The Straits Times, 14 August 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.729. SINGAPORE. FRIDAY. AUGUST 14. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 223 1 BAYARD-CLEMENT Motor Cars. Extract from a etmhmer't Inter datxl Ilanijkok, Juhj 24, 1908. The 10-16 h.p. "Bayard" supplied to me is running beautifully. I am extremely satisfied. Two Cars of this Nry MM Modi I (10-16 h.p.i haet just htm landed. We .shall be ihlifjhtid to aiv ;/o« a trial
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    • 303 1 Robinson and Company. J CHROME FOOTBALL 5 I With Toe Caps and Bars. jfl HL Htk» tP| Br-. I y Mt, PUNCHING BALL. M l^^^ Wmti{f' M Soft TaDiiod Hide. Rubber BfflK*t" -^J^^^t Springs, Floor Plate and V CVilin? Hooks. M W. /"a pear shape punching Oil I ILjLL the
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    • 31 1 Continental Tyres i. Australia. -tit ■nerevit'^t/ea^eC /<?■ a^fa>i-n/' &*/*>/ <&Lovi"i>Af<>t4 c^ oyv-'ied ■en/ ortU/na'TU' 6r (7U4 C?csc*:/c#n<yU' wncV' V 9 y/ *y S Singapore i Kuala Lumpur i Kumpers Co. Federated Engineering Co.
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  • 479 2 THE CENTENARY OF THE BiLL ROCK BUILDING. Unique Lighthouse Discontinued. The foundation-stone of the Bell Rock Lighthouse was laid on July 10. IMOM, so that the building is just a hundred years old. The Bell Rock, formerly known ax the Inchcape Rock, stands out in the North Sea
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  • 110 2 Ihe retail grocers of Ai.'iica. acotwdlog tn a trm li- ory:ii'. BM up [\i\« i baaji to the value of nearly 42.*****0 annually. These tiyun > are the luoii' uot»bk. ta fifty years ajjo there was uot ;i Miiyle p:t|«-i bax factory iv the I'nitvd -tntrs. NoWMBJrI
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  • 69 2 A t< Uui in troiii London to O}lon on A lll.' M -t 3 Mtatc-M that Sir llrnry lflakc. ri for rin« to the Ceylon JVarl PWMriafl. tlie Company 8 veoturc wax iutlutod by queittions in Parliament aud by MirnVteriul replies into a twentictli-ccntiirv edition of tlie South Si a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 301 2 Concentrated Disinfectant 1 Gallon Drum $1.75 2 3.25 8.00 This Disinfectant is imported in a highly concentrated form, and may be diluted up to 60 times its bulk, producing a MILK-WHITE FLUID WHICH WILL NOT STAIN. This is the most economical and effective Disinfectant it is possible to procure. Importers
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    • 162 2 ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker Tomb. Builder. 160, Middle Road, Bole Agent (or i Me»rd Dottridge Brother*, Ltd., London. (-0 MX* Telephone No. |819. Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. NBAK ENTRANCE TO BORNKO WHaRF Telephone 1026. S-a stocks ol all kinds ol Frotea Meats, etc., can be delivered to Shipping
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    • 168 2 2 i, -"5 Facts of Absorbing Interest To IfeOM Who Are In The Clutches Of Rheumatism On.- c.innot be tuo quickly cured af Rlieum.itisni. To Ret rid of those awful pains make life a never-ending series of torture, now mild, now excruciating. to-day in bed, to-morrnw hobbling nround on
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    • 745 2 /5^ DO YOU Mir YOUR MEALS P DP. WILLIAMS PINK PILLS Rkhtokk Tiik Appktitk, Bfnmafl Digestion', CI'KK DIIiOKI>KHS OK THE LlVFli AM> StuM'.U H. A Mkssai.k W IfeIHBIMI afoSUMV. Losh of appetite, a diHinclination to take Kiittii ie nt food at regular meal tiiuts. ix a ■ure indiiatiou that the
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    • 509 2 The REGISTERED TRADE MARK of Milkmaid! Full Cream Milk {SSSS3J IS THE HALL-MARK OF jp|il||i PERFECT PURITY t :^)iv''Bfc ani Guarantee of Highest Quality. IPfL^lj UNTOUCHED BY HAND. t^^^ The Original and Best. LARGEST BALE IN THE WORLD. J CHEAPEST and BEST. The United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ld. SOLE AGENTS
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    • 261 3 Tenders will bt ivceivcil at the otlice of the Bt r. ury t RmUm*, T.upin* Perak. up la noon on Monday, August 24, 190tt, for renting the uudeni,.nti)nu.l Farms for tbe ptriodj commencing the Ist day of January, 1903, anil ending tbe 31st da> of Ileoinber, 1911.
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    • 255 3 (a) Gamiso F*»*.—The exclu-ive right for a period of three yearn fr >m January 1, 1909, of keeping public gaming honses »nd of anthoriß;ntJ public gaming and ga-ning by Chinese in pruHt- places within tho farm area Tbe area of this farm is tbe limits of the
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    • 247 3 CoMTtn rwa m Gm.v- F*i I'uaYr tbe provision* of section :< of "Tbe Revenue Farms Enactment. IUJ4, tlie Resilient. nil tbe approval of tu<- Resident General j hereby coiißtittites a farm of the exclusive 1 riijlit iv respect of the area* liereunder ennmera--1 led during
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    • 228 3 CWIIIHIIW M Si i;:it Fwim. ludtr the provisions of section 8 of "The Revenue Farms Enactment, 1904,' tbe Resident, with the npproval of tbe Resident -General, hereby constitutes a farm of the exclusive right in respect of the State of Perak during a period of
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    • 99 3 THE REVENUE FARMS ENACTMENT, 1904 CoNitrITCIION OK Sl'IBlT Ini'OllT DoTIKS F.*BM Under the pr ivisi >n* of 83ction 3 of "Tbe Revenue Farms Enactment, 1904." the Ren dent, with Oil approvtl of the Resident General, hereby constitutes a farm of the exclusive right in respect of tbe St ue of
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    • 101 3 MMIHM or Tonin MM. I'nilir the proviti >os of section 3of "The Hevenut- Farun Eoactraenl, 1904," the Resident, with the approval of the R-sident-Grneral. hereby c.>nst>tut.>. a farm of tbe exclusive n<ht m respect of the State of Porak dunci: a pTie I f three
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  • 1138 3 MINOR PENALTIES OF THE SHY MAN DESCRIBED. Miscellaneous Mixture of Mirth Mr. Arthur. 0L Benson contributes to the Cornhill Magazine another of his characteristic essays this time on Shyness. Ho telK several anecdotes concerning the social calam ities that have befallen shy people When I was an
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  • 273 3 Japanese Newspaper Involved jn their Divulgence. The Boyeki Shiiapo reports that Mr. Iwas Matakichi. of the staff of tho Kosei Shimbun. a uewspaper published in Vokosnka, and Mr. Ishiguro Totaro, a clerk of the Naval Dockyard, have been arrested on the charge of disclosing uaval secrets, and are
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 180 3 LOOK VAN KIT, DENTIST. AND DENTAL SUPPLIES No. as, South C»nal Rot tuJ 17. Srnth Bridge Road. High Class Work. Moderate Charges. Cousalting Rooms fitted with electric lights and fans, etc., eto. MM Books Just Received. Enquire within upon everything 1 10 The Old Old Fairy Tales J.00 How I
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    • 382 3 NOTICE. Intending t«'i>cler#r-i for the Qmb •re inform. '1 that the li nrs .lin:i« public gamii>« in n.'« jrrmitto'1. vi.\. MtM p.m. and 10 p in will be alter. .1 under Iba new farm, anil pub. gaming u ill In. lltowi only hotwti'o the btMH of 4 pm. an 1
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  • 1061 4 ITS IMPORTANCE FROM NATIONAL STANDPOINT. Need of Substantial Government Grant. Day by day the public in England art: becoming familiar with such announcements as Another tint- Airship Completed for tho French Army Successful Flight of Count Zeppelin's Airship for 12 Hours, Man<i-uvring in Every Direction in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 662 4 STEAMER BAIUHGB. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for Chin Ocast, Persian Gulf, Oontineotal, and ■r.-riov Ports. Bteemert will leave Singapore on or nboT. MAIL LINE. (Outward for Chim). 1908 Malta Aug
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    • 661 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BCHEEPVURT MY. "aUNDJER." BANDJERMABIN. The Steamers ot this oompany maintain a regular servioe between:— Singapore, Sourabaya. Bandjermasln, Polo Lant, Balik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Bampit, Manaawai, Koemai, Kotta Wartngin, Djelal. The steamers have good aeeomodation tor first and second olass passengers. Ton Cam.
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    • 453 4 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. aXV CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY CO.' LTD. The Companies' steamers are despatched from Liverpool outwerds for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan home wards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One oatward
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    • 581 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The (teamen of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 799 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Llna. The last and well known mail steamers el this Company sail fortnightly from Bremeu Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soathamc toe), Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonneotion Marseilles, Haplee, Alexandria, and vioe renn. Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Pennu Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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    • 239 5 Per N. D. L. steamer Priuz Eitoi Friedrich, duo August 20. Mr and Mrs. U< jean, Mr. and Mrs. H. Heancy and family. Mr. H. V. Cawso, Mr. T. A. Mo viilo. Per P. and O. steamer Nore, due August 20— Mr. J. C. Graves, M™. Tomlinsi.u. Mrs
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    • 79 5 By the Malta, Captain H. Powell, August 14. From London Mr. and Mrs. Pringle aud two infants, Mr. and Mrs. Main, Mr. and Mrs. Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. Forrester, Mr. A. Mitchell, Mr. C. Russell, Mr. K. Koh, and Mr. A. Smith. From Gibralter H. E. The Governor of
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    • 54 5 By the Marmora, August 14. For Penang Mr. K. L. Jackson and Mr. Ben Hur. For Bombay Captain .1. W. Nelson, Mr. L. P. Solomonand Mr. Blßckshear. For Marseilles: Mr. L. Leuis. For Ijondon Mr. B. Travers, Mrs. H. I. Kinghorn. Mr. E. Bramall, Mr. E. E. Whito and
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  • 88 5 Kol >'<> Kr«iUl«k liar To-Hoimow Christmas Inland hUmler 9 a.m. K. Pahang.Pekan.Ka'lau Stephen uoou P. Swettenham, Penanf; Pin .Sen; 1 p.m. p K'teubam and Penang Peruk 1 p.m Saban^, Suez. Genoa A' II ill.m II 2 pm. Trengganu and Kelautio Abbuttttfi 1 p.m Hangkok via porUi Mahiilnl 1
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  • 104 5 From Europe— By tbe Nl> L. steamer P. E Fiiedrich, dne Angust 91. From Chdu— By the N.DL. steamsr ScharnLurol due Angust 17. nly 9 B. I. Aug illy 14 M. M. Aag „!> 16 P. *O. Aug aly 81 N. D. L. Aug nly 23 B.
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  • 884 5 General Manager's Yearly Report to the Shareholders. Tim report of tli>- General M(inaK>'r of tbo 1 If. ml. Austrnlian QoM Mining I'ompany, Limited, Mr. W. H. Martin, for the yoar eudi'd February 29, has been taMMA It s-tates that iliiriua tlie year T2.r>B7 tons of ore have
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 533 5 JTJEAMER SAILINGS. JR. J&^tß Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line THE NATIONAL 11IOHWA* TO KUKOPR VIA CHINA JAPAN. CANADA »n<l tbe I'MTiSD HTATBB m Ko\ile (.tin ilonfc-knoij, <Hl Hl.iaghct, Nagasaki, lltiUj.! Bob of Ja^nn). Kok*, YoKobamo. Victoria aud Vnuouuvpr, R.M.H. "E«m«i)r Ini.u Tw'.nscrow «te»R.M.rf "K»p»s«.»cr.l«ix" mors, 8,000 t0n3,
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    • 449 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. ™C.R7 CHARGEURS REUNIS "ROUND THE WORLD LINE. The new twinvrew Steamer "Ouessant" IegOOO koaa ilisi'.laccinent. DUE ABOUT AUGUST 21. 1908. S|il t ii.lil Passenger Vcr'oiumo<latiou PM HONGKONG. SHANGHAI. CH'NWANTAO. KOBE. YOKOHAMA AND AMERICA. Fir-t cliiss I'.is-.i^.- Kan from Siuya^ire to UKITBUBTATKB To BUBOPE iViA CANADIAN 4» T T
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    • 525 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.LTO. A regular FORTNIGHTLY dervl.* m amtmtaintxl li.-t>-.'.eii Jopau a*d Kurope by tbe (ollowing NEW TWIN-StkKW STEAMERS. Hmlir Mail ContrHot with thr Imperial Japan ccc Oovernuient, specially deigned for the Company'B Europeau tx-rvicc, lighted thrunKil ■j'lt by Elec'ricity, prmnlad with excslieui acoommodatioo for Fir»l
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    • 134 5 LAXATINE, tbe Ideal Purgative, rooommended by tbe best ruedi-U Kutboritiss. Easy to take and oorlain in reealtn To be bad of all chemists. Wholesale from Thn Pharmacy Hat Wry Road. BiDi(aport lit* Valuable Old Chinese Art Porcelain. IMPORTANT AUGTION SALE, At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan and Co.'s Salerooms, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 140 5 DAY BY DAY Friday, August 14. Minn Wsu-r 11.56 p.m. Chinese Christian Association. 6 p.m. MnmcipaJ Commisnion 2 30 p.m. 8 C.C. tenuia preliminaries. Albainbrt Ciuematograph. 7 30pm Lawn Bowling Tonrnament L.L.T.C. Autumn tournament. Hale's Tours. Japanese CinematoRrapB. 7-30 p.m. Hurima Cinematograph. 7-80 p.m. Wayang Kaasim. 9 p.m. Saturday, August
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  • 21 6 W mom At Leslie Cottage, Ootacamuud. India, on July 2ii, Alexnndcr Wright aged 7S years. RAP. F.M.s. papers please copy.
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  • 787 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. FRIDAY, AUGUST 14. On July M, we made editorial reference to competitive teuders for the construction of stocl b.u^r- tin the Philippine Government at Manila. Particulars of these tenders wore tfivcu by the Manila correspondent of a Hongkong contemporary, and it was made to
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  • 12 6 ihe wireless telegraphy organisation has succeeded in despatching messages over 1,000 miles.
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  • 18 6 Typhoon warnings from Manila have been reaching the American Consulate, at Hongkong, daily for a week or more.
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  • 26 6 It was decided iv Peking, recently, thut alter 11th instant, all opium smokers, and those who deal iv prepared aud unprepared opium, must obtain a licence.
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  • 22 6 The Chinese Board of Hevenuc has lucuiorhili/.cd the Throne to appoint special commissioners to the various provinces to investigate the salt monopoly.
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  • 29 6 Four Chinese women aud a man, charged with assisting in carrying on a Chap Jee Kcc lottery, at No. 24 Smith Street, were acquitted by the Third Magistrate, yesterday.
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  • 28 6 It is stated in Tokio that the trademarks treaty between America and Japan renpecttag the protection of trademarks iv China and Korea was ratified on the 7th instant.
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  • 30 6 The Imperial Government has telegraphed to the community of Hongkong its sincere sympathy in respect to the recent typhoon, the second great disaster suffered by the Colony in two years.
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  • 33 6 A \alet named Courtois lias I he helped a butler uamed Renard to kill and rob his master, M. K ■■my, a Parisian millionaire. Contois aud Ken aid have been arrested.
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  • 30 6 The I'euang Amateui' Dramatic Club has iluuidccl to province Our New Boy, H. .1. I !y ion's new rnuiedv, in a few months. Active preparations .iml rehearsals art; in progress.
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  • 59 6 The tallowing v lice apfaan in the Gazette- of India: —Au Indian coolie, named Cerou Ham. iiaviu^, died while in the employ of the Panama Canal Commission in ManJi, 1907, Ir-avin'; au •■statt awcuntiuv t-j i.l 4s. lid. U.c K^jal brii of Mm Jeccdsnd, it any, ib invited to send
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  • 17 6 A European lady anil tlnci natives ten bitten by n mad dag in Coluuibo the other day.
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  • 31 6 From I'ulo Samboi, the Auylo sa.\on Hetioleuin I'oinpauy's tiaiucr (ioldmouth arrived, yi sti rday, with a cargo of beu/ine. aud wr ut to I'ulo liiihuni. She leaves on Monday for Europe.
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  • 33 6 Heplyinfl ou July U to a deputation [run the Welsh Xoucoulonuisis. the I'rimc Minister, Mr. 11. Asquith, promised to intro duue next year a I.ill to disestablish and disendow the Church of Wales.
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  • 38 6 The ruuiour that has been current that two llritisu soldier^ have Ikcu murdered iv the Murree hills, has been investigated from tha Anar Headqnarten at Simla, and it is now said there is no truth iv the report.
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  • 40 6 The Jjpauese Shipowners I uiou. on behalf of the owners of the Chiyo Main, which was damaged iv a collision with the Courttield on May 20 at Moji, is briuging a test case for damages before a Uritish Naval Court.
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  • 35 6 Vcre (loold. who was convicted ol 11 iving murdered Madame Levin at Mom. Carlo, and Lieut. I'llmo, who was ooßvieteii of ha/ing sold French military inforuiation to the (ierniiiiis. huvi.' beun shipped lo French (•uiaua.
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  • 39 6 The Oovernmont of Bombay is wmwid<iriufl a Mlggeation of Commissioner Booth-Tucker to introduce lapioOl as a cheap food. In order to cnsuie a sujiply of tubrrs the distribution will be In-at.-d as a minor act ot the Famine Measure.
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  • 37 6 The decision oi the \ Railways to abandon their Pacific Kxport trade is regarded in Tokio merely as an indication that the contest between the railway interests aud the Interstate Commerce Commission has reached IBM bluff stage.
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  • 40 6 A collision occurred between two public riikshas in Bras Basah Koad, near Waterloo Street, just after schools closed, yesterday afternoon, and the Mi.sscs l.:vy were thrown out, one ot them being bruised considerably. One of the rickshas lost a wheel.
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  • 47 6 Tan Seng Buu was before the Second Magistrate. Mr. C. K. J. dwell, this morniug, ou a charge of attempted murder of Seh Toll iv Itochore Canal Itcad, at MS a.m. ou July 23. Some evidence was taken and the further hearing was adjourned till next Tuesday.
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  • 45 6 Captain Pcnnyfather, of the steamer Mmkiang, has been charged at llougkoug with in his possession IMO taels of prepared opium without a valid certificate also with having a quantity of loose opium without a certificate of purchase from the licensee. The case was adjourned.
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  • 47 6 The quantities of wheat afloat on July 19, were —for the Initcd Kingdom, L,U15,000 quarters, for the Contineut, I.2l*>,iHXi quarters. The shipaieuts for the week were Atlantic, IMyOOO quarters; Pacific. 10,000 quarters. The total shipment-, for Europe are ,>05,000 quarters i»cludiug l'.i-.OiX) quarters from Argentina and Uruguay.
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  • 54 6 Mr. A. W. Uooneratne. of the Siamese Consulate, Singapore, has writteu to the Ceylon Observer askiug why the Ccylou Government do uot bring into law au Ordi Daucj which fa iv operatiou iv Siugaporc No. IX of 190ti— with a view of preventiug the lauding in Ceylon of undesirable persons
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  • 63 6 On the subject of Islam iv Japau, the Sada-i-Hiud, a Moslem weekly of Lahore, publishes the following Sonic time ago Moulvi Syed Sarfaraz Hussaiu went to Japau to propagate Islam in that country, but iiad to return in despair. But A llama Ali Ahmad, of Cairo, who has recently returned
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  • 58 6 A renewal of the rabies outbreak is reported to have taken place, but the report lacks verification. One dog. supposed to have been mad, was killed with a changkol by a Javanese gardener iv Caveuagh Hood, and another made a sudden appearance at the Cold Storage Hopot, Orchard Koad. yesterday.
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  • 65 6 Winch is the most mysterious statue in London'.' According to a contributor to Notes aud Queries that of (jucen Anne at the gate named after her deceased Majesty in Westminster. The name of the sculptor, the date of erection, aud the source of the funds arc absolutely unknown. That being
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  • 63 6 Ten more of the poison plotters have been dealt willi by the Special Commission at Hanoi. <>v Unco of the conspirators all of them wcrr native soldiers sentence of death was passed. The seven others received sentences ul lit'o-long imprisonment. In official circles in France feeling runs high against the
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  • 67 6 The anniversary of Salamanca Day was celebrated at liaugoou, on July 22, by the Ist Battalion of the Devonshire Kegimeut wuli great eclat in Uangoou for the last time prior to their return Home in the autumn. An interesting programme of aquatic, Held and otlier sports was successfully carried out.
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  • 101 6 At the date of last advices from Sai^ou, a flotilla ol torpedo boats for the HIiMH Govei'jment was •snouted there from .lapan on the way t<> H.uiykc 1. They ;icl mauned and officered by JapuiK ■;i and are believed to be the beginning of >in up-to-date Siamese navy. 'J'hi- newi
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  • 392 6 l>r. W. 11. I'ry, of Kuala Lumpur, relunu Irom Kuantan by the local stoaOKH Baa Whatt Ilin, yesUrday. New* baa readied Japan ol U* daatli al Ho-ue of Captain Wale, who «as lor lv.-mv yiars in tin service of the Nippon 1 us. n l\ai-ha. Mr. William
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  • 43 6 Hound the World in Kighly Mays u.i. a great work, but when Jules Venc wroU it, there wen uo Hales Tours. Now we go round the world iv a few minutes. It .lulc Verne were alive now. lie would write of llalc's Tours.
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  • 52 6 While Mrs. Post, wife of an American millionaire, aud some other l.idics were out motoring on July 20, they uoti< ed a wrecked ship oil Montauk Point, at lh< eastern extremity of Long island, New York. Tl'c ladies tired a life-saving racket to the wrecked vessel, and succeeded in rcscuiug
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  • 48 6 The playing of bridge has been prohibited iv the casiuos at Vichy. Aix-lcs-Kaiucs, aud Contrexcville, in the south of Krauec, on tin ground that tl'c bauk levies no toll on tbe game. The only games permitted by licence in the casiuos in those towns arc WHWmt and carte
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  • 64 6 Mr. llastiugs Khodes the Deputy Public Prosecutor. MKad the Third Mu^istrate. tin morning, lor a week's postponement ol tincase iv whirh eighteen Chiuesc are charged with riotiug, obstructing the police aud resisting arrest. Mr. Simpsou, who appeared fur the defoncc. asked for bail. This was rwflMOrl fur all excepting three
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  • 77 6 I .in. sin Yew. Revenue Ofliour, mv acquitted by the Third MagistiaU yotci day, on a charge of attempted extortion ot twenty cents Irnui ,i I hiuese steward on Ux steamer I Hiu (iv.iv. It was d< uieil L!i.' complainant was stopped by revenue offlooM and that money was
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  • 74 6 The iudillereucc of the public in ituUttuU to aliairs iv Netherlands India, even khoM of high political imporUnrc, arouse. biU« i continent iv .lava. lor institnrr. tin- ti< H of the auti tax rising among tin w. Sumatra Malays, wlrcli resulted in gronl lite, aroused uo interest whatcvi aiuii'ig tl'C
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  • 75 6 A wire, dated from the Hague on August n, says that the British West I mlia Colouii have called in the help ol the Uovcmuicut at Londu.j. agaiust President Castro of ene /.iir'a. who has forbiddeu ships to traii< between Venezuelan ports aud the Antilles. The American Minister at Caracas
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  • 87 6 ■some <'hiih <>. tr:i villiaj.' in riclutli I held up by gang roblxis in 'iiyluu- I I night and 0M th< iv v^ .i idiuvi I (-I > Tlu robbers \v_r> .iriuvl with hit bars and sticks. The police wuro notifk.l and two td tlit- -^xu^
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 123 6 j j j j j j j I THE Cook's Complaints WILL CEASE. IK YOL' OBDU Famous "FITZROY" Dripping. Cheapest and Now obtainable n 1 anu i ib. tins lUOM THE AGKNTS: Best in Thompson, Thomas a Co. INVESTMENT WANTED. HOUSE TO BE LET. Experienced young man willi MBM capital
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    • 92 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH, BEACH ROAD. To-Night PATHE FRERES' BEAUTIFUL PICTURES. U r. Willis, "n—giT PIANOS on HIRE raoM $12 per month. m TuniuK anil Kvgulnr Attvutuui iuvliisi\c. Robinson Piano Co., Ld. G.R. LAMBERT CO. L» ESTABLISHED 1875. fbotocrapbers to U.M., tbe King of Siam, aud H.H the Sultan of Jobore. Portrait
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  • 113 7 lATAL EXPLOSION ON A FRENCH TRAINING SHIP. Six Men Killed Thirteen Terribly Injured. IUICTIH 1 TILIQKAM London. August 1 I. Whilst tiring practice was lx me engaged in at Toulon, a big gun burst on board the French training ship Couronne. Ki\ men were killed and thirteen terribly
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  • 103 7 king Edward Arranges for Official Visit. [Raima's Tar.aoiuM] London, August 1 1. It is announced that the result of the meeting at Cronherg is that King Edward will pi.y au ollicial visit to the Hmpcror William. The date uf the visit is not yet fixed. [Dkr Ostahiatiscb*
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  • 105 7 Sympathetic Attitude of European Powers. IKiotiir's T«lioraml London, August 1 It is announced scrui -officially that Sir Charles Hardinge. Permanent I ndcr Secretary of Fo.eien \ilaii-. and Unroll von Vercutlial. the Austrol lung.irian Foreign Minister di ■•nssid the -ituation ill Turkey, wliereanenl ( Britain and AustriaHungary have
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  • 93 7 Approaching Agreement Between Russia and Japan. llmiTKs'- TnMMI,] London, August 1 1. The St. Petersburg correspondent of The Tunes states that the governments of Kussia and Japan are about to bc.jin pourparlers with a view of concluding M agreement for mutual protection ot the seal and other tiHherieb
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  • 83 7 Mr. Lloyd George Refers to German Building Programme. I 'ib Osiasutischi Lloyd Tiliokam] Berlin, August IX Mi. l.luyd George. British Chancellor of the Exchequer, is reported to have made official rete-euce to an Anglo. German agreement to deal with the limitation of the construction of warships. He has
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  • 59 7 Complications Feared over Seizure of Arms. iKICTIK IiLI.IKIM London, August IS. The Standard Hongkong correspondent states that the Chinese authorities at Chinchau have seized 10.000 rilles aud 2,000,000 cartridges, which have since been claimed by a Japanese merchant. Au international question similar to that arisiug out at
    59 words
  • 24 7 I Das OsrAsiAii-, hk Lloyd Tblbokaml Berlin. August 18. hour Dul n iii' war have i< It l, r Venezuela
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  • 695 7 Suggestions by a Prominent Penang Sportsman. We have received for publication tin; following letter with reference to the suggested engagement of a gull professional for Singapore To the Editor of the Straits Time-. Penang. August 11. Sir, I have read iv the Straits Times the correspondence and
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  • 325 7 Weekly Circular of Messrs. Fraser and Company. The following in Bijwh. Kraut ami Company's weekly share circular Singapore. August 1 1. We regret to a;:;im report a somewhat lethargic state ol affairs, although a trillc ■ON mt* i ist in being shown in the investment line. Tin
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  • 211 7 KING EDWARD AND THE EMPEROR FRANCIS JOSEPH. The Aged Emperor Takes his First Motor Trip. Ih-XTKR's Tklk<;k.\m. London, August 13. At Ischl, a gala dinner was given by the Kmperor Francis Joseph in honour of King Edward. The monarchs exchanged toasts, referring to the cordial relations between
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  • 549 7 Reasons Why Exhibition should be Held Yearly. The liesidcut s Cup, presented by Mr. 11. Conway Bclficld, licsident of Solango.\ for the best exhibit under Native Arts and Industries at the Agri- Horticultural Show at Kuala Lumpur, has been awarded to I'm ghulu Morib, of Kuala Laogat. It
    549 words
  • 85 7 In the Supreme Court, yesterday afterown, Mr. Justice Sercombc Smith made 'an order in the suit brought by Messrs. (iuthrie and Company, Limited, against Mr. N. N. Adis respecting the rebuilding of the Urand Hotel Kurope, to the effect that items in dispute be referred to a
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  • 40 7 Xbe Russian Consul, at Tientsin, Mr. N. U. Poppe, was stabbed in the ab loan, v, on the sth inbtant. and in lying in a critical condition. I lie [«.r n who committed the deed is unknown.
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  • 353 7 POLICE RAID ON COMMISSION AGENTS' OFFICE. Quantity of Advertising Matter Seized. Mr. C. B. Wlutohcad, Acting Second Superintendent of Police, accompanied by Detective Sergeant Bourne, made a raid on the oflicc of Messrs. Watsou aud Girtiuaiiu, Commission Agents, Graud Hotel Europe buildings, yesterday afternoon, and seized
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  • 256 7 Probably a Nolle Prosequi Will be Entered. Mr. C. F. .1. Green, the Second Magistrate, resumed, yesterday afternoon, the preliminary enquiry into the charge of murder uf two Bengalis, against Jobar Singh, a Police Constable and his mother-iu law. Deoraji. The young ite of the constable and
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  • 126 7 A :ad drowning fatality iv connection with the Ocean Steamship Company's steamer Teeukai is reported from Tegal iv .lava. Particulars given in the Samaraug Locomotief show that the vessel, after taking iv sugar and copra, was hastily leaving Tegal when the signal for departure so took some
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  • 177 7 How in the name of common sense, asks the Rangoon Ga/ctte in an editorial dealing with the trade of Burma, do the Straits Settlements manage to send us .'i.VT'.i lakhs worth of provisions Let us hope that not much of this is either bacon or ham.
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  • 11 7 Every oue is talking of Hale s Tours, Havo you been
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  • 571 7 Composition in Chetty Firm Case Discussed. Miscellaneous matters in bankruptcy jurisdiction were taken by Mr. Justice Scrcombe Smith iv the Supreme Court, this morning. There were five petitions for receiving orders, eight public examinations and four applications for committals included in tho list. Mr. F. M. Elliot appeared
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  • 153 7 Messrs. Gow, Wilson and Stauton. iv their circular dated London. .Inly -I, report i Under the influence of a very quiet market, prices have declined since the last auction. To-day's offerings met with poor competition, a large proportion had to be withdrawn for want of support. With
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  • 46 7 We arc asked to state that the entries, specifications, samples, and so forth, will be received at Olympia for the Messrs. Gow, Wilson and Stanton Trophy up to September I.*). They must be addressed to the Mauager, Kubber Exhibition, iv the usual way.
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  • 89 7 Mr. Wilkiu, a native of N'cwcastlc-on-Tym who wont to Japan as chief engineer of the Buyo-Maru, an oil tank steamer, which was recently delivered to the Toyo Kishcu Kaisha shot himself >vhile returning home by the Siberian railway. He was a widower and leaves throe children,
    89 words
  • 113 7 Koh lling, a llokieu, was tried before the Third Magistrate. Mr. E. E. Column, yesterday, on charge* of criminal trespass at No. 70 China Street, at 1 p.m. on the lith instant, ,vi'! breaking open a box with a chisel at that place in an effort to commit
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  • 148 7 NOTABLE SUCCESS OF WRIGHT AEROPLANE. Superiority Generally Acclaimed. [Kboth's Tblioram) London, August 14. The Wright aeroplane continues to make moruing and evening flights of from seven to ten kilometres. It preserves a height of about thirty foot, aud an average speed of a kilometre a minute. It is
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  • 388 7 Tanjong Pagar Board's Unsuccessful Competition. Writing from Manila, ou July 27, tho correspondent of the Hongkong Telegraph says:— The management of the Shanghai Dock aud Engiueeriug Company. Limited, ham secured another feather to their cap ut Mm expense of Hongkong. Last week, I telegraphed to you that they
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  • 248 7 Mercilessly Beaten and Stoned by Mob of Indians. Details arc to hand through Colombo new papers of the shocking affair in Pandhar pur, a town iv the Sholapur district of tin Bombay Presidency. An authentic account by an eye- witness states that a mob of natives of
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  • 145 7 The action heard in November lyOu, iv the Supreme Court of Hongkong, in which Wong Ka Chuen since dead, was the principal has been before the House of Lords. At the end ol the trial of the issue as to whether Wong Ka Chuen was a partner
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 95 8 The position in tli" ('olmau Shield com petition is Minicwliat curious. I > irul Hahar 1 .1 tin- final stage, aud tho Gonnral Po-t Ollice, by spleudid effort-, the m imi fiuil. But. as the. Marino Police and the Saiaratul Muutuba made another draw last V. oing,
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    • 42 8 Malay Chess Match. Mr. K. B. Colman has got together a team iraapoTC ObaM Chlh to play a match at Malay Ches ■■aioat Ahmat Ambar's side Ht the D, 11 ul Adub Club to morrow uight. Play begins at '.I o'clock.
      42 words
    • 97 8 Wolffe Attempts the Channel. A wire Irui.i London, dated .Inly 24, says that, alter 6—arlna; .'Si; miles, J. Wolffo failed in liis sixth attempt to swim the I'.uglish Channel. iv September last Wolffe approached to within two miles ot the Krencli coast, raving been compelled to give up the
      97 words
    • 288 8 Local s hots at Bisley. la the Daily Graphic competition at the 200 yards range, at Ilislcy, on June 18, out of tho X':! prizes was awarded to Suhadu Jewala Singh, with M out of H Baaalbla points, and a smaller prize to Lance-Corporal Aiuok Siu^h i:l4i, lM>tli of
      288 words
    • 326 8 Australian Championships, M» Clyde IVarci', a yuuug Ta«mauian r.-siil. Nt la New South Wales, won tho Open Championship of Australia with a xcore. ot l!l 1, UMilo up of 7.'., It, SO, 7j. Iv his Bnt M hoks. he laid ouly one above .*>, and played his faiiK'd j'itih
      326 words
    • 186 8 Colman Shield Competition. SftjwaM -Miintiilwi and th.- Marini H 1 .^..n. on tlu' lir.u-n Itoad ground tu replay their tie iv the C'olmaD s.i. .1,1 oompetttSoa, and MUasa has a mon nrwtMted psji bttwt-vu Malay teams !>• .1 iliif—ti 1 be loretM van tuau-htd mmD«, and a' I',,
      186 words
    • 109 8 S.C.C. Tournament. The final tie in the Championship of the S.C.C. Lawn Bowling tournament took place last evening and was contested keenly by Mi Kean and E. A. Brown. McKean is the holder of the McKenzic trophy, aud, as he beat Brown last uight, the Cup becomes his
      109 words
    • 502 8 5.C-C Tournament. The S.C.C. Lawn Tennis tournament emu. iim i.n-cl yesterday, when play took place in Mm L> Singles and Profession PairR. In the Prnfessiou 1'Hirs there were three walkovers, mil .a the D. Singles also two games were yivi-n away without a contest. The results were as
      502 words
  • 114 8 Accompanied by a lady and two gentlemen, the I'rincess of Wales wandered unrecognised over tlio ground)) of the Franco-British Kxhibitiou for several hours on July IS. At "i o'clock tbe Koyal party purchased tickets admittinu to tbe half-crown reserved ■Mcl nt the Indian arena. Later l'rincess
    114 words
  • 77 8 Viceroy Chang performed the opi-niue Lcremony, in connection with the Floou Fund Bazaar, ou the uth instant. More ti.'Hn :iOO Chinexc ladies and girls ■ire acting as stallholders, ttayH a wire, and he Viceroy bat. prohibited the opening of he bazaar at night. Lady Chaog Jen-chun,
    77 words
  • 672 8 FOR ENCOURAGING GENTLEMEN RIDERS. Suggestions of Correspondents. I We have received the following letters for publication, bearing upon the suggestion for races at subsequent race meetings to be exclusive to gentlemen riders: To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, August 13. Sir, The suggestion of Rider in
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  • 153 8 Indian Journalist Asks for Re-trial of Case. A telegram from Bombay to Colombo exchanges on the r. I instant state that Tilak's Rolicitor MaWaUM a long petition' to the Advocate General asking for a curtiticato that in his opinion Mr. Justice Davar erred in his decisions, during
    153 words
  • 118 8 A Belgian named Hulet, who was a member of the Tonkin police, died of hydrophobia, at Haiphong, towards tbe middle of last month. He was bitten as far back as December laxt, when a mad dog bit several persons, of whom two died of rabies noun
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 32 8 Lneasv rests the bead that wears an ache. No use wearing it. Steams' Headache Cure will take the ache and leave the bead good as uuw. Eatty to take, easy to boy.
      32 words
    • 59 8 NO CAUSE TO WORRY. With METHYLOIDS a rapid and effective cure can be obtained in cases of catarrhal affections of the urinary tract. Far superior to injections, as they cause no paiu or stricture, and more effective than sautal or copaiba. Tbey relieve tbe pain and eatte your mind. In
      59 words
    • 879 8 CAUGHT BY THE GRIP--RELEASED BY PE-RU-NA. La Grippe Is Epidemic Catarrh. /*oSh A^~ ri THE dlscnoe now known at grip' jp »w" l.t^^^BS^r '~^B^^Bsl^B»*^sa^'^Bß^ ItTery closely resem'ilen a cold, but Ip \cr.eis Vf fjr^ m^ k a^^ff LflL more tenacious In its hold upon the \jjw/»^v W pyatem and produces
      879 words
    • 175 8 P~ aiaaaaaaa^ MALTHOID ■iiCBkL ■aorias The of ton arises iv the mind'of a naaaboatlo build I wnnlpr if MallhoiJ woald be suitable We cprtif'. from many ;mw' practical experience that Multhoid will bt fouud iromcusely satisfactory on every class of building 'tftthmt w«mlv, if not; Ifitkmt tnu, tfxoh it
      175 words

    • 95 9 SIHOAFOM, AtOUST 18, 1908, {Hmbier 8.00 do (Cobe No. 1) unpicked 11.75 Copra Bali 7.60 do Pontianak 700 Pepper, Black buyers 11.00 do White 5% buyers 17.25 Saeo Floar Sarawak 2.97 J do Brunei No. 1 2.86 Pearl Sapo 8.80 Coffee Bali, picked 24.00 Coffee. Palembang, 20% baxie nom.
      95 words
    • 114 9 Demand 2/8} Private 6 m/t 3/41 do 8 m/s 2/4& On Germany -Bank d/d 88(1 Private 8 m/i 240* do 0 ui/a 342, 0- /♦••nee-Bank d/d 291 Private 8 m/l 296) do Bm/i 298 On India -Bank T.T. 175 Private 80 d/s 176* On Uongkcng— Bank d/d 28 Private
      114 words
    • 55 9 Howarth Ertklne 6% »800,000 3% prero Riley Hargreavee 6% 326,000 2% prem B pore Electric Tramways Co., Ltd. 8% 350,000 nominal Singapore Municipal 6% 400,000 20% prero. 6% 1,878,000 3% prem. *i% 1,600.000 5% prem i% 603,900 1% dis norn Slraits Engineering Byd.. Ltd. 6% 45,000 par. Tanjong Pagar
      55 words
  • Stocks £ti\d Shares.
    • 334 9 Date of forma-; ion Capita) Number^ Bubeoribed of Shaw lane Paid Shane Value op to Untamed Company QsorinoM 1908 1300,000 1907 I 1800,000 1901 MOO.OOO 1903 £400,000 1907 MOO.OOO 1901 £00,000 1006 £100,000 1906 1150,000 1906 £110,000 1906 £30,000 1906 MM.OOO 1906 i £160,000 400,000 118,000 600,000 850,000 875,000
      334 words
    • 332 9 1906 1906 1904 1908 1906 1904 1906 1906 1906 1907 1906 1906 £160,000 1300,000 £80,000 £70,000 •150,000 £16,000 £71,000 £810,000 £180,000 £330,000 /175.000 8360,000 134,116 136,000 22,750 86,700 IU.OOO 16,000 M.OOO 289,530 180,000 301,600 176,000 2*8,000 46,600 I 108,600 13,600 33,760 66,700 13,600 I 10,000 t 6,000 66,000 I
      332 words
    • 189 9 1894 1898 I SOS £5,377.10.0 1225,000 115,000,000 4,808 213,000 16,000,000 7,688 4,500 120,000 18,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 3,400 f «,000 I 2.780 34,000 600 400,000 1,110 S,OOO 4,956 800,000 t.388 11/6 50 116 100 100 100 100 10 100 100 10 50 1 100 100 100 10 10 11/6
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 449 9 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners of Oeorge Town, Penang, require a Mechanical Engineer for the Nightsoil Pumping Station recently erected by them. He must be a properly qualified Mechanical Engineer with experience in electrical work, must he Htrictly sober and of steady and regular habits. Ag« between 15 and 38.
      449 words
    • 164 9 Jeffrey's Stout AND I Pale Ale. 1 1 8 l In or< er tbat tbe abovt Flrmt-Clamm Jhlß^ Stout and Pale Ale may become A M^ better known in this market, fl Both will bo mold until further notice at Per Case of 7 dozen Pints. ■i^ OF ALL DEALERS.
      164 words
    • 136 9 11 DF BUMATRA POST. Published daily at Medan, Deli, is the LEADING paper in Sumatra. 6 NOTICE. This ie to give notice that the above Trade Hark is the property of Somervell Brothers, of Netherfield, Kendal, in the County of Westmoreland, England, and that it is used by that firm
      136 words
    • 186 9 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co Ld. A I F Ott> L b Proceeding. $68. CYCLES. plee Hf f^i- 1 *^«< 9 The gentleman above has thought his forehead into a bump. He has wasted much time thinking how to save spending money for the modern apparatus bis business needs. He is wasting
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  • 1339 10 DESCRIPTION OF GOWNS WORN AT PENANG RACES. Dainty Frocks for Home Wear. The following is a description ot some of the dresses on the last day of tbe Penally Kace meeting, says tbe Pinang Gazette: Mrs. island came in a handsome black and white striped voile gown
    1,339 words
  • 96 10 Last year the number of cremations in the I'nitcd Kingdom was 700— namely, at Woking 10H, Manchester 9tt. Glasgow 30, Liverpool ;)4, Hull 29, Darlington Leicester IS, Gulder's Green 290, Birmingham 38, Leeds 16, Sheffield 18, Ilford 18, and Bradford 13. The practice of cremation in
    The Times  -  96 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 528 10 SALES BY AUCTION. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF A PARTICULARLY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PLANTS. The property of Mrs A. P. NIEUWKAMP (who is proceeding to Kurope), At MOUNT ROSIE. OFF CHANCERY LANE. On Saturday, August 22, at 2.30 p.m. Tbis collection, which is one of the finest grown in Singapore, comprises
      528 words
    • 303 10 MORTGAGEES SALE. J Tea plots of land in Dißtrict of Claymore, being part of Grant No. 30. Area 11.290 aqaarefeeti together with the home and bnildI ing erectt-i therojn known as No. 121-5, River Valley Road i Mir' LI c. /-> L,. irOghl&li OC luO., Licensed Auctioneers and 176- Surveyors.
      303 words
    • 387 10 A MESSAGE FROM AUBTRALIA. Messrs. Williamson Co., Juudali, (jueunaland, writes Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy enjoys a great reputation in theso parts. It has effected some really remarkable cures, and there is scarcely a home without a bottle." For sale by all Dispensaries and dealers. BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND
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    • 636 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital in 60,000 Sharea ot £20 each X1.900,000 Reserve Fnnd £1,(25.000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors C 1,200,000, 200,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of boo. land. The London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE
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  • 871 11 LORD MAYORS DEPUTATION TO THE HOME OFFICE. Dealing with Dangers of Motoring. At the Home Office, on July 11. Mr Hubert ilailstcim- roceived a deputation, headed by the Lord Mayor of Louclon, appointed to wait upon the Home Secretary by a meeting of butiiufxH mii v In lil ivccntly
    871 words
  • 49 11 A considerable development is taking place iv the Sheffield steel trade by the manufacture ou a large scale of nickel steel motor axles. It is fuuud that nickel steel, that is steel with a ujixture of 3 per cent, of nickel, is a very satisfactory material for those axles.
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  • 52 11 At the annual conference of the L'rban District Councils of England and Wales, held at New Brighton on Saturday, a resolution was submitted urging the Association to continue their efforts to induce the Government to increase the taxation ot all motorcars and motor vehicles, the proceeds to be devoted to
    52 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 125 11 ARGYLL CARS. Greatest Success. 12-14 H.P. M)LI> MKDAL AM) FASTEST TI i CLENCROE HILL CLIMB. 14-16 H.P. TWO KNTERKI), TWO MADE MM STO1 1 MJHB TUWOI GHOLT. SCOTTISH RELIABILITY TRIAL. Tin- ooh In In ilaj tliroo winning cars in the trial. SYME A CO., Sole Agents. HARVEY'S Special Whisky. CHOP
      125 words
    • 57 11 A noted lecturer said, "X wonld that good health were an contagious as ineaslos." While such is not the case, remember that Steams' Wine does a world of good in restoring health. Sufferers from nervous prostration, wasting disease*), general debility, and that familiar condition called "poor health" find Steams' Wine
      57 words
    • 157 11 Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements Reduction In Prices!! THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Straits Cycle Motor Co., Ld. 15, BATTERY ROAD. New Goods Just Received.! Acetylene Motor I .ampMead and Side Lights, 1908 Pattern. Horns, Sparking Plugs, Coils, Accumulators, Funnels, Pumps, Horn Bulbs. Vol meters, Ampmeters, etc.
      157 words
    • 180 11 /^MgyW^^yj^ PRICED CARS, 1 [^fjjSJIKA Cy^^ Skilfully I>< lentil to reduce Wear on \^j^/*- i^Js Tyres to tlic lowest possible poiut. For furtlitr particulars apply to tin sole agents CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. STANDARDS, REPS STARS. Sold and delivered during la»t six week" i Oue 30 h.p., six-cylinder STAK Touring Car.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 526 12 Scale of Charges. 7BEPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MIsoeI- saeoQi Wanis of Every Description, Houses, Isal, eto., to let, an Insorted at the following MsesOae Insertion I I.W per Inch. Two 1.00 Three 1.80 Hs f.M ■Ids 1.40 Twelve 7. J0 Twenty fire 10.00 (Each subsequent month M per Inch.) Ths abore rate
      526 words
    • 437 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. sUnsi Tos» Uaos, a ot two Uosrtlo— H.OO Br ths IMb. oes Soals of Charges. LADY TEACHER WANTED Apply in person to the Principal of the ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL, Colemao Street. ASSISTANT WANTED. Wanted, an Assistant with experience of Road making and Bridge building. Apply, stating experience, to X.T.
      437 words
    • 607 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. sUn —row Li.M, on or two iMirWo. Bf ths IMb, ho nste of sfcufoo. HOUBE TO LET No. 4, Mount Rocie. Apply IWfflei Hotel. c 981 HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 1, Oxley Rise, to be let. Apply Meyer Brothers. 1149 MOM TO LET.
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    • 449 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Ld. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds oi HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, lor Carnages Motor Oats, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose, Brake-RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES- CODDMNot'o/uGE^sl rlnGs! All kinds of I.R. Buffers and Springs lor Rail- INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and MATways, etc.
      449 words
      261 words
    • 189 12 BOARD AND LODGING.»:— Fimr l.lnar SBS or -wo taMrtiOM, 11.00 Bf Mm Inch, mo 8o«Jo of Ciuifeo< BOARD ANO REBIDENCE. For single gentlemen. Terms moderate. Apply at Rockhurst, 11, Dhoby Obaut. 1774 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Two rooms to let, for bachelors. Mrs. van Barßen, 8, Mount Elizabeth. 1531 BOARD
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