The Straits Times, 1 October 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times SO. 22.771. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 1 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 15 1 The New Japanese CINEMATOGRAPH, BEACH ROAD. Entire Change of Programme TO-NIGHT. MARTIN AND SHIBATA, Proprietors.
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    • 203 1 GODOWNS TO BE LET. Noa 260 and 262, Bavelock Boad, facing the Bingapore River. Apply to Go Boon Quao 83, hin Knee Road. P1398 HOUBE TO LET. BIARRITZ. Orange Grove Road, from November 1, ISOtJ. Rent tltO a month. Appl) to Measrs. Donaldson and Barkinshaw. I c 1898 60D3WN8 TO
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    • 257 1 Robinson Company, NOW ON VIEW. New and Exclusive Models. IN Wrirnrned Millinery. ALSO A VERY NICE ASSORTMENT OF Wings, Cogue and Ostrich Feathers, Ribbons, Coloured Silk Tulles, Chiffons, Flowers, Ornaments, Laces, Gloves, Mitts, Ladies Belts and Belting, Motor Veils, etc., etc. THE LATEST STYLES IN Dress Materials, Filet Voiles, Crepe
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    • 27 1 RUBBER STUMPS FOR SALE. Good Rubber Stumps, !0 months old. Apply Manager, l.riggi Plantations, Ltd.. Seremban. c 1567 Q H 5 S. o W H 05 o
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  • 873 2 THE PRESIDENTIAL LIFE OF THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Impressions of a Guest at the White House. A Wkkk ix thk Whitp. Hiu-sk with Tiif.odork Hooskvki.t, a Study of the Preoident at the Nations Business. By William liayard Hale. London Putnam. ( If we did not already know that President Koowevelt
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  • 244 2 Ac kii-> i ii k Kkoad Ackk-,. iiy the Ki.'V. A. N. Ommt. London A lirowu and Sous, Bh. lid. net. The acres, trodden by the ever-youthful "walkiuK |ar>>on," are, of course, in Yorkshire, wheio the men are broad, both of build and mind, practical, outspoken, aud
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  • 74 2 The Bengalee publishes a letter from Dabendra Nath Oossain, fattier of N'arendra Kath Gossain, who was murdered in Alipore gaol, in which the writer say- his late son turned approver of his own accord, being ashamed of what ho had done. When Dabcudra first heard
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 233 2 SIDEROSTHEN PAINT a Kills Rust. I SED BY GOVERNMENT. MUNICIPALITY and CONTRACTORS for Steel and Ironwork. Resists the actiou of Acids and Steam, and 6tands Tropical conditions. Importers Borneo Co., Ltd. |%pFMQ CONCENTRATED Utt V DISINFECTANT. The most economical and effective. 1 Gallon Drums $1.75 2 3.25 7.50 IMPORTERS: Borneo
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    • 185 2 BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. are not an experiment. They have been the favourite blenda at home for many years and are rapidly gaining similar pipnlarity in the Colonies No expenee is spared in keeping both "RED SEAL" AND "BLACK AND WHITE" up to the mark. 48 Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. SKA
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    • 443 2 INSURANCE Companies COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE OOMPANi*. LIMITED FIRE, LIFE. MARINE. ACCIDENT, GUARANTEE. ASSETS exoeed £17,000,000. W. A. SIMS, F 137$ Manager, Eastern Branoh. NORWICU UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY OF NORWICH <* LONDON. Established 1797. FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY. Amount insured £5)35,000.00u Losses paid 11,600,003. Premium income. 906,000. Insurance effected on
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    • 569 2 UHOE* TMI MOST n| STINCUISHCO r A TROW»6EOF '^^^"^rg. I "T THEIR HIOHNESSES. i— 3 TMC L»TE Wm aft SUITAIIS PRESENT jjfc'VlJl^r OF JOHORE \^o^^ y^. Ismail >*is^ and A/ Raheem, 82-1 AND 82-2. BRAS BASAH ROAD. THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. ISHTABLISHED ***** m.vnitalti i:eks or PURE ROPE 3
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  • 1105 3 NEW SHIPS FOR THE BRITISH NAVY. The Most Formidable Squadron in the World. During the next few months, the Navy will be considerably strengthened by the addition of ninny new ships now approaching completion, including four battleships and three armoured cruisers. These new vessels will augment our
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  • 287 3 Arrest of Eurasians Effected in Calcutta. Telegrams irom Simla and Calcutta bring 1 news of arrests in connection with the recent murder of Miss Taylor. They differ ho far as names are concerned. A wire from Simla, dated the 20th instant, says A Kurasiau named
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  • 264 3 Singular Crisis Caused by Budget Difficulties. A political crisis has arisen at Saigon, owing to the determination of the Government to push through the Colonial Conncil a change in the method of assessing the rici ticlds for revenue purposes. The natiTO members -six iv number— all withstood
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 266 3 The^Essence qfVi't'Skli ty Cadbury's Cocoa gives valuable support to the whole system. m It contains everything essential to the maintenance and restoration of vitality, is easily digested, and possesses the delicious, full, genuine The United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ld. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING CO.. LD. Bronze
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    • 90 3 Steakns' Hkadai hk Cikk relieves instantly hcadachcH and allied pains. No opiates or poisons, no bod alter-effects. FROM CANADA MitlnTs have t!ie same ti-rnir of croup in all cotintrios. but Chamberlain's Cough Remedy U:aii*t in popularity (or ft prompt oire of this dreadel disn-e. Mrs. Tuos. MattlKW of I'.U-deii. K
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    • 276 3 JOHN JAMESON'S THREE STAR PI RE POT STILL U/UICtfCV F.m M tar .0. YEARS. Hill OH LI JOHN JAMESON anil SON. LIMITED. OI'BLIN. OIKIIIert to Mi the Kin*. J. DA. PEREIRA. Hoivncrjr/rrjKifcT and florist OoIMW iiu'i Kxuorur c[ Uruhide. i i: > »D<l Oold Medal fr^m the Inv. Kiug of
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    • 140 3 FHOSFE»!NE uaum nMn. U M taw Late, M ii iinm imJ o-OMMON SENSE NUTSHEL. tat ftmdfcml *ebihi». •l-l'in.*.-..«i1bpr.i..|;.».,.1... r r duveooni f«»r removinc certain d:-. ■(Op •hrti»|<i>lnt'»i'f«ftlil«lhi>. |l ,1- drrancrlntnu. dIH-rnrgr- an.' i unulTrr.r wnl«. IV. 1 (rw <v (vnnir. 1.,.,. Mm i Jn«iuo«,S. B-rulKt .rl:.r.m.M s,, r 1
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  • 761 4 Namr, /tort, probable date of arrival, and nom<; of Agents. STBAMRRS Achilles, China, (Jet 20 W Mansfield Alrli. Hydnev, Oct 28 Bon«K»Ha Alciuoim, China. Oct M; W. Man?QeUl Antnuk!, Uougkont*. Oct Bebn Meyer AbtyaDa.v Li vscpool, Nov M W. MansliDld Armand Behio. M'anilles, Nov 9: M. Maritime* <
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  • 253 4 Passengers Outward. lii I. and China, connecting with the stcauiei Imm at L'oloiubo, due October 9.— Mrs. I. M. Watt, Miss Condot, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Desborough and child Mrs. W. H. McKtrron, Mr K .J. Wood, Mr. J. Cowap, Mrs. A. B. Mihif. Mr. U.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 60 4 BkafcMfMM Hays, -This sickness doth mii at the very liicblood of our enterprise." lie. indued. The way to avoid sickness is to keep the body in perfect health by the occasional use of Steams' Wine, which imparts new strength to the system and enriches the blood. As a tonic and
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    • 740 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. 0 U. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*:, Ceylon, Australia, India. Aden. Egypt, Mediterranean Porta, Plymouth and London Through Billa 9f Lading iusuod for Ghin Coaat, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Am-rici Porta. Ikawn Till leaTt Sii>s»"- o-i o- r..wi MAIL LINE (Outward for China). 1908 Auaye Oot
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    • 754 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. BURNS PHILP UNE. SINGAPORE TO 'JAVA PORTS, PORT DARWIN. THOR3DAY ISLAND, BRISBANE AND ALRO TAKING r\R<Ji v"» OT"^ 1 'MOT'.Tn QT7EENSLAN D PORTS. BRITISH NEW GUINEA. NEW BRITAIN <NDNEW ZEALAND PORTS (with transhipment). As induoement offers. Smooth passage. Superb Scenery. A regular monthly serrioe to above ports Is
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    • 488 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND GiiUM Mutual steam nay. CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers ars deapatohed from Liverpool outwards for tbe Btralts, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homewards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. On* ontward
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    • 517 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The 'ateamer* of thia Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhavcn direct, falling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 783 4 STEAMER BAILIHCB. N. D. L. NORDDEUT ,CHER LLOYD. Irnparlal iitmnma Alall Lin*. The fast and well known mall steamer l Ihia Company sail fortnightly from Braru Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Roam ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (nonneotioa Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe ««nai Port Bald, Snet, Aden, Colombo. P Saa Singapore,
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  • 1114 5 i lor.x \l hiaJliic ili« followiid »hbt->»i .'ion. m. „1 '.in. M< SMI—, •cl,.— .oh.WTr; Vct.-Ywhl: Cr«.— Craitoi O'bt.— «lnn tut; Tor II. p.— ll.)i«Bpowor B ;l. JTiif r.S.-lmtMiSUt*.; .■■•i.-Fiwh Oar. lMitan-.ripan.— Spiiiiiah. k, .1; a.f.-Atx* p%<- ■< H. 11..t-ur, P.8.-I>UI.. f.Oi 1.K.-1...J..0K ■>»; Kl.-K.vl.. WbM.I...
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  • 87 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAGAR. Eaht Wharf Bahin Zwetna, Jos. L. Eviston. East Wbarf Section 1- New Orleans, Deli. Section No. 1 (Sheers Wharf)— Nil. Skction 2— Tee-ta, Japan. B— Sutherland. 4— Nil. B— Nil. B— Qlaucua, Ja*n.
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  • 122 5 Octward German Mail. Tbe Imperial German mail steamer Prinze™ Alice, having loft Penaog at i p.m. yesterday, and may expected to arrive litre today, at H p.m. She will probably be de- patched for Uosgkong. Shanghai aud Japan to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Outward B. I. Mall.
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  • 106 5 Foa >**■ Pt*ami» Time T K MORROW B'kong. S'ghai, Japan it German New Gninia jP. Alice 7 a.m. via Hongkong Bandjermassin, etc. Jnnntnt 7 a.m. Cuoob Qlanagx 9.30 a.m. Bangkok Brtid 11 a.m. Telok Anson via ports Penang 8 p.m. Malacca and Muar Lady Wdd X p.m. Penang,
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  • 70 5 September 30 Ronang 81. Fch »tr, H'ki ng, ShaDghai, Japan Patani, Ocr str, Bangkok October 1 Tannenfels, Ger »tr, Calcutta Minilya, Brit str, Fremautle via ports Nam Yong, Brit str, Macassar via ports Dovre, Nor str, Bangkok Teesta, Brit atr. Negapatam via ports Solva, Nor str, Bangkok Janet Nicoll,
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  • 205 5 Woman Who Died on Duty to Telephone Exchange. A. heroic incident in recorded in connec tion with the disaster through the cloudburst at the town of Kolsom, New Mexico, which was reported on August 28. The disaster came so suddenly that the loss of life
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  • 438 5 Bt Major E. C. Ki.i.ih, Aotlng Commandant, S.V.C.. Singapore, September t9, 1908. S.V.A. Duties. I Orderly Officer for ensuiug week:— Capt. F. Hilton. Orderly N CO. Sergt. J. F. Fitt. Parados. II On Monday. October S, Man ning parade for No. 2 Section Ou Tuesday, October
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  • 114 5 From ErnopE—By the B I. steaniHr Taroba, due October 3. From Cbdia—By the M. M. steamsr K. Simons, due October 5. Left Singapore Due in London Arrive< agutt 24 MM. Sept 17 Kept .u k ubt i8 IV O. Sept 19 9«!)t cut 1 N. O. L.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 594 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. KY.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY servioe li maintained between Japan asd Europe by tbe following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for tho Comimny'B European Service, lighted throughout by E'octrieity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second
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    • 643 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tax steamnrs of this Company maintain a regular direct service between Caloutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking oargo on through Hills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtsze Ports, Formosa, the Philippines, Ac,, Ao. strain, r Tons Commander Kimiite
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    • 403 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Lino. TUE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUKOPE VLA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and tkt UNITED STATES. Roate froi i Uongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki (Inland ttea if Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, ic. in and Vancouver, R.M.B. "L«?B> d o» Isdu" Twlnocrew ales
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    • 193 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Oot 2 At Sale room, unredeemed pledges, at lOs.m. B— At S-B. Orange Grove Itoad, valnabld Java-teik furniture, eto., at 2 p.m 8— At Saleroom, unredeemed pledges, at 10 am. 7 At Sa'eroora, unredeemed pledges, at 10 a.m. 10— At Hazelwood," Nas^im Hill, valu able
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    • 102 5 Timb-Balui on Fort Canning add Uouut Fabor drop daily »t 1 p.m., Singapore standard time corresponding to 8 a.m. Greenwich mean Tbe time gun is fired at 12 o'olock noon, mdi oating Singapore standard time, on every day oxcepting Ktinday, when it is Bred at one I'olook. N3 DANGER. Don't
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 135 5 Singapore Tide Table. (From Octobeb 1 to Octobib 7.) HIGH WATER j!LOW WATER Time H'ght Time I H'ght October bro. mm. ft. ins. lirs.min. ft. ins. T I i.Mara c.7 7.11 ami B.S Thobsdat 1 i, Spm 9 .0 j 7.86pm 1.5 s- m 9 J 3.1 7.46 am 8.»
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    • 237 5 DAY in DAY Thursday, October 1. High Water. 1. i p.m. B. I. homeward mail olosos 8 p.m. N. D. li ontward mail due. S p.m Ladies' Golf Championship. Semi finals. Albambr* Cinematograph. 7 XQ p m Hale's Tonre. 7 p.m Japanese Ginematof rapn. 780 p.m Uarima Cinematograph. 7-:i0 p.m
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    • 29 5 WEATHER TELEORAM. HonsaouK, October 1, 10 a.m. Barometer M 94 Direction of Wind North Force of Wind J Max. Temp in Bba>l« ..74 Manila. 758 South 1 80 28
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  • 883 6 The Straits Times. PRICK 10 CENTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1. The dissemination ot malaria in Selaugoi iloL-s uot -ocui to have abated duriug the lust couple of yoar.s. and it is reported that iv the previous your thoro was a very marked increase in the uumber of cases, chiefly among the
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  • 309 6 Mm C'hing, tbe President of the Hoard of Agri'-nltiirc aud Trade at I 'eking, is interesting himself in a scheme for starting a purely Chinese Steam Navigation Compauy which will carry on business under Govern nicnt protection, in the slyle of the Japanese conccru kuown as the Nippon Yuseu Kaisha.
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  • 16 6 Tho increase of railway traffic from Pott awettenham has been 45 per cent, in rive years.
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  • 19 6 From Kuantan and Kuala Pahang, a cargo of timber arrived, this morning, by tbo local utotinor Bui Whatt Hin.
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  • 12 6 Two Chinese are said to have robbed auothcr of 10 at Chaugi.
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  • 11 6 Two murder cases were before the Peuaug Assi/e Court on Monday.
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  • 13 6 A Tamil was drowned in a Hooded drain in Cluny Koad. on Wednesday.
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  • 10 6 Someone has stolen Mr. Axton's bicycle from Aoondalc, Nathan Koad.
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  • 13 6 A cargo of rioe arrived from l>angkol< yesterday, by the N.D.L. steamer hagmar.
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  • 23 6 King Soon Watt is the name of a Dutch schooner of 123 tO'is which arrived here from Pontianok. yesterday, with a general cargo.
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  • 26 6 Usop. a Bengali Constable, has been arrested on a charge of receiving an illegal gratification of J I to release a bullock which was iv custody.
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  • 23 6 An engine, painted green, for the Johore State liailway cm be seen in the Kuala Lumpur Station yard. It present- a graceful appearance.
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  • 28 6 The famine iv the I'nitcd Proviucrs of India which may be said to have commenced at the beginning of Oct'iber la t. is now definitely at an end.
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  • 29 6 The condition of Private Collier, one ot the victims of the assault in Alexander Koad. on Monday morning, has taken a turn for the better and he may recover.
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  • 31 6 Things are' so bad at Kualu Lumpur, says an F.M.S. coutemporary, that people cauuot even pay their water rates, hence MOM six teen of them have had their supplies cut oIT,
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  • 32 6 The Straits Keh'i sayi the damage t.> the lishinc stakes iv the North Channel, Peuang, caused by the gale which is reported elsewhere in tins issue, is estimated at over ft oo,ooo.
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  • 28 6 inspector Krayue, who has been with Inspector Connor at tho Ceulral Station, has taken over charge of the Itochorc Station. Acting Inspector Brercton goes from Koehorc to Central.
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  • 27 6 Nearly eleven hundred passengers arrived from Hongkong, yesterday, by the Apcar liner 'Japan. Over BT>O more arrived from Rangoon and Pouaug by the Hangoonregis. tercd steamer Glcnoglc.
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  • 33 6 \V,.n- Toon WM fined »20 by the Third Magistrate. Mr. Maurice Thuuder, this morning, for theft of a pair of shoes from his master. Chia Long, at No. 10 Triuyganu Street, yesterday moruing.
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  • 38 6 There wil 1 be a Service, at St. Audrew s Cathedral, followed by an address, to morrow, Friday, at 6 o'clock, in connection with The Guild of St. Andrew's Cathedral. All the members an asked to be present.
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  • 31 6 Ou September 15, a Chinese deck passenger on the British steamer Kumsang died of beriberi while that steamer was MWMB iV.cutta and Penaug. The Kumsaog arrived here, yesterday, with :(5H passeugcrs.
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  • 37 6 The postmortem examination of the body of the Chinaman who was kicked to death on Ann Siang Hill, a few nights ago. has disclosed that death was caused by the rup turc of an abnormally enlarged spleen.
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  • 39 6 Her Majesty the Empress-Dowager, of China, after having learnt the covotousneos of the chief eunuch, ordered his house to be searched. It is reported that bank-notes and silver money amounting to Taels. •iOO.IXM), were found in the Enuch's quarters.
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  • 52 6 Worn; Ah I'iu. who sat down beside a sleeping Chinaman on the green in Wayang Street, at 10.10 p.m., on Monday, and put his in the sleeper's pocket, where thirteen ceits were peacefully reposing, was sonteuced to fourteen day' rigorous imprison moat by Mr. Maurice Thuuder, the Third Myistrate,
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  • 55 6 August Hicks aud Tilltuau Taylor, formerly of tbe 4Mb lnfautry, U.S.A., have been sentenced by Judge Springer to be hanged for murders committed iv the Moro Province of the Philippines, during tho past year. Taylor was a soldier at the time the murder wa eomuiitted, aud will appeal to the
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  • 61 6 Tan Chiu was arrested, in the curly hours of September 23, with a clock, a pair of blankets and a ricksha rug in his possession. It was afterwards ascertained that the property was stolen from Tee Aug Lv, of Victoria Street. Tan Chin was sentenced to six months' rigorous imprisonment
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  • 61 6 At the Malay Residential School at Kuala Kangsar, sa\ I tbe Malay Mail, then were ~>l boarders and 24 day scholars last year. It is noteworthy that a pupil from this school joined the Singapore Medical School duriug the year, thereby showing, as Mr. Kleum remarks in his report, that
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  • 80 6 Cheng Poon was tried in the District Court before Mr. K. C. C.Howard, yesterday, on the charge Unit, on or about February 2'J last, he did dishonestly remuve or conceal the sum of SlGVil9.IOj. his own property, or. in the alternative, that he did the above act with the
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  • 72 6 oomeone entered the house ot a Malay named Mohamed living at No. 82 Teluk Blangah Road, on the night of August 17, and removed a watch, a pair of boots aud other clothing having a total value of tlO. The police have now arrested a Hokicn servant who was formerly
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  • 630 6 Mr. 11. C. Zacharia-. ot Kuala Lumpur arrived in SingajHire. Mr. 1.. 11. C'Uytou, <>: ludiau I (limitation, struts ,uul I. MS i oq a visit to Mr. M. I•. Daly has beeu appoiuted Dis. trict Officer. Kaub, filling the \.u-auey caused by the transfer of Mr.
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  • 19 6 <>ur Kuala Lumpur contemporary bean that water has been found on ValUmlii Estate at a depth of 92 feet.
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  • 24 6 The Socialist Itcviow states that Home Sweet Home is more truly the English people's national anthem to day than any God save the King.
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  • 58 6 The Malay Mail hears that the two mem bers of the nursing staff at tiic Kuropc.ui Hospital at Kuala Lumpur, who havi Men down with malarial fever are convalescent, and that the remaining nurse .Mis- Fietolioi is now suffering from the same complaint that is to say that the whole
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  • 72 6 We c.\Jiort you all to persevere iv thin patriotism aud loyal united effort. Let .ill feel a»sured that we will ever hold it our sacred and unflinching duu to guide every one in the paths which .hall be productive of the utmost benefits to our beloved nation. Thus remarked the
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  • 72 6 There were 227 deaths in Singapore duriug last week. Of ttiki number, 175 were Chinese, 140 maluti and 35 females,— il Malays, 17 ludianb and 3 Eurasiiue Forty-one of the deaths wore duu to malarial ievor; 27 to beriberi; lb to pneumonia 16 each to pbthittib and convul sions. The
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 171 6 AMSTEL Lager BEER. in r. 4 dozen yuartn. jf]L And in Drum 6 in uaaes ol dozen pjnU containiog 7J Gallons. SAMPLEh VMU I Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co. Highland Milk. A PURE SlSi UNSWEETENED CONDENSED SjgfCji MILK. Large size pur dozeu $2.25. Small size per dozen $1.50. Less o per
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    • 250 6 ALHAMBRA To-Nlght. STADIUM SPORTS IN 2 SERIES. H.M. tbe King performing tin- Opening < 'eremouy The General Sulute The Murcli Past of Athletes The Macs Drills A Swimming Match High Jump Danish Ladies' Display Water Polo (Belgium v. Holland Throwing the Javelin Throwing the Discns (Greek Stylui Tugof War (England
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  • 116 7 NOVEL RELIEF SUGGESTION BY MR. HALDANE. Unemployed as Array Reservists During Winter. |RaCTIS'SI I ULIIUHAM London. September :;n Promiueuei I- Ui>en in th. Press to a sug goation made by Mr. l< 15. Haldine, Secretary of State for War, that seventeen thousaud of the unemployed cau tide
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  • 59 7 RIBBER SHARE ACTIVITY ENDED Spot Supplies Scarce and Prices Good. (KaOM Ol Ii CoLKh-PONI.KM London (via ft naugi September SO. The recent activity of d. -dings in rubber shares has died out. There is no pliable inform iti.ui as to the lira/iliau crop. In tho mnairtimn tin scaicity ol rubber
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  • 40 7 Rumours About His Return to China Denied. 1 Km-tik's Thlkiik'.:!.i London, < ictober 1. It W staled that the report that Sir Hubert Hart, formerly Inspector-General of Chinese Custom i- about to rcturu t> China is nit founde.l.
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  • 68 7 New Situation Accepted by Russia and Italy. lit- 1 in;' TaUUIRAM l.ouiiou. Sept. mbci 80, t. legram bum KoHMJ stale's t'lat at then re. cut semiotlicial meeting .it l>csio, M I svolsky, tin Kussiau Foreign .Minister, aud Siguor Tittoui, Foreign Mini-Ler tor Italy, shovv< .1 a ..mpl( le
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  • 43 7 Sixty Passenger Trains Withdrawn in Lancashire. Rat rai TauHMua I d..M. September 80. The asm;. aud lUilway ouipany has with.! inn sixty passenger trainv :..ilu Us daily nioc. in consequence of the lock-out in the c >tton trade.
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  • 21 7 Kkutkk s Tklk..uam. London October I. Flic I V boon mine hi tin; Transvaal BM beon reopened.
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  • 128 7 Abatement of the St. Petersburg Epidemic. |Dia OST43UTIBOHN Llo«> TkIHIKAV Berlin September 80. Cholora is ou the decrease in St. Petersburg, aud then i-. ivioi. i ig throughout the city. The fact that the citi/. ni of St. IVieari burg are rejoicing over the decrease in tho
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  • 66 7 Selection of a German General as Organiser. I'mk OsrA.siATiscHi Lloyd Tilkuham| Berlin. September ;K). A run: «n it rJcrHn i« to th i iT.-.-i that the Sultan "t Turkey di -ires that the reorganisation of the Turkish Army -hall be carried out by General (lolt/ I'ascha. formerly tin
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  • 619 7 Heavy Rains Interrupt the Railway Traffic. il-'u.'M Oil; Own OoaEttPOXDSKT.J lpoh, September 2n. As a uatural outcome of the inauguration of tho rainy season, a slip has occurred ou the railway track at the Pass, between Kuala Kangsar and Tniping. It was fortunate that the land-lip
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  • 277 7 Paraphernalia of Triad Society in Court. lv the Second Magistrate's Court, yesterday, Detective Inspector Taylor prosecuted l-'att Sian Su ou a charge of being a member of an unlawful society. Mr. A. W. liailey. of the Chinese Protectorate-, identified oeftaia of the exhibits as connected with the
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  • 131 7 Leong Xgow. who has bceu visiting the Kiin.ji.-a:: shops in Commercial S.marc with felouious int Tit. and asked the Third Magiatrate on Tuesday for an adjournmenl to produce the nßMfcaatc of i\ undershirts which In »a-< charged with ttaliu^ from i ilobin... v and Compauy, did
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  • 221 7 BULGARIA NOT CLAIMING HER INDEPENDENCE. England's Disapproval of Railway Policy. |DIX OUTASIATISCRI LlOYI> TILIORAM j Kerliu, September M, The Kritish Government has expressed strong disapproval of what it terms the unreasonable attitude adopted by Bulgaria over the < ' Railway question. Londou newsp ipers print extensive articles upon
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  • 156 7 Alleged National Volunteers in New Role. A seiisiUoual dacoity is reported to have been committed iv Bhadcshwar, si-, miles from Seiamporc. India, ou the night of Sepb mber 17. Thu DOOM of a /.emiudar named Kissorv Mohan l!'>y was looted by, it is alleged, a body of eight
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  • 142 7 Round Hie World Tourist Robbed on Board Ship. /.akit Khau. a wealthy Indian nobleman who is making a tour of thu world, arrived iv Singapore yesterday, by the line ■lipan. And he reported the police that, on September "2H, while en route from Hongkong to Singapore,
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  • 46 7 Trade -Mark Piracy. Telegrams from Seoul re: Kirt thai wrcigu merchants arc iv a state of alarm because Japanese merchants at Seoul and Chemulpo are now pirating non-American foreign trade- marks, in order to compensate themse'ves for the cufoicoment of the treaty between America and Japan.
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  • 124 7 The dacoit who was sentenced, twenty-live years ago, to transportation for life n.ul who mauaged to escape while being taken to Ycrrowda gaol, has been recaptured in the Poona District. For many years he seems to have resided iv the Nizam's territory. Some mouths a^o he
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  • 86 7 Dr. Sveu Uediu candidly states that lie cannot afford to atae away the results of all travels. His funds, which were <v linly supplied by the late King Oscar and his friond6, arc practically exhausted, and he evidontly intends to reserve much detail
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  • 790 7 SERIOUS DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND LOSS OF LIFE. Coast Strewn with Wreckage On Friday night nud Saturday moruiDg, Penang experienced a severe storm which caused considerable damage to property, loss ot life and involved the sevcriug of the telegraphic aud telephonic communication with the Federated Malay States.
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  • 76 7 At the Calcutta Police Court recently Mr. Thornhill delivered judgmont in the case in which Harol'l SB Penning and Lionel de Poaaiag were oharasd with voluutarily causing grievous hurt to Khosa alias Mahomed lsak tit the Europeau Asylum lane on April 26 last by means of
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  • 117 7 I im > San wag fiucd 82 for wasting Muuieil>:il water and friend paid uvor tin- v y It i Liui Tck Sia, that the kttef might pay tiic tine ho thai Koo San might be released. ("nt'ui t'lUHttly, poor Foo Saa had to stay
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  • 261 7 His Excellency to Discuss Municipal Improvement Schemes. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, September UO. His Excelloncy the Governor and party honoured Malacca with a surprise visit on their way south last Thursday. In the afternoon, His Excellency, accompanied by the Resident Councillor and two of his
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  • 460 7 Proposals of the Ledhury Rubber Estates, Limited. Messrs. F. \V. Barker aud Compauy, of Singapore, have just issued the following circular iv reference to tho Lcdbury Rubber Kf.iat.s, Ltd., whicii was mentioned in our correspondent's telegram from London on Monday last We arc i uformed that a
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  • 187 7 Alluding to the decision of the Perak Government iv refereuee to the Perak farms the Perak Pioneer states that the action about to be takcu by the administration has, they arc afraid, been decided upon too lat iv the day to bcuclit it tiuaucially to any
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  • 124 7 The revenue returns published at Simla, for tho first three months of the year, have shown some falling off owiug to the famine, especially iv railway receipts which have naturally been severely affected, especially by the uaakaM of export.;. The revcuue from laud eic;:*i and customs
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  • 92 7 GERMAN OFFICERS' MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. Fall Six Thousand Feet Without Injury. Bnvna'i Tnauua London, October 1. Two German Army balloonists have bad a miraculous escape at Diisscldorf. The envelope of their balloon burst while they were at a height of six thousand feot, and the car came headlong downwards
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  • 71 7 llKflHß's Tk.LEUHAM London, September 80. Irance and Spaiu are drafting a fresh official \ote to Sultau Mulai Hafid, iv which the guarantees demanded arc modified in accordance with suggestions made, after an examination of the first Note, by the Poworn. I)»k Osi'asutischh Lloyd Tilbqka*| Berlin,
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  • 220 7 An Impressive Funeral Service at Penang. The fuueral of the late lnspectoi James Dooleji formerly of Singapore, took place on I- inlay afternoon at Penang in full military style, being att( 'tided by the Chief Police Officer, Major H. B. do Hamel, Assistant Superintendent V. G. Savi,
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  • 137 7 When the case of Mr. A. Maclean v. Siguor Pctrio Cittrio was called before the Second Magistrate. Mr. C. F. J. Green, at noon today, by previous arrangement, defendant, who was charged with theft of 594 from complainant, was absent, though Mr. A. K. Lowell appeared
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  • 163 7 The sapphire industry is now such an im poitaui one in Queensland that tho Govern ment has intervened to assist in its further development. Some 700 ozs. and 800 ozs. of sapphires have been brought from the Anakie tii M ■■> Brisbane and are being classified by
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  • 219 7 Oboe* Seng, of Chop Uaii Watt, was niMMOa trial iv tin: District Court before Mr. B, C C. Howard, this mommy, on three charges 1 1 1 That, ou or about May '2fi, ho mado a niat-jrial omission iv statement relating to his all urs by
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 32 7 EXPLOSION AT A GERMAN CONSULATE. [Das OnvaWHeMH Limb Tblxi.ham) licrliu. September 30. The Germau Consulate building at Bordeaux has been damaged by an i.\ ilosion. Suspicion is attached to the bo-called accident.
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  • 1092 8 PR3MISING FORM OF NOTABLE HORSES. Sijins of Great Improvement in the Training. Fron; < I m I!a< '•<'• OOBUMm I ii K ice t'.iurM-, Thursday morniug. A very interesting morning's work was tocompliahed un the Race Course this luori. 1 iu<;, and there wero signs of great
    1,092 words
  • 39 8 Than wen UMI mtkm <-f telegraph and telephone onea in the X.M.S. at tlie i-nd of leal year. During ITfTT. HJMtfl tslsfltsiihln w isSfatshei free of charge, though it mu-t uot bo imagined that the practice io mlmbbiL
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  • 276 8 The Wedding of Earl Poulett and Miss Storey. Kari I.v ii, it. who has made a countesx of Miss Sylvia Stoiey, is not, it is interrsting to recall, the first man of Ins name and kin to -.lisp au Mtreai to the gilded circle of the Peerage.
    276 words
  • 302 8 Peculiar Forms of Gambling Among Natives of India. A corro"poudeut writes to the Madras Mail:— During the Ciowrie festival i which ias just gone by) a brisk t""Hr is done in •ocoauts, which is MBMBMM uoi so murh ■>y the custom nbtaiuiug with the Hindus of presenting
    302 words
  • 101 8 Ajitit.jrs in India continue to provide <t:itement. The other night two explosions ■'■'iiT.-.l under passiag tramcars in North Calcutta, "ii" in front of the Burtola police sta'ion and the other in front of the house of ltija Bonny Krishna in Groy Strr'et. An examination showed that sonio
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  • 185 8 It is propi r to say, remarks thu oftiaia' or.;.iu ol tiie Merchant Servico Guild, that, .ii MMM e.ises. I iid up ships have not meant complete stoppage of pay. Certain owners are granting half-pay, and one notable case is that of Messrs. Alfred liooth ami Company, who
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  • 228 8 Ao interesting sbip canal scheme, long talked of but till lately deemed impracticable, is takini> definite shape in America. Between Now Vo.k and Boston tho American ouast projects northeast in tbe shape of a long, uarruw, book-sbaped peninsula about 4j milts wide. Tbe must northerly end
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 32 8 Tbe third aunnal Athletic Sports will be held at Ipoh some time in December. There will be fifteen events, and ten of them will carry challenge cups with them.
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    • 167 8 S.C.C. Matches. The following fixtures have been arranged in connection with the S.C.C. Cricket Clnb: r irst Eleven. The managers of the S.C.C. matches will be :—Messrs A. S. Bailey. H. M. Cantrell, E. L. Talma, Captain Young, aud Mr. T. Sercomhe Smith. Lieut. Clarke, Messrs. H. W. Noon.
      167 words
    • 179 8 R.E. v. R.A. Sergeants. On Thursday last a ritte-nhooting match took place at the iilnkan Mati Range between the Royal Engineers and the Sergeants of the Royal Artillery. The conditions wore elevcu aside, the best eight to c»uut. The RE. won by 15 points. After the match, the teanrn
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  • 350 8 Singapore Shield Competition. A fast and lively game characterised the meeting of the Koyal West Kents I aud tho Warders and Koyal Engineers in an Association football match in connection with tho Singapore Shield Competition on the S.H.C. portion of the K-pi made, yesterday. The West Kents had
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  • 80 8 Nothing has yet been settled definitely regarding any official celebration of the Jubilee of the Assumption of the Government of India by the Crown. Should anything of the kind, however, be decided upon, it will most probably take flace in January as the .Government of ndia
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  • 108 8 Tobacco -Smoking Prohibited. Tbe Chinese Ministry of Education has put Rome obstacles to the use of tobacco of any sort by the young. The following items have been issued by the Ministry Persons under 16 are prohibited from using any kind of tobacco. Tobacco sellers are uot allowed to Hell
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 963 8 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. REPAIRS TO BLAST RKATBB, JAUN 81.-iAIt INCINEHATOK. TLe Municipal Cominnumuera iu\iu- laadan for repairs to the above Heater Specification may be sieii and form* n( ten der obtain il on applic>tu nli the Cliiel Clerk, Municipal Engineer's Office Bea ed tenders nubmitu.l on tbe forma supplied and endorsed
      963 words
    • 19 8 JBaTuifariui^rs" 1 PIANOS UN HIRE FKO.M $12 per month. 0 Tailing 4ua Regular Attentiou iucluuiT*. Rob.nson Pian > Co., Ld.
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  • 285 9 Suuiioaa, Ski'TKMBiK 30, 1806. PRODUCE. Ganibitr t 7.50 do (Cabt- No. 1) Mpirksl 11.7.5 Copra Bali 7.85 do Pontiatj-.i. 6 90 Pepper, Black buyers 9.75 do Wbite 5^ 15. 37$ Sago Floor Sa: \wak 2.9.') do Brooei No. 1 2.85 Pearl Sago 8.50 Oo0ec Bali pinked 23.00 Coffee. PaierobanK,
    285 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 346 9 SBM Ol forma"ion Capital Subscribed ilUUIUCI ot Shares Iasue Paid Sham Valne up to Unissued I Company i Qooiinou 1303 1907 1901 IMS 1907 1901 1908 1905 1908 1906 1908 1906 1907 1904 1907 1905 -93 '90S U98 !900 1907 1907 1906 1U89 1907 1901 •300,000 300,000 30,000 1300,000
      346 words
    • 346 9 1903 £160,000 1906 1200,000 MM I C80.000 IMS £70,000 1906 1150,000 1904 £16,00U 1903 £75,000 1905 j £310,000 1906 £180,000 1907 £*****0 iaoe /Wfi.oco 190B 1280,000 1898 £100,000 1906 £800,000 1MM £80,000 1906 •150,000 1904 £20,000 1904 i 1100.000 1898 £80,000 1908 usnnno 1908 ,i :.i 1906 £110,000 UN
      346 words
    • 185 9 i r IS94 <8,87T.10.0 4,S0» 7.888 11/6 iso8 mvorn 4,«oo M > -iOS If 18.00(1,000 15,000,000 I 110,000 138 so6 n,4yi,oo') i,«oo,ooo j 1 S*Soo ioo 1698 !»1.0fi0.«0 I 1,000,000 J|°* }JJ 1901 134,000 j S4.CO0 MOO 10 1899 t^.OCO 87..^ }Jg 1908 taoo,ooo MM» "ooo I io
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 142 9 AMERICAN BARKENTINE "JUS. L. EVISTON. Bidu will be received (or the above vessel as >he now lien Tun Jong Pagar, until October 5. j Appl> CAPT. K. ULNNECIIi;, 2139 c/o McAlister A Co., Ltd. Wines Wines Genuine table cltr*t at 4.75 pet dot Vermonth nf Tnrin 1 20p litre bo».
      142 words
    • 15 9 SAVARESStS r CAPSUIES PuniNist o* Ml. AND CMTIJKOrMENBMnC CUM. WITH NO \KWll*\l*oJ ask roVs AVAftE.'ssV.
      15 words
    • 133 9 DAHLS MILK. PURE NORWEGIAN COWS MILK. The only Canned Milk in Most Flattering which the Full Flavour of x, »,-,i J Testimonials from Fresh Cow s Milk is re- V^ tamed P Medical Men TO BE HAD FROM THE DISPENSARIES AND RETAIL DEALERB. a 1780 -fc^, «i, V-»-*i^BP^^J^^i^^^^^^ mJ I'll
      133 words
    • 194 9 'SS^T MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. Patronage of 0 of "•"ci'iiaVMifet!* Just a PP° inted Purveyor to U Tbe Xin K of Siam, .K.hore. Now displays a magnificent stock ol widest vi.i.-.v in m ami exclusive desi^ug i EN6A6EMENT. BILVERWARE HIGH-CLA3B WEDDIN6 AND KEEPER AND ENGLISH AND FOREIGN RIN6B. ETC.. OPTICAL GOOOS. WA
      194 words

  • 2103 10 CULTURE, CURING MARKETING DESCRIBED. Pioneer Work in the Seventies. (WUTtn fclK THK STRAITS TIMES MY E. Matuiku.i The seed must, of course, be of the highest quality obtainable, from a well-known estate, and, fjiven the already mentioned tcnil<:ucy of tobacco to depart from fixed types in a new
    2,103 words
  • 183 10 IChi'disb Action of Unscrupulous Agitators. A good illustration of the cane with which unscrupulous agitators and their f-atellitcs can exploit the country comes to hand from Indiire, states an Allahabad wire, of the 19th instant. A rumour, it appears, had gained wide credence in tho bazaar that
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 633 10 SINKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED Bi ROYAL CHARTER, j Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,M.'>.000 Reaerve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tba London City A Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current
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    • 540 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. I (•aid-up Capital RESERVE FUND Starling Reserve 116.000,000 1 iaa nnn r^, Sliver Reserve I14.0J0.000) w) teaerte Liability of Proprietor* 118.000.00 C' COURT OF DIRECTORS. E. Shellim, Esq. Chairman. Bon. Mr. W.J. GresEon. Deputy Chairman. &.O. Barrett, Esq. W. Helms, Eaq. C.
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    • 48 10 B.OID POISON PREVENTED There in no danger from blood poison resulting from a wound when Chamberlain's I Pain Balm is applied. It is an antiseptic I liniment, and unless the injury is vory severe >it will not leave a scar. For xale by all I Dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 665 10 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO., LTD.. 15. BATTERY RD. Manufactured by the Star Cycle Co., Wolverhaiupton. HnaWbedf of IhM macliiuos have been sold in the Straits, and are uncq'.ialled iv price an 1 miisli. Inspection invitod. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FUKNITUKE. FULL-SIZE BILLIARD TABLE, COTTAGE PIANO, ETC. Tne
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  • 1454 11 GROWLS FROM HORSE -OWNING COMMUNITY. Discussion on Controllability. Some few months ago, our readers may RMntei there appeared iv this column several letters from more or less infuriated horse drivers and motor-driver-, dealing gfueially with the proficiency of chauffeurs and thu coutrollability of the everyday car. The question has
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 1090 11 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. The Autumn Hhcc- Mm tin" will held on Tuesday tin- 13th, Tlim-Mluy the l'th, aud Saturday lb« 17th October, 1998. FIRST-DAY. MMfay, Octr'rr U. 1 THK MAIDEN PLATE— Value WOO. and JSO to the Keoonrl Horse. A Race hf Maiden Horses. Weight 9*t. Ex Griffins allowed 7
      1,090 words
    • 470 11 the hour tor Scratching 5 p.m. the flay before the Race. DwMtl of Griffins are eutitled to enter fcr oithor of the following aeries of Races Seriei No. 1 First Day— Race HoJ Kecond Day— Race No. 8 Third Day— Race No. i Serin No. t First Day— Race
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    • 204 11 I BOLEAGE\TB: CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. Just Landed: BELSIZE I A |C U O A 14-16 HP. IIEI.SIZE, driven lI'IO n.r., by Mrs. E. A. RILEY in the recent n j. J M I I <Sb RIVINOTON PIKE HILL rainted YellOW, V^ CLIMBING COM PETITION, beat Upholstered Blue. 16 h.p. bell
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    • 309 11 |^V^" I W,. ]„..t, in- mm ai-.i A-nNof Steamers Unit we are now supplying ice at the rate of (DOLLARS SIX) $6 PER TON. Kallang Ice Works, FACTOUY, 14- B, KALLANU ROAK. kmk|M N.MH Tvl.'iiliMm- N i 2147 H. ABRAIYIS, THE HORSE REPOSITORY. ORCHARD ROAD. !I*a now urge number of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 606 12 Scale of Cbaroes. PREPAID .'.DVKKTIBKMENTB.— MiaoeI •■sous Wants of Every Description, Houses, tul, elo., to let, are inserted at the following MM!— One Insertion I I.M per Inch. Two 1.00 Three 1.80 Six B.M NIM (Mi Twelve 7.20 Twenty-five 10.00 (Eacii subtaquonl mouth IS per tosh.) Ike above rate la
      606 words
    • 358 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Satis Four Line., ou or two lnMrtlons, fI.OG By th* inch, «cc Hc&ls of Chargw. DARRACQ CAR FOR SALE 4. cylinder, 14/16 h.p., 5 seated (just purobased from Katz Brothers, Singapore). Apply C. O. Warnford-Lock, Kuala Lumpur. 0 1958 RUBBER ESTATE FOR SALE. About 120 acres fully
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    • 522 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. JUtes t-Fov Dim, om or two uhMmh, 11 Br th* Inch, m* 8eal« of Chirg*.. OFFICE TO BE LET. No. 7, Battery Road. Apply to Quthrie and Co., Ltd. c 1878 PRODUCE GODOWN TO BE LET. Hong Lim Quay. Rent MO. Apply Tomlinaon and Lermit,
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    • 508 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. L. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds of HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, lor Carriages Motor Caw, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose. BrakeBB.TREATING MOTOR TYRES. WMmmTZmiZZZ JS. All kinds oi I.R. Buffers and Springs lor Rail- INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and MATwaya, etc.
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    • 919 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES Miscellaneous NOTICES B»T£S:-Ut Mouth, 110 p.r inch. Sabrnja.m I—r M till*. |M fs>_ N>:i»i Bqa.nt8 qa.nt month., IS. Por .hortOT p»rloUs w..Sc»l. month., ti. l-or •tiortar p»riwL« n seal) of Charges. o f Chnrges. NOTICE. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEBEBY GIVEN that the, Mj wife. Mari Anthoniammall. baviug left
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