The Straits Times, 24 August 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.737. SINGAPORE. MONDAY. AUGUST 24. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 273 1 Bunnus h.ii ci.mb, Phenomenal Success. Barry, June 37, 1008. DE DION BOUTON. The C. H. Kailev Trophy md Souvenir Cup woa on an 8 h.p De Dion Bouton. CL4SS I. CLA<=S 11. 8 h.p. De Dion Bouton First. 8 h P- De Dlon Bouton First The only De Dion entered
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    • 58 1 The Baby, The Dog and The Motor Car. The picture that made the KlN(i 4 gil'.tN Laugh. MOORISH I'OTTERS THE RUBBER FO ICEMN ARABIAN CAMKLS THE WRONG BAG NATIVE TROOPS RUSSIAN FLfGSHIP DISASTER Ifi OTHER BEAUTIFUL AND IU INTERESTING PICTURES. To-Night! AT TIIK New Japanese Cinematograph. (Ntar the Pea). SEE.TUE;
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    • 111 1 Plants, Flowers. A Gasket of Beautiful ROSES for 5O CENTS. Telephones g"? ™7I Gardens 190. ART NEEDLEWORK AND FLOWER DEPOT. 217. Orchard Road 023 R. W. HEADS, Consulting Minlne Engineer and Metallurgist, Member of the Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers. Offto. and Laboratory RAFFLES CHAMBERS, BUM BASAH ROAD. ■MMMM.
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    • 69 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. GUEST NIGHT-EVERY SATURDAY. THE BAND of the 2nd. ROYAL WEST KENT REGIMENT will play during and after Dinner on the FIRST SATURDAY of EVERY MONTH up to II p.m. DAHLS MILK. The ONLY canned Milk in which the full flavour of fresh cows' Milk is retained. JASAHI B£ER.
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  • 1154 2 WOOD WASPS THAT DESTROY METAL Aslonishing Facts from Vienna. The astonishing fact that in the Vienna mint the leaden walls of a reservoir containing sulphuric acid, although forty-three millimetres, or about l-7in. thick, were eaten through by an insect that the leaden gas pipe in a caf< was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 321 2 Protection of Iron Steel .^.Tropics ■L SIDEROSTHEN HS^Bl PAINT RESISTS THE ACTION OF SALTS. ACIDS. STEAM. EXTREME CLIMATIC INFLUENCES. TROPICAL SEA WATER WITH ITS DESTROYING ORGANISMS Specially Suitable for Bridges, Piers and all Structural Ironwork. "Siderosthen 1 is what its name implies OEATH TO RUST." No oxidation is possible where
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    • 174 2 PHOTOJEPOT. 101, NOBTH BRIDQE ROAD. Ail aorta of Photographio Apparatus and M»teri»la, viz. Cameras, Leuaea, Plates, Papers, Obemioala, Films, Monnta, Photo Framed, etc. Prices very moderate. Prio Lists poet-frae. KONO HINO CHIONO CO Ml Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. NEAK ENTRANCE TO BORN Ku WHARF Telephone 1026. Sea stocks ol
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    • 266 2 A WELL KNOWN REMEDY. There are few peop'e in couutiy wlio have not Hti, or at least lifanl of. L'linm-bt-rluin's C'jlio, Ciiolera ami Diarrhoea Keuiody. It H tli.. ur-t tliin»> tlity tliiuk of when they or auy iv- id -er of tin- taiuily are strickou witli .liarrlio;a. j.uir in
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  • 949 3 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS BERTAM RUBBER. Prospectus Estimates Exceeded. Sir West Ridgeway. presiding at the ordii vary uiei tint; of the Straits Settlements I.i rtiiin Kubbor Company. Limited, held in i London, on July MO. said i The output of rubber for the twelvemonth^ with which we are concerned has
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 643 3 A HOSPITAL NURSE C^^ *"■>* -»^y <''~-^mm\\. B**^'^ Nervous Disorders, Exhaustion, Overwrought Nerves I I i and ovef a?ain clever and capable peop'e find themselves withoal a scrap of v to do tbe work that is offered them, and this actually was the predicament ol a skilled ami experienced hospital
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    • 344 3 Healthy Children Gin iinlv he n-.ircii by ghfckj aaHsMt nmirMmicnl If un.thio to fcod vw child the praner WMthatc 1- 1 (bod that corresponds in all reapect* with human milk. The "ABenbury*' Milk Foods are so prepared .i- the difference between COwl milk and human milk, and are 1111^1 t
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    • 550 3 BANKING COMPANIES, NEDERLANDSCHE HANDEL MAATSCHAPPIJ. SETHERLANDB TRADING 6OCIEIY CAPITAL. t.,ooo— (abt. «3,7«O.OOO) KiSSERVE FUND. I 5,752,885— (abt. £479,407) Head Office la AmtterUaoi Head Agency In Batavia BaAROHis: Penang, BLanghal, Hongkong, iaugoon. Medan (Deli), Semarang, S.Mrabaya .-"adang. Cheribon, Tegal, Focalcngan, Pasoe--oeao, Tjilatjap, Palembang. Kuta-Radja Achoenj, Bandjermaasin, Weltevreden. I CoßßnroKDnin at
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    • 434 3 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF MM. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INOOBPORATiD BY ROYAL CHARIEK. Paid up Capital iv 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fnnd £1,A33.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,300,000 •am Bank ol England. National Bask of bcoclaud. The LcodoD City Midland Bank Ltd. HNOAPORE BRANCH Current Aooomu »r»
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  • 816 4 Nam?, port, probable date oj arrival, and name oj Agents. STEAMERS. Acbillee, Liverpool, Sept 10; \V. Mansfield sVMbsj, Sydney, Oct 28 Boastead Aja.x. China. Sept W. Mansfield Alciuous, Liverpool Sept 12; W. Mansfield Ambria, Hongkong, Sept Behn Meyer Auamba, Suez, Sept I East Asiatic Coy Antung, Hongkong, Kept
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  • 167 4 Passengers Outward. I'er P. and O. Victoria, connecting with Jit strainer Devauli.i at Colombo, due August 2K. Mr. and Mrs. J. McCreadie, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Darke and children Mr. H. E. B] v.. Mr. D. Miin. Mr. IM'larke-Spear. Mr. i. Dykes. IV r P. aud
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 55 4 TRY THEM. they arc the uiobt efficacious remedy known lor latarrhal affections of the urinary tract. A poaJMvt aud easy cure. They can be tairied iv the vest pocket. are cleanly and reliable. Injections which are usually painful and cause stricture are un■MMMiy. METHYLOIDS relieve the pain and produce visible
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    • 655 4 STEAMER SAILING'S. P. &6. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills it Lading tssaei lor 'am Coast. Persian Golf, CantiouaM, ani itmta** Porte. Steamers will leave Singapore on t ab Ml MAIL LINE. [Outward for China). 1908 Devanha
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    • 1210 4 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY CO.' LTD. Tbs Companies' (learners are despatched from Liverpool outwards for Ihe Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan home wards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight acd for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One oatward
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    • 584 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regalar aervioe between Hambarg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre aad Hambarg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 803 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. Kd.l. NOROOEUT^CHER LLOYD -nparial Uirmtn Mall l.(n«. The fast and well known mall steam-ire t Ibis Company sail fortnightly from It.- .1 0 Hambarg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soathami ton, Gibraltar, Oenoa, Naples, (oonu 1 Marseilles, HapUs, Alexandria, and vloc v r Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, tVui.. Singapore,
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  • 1059 5 UNDtRtbtK hnvlijlK lile folio* inn nbbreri.Uioiu »r» e«9<l *U.— ste&wt»r in.— «hlp; hq.— b.*rqn«; scfi.— •chooner: Vrt.— YvM Crn.— <;nii»er; O l.t. -'lun beat; Tor.— TortMKlo; 11.p,-|liit»-p«»n; Bril.— British. l\ s. -fnitol SlBle«; Kelt. -Frem-li (ler.— Dorm in Dot.— Dutch Ital.— ltiliMi Spin.- --Spaniah, NM.-Knr»wnk o*. <lon«ral
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  • 69 5 F.IB ?EI 'StEAHK:. I'tMF To HOIBOW Bntavia Seync 9 a.m. Kelantan mv port Karunii 11a.m. IJ.l J Swettenham, IVoauy Mmh 1 p.m. Sarawak Kuching 2 p.m. P. Swettenham via ports Poh Ann 3 p.m. Malacca and Muar Lady MYW 3 p.m. Wkunkhoay. 'ui-oli Qlanggi 9.30 a.m P. K'tenham
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  • 112 5 From EcßotE— By the P. 4 O. steamer Devanha due August 28. mi China— By tbo P. cV O. steamar Doltn Bchic doe August 27. TIME TABLK OF MAILS DUE Left Singapore Due in London Arrived July 16 i\ AO. Ang 8 August 10 July 21 N.
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  • 382 5 Heavy Shipment of Sovereigns for Bombay. M— Sauiucl Montagu and Company write from London, ou July 80, to the following effect About £1,0U0.000 arrived this wcok, and though the duiuaud from the Continent, especially France, was still Rood, the larger Hupplics caiucd the price to rocodu id. to
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  • 80 5 By Urn Kinta, Captain 1. M. Daly, \uynsl M. From Teluk Alison: Mr. uuil Mi>. \-niun iiml Mr. Molbye. Kroui Port Swot U'uhain: Hewn. L. Tiiit, K. I". Mauldon, W <i. Stirling and Kyudorsloy. From Port Ijicliwiu Messrs. A. Agneu, E. H. Wallick, Wong Ytak Toug and
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  • 68 5 HoMF.WARD P. AND 0. MIIU The 1\ and U. homeward mail steamer Delta left Hongkong, at 1 p.m. ou Saturday, md is due here at 6 a.m., on Thursday, tho 27th in-tuut. Outward P. am> 0. Miil. Tbe P. and 0. outward mail steamer Detanha left Colombo
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  • 124 5 August 21 fCastor, Bnr str, Langkut ifoutroae, Britrtr, Praam and New Ifo I. Bumauy, Brit rir, l!»nk..u Qtelagatt, Itnl Btr, Snban*; H> PcrtHaid f.". laeobk, I'uihlr. I'ailans |i t; Bdaodala, Brit itar, Baflaannfl ria ports Nam Yoag, Brit str, Saigon 33 'Caiiibynes, Urit t>lr, Krat*oon (Jam. ior, Urit str,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 A MESSAGE FROM AUBTRALIA. Messrs.. WMmbm. < uinlah. Queensland, writes. 1 inmliurUiu o Oolic. Cholera and Pi.vnb 'm Houdy enjoys a great reputation in these parts It has effected some really remarkable cures, and there is »eareely a homo without a bottle." For sal* by all DispensariM and dealer*.
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    • 567 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. nTyTk. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO. LTD A regular FORTNIQ£ITLY eervicu m maintained between .]:i|>hd and Kurope by the followiug NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, UDder Mail Contract with the Japanese Government, specially d.-sigued for the Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with ezoellctt accommodation (or First and
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    • 341 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.D.L. In combinatiou with the STRAITS STEAM SHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. Combined Round Voyages. SINGAPORE. DELI (SUMATRA). PENANO, F.M.S. PORTS, SINGAPORE, or SINGAPORE, KM.S. PORTS, PENANU, DELI (SUMATRAi. SINGAPORE, BY N.D.Ii. lirst class pigHcn^cr ateamcrs, KANEE and MALAYA, and the well knowu steamers of tho Straits Steamship Company, Limited.
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    • 538 5 STEAMER SAIUNGS. \a^ 1 jn. c JBL Canadian Paoitic Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line THK NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO aTOBOFB VIA OHINA JAPAN. CANADA ao.l tb* UNIT' HTATEK Route from Hongkoug. via Shanghai, NtujHSftltl, (Inland Sea of Jepan). Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria aud WMWi X.M.X. Karaißa or India ITiyln-screw ate«R.M.B. "Eurciss
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    • 30 5 LAXAXINK, the ldual Purgative, reoom mended by the brot modioal authorities. Kaev to take and oortain in reaolts. To be bad of afl •bemist:,. Wholesale from Tbe Pharmacy, r%MaTT*o*a Bins>port
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 139 5 Singapore Tide Table. (From iHM 2\ M Aim-i 80.) HIGH WATER LOW WATER Time H'giit Time H'gßt August lir inln b.&». hrs.min. ft. ins. 1 •.Man x.o .-Ham 1 1 v KlnNiiAV /.i ssSpm H7 H.iB pm JJ 110.3:1 am 8J ;i.s7ani I.H lIKM.AY tO I 84) I)M1 91 4
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    • 141 5 DAY BY DAY Monday, August 24. Itufh Water. H. 33 p.m. S.C.C. tennis tourntmeut. L.L.T.C. Autumn tournament. Albambra Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Emperor Cinematograph. 7 80 p.m. Hale's Toura. 7 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Harima Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Wayang Kassini. 9 p.m. Tuesday, August 25. 'figh Water. 10.3S a.m. 9.41
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  • 30 6 Goilu.— On .July 20, Thomas Gould, of 4, Paradiso Square, Sheffield, Solicitor, aged 67 years (father of Ralph Colin Gould, solicitor, Penang) accidentally drowned while fishing in the Dorwent.
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  • 1176 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENIS. MONDAY, AUGUST 24. Elsewhere in our pages to-day we publish an account of the present state of the Police Force of Singapore, compiled from official data. The conclusions derivable from that report and from the close inquiry we had already given to the subject,
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  • 17 6 It is notified that the port of Iloilo is declared infected owing to the existence of cholera.
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  • 16 6 Tho work of erecting tin- Vermont .Memo rial— a drinking fountain- at Penang has been completed.
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  • 17 6 From Saigon, a cargo of rice arrived, this moruiug, for Port Said, by the British steamer Glenlogan.
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  • 19 6 Klaug is suffering from a water famine, which has led to a series of tights between Tamils and Chinese.
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  • 22 6 Mr. T. Jones, of the Chartered Hank, has reported to the police the loss of a silver cigarette case, valued at JHO.
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  • 26 6 K. P. C. lily ton has arrested a Tamil who was trying to Hell a bicycle. It has been identified as the property of a Chinaman.
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  • 18 6 Teak for Bombay was the cargo brought from Haugkok by the Norwegian steamer Hydra, which arrived, this morning.
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  • 22 6 The output of clean ore from the Tainbun mine in July was 1,332 piculs, and from the Rahman Hydraulic miue 112 piculs.
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  • 20 6 Five Chinese have been arrested on a charge of being in possession of counterfeiting implement* at No :;.".c Changi Road.
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  • 19 6 The engagement is announced of Mr. Winston Churchill and Miss Clementina Hozier, daughter of the late Sir Honry Hozier.
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  • 26 6 The Sikh Police Constable who shot a Sikh Police Sergeant at Papau for reportint; him tor being asleep while on duty has been charged with murder.
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  • 27 6 Mr K. E. Colinan, the Third Magistrate, fined a Hokien $8, tiiis morning, for cruelty to animals in throwing forty-three hens from Collyer Quay into a sampan.
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  • 23 6 Chung Poh Teo, convicted of selling rLandu without a licence, was fined %M by the Third Mayistrate. Mr. E. E. Column, this morning
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  • 25 6 On Saturday afternoon, a Chinaman snatched two hair pins, valued at $2, from the head of a Chinese wouiau at Bukit Paxoh. Ho was lurehtcil.
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  • 29 6 There was a record iv the export of tin from I'enang during the first half of this month. The amount sent out of the Settle ment was 2,1«."> Urns.
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  • 30 6 Queen Ena of Spain arrived in London on the 15th inst. Her Majesty was to proceed to the Isle of Wight. King Alfonso was expected to visit Englaud shortly afterwards.
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  • 29 6 Messrs. Lnk Man t'huk, Cheung Kwai Lung, Kwok Fn, Lo Khan and Lac Fuk, five wi h- known Chinese residents of Perak, have had thjir queues removed at Taiping.
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  • 29 6 The Government of Bombay have remitted the unexpired portion of the sentences of imprisonment passed on six of the persons convicted in connection with the recent riots iv Bombay.
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  • 34 6 TwoHyhtrn* and a woman havo been arrested ou a charge of theft of a child only two months old. belonging to a servant in the employ of Mr. Huehwaldy, No. ;i Killiuev Road.
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  • 34 6 Two hundred aud forty-on>; gunny bags have been stolen from a ui.'ichaut at Nj. ■0 Boat Quay. The police havo recovered 10ti of them at No. 9 Canal Road. Om arrest has been mud".
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  • 45 6 TlO H.jiik (limn, living at »7 Smith Street, hah reported to the police that he has been robbed of 9270 in cash, and chandu vnluod at IH6. A Hylam, named Cheng Ah Puan, has been arrested on suspicion, but the money iias not been recovered.
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  • 45 6 On the morning of the 12th instant, the following notice in Bengali, printed in bold characters, was placarded at various places in Dacca Wake up, sons of ludia Wake up Instead of one head of a Kengali. chop off 100 heads of the lYiin.'hi c-
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  • 40 6 At noon on Saturday, the British steamer Glcnfalloch arrived from Amoy and Swatow with 731 passengers. There were four deaths eh route, two from cholera. The passengers were landed at St. John's Island and the ship was fumigated and released.
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  • 44 6 Messrs. Howartl: Krxkine and Company, who had the contract for the excavation of the new filter beds in liakit Timah Road, have completed that work and have removed the bridge on which earth has been wheeled across the road daily for many months past.
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  • 38 6 The non-coiumissioned officers aud men of the Volunteer Engineers are entertaining their commanding officer. Captain A. M. Thompson, to-morrow evening, at Raffles Hotel, and afterwards at the Drill Hall, prior to his departure for Home on long leave.
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  • 53 6 Close by the Memorial Hall, at about nino o'clock, this morning, a collision occurred between a victoria and a first-class ricksha, goiug in opposite directions. The former vehicle was empty but the latter contained a European, who was thrown out but not iujured. The puller sustained au injury to one
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  • 62 6 Two stabbing canes are reported from Tanjong Pagar Road, one on Saturday night and the other last night. In the tir*t case, a Hokieo wan attacked by five Cantonese and stabbed in the right side. Two arnsts have been made. In the second cane, a Mohammedan Indian was Rtabbed near
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  • 535 6 Dr. Trump, of Raaafeok, h;<* aaaa home uy the N. D. L. steamer ncihaialwil Mr. Guoh Lean Tuck returned (a Pi-imug by the sU-amer Prim Kitel l-'ricdrieh 011 Wednesday. The father of Mr. Ralph f Ooold, Solu 1 tor, Penang, was accidentally drowned iv the Derweut on
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  • 143 6 Lieut-Colonel Walker <uul party at Mm Malay States Guid. s were due to lea\.> Englaud on August 15 by the 1' aud Suruatru. Mr. (i. OHara, who accidentally shot v Mal.iy the other day, a;>j>eand before the Taiping Magistrate and pi— dad guilty to the charge of caii>iii|> n.j.iry hy
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  • 92 6 A mi tins' n' tin- Legj lative C inuil will be held on Friday, wlicu Captain Young will move that the C'ouucil apprjvi tiiu atMadl '1 rule* for the Government bosMUd WHalim!— Penang, and the bonded warehouse at Tin jong I'agar, laid on the tab:o at the last
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  • 89 6 Ad unfortunate accident m-cum il on hornl the P. and O. mail nteamtr Iv Im, wliich irrivoc! at Colombo on the Mtii in >lint, from Loudon. The third cns>inrir wm Htt. taatfaMj to uljtist an iudicator with I hcaM tod. Tin. iißtoQ caught the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 151 6 Ardath Tobacco Co's > 1 good "Winfred" Cigarettes CHEAP SMOKES!! 1 Per Tin of f f* CENTS «a %\mtik -i Thompson, ■■.■^hvic^ Thomas Co. APOTHECARY^ WANTED. W&nted, a well-qualified Apothecary Salary J JO with yearly ri»e», free furnished q'iarter3. Apply witii testimonial! to the iklaoager. L .v "Iron r state,
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    • 195 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. To-Night's Programme. FIRST SHOW. AT 7 30 P.M. 1 Spiritism Hitting Party Our Dog Friends It The Maniao Juggler 4 The Hostage f> The Secret of the Iron Mao* b A Lottery Ticket 7 The Pirates 6 A Bailiff's Adventure* Mr Fuzz 10 In a Difficult
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  • 219 7 MILAI HUID DESTROYS ABDUL AZIZ'S ARMY. Defeated Sultan Seeks Safety in the 11.1 1 Zone Bsotbb'i TauMBAH. Londou. Angaat -■'<■ Keiitei i ii, p.. i. dent at Tau;;ier niVM official iiitiiiiiM.n hy wiraMM tatagraatay that the Suluu .Mil. l aj I a.lvan.e guard has 1,, en .1.
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  • 78 7 American Newspapers Give Australia a Warning. llUuras'a TlWllM J Leiidiin, \u^il~t SI Amer.cau MfWanBMM hie interpreting the enthusiasm of tbe Australian welcome to the United Sti»te« battloahbj last as meaning that iMtraKa baka to Mm United States mli. than t«. ( Britain it'oi protection trom foreign ■ggreaakw).
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  • 57 7 Establishing Communication From Paris to New York. Km rn'f TbwmlulJ London, logout 88. The Unertoaa l>. Forte** Wirehss Telegraphy Company, »ith tbe oonaeat ol Mm French Government, ins engagnd th" Eiffel Town tot tbe eatabHahiuont oi a win-it [uMtallatk n bet* n Paria and New York. Tl,. Commmj
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  • 41 7 [Rttmcai in. London, Angoat 2'J. Tlie Mn sian onVers attached to Mm Macedouian uil.irmene at present absent on furloiiL, 1 '.ne h.. n granted an e\t. usinu of leave, v. Ii riati to n C IU.
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  • 56 7 RUMOU RED DISMISSAL OF THE RUSSIAN PREMIER. |Dik OnaaumaoMl Lloyd Tklmoram! Berlin, August tl. Ther. an rumou.-i at St. lVtersburg of the fttniiMaJ ol M Stolypin, President of the Couu. ii of Ministers am! Minister for the [■tatter. It is reported that his dismissal is due to his making derogatory
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  • 45 7 |Daa Osiasmtischi Lloyd T«liobam| Berlin. August Tl. Mr. Lloyd Gcifjc, Britiah Chancellor of the Exchequer, has m.ile extensive iuwstiMtiOM iuto tho Old -Age IVn-iMii Scheme. As was expected, the naval .pustiou was not touched upon. He has left Berlin for Loud m.
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  • 45 7 |I>ih OiTASiAriSLhn lvLorb Trlbuba*! Iterlin. AMJMt IS. The Turkish QwvamnMnt his decided to have an Bngliah expert to co-operate with the .Minis., i ot Marine ia ra organising the navy. A Frcurh laanrial expert ataaflarly «i!! H*M-t the IttaMaf Ol l'lliaiiie.
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  • 26 7 [Dm DatuuTiiuu Lloyd •I»lk.ii.»m. Berlin. August 11. The C'iowu Prince of Gerirjuiiy has u..idi hi. experimental Mecca m a military MMMI
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  • 244 7 Charges of Applying False Trade Marks. Mr. E. C. C. Howard, the District Judge for criminal cases, concluded, on Saturday, the hearing of the ca^e against Siew Kit, of Chop Kwong ChJ Woh, t'hiuchew Street, who was ch.ire.i-d wi'.li selling Chinese peus, or In. lii ink brushes, or
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  • 417 7 Chairman of Chamber of Commerce and the Credit System. At thu half-yearly meeting of the I'enans; Chamber ot Coium.iee. on Monday, Mr. Cecil Guinness, Chairman, said that the markets being in a state of collapse, Micro mm to be little prospect of improvement in the MU future.
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  • 219 7 Whenever auy public work of importance is started iv dingapore. Mime extremely foolish or malicious persou starts the rumour Unit the Government arc seekiug f- r heads to pie- in the foundations. When the Memorial Hall whs begun, aril in several other instances, tlie benitt. ran hi^h
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  • 119 7 Mr. Maurice Thunder, the Fourth Magistrate, gave his decision, this morning, iv the case agaiust Joseph Janata, oue of the three Kurasiau youths convicted of cutting a Tamil's bullocks at TWJMg Pagar with a kitchen kuiln. Tlie oiln r two wiie fiued on Saturday. Joseph had
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  • 26 7 Five hundred aud twenty-nine persons were banished from the Straits Settlements d'iring 1907, 880 beiuq habitual crimin iK 46 inorph.a -iiijic'-ors, and 103 for other offences.
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  • 139 7 SIR HENRY BLAKE CABLES TO SIR JOHN ANDERSON. Market Prices on the Increase. (Fhom Oil: Own OMUUMXMMVI.) Londou (via Penan^i. August X, Sir Henry A. Blake, G.C.M.G., President of the International Rubber and Allied Trades Exhibition to be held at Olympia, Shepherd's Bush, from September 14 to September
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  • 282 7 Railway Gntekeeper Done to Death N ar Malacca. The 4 p.m. train from Tdiupin to Malacca, ou Wednpsday afternoon, was called to halt by fading the MM closed at a level crossing about two miles from the Malacca ■Station. The driver and (Mid descended aud wont to the
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  • 239 7 Question of Control Discussed in Parliament. Answering Sir B. Sa-isoou, iv thr- House of Commons on July 28, Colouel Secley, t'nder Secretary of Sute for the Colouies said The treaty with the Sultan of Itrunei. which was signed in 1908, provides that Mm advice of the i'ritish
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  • 115 7 About 140 of the members of the S.V.I, engaged in field operations yesterday morning. The force entrained at Tank Road Station at 7.20, half being dropped at Chancery Lane while the remainder went on to Cluny. The Red force were acting as a right flank guard for
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  • 127 7 in referring to the departure from Taiping for Singapore of the Malay States Guides, tbe Perak Pioneer says When one observed two stalwart privates seated side by side on a diminutive seat with their legs interlocked with those of two others opposite, and four rifles between them
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  • 2007 7 SUGGESTIONS FOR REFORM IN ADMINISTRATION. Detection and Prevention of Crime Difficult. Is Singapore policed sufficiently? is a question with which many people are concerned seriously at present. For comparative purposes the- population may be placed at 260.C00, while the strength of the guardians of law and order on
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  • 70 7 Mr. W. A. Cuscaden, the Inspector-General of Police, makes the following comments in his annual report on the Force in tho Straits Settlements during 1907 Thieves know quite well that if they give away the receiver their chance of disposiug of stolen property in future is gone.
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  • 68 7 The number of fiuger impressions at the end of 1907 in the Bereau at Singapore and Penang amounted to IflBM Five thousand two hundred and thirteen were brought up for identi beat ion, ot whom 659 were identified as having previous con victions. Over 8.400 finger impressions were
    68 words
  • 104 7 PREPARING TO BUILD THIRTY DREADNOUGHTS. British Government Desires Entente with Germany. IRiotbr'r T«li.(kam| London, August 24. The Observer, Mm leading London Suuday newspaper, states that the British Government, with a view of avoiding the annual Anglo- German wrangling*, has agreed to tho MMMtt) of a four-years' naval programme
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  • 241 7 Chinese roster-Mother Sent to Prison. Dr. C. B. Norris, of the Government Dispensary, gave evidence before the Fourth Magis ;rnte, Mr. Maurice Thunder, this morning, v regard to the bruises on tho person of a iv!.' Chiueso t'irl. about four years of age, i.nued Boh Poll I've,
    241 words
  • 229 7 No War in Acliecn Only Guerilla Warfare. A report on the. military situation iv Xeheen by General Kost von Tonningcn. the l'ummander-in-C'hief of the Netherlands hull i Army, has just been published. It is the outcomo of an inquiry conduct! .1 l>y the General on the spot
    229 words
  • 287 7 Mleged theft of Sevtn Dollars at Tanglin Barracks. Me no loose wallah, was an expression alleged to have been used by a dliobie inimd lee Soo towards Private Cook of tho Royal West Kent Ke^ini rit, at T.umlin Barracks, aa May 30. He had been uceuse.l
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  • 35 7 Eighty Hylams were sent to prison in Singapore during 1907 and this included all servants both of Europeans ami Natives but how many hundreds have cocapod detection the Inspector-General of Police is unabla tv say.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 35 8 Scotland v. The Rest. The team race between Scotland aud The Kest, which was to have been swum oil at tho Singapore Swimming Club, yesterday, was postponed. M the number of contestants was insufficient.
      35 words
    • 141 8 The Macbean Cup. The Macbean up WM fired tor at tho -tv i Kan;;, on Sunday, simultaneous with tin S.R.A. and S.V.A. monthly shoots. All throe shoots were wou by Gunner Curtis (S.V.A.i with an excellent score of 98, notwithstanding the strong wind which was blowing from the
      141 words
    • 315 8 Singapore O.C. Thirty-four cards weie taken out for the (ntoug Cup, played for on Saturday aud Sunday, on the Racecourse Links, but the majority of the cards were not returned. The groons were in good condition for tho most part, but unequal, which made putting difficult. Dr. U. D.
      315 words
    • 450 8 Singapore Shield Competition. The fixture between the West Kents 11. aud the Wardors aud Royal Eugiucers in the Singapore Shield Competition was played '.•ff on the latter s ground at Sepoy Lives on Saturday. The game was contested somewhat keenly, us the teams wore of about uijual strength,
      450 words
    • 228 8 Singapore Hunt Club. The enjoyable "finish' at the house of the Master (Mr. M. Suhl), yesterday morn niug, probably made more for the success of tho meet than the actual run itself. lt was an ideal morning for riding when about a dozen riders started from the Botanic
      228 words
    • 656 8 5.C.C Tournament. To-day's play iv the S.C.C. Lawu Tennis tournaniont is as follows Profession Pairs. Mer. I—Noon1 Noon and S. Dunn v. Muu. Fulcher and I. E. Marsh. B Class IrifflM I Swan and Wilson,— 4, v. Carver aud Morrison, scr. Carpenter aud Curtis 1, v. .loynson and
      656 words
    • 268 8 Perak Turf Club's Third Day's Results. (From Our Own Corrkspondbnt.i Taiping, Sunday. The I'erak Turf Club' 1 meeting concluded at Taipiuu on Saturday. The results wore us follow G.\LI.o«AY H\NMll Vl'. Kly, 11.7 1 Dreamland, 8.4 2 Albion 11, 9.0 8 Won by two and a half longths.
      268 words
    • 326 8 A.X.C. v. Police. On the Esplanade on Saturday, the S.K.C. and the Police tried conclusions at Cricket, aud the Club wou easily. The scores were Polrk. Mr. IKuhou c Davidson b Oclilcrs 0 Uoss b Alvis 0 Mr. Rhodes b Alvis 0 Mr. Given c Pearso b Oohlci'h 2*2
      326 words
  • 93 8 Tho police of Hongkong received a report the other evening that a junk, en route to Hongkong, carrying a cargo of flour and kerosine, had bt -a pirated in Mirs Bay. It is alleged that four men boarded the boat while she was almost becalmed and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 348 8 HARIMA HALL To -Night AND Every Night, DMHMM Grand Japanese Cinematograph Exhibition, 360, NORTH BKIDOE KOAD. FULL CHANGE. Striug Orchestra, 7 30 aud J 10 p.m. K. UAimn, Proprietor. THE EMPEROR CINEMATOGRAPH. SX KOR A niW NIQHTK ONLY. NEW PROGRAMME NOW ON. I'rices or Admission as Isnal. A aeloctiou of
      348 words
    • 208 8 PATHES FILMS PATHES FILMS An exclusively exhibited at the London llippodroinc and at the Pathe Building, l'r.mco llritinh Exhibition also at the ALHAMBRA Cinematograph, Singapore. LOOK OUT FOR The Stadium Sports. Exclusive Rights. Opening of tho.Sports iv the Stadium by The Mass Drills. His Majesty, tho King. The Swimming Championship.
      208 words

  • 215 9 SINOaFOM, AntCHI 22, 1906. PRODUCE. CHmbier 7.90 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 11.80 Copra Bali 7.60 do Pontianak 7.00 Pepper, Black 10.96 do White 5% buyers 16.75| Sago Floor Sarawak 2.97} do Brunei No 1 2.85 Pearl Sago 8.60 Coffee Bali, piokod 2400 Coffee. Palembang, 30% bwi* nom. Coffee,
    215 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 343 9 Jate of forma- 1 ion I Capitol Babtoribed ol Bbart* Imtm V.lne Paid op to 1908 MOO.OOO <»00,000 1907 MOO.OOO •"•°W 1901 1600,000 MO.OOO 1908 £400,000 880,000 1907 1400,000 878 '°J5 1901 £60,000 «0,000 1906 £100,000 100.000 1908 1180,000 M.«» 1906 £190,000 I *S'°* 1906 £80,000 JO.OOO 1906 1480,000
      343 words
    • 337 9 1308 j £150,000 I9M IiOO.OOO 1904 £80,000 IMS £70,000 1906 1150,000 1904 £16,000 [90S £78,000 1906 £810,000 1906 £180,000 1907 I £320,000 190« ;17J,000 1906 I 1160,000 1896 £100,000 1908 £800,000 190* £30,000 1906 1250,000 1904 i £90.000 £80,000 1905 6J50.000 1906 1100,000 1906 £110,000 1904 £80,000 190<
      337 words
    • 55 9 Howarih ErsK, t% MOO.OOO 2t, pr.i.. Rlley HargreaTe» e<*; MS.OOO 2% jrero B'pore Electric Tram ways Co., Ltd. 5% 350,000 nominal dluc.pore Municipal 6% 400,000 20% preir 8% 1,878,000 4% prem H% 1,600.000 9% prem 4% 603,900 1% die norn Btralta Engineering Byd.. Ltd. 8% 45,000 par laniong Pagar
      55 words
    • 200 9 1894 1896 1865 £6.377.10.0 4,806 »M5,')30 J16.000 •16,001 000 15,000,000 7,888 4,600 120,000 18,000 I 6,000 6,000 I 4.000 3,400 f 6,000 I 1.760 14,000 600 400,000 1,120 1,000 4,966 900.000 2. VIS 12/6 60 116 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 60 1 100 100 100
      200 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 508 9 LESSONS IN PIANO AND FRENCH. By Young Lady, Pnpil of the Royal Academy of Music, London iko c St'ident and Pianoforte Teacher in Paris. METRONOMES AND MUSIC FOR SALE. \nply LYNDHURST, No. 12, Lloyd Road. 1720 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Residen Councillor's Office. Penang, np to
      508 words
    • 180 9 NOTICE. MESSRS. ALMEIDA AND CO., Civil Engineers, Architects, Surveyors and Auctioneers, have removed to the large premises known as No. Jtlaiacoa bireet, and will undertake AUCTIONEERING! business of any desoription, at moderate rates. Please consult them before going elsewhere. Properties to be mortgaged arranged. 1727 W»«i«.il\mtil 56 AMD 57, ▼t
      180 words
    • 274 9 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ld. Lm "Proeeedinp. ORUBA SILVER FORKS AND ////I SPOOKS. /j I Walker and Hall Manufacture. I W«*P til ARANTBED TO WEAK ■Kf WHITE THROIOHOIT. s^*»' R Tea Spoons $1 2O peri-doz. Egg Spoons 1.90 Dessert Spoons 3.15 j Table Spoons 4.90 I Soup Ladles 1.50 eacji. I
      274 words

  • 1455 10 PRACTICABILITY OF COMBINING WITH PARA RUBBER. Interesting Information for Malaya Agriculturists. iWuiTrts hik tiik Bnun dm m E. Matiukii. The following is the t'linl of a scries of articles. I'ieviou* articles appeared on Friday \nd Saturday last hiUCIM off thk. Staki h. To extract as njucli as possible
    1,455 words
  • 83 10 A frontier correspondent writes to a Lahore paper that ou the night of the 6th instant a daring raid by twelve biHlinashes, believed to be Orak/.ais, was made on a villa:;, at llangu. In one house the thicvos tore the silver neck ornaments from the women as
    83 words
  • 131 10 Say a Calcutta paper Tlk re is a superstition current in parts of India, and particularly on the Honibay side, among certain Europeans, that whatever fever the native Indian may suffer from he is immune where enteric is concerned. How this superstition arose it is difficult to
    131 words
  • 107 10 Au Amoricau journal ill clans that the pir-mt United SUtes Connrts^ has Imcm tinmost lavisli in the history of Amci ica. Kur this single session thi' appropriations have nTlifnflofl a billion dollars, which actually cxiii ils in sold Mm amount nqMMled during tin Civil War. On the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1167 10 SALES BY AUCTION. Valuable Old Chinese Art Porcelain. IMPORTANT AUGTION SALE. At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan and Co.'s Salerooms, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, AT 11 A.M. Famous Miny pices. Koyal Kan«hi blue and wliiti-, Antique Pottery, Mandarin Vi I'c.w Hnn, UtM asen, hawthorn vSmex jars. Quaint old teapots, rare f>
      1,167 words
    • 126 10 VIOCENT METHODS are unnecessary to conquer that bitter enemy of civilization— Rheumatism. All its forms, including Rheumatic Gout, can be cured permanently, safely and inexpensively by Little's Oriental Balm. Rub it in well and plenty of it— that's all that stands between you and ■perfect health and comfort. Nothing like
      126 words
    • 919 10 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR CO.. LTD.. ,g^r» fp* 15, BATTERY RD. fir VV 5 JL L JBs, JL IK. Manufactured by the Star Cycle Co., W\>lv« rhaiuptou. lUnu^uls of Ukm miuhims have been sold iv the Straits, and arc unequalled iv price ;.n«l finish. Inspection invitcl. INSURANCE Companies UNION FIBE INBUKAH*
      919 words

  • 855 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. During the fiscal year ICOti 7. the iiui>orts of j motorcars into lluwaii attained a value of j MM64. A conce.«~iou has just b- en granted lor the establishment of a public motorcar service by means of Renard road traius between Laigle
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 307 11 ARGYLL CARS. Greatest Success. 12-14 H.P. GOLD MEPAI, AND FASTEST TIME. CLENCROE HILL CLIMB. 1416 H.P. TWO KNTERED, TWO MADE NoN STOP RI'NS THROUGHOUT. SCOTTISH RELIABILITY TRIAL. •At*] Ma were the only linn uawni; three wiuniu^ cars in the trial. SYME A CO., Sol.- Agent.-,. SCOTTISH <roFrfe> TRIALS, 1908 Ay
      307 words
    • 10 11 They are incompatible an aching head and Steams' Headache Cure.
      10 words
    • 615 11 ia^^^^^ >^ "^-jj ip^^BfSSßj/ils MODERATE For further particulars apply to the sor.EAOKNTs CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements Reduction in Prices II THE BORNEO CO., LTD. MOTOR CAB INSURANCE, Premiums, 2, 3, 4 and S per annum ac cording to nature of risk. For
      615 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 618 12 Scale of Charges. t iUSPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MIaMI-i-taeoai Wants ol Every Description, Houses, •tad, etc., to let, we Inserted at lbs following rsHi:— One Insertion I I.W per Inoh. Two 1.00 Three 1.80 Bli I.M ■IBS 1.40 Twelre T.N Twenty -fire 10.00 (Bach iQbseqnent month N per Inoh.) Ile abore rate
      618 words
    • 485 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. ■AIM t-fOW LtBM, OM Or tWO lM«rtlt>M, II .00 ■f tb. ißsta. ns Baal* ol Cluigw. OIBPENBER WANTED. Wanted, a first-class Dupenser. Applioant with examination certificate preferred. Apply to D. W., c/o Straits Times. 0 1404 POBITION WANTEOT" Wanted, position by a planter as Baperintendent first-class man, well
      485 words
    • 582 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Sin —Vow Llau, dm or two IsaeiMoa n.M Br the laeta, m mil of ohargM. HOUBE TO LET. No. 4, Mount Ro«ie. Apply Raffles Hotel. HOUSE TO BE LET No. 1, Ozlay Rise, to be let. Apply Meyer ROOM TO LET. Boom saiuble for Married
      582 words
    • 510 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. L SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds ol HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, for Carnages Motor Cars, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose, Brake-RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES- SoDDßraot'o/oGE^MsI rlngl All kinds oi I.R. Buffers and Springs for Rail- INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and MATways, etc.
      510 words
    • 331 12 Syrup of Raspberry PURELY MADE OF GUARANTEED NATURAL RASPBERRY JUICE AND SUGAR. Mixed with iced water or soda water, it forms a very palatable, refreshing and healthy drink, which is no doubt the most suitable beverage for hot climates. It also forms a delicious ingredient for icecream and sweet sauces.
      331 words
    • 248 12 BOARD AND LODGING. KiTli I— Fou Line* on* or two ißiertiou fl Bf th« loch, Seal* of ChugH. BOARO AND RESIDENCE. For eingle gentlemen. Terms moderate Apply at Rockbnrat, 11, Dhoby Ghant. 1774 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Two rooms to let, for bachelors. Mrs. vao Bargen, 8, Monnt Klizabeth. 1331 BOARD
      248 words