The Straits Times, 21 August 1908

Total Pages: 13
1 13 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.735. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. AUGUST 21. 1908. PKICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 333 1 BmtriHs Hiii ciimb, Phenomenal Success. Barry, June 37, 1908. DE DION *BOUTON. The C. H. Bailey Trophy md Souvenir Cup woo on an 8 h.p De Dion Bouton. CL4SS I. Cl \-S 11. 8 h.p. De Dion Bouton First. 8 h P- De Dion Bouton First The only De Dion
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    • 284 1 Robinson and Company. Billiards Biiliar s. BILLIARD TABLE CUSHIONS. 4jfflßa, SELECTED EBONY BUTTED CUES. Cement. $3.75 and $5 5O each. Peall "Record" Caes. Robert's "Salisbury" Cues. Riley's '-Premieo" Cues. Robert's Champion Cues. chalk. ova tip Billiard Table \vu i;k> Pockets. BILLIARO RULEB. POOL AND PYRAMID RULES. cum. NOTICE. THE HOTEL
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    • 46 1 Continental Tyres 1. Australia. Stfa Gm&ncntiU C. '*&<s* i/Jet £'MiJ*ot Jfr? d 4?i' orat^wru- fir csl&i .\ceetif9icy, cz/zcc> c£#U 6crvfcrut,Tvt<U C Sir. L-'ftotfoi &JM-&S «vc ->//? (fa) y! S? Z? y <yu^> &jxel/evu:tf tinry &*%\>rtf* J"Vm» ue> e^tf/ie' ~v?&m9ncrit/'<ti/Jnx Singapore: Kuala Lumpur: Kumpers Co. Federated Engineering Co.
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  • 1170 2 GOWNS FOR THE SINGAPORE RACES. Charming Fabrics in Vogue. With the mar approach of the Singapore Races, it in well to give some ideas of suitable dresses that may bo worn, and that were to bo worn at Uoodwood last month. Among the gowns which may figure
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 442 2 There are no EXORBITANT PROFITS FOR ANYBODY ON Buchanan's Whiskies. THri PUBLIC GET THE FULL BENEFIT of the high qualities of "RED SEAL" and "BLACK and WHITE" at the lowest possible prices. Red Seal retails at 9.50 per case Black andWhlte" retails at 12.50 OF ALL DEALERS, Wholesale from The
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    • 59 2 "Twill be a labour of love if you tell your friend* in poor health that Steam-' Wine is a inaichleHs tonic, and if they act on your advice, they will always thank you. Pale aud wtak womuu aud children, overworked and worn. out men receive priceless benefit from it. It
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    • 656 2 A CRIPPLED FIRE-OFFICIAL CI'KFD m Aooni.sisi; Nkkvk NCWBNFSS AND DFBILITY BY DR. WILLIAMS PINK PILLS. Mr. (i. F. Weßton, head foreman of the, Kyculla Firo Station, Bombay, has seen eighteen years Fire Brigade service in India; it in not surprising therefore that, as a result of this arduous occupation,
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    • 508 2 Milkmaid Milkmaid B"A"W 1 I fill fl \l §\f iy Jfllm M /|i tJX.- See that the tBmS WwFSCONDFNSED«n> fl i^ MILKMAID Trade Mark K^^BB^^Z? «on every Tin W?i 2 TRADE MARK. Largest Sale in the World GHEAPEST and BEST. JUST WHAT YOU WANT A RECORD FOR YOUR PHONE MESSAGES.
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  • 837 3 SOME QUOTATIONS FROM GREY'S FAMOUS ELEGY. Miscellaneous Collection of Mirth That's it, caid a man who had stepped into the corner of the grocery store to get 8$ pounds of granulated sugar. I'm going home tired. I remind myself of tho lino The plowman homeward wends his
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 649 3 rtJM in respect of the areas liereunder enumeratod daring a period of three years from the Ist day of January, 1901, of keeping public gaming houses ml of authorising public gaming and H uii.r.c l>y Cliinrso iv private blbbm provided that the farmer shall not iucroaiie the number 'of public
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    • 256 3 A WELL KNOWN REMEDY. There are few people in this country who have not used, or at least beard of. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It in tho first thing they think of when they or any momber of the family are stricken with diarrhoea, pain in the stomach
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    • 634 3 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (NOORPORATiiiD BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Share* of £20eaoh £1,200,000 Reserre Fnod £1,626,000 R«serre liiabtllty of Proprietors ..C1, 200,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland The London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current Aoooants
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    • 513 3 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid-up capital nsocoooo RESERVE FUND Sterling Reservo $15,000,000! BUTsrßeser»s tIS.SGO.OOOf M 8 .«*0,000 Bsrarre Liability of Propriators 118.000,000 COURT OF DIRHCTORS. E. Shellim, Eaq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. W.J. Gictnon. IVpnty Chairman E.G. Barrett, Esq. jW. Bahaja, Eaq. C. G. R. Brodcrsen, fl. R.
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  • 767 4 Nar»t, port, probable date oj arrival, and name of Agents. STEAMERS pt 10; W. MansneUl Air Sydoey, Aii^ 21 Bou .t«ad Aisi. CbiDa. Hept W. Mansfield Al'inous, Liverpinl ReptU; W. Manefleld Ambria, Honnlcni;. B»jt Behn Meyt-r Anamba, Suez. Kept East Abiatic Coy Antung, Hongkong. Bi pt Behn Mover
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 50 4 SUREST METHYLOIDS arc the best ami BBBSSI -1 i-itic known for tin- rapiiluiuMt't'ctivc cure of allaffectionsoltlir urhiary tract or urethra. Tliry stop the 9Sm IISIBJB anJ cure tlii».- affections permanently iv IsM time than any other Mtuilar preparation. They are bttt r tlian injections and -'.iperior to santal and copaiba.
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    • 689 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. 8f O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For Chlnfc, Japan, Penan*;, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Throagb Bills Df Lading limed fjr "bio Oo»-it, Persian Gulf, Continental, and i utal Voiij. Steamori will leave Siu :*;■> m* oni'tli'i MAIL LINE (Outward for China). 1908 Deeanha
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    • 461 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. KSD CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY* CO. 1 LTD. ihe Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, Chios and Japan every week, and from Japan home v/ards for London, Amsterdam aud Antwerp every fortnight and for Oeuoa, Marneilles and Liverpool monthly.
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    • 591 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatohed fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direot, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oareo
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    • 821 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. HORDDFUT ;CH£«? LLOYO. Imperial derm-i Mali Umt The fad and well known mail steam, r f this Company sail fortnlghny from »>- d Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soatb-..a, lon, Gibraltar, Genoa, Ntples, (conn mM a Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice I r-.i Port Said, Sues,
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 134 4 Singapore Tide Table. (Fik'M \i..i nJI oA, ..i -27.) HIGH WATKIi. LOWWATBB Time H'ght Time H'^lit August n mjn. ft. ins. hrs.nnu. ft. ins. 5.49 am 7..1 11.1 am 5.2 Wmmn I Vl9 pn, 8.1 j7 »7 air, 7.1 o.4«am 2.9 |110 pn LI 0.16 pm 5.6 Bin a IS
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  • 1150 5 r-nic, t:ii hnvlini; Ui«fi>uu»in< abbiWhtloiw Krr --stoiruur lib. chip: Vhi. tarn ■Itllimr. Yet.— Vvhl, '■».-< 'roliwr: J 1 I■ .1 i, i llriu»li; 0. B.— Ul Herman; Dat.— l);it.-li. IUI. -ll li:>n ttona. .s*r. s»r»wiJ[ a.i-.-<MMnlntlo: il.p.-v.lj:.i-■wnn.t; U.-l'ocr. Un t.P.D i k, K. 11. K«|>p«l II .n.
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  • 101 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To- Day. TAN JONG PAGAR. KMI WHAM Basis— Nil. BiM WUV Bmw I— Muttra. Lightning. Si;, i ion 1 (BOM* WIURI) Nil. Si:. rioN No. 2— Gleuogle, Ischia. 3 Counsellor. 4-Carlyle. B— Fuh Wo. 6— Niogcliow, Ilebe.
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  • 79 5 Outward B. 1. II*M,. The B. I. contract packet steamer Taroba, with the London mails of the Slat ultimo, left Negapatam at 7 a.m. on the 16th instant, and may be expected to arrive here on Saturday moruiug, the i2nd 111,1 int. Or rwAHii French Mail. Tho
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  • 145 5 1 "B Pn HIKIMXh I'll) To-MOUOW Siak. l'akau. Asahan. i-tc. Mcrku* 7 a.m. Nstuna. Auamba Islands l-i, 8 a.m. Cucob lilitiijini 9.30 am Khioan.l Siugkep fMMH 10 A.m. Sandakan via ports Durvel 11 a.m. Uandjeim;i^m. etc. Han {.it'inj 11 a.m. KelanUiu via ports Karang 11a.m. Bangkok Doll >i
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  • 80 5 August 20 Noro, Bnt Mr, llumjk.jiin. ffrmighni -la|u<Pataui. Gtar ati, Bangkok Mcnelaus, Brit str, Antwerp via ports Ningobow, Britatr, Manila, II kon-. Jap*i \au liuurn, Uut Hir, Daudjermasaia via portß Bloemfoutein,, Manila, S'ghai. Japai: Darius, Brit str, Batavia, Melbourne, Sydney Vim Kit-luc k, Out str, Bativia via ports
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  • 296 5 Weekly Report of Messrs. Fraser and Company. The following is Km, Kraxer an* Com> pany's weekly '.hare ciitular: Singapore, Auytist W. MatteiK have improved slightly (luring thu pa^t week, and the business transacted ha* been on a much steadier basis than has been the cast lor a
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  • 61 5 By the Han Whatt Hiu, Captain Morroll. August From Kuantan Messrs. 11. K. Nicli >11m iiml A. H. Ganquoinc. lroiu Kuala I'aliiini; Mr. \f{ Food. Departures. liy Hil Nubia, August I!'. I' or IHjMMS MaMta. A. lloudhiXU, E- K. BjhM, Md I. J. M. <iordon. For LouJon:
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 696 5 STEAMER SAILINGS N. Y. K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP GO. LTD. A A regular FOKINIOHTIY service id maintaiuod betwoeu Japan an.l Kurope by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail CoaaOMl «Mk Iba lmper- .1 Japan Government, special!) <1 .aliened for the Company's European Service, lighted thronph..ut by Electricity, provided with
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    • 256 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. CHARGEURS REUNIS "ROUND THE WORLD IMF. The now twin-screw Stcamor "Ouessant" 16,000 tons displacement, DUE ABOUT AUGUST 21. 1908. Splendid PauHenger Accommodation FOH HOWKONQ. SHANGHAI, CH!NWANTAO. KOBE. YOKOHAMA AND AMERICA. Kii-st-cl.iss I'assayo Kar" from Singapore to CANADA i OCi DNITBD STATKS M*M Mm •TO KUUOPK IVIA CANADIAN U»
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    • 529 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Stear hip Line UIIE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO KDItOPE rid ni!(N\ JAPAN CANADA »n<i th UNl'i BTATF.O Konte from HougLou^. via bbaugbal, Nagasaki, (lolnnd Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vance R.M.B. "Km»iub« of liTOu" IMMMf stea R.M.S. "KMriußH or turn" V
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    • 142 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SALEBMAN WANTED. Wanted at once, a smart and experienced salesman to canvass for electric light installations. Must be able to speak Chinese. Gooc I mi; ■to tho right mau. Apply Electric o/o Straits Times. MM THE RUSSIAN EAST ASIATIC S.S. COMPANY, LTD. FOR HONGKONG AND VLADIVOBTOCK. The Russian
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    • 176 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. 4n(j 12— At "Holhurst" No. tL Hopliia Road, valuable teak bousehold furniture, etc., at 1 30 p.m. M-AI Erin Lodge, Emei*ld Hill Road. superior teak househuld furniture, etc., at 1-80 p.m. Sept At "Belvedere," Auderson Road, Timlin, valuable plants and rare Oreliiu>. 11. L. Coghlan
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 245 5 DAY BY DAY. Friday, August ai. High Water. 5.19 p.m. Lantern Lecture. C.C.A. Spin. Tanglin Club at homo. 9 p.m. Sipinu Tiu Company muctiug. Nouu. Legislative Council. 2-30 p.m. Hockey. S.C.C. v. 11. Co. R.W.K. H.C.C. tennis tournament. L.L.T.C. Autumn tournament. Albambra Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Kmperor Cinematograph 730 p.m. Ilale'e
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  • 982 6 The Straits Times. PRIC E 10 CENTS. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14. A few days ago, we referred to statements emanating from Manila iv regard to the submission of estimates for constructional and repairing work by the staff of tbe Tanjong Pagar. Dock Board. According to these statements, the Singapore estimates far
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  • 194 6 A few ddys ago, we referred to a letter we had received, apparently from a soldier, with reference to outrages on Europeans reported from India. This letter dealt with the murder of two soldiers of the West Yorkshire Regiment. It would appear that tho early reposes of this murder were
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  • 9 6 The Penang Volnnteer Corps engaged in manoeuvres on Sunday.
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  • 15 6 Thirteen hundred sheep and goats arrived from Calcutta, this morning, by tho Apcar liner Lightning.
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  • 16 6 It is rumoured that a well known Euro pean resident of Kuala Lumpur has dis appeared.
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  • 19 6 The Rev. W. Murray is to give a lantern lecture at tho Chinese Christian Association to-night at 8 o'clock.
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  • 22 6 From No. i Mo«M]ne Street, a theft of clothing and a watrh valued at >'2H is re ported by a Macao woman.
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  • 19 6 Eight hundred and fitt\ -cv, n pign arrived from the Moluccas, this morning, by the German steamer Kwong Eng.
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  • 23 6 The Milay Mail states that people in Home parts of the Kuala Srlangor district are paying twenty cents a kerosine tin for water.
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  • 32 6 As will be hpph from an advertisement appearing elsewhere, the time up to wliieh tenders will be reepived for the Perak Oenrra! Farm has been extended to noon on Monday, September 7.
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  • 35 6 Chin Hup has complnined to the police that hn entrusted a servant named Loh Cbai with $'22 with which to bny firewood, and he is not only still short of firewood but lacking a servant.
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  • 35 6 In this i s-uo we publish the first portion of an article on Tapioca as a Catch-Crop on Rubber Estates. Tho article is from the pen of Mr. E. Mathien who writes frouj practical experience.
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  • 30 6 K-npp's ironworking and qnnnmkint; establishment in Germsny has Pfcurcd thf patent rifjhts of Colonel Ufaja'l new Swedish air torp- do. Experts declare the torpedo to be an eiMi-h niakiii'.: invention.
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  • 38 6 The Philadelphia Ledger notes that the project of an office building in New York with sixtvtwo storeys, to rise to a height of 909 ft., indicates that the practical limit of the tikys(;rai«-r h:is no', yet bfen reached.
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  • 40 6 The Government of India have finally decided that a bridge is to be built over tho Lower Ganges at Sara, or some site as near to Sara as may be. which is deemed preferable from an engineering point of view.
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  • 37 6 Wong Ah IV w, who was arrested on Angust IT on a chargo of possession of a eounteifeit dollar, was released by the Third Magistrate, this morning, tho Government Analyst having certified that the dollar wus genuine.
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  • 38 6 The executive of th» British Labour Party have invited German workmen to co operate in defeating war propaganda and spreading unfriendly suspicions, and urged German workers to assist in securing tho permanent good relations of the two countries.
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  • 47 6 Liin Liat was tried before the Third Magistrate, Mr. K. E. Colman. yesterday, on a charge of giving false information to Sergeant 5 at the Central Police Station, on July Hi K. P. C. Little prosecuted and Mr. V. I). Knowles defended the accused, who was acquitted.
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  • 65 6 Mr. C. C. Malet, of Townsend House. Limington, Somerset, who succeeded his brother, Mr. A. 11. Malet— now Chairman of the Joliore Planters' Association —1904 as Director of Agrk ultuie for King Leopold in Congo Free State has arrived in Colombo from Hume. He is now on his way to
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  • 68 6 Somehow or other, remarks the Manila Cablt-iien.-, one hears more of typhoons in the Philippine islands than in Hongkong. Yet Hongkong suffers from these tropical storms much more than do these islands. One of tbe reasons is because of the fact that mast of them originate in or near these
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  • 62 6 A bomb thrown at a train nineteen miles from Calcutta, near the scene of the Kanki nara outrage of .Mine, hit the outside of a second-class compartment and burst without doing any damage. No Europeans were in the train, which proceeded. The police are making enquiries. Tbe next carriage contained
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  • 70 6 The Estates of the Chenderiang Rubber Company, Limited, and the Sungci Yong Rubber Company, Limited are both to have water installations put in at once, the water main which supplies Chenderiang and Tap .h being tapped as it passes through the Estates. It is exacted, says the I poh paper,
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  • 77 6 Yf-o Ah Li, a Chinese woman who was arrested on a charge of dishonestly retaining six "ilk bajus belonging to Mohamed Mau-i.or, of Short BtNl t. ma actjuitttd by the Second Magistrate. Mr. C. F. J. Oreen, this morning, as she aas able to prove that she bought the bajus
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  • 81 6 Somebody appears to have been moved to action by the questions submitted to the Legislative Council at its la«t meeting, by Mr. E. C. Ellis, relative to the unsightly hoardiogs on both Hides of the Supreme Court building, for actual work in preparation for laying the foundations ot the addition
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  • 402 6 Mr. H. E. Davidson has left the X..M.S. to join a rubber estnte in Borneo. Mr. E. W. K. Wyatt, the well known Selangor cricket, r. is iv II unital with dengue. Mr. W. K. Kenny, Acting Siati- BagMatr, I'alian^', has gone on three mouths' leave to
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  • 103 6 The estimated Output oi the B.inku tin mines shows .in inrn UC doc to the greater efficiency of the BMthoda paranad. A eotna pondent of the Samarang Looomotief, who has just visited the c thai they are worked by emti.u-t Cliiw Me nUea, who, if they so wish, hi mul
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  • 101 6 Alien beggars dressed in hln from Asiatic Turkey have been harr&ssiny |be public in .lava for money faring tlie paM law months for the alleged purpose of builc'ing some great chnreh or other, in Syria, upper, ently. Most people take them In Arm. oiaus. Hut tho Samarang LocoMotiei in aaawed
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  • 43 6 The auti-.'apancse feeling runs high in Indo-China. The Japani are said to be more luiuiiabln in nrmprtitirm than the Chinese. Tho .lip M are said to have an underli md i i\ I Ige in lining subsidised secretly by Mtcii »wa Qovernmaat
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  • 67 6 in tho uiitter nt maim -in .< mm trading companies. Tile Saigon Opinion dwells upon the recent frustration of a Japanese attrinpt to corner the drug trade in the Colony. Md points out that the (Government of [ado China has put aside all Japanese applies tions for mining roucessions. Tin
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  • 109 6 The Netherlands India army, wliieh in i purely local force with a bfaja put oi it recruit) d in Holland, show a su.idv in the European element of tlie rank aud file, owing to the difficulty of getting recruit-, for service there. Baron— D common soldi, iin Java and the
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  • 126 6 The restiictions enforced at Singapore againxt the landing vi pitupc ts from Netherlands India have resulted in many of them being shipped hick tin n-. This has given rise to great trouble whin tho r< tunnel paupers happen to be Arabs. It was the practice of the officials to doporc
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 227 6 j j j j j j j I THE Cook's Complaints WILL CEASE, IF YOU ORDER Famous "FITZROY" Dripping. Cheapest and NOW obtainable in i and i ib. tins FROM THE AGENTS: Best in Singapore Thompson, Thomas Co. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. NOTICE. The time op t; which tenders will be re
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    • 221 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. To-Night's Programme. FIRST BHIW. AT 7.3 a P.M. 1 Spiritism Sitticg Party 2 Oor Dog Friends 3 The Maniac Juggler 4 The Hostage 6 The Secret of the Iron M», k fi A Lottery Ticket 7 Tb« Pirates 8 A Bailiff's Adventure* 8 Mr. mi/./. 10
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  • 555 7 REDUCTION OF WAGES IN COTTON TRADE. Masters' Federation Recommends Restricted Working Hours. lv c i Ti li aaukM. London, August 21). Urn LaMeaafcin cttou Spinuers AaaooJa tiou has issued a notice that wages will be r, I i ,1 by live per cent. In tho event of the
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  • 82 7 Queen of the Netherlands Opposed to Mar. |It»UT«RS TILROHAv] London, August U. Q«n "A'ilheluiiii i is reported to bo averse to war iv hreas) II >:Kud ami Venezuela. Everything will L done to settle pacifically tho differences h the two countries; but. nevertheless, the naval yards
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  • 47 7 A Magnificent Reception to the Visitors at Sydney. |Kior»K's Tslioram.] London, August 21. The United States battleships have arrived at Sydney. They wire aceoidcd a magnificent MOM> tion. [Dn Oitabutisohi Llotd Tiliokahl Berlin, August 20. The Inited StaUs battleship 11, t has arrived Rt Sydney.
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  • 20 7 MOROCCO. I Dim Omammi lamb Tslkobam! licrlin. August '■>'>. The vanguard of the Sultau Abdul A/i/s army has inarched into MarraUi-ii.
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  • 21 7 [Dai Oshsutischi Lloyd Tblbohamj Herliu. August M, Jajau has joined the Anglo-Kussian-American Convention for tl.e piotoctiou of beal MmuM,
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  • 274 7 Interesting Gathering at Wesley House. The lawn at W, si, ll,, use. Mount Sophia' Urn residence of the Her. H. B. aud Mrs. i Manst 11, pies, ntedau animxttd ap|«arauce, yowerdaj ■ftetnooa, win n a lacsjc concourse j.'l hi,i:,k,,i Miss Sophie I'.laikuiore, Suixjriutl rdi'iit of the
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  • 493 7 Accusation Against Three Eurasian Youths. Mr. Maurice Thunder, the Fourth Magistrate, resumed, this morning, the hearing of tho case in which three Eurasian youths named .lai-cii are charged with cutting with a kitchen knife live bullocks belonging to a Kling. st Tarjjong l' luspcctor Pestana, P.C.A.. said that
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  • 80 7 Low Thong, charged with mischief in tearing down a Government notice, in South liridgc lioad, ottering a reward for the apprehension of the murderers of Dr. Barrack was discharged by the Third Magistrate, this morning. E. P. C. Little stated that the police were of tho
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  • 68 7 News has been received in Singapore from south-east Borneo that the cable ship Patrol has been n floated without sustaining any serious damage. She is not leaking. Tho New Orleans has been refloated by a Hongkong salvage steamer, and in all pro bihilily MM will be repaired
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  • 106 7 Informal: >v las beasj received iv Colombo that young Me. Cany, Miiieriutendeut of Angome e*Ute, w ,s that d< ad while going round the estai. al- n 7 p iv. on the 12th instant. Mr. Loftus, I .SI., [iinimiail to Urn spot promptly and will Mil
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  • 79 7 RESCUE PARTIES DRIVEN FROM THE MINE. IRbUTIR's TtLRORAM) LoDdon, August 21 Rescue operations wen; continued till early yesterday morning at the Maypole Mine, near Wigan, where eighty miners are entomb- d. when the work had to be suspended owing to a reel udosceuce of the flames. There were
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  • 212 7 BISLEV Corporal R. \V. Chater, of the Singapore Royal Engineers (V.), has done well at Uisley. He got into the 100 for the last stage of the King's Prize, and was thirty-fourth with a Bcore of Ml 2 (the Gold Medallist's score was MS), which entitled him
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  • 540 7 Messrs. Outline's Action Against Mr. N. N. Adis. In the Supremo Court, y -v ulay afternoon, Mr. Justice Sorcombe Smith gave his decision iv the action brought by Messrs. Guthrie and Company against Mr. N. N. Adis, to recover tin: MB H ttUJKi t'x». h-ing uioncys alleged
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  • 130 7 In the Distiict Court before Mr. C. J. Saunders, yesterday afternoon, a Chinese woman sued a Malay woman for $300 damages for wrongful imprisonment. Mr. J. O. Campbell appeared for the plaiutiff aud Mr. F. M. Elliot for the defeudaut. Plaintiff said that sho was arrested
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  • 1156 7 SENSATIONAL EUDENCE AT THE SUPREME COURT. Date of Trial Fixed for December, The hearing of tlie action being brought p by the Prcicurenr. in Singajiore, of La Soci«st<s des Missions Etrangeres, and Mrs. Angustiuha do Kozario, an executrix of Leandro Andrew do Ro/ario, deceased, against Mr.
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  • 592 7 Amusing Cross Examination by Mr. Gaunt. Two Straits-born Chinese women, Tan Bah Ta aud Lee K<-u Neo, were prosecuted by Inspector Connor before tbe Third Mnyistrate. Mr. K. E. Co'uiau, yesterday afternoon, on charges of assisting in carrying on a Chap Jee Kee lottery, at No. 82
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  • 92 7 On Sunday evening, before divine service commenced at All Saints' Church, Taipiug, His Excellency Sir John Anderson, K C.M.G., unveiled a memorial tablet to the late Sir Hugh Low, K.C.M.O. Tlie pretty church was crowded with residents and visitors from all parts of the States
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  • 204 7 A correspondent write, as follows: Mouths ago, it was common talk that it was the intention of the Municipality to i xtend the supply of water aud lighting along the Gaylang Hoad as far an Katoug. But the street hydrants and lamp-posts have uot advanced very much
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  • 49 7 Reporting on fevurs in Colombo, Dr. Marshall Philip, thu .Medical Officer of Health, says that by far the most importaal cause of deaths in Colombo is without duubt phthisis which alone has caused more deaths during each of the last i-even years thar all the {even combined, including enteric.
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  • 119 7 EUROPEAN POWERS ON REFORM IN MACEDONIA. Young Egyptians Agitating for Grant of a Constitution. ihiOTaK* I«liukam| London, August 20. The Austro Hungarian Government has scut a favourable reply to the Russian communication to the Power?, of the 9th instant, to the effect that in view of recent
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  • 54 7 |De« Ostasutisobi Lloyd Tiliokah] Berlin, August 20. The Freuch Government is sending additional reinforcements of troops to Tonkin. Le Figaro publishes a statement that in the opinion of M. Klobukowski, the new Governor-General of Indo-China, the Colony requires a mobile force as well as a permanent
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  • 46 7 {Dbb "stasutisch* Llotd Tklhhkahl Berlin, August 20. Baron Marschall von Biebcrstein, tho German Ambassador to Ttirkoy, has had a conference with Count Paul Wolff-Metternicb, the German Ambassador to the Court of St. James's. The conference took place at Norderney, the North German watering place.
    46 words
  • 45 7 |L>ftB OSTAMATISI H« L.LO1D TltLKOHAM Rerlin, August 20. The Goriuau troops now on their vny by tlie Siberian railway to relieve tbe lVking Legation Guard and the garrisons At Tientsin anil Txingtau liave been received everywhere in Knssia with friendly demon.'.tr.itions.
    45 words
  • 153 7 In their circular dated London, July 25, Me-srs. \V. .J. and H. Thompson MBon: I'm: -The market has reicded since our last owing to increased receipts at Manaos which have come in rather more freer* than was exjX'Cti d. A desire al-o to sell distant deliveries of
    153 words
  • 71 7 The Maritzburg correspondent of the Loudon Daily Mail reports that Iti detectives are on the track of a conspiracy to rob Hand miues. It transpires that confederates of the mines are handing the stolen gold to wo'nen, who carry it to the coast, and that gangs are
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  • 135 7 I It is stated, says the Malay Mail, that the Seinpam Tin Mining Compuuy at Kukil I Fraser, Pahang. have recently stopped work by order of tiie Mines Depaitment, owing, it is believed, to the Company's ta'liugs having flooded the Power Statiou of the Haul) Australian
    135 words
  • 69 7 At the trial of the Mohamedan who niur dercd Elsie Hooper near Simla, the girl's dying statement was read, uamely Karim Khan attempted to kiss me aud do kouji thing else when I re-.i -t< d he shot me. The accused said I l shot her because
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  • 26 7 Advice was received iv Colombo on August 13. to the tfTeit tl at the St. George Uubber Estates Company had goue to allot ment in London.
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  • 40 7 Inspector Connor mentioned I. the Third Magistiatc, Mr. K. K. Column, this morning, thu rioting case, in which eighteen Chiu, ae are charged with obstructing aid I will ilia the police, and had the hcariug postponed for another w ock.
    40 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 205 8 Claying leu Bum ;inain4 Surrey, liaujit nhji i i.kl. Ji ki i ii.,-. The National Union Club will pUy the ItaQlbs School ut Cricket, to morrow, on the school ground. The chess match between Labkur and Tarrasch for the World's Ihampionship HtiirteiTon the 17tli instant. It ban
      205 words
    • 126 8 Swimming: Club Launch. Tin steam launch Argo will leave .lohu. ■iton's Pier for the Club Bungalow on Suuday al B, ',1 and 111 a.m., UO and 3.30 p.m., returning at 8.30. aud y.3i) a.m. LS.IS, I an,l SJO p.m. Championships at Home. K. Beauropairc, ot Melbourne, wou the 200
      126 words
    • 78 8 Wai ing at Colombo Oa the Bth instaut, the Governor of eylou and l.ndy McCalluui attended tho opening day of tin. races aud His Excellency presented Mr. E. L. K. de Soysa with the Cup in had offered for the race. For the same 1 ace, Sir Solomon
      78 words
    • 322 8 -Sl\er Medallist at Bisley. The silver Medal in the Kiug's I'ri/.o .it Kisley was won by Guuncr D. K. I'aterson. ■it the :frd Lowlands Ii.F.A.. after a tie with Private O. Gray. ">th Scottish Kitlos, who eventually won the Gold Medal. P<itcr*oii is a postman from Ayrshire. I'aterson made
      322 words
    • 125 8 Selangor Uoli Club. Tin- following nnls well returned tor the August monthly nulf tuediii. in connection with the Siluu^or (iolf Club:— L. C. Brown 39^47- j= 81 H. 0. Pratt 48 t- 49 15 =82 Dr. A. .1. McClosky ;">0 -48-14 =84 l>. A. Dalziel 4« 46 7 8
      125 words
    • 153 8 S.C.C Tournament. Yesterday's ties iv the S.C.C. Lawn Tennis Tournament resulted as follows I'liol KsSION I'.Ults. Brokers Cleaver and Lave beat Tress— Davics and Jennings, tt 8, 6 2. Mer. XI O'Connor and Morrison beat Medicoes— Black aud Simpson. 6—2, o—6, 10—8. D. Cum Sim.i s. Knight beat
      153 words
  • 148 8 Weekly Report by Registrar of Births and Deaths. The mortality report of Dr. Gilmore Ellis, Registrar of Births aud Deaths, Singapore, states that 244 persons died iv Singapore during the weekended August 15, the death rate being equal to 4C.52 per thousand of the estimated population. Altogether, IHS
    148 words
  • 482 8 Enactment Discussed at Meeting of Perak Planters. At the mooting of the I'erak Planters' Association at Taiping on Saturday, the Immigration Fund Bill came up for discussion. Members had been requested to scud in to the Secretary, or bring to the meeting, detailed returns of their coolies,
    482 words
  • 57 8 i'lit-ic was not a great deal on the lint of bankruptcy causes in the Supreme Court, this morning, for consideration by Mr. Justice Seicombe Smith. Three petitions for receiving orders were down, and tlie public examiuatiou of a number ol debtors iv respect to bankruptcies already reported, were
    57 words
  • 27 8 The National Labour Conference bab resolved that no democratic Electoral Reform Hill would bt Butiotact^ry uule*) it extend. U the franchise to every adult man and womau
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  • 1637 8 PATHETIC SPECTACLE IN THE STADIUM. Why Dorando was Disqualified The great Maratliou race at Olympi.i 011 I'riday. .luly 24, had a pathetic endiug. Dorando, a young Italian, arrived first in the Stadium in a very exhausted condition, and in staggering towards the winning post fell four times. The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 198 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. To-Night WAYANG KASSIM, Al TIIK Theatre Koyal, Will give a SPECIAL PERFORMANCE in honour of the Straits Monte Carlo Club, whose officers and members will patronize the sen;itioml play. "MONTE CARLO," OK The Life of a Gamester. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPOKTUNITY. SoaU can be bookel beforehand at
      198 words
    • 401 8 MALTHOID IKML BOOfIBS The queatiuu oftoa ari^s iv tho ininj of v man about to buiM wonder if MnUboii wojld be suitable Wo uertifv from many years' practical experience tbat Maltuoid will bo fouurt immensely Batisfactory on every cUs 3 of building ?/f*kmt mtmly. in it net: tfitutt trut, tfmh
      401 words
    • 109 8 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR Co., Ltd., 15, Battery Road. SOLE AGKNCY DEPOT. The Famous ALPHA MOTOR OILS. CYLINDER. WATER COOLEL>. AIR COOLED. J GALLON 1 GALLON* 2 GALLON 5 GALLON) MOTOR GBEASE. Cheapest House in the Trade. MORTGAGEES SALE. Wi'itv^iiy. Aujuit !>.. tt 2.M p.m. Freehold Lava aud Houses knowu an
      109 words

  • 212 9 SJHOAhOM, An, 1ST •_>(), l«08 PRODUCE. laiubuT buyorn t 7.70 do (Cube No iiiiuvi ked 11.71 i-opra Bali 7 60 Jo Pontianak 7.00 Pepper, Black 10.95 do White 6% 16.87} Sago Flonr Sarawak 2.97 A do Brunei No 1 2.85 Pearl Sa«o 8-60 Coffee Bali, picked 2400 Coffee, PalembanR,
    212 words
  • 46 9 Bo«urthKi WOO.OM 3% prem RiU.y H».r,- •JM.IKXi 8% pr<>n; B'tore Eleotric Tram ways Co., Ltd. 9% 350,1)00 unminal Singapore Mnniciprv' 6 -Y. 400,000 S0% prt r 1.87-».00fl 3%prer, 4*%l,6Ot.000 8%pror:-. 60-->,900 l%aijnor -IraitB EugiuocriDr Syd.. Lid. 4S.000 par Tanjons Pagar Dock Board 5", l.O.W.000 par.
    46 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 471 9 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office, up to uood of August 33 1908, for the follnwinß works:— Construction nf a Blied for Latrim Buckeu at theOeneral Hospital, Singapore. Every person applying for a furm of Tender will be required to deposit the sum of Fifty Dollars
      471 words
    • 581 9 NOTICE. MESSRS. ALMEIDA AND CO., Civil Engineers, Architects, Surveyors and Auctioneers. have removed to the large premises known as No. S, Malacca Street, and will undertake AUCTIONEERING business of any description, at moderate rates. Please consult them before going elsewhere. Properties to be mortgaged arranged. 1727 NOTICE. OWNERS OF PIANOS
      581 words
    • 435 9 LOOK VAN KIT. DENTIBT. AND DENTAL SUPPLIES. No. 88, South Canal Roa and 17, Kouth Bridge Road. High-Class Work. Moderate Charges. Consulting Rooms fitted with electric lights and fans, eto., eto. MM GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TEACHERB WANTED. Wanted, Teachers for the Government Schools. Candidates who have passed the Cambridge "Local Examination
      435 words
    • 533 9 SWOLLEN ENORMOUSLY WITH DROPSY. Gallons at Watkh T\pped Aww. Mrs. EUen J. Porritt, of 20, Kiln Road, Long Causeway, Dewsbury, England, says "My illness began in the winter of VM) I. I first noticed cruel pains in the region of the kidneys, and many a time after an attack of
      533 words
    • 205 9 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co Ld. I ciii r O#l*— Cm Proceeding. nil r JBSS& i jj It Bf^^r^^^fc— *T B CYCLES. m The geutleman above has thought his forehead into a bump. He has wasted much time thinking how to save spending money for the modern apparatus his business needs. He
      205 words

  • 1807 10 PRACTICABILITY OF COMBINING WITH PARA RUBBER. Interesting Information for Malaya Agriculturists. (WuiTTKN FOB THE STRAITS TIMKS BY E. Mathiki i. The importance, for the planter of Para rubber, coconut or of any other culture of slow growth, of finding a product which will give him a prompt return
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1166 10 SALES BY AUCTION. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF A PARTICULARLY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PLANTS. The property of Mri A. I. NIEUWKAMP (who is proceeding to Europe), At MOUNT ROSIE, OFF CHANCERY LANE, On Saturday, August 22, at 2.30 p.m. This collection, which is one of tho finest grown in Singapore, comprises
      1,166 words
    • 144 10 j /^BHHH I o The Weight of t The Pyramids J| seems piled upon the head of th« unfortunate sufferer from a split- X tinjj headache. A headache of this <? kind, if unrelieved, leads to aberTa- <? tionofthemindandinsanity. Itgoes d beyond human power to endure. i Every sufferer from
      144 words
    • 368 10 SALES BY AUCTION. I 6Y ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT. Wednesday, Augusts'), it 2.30 p.m. Freehold land situate at Havelock Road, Singapore, area: 6,955 square feet, (juit rent, 83. G. A. Fernandez Co., Auctioneers, Surveyors, etc. Evans A Kitovitz, Solicitors. 1112 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. IMPfiRTANT_AUCTItH SALE. VERY VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Foil-size
      368 words
    • 559 10 INSURANCE Companies LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £8,980,000 Paid np Capital MB.OOO Reserve Fnnd £1,791,376 The ondersismoJ, Ageata for the Company, »re prepared to aooept fire risk* at ourrest rates of premium. BOCBTEAD A 00.,-Afmts) ROYAL NSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. FIRB AND LIFE TOTAL FUNDS EXCEED X 14 ,360,000
      559 words

  • 1879 11 ROAD RACING AND SOME LESSONS TO BE LEARNED. Echoes from the Grand Prix. The Grand Prix is ovtr, and I hope tin. I'iiiich are happy, writes that eminent motoring authority, Mr. Henry Sturniey, in The Motor. It seems to me. In continues, that if preeminence in tho motor industry
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 183 11 ARGYLL CARS. Greatest Success. 12-14 H.P. OOLl) MEDAL AND FASTEST TIME, OLWrCBOI HILL CLIMB. 14-16 H.P. TWO KNTERED, TWO MADE NONSTOP BDlffl TIJKOUGHOUT. SC OTTISH RELIABILITY TRIAL. "Ari!y 11b" were tin- only (inn !ia\ii\,,' three winning cars in the trial. SYME CO., Sole Agents. The Wonderful "STELLA" s The moat
      183 words
    • 134 11 1 wwii mamma didn't have lu-udachpß. The little ones quickly notice the difference when there is an aching head in t)i<> house. Then Steams' Headache Cure is tho children's friend. Write for New Catalogue OF NUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements Reduction in Prices I THE BORNEO CO., LTD. STRAITS MOTOR GARAGE
      134 words
    • 443 11 Cjrfd//FC££tm£tyfy*&^ MODERATE PRICED CARS, l AW^Jw^t rVr^^ Skilfully Doiigntd to reduce Wear on •*-J\or Tyres to tho lowest possible point. For further particulars apply to the solkaoknts: CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. MART OCIETY ELECTS IK -CYLINDER 4»«rTANDARDS, G.F.F. Wearne A Co., 168 AND 169. ORCHARJ ROAO. Sole Agents. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. WOODLEIGH
      443 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 923 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. ■UIBSH- Tew LiaM, t». 01 two InMrtlou. fI.OO Ml Ik* UMh, Seal* at Chug*.. OIBPENBER WANTED. Wanted, a nrstolaas Dispenser. Applicant with examination certificate preferred. Apply to D. W., c/o Straits Times. 0 1404 POSITION WANTED. Wanted, position by a planter as Superintendent first-class man. well experienced in
      923 words
    • 616 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. lUn —Pom Lino, m or two laMrtioa 11 Bj tta. IMb, m. Mile ot ebtrgM. HOUBE TO LET. No. 4, Mount Rome. Apply Raffle* Hotel. 0981 HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 1, Oxley Rile, to be let. Apply Meyer Brothers. 1148 ROOM TO LET. Room
      616 words
    • 975 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Lo. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds of HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, for Carriages Motor Cars, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose, BrakeRF TRPAHTMa MOTOR TVRFR- hose for Railwa 7 B i Sj.eaking Tubes, RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES CODDRINGS, GAUGE-GLASS RINGS. All kinds ot
      975 words

  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 338 13 Date of forma- Capital ion Number I Snbaorlbed of J Eh«re« Inn* Value Paid ip to Shares Uniaaaed I Company 1903 ,«300,000 1907 1300,000 1901 < 1600,000 1903 £400,000 1907 $400,000 1901 £60,000 1906 £100,000 1905 9150,000 1906 £120,000 1906 £30,000 1906 M&O.OOO 1906 I £250.000 1907 £100,000 1904
      338 words
    • 355 13 1905 1905 1904 1908 1906 1904 1905 1906 1906 1907 1906 1906 £150,000 •800,000 £30,000 £70,000 1150,000 £16,000 478,000 £810,006 £180,000 £380,000 /175.000 •350,000 134,1 126,000 32,750 66,700 1S.V000 65,000 259,530 180,000 301,500 175,000 335,00 46.W0 1 I 103,500 1 12,600 10 22.750 1 66 700 I 1 18,500
      355 words
    • 189 13 1894 1898 1865 1906 1896 1901 £5,377.10.0 •136,000 115,000,000 11,400,000 •1,000,000 •84,000 •876,000 •600,000 •30,000 4400,000 •160,000 •100,000 •500,000 »3,000,000 •4<\<W 4,805 135,000 18,000,000! 1,000,000 84,000 875,000 7,888 4,600 1-iO.OOO 18,000 1 6,000 I 6,000 I 4,000 8,400 I 6,000 1,760 14,000 600 400,000 1,110 1,000 4,956 300,000
      189 words