The Straits Times, 12 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.780. SINGAPORE. MONDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 88 1 The New Japanese CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. New Pictures, TO-NIGHT PMMM PARIS FROM A HEIGHT OF 2,000 Ft. THE UNIVERSAL FLIRT THE LITTLE MAGICIAN THE AUTOMOBILE GUP MOTOR GAR RACE. 1908 (The most interesting, exciting and animated picture ever shown anywhere). And many other new and comical ones. MARTIN AND SHIBATA,
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    • 348 1 Plants, Flowers. A Basket of Beautiful ROSES fop 5O CENTS. Telephone. %£zZsk ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT tl7. Orchard Road 102. Vi HALES TOURS Beach Road, Singapore. Daring tbe Race Week, Selections will be made from tbe Programme as exhibited before H. E. THE GOVERNOR H.H THE SULTAN OF JOHORE
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    • 223 1 Robinson Company. Our SPECIAL 'RAPID' ACTION fp^® RACE FIELD GLASS. JJtTH This is a small glass of exceptionally hi^h power ami clear definition. Iti is cone-shaped and has IpffiMili RAPID ACTION, which when once focussed I E N remains so. The closing and re-opening does fl R I^K n| 'isSt'
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  • 1194 2 CHEAP SYSTEM OF WEEDING AND MANURING. Advice of an Experienced Planter. Mr. .lames Westland writes to the Ceylon Observer, from Gamniaduwa. on September 22, as follows Without wishing to onter into a controversy on the matter of clean weeding rubber clearings versus three or even a circle of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 389 2 BUCHANANS U FAMOUS I I "Black White" is absolutely the BEST VALUE obtainable. The reputation of this blend has been built up on the SOLID BASIS of Quality and Age and NO CHANGE has been made bom the first. This fact is Guaranteed. DRINK Tansan! The Ideal Natural Mineral TABLE
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    • 314 2 WATERPROOF VERMINPROOF ODOURLESS FIREREBIBTINO COOL A DURABLE ONIkFIST OH TNI Supplied in Roll. 3 ft- 24: T Ja. UUAfoU, AdUUOB, Grll&UlkB 81 00 o.n Ltd DENTAL SUPPLIES. Larokst Stock ok C. Ash, Sons and Co 's Manufactures and American Goods. CHEONG BROS., 25, South Bridge Road, Singapore, Guarantee nighclasa work
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    • 577 2 A HOSPITAL NURSE Nervous Disorders, Exhaustion. Overwrought Nerves Over and over ajrain clever and capable people find thatnadvea without a scrap or energy to do the work that is offered them, and this actually was ilie predicament of a skilled and experienced hospital nurse, who tells us she was so
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  • 1322 3 EFFECTS OF FILTHY BANKNOTES IN AMERICA. i Dangerous and Deadly Business The European who pays bis first visit to j the States is generally unpleasantly surprised by the malodorous and filthy paper-money which he is from time to time compelled to take as change. It is not surprising
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  • 115 3 Not mi uy years ago a sea serpent was seen somewhere in the neighbourhood of the harbour of Singapore. Hut such monsters have still to be discovered at home. The remarkable account in a Belfast paper of the capture of a sea monster, thirty feet
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  • 87 3 The St. Petersburg corrospondont of the Petit Parisien learns t!iat tho Czar will shortly make a tour through Europe. His Imperial Majesty will first cross over to England and meet King Edward in the Isle of Wight. Subsequently he will proceed to Darmstadt and see the Emperor
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  • 116 3 This has proved to be a lean year for tobacco planters in Deli, and they are trying to economise in every way to make head against the hard times. Optimists look hopefully at the resulting ahiinkage of the present crop. They forecast that, with the expected shortness of stakes next
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 380 3 *f I HONE V I I Bacon ®> Hams. I Sole Proprietors John White cS> Co., jA|k Bristol, England. mk\Wa%, mW\W*W% (Bulmersßest ÜBLn Herefordshire) GUARANTEED PURE JUICE ONLY OF FINEST SELECTED APPLES. The advantages of a PURE CIDER over SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS in a tropical climate have been I strongly pointed
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    • 164 3 The Tortures of savages <? aronotmorocruelly ingenious than Q 0 those inflicted by that arch-fiend (> 0 umo.njr ailments Neuralgia, inly (> i!i is--- who have suffered know the nerve-racking torments of this painful disease. It is impossible v J\ for nature to bring about a cue K while the
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    • 734 3 I THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING GO. 'ESTABLISHED 168-1 MAXL'FAPTI'BRHS <}V PURE ROPE 3STRANOI CABLE LIID 4 STRAND 1 2" to 12" r to 10" ;i to 10--I'riceH, Samples and full particulars will be forwarded on applicatiou to Agent: W. A. STOPANI, I^aporV 11 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO., LTD. Portland Cement.
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  • 663 4 4> Name, port, probable date oj arrival, and name oj Agents. STEAMERS bina, (Jet 90 \V. Manaßcld Airlie. Sydney. Oct 24 i Bonstuad AlcinoHH, Cbiua Oct M W. Mansfield Autnn«. Hongkont;, Out Behn Meyer Aetyanax, Liverpool, Nov 94 W. Mansfield Armand Behic, M'seillcs, Nov 2 M. Maritime' Hongkong,
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  • 206 4 Passengers Outward. r I', an.l O. steamer Suuj.ili. due Octant r *tv-Mk*J Abel!. .Miss Tolley, Mrs. A. R. Brown, Mr. .mil Mis. B. Baker, Mr. \v. j. Baskinx. Mr. W, Douraa, .Mis. Btoaat and jbild. Sin. .1. I!. A. :.i.l Mi-s I). Wilaon, Mi.- M. B. Bntehar,
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  • 84 4 A ikliouloiih pruMxr.ition WU instil ,1 al liauf^oou. by tlic liurma Railways Company, Limited, against Major C. Harrison, Score .irv ot tin. Ran allowing four vjrifliii- landed troui a sin^a) e boat, to trettpaaa cv the railway liur. jjriffins b..ltt'd and wildly "allopeJ tbi^i^li the -troots of Rangoon till they
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 52 4 PROPER TREATMENT FOR DYSENTERY Tin uTtat mort.tlity MaalMag froiu dysentery is due to a lack of pHfat treatmeut. Not ouc cube iv a thousand ill prove fatal wfaea liauiberlaiu's Colic, l holcra an. 1 Diarrhoea Uviucdy is |hMal ut the lirst onset ai the disease. For sale by all Dispeusarios
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    • 659 4 STEAMER 'SAILINGS. p. a?o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan;, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through BUU ot Lading leaned for Chin. Coast, Persian Golf, Continental, and Am rio* Ports. Stcamera «ill leave Singapore cv or abuu. MAIL LINE. (Outward for China). 1908 Delhi
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    • 672 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. PACIFIC MAIL BTEAMBHIP CO.. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY AND TOYO KlfttN MIBHA The three great ateamehir. lint* between CHINA, JAPAN, and EUROPE, via Honolulu and San Franolaoo, operating ths new 18,000 ton twin-screw steamers KOREA and SIBERIA, together with the well-known iteamera CHINA, ASIA, PERSIA, AMERICA MARU,
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    • 498 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despached from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Oonoa, Marseilles and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 514 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Y*w^ 'a. r **'..^M a The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait*, China and Japan. Homeward*, they are despatohed fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, oalling at
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    • 779 4 STEAMER BAILINBB. N. D. L. NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD Imp-rial CUrman Mali Lina. The fait and well known mall ateamer al this Oompany sail fortnightly from Hr m Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Boathtmi •on, Oibrallar, Genoa, Naples, (oonu Marteilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe v r Port Said, Bnei, Aden, Colombo. Pin. Singapore,
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  • 1121 5 r*n«R thin hearting the following \bbioTi»tion» an ami «ir. -itunn ah.— «hip; bo..— barque; nob.— Mhooxr; Yet.— Yacht Cru.-Crul»er U'bl.— liun boat Tor.— Torpedo U.p.— Honepowat Brit.Britiib: U. -s. -United statM Pell.— French Oer.Oerman Dut. Dutch Hal.— Italian Span. .*p..nnh Mar.— Sarawak (i.e.— (teneral cargo u.p.— deck
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  • 93 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAN JONG PAGAR. EiST Wharf Basin— Zwecua, Jos. L. E vision. EiBT Wbart Section I— Nil. Section No. 1 (Sheers Wbabv) Clan Farqahar, Section 2 Zamora, Takasaki Mara. B— Nil. 4— Nil. s— Paroo. 6
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  • 81 5 Fob Pn Bnum To MORROW Europe via ports l.uei ■■< P. Swettenhain, IVnang Rotorua Palembang Ophir Penang Hong Uoh CliristmaH Island XiUuh P. Sweitenham via ports Poll Ann Malacca and Muar Lady Weld WIDNUDAT. Cauob Olanggi P. S'tenbam and Penang Kutna Teluk Ausod via ports Kinta Fremautle via
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  • 94 5 From Ecßon By the N. I). L. steamer Kleist, doe October 16. From China— By the N. I>. L. steamer Lutzow, due October 12. P t v >l>t ■t 9t Si si 7 M. M. 11 P. <* O. 15 N.U. L. 17 8.1. 31 M. M.
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  • 101 5 October io Machauu, Brit atr, Hongkong and Japan J otter ic, Brit atr, Boston and New York Canton, Swd str, Hongkong, Shanghai, Japan Amiral Pouty, Fch str, Dunkirk via ports NUgara, Ger str, San Francisco via P. Samboe Mm, Brit str, Laogkat I Vorwaerts. Aunt str, Trieste via ports
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  • 394 5 Captain's Sporting Offer to Man Confessing, A correspondent at Fremantle, writing to tho Times of Ceylon, on September 21, gives further details of the incident on board of the Gibraltar. He says On the 11th instant H.M.S. Gibraltar arrived at Albany from Trincomalee, with reliefs for the
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  • 286 5 By the Assaye, October 9. From London Mr. E. J. Wood, Miss M. Condon and Miss B. Watt. Marseilles: Mrs. Milne, Mr. MoKerrow, (Mr. C. B. Howlott and Mr. C. J. Hare for Bangkok). Colombo: Dr. Finlayson. Penang Dr. Ellis, Messrs. A. B. Milne, A. Irving and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 579 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P R. Canadian Pacific Rallwa) Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line TUB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO RliROPE Fit CHINA JAPAN, CANADA aod the UNITED BTATE8. Knuto from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Vancouver, H.M.H. "Enruee o» Iitoia" Twln-scro* ateaR.M.8. "Empbiss or Jaf»-i"
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    • 526 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS Tat undermentioned mail steamers of th above Line maintain a rognlar servioe betwee Calcutta and Japau, calling at Penang, Singa pore, Flouglcuu: and Shanghai en route FLEET. Tons Commander s.a. "Jipui" 8,300 J. Q. Ounm 8.8. Obeoobt Apcab 4,600 8. H. Bklaon s.b. Abbatook
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    • 471 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO.LTO A regular FORTNIGHTLY servioe la maintained between Japan and Europe by tha following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially desigued for tha Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second
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    • 178 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and* Co. Oot 16— At No. 13, Niven Road, household furniture, rubber-tyred ricksha, etc., at 4-80 p.m. 20 At saleroom, freehold land and house, Kamp jng Java Road, at 2-30 p.m. 20— At sale-room, eleven valuable freehold houses situate at Killiney and Lloyd Roads, at 2-30 p.m.
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    • 46 5 Why use painful and inconvenient iujt-c tions when METHYLOID9, taken internally, arc no much better for catarrbal aSoctiona of tbo urinary tract* Methyloida giro visible results in a tow houra and oure completely tn a abort tup*. XJamlot csm*>; Btricfaro U injdcllifift often io. Price low.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 160 5 PAY BY DAY Monday, October 12. High Water. Midnight. Chinese V.M.C.A. So Po Bia. 7-£0 p.m. Grand Cinematograph. Theatre Royal. Alhambra Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Hale's Tours. 7 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph. 7-80 p.m Harima Cinematograph. 7-80 p.m. Tuesday, October 13. High Water. 0.32 a.m. 0.13 p.m. Races. First day. 2 45
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    • 213 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fbom October 12 to Octobe* 1-.) HIGH WATER. LOW WATER ~Eme~" fight Time H'ght October hrs. mm. ft. ins. hrs.min.Jt. in*. m»„ i« jir4s~am; 9.4 :5 41 ami 2.0 Mo!ID M 6.6Bpm' 0.7 T MD 13 0.22 am 9.9 6.13 am S.B XOEBDIY li J„ jg pm
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  • 16 6 WissKMii-s.— At 44, Grange Road, Singa pore, on October 11, Johanna Winsemiue aged 7 weeks.
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  • 853 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, OCTOBER 12. Sir Frederick Lugard, the <>overnor of Hongkong, made an interesting reference to the vexed question of military contributions in his recent budget speech. A year ago one of the members of the Legislative Council had described the attitude of the Imperial
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  • 341 6 From the report given in another column it will be seen that the trial of the murderer's of Dr. Barrack terminated at Kuanton on Saturday evening, and that the death sentence has been passed by Mr. Justice Braddell on eight of the desparadoes for their atrocious crime. The last moments
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  • 18 6 V The Straits Time* will be published at noon to-morrow (Tuesday), the first day of the Race Meeting.
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  • 11 6 H.M.S. Waterwitch made a trip to the Horsburgh Ijght on Saturday.
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  • 24 6 Song Teng Kee, of No. *i Craig Road, has reported to the police that a coolie in his employ has run away with »50.
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  • 24 6 Mail advices state that the Kinta Tin Mines have paid a further dividend of 2] per cent. (M, per share) free of income. tax.
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  • 24 6 At No. 100-5, Java Road, a Chinaman was found dead, this morning, having hanged himself. 11l health is believed to have been the cause.
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  • 24 6 Twenty thousand cases and \)\,:>M tins of petroleum arrived from Langkat, yesterday, by the Norwegian steamer Halyard, which proceeds on to Hongkong this afternoon.
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  • 25 6 Mrs. Dewar has kindly consented to present the prizes, and Mr. Sal/.mann to arrange a musical programme. Light refreshments will be served during the evening.
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  • 26 6 Ou September 24, the Colonial Council of Cochin-China passed the Estimates for 1909. The revenue is expected to balance the expenditure which is set at tri.161.7H3.
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  • 28 6 A cargo of rice arrived from Bangkok, yesterday, by the N.lrL. Steamer Chiengmai. The Norwegian steamer Profit arrived from the same port with a similar oargo on Saturday.
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  • 32 6 The series of articles on Sumatra Tobacco," fiom the pen of Mr. K. Mathieu. which recently appctfed in the Straits Times, have been put in bo<St form, and are now ou Rale.
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  • 29 6 li.ihu. a Tamil employed in the Governmeut Printing Office, has reported to the police that his quarters were broken into, last night, and property valued at »2H 50 stolen.
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  • 26 6 The local detective police have just arrested fnur Macaos on a charge of participating in the Kallang Pudding gangrobbery, which was committed nearly three weeks ago.
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  • 34 6 A Chinese tailor, ol No H Mansoor Street. was visited by two Malays, yesterday, and, when they left, he mi-tsed a tweed coat valued at Mm. He has reported the matter to the police.
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  • 38 6 Mr. Ironside, living at Clovelly, Orange Grove Road, went out for on early morning constitutional, this morning. When he returned lie torn d that his watch, which he had left on the table in his room, was missing.
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  • 42 6 A detachment of the American battleship squadron is expected to call at Haiphong, Toukin, on October 29. (in at preparations are goiug ou there to give the visitors a hearty welcome. The Governor General is expected to be present on the occasion.
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  • 46 6 A Chinaman, who had not enough gods of his r »vu annexed one. valued at BtJ, belonging to a Chinese matron, for which be was fined J2."i. or, in default, sentenced to month's rigorous impri«oument by the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, this morning.
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  • 44 6 Awang bin Hussein, ('hinting No. 140. has been arrested on a charge of stealing currency uuV for *50 from Wee Kirn Kuni, who was lauding at the Jardine steps whoa coming over to Singapore from Pulo Brani. while searching the Chinaman for illicit chandu.
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  • 56 6 Cho Cheng Kong is a punkah puller at Government House, and lives in the servants' quarters there. On Saturday afternoon, someone stole his box which, with its contents, was valued at -via The contents have been recovered from a Hylam named Wee Siang Jee, who is out of employment, but
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  • 56 6 The Pahang Government has, with the approval of the Resident-General, decided that, in future, rent on Government quarters occupied by officers and subordinates of the Service who die while in the occupation of such quarters, will not be charged for broken periods. It is expected that a similar rule will
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  • 61 6 Youthful tobacco smokers in China find no mercy at the hauds of the Education Board at Peking.. The Board has issued regulations forbidding youths at school to smoke tobacco or cigarettes until they reach the age of sixteen, and dealers and hawkers are no longer allowed to sell these articles
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  • 68 6 At the Penang Assizes in the Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice W. W. Fisher and a special jury on Friday, the trial was concluded of Loh Wah alias Chong Ah Tai, who was charged with the murder of Mak Leng in Chulia Street on April 16. The jury brought in
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  • 62 6 Twenty four officers and men of the Bearer Company of the S.V.C. paraded on the Old (idol Site, on Saturday, and were inspected by Major Williams, KA.M.C. Major Ellis, Major Middleton, Captain Freer, Captain Colbeck (Staff Officer) and Lieutenant 1- in layson were alto present. The men were put through
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  • 64 6 No. 5 Dunlop Street was broken into by a Chinese thief, last night, and he made so much noise that he aroused tho occupants. Finding that his presence had been detected, he fled ou to an adjoining reof. and was discovered eventually under a bod in another house, w itn
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  • 69 6 The reason we do not want Keir Hardio out here, says a Canadian contemporary, is that he is a blatant nuisance whose recoid is one of disloyal utterances and disturbing actions. His influence in Canada where, on I the whole, capital and labour get along very well together could only
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  • 534 6 The Itev. H. Kichards returned IV. m British North Borneo yesterday. The Hon. Mr. A. It. Adams. NWU*, returned from leave of abseDO»ou Thursday Mrs. Hart, wife of the Advisor to the' Government of Kedah. has arrived at Penang from Home. Mr. Justice Hraddell and party returned
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  • 17 6 The price of tin in Singapore in jaj is $67. per picul. Fifty tons have bom sold.
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  • 78 6 M. Peyron, a forest officer in Cochin China, met his death there iv an extraordinary manner at the end of last month, when out htiuting in the wilds. He went ou foot placing his loaded ride in an oxcart which tiavelltd in front of him. Suddenly, the en. t am
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  • 74 6 M. Klobukowski, the Governor -General ot Indo-China, was to leave Saigon on October H for tho PMmM S:.iu- of Annum, which has long been iv a stau: owing to the agitation of seditiousinougers, who made capital out of the heavy taxation levied. From there His Excellency will nroceed to
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  • 118 6 Referring to onr editorial comments DM cerning the meeting of the Malaya Planters Association, the Pinang Gazette ways the idea of a great Federal Council, coinpriniu" rapec sentatives from the three Settlement of ih« Colony and the four States of the Federation, may, to the practical man, ap|>ear no far
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  • 118 6 There is a talk in Selangor of getting up a petition to the Government asking that some hucli appointment as a Public XRHtoa in England, for the benefit of the X..M S may be created. We suppose, says tho Malay Mail, there is no other way of approaching the Government,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 I DOCTORS DECLARE TK.I J? Welch's Pure Grape Juice l« APPETISING STRENGTHENING THOMPSON, vi|«%>a>#\ a P art t° two P*rts Lemonade makc«i a THOMAS ft CO. Delicious Drink in clear pint bottles. Per bottle 40 eta. Perdez.S46o. Case of 2 doz. »9. NOTICE. TUNG CHOY. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN MERCHANT
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    • 216 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. TO-NIGHT S PROGRAMME. FIRBT SHOW AT 7.30 P.M. 1 Mr. Oreepy is Startled 2 Ja anese Sports 8 For a Crown 4 Wood floating in Morvan 5 Grotesque Figures 6 The Kindly Geodtrme 7 The Miller his Son, and liii Donkey i A Roman Idyll 9 Hnrrnh for
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  • 904 7 DESTINATION OF THE BRITISH FI.EGT. Outlook More Hopeful. SERVIA WITHOUT FIGHTING MATERIAL. Greece and the Cretan Question. Km rm I Tk.lki.kam London, October 10. It is now understood that the British Meet, under Mm command of Uear-Adtniral Prince Louis' \lexanderof BatWnbcrg. will cruise in the £flM* Sea. Tin
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  • 645 7 Petty Incident Preceding Serious Trouble. On the eve of the serious quarrel which is now causing grave anxiety throughout the world, the relations between Bulgaria and Turkey appeared to be quite exceptionally amicable. Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, was hospitably entertaining a party of the Young Turks Committee.
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  • 110 7 t'.ipt. W. ,1. McDonald, former chief of tho Texas Battalion of Froutier lungers, who was conspicuous in the tniublt I immediately following the shooting up of Brownsville on August 14, MM, has announced that he has accepted the invitation of President Knoscvelt to go with him
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  • 161 7 A special cable to the New York Hun, undor date August 24, says that in that day's issue of the Throne, there appears au article headed Lord Astor, which discusses the probability of Mr. William Waldorf Astor being raised to the peerage in the not
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  • 72 7 The Standard, referring to the comiuuta tion of Tilak's st-uunc. and discussing the question of the responsibility for this alteration of the lSoiu!v\ High Court's decision, says that, if Sir (ieorge Clarke is to blame, he may be excused on the ground that he has not been
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  • 289 7 PERAK PENGHULU REPRIMANDED SEVERELY. Just Woodward's Strong Remarks. On Tuesday last, at Ipoh, before Mr. Justice Woodward, with Messrs. E. D. Evans aud W. H. A. McDonnell sitting as Assessors, a pretty Malay girl named Ksah with a man named Yope, who is alleged to be her
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  • 217 7 Murderer of Municipal Inspector Hanged. Chinua Kurpou. win. has spcut a long term of years as executioner of dogs for the Municipality, was himself executed at the prison nt <> o'clock, this morning. VVardor King acting as hangman. There was quite a list of murder and attempted mur.lei
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  • 283 7 Prisoner on Bail Shoots a Police Sergeant. A sensational shooting outrage occurred at the Colombo Municipal Court on the Ist instant when Mr. B. Constantino, the Magistrate, was busy hearing cases. Shortly after the hearing of one case, a revolver went off, a prisoner (a
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  • 159 7 Although the Bukit Lintang liubber Estates. Limit! il. was registered as recently as April, 1907, and its plantations have not yet become producing, and a portion only of the title deeds in favour ot the company have been received, a fresh issue of capital is to be
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  • 1407 7 IMPRESSIVE SCENES IN KUANTAN COURT HOUSE. Eight Ruffians Sentenced to Death. No murder trial in the history of crime could have been more improssive than that associated with the violent death of l>r. J. W. Karrack, a former House Surgeon of the 'Singapore Hospital. Ten roughly clad
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  • 435 7 Marriage of Mr. W. H Holley and Miss Mabel Condon. A pretty wedding took place at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Saturday afternoon, the contracting parties being Mr. W. H. Holley, Superintendent ot the Municipal Abattoirs, Singapore, and Miss Mabel Cund jn, of Chelsea, England, who arrived from
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  • 197 7 Sensational Discovery on a White Slave Trader. A telegram from Corunna published recently, iv Paris, states that the local authorities raided an ocean-going steamer which was about to sail, and discovered on board a large number of young women, most being under age. One of
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  • 80 7 The Kunard Road Train arrives shortly, says a Calcutta wire ot the Ist instant. The trials will take place on the roads from tUuhati to Shilling, the capital of Eastern Bengal, i The problem of connecting these places with the Assam-Bengal Railway has been engaging
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  • 75 7 IMPROVEMENT IN THE MARKET OUTLOOK. Scrap Scarce and Wanted. tFlloM Ol I: OMWMMR.) London, (via Pcuangi. October 10. j Prices for Plantation rubber are rising. Crepe has gone up to 4s. 7d.; Medium 4s. lOd. t<> Is. .id. Biscuit and sheet are quoted at Is. tid Scrap is
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  • 72 7 Canon Lyaelton's Appeal for Chenlu Scheme. Rkctkb's Tklkukam London. October 11. The liev. Hon. Canou Lytteltoii, Iliad Master of Eton, has made a public appeal to old Etonian's to support the association established some days ago at Salisbury House with the object of assisting a scheme for
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  • 57 7 Five Per Cent Reduction of Wages Accepted. iHkutkk's Tklkgram| London, October 12. Friendly relations between the operative spinners and cardroom workers in the Lancashire Cotton Trade have been resumed. Both are now willing to accept a five per cent reduction, conditionally upon an assurance that the whole
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  • 48 7 Reception of Ambassadors by the Kaiser. |Ulk OsIASIATIsuHS LLOID T«LBUHA«i Berlin, October 11. On the 10th instant, the Kaiser will receive nine ambassadors from Japan, and ou the day following Prince Kuni will be received, in the presence of the ambassadors and Prince Kitel Friedrieh.
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  • 33 7 Da* O.sTA.sUTiscHi Lloyd Tkliohau; Berlin, October 10. Rumours havo gained currency in Berlin of si rimii riots in Shantung. The news, which em mates from America, is, however, unconfirmed.
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  • 34 7 I Dan Ostasiatisohi Lloyd T«l»jkaii| Berlin, October 11. The German Emperor has cancelled his proposed visit to Kadincii, ou account > an outbreak of scarlet fever. His Imperial Majesty is now at Potsdam.
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  • 406 7 Directors' Annual Report to the Shareholders. The annual report of the Directors of tho Singapore Cold Storage Company, Limited, for the year euded June -HI. states that after providing for all working expenses ami other charges, with the execptiou of the items of lease redemption, depreciation and
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 38 8 (larrison Oolf Club. The following is the result of th< Ladies' October Medal in connection with the Garrison Golf Club Mrs. Keigwin 57 4s Mrs. Bowes '>•> 2 .">3 Mrs. Warren M 8 H Miss Law 6.-. 56
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    • 115 8 V.M.C.A. Tournament. At the Singapore V.M.C.A. Town Council at home," to morrow night, it was intended to distribute a uumber of prizes, including t. <)so of the singlos in the V.M.C.A. tennis tournament, but it looks now as though the tournament might not be finished iv time, as the
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    • 109 8 S.C.C Fixture*. The following are the fixtures iv couuocion with the S.C.C. Hockey teams FlliSl ELtVKS. Oct. 10. -Royal West Kent Kcgitnent. 22. Officers of the Garrison. M. -9Uth Deccau Infantry. Nov. j- —Royal West Kent Regiment. 12. -MMi Deccau lufantry. 19. Officers of the (iarrisou. 26. -Royal <
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    • 298 8 R.U.A. v H.M.S. Astraea. A rifle shooting match took place ou the lilakan Mali Range on the 7th iust.. between the R.O.A. and a team represeuting H.M.S Astrea, aud it ended in a wiu for the A. by a small margin. S.R.E. (v.) Monthly Shoot. At Ualuslier
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    • 293 8 Club Aggregate Cup. 'I'he sea was somewhat rough at the Swimming Club yesterday morning ou the arrival of the ten o'clock launch, and it was uncertain for a while whether the 110 yards tiual race for the Club Aggregate Cup should be swum. As the wind, however, was falling.
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    • 555 8 S.C.C. v. The Garrison. There was some heavy scoring on Saturday iv the match between the S.C.C. and The Garrison. The Garrison bitted first and compiled 200 for the loss nf four wickets, when the innings were declared. Lieuts. Clarke and Eddis made short work with the bowling, Clarke
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  • 255 8 F. M.S. TIN RETURNS. Export Statistics from I'erak and Selangor. The advance statement of weight of blocktin aud tin ore exported from the Federated Malay States during January to September, and of duty collected thereon, as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year, has been forwarded to us
    255 words
  • 1009 8 TRADE UNRUFFLED BY STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENTS. Burton -on -Trent Invention Scouted by Experts. iKrum Our Own Corrkspondkxt.j London, September 18. It has been boldly announced in the Midland Press that t«o unuamed had discovered that rubber, "equal in every respect to tho imported article, may be manufactured in the
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  • 152 8 Tampering with Native Troops at Hongkong. At Aligarh, in the prosecution for sedition against Hoti Lai, Varma, and Ram Sarui. Subadar Major Ahmed ud din of the Hong-kong-Singapore battalion, H.G.A., stated that Hoti Lai visited Hongkong. He often used to come to see witness and other native
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  • 339 8 The following is the score iv the eighth game played in the world's championship chess match between Dr. Laskar and Dr. Tarrasch Rlb Urn Dr. Tarrasch. Or. Lasker. White Black. 1. P— K 4 P— K 4 2. Xt -K B 3 Kt— Q B :i :i. B-Kts
    339 words
  • 133 8 Visitors to Singapore this week should uot miss the opportunity of witnessing the amazing Railway Illusion known as Hales Tours. For a brief spell one actually imagines himself transported iv the old familiar Eug lish Railway or rushing through tunnels and the ever-changing panorama of a Norway trip,
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  • 184 8 A correspondent of the Sourabaya Han dclsblad who has just visitod Saigon dwells greatly upon the importance of that port iv the matter of trade, owing to the high level at which the means of communication in Cochin-China by land and sea are maintained. In
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 86 8 RHEUMATIBM. So little rontideure has the average man iv tin various cures for rheumatism that he often suffers for years without making any effort to find relief. He then tinds that it has become chronic. This is a mistake, m the pain can always bo relieved, and in most cases
      86 words
    • 331 8 NOTICE. f />>> This is to give Nntice that this /fc W vl Trade Mark is the proiwrty of La fSiJiL' Societc Aoonyme Nodcrlaudnchc S c£Bm mf MB (i H Perch Maalschappij. of 95, y l& s—^ N. An »a Panlownastraat, s Graven X S? l e Tlle Hague. Holland.
      331 words
    • 347 8 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tbc Municipal Commissioners of Singapore r. -quire th-» services of a Market Keeper salary $40 per mensem. A knowledge of Colloquial Malay is iodiapeusab'e and acquaintance with Tamil ami Chineee desirable. Applications stating age, nationality, and accompanied by COI'IES of not more than three recent testimonial*, slio ild
      347 words

  • 275 9 Sinoafom, October 10, 1806. PRODUCE. -CHmbier t 7.60 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 11.75 Copra Bali 7.60 do Pontiacak 7.20 Pepper, Black 10.20 do White 6% 15.75 Sago Floar Sarawak H.00 To Brunei No. 1 2.85 Pearl Sago 850 Ooffoe Bali, picked 22.5 Coffee, Palembang, 20% basi- nom Coffee,
    275 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 336 9 Date of formation Capital Subscribed Number of Shares Issue Vilnc Paid Share* op to Unissued Company Qooiiiion 1903 1300,000 1907 1300,000 1901 MOO.OOO 1903 £400,000 1907 1400,000 1901 £80,000 1906 £100,000 1900 $150,000 1906 £130,000 1906 £30,000 1906 M 50.000 400,000 116,000 600,000 860,000 875,000 60,000 100,000 98,000 110,000
      336 words
    • 375 9 1908 1908 1904 1903 1906 £150,000 J200.000 £30,000 £70.000 1180,000 137,061/K 116,000 33,780 86,700 116,000 I 48,500 I 108,600 13,600 13,760 66,700 11.600 10.000 I 8,000 68,000 I 181,464 1 118,646 I 60,000 I 16,000 180,000 f 184,000 70,000 f 640 I 160 33,098 1 661,000 10.000 f 116,000
      375 words
    • 189 9 1894 1898 1864 £5,877.10.0 •ms.hoo 16.000,000 4,805 315,000 16,000,000 7,688 4,800 130,000 I 18.000 I 6,000 6,000 4.000 3,400 f 6,000 t 3.75 C 14,000 600 400,000 1,130 3,001' 4,966 800.000 11/8 SO 13S 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 100 10 11/6
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 144 9 MARTIN'S *PIOL* STEE > •^life-iTf i Dff lIC m Mkifbr Ladles J rk\ hLS ■■f>ii"Ml tot ill Irruul./lllu T: < i-.i.T XarUi. PUUTo Oi« kau^ tc tt 'uilrrHc'lillliillbilnlati.' ttmta jmi«: Tho«* who oa* i>w nm CHARLES V& HEIDSIECK'S £'\Wlt\ White Seal iw*. Champagne. Behn, Meyer ACo Ld Mt, \^L ing.
      144 words
    • 87 9 J. DA. PEREIRA. HOBTICCit/rUKIBI AND fLOKIbI. Ccllectcr and Exporter of Orohida. Diploma and Gold Medal from the late King of Denmark By Special Appointment to His Majesty, tbt King of Siam., H. 11., the rtui'.in of Jobon sec 8.8., the Bnlton of Lingga. Frt h Cat Flowers on hand daily
      87 words
    • 251 9 DAHL'S MILK. The ONLY Jsold everywhere. a 1780 I f" I We beg to inI1» I form Owners j 1 and Agents of Steamers that we are now supplying ice at the rate of (DOLLARS SIX) $6 PER TON. SBFOR LADIESH D-JORETtHOMOLLE'S'APIOL" ii the most sure remedy tgalntt the Sickness,
      251 words
      169 words

  • 337 10 WOMAN'S W.LL BEATS ASQUITH'S WONT. Big Demonstration Fixed For Tuesday. Miss Mary Philips, the last of the band of women who were sentenced on June 30 last for their share in the ParliamentSquare demonstration, waa released from Holloway Gaol on September IN, having strv ed two days longer
    337 words
  • 597 10 An Interesting Survey of Recent Changes. M. Et. Martin Saint-Leon, writing in the Paris Financial News, makes an interesting survey of recent changes in the relationship of the banks and the traders in China. After commenting on the commercial crisis, not only in Europe but in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 634 10 BANKING COMPANIES.; CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital ia 60,000 Share* ot Xtt each .-.£1,100.000 Reserve Fend £1.62V000 B«*erv« Liability of Proprietors ..£1,200,000 BANKERS. iiank ot England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. 6INOAPORE BRANCH. Onrrent Aoooanta
      634 words
    • 506 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. fAiD up capital RESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve 115,000,0001 10a non nor Silver Reserve 114,000,0001 "».«»,00(; 1-aerre Liability ot Proprietors 116.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. E. Rhellim, Eaq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. W.J. Gresson. Deputy Chairman. 8.0. Barrett, Eaq. W. Helms, Esq. !C. O. R.
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    • 30 10 I wish mamma didn't have headaches. The little ones quickly notice the difference when there is an aching head in the house. Then Steams' Headache Cure is the children's friend.
      30 words
    • 431 10 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., LTD.. Fifo V l^^EtwV w e have just reccivec f n f* ■E^i'\ a new shipment of s^-' 3 OEMS. LADIES. Manufactured by the Star Cycle Co., Wulvorharapton. Hundred'i of tlioso macliiuc; have been sold in the Straits, and are unequalled in price and riuisu. Inspection
      431 words
    • 443 10 INSURANCE ConP.mes guardian assurance company, "Limited, London. Subscribed Capital 43,000,000 Total Invested Funds £6,250,000 Income £1,100,000 The undersigned. Agente for the abov< Company, are prepared to accept fire riak> for short periods of ten daya or longer period tl ccrrent ratos to be named on application to PAIERSON, SIMONS
      443 words
    • 853 10 Miscellaneous NOTICES K.rrj i— lit Month. EM per men. SnNwqaant tumuli!, *> Fur sh Tier portixli m.Mc*U of ChnrgM. NOTICE. Left at Ten: Jtiia Cluli ou the night of to. jdthinstaDt, Swinbnrne'a Dnke of Gambia. Owoer, whose name is written m«i le, will be mn.-h obliged if the liader will
      853 words

  • 1742 11 THE GRE\T FOUR-INCH RACE IN THE ISLE OF MAN. A Prominent Authority's Comments. The Four-inch Race is at present the thing of the moment. It is the one event which < fills the minil of the motor world to-day, and there can be no doubt but that it will
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 363 11 ARGYLL CARS. SIMPLE V Every Car Fully Guar »"teed EFFICIENT One 14-16 hp, 5-Seated RELIABLE Car expected Shortly. UhiHtratud Catalogue and full particulars from Syine and Company, SOLE SCOTTISH TRIALS, 1908. TRADE MARK As mmiul, the most noticeable feature was the overwhelming popularity and success of OFFICIAL RESULTS IN BRIEF:
      363 words
      189 words
    • 92 11 Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER GARS. Latest Improvements i Reduction in Prices!! THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Artie Tully, TIN MINING j. COMMISSION AGENT, 33, Raffles Plaoe (Over Robinson Piano Co. i. -o Artie Tully begs to inform his clients that he has opened a $10,000 BOOK ON THE FORTHCOMING
      92 words
    • 197 11 Albert L A. Daley, UNDERTAKER TOMB BUILDER, 43, Prinscp Street, Has just received a consignment of Marble Tombstones from Carara, and also a good selection of Metallic Wreaths and Domes, Oak and Elm Coffins, etc.. from London. TELEPHONE No. 619. STRAITS ORIENTAL COMPANY. IMPORTERS OF SIAM PRODUCTS AND MERCHANDISE of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 586 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MItaeI 'aaaooj Wants of Every Description, Houses, laal, ato., to let, an Inserted at tha following nki: One Insertion I I.JO par Inch Two 1.00 Three 1.80 Biz c.M Itiaa t.«O Twelfe 7.30 Twenty five 10.00 I Each subsequent month M per Inoh.j Tha above
      586 words
    • 581 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. ai»h-rou Lints, oat or two iutrtloM, 11.00 Bf kht laeh. Soal* of Chaitw. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Wanted, a qualified Medical man for an Immigrant Ship running between Singapore and Amoy. Apply to Dr. S. C. Tin, The Dispensary, 436, Raffles Place. 0 1880 WANTEO IMMEDIATELY. Wanted, a qualified Assistant
      581 words
    • 509 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. It* i Four Linen, one or two insertion*. »i By the inch, sole of ChargM. TENDERS INVITED. JOHORE STATE RAILWAY MAKING-UP OF UNIFORM CLOTHING. Tenders are invited for the making-up ol Uniform Clothing for tbe Johore State Railway, during the year 1900. The Contractor will find all sewing
      509 words
    • 509 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Ld. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds of HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, lor Carnages Motor Cars, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose,' Brake-RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES. O^^^JS^ RmGS. All kinds oi I.R. Buffers and Springs lor Rail- INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and MATways, etc.
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    • 335 12 Syrup of Raspberry PURELY MADE OF GUARANTEED NATURAL RASPBERRY JUICE AND SUGAR. Mixed with iced water or soda water, it forms a very palatable refreshing and healthy drink, which is no doubt the most suitable beverage for hot climates. It also forms a delicious ingredient for ice-cream and sweet sauces.
      335 words
    • 225 12 HOUBE TO LET. Chancery House, off Chancery Lane. Ad early entry can be arranged Apply to TH. SOHST, c/o SCHAEFFER AND UO. 018)5 HOUBE TO BE LET. YARNHAMS. 5, Fyed Ally Road, opposite Newton Station, lately occipied by V. Gottlieb. Esq. 4 bed and bath rooms, dining and drawing rooms,
      225 words