The Straits Times, 18 August 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.732. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. AUGUST 18. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 370 1 Butiriu. Hiii climb, Phenomenal Success. Barry, June 37, 10.08 DE DION The C. H. Kailev Trophy »nd Souvenir Cup woo on an K h.p Dion Bouton CLASS I. CLA-S II 8 h.p. De Dion Bouton First. 8 h P De Th Dio n B uto RrSt> K The only De
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    • 129 1 ADDRESS. Our Hopresi utative i< »o« at Ipoh, and will be at IViian^. about August 18. He will call nt any othtr station when requested. LAWRENCE AND MAYO. OPHTHALMIC OPTICIANS. London. Cairo, Bombay, Calcutta. Madras and Rangoon. R. W. HEADS, Consulting Mining Engineer and Metallurgist, Member of the Ins (:t
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    • 83 1 Robinson and Company. Billiards. Billiards. i-fllHyiTr BILLIARD TABLE CUSHIONS. 1 J" Kay's Cue SELECTED EBONY BUnED CUES. Cement. $3.75 and $5.50 each. ova tips. ymfe s ilk spots. ■Wgg Peall "Record" Cues. Robert's "Salisbury" Cues. ism'k chalk. yS£ Riley's "Premier" Cues. Champion Cues. *85K Billiard Table wZnSL Pockets. BILLIARD RULES.
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    • 157 1 ADELPH! HOTEL, GUEST NIGHT— EVERY SATURDAY. THE BAND of the 2nd. ROYAL WEST KENT REGIMENT v.ill play during and after Dinner on the FIRST SATURDAY of EVERY MONTH up to II p.m. DAHL'S MILK. Aa a guarantee of tho purity anil quality of this wtU-kMwa bond of Mil'; attention is
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    • 64 1 H/^RIiA HALL To-Night AND Every Night, DO Lllii.s.. Grand Japanese Cinematograph Exhibition, 860, NOKTH BKIDOI KOAD. FULL CHANGE. String Orchestra. Special Bstnu 7-30 and 9-30 p m. K. Bah :i, Proprietor. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TEACHERS WANTfcD. Waned, Teacliera for the Governmtnt Schools. Candidates who bavc passed the Cambridge Local Exaraniu'.ion preferred.
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  • 897 2 FORTHCOMING NOVEL BY WELLKNOW AUTHOR. The War in the Air. In this startling story Mr. H. Wells has set himself to show, in tbe most vivid way, bow far civil aud international coulliets are likely to be revolutionised by the new discoveries in aeronautics. He has taken for
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  • 102 2 The llerbers, vlio, although African, are as white as Kuropeans, are the oldest white race on n cord. They art supposed to have come from the south of Europe in aucient days, and, although their language and customs are entirely different from ours and their religion Mohammedan,
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  • 226 2 Words of Warning to Consuming Public. A correspondent, writing on the subject of Cognac, says it is common knowledge that the geuuine article is obtained by the distillation in pot stills in the departments of the two Charentes of wines. This vintage is the standard set up recently
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  • 213 2 Fate of the Saxon Burgomaster's Daughter. The execution of Giete Beier. the Saxou burgomaster °h daughter, sued twenty two, who murdered her tiauc.' uml- r peculiarly brutal circumstances, took place in the courtyard of Freiberg I'iison. Saxony. Hanged up at some distance away was a crowd of 200
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  • 121 2 In an oide.r whicli is en of she 11 <st sweeping ever issued at the New York- Xavv Yard all officers and men employed in tli<construction ol the new twenty" UioiiHand ton battleship, whose keel will be laid within a few WMBa, are forbid<)< v to
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  • 115 2 While out t-aiiing on August lUuk Holiday Messrs. Morrell and Maellraitli very large snake swimming in the »ea between Stonecutters and Cbinwan, uIT Hongkong. Every fifty yards or so, tbe reptile rose nearly half its length out of the' water. Having a shot gun ou board
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 426 2 EAGLE CEMENT. 7or all Jiigfj-dass VOork ON THE LIST OF THE CROWN AGENTS FOR THE COLONIES. Importers The Borneo Co., Ltd. BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. o*l »n experiment. They hate be«n lot •Toorlte blends bom* for nianv yeua and in rapidly gaining dimilsr popularity in the OolonlM. No expense la spared In
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    • 44 2 SHOULD BE KEPT IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. As a result of saving my child 1 regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a medicine which should be in every household. John Adams, Merchant, Gold River, Nova Scotia. For Kale by all Dispcnsarie" and dcaJurs.
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    • 103 2 AS A LAST RESORT. Before g°<>>K to tbe exponsu of calling a doctor for a cane of diarrhoea or[dy»eutory, procure a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cbolera aud Diarrhoea Remedy and you will be more tlian pleaHcd with the result. Tbore is not another medicine in the world that lias saved
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    • 357 2 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease wilii (t»^sls!n!rsiiß^^^^SaiWC^O^rLUl^gXTWAC^oT REP JAMAIC* too highly ..f it." Xl llVki IW UftllN fls IB Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES %s3%* Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, ad Z WONDERFUL PURIFIER of the HUMAN BLOC
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  • 1076 3 SENSATIONAL DRAMA AT LONDON HIPPODROME. Real Japanese Production. Always on the look-out for novelties, the management of the London Hippodrome have again succeeded in securing an unconventional item in their elaborate entertainment. A real Japanese drama, performed by Japanese actors and actresses amid Japanese scenery, is something
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  • 396 3 Contributions to Government Fund Discussed. The Legislative Council of Hongkong have considered an Ordinance to provide for the transfer to the Government of Hongkong of the Widows' and Orphans' Pension Fund and of the Management and Control of the I'ensious of Widows and Orphans. Attention was called
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  • 283 3 Explorer's Compass Needle Points to Fortune. In tin- Lirupong DistrirU. a province in South Sumatra, a rich liml said to be as good as a gold mine i« now offered to the i n\ «-~t i n«» public. A few months ayo. Dr. Elbert, n Gernjun scientist, went
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1022 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. The Autumn Race McctiuK will be held on Tucwlay the lltth, Thursday tho Kith, and Saturday the 17th October, 1908. FIRST DAY. Mtilay, OtMm 13. 1 -THK MAIDKN PLATE— VaIue WOO. and %!>0 to tbe Second Horse. A Kace i for Maiden Horses. Weight 9st. ExGriffins allowed
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    • 545 3 For Races 2. 4 and 6, entries will be received up to 6 p.m. on Thursday, the 15th October. Entries (or Race No. 7 close at 11 a.m. on Friday. 16th October. Entries for Race No. 8 on tbe Third Day. must be made before the start of Race No.
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    • 45 3 Why use painful ami inconvenient injections when METHYLOID*. taken internally, arc so much bettor for catarrhal affections of the urinary tract? Muthyloidh give visible results in a few hours and cure completely in a short time Cannot cause stricture an injections often d>. Price low.
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    • 233 3 The Grand Prix, 1908. FIRST DAY Small Cars. FIVE FIRST ON MICHELIN TYRES. 0 SECOND DAY Course des Voitures. First Lautanschla^er on a Mercedes Car. fitted with Michelin Tyres. FIVE FIRST ON MICHELIN TYRES. OUT OF THE 12 FIRST CAKS. II WEKE FITTED WITH MICHELIN TYRES. IN a Rai-e like
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  • 831 4 Name, port, probable date oj arrival, and name oj Agents. STKAMBRS. Achilles, Liverpool, &i>t 10; W.Mansfield Airhc Kyduey. A..H '.'4 Booatsad Aia.x. C'hioa, Sept W. Mansfield AVinoua, Liverpool Sept 13; W. Maustiold Ambna, Hongkong, S. pt B«shn Meyer ia, Suez, Rip" Kast Asiatic Coy Anlung, Hongkouj-, Si^t Behn
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  • 164 4 1-assengers uutwaru. IVr QsjrsMM BtaaWMi I'rin/ Kitel Kritdrich, dm AasaMt Jl. l>r. H.iid. Mofluieyer, Anua BetMMasjr, Mr. and Mrs. Dijcan, Mr. 11. P. C ails,., Mr. A. Mi -lville. Mr. Duucau UaoirJe, Mr. I-:, it. van in Boavam, Mr. B. 11. 11. li.iv.nswaay. Mr. K. M. do
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 60 4 ttm ix-rsous arc unhappicr tUan thin I rooa, fntful wouicu. Tlitv realize their O :>lition uud beiug us tiny th'iuk. [wwirless to lulji tlu'iUM-lvi-. they crow worse. BmhW Wive is woiulerful tliiug to culm tin irritated mrvts, and soothe the tired, trrtt'ul brain. Woiueu who take it soon rind their
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    • 698 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &0. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bills of Lading isaned (or Hbioi Oo»3», Persian Qnlf, Co-jtlneutV. in 4 Ir. I'iaM Port! Bteamer« trill leave Siogkp're an o* a>D MAIL LINE. (Outward for China 1908
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    • 1179 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HANDEL AND BCHEEPVAART MY. BANDJER." (S3 BANDJERMABIN. The Steamera of this company maintain {a regular servioe between; Singapore, Soarabaya, Bandjermasin, Polo Lant, Balik Papan, Koetsji, with transhipment at Bandiermaain for Bamplt,, Koemai, Kolta Waringin, Djelai. The steamers have good aooomodation tor first and second olass passengers. Tops
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    • 579 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain regular servioc between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Harre and Hambarg and onoe a month lor Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo at
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    • 788 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUT CHER LLOYO. Imperial (Jorman Mail Lln«. The hit sod wall known mail stesm irj f thii Company ull fortnightly from Broil Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, South vn. ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplss, (oonniotno Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vloe rataa< Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Pen».i;
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  • 1137 5 I'xnui thin beadiim the lollowinn abbrertationa Hi ■Md elr.— iCtun eh.— chip; bq.— baraae; kli ■rhooMr; Vet.— Yacht: Cm.— CrniMr O'bt.— flnn boat; Tor— Torpedo H.p.— Hone-power Brit Britlib U. United StaVM Fch.— French Oar.Oerman Dot.— Dutch Hal.— ltalian j Spaa.— Hpimish: Har.— Sarawak Q.c— General cargo;
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  • 90 5 Wharves at which Vessels arc Berthed To- Day. TANJONO PAGAK. Kam Wuat B.vsix— Djambi. East Wiunt SjEcnos4— Teesta. CliuDsaii; 1 Hectios 1 (Shlhr.-. Wuab>)— Nil. Si.cno.N No. 2 Japan, Cambysen, S. Rickmers. S-Nil. 4— Brasilia. s— Nil. 6— Kiev. 7 Wakamiya Maru. B—Plaaen.8
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  • 151 5 August IS tbir John Jaokuon, Brit str, Haiphong Camma Rue str. Calcutta Halyard, Nor str, Tsiugtan Itf Cheang Hock Kian, Dut str, Bagan Profit Nor str, Bangkok Ban Whatt Hin, Brit str, Kuautan Ban Yong Seng, Brit str Palembang fOnipenta. Brit str, Suurabaya 17 'Bami Maru, Jap str, Sourrbaya
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  • 533 5 Report of Trade by American Customs Official. Mr. Louis Perrin, Deputy Collector of Customs at Halabac, a small island at the southern extremity of Palawan Island, and of the Philippine group, has sent a full report to the Insular Collector dealing with the general condition of affairs
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  • 40 5 liy tliu Nubia, Captain K. .1. box, August 17. From Yokohama Mrs. O'Sullivan and Mr. o'Sullivan. From Hongkong i Mm. M. Hustod. 11 y the Sapphu, Captaiu SandorHon. August 18. From Port Dickson Mr. aud MrH. Owen.
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  • 77 5 ton Fa Steams* Tim Tc-kouow Bangkok Hcim 9 Bangkok Freya 11a.m. P. B'tenbam and l'euang Kistna 1 p.m. Penang aud Colombo Km* Man 2 p.m. Telnk Anaon via porto Kinia 3 p.m. Thubhdat. Rhio and Indragiri Laurent Pit 7 a.m. Cncob Glanggi 9.3) a.m. Malacca, P. D.
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  • 105 5 From Europe— By the N D.L. steamer P. E. Friedrich, due August 21. From China By the M.M. stearnar Arm&n.l Behic duo August 34. TIME TABLK OF MAILS DUE Left Singapore Dae in London Arrived July 16 P. AO. Au« 8 August 10 July 21 N. D.
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  • 48 5 Tim Bili.h on Fort Canning and Moant F iiber drop daily ai 1 p.m., Singapore standard time oorreapondinß tn 6 a.m. Oreenwioh mean lime. The time gan m fired at 13 o'clock noon. mHi oating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Buoday, wbeu it flr.d at o'olook.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 641 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tni Bteamers of this Company maintain regular direct service between Calcutta, Straits, Uongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Bwatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin. Newchwang, Yangtsze Forte, Formosa, the Philippine*. Ac, Ac. Steamers Tons Commander v KoTune 4,895
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    • 565 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR UNE OF STEAMERS Tai undermentioned mail steamers of th« •bore Line maintain a regular servioe between Caloatta and Japan, oalliug at Penanß, Binga pore, Hongkong and Shanghai m route FLEET. Tons Commandor 1.8. "Juia" 6,300 .1.0. Ounn b.B. "OekwriApcar" 4,600 8. H. Bklhon s.i. A«jutooh Apcab" 4,500
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    • 656 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. c/ptr Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Una. TUX NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE ru OIIINA JAPAN. CANADA «nd »hr UNITED BTATEB. Roole from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (lolaud So* of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Vlotorta and Vanoonver, K.M.B. 'EnfEßwoF Ihdu" 1 Twlo screw steaR.M.B. "EwMMot J*mm" man, B,ooo
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    • 132 5 AUCTION SALES. PoweU and Co. Aug Is— At Saleroom, land and houses in Sago Street and Sago Lane, at 2-3 C p.m. 22— At "Selhursf No. 21, Sophia Road, valuable teak household fnrniture, etc., at 1-80 p.m. Sept 3— At "Belvedere," Anderson Road, Tanglin, valuable plants and rare Orchids. H.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 337 5 PAY BY DAY Tuesday, August 18. High Water. 2.43 p.m. N. D. L. homeward mail clown. 4 p.m League football. 8 B.C. v. B.W.K. 11. S.C.C. tennis tournament. Alhambra Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m Kmperor Cinematograph. 730 p.m. L.L.T.C. Antumn tonrnament. Hale'a Tours. Japanese Cinematograph. 7-80 p.m. H&rima Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Wayang
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    • 86 5 WEATHER TELEdRAM. Hongkong, August 18, 10 a.m. Barometer 29.60 Direction of Wind We»t ForoeofWind 1 Max. Temp in Bhad« hi Manila, 757 South 1 30 '26 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital, Augiui 1,, lyo>i. 9 a. m. 3 r. M.'9 r. H. Rshlrkm. Bar. 32 Fah 29.919 29.834 29.8H8! Temp
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  • 1111 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY AUGUST 18. Some unt asiuess has becu aroused of late aiuoni: rubber planters in Java by tho appearance of cank. r in MM of the Hevea trees, and tlie more tauid among them recall expert opinion that Gulta Uamboug. au indi«r»non« kind, should
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  • 14 6 It has been decided by the Chinese Government to increase the duty on cigarettes.
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  • 26 6 No foreigners will be permitted to travel in the interior of China for more than 100 li outside Treaty limits without passports from the local authorities.
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  • 34 6 In a memorial to the Chinese Government tho Governor of Shantung reports the entry into T&ingtau of four French war vessels. The Governor nrges the Waiwupu to demand an explanation from the French Minister.
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  • 11 6 The Kaiser William has contributed X'soo to the Zeppelin airship fund.
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  • 14 6 From Pulo Berandan. a cargo of iron arrived, yesterday, by the Dutch strainer Djambi.
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  • 15 6 From Balik Papau, the Dutch steamer Xerik arrivrd, on Saturday, with a cargo of benzine.
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  • 17 6 A licence has been granted to a certain American engineer to prospect for gold mines near Atnoy.
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  • 17 6 Padang Station, the new station on the Batu Caves Branch of the Selangor railway, has been opened.
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  • 21 6 The usual cargo of copra was brought from the Natuua aud Anambas Islands by the British steamer lianka, which arrived yesterday.
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  • 24 6 Mr. Justice Law was a passenger from Penang, where he has been attending the Court of Ap|ienl. by tho British India steamer Kistna, yesterday.
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  • 28 6 There is good authority for believing that the British Admiralty is now in favour of the principle of floating docks, hence the post, pouenicnt of the Rosyth scheme.
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  • 26 6 A prominent official of the Public Works Department at Hongkong leaves at an early date for Knglaud. probably in connection with the proposed Typhoon Refuge Scheme.
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  • 26 6 Tan Keng, who was charged with attempting suicide by jumping into the sea near the Master Attendant's otlice. was acquitted by tho Third Magistrate, yesterday afternoon.
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  • 32 6 Mr. C. F. J. Green, the Second Magistrate, yesterday, fined a Chinese pedlar 825 for bringing a frivolous charge against a countryman whom he accused of stealing eight paiis of slipper tops.
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  • 33 6 The Goieruur < i.-iicial of lndo-China has signed a decree, forbidding the export of prepared opium from the Colony to China. Breaches of the decree will bring about the confiscation of the seized opium.
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  • 36 6 Mr K. K. Colman fined a Tamil named Kauiesah 82. yesterday, for using criminal force against one Kbraiusah. in Cross Street, at I p.m., yesterday, and J5 more for assaulting P. C. (570, who arrested him.
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  • 44 6 Chew Kiui, a cycle shopkeeper of Xo. »59 Victoria Street, has reported to the police that lie let out a bicycle valued at $21 to a Hokien named Ah Seng, on July 30. Since then neither the mau nor the bicycle has been seen.
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  • 46 6 In a very few months it is hoped the tunnel from iShatin as well as from the south side of the KowloonCautou Railway will be through. The rate of pi ogress is very creditable. Of course some considerable time must elapse before the tunnel is completed.
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  • 42 6 l'jrgue returns from India for the week eudiug July 2.5 show li.l deaths compared with :;s\ in the week preceding. Bombay Presidency reported 119; Madras Presidency sa; Bengal, 25: the I'uited Provinces, 8; tho Punjab H: Burma 147 and Mysore State. 102.
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  • 52 6 Dr. Pearse, of Calcutta, is planning a huge compaigu against the mosquito pests when the rains are over. War is to be carrie 1 into their own territory, and the swamps of the suburbs and the tanks of the southern section of the city will be the sccue of the
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  • 40 6 In the District Court, before Mr. C. J. Saunders, yesterday, the liandelsvecrin>{, Holland, sued Messrs. Wilson aud Company for X279.1H. for goods sold and delivered. Mr. G. S. Carver appeared for plaintiffs who secured judgment in the absence of defendants.
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  • 58 6 From Deli comes news of a whirlwind having swept over the Titian I rat estate, in tin; district of Serdang, early this month. Six tobacco sheds were blown down. The sheds were full up with loaf at the time, so that the damage done was considerable, but it is covered
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  • 61 6 The Batavia journals speak in high terms of a guide book in English just issued by the Tourist Association there. It bears the title of Java, the Wonderland. The book met so readily present day requirements that a second edition was called for within a few days. The Association intends
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  • 66 6 The recent disclosures of touting at Hardoi, near Lucknow, have led to the for. ■nation of a Bar Association. Mr. Sabonadiere. District and Sessions Judge, who presided at the meeting held for this purpose, laid great stress 11)1011 the need for improving the tone and status of the Bar. It
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  • 60 6 Mr. Maurice Tbuudcr, the Fourth Magistrate, was engaged, yesterday afternoon, witti a case between Kurasians who charged each other with using criminal force. Willie IVAlmeida aud F.uiily 1) Almeida were complainants in one case and Mary Loe was the defendant. In the other case, Mary Lee was the complainant and
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  • 116 6 As the result of a successful raid on the Larut hills, several men and women were before Mr. Peck, at Ipoh recently, who imposed on them tines varying from $50 to $200. Those who could Dot pay were sentenced to rigorous imprisonment. It would appear, says the Ipoh journal,
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  • 778 6 The son of tho Sultan of I'erak, liajali Abdul Rashid. has joined the Malay Cadet Corps. Mr. F. L. Pratt, foriueilv of tlie c liiii.i Mail Hongkong, has joined the stuff of the Siam Observer as assistant editor. The Rev. J. A. Gray, M.A., returns from Kuala
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  • 85 6 The following are the price* fur Ma tort light beginning August IS, of riiliivitUil 'übber uu which export duty is leviable ou in ad valorem basis undur tlie lliilch undor .he Customs Duties Kimi-tim lit. Duty will >c assessed in tliu Suites of IVrak, Solangor md Ntgri
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 202 6 "CHOP RAJAH" WHISKY. CALDBECKMACGRFCOR&C? V. CHmA.MO»6-Kollo Jil'ii »IM iIIUWWy STATE EXPRESS =1 CIGARETTES. EEC In Tin, 50 at 50 cU. *?y I v Tin, 50 at 74 cts. QQQ 333 In Tin, 25 at 27 cts. iO, In Tin, 25 at 40 oth. sJ\J%j FROM 1 JOHN LITTLE AND COMPANY,
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    • 165 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. BEACH ROAD. To-Night. ALL NEW PICTUREB. Entire Change of Programme. A Pleasant Surprise For a Bird Tba Squire's Rights The Secret of the Iron Uaak The Blue Bird THE INVENTION 0' MR. CURIOUS From Cairo to the Pyramids A Bailiff's Adventures A POOR BLIND WOMAN A Wealthy Uncle
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  • 270 7 SLDDEN DEATH OF MINISTER OF WAR. A Reactionary Movement Breaks Out in Mesopotamia. |k*I)TRR'B 1 BLIORAM j London, August IN, Kedji MM, the new Turkish Minister of War. has died suddenly of angina pectoris. Osiuan \i/ain Pasha succeeds him as War Minister. London. August IT. Disquieting news
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  • 126 7 An Enormous Loan for Building Purposes. Kkitkk's Tklkuham. London, August 17. The Daily Telegraph understands that the Imperial Government is considering a proposal to raise a loan of IJOO.iKM.otM for a tuud. drawable upon as required, for the necessities of the navy, thus obviating the disorganisation of the
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  • 86 7 Pitiable Position of Negro Population |K»rr«K's T*lioram.) London, August 17. The MiMMMM between the whites and negroes still continues at Springfield, in tiie State of Illinois. The position of the negroes is pitinble. On Mpi and iuoffensivc negro was lynched and handed. Two thousand
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  • 54 7 British Chancellor in Berlin to Study German System. 1 1 >k k Ostasiatirchi Lloyd Timor**] Berlin, August 17. Mr. Lloyd (leorge, the British Chancellor of the Km hupier. is now in Berlin studying the operations of the German system of oldAgo and Invalid Pensions. lie is not
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  • 45 7 (Dai Oar* sun vi- m Lloyd Tclbqram Berlin, August 17. The so called Haitpttuan von Koepenick, whose musipie radiug and frauds as a military officer caused so much amusement iv Europe last yen. iias been puriioiitd aud IMMM)d from pi i, on.
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  • 28 7 |Dik Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tbliokau] Berlin, August 17. A MOOBtaM trial of vinlOM telegraphy has been m.tdi lx Iwein the Eiffel Tower in I'aris and Cape Finisterrc.
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  • 27 7 lin rm's bUHtli London, August 1The shipbuilders at the Vulcan Works, Stettin, haw resumed work, aud thus a lookDiit has been awittd
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  • 501 7 Jaffnese in F.M.S. to Accept Ceylon Government's Concessions. iK' Oi k Own C«.i;Kksponi>knt|. Kuala Lumpur, August 12. During his recent visit to Jaffua. His Excellency the Governor of Ceylon, in his reply to the address reaii by the people in the Town Pandal, referred to the fact that,
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  • 233 7 Suggestion to Institute Events for I'olo Ponies. The following letter has been sent to us for publication, having reference to the controversy regarding races for gentlemen rulers:— To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, August 17. Sir, Your correspondents Rider and 5.11.C. Member are quite right in
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  • 153 7 The half-yearly report of the Directors of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation contains the following passages The net profits for that period, including •2,000,387.85, balance brought forward from last account, after paying al! charges, deducting interest paid and due, and making provision (or bad
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  • 95 7 A British subject, T. J. (or A. J.i Stevenson, a marine engineer, has been arrested aud brought before the Court at Shanghai on the serious charge of having murdered a ricksha coo'ie. The charge atalefl that Stevenson had drowned the ricksha coolie in a creek on
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  • 249 7 MISHAP TO PATROL OFF COAST OF BORNEO. Recorder Despatched to Assist in Salving. The Eastern Extension Telegraph Company's cable ship Patrol is ashore near the Straits of Pulau Laut. The first intimation of the mishap seems to have reached Siugapore some time ou Sunday, though the barest
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  • 322 7 Enthusiastic Welcome in Township of Chenderiang. When it became known that His Excellency Sir John Anderson intended visiting Chenderiang on his way back from Kuala Lumpur, the Malay and Chinese residents in this little township took the matter up most enthusiastically. Triumphal arches of greenery were erected
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  • 211 7 Coolie Steamer's Store- Room Partly Destroyed. Shortly after noon on 9th instant fire broke out on board tho coolie steamer Cranley, with the result that about $200 worth of damage was done to the ship's property. At the time the fire broke out— the vessel was lying
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  • 100 7 The following is the result of crashing operations at Kaub for the four weeks ending 15th instant: Bi-kit Koman. Stone crushed, 8,540 tons Gold obtained, 886 ounces; Average per ton, dwts. Bi-kit Malacca.— Stone crushed, 1,993 tons; Gold obtained, 97 ounces; Average per ton, 1 dwt.
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  • 1379 7 ALLEGED BREACH OF WARRANTY AND MISREPRESENTATION Claim Against Mr. John Anderson. Au interesting horse deal was before Mr. C. J. Siiuriders at tho District Court, yesterday afternoon, when Mr. A. Franzen sued the Hon. Mr. John Anderson for *'.">() for alleged breach of warranty and misrepresentation
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  • 232 7 Unfounded Report Respecting Her Whereabouts. We are indebted to Mr. W. Macbean, Singapore Agent for the Union Insurance Society of Canton, Limited, for the following letter, which refers to a paragraph taken from a Hongkong contemporary To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, August 17. Sir,
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  • 257 7 Nippon Yusen Kaisha's New Vessel in Singapore. Messrs. P.iterson. Simons and Company, Limited, as agents for the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, issued invitatious to the public to a luncheon and an At Home, which are beiug held to-day on board of the Kamo Maru, the first of the
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  • 204 7 Mr. Hastings lihodes, the Deputy Public Prosecutor, mentioned to Mr. C. F. J. Oreen. the Second Magistrate, this morning, the charge against Jabar Singh and his mother in-law, Deoraji, of murdering her husband and his brother by arsenical poisoning, and asked for the discharge of
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  • 24 7 The Taiping journal says that Mr. Oliver Marks, who went to Kuala Lumpur Hospital to undergo an operation, is making satisfactory progress towards recovery.
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  • 115 7 NEW YORK HERALD ADVOCATES AN ALLIANCE. Fears Entertained Over the Visit of U.S. Fleet. IRaDTBHS TIUOKAM] London, August 14. The New York Herald is ventilating the idea of an American alliance with Japan as a counterbalance of Japanese! power, but the movement possesses little substance. The Washington
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  • 540 7 Salvage Services in the Sea of Azoff. A claim for salvage in respect to the grounding of the steamship Krika, in the Mea of Azoff, in 1905, came before .Mr. Justice St-rcombe Smith, with whom was Captaiu Willis, of the Teesta. sitting as assessor, in the Supreme Court
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  • 179 7 Mr. 0. F. J. Green, the Secoud Jiagiatnte, MOMJ, this muriNUN, the preliminary in ijiiiry into the charge against Tail Seng Bicn of attempting to murder Tan Ti Ko at No M Kocbore Canal Iload, on July Ma Sergeant Peirce conducted tl-e caso for the Crown. Dr.
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  • 12 7 Nino prisoneis escaped from a Bangki k Police Station the other day.
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  • 86 7 The pineapple plantatioD fire caw wan ln.ard before BM Second Magit-trate, Mr. F.J. Green, ythtcrday afternoon. Tok Hole Sent; was charged originally with mischief in Betting fire to the plautation, which is in Vto Clvi Kant; Koad, but tlie charge was amended to ene of trespass and of set' inn
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 85 8 Taipin^ Races commence to-day. I h. S.R.C. meet the West Kents 11. in the Singapore Shield competition on the Esplanade this cvoning. rr.iuy-incuts arc far advanced that there is every possibility of a Hongkong cricket team proceeding this yoar to Shanghai. In tlie luterport polo match which
      85 words
    • 486 8 S.C.C Tournament. Nestorday's results in the S.C'.C. Lawn Teunis Tournament wore as follow Pkokkssion Pairs. \ccts. 1. -Butler andGallimore beat Sliip. —Knight and Carpenter, 6—l, 6 l. Mer. V lll. -Millar and Somorville boat IMB, I Check and Brandt, 9 -7, 6-2. Mun. Fulchor and Marsh beat Mer.
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    • 424 8 Singapore Shield Competition. A football match, in connection with the >ingaporc Association Football Shield comintition, was played at Beach Road yesterday between the West Kents I and the V.M.C.A. The game was a good one. but tho contest was not as kocn as ono would expect from a
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  • 239 8 Experiments of Indian Government Entymologist In light of the fact that the boll-worm is one of tlie most destructive agents that cotton has to contend with in India, the official paper issued on the subject by the Government of Bombay has a very real interest, says
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  • 255 8 Chinese Suffer Heavy Losses in Upper Tonkin. The pursuit of the Chinese refugee revolutionists in the remote mountain region of Tonkin is iv charge of Major Muller, an experienced officer, with the aid of tho mountaineers who leave the enemy no rest. The operations arc trying aud
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  • 103 8 A German scientific expedition, which last year, made an unsuccessful search for the I >arwinian missing link in Trinil, a district in Java, has sent to Europe a large collection of fossil bones. One of them proved to be a tooth belouging to a large sized ape.
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  • 85 8 Russo- Chinese Bank Secures Appeal. In the Supreme Court, at Hongkong, on 7th instant, the Full Court, comprising the Chief Justice (Sir Francis Piggott) and Mr. Justice Gompertz, sitting, an application was granted to the Kusso-Chinesc Bank to appeal to the Privy Council, from the decision entered against them in
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  • 52 8 The steamer Pocahontas was severely damaged in the recont typhoon at Hong, kong, and it is understood that about sixty plates in the vessel have to be replaced The repair* to H.M.S. Whiting are likely to be on a very considerable scale, and arm w ill bt> in dock tor
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  • 777 8 ILLNESS OF PRINCE OCCASIONS ADJOURNMENT. Rival Ports of Germany. (From Olr Own Cjkkkspondknt.i Hamburg, July 23. Owing to the precarious state of tho health of the Prince, the Eulenburg trial has, at the request of the public prosecutor, Dr. Isebiel, been adjourned sine die, the accused, however, remaining
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  • Correspondence
    • 391 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, August 17. Sir,— Keferriug to a paragraph in regard to the beautitication of tbo Esplanade on the immediate sea front, it should be patent to all observers that no amount of shrubs and plants which may be planted thereon
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  • 104 8 Writing from Borlin ou July 23, our correspondent says Lord Cramer's speech in the House of Lords on the Old Age Pension Bill has made a painful impression here. why do men in responsible positions continue to hold up the bugbear of war? Do they forget
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  • 58 8 The British official trade returns for the month of July show a decrease in oxports amounting to seven million pounds sterling. and in the value of imports a shrinkage of five and a half millions. These enormous trade lossos arc due to a diminished sale of manufactured
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  • 218 8 Professional Earnings Decreasing at Home. Some time since a question was raised in the Legislative Council on the wealth of tinlocal legal community. In the mail ju-t out from Home, we road that a Junior of Fifty writes to a journal as follows There is considerable truth in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 396 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. Englishmtn, '2 J yours of a£e. win has sc-rved i years with Jlcchtnictl Engineering firm aud has nine months tocal experience ia Civil Ungio cering work aad spoiks Malay, 'osirei employment. Address D. M., c/o Straits Times. 18*6 HOUSE TO LET. FURNISHED. Suitable for a Bachelor's
      396 words
      197 words

  • 228 9 SINOAPOU, AIMCST 17, 1908. PRODUCE. 3ambier buyers I 7.R2J do (Cube No 1| aopirkeH ,11.7') Copra Bali 7.60 do Pontianak 7.00 Pepper, Black buyers 10.90 do White 5% buyers 17.00 Sago Flour Sarawak 2.97$ do Brunei No. 1 '2.85 Pearl Sago 3.60 Coffee Bali, picked 24.00 Coffee. Palomban^ 20*
    228 words
  • 341 9 Dale of formaion Gtpttal Subscribed Number ol BhMTM luae P»id V»lae ap to Shuee Uainned 1303 $300,000 HOO.OOO 1907 1300,000 11(1,000 1901 1600,000 600,000 1903 £400,000 860,000 1907 8400,000 878,000 1901 £60,000 60,000 1906 £100,000 100,000 1908 $180,000 99,000 1906 £130,000 110,000 1906 £30,000 30,000 1906 1480,000 480,030 1906
    341 words
  • 340 9 1908 *150,000 1905 1300,000 1004 £3G,000 IWW £70,000 1908 1190,000 IMM £16,000 905 I 475,000 IQOS £810,000 1906 2180,000 1907 £820,000 1906 178 .003 1908 MBO.OOO IS9B £100,000 124,138 128,000 22,750 66,700 13&.000 16,000 85,000 259,580 180,000 201,500 176,000 •lir..&M 76,100 I 46.600 l 108.800 12,603 22,780 66.700 13,600
    340 words
  • 50 9 Uowarth Eraklno 8% 1800,000 3% prtm Riley H«rßre-.»cs t% iM.OOO 2% prem B'pore Elcctrio Tram ways Co., Ltd. 5% 350,000 nominal aiognporr Mnnioipal 6% 4O",000 20<¥,preir. fi-% 1,878,000 3% prem H% 1,600,000 5% prem W% 602,900 2%dlsno.iHlraite Eugioeering Byd.. Ltd. 45.000 par Taojong Pagar Dock Board 5% 1,050,000 par.
    50 words
  • 199 9 1394 £5,177.10.0 13. '5. in 118,00X000 I 4,a05 l'J],ooo 15,000.0<» 7,688 4,50-J 123,000 I 18,000 I 6,000 f t.OOO I 4.000 3,400 8,000 t 2,760 34,000 800 400,000 1,110 2.000 4,996 300.000 2 15 12/6 80 138 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 so 1 100 100
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 458 9 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioner? of George Town, Penang, require a Mechanical Engineer for the Nightsoil Pumping Station recently erected by them He must be a properly qualified Mechanical Engineer with experience in electrical work, must be strictly sober and of steady aud regular habits. Age between 15 and 35.
      458 words
    • 223 9 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the lua-e for 50 years will be put to auction at the Laud Office, Singapore, at 11 a.m. on Wednesday September 16. 1908, of all tbat piece of fort at Tanjong Katong and has ing an area of eight acres, nil roods, nine
      223 words
    • 99 9 '-ig^gg SOMETHING JS||! NEW B^NESEA^^^ IL1(C? At the special request of hiSrwwg'^*^ oup customers, SLEDGE Brand MILK is now pacekd in tins half the usual size. OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. J. TRAVERS SONS, LTD., Agents. Books Just Received. Enquire Within Upon Everything 91.40 The Old Old Fairy Tales 2.00 How I Managed
      99 words
    • 23 9 LESSONS IN Ju-jitsu Fencing. Lessons given in Ju-jitsu and Fencing by G. Mayetla, at the Japane-e Fencing School, No. 876, Victoria Street. 1752
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      143 words

  • 491 10 UNPREChDENTED CEREMONY IN FORMOSA. Obsequies of a Wealthy Chinaman. Writing on July 20, the Tainan (Formosa) correspondent of the Japan Chronicle says A few months ago there died in Tainan one of tho wealthiest Chinese here. During the past few days we have been treated to an exhibition
    491 words
  • 111 10 A 'report from Taotai Lim Shih Kun, an English educated official and an expert on foreign affairs, appointed by the Viceroys of Fokien and Kwantung has been received' stating that of tho 1,600 Chinese labourers employed in Samoa to reclaim the waste lamU, last year, two hundred
    111 words
  • 113 10 At the dock enclosure at Calcutta the art of the beautifier has recently been brought into play. The monotonous unsightly buildings and machinery have been relieved by the Commissioners of the Port with grass blots and, here and Micro, some flower beds, which before were bare, empty
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  • 119 10 The other day a tusker was passing through a village mart some way off from the Bihat railws; station, says an Indian paper. The mart happened to be unusually rich in mango-stalls on that particular day, and the animal took a fancy to pick up
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  • 75 10 Mr. Pete Currau, M.P., Bpeaking at Tottenham on July 19, said that being in the Hoase of Commons did not tend towards a man's moral or intellectual improvement, and he questioned whether he was equal intellectually to what he was years ago. He was doubtful whether
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 721 10 SALES BY AUCTION. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF A PARTICULARLY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PLANTS. The property of Mrs A. P. NIEU WKAMP (who is proceeding to Knrope), At MOINT ROSIE, OFF CHANCERY LANE, On Saturday, August 22, at 2.30 p.m. This collection, which is one of the finest grown in Singapore,
      721 words
    • 40 10 A BTUB3ORN DIBEABE. ltlicumatisiu is considered by tho medical men to be the hardest disease there is to control, bat Cliambcrlain's Pain Balm has remarkable power over it. One application will Hive relief. For sale by all Dispensaries and dealers.
      40 words
    • 558 10 INSURANCE Connies THE IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE. CHITIU WITB TBI Alliarcb Ascubahcz CoMTAirt, Lihitel A 2 Barthoimew Lane, London. CSTABUSBBn 1303. Capital £5,J*0,00C Total Fand* exceed. .£10,000,000 General Manager, Robbbt Lewis, Esq. BARLOW A CO..— Aftnti GDARDIAN ASSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED, LONDON. Sobsoribed Capital £2 .000, 000 Total Invested Fand £6,140,000 Annual
      558 words
    • 634 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each ..£llOO,OOO Reserve Fand £1,523.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1.300,000 BAN KERB. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbs London City a) Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current
      634 words
    • 341 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. fAiD-up capital tu.oooooo RESERVE FDND Sterling Reserve »16.000,000 l Silver Reserve 118,600,000) "8.5W.000 ie.erre Liability of Proprietors 115.000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. E. Shellim, Esq. Chairman, don. Mr. W.J. Grenson. Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Esq. IW. Helms, Esq. C. G. R. Brodersen, O, R.
      341 words

  • 1538 11 HOW TO KEEP DOWN EXPENSES OF MOTORING. Discussion on General Points. To the mau who ia hovering ou the brink of his first investment in a motor-car the great difference of opinion that appears to exist as to the cost of owning and running ono must be sorely perplexing,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 382 11 The Wonderful "STELLA" I The most silent running and best hill climber on the market. Trial runs can be arranged. STRAITS MOTOR GARAGE SYND.. TATTERS ALLS MONSTER CONSULTATIONS. GEOR6E ADAMS. HOBART. TASMANIA. AUSTRALIA. HMM 25 tpabk. ■■ftARVaiIV llAVinii On all Sweeps on ncee rnn after Jana llflr Un I Hil
      382 words
    • 175 11 Pooh Gii:l!— Those fearful headaches are spoiling her good looks. Steams' Headache Curo would stop thorn in no time. Why not try it? No bad taste, no bad effect;-. Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements I Reduction In Prices I THE BORNEO CO., LTD. STRAITS MOTOR GARAGE
      175 words
    • 356 11 JBrZSfflßfaPy^- moderate PRICED CARS. \yfff£Jm^t%sJ[7^'^ Skilfully DfM^md to reduce Wear on X)^ J^fr Tyres to the lowest possible point. For furt!. i r particulars apply to tin wle agents CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. STANDARDS, REPS STARS. Sold and delivered during last six weeks One 80 h.p.. six cylinder STAK Touring Car.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 931 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Situ i— I o.r Lldm, ou oi two InMrtiou, II .uo Br Ik* Ueb, m 8e«lt ot Chirm LADY TEACHER WANTED. Apply in person to the Principal of the ANGLO CHINESE SCHOOL. Colem»n Street. CHINESE CLERK WANTED. Wanted, a yoong Chinese Clerk of good education for a large
      931 words
    • 608 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. fUTB Fomi Lina.. on. or two IwrtlH SUM Br Uit Inch, m« mil of elurgM. HOUBE TO LET. No. 4, Mount Boaie. Apply Raffle* Hotel. ■M HOUBE TO BE LET. No. 1, Oxley Rise, to be let. Apply Meyer Brother*. 1149 BOOM TO LET. Boom
      608 words
    • 603 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. L D SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds oi HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, for Carriages Motor Cars, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose,' Brake-RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES- hose for Railwa y 8 Speaking Tubes, CODDRINGS, GAUGE-GLASS RINGS. All kinds of I.R. Buffers and Springs
      603 words
    • 347 12 Syrup of Raspberry PURELY MADE OF GUARANTEED NATURAL RASPBERRY JUICE ANO SUGAR. Mixed with iced water or soda water, it forms a very palatabK n fre l.iug and healthy drink, wliich is no doubt the most suitable bermge t<n bot M imttm It also forms a delicious ingredient for icecream
      347 words
    • 167 12 BOARD ANO LODGING. I BOARO AND RESIDENCE. For uinpie rettlcmeu. Terms moderateApply at Bockbnnt 11, 1 I 1774 BOARO AND RESIDENCE. Two rooms to let, f t haoholow. Mrs. vau Barceu. t, Mount Elizabeth. 1531 BGARO AM RESiDFNCE I Large an.i comfcrtabla roomi a: Camb iioust.93. Bivn \h!i 1 1639
      167 words