The Straits Times, 20 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.787. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS."
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 250 1 The OSTEND MEETING. Kilometer Trials, Flying Start. Mile Standing Test. FIRST— BAYARD-CLEMENT FIRST— BAYARD-CLEMENT. SECOND-BAYARD-CLEMENT SECOMD-BAYARD-CLEMENT. THIRD-BAYARD-CLEMENT. D.v.Dnmvirrv™ FOURTH-6-cylinder NAHEK. THIRD-BAYARD-CLEMEN i\ FIFTH-FIAT. FOURTH-FIAT. This proves once again the SUPERIORITY of BAYARDCLEMENT CARS as regards RELIABILITY and REGULARITY. A few Models of this make have just been received. Particulars and
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    • 51 1 The New Japanese CINEMATOGRAPH, BEACH ROAD. New Pictures, TONIGHT including: I'AMS FROM A HEIGHT OF 2,000 Kt. THE UNIVERSAL FLIRT THE LITTLE MAGICIAN THE AUTOMOBILE GUP MOTOR GAR RACE. 1908 (The most interesting, exciting and animated picture ever shown anywhere). And many other new and comical ones. MARTIN AND SHIBATA,
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    • 309 1 The Cornish Pixie. THE MARVEL OF MARVELS. Man's perfect proportions compressed into a 9; lb. limit. ON VIEW DAILY. FROM 5 TILL 8 P.M. Opposite McPsr 1 Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Co., Ltd. Admission $1. NOTICE. THE HOTEL DE LA PAIX This well-known establishment, which has changed ownership, is now open
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    • 337 1 Robinson Company. Gur SPECIAL 'RAPID' ACTION Q >» RACE FIELD GLASS. j&|M This is a small glass of exceptionally high power 3P and clear definition. It is cone-shaj ed and has RAPID,; ACTION, which when once focussed k -pL,r^ remains so. The closing and re-opening does i^*' [iP not affect
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    • 23 1 BILL COLLECTOR WANTED. Wanted, Bill Colle.tor. Sec irity required Salary 135. Apply to the Manager. Straits Times Pre9S, Limited. d H O S
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  • 702 2 SIR CONAN DOYLE'S HUMOROUS CONVENT STORY. The Mother Superior's Mistake. A story which Sir Conan Doyle is fond of telling himself appears, in the October Lady's Realm. It relates to a humorous mistake made by a Mother Superior of one of the big Irish convents, who had confused
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  • 154 2 Aboard tbe American liner St. Louis, at New York, recently, was a clioery little Chinese woman who prefers to be known by her adopted name, of Ida Kahn. She is a doctor and a graduate of the Univorsity of Michigan, and she was in America to take
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 191 2 TJSE "Eagle" Cement For HIGH-CLASS WORK. BOPIIGO CO., Ltd.. GoCernmen": GENASCO Tropical Roofing. -2 Ply $1O per roll of 216 square feet. 3 Ply $12 per roli of 216 square feet. Complete with Nailx. Caps anp Cement for fixing. ••GENASCO" is prepared for THE TROPICS, is cheap, neat and easily
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    • 180 2 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. are not aa experiment. They have been the favourite blends at home for many years and are rapidly gaining similar pipnlarity in tbe Culouieß. ,No expense is spared in keeping both "RED SEAL" AND > "BLACK AND WHITE" np to tbe mark. 48 Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd.
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    • 302 2 PHOSFEIIINE 1 Tfcs •»■■«■■> trf am TtttN. I MtMm mim. > J. DA. PEREIRA. HORTICCr/TURIST AND KLORIST. Collector and Exporter of Orchids. Diplomi and Gold Medal from tbe late King of Denmark By Special Appointment to Ui» Majesty, tin King of Siar.)., B. 11., tho Sultan of Jobore, anc H.
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    • 54 2 NO DANGER. Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain's iCongh remedy to your children. It is intended especially for coughs, cold", cronp and whooping cough, aud it is the best medicine made for these diseases. What makes it safe is that it contains no opium. Children like it. For sale by
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  • 983 3 SOME NEW WORKS BY BRITISH COMPOSERS. London Concert Season Opened. Another concert season opens to-day (September 31), says the Daily Chronicle, and there is little doubt that Londoners will be well provided for during the next eight months. As usual, numerous engagements have been secured by Mr.
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  • 121 3 At a meeting of the Directors of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce a letter from the Bradford Chamber complaining of the unsatisfactory way in which claims are dealt with" and suggesting a joint me ting of Manchester and Bradford merchants in the Eastern trade was remitted
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  • 94 3 Partition Day was to be celebrated in Bengal on the 16th instant, and, according to a Calcutta telegram to the Times of Ceylun, a circular was issued by the leading Bengalis calling on the people to celebrate, with extra fervour Partition Day to abandon I'oreign goods, and to swear to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 473 3 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST KEPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease with U.t. ih*d .mo. Ml* > Cl ID IXTR* JAMAlC^^^^^^ too hi(Ll; uf It." I >vWV VH« V El B| HB MVj Pronounced by the HIQHEBT MEDICAL AUTHORITIES Tor P id Liver Debility,
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    • 98 3 G.OTOMUNE<CQ fc>fe?!r AND t^K v New Year Cards, Fancy Calendars AND A CHOKE COLLECTION OK JAPANESE MODERN ART WARE SPECIALLY SLITABLE FOR Xmas New Year Presents. TASTEFULLY PRESENTED. WONDERFULLY CHEAP. ARIISTIC WORK, ATTRACTIVE ELEGANT. Early Inspeotiou Cordially Invited. That tired-looking man with a persistent cough cannot afford to seek a
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    • 206 3 The United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ld. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING CO.. LD. Bronze and Steel FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING. WILL NOT CHAR. KINK OR CRUSH. AND IS UNAFFECTED BY CLIMATIC CHANGES. Stocks held g" to 6" diameter. Paterson, Simons and Company, Ltd., Agents. DENTAL SUPPLIES. Laei.kst Stock
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 176 3 The Straits Times, AND The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issue per year 130.00 do per quarter 7.60 do per month 2.60 do per copy 10 Weekly issue per year 12-00 do per quarter 8.00 do per copy 36 Wben sent by pout, there in added for
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  • 719 4 Sam,; port, probable date oj arrival, and name of Agents. STEAMERS Achilles, Chirm. Oot 20 W. Mausfleld Airlie. Syiacy, f let i 3 Roußteu I Alcinous, China. Oct 2.5 W. Man^Qeld Alicaute, Manila. Nov 1 Barlow Antuug, Hongkong, Oot Behn Meyer Aftyanax, Liverpool, Nov M W. Mansfield Armanrl
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  • 225 4 Passengers Outward. Per I', and O. sUatuer Somali, due October Sl.— Ulai Abrll. Miss Toll.y, Mrs. A. R. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. B. Baker, Mr. W. J. H.i-kir.- Mr. \V. Bourne, Mrs. Stoner and child. Mrs. J. R. A. and Miss D. Wilson, Mi>s at E. Butcher,
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  • 47 4 Tim Balls on Fort Canning and Mount Faber drop daily it 1 p.m., Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime. The time gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indioating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at one "'dock.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 32 4 LAXATINE, the Ideal Purgative, recom mended by tbe best medical authorities. Easy to take and certain in results. To be had of all chemists. Wholesale from The Pharmacy Palttry Road, Slncaport tats
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    • 741 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penan? Ceylon, Australia, India. Aden, Ejfypt. Mediterranean Ports. Plymouth and London Through Bills of Lading issued for Ch:u Ccast. Persian Gulf, Continental, and Am -t,c Ports. BasaaMn ,viU Knv. Siugapore nn or fboa' MAIL LINE ((htheard for China). 19>S Delhi
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    • 578 4 STEAMER SAILINGSHAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The 'steamers of '.his Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait!, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Have and Hamburg and onoe a month for Breraerhaven direot, oalling at Penang and I Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 782 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUT iCHER LLOYD lruparlal (jirmm Mail Lino The fast and wsll known mail stuam.r < I this Company sail fortnightly from i>. >■ v Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp. Son'.h.i: lon, Gibraltar, Oenoa, Naples, (00nnr,:... Marseilles, Naples,*nri-iv ar 4 vice v Port Said, Sues, Adeu,
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  • 1406 5 I MuKtli hn.ulniK Hie tollowiD* ibur.HMior.-itr. i <tr. t^Ktnur ah.— iihlp: hq.— linruuij •eh.— lilt H I. Vcl.-Yncht; Cm.— CnilHr; O'M.— (lan bo*l Tor.— Totpwlo; II o Uon-poMr Brit. Krrnl IT It TwIIMIIIIIII Fell.— Pr»nch; Oer.lmin.ii.. liut.-'lliilrh: lul. Italian: Hnaa.— Spanish. K;»i n .r%a>ak 11 r.— llen.r.l
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  • 69 5 HOVEWABD P. AND O. MAIL. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Delta left Hongkong, at 1 p.m on Saturday, uid is due here at 6 a.m., on Thursday, the 22nd in tun;. OOTWARD P. AND O. MaIL. The P. and O. outward mail steamer Delhi, left
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  • 140 5 Poa P'k Rtiahsr Time Tj MOHROW Trengganu via ports Sttphan 7 a.m. Anamba and Natuna Is. Banka 11 a.m. P. ntianak, Singknwaog I'mi der Lyln 11a.m. Rhio.M'tok Banka.Batavia Japara 11 a.m. Trengga'.n via ports Amp Leong II a.m. Kelaman via p-irts Knraug 11 a.ra Sabak and Djambie Brouxtr
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  • 103 5 October io Hudson, Brit str, Amoy Haiyang, Brit str, Hongkong Nam Sang, Brit str, Penang and Calcutta Suim, Brit str. Sa<gon t lan Farqabar, Brit ttr, Calcutta ao Denbighshire, Brit str, H'krng, S'ghai, Japan Soudan, Brit tran port, Heim, Nor str, Bangkok Fook Sang, Brit str, Hongkong, S'gliai,
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  • 113 5 From Euaori— By the P. ami O. steamer Delhi, October 23. From China— By the P. and O. steamer Delta, dne October 22. TIME TABLE OF MAILS DUE •pt ■1* ■I" ■pi It •1" ■I ll It Jt at It 11 P AO. IS N. D. L.
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  • 692 5 Sharp Condemnation by Mr.Egerton Eastwick. Writing from Hurst House, Midlmrst, to the Midhurst Times, Mr. K. W. Eg,rton Eastwick, whose namo will bo familiar, to local readers, make" some strong comments on the anti-opium agitators. To raise mi election cry, though founded on a lie, would seem to bo,
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  • 76 5 Per Kinta, Captain .1. M. Daly, October 19. From Ti Ink Anson Mr. and Mr*. Teck Yew Lan, Captain and Mrs. O. C. ISorrett, Miss Swingler, Messrs. F. Mi-Dou^il! ami W. Baker. Port Swittenliara: Messrs. Lin Koh Wah, H. P. Clodd and J. M. B. Landon. Port
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  • 93 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To -Day. TAN JON O PAOAR. East Wharf Bahin Joe. L. Eviston. East Wharf Section 1-Zweena. Section No. 1 (Sheers Wharf) Nil. Sectioh 2— Denbighshire. 8— Nil. 4— Nil. o—Kuantan.0 Kuantan. 6 Tencer. n 7— Nil B—
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 576 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO SUROPi VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA Mid Ib. UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, Ha Bhanghal, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vanooaver, K.M.H. "E«ra«.ss o» Ikdia" Twin-screw stea R.M.B. "Empbms or
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    • 565 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY serrtoe la main •ined between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN-SCKEW STEAMERS, Jnder Mail Contract with the Imperial Japan ese Government, specially designed for the kimpauy's European Service, lighted through out by Electricity, provided with excellent aooommodation for
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    • 502 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. CHARGEURS REUNI< "ROUND THE WORLD" LINE. The new twin-screw Steamer "Corse" 16,000 tons displacement. DUE ABOUT NOVEMBER 20. 1908 Splendid Passenger Accommodation FOB HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. GH'NWANTAO, KOBE. YOKOHAMA AND AMERICA. First i-liiHs Pasitage. Fare froiu Singapore to CANADA ABA UNITED STATKS i *»sJfc« TO EUROPE I (VIA I'.W'ADI
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    • 86 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Oot 24— At St. Dominic's. No. 9, Mount Sophia, household furniture, etc., at f -30 p.m. H. L. Coghlan and Co. Oct 24 -At No. 74 V Brai Bis»h Road, valua ble teak furaiture, etc., at 2 p.m. Almeida and Co. Oot 24— At IV
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    • 45 5 BLOOD POISON PREVENTED There b no danger from blood poison resuiting from a wound whun Chamberlain's Pain Balm is applied. It ix an antiseptic liniment, and unless the injury is very severe it will not leave a scar. For sale by all Dispensaries and dealers.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 265 5 DAY BY DAY Tuesday, October so. High Water 6.55 pm. Tue Cornnh Pixie itilpm. Hill Street. Qrand Cinematograph. Taeatre Royil Alhambr* Cinematograph. 7 30pm Hale'a Tonr-.. 7 p.m Japanese Cinrmatograpb. 7-S0 p.m lUrima Cinematograph. 7 -SO n m Wayang Kassitn. A'ex%ndra Hall. Boee's L'ircas 9- IS p.m. Wednesday. October ai.
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  • 747 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20. Wo wore able to publish yesterday tho subtauce of the half-yearly report issued by the Tanjong Pagar Dock Board. It is but natural that, at a time when so much anxiety prevails as to the future prosperity of Singapore, such a
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  • 366 6 Our friends the Japanese run some risk of being spoiled. They have the American Meet at Tokyo, and we expect to have glowing orations about the loving kindness that exists between the Government which could not control San Francisco, and the Government which had a very good reason for asking
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  • 16 6 Many parts of the town were flooded by the very heavy downpour of rain, this morning.
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  • 21 6 A smelting plant at Mandalay has been completed during the year, and it is hoped to start shipments of ore shortly.
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  • 37 6 According to a judgment just delivered by a High Court in Prussia, passengers in motorcars and other conveyances may not no to sleep, or, at any rate, if they <lo so it is at their own risk.
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  • 45 6 Elephautb uau bo purchased iv thu Siauicso Mr lay States at a considerably lower figure thun in Burma, and shipped at a very reasonable rate from Pcnang to Rangoon, thus enabling firms to whom the very high price in Burma is prohibitive to purchase there.
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  • 60 6 A recent issue of the B. K. Borneo Herald says: Nine Chinese lunatic* were shipped to Canton, via Hongkong, by the steamer Mansang on September 22. The passage contract was for a minimum of ten, bnt the authorities could not beat up a man to fill the vaoanoy. They state
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  • 9 6 E. P. C. Hunter has been promoted to Sergeant
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  • 11 6 Two thousand tons of coal for Hongkong arrived from Oreeuock, yesterday.
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  • 14 6 A cargo of rice arrived from Bangkok, on Sunday, by the Norwegian steamer Heim.
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  • 15 6 A cargo of rice arrived from Bangkok, this morning, by the Norwegian ftcamer Fri ya.
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  • 15 6 From Singkep, a cargo of tin arrived, yesterday, by tho Dutch steamer Sultan van Lingga.
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  • 15 6 From Amoy ami Swatow, T2o passengers arrived by the local steamer Chean^ Chew, this morning.
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  • 23 6 A ricksha puller is alleged to have robbed a Japaneso of a hat and 92 in money in Scotts Koad, on Sunday night.
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  • 21 6 A Macao has been arrested on a charge of offering Inspector Frayne $2 to sign a permit for a musical procession.
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  • 18 6 From New York, 130,000 cases of oil for Amoy arrived, yesterday, by tho Standard Oil Company's steamer Hudson.
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  • 20 6 A Macao who was gambling with dice ou the Racecourse, ou Saturday uftcruoon, was fined ♦•'> by the Second Magistrate, yesterday.
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  • 20 6 Too Toow Pen's steamers Bangka and Flevo both arrived from thu Anambas and Natuna Islands, yesterday, with cargoes of copra.
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  • 25 6 The Siamese steamer Vugala arrived from Bangkok and coast ports, this morning, with 72 passengers, a general cargo, 100. bullocks, 6.5 sheep and 109 pigs.
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  • 31 6 The last of the steam lighters for the Bangkok service of the N.D.L. is ncaring completion at the shipyard at Kowloon. She will be ready for launching about the 24th instant.
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  • 32 6 A party of forty American merchants and their wives, invited to Japan by the Chambers of Commerce arrived at Yokohama on the 12th instant. A second party is coming in tho Spring.
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  • 34 6 Hussein, a tamby in the employ of Mr. Esche, collected $372.75 from a Chinaman on Saturday, and reported to his employer that ho had lost the money iv a ricksha. He has been arrested.
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  • 29 6 P. S. Mohamed Kassiiu secured judgment in the District Court before Mr. C.l.Saunders, yesterday, for 917, as the value of a dishonoured cheque received from Esharat Khan and Company.
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  • 30 6 His Excellency LiangTunln hasapproached the American Minister with a view to the withdrawal of the American troops sta tioned at Peking in order that other countries might follow her example.
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  • 33 6 Awaug, tho Malay chinting who was charged with theft of S5O from a Chinaman at the steps where passengers from Pulo Brani land near Jardine Wharf, was acquitted by t'.e Second Magistrate, yesterday.
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  • 34 6 Inspector I'estaua, P. C. A., prosecuted seven bullock cart drivers before the acting Second Magistrate, Mr. J. S. W, Arthur, this morning, for working their animals in an unfit state. The fines aggregated 50.
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  • 33 6 For fraudulont possession of two boxes of gutta at the Tank Road Railway Station, a Chinaman was sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment by the Third Magistrate, Mr. Maurice Thunder, yesterday after noon.
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  • 43 6 Commencing from the first moon of the next China Now Year, the Board of Revenue is determined to enforce tho regulations for tho stamping of every ball of raw opium. By tho second moon it proposes to regulate the sale of proparcd opium.
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  • 51 6 There was a small fire at Kallaug iv a pile of lumber iv a piece of ground noar the Victoria Bridge, shortly after 2 o'clock, yesterday morning. The origin ot' the fire is a mystery. The damage done was slight as the Brigade turned out promptly and speedily extinguished the
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  • 42 6 Eleven Chinese, one Eurasian, one Tamil and one Javancae were arrested at the Racecourse on Saturday aftcruoou, ou a charge of obstructing the police. One of the Chinaman was discharged. The others were fined a dollar each by tho Second Magistrate, yesterday.
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  • 56 6 Tow Ah Hens, a Hylam servant in the Employ of Mr. C. M. Strcnguaerto, who is staying at tho Grand Hotel de l'Europo, has been arrested on a charge of theft of a blank cheque which, it is alleged, he tilled in for 870 and attempted to pass at No.
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  • 51 6 The Board of War at Peking, has decided that in future, students who have graduated in military colleges in Europe or America will be placed in the Ist class; IfcoM educated in Japan in the 2nd class, and those who complete their course in I'liim- Military Colleges in the 3rd
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  • 50 6 Charged with pretending to tell fortune* with two birds, a Hokien was fined $5 by the Third Magistrate, yesterday. The birds aud outfits were confiscated. This is the beginning of a campaign by the police against these fortune tollers, of whom there are said to be three hundred in Singapore.
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  • 69 6 In the Distriot Court, before Mr. C. J. Sauudert*, yesterday afternoon, Lee Bin Ann sued Wee Tiang Hock for $50 as damages for alleged malicious prosecution and false imprisonment, and for 178 alleged to be due as balance of wages. Mr. A. K. Lowell appeared for the plaintiff and Mr.
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  • 525 6 His Majesty the King of Siaui left Bang kok for his short tour iv the north of Siaui on the 14th instant. His Excellency CMag T.u-taug has beou appointed Vice- President of the Board of Foreign Affairs at Peking. Mr. F. W. Douglas, Chairman. Sanitary Board, Kinta
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  • 20 6 Two Chinese detective constables have been arrested on a charge of extortion of SO in a house of questionable repute.
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  • 31 6 There is quite a brisk demand just vow for compound houses in Kuala Lumpur and Klaug, but there are none to let. Tho landlord class say bungalow property does not Pay-
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  • 32 6 Sergeant- Major Morris has reported to the police that, while he aud Mrs. Morris were out, last night, some one entered their house in Racecourse Koad and removed clothiug valued at 448.
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  • 39 6 Mr. 11. B. Multord, proprietor and editor of Philippine Gossip, having hud to go to Bilibid to serve a sentence of eight years. His wife has assumed thu conduct of tint paper, with the assistance of Miss Ethel Mossmau.
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  • 33 6 As a result of the second drawing of lots by proprietors of the opium-smoking divans within the International SeUlcuii nt at Shunghai 350 establishments arc to clow their business by December 31 next.
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  • 39 6 The Chinese Commissioner to Tibut liv-> wired to the Government that the Tibetan Lamas are creating a panic, owiug to having head of the proposed reform of the Tibetan administatiou by China, and he ban they will cause disturbance".
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  • 41 6 An Imperial Ucscript has been issui-d approving the proposal by the Chinese Boaid ot Communication to raise a loan from the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation aud the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, to rectcm the Peking llanl.ow Kailw.iy.
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  • 48 6 A Censor has dcuouncod one of th<- Graml Councillors iv a mumorinl kg I■ Throat.- ut China. Tlio Empress Dowagsf became vi ry angry and ordered tho communication to li. shown to tho Grand Councillor, who, in consequence, has not lince attended the daily conferences with Their Majcittios.
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  • 56 6 From Nauru, an island iv the Marshall group, a cargo of phosphate arrived, tliis morning, by the British steamer Aphrodite. Captain Smith reports that a Chinese deck passenger died on the 10th instant, and *»i buried at sea ou the name day. The Aphrodite brought 76 Chinese paobengors and onu
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 438 6 By Special Appointment to His Majesty the King. BOLLINGER Champagne. Obtainable at all First-Class Hotels. BELF-BHAVIN6 MADE POBBIBLE WMLc^LWL THE "GILLETTE SAFETY KAZO} ~-^^^^^HtfjMH< In H UB °d u y «ju'to a great number o 009 men. uot because they experience an; IK*, Hj 1 *gB, ilitticulty iv shaviug with
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    • 83 6 ALHAHBBA. To-Night! USTIE'W FILMS INCLUDING Stadium Sports (Series 1, 2 and 3). PRICES AS USUAL. L. F. WILLIS, Manager. THE Theatre Royal GRAND CINEMATOGRAPH. ENTIRE CHANGE Off Programme TO-NIGHT! NEW FILMS. With a view to avoid the inevitable) rushing of work for the XMAS MAILS and securing the tirst condition
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  • 262 7 A MIRE PEACEFUL OUTLOOK REPORTED. Bulgaria Gives Positive Assurances to England. [Riutir's T»li»kam London, October 20. Italy has agreed to the conference programme put forward by Great Britain and Kussia. It has now been ascertained that the question of the union of Crete with Greece is excluded from
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  • 66 7 Gross Socialist Insults to King EOward. I ItaoTßx's Tkliohams] London. October 20. Mr. Victor Graysou, Sociali member for tho Colne Valley Division of Yorkshire, has mode a speech in which he referred to Mr. John Burns spending a week end at Sandringham as guest of the King. Ho
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  • 46 7 Lord Crewe Considering Governor's Report. |Rkdtbk's Telkokam.l London. October 20. Colonel Seely replying l<> Mr. Taylor in l t llm-. .-f CmiiuDn-. said that Lord Crewe was now considering the Governor of Hongkong's opium propo al-. He hope- ultuctty to deeiJ. then mient
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  • 35 7 IRiutkk's TklK'.imm Loud in. Octobci 2ii. Admiral Sperry aud his ll cillic. r-. on the arrival of the United Stat :s rivet at Tokyo, drove to the Shiba Palace in carriages.
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  • 174 7 Delivery of Letters at Berlin in Seventeen Days. IDm Ostasiatischi Lloyd Til«.jham| Berlin, October 10. The Siberian Overland Mail which left -Oiunghai on October was delivered in Berlin on the 19th instant. A Dairan despatch reports that, with a view to competing with the South Manchurian Railway
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  • 26 7 [DlB OsTASIATISCIIH IjL'JYD T>LKUKtSt| Berlin, October 19. An encounter has taken place between the Moroccan troops and the police, thu latter losing heavily
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  • 348 7 New Line Between Ipoh and Tronoh Opened. (Fkom Oik Own Cohrksioxdknt.) Ipoh, October 17. when the idea of a railway between Ipoh and Tronoh was first mooted, there was a great deal of adverse criticism. The scheme, however, commended itself to the Government, and, on Thursday, the
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  • 573 7 Inconvenient End of Local Bicycle Race. Must we pay for the use of a motor-car which is not in porfect running order, when we are on the way to till an important engagement t This question came up for the consideration of Mr. E. 0. C. Howard,
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  • 138 7 That Bna'l Circus is gaining popularity iv Singapore is evidenced by the large houses that it ilraws every evening. Laal uight, there was a change ot pro. gramme, and the items gonerally were much appreciated by the big crowd present. Among the new turns presented were Globewalking by
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  • 197 7 SOLDIER BOUND FOR HONGKONG LEAPS OVERBOARD. Infantryman for Singapore Dies in Red Sea. It was the original proposal to utilise the old steamer Sicilia for the purpose of bringing details for Ceylon and the Far East this year. But this idea was given up, and tho Soudan,
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  • 312 7 Local Chauffeur Charged with Rash Driving. liuyoug, the driver of the Rattles Hotel motor-car which is alleged to have run into and seriously injured an aged Tamil near Johustou's Pier, yesterday morning, was before the Thi-d Magistrate, Mr. Maurice Thunder, in the afternoon, on a charge of'i
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  • 79 7 Mr. Walter I'cuton, a well-known jockey, was before Mr. J. S. W. Arthur, Acting Second Magistrate, this morning, on a charge of assaulting a Bengali servant. Complainant said that Mr. Rise held him by the hands while accused struck him. Mr. Fcotnn denied that he bad
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  • 127 7 Yap Tong Siu was placed on trial in the District Court, before Mr. E. C. C. Howard, this morning, on a charge of housobreaking at No. 185 Hiu -n a Vista Road, and theft of jewellery valued at S l3. The evidence showed that the offence took place
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  • 178 7 A Chinaman appeared before the Third Magistrate, Mr. Maurice T hunder, yesterday afternoon, to answer to a charge of theft of a bracelet, valued at 85, f rota a small Chinese child, who was being carried on its nurse's back. His defence was that he picked
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  • 28 7 Wee Hong and Poo Tin, two firemen employed on the local steamor Hong Mob, were acquitted by the Third Magistrate, this morning, ou a charge of importing morphia.
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  • 35 7 A deck passenger who arrived from Batavia on the M M. steamer La Seyno, complains that be woke up on Sunday, at 2 a.m., and found that his box, wbioh contained 126 rupees, wu '"g
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  • 1253 7 RESIDENT COUNCILLOR'S ANNUAL REPORT. Record Revenue in the Settlement. Tbe annual administration report for the Settlement of Penang for 1907, was published in the lust Government Gazette. It shows that the revenne was 18,245,817.57, or j£378,678.145. 3d., and the expenditure •1,982,795.01, or jG231,:-526.15. sd. The surplus is »1,263,022.:tG,
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  • 518 7 Believed To Be in the Straits Settlements. Some time since a reward of 95,000 was offered to anyone giving information which will lead to the discovery of Mr. Hugh Meilrath, of Sydney, who mysteriously disappeared from Hongkong on November 15, 1906. From that day to this Mr.
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  • 143 7 Tamil I.C. 515 bad both feet run over by a heavily-laden bullock cart in Hill Street, on the 4th instant, and had to be removed to hospital. The Chinese driver of the cart was before the Third Magistrate, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of rash
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  • 71 7 Mobamod Salleh, an Indian steam launch contractor, prosecuted Mr. Finck, of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, in the Summons Court, before Mr. J. S. W. Arthur, yesterday, on a charge of assault. Complainant said that he went to accused's office and accused asked him about a launoh and
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  • 220 7 STATUE UNVEILED BY PRINCE BUELOW. Glowing Tribute to Empire Builder. |Dm OsTisunsoHi Lloyd Tiliobam] Berlin, October 19. The unveiling of a statue at the Walhalla at Reeensburg, in Bavaria, of Prince Otto von Bismarok, the great German statesman has taken place. Prince von Buelow, the Imperial Chaa 1
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  • 143 7 Police Smartly Raid Counterfeiters Den. A very successful raid on a counterfeiting den was made by Mr. E. A. Gardiner, Superintendent of Police, and Inspector Connor, of the Central Station, at No. 150 South Bridge Road, at 10.15 last night. A Kbeh, named Fook Cheong, was
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  • 128 7 A telegram from Calcutta on October 10 says: Except in a few isolated districts, famine is now over in India. The last relief works have bce-i closed. In Bengal and the Central Provinces, they cease noxt week. Only 58,000 are now in receipt of
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  • 221 7 A correspondent writes as follows There is quite an epidemic of sickness at present, the prevailing diseases being fever and dysentery, which have tended to denude offices of their staff and schools their scholars. Malarial fever, which, at one time, was confined to low-lying lauds,
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  • 156 7 It may be interesting to philatelists to luaru that the Russian government lias justdocidod to IhM a uuw and complete, nut of postage. stamp*, which will not be liable, as at present, to lose their colour when put m hot water, says the China Critic. Two now
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  • 775 8 SOME CLOSING IMPRESSIONS AT OI.YMPIA. iKkom On On Ohmnmßi) London, September H. Tin! International Rubber Exhibition tuorrow. I to«U a look round this ■ncaiag in order to obtain the mature reflection*! of Home of those who have been in attendance every day since the show lwt;aii. At the
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  • 228 8 The Brisbane Courier of September 17 Hays: Mr. K. M. (iraham, wbo is connected with the Trigonometrical Survey Department, 1 MS. is on board tho steamer Airlie re uruinu tohishouieiu New Zealand, where ho intends spending a holiday, after mouths of work in a tropical country.
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  • 20 8 Coloml H. G. Fitton, D.5.0., A.D.C., 2ud Rival Waat Kent liniment, rejoined from i»«ve of ab'.ouco on tin- 17th instant.
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  • 1029 8 Lonely Daughter of Local Blind; Poet Outraged. Most residents of Singapore will remember Mr. Charles Ridgway, the blind author, who was a well- known character hero, and j formerly kept a lodging house in H'gh Street. The following article, from the Manila Times, will show that he and
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  • 96 8 A third tin-dredger for Siam has been ordered from the Shipbuilding and Engineer, mi; Company. We'f Conrad of lilarlem 111 1 Holland) by tlir Kenong Dredging Company, Limited, of London. The properly of this Company is about 150 miles north of Tongkah. Tbedradgtr will bo shipped
    96 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 144 8 I Members of the S.R.C. are reminded that the preliminary heats, the KM) yards hurdle I race and tho three legged race, will be run off, to-morrow, Wednesday, at 4.30 p.m. The Shanghai Cricket Club are preparing an elaborate progiamme for the Cricket Week commencing on the
      144 words
    • 132 8 Singapore Shield Competition. The following are tho remainder of the fixtures in connection with the Singapore Association Shield Competition Oct. 21— RG.A. v. Warders and R.E Warders' ground. 21.— Kent* I v. ff«| Kents II; Tanglin. 27.— H0 A. v. S.C.C S.C.C. ground. 80.— R.0.A. v. West
      132 words
    • 175 8 The Forthcoming' Match. The match for the King's Own Regiment Cup, which is to bu played for on the 2Gth and 2Htb instant, should prove an extremely interesting event. Polo in Singapore cannot be said to have succeeded iv drawing tho attention of the sportingcoinmunity lliatitdeservts, butatthis year's match,
      175 words
  • 190 8 Forthcoming Meeting; at Ipoh. The iuui nil athletic meeting will be held at Ipoh during December, and the fifteen j events will be open to members of all Clubs in the Straits and KM S. Entries must be scut to Mr. C. K. Cockram, Ipoh, accompanied by an entrance
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  • 9 8 Sir John Murray is on a visit to Kuala
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  • 800 8 Resident Councillor Reports Big Increase in Revenue. Again we can congratulate ourxi lyes on a successful year. The revenue is $85,168 higher than 1906, which wan tbo previous highest on record in Malacca, the figures being as follows <• Revenue *742,9.">4 £86,677. Expenditure... IfIM.HI. £65,289. Thus explains the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 397 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HARIMA HALL To-Night SPECIAL RACE PROGRAMME. KLIMANOFFS 6RANO SHOW in muni i'tion with THE JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH Including New Pictures COMIC ENTRY by Mr. Adolf. DOUBLE-CLOWN ENTREE by Messrs. Kreuter and Charley. SAILORS' DANCINO by Miss Lusir. Mr. Klimanoff, aud Master Willie. WONDERFUL STRONG ACT by Miss Anna Aim.
      397 words
    • 212 8 GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. Bose's Circus, BEACH ROAD, SING.U'ORK. TC-NIGHT ANO EVERY NI6HT. AT 9.15 P M. MISS MRINMOYE. "THE DARING. in ber nnpa-aileleJ exhibit of mtuaging THE BI66EST ROYAL BENGAL TIGER on the back of an Elephaut, a Tusker! Saturday, October 24, Matinee at 4 p.m. Bfwißg at i.U
      212 words

  • 173 9 One of the Accused Confesses to the Murder. i 'aleiitt i teleyrams to tin* 'eylon exchanges Htato that the trial of Mullins ;iml ShouMham for the niuriii r of Miss Taylor on the Multan train lms OMsMtl Mullins haH made a confession. He says that tli, 7
    173 words
  • 979 9 Two- Power Array for One, TwoPower Navy for the Other. I iidtir Mm titl< nf An^li) (ji-nuan Kola tions in tin; Light ol ii> rinau Amjaments,' tin Kr. ii/ /i ■itimn iLcrntly devoted a long article to wliat at tirttl si^lit -.icmed to be nothing less tiiau
    979 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 447 9 l>ate ot forma- Capital tion Number Bobroribed ot Bhart I I laroa I Value ~i Paid Bharee ap to Uniamed Company QOOTATIOX9 1903 1300,000 1907 »300,000 1901 1600,000 1908 £400,000 1907 MOO.OOO 1901 £60,000 1906 £100,000 1906 »150,000 '906 £120,000 '.906 £30,000 1906 1450,000 i»O6 £160.000 1907 £100,000 304
      447 words
    • 386 9 i9oa 190S 1904 I9OS 1906 1904 1305 1908 1908 1908 1907 1908 CIM.OOO lIOO.OM £80,000 £70,000 •150,030 £18,000 C 75.000 £310,000 £65,000 £180,000 £430,000 /17A.000 137,063/10; 138.000 I IO.jOO 33,760 33,760 66,700 86,700 116,000 13,600 18 000 I 10 000 16 0W) 1 8 000 66,000 I 58.000 MOMO
      386 words
    • 187 9 !W4 1888 £5.377.10.0 4,805 m-jvoo ■■i-.yy, »> 6,000,000 16,000,00* ia 400,000 a.t00.000 7,eas 4.C0 l»0,.V)0 J5.300 i c.coo €,000 I 4,000 ".400 I «,000 I J. 780 •M.OOO 600 400,000 1,120 1,000 4,936 800,000 u/e 60 13S 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100
      187 words
  • 278 9 SmoAPOKi, Octobbr 19, 1006 PRODUCE Hambier buyers I 7.75 do (Cube No. 1) anpi k M 11.95 Copra Bali 7.60 do Pontianak 7.20 Peppor, Black 10.10 Ao White 6% 15 50 o»ku i-w-a auio.Aali 2.95 do Brunei No. 1 2.80 Pearl Sago 3.75 Coffee BaU, picked 22.5) Coffee, PalembauJ,
    278 words
  • 39 9 A Church of tn^iana Boarding Houae for European and Eunuian boya who desire to anend the °choola of the place. Applications to be mauu to the Honee Master, St. Andrew's House or to the Colonial Chaplain.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 89 9 I We beg to inI V W^^ I form Owners and Agents of Steamers that we are now supplying ice at the rate of •DOLLARS 8IX) $6 PER TON. Kallang Ice Works, FACTORY, 14-B, KALLANG ROAD. Singapura, August 24, 190«. Telephone No. 427. 2147 Jeffrey's Stout AND IPale Ale. In
      89 words
    • 186 9 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co Id. Frx i 4 The "ETHEL." -.-jj^fe?>^ CHILDREN'S /*l^^^| -^~Nv VERY PRETTY f ,v Cashmere Frocks. White, Red, Pink V"' Jffl^W VA J^A and Bine. I \W mr kJ M I CHILDREN 8 WHITE FROCKS. «r Trimmed VaJ Insertiou and I Embroidery, Yoke Nicely n Trimmed Val
      186 words

  • 844 10 TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE ON A WRECK. Without Food or Water for Four Days. How for four days tbe crew of a half submerged vessel were huddled together without food or fresh water, soaked to the skin by heavy Atlantic seas that continually broke over them, is the thrilling
    844 words
  • 143 10 Naval Dressing- Up Put Down. The appearance of naval men dressed an clowns aud in other fantastic garb at regattas and athletic meetings will be heucefortb forbidden by an order ism d by Admiral Sir Arthur Kauxhawu, thj Comuiander-in-Chief at Portsmouth. It has come under my observation, be says, that
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 633 10 BANKING COMPANIES.; CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of CM each £1,J00,00C Reserve Fnnd CI.SiIS.OOO Reeorre Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKEUS. Bank ol England. National Bank ot Soo<land. The London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Accounts
      633 words
    • 479 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Capital lESERVE FDND Stsrling Reserve 118,000.000 1 a M 000 00C silver Reserve t14.000.000f IMOO0 oOt <-serve Liability of Propnaors 118.000,00(1 COURT OP DIRECTORS. E. Hbpllim. Eeq. Chairman. Urn. Mr. W.J. Gresson. pppnty Chairman. £.O. Barrett, Esq. W. Helms, Esq. C. O.
      479 words
    • 52 10 DON T BE ALARMED. METHYLOIDS will cure it. All affections of the urethra are quickly cured with Mi thy loids. Their effect is rApid and agreeable. They rcliuvt pain and promptly arrest tin; rrianrWka. Where other romudies have failed try .M..tiiyloids and watch tbe results. Convenient to carry and easy
      52 words
    • 584 10 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., LTD.. jy?. -^flHw\ We have just icctivid JXPf. a cew sbiiiment of JL l^ ■f*' OENTS. LADIES. Manufactured by the Star Cycle Co., Wolverhampton. Hundreds of those machines have been sold in the Straits, and are unequalled in price and finish. Inspection invited. SALES BY AUCTION.
      584 words
    • 509 10 INSURANCE Companies DNION FIRE INBDKAXCE COMPANY OF PARIS' ESTJULIBBU 1818 RESERVES AND TOTAL GCARANTEES £4,000,000 The oou .r't'ued, Agebte for the *bo»Jcmpany, are prepared to accept flrs risks 'or long or short pario-'; «t current rate* AHU SETTLEMENTS pronely made b> ■r.c agents it Singapore. MOINE COMTE A Co CANTON
      509 words

  • 1005 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. The Car That Buzzed. Once upon a time, O Dearly Beloved, there lived and existed and was and used to be a man who took a little petrol land please remember you must never strike matches noar it); and ho put it
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 365 11 ARGYLL CARS. SIMPLE f Cvery Car Fully Guar. anteed EFFICIENT QneU-IShp, S-Seated RELIABLE Car expected Shortly Illustrated Catalogue and full particulars from Syme and Company, SOLE .A-Q-EILTTS. SCOTTISH /fS^y. TRIALS, 1908. tiaoe Maim. As usual, the most noticeable feature was the overwhelming popularity and success of OFFICIAL RESULTS IN BRIEF
      365 words
    • 70 11 FROM CANADA. Mothers have the same terror of croup in all countries, but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy leads in popularity for a prompt cure of thin dreaded disease. Mrs. Thos Matthew of Caleden, East Ontario, says: I have used Chamberlain's Congh Remedy Htsveral tinji-s, snd I try to keep it in
      70 words
      302 words
    • 118 11 COMMONSENSE IN A NUTSHELL. A new medical work on the causes and most scientific and effectual means of self-cnre ever discovered for nervons and functional debility waste »f vitali y, depression of spirits, eta wi'h practical cheery .ttions on marriage and full directions for r-m vinjj certain disqualifications tbat destroy
      118 words
    • 185 11 THE STRAITS TIMES CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE Following Places IN SINGAPORE Messrs. John Little Co., Ltd. MoHHrs. Kelly and Walsh, Ltd. Raffles Hotel, Beach Road. Messrs. Kirn Co., Battery Road aud Amernian Street. Messrs. Jitts Co., North Bridge Road. Messrs. Kob k Co., 90. Bras Baxah Road. Adelphi Hotel.
      185 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 524 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVBBTIBBMBKTB.— MIaoeI liaecai Wanta ot Every Description, Hoiuas, land, etc., to let, an Inserted al the following •Mm:— One Insertion I.W per Inch. Two 1.00 Three 1.80 81z I.W Bins 840 Tvrelre 7.W Twenty n»e 10.00 (Each snbseqaenl month Ifi per Inch.) Tfcs above rate is
      524 words
    • 389 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Rates Fimr IMm, cue nr two inMrtijm. 81. By the Inch, »cc Mdi Clinrnea. DRESSER WANTED. (,'na!ified Dresser (or Robber Estate in Perak. Apply with re(erences to GUTHRIE 4 CO., LTD. c 2175 TENDERS INVITED. Tenders are invited for tbe supply o( Engineering materials required by tbe Sarawak
      389 words
    • 595 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Rinsi— Fomr Use., os* oi tw I—Mtiai, SIJ» By the inch, as* Seals ot Charge*, OFFIOE TO BE LET. No. 7, Battery.Road. Apply to Qntbrie and Co., Ltd. c 1878 MOM TO LET. Room suitable tor Married Couple or two Bachelors. Apply Eden Hall, Nassim
      595 words
    • 373 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Ld. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds of HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, lor Carriages Motor Cats, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdril!, Gardeuhose Brake-RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES. WDDMNat 'o/uOIS RINGS. All kinds oi I.R. Buffers and Springs lor Rail- INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and MATways,
      373 words
    • 404 12 Syrup of Raspberry PURELY MADE OF GUARANTEED NATURAL RASPBERRY JUICE AND SUGAR. Mixed with ioed water or soda water, it forms a very palatable, refreshing anil healthy drink, which is no doubt the most suitable beverage for hot cli mates. It also forms a delicious ingredient for icecream and sweet
      404 words
    • 149 12 TUNG CHOY. MERCHANT TAILOR. Fit and Quality guaranteed. Prices Moderate Latest styles in Hats, Caps, Ties, etc etc. received by every mail. 23 11, COLEMAN STREET, also at ADELPHI HOTEL. BTRAITB ORIENTAL COMPANY. IMPORTERS OF SIAM PRODUCTS AND MERCHANDISE of overy descrip. tion, comprining rare Monster Stag Horns, Lion, Tiger,
      149 words