuchai in the immediate vicinity of the I'etaling station. A Government road the
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  • 341 7 Captain of German Steamer Heavily Fined. Captain Bucking, of the German steamer Tsintau, was tried before the acting Second Magistrate, Mr. J. S. W. Arthur, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of being master of a ship used for the importation of chandu, Mr. G. S. Carver
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  • 159 7 If any bold hunter in the vicinity of Singapore is thirsting for the distinction of bagging a tiger, and doing a welcome service to humanity at the same time, he may find it on one of the rubber plantations in Jobore, only a few hours journey
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  • 193 7 a correspondent writes Those who are interested in the local Chinese effort to extend schools among their women folk will read with mingled feelings the remarks of a missionary to the Chinese in Formosa. He says It is reported that away back in the good
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  • 106 7 EXPLANATION OF ADVANCE ON TABRIZ. Great Britain Concurs in Russian Action. IRbctrr's TslroraxJ London, October 27. A Constantinople telegram says the Russian Government has informed the .Ottoman Ambassador that Russia is moving troops into tho Persian province of Azerbaijan, in accordance with an understanding with Great Britain
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  • 56 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) I pob, October 27, 11.40 a.m. The scheme which has been under discus sion in Ipoh for some considerable time past for the establishment of a local Fire Brigade is being very favourably considered here. It is hoped that Ipoh will soon bo
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  • 99 7 No Attempt made to Evade the Hague Award. [Rbctkr's Tklboram; London October 27. Mr. Thus. McKinnon Wood, Undor Secretary for Foreign Affairs, replying to Mr. Herbert Nield, in *the House of Commons, said that Japan was preparing an answer to the protest of Great Britain/ France
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  • 67 7 No Hope Entertained of Friendly Settlement. [Ricteb's Tklkobasi.] London, October 26. The quarterly meeting of the Cardroom Workers Amalgamation in the cotton trade lias unanimously approved the Executive* Inn opposition to a reduction of wages. The resolutions passed extingjish the lopo that the joint conference of
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  • 44 7 Wholesale Charges of Corruption Made. I Rmotib's Tiliqraxs) London, October 27. The Canadian Parliamentary elections have begun. The contest is rendered more acute than usual by the charges of wholesale corruption which have been made in connection with the Trans- Continental Railway.
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  • 51 7 |l)s» OiTisiATisoHi Llotd Tilioramj Berlin, October 26. Final arrangement*! have now been made for the projected trip of President Roosevelt to Africa. He will call first at Mombassa. will then journey through Uganda, after which he will visit the source of the Nile, and finis), up at
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  • 42 7 I Dim OsTiSUTiscm Llotd Tiuoraml Berlin, October 26. The Zeppelin Fund, organised at the time of the recent balloon disaster to Count Zeppelin, has now been closed.. The total reaches the enormous figure of five-and-a-half million marks (£275,000 sterling).
    42 words
  • 28 7 (Das OiT4SUTr»OHi Lloyd Tmum Berlin, October 26. The Siberian Overland Mail which left Shanghai on October 9 was delivered in tier lin on October 26.
    28 words
  • 78 7 Three Chiness, who were convicted by Mr. Maurice Thunder, the Third Magistral*, of participating in an affray in Church Street and were sentenced to a manth'H rigorous imprisonment each and bound over to keep the peace (or six months, appealed to the Supreme Court, yesterday. Mr. Hastings
    78 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 47 8 The runnel's foot, we read in a newly published pamphlet teaching us how we may all become Marathon winners, rank as a vory big item in road-running. This depends, presumably, jpon the runner but. in any case, these personal remarks seem .juite uncalled for.
      47 words
    • 120 8 Bangkok Race Programme. At a meeting of the Racing Sub-Committee of the Bangkok Royal Sporting Club, Mr. Keid notified that the second griffin scheme, which was authorised by the Committee, had fallen through owing to the want of the full number of subscribers. Tbe Sub-Committee have drawn up
      120 words
    • 96 8 Serious Impasse at Shanghai. Telegram of the 10th instant, cays that the Shanghai Taotai, in response to a petition from the yuinsau officials and gentry, has issued a warning requesting the cancellation of the regatta on Friday and Saturday. Ho has refused passes to boats aud launches. Consular representation
      96 words
    • 197 8 Ipoh Ladies' Club. Nine of (poll's fair rille shots fired in a practice shoot at the 100 yards range on Wednesday afternoon, and good scores wore mado by Mrs. Noel Walker and Mrs. Spinks. Tho following is a list of tho scores Mrs. Noel Walker :t6 Mrs. Spinks
      197 words
    • 312 8 Singapore v. Bangkok. The following is the position in tho cable chess match between Singapore and Bang kok:— Kl-Y Lol'BZ. White (Singapore.) lilack (Bangkok.) 1. P-K 4 P-K 4 2. Kt— K B 3 Kt— Q B 3 3. B— Kt 5 Kt— K B 3 i. Castles Xt
      312 words
    • 300 8 (tanks and Telegraph v. The Rest. A liugby football match was played ou the K»pl»nade, yesterday, between teams repre. seiitiuy the Hanks and the Tele«rapli and The Rest. The name was fast and lively, and the contest was keen from start to finish The toanis were of about
      300 words
    • 906 8 The Australians First Match with Devon. The Australians started their tour iv England in most promising fashion by defeating Devon at Plymouth, un September 26, by three goals and three tries to a try. The substantial margin by which they won iv no way Hatters the superiority of
      906 words
  • 1347 8 COMPANY'S SIXTH ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Great Increase in Trade with the Outports. Mr. A. D. Allan presided at the sixth ordinary general meeting of the Singapore Cold Storage Company, Ltd., held in the Exchange Buildings, at noon, yesterday. There were also present Mr. G. A. Derrick, the Rev. N.
    1,347 words
  • 158 8 We all remember, says the Empire, the agitated telegram of the upcountry station master. Tiger dancing on platform. Myself prisoner in signal box. Please arrange." We believe that a very similar message was received a few days ago by the courteous Secretary of a local football team
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  • 85 8 A French Naval League, after the pattern of the like organisation in (iormauy, has lately been started. It has a branch at Shanghai which has scut circulars to all French residents in China and the Far East to help in the patriotic work of extending French commercial aud shipping interests
    85 words
  • 658 8 Penang Newspaper and Concession to Hongkong. We must congratulate Singapore ou a very creditable victory in the futeiport shoot, and commiserate Hongkong whose shooting, it would appear, was not conducted under tho most favourable weather conditions, whoreforc the low place taken by a team which has almost always
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 197 8 CHINESE BROKER WANTED. WANTED AT ONCE, a good Chinese Broker for Life Insurance busiuc4». Uood terms offered to competent niau. Apply to Lntong, c/o Straits Time->. 2337 COCOANUf PLANTATION WANTEQ. Advertiser ia prepared to negotiate for tho purchase of a cocoaaut plantation or land suitable for same. Area not lead
      197 words
    • 283 8 The Favourite WAYANG KASSIM. The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Co., OK SIN'IiAPOUE. TD-ITIGHT, ALEXANDRA HALL, North Bridge ■oai, Uia following pla/ will be su^il Chorolong Choroleng. NEW SCENERIES! NtW PLAYS! NEWARTIBTEB! EVERYTHING NEW! 2S«J PROMISSORY NOTE LOST. Lost, Promnsory Note for ll.tXKi latad October 8, 1908, nude by Tw Kn^
      283 words

  • 5 9 SiMoirou, Octobi* 27, 1906.
    5 words
  • 88 9 nuoDitr o.uu do (Cube No. 1J unpicked 12.00 3opra BaH 7.60 do Pontianak 7.20 'epper, Black 9.871 do White 6% 15.87* iago Flour Sarawak 2.95 do Brunei No. 1 2.80 J earl Sago 8.75 Joffoe Bali, pioked 22.50 Joffee, Palcmbann, 20X bi»" oom. 3offee, Liber ian 24.00 r«piooa, small
    88 words
  • 125 9 vn MMon isauK zn/B at Demand 2/3,', Private 6 m/e 2/4£ do 8 m/i 2/44 On Otma, y -Bank d/d 387 Private 8 m/s Ml do 8 m/i US On France— Bank id 292 Private 8 m/g 207 do em/l 399 On India— Bank T. T. 174 1 Private
    125 words
  • 54 9 Howartb Krt- c t% MOO.OOO 1% prein Blley HußtaaTO: 6% 135,000 1% pre-J Spore Eleotrio TramwayaCo., Ltd. 5% 840,000 nominal Singapore Mouieipa' 6% 400,000 20% p. nom. 1 1 1,878,000 6% pram. »i% 1,800.000 B-fcprem 603,900 6% dil Dom Btralt« Engineering Byd., Ltd. 6% 49,000 par. Xanjong Pagar Dock
    54 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 329 9 >»te of formation Capital Subtaritwd N amber Of Bharw Value Paid up to Bbare* Uniatrud Company QOOTITIOM 1303 1907 1901 1908 1907 1901 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1906 1907 1904 1907 1906 1300,000 ♦300,000 •600.000 £400,000 •400,000 £60,000 £100,000 >U60,000 £120,000 £80,000 •480,000 £160.000 £100,000 £110,000 •460,000 £17,000
      329 words
    • 356 9 1908 1805 1904 1908 1906 1904 1906 1900 1905 1906 1907 1906 £150,000 1300.000 £30,000 £70,000 •160,000 £18.000 £78,000 £810,000 £68,000 £180,000 £330,000 /178.000 1380,000 £100,000 187,062/11 136,000 33,780 86,700 135,000 16,000 88,000 389,880 88,780 180,000 301,800 176,000 I 1 I I 46,800 108,600 10.800 3,100 33,780 66,700 11,800
      356 words
    • 179 9 1884 45,377.10.0 1998 HtS.OM H«5 »18.0«t.0'.:-0 IMS »il,lOO,O'JO !9M II.C 00 1901 *i»,000 1899 »575,000 1908 MOO.OOO 1891 *^„W 1903 £400.000 1904 J160.000 1884 I »JOO,OOO 1890 I »TiO.OCO 1887 IMOMM 325.000 15,000,000 7,688 4,a00 110,000 I 18,000 6.000 6,000 I 4,000 8,400 6,000 i 1,760 24,000 600 400,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 98 9 THE ALBINGIA ASSURANCE COM PANY. LTD.. HAMBURG. The undersigned, Sub-agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept flro risks at current rates of premium. G. A. Fernandez Co. Mi I I We beg to in- 11« f" form Owners 1 and Agents ol Steameiß that we are now supplying
      98 words
    • 124 9 THE STRAITS ENGINEERING SYNDICATE. LTD.. IN LIQUIDATION. The Creditors of the above-named Company are required, on or before the 23rd day of November, 1908, to send their names and addresses and the particulars of their debts or claims to G. A. Derrick, of Gresham B V.A'.-y Hoad, Singapore, the Liquidator
      124 words
    • 60 9 MRS. STEPHENS Begs to inform the ladies of Singapore that she will shortly be opening parlours in Singapore for Face Massage, Electrical Treatment, Chiropody, Hair-dressinc In all Its branches, etc. Ladies visited at borne if required. Moderate charges. She has also a splendid assortment of Toilet Requisites, Fancy Combs and
      60 words
    • 181 9 PHOSFERINE 2ru dn— ft T— ta» M I The Straits Times, AMD The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issue per year (80.00 do per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.60 do per copy 10 Weekly issue per year 12-00 do per quarter 8.00 do per copy 26
      181 words
    • 184 9 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co, Ld, liS|pF CHILDREN'S KNITTED Km E TRIXY WOOL VESTS. Isilfl CHILDREN'S VERY PKETTY WOOLLKN Exact to sketch. Afllk POLKAS, INJWHITE, m^kW WHITE AND PINK, si efj ,2? 5 6 U^^ AN D WHITE S RED. Jr Sizes: 8, 4 and 5 ""<>» 35. 45, 55. 65. ladibsusle
      184 words

  • 223 10 MIDLAND EXPRESS STOPPED BY SEMAPHORE. Death at the Post of Duty. As the Derby to Manchester express was ipproaching Rowsley Station, near Haddon Mall, at 1.45 on September 30, it was brought ;o a halt at the distant signal box, and the tignalman explained that he was
    223 words
  • 734 10 Car Hurled Into a Courtyard in Berlin. As the result of a collision between two trains on one of the overhead sections of the Berlin and Charlottenburg Elevated and Underground Electric hail way, on September 26, 21 persons were killed and 18 were seriously injured, somo of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 632 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital In 60,000 Shares ot 430 each X1.300.000 Reserve Fend £1,825,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors ..£1,300,000 BANKERS. Bank ot England. National Bank of Scotland. Tba London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Ourrent Aooounts
      632 words
    • 550 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. c-aid up capital IEBERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 115,000,000) M 000 00C Bilverßeserve 1M.000.000j I™- 000 000 leasrve Liability of Propristors 118.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. E. Shellim, Esq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. W.J. Uresson. Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Esq. W. Helms, Esq. O. O.
      550 words
    • 54 10 NO DANGER. Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain's Cough remedy to your children. It is intended especially for coughs,- colds, croup and whooping oough, and it is the best medicine made for these diseases. What makes it safe is that it contains no opium. Children like it. For sale by
      54 words
    • 458 10 STRAITS CYCLE ft MOTOR CO., LTD.. £Jm£-^ ?**Y'.' < *^&£r&s;-\ Bbk Wo have just received fS^ v 'i^yaj :',T a new hi P mout ot -^iMgJW^^ I I^VsT'T TTC! (JENTS. LADIES. Manufactured by the Star Cycle Co., Wolverhampton. Hundreds of these machines have been sold in the Straits, and are
      458 words
    • 477 10 SALES DV AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF Tueiday, November 3, at 2.30 p.m. The substantial 8 storey dwelling house known as Municipal NO. 27, NEIL ROAD, Singapore, area 1,660 square feet, being part of Government Grant No. 5. Powell 6* Co.. Auctioneers. Evans and Kitovitz, Solicitors. 2333 VALUABLE FREEHOLD CHINEBE RESIDENTIAL
      477 words
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  • 1151 11 ECHOES OF RECENT FOUR-INCH RACE. Scenes at the Depots. I'robably the busiest and most interesting part of the course was the group of supply depots at Ramsey. There, in a can-fully guarded enclosure, arranged in a continuous row, were the "various pens of the competitor!,, distinguished by large boards
    1,151 words
  • 78 11 Mr. Henry Atkin, Lieutenant iv the British North Borneo Constabulary, died at Sandakan on the Ath instant. He had been suffering from fever for a fow days prior to his death. He joined the B.NB. service in 1906. Of Mr. Atkin, the Governor of British North Borneo writes: The Government
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 357 11 ARGYLL CARS. SIMPLE rvary Car Fully Guar. anteed EFFICIENT One U-I6 hp S-Seated RELIABLE Car expected Shortly. Illustrated Catalogue and full particulars from Syme and Company, SOLE SCOTTISH /gZ&h TRIALS, 1908. TRADE MtKK As usual, the most noticeable feature was the overwhelming popularity and success of OFFICIAL RESULTS IN BRIEF:
      357 words
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    • 58 11 Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements i Reduction In Prices 1 1 THE BORNEO CO., LTD. ST. ANMEWB HOWE. A Church of JSngiana Boarding House for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the plmoe. Applications to be made to the House Master,
      58 words
    • 186 11 THE STRAITS TIMES CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE Following Places IN SINGAPORE x Messrs. John Little Co., Ltd. Messrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel, Beach Road. Messrs. Kirn k Co., Battery Road and Amernian Street. Messrs. Jitts k Co., North Bridge Road. Messrw. Koh Co., SO, Bras Basah Road,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 547 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MiattI- -.sous Wants of Every Description, Houses, a mi, etc.. to lei, an Inserted at th* following One Insertion 1.10 per laeh. Two 1.00 Three 1.90 Six 5.10 Bine 1.40 Twelve T.M Twenty-five 10.00 (Kaon subsequent month M per Inoh.) fas above nto is based
      547 words
    • 523 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Rates Four Linn, on* or two Iniwrtiou, (1. Br tb* inch, M« Sent* of Charge.. PRODUCE GOOOWNB WANTED. Wanted, Produce godowns on Singapore River. Apply to Adamaon, Oilfillan A Co., Ltd. MM TEACHERS WANTEO. Qualified Teachers wanted lor Standards V and VI. Apply, giving reference and experience, to
      523 words
    • 585 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bras i-Fow lisas, ihrlt In— Hun, ti.oo Br shs Uob, see Seal* of Oasisjas, OFFICE TO BE LET. No. 7, Battery Road. Apply to Outhrie and Co., Ltd. 0 1876 ROOM TOUT. Boom suitable foe Married Oouple or two Baobalor*. Apply Eden Hall, Nassim Road
      585 words
    • 414 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Ld. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Bobber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds of HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, lor Carriages Motor Oars, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose, BrakeBB.TBBAI.mO KOTOB TYBES. O^C^'S&hSSSI bIS All kinds oi I.R. Buffers »nd Springs lor Bail- INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and MATways, etc.
      414 words
    • 248 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. B*tu Fomr 1. in.., 0n., 0r two inMrtiou, 11. '.%> By th. inch, Sod* of CharfM. RUBBER BTUMPB FOR BALE. Good Bobber Stumps, 10 months old. Apply Manager, Linggi Plantation!, Ltd., Seremban. RUBBER ESTATES FOR SALE Two Rubber Estates about I,ooo aores eaoh (just valued). Will take
      248 words
    • 268 12 Miscellaneous NOTICEB B*«s:-l.tMooth,ilOp.rlnch. Batrnqunt monttai, H. For shorter period.i hi.Smli of Ch&rgaa. SINGAPORE COLO BTORA6E CO., LTD. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Transfer Register will be closed from Thursday, October 22, to Wednesday, October 28, 1918, both inolnsive. By order, H. G. HODDER, 2808 Secretary. MOTICt OWNERS OF
      268 words