The Straits Times, 26 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.792. SINGAPORE. MONDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 610 1 Just Landed, t One four-cylinder, .20-25 h.p. "MORS" LIMOUSINE, painted Bed, four speedH and reverse, fitted with SELF-STARTING DEVICE, detachable rims on back wheels and one extra detachable rim fitted with tyre, tyres 920-120, side and rear lamps, two acetylene headlights with separate generator, horn, jack and tools complete. Trial
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    • 234 1 Robinson Company. A NEW SHIPMENT OF GOLF CLUBS. dfc^. ~"^l^ Simpson's Special Drivers and B '^■fcll^^^K KM Scotfs "Unbreakable Neck" P.?, B v 2(ji Drivers and Brassies. I M jfcJa wßm Taylors Special Mashies and J&L- Jw B Mashie Irons. wL^Lfl^ JB ,ig& Simpson's Mashie Niblicks. Jm ''gEk Cleeks and
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    • 23 1 "DE SUMATRA POST." Published daily at Medan, Deli, is the LEADING paper in Sumatra. S o H E 2 Id a I o
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  • 972 2 THE WILD PASSION FLOWER AND CLEAN WEEDING. Tremelbye, Selangor, Company, Ltd Speaking at the second ordinary meeting of the Tremelbye (Selangor) Robber Com paoy, Ltd., in London, on September 23, Mr. Norman Grieve, the Chairman, in the course of his remarks said Owing to the sickness amongst the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 381 2 PCHANANS I FAMOUS 1 "Black White" is absolutely the BEST VALUE obtainable. Tlie reputation of this blend lias been built up on the SOLID BASIS of Quality and Age and NO CHANGE has been made from the first. This fact is Guaranteed. DRINK Tansan! The Ideal Natural Mineral TABLE WATER.
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    • 229 2 MARTIN'S n jnyoL &STEEL Men of any IrmruUritjr of iba Syttwu timHy doaa nuv ba ■*ni<ni«tercd Ttww who .in tl*m tm ocwrwn.l th«n. H«ik« ■(>•« cno m .1- «->!*. At all I U#mi\t» and Si<tm q* po«t (r»— ft/* MaUtTIH. Chc-iu*. tOUTHAHPTON, BMOLAMD. Took yan kit. DENTIBT. ANO DENTAL SUPPLIES
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    • 49 2 PROPER TREATMENT FOR OYSENTERY The great mortality resulting from dysentery is due to a lack of proper treatment.. Not one casein a thousand will prove fatal when Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is given at the first onset of the disease. For sale by all Dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 504 2 4 SrilP S DOCTOR L--*t^vW i^^V.*^'*. '^fc' mill aaßßaHaßaWaV^ P^v^jSTW Neurasthenia, Nervous Debility, Depression, Malaria— A guarantee a assurance That is tlie strong point of this week's letier. which is emphatic and definite, anil leaves no doubt of our correspondent's me.mm_ r The letier means leiiainty, it means that a
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  • 1122 3 UNGATHERED HARVEST OF THE SEA. Seaweed as Food for Human Race. The above heading is applied by John L. Cowan to tbe great mass of edible seaweed that annually grows, perishes, and decays in the waters of the ocean. It has been predicted recently by Prof, lionnycastle Dale
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  • 105 3 The Pope received thousands oi telegrams and addresses of congratulation from Italy and abroad on the occasion of the 50th anniversary, on September 18, of the celebration of his first Mass. A large nnmber of people, including pilgrims, having applied for permission to be preHent at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 771 3 *P WHITE'S I 'HONEY' I BRAND I Bacon ®> Hams. I Sole Proprietors John White (8b Co., Bristol, England. li^ BJ" 1^ (Bulmer'sßest VlUCill Herefordshire) GUARANTEED PURE JUICE ONLY OF FINEST SELECTED APPLES. The advantages of a PURE CIDER over SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS in a tropical climate have been strongly pointed
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    • 158 3 G.OTOMUNE'GQ f XMAS f ig? AND vi s New Year Cards, p Fancy Calendars AND A CHOICE COLLECTION OF JAPANESE MODERN ART WARE SPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR Xmas New Year Presents. TASTEFULLY PRESENTED. WONDERFULLY CHEAP. ARTISTIC WORK, ATTRACTIVE ELEGANT. Early Inspection Cordially Invited. The Daily Mail says that the Earl of
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    • 167 3 SIHSTQ-.A.IPOIR/IE Tourist Agency 1, ST. ANDREW S ROAD (CORNER OF ESPLANADE i HIGH STUKETi. T.l. phone No. Itl. 18A.C3-C3-.A.a-E IDEI'.A.IR.TIMIEnsrT'. We have the honour to inform the residents of Singapore and the travelling public, that our arrangements are complete for the transportation of Baggage from the Wharves to HotcU au
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    • 9 3 J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers, Jewellers, Opticians. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED
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  • 701 4 Name, port, probable date oj arrival, and name oj Agents. STEAMBRS Alcm mi, China Oct 35 W. Mansfield Alicante, Manila, Nov 1 Barlow Antnng, Hongkong, Oct Behn Meyer Aftyanax, Liverpool, Nov 94 W. Mansneld Armand Behic, M'seilles, Nov 3 M. Maritime! Assaye, Hongkong, Nov 9 P. it O.
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  • 190 4 Passengers Outward. lVr i". ami steamer Himalaya, connecting with the steamer Ocoana at Colombo, due November 6. —Dr. 1). K. McDowell, Mrs. Leigh Clare, Mr. .1. \V. Staples. Mr. M. E. Rudolf. Mr. \V. K. Lott, Mr. P. M. Matthew, Mr. V. E. de Paula, Mr. R.
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  • 97 4 I'.lukkhu Anauda Metteyya, the young Scotsman who became a JJnddbi-- monk and landed in England last April on a (reaching mission, has left for Rangoon again. He asserts in England the names of 700 earnest inquirers have been added to the books of the Buddhist Society of Great Britain, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 45 4 Why use painful and inconvenient injections when METHYLOIO*. takun internally, are so much better for catarrhal affections of the urinary tract Metbyloids give visible results in a few hours and euro completely in a short time. Cannot cause stricture as injections often do. Price low.
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    • 680 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. O STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penanc, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through BUll of Lading leaned for Obini Coast, Fenian Qalf, Continental, and Am no»Port*. 8tcamcra will leave Singapore od or aboal MAIL LINE. (Outward for China). 1908 Occana Not
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    • 686 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. BURNS PHJLP LINE. SINGAPORE TO *JAY». PORTS, PORT DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND, BRISBANE AND RYDNKr\ ALSO TAKING CARaO ">K OTHER NORTH QUEENSLAND PORTS, BRITISH NEW GUINEA, NEW BRITAIN VNDNEW ZKALAND PORTS (with transhipment). A* induoement offer*. Smooth paasage. Superb Scenery. A regular monthly servioe to above port* is maintained
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    • 492 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AVI) CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despaohed from Liverpool outwards for the Strait*, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam anj Antwerp every fortnight for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 562 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The 'st««m«rs of this Company maintain a regular. Barrios between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Btraita, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven dlreot, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 795 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUT' CHER LLOYD. Imperial (larman Mail Lin*. The fast and well known mail steamer eJ this Company sail fortnightly from Brem i> Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South \;i. ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonneotixo Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vtoe Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Ponau.. Singapore,
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  • 1153 5 minim thl." hmdtnjt Ilia following %bbr<><l*ti mi art ■•cil str. PMDur ih. .hip; b<|. harqa. n-li.— •cliooMr; VC -Vnrlit; Cm.— C'ralsw; (tU.-<.nn but; Tor.— Torpwln ll.p. -11. n.-p™n Hnt.Briti.h; 0. UBfM SUMS F^h.-Kreuch <l«r.OdrmMl Dut -Dutch 1t.. 1.— lUliin Span.— Sp tinah. Hax.— Mvaw:ik O.c— Osneial citrgo;
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  • 33 5 They don't like each other headaches and Steams' Headache Cure. When the Cure goes in the mouth, the A< he t>ets ready to leave. In 15 or 'JO minutes it's gone. Goodbye, Headaches
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  • 97 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAN JONG PAOAB. East Wharf Basis— Airlii\ Jos. h. Eviston. East Wharf Section 1— Penang. Totomi Mara. Section No. 1 (Sheers Wharf)— Nil. Section 3 Taroba, Aparima. 3— Patani. 4— Nil. i 8 Cilypso. m
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  • 115 5 PASSED SUNDA 8TRAITS OR ARRIVED FOR ORDERS. Oct. 8.— Ger. str. Worms, Capt. Schroder, from Tjilatjap, Oct. 6. For Batavia. 9. Dut. str. Bogor, Capt. Werkhovcn, from Batavia, Oct. 9. Rotterdam. 10. Dan. bq. Tbora, Captain Thomson, from Celebes, Sept. li, Azores. 11. Dat. str. Ternate, Capt Gantvoort, from
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  • 88 5 October 34 Oanfa, Brit etr. Marseilles, Havre, Liverpool Brasila, Ger sir, Hamburg via ports Benarty, Brit str, Hongkong and Japan Kum Sang, Brit str, Penang and Calcutta Kirn Soou Hnat, Dut sch, Pontianak aa t Zamora, Brit str, Christmas Island Fri, Nor str, Saigon Ban Whatt Hin, Brit str,
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  • 293 5 Royalty Satisfied of Progress That is Being Made. Siamese Malaya is rapidly going ahead on progressive lines, according to recent news from that regiou, says tbe Siam Obse: ver. Road making has been pushed ahead on a very extensive scale of late so that it is now
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  • 143 5 Per Delhi, Captain J. D. Andrews, Oct. 24. From London: Sir W. H. and Lady Hyndiniiui Jones, Messrs. Claude Evans, Wan Idris, 11. Host, I. Abubukar, Falconer Stewart, Mrs. A. Pearce and Miss L. T. Price. Marseilles: Messrs. A. E. MuUholland, J. W. Daado, Stanley Kabey, R.
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  • 96 5 Koe Pn Bteimib Tims To MORROW Kelautan via ports Abbotiford 9 a.m. Europe via ports /Cieien 11 a.m. P. Bwettonham, Fonang Rotorua 1 p.m. Palembwg Ophir 1 p.m. Penang and Calcutta Lightning 3 p.m. P. Swettenham via ports Poh Ann 3 p.m. Malacca and Moar Lady Weld 8
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  • 120 5 From Europe —By the N. D. L. steamer Prin/ Ludwig, October 80. From China—By the N. D. L. stammer Zieten, due October 26. ept ept opt ept ept ept tot tot let tot tot tot tct 11 P. <k O. 15 N. D. L. 17 B. I.
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  • 41 5 Lord Kitchener has allotted ;80,000 rupees for volunteer camps and field days in tin ensuing season. The greatest interest is being taken in the <JommandorinChiefs visit to Peshawar, to distribute modal* and orders for tbo Xakha Khel and M.tliiu tn<l expeditions.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 466 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. KY7K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY aervlce la main tamed between Japan ai.J Enropc by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW 3TEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, apeoially dnaigned for the Comuan) 'b European Service, lightod thrsnghoat by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for
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    • 527 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. UNION 8.8. CO. OFjNEW ZEALAND. LTD SINGAPORE TO NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND. '""ELLINGTON, LYTTLETOX AN'I) DUNEDIN, ALSO CALLING AT SAMARANG AND FIJI (IF INDCCIMBNT OFTIRS). The Company's T.S. Steamer APARIMA 6,704 tons, Edwd. Stott, Commander, maintains a regular four-monthly service between Singapore and New Zealand. Excellent saloon accommodation amidships,
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    • 549 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Una. r)NA[i HIGHWAY TU Kl'KOiE ru J\: VN CANADA *nd lac UNITE n STATK6. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea otJapan), Kobe, Yokohama, Vlotoria and Vanoonv R.M.B. "Rmimu o» lirou" ]Twin-aorew stea11.M.8. "Khpsms ot Jkx-kn" men,
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    • 127 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Out 26— At Rochore Market, sale of Tongkong, Chit Soon Hak," at 5. 1S p.m. 81— At No. 17, Raoe Coarse Road, valuable household fainitnre, at 3.15 p. m. 81— At Tras Street, valuable Chinese furniture, at 2 p.m. H. L. Coghlan and Co. Oct
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    • 56 5 "As hardy as the Numean lion's nervu" is frequentlly said of those who have taken Steams' Wine. For thin, nervous and fretful nle of all ages, it is just the right thin);, trengthens the nerves, increases the appetite, stimulates digestion, and thus adds weight to tbe body. Very palatable, and
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 248 5 DAY BY DAY Monday, October a 6. High Water. 11.24 p.m. Rogby Football. Banks knd Telegnph v. Rest. N.D.L. homeward mail dne. p.m. Warren Shield Football. Polo. Raceoonrse. Corniih Pixie. S t) 7 and 9 to 10 p.m. Hill St. Grand Cinematograph. Theatre Royal. Alhambra Cinematograph. 7 30 p.m Hale'a
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    • 128 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fbom Octobxb 36 to Xoveubeb 1.) HIGH WATEB.|LOW WATER Time E'ght Time H'gbt Ootobet hw. min. ft. ing, hrg.min. ft. ing. TIOTSO am ~~9T2~ 4 48am 3.6 MoKBii 2« n.»4 pm 9.2 4.57 pm 1.4 /11.18 am 9.8 5.10 am ».7 Titbdai 27 527pm 1Q w sg
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  • 1018 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26. If the reform of China in the matter of opium smoking can be accomplished by means of ink and paper, it is already within sight A recent ssue of Chines Opinion contains the text of new regulations designed to govern the
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  • 8 6 The cruiser Gladiator is to be broken up.
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  • 15 6 A new bank has been opened at Phrapatom, Siam. witli a capital of Ticals 400,000.
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  • 12 6 From Swatow, 483 passengers arrived, on Saturday, by the N.D.L. steamer Tsintan.
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  • 37 6 Osman, Captain of the steamer Hong Lian, was before the Acting Second Magistrate, on Saturday, on a charge of landing a decrepit person in the Colony, after having been warned not to do ao. He was acquitted.
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  • 16 6 The price of tin in Singapore to-day is »67( per pirul. Fifty tons have been sold.
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  • 14 6 From Bangkok, a cargo of rice arrived, this morning, by the Norwegian steamer Profit.
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  • 18 6 The usual practice for the musical festival will take place at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 5.15 this afternoon.
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  • 20 6 The Speaker has abolished the privilege of ladies to watch debates through the glass doors of the House of Commons.
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  • 18 6 The Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company's steamer Murex arrived from Pulo Saiiibu, on Saturday, with a cargo of crude oil.
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  • 20 6 Four thousand tens of cool were brought from Newcastle, N.S.W., by the British steamer Aparinia, which arrived here on Saturday.
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  • 21 6 A cargo of coal arrived from Newcastle, by N.S.W., yesterday, by the British steamer River Forth, consigned to Messrs. Huttenbach Brothers.
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  • 37 6 The master of the steamer Cornelia reports having passed a tongkang bottom upwards in Lat. 5 deg 8 mm North and Long. 100 deg 16 mm East. The masts of the tongkang are not visible, he says.
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  • 41 6 The Secretary of the Hyderabad Relief Fund has applied to the Burma Chamber of Commerce to open a relief fund in Rangoon in aid of persons rendered destitute by the recent floods. The public firms and prominont citizens have been circularised.
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  • 48 6 A workman on the Eastern Bengal Railway observed an obstacle on the line near Naikatti, Calcutta, on the 14th instant, and as he tried to remove it with a hammer, it exploded, injuring him but not severely, and proved to be a bomb placed to wreck a train.
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  • 44 6 A young European, named Duff, who landed at Bombay from England on July 29 was arrested at Poona, on the 14th instant, on a charge of attempted cheating. He is alleged to have described himself as Lord Charles Buukley and thus cheated several tradesmen.
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  • 47 6 Messrs. John Little and Company have a large stock of the celebrated Sparkling Muscatel Big Tree Brand, a wine which is finding great favour owing to its wholesomeness and the delicious flavour of the Muscat grape, and also to thu moderate price at which it is offered.
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  • 55 6 The new Japauese Cinematograph, Beach Road, have secured at great expense a film which promises to be one of the most sensational ever shown in Singapore, depicting the Thaw murder trial with all its attendants scenes of interest. The film is 2,200 feet long and comes from New York. It
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  • 59 6 Mr. L. E. Gaunt defended a nonia named Chua Nui, in the Second Magistrate's Court. on Saturday, who was charged with cheating Tan Kam Neo, auotlier nonia, in respect of jewellery valued at $500, in taking it from her ostensibly to sell and then not returning nor polling it. She
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  • 70 6 The prospectus is out of the Glen Bervie Rubber Company, with a capital of £35,000. The hsue is of £22,000 in XI shares, of whLh u.OOO shares are given to the vendor iv part payment of the £12,000 for the estate. Glen Bervie is iv Langkat, Suuiat^ three miles from
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  • 72 6 The new Sub Station of the Penang FinBrigade in Peuang Koad is now completed. It adjoins the Jinrikioha Station, and occupies the site of the old Municipal Stores and Coolie Lines, which is probably the oldest piece of landed property owned by the Municipal Commissioners. The Station consists of a
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  • 69 6 Kok Ah Soug, an aged Chinaman who said that he was quartermaster on a steamer, was before the Tb'.rd Magistrate, Mr. Maurice Thunder, this morning, on a charge of attempting suicide by jumping into the Singapore River at Cavenagh Bridge, on Saturday afternoon. He explained that he was burning with
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  • 69 6 Wee Kee Liong, a Straits-born young Chinaman, went with four friends, on Saturday, in a sampan to Pulo Kusu, a favourite resort for Straits-born Chinese near St. John's Island, intending to spend Sunday there. While bathing, yesterday morniug, Wee Kee Liong disappeared. His body was subsequently recovered by his friends.
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  • 107 6 The islands of the Pacific Ocean contain the largest known deposits of high-grade phosphates. A London company controls the deposits in Ocean and Pleasant Islands, in the Gilbert group. The deposits on these inlands are, says the United States Consul at Tahiti, estimated at 50,000.000 tons, of which scarcely 1,000,000
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  • 105 6 The Dutchess of Marlborough, in opening an Oriental bazaar in the Great Hall uuder St. Bartholomew's Church. Dalston, said the Chinese Minister bad greatly assisted the Committee. 'and shown much interest in tbo scheme of decoration, which included an immense pagoda. He also presented a magni ftcent piece of Chinese
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  • 457 6 Mr. 11. C. Criswick. of Messrs. Konnudy and Company, has returned to lVuang. Mr. R. Peirce. Municipal Engineer, arrived from Home by the P. and -Winner Delhi on Saturday. Mr. H. W. Bray was a passenger from Labuan by tho N.D.L. steamer Marudn. which arrived yesterday. It
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  • 48 6 The Imperial German mail steamer Mv Ludwig, having left Colombo on the 25th instant, at 9 a.m.. may be expocb il to arrive here on Friday afternoon, the :t"th instant. She will probably be despatched (at Hong kong, Shanghai aud Japan on the following day, at 9 a.m.
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  • 75 6 The Bangkok Times hears that most of the inmates of the Koyal Military College. Bangkok, woe taken ill after eating their mid-day moal on the 12th iustant. Tliesytup terns pointed to poisoning, and there seems to be no doubt that somo of the food was bad. As to the particular
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  • 89 6 Though Bangkok is not one of tho great shipping ports of tho world, still with the dredging of the bar aud other improvements, it could be turned into oue. of the luost important and safest harbours in the Far Kast, says the Siam Free Press. With the con stantly increasing
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  • 79 6 Tho Chinese brigand refugoes in tho mountains of Tonkin are hard pressed by the Hying columns of French troops in pursuit, and their numbers are continually thinned by skirmishes. The uioiiutaim.i eagerly hunt them down, and ooe village headman brought in nine bleeding heads of brigands who had been overtaken
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  • 88 6 A wad tragody has boon enacted .it t ■>, near LyooH, MM XI. Duuliur do Koux-Ht, it painter and a Knight of the Legion el Honour, has killed his son. Tin- young man, who reointly returned from military lurvicc iv Toukiu, wuere tie 11 xaid to have sntT.ircd from foyer,
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  • 93 6 After all its vicißsitudes, Signor Scarfo^liu'n V.uHt car, on which he journeyed from Now York to Paris, came to an uutimnly end at Bromley Station ou September M, The car wax about to be put on a truck to be taken by rail to Kolkextone, aud the chaaffeur, Haaga, was
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 155 6 I JUST LANDED. Finest Almeria GQljoiee Sdipment. RAPES (to) Thompson, Thomas Co. SEEDS OF ROBUSTA COFFEE SEEDS OF ROBUSTA COFFEE offered by offered by the Coffee Estate" HA.). >EI,OK, the Coffee Kstato "TAMAN GLOEOAH at BAN.IOKWANdIK, Java. at BAS.JOEWANCiIE, Java. IM dollars per pikul. 150 dollars per pikul. M> MM
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    • 215 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. TONIGHTS PROGRAMME FIRST SHOW AT 7.30 P.M. 1 Enohanted Ola»«» Wonderfnl Scarf t The False Coin i Mr. Chump in Too Fat Horrmb for Freedom <'. The Two Models 7 Text book of a Perfect Oentlman 8 Bobby on the 6pree 9 The Myiteriou) Knight 10
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  • 582 7 BITTER AUSTRIAN ATTACKS ON ENGLAND. Alleged Atempts to Bribe Turkey. Hsu-run's Timuham.) London, October 24. The Vienna press denounces Great Britain as responsible for the rupture o[ negotiations between Turkey and Austria. It declares that Austria, supported by Hermany, will only attend an international conference which recognises the
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  • 24 7 (Rkctiik's Tklkoram.) London, October 20._ A Tokyo telegram says the American Flett has proceeded toOlangapo in the Philippines.
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  • 35 7 I'm Ohtasutischi Lloyd Tiliokamj lierlin. October 'J4. For the tirst time in Paris, the Goetterdaemmerung, one of Wagner's famous operas, has been played, «ud was an unprecedented triumph in operatic circles.
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  • 303 7 Engineers Complimented at Annual Inspection. On Saturday afternoon, the Singapore Royal Engineers (V.) were inspected by Captain Wilson. R.E., D.S.O. An instructive and interesting afternoon's work was witnessed. After the men had been drawn up in line, under Lieut. G. R. 11. Webb, to receive the inspecting officer,
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  • 384 7 The Forfeiture of Unpaid Shares Desired. The meeting of this Company, at noon to day, was of an interesting nature, the detailed statement of its position, mule by the Chairman, Mr. A. D. Allan, showing the bright outlook of the concern. He explained the principal reasons for
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  • 103 7 There was plenty of talk and no little amusement at the M <^istracy at Hougkjng recently, when four women and two men were charged with obtaining from Chan Yu the sum of $44 by alleged false pretences. The trouble arose, according to complainant, of his having married oue
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  • 178 7 Mr. Maurice Thunder, the Third Magistrate, concluded, on Saturday, the hearing of the case against Chui Fook Chiong, an additional police constable who is attached to the Municipality, and who was charged with accepting an illegal gratification of 82 as an inducement to forbear lrom obtaining a
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  • 87 7 TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT AS A DIVIDEND. Improved Prices being Quoted for Futures. (From Oik Own Cohkksimindknt.i London, via Penang. October 25. Prices are being quoted at higher rates for future deliveries of rubber, the prices for January being 4s. "> ;< l and more distant dates 4s.
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  • 66 7 American Car Wins in a Keenly Contested Race. IRkutkk's Tklkimmm London, October M. For the Vanderbilt Cup Race, run on the Long Island course, New York, there were twenty entries, and the distance was 258 miles. Robertson's American car won in 4 hours 2 minutes anil
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  • 56 7 Liberal Split Ends in Liberal Defeat Kkutkr's Tklkokam) London, October '-'.">. In the election for a Lord Rector of Glasgow University to succeed the late Sir Henry Campbell liannerraan the voting was as follows Right Hon. Lord Curzon (0) 947 Right Hon. D.Lloyd George |Li 93.
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  • 47 7 Lord Curzon Favours Giving Degrees to Women. Km- runs Trliokam] London October 1. Lord Curzon has put forward a scheme of reforms for Oxford University, of which he is Chancellor. It includes opening all the degrees to women on the same basis as men.
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  • 55 7 Great Improvement on the Original Model. I Das OsTAHurisoHi Lloyd Tilmbam| lii-rlin, October 24. Congratulations ate being exchanged in aeronautical circles over the unparelleled success of the new Zeppelin airship. Iv point of general construction, steering, stability and speed, it is claimed that the balloon is equalled by
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  • 168 7 Jealous Husband Brutally Murders His Wife. A terrible tragedy occurrod in the Selebin Road, Ip ih, Dm other day, a Kling nearly hacking hU young wife's head off with a gra*s cutter's kuife. Tiie pair dwelt near the Roman Catholic Church in the' Selebin Road, and, according to
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  • 91 7 The New York Sun, quoting Mr. John Dillon's belief that the Irish cause, if killed in America, will soon die in Ireland, remarks that if Mr. Dillon be right it must be mortifying to the Irish enthusiasts to recognise that in all their endeavours they must still
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  • 95 7 A lham bra Cinematograph. This popular show was packed as usual on Saturday night, when a much appreciated programme of pictures was, presented. To nigbt there will be an entire change of programme, and new films will be shown. Among these are a fine lot of coloured ones entitled the
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  • 1062 7 MODERN METHODS OF TRAINING THE YOUNG. Analysis of the Revised System. The fact is becoming more apparent to mauy an intelligent lad in Singapore that, after leaving school, employment is a matter for serious consideration. In former years, he might enter a godown with comparative ease, and
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  • 343 7 Success with Beycke's Treatment at Rangoon. With reference to Reuter's message regarding the cure of leprosy, the Rangoon Gazette mentions on reliable authority that the treatment of Professor Beycke of Constantinople was introduced at the Rangoon Leper Asylum (situated at Kemmendine) two months ago, two patients
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  • 170 7 Dead Body of Malay Partially Eaten by Wild Pig. On Tuesday last, a Malay informed the Ipoli Police that his son-in-law had been murdered at Tanjong Rengong and said that the body was lying in the jungle. The Police wont to the spot indicated by the man
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  • 118 7 For some years past, great annoyance has been caused by the ravages which are made by rats on all new books, and so on, bound in the Printing Office, Sandakan, says the 8.X.8 Herald. It has been found that the paste used was -chiefly responsible, being composed
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  • 180 7 Since the tramcars started running as far as Gaylang, buildings have sprung up like mushrooms all along the route, and as rent is cheaper there than in town, a largo number of people are migrating in that direction. There is, however, one serious drawback to residents,
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  • 207 7 The annual installation meeting of Read Lodge No. 2337, was he'd at the Masonic Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday. The ceremony took additional interest from the fact that this year is the fiftieth anniver nary of District Grand Lodge, and the sixtieth since W. Bro. W.
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  • 899 7 RUMOURED MUSCOVITE ADVANCE ON TABRIZ. Review of the Situation. [Rkutkb's Tklkoram] London, October 25. Router's Constantinople corresponent says intelligence has been received that Russian troops have crossed the Araxes and have entered the province of Azerbaijan. It is presumed that they intend to occupy Tabriz, where a
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  • 62 7 Grave allegations a«ainnt tliu Kn-wiauH in Manchuria are contained in advices from Harbiu received in St. 1'oternbur^. It in asserted that torture forms a frequent part uf the procedure" of the ho called Rutwo Chinese Court of Justice. The Chinese believe tliat this exists with the approval of the authorities
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 218 8 There will be no tennis at the Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club to-morrow, in consequence of the Hari Raya. While in a koleh off I'asir Panjang, yesterday. Mr. G. D. Neubronner shot a crocodile measuring 10 feet from tip to tip. The Governor of Ceylon, who offered a
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    • 86 8 Forthcoming Competition. It is intended to hold a Club Team competition, on the lines of the Cricket Club Five-a-side Football competition, the preliminaries of which will be swum off at the Swimming Club on Sunday, November 8. To make the competition a success, it is necessary there should be
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    • 79 8 Married v. Single. This match, which took place on Saturday, at tho Tanglin Club, resulted in a win for tho Single by 421. The scores were as follow: J. W. Darbisbirc 664 D. M. Craik 510 L\ Hafaer 546 V. A. Flower 670 W. Q. Hcnnings 665 H. Freeman
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    • 125 8 .Singapore Qolf Club. The October monthly medal in connection with tho Singapore Golf Club, was playod Saturday and Sunday, and resulted in a win for Mr. C. Evoritt. The scores were Brilliant Play at Ipoh. Dr. Clarke, of Batu Gajah, put up a record for the Ipoh Gob! Links
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    • 190 8 This Afternoon's Match. At the timo of writing, rain is descending heavily and it does not look as if the ninth annual tournament for tho cup presented by tho officers of the *!> King's Own (Royal Lancaster) Kegiment will begin this afternoon at the Racecourse The draw for play
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    • 221 8 .Singapore Hunt Club. One would hardly believe that on such a small island as Singapore it is possible to lose one's self. Rut yesterday morning about a score of horsemen and one fair horsewoman drew rein in some long grass over cross country, and confessed that no one
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    • 205 8 Singapore Shield Competition. The R.G.A. and the Warders and Hoyal Engineers met in a Singapore Shield league fixture at Sepoy Lines on Saturday. Both sides played wefi, and some neat passing and good attempts at combination were seen. The Warders and R.E. were the first to assume tho
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    • 289 8 Match on Esplanade. On Saturday, the Committees'of the S.C.C. played a cricket match against The Rest, and the game ended in a win for tho Commituei by one run and four wickets. For The Kest Dr. Scharongaivel played an excellent game scoring 52 runs. H. W. Noon was tho
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    • 484 8 Match at Tanglin. An interesting rifle shooting match was fired, yestorday morning, at the military range at Tanglin, whea the regimental team of the Royal West Kcnts met a team of the Voljntcor Engineers. In spite of the excessive heat on the range, some good shooting was recorded. The
      484 words
  • 672 8 Singapore Recreation Club's Annual Gathering. The annual sports of the Singapore Recreation Club, which were revived last year'after au interval of fourteen years, were held on Saturday. Notwithstanding the fact that the ground was heavy owing to the downfall of rain earlier in the day, the sports were
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  • 149 8 Writing from London, on the Ist instant, Messrs. Sanderson and Company state that the market for Para 'inds has shown great strength, and prices of fine hard have steadily advanced, closing very firm at top quotations. We quote fine hard on spot 4s. ."■;.<!.. October 4s. 3d.,
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  • 85 8 "Gentlemen" and Other People. 'Die men of the Upper-class in England, dear Lady Betty, writes Truth, are educated to be "gentlemen the men of the M-ddle class are educated to become gentlemen the latter strai a every nerve to succeed at tbe competitive examinations for appointments which will raise thorn
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  • 450 8 The great match is ovor. aud Dr. Lasker retains his title as champion of the world by ,1-e substantial majority of tire wius. the actual score being Laskor eight, Tarrasch three, and five drawn games. According to the conditions of the match, draws wcro not to count,
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  • 128 8 There was another good house at Hose s Circus on Saturday night, when some new tarns were given. Miss Snsila. the prima donna of the show. came in (or a great share of praise in her globb rolling and trapeze acts. In the latter, as well as on
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 594 8 ill I ill inlHirßMTTnTiliT 111 'rrynnrnw^rm L Oj£?. -->■ rrr t Miu»« '•'jß* K ~«-<tiTtttttthw Singapore: Kuala Lumpur: Kumpers Co. Federated Eng nearing Co. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. LABORATORY ASSISTANT WANTED. Wanted, a Laboratory Assistant for the Pathological I >epartniunt, salary )70 per month. Applications to be forwarded on or
      594 words

    • 88 9 tambiei vo do (Cnbo No. 1) unpicked 11.95 X* Bali 7.60 Pontianak 7.20 'epper, Black 10.00 IT White 5% X Flour Sarawak '2 95 Brunei No. 1 2.80 'earl Sago 8 75 Joffee Bali, picked 22.50 Joffee, Paleinbanj;, 20% bam» nom. Joffee, Liberian 34.00 fapiooa, small Flake 5.05 5o
      88 words
    • 123 9 CM London -Bank 4 m/B Wft Demand W I'rivatc S m/g 2/4 do 8 m/l 2/4 > On Gtrmtny -Bank d/d 287 Private 8 m/i 241 do 0 m/B 148 On Francs -Bank d,'d 292 Private H m/l 287 do 6 m/l 299 On 7«d«a-Bank T. T. 174* Private
      123 words
    • 53 9 Howarth h'.liim i% 1600,000 1% pretn Riley Hargreavoa t% 228,000 1% prem Spore Eleotrio Tram ways Co., Ltd. 5% 350,000 nominal Singapore Munich...: 6% 400,000 20% p. nom. 5% 1,978,000 6% prem. 44% 1,600.000 6% prem 603,900 6%diinom SlraiU Engineering Syd.. Ltd. 6% 45,000 par. Xanjong Pagur Dock Board
      53 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 323 9 Capital Snbeorlbed of Share* lane V»lae Company QmniTiam form»tion op to Unissued 1903 1807 1901 190) 1907 1901 1906 1905 1906 1900 1906 1906 1907 1904 1907 1906 •800,000 •800,000 •600,000 £400,000 •400,000 £60,000 £100,000 •150,000 £190,000 £30,000 •450,000 £150.000 £100,000 £130,000 •460,000 £37,000 <M»,000 215,000 600,000 860,000 575.000
      323 words
    • 359 9 1906 1908 1904 1908 1906 1904 1805 1906 1905 £160,000 1300.000 £80,000 £70,000 •150,000 £16,000 £75,000 £810.000 £65,000 187,069/11 136,000 99,760 68,700 196,000 16,000 66,000 369.580 58,750 46.600 103,500 I 10.500 t 2.100 39,760 66,700 11,500 10,000 6,000 M.OOO I 181,454 1 1J3.848 f 60,000 15,000 180,000 184,000 S
      359 words
    • 188 9 1884 477.10.0 4,600 1898 1135.n00 SSS.OOO 118.000,000 15.000,000 7,888 4.500 110,003 18,000 I 8.000 f 6,000 I 4.000 3,400 I 6,000 1,780 14,000 600 400,000 1,110 1,000 4.958 300,000 11/6 80 115 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 80 1 100 100 100 10 life 80 118
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 259 9 Tixe-Ballh on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime. The time Rnn is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday. wbeD it is fired at one n'elook THE ALBINGIA ASSURANCE COM
      259 words
    • 116 9 THE STRAITS ENGINEERING SYNDICATE. LTD.. IX LIQUIDATION. The Creditors of the above-named Company are required, on or before the 23rd day of November, 1904, to send their names and addresses and the particulars of their debts or claims to O. A. Derrick, of Gresham llotifu*. Rntterv Hoad, Singapore, the I<junHin
      116 words
    • 60 9 MRS. STEPHENS Bega to inform the ladies of Singapore that she will shortly be opening parlonrs In Singapore for Face Mafaage, Electrical Treatment, Chiropody, Hair-dressing la all Its branches, etc. Ladies visited at home if required. Moderate charges. She has also a splendid assortment of Toilet Requisites, Fancy Combj and
      60 words
    • 154 9 BT. ANDREW S HOUSE A Church of fcnen-. HjftrJing Home for Garopean :d Eurasian boys who desire to ittend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew'! House or to the Colonial Chaplain. Wines I Wines i Ocn nine table claret at 4-75
      154 words
    • 232 9 WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., 56 end 57, High Street. JUST UNPACKED: A Large Consignment of Goods Comprising Silk Lace, Shawls, Collars, Scarfs, LAQE (by ths yard), etc., to> uumeroui to mention. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD. Prices Strictly Moderate^ "S^ Inspection Kindly Invited. Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co Ld. \i. ffim CHILDREN'S KNITTED \l
      232 words

  • 447 10 rI\NY LIVES SACRIFICED IN THE LAST HUNDRED YEARS. The Search for the North Pole. For many years expeditions to Greenland nid the quest of the North Pole have tttracted adventurous explorers, ;>n<l the ands of ice and snow have been the scene >f romance, hardship and
    447 words
  • 202 10 Servants Carrying Their Masters' Rifles. The recent orders issued by commanding officers of the various Volunteer units in Calcutta forbidding members on any account to allow their native servants and coolies to handle their arms and accoutrements will be reoeived with very wide interest in this country,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 637 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital In 60,000 Bbare* ot £W<Sach £1,900,000 Reserve Fund «1. 525,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* £1,300,000 BANKERB. Bank ot England. National Bank of Sootland. The London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. BINOAPORE BRANCH. Onrrent Aooonnta
      637 words
    • 561 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND BHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (•aid up capital RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 116,000,000 1 M S 000 000 Sllver&eserva •14,000,000j M o0 000 i**erva Liability of Proprislon 119.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. E. Sbellim, Esq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. W.J. Oresson. Depnty Chairman. e.O. Barrett, Esq. IW. Helm*, Esq.
      561 words
    • 146 10 T Story of a Slave To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. Mr. W. Knowles. Tragant Street, Bath, Eng., says "About five years ago I was prostrated with Sciatica. From my right tlu'gh to the bottom of my
      146 words
    • 453 10 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO.. LTD.. I*i RATTFRV RP J&&fflfi^ssTxr^ Bssaaf\ We have just received *UmY- ■"'^'JRk \^^*^tamW/mT^ EA a new shipment of Manufactured by the Star Cycle Co., Wolverhampton. Hundreds of these machinos have been sold in the Straits, and are unequalled in price and finish. laspection invited. SALES BY
      453 words
    • 525 10 SALES BY AUCTIOH. AUCTION SALE or THE TOXOKANG "CHIT SOON HAK" (Official No. *****3). Gross tonnage, »4 tons, length 72 feet breadth 21 feet depth 9 feet. The vessel wil be sold as she lios n the river near Rochore Market. On Monday, October 26, at 5.15 p.m. On tho
      525 words
    • 569 10 INSURANCE Companies. guardian assurance company, limited, London. Snbeoribed Capital 0,000,000 Total Invested Fund* £6,280,000 Annual Income £1,100,000 The nndenignod. Agents for the abovs Company, are prepared to »~oept fire risks for short periods of ten day* or longer pariodi »l current rato* to be named on application to PATERSON, BIMONn
      569 words

  • 1372 11 MANUFACTURERS'. RELATIONS TO MOTOR R ICING The following letter, above the signature of Mr. S. F. Edge, appeared in the London Times of Sef^ember as last Sir,— The views which have been so well expressed in your columns with regard to dangerous motor racing have interested and impres-ed me
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 373 11 ARGYLL CARS. SIMPLE f Every Car Fully Guar. anteed EFFICIENT One 14-16 hp, 5-Seated RELIABLE Car expected Shortly. Illustrated Catalogue and full particulars from Syme and Company, SOLE SCOTTISH 4^h, TRIALS, 1908, TftftOC MAUN. As usual, the most noticeable feature was tbo overwhelming popularity and success of ffl Bill L
      373 words
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    • 126 11 ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker ft Tomb Builder. No. 48, Prinsep Street. Sole Agent (or Messrs Dottridge Brother*, Ltd., London. n 1005 Telephone No. 119. I FIRE REBI3TINO COOL DURABLE lIUKII 0* mi ■atlli Bapplud in Boll* 3 ft- 24:741. fcUlfmtai ▲Amuob, aUfilUn ft Oo I 5.17 Ltd SIAM DINNER.
      126 words
    • 289 11 TUNG CHOY, MERCHANT TAILOR. I Fit and Quality guaranteed. P>ic*9 Modarate Latest styles in UaU, Caps. Ties, etc. etc. received by every mail. 23 11, COLEMAN BTREET, also at ADELPHI HOTEL. 2237 < These tiny fc^^fUA^ijA Capsules BH^HH^VfI superior Wi'jM l.||k^F t0 Copaiba, \^^^M^^^W Cubebs, and Injections— cure the same
      289 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 531 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MUweIIweooi Wants of Every Description, Homes, baad, etc., to let, are Inserted at the foUowtag iMm:— One Insertion I l.tfl per Inch. Two 1.00 Three 1.80 Six (.M Sloe 1.40 Twelve 7.10 Twcnty-flve 10.00 (Eaoh subsequent month M per tnoh.) Ike above rate it band
      531 words
    • 520 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Rates Four Linaa, one or two inxartions, i\. By the inch, saa Scale o( Charge*. PRODUCE 60D0WN8 WANTED. Wanted, Produce godowns on Singapore River. Apply to Adamson, Oilnllan A Co., Ltd. 2268 TEACHERS WANTED. Qualified Teachers wanted for Standards V and VI. Apply, giving reference and experience, to
      520 words
    • 591 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. ■Una l— Ten Liaaa, obi or rw a— Mum, tIJH Bf ah* loch, saa Beale of Glaifae. OFFICE TO BE LET. No. 7, Battery.Koad. Apply to Outhrie and 00., Ltd. D 1878 ROOM TO LET. Boom suitable for Married Couple or two Bachelors. Apply Eden
      591 words
    • 412 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Ld. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyreß, all kinds and shapes All kinds of HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, lor Carriages Motor Cats, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardeuhose, BrakeMOTOR TYRES. So^S^ofiSs JSgS. All kinds oi I.R. Buffers and Springs lor Rail- INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and MATways, etc. TING.
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    • 244 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. fUTM Fou Linaa, one.or two inwtium, si.'.- ay Bj the loch, aaa Heala of Charges. RUBBER STUMPS FOR SALE Good Rubber Stumps, 10 months old. Apply Manager, Linggi Plantations, Ltd., Seremban. RUBBER EBTATEB FOR BALE. Two Rubber Estates about 1,000 acres each (just valued). WiU take shares.
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    • 215 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES RiTH :-lit Moath, $10 per Inch. Sabaaqnant moath*. 16. Par •horter period* .aalScaJa of Charges. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that daring my absence from the conDtry, Mr. F.O. Sander will hold my Power of Attorney. R. W. HARRISON. Klang, October 11. 190* 3324 SINGAPORE COLO BTORA6E CO.,
      215 words