The Straits Times, 14 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.782. SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 14. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 185 1 Robinson Company. Our SPECIAL 'RAPID' ACTION gjg RACE FIELD GLASS. JJTM This is a small glass of exceptionally hi^h power bP3 KHb^bßib^b^b^ and clear definition. Itiis cone-shaped and has HQMmI HA FID ACTION, which when once focussed fl 1 l^ffi remains so. The closing and re-opening does fl B t^B
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    • 259 1 HALES TOURS Beach Road, Singapore. During the Race Week, Selections will be made from tlie Programme as exhibited before Hi. THE GOVERNOR H. H. THE SULTAN OF JOHORE T.R.H. THE CRINGES OF SIAM. and will comprise WILD AND PICTURESQUE NORWAY WONDERS OF CANADA NORTH WALES FIVE MINUTES IN BUSIEST I.
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  • 1411 2 CHEERLESS CHILDREN OF THE VICTORIAN AGE. Relations v ith our Parents of Yesterday. One of the most interesting things about the great growth of liumanitarianism which the last few decades have brought in this conutry is to my mind the change in the attitude of parents towards their
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 443 2 Special Reductions, HUMBER CARS 10-12 AND 20 H.P. Newly Arrived. Latest Model. V**»?X "HUMBER" Owing to fucllitit-s for turning out lar^e numbers of these famous Cars in order to meet the growing demand, COST OF PRODUCTION has been reduced to a point which enables them to be offered to the
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    • 438 2 BABY BORN WITH TERRIBLE ECZEMA Which Spread Over Body, Head and Limbs—No Rest or Sleep for Mother or Child—Doctor Would Not Let Him be Bathed—Tiny Sufferer Grew Worse Every Day. FOUND A PERFECT CURE IN CUTICURA "My little boy was born with his legs and the lower part of his
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  • 803 3 CANNIBALS WHO EXCHANGE THEIR CHILDREN. Witch-Women Rulers in Africa. After twenty months travol in nouie of tbo wildest parts of East Africa, Lieut.. Colonel Bright. British Commissioner in connection with the disputed frontier between Great Britain and the Congo Free State, has returned home. The Commission has accomplished
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 287 3 _H P_V PJkk By Special *wt_H_4£' Purveyor* to HP ■r"9_-_. Warrant _^*sPtr\ M he Kinir |n II Celebrated Oilmen's Stores fk¥ I K 4 £^L PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES. U^^ POTTED MEATS, MALT VINEGAR. f Agcnti for LEA PERRIN'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE m& Crosse Blackwell, Ltd. 9 I XMAS I |S
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    • 85 3 RHEUMATISM. So little confidence has the average man in the Various cures for rheumatism that he often suffers for years without making any effort to find relief. He then rinds that it has become chronic. This is a mistake, as the pain can always be relieved, and in mont cases
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    • 361 3 Y^H-*B_t-\ T^r^rvn __Ek%__S_F/ V^ ~^___V^__B_____P_' CHEAPEST and BEST. DISPENSING OF OCULISTS PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALITY. MAYNARD Co., Ld., CHEMISTS and OPTICIANS, 14 Battery Road, and 309, North Bridge Roid, HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Speetades Eyeglasses Id GOLD, GOLD KILLED and SOLID NICKEL. ALSO A VARIETY OF RIMLESS GLASSES Prices Moderate.
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  • 681 4 Name, port, probable date oj arrival, and name oj Agents. STEAMERS Aohnks. China, Oct 20 W. Manstkld Alrlu. Sydney, Oct 13 BoUdlend Alciuoua. Cliioa. Oct Mj W. Mansfield Antuug. Hoogkong. Oct Behn Meyer Aatyanax. Liverpool, N'ov 24 W. Mansfield Armand Behic, M'scilles, Nov 2; M. Maritime. Assay* Hongkong,
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  • 45 4 Tihe-Balu on Fort Canning aad Mount Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime. The time-gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it is fired at one o'oloek.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 168 4 The Tortures of Savages i,' are rot more cruelly ingenious than 4 those inflicted by that archtiend :.::n >:;•_- ailments— Neuralgia. )nly S^ thus: who have snlTered knmv tho iierve-ratkiug torments of this painful disease. It is impossible (or nature to bring about a cure while the victim is sutlering
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    • 668 4 STEAMER BAIUN6B. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For Cbina, Japan, Penang. Ceylon, Australia. India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills at Lading issued for Chin Ooaat, Persian Golf, Continental, and Am-rioan Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or *■> MAIL LINE. {Outward for China). 1908 Delhi Oot
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    • 1241 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND TOYO KiotN KAIBHA The three h 're»i steamahtr lions between CHINA, JAPAN, and EUROPE, via Hunoluln and San Francisco, operating the new 13,000 ton, twin-aorew steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well known steamers CHINA, ASIA, PERSIA,
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    • 509 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Aniwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 775 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. RORDDEUT >CHER LLOYD Imparlal airman Mall Lino. The fast and well known mail steamer I this Oompany sail fortnightly from Brcra- Hamburg rla Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soaih ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonnboiuo Marseilles, Maples, Alexandria, and vioe nmi Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penang Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • 1104 5 i »dih tliii U.adioi th« following abbnrtallor.t at. •'>i ili.--.hiu; bq.— baroß. xh.Kl;>on«r; Vol.— Yacht; Cm.— CroiMr Obi. <iu>: boa. 1 ..r. rorpwlo ll.o.— Hurne-pow.r, U. United Malaa: I'ch.— French <<«. (lui ion :>ut.— Dutch; ItiO.— ltalian Spun.— Sp .ni.ii .*.ll; H.r.-il.nnrdc.-vrijo; d.p.— dacll pa« «i.<or.
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  • 93 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAN JONG PAOAR. Sast Wii vhf Basin Zweena. Jos. L. Eviston. East Wbabf Section 1 A. Apcar. Palitana. Sbction No. 1 (Sheesh WHABri-ClanFaninhar. dei-tion 2 Thongwa. Denbighshire. B— Nil. 4— Van Riebeeck. 6— Paroo. Prometheua.
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  • 110 5 From Eoropb— By Uie N. D. L. steamer Kleixt, dne October 16. From Coisi— Bv tbe M. M. steamer V»u ■le la Ciotat, dne October 19. Left Sept S»pt Sept Sept Sept 3pt Sept M 3ct :>ct 3ct t Singapore D 7 M.M. 11 P. 40. 15
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  • 230 5 Passengers Outward. Pit P. and O. steamer Somali, due October 2.1— Miss Abell, Miss Tolley, Mrs. A. R. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. B. Baker, Mr. \V. J Haskins, Mr. W. Bourne, Mrs. .Stonor and child. Mrs. J. R. A. aud Miss D. Wilson, Miss M. E. Butcher.
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  • 77 5 Outward Ofrman Mail. The Imperial German mail steamer Klrist, having lefi Col imbo, at 1') a.m. on the 11th instant, and may be expected to arrive here on Friday afternoon, the 16th instant. Outward B. I. Mail. The B. I. contract packet steamer Teesta, with the London
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  • 111 5 Pot Pn HiiA«ik Time Rhio and Indragiri Laurent Pit 7 v on Palembang Taiman 11 am. Malacca and Linggi Kheng Seng 1 p.m. Malacca, P. D. aud P. 8. Janet Sicoll lpm. Penang, Madras, Europe Tlumgu-a 8 p.m. Pea»DS and Deli 8 pro. P. Rwettenham via port* Sappho
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  • 71 5 October 13 t ßaron Eldon, Brit air. Saigon Profit Nor sir, Bangkok fZillah, Brit str, Christina* N'and Ban Yong Stun, Brit str. Palembang 14 Worm, Qer str, Penang. Cochin, Hamburg Apcar, Brit str, HoDgkong and Shanghai Brouwe-, Dnt str, Sabak and Djambie Araberst, Brit str, Puntianak Kistna, Brit str,
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  • 254 5 Narrow Escape of the Passengers and Crew. Details of the sinking of Dr. Lunn's tourist steamer are not yet to hand. It in known that she was bound from London to the Mediterranean, and sunk after collision with another steamer in a foj{ off Dungeness. Tho
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  • 386 5 By Major E. C. Elus, Aoting Commandant, 8.V.C.. Singapore, Oc'Jirr U, 1908. B.V.A. Duties. I Orderly Officer for ennning week:— Lieut. A A. Lcrmit. Orderly N.C.O. Bombr. K E. Johnson. Parades. II On Tuesday 20th, Ceremonial drill. On Friday 23rd, Mmning pa ade. On Sunday 25th
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  • 57 5 A wire from London, dated sth instant, says that Herr Ballin, of the NorddeulsclierLloyd Company, suggests that thrro should be daily sailings so a« to check the present Atlantic rivalry. Also, ho hopes to so.' the delimitation of building programmes among the fivo Uading shipping companies, otherwise
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 62 5 No mutter what else may have failed METHYLOIDS. w ill give satisfaction in catarrhal affections uf the urinary tract. They relieve pain, check tho discharge and effect a lasting ■ON. Much superior to any inj etjojj of to old-fashioned remedies such a~. coiaiba and Baut il. Try a bottle and
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    • 437 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO. LTD, A regnlar FORTNIGHTLY eervioe Is mainlained between Japan and Europe by the allowing SEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Jnder Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanme Government, specially designed for the Company's European Service, lighted throughint by Eloctrioity, provided with exoellent Aoommodation for First and
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    • 557 5 STEAMER SAILINGS, KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MIJ (ROYAL PACKET COMPANY). NEW SERW.CE BETWEEN SINGAPORE ANO PALEMBANG. Notice is hereby given that a WEEKLY SERVICE between SINGAPORE AND PALEMBANO will be maintained by the s.B. JAPARA. First sailing will take place on October 17. For freight and passage, apply to SHIPS' AGENCY, LATE
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    • 382 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Lin*. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Vletorla and Vanoonver, R.M.S. "EarBBHSO* Irdu" 1 Twin-screw steaR.M. B. "Empbx.tB or
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    • 108 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co Oct 16— At No. 12, Niven Roy), honsebold furniture, rubber-tyred ricksha, etc., at 4 30 p.m. 90 At sale-ro m. freehold land and house, Kamp ing Java Riad. at 1-30 p.m. 20— At «14-ro>m, eUrea valuable freeLo'd houses situ«t) at Kiliiney and Lloyd Roads, at
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    • 50 5 PROPER TREATMENT FOR DYSENTERY The great mortality resulting from dysen tory is duo to a lack of proper treatment. Not one case in a thousand will prove fatal when Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is giveu at the first onset of thadisease. For sale by all Dispensaries and dealers.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 26 5 WEATHEK TELEORAM. Hongkong, October 14, 10 am Barometer 29.67 Direction of Wind N.W. ForoeofWind 1 Max. Ttnip in Rhu'is 78 Manila, 7'b g.W. 1 28 16
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    • 238 5 DAY BY DAY Wednesday. October 14. Huh Water (112 p.m Football. S.C.C. v. V.M.C.A. Grand Cinematograph Tbeatre Royal. Albambrt Cinematograph. 7 30 p.m Hale's Toura. 7 p.m Japanese Cinematograpa. 7-30 p.m Harima Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m Boeo's Circus 9-15 p.m. Thursday, October 15. High Water 1.14 am 1 .15 p.m. Races
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    • 150 5 Singapore Tide Table. (FBOH 01-TOIIEK 14 TO OI'TOBEB 20.) HIGH WATER., LOW WATER j Time rTjjht Time H'ght October m ft hrs.min.jft. ins. wll v> 1 9.4 6.43 ami W'MsdaiU J 04J pm 9S 7.4p m 0 .7 1.4* am: 8.7 7.14 ami 8.8 TbovdmU I>Upm 9al 7.4^,,, i.i I
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  • 918 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14. There is no disrespect in describing the speech delivered by Sir John Henry do Villiers at the second mooting of the South African Convention as a picturesque exaggeration. In a burst of fervour, the President ol the Cape Colony Legislative Council
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  • 18 6 Tho Straits Times will be published at noon tomorrow (Thursday i, tho second day of the Race Mooting.
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  • 17 6 Captain F. l>. Davidson, 99 Dcccan Infantry, was placed on the sick list, on the 10th instant.
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  • 16 6 A cargo of took for Bombay arrived from Bangkok, on Monday, by the Norwegian steamer Sierstad.
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  • 20 6 A large haul of cocaine and morphia has been made on the steamer Hong Moli. Two Hylams have been arrested.
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  • 25 6 A negro Baptist minister, named Mans, has died at liondoa, Ontario, at tho age of 118. He was born a slave, but escaped to Canada.
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  • 28 6 A chancel screen erected in St. Mary's Church, Kuala Lumpur, in memory of tho late Mr. Nugent Walsh, was dedicated, on Sunday, by Mr. F. J. B. Dykes.
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  • 25 6 Messrs. Wee Bin and Company s steamer Teresa, which arrived from Macassar and Sourabaya. this morning, brought two distressed seamen and 179 pigs for Singapore.
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  • 48 6 The two Chinese who were being prosecuted before the Second Magistrate, on charges of possession of dangerous weapons and unlawful assembly in Thomson Road, one dark night last month, did not appear when the case was called, this morning, and their bail, amounting to $125 each, was estreated.
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  • 74 6 Some three years ago, a Kling tongkang was. attacked by Malay pirates of the Langkewis, no less than three of the Klings being stabbed to death. Feur Malays were arrested shortly afterwards, three of whom were found guilty and execated, bat a fifth who was implicated, escaped. The latter, according
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  • 28 6 Sixty bullocks and a cargo of rice arrived from Bangkok, this morning, by the N.D.1., steamer Bangkok, which also towed from Koh-si-chang a lighter belonging to the Company.
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  • 32 6 A message from Wellington states that a Maori leper has bceu discharged, cured after eleven months at a leper station. He was treated with Dr. Deycke's leprosy culture. Others are being cured.
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  • 39 6 Chua Kyo Tek, who received a dangerous wound on the head in Tcluk Aver Street, on the 17th of last month, diod in hospital, yesterday. Two men, Koh Hoi and Tcng Som have been arrested on tho capital charge.
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  • 34 6 A nolle proseque was entered, yesterday, in tho Second Magistrate's Court, in the case against Tan Bah Chi, who was charged with housebreaking and theft of jewellery valued at J1,16;5. and ho was discharged.
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  • 28 6 By tho British steamer Denbighshire, .'.,890 packages of explosive, including dynamite, gelignite, gunpowder, explosivos and fuses, arrived from London, yesterday. Most of the explosives go on to Hongkong.
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  • 38 6 A Eurasian named William Baptist was fined a dollar by the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, this morning, for cruelty to animals in allowing two cocks to liylit. a most uncommon charge in the local courts.
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  • 38 6 Tonight is the opening night of liose's Circus at I teach Road. A special programme has boon arranged, including feats and turns quite novel to the place, which ought to prove attractive. A matinee takos place on Saturday.
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  • 34 6 I'or possession of a hypodermic syringe and an unlawful quantity of morphia, a Chinaman was fined $200, or, in dofault, sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Maurice Thunder, the Third Magistrate, yesterday.
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  • 47 6 For possession of a hypodermic ijrinQt. a Chiuaman was lined ».'>() by the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, yesterday, or, in default, sentenced to a month's rigorous imprisonment. For possession of more than the !egal amount of morphia, another Chinaman was fined $25, or two weeks.
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  • 58 6 Mr. Saxelby, of Kampong Java lioad, was aroused by bis dogs on Monday night, and, getting up to investigate, found a Chinaman on his verandah. A Malay joined him in chasing the intruder, who was caught after immersion in the canal, and sentenced to a month's rigorous imprisonment by Mr.
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  • 55 6 Iv a rillematch fired between lpoh and Se'augor, under Daily Mail Umpire Day conditions, lpoh scored 742 and Selangor liio. Mr. C. M. Curtis, formerly of Singapore, was the top scorer for Ipoli with 97. Mr. J. Nelson and Mr. E. Whorwell, also until recently residents in Singapore, scored 92
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  • 57 6 Public attention in Indo-China has been directed to serious shortcomings iv the arming ri the military forces there. The Lebel ritles in use are. says the Saigon Opinion, so worn out and unserviceable that they ought to be condemned at once. In recent shooting matches among the native soldiery, the
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  • 53 6 Plague returns for India for the week ending September 19 show 1,979 deaths, compared with I,>l in the week preceding. Bombay Presidency reported 1,100; Madras Presidency, 71 Bengal, 7 the United Provinces, 26; the Punjab, ~>'J Burma, 47 the Central Provinces, MB; Mysore State. 185; Hyderabad State. 185 Central India.
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  • 71 6 Mr. C. B. Whitehead. Assistant Superintendent of Police, Singapore, will take over charge in Province Wollesloy from Captain W. Lance Bower, who proceeds to Singapore abcut the end of this month, says the Piuang I ia/ettc. Captain D'Arcy Symondq, who was formerly stationed in I'roviuec Wcllesluy, is esjiected to return
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  • 60 6 Superintendent Howard, of tin Taujoug Pugar Dock Police, prosecuted a paying coolie aud two uoal-cai lying coolies in the Second Magistrate's Court, yesterday, ou a charge of making away with more copper coin I than they wore entitled to. The payiug coolie was sentenced to four months' rigorous imprisonment and
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  • 78 6 Only a week or two ago, an Italian was before the Second Magistrate on a charge of tl-eft of 994 from Mr. A. Maclean, of No. 75 Scotts Road, who now reports to the police that while his daughter was in school, on Monday, her box was opened and jewellery
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  • 76 6 Hamras, an Indian, who was in the employ of Mr. A. P. Morris, of Seraugoou Road, near the :i\ mile stone, and left suddenly at the first of the month, has been arrested at Penang and returned here. He stood in the dock of the Second Magistrate's Court, yesterday, to
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  • 129 6 Mr. C Everitt mentioned to the District Judge, Mr. o. J. Saunders, yesterday morning the claim of Mr. S. R. Francis against the local Tamil paper for 9500 damages for alleged libel, asking for a postponement. The bearing was fixed for Friday of next week, at S. p.m. His Honour
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  • 127 6 The death has taken place of Lord Hi rrie- Sir Douglas Straight i- retiring from th editorship of the Pall Mall Gazette, desirin rest. Mr. Goh Toug Kiat, a clerk at tlie Straits -Steamship Coui;>auy's ifMoy, Malacca, has joined the pNMi brigade of that port. No ocean
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  • 102 6 The Straits-born Chinese are taking great interest in the question of milk adulteration. An intelligent Haba was the complainant iv the case against au Indian inilkiiiau named Dukce, iv tho Senior Magistrate'-. Court, yes terday. He had tested the milk with a lactometer and had found
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  • 101 6 Dr. F. W. Goouetilleke had a very narrow escape from serious iujury, yesterday, while riding his black m ire near the Detective Station. A tram approached from behind and frightened the animal just as it waa overtaking a rickshn. and it backed into the traui. which
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  • 74 6 The Chinese Com itrollei General ol Customs has hit upon the idea of levying heavy taxes on luxuries iv order to make up for the loss of revenue MMaod by the suppression of the opium trail ie has proposed to the Grand Council Ilia' both the import aud export
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  • 71 6 In the Supreme Court, this morning, Mr. C. I. Carver mentioned to Mr. Justice T. Sercombe Smith the case vl Syed Omar bin Mohan ied AlsagoiT and Syod Hood bin Mohamed Al Joffrec in respect of lands and premises ia Singapore. He asked for an adjourument, and said it was
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  • 83 6 A gardener was working on Weld s Hill, Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday, when he uotic od that a troop of short-tailed monkeys had approached and were making an attack ou the vegetables and fruit. He at once made an attempt to drive them away, but a big one among them
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  • 90 6 Sergeant Itoss prosecuted a Javanese in the Third Magistrate's Court, this morning, for theft of a slab of tin. valued at *30, from the l'u'o I'.raui Smelting Works, whore accused had formerly boon employed. The arrest was made by a I', and O. wharf watchman, who saw accused landing from
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  • 108 6 Colkc glowing has loug been iv .i bail way in Java, owing to the ravages ot di tin among the plants, aud inauy plauters in despair have abandoned their estates or have turned to rubber. But the hope ot others rose high ou the discovery of n variety of the
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  • 98 6 The Rev. A. Gray of the I'resbytorian Church, Singapore, has sailed iv thu N.D.1.. l.uUow for Colombo, where lie is to be. iL'arried to MissAdeney of Hnmlou London, by the Itev. \V. Dunn, in the I'resbytcrian Church of Scotland. The honeymoon is to be spent in Ceylon, ami Mr. (iray
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  • 126 6 The l'iuaug Ga/ctte learns from Mr. A. l>. Neubronner, Consul General for Siain, that the syndicate of tin Situl General Farms have, owing to tho heavy losses which arc being sustained by them, petitioned the Qq vernment of Siani either to niaku a reduction in the rent of the Farms,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 54 6 PIANOS ON HIRE Ki.OM $12 per month. 9 Tuning and Keg alar Attention inolusWe. m Robinson Piano Co., Ld Holy Orders By MARIE CORELLI. Just Published. On Sale at JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. ebonite means j PROTECTION j !< i for Iron Steel. I i For samples and particulars, apply
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    • 163 6 The Cornish Pixie. THE GREATEST WONDER OF THE AGE. Weight 9< lbb Height 25* inches. Age 10 years. OnView this Evening, IN THE Drawing Boom of the ADEL.PHI HOTEL. from 6 till 7 p.m. Admission $1. 2254 TO BUILDERB AND CON TRACTORS. Tenders for the erection of a church building
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  • 114 7 EXTRAORDINARY SCENES IN LONDON. House of Commons Invaded Many Women Arrested. l From Ori: Ou\ GmmMMMMT.) London, October U, 10-25 r.M. Three thousand police were employed to guard the approaches to the House of Commons when Parliament reassembled to-day. The object was to oxclude suffragettes and unemployed, who
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  • 33 7 Highlands and Lowlands Rubber Company's Dividend. iFiiciji On OouMMMMnr). London, (via Penang), October 14. The Highlands and Lowlands Para Rubber Company, Limited, has announced an interim dividend of five per cent.
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  • 76 7 Sir Francis Lovell to Visit the S.raits. IKiUUK's TILBOBAM.J London, October 14. Sir Fraucis Hoary Lovoll, proceeds shortly on a special mission ou behalf of the London School of Tropical Medicine, of which he is Doan. He will visit Hongkong, the Straits Settlement*, Ceylon, and India. I pou
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  • 40 7 'Rbutkk's Tklborau] London. October 11. Lonl Wolvcrhampton has been appointed Lord President of the Council, vice Lord Crowe who succeeded Lord Kipon as Lord Privy Seal. Lord Fit/.mauricc succeeds Lord Wolvcrhamptou as Chancellor of the huchy of Lancaster.
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  • 29 7 IiUJIKK TkLK'.KXM. London. October IS. The freedom of Belfast was conferred yestorday up-n Si lobcrt Hart, until recently luspoctor General of Imperial Customs in I'liinn
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  • 37 7 [DiR Ohtamatischk Lloyd Tiliqkamj Berlin. October IS. Kfalg Edward and i^uccii Alexandra have arranged a i it to the Euip:ror William at Ifcrliu on February 'J2 of u< 1 year.
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  • 29 7 i I >■■ OalASlAim HI Utn TILHOBAM| Ikrliu. October l;. The International OofyqgM Congress lias Ixcu opened at Berlin, aud is represent**! by thirty-tire delegates from dill'ercut countries.
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  • 22 7 I Das Ostasutisohi Lloyp Tiliokaml Borliu, October 11. The American balloon St. Louis has exploded in the Baltic Sea.
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  • 121 7 Released at Fremantle After Two Months' Imprisonment. Ouorgo Mueller, who was arrested on .Inly lit on board the Xorddeutscher- Lloyd cargo steamer W'estfalcu on that vessel's arrival at Fremantle from Bremen ou acharye of having committed murder and robbery within the jurisdiction of tho < ■erinaii
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  • 49 7 The warships auuounccd to take part iv the reception of the American Fleet in Japan consist of six battleships, ten armoured cruisers, and four dispatch boats. This squadron will bo commanded by Admiral Ijuin. Oriflfnally a reception on a more modest scale was intended.
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  • 315 7 New Era in Ship- Repairing Industry Inaugurated. On the -ird instant, the ship-repairing industry in Hongkong cnteud upon a new era in the competitive field by the commencement of business at the shipyard, at j Ojiarry Bay, of which Mos-is. liutterfield and Swire arc the
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  • 290 7 Efforts to Reconcile the Masters and Employes. The dispute iv the Lancashire cotton trade, as could be seen by the telegram published in yesterday s issue, has had it disastrous effect upon the resources of the operatives. It was brought about by the Employers Federation seeking a
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  • 200 7 Mr. Robert Little is the proprietor of the largest, if not the only, nutmeg plantation in Singapore, though, in the early days, there used to be thousands of trees in the district between Hiver Valley Koad and Government House. An aged Chinaman was before tho Second Magistrate,
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  • 243 7 Among the passengers from Penang yestorday, on board the steamer Politana, was a noted personage, and one who has lately been much discussed in the Indian Press. I!, ramc ashore unperctived, being carried in an ordinary valise, in charge of his fostermother, and no one was more
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  • 68 7 ANOTHER GLOWING SPEECH AT DURBAN. Durable Scheme of Union. Kki ikr's Tklki.u.ym London, October 18. Sir John Heury lie Villiors, President of the Legislative Council, Capo Colony, presiding at a meeting of the South African Convention in Durban, declared that the Convention would not dissolvo until it
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  • 231 7 Full List of the Weights for Each Event. The following are the weights for tomorrow'R racing Thk First Gkiitin ItOßtf, Hilarity US Monajim 9.0 Songster 9.s Gibson (iirl m..'i Mandalay 9.2 The Scamp 9.7 Comity 8.0 Tcnipuling 8.9 Kaunrnie 9.1 Baskilld 8.11 Barony 9.1 Poppy 8.10 Barsac M
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  • 142 7 Ladies of Rank being Disgraced and Humiliated. A remarkable memorial has been addressed to ltao Raja Madho Singh Bahadur of Sikar in Kajputana by members of tbe VaUuya Sadha, Calcutta, concerning a curious sort of gambling called "ifgharaya kesawa. It has been introduced amongst the people in
    142 words
  • 108 7 Mr. George Saunders, who has succeeded William Lav i no as Times Paris corrospon dent, was born at Uattray, in Perthshire, iv 1859. He had a distinguished career both at Glasgow I uiversity and at Oxford, and, while pursuing his studies at Bonn, his first journalistic effort,
    The Times  -  108 words
  • 125 7 The latest cure for cholera comes from Iloilo, in tho form of petroleum. It is claimed by the Nuevo Heraldo, published there, that two children and a man, all of whom fell sick with the disease, .vere cured by tbo interior and exterior application of the
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  • 60 7 The prolonged insolvency proceedings arising oat of the bankruptcy of the firm of Talati Brothers, trading with China, came to an end at Bombay on the Btb instant. Mr. Justice Kussell said that the firm bad been insolvent from the very commencement. He found Patauji Talati guilty of
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  • 956 7 POLICE FIND ILLICIT CHANDU IN CEMENT CASKS. Serious Charge Against the Skipper. The Singapore Police yesterday made what is regarded as one of the biggest hauls of cocaine, morphia and chandu ever achieved at one time in Singapore. Messrs. Wee Bin and Company's steamer Hbng Moh
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  • 30 7 Cholera has been prevalent in sporadic form in parts of tho Punjab and the North West Frontier Province tor somo months past. A fresh outbreak is now reported at Abbottabad.
    30 words
  • 41 7 A Bengali tramway conductor was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Maurice Thnnder, the Third Magistrate, this morning, for oriminal breach of trust as a servant in taking six ce*nts from a I passenger and delivering a three-cent ticket.
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  • 278 7 Capture Trade from Hands of Their Indian Rivals. One of tho effects, bad or good according to, the point of view of tbe Swadeshi boom in Calcutta, is the immense increase of the Chinese Colony in recent years, and tho increase is almost entirely confined to the men
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  • 284 7 Position of Customs Commissioner Explained. A correspondent writes as follows to the N.C.D. News: Sir, The above subject has been commented on more than once by your esteemed paper, but I find that your re uarks are not founded on a thorough knowledge of Customs regulations.
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  • 265 7 Unique and Costly Presents from Canton Viceroy. The birthday of the Empress-Dowager of China takes place on the tenth of the coming Chinese month. That being so, it is customary to send presents from all parts of tbo empire, and those who aro able to send in the
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  • 188 7 The Perak Pawnbroking Farm will cease to exist after December 31 next. Tenders will bo invited at an early date for the right |to open pawnshops At various specified localities, iv accordance with an Kniu-tment that is now under consideration. As we have already stutod. says tin
    188 words
  • 303 7 AUSTRIA AND BULGARIA SUCCEED IN THEIR AIMS. Guaranteed Loan as Compensation to Turkey. Kkuikr's Tklki.kam London, October 14. Tho Sofia correspondent of thr Paris M i .in reports ".h it Bulgaria is determined not to leave tho question of its independence to an international conference. It will
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  • 116 7 Messrs. Hiloy. liirgrcaves and Company, Limited, launched from tlieir shipbuilding yard, yesterday, the. new Patrol Boat Speurder. built by them to tho order of the Netherlands India Government. The vesiel, which is intended for river work, is 114 ft. long 19 ft. broad and
    116 words
  • 149 7 On arriving at Penang tho other day, the steamer Cornelia hoisted a Y. N. flag (which moans that the Police aro wanted on board), and Sergeant Phillips, of tbo Marine Police Station, boarded her. It appears that a free fight occurred between somo Malay and some
    149 words
  • 150 7 There is an eloment of added pathos in tho death of Professor Churton Collins in the week ho was to havo nnvoilud tho Boswell statue at Lichfield, and an executive part in any public function was well kuown by his friends to bo singularly uncongenial
    150 words
  • 97 7 Tho ablest, most experienced and most successful mining expert, who ha- visited the Philippines since American occupation, sailed on the Kumano Maru from Hongkong. Mr. John W. Benson, of Donver, Colorado, tbo righthand man of Thomas F. Walsh, the multi-millionaire, departed for Hongkong, en route to America.
    97 words

  • 1335 8 SUCCESSFUL OPENING IN IDEAL RACING WEATHER. Some Big Surprises. GILLO'S FIRST WIN OVER THE SULTANS FAVOURITE. S!ight Falling Off in the Entries. If llieeutliusiasm evidenced at yesterJij'n opening is a criterion nf what will follow on Thursday and on Saturday, the mw Autumn in- 1 tinjj of the
    1,335 words
  • 1662 8 Tho following is the irtaWad description of the days events I— THE MAIDEN PfiATE.— Valoe WOO and -'hi to the Second Horse. A Race tor Maiden Horses. Weight 9-t. Xi Griffin* allowed 71bs. Entrance, »20. Dm tance, K.C. F. I). (Kborne's Flashpoint E. Fisher 1 L.
    1,662 words
  • 109 8 Last night, a few young Chinese gathered at Orange Villa, Tai Jin Road, for the purpose of witnessing the renunciation of the quenu, the symbol of subjection to the Mancbu conquerors of China, by Mr. Koh Hoi in Ink. ot Messrs. Koh and Company The function was
    109 words
  • 65 8 With reference to the extra charge of £300.000, which will be paid by India to the War Office, it is understood that the home authorities pressed for a very much higher contribution, and that it was only owing to the fight made by Lord Morley, Sir Beauchamp Duff, and others,
    65 words
  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 34 8 The usual event preceding a race day takes place at the Tanglin Club to-night at nine o'clock. It should prove interesting to a large number of the members of the Sportiug.C'lub.
      34 words
    • 88 8 Racing in Java. Batavia, Samarang. Handong, Malang, and other towns in Java have Turf Clubs, but Sourabaya. which is reputed to be the busiest port in the islaud, has none. Sportsmen there have now determined to remove this blot, and hnve secured a piece of ground for a
      88 words
    • 72 8 Sepoy Lines Golf Club. The following is the result of the Ladies' October medal in connection with the Sepoy Lines Golf Club tlis- lUrlii-liiii >l rs. Gauiloser ilrH. Marriott >Irs. Whit.'h. .1 1 drs. Carver rfrs. Freer tint. KunTMiui bf ioo M 1 i« 54— 1 -42 48+ '2
      72 words
    • 115 8 S.C.C. Fixtures. The following Ktigby football matches have been arrauged in connection with the S.C.C Oct. My— SC.C. v. Raniana. 19.— Whites v. Club Colours. 2-t. Scotland v. Rest. 20.— Banks and Telegraph v. Rest. 80.— Whites v Club Colours. Xov. 2.— S.C.C. v. Garriwin. 6. Mother Country
      115 words
    • 225 8 V.M.C.A. v. 5.C.C. 11. The cricket match between tho V.M.C.A. and the S.C.C. second eleven was not finished yesterday, but will probably be resumed tomorrow. Yesterday's scores were as follow V.M.C.A. A. i hi lcher run out 0 H. van Cuylenberg b Talma 8 H. D. Jansz c Latham
      225 words
    • 550 8 Ipoh v. Taiping. Our Ipoh correspondent writes This eagerly anticipated fixture was played off this afternoon (the 10th inst.) under very unfavourable weatbor conditions, the ground being very slippery, and, in parts, under water. The teams were Ipoh Goal, Said Mahomed backs, C. M. Curtis, C. Henderson halves,
      550 words
  • 257 8 The following is the luuth game in the match for the Championship of the World between Dr. Laskar and I >i. Tarrascli The game smartly won by Dr. Tnrrasch will highly interest readers, as it involves a theoictical question— the soundness or otherwise of the Merlin Defence of
    257 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 164 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Siug.iporc. October 14, 190 H. Sir, Wonld you kindly enlighten me as to whether tbc Singapore Philharmonic Society is still in existence. 1 have been a member of it for some years now, and have been accustomed to hear some
      164 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 57 8 Bose's Circus BEACH ROAD, SINGAPORE. EVERY NIGHT. AT 9.15 P.M. WORLDS GREATEST BENSATION. Miss Mrinmoys "The Daring, in her nnparalleled exhibit of managing THE BIG6EST ROYAL BENGAL TIGER on the back of an Elephant, a Tubker (■raid DtiUt PerhrMxre, Situ da), Oct. IT. Matinee at 4 p.m. Evening at 9.10
      57 words
    • 662 8 H TO RESTORED TO HEALTH. THANKS TO PL XL \A Friends Were Alarmed— Advised Change of Climate. MIM Mildred K.-ller, Tls r.ili itfMt, N. W., Wttshintiion, D. t w rite*: "lean safely rcc«. mm. ml Penult lot catarrh. ha 4 it tor yean and li would ri-|H.nd to no kind
      662 words

  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 339 9 Data of formation Capital N amber 'Hub.oribed of Bharat I lane Paid Shane Value op to Uniaraed Company QooxAiiona 1908 8800,000 1907 8300,000 1901 8600,000 1903 £400,000 1907 1400,000 1901 £60,000 1906 £100,000 1908 6150,000 1906 2130,000 1906 £80,000 1906 8480,000 1906 £850.001 1907 £100,000 1904 £120.000 1907 8450,0011
      339 words
    • 367 9 1905 £160,000 1906 j 1200.000 1904 £30,000 1903 £70,000 1906 I 11 50,000 1904 I £16,000 1908 476,000 1906 £*****0 1906 I £65.000 1906 I £180,000 1907 £B*o,ooo 1906 tnti.WK 1906 83*0,000 1896 I £100,l)Ort i 1306 £800,000 1903 £10,000 1906 1150,000 1904 I £20,000 1904 aiOO.OOG 18(6 £80,000
      367 words
    • 178 9 1888 !«6S «8,377.1U.0 i,tO« •3i5,000 118,000.000 15.00n.0f10 7,«8S 4,800 un.fvr I 1<(.I>O" t.coo 8,000 4,000 3.400 I 8,000 I J. 750 ;«,000 too 400,000 1,130 3.000 4.9 M 100,000 19/6 60 198 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 80 1 100 100 10G 10 11/6 CO
      178 words
  • 278 9 SnroAFon, October 18, 1908 PRODUCE. Qambier buyers I 7.70 do (Cnbe No. 1) nnpi.-k.-i 11.75 Copra Bali 7.60 do Pontianak 7.20 Pepper, Black 10.32} do White 5% buyers 15 50 Sago Floor Sarawak 2.90 do Brunei No. 1 2.80 Pearl Sago 8.50 Coffee Bali, picked 22.5'J Coffee, Palembang, 20%
    278 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 274 9 Miscellaneous NOTICES Katis .'-Ist Month. IH par Inch. Sub««qn«nt ntin, Is. Por shorter periods se«Jteale of Charitas. NOTICE. Mr. S. Judab has beeu uppoiuteil manager of onr linn from this date. E. MEYER A CO., LTD. rtm^apore, October 10. 190<>. HM NOTICE. NOTICK IS HKIJEBY GIVEN That all Roads within
      274 words
    • 124 9 yv notice. .Tk N. This is to give Notice that this /^Bk Trade Mark is the property of La i Sooiete Anonyme Nederlandsche jr Pw^ «P Gutta Peroha Maatachappij, ol 95, X B$ tJ Anna Panlownaatraat, a Graven \Xyt\ fM^''\da > hage Tu e H «gu«- Holland. K. VKXL t'&V
      124 words
    • 195 9 AN IDEAL INVALID FOOD IN HOT CLIMATES. llUfl HHfttfc^ Tin- Allenbury> Diet ls a complete food, re ing *mtWFl\ l\fHU f|g n.anufactureil fro,,, „,,lk uheaten meal, ioth £7?" B£^Rl' ~^^^^^^^^^^^^^S9l^B Kif, r retlients U-in- larir.-ly pr.ili-.-M.-J. It is most Palatable an.l .a-y of tli«cstn,n. .uul „m he maile 'fIH
      195 words
    • 163 9 THE WATCH ON WHICH YOU CAN RELY FOR CORRECT TIME. Jf The Celebrated Moeris Lever. v high-class watch \i a y^^^^P^^^^^^S^k. We have sold hundreds of these /^4r%\. \i Watches during the last few !f My months, this provin;; their uu //if!/^s^, •.•«•<• 'Viubted value. IN NICKEL CASE. PRICE $7.
      163 words

  • 992 10 GLOOMY OUTLOOK CONFRONTS THE BRAZILIAN TRADE. Opinions of the British Consul. The report for the yoar 1907 and previous years on the trade of the Consular distrii t of I'ari, just is9aed by the Foreign Offic lias some very gloomy expressions with reference to the future of the
    992 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 632 10 RANKING COMPANIES. 1 CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Share* ot CM each «1,»00,000 Reserve Fund «l,5«VOO0 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1.900,000 BANKERS. Bank ot England. National Bank ot Scotland. Tb* London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current
      632 words
    • 510 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. 'aid up Capital iw.000.000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 110.000.000 l t«o 010 000 ■Silver Reserve 114,000.000 1 M 9 000 000 ueerve Liability of Proprietor* 110.000.00 C COURT OP DIRECTORS. E. Shellim. Esq. Chairman. I Son. Mr. W.J. Greeson. Deputy Chairman. K.O. Barrett,
      510 words
    • 33 10 LAIATINE, the Ideal Purgative, reoom m. ndad by the best medical authorities. Ehj to >ake and certain in reunite. To be had of all fc.mUU. Wholesale 'mm tb* Pkmrmesy lattery R»1. Btoe«pnr<l I'M
      33 words
    • 83 10 gnp One little Boy hid VAN HOUTEN'S. VAN HOUTENS THE COCOA THE CHILDREN ENJOY. A j little Boy hsd nons. MARTIN'S IMPIOL&STBEL JHESl**tes) P| LLS r*«r«t lir M) ro» i#x v,*«. T*-zzmzlt- #i«3 tf, ».Tr *r r *otJT»i' PHOSFERINE I T%o IhHiH of To^osj. I 1 *V4«44nM aahMJBL I I
      83 words
    • 347 10 STRAITS CYCLE NOTOR CO.. LTD.. /^9 F^T^B^V^^fH K\ w e have just received ¥r^^^^^^^^^^ (it-;\rs ladies. Manufactured by the Star Cyclo Co., Wolvorhamptoo. II indroils of Hmm aMohiaM have buen sold in tho Straits, and are uacqwillod in price and tinisli. lusp<>ction invited. SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE^ SALE. Tuesday, October
      347 words
      444 words

  • 1568 11 SUGGESTIONS FOR AUTOMOBILE LEGISLATION. Parliament is never at its best when legislating with regard to new inventions, and for the altered conditions to which they liavt nivcn rise. As regards the motorcar, so far uo Legislature has succeeded in passing any very practical automobile laws. Habits and customs, men
    1,568 words
  • 113 11 An example of the consistent running of the Sid Je-ley car is afforded in a letter received by the firm from Mr. H. M. M'Allister, of Steeple Aston, Oxon. It reads I took delivery of this car (an 1H J.'.h.p. Siddeley) in July, IUO7, and ran it the Kame month
    113 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 287 11 ARGYLL CARS. simple if Fvery Car Ful| y Guar J anteed EFFICIENT Qnel»-I6h.p, 5-Seated RELIABLE Car expected Shortly. Illustrated Catalogue ami full particulars from Syme and Company, SOLE SCOTTISH xjo^ TRIALS, 1908. TRAOE MARK. As usual, the most noticeable feature was the overwhelming popularity and success of OFFICIAL RESLLTS IN
      287 words
      244 words
    • 102 11 Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements! Reduction in Prices 1 1 THE BORHEO CO., LTD. DENTAL SUPPLIES. Labubst Stock o> C. Ash, Sons and Co.'s Manufactures and American Goods. CHEONCJ BROS., 25, South Bridge Road, Singapore, Guarantee high elms work and the latest improvements for European olieotf.
      102 words
    • 544 11 "DE SUMATRA POST." Published daily at Medan, Deli, is the LEADING paper in Sumatra. 6 LOOK VAN KIT, DENTIST. AND DENTAL BUPPLIES. No. 28, South Canal Road, and 17, South Bridge Road. High-Clans Work. Moderate Charged. Consulting Rooms fitted with electric lightn and fans, etc., etc. 1405 SAVARESStS RSANTALS r
      544 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 618 12 *.xalc of Charge*. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MIteeI IMeous Wants of Every Description, Houses, ■tad, etc, to let, are inserted at the following One Insertion I I.M per inch. Two i.OO Three 1.80 Bta I.M ■hit 1.40 Twelve 7. t0 Twenty five 10.00 (Each subsequent month H per Inch.) Tkt above rate
      618 words
    • 513 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. ■UTM i— let LlMa. o— or twe la—itloaa, tl.oo Bf lot IMb. m Seal* ol Chaitw. HOUSE WANTED. Wanted small House, suitable for married couple, with or without Tennis Court. Write House, c/o Straits Times. l-2199 FURNIBHED HOUBE WANTED. Furnished House with tennis court wanted by four bachelors.
      513 words
    • 468 12 ARTICLES FOB SALE. lUtu Four Llnw, on* or two ioMrtlou, tI.X k Bj the inch, m. Bcal* of Cta&rfw. RUBBER STUMPS FOR BALE. Good Bobber Btumps, 10 monthi old. Apply Manager, Linggi Plantationa, Ltd., Beremban. C 1567 FOR SALE. Cassell'sN'cw Popular Educator, 8 Volumes, latest edition, in good order. Apply
      468 words
    • 508 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Ld. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds of HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, for Carriages Motor Oars, etc. Hydraulic, Bockdrill, Gardenhose, Brake-88-TREADING MOTOR TYBEB. SSdM^oSSS £j£ All kinds of I.R. Buffers and Springs for Bail- INDIA BUBBEB FLOOB TILES and MATways, etc.
      508 words
    • 335 12 Syrup of Raspberry PURELY MADE OF GUARANTEED NATURAL RASPBERRY JUICE AND SUGAR. Mixed with iced water or soda water, it forms a very palatable, refreshm!- and healthy drink, which is no doubt the most suitable beverage for hot climates. It also forms a delicious ingredient for icecream and sweet sauces.
      335 words
    • 213 12 60DOWN8 TO LET. No. 6 and 8, Merbau Road. Moderate rent Apply to International Trading Company "Rotterdam." r— /> ■MM H'.USE TO LET. Chancery House, off Chancery Lane An early eutry can be arranged Apply to TH. BOHST, c/o BCHAEFFER AND CO ***** HOUSE TO BE LET. YARNHAMS, 5, Syed
      213 words