The Straits Times, 2 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.772. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 178 1 The OSTEND MEETING. Kilometer Trials. Flying Start. Mile Standing Test FIRST— BAYARD-CLEMENT FIRST— BAYARD-CLEMENT. SECOND-BAYARD-CLEMENT SECOND-BAYARD-CLEMENT. SSS^S^S TmRO-B^BD-CLEMENT. FIFTH— FIAT. FOURTH— FIAT. Thin proven once a«ain the SUPERIORITY of BAYARD-CLEMENT CARS as regards RELIABILITY and REOULAKITY. A few Models of Uiih make have just been received. Particulars and trials on
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    • 103 1 THEATRE HALL TO LET. Aleiandra Hall, No. 609. North Bridge Road. Apply Seng Cheang and Co., No. 39, Robin Eon Road C 2162 ELECTRIC HOME TREATMENT. For Rheumatism, Nervous Diseases, Health and Beanty Massage, Removal of Facial Blemishes. The Specialist, 15 7, Qneen Street, will be pleased to call by
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    • 253 1 Robinson Company. NOW ON VIEW. New and Exclusive Models IN TSrimmed Millinery. ALSO A VERY NICE ASSORTMENT OF Wings, Cogue and Ostrich Feathers, Ribbons, Coloured Silk Tulles, Chiffons, Flowers, Ornaments, Laces, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies' Belts and Belting, Motor Veils, etc., etc. THE LATEST STYLES IN Dress Materials, Filet Voiles, Crepe
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    • 236 1 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. ERECTION OF IRON RAILINGS AND GATES AT THE ELLENBOROUGH MARKET. The Uunicipa' Commissioners iuvite Tenders for the above work. Pians and Specification may be seen and forms of tender obtained on application to the Chief Clerk, Municipal Engineer's Office; Sealed Tenders, submitted on the forms topplied and endorsed
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    • 230 1 RUBBER STUMPS FOR BALE. Good Rnbber Stumpg. :0 months old. 'Apply Manager, Liuggi Plantations, Ltd., Beremban 0 1667 006 LOST. 5 Lost, a rouKh-liaircd white Terrier witli black ruarks, Manicipal No. 275. Finder will be rewarded on returning the dog to Spring (irove. Orange- Road. 2 65 The New Japanese
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  • 519 2 Ml-- FloßltlE KLOKI/.KI.r. atatATCI An Knhkkikmk. Few lady artistes have travelled farther or have bail more varied experiences than Miss Floriie Flomell, tho clever and popular contortionist and gymnast now tonriny the I- nr East with Haruiston's Circus. In the course of an
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  • 1063 2 GOWNS FOR THE AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Latest Style from Wei -known Paris House. In tlie matter of afternoon frocks, there is an endless variety from which to choose, and should we enjoy a sunny September, ways a writer iv the Daily Chronicle, no doubt the embroidered muslins
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 429 2 GARRETTS PORTABLE ENGINES.. i/ Fitted with patent Economical Fire-box for burning wood fuel. OVKU FIFTY IX LSE IN THK FEKKHATK'J MALAY STATES. 10, 12 and 14 h.p. in Stock. IMPORTERS: BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. No More Crust IN BOILERS! WHE tE "0.M." BOILER COMPOSITION IS USED. A little "D.M. intioduced into
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    • 165 2 Ibovrill abort! ha in ancy hoax aa nl aa In mri hospital. Waan you are worrieJ and cannot tax wtll dot al«p wall, you will find a paml hdp in HOVRIL. BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATIONS w*£rL jjfjg "iaiatr CHARLES -^k HEIDSIECK'S ffclßK White Seal |ftChampagne. j BHI.K AUJ-..NT* I B
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    • 24 2 Steakns' Heaihihk Ci.kk absolutely curts ht attaches of all kind-.. No opiates, no bad after-effects. It will not fail. All chemists. Insist on Steams'
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  • 1393 3 ORIGIN OF UNIQUE LANGUAGE EXPLAINED. Early Invention of the Chinese. A Griffin writes to v«, sajs the Hongkong Daily Press Since my arrival in Hongkong the jargon known as Pigeon English has interested me very much, but 1 have never been nble to ascertain how it came to
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  • 144 3 From various groat centres recently hare come -t.itt-iii.-nt-- of the large number of persons who cannot rind work. According to Engineering, unemployment is general in almost every branch of industry. It is not confined to the United Kingdom; it in seen iv the Dominion of Canada, in tl
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  • 68 3 Thirty years a^o, the only highways in Mm Native States were the rrVers. At the eud of last year, there wore 1.667J miles of roads, 194} miles of nntuctalled roads, and 1,338 mili'H of bridlo roads and pntliN, distributed as follows Metalled. Umnetalled. llridlo.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1301 3 Miscellaneous NOTICES K*Tr«._i,t Month, flUpartneh. Sabwqu«lit month*. »i. For ahurter p*r:«l» w Seal* of Cbarito. NOTICE. NOTICi: 18 BBBBBT (iIVEV that the hi' muss of l'h' i> Fall Ilia Yuug Kee, liitbcrto oirnei M by me m Chineea lodging hoas« ket'pcrH lit No. 86, Ce:il Street, S-ng»i-ore, and all book
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    • 151 3 H i 3 Hv i v Longed-for 1 Relief from the agony of a terrible head- P I ache might be within easy reach of every suffertr if she but knew A it. 1 hose shooting pains that > almost drive one wiul can be insUntly allayed, ard rest and
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    • 227 3 Milkmaid :|)J't| lllllJV M Qffl l^E- I Sec that the l WiUissS N sEDMIW fl MILKMAID Trade Mark t^^Mi.,..v L ni •'"Zjir is on every Tin k< viS TRADE MARK. Largest Sale in the World GHEAPEST and BEST. /^^7fte Mark of Qualify XtOR razor A High Grado Razor, Fully Hollow
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    • 67 3 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. are Dot an <-xperime-it. I'h- y l.nvi- b*< v thu favourite b!«nile a' ):r>me (at nu.ny \> hdcl ire r.ipullv ximi'nr |mlarit\ ia tbe "oloDi'-n. No ejjjeufC it jirti! i "RED SEAL" A.\'D "BLACK AND WHITE" ir. la lb< mark. PILSENER BEER. KEY BRAND. IMPORTED SINCE MM BEWARE
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  • 769 4 Name, port, probable date oj arrival, and name oj Agents. STfcAMERS Achilles. China, Oct 80 W Mansfield Airhe, Bydney, Oct 23 Boostead Alcinous, China. Oct 25 W. Mansiield Antnng, Hongkong, Oct Bebn Meyer Attyanax. Liverpool. N'» 24; W. Mans,tfcld Armand Bebio, M'seilles. Nov 3; M. Maritime* \ssaye, Colombo,
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  • 254 4 Passengers Outward. IV I I. ami O. China, conuoctiut; with the riUaiuo. iaMI at Colombo, due October Mrs. J.M. Watt, Miss Coudou, Mr. and Mm. K. M. IVsborough uud child, Mrs. W. H. McKtrrou, Mr. E. J. Wood, Mr. J. Cowap, Mrs. A. B. Milue. Mi. H.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 52 4 RAPID. Nothing produces as rapid and positive OHM iv all alTi-ctions of the urethra as MBTHYLOIM. They are better than santal and copaiba and superior to injoctions. Tluir effect is noticeable in a or 4 hours after yo i --tart to use theu. They quickly stop the ■HsßWji and cure
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    • 745 4 STEAMER BAILINBB. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penan jr. Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Ejrypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills of Lading issued for Chin Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioa Pcrts. Steamers will leave Singapore on o ebov MAIL LINE {Outward for China). 1908 Auaye
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    • 480 4 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTB. AND china Mutual steam nay. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outward* for the Btraita, China and Japan every week, and bom Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp •very fortnight and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One outward steamer
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    • 517 4 STEAMER SAlLlNQShaiiburg AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straita, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerbaven direot, oalling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo at
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    • 789 4 STEAMER BAILINOB. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial .Jerman Mall Lin*. Ihe fast and wall known mail steamer of this Company sail fortnightly from Brenv lamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Bontb»m, ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonnecti.n Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe yer t Port Said, Suss, Aden, Colombo, Pcu-. Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • 1027 5 i:*Kllll tlii« liiivlili,: lh» lollowlr »bhr« vt'i.ns >re ■n«(J:-~Htr. it«Amer; ah.— "liip h^> b.vr ;-i- *c»i. •ohooner; Vet.-- YmM; Cm.- Ortilm ulit -ilmaho»t; Tor.— TorpMu It.p.— llu: it |>.w>. MW— British; U. lnllwl Sw.i r, 1. i i-i- ir :i«r.( ]>vi. -Uutili ll It. l. 'I. iMIi
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  • 78 5 Outward B. 1. Mail. The B. I. contract packet steamer Taroba, with tho London mails of the 11th ultimo, left Negapatam at 7 a.m. on the 27th ultimo, and may be expected to arrive here on Saturday morning, tho 3rd instant. Outward French Mail. Tho M. M.
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  • 85 5 Foa Ph Btumeh Tuns Tj-MORROW Bangkok Breid 9 a.m. Labuau, Saudakau, etc. ilarudu 10 a.m. Colombo lila de Panay noon P. Swettenham, Peuau^ Ban II". ItM 1 p.m. P. S'tenbam and Penang Perak 1 p.m. Palembang Ban Yong Seng Ip.m. Penang and Sabaug Htntl 2 p.m. Bangkok via
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  • 104 5 October i MmMMi lint Mr H>n:ko"t! .uul Japan .1-iMjii, Brit btr. Mnr Ktilli.-s, Havre, Liverpool Idomencus, Brit str, L'rlnn. Ain'dam, Antwurp Japan, Brit str, Pcnnng aud ('aloutta Glenoglu, Brit btr, Hongkong, Aruov, Swatow G. G. Meijer, Dut str, Muntok, P»Jombang Amberst, Brit str, Pontianak 3 Prinzes* Alice, Gor str,
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  • 282 5 Messrs. Fraser and Company's Weekly Circular. The following is Messrs. V tuner and Company's wookly share circular During thu «i k under Mfiaw, rates have kept fairly steady, but there in still plenty of 1 imm for improvement an regards tin: volume of bunincss transacted. Rubbers have
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  • 119 5 The old badge ot the Thistle worn by the London Scottish has been discarded in favour of one of a more distinctive character. Mr. Frank E. Scary, an honorary member of tho corps, has designed the now badge. It bars the Scottish Lion rampant on a St.
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  • 115 5 A dacoity is reported from the District of Surampore, in the house of a Zomindar, says a telegram from Calcutta on September 21. Three National Volunteers are in custody. It appears tho men, disguised as Police officers, wont to the house and said they would
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  • 95 5 By the Kan Whatt Hin, October 1. From Kuala Pahang Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Jelf. Ry tho Carlyle, October 1. From Port Swottenham Mr. F. S. Evan. Malacca: Mcs-rs. Kob Sau Liui. Chi Kang Chung, D. Campbell and U. Stockwill. By the Perak, October 1. I-
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  • 113 5 From Europe—By the B. I. steamer Taroba, due Octoher S. From Chdia —By the M. M. steamer B. Mni'in.H. dne October 8. Left Singapore Dae in London \ugust 24 M M. Sept 17 August 28 P O. Sept 19 Sept 1 N. D. L. Kept 24 Sept
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 37 5 LAXATiNE, thu Ideal Purgative, reoom mended b;, the bedt medunl anthoril ,>. Ka j j to take SD'l oyrtain In results. In br 1 1 of all obemista. WholMtJa from Tfci fhnr—a KatWrv 1 oad Hlngaport 1 811
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    • 606 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N V K JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO.LTO. r A regular FOIU NIGHTLY ,-.:v|,x>is main Uined betwoin Inpnu ani Eutopu by tho followiug NfcW TWIN-SCKEW STEAMRRS, Undor Mail Contract witb lha t:i nil' Japan eae Government, specially do-.n,':ii>d for thp Company's European Servicu, lifjbted Ihrongb out by Klectricity. provided
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    • 484 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. Tiif ilenmurd »f thin Company maintain regular direct Rorvioe betweea Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong. Shau^&i and Japan, >akiq^ •:nr-\r, uo through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Cbofoo, Tientsin, Nev.-rhwantf, Yaoftii/'.' Ports, Formosa, tbo PUlipptaaa, <*■<:.. Ao. *tean»er» Train (Commander 14 KfTKAKO It-
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    • 525 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P, R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. TUB NAi !ON U lITOHWA V TO KUKOPK ri.t nnil S J ITkM, CXKXU& and tin lirUTFK UW, Konto frot' Hor^^i3 b *.a Shan^a'., Na^na*:!. '!ut»n.l Si» of -Japani, Kobe, V l cnham»,. v'iolom iu3 nMNM, 14.
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    • 187 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Oot I— At 5 B.Orango Grove Road, valuable Java-tetk furniture, etc.. at 2 p.m. s— At Sile-mom, unredeemed pledges, at 10 am. 6— At Sale-room, valuable leasehold proparties at Clyde Street and Bain Street, at 2-30 p m. I—At1 At Sale-room, unredeemed pledges, at 10
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    • 134 5 Measures have been taken for building two destroyers in Holland next for llu Netherlands India N"a\y. one million u( guilders being set apart for the purpow Over four millions of guilders ure down in next year's Estimates in Holland to meet the outl.iy on new ships for the I'utch
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 53 5 WEATHER REPORT. Etmims Kerbau Hospital, ■<.i,<h,r I, l9oi>. A. H. 3 f. H 'J I. 11. ReVIRKH, Bar. yi V»k 29.81S 29.5:15 29.9 'fi Temp a».O «e.O 80.0 Wet Bulb Tber 78.0 75.0 77.2 DirofWiui.. West >.\V. calm Max. Temp t.7.0 Mm 7.V0 Max. in B'tu 162.5 Terr rad. Ther
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    • 154 5 DAY BY DAY Friday, October a. Uifih Water. 1.49 p.m Legislative Council. 2-30 pm. Municipal Board. 2 :s > p m. Alljumbr Cinematograph. 7 30 p m Halo's Toura. 7 p.m Japanese Cinematograph. 7-80 p.m Harima Ciuemato^rspb. 7-80 p.m Saturday, October 3. Hieh Water X.17 a.ra. 4.33 p.m B. I.
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    • 27 5 WEATHER TELEORAM. Hongkong, October 10 a.m. Barometer 29 96 Direction cf Wind East Force of Wial Max. Temp In Bb«4i> ..77 M»oi'a. 759 South 1 31 26
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  • 1307 6 The Straits Times. PRICK 10 CENTS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2. It is always pleasant to find a man who is respocsible in any degree for tho government of a subject people expressing himself cordially and sympathetically in regard to them. There c»n be no doubt that long familiarity has a tendency
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  • 16 6 The price of tin in Singapore to-day is «Hfl per pienl. Fifty toos have been sold.
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  • 14 6 11. M.5. Waterwit-ch arrived from Port Swettenham, yesterday, and urcnorod in the man-of-war anchorage.
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  • 21 6 Tho Bengali boy who «ent a bomb to the Magistrate of N'adia, India, has been sentenced to five years' hard labour.
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  • 19 6 Mrs. Clayton, wife of Mr. L. H. Clayton, Superintendent of Indian Immigration, died on Saturday last, at Hindbead, Surrey.
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  • 22 6 Bishop Yey, of the Roman Catholic Mission in Siam, has improved greatly in health. His Lordship has been ill for several months.
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  • 22 6 H M.S. Astraea, Captain F. C. Ryan, arrived from Batavia. yesterday, and will remain here a week aud then proceed to Labuan.
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  • 23 6 Both the Judges finished their work at the Supreme Court by tbe mid-day adjournment, so that neither was sitting in the afternoon, yesterday.
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  • 27 6 The new dredger for the F.M.S. Government, the Kuan tan, arrived from Paisley, yesterday. She has a tonnage of 248, a crow of 19 and 123 horsepower.
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  • 37 6 Four Javanese have been engaged since yesterday morning catting the grass in the plot of about 2,000 Hqjiare feet between the new theatre and the Treasury building. It will be a great improvement when it is finished.
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  • 36 6 A European named Kinerson and a Bengali named Eusope had a fight in Hill Street, yesterday afternoon. Both were arrested, and were convicted by the Third Magistrate, this morning. Emerson was fined 91 and Eusope 85.
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  • 40 6 The somewhat unusual sight of a pretty little pony drawing a ricksha may now be seen in Kuala Lumpur, says the Malay Mail. Rickshas drawn by donkeys are not uncommon where 'cookie' has a long way to go to market.
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  • 37 6 Mr. Baddeley has been appointed District Officer, Kuantan, Pabang, a newly-created appointment, and Mr. G. M. Laidlaw, who is at present at Home ou leave, succeeds Mr. Baddeley as Assistant Revenue Auditor, Selangor. Negri Sembilan and Pahang.
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  • 57 6 The work of fitting up of the canteen at the Drill Hall in Beach Road, is progressing. It has a fine position facing the sea and Ls protected from the afternoon sun by tho main building. The billiard table and the bar have been re varnished and placed in position
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  • 53 6 Yesterday, His Lordship Mr. A. G. Law concluded the hearing of the case of K. S. Verappa Pillay v. Samuel Vincent for $H,256.22 as balance alleged to be due for work done. Mr: I! St. J. Braddcll appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. C. Kveritt for the defendant. His Lordship
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  • 56 6 Luw Si-ug, Toy Ah Ueo and Lye Vat were convicted by Mr. E. C. C. Howard at the District Court, yesterday afternoon, of at tempting to break into house No. 39 Pagoda Street, the rosidence of Lee Tong, on September at a very early hour, and were sentenced to three
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  • 48 6 In reference to the departure from Port Swettenhain of H.M..S. Waterwitch, which 1 arrived in Singapore yesterday, the Malay Mail allixles iv praiseworthy terms to tbe popularity nf the officers of the vessel and to the valuable addition they proved to be in the social life of Klaug.
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  • 44 6 Tbe last message Sir Hubert Hart succeeded in getting through t> Tientsin, just a week before the relieving force arrived at Peking, showed his peculiar talent for detail. It was a telegram to his London tailor which read Ever\'-liin<» burned. Send winter clothes immediately.
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  • 47 6 The coffee crops in Java have been shrinking so much of late years that importations of the berry from Brazil to make good the shortage for local consumption show steady increase. Santos coffee, which is the kind favoured most, bulked 53,000 piculs among tbe importations last year.
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  • 56 6 In the season ending February last, the State of Western Australia produced '2.933,350 bushels of wheat from 280,349 acres, against 174,783 bushels from 80,'2tfci acres in the previous season. It is estimated that the amount available for export will be 698,817 bushels. There has been an increase during the year
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  • 60 6 The amount of British capital sunk in rubber-growing in Netherlands India is set at about one and a half million pounds sterling. The amount of money drawn besides from Britain by rubber planters in Java is estimated at £250,000. The area planted up with rubber in Java is 58,000 acres;
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  • 175 6 The cable steamor Magnet came in from the cable ground, this morning. The Magnet has been engaged in laying cable in Siamese territory. When the work had been completed, Captain Welsh and the officers of the .Magnet telegraphed to tuo King ot Siam informing His Majesty of the successful laying
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  • 91 6 IMPORTANT PUBLIC WORKS SCHEME. Proposal to Spend Three Millions Sterling iFkOM On Own CNMNmnI London, October 1. 6.40 p.m. The Birmingham Daily Post, one of Mm best informed English newspapers, publishes an interesting statement about tho Dutch East Indies. It hears that the Netherlands Government is preparing
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  • 192 6 Official Circles in Constantinople Hopeful. Rkctkb's Tklkcjham London, October 1. The Bulgarian Government has drafted n memorandum to the Powers. It explains the motives of Bulgaria in occupying the Oriental KiiKvay- end de clares that it is impossible to re-establish the status quo. Constantinople official circles
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  • 59 6 Preparations Made for a Record Mail. l(n iik'j TBLMBAM London, Octo'ior 1. The Penny Post between Britain And the United Statos was inaugurated to-day. Preparations are being made for the record mail which is pxpeyted to follo'.v this reduction of rates. It is expected that
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  • 48 6 French Financier Orders Fifty New Ships. Km -i k.i Tklkou.vm London, October 1. M. Wtiller, a French financier, has ordered fifty Wright aeroplanes from a Freuch faotory. He anticipates that tin- aeroplanes will render important service in warfare, and hopes, also, to organic- iu-i ial sports.
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  • 53 6 China Enphatically Warned by the Times. [RauTH's Tilioium] London, October l The Times, in a leading article reminds tbe Chinese- emphatically that there arc* reciprocal obligations in connection with repression of the opium traffic. If, tbe journal says, tho opium trade muxt cease for us, poppy cultivation must
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  • 39 6 Rumoured Agreement to Prohibit Importation [Rkdtrb's Tklkukax.J London, October 1. The Post, Washington, U.S.A., xtatos that the Powers have agreed to prohibit the im portation into China of morphia and morphia instruments from January 1, 1909.
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  • 32 6 Uictrk's Tklk.lram LonduD, October 1. The Revenue Returns of tlio United Kingdom for tin- 'iuarter ending Sept'-mber 30 show a decrease of £I,QS I 293 sterling.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 158 6 THE JAM PRIZE: THvr Z Never Sticks!! 1897 ib9b AWARDED 9 GOLD MEDALS. 1899 1900 Taylor Bros.' Jam, from 15 to 22 eta. per tin 1301 Do. assorted, $1.95 per doz. Annandale Jam. assorted, $1.75 per doz. -—I THOMPSON THOMAS CO. HOUSE TO BE LET. HOUSE TO BE LET, FURNISHED.
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    • 185 6 ALHAMBRA To-Nlght. STADIUM SPORTS IN 2 SERIES. n.M. tbe King performing {he Opening Ceremony The General Salute The March Past of Atbletm The Mass Drills A Swimming Match High Jump Danish Ladies' Display Water Polo (Belgium v. Holland; Throwing the Javelin Throwint tbe Discus (Greek Style) Tng-of-War (England v. America)
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  • 784 7 GOVERNOR'S BUDGET SPEECH IN COUNCIL. 1909 Estimates. INCREASE OF EXPENDITURE OVER REVENUE. Hi- F.xeellency tlie Governor, Sir John And. ■I*l,ll, K.C.M.G. delivered his Budget sporch at the meeting of the Legislative Cuuci il, this afternoon. Th. minutes of the pre\ ious meeting havii Ixin nad and <:oi.
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  • 768 7 Important Improvements To Be Carried Out. Iv re.; ird to Public Works, the u«ual services have been carried out in all three Settleaients under the heads of Public Works, and Koad-, Stri ct*. Bridges, and Canals Aunually Ho current Kxpcnditure. I'nder the head Public Work", etc., Special Service-,
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  • 779 7 Low Tin Prices Affect Imports and Exports. Tho commerce of the Colony in 1907 advanced slightly over 1906 in both imports and exports, the value of goods imported reaching 8229 million dollars (X' 3 7.668,000) and the exports MM million (£32,921,u00), increases of 1J per cent, and 8
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  • 506 7 Proposed New Ordinance Concerning Gold Reserve. A considerable depression took place in the exchange value of the dollar in tho latter part of tho year 1907 and continued till Auyust this year. The lowest limit rcaeln d wis 2s. :t ;d. for demand drafts in February and
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  • 1343 7 Municipal Commissioners Scheme (or Improvements. There were 15 deaths from plague in the Colony and 6 from small pox and 180 from cholera during 1907. The death-rate was ::;(07 "pur milie, and the tho birth-rato was l'< 1 1 on an estimated population of 619.77 C As you
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  • 383 7 Introduction of a Divorce Bill at Early Date. Fourteen Ordinances wero placed on the Statute Book between the date of my last address and the end of 1907. Amongst them were the important Court", and Criminal Procedure Civil Procedure Amendment Ordinances, preparad by a Committee presided over by the
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  • 800 7 The Opium Commissioner's Report Almost Completed. A certain number of advance copies of the Opium Commission's report have recently been received, and tho Government Printing Office is still busily engaged in completing the work on the evidence and appendix is, which will form a very voluminous and iuteresting
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  • 321 7 Ceylon Government takes Drastic Measures. It was stated locally the other day that the Ceylon Government had decided to discharge from the ranks of the public service throughout this island, every one who had ever been convicted of a criminal act uuder the law of the laud, no
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  • 49 7 The name" of five Chinese chops and of another firm appeared in the bankruptcy list before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, in tho Supreme Court, this morning. Potitions for receiving orders had been filed against them. They were, however, of no unusual interest and were disposed of quickly.
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  • 54 7 A Chinaman who brought $9 worth of cii'udu from Johore because it wa« cheaper there was fined S5O by the Second Magiotr .»i-. this morning. He was allowed the option of serving the Colony for two weeks iustead, should ho prefer to do so rather
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  • 80 7 It is not safe to try to sell a stolen watch to a Malay in ordinary dress, as he may prove to be a constable off duty, as a Chinamau learned to his sorrow, yesterday. The watch proved to be one that the
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  • 137 7 Mr. 10. A. Gardiner, who is at tho head of the Gambling Suppression Department, prosecuted two Japanese in the Third Magistrate's Court, thi3 morning, on charges of carrying ou a Will Well lottery, purchasing lottery tickets and being occupiers of a common gaining house. Mr. It,
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  • 52 8 DISASTROUS FLOODS IN THE DECCAN. Ten Thousand Lives Lost. I Kir I IK'S TILIORAM.] Bombay, October 1. I upiecedeuted raius have been followed by disastrous Hoods in Hyderabad aud the Poccau. Immense damage ban beet: done to crops and property. It is estimated that ten thousand lives havo
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  • 49 8 New Zealand largely Increases Contribution. I Kict»s's Tbliorams] Londou. October 2. Ihe New Zoalaud House of Representatives has read a third time the Bill for increasing the Colouy's contribution to the Imperial Navy. Tho increase is from £40, (HK) to £100,000 •t< .ling per annum.
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  • 53 8 Kkuikk's Tklk.hkam. London. October 2. The bluejacket from the cruiser Gibraltar, has beeu tried at Sydney, Australia, aud has been sentenced to two years' hard labour aud dismissed the service. fie eonfutised to throwing overboard gnu iighta valued at JB7OO sterling, thus reuder ing the ship iuetlective
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  • 78 8 Czarina's Intended Visit to the Mediterranean. but Osiasiatiscbi Lloyd Tiluqsam] Berlin, October 1 King Emmanuel of Italy has given audience to M. Isvolsky, the Russian Foreign Minister. The Czarina of Kussia, who was reported recently to be suflcring from inflammation of tbe heart, has been advised to
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  • 58 8 I 'IK OSTASUTISCRB L.LOYD TILMOKAM j Berlin, October 1. A statue of I'rince Bismarck is to be uu-v.-ili il iv tbe Walhalla at Kugensburg on October 14, in the presence of Prince von Kuolow. the (ieruian Imperial Chancellor. Dr. Baron you Podewils-Durni/, the Bavarian President aud
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  • 45 8 i>«« <' -lAn-" n» Lloyd Tilius**; Berlin. October I. Dr. <•( heiuierat Koch, the fam i tubeie.i i i <|»cialisl, has declared that the arrange uicut-- existing iv New York for the preveu tii'ii of rousmuptiou are tlie be-4 in the world.
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  • 32 8 I I >IH OST4SI4TIBUHI I.LOYD TmLIOHAM Berlin, October 1. A Montreal telegram report^ that a setious strike has taken place among the workmen on the Canadian Uailways.
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  • 27 8 L)mk Otasiatisoii Lloyd TmlcuramJ Berlin, October 1. The Huuganau Throne speech is expected to deal with matters of extreme importance regarding liosuia and Herzegovina.
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  • 95 8 Another of the llong Liui Quay rioters appeared before tho Third Magistrate, Mr. Maurice Thunder, yesterday afternoon, aud received sentence iv the following doses Three mouths' rigorous imprisonment for assaulting tlu> l'liino»r detective who was so brutally maltreated on that OMMiM, three mouths for wrongly confining
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  • 112 8 Murder of a Police Sub- Inspector well l-nowu Mb-IwMOIM "I I'oli'i-of < .iwupurc bM beou miirderod under circuui Uulos which reveal not a little daring. The victim Mohauicd liussau Khau, had gOM to investigate a case of burglary. Ho ...icstod two suspects and while returning wm overtaken by night and
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  • 207 8 Sequel to the Arrest of Bullock Cart Driver. Kit Bun < man. a bullock cart owner, pro- scented Csop, Pton 854, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Department, in tho Summons Court, yesterday, ou a charge of using criminal force against him. Mr. Wee Theatu Tew prosecuted. The evidence
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  • 169 8 Alleged Desperate Characters in Hands of Police. Four Chinese were prosecuted by Mr. C. I). Whituhi ad. Assistant Superintendent of Police, iv the Second Magistrate's Court, this morning, on a charge of going armed iv public and being bail characters generally. Mr. Song Ong Slang defended two of
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  • 52 8 Lim Ah Kow, a Teochow, decided that he was tired of life and started to cut his throat with a knife in the five-foot- way in front of No. 17 New Market Road, yesterday morning. He was stopped before fatal injuries had been received aud was sent
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  • 67 8 Two ludiau Milkmen were prosecuted by Mr. T. O. Mayhew, Chief Sanitary Inspector, iv the Senior Magistrate's Court, this morning, for selling adulterated milk. Tbe mixture carried by one of the men was said to coutain over 62 per cent, of water, while the other tuau had beeu
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  • 74 8 The animal report of the I'euaug Cricket Club shows a profit ou tho year's working of V2,b60.72, the largest profit ever made by the In b iv one year. A balance of ICyMMI stands to the credit of the profit aud loss account. si- ty. seven new
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  • 75 8 Ahuiad tried the old familiar bird-lime game iv a Chinese shop, yesterday, taking !t."i cents from a casli box by the insertion of a stick with a siueared point, in the approved style, but was caught in the act and taken before the Second Magistrate, this morniug. His
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  • 77 8 A Board of Trade iujuiry has been eouiluded into the loss of the British tug Belmore, which while ou route from Londou to Syduey last June, fouudcrod when 20 miles trom Kan Gharib, on the Kgyptaiu shore of the Gulf of Suez, soveu at the crew of elevon
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  • 176 8 Four Chinese were tried before the 'I'hird Magistrate, this inoruiug, ou a charge of possession of more that the legal amount of morphia and of a hypodermic syringe. One i them claimed all the morphia and the syringe as his, the others accused being merely his customers.
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  • 12 8 Fcwh cam. s of tuall-i' ji ate bn-ukiug out dally at Colombo.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 205 8 1 rank Wootton, the Australian jockey, rode with considerable success at the Doncaster meeting ou September 10. He rode four winners. 11 K. Wilding, the Australian, has won the Ocrmau lawn tennis championship, which was played for at Baden. Wilding's opponent was O. Fritzheim. The scores were
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    • 41 8 -learn Launch Departure. The steam launch Argu will leave Ijlin ■ton s Pier for the Swimming Club Buugalow ou Sunday at 7, and In a.m., 2.30 and KM p.m. returning at (MM) and '».:ili a.m., VZ.l?>, 3 aud MO p.m.
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    • 278 8 Interport Match. Practice for the aunual match with Hongkong, Shanghai, and I'enang for tho Inter. port Challenge Shield recently exhibited by Messrs. Robinson and Company has been going on for the past fortnight. The shooting of the local marksmen has beou steady if not brilliant. It is expected that
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    • 232 8 Ladies' Uolf Championship. The :«:mi -linal in the Ladies' (toll I'hawpionship, played yesterday, resulted as follows iirs. Sauuders beat Mrs. i.:m IW i two up aud one to playMiss Darbishire beat Mrs. Keigwin three up and two to play. The final will be played on October 8, beginning at
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  • 162 8 I Kuan Long aud Wong I'ak were tried before the Third Magistrate, Mr. Maurice Thunder, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of ;isHanltiuy Lim Wong with a knife on August U. Kwan Leug was also charged with theft of a pauauri hat from Mak Chay iv January. Mr.
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  • 265 8 Given to a Ceylon Golf Club by Mr. F. M. Elliot. Included iv the programme of the Septeinbjr lioll Tournament, held at Nuwara Eliya, Ceylon, duriug the week ended September ly, was a golf competition for a valuable silver cup presented by Mr. K. M. Elliot, of
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  • 91 8 The attention of owners and trainers is drawn to the fact that the entries for the Singapore Autumu Meeting close at noon to- -norrow (Saturday), except for races Nos. 2, 4 and 5 on the third day. which will be received up to Thursday. October 1.1. Kutiies
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  • 46 8 Ah a result of the recent train outrages the management of the Eastern Bengal Railway have removed the conterminious footboards aud hand rails from the first aud second class carriages ou that portion of the line which passengers travel over by night.
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  • 115 8 There are some strange contradictions amongst jungle products from the edible point of view. Tbe dower of the Pahuau. for instance, is boiled and eaten, but the fruit is not eatable. The buds of the Kuchuar tree make a vegetable dish which is much appreciated, but iv maturity
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  • 103 8 The Osaka Asahi has received the following New York telegram, dated September IftMr. Nagasaki Shogo, of the Japanese Imperial Housohold Department, arrived here yesterday and will stay till the 16th. On the loth, Colonel Thomson, the copper magnate, who mas recently in japan on the
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  • 104 8 Otoy s baud iv the hills of Samar, Philippine Islands, has beon hit again by the Constabulary forces. One pulajan was killed and t'io camp and hupplies destroyed. The Constabulary force under Captain Snodgrass and Lieutenant Weaver surprised the pulajan camp but the pulajanes fled after
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  • 111 8 The order for the underclothing for experimental purposes iv protecting the troops of the Philippines]against the actinic ray, says the Manila Times, has beon placed with a Philadelphia manufacturer and is about ready for shipment to the islands. Five thousand suits of this underclothing are
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  • 42 8 A London telegram to Ceylon exchanges on September 21 states that a terrific typhoon has swept over the Central I'hilippiiion and causal great loss of life. N i details arc yet to hand owing to the telegraphs being interrupted.
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  • 79 8 Two Indian tribes on the war-path anil ten of the red-skins dead" is tbe report from British Columbia which has reached tbe Provincial Government recently. The strangest feature of the report an indication of tbe vast extent of the province is that the battle in which the Indians were killed
    79 words
  • Correspondencc
    • 374 8 To the Kditor of the Strait^ Times. Singapore, October I. Sir. I uder the above heading in the issue of your pn|>er ou September 30 is published an extract, purporting to be an interview with a Chinese ox-editor returning from a visit to Australia. In this interview
      374 words
  • 156 8 To the I .'lit.ii of the Straits Times Singapore. October 1 Sir, -Will you allow me a few hues in auswer to your criticism on the withdrawing from tho Singapore League. Yon say you think it be hccaiwc we cannot get a match over ou
    156 words
  • 79 8 The British steamer Burrsfield from Kobe for Sourabaya has just met with disaster off tbe Java Coast by stranding on a sandbank on September 18. Ou the same day, a Java Goveiiimcut steamer, the Wachter, sighted tho vessel aud camo to her help. Attempts to tow her
    79 words
  • 70 8 At tbe trial of the Afghan Bengali, named Aligarh, who threatened the life of the Viceroy, Lord Kitchener, and Mr. Adamson, the letter sent was read. It declared that those na*ned would be killed, and it described the Feriagis as pigs, dogs, sweepers, and tyrants. The asses:
    70 words
  • 108 8 In a paper just) laid before the Colonial Council at Saigon, it is pointed out that the natives of tho Colony do cot make much progress commercially. The articles produced include lime, bricks, and sugar, but the output of these products remains stationary and is limited to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 513 8 I MALTHOID I WWUU UOFtU Tbo uuebtion often arises in tbe mind of n. man about to J Muild 1 wonder if M-iltlioid woild be suitable Wo certify 1« Irom many years' practical experieuco tbat Miltboid will be found immensely satisfactory ou every class of buildiug. "If* h m* tmmfy,
      513 words

  • 283 9 jmoAPOM, Oi mmn 1, 1908 c PRODUCE 3ambier t 7.60 do (Cube No. 1) nnpickei 11.75 Copra Bali 7.40 do Pontianak 6 95 Pepper, Black buyers 0.75 do White 6% 15 40 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.00 do Brunei No. 1 2.85 Pearl Sago 8 50 Ooflee Bali, picked 28.01
    283 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 342 9 Date of forma- lo» I Capital I 8abioribad M timber of Bhari I lane Valae Paid Share. np to Untamed Company QcoT*no«r 1903 1300,000 1907 1800.000 1901 MOO.OOO 1903 £400,000 1907 1400,000 1901 £80,000 1906 £100,000 1906 1150,000 1906 £120,000 1906 £30.000 1908 1450,000 1906 £160.000 1907 £100,000 1904
      342 words
    • 350 9 1906 £180,000 I 114,116 1906 1100,000 116,000 1904 £80,000 91,760 1906 £70,000 86,700 1908 1150,000 116,000 ■t 108,600 11,600 11,760 66,700 11,600 I 10,000 I 6,000 66,000 I 161,464 I 118,646 180,000 f 184,000 70,000 f MO 38,096 661,000 i 10,000 t 116,000 1 140,000 I 46,000 M.OOO 11,600
      350 words
    • 192 9 I 1894 I £8,877.10.0 1 4,808 1898 IMS. 000 i 323,000 IIS.OOC.O-'O 15.000,000 7,688 4,800 110,000 I 18,000 t 6,000 6,000 4,000 3,400 I 6,000 I 2,780 14,000 600 400,000 1.1J0 1,000 4,986 300,000 13/6 80 138 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 80 1 100 100
      192 words
  • 120 9 (FboM O. Ti'HHl TO O< TOBER 8.) HIGH WATER. LOW WATER Time H'ght Time IH'ght October hrn. mm. ft. me. hre.min. ft ins. 1214 am S.I 7.46 am! 3.9 B»tcbdai .i 233pm 8 3 9.29 pm; 2.2 |Ml »m 6 8 9.27 »m 5.4 l 1 :5.40
    120 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 111 9 "Gold that buy* liOnHfa can iii.vtr b. ill mot" is mother w?y (il >;iyinn that StcMrns' I w in.' i^ ru.hlv worth every penny ol it> cost iiul Man Steams' Wine is a nuitpchless tonic, liLkkl baOoVa tad stivn^tli producer. Weak, emaciated women ami ohtMrw Bad thai it workn ironden
      111 words
    • 91 9 J. DA. PEREIRA. HOIVriCO^TUKIBT AND FLUKIBT Collector and Exporter of Orohida. Diploma *d 1 Oold Medal from tbe late King of Denmark By Special Appointment to His Majetty. the King of Kiain., H. H., theSaltßD of Johort. ana H. H., tbe Sis I tan of Lingga. Fresh Cm Flowera ou
      91 words
    • 190 9 fHOSFERINE IThe •mHiH ef all Teslee. I ■aiaiwi S The Straits Times, AND The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issue per year $80.00 do per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.50 do per copy 10 Weekly issue per year 1 J 00 do per quarter 3.00
      190 words
    • 368 9 A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY iv tetbaac«d r.— > k£vimaat,whn n«tur -o m M rafi'-.wlufl by tb*? »c:«n. li lur v. I'iulori and h^p-urtstii i< .< c )tmM indeed madi- giant stiid*-* dmat; p*-: '-nturv, und Among th>- hy no m« *m \> a-t important discoveries in lueduinc COHMi l THERAPION. 1
      368 words
    • 177 9 l S^,r MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. Patron&ga of 0 of "•I%"'» a Ikt JnBt •PP°' n <l P«veyor to H.M. The King of Siam, Jobore. Now displays a magnificent stock of widest variety in new ami exclusive designs of ENGAGEMENT, SILVERWARE HIGH-CLASS WEODIN6 ANO KEEPER AND ENGLISH ANO FOREIGN RIN6B. ETC.. OPTICAL
      177 words

  • 1639 10 CULTURE, CURING MARKETING DESUMbED. Pioneer Work in the Seventies. (WItITTKS KOR THB STKAITS TiMKS H E. Mathiku.) When the plants are about one month old, that is at the time of making the xeeond barking, the coolie removes the liottoui leaves and buries them at the foot of
    1,639 words
  • 373 10 King Chulalonkorn Advises Its Gradual Suppression. The other day, Tfruter wired that the King of Smin regretted that the suppression of the opium tiado in Siaui was at present impossible. The full text of His Majesty's reference to opium in a Speech froui the Throne iv reply
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 514 10 INSURANCE Companies NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH A LONDON. Established 1797. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount inaareJ £333,000.000 Losses paid 11,600.008. Premium income. 908,000. lnsnranci. effected on almost every description property at enrrent rates of premium. Riski f jt 10 days are now accepted at 4 cent per
      514 words
    • 589 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE or TEN CASKS Of COSFKCTIOXERY, .it At Mess™. H. Ik Coghlan A Co. 'a Salerooms, Saturday, Octohcr 3, at 10-30 a.m. For account of concerned. H. L. Coghlan Co.. Licensed Auctioneers 2163 and Snrvtyore. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION BALE or VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. FULL-SIZE BILLIAKD TABLE,
      589 words
    • 85 10 RHEUMATISM. So little confidence lias the average man in the various cares for rheamatism that he often suffers for years without making any effort to find relief. He then finds that it has become chronic. Tbis is a mistake, as the pain can always be relieved, and in most cases
      85 words
    • 535 10 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO,. LTD.. i t RATTCDV on Manufactured by the Star Cycle Co., Wulvorhatupton. H.imliviW of thone uiaoliiues have becu sold in tlie Straits, and are unequalled iv price Md lim-iii. lusprrti m invited. SALES BY AUCTION, j ESTATE OF HA.IAB SABVH BINTE AHDI'LLA ALBASHI, DECEASED. AUCTION SALE
      535 words
    • 174 10 AUCTION SALE PAWNBHOKKKS 1 UNREDKEMED PLEDGES, j To be held at Powell it Co.'s Bale room, Monday, Othhtr S, 1908. at 10 a.m. U ,ln,sdaij, October 7,1905. at 10a.m. I Jewellery consisting of Watches, Chainx, Diamond Kiugx, Brooches, Ear-rings, Bracelet-. I Chinese and Malay Gold Ornament., etc. On View from
      174 words

  • 1310 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. Thu motor postal services iv the Common wealth of Australia are proving a success. A fanner, ypeakiug at a meetiug of the (■arrinch District Committee at Inrerurie recently, advocated a limit of fifteen miles per hour, the graduation of motor-car licenced according
    1,310 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
      500 words
    • 523 11 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP OaPITAL »16.000,00t iE3EKVEFDND:— Sterling Rcerve 115,000,0001 M Silverßeeerre 114,0>0,000j »«.o«'.<'« ieaerve Liability of PrnurUtora 118.000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. E. Bhellim, Eaq. Chairman. Ben. Mr. W.J. Oresson. l'epnty Chairman. E.G. Barrett, E«j. IW. Helms, Esq. C. G. R. Brodereen, 1 H.
      523 words
    • 213 11 modvkatx £flffSlfc&sF^ I'RKEI) CARS, wTyBE/y^NffiZ^^ Skilfully I »< signed to reduce Wear on XJ^^^^vH^^ TyrtS to the lowett possible point. For fnrther particulars apply to the sole agents CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. Just Landed: BELSIZE \L I A HP A 14-16 II 1\ UKLSI/.E, driven IH-ID n.r., by Mrs. E. A.
      213 words
    • 26 11 Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements Reduction In Prices 1 THE BORNEO CO., LTD. J. MOTION GO. Watchmakers, Jewellers, Opticians. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED.
      26 words
    • 421 11 I y form Owners a mmm Ru.i Agented I Steamers tlmt \vi> are dow sapply- iug ice at tbe rate of (DOLLARS SIX) $6 PER TON. Kallang Ice Works, 1 ACTOKY, 14- B. KALLANO KOAI' sii,-.p..r.). vt.^i.-: i i-~ Mapkaaall m 2147 CALMONS PNEUMATIC TYRES. I NKXCELLKD FOB RELIABILITY AND
      421 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 587 12 Scale of Charges* PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MisoeI •aeons Want! of Every Description, Houses, kaad, etc., to let, are inserted at the following it***: One Insertion I.M per Inch Two 1.00 Three 1.80 Six i.lO ■hie 1.40 Twelve T.M Twenty-five 10.00 (Each aubsequenl month N per Inoh.) Tie above rate is baaed
      587 words
    • 361 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bans Pov Lino. on. or two inwrtiom, II.X By to* Inch, sm Seals of Charges. OARRACQ CAR FOR BALE 4 cylinder, 14/16 h.p., S seated (just purchased from Katz Brothers, Singapore). Apply C. O. Warnford Lock, Kuala Lumpnr. 0 1958 RUBBER EBTATE FOR SALE. About ISO acres
      361 words
    • 392 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. fUras i— roar Llasa, et tw* laasrMou, si. Br th« laeb, as* Seal* of Oaaifs*. OFFICE TO BE LET. No. 7, Batten- Road. Apply to Quthrie and Co., Ltd. c 1878 HOUBE TO BE LET. No. It. Orchard Road. Apply office. Hotel Van WJfls. 2154
      392 words
    • 492 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. L. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Bobber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds of HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, lor Carriages Motor Oars, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose, Brake-RE-TREADING MOTOR TYBEB. So^JawSf'SSuofiSS rSoS. All kinds of I.R. Buffers and Springe for Bail- INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and MATwaya, etc.
      492 words
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    • 147 12 HOUBE TO LET. WESTBOURNE, Oilstead Road. Four Bedrooms, eto. Immediate entry. Apply to W. Hafienden, c/o Syme and Co. 0 1683 HOUBEB TO BE LET. No-i. 83 and 88, Institution HIU. Hirer Valley Rood. Apply to LEE CHENO VAN and On. 0 1871 HOUBE TO BE LET. Furnished house tn
      147 words