The Straits Times, 25 August 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.738. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. AUGUST 25. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 453 1 Buttmis him cumb, Phenomenal Success. Barry, June 37, 100 K. DE DION The C. H. H.-.i'o Trophy an J Souvenir Cup won on an 8h p Oe Dion Bouton. CI.^SS I. CLA'S 11. v n,^, 8 h.p. De Dion Bouton First. 8 h.p. De Dion Bouton r-ir*t. v 8 h.
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    • 59 1 Robinson and Company. Billiards. J^f^ Billiards. BILLIARD TABLES TO ORDER. Butt Rests. S« US ELl'Eff KS S P ider Rests CRYSTALATE BILLIARD BALLS. M BILLIARD CUE CASE AND LOCK. MAHOGANY TRIANGLES. CROSS RESTS. "DE SUMATRA POST," I'ublislied daily at Medau, Deli, in tin LFADINO paper in Sumatra. t p H
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    • 134 1 ADELPHi HOTEL. GUEST NIGHT—EVERY SATURDAY. THE PAND of the 2nd. ROYAL WEST KENT REGIMENT will play during and after Dinner on the FIRST SATURDAY of EVERY MONTH up to II p.m. DAHLS MILK. The ONLY canned Milk in which the full flavour of fresh cows' Milk is retained. C.H Willis,
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    • 73 1 CfiLF.OOKIAH HTEL 77. Jir L'.r Btumk Bt rl- n faporeTl d Brightest and Heilthiobt Ronort in the City. Hotrl Portir ia uniform nioeta all 4o*U »nd Train SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Absolute Serr.-cy, Terras moderate. Mrs. F. COOrKK AP.BS, Cavanagh Bridge Buildiugd and Hotel tie" 1714 L'Eoropc. HARIMA HALL. To -Night
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  • 1310 2 ACITE DEPRESSION ON ENCLISH STAGE. Madame Tetrazzini's Farewell. Never in the history of the fit»ge have there been so maty skilled aud popular actors and actresses who are involuntarily resting." This iR proved by the fact that Sir Charles Wyudham has received no fewer than ">OC applications
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 454 2 GARRETTS PORTABLE ENGINES.. i Fitted with their Patent Fire Box FOX BURNING WOOD FUEL ARi: MOST Efficient and Economical. OVKK FIFTY IN LSK IN THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES IMPORTERS: The Borneo Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE. PHOTOJJEPOT. 101, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Ail sorts of Pbotographio Apparatus and Materials, viz. Cameras, Lenses, Plates,
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    • 156 2 NEVER FAILB. MKTHYL.OIDS always cure alfcctioiiM of llie urinary tract. Tlioy uuvur piudnce <tricture and are far sui>vriur to Hantal or :opaiba. They cure in a short time and you :an notice the results three hours after usiug. rhey relieve the pain and obviate the iu;onveuience of inji'ctions. Although taken
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    • 409 2 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST KEPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUI HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease litti UnjbII»it»dMn«iiB29T^^^^SsBNCB^OI^FLUI^EXTRACT^OrhEOJAMAICA 'We cannot «po.k V*l^HA^F^^s^^S9>lll*TfilH''Pa Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES T €w&r Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, Jd ".'WONDERFUL PURIFIER of tbe HUMAN BLOCS, Fortify the System against Disease m\\ pyifi£ BLOC>D.
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  • 929 3 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN JOURNALISM. Autobiography of Prime Minister. i After all the sharp discussions as to win tlier jiuirnalisru can ever be literature, it is a relief to discover at last that it is really i science. The point has been settled by the Missouri State
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 391 3 The Grand Prix, 1908. I PNEU fIIcSELIrT| JTVAINCU I le Rail i. *y AS USUAL, OCT OK THE 12 FIBBT CAM, 11 WKUK KITTKP WI 111 MICHELIN TYRES. Si* Bevy Retmanos, CROWN ggfo PERFUMERY <^fe <^^3^ Mauufacturec' by THE CROWN PERFUMERY CO., ""S OF AU DEALERS. Splendid jp ffor Children.
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  • 820 4 Nami', port, probable date of arrival, and name of Agents. STEAMERS Acljilll*. Liverpool, Sept 10; W. Mansfield Airiib, Hydney, 00l 2) Bonqte&d Ajax, Chiua. Sept V,'. Maniteld Alcinous, Liverpool. Sept 12; W. Man-field Ambria, Hongkong, S pt Behn Meyer Auamba, Suez, Sept !> Kast Asiatic Coy Aotnng, Hongkong,
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  • 106 4 From i.iiioir-Hv the P. <ft steamer Pevai due August 2S. From China -By kha P. O. ateamar Delta Pahlri ,luc August 27. Left BtapMH Due iv London uly 16 t, *O. .Vug 8 al. 2\ N. D. L Ang 13 H. I. Aug IS uly is M.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 46 4 SHOULD BE KEPT IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. Ar a result of saviug my child 1 regard mibt riain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a medicine which should be in every household. Julin Adams, Merchant, Gold liiver. Nova Scotia. For sale by all Disf ensaries and dealers.
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    • 654 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China. Japan, Penan*, Ceylon Australia, India, Aden, Rirypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills of Lading Isaasi (or ntjesj O-»qt, Persian Gait, Oontinsntal, an) l/*«faa«i Port). Hleamora will leave Bing*p->re on t abm MAIL LINE. {Outward for Chir.a). 1908 Devanha Aug
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    • 1222 4 STEAMER SAILINGSBURNS PHILP LINE, SINGAPORE TO «JAV\ PORTS, PORT DARWIN, THURSmY IBLAND, BRISBANE AND BYii-'V. ALBO TAKING OAROO P'^b OTHBR NORTH QOEENSLA.NU PoRiS, BrtU'lHH NEW GUINEA, NEW BRITAIN tNDNEW „,i\[,ANU PORTS (with transhipment). As inducement offers. A regular monthly service to above pom ia maintained by the British Steamers AIRLIE,
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    • 586 4 STEAMER SAILINGS HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of thia Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direot, oalling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 818 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDOEUT JCHER ILOTO Imparlal ItoraaMai Mai* LAM. The fast and wall known mall steam M f tbia Company sail fortnightly from Brcjin Hamborg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sooi^n ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonneoti < > Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vios Mnai Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo,
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  • 1083 5 I iDHtbl* bMduif thetoUowlim abbr >«Ulioiu v- I atr.— <t«M&«r ih. ship b.i. -b> ue: «cli. kI .on«r; Yot.— Vmolit; Oru.-Cr«i.»r; j-bt. -tla'i b« Tor. -Torp«do: H.p.--H<"iw|;o» Brlt.Hi tin; C. S.— Unitid maun »oli.— Fr« U] O»r. O, juu>;Dut.-Djlch; llal -It-llaii Sua -Hp.mi»li. Ik -imiat; (ij.-*»r<l«ci; d.;
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  • 310 5 Tassengers Outward. Par P. .'"'l 0 Victoria. milllllK|tla| with (be rieamef Devaaba at Colombo, dvi August Sa— Mr. and Mr*. I. \f nfrmtili Mi andMn. V.H Darke and childroo Mr. II 1",. Byrne, Mr. D Mtin. Mr. IS. Clarke-Spear. Mr .1. Dyke*, Mr. I. O. Stevens. Per
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  • 71 5 Man P. am-O. Mail. The P. nud O. homeward mail Bleamcr Delta left Hnagfcnnfl. at I p.m on Saturday, iii.l ia iltie here at On in., on Thursday, the •27th it: mm. 1 1 rwAHL p. urn O. KiOi The P. and O. outuard mail ateamer Ucvauba
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  • 97 5 For I'eß SrSiKr.i. Tmi To-Kona.iw Cucob Glangiii 9.30 a m. K.Pabang. Pekan.T'eauufi. S IS.irue 10 am. Triaggat i via ports Axng Lieng 11 a.m. I V. S'teuham aorl PcunDg Kittna 1 p.m. Sabak and Djitrnbie Broun- er 1 p.m. I't'imni; and Calcutta A'lir Sang 3 p.m. KasMM via
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  • 20 5 The above w Siugnpore Standard Time; to obtain Mean Time, subtraot nvo minutes from the tuuu given in the tables.
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  • 474 5 Attractive Programme Prepared for Visitors. \\V bare wepiwd Mm following letter from Mr. van Tyen. tlu> S, en. tary oi the Kxhibi turn, which optus at .Midau. on S.tturd;i'. uc\t, the SMfa inslant:— To the Kiliior of tin SLraits Times. Medan, August S3. Sir, It vui^ht be
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  • 79 5 The forward movement in Chiua now taken in tho of geographical science. The Echo de Cliino say* that a Geographical Society has becu founded in Shantung province. Tho Taotai of tho provioco has sent out inspectors on research journeys, and their reports will bo collected and published in book
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 523 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. iNOO-CHiNA STEaii NAV.CO._, LTD. Tai steamer- of tbiu Cumi-iny wtnt»ta rosjuiur direct service between Calcutta, Sltraild, Ilongk'jug, HU*uj;hai and .lapsii, Ukiurf cargo on through 13:11s of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientßiu, Newohwaug, Yangtoza i Porte. t'ormonv tlio I'hilippino*. *0., *o J'oue Commwirter Koivako 4,895 B. C.
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    • 600 5 STEAMER SA!UHGS L ITU QUEAN 8.8. GUY,. LTO.. THE VEST ItttSTRALIM S. GG., LTD. ■STWI riHUXni 'I'EUTJI) WKTII mwn irsTUALiw torts JW.I ANI» BOSAPOU H galM Fiirl:i:t-ht.v Mfiiagi b«t««B Binßapore aad Western Aaitrolia. cftUmg at Java (aa i .laccment o9<>re>, Derby, King'" Sonnd, (IV tat tb» Ktanbattar OoJd FUldi),,
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    • 635 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ca.i. jar. Pacific Railway Company's Royal SSail Steamship Line. TUX NATiONALniOIIWiY TO EIU'.OPE VIA OanM JAfAN, (SANAUA uti'i ibt 'JNITRO RTATER. Hrule froc i >uj,t i«.i Hhaiujhai MMHafct| (Inli.oo v: i el k ;.iin), Kobe, Tokobarai, Vi.'tori* snd ViinooDTer, V. .'A.t Mialtaw" jTwin-jc-BJUBL "Burial tmtutm* man, 6,000 t00^.
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    • 128 5 4UCTION SALES l*awll and Co Ang *)~M Krm I. „i^c, BaMraid Hill Boad HMriof t-ik li jmchol'l furniture, ct<;., at 1-40 li m. Sept S— At U'lvi-dcre. Aud-rsoa lioad, J':in^liu, v:i!uab!o plants aud rare Orchids. H. L. Co.^hlnn mid Co. room, va<imb'e Old Chinese. a in. '-'i At 91, Tamapwa
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    • 62 5 That tircd-looViir:t; man with a persistent coufth ennnot afford to si-i-k a clianyo of climate for his health, but his friends know that aomcthiiiK Hhonld bo d«no. If they I would but tell him of Steams' Wine ho luiyht secure a new lease of life. It makes new blood aud
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 116 5 Singapore Tide Table. (FaoN Aiousr 25 to Acocsi 31.) HIGH WATER |IOW WATER Tim. HVht Time I H'ght August hrn. miv. ft. ins. lira. mm. ft ins. „r IIO.U am H.H 37)7am!~i.6 I O.JI pm 9.1 J.O pm 4.8 111.5 am S3 4.33 am 1.4 WMMUIM llo%iWpni 93 4 33pm
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    • 249 5 DA i BY DA\ Tuesday, August 25. Ilii'b Water 9.41 pm. lleccutiou to Mr. K D l'rintjlo. Bami-flnal Colutaa Shield. S. tennis tournament. L.L.T.C. Autumn tournaineut. Albambri Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m Emperor Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Hale'a Toun. 7 p.m .Inpanose Cinematograph. 7 W p.m Barima Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m Wayang Kasaim. Last
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  • 17 6 fciRMCiNK.— In Johore, ou August <t, John Erskino, of Greenock aged M years. Penanl>apers ploaso copy.
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  • 1199 6 The Straits Times.. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25. Wheu the Australiaus invited the United States licet to visit Sydney and Melbourne, they did so in a ..t of fraternal freu/.y nut altogether unmixed with fear of Japanese aggression. For reasons best kuown to themselves, or In no reason at
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  • 21 6 The Mohammedan Indiau who is alleged to have stabbed another iv Taujong l'agar K'jad, wns aoanJUed by the Second Magistrate, yesterday.
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  • 32 6 A tliild ol abool two years died M board the -.Laiiur Isla de Luzon of biain I'm r duiiiiu' In r xoyage trom Singapore to Colombo .1 id mi i.uiied at sea.
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  • 28 6 The four seamen belonging to the w recked steam, r Norman Isles now in Colombo from Aden, will be sent to Singapore by the P. and strainer Devanha.
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  • 29 6 Colombo papeis state that the crews of the American battli ships Alabama and Maine are loud in praise of th, people of Singapore for the reception given them here.
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  • 30 6 The Captain of the Dutch steamer Van (ioens, which arrived from liatavia. yesterday, lrports that a Chinese coolie passenger died m route o( old age aud was buiied at sea.
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  • 29 6 At tile men's meeting at the V.M.I.A. tomorrow (Wednesday) at '.I p.m., the speaker will be the Rot. Marsh Kirkby, and the siibjut, The descriptive difference* in the Gospels
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  • 31 6 Mis. llelctie Struys (nee V/elmain will ol Mr. G. W. Struys, of Taujong Pagar, died at I Warn. tu-Uay, after anagaring ilhieea. Be -.ides the bereaved husband slie leaves four children.
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  • 40 6 S.uli All Goo, an employ, of n n -.1/ Brothers, aunnarod before the Third Magistrate, yeotorday, on a charge of theft of two cycle chains from the tirm. The rase was adjourned for a week. Hail was fixed ,t MOO,
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  • 39 6 Private Uo»uU. Sherwooil Korea* to be tried at It lugoou, on the lstii iu-.l,i:it, b« a District Cuurt Martial MKMf Beotioo l>> Ot the Army Act oil .1 charge of being d.'liMr of SU rounds of Lec-Kntield ball ammunition.
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  • 36 6 .Mr. Graham, Beveaoe Uurvoyot iv Pabang, kj vering his c iniicetiou with the State-", having obtained au app.intiueut iv the New Zealand Geological Survey Dopaitmrut lie is leaving aim st iiumcdiatcly for New Zealand via Japa*.
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  • 39 6 IJeton: Mi. Bom, MMH Judge, I mballa. ludia, iv the ease iv which three men an charged with shoutiug the Hey. llickenbotham at Kushtia, last February, the jury returned a unanimous verdict of not guilty and they were discharged.
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  • 46 6 The iceroy of India has paid a VMM to the Simla Fin.- AttAbow. His Bxoellcncy'i prize is not awarded this year, as then is no picture considered worthy of the honour. There are about O-'iO exhibits, aud the show is scarcely considered up to the MMf
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  • 45 6 Mi. I. Giitlith-Joucs. of Messrs. Sandilauds Huttery aud C.impauy. I'enang, has arrived hi Mgapore to act for Mr. g. R. K. Mugliston, of the same ooopany, wlio is iHOdonrliiifl to Oaykw bj the N.V.K. mmmk K 'iwaciii Mam, to recruit !iis health at Nawara Kliya.
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  • 42 6 The premises ot the Siugapuiv Chinese Weekly Kutertainiiient Club, in Club Street have recently been re-famiabed with new >nd costly ramitura and wall deooratioos. Klectric liglit aud lans are boiug UMtallad in tin building by Messrs. llowarth. KisUin. aud Company, the contractors.
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  • 50 6 The funeral of the late Mr. GOII Ewe hiiing. of Chop Ho Thye aud owner of the Sn I'eng Oil Mills, I'enaug. took place on Friday morning. The deoaaeed, no WIM rerj [lopular among the Chinese community, has lelt a widow, three daughters, ami three sons, to mourn his loss.
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  • 54 6 Mr. E. C. (J. Howard, the District Judge, sentenced four housebreakers to niuc mouths' rigorous imprisonmeut each, yesterday. One of these broke into the residence of Hock Yew, 22 I'pper Chiuchow Street, another into the residence of Chu Ah Ivau. No. 15, Sago Street, aud the other two into the
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  • 55 6 A Javanese MTVaM named Ismail. employed by Mr. Stanley Knocker. »as prosecuttid before tin Second Magistrate, Mr. C. V. .1. (rrcen, yesterday, on ofaargei of theft as a servant of a silver necklace, valued at »0, and leaving service without giving notice. He was acquitted on the tirst charge aud
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  • 52 6 Captain Scott, of the British steamer Amhorut, which arrived from Pontianak, yesterday, reports that lie lelt that port towing the Dutch schooner Tan Sing Hiug, which foundered on Sunday at o p.m., in Latitude 0.:i0 North, aud Longitude IOCMM) East. The crew, twelve in all, were picked up and brought
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  • 62 6 Siew I'uey. brother of Siew Kit, who was sentenced to lour months rigorous imprisonment at the District Court, on Saturday, by Mr. U. 0. C. Howard, for selling Chinese pens to which it was alleged a false trade mark had been applied, pleaded guilty to a similar charge in the
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  • 144 6 Mr. Lim Bwm Keni{. ol KuM^baajaat imported two more A rrol Johnson mo'.ir of 2o h.p. each. Due is destined for the Ser.mbau to Kuala l'ilah route and the other for the Klanfj-Kuala Silanyor run. Two similar buses are now on the way from Europe, so tliut when they
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  • 421 6 The Itaudmaun Open Company have left Colombo for Hombay. Licit Colon, 1 .1. A. KOBMM, MM has been appoint. ,1 Governor of Macao, arrived at Honykoii:; on August 17. The marriage of Mr. Austin Dickson aud Mi-s Norah Hutchinson of Ceylon took placr at Eastnor, Ltdbury. on
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  • 22 6 Inspector Taylor is now in chary, ot the I 'etcctive Station, Inspector Krayue liavm.been tr.iu-.fcricd to MM Cnitial Station ,1 Second Inspector.
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  • 22 6 Au unknown Cluuam;in dlo|>pud iload in front of the pineapple factory at tin mrnw of Stamford and New Bridge lio.nis, yesterday afternoon.
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  • 30 6 The Chinese Government lias elirctt'il th< Waiwnpa aud the Ministry of War to alter their cipher codes without delay so as to avoid the risk of disclosure of State secret-.
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  • 30 6 Admiral Chin n. who was .sentenced to a fan of penal aerritada in Chinese Turkcs tan for having failed to protect I'ort Arthur iv the China-Japanese war. has been liberated.
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  • 33 6 The Itev. W. Murray, M. A., will continue his lecture on St. Pauls Life and Travel.-,, with magic lantern illustrations, in tin I'rinsep Street Church, on Friday, the -28th instant., at h p.m.
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  • 31 6 Captain Kin^liuru. of the local IMMMT Hong Wan 1., has reported to tuc police that a coolie who was working oatgO <lrop|xd overboard into the harbour, yesterday afteruoon, and was drowned.
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  • 36 6 magnua bom I Vliinj.' uu the 1 1th instant, -ays that Duke Tsai Chi is at present in communication with the Imperial Customs CommisKionerUeneral with regard to in crcisiuLj the import duty on cigarettes in China.
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  • 47 6 Mr. I!. T. liinnie, liviny at kill Hotel de I'Ktiropc. has reported to the police thai -2IHI and a chain have been taken from his safe, lie remembers having left his keys on a table for a short time, but he does not know whom to suspect.
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  • 46 6 Aoeotdiag to a Iwpia boa I'ckiujj uu Urn IMb instaut. Ills Kxei.lleney Chan Chili Failg, intends to no to niton after the Autumn feast day. September 10, to inTMti (ate tho alleged charges of fraud which havr IM mailr in connection with the Cant-.i, Hankow railway.
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  • 86 6 The inhabitants of Klaiij/. who arc mflej OH f'om v water famine, have petitioned tin; H'.siilentOeueral. Hrn BkMBM "f well, .vl.c-u the pi[H supply was started netus to lave been MMMwiu preiuituru. At tin )ie-i.nt time-, ear's U'i out with barrels and iiuH to a place tuu nub > away
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 65 6 "CHOP RAJAH" WHISKY. CALOBECK.MACGRECOR4C2 J \^CHiw«.Haiit-KO«c. Mtni '.nr«iTs stnetminv/ 1 > I M TTj Mi; il SIDDELEY'S Simple and Reliable FOX FILL PAKTICILAKS QjQX. M'PLY TO SOLE AGENTS J CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. J BURKES .;]fc Bass's Pale Ale. k^L j^ n little company^ ltd Expanded Metal for/ V WA ml
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    • 105 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH, REACH ROAI> To-Night I PATHE FRERES BEAUTIFOL PICTURES 7.30 p.m aud 9.30 p.m. LOOK OUT FOR New Programme to-morrow. 1-. r. WILLIS, Manager. PIANOS ON HIRE FltO.M $12 per month. Toning aud Uugular Attention iucludi\o m Robinson Piano Co., Ld O.R. LAMBERT CO. L» iisTABLIiSHED 1876. I'hotntjnipnors to
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  • 151 7 MUM HAFID IS PROCLAIMED AS SULTAN. Abdul Aziz Asks to be Sent into Exile. |RIUTK'(« TIHURAN,-; London, August SB. Mulai llafid lias been proclaimed Sultan of Morocco at Tangier, amid popular Njaiaiag. While it is ttpeaM that France will 1 1 .11 ti 11 in tlic same policy
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  • 96 7 Lancashire Operatives Prepared for a Long Fight. |Kbotbk's Tblkuhah.) London. August SB Although the l.iurasliire cotton trade is depressed, it is declared that there is uo cause for the alarm existing in some ,|u irlt r-. With reference to the notice of a reduction hi wages by
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  • 142 7 |Riotib's Tblß'lkav London. August 14. The !><• I'orest I'i'legraphy Company has ongaged a tuwet in New \oik BHO feet high, am the \lllerilMil li iiiiinus for wireless t' lephoiiy Im -twcen I.iris and L w York, not telegraphy as reporU'd in previous telegram. The
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  • 84 7 Strong Speech by Pmce Ludwig of B.ivaria. II'KK O.i I ASIA! IS, UK I.L'iW IV|.K,,KAM I:, ri 1 'ingust i 4. I'rnii r l.idwig ot Knari.i. .it a banquet grvea by the naval training Bjnadron, referred iv strong terms to tin uegle<:t hy the Imperial Oovernment "t canal
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  • 37 7 [P»R OsrASIUIMIIK IjLUYI) TxLKORAM; Horlin. August M. Iturou Speck urn Sterubnr^. tin (icrm.iu \iubah»a<lor to tin- I nitcd Statos. lia> dice) at Hcidolbur';. wlniv ho liad been staying for tlic bt'mtJt el his lualtli.
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  • 31 7 I I >«K OSTASUTISCBB LLOYD TkLKORAM] Iterliu, August 'J4. A \\ashiugtou telegram states that the I nited States I.egatior. at Peking will be leplared by au Embassy.
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  • 27 7 [I'm t.'sMßUiisi bi Lloyd Tblioham] I" 1 'hu. August 2-1. M. Isvol-Kv, Kussiau Masissst for Foreign Atlairs. has mat Kiu^ Kdward at Maricubad.
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  • 32 7 |DSB O>l»SUT|si Ilk I.LoVP TILIUKASI Iterlin, August Jl. Tbe ruuiuiirs tsgnjcdasg t!ie liussjau loan says the BasasM Post of the MBi instant, are ijuitc premature, if uut altogether unfoundiHl.
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  • 34 7 |Kmi»Ks I«LII.tKAM| I. -I, don Ajsjmi I ■>• The British (joMiuimut has not taken any step* to Meal tin British gcudaimeric otficem from Macedonia, profcrriiig to await a unanimouf) international agreement.
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  • 256 7 F.M.S. Scheme Revised in Respect of Emoluments and Prospects. (Kkom 01-i; Own Cokiii- m'osukni 1 Kuala Lumpur. Augu-t _'D. 1 NfaeoM for th' forest Departntent, Federated Malay titatea, bas been revised in ie-pi et of the 1 inoluments aud prospects of tin forest Baogecs. These Hangers are now
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  • 441 7 Charge of Attempted Murder Against a Boyanese. .Mr. B. K. Column, the Third Magistrate, .included, yosti rdav aitcriioou, the In arinfl uf the preliminary inqoiry into a chaise ol Attempted uiurdi i ot a lioyauese named Moadiu, the ifccusrd being acquaintances nud fellow countrymen named Adalan
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  • 177 7 Inspector t'uiiiior proam uted a resix'ctableapp< aring young -lew. named 10. E. Solomon before the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. B. Coluiau, yesterday, on a charge of fraudulent possession of two bicycle lamps. Jlr. K. IL appeared for the accused. The lamps were found in the
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  • 169 7 When the bnnken ot th rtrairr Tonn sellor were reported to be ou tiie as she lay out in the roads on tho morning i>f the 19th instant, the Taujoug l'agar management very promptly despatched some steam tugs with the necessary staff and appliances to render
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  • 317 7 CONTEST FOR CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE WORLD. Australian Knocked out in Thirteen Rounds. [Bairru'i Tauaaui.] London, August -o. At Sydney, Tommy Borna, ttw now famous Cauadiau pugili'.. Iv 1 i oat Bill Uqnirei, the Australian, iv thirteen romda, after a good light. Tin so men (oOfc'it at UIC
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  • 155 7 Fourth Subscription Received from Singapore. The largest robaoripttou of auy raised iv Hongkong ataoda ko-aay to ihc credit of tho Tuug Wa Hospital, says the lo<:a! T. legraph, of l.'ith iustani. The directors of that institution have succeeded iv collecting up to yest irdny a sum of
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  • 204 7 Singapore Bolts Commercial Door in Bangkok's Face. There is a considerable amount of what the vulgar would call tommy rot" about ill, ininositiou of quarantine n fa '.ions. We announced yesterday. -ly the Siam I > 1j -t iv, r, that the (■overuineut ot the Straits Settlement! had
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  • 61 7 Expecting Another Reward At one o'clock, this morning, a llokieu who keeps bullocks iv Havelock Itoad was aroused by a noise from his cattle shed, doing out he found one of hi" bullocks missing. After a long chase, the bullock was recovered iv the possessiou ot another Chinaman who has
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  • 84 7 Two diminutive punkah wallahs employed at tin Chartered Bank were convicted by the Second Magistrate, this morning, of theft of a silver cigarette case, valued at *;il) and belonging to Mr. T. Joues, of the Hank. They were turned over to their respective father- tor chastisement.
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  • 65 7 On the recommendation of Mr. Hastings lihodes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Serjeant Nieol MBM the Second Mugis trute. Mr. C. I- .1. lireen, this morning. Ijr permission to witluhaw the obarge again t Wbag Ah May, who was ehii(_i m with piekinu the pocket of a Beut-ali of
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  • 820 7 Queen for United States SENSATIONAL STORY OF SECRET CONSPIRACY. Organisi g a Monarchy for America. Within three, years tin- lady will be crowned yueen Helen of the l/nittd States of America at Washington alter one of the most terrible civil wars the world has ever seen. lhc .speaker was ijuite
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  • 117 7 Three ricksha pullers, one of them being the puller ot a private ricksha belonging to A. Anguliia, of No. 1 Collyer Qaaj, were before the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. Maurice Thunder, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of dishonestly retaining a quantity of pro]>crty alleged to have
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  • 73 7 It 1- report* 1 iv Hougkoug that Un 1 p nor of Kiaochow. Vice Admiial Tiuppel, inti mis to nsi^u that p" un the autumn. liearAdmiral von Usidoui, Chi. f Director ut the Imperial Shipbuilding Yaid at Kill, aud who- api'oinirn nt will expire during the coming autumn, will, it
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  • 272 7 Return of Promissory Note Sought from a Chetty. Mohamad Kassim suid Koinai.ippa Chetty for JBIIO and tho return of a promissory note t'lore Mr. K C. C. llownr'd. the Jndgi yi let day afternoon Mr. .1. C. Watt kppeatad for the plaintiff, aud Mr. I' M. Elliot
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  • 284 7 Native Veneration for the Beheaded Conspirators. 1 >nc siguiticaut feature ol the political tumbles 111 Toukiu is that the common people IOOU upou the beheaded plotters at Hanoi i..'. as criiniiials but as patriots. Those whokuew the trend ot native opiniou advised that their corpses, heads aud
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  • 219 7 First Annual General Mating uf Shareholders rhrlirat annual gnnoral innntjngof tliii L thai vl in. Limited, wa- held on -Inly HO, Mr. W. Payne nuwWiim IK romarkud thai shareholder.s would notion that the prulil aud loss aecouiit show- un tin lace ot it a hiss ot A'l,uiKi, bin
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  • 143 7 Some alarm arose in shipping circles at Itutavia on August 8, at the news that a certain steamer could not leave poit, owing to her u.iilei s showing several cracks. It called to mind the fact that the I'uhud had, only the other day, been
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  • 96 7 Mrs. Salmoud, of 26 Scab Im Itoad, off Teluk Blangah Kuad, missed a gold bracelet valued at JW) from an alun irali, on Saturday. Ten days before, 920 was stolen from the same almeirah. A mouth previously, she luaulity of liin'ii and lugs. Her boy has been
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  • 82 7 A MAGNIFICENT SPECTACLE ON SALISBURY PLAIN. Six Thousand Men at the Charge. IKkuikbs Tklki;ram| London, August 24. In connection with the cavalry manoeuvres on Salisbury Plain, six thousand cavalry mado a charge at a high speed over tho un dulatiug country before General Sir John French, the luspector.
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  • 100 7 |Hkutkr's Tihhh London, August 24. The liussian Government Inn adopted the plans of a Hamburg linn for the construction of now battleships of 20,000 tons aiul 21 knots speed. The armament will cousist of 12-inch guns. |L>m UsTASiATiscaa Lloyd Tklbukami Berlin, August 24. It is reported
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  • 31 7 |I>«H OsIASIATIBCHK IjLOVI> TIUOHiI. Berlin, August 24. A tremendous coullagration in the city is reported from Constantinople. The amount uf <l. image done Is not yet kuown.
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  • 25 7 [KIOTIK'a TILBUKAUI London, August 2>. The Dutch (iuvurnmcut, replying to k'eue/.uolr, insists ou Voue/.uola rcsciuding arious ilecrees harmful to trade at Curacoa
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  • 178 7 liood Effect of the Recent Laws Reported. The <io\vinuieut of ludia has issuod r press coumiuniijui, Haying thoy have Im 11 inxiously watching the progress ol events in .Ins con 11 try. It 111,1 st now be admitted that the situation "iisidorably improved and that the. uf
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  • 252 7 The North China Daily Ntn says ;he l!i iti !i squadron in China is now in tin nid-i hi its auuual Guulayers' tests. HJC.B. Jadmus Brad forty-seven rouuds on July JO ivkh her lin. guns, and made twenty eight nits, tlie best guv bring eight rounds
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  • 66 7 His Excellency, the Governor of lion:kong, through tile Colonial Secretary, lias Ir.iwn the attcutiou of tin- Hongkong Chainb( r of Commerce to tho quantity of lard iraported by the straits Settlements, and Msjßmsted that there was a possibility of developing tlie Singapore market as well as that
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  • 49 7 Ti id<r» baiebte.n opened at tUo Privy I'm of KpltriaßJL Uau^l. jit. I. i the erection of Dew bailflH lor the Koyul Survey Department tf""l>uk!oug Taint. TUo two i. nl' i submitted were Mcssrt,. Houai th Kthkiuo, Ltd., Ticala G9,«oo, and the Bangkok Dock Co., Ltd Ticals 63 boa
    49 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • Spirting Intelligence.
    • 25 8 The annnal nuorta in ooaneotion witli the A'it;lo I'iiim Free Sohool will lx.' bcM or t'io school •.•round ou Saturda> afters on.
      25 words
    • 133 8 Sin^apuri: Rifle Association. Tin. f.r t 1. li s' Ha •.<!!■■ ip sin. .1 i pace on Thanday next ut tin Dalestiei itaugc. l"irin<; will ion P pUlMt:ially, anil member! are requested to bf lure at thai tirar. A inciiKuto wiil Uu Riren ko tbe »inn i. Club Wanted
      133 words
    • 86 8 World' I Championslirp Tlie match between l.a-Ku mi i ranaeob ''T tin- < iuss cliampiousliii) wr.s t' rl on tin- I7tii inatani !t «iii bu a inatoh ol eight twi not oouuti!iH. The winner will mirks. -.11 loeet IiMX); bvtLaaker, i:> ri'ldition. i irin. it is mrttmkifl that Urn
      86 words
    • 106 8 S.RXi Averages. Tba s.u.r. i, foi Urn yeai ended Joae :so wan <l by K. J. (Joiues, who, playing IT Inaiagt, bcin« 7 Mbm not •nit, HcoriJ _':!1 ruin, or an avorayo of 2'4A. Oi Anutng m MMd liis Imbbm icudlog iuuiufjs J", not out J. Mm runs
      106 words
    • 529 8 Committee's Report Regrets Lack of Funds. Tlm Mutual meeting of the Singapore Recreation Club was MM on Batardaj, Mr. D. M. Martin, tlie Presideut, occupying tbo cliair. Tho report of tli" Com hi it 111, whicii WM adopted, was as follow.^ 'J lie nombw of members on
      529 words
    • 575 8 S.C.C Tournament. The follow hu me the nwHi of yesterday's j p'ny iv the S.C.C. [,t.ii Tcunis toiirna j ment PHOFtaalo.N I.UK.-,. Muptv.- I-ulchcr bihl T. E. Marsh beat Her. I— Noon ninl S. Dunn, 2—6. 6—l, 8-6 B Class Doubles. S.van aud WikHLtM 4. v. Carver And
      575 words
  • 93 8 tolt-^rain from s>lu.ngh:ii on August 17 •t'lui that tlio lkitisli GjVerumeut Lavo ordered tbo Ccnsul-Geiieral at Seoul, to barrumliT Thu^ Xi Tuk, tlio nlitor of tin- Dai Han Mai 11. tlio na'.ivo paptr published is con jii noti on witli thn Korea Daily News, of whu-h Ml E. T. BctliLil
    93 words
  • 213 8 Crowds Amused by Terriers Slaying Panthers. A very unusual aud iutiTustiuy t»i^;lit was witnessed at lihavuiyah, India, uu tho 12th instant. S]n>ci illy trained dogs of tbe Maharaja Sahi-b WMM let looso uu two full-^rown panthers. About S.OOO people had assembled on the Maidan to bee this long
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  • 56 8 A house, nfty years old, collapsed at Calcutta, ou the lOtb inHtant. Seven Europeans in it had nauuw and exciting escapes. Some uf them had left the verandah to have tea ouly a tuouii nt Mm it foil thirty fiet, lecviuji oaly a pillar (-taadicp The iaui-tts
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  • 614 8 British North Borneo Company l\ > s Four Per Cent. At the annual uuctiux oi the ihanfaoMan A tho Hiitish North BuTMO Company on July 2H, Sir Charles J. Jessel, Hart., thu Jhairinai:, iv proposing tho adoption of the Directors report, pointed out tbat during 1906 the revenue
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  • 82 8 Wliilo uuuiouiiuK Uju steanitr laid de 1.11/1.•»,1 .11/1. at Colombo, ou tlio 10th instant, the boatswain, who was attending to the capstan, accidcutally gut between the ropo and iln 1 capstan, and was taken round tbo latter, The capstan was in close prunimity to tin. tud
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  • 122 8 > .'ritiuH on the subject of the introduction of new fruit into England, Mr.F. Boyle thinkx tbeio is still njuch room for improvement. One cannot yet enjoy a iuau«o iv public. Since the Japauouo (not Mr, Burband) have achieved the stouoletss plum, he thinks it should
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  • Correspondence.
    • 97 8 To tlio Editor of the Miata Ti>r<.s. Taiijun^ Rhn, August 21. bir, iiefuriiug to your rccout discussion v a golf tutor, the fcticloseil cuttiu^; from Tlio Weekly Scotsman vii»ht pvo hope- to those most I sui, Youre, cK., I'HU ll'U The latoht movement in IMUd to
      97 words
  • 211 8 Rebel Spirit Runs High in the Two Kwang Provinces. Tlio oilier ilay, in Kwuiik-m prowuco, a famous rcfoi'ui leader named Wong Kat-Sing fell iv battle against tlic forces of fie (iovernment. Ad examination of Uh Otcpm resulted in tin: finding of a lur^c buud'.u tl $100 uotc*
    211 words
  • 102 8 Tin; Gazette uf ludia bnnod on Mm lltb iustant, contaius tho following MiKMg OthH ujiuui liouuiiii ami promotions for the services in tho Butt valley Md Moluuand Kxpedition: Coupaniou o£ the !-.tai of ludia.~-( oloucl illrigadier-Gouoral) Uerbert Mollkly, I.'.X. Knij^bt Couiuamli'i' of the Indian Kui piro Tho llou.
    102 words
  • 68 8 A cuuiiuitUiL lia becu udercd tj IMBbio at Kangoouon Stptotubcr 1, to L-oiiuiJ-.r uioaburcs which should, if possible, be adoptid to secure oil rettiu's in Kuruia tyuiu.-t the Jauget from tin. looMm and eilw— tiou. Tho committee >\ill coiisiftt ol v ;r J. 11. Holluud, President Mr. N.
    68 words
  • 41 8 Tuticorin in a^ain infected with cholera of a sporadio uaturo. Duck passengers, except from nou-iufectod •irea.i, and citato MOBM from XMaaaisi Camp arc not allowed from Tuticoriu. whence vessels are tcoaUJ us if from iv fectcd i>ort3.
    41 words
  • 65 8 A Johannesburg teltgraiu states that 3,000 Asiatics assembled at the luosqnc and wit needed the burning of 800 to 400 Indians' aud Cbinamcu'u certificates. Mr. tibandi aid be WM prepared to i-ptnd bis life in gaal in preference to miag the saf-lilii; treatment of the ludians. IK
    65 words
  • 274 8 Do (he Two Words Designate Widely Different Territories The othtr day the Malay }I*il ;.-U.d wUj the Methodist* of Kuala Lamptn pmh&eH iii icM-ribint; Malaya p.h Malaysia, ami iv reply Hie Rev. 11. L. E. Luering. IVurtn", has MH the following letter to our contemporary !->ii\— You
    274 words
  • 127 8 Tin. Cornish Pixie muUo a maewhaiaaaatlii>unl entry int-j Kaudy, I o) lon. oil tlio Kith instant. Cajituin Nevillaliad not Mowed a ticket (or bin unil coiisoqui'Utly ho was nh»qnnil by the Itailwiiy autboiitii -i Moid tlio I'olicu IfagUnic, Mr. Rmmll, with li;n iv^ biou«lit up
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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  • 223 9 SiNOapou, August 24, 1906. PRODUCE. Oambier I 7.90 do (Cube No 1) unpicked 11.80 Copra Bali 760 do Pontiaoak 700 Pepper, Rlack ,10 90 lo White 6% 18 76 Sia«o Flour Sarawak 2.97 J do Brunei No. 1 2.85 Pearl Sago 8.60 Coffee Bali, picked 2400 Coffee, Palembang, 201.
    223 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 345 9 Shares I Unimed Company Qconnoat f.SOO I 80,000 1,800 s*lllo iOO.OOO ord. 18,500 pref 10,000 20,000 18,000 6.M0 a Belat Tin M. Co., Ltd. Brnang Ltd. m Bnueh HydranUo Tin M. Co.. Ltd. Duff Development 00., Ltd. ..1 K.n.bol, Ltd. Kiuta Tin Mines Ltd. K!ed»ng Tin MlnlDß Co. Li
      345 words
    • 359 9 7,400 11,000 8,800 1,000 30*000 5,000 66*000 3*Boo 389,000 Anglo- Malay Bobber 00., Ltd. (duly paid) ii it (oontrib Balgownle Rubber Estate Ltd. ffnlly paid) Bato Oarea Robber 00. Ltd. (f.p) Eukll Rajab Robber (Jo., Lf! Oaitlewocd Robber 00., Ltd. Oioely Rubber £itate s%Pref OonioUdated Malay Kubßar K*i. LU.
      359 words
    • 203 9 ItM jr., (77.10.0 4,HW 7,038 I-J8 *.'."..'1j0 SJVCOG l,« 00 rx>o l*lS,ooMoe 19,000,000 111,000 ,m j»2,400.000 i,.00,000 M'™ ISVfI II.OOOUOO 1.000.0U0 I I's% j 134,000 34,000 3,400 ;m«9 1574.00 C 878.000 J *|sso JO. I tfCO.OCRi 340.000 -4,000 1881 i ISO.OCV 80,(100 800 1 90S £400,000 400.000 400,000 i
      203 words
    • 54 9 UowarthErsbi" Iv.Ki.OOj 2 prei.i KUey Uan(rea««H ni, 2JA.000 2% prem I ''re Electric Train •-■ay r Ltd. fi% i'.n,ooo nominal BiDii^.por* Mnnlotp* 6% 100,000 MW. proir it. 1.878.000 4% prem H% 1,600.000 H% nrem NSJM it di« n'.m Straita Kofiin.. an* flyd.. Ltd. 8% IS.OOO par. Tanjong Pagar Dock
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 519 9 LESSONS IN PIANO AND FRENCH. By Young Lady, Pupil of the Royal Academy of Music, London ;h) v ...ident and Pianoforte Teacher iv Parie. ALHO WETHONOmtS AND MUSIC FOR SALE. V ply LIIIIIHUBBT, N> 12, Lloyd Road. 1720 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be receive) at the Residen Councillor's Office, Peuan^,
      519 words
    • 338 9 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang, require a Mechanical Engineer for the Nightsoil Pumping Station recently ereet~» by th«m He must be a properly qualified .uechamcal Engineer with experience in electrical work, must be strictly sober and of steady and regular habits. Age between SS and 35.
      338 words
    • 195 9 Wines Wines Genuine table claret at 478 per doi Vermouth of Turin 1 .20 P- litre bot. Mosoat of Syracuse, an invigorating wine mostly recommended for weak people and ladies at »1 .OO per quart. Chianti Wine, Bracohetto (a delicious red sparkling wine), Freisa, Fernet Bitters highly recommended, Syrnps, Assorted
      195 words
    • 207 9 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co Ld. I oji f gr %9f* Km ML Proceeding. i./ ORUBA SILVER FORKS AND I SPOONS. Walker and Hall Manufacture. II (iLARANTEED TO WEAK J WHITE ,THROI(}HOIT. >^7 Tea Spoons $1 .20 pei^doz. j Egg Spoons 1.90 Dessert Spoons 3.15 Table Spoons 4.90 Soup Ladles 1.50 each.
      207 words

  • 970 10 PRACTICABILITY OF COMBINING WITH PARA RUBBER. Interesting Information for Malaya Agriculturists. (WHltn mi: THK Stkmis Timks h\ K. Matiiih i. The following U tho last of a serins of irticlcs wliicli bavo appeared in the Straits TimcH during the last few days DbTOM N m Siakch. Tho starch,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1076 10 SALES BY AUCTION. Valuable Old Chinese Art Porcelain. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE, At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan and Co.'s Salerooms, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, AT 11 A.M. Famous Min K PWfed pieces, Royal Kan X lii blue ami whit.., Antique Pottery, Mandarin Yellow Pieces, A»tor Vases, hawthorn «in K er jars, Quaint
      1,076 words
    • 654 10 Estimates. Kbtiuiato of Cosis anil Returns of 1,000 acres of tapioca interplantcd with ParaKubb, r. Tlie Hevea are planted 20 feet by IT. '6 l-'i i trus per acre allowing for drains. The Tapioca planted 5 feet by 2. "0 ::.<MKi plants per Ml allowing Rpace round the Uevea. 1st
      654 words
    • 896 10 Brought forward *T.r.105. Hus 1,000 piculs more. Lift ioi; and manipulation M freight etc IMB Total Expenditure 1 19)'Ji *7.\.'.V. Jrop 4th year !nd Crop Block B 20 piculs off MO acres 1,000 piculs l»t Crop Block C BO pikols off MO acres 10.500 piculs 17,600 piculs M-1106,000 Kiitii Vkm:
      896 words

  • 950 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. Tractive Tests under Discussion. At Ki.mklauds last summer I look an active pait. in company with Mr. W. T. Clifford- Kai p. in some W) iiiteicstiug experiments, witli v view to ;ims Ttaining the actual ti active efforts of a fully equipped
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 971 11 The United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ld. SOLE AGENTB FOR THE UNITED FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING CO.. LD. Bronze and Steel FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING. WILL NOT CHAR. KINK OR CRUSH. AND IS UNAFFECTED BY CLIMATIC CHANGEB. Stocks held g" to 6" diameter. Paterson, Simons and Company, Ltd., Agents. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. TheAiiMtnn
      971 words
    • 510 11 8 —THE ROOHORE PLATE.— VaIue MOO, and $50 to the Secoud Hort>e. A Handicap for all Horses that have rim at this Meeting and Dot won. The Committee to have the optiou of cancelling th race if there are less than rive Dorset entered, the property of different owners. Kutranrc
      510 words
    • 65 11 AS A 4 AST RESORT Before going to the expense of calling a doctor* for a' case of diarrhoea or dysentery, procure a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will be more than pleased with the result. There is not another medicine in the world that
      65 words
    • 312 11 --SJ(EEljr^Hgty'/"~' MOHERATB (&sSjfflQvtt>!& PRICED CARB, lAjfc^JßfTj^Fji- Skilfully l l t^i^;P((l to reduce Wear on \^s >.;, Tyrf« to tho lowest possible point. For further particulars apply to the sou: aoents: CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. SMART OCIETY ELECTS IK- CYLINDER TANDARDS. G.F.F. Wearne Co., 168 AND 169. ORCHARD ROAD. Sole Agents. ENOS
      312 words
    • 443 11 INSURANCE Complies. The Standard Life. THE OLDEST BRITISH LIFE OFFICE IN IHE £AST. PROVIDE FoFrETIREMENT by taking policy under the new SIMPLE KMHtWIIKM Milt >1B withoat Medicil Examination £1,000 at age 5O oan be secured by a life aged 25 „cxi birthday by payment of £'47-1 «-O per annum. ALL
      443 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 522 12 Scale of Charges PREPAID AOVERTIBEMENTB.— MisoeI- »«eoas Wants of Every DeteripUoa, Hoom, U l, .io., to lei, are Inserted at ths following j One Insertion I.W per Inob. Two *00 Three I.SO Biz hu. I.M TweWe T.M Twenty-five 10.00 (Eaob subsequent month M par Inoh.) The nboTe nte it based
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    • 429 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. limi-roB Lto~. m or two tasirtl-s, n.w Bj Urn lash, m* 8c»lt of Chmitm. DIBPENBER WANTED. Wanted, a flrst-class Dispenser. Applioant with examination certificate preferred. Apply to D. W., o/o Straits Times. 0 1404 POBITION WANTEO. Wanted, poaition by a planter as Buperintendent first-class man, well experienced in
      429 words
    • 598 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. Bin -Fomi Lisas, oh of two Inrtw »1.00 Br tns Inch, Mb of ohvfM. HOUBE TO LET. No. 4, Moant Kosie. Apply Raffles Hotel. 0981 HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 1, Oxley Riae, to be let. Apply Meyer Brother!. 1149 ROOM TO LET. Boom suitable
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    • 632 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Lo. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds oi HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, for Carriages Motor Gars, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenbose, Braket*v TRTTArmja tlthtor tyrfr hoBe for Railwa y 8 Speaking Tubes, JUi-lKfcAUlNtf MUIUK IIKHib. CODDRINGS, GAUGE-GLASS RINGS. All kinds of I.R.
      632 words
    • 310 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Kates Four Linw, one or two inurtiora,ifl.»i Bt the inch, Seal* of charge*. MOTOR CYCLE FOR SALE. One second hand, H H.P., N.S.U. Cyole in good running order. Easy starting, complete with Lamp, Horn, Tools, etc On view at the STRAITS CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., LTD. 1841
      310 words
    • 397 12 BOARD AND LODGING. tun? i Foar Lin»«, on« or two iuwrtiou, |i K Bf Iht inch, ice Seal* of Crmrgta. BOARO AND RESIOENCE. For eingle geDtlemen. Terms moderate. Apply at Kockbnnt. 11, Dboby 1774 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Two roomß to let. for bachelors. Mr 6. vao Barren, 8, Mount
      397 words