The Straits Times, 10 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.779. BINGAPORF SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 176 1 The OSTEND MEETING. Kilometer Trials, Flying Start. Mile Standing Test. FIRST— I3A YARD CLEMENT FIRST— BAYARD-CLEMENT. SECONO --MA YARD-CLEM «;M SECOND-BAYARD-CLEMENT. SK3SSSS TH.RO-BAVAKD.CLBMENT. FIFTH— FIAT. FOURTH— FIAT. This pioven once afiain the SUPERIORITY of "BAYARD-CLEMENT" CARS as regards RELIABILITY and REGULARITY. A few Models of thin make hare just been
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    • 208 1 NOTICE It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed at noon on TUESDAY, OGTOBFR 13 RACE THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15 J DAYS. 2216 The New Japanese CINEMATOGRAPH, BEACH ROAD. New Pictures, TO-NIGHT! DNMJMMC PARIS KROM A HEIGHT OF 2,000 Kt. THE LXIVERSAL FLIRT THE LITTLE MAGICIAN THE AUTOMOBILE
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    • 356 1 Robinson Company. Our SPECIAL 'RAPID' ACTION fp^jp RACE FIELD GLASS. ¥j§ This is :i I n »i 1 1 of exceptionally lii^'ii power wr and clear definition. It is cone-shajed and Hun 'tfc ~^v M feSjSHßffrß RAPID ACTION, which when once focussed mW^\^Fremains so. The closing and re-opening does ffr
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    • 194 1 HALES TOURS of the World. Beach Road, Singapore. The perfect illusion of rapid Bailway travd amidst the loveliest scenery and most interesting places in the World. Tours Changed on Wednesdays Saturdays. PRICES i FIRST CLASS. Three Trips $1.00 One Trip 10.60 SECOND CLASS. Three Trips 80 cts. One Trip 15
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    • 16 1 DEI PONY FOOND. Apply No 101, Market Street. 2219 p H s H 03 O M
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  • 252 2 REMARKABLE MANIFESTATIONS AT HULL. Heavy* Weight Champion Wrestler on the Scene. Something of a supernatural nature is alleged to have been at work at a house in Sykesstrect, Hull, and the police have been called in. Tbe house is occupied by Mr. James Gilson and his wife, and
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  • 458 2 Existence in Regard to Filling the Administrative Offices. Writiun to the- New York Sun, a corrospnndeut says ln a rreent editorial on the Lumbetli Conference tlic statement is uinde that It i» well known that in British India, although there are a good luauy native converts
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  • 148 2 An extraordinary outbreak of malarial fever is reported among the staff of the North Western Kailway in the Punjab. Europeans and Indians arc affected, and as the epidemic has practically spread all over the line the movement of traffic i« being carried out with the greatest
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  • 85 2 It is announced that in view of the existing condition in North China the Japanese Government is of opinion that it i« unnecessary for it to station a big force on Chinese soil, and it has decided to withdraw it« troop* with the exception of small garrisons
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 271 2 WHITE ANTS, TEREDOS, DRY ROT, DECAY IN TIMBER. JTODELITE The Only Safeguard luih 11 on its trial in lurge quantities for tbe past ten years in the Straits Settlements ami proved all that is claimed for it. Tip bis pieces of «l'ul illustrated helow were partly coated with .Jodelite and
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    • 136 2 PUIICCCIIIMR ALBERT L. A. DALEY nUvrCnllvC Undertaker Tomb Builder, I •—<■■> TMt**. I No. 43, Prinsep Street. I U ■<«• feBMBSh Lmlm. h Messrs Dottridge Brothers, Ltd., London. MMtMaMMMMMai 0 1005 Telephone No. 619. V? lE Haßr MM II Herefordshire) GUARANTEED PURE JUICb ONLY OF FINEST SELECTED APPLES. The advantages
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    • 36 2 Yd. can't tell when a beadacbe is going to come, but if you bare Steams' Headache Care you can tell just whin it i« going to leare And that's tbe important part. Small costs, great results.
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  • 1145 3 WITHOUT NOISE OR SMOKE OVER THE SEAS. Stokers and Funnels Discarded. A mw era in ship propulsion iv foreshadowed by the successful working of a suction gas engine on board H.M.S. Hattler. I The principal advantages of the new engine, as explained by our special corres-
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  • 235 3 Confectioners' I'.i.ii with Manufacturing F rms, The dispute between Hie metrupolttava I retail conk-ctioueis and the lending chocolate manutai.turers is to be discussi d at the nni- -ial Confectioners' Exhibition at thr- Agricultural Hall this month. The rataJlefe si We R serimis ,'ittiii^ of prices by tlie
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  • 134 3 A spocinl wire, from Washington tn t'e Manila Times, on September 21. stales thsM Mr. William .1. I'.ryni) liao sent an open telegram to President Itoosevelt lebukini; for his aspersious on the charantrr of (l.ivernor HivskiUof Oklahoiun, treasurer of (be National Democratic Committee. itapp<ars that
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  • 137 3 Like mu-t i>raciin^ Beww, the aMkJHtaV coloured williiw-ln rbs, which have Ix-oti making brave display iv the wild gardci)' between Aldwycli Bad tins Strand, follow the advice, ol Horace to couibiue utility with delight. The dowDy fihreK mirronn<linu Mm Ml ds arc sometimes mixed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 331 3 Do You Love Your Horse? 1 If so, k -rp him fit on HAKT'S PKBPAKEO lOOD for HOKShS. \i> lM I, i. in >!.•!.!- Ukl < .•ni'i. mi. M.'iit THE BEST OBTAINABLE. k m 1 \m Sin^ip.jra'ouly frmn F. CLARKE AND CO. Second Cfa»s Rubber-Tyred Uharrieg, Best kubber-Tyred Carriage* A
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    • 655 3 MANY Will OF PERFECT AGONY With Eczema on Arm and Legs— Could Scarcely Sleep for Months Tried Many Treatments Without Result— Did Not Work for 11 Weeks— Relieved in Ten Days and COMPLETELY CURED BY TWO SETW CUTICURA "Mjr troulile began with irritation on th* legs arid right arm which
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    • 117 3 $M SB* a^amaV By Special 'TrfjaUJ l^* l*urveyt.m to aaV^HaK Warrant i*JfflL>\ H.M. I lie King. lip II Celebrated Oilmen's Stores <£& AT I Sk PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES. aM 9L% Bfa m§ POTTED MEATS, MALT VINEGAR. Agent for LEA PERRINS WORCESTERSHIRE SAtCE l^P %^0 Crosse Blackwell, Ltd. FRDM CAN'OA
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    • 418 3 The United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ld. SOLE .AGENTS FOR THE UNITED FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING CO.. LD. Bronze and Steel FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING. WILL NOT C-m, KINK OR CRUSH, AND IS UNAFFECTED BY CLIMATIC CHANGES. Stocks held 3" to 6" dininettr. Paterson, Simons and Company, Ltd., Agents. CROWN PERFUMERY Msi.alacturn' bj
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  • 676 4 San port, probable date oj arrival, and nam<: oj Agents. BTBAMUB \V. Mnustii Id aJrli Bouatead AJeinoiu, China OetU; W. Mauilield HjOgkong, Oct Bchn Mi-yer \tv:iiia\. Liverpool, Noi M; W. ManotieM Armand Uehic, ■'•fillM, Nov 2; M. M»rr.,rnj. Hongkong, N .'> P. a- O. Coy \mirul Olry. SiiiKou.
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  • 212 4 LIST 0l PASSENGERS. Passengers Outward. Per P. and O. -tcamcr Souiali. dIM Ooja bei Mian \bc 1!. MlmTolloy, Mra, A. It. Hi^wii. Mr. and Mrs. n. Baker, Mi. W. .1. rfaakiii Mi. W. Bonnie, Mis. stuuer aud liikl. Mi-.. .1. I{. A. and .Miss D. Wilson, Mi-s M i:. Butcher.
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  • 108 4 From Kcropi— By the N. D. L. steamer Kleist, due October 16. From China— By the N. D. !>. steamer Lntiow, dne October 12. Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept Oc\ Dct "V-l 1 N. D. L. 3 8.1. 7 M. M. 11 P.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 33 4 L.AXATINE, tbe Ideal Purgative, reooit r ended by tbe beat medioal authorities. Eai> 10 take and oertain in results. To be had of all chemists. Wholesale from The Pbarmaay, I'mu-ry Road, Slngaport MM
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    • 637 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Fur China, Japan, Pcnang, Cevloa. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills Df Ltdlnc; laa-aed for OMai 0->ast, PcMsn Gulf, Cintin-'ota!, an-1 \n ri I Parts. Steamerd will leave ou </. MAIL LINE. (Outtrard for China). 1908 Auaye Oct 9
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    • 653 4 BTEAMEB BAIUNBB. PACIFIC MAiL ITEMIM* CO. OCCIDENTAL AND ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP GO .-.^A«Y TOVj KittH Umk The tnr. i r k »i sMaoukk iine« between OHINA. JAPAN, aad KI'ttOPE, via Honolulu and Sao Franmeco, ope:t-:iag the new 13,000 ton, twin «crsw steamers KORg A and SIBEHI A, together with the well-known
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    • 492 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD AND uniftA inuiUAL SftAM NAY. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despached from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight for Oonoa, Marseille* and Liverpool and for Marseilles, Havre
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    • 502 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are deapatobed fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 744 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. *ORDD£Jr CHCR LLOfO. imperial (toraHM Mall The fait and well known mail .team t this Company sail fortnightly from Brcm Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South* ra-., ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (ooq. MarseiUea, Naplea, Alexandria, and vloe Mass* Port Said, daai, Aien, CUom'oo, sNsMH Singapore, Hongkong.
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  • 1076 5 I'hiiih Ibis hooding m» illowmg abbreTi»tion« are i<*a -•>». «to.uiiur ill. -ship; bq.— barque; Kb.— •chooner; Yet.— Yacht; Uru.— Crnuer O'bt.— Uun ■oat; Tor. -Torpedo; II. p.— Hurwpower Brit.— tntiih; L". S. I'nitol .<t:»te»; Kch.— French Oer.— German lint.— Dutch ltal.— ltalian Span. .*p.ini*b. rtarawak tl.c.—Oeneral cargo;
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  • 111 5 Captain Jmdm Kirk died at Shangha 1 on boanl the Shanghai Tu^ ami Lighter Cmiipauy tow boat Pnb-laa. Ho was oue i.f Urn lxxt known nkippers of the C'hiiiH coa«t and an experiunced njastei-marincr. h'or many years lie was in the service of the China
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  • 52 5 Homeward Oeiiuan Mail. The Imperial G man 'nail steamer Luctzow having left H.mtl, n.' at a in., on tile Bth instant, and may he expected to arrive here on Monday morainu. the I ftn inst.iußt. She will probably be d<>«patohed for Europe on the following moriimi.'. Bt
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  • 77 5 k. h has llmsjssi Tiuk Mil ii OsMob Ulanqtii M M a.m. Bajgoa limtMmm 11 a.m. Malacca and liiiu'l."I iiiu'l." KhevgSeng Ip.m. Teluk Anson via ports Srimnnr 3 p.m. Sarawak Rttjmhafßmnmmk I p.m. Twmia. Europe via p rts 7 a.m. P. Sv!i-iii-i.|..i ii, lVuaug liolorua 1 p. in
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  • 130 5 O.toher 9 Per-riiH, Bnl tr. II miik ■nn;. Shanghai, Japan i Devanlia. BeiS'-tr, Bombay Yiaaorai China. auafcr, i I- >n .k..n_;, Sli ', Japan Badaag, siam Mr, Baagfcoh Kpeehnan. Dut str. livam K-yiiHt. Dnthtr, Baadjtnßassun Nueiitniig. tier sir, Baafjkok Karum. 1 lint *tr, KclauUu via parai Putialii. BritHtr, Fenaug,
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  • <lorrceponJ>cnce.
    • 100 5 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, October 9. Sir, With reference to the paragraph iv y-teitUy's issue of tho Straits Times r&lt; Seulel and Ntinuiaun's Typewriter ideal, we should like to point out that thesit are not the first German Typewriters introduced into this market, as
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  • 643 5 Monthly Reports of the Kuantan and Belat Mines. The following is the moutlily report at the MiniMjj, i of the Kuautau Tin Mining (JoinMm, Ltd The Directors, Kuaataa Tin Mining i ..m (i.uiy. Ltd. Belat. October 3. Gentlemen,— l beg to submit to ytm my report of the
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  • 94 5 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To- Day. TAN JON O PAOAR East Wharf Basin Zweena, Jos. L. Eviston. East Whabk Suction I— Edendale, C. Apcar, Thongwt. Section No 1 (Bhkebs Wharf)— Oranje. Section a— Zamora, Mm. 3— Machaon. 4 Vorwatrt*. .&lt; B—Paroo.8
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  • 717 5 RAUB ANSTRALIA N GOLD Serai Manager's Monlhl) Report to Direct irs. ic following is the monthly report to the :tors of tho GeaecaJ Manager of the i Australian Ciold Miniuy Company. ntli an n. I herewith bou to submit -port i.ii your Mining ami Milling OperaThe iniue measurements ami assay
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 648 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. CO 19 A IV. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. TUB NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO KUKOPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA tod Iba UNITED BTATEB. itoate trom Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki. (lo&gt;*nd 8e» of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vancouver, K.M.B -E«MJt«io» Ini&gt;!»" ITvib-mtpw atea R.M E Kmpeerb
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    • 498 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. VALUABLE FREEHOLD CHINEBE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE BY AUCTION. At Messrs. H. L. Coglilau A Co.'s Salerooms, Monthly, Qcteilr i:\ tit SMO p.m. That well-built and commodious Compound Honae, No 106, River Valley Ro&lt;d. till re. ent'y in occupation of Tay Tiam Lock. Land freehold, area 82.181 square
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    • 42 5 METHYLOIDS. taken internally. No pain, discomfort or inconvenience as when injections nre used. Mctl.yloids give visible results in ii am hoars and iuru iv a short period. Abs jlutt-ly half. Butter than any other treatment. Tliousamls I now uju them. Pricu low.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 52 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbnu Hotyitnl, QrtataT I9rS. la. a I r. v *p. lUmihis. Bar. 32 Fab ».9«1 tt.MI 29.915 Temp H si. 5 so 8 WetßnlbTher 77.0 76 8 77.0 DirofWind.. L-aim SE. calm Max. Temp 89.0 Mm 7-8 Max. in Snn 156. 8 Terr rad. Ther 70 0
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    • 206 5 DAY Rt DAY Saturday, October 10. Bieb Water. 10.69 Full in on Annual Inspection Pe*rer C mpany. B. R. K. Monthly Shoot. 2KO p.m. Cricket. S 0.0. I. v. flllri— Graml Ciik rn:ito«raph Opening. Tleatre Ro&gt;&gt;-I. Inter|r it sh ■»&gt;'.. Hnl^etiec 7 n m. Albambn (.lnpniatogra) h. 7 M p
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    • 139 5 Singapore Tide Table. (From October 10 to Octobkb 16.) HIGH WATER. LOW WATER Time H'ght Time H'ght October nr mm ft IDH hra.min.itt. ins. jliT49 am ~9 1 -I.3iaiii 1.3 SatcrditlO 1069pmK .i 4.41p.n 1.8 (11.17 am 9 3 5.8 am 1.6 ScMDiV 11 ln.upmio.l 5.18pm 1.1 11.45 am 9.4
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  • 937 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10. There is oue noteworthy feature in the utterance* ul Uritish Cabinet Ministers on the present crisis in Eastern Kuropo. They all agree that there will be no war, aud they all urge that what has occurred is a conclusive justification for
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  • 17 6 The output of the Pnsiug Lama Tin Mines, Pcrak, during the month of September was 540 piculs.
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  • 27 6 The diamond merchants of Bombay have presented Inspector Favel, of the Bombay Police, with a gold watch for bringing the Russian thieves, Kondrusky and Bloomtield to book.
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  • 39 6 Tho first authentic case of plague reported in I'oona, this year, is dated July 81. The disease is said to be slowly increasing, but Uiere is nothing of that virulence that raged last year and in some years previous.
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  • 46 6 Asa mark of gratituto for his services to Boiiib&y cricket, not the least portion of which has been bis contribution to the scores in the Triangular matches, Captain Oreig has boen presented with a handsome silver loving enp and jug subscribed for by cricketers in Bombay.
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  • 71 6 At a special meeting of the Municipal Board, yesterday, the amendment of the burial ground by-laws, and of the list of streets under the hawkers' by-laws were considered and passed. The following streets were added to the list of ttbose authorised for the use of stalls, tabloe a*d show boards
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  • 13 6 Quarantine restrictions against the i*&gt;rt of Auioy on account of cholera arc withdrawn.
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  • 17 6 No. IM South Mta Ko;id was broken iuto, last night, and clutliia^ valuod at $57 was stolen.
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  • 17 6 To-night is the owning night of the &lt; Imd Cinematograph at the Theatre lioyal in North Bridge Uoad.
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  • 16 6 The Chargeurs ltcunis steamer Auiiral Ponty arrived from Saigon, last night, with •227 passengers homeward bound.
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  • 28 6 Vong Kirn Chai, of No. 7 I J Amoy Street, has reported to the police the loss of jewollery, valued at J563, taken from his house, last night.
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  • 21 6 From Sourabaya, a cargo of coal and coke arrived, yesterday, by tho British steamer Fariiuhar, consigned to Messrs. Guthrie and Company.
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  • 48 6 A Chinese woman has been arrested on a charge of getting possession of an ornament valued at $180 by falsely protending that she wished to buy it. The (iaioty Football Club, Singapore, aud the Darul Mashor Football Club, Singapore, have been exempted from registration under the Societies Ordinance.
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  • 28 6 The German steamer Niagara arrived from Calcutta, yesterday, in ballast and wont to the wharf at I'ulo Bukoui to take on a cargo of benzine for San Francisco.
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  • 25 6 A European guard named Patterson, of the East Beugal Railway, has been murderously assaulted by a khalasi with a spauuor. Hi.? assailant has boen arrested.
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  • 31 6 A thorough test of Lord Jiosslyu s system on Hiram Maxim's roulette table has ended in Lord Kosslyn losing and retiring. He explains that the law of averages failed to work.
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  • 28 6 The jewellery taken ftom Miss Taylor, who was murdered on tho railway at Multan, India, has been traced to the Eurasiaus Mullins and Shouldham, who arc under arrest.
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  • 32 6 Mr. W, J. ireen, tht Soeoud Magistrate, was not sitting, this morning. His eases were taken by Mr. E. C. C. Howard, the Senior Magistrate, after his own work had been concluded.
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  • 34 6 Lim Ah Kow, a vagrant who attempted suicide in the tive-foot-way at No. n New Market Koad, on the first instant, has died at the hospital from his injuries. His throat was gashed frightfully.
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  • 28 6 I or criminally misappropriating another Chinaman's purse containing five cents, a Celestial was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment, this morniag, by the Third Magistrate, Mr. Maurice Thunder.
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  • 42 6 The steamer Sir Thomas Jackson, which went ashore oIT the coast of Ceylon, had not been refloated up to the 2nd iustaut. It is believed there are 20 feet of water in the N 1 hold, and 22 feet in another hold.
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  • 35 6 The gunboat Bouncer went aground iv the Solent, on September 29. The torpedo-boat, which was towing her off, collided with a steamer. The torpedo-boat's bows were badly buckled, and she has been docked for repairs.
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  • 37 6 A meeting of the creditors of the Sungei I'jong (Malay Peninsulai Railway Company, Limited, was fixed to be held at Dasbwood House,. No. 11, New Ijroadstreet, London, on Thursday, September 24. at two o'clock in the afternoon.
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  • 42 6 A Tamil has been arrested on a charge of robbing a Tamil womau of 5 5.40 in Changi tioad, yesterday afternoon. The case was mentioned iv the Second Magistrate's Court, this morning, aud sent to the District Court, for hearing next week.
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  • 47 6 Kltorls have Urn made by the friends of the Anarchist prisoners iv Aliporc Jail, India, to get into communication by nx an of messages carried by kites, which are flowa over the gaol v.ill and the strings cut. Tho Gordon Highlanders have been posted to keep watch.
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  • 48 6 The Javaam who had the fatal tight with the luuiikcy and the cat has been certified as insane aud committed to the Asylum, to gother with another Javauesc who was found liusily engaged at the desk of the Managing Director of the Tanjoug Pagar Dock Board, writing gibborish.
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  • 51 6 Chua Ah Moi, aHokicn woman, has been arrested on v charge of cheating another wojian named Kwee Tarn N'eo, iv respect of jewellery valued at }:j:i;i. The. case was mentioned to the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Greeu, this morning, and adjourned for a week. Mail was fixed at
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  • 64 6 For a generation past, the London Zoo has been without a Sumatran tiger, but the omission has just boen remedied by the arrival of one of these animals. The Sumatrau tiger is the smallest in the world, but it •i a very handsome beast, with a very rich golden coat,
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  • 136 6 During September I'J, sonic burglar* cuter od the house of Mark Twain at Redding, in Connecticut, and succeeded in getting away with the famous novelist's silver plate. The alarm was given, and a number of police pursued the burglars. One man was brought down by a shot from a revolver,
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  • 843 6 The I'ii'ld Ollietr fur tin- MMiM woel. will be C.ipt.iiu K. K. B, \"ils,,n. H. 5.0., |;.K. It it uotilied in the CouruiuLiit Gazette that Mr. .1. S. W. Arthur lim been apmiutrd a Passed Cadet. Mr. K. J. Hartlett. Inspector of S. bools returned from Malacca,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 161 6 AMSTEL Lager BEER. InCeeaof! do*» guartH. jl^L And in Drumb in Caaoß ol 8 dozen p jnta fj? containing 7* Gallonu. HAMPLES tm &gt; I Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co. HOLY ORDERS Marie Corelli. o S.". .&gt; JOHN LITTLE COMPANY, LPT Siddeley ui|§|&gt;v) Autocars.; THE COST OF A CAR. The Price
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  • 534 7 BRITISH FLEETGOESTOTLRKISH ISLAND. Stock Exchange Gloom. AUSTRIA REJECTS THE SERVIAN PROTEST. Turkish Circular to the Powers. I Kiutek's Tilioram.] London, October 10. lour British battleships and lour anal H li ft Malta yesterday. This fleet was under the command of Kear- Admiral Prince Louis \lcxaud&lt; r of Battenberg.
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  • 49 7 An Arbitration Convention Signed at Washington. taonaft TBuwmum t-.-iiii »n. October \n Arbitration Convention aaiweaa i inn.'. aud the I nited States has been signed at Washington. Die O»tasutisoh» Lloyd Tmliubaml Berlin, October The Arbitration Convention of America aii'l China has been sigued at Washington.
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  • 49 7 1 lamt'i Tauaa*a London, October 10. the Marquis of Itipou, Lord l'rivy Seal, has resigned his scat in Mr. Asiiuith's Cabinet. The reason given is advancing aye. The Earl of Crewe succeeds Lord Kipoß, but continues to hold the office of Colonial S( iii tary.
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  • 119 7 Capture a Railway Thief on Train at Night. lv is reported from Bombay that a railway thiuf was captured in a train going from Rawalpindi on the night of September °JB. He was a native ami entered the second, class compartment of two army school mistresses. One lady
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  • 769 7 Amusing Cross* Examination of a Chinese Expert. Mr. Maurice Thunder, the Third Magis trat« was occupied all the afternoon. y&lt; -L&lt; i day. with the Japanese Wall Well lottery case. Mr. L. K. (iaunt, who defended the two Jaaaaaaa, cross-examined at longth the Chinese exjiert in Japanese lotteries,
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  • 77 7 The P. aud O. steamer Somali, which had lost I feet of her bulworks l» sides having some oi her ribs aud beams broken aud bent. as the result of the collision at Port Said, on September SB, iv which she and the City ot Edinburgh and
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  • 187 7 An interesting ceremuuy tooU place at Government House, this morniug, when Fatah, Snl&gt;. lnspector of Police, was presented with an Imperial Service Order medal by His Excellency tho Governor, sir John Anderson. k.I'.M.G. He was ese-orted to (.lovcrnui. in 11., u5, l,y 'juard of honour, under
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  • 169 7 GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE AND LOTTERIES. Further Important Restrictions. The report of the Select Committee on (lotteries and Indecent Advertisements has been issued. The committee find that the Statute Law on the subject is already strong enough to prevent the holding in Great Britain of ordinary lotteries, hut they recommend
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  • 311 7 Complaints Respecting Noise at Two Engineering Works. Mr. Cheng Lee aafcad, at the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, yesterday afternoon, the following questions Will tho Deputy President inform the Board if the Municipality have the power to prevent, or lessen, the agonising aud prolonged blasts of tlic
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  • 287 7 Pianoforte Recital at the Teutonia Club. Mr. Huinricl) Koehler charmed a fairly large assemblage of music lovers at the Tcutouia Club, last night, with Ins second pianoforte recital. It was over a score of years agi&gt; that Mr. Koehler visited Singapore, and lie is now iii&kiug
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  • 83 7 The famous traveller, Or. Sveu Hediu, will be passing through Singapore at an early date. It is annouueed at Simla that the doctor, who has been tho guost of the Viceroy wag to leave that city on tin- 7th instant for Bombay, whence he
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  • 2244 7 THE INTERNATIONAL DISPLAY IN LONDON. A First Look Round at Olympia. (Kkom Ooi Own Cjukkspondkst.l London, September 16. It was Mr. Uobcrt Uerry, the curator of your Botauic Gardens, who is actiug as one of the commissioners of the Federated Malay States exhibit at the Rubber Exhibition, who
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  • 87 7 A REPORT BY MR. STEPHEN LEECH. Public Opinion Supports Prohibition ItKeTKHS TeLKuKV.M London, October 9. A whitcbook has been issued containing a report on tho Opium policy of China by Mr. Stephen Looch, Councillor of tho Embassy, British Legation, Peking. Mr. Leech emphasises the continued energy of
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  • 23 7 (From OcR Corrksiondknt.) London, via Ponang, October U. The Anglo-Malay Rubber Company has declared a dividend of ten per cent.
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  • 345 7 I St. Francis School Extends Hearty Welcome. Writing from Malacca, on tho Bth iustant, a correspondent says Last Wednesday, St. Francis School was honoured by the visit of His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.Ci. The front and sides of the school wore decorated with banners
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  • 244 7 Annual Meeting of Local Corps at Zetland House. At the annual meeting of the Singapore branch of the St. John Ambulance Association and lirigadc, held last night at the V.M.C.A. headquarters, Captain Chancellor, Chairman of tho Committee prcsidod. Tho following statement was read by tho Secretary, the
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  • 179 7 I wan ior some timea missionary m I'.orneo, writes Brunei of Newbury, Berkshire, to tli. London and t Inn. i Express, aud while there, was witness Di a death ceremony curiously like an [riah wake. The subject was a Bugincsc. a Malay from lloni, in tho
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  • 1121 8 END OF TRAINING ON THE RACE COURSE. Comment on Horses in Paddock Stakes Handicap. I'i-mm (tilt l!\iiM. OoUMMHMn.) OOfM, Saturday Morning. Hie tiual UMirniugs work proved almost a^ inteustint! as the races will be themselves, hml quite the largest iro«d wire on the Course to IM the
    1,121 words
  • 664 8 Method of Relaying Orchard Road Criticised. There was little of much interest before j the Municipal Commissioners at their meet ing, yi-.tinl.iy afternoon. Mr. J. Polglase, the I&gt;■ I'n'y PrtMilcut, presided, and there were also presi tit Mi &gt;-rs. A. W. Bailey, Cheng bag Li" 1 &lt;&gt;ng Tek
    664 words
  • 282 8 Delightful Entertainment at the Memorial Kail. Another of those delightful little afternoon coucerts was giveu yesterday in tho Victoria Memorial Mall to the children. Tiny maki' v capital audience, albeit eri&gt;i, il, ami their intelligent appreciation of ■Odd music indicates a wholesome interest iv matters artistic. Each concert
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  • 10 8 General Francis Randall, H.E., C.5.1., is dead, aged eigbty-iive years.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 130 8 l&gt;. Billington, the Knglish swimmer, won the 440 yards race at Liverpool. He swam the distance !&gt; ruin. 2H 4-1 aM* which is a world's record. In the finals of the Durand Football Tournament at Simla, on September 20, the Lancashire Fusiliers beat the Royal Irish Kittc
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    • 36 8 Singapore Hunt Club. There will be a Club run tomorrow at Ml a.m. Start from the Police Station corner of the Bukit Timah and Stevens Roads. Finish at the Club Marquee in Tyer sail.
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    • 58 8 Competition in -"Singapore. The 44(1 yards handicap race for the Club Aggregate Cup will be swum at the Swimming Club to-morrow after the arrival of the In o clock launch. The handicaps are: R. L. Cuscaden scr. &lt;»• w ald -20 sor. N. 11. I). Cuhcadeu" 20 scr. M.
      58 words
    • 73 8 Result of Jockey Club Stakes. The following is the result of the .lockey Club Stakes Mr. L Neumann's Siberia 1 Duke of Portland's Primer 2 Mr. W. Hall Walker's Royal Realm I The racs was won by. four lengths, and two lengtlip separated second and third. Ten horses
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    • 97 8 5.C.C. v. Banks and Telegraph Co. Provided the grnuud is fit on Monday, the S.C.C. will play Rugby Football against a team representing the Banks and the Telegraph Company. Play will commence at a p.m. j Tiic S.C.I team will be: Kull-back, K. \V. 11. Carpenter; three quarters.
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    • 152 8 V.M.C.A. v. Police. Elevens representing the V.M.C.A. and the Police met in an Association Football match on the Reach Road reclamation ground, yesterday. A good and fairly interesting game was played. The \oung Men held the upper hand in the first halt, when, as a result of good
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    • 309 8 Rifle -Shooting. 5.V.A. Rifle Club. The programme &lt;d the S.V.A. Rifle Club'B lift ii animal meeting, which just been issued, is an extensive one. The competitions will commence &lt;&gt;n Saturday, November 7, and will conclude on Saturday, December 6, when the Club will be At honii\" Kntrie-clo-te on November
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 509 8 Catarrh, the Bane of the World Pe-ru-na, the Standard Remedy. rUNrr^j CANADA MEXICO/ CUBA JAFRicA WtraW \ORIEHT euroPEi HOT WEATHER fn\\\ iV^wßßJi^/l* lI J mJW Hw nrn nwFATHFR CATARRH. 1 I i tWhlt CULUWtAiMtK Bowels, F\ Lungs, Pelvic EJ y yyj :ii.Jb^llM£^O£B!3^ 1 Bronchial Organs. Jg? Tubes. Catarrh is recognized
      509 words
    • 87 8 HARIMA HALL. JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH. North Bn.lge H .a&lt;l SiQiMpnn.. To-Night! COMPLETE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. Including New Picture*: The Universal Klirt The Dieppe Circuit. Th.' Little Magician. A View of Paris from a height of 2,600 feet. In a Difficult Position. Love at First Sight. Wonderful Kertilizer. Etc. K HIRIUV, Propretor.
      87 words
    • 108 8 NOTICE. Ity instructions of the Standard Oil Com p.inv of New York, Notico is h&lt; n y giyen that the Power ot Attorney grunted by the Company to Mr. II KhnnfeU lint been revoked. l&gt;ate&lt;l Singapore. October Hi, 1908. STANDARD OIL 00. OF NKW YOHK. J. Love Montgomerie, 2232 Incmi,
      108 words

  • 253 9 SlKOAPOU, UcTUBEK H, 1906 PRODI I iambiir 7.ft6 11.88 T.U 10.40 dJ i'».7"i Sa^o flour Sarawak :i.00 ■in Br :i(;i No. 2.85 Pear: 9 8.50 Coffee Bali picked MJ Coffee. Paleuibau^, 30% ba»i noiu Coffee. Luberian 24.50 Tapioca, small Flake 5.00 40 small peail noru do mod pearl 5.00
    253 words
  • Stocks arid Shares,
    • 331 9 tnu cribad X Iv^l^o^al c^&gt; 7 !»07 1901 !»03 1907 1901 1906 190-1 1906 1906 1906 1906 1907 '904 1907 MS saa :9&lt;M |H9b .900 1907 1907 1906 !b»» 1907 1908 :00.C00 »*CO 00C iW.GCO »600,000 CUO.UOO £400.000 -Mt.OOO »400,000 i 75,000 eo.cco £100,000 100,000 •150,000 99,000 £1:10,000
      331 words
    • 373 9 1803 £150,000 134,136 I 46,600 l 108,600 13,600 11,760 86,700 11,600 10,000 1 6,000 66,000 I 181,464 1 118,646 I 60,000 1 15,000 180,000 f 184,000 i 70,000 I 640 I "0 33.096 681,000 10.C30 115.000 5 186 000 I 46,000 30.000 13,600 1 3,688 i 11,411 990 300,000
      373 words
    • 177 9 :^9J £0.3I?.10.0| 4,W&gt;' 7,588 13/6 1 »M,MQ *.HOO 80 m in ' 130,000 us MfiOQ *„OC.OCO I **&lt;%* r i«&gt;M« S:S88 IS lHol tUJBM I 34.'i C-&gt; 3,100 10 1899 WIMM 676,000 {JJ 1903 MM.MI i ■-'♦O.f-PO .1.000 10 1891 130.000 30,000 800 80 190) 1400/00 400,000 400,000 j
      177 words
  • 395 9 (Sunday, October II.) ii. \rn Srsi'AY ViTf.i; Trinity. Si. Andrew's Cathedral. 7 a.m. Matin* ami Liitany 7 Ua.m. Boh Coaamonion (Choral); 1-4! i in. Bible \iluli8); 5-30 p.m. Evensong and riniin. Si. M\ttukv'-. Sepoy Lists. 11 15 a.ra Foo i "u.w Service 5.40 p.m Sunday School 8-15 p.m.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 94 9 Tim- Ham.- on Fort Canning and Monnt raber Jmp daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard :im. correspondiuf; to 6 a.m. Ciitenwicb mean".ime. Tbe time gnn is tired at 12 o'clock noon, mdi ■atmn Singapore standard lime, on every day xceplini: S'liidav, 'vL.n it ia fired at ouo •■nlook. BLOCD POISON
      94 words
    • 95 9 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. gre tit They have been the favount UrnA I fti home for many years and are rapidly gaining similar popularity in the No expense is spared in keeping both "RED SEAL" AND "SLACK AND WHITE" I the mark. M Jeffrey's Stout AND 8 Pale Ale. |l In order
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    • 44 9 f We beg to in- 11« m I form Owners and Agents of Steamers tbat we are now supplying ice at tbe rate of (DOLLARS SIX) $6 PER TON. Kallang Ice Works, FACTORY, 14-B, KALLANO ROAD. Singapore, August it, IMS. Telephone No. aW. 2147
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    • 55 9 ELECTRIC HOME TREATMENT. Health beauty Massage, Nervous Disorders Superfluous Hair permanently removed by ELECTROLYSIS. The Specialist. 15 7, Queen St., will be pleased to call by appointment. Letters confidential. PILSENER BEER. KEY BRAND. IMPORTED SINCE MM. 's /Vjli BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. None Genuine without the above two Labels. BEHN MEYER
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  • 176 10 SILVER REFINERS' SENSATIONAL STORY. Convinced Trophy Was Melted Dou n. A remarkable story reaches the Shetlitld Daily Telegraph fiom a well known firm of gold and silver refinere in Sheffield. They state that they had the stolen A^cot f^old cup in their possession hwt year. Some time
    176 words
  • 502 10 Financial Interests Antagonistic to War. Sir William Ramsay, who has long lioen a student of matters and men in tho Nuar East, gave his opinion recently on the Gci wan Navy and Turkish ivfonn. Asked by the British Weekly what he thought of the increase iv the
    502 words
  • 120 10 The Siam Observer hears good accounts of the Prabat Railway Company, Siam, and that the receipts, which have been iucre.i«iug stc .ulily have topped the return of the pro v ii i' is six years by lv.inn ticals, and that the next balance sheet, which will be
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  • 115 10 The Majay Mail hoars that Mr. Justice Braddell has awarde-d 5 .8,000 compensation to the owner of the house* at the junction of Petaliug and Yjijj Ah Loy Streets, Kuala Lumpur, on resumption by the State for street-widening pupOMa. How much of this compensation, if any,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 627 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capil&l in 60,000 Shares of «oosoh *1,»00,000 Reserve Food £1.625.000 Reserve Liability o( Proprietors X1, 5100,000 unm Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tan London City Midland Bank. Ltd. BINOAPORE BRANCH. Currtnt Aconnts are
      627 words
    • 502 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. c- aid-up capital 115,000,000 FUND B&gt;erllne Reserve 1it. 000,000 1 »o Q nnn nor Silver Reserve •14.000,000/ Ooo ooc ■ieserre Liability of Propriotori t15.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. E. Khellim, Esq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. W.J. Gresson. Deputy Chairman. K.O. Barrett, Esq. I W. Helms,
      502 words
    • 55 10 N'J DANGER. Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain's Cough remedy to your children. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, aud it is the best medicine 1 maele for these elise'aoc. Wiiat makes it safe is that it contains no opium. Children like it. For sale
      55 words
    • 489 10 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., LTD.. .^p^. 15 BATTERY Rn Manufactured by the Star Cyclo Co., WolverhamptJa. ll. in Ir.-ds of those machines have beon sold iv tho Straits, and are unequalled iv price nn.l liimii. Ins[K)utiou invited. SALES BY AUCTION. hortgageeVsale. Tuesday, October 20, at 2.30 p.m. Tbo valaab'e freehold
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    • 455 10 INSURANCE Companies ROYAL NSURANCE COMPANT, LIMITED. FIRS AND LIFE TOTAL FUNDS EXCEED £14,250,000 tei LAHGU9T rtsi ernes ia ibb wovll. BODBTEAD v r i. GUARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED, LONDON. Sobeonbed C»pital £3,000,000 Total Invested Funda £8,260,000 Ann mi Inoome £1 130.00 C The undersigned. Agonts for tbe Mi n o&lt;mpany,
      455 words
    • 351 10 SALES BY AUCTION. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Cmm of i; M. v. I! LKTCHMAN CHETTT, PluintiiT, VH. THAM BOOM XXX, Administrator ot Tham Ah Hong, deceasol. Defeudant. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE LAND AND HOUSES. To be held at Ml m 11. loglilau aud Co's Saleroom-. Wtimmimf, Oehtimr It. at
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  • 1061 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. All About Throttle Control. The throttle has for so loug been the principal means of control in the handling of the petrol motor that its abolition now would not b. popular with the body of drivers. And yet there was ample
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 435 11 Consumption. Angier's Emulsion is invaluable in Consumption because it not only soothes and heals the lungs but keeps the digestive organs healthy, enabling delicate stomachs to retain, digest and assimilate sufficient quantities of nourishing food; it is, therefore, a superlative nutritive tonic and builder. Angier's Emulsion is prescribed by lung
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    • 132 11 \\w s.iiue diseases as these drugs 1 In forty-eight hours without 1 inconvenience. *v 1 Rack Cipiule bean the name U&lDu ~~&gt;~~~~* FOR DISEASES OF THE CHEBT. GRIMAULT'S SYRUP Of Htpo Phosphite of Lime. Prescribed in France for the last 30 years It retains its reputation for Consumption. Obstinate Coughs,
      132 words
    • 395 11 ARTICLES FOR SALE. lUr«, -Knur -Linn. o» ortirn i,mn rtWtJ Bj the inch. x&gt;s Wmtt «f OaafJßt RUBBER STUMPS FOR BALE. Good Rubber Stumpa. 10 months old. Apply illans+ier, Linggi Plantations, Ltd., Serembu. C 1667 RUBBER ESTATEB FOR BALE. Two Rubber Keta'cs abont I,ooo acres &lt;ach (just valnedi. Will take
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 559 12 Scale of Charges. FBI.FAID ADVr-.RTIBEMENTS.— MIsoeI j liseont Wauls of Every Description, Houses, •aad, etc to lei, arc inserted at the following; ••Ms: One Insertion 1.20 per inch. Two 1.00 Three 2.80 Blx 1.20 Nloe Twel&gt;? 7.20 Twenty-Ore 10.00 (Eavn subsequent mouth W per inoh.) Ike abovo rate is based
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    • 538 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. RiTSS I— foot Lint*. on» or two lawrtlou, lI. X By lh« Inch, m Boals of Cluuiw. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenders ,are invited under the following heads for supplies to the Municipality of Singapore from January 1, 1909. For Onf. Ykak. 1. Bakau and Bintangore Rollers, Kassau Sticks, Flooring
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    • 778 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES HiTis lit Month. FlO p« Inch. Subuquent month* at. Pot aborUr pariodi M&lt;Boala of Charge!. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HBfiEBY GIVEN That all Roads within Government House Domain will be closed to the pnblic from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. on each of tbe following dates, namely, October 18,
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    • 521 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Lo. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds of HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, ior Carriages Motor Gats, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose, BrakeRP TRFAnTKa UOTHR TYRFR hoBe for Speaking Tubes, RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES. CODDRINGS, GAUGE-GLASS RINGS. All kinds of I.R. Buffers and Springs
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    • 339 12 Syrup of Raspberry PURELY MADE OF GUARANTEED NATURAL RASPBERRY JUICE AND SUGAR. Mixed witb iced water or soda water, it forms a very palatable, refreshing and healthy drink, which is no doubt the most suitable beverage for hot climates. It also forms a delicious ingredient for ice-cream ami sweet sauces.
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    • 201 12 HOUBE TO BE LET. YARNHAMS, t, fiyed Ally Road, opposiu Newton Station, lately occupied by V. Gottlieb Esq. 4 bed and bath roorcs, dining and draw ing rooms, large verandahs, very cool and convenient house. i;as and water, Stabling Tennis. Apply to F. J. BEM.TAFIELD, 2202 Municipal Office BOARD AND
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