The Straits Times, 24 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.791. SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 24. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 303 1 HALES TOURS BEACH ROAD. BIK6APORE. The following Tours arc on To -Night: 1. Naples and Vesuvius. 2. (a > Swinging Railroad, Elberfield to Barmen, Germany. b Monserrat Mountain. .1. Hnglish Scenery and Express Trains. Trains run from 7 to 11 p.m., stopping 16 ruins, to take up passengers. One Trip
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    • 499 1 Robinson Company. REVOLVERS PISTOLS. COITB DOUBLE-ACTION REVOLVER. BROWNING AUTOMATIC PISTOL. 4-inch Barnl, 82. ~lui^mmu '~fi HE 1 Revolver Cartridges. COLTS TARGET REVOLVER. WEBLEY'S AUTOMATIC PISTOL. 6 incb Barrel, -88. Revolver Cartridges. WEBLEYB "W.P. 32 REVOLVERS. WEBLEY'S HAMMERLESS WE6LEYS MARK 111. 38 REVOLVERS. '32 REVOLVER DE SUMATRA POST." Published daily at
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  • 679 2 PUBLIC OPINION AGAINST ITS CONTINUANCE. Clergy of District Interviewed Advantage ought to be taken of this latest scandal to put an end onoe and for all to the disgraceful state of things prevailing at the Abode of Love. Perhaps the Archbishop of Canterbury could be induced to interfere." Speaking
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  • 344 2 I Mission to Investigate Western Methods of Government. TUe Wai wu-pu, says the Times, has officially informed the various Legations interested that Tang Shao yi had been deputed to visit various countries in order to investigate for the Government their financial j administration. His mission, it was stated,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 245 2 WHITE ANTS, TEREDOS, DRY ROT, DECAY IN TIMBER. JODELITE The Only Safeguard hae been ou its trial iv large quantities for the past ten years iv the Straits Settlements and proved all that is claimed for it. The ril pi< <s of ileal illustrated helow were partly coated with Jodelite
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    • 3 2 'HOSFERINI MABtAtWt MMM.
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    • 124 2 HOSEPIPES Why buy Nose which quickly ilecays, when you cm get MERRYW ATHERS lligh-cla33 Brands, which last out six ordinary HOSE PIPES? Spscify "LONDON MADE" Hose. Wfiil /t lli,:l,;tu,i rnn;,ldtl with pnees. MEfiRYffEATHER SONS, 63, LONG ACRE, LONDON, W.C Establish id ovtr 200 y—rt. H. ABRAMS, THE HORSE REPOSITORY. I,
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    • 686 2 ISMAIL *RAHEEM Manufacturing Jewellers, 22-1 22-2, BRAS BASAH ROAD. A Large Stock of Pure Blue-White Diamonds From 1 carat to 16 carats per pair. mice* stmcTLT nooE.Mr msKCT.o. NWMI iii»iteo. SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. FRO* AUGUST 1. 1908. ANO UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. CP TRAINS.
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  • 1522 3 SENSATIONAL INCIDENT AT A TRIPLE EXECUTION Callous Criminals on the Scaffold Dr. Walford Bodie, the public entertainer, has compiled Stage Stories. Out of his vast experience he is able to provide a most varied assortment. One of the peculiar people he met was Billington, the hangman, who
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  • 303 3 Heavy Losses Caused by the Conflagration. In September a pall of smoke overhung New York and made navigation of the Hudson and East Rivers dangerous. It came from the forest fires.- A New York correspondent writing on September 20 said These forest tires have abated in the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 745 3 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. are not an experiment. They have been the favourite blenda at home for mauy years and are rapidly gaiuiug similar popularity in the Colonies. Mo eipenee is spared in keeping both "RED SEAL" AND "BLACK ANO WHITE"! up to the mark. 46 DENTAL SUPPLIES. LARiigST Stoi k OF
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    • 109 3 oH H^k B^ By Special "IUSSW^" Purveyors ro ■HH Warrant .£?SY2"»^L "M. The Kmik. Ip II Celebrated Oilmen's Stores [H IK PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES. !^l IWL I I^B POTTED MEATS, MALT VINEGAR. ■8 H MB Agents for LEA PERRIN'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAI'CE J0 Crosse Blackvv eIK Ltd. "Tis not enough
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    • 273 3 SINGAPOBB Tourist Agency 1, ST. ANDREW'S ROAD (COKNER OF ESPLANADE St. HIGH STKKETi. Telephone Mo. 391 baggage :dei 3 a:r,t:m:e!:n-t. We have the honour to iuform the residents of Singapore and the travelling public, that our arrangement*) are complete for the transportation of Baggage from the Wharves to Hotels and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 172 3 The Straits Times, MB The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issne per year 180.00 do per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.50 do per copy 10 Weekly isxue per year 12-00 do per quarter 8.00 do per copy '26 When sent by pout, there is added for
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  • 684 4 Nanii", port, probahlt date of arrival, and r.a»<? t>J Agents STKAMERS Alcinous, China. CM 19 W. Mansfield Alicante, Manila, Nov I Barlow Antunß. Hongkong, M Behn Meyer Atvina\. UrsmooUKoTM; W. Mansfield Armand Behic, M'sulles, Nov S; M. Maritime* Aasayc, Hongkong, Nov 5 P. 4 O. Coy Aynthia. Bangkok,
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  • 194 4 Passengers Outward lVr I. tad 'tt taatf Himalaya, MMW -tiny with the steamer Icoaua at Colombo, due November (i. -Dr. 1). K. .McDowell, Mrs. U icb Clan, Mr. .1. W. Ttamlna, Kr. M. K. Rudolf, Mr. W. K. LoM, Mr. I". M. Matthew, Mr. K. B. ia
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  • 47 4 Tihi-Balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singap re standard time corresponding to 6 s.m. Greeu :h meantime. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it in fired at one o'clook.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 70 4 FROM CANADA Mothers have the same terror of croup in all countries, but Chamberlain's tough Remedy leads iv popularity for a prompt cure of this dreaded disease. Mrs. Tbos Matthew of Caleden, East Ontario, says: 1 have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy several times, and I try to keop it in
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    • 747 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. a O> STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*;, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden. Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills st Lading issued for Ohia Ooaal, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Anuriatn Forts. Steamers vill leavs Siniap .r on or abol MAIL LINE [Outward for China). 1908 Delhi
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    • 1174 4 STEAMER SAILINGSBURNS PHILP LINE. BINGAPORE TO 'JAVA PORTS, PORT DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND, BRISBANE AND RTDNBT. ALSO TAKING CA.R3T POS OTCIia SORT a QUEENSLAND PORTS, BRITISH NEW GUINEA, NEW BRITAIN VNDNEW ZEALAND PORTS (with transhipment), A* inducement offers. Smooth passage. Superb Scenery. A regular monthly serrioe to above ports I* maintained
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    • 566 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamer* of this Company maintain a regular, serrioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and oooe a month for Bremerbaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 811 4 STEAMER SAILIH6S. Kd.l. MORDDEUT -CHER LLOYD. Imperial Uirtnio Mall Linn. Tbe fast and well known mail steamer this Company sail fortnightly from Brem Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southtmr ton, Gibraltar, Qenoa, Maples, (coau Marseilles, Maples, Alexandria, and vice v t-,., Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, P«u.t Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki,
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  • 870 5 I'uder thia bt.vlinn th« («llo«lai abbrarlsiioaa an iteamor ah.--«hlp; bq.— b*iguti •cti.— linaana: v.-t. -Yucht; (I'M.- uaa bout; Tor.— Torpo-1..: H.p.-llor»«-p..««r Knt.Brittali; V. M."l-Qlt*iNtatM: Kch.-Kr.nch; Oormit" Pol. DuUli lUI. -Italian Mpao.— Sp.-ini»ti H»r.--«*r»w»k n (iann&l nvrco; .1.p. -<l«ck ptw Elinor. I. Lm-.Ttiin; W.--Wh:ir7; T P.U.-Tmuont I'.ntlul;
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  • 47 5 HoMKHAIII. GcnXAM MaII.. The taaakl G^rniau mail steamer Zioten, having lift Hongkong at 9 a.m., to day and may be expected to arrive here on Monday afternoon, the 26th iDstanat. She will probably be despatched for Europe on the following day. at 1 p.m.
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  • 130 5 October a] Delta, lint mr, Bombay via porta Wakaisa Maru, Jap -t r. Hongkong and Japan Oiang Ann, Dut str, Samurau^ via porta /.eeduif. I>t-t fiovt str, Rbio Null. .urn Ger str. Hongkong, Shanghai, Japan Miitlra, Brit atr, Peuaug Rangoon, Calcutta ImbMWi Dut str. Bntavia via porU 11.. in;
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  • 91 5 In Fib Btbaub* Tun Monday. Cnonb Qlanggi 9.30 a.m. Saigou Haiphong 11 a.m. Indragiri Aing Thye noon Malacca and Linggi Khrng Seng 1 p.m. Colombo ancTßombay Totnmi Maru 8 pm. Tcluk Anson via porta Selangor 8 p.m. TCEHDAT. Europe via ports Ziettn 11 a.m. P. Swettenham, Penang Rotorua
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  • 120 5 Prom Ecropb— By the N. D. L. steamer Prinz Ludwig, October 80. From China— By the N. D. L. steamer Ziettn, due October 26. Left Singapore Dae in Loodoo >pt 11 P.JO. Oct 8 ?pt 16 N.D. L. Oot 8 ml 17 8.1. Oot 10 spt 31
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  • 250 5 Navy League's Programme for the Immediate Future As the result of meetings of its executive committee held iv Berlin, under the prcxi denoj of Admiral von Koestet, the Gorman Navy League has issued a working programme" for the immediate future. This programme urges the immediate construction of
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  • 170 5 With a funnel of papier-mache, false yards and canvas, the Japanese sealing schooner Kinsei Maru has been seized off the Seapandi seal rookery, in the Behring Sea, by the United States revenue cutter Bear. It seems that the Japanese sealers had determined to make a raid on
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  • 153 5 New theories as to the cause of sunstroke are always being developed, but a writer in Indian Public Health broaches one which has at least the merit of originality. He suggests that certain electric waves or currents pass through the system. These, if not insulated, will
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  • 112 5 It is officially announced that an AngloAmerican exhibition will be opened at Earl's Court early in May next year. The formal title of the exhibition, which will be under the management of the London Exhibitions, Limited, will be Geldun \\V-t and American Industries Exhibition. A most influential committee
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  • 48 5 Per Selangor, Captain W. Cox, October 24. From Teluk Anson: Mr. Scrivenor. Port Swettenham Messrs. Douglas, Steveus, Quartley, C. R. Harrison, Talbot, ReeveTucker, Fox, Russell, Knipe, Schwartz, Feners, H. E. Pennington and E. 11. Day. Port Dickson Messrs. Brand, Cantrell, (i. B. Morris and Makepeace.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 46 5 BLOGD POISON PREVENTED There is no danger from blood poison resulting from a wound when Chamberlain's Pain Balm is applied. It is an antiseptic liniment, and unless the injury is very severe it will not leave a scar. Fur sale by all l>ispeuHari« s and dealers.
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    • 502 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. CHARGEURS REUNIS 11 RDUNO THE WORLD LINE. Thu new twin screw Steamer "Corse" 16,00(1 tons dixplacement, DUE ABOUT NOVEMBER 20. 1908. Splendid Passenger Accommodation XIX HONGKONG. BHAN6HAI. CH'NWANTAO. KOBE. YOKOHAMA AND AMERICA. First clasß Passage Karo from Singapore to CANADA I fCO LNITED STATES *»€»sta TO EUROPE (VIA
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    • 475 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. COL. LTD. Tbe ste<tmur« of thia Company maintain 1 regular direct service between Caloutta, Straits Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking oargi on through Bill* of Lading for Canton, Swatow Amoy, Cbetoo, Tientsin, Newohwang, Yangtsxi Porta, Formosa, the Philippiuea, *0., *c. ttt«atner« Tons Commander Kutuiiii 4,895
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    • 480 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. CTPIt Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Lino. TUX NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA OUINA JAPAN. CANADA and tha UNITED STATES. Knnle (ram Hongkong, via Bhanghal, Nagasaki. (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vaoooaver, I R.M.B. "KHraaxa or Ikdu" Twin-acrew steaR.M.B. "EwiMorJifu" V mers, 6,000
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    • 246 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Oct 94— At St. Dominio'a. No. 9, Monnt Sophia, household furniture, etc., at »-30 p.m. 28— At Roohore Market aale of Tongkong, Chit Soon Hak," at 5.15 p.m. 81— At No. 17, Raoe Course Road, valu able household fm nitnre, at 3.15 p.m. 81— At
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    • 40 5 METHYLOIDS. taken internally. No pain, discomfort or inconvenience as when injections are used. Methyloidx give visible results in a few hours and cure in a short period. Absolutely safe. Better than any other treatment. Thousands now use them. Price low.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 289 5 DAY BY DAY Saturday, October 34. High Water 10 11 pun. Hindu Festival "Deepavali B.R.C. Annual Sports. Crioket. S.C.C. Committee v. Raet. Aisooiation Football. R.G.A. v. Warders and R.E. Corniih Pixie. 5 1 1 7 and 9to '0 p.m. Hill St. Grand Cinematograph Theatre Royal. Albarabra Cinematograph. 7 80 p.m
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    • 149 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fbom Octobib 24 to Octobxb 80.) HIGH WATER.'I.OW WATER Time H'ght Time I H'ght October hra. mm. ft. ins. hra.min. ft. inn. a (10.4 am 86 3.50 am 2.4 Satubd*yS4 1011pm 89 46 pm g. s Bmm m (10.38 am 8 9 4.17 am 3.4 Bom)iT 36
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  • 554 6 Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24. Although Dr. Svcn Hcdin is a mere bird of passage, to whom our fertile peninsula presents fewer attractions than the icebound mountains of Tibet, we must give a word of welcome to the distinguished traveller who is passing through Singapore to-day. He
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  • 536 6 If Mr. hailed from the Emerald blc we should be inclined to suspect him of naking a study of the methods which arc K>pular with tho chosen representatives of ihat distressful but delightful country iv the imperial Parliament. The rules of the assembly, although mostly unwritten, aro rather drastic,
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  • 17 6 The out turn of dry rubber at the Malacca Rubber Plantations, Limited in September was 4,600 lbs.
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  • 18 6 Between the 2nd instant, aud the l"'th instant, 4,677 rats were destroyed within the Municipal limits of Singapore.
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  • 22 6 The question of the Anti-China tea cam paign has been referred to the Joint Cum mittee of the Indian and Ceylon Associations
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  • 25 6 The general regulating the landing and shipping of cattle in Singapore, and their transit through tho public streets arc pub lished in the Government Gazette.
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  • 26 6 Owing to disiipp.iiiituifiii ou previous occasions, it is announced that tables may be reserved without extra charge for the guestnight" dinner at the Adelphi Hotel to-night.
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  • 25 6 Sir Cecil and Lady Clcmenti Smith coutemplate leaving The Garden House, thoir residence at Wheathampstead, Herts, shortly, and are proceeding to Digswell, also in Hertfordshire.
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  • 35 6 Four now schools were opened in Kiuta. last year: A Convent school in Ipoh, an English boys' school at Batu Gajah, a Malay gir's' school in Ipoh, and a Malay boys' school at Tanjong Rambutan.
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  • 35 6 The Directors of the Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company "have declared an interim dividend for the quarter ended June 30 last of 2s. tid. per share, free of income tax. payable on October
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  • 9 6 Mr. E. C. Howard speut a large part ol
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  • 35 6 the day, yesterday, with a Tamil extradition cose, two women, for whom Mr. E. M. Tozcr appeared, being accused of theft from a man in .Ici'iore. The case will be further heard on Thursday noxt.
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  • 39 6 S. M. Hainza prosecuted one Seodiu bin Seemun in the Third Magistrate's Court, yesterday, on a charge of theft of brass and parts of a doukoy engine. His Worship fined Ham/.a $25 for frivolous prosecution and discharged tho accused.
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  • 41 6 Some fresh turns were on at Bosc's Circus, last night, which were will received, and tonight more will be introduced in the programme. There is a matinee at four o'clock thin afternoon, to which children will be admitted at half price.
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  • 43 6 There will be a special evening service at the Middle Road Baba Church, to-morrow at 8 p.m. The programme will include an address by Rev. K. E. I Vase, vocal solos by Mr. Alexander Proctor and Miss Corric Rodyke, song by chorus choir.
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  • 38 6 The financial statement uf the Municipal Fund presented at the Board melting, yesterday afternoon, showed a balance of 510."»,y.')4.H7, as compared with lIUVMOIM at a meeting held on 9th instant Bills amounting to ♦34,062.72 were patsed for jii'.yiueut.
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  • 51 6 Mr. I'pcott applied to the District Judge. Mr. E. C. C. Howard, this morning, for a stay of execution in view of the judgment givon by His Honour, several days ago, in favour of a German ship's officer for 9117, agjunst the Norddeutscher Lloyd. His Honour refused to grant the
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  • 48 6 An interesting musical and literary prograuiinc was given at tbo Boustoad Institute, last night, under the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperauce i'ciou. The Rev. Geo. C. Cobb gave a temperance address aud half a dozen men signed the pledge to abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors.
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  • 46 6 Five Tamil boatmen have been arrested in connection with the disappearance of several hundred dollars' worth of tin from a tongkang which was alongside the British stcamor Shimosa. There were $130,000 worth of tin in the tongkang and only the ordiuary coolie boatmen wore in charge.
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  • 46 6 Teo Teow Peng, tho son of the wealthy shipowner, who was arrested here on a charge of robbery in Pulo Tujoh. Dutch territory, aud was released on bail pending extradition proceedings, w.n discharged by the Senior Magistrate, this morning, the Dutch authorities having sent no warrant.
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  • 54 6 We are glad to hear that tho Siugapore Brr. -ill of tho National Service League is [lrospcimg. Col. Murray, to whom it owes so ■MOB, informs us that there are already t>3 members, aud this number uught soou to be largely UMNaVMtL It may be remarked that all British subjects
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  • 56 6 There fM a full house at tho Hariina cinematograph show last night. The chief attraction was the attempt to lift a fullgrown horse by Miss. Auua Abs, a fi at she successfully performed, thus winning the wager of one thousand dollars made with her by a local sportsman. She
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  • 55 6 It is reported, says the Times of Malaya, that tho Johoro Railway will be opened for public traffic on February 1, next. It is understood that there will be no night trains until the following June. Till then, passengers between Singapore and Penang .vilJ have to break their journey for
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  • 61 6 Mr. E. C. C. Howard, the Senior Magistrate, granted a warrant to a Malay detective corporal from loliore, yesterday morning, feu the arrest of a lance corporal of the .lohoro Army, who was charged with abscoodiug with his uniform, and was being detained. He was present in Court and said
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  • 71 6 Hong Ah Soi, a Macao woman landed at Tanjoug Pagar on Thursday, just after dark, with twenty bottles of opium pills, valued at •SO, in her possession. When qucstioucd about her bundle, she stated that it wax medicine which she had been asked to carry ashore. She was fined 1600.
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  • 831 6 Mr. Somerset l'layuc has kit Ceylon for Moai basso. Mr. K. IVrres, of Koala Lumpur, arrived Singapore, this morning. Mr. l>. Nunn has been appointol M Assistant District Judge, Penaug. Mr. W. A. Cuscadeu, lnspietor-(tttieial of Police, bus gone to Penang ou iuspcetiou duty. Mi. 1!. Scott
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 323 6 AMSTEL Lager BEER. SAMPLES FRO J Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co. BELF-BHAVING MADE POBBIBLE mam i m\ the "Gillette" safety razor \m\ s UBe^ <iuito a number of tfaW tM uut bo ;aLiHO they experience any IV difficulty in shaving with or stropping H#'<'.'^flj Wm, <"' ordinary razor, but because they
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    • 249 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. To-Night! ALL NEW FILMS. Tbo Beginning of the Serpentine Flash James (The Life of a Gambler) Stickfast For the Sake of his I'niform The Barrow Race The Mysterious Kniglit A Well-paid Situation AND The Stadium Sports, Series 1, 2 aud 3. U F. WILLIS, Managor. Theatre
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  • 236 7 PROGRESS OF NEGOTIATIONS WITH TURKEY Outstanding Questions with Austria and Bulgaria. Kkiikk's BmHII London. October H. It is said that the Turkish-Bulgarian negotiations arc at a deadlock. The. TurUs insisted that liulgaria must i apitali/.e the Eastern Koumelian tribute, and this the envoys, iv the usine of Bulgaria,
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  • 61 7 Enthusiastic Scenes in Pretoria and Johannesburg. |RkDTIR's TKLKiiIt.VM. London OotoMl '!■>■ liear Admiral s, r Pen y SooM and the officers and bluejackeis from the naval squadron which is now in So ;th Atricuu waters have paid a visit to Pretoria and Johannesburg. They wore feti
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  • 62 7 Labour Member's Advice to Loot Bakeries. Baomi Tklkukam L mdou October 21. Mr. Will Thorn, Labour Member for West Main, whi I .I,'iiud for inciting uneiu ployed to loot bakers' shop .i. baa BOM tried. 11, M ii I i in i sum of four hunderd
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  • 96 7 Count Zeppelin Ascends in a New Ship. IDm OsTtsuTiscna Llovi> Trlbobam Berlin, October M. Count Zeppelin has made trial Iliyht in his new airship, and. dwpitg tlie spued with which everything had been arranged, the greatest HMMM alt r .1 hi., experiments. The Count ha-, today h.i I
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  • 32 7 Italy and America Reply to FrancoSpanish Note. [Dam Ostasiatischi Lloyd Til»oeav| Berlin, October M. Italy and America have at last given their hill approval of the Franco-Spanish Vote on Morocco.
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  • 137 7 At ihi in.iuguial cci. mony ,md maUl tion of prizes k> iiiembi is of the I'harma cmtieal Society's Bohod ot I'hariiiacy Mi. F. Harwood Lr-scher. F.C.S delivered the inai'gural sessional addle- Mr. Ltschor rcvi. \v. d t li- history of the trade in drugs, and discussed some
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  • 677 7 Shortage of Water Continues at the Reservoir. 41 a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, yesterday afternoon, tin re were pri Miit Mr. J. Polglase, Deputy President; Mr. H. (lostwyck. Acting Engineer; Dr. W. R. C. Middleton, Health OSccr; Kit I. .1. Bcnjahold. Aetin;; Sec.'-i'y: V W. liailev, 11.
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  • 132 7 Traffic along Orchard Road is exceptionally heavy, and repairs have to be made frequently. At a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners recently. Mr. C. I. Carver asked Why the system of relaying Orchard ltoad at ono operation has been departed from, iim l why is the work
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  • 108 7 A small Chinese lad appeard before the Senior Magistrate, Mr. E. C. C. Howard, this morning, on a charge of theft of a rug from a ricksha. He stated that he was only playin» with tho puller. He took the rug and threw it itit > the drain.
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  • 110 7 A eMMMHI lias ban received iv London by the Sempam Tin Mining Company, as follows Government has agreed to defray part cost of new dam subject to approval of plan. Anticipate will settic tailing question. Present positiou and fut ire prospects considered satisfactory." The mines have been
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  • 47 7 CONSOLIDATED MALAY ESTATES LIMITED. Interim Dividend il'no.M Oi/k Own Cokrksi'Onhest.) London, via Penang, October 24, Tho Consolidated Malay Kubber Estates Company, Limited, which owns the Athcrton, Leigh and Ainsdalo Estates, in the State of Ne^ri Sembilan, has declared an interim dividend of five per cent.
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  • 318 7 Two Hundred Cases of Beer Thrown into the Sea. The following special telegrams have been ruceived by the I'niou Times, a local Chinese ne .vspap«r Our Hongkong correspondent states that a certain inn-chant presented '200 cases of beer brewed by a certain nation to the Canto*i flood
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  • 66 7 Arasa!aknn, Bengali P.C. M 6, stood in tho dock of the Tlrrd Magistrate's Court, thi" morning, to answer a charge of extortiug twju-y cents from two Chiuese women who woro selling coffee in China Street, on Wednesday, and attempting the same thiug yesterday. Sergeant Robert Little prosocuted.
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  • 95 7 I have had very bid luck HmM last few days and lost everything I It id iv gambling I admit the theft, said a Chinese shop assistant to tho Third Magistrate, this moruing. when a iked what he had to say to tho charge of theft
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  • 117 7 Chua Volt Keng, a head coolie iv charge of a gang which was working cargo on a Dutch steamer, a few days ago, was tried before the Third Magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of fraudulent possession of property, consisting of several bags of gaiubior, nutmegs, aud
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  • 109 7 The installation meeting of Victoria Jubilee Koyal Arch Chapter was held in the Freemasons' Hall, Northam Koad, on Wednesday night, when M. E. Conip. J. Sproule was installed as Z., Coiup. H. Barry de Hamcl as 11.. and Comp. .1. Stuart Koso as J. The following officers
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  • 169 7 Major W. P. Drury, late of tho Royal Marine;, now an eminent playwright, has created a considerable stir in the west country by a speech which he delivered recently at a clerical function in Cornwall when responding to the toast of the Army. Major Drury strongly
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  • 820 7 FAMOUS EXPLORER SIGHTSEEING IN SINGAPORE. Incidents in His Travels Related. From an horizon bounded with snow and glaciers. Dr. Sven Hedin, this morning, approached a peaceful harbour tinged with the (irst rays of a tropical sun. He was aboard of the I*, and U. steamer Delhi,
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  • 221 7 This mysterious little man, who was discovered in a small fishing village noar Peuzancc, Cornwall, is attracting considerable attention in Singapore, and is being visited by many people each evening. According to somo medical authorities the quaint Pixie must be between and 75 years of age, whilst
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  • 655 7 Opinions of Penang Veterinary Surgeon. The Veterinary Journal September i has an article by Mr. Elton Bell, M.H.C.V.S., Municipal Veterinary Surgeon, Penang, on Tho Veterinarian in the Malay States.' 1 from which we quote the following One is often asked regarding the prospects of a veterinary
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  • 295 7 Englishmen's Strange Experience at Batavia Strange tricks are. played occasionally by Customs house officers at BatavU, at least so current gossip has it. The Soi'rabaya Handclsblad instances this by telling a curious story of two Englishmen and a ritle which has just reached the public ear at
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  • 77 7 Tho Japanese cinematograph in this large building, iv North Bridge I toad, is an exceptionally attractive entertainment as run in connection with Kliiiiauoffs show, the management arc presenting a capital programme. The films are new, clear and steady, while cake walk dancing, comic pantomime and the strong act
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  • 32 7 The dispute between Mr. Artie Tully and Mr. Thow Joo Sick, of Serendab, with reference to the Serendah Bahru, No. 2 section, tin mine, has been settled, in favour of Mr. Tully.
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  • 70 7 GREAT SCOTTISH CANAL SCHEME PROPOSED. Junction of North Sea and Atlantic Ocean. KiUTiß's TILIORAM.| London, October 'H. The Glasgow Corporation has decided to ask tho Government to sanction tho construction of a new ship canal. It would join the river Clyde to the Firth of Forth,
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  • 191 7 Sequel to Killing of a European Nurse Girl. Corporal Cullen. of Xo. 1 Mountain Battery, was tried at the Lahore Chief Court for the murder of a native regimental mule-driver at Jutog, noar Simla. When charged Cullen, who woro a stupid appearance, said, "I don't know.
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  • 270 7 Confessions of the Accused Taken in Court. All the witnesses having been examined in the Multan train murder case, in which Miss Taylor was robbed, outraged and murdered while travelling to her wedding, Mullins' confession was taken, the other day. I d. tailed how he met Shouldham
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  • 79 7 Dr. Stein, the eminent arcbsßologist, reached Leh ou tho liitli instant from Turkestan, where ho has made a number of interesting discoveries. The explorer left India in the early summer of won and expects to arrive in India some time in November. He left Khotak in
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  • 82 7 A Singhalese, named Oliver, who was charged with housebreaking and theft from his employers, also Singhalese, in Coronation Road, was sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. E. C. C. Howard at the District Court, this morning, having admitted a previous sentence of one year's
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  • 169 7 Of all the Princes of India, Hindu and Mahonicdtiu, not one has gems that can compare with those of tho Gaekwar of liaroda. Perhaps the most romarkable of tho (jack war's jewel treasure*, says tho I'arsi, is a carpet, said to be about four yards square, composed
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  • 22 7 Mr. W. A. Collins, R.N., is the speaker at the Kousttad Institute bervice to-morrow night, at 8- 15. Men are specially invited.
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  • 1752 8 LIBEL ACTION AGAINST TAMIL NEWSPAPER Sequel to Sabbath Day Quarrel The local Tamil paper, Nyanothayaui, was sued for S5OO damages for libel in the District Court before Mr. 0. .1. Saunders. yesterday aft ruoon. by Mr. S. K. Francis, au Inspector in tin: Hackney Carriage and
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  • 76 8 The standard value of the new coins for China having been fixed at tae.l 1 and tael J, respectively, instructors have been despatch ej to the Tientsin Mint to coin ten million Mils worth of the new currency from the beginning of next year. Subsequent minting
    76 words
  • 314 8 Not in liritain alone, but throughout the entire civilised world has spread the fame of this stupendous structure. After many visionary projects, a start was made to this colossal undertaking in the summer of 1883, and during the seven years' building there were often as many as
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 76 8 Members of the Singapore Hunt Club are reminded of to-morrow morning's run. The start is from the main entrance to the Botanic Gardens, at 6.30 sharp. Mr. Harold Smith is representing Mr. Artie Tully at the Batavia Races, which take place to-day and to morrow. The local
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    • 41 8 Launch Departures. The steam launch Argo will leave Johnston's Pier for the Club Bungalow on Sunday, the 25th instant, at 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2.80 and 8.80 p.m., returning at 9.80 and 10.80 a.m.. 12.15, 8 and 5.80 p.m.
      41 words
    • 39 8 Selangor October Medal. The result of play for tho Selangor October Medal was as follows A. J. McClosky 91— 14=-77 N. F. Haszard 9» 20 *79 H. C. Pratt 89 8 81 J. H. Tyte 95 7 88
      39 words
    • 74 8 The K U.K. Cup. All arrangements are now complete for the match betweea Singapore and Selaugor, for the K.O.R. Cup, on Monday and Wednesday next, and fine weather is all that is required to make the event a great success. There has been a Might alteration in tho Selangor
      74 words
    • 85 8 Australians in England. The Australian ltugby team commenced their English tonr on Saturday, September 20, by easily beating Devon, at Devonport, by 8 goals and 8 tries (24 points) to 1 try (8 points). Burge, one of their forwards, had the misfortune to fracture his leg. The Australians
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    • 132 8 Index for 1009 Derby. The race for the Middle Park Plate, which is regarded as an indication of form for the uext Derby was run at Newmarket with the following result Mr. Fairies Hayardo 1 Sir D. Cooper's Vivid 2 Mr. W. lUphael's Blankney 11. H Four ran.
      132 words
    • 133 8 Selangor Ladies' Competition. A gold brooch set with pearls, presented by Mrs. E. M. Baker, was shot for by the Selangor Ladies' Club under sealed handicap, with the following result Mrs. CarraUiers Miss M. Charter Mrs. Ebden Mrs. .1. Brown Mrs. Wall Mrs. Burnside Mrs. Gallagher Mrs. Pouatney Miss
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  • Correspondence.
    • 157 8 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, October 28. Sir,— l notice, with regret, that my letter of last week has not called forth any other protest, and t cannot help thinking that this is due rather to the public feeling that any protests from
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  • 61 8 On September 80, the niece of a well-known Calcutta Nonconformist clergyman, travelling from Calcutta, was insulted in a startling manner while the train was at Dhanbaid Station. A European entered the compartment and only left when the lady pulled the communication chain. It is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1083 8 HAPPY WOMEN PRAISE PE-RU-NA It Is Works, Not Words, That Has Made Pe-ru-na Famous Throughout the Land. The mlMandthe matron alike praise P^rnna. Girls /fa 1 =a^^= 1"^ i and women bare all discovered the value of Peruna. Ifjf jtmtm^^^ C^fcT The Hiss and Mrs. have been ill, each In
      1,083 words
    • 189 8 GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. Bose's Circus, BEACH ROAD, SINGAPORE. tc-night and every ni6ht. at 9.15 p.m. iA. 1 miss mainmoye. "the daring, in her unparalleled exhibit of managing THE BIB6EST ROYAL BENGAL TIGER on the back of an Elephant, a Tusker 1 Saturday, October 24, Matinee at 4 p.m. Evening
      189 words
    • 119 8 AUCTION SALE SCRAP IRON, To be be!d at Mesm. Riley Hargreavea and Go's ship Building Yard, at Tanjom; Kbu, Friday, Uctuber 30, at 2.30 p.m. Powell Co., 1317 Auctioneer). AUCTION SALE OF UNREDEEMKD PLEDGES, The property of twelve pawnabops. On Tundaij, Sorrmher .1, at In n m. On Tliurtdaij, Surtmber
      119 words

  • 276 9 SIMuAPOM, OtTORRR H| 1909 PRODUCE. Qambitr »-07J do (Cnbe No. ll anpick»-< 11.95 Copra Bali «> do Pontianak 7.20 Pepper, Black 10.12} do White 6% I 8 60 Saao Flonr Sarawak 2.95 do Bronoi No. 1 2.80 Pearl Sago 8.75 Coffee Bali, pioked 22.5J Coflee, PaleinbanK, 20 V iy*-”
    276 words
  • 409 9 (Sunday, October 25.) Nr.. :\m St si. iv At: tii Thiniiv. Sr. Anmu»'< Cuaoau.— l a.m. Matm- 7■».". a.m. lli>ly Communion (Choral); 4p.m. Childran'i 9arviot; MO p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Sr. MaTTH Si H fjßl I 11 1") H.m too 1 p.m. bildn n't service •< I~> p.m.
    409 words
  • 78 9 Choir Notice Nineteenth Sunday After Trinity. October 35. I A.M. M.WIN*. Hyuiu M> 7 4.') A.M. -H.ILY I •■■MllL-Xli-N CIIUKAL). Introit JHI Service Smart. llyinu at Dfli-rtory ITS Hymn at oiuinuniou ">5'J t'lo«iu<; Hymu M r ) P.M. KvKV-'iM. Wli SkKMoN. Response* Kcrial. Psalm As Set.
    78 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 333 9 Date ol formation Capital ~~i Hombar Hnbacribtd of I Bharei lane Paid Sham Value up to Untuned Company QooiAnon I '03 WO0.000 dOO.OOO 1907 1300,000 335,000 1901 MOO.OOO 600,000 1903 «4O0,0O0 880,000 1507 MOO.OOO 875,000 1901 £60,000 60,000 1906 «100,000 100,000 1906 I1BO.OO0 99,000 1906 £130,000 130,000 1906 £30,000
      333 words
    • 379 9 1903 £180.000 1906 1300.000 MM c^ 1903 «70,000 1908 I1SO.O0U 1904 tlS.OOO •901 I 478,000 .906 £310.000 1905 £6S,0C0 1906 1 £180,000 1907 £390 000 1906 j /176.O0O I 1906 1380,000 >95 £100,000 taos £joo,ooo 1908 «30,0O) 1906 6240,000 1804 I £90,000 1804 1698 I 1SO"> »»<W,iK0 ISO*
      379 words
    • 172 9 l<-»4 W,«T7.tO.o| 7,«88!?98 M*5.i>W I 4,500 mo no.oo) MM *1.:*>M») i,»J0,-<?3 i l njmv* 1.CU0.C00 J *'°^J 1901 *H,CW MgM 1899 wimm mjm 5;™] 190S I I^OC.tK'O I 14,000 1891 »80.ntK) .•.0,000 600 1903 £4O0,CO0 400,000 400,000 1904 1160,000 119,000 I 1,110 1884 ITO0.00O 2,000 1690 »••■«>.<:• 0
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 69 9 ST. ANDREWS HOUSE. A Charch of t'j t '!«aj SjarJing Hoaae for Knripcac sn I Earasun boys who desire to tllend tbu sohuoU of the plaoe. Applications b) be made to the Houbo Mf^iter, St. Andrew'a House or to the Colonial Cb^f lain. PII/iENER BEER. KEY BRAND. IMPORTED SINCE MM.
      69 words
    • 101 9 f^* We beg to inIl— f" form Owners 1 and Agents of Steamers that we are now supplying ice at the rate of (DOLLARS SIX) $6 PER TON. Kallang Ice Works, FACTORY, 148, KALLANG ROAD. iiii t .i|>"f». August -'4, IDOB. Telephon* No. ill. 2147 Jeffrey's Stout AND I! Pale
      101 words
    • 9 9 J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers. Jewellers, Opticians. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED.
      9 words
    • 209 9 WASSIAMULL, ASSOMULL CO., 56 and 57, High Street. JUST UNPACKED: a Large Consignment of Goods Comprising Silk Lace, Shawls, Collars, Scarfs, LA3E (by the yard), etc., to j numerous to meuti v. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD. Prices Strictly, Moderate. Inspection Kindly Invited. Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co Ld. HliwF CHILDREN > KNITTED
      209 words

  • 423 10 GILBERTIAN JOKE DISTRICTS? A WHOLE TOWN. Subject of Police Proceedings. Two romantic lovers, named Miss Margaret Leonore Pitcairn, aged 19, and Richard Geoffrey Pardoe, aged 18, fellow-students at the Hanley Pupil/Teachers' Centre, appeared at the local police court the other day as the result of a huge
    423 words
  • 513 10 Millionaire's Munificence Yields Large Income. The munificence of Mr. Andrew Carnegie has, perhaps, never found more felicitous expression than in the establishment of the Hero Fund," resembling the Hero Fund that is already doing good work in the United States, of which also he was the
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  • 55 10 The Siamese steam launch, Phanit Phithak, lioensed to carry passengers, while proceeding up river and entering the Pakret Canal, the other day, capsized with a Urge number of passengers on board. It is reported that three passengers are missing and that the accident was due to the strong current at
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 632 10 BANKING COMPANIES. 1 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £Meacb £1,800,000 Reserv. Fund C 1.525.000. 525.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors C 1,200.000, 200.000 BANKERB. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City A Midland Bank. Ltd.
      632 words
    • 540 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. .'aid up capital 115.000.00t RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 118.000,0001 Ma 000 000 Sliver Reserve $U,000,000j W|WOIW tswrve Liability ot Propristors 118.000,00 c COURT OP DIRECTORS. E. Shellim, Esq. Chairman. Bon. Mr. W.J. Grcason. Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Esq. W. Helms, Esq. C. G.
      540 words
    • 31 10 LAZATINE, the Ideal Purgative, reoommended by the beet medioal authorities Easy to take acd oertaiu in result*. To be had of all hemirts. Wholesale from The Pharmacy Battery Road. Bligapors lift
      31 words
    • 806 10 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., LTD.. J%NOt& gBBygSySMT' bßw\ We >>aye J UEt rccc ived fffl^? -^/qßavS^i?ran aflp/l a new K '''P ment of OENTS". LADIES. Manufactured by the Star Cycle Co., Wolverhampton. Hundreds of these machines have been sold in the Straits, and are unequalled in price and finish. Inspection
      806 words
    • 563 10 INSURANCE Compares ROYAL NSURANCK COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE AND LIFE. TOTAL FDNDS EXCEED £14,240,000 ibb LAaeasi rras omci in tax wuau>. BOUKIEAD A C0. ,-Afnu GUARDIAN ASCfRANCE COMPANY, LIMITED, LONDON. Subscribed Capital £2,000,003 Total Invested Funds £8,250,000 Annual luoome £1,100,000 The undersigned. Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept
      563 words

  • 899 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. Dustless Roads in Kent The man of the hour, aa far as the dust problem is concerned, is Mr. H. P. Maybury the county surveyor of Kent. Those individuals who are lucky enough to reside in this beautiful county, and the many
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  • 216 11 The Local Government Board at home bas now sent out its enquiries to various local authorities asking (or opinions as to road damage, dust, and other cognate problems bearing on motor legislation. It would be only fair that local automobile clubs should also be asked
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 337 11 Builds up Strength. As a recuperative in all cases of lung, stomach or bowel weakness, or after any severe illness, Angier's Emulsion positively has no equal. Bland and pleasant, it promotes appetite, aids digestion, and builds up health and strength. It is the ideal tonic and builder, because it is
      337 words
      275 words
    • 272 11 l LljKHl^il C/sTioißN^sk >I<hese tin y jJffJ*Jj>CTu^aMXj Capsules superior rfflllVW to Copaiba, I JlJmm*^y Cubebs, and i cure the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. >^->v Kach Capaulc bean the ntmc (MID Y) FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEST. BRIMAULTS SYRUI Of Hypo Phosphite of Lime Prescribed
      272 words
    • 496 11 TUHG CHOY, MERCHANT TAILOR. Fit and Quality guaranteed. Prices Moderate. tateat etjl»B in Half, Caps Ties. etc. etc. reoeived by every ma.i. SS 11. COLEMAN STREET, also at ADELPHI HOTEL. 2287 A BROKEN-DOWN SYSTEM. Thil it a condition ■or disrate to which doctot fwc many nanri, but whuh frw of
      496 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 533 12 Scale of Cbaraes* P REPAID AD VEKTIBEMENTB.— MIsoeI llßdom Wants of E»ery Description, Housu, Aaad, etc., to let, are inserted at Ihe following ■MatsOne Insertion I.JO per inch. Two »00 Three *.8O Btx 6.M Mum 1.40 Twelve 7. 50 Twenty-five 10.00 (Each subsequent month M per Inoa.) Tit abore rate
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    • 459 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Rates :-Four Linen, one or two iiuwtioa*. si. By the inch, »(w Mb nf ChargM. PRODUCE GOOOWNS WANTED. Wanted, Produce gudowna on Singapore Biver. Apply to Adamson Oilfillan A Co., Ltd. 3363 HOUSE WANTED. Wanted small House, suitable for married coaple, with or without Tennis Court. Write Honse,
      459 words
    • 593 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. KU»t-rou Lius, om «tw I—Mum, SI.OC Br the Inch, Seal* of Cka>|OT, OFFICE TO BE LET. No. 7, Battery Boad. Apply to Gntbrie and Co., Ltd. U 1878 ROOM TO LET. Boom suitable (or Married Conple or two Baohelon Apply Eden Hall, Nassim Boad. oSll
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    • 1229 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. L. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Bobber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds of HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, lor Carriages Motor Cars, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose, Braket?w TPWAnTKja unTrm tvrfs noBe ioT Railways, Speaking Tubes, RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES. CODDRINGS, GAUGE-GLASS RINGS. All kinds oi I.R. Buffers and
      1,229 words