The Straits Times, 22 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.789. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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    • 316 1 HALES TOURS Beach Road, Singapore. NEW FILMS Just Arrived. The three following realistic tours combining Railway and Trams will be given for the first time this evening I. HEX RIVER TO RHODESIA including Hippo Hunt. 11. NAPLES by Tram and VESUVIUS by Electric Railway. 111. THE TWO MOST WONDERFUL RAILWAYS
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    • 25 1 "DE SUMATRA POST." Published daily at Medan, Deli, is the LEADING paper in Sumatra. 6 d rs fcad O C/ 3 w z H o
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  • 722 2 NEW STORIES RELATED IN GREAT CONTRAST. Success Achieved by New Writer. Weeping Chokh. By Henry Longan Stuart Londou Cbatto and Windus, 6s. Cousin Cinderella. By Mrs. Everard Cotes. Londou Metbuen, 6s. Rogues Fall Out. By Florence Warden. Londun Ward, Lock and Co., fin. Mr. Stuart, a new writ*
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  • 158 2 Who Goes Golfing Wmo'h Who in Golf, and Directory of Golf Clnbs and Momberß. London Watts Button and Co. The above question might almost bn answered by askina another: Who doesn't go golfing? And perhaps it would be easier to answer the latter question than tbe formt r. If, however,
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  • 101 2 An ingenious bank swindle has caused a sensation in banking circles, states a London wire <>f 3B. A form bearing a secret code word wax prebeuted at the Harltsdon branch of the London and Sooth-Weotern Bank, intimat ing that there had been transferred to tliat bank £~M
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 370 2 SIDEROSTHEN PAINT B Kills Rust. USED BY GOVERNMENT. MUNICIPALITY and CONTRACTORS for Steel and Ironwork. Resists the action of Acids and Steam, and stands Tropical conditions. Importers Borneo Co., Ltd. nirir'G concentrated UEeEe d DISINFECTANT. The most economical and effective. 1 Gallon Drums $1.75 2 3.25 7.50 IMFOkTERS: Borneo Company,
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    • 152 2 S~j[^B»««ss6c^a«ssSa«sssfc DENTAL SUPPLIES. Laburst Stock or C. Ash, Sons and Co "s Manufactures and American Goods. CHEONQ BROS., DENTISTS, 25, South D ridge ft oad, Singapore, Guarantee high-clus work aid the latest improvem 'nts for European clieuts. 17/0 CHARGES MODERATE. f% RIGAUD'S W KaHaNga gl OF JAPAN f^ TOILET WATER
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    • 25 2 Pboplb who eDJoy headaches should take Steams' Headache Cure. It stops the ache. Leaved tbe head clear. Makes them almost forget what headache is like.
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    • 382 2 ISMAIL &RAHEEM Manufacturing Jewellers, 22-1 22-2, BRAS BASAH ROAD. J~\JST TJNPA.CKED: A Lsrge Stock of Pure Blue-White Diamonds From 1 carat to 10 carats per pair. HMBS STKICTtV MOOCH. TC |RS P( C TIOM COMOIAILT INVITCO SIJST G-A.ITPOIR.IE Tourist Agency 1. ST. ANDREW'S ROAD. BAGGAGE DEPARTMENT Corner of Enplnuade ft
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 172 2 The Straits Times, 4MB The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily inane per year $80.00 do per quarter 7.50 do per mouth 2.60 do per copy 10 Weekly issue per year 13*00 do per quarter 8.00 do per copy 86 When sent by post, there is added for
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  • 1144 3 LONDON CONFERENCE ON NAVAL WAUFARE. Suggested International Agreement The International Conference on Naval Warfare, which was to bave begun its sittings in London on October 1, is likely to bo postponed, Bays a Home paper. The Oovernment are anx'ous to seenro delay, and have communicated with the
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  • 137 3 The citizens of Saigon are looking forward to great doings there on the fiftieth anniversary of the capture of the city by the French forces under Admiral Rig Halt de (tttnonilly. which falls in February 19U9. Half a century ago, France was at war with the King
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 338 3 The-Essence qfVittti ty Cadbury's Cocoa f gives valuable support to the whole system, m It contains everything essential to the maintenance i and restoration of vitality, is easily digested, and possesses the delicious, full, genuine i cocoa flavour. TpMa^MjJ**fr^^yTj^^^^^^?ttlioNi£^^j^™^y j. DA. PEREIRA. HOBTU'IT'.TUKIhT AND KLOKISI Collector and Exporter of Orohida.
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    • 31 3 LOOK VAN KIT. DENTIST. AND OEN'AI SUPPLIEB. No. 28, Smith Canal Road, Hi 17, South Brirlgb Road. High-ClasH Work. Moderate Clmrßes Committing Rooms nttcd with electric liffbtiaud fans, etc., etc. 1405
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  • 705 4 Nc,m>\ port, probable date oj arrival, aiid name oj Agents. STEXMKRS Atrlie. Sydney, Oct 23 Bomtead Alciuuus, Chin*. Oct M W. Mansfield Alicante, Manila. Nov 1 Barlow Antnng, Hongkong, o<t Behn Meyer A«tyanax Liverpool. Nov 24; W. Mansfield Arroand Behic, M'acille*. Nov 2; M. Maritime* t, Hongkong, NwlS;
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  • 47 4 Time-Balls on Fort Canniug add Mount Fiber drop daily at 1 p.m., Siuga) re standard time corresponding to 6 s.m. Greem. >eh meantime. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Snnday, when it is fired at one o'oloek.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 70 4 FROM CANADA Mothers have the same terror of oroup in all countries, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy leads in popularity for a prompt cure of thin dreaded dixease. Mrs. Thos Matthew of Caleden, East Ontario, says: I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy sevural times, and I try to keep it in
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    • 738 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through BUIj it Lading kMaai tor Ofeta Ooaat, Forslin Oolf, Contlnantal, *cd Am rio» forts. S«"imer« will leave Sin >p r jo or *b r MAIL LINR (Ourtcard/or CAin-i). 19)8 D«Mi
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    • 616 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. BURHS PHILP LINE. SINGAPORE TO 'J\V\ PORTS, PORT DARWIN. THCRSDVY ISLAND, BRISBANE AND «YONEIT. ALBO TAKING 0 VRT> r OT3£B XOItr.I QUEENSLAND PORTS. BRITIBH NEW GUINEA, NEW BRITAIN VNDNEW /.-•-•YCAND PORTS (with transhipment). Ai induoemeat offers. Smooth passage. Superb Scenery. A regalar monthly servloe to above porn Is
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    • 484 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. A.<>n> CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. GO. LTD. a The Companies' steamers are riespaobed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits. China and Japan every week aud from Jspan homewards for London, Amsterdam ani Antwerp every fortaight for Goooa, Marseille! and Liverpool and for Marsei'les,
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    • 569 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of thig Company maintain a regular set-rice between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are desnatnhed fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direot, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 791 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUT .CHE.R LLOYD Imperial Q«rma:i •■•<■.;! Lin*. The fast and well known mail steamer oi Ibis Oompany sail fortnightly from Brem i Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sooth mi ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (conn- -j Marseilles, Naples, Alcxai. -Is, and vice nt Port Said, Suez, Aden,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 138 4 Singapore Tide Table. (From O. RMsl 11 to OciMsl 24.) HIUII WATER. LOW WATER Tune H'^bt. Time H'yht October br> mm. ft. ins. lira.miv. ft. inc. I 9.11 urn k.O TS7"ain'~2.6 TmmmaU j B SI 8 3 .-i lim 3 9 J 9.41 im S.S 1 21 am' 2.S Frioai
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  • 1174 5 UKDia thl. htarflnn lh« (ol lowing nhbratiMmnn \rr air. *ie&mer ah. ship; bq. barque; »<-li. Khouut; Yet.— Yrwht; Cra.— CraiMt u'bi. "mi b««t; Tor.— Torp««lo H.p.— H<im-pow» Brit.— BritUh U. H.— United st»U« Ffh.-Fr.ncn a.r.— (l.rman But.— Dutch I ml. Italian spun.— Spunuli Mar.— Sarawak O.c— d.n.ral
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  • 288 5 Passengers Outward. Per P. and O. steamer Moldavia, connect ing with the steamer Delhi at Colombo doe October 34.— Miss L. T. Price, Sir W H. and Lady Hyndman Jones, Mrs. A Pearoe, Mr. W. Dennis, Mr. W. Dirpenheim Mr. C. E. S. Baxendale, Mr. W. E.
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  • 95 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAN JONG PAGAK. East Wharf Babim Jos. L. Eviatoo. Eakt Wharf Section I— Lai Sang. Muttra, Lai Sang. Section No. 1 (Shurh Wharf)— Nil. Section 3— lachia. Wakasn Maru. B— NU. 4 Somali. o—Nil.0 Nil.
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  • 109 5 Fob Pn Bmin Time To-MOMOW Europe via ports />■■!'•■ 6 11.111. Toluk Ansoo vi» \miu Perak 3 p.m. Malacca and Maar Lady Weld 8 p.m. Penang and Deli Hebe 3 p.m. H'koug, Amoy, Swatow Hong Moh 3 p.m. Bengkalis, Siak, Pakan Kian Ann 8 p.m. Batavia, Soarabaya, etc.
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  • 117 5 From Edbopi— By the P. and O. iteamer Delhi, October 94. From Chdu— By the P. and O. iteazner Delta, dne October 32. TIME TABLE OF MAILS DUE Left Singapore Dae in London Arrived Sept 11 P. 40. Oot 8 Oct 8 Sept 15 N.D.L. Oot 8
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  • 119 5 October ai Cbieug Mai, Ocr atr, Bangkok Hnrez, Dot btr, Poloe Samboe Aphrudite, Brit str, Dublin Cheauy Chew, Brit Btr, Penaug Singapore, Brit str. Bangkok Fah Wo, Brit str, Langkat O O. Meijer, Dot str, Mnntok, Palembang fChowTai, Ger »tr, Saigon 33 Somali, Brit str, Hongkong, Shanghai. Japan Moyori
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  • 431 5 S. V. C. ORDERS. The Bt Major E. C. Ellis, Acting Commandant, 5.V.0.. Singapore, October 20, 1908. B.V.A. Duties. I Orderly Officer for ensuing "*k .-Captain F. Hilton. Orderly N.C.O. Sergt. C. Baugh. Parades. II :-On Monday 26th, at 9 p.m., Ceremonial drill. On Tuesday 27th, at 5.80 p.m., D.K.F.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 525 5 STEAMER SAIUNBB. C.R. CHARGEURS REUNIS "ROUND THE WORLD LINE. The new twin Steamer "Corse" 16,000 tons ilispliiceuinit, DUE ABOUT NOVEMBER 20. 1908. Splendid Passenger Accommodation KJK HONGKONG. BHANGHAI. CH'NWANTAO. KOBE. YOKOHAMA AND AMERICA. First-class Passage Kare froui Singapore to CANADA i PCO UNITED STATES TO EUROPE (VIA CANADIAN 4>
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    • 569 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIOHTLY serrioe la main taiDod between Japau and Europe by th< NEW TWIN-SCKHW STEAMERS, Uoder Mail Contract with the Imperial Japan Me Government, specially designed (or the Company's European Service, lighted thronghjat by Electrioity, provided with exoellent tocommodation for First
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    • 616 5 STEAMER SAILINGS, cTPIt Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Hall Steamship Una. THK NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE ru OUINA JAPAN. CANADA and >he ONITBO BTATKF. Koala bom Hongkong, tis Shanghai. Nagasaki, (lolaad Bea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Vlotorta Mid Vanooover, R.M.B. "Kapunoilniu" 1 Twin screw steaR.M.H. Evraass o» JiFia men, 8,000
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    • 206 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Oot 24— At f ale-room, valuable Chinese Jewellery, at 11 a.m. 24— At St. Dominio's. No. 9, Mount Sophia, household furniture, etc., at 2-80 p.m. H. L. Coghlan and Co. Oot 24— At No. 74-5, Bras Basab Road, valuable teak furniture, etc. at 2 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 54 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kamdmt Kirbau HoipUal, Oclobtr 21, 1908. 1 1. 1. I v. h. 9 r. >. RABtraLL. Bar. 32Fah 29.951 29.811 29.960 Temp 81.6 85.1 80 0 Wet Bulb Ther 78.0 77 6 76.0 Nil. Dir of Wind oalm South oalm Mai. Temp 87.6 Mm 744 Max. in Sao
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    • 189 5 DAY BY DAY Thursday, October 22. High Water. 9.14 a.m 8.54 p.m. Hookey. S.C.O. v. Oarrlsau Officer*. P. A. O. homeward mail dne. p.m. Cornish Pixie. st 7 and 9to 10 p.m. Hill St. Grand Cinematograph. Theatre Royal. Alhambra Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Hake's Tours. 7 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m.
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  • 1150 6 Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. The near approach of the election for the presidency of the United States does not appear to have produced auy very striking development of the situation created by the famous Hearst disclosures. The feeling produced by a bold allegation that some of
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  • 458 6 The Liberal Government seems to have been forced into action by the persistency of the unemployed. In the telegram which wo publish to-day, the Prime Minister gives name indication of the relief measures which are to be taken, and it does not require a very large experience of social problems
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  • 15 6 A cargo of ric« and timber arrived from R-rokok by the X.D.L. steamer Rajah, yesterday.
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  • 17 6 The price of tin in Singapore to-day is tW\ per picul. One hundred tons have been sold.
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  • 23 6 A Chinaman was found hanging in the bithroom at the Bukit Timah Road Police Station, this morning. He has not yet been identified.
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  • 25 6 It has been decided that the hordes of Varaen runners in the various districts of China be abolished and their places taken by Detective Boards.
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  • 20 6 The ordinary meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioner)) will he held tomorrow afternoon. The agenda is but of ordinary interest.
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  • 32 6 It is proposed by the Chinese Government to appoint the D.tlai Llama as the Buddhist Pope in Tibet. He shall not, however, exercise any power over the civil administration of tho Governmeut.
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  • 31 6 A Chinese syndicate has started a service of motor-cars between Ipoh and Gopeng, calling at Kiranoog Payang, Sungei Raj*, eu route. A siiuilxr service to Tambuu and Aiupang is uuder consideration.
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  • 39 6 An engine on the new Ipoh-Tronoh line eot derailed at one of the curves between Papan and Pusing Stations on Sunday last. Luckily none of the carriages followed, and the engine was soon got on to the line again.
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  • 38 6 At the meeting of the Legislative Council. next Wednesday, a Bill to provide for the temporary detention of certain foreign offenders will bo read a first time. The second reading of the Supply Bill will also be taken.
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  • 37 6 News from Peshawar, India, says that hill ni.iiiii! ivres on a large scale will shortly take place in the neighbourhood of Abbottabad British troops from Galo's and tho Abbottab id brigade will share in the military exercises.
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  • 45 6 Tan Ah Seng, after the fashion of his kind, took a number of friend into his room in Upper Cross Street, last night, and they, also after the fashion of their kind, decamped with $26 of his cash, and personal effects valued at $5 more.
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  • 41 6 Two thieves entered the Outratn Road School, last night, and secured all the brass door aid window fastaniugs that remained after their previous visit. The caretaker was aroused in time to see them disappear, but he is unable to describe them.
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  • 44 6 The improvciifiit in the manufacture of iron and steel, in India, continues and bridge spans, formerly niido up to 80 feet, have now been iocrea-cd to 150 feet. In the course of time, as private firms enlarge, plant indents upon England should steadily decline.
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  • 46 6 We are requested by the Aide-de-Camp to inform those ladies and gentlemen who have invitations to Miss Anderson's ''A' Homes" that there will be no "At Homo" on Wednesday next owing to the final of the KO R. Cup Polo Tournament being played on that afternoon.
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  • 54 6 Information has reached Hongkong that Messrs. A. R. Marty and Company's steamer 1 [, was blown (in a sandbank mar Hoi how, during the typhoon on the night of the I2ih instant. She is not much damaged but will have to be dug out. A Chinese gunboat is also stranded
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  • 54 6 A bomb was found, on the 14th instant, by a platelayer ou the railway line, 20 milts from Calcutta, between Naihati aud KaDkiuara. near the scene of the two previous outrages on trains. When it was removed it exploded and injured a man, bat not mriouxly. The police have gone
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  • 66 6 A respectable Englishman was before the acting Second MagUtrate, M-. J. 8. W. Arthur, this njoruiug, on a chargo of killing a goat belouging to a Bengali. The evidence showed tint the goat bad been committing depredations in the Englishman's compound and he threw a stone at it to drive
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  • 462 6 Dr. D. K. McDowell is expected to arrive in Singapore by tho Oceaua on November 8. Captain .1. D'Arcy Sytnonds is due from Home to-day by tho N'.V.K. steamer Wakasa Maru. Lieutenant H. S. L. Hind 99th lVcean Infantry, was placed on the sick list ou the
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  • 40 6 Mr. Draper, of Tanglia, has reported to the police that his Chinese boy," who has been in his employ for three years, has disappeared with fdO, with which he was entrusted for the purpose of payi.g it to the cook.
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  • 44 6 Tho Straits Steamship Company's new steamer, Ipoh, made a passage fiuin Port Sweettenhaiu to Penaug iv thirteen hours. It is understood, nays a Peuaug contemperary, that this is the quickest, passage that has yet been made froui port to pott by a local steamer.
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  • 52 6 The Peking correspondent to the Union runes, a local Chinese HnftM tele^injiliH that in all probability His Excellency Li Kwok Kit, eldest giaud>ou of the lato Li tiaug Chiang will be cent to the southern seas on tho Chinese Tenth uiuou (next month) in order to pay visits to the
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  • 60 6 Lo Xi Teong is a bold Chinese coolio who is, from to-day, doing a year's giatuitous labour lor the (ioveruuient. Ho was passing along Bras II >. nli Ruad, on the Sfd luMaut, and saw a uouya wearing two kioiaugs to which he took a faucy. 11.- succeeded in getting
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  • 53 6 Sim Soon Lye, a H"kiun, haw a Bengali carrying a bag ot BMBey in a ricksha in Stamford lUud, yesU.rd.iy m rmiaft. aud cast covetous eyes upon it, with the result that he has been put into prison lor three Maths' hard labour, by order of the Third Magistrate. The
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  • 71 6 A Palembang Malay, named Radin Abdul Karim, who, v is allcg. d, has been i«lm banished from the Cuioiiy, was arreHted yesteid iy in posse-siou uf it l{ iMgfa bicycle, a pair of gold eye glasses, and a rolled-gold watch a id chain, which 1 liter, it is staled, was
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  • 84 6 During last week, 2)2 deaths Wf>re recorded in Singapore, tho death rate being equal to 44.51 pat thousand of the estiuiat-d population. There were 49 deaths from fever, 28 from beri beri aud 28 from phthisis, 17 froiu foyer not specitio.l, lOfretn biouchitis, and 11 from pueuniouia. A hundred
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  • 86 6 Dr. Sun Vat Sen, the notorious Chinese revolutionary leader, who is iv residence in Singapore, kivch no end of iHMiIM to the iiiyh otliciiils at Peking, i'riuce Kirn, the President of the Foreitfu Affairs Hoard, has, nays the Echo d« Clinic, a*ked the British Minister at Pikiuy to Inn the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 397 6 AMSTEL Lager BEER. 4 doz-n Qn»rU. And in Dram In Cases of g dozen J mW ooaUiniDg 7J OaUoni. SAMPLES FROM Caldbsck, Macgregor and Co. SELF-SHAY NG MID: POSSIBLE U*^' 3& THE GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR ~V»jHI 3»' af °d by quite a great number of •/"••»t*"' men, not because they
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    • 188 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATJ(R\PH. BEACH ROAD. To-NSght! ALL NEW FILMS. The Beginning of the Serpentine Flash James (Tbe Life of a Gambler) Stickfast For the Sake nf hi-t Uniform The Barrow Race Tlie Mysterious Knight A Well-paid Situ ition AND The Stadium Sports, 1, 2 and 3 Series. L. F. WILLIS, Manager.
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  • 219 7 TURKEY AGREES TO PROPOSED COHERENCE. General Outlook Improving. Rkitkk s TklK'.imm London, October 22. Turkey has abandoned opposition to the international conference, which she now regards as indispensable. She has sent a circular to the Powers enumerating the Turkish clsiius. London, October 21. The delegates from the Turkish
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  • 101 7 Increase of Salaries Means Higher Taxation. [RkUTKK's TFLK'iKVM London, October 21, The Gorman Emperor, at the opening of the Prussian Diet, announced that a Bill would bo iutroduced for increasing the civil salaries by £10,000.000 sterling. This would necessitate increased taxation upon property and upou larger incomes. |DlB
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  • 84 7 Welcoming the Goodwill of Friends and Allies. [Rcctbb Tklkobamj London. October tt. The Times rejoices at the inU reliance of courtesies betwien NmMml Itoosevelt and the Mi kudo. It says we should welcome tiic good uuderstanding bct.vicn our Japaiiihi) allies nod our American, mends as a
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  • 72 7 Question as to English Principal's Dismissal. [RaOTIB'S TuLrclßAM.] London, October 22. Sir Edward Grey, answering a question in the House of Commons by Mr. Mitchell Thomson, said that Sir John Newell Jordan, His Majesty's Minister at Peking, was intervening on behalf of the dismissed English Principal of I.
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  • 36 7 [Dai OiitiUTiiuai Llotd Tbl»oka»] Berlin, October 21. The Right Hon. Sir F. C. Lascelles, G.C.B late British Ambassador at Berlin, has been decorated with tie Order of the Eagle with Diamonds.
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  • 39 7 |Di> OsTAsuruuHi I.lotd T»L»<m*« Berlin. October 21. MM August Wilbelm was married to day to Princess Schleswig Holstein Oluckaburg, and in Berlin there was general rejoicing. The Prince received congratulatory telegram* from all parts of the world.
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  • 616 7 Norddeutscher Lloyd Sued for Wages and Food Allowance. In the District Court before Mr. E. C. C. Howard, yesterday afternoon, Mr. Paul Miuersberger sued Messrs. Belin Meyer and (Jompauy, as agents for tho Norddeut«cher Llo>d, for $152 for wages and food allowance. Mr. James Aitkeu appeared for
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  • 272 7 nfortnation Sought on Status of Finance Committee. Mr. T. S. Baker will ask, »t a meeting of the Legislative Council, on Wednesday, the following questions: ll) Is it competent for members of the Finance Committee in approving or disapproving a vote for any service to criticise the
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  • 50 7 The monthly medal competition for October will be played on Situr.luy and Sunday, October 24 aud 2.~>, aud the couipttitiou fur ladic-. which could not rake place on the Ihl Mo"d ly in October ou account of the Autumn Races, will be pluyod on Monday. October 26.
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  • 95 7 Id the trial of the murder of Miss Taylor at Mulian, India, Vlullios repeated his con frsMou implication Shmililli.tra and admitted that a shirt winch had bloodstains on it belonged to hitu-rlf. Subsequently, the Magistrate committed Shuuldli.iin aud Mulling to the Session-, charged with murder,
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  • 257 7 WITHDRAWAL OF THE IMPERIAL TROOPS. Mr. Haldane's Latest Economy. [Riotir's Tklihrams] London, October 21. General Lord Methuon, who is in command of the Imperial Forces in S uith Africa, has made an important statement at Durban. He said tint ho bad been commissioned by Mr. Haldane, Secretary of
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  • 479 7 Alleged Wrongful Detention of Title Deeds. The Nederlandscho Handel Maatschappij arc being sued by Mr. Gino Pertile, in tin Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice T. Sercombe Smith, for tho return of numerous deeds relating to four houses in Havelock I! ud and to another in Bras Basah
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  • 194 7 The deportation of nearly ninety Chinese vi rls who hay.- been attract ns at the Manila Chinese theatre for the past two years is expected to take place within a short time. These pirls arrived at Manila on the Rubi in July, 1906. and since that
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  • 64 7 In response to a petition received from American residents in Japan, the Authorities hafe given instructions that no geisha are to be employed to attend on the sailors of the American Fleet. As the day approaches for the arrival of the Fleet Japanese Press is enthusiastically
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  • 405 7 AGED CHINESE PIG-REARER CUT TO PIECES. Widow Rendered Insane Through Fright. Another tlisUrdly outrage has been added to the long list of bold crimes of violence which have been perpetrated in Siogaporel daring the past year or two. A gang of thirteen robbers visited, last night, the hut
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  • 242 7 Crew of Bark Frantic with Hunger on Desert Island. A strange story reached Qucenstown. recently from Lyttelton. New Zealand, of tin adventures o Captaiu Noel and twenty-one members of the ere >v of tli French barque. President Felix Fa ure. which was driven on the Antipodes Islands, south
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  • 342 7 American Fleet Ran Almost Out of Coal. To have a sufficient and proper supply of 'coil during the last three stages of the battleship cruise was 0110 of the serious problems that confronted Rear-Admiral Sperry and hit* staff, and, when the houks were dropped in Manila bay,
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  • 712 7 Poisonous Gases from the Sir John Jackson. Details of the fatalities on board of the Sir John Jackson, which was wrecki d off the coast of Ceylon tho other day, while nn a voyage from Saigon, are to hand from Colombo. A correspondent writing from Kalkuda,
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  • 325 7 Councils Extension Scheme in India. The celebration of the jubilee of the Queen's Proclamation on Monday, November i, towards which the M I'lras M luicipality nave proposed to mak» a small sub-c iption, is an entirely local affair and uo big Viceregal durbar or other important
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  • 76 7 In connection with the recent Reuter's telegram, it appears that Mrs. Synionds. formerly Secreta-y to Mr. K. ir Hardie, taking advantage of the privilege of ladies to wa'cli the debates through the gla»s doors, rushed into the House of Commons which whh discussing the Children's Protection Bill,
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 117 7 GREAT SCHEMES OF PUBLIC HELP. Workless as Soldiers and Warship Builders. [Rsutkb's Telkoram] London, October 22. The Prime Minister, Mr. H. Asquith speaking in the House of Commons, detailed the measures which the Government proposed to take for the relief of unemployment. There would be a special grant
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  • 67 7 |K»otir's TaiaomiKl London, October 21. The area affected by the lockout in the Lancashire cotton trade is widening. Thousands of wetvers have now been added to the ranks of the unemployed, aud distress is rapidly increasing. The closing of weaving mills is the natural ontcnue of the
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  • 162 7 Government to be Questioned on Subject. At a meeting of the L ■gislative Council on Wednesday, the 28th instant, Mr. E. C. Ellis will ask (1) When did the Government first receive the report of the Opium CommisMon (2) Has the same been forwarded to the Secretary
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  • 202 7 Extensive Damage by Wind and Water. A terrible typhoou lias struck the neighbourhood of Amoy, says a telegram of the 15th instant. A tremendous g-ile blew for a considerable time and there was an abuorm il downpour of rain. The crick»t pavilion has entirely collapsed and m
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  • 154 7 The naval launch U.ircclo, from Cavite, collided witli a b-inca at the mouth of the Pasig river, Manila, ou October 2. overturning the banca, which contained tho native boatmen and two passengers. John Parkinson, chief engineer of the steamer Inveran. one of the p isseugers, was drowned.
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  • 151 7 A Hoihow oorrtsi'omleiit, writing under date the 9th instant, states that lloihow has ueeo visited by a flood which reiideied the -.treeta imp*sHable and caused a lot of trouble. Ou the sth instant, at 1 a m the wiud rose and torrents of fell. The river
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  • Sorting Intelligence.
    • 91 8 The Association football match between the R.G.A. and tho Warders and R.E., in tho Singapore Shield competition, fixed for yestoraay. has been postponed to Saturday next. A mysterious theft is stated to have taken place at the sergeants' mess of tbe Ist Devonshire Regiment at Rangoon, recently,
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    • 44 8 Launch Departures. The steam U.. i Argo will leave Johnston's Pier for tho t I <b Bungalow on Sunday, the 25th instant, at 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2.80 and 3.30 p.m., returning at 9.80 and 10.80 a.m., 12.15, 8 and 5.30 p.m.
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    • 114 8 Kuala Lumpur Meeting. Mr. H. Payuo Gallwey has received a telegram from Kuala Lumpur to tho effect that tbe Selangor Turf Club have arranged their programme for tbe boginningof January and bave decided to hold a race each day for bi-grifflns imported into tbe Straits and F.M.B at
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    • 134 8 5.R.C. Sports. The following aro tbe results of the preliminary heats decided last evening in connection with the S.R.C. Athletic Meeting which is to take place on Saturday 100 Yards Flat Rack.— First beat Emil Galiston, and C. M. Wosterhout second beat E. E. dn Souza and L. H.
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    • 153 8 5.C.C and XI. RE. A team of the Royal Engineers tried conclusions with a second oieven of the S.C.C. at Hockoy on the Esplanade, yoBterday, a fairly taut and interesting Raino being witno88*xl. Play was uneventful for the first ten minutes, wheu both sides were aotive, but failed to
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    • 348 8 West Rents I. v. West Kents II. These toauiu uict at Tangliu last evening in tho Singapore Shield competition. Mr. 1'°. Apps discharging tin.- duties of rofuroc in a Tory satisfactory manner. Tho result was justified by tbe play, the winner- showing smarter combination. The halt-backs also wero
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    • 370 8 Inter-port Match. Tbo inter-port rifle shooting match was fired off at Hongkong, on October 16, in dull and cloudy weather. The afternooon was windless, but tbe light wan none too good. With a total of 809 at tbe first range, it was reckoned that tbe day was not
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  • 351 8 European Police Open Fire on the Mob. Details are to hand of a serious riot that occurred on tbe 7th instant, at Kotakuppam, a British village adjoining Pondioberry, where some Mussulmans went out to shop and trade with Muthialpet, a Freuch village, a suburb of Poncherry. Tbe
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  • 155 8 Smelting Company. The tirst ordinary goueral meeting of the Eastern Smelting Company, Limited, was held on Thursday afternoon at the company's registered offices at Ponang. The Managing Director, Mr. Herrmunu Jessen, occupied the chair and gave a resume of the company's work for the last
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  • 118 8 In ordering the party of geological students of the Presidency College to leave Chaibassa some days ago the following order was recorded by Mr. Carey, Deputy Com missionor Twenty. six youths, alleging themselves to be students of the Presidency College, bat bringing no credentials or means
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  • 828 8 INTERESTING DISCUSSIONS AT OLYMPIA. Conditions of Planting in the F.M.S. Described. One of the prominent objects of tin fgo- I moters of the Rubber Exhibition at Olympia was to bring together the experts and manufacturers, both of England and from abroad, to take part in a series
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  • 487 8 Committal of the Architect at Hongkong. With reference to oar special telegram annoanoiog that Mr. L. O. Bird had been committed for trial, at Hongkong, on a charge of manslaughter, in connection with the death of six Chinese, who wore killed by the collapse of buildings at
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  • 235 8 India Held up as an Example to Avoid. This month witnessed somothiug out of the common in Jaya the meeting of a National Congress for the first time. Pessimists, who point to the mischiefs wrought by the National Congress in India, (ear the worst from the
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  • 162 8 Prediction by American President's Son-in-law. A special telegram to tho Manila Times from Washington, dated October 8, says that Congressman Nicholas Longwortb, of the Cincinnati, Ohio, district, recently renominated to succeed himself, has created a sensation by stating, in a public address commenting on the Roosevelt policies,
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  • 102 8 A remarkable Imperial rescript lias been issued, states a Tokio telegram of tbe 14th instant. It states that in view of the uaceusiug advance of civilisation it is the wish of the Emperor that, while strengthening the relations with the other Powers, Japan should share fully in the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 255 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The Favourite WAYANG KASSIM. The Indra Zanibar Royal Theatrical Co., OF SINGAPORE. To-morrow Night, U mi. ALEXANDRA HALL, North Bridge Bond. Tli-' following play will be st»u*i Genevieve of Brabant. NEW SCENERIES! NfcW PLAYS! NEW ARTISTES' EVERYTHING NEW! MM SINGAPORE TOURIST A6EN3Y. NOTIOI IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mr.
      255 words
    • 162 8 IRANO CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. Bose's Circus, IiK.UMI KOAD, SINO.U'OKE. Q-NI6HT AND EVERY NI6HT. AT 9.15 P.M. MISS MAINMOYE. "THE DARING. ia her unparalleled exhibit uf ratntgiog THE BIGGEST ROYAL BENGAL TIGER on the back of an Elephant, a Tusker Saturday, October 24, Matinee at 4 p.m. Evening at 9.1 j
      162 words

  • 516 9 Driven Desperate Through False Accusations. w~ by tin la-t mail leaves no doubt that < li neial Luard'x suicide m deliberate and premeditated would IMB to be. boyoud doubt. In his bedroom at Uarhaui Court, lie left a letter addressed to liis host, in which he imlii-
    516 words
  • 399 9 Efforts to Exploit (he Resources of Alaska and Yukon. arid 1 >ir, tlic Alaska- YukonI'ncitii- Exposition, which will bo held at Seattli S. opcniun .Innu 1 and oloatafl Oi toll, 1 16, I'.MW. This oxposition. which will he tlic -i cund on« held M the I'.u nil Coaat
    399 words
  • 146 9 With (>|mu verauilitns and <;<t 11 windows verywln )<■ in the Colony. Hrmokoiij,' '>tTers an attractive tit Id tor the c nf rpiiMny I) lr -lar. And, :n-4'oi ilin-_; lo the Daily I'm •is, he is ■■kiag the most ol his oi>|H>rtmiitieM days, or rather Bight*.
    146 words
  • StockS and Shares.
    • 347 9 >kto ol formation Capital -j Somber Babeorib*d of Bhart lane Vain* Paid Bharat ap to Dnimed Company QUOTATIOU MM 1800,000 I 400,000 1907 1300,000 1*6,000 1301 1600,000 SOO.OOO 903 £400,000 860,000 1907 »400,000 375,000 1901 £60,000 80,000 1906 £100.000 100,000 .906 1150.000 99,000 i 906 £110,000 130,000 1906 £30,000
      347 words
    • 383 9 1906 £160,000 19M I IMO.OOO .-ill £30,000 .908 £70,000 '06 1180,000 I 1904 i £***** *M £76,000 1906 4810,000 1905 £65,000 :906 £180,000 1907 £320,000 1906 I /175.000 1906 j 1250,000 IBH £100,000 1806 4800,000 1908 4)0,000 I 1906 1260,000 1904 I £20,000 1904 1100.000 ISM «snnoo 1903 1.^.1C0
      383 words
    • 193 9 1-34 I«fl8 IMS «5,877.10.0 4,805 «»M,OOO I 32i,000 115,000,000 15.000,000 •3,400,000 2,«00,OOC 7,«8° 4,800 180.00 C 18,000 t 6,000 t 5,000 4,000 3,400 6.000 f,760 14,000 600 400,000 1,110 2,000 4,956 300,000 11/6 60 lit 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 50 1 100 100 100 10
      193 words
  • 246 9 Sinoai-om. October 21, 1008. PRODUCE. trimbier I 7.90 do (Cube No. 1) aupickoi ll.ii."> oopra Bali 7.60 do Pontiansk 7.20 Popper, Black 10.10 R W*>ih "v 15.60 Si»;o Flour Sarawak 2.95 do Brunei No. 1 2.80 Pearl Sago 8.75 Coffee Bali, pioked 32.5) Coffee. Palombang, 20 1 U-i- norn
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 59 9 old f.i-liion. .1 copaiba and -Autal arc duw NMhM by METHYLOIDB. the ujodcru scientific remedy for catarrlial affections of the urinary tract. These tiny ImUm eajwiilrs uivi' visible results in a tew hours and cure p.ouiptly. Much better than any injection and far safer and more louvenieut. A trial will
      59 words
    • 121 9 Singapore Muntoir*: t% 400,000 10% p. nom. i% 1,878,000 6% prom H% 1,600.000 5% prem IV 603,900 6% dii com. Strut* Eutfiu- 'iin; Byd., Ltd 6% 45,000 par. l'anjoog Pagar Dock Board 5% 1.080,000 par. B BT. ANDREW'S HOUBE. A Chnrcb ol f.uglana Boarding Honse for K'ir i.i'«'j hiii*. Eurasian
      121 words
    • 29 9 JOHN JAMESON'S THREE STAR PIRE POT STILL. IUUICIftTV «0». for 10* YEARS, ff 11 1 UK L I JOHN JAMESON and SON. LIMITED. DUBLIN. Dlftlllcre to H.M. ibe kini.
      29 words
    • 249 9 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co Id. wt fi_ I 'UPmßar 1 irl Hjilt? CHILDREN'S KNITTED ;||<f THE "TRIXY." WOOL vfisTS rtijjl CHILDREN'S VERY f*}il\ PRETTY WOOLLEN Exact to sketch. /f/(m\ POLKAS, IN WHITE. $ftfZ& WHITE AND I>INK. sizes ,5 6 J &*jrS AND WHITE .v RED. JK> Sizes: 8, 4 and 5
      249 words

  • 622 10 HUSTLING IN THE TUBES OF THE METROPOLIS. Shaving Seconds In Many Directions. The complaints of tube passengers, as to the time wasted by delay at booking uOicos and lifts, aud the lack of connection between train times and lift times, have had their effect. It was shown
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  • 160 10 The Mirror Over Eight Feet in Diameter. The announcement that the St. Gobain Company have successfully cast the 100-inch glass disc which is to at-rve for the mirror of the treat telescope intended to be set np at the Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institution, on the
    160 words
  • 171 10 A sensation over a wriuon syndicate has been beguiling N\ w Yoik in the dull season. Ti iii some -01 1 of trade in origiual Sftmoox" noeit on in this country as well as America in, of course, tlie Christian World points out, old news, but American
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 632 10 BANKING COMPANIES! CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. IRCORPORATiSD BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 60,000 Shares of CM) each ..£1. 300.001 Beserve Fund <1,52V00C Beserve Liability of Proprietors £1,900.000 BANKERS Bank ol England National Bank of Bootlaud. Tks London City A Midland Bank. Ltd SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current
      632 words
    • 479 10 UNKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. •vIDUPCaFITAL 116.000.00t < EBERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve 118.000,000 1 M 000 00C -tllverßeserve} oou uw •erve Liability of Propriators 115. 000.000 I I COUWT OF DIRECTOR*. i E. Rbrliiro Esq Chairman 100. Mr W J Oresson P«pnty Chairman. O Barrett. Ksq W.
      479 words
    • 33 10 LAXA'IINK. in. Ideal Purgalivb. recom ineDdM by tbe best medical aothonties Eu> o inkt- and •«rUiD 10 reaolts. To be bad of all b.nlik Wholveale bom The I'o^rm- v atWry Rnayl. Klntfip"" lIW'
      33 words
    • 486 10 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., LTD.. 15 BfiTl FRY Rf) Manufactured by the Star Cyclo Co., Wolvorhampton. Hundreds of these machines havo been sold in the Straits, and are auoqu<illud in prioo and unis'i. Inspect! >v invited. SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF TWO STEAM LAUNCH ENGINES, At Oodown 14, Tanjong
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    • 343 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE or A 6J H. P. BEESTONHUMBER MOTOR C*R, At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan Co's Salerooms, Wednesday, November 4, at 12 noon. Owner leaving for Europe. H. L. Cog-Man Co., Licensed Auctioneers and 2J97 Surveyors. AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Etc The property of D. M. Martia,
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    • 563 10 INSURANCE Companies. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital «,J90.000 Paid up Capital moOO Reserve Fund £1,791,876 Ihe undersigned. Agents fur Ihe Company, we prepared to aocept fire risks at ourreal rales of premium. BOURTEAD A Co..— Agtnu TBE IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE CNlTIti WITH TBI Allmucs AwuaANCR Comfutt, Lihitbd A
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  • 983 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. A One-Policy Idea. If ever there was a time when it was necessary fur autouobilists to be at one as to policy, that time is now, says The Old Man in The Car. It will not do to trust to time to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 293 11 ARGYLL CARS. SIMPLE f fvery Tar Fully Guar. anteed EFFICIENT QneU-lGhp, 5-Seated RELIABLE Car expected shortly Illustrated Catalogue and full particulars from Syme and Company, SOLE AQ-EITTS. SCOTTISH 4&Zfo TRIALS, 1908. TRADE MARK. As UHiial, the most noticeable feature was the overwhelming popularity and success of «fl p 1 1
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    • 46 11 BLO D PCIBON PREVENTED There is no danger from blood poison resulting from a wound when Chamberlain's Pain Balm is applied. It is an antiseptic liniment, and unless the injury is very severe it will not leave a scar. For sale by all Dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 115 11 PHOSFERINE Its* trMtMtrfnTMtM 1 JUST AKRIVED. Xinas and New Year Cards. Greeting Che«iU'' Forms. Fancy Calendars for 1903. Stationery Boxes for Xmas and New Year Presents. Perfumery, Tack's HalfMatks, etc etc. KOH COMPANY, 90, BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE. SIAM DINNER. Hotel Cecil. MENU. Sardines a la Tomatt*. Olives. Tortue Claire.
      115 words
    • 253 11 TUNG CHOY, MERCHANT TAILOR. Pit and Quality guaranteed. P'ioes Moleratau Latest *t) I<<. in HaU, Cap. Ties, etc., ate. received by every mail. 1811, COLEMAN BTREET, alao at ADELPUI HOTEL. 2287 CHARLES -<Jh HEIDSIECKS fnfjA White Seal Champagne. I "MI.X AQKNTB V A aehn, Mayer ACo L* A>j^k Sitigapore and
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 994 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVEBTISEMENTB.-Mtaoel IMeous Want* of Every Description, Bouses, Aaad, eto., to let, are inserted al the following •Mm:— One Insertion I 1.10 per Inch. Two i.OO Three 1.80 Btx a. jo 8.40 Twelve 7.W Twenty fire 10.00 (Each subsequent month H per look.) Ik* above rate is
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    • 576 12 TO BE LET OR 80L0 a*Tßil-Fomr Llnu, on* or tw HiiiMum, fi.on Bl »ta. taeh, M< Mult of CkufO. OFFICE TO BE LET. No 7, Battery Road. Apply to Onthrie u> ROOM TO LET. Boom suitable for Muried Couple or »w Bachelors. Apply Eden Hill, Naarim Road. OFFICE AND GOOOWN
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    • 426 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co, U SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. 0 India Robber Tyres, all kinda and shapes All kinds ol HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, L lor Carriages Motor Cats, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdril!, Gardeuhose, Brake-RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES. r Railwa y s Speaking Tubes, CODDRINGS, GAUGE GLASS RINGS. All kinds of I.R Buffers and
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    • 293 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. K«t*s Four Linavioneior two insertiun«, »i. o. B» th. inch, it>e ScMa of Charges. RUBBER STUMPS FOR SALE. Good Rubber Stamps, 10 months old. Apply Manager, Linggi Plantations, Ltd., Beremban. RUBBER EBTATEB FOR BALE. Two Robber Estates about I,ooo acres each (just valued). Will take shares Apply
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    • 309 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES a. Rat»*-i« Mmd., |10 per inch. Huhwquent montlu, 15. for shorter periods cc Kcalt ofChargw. NOTICE. 'y D. j OWNERS OF PIANOH who find it necessary to leave the Colony or any length of time, < bave their Pianoe WAREHOUSED and kept in OOOD ORDER, at a very
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