The Straits Times, 13 August 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.728. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. AUGUST 13. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 399 1 BAYARD-CLEMENT Motor Cars. Extract hum a cHdomrf* Itttrr ilah.l Hmgkol, -I "hi M, 1906. The 10-16 h.p. "Bayard" supplied to me is winning beautifully. I am extremely satisfied. 'I'm, Cars 1,/ this ririi mm* 1 Modi {10-16 h.p.i hari just bffn Inmlnl. 11. shall bt ill I'm hi nl to
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    • 331 1 Robinson and Company. J CHROME FOOTBALL S 1 With Toe Caps and Bar.-. s Springs, Floor I'latc and HwT*' **^A HHHHb! HP PEAR SHAPE PUNCHING /t-jLI the brogued shoe. LiJ mmaitr st Smooth Cow Hide, li.iuii PORTABIE PUNCHING BALL, For Golfing, ttj. With Iron Uase Adjustabk I Btw 1 >
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  • 1397 2 FOREIGN CIRBONS STILL USED IN SEARCHLIGHTS. Another Naval Problem. Tho suit of the war now taking j.lace in the North Soa depends a good deal on the effectiveness of tho searchlights used, -ays the Daily Chronicle Wlieu the present nt came into office tlu' British Navy
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 369 2 A" Red Seal A pure Whisky ot the highest quality it is possible to produce at hTd'^m*^; the price, this Blend compares pIBCIEDODSDDDq favourably with many higher-priced productions Guaranteed 7 years old. "Black 6? White" B ran A l)lcn<l made up of only Per- '^k fectly matured whiskies storedfor 1
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    • 158 2 ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker Tomb-Builder. 150, Middle Rood, Sole Agent tor Meaara Dottridge Brother*, Ltd., London. 1005 Telephone No. |619. Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. NEAR ENTRANCE TO BORNKO. WHaRF Telephone 1026. Sea stocks ol all kinds oi Frozen Meats, etc., can be deli vered to Shipping at th*
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    • 122 2 TRY THIS FOR CHRONIC DIARRHOEA. Manly sufferers from chronic diarrhoea have obtained prompt relief by the use of Chamberlain's Colic, C'liolcra and I>iarrhoca licruedy. Some of the worst ras's of this disease have beeii permanently cured by it after other treatment and skilled physicians had failed. Try it aud you
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    • 342 2 \v >r Cocoa W enablrs you to m tread the road of life with a brisk, strong, steady I £*®*jraj lte P. because it is rich in strength-imparting essentials, J Jj* ll^ therefore promotes physical endurance IS* m and hardihood. It is the purest and best Ji. MSi '&tfs\ li(
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  • 328 3 MR, J. S. FLETCHERS BEAUTIFUL PICTURES. Wanderings Among Rustics. Dvmii. Qiuraß: Moaiini Hy .1. s. 11. Uglier. London: Murray. 6n. Aa a description of life among country folk Mr. Fletcher's book is very near bein« a masterpiece, for in this day of many novels tue reviewer rarely conies
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  • 335 3 A IU ni II iiy 111 l"l BimMilH Hy < >eorge M-)i ley. London: Alston liivrrs. OK Then, is M iitmosplit-re of eoniedy about thi. t;iv, wlm-h U conveyed more by the author's ctj'.e than by his meaning. Thu sheph ids r.nd slnpherdfK«<'s indiiljje in a
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  • 271 3 A Siiki HKHii in mi-: St\ik. Hy Kraoces UUWWL I .on, lnu II iMil ;iml -Ki^i. ton. 0-i. Altliou(>li, in so far as thin may be roIjardtd a« a novel of s< utiiucut. I'icKle, ayid l:i, is not the liciuine, it is largely that lively child who
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  • 356 3 Tur Kiaini. ('loch. l!y Manaf Itobt'rt*. I Loudou Hurst and ltlackett. •>*. The Klyiny Cloud is tlio name of the sailing ship ou board of which Mr. Murley I 1 Itnlwrts' various characters Uy their parts tin ilhh book. It shivild lallior have been I The Storm
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  • 281 3 Egyptian Mail Steamship Project Unsuccessful. The K^yptian Mail Stenmship Company, started last year to run lloatiug peIMM betwe, ii ManHU) Naalea, and Alexandria, Io 'I'll witli tin Unirist •MMCMMr traffic j between Knropeaad Kuypt.and vxhieh nobody .••v|i( cteil i-ould p-;ssil)ly pay, gone into li'liiiilition. S.iys th" Capital
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  • 59 3 The Ca|itaiu of the hutch steainr>r lUn Fo Soon, wbieh arrived from I'ontLinak, this morniiiL'. reports tlint be passed, at 8 a. 'n. yesterday, a floating wreck with one mist above the water and a piece of canvas attached to it, at ,'!7 minutes North l.ititu.le and lix; flajpMt SI
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 559 3 The Grand Prix, 1908. FIRST DAY Small Cars. FIVE FIRST ON MICHELIN TYRES. o SECOND DAY Course des Voitures. First Laatenachlager on a Mercedes Gar, fitteJ with Michelin Types. FIVE FIRST ON MICHELIN TYRES. .pi I OF '1 UK 12 PtRSI CARH II WERE FITTED WITH MICHELIN TYRES. IN a
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    • 169 3 2 Facts of Absorbing Interest To liaM Who Are In The Clutches Of Rheumatism One c.mnot be too quickly cured of Rheumatism. To gtt ri J of those awful pnins that make life a never-ending series of tortuie, now mild, now excruciating, today in bed, to-moi row hobbling around on
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    • 257 3 THE HONGKONG ROPE MANUFACTURING CO. iESTABLjISHED I2M 1883) MAMFACTI'KRKS OK Pure Manila Rope 3 BTRAND 4 STRAND CABLE LAID I,'* to 12* 3" to 10 |a liv Prices, Samples and full particulars will be (or warded un application to Agent W. A. STOPANI, ■UM 2:. Buat Quay. SINGA lot, K.
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  • 795 4 Swr port, prtbtMi date oj arrival, and name of Agents. STEAMKRS. Liverpool. Ht|it 10; W. Mausfi.l.l Alrlie, Sydney Ang 24 Boastead bina. Sept W. Mansfield /Ucinooa, Livirp.>.>l Hcpt. la W. Maurtield Ambiia, Hon^knuj!. S pt Hebn Meyer \~iatic Co> \ntnns;, B»h» Meyer Liverp °*V W. Mansfleld i. KaFt
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  • 107 4 From Emm— Bt Mm P. <V<>. steamer Malta lien, due August 14, (i a.m. From Cuina— By the X. PL. steamer Schnrnhorst due AagMl 17. a[x>ie I'uc in Louclou Jnh 7 N. D. L. Jalv SO July 9 B. I. Auk July 14 M. M. Any 6
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  • 57 4 Tboat who suffer cause others to suffer. V- ,ik. sickly aiul rundown men and women CM 'mil ;i cvire for their troubles in >t<;trus' Win,-, tin great tonic wiooaßtiuotor. Him fWntll»Wfltl>md thus fettls the. vital .m<i blood of the huuiau machinery with tba fuel that turns into strength and vine;
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 692 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P fi? O STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, '.ustralis. India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Ply,nouth and London Xhro-iRh BH'« Lupine; i C;a=-, P«rsiau Oi'.t dan tntptat, si-! no i Po-t». ■sVMMH ..-i!i eve Sr. a it so 8 aboc: MAIL LINK [OatSMfd i'or Chin \V»
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    • 1159 4 3TEAHER BAILIH6B. HANDEL AND SCHEEPVAART HY. "BANDJER." ■LJSJf BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers cf this company maintain a regular serrloe between: Singapore, Sonrabaya. Band}ermanin, Polo L«ut, Ballk Papan, Koetel, with transhipment at Bandiermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Roemai, Kotta Waringin, Djelai. Tbe steamers have good aooomodatlon for first j and eeeond class passengers.
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    • 592 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Tbe steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the' Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking cargo
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    • 804 4 STEAMER SAILIM6B. N. D. L. NORDDEUV-.CHER LLOYD. Imperial (lariTian Mall Llue. The fast and well knn*n mall atjain Company sail fortnightly trom Pr Hamburg Tia Rotterdam, Antwsrp, Sonlutu! ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oona Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and H I Port Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, "Man* Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki,
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  • 1172 5 PmaalMl hfvtmg cha 1o11<"miik i'.it» i" il»tu«; nli.-^hip: txj.— barqoo; »cli.--•rhcwnor. Vet.-ViKhl; Cro.-Crui»er U'bt.-UnB-boat: Tor.-Torp«lo; ll.p.-lloriwpowsr Bnt.Knti-,'.. P. 8.— CirtUd Mm >■ Fch.— French ( llul.— Dutch It^l.— Italian; Hpan.—SpMiiih: Rai Naravafc; (l.r.— tloneral cargo; U.p.— <lock p.w ««n«er; CT TJ« I W. -Wharf; T.P.D.--Tanfons PHbM; K.
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  • 275 5 Passengers Outward. Per I', and India, counectiug with the steamer Malta at Colombo, due August 14. Mr. and Mrs. A. .lamieson, Mr. and Mrs. li. Korrestor, Mr. A. Mitchell, Mr. aud Mrs. W. Main, Mr. C. Kussell, Mr. K. S. Koh, Mr. A. Smith, Mr. J. P.
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  • 198 5 liy the Marmora, Captain (1. H. 0. WToaton, August 18. Froai Vokohauia, Sir John Murray mil Mih» Murnty from Shanghai, l>r. llsioh, Mr. Twoch and Miss lluucr from lluiigkouo, Mr. and Mrs. Carr, Mr. W. A. Dowliy, Mr. <). V. Is llang, Mr. 11. Stuu lliug, Mr. M. 1.
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  • 32 5 Outward P. Un O. Mail. The P. and O. outward mail steamer Haiti left I'cnangat 10 p.m., yesterday, and may be expected to arrive here at 6 a.m., to-morrow.
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  • 104 5 Fob Pur Btuhih tmt To»''B>ow Euroiie via ]i"it MafMOM tia.m. Cucob <llanggi 10 a.m. Christmas Island hUimler 11 a.m. Bangkok Naattwf :i p.m. Telok Anson via ports Penung 3 p.m. Malacca and Muar Lady ll'eltl 3 p.m. Penang, R'goon, Calcutta PMtah 4 p.m. Calcutta Curtmia 4 p.m. Baawria.B'baya.P.Oarwia
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  • 356 5 Little Girl Robbed in the Jungle and Killed. A :;irl ig, ,1 |:i ja s bt-eu brought up for trial in the Special Court of Myaungnjya, India, charged with the minder of a child aged "1 at Kynugale village. The child iv •jucstion was decked out with jowollery
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  • 609 5 Proposed Acceleration ol Italian Railway Service. On tin- avange, rathet laai Uaw I,'hhi l>u.S!tcngcrs pat P, .mil O. steamers land and iirotlici- 1,1)00 go un board, at Bllmljaj in n year. This is nut a very largo number, but the uiiiils lor the K Ist anil the
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  • 93 5 It is reported from Calcutta that stone~ have been freely thrown at the tram cars whenever European ot Rmmajaa mi them. Many cars prui-<ed<"l to tho Fort with tin ir windows BOMMbad. Two Kuropean laili<s. nyocaadina towards the Kobert Muuoy (C.M.8.) High School in a first-class compartment,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 427 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. 1 ii.: steamers of th' Company maintain a rajfalat direct service botwocn Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Cbefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Ynngtszo Ports, Konn>sa, tli^ i'hili|ipinos ,ko., M, Nmhti Tons Commander Kors»N.
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    • 483 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE BTEAMERS. Thi nndprmentionod mail sloaraors of the akove Line maintain a rognlar s«rvioe betweon ('alcutta aud Japan, calling at I'mi in Singa pore, Hongkong and Shanghai en rmttt rCCCT. Tnnx Commainl«r 8.8. 'Jklkn" 6,SOK J. O. OLnTRHT 9.h. "OBiooat Ai'car" 4,800 8. 11. Bklsos h.r. Abratoon
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    • 421 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C/. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. TUE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUKOrK VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA ami th.UNITED BTATKB K'uto fn-n Ili-ngkoog, vlx Bhaiigbsl, Nagasaki. (Inland Be-» 01 Japan). Kobe, Yokohama, Victoria and Vauooavor, R.M.!'. "KiifßeM or Imdu" 1 1 wln-Bcrew dtea X.M.6. "Kan***
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    • 112 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Aug 1 1 At Sale room, sale of steamer Mcuu at 2 30 [i. in. Is—At Sale rom, land aud hoaaaj in Sago Street and Sago I. am-, at 2-30 p.m. H. L. Cojrhlan and Co. Aug 17 At Sale room, laud aud house in
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    • 57 5 DON T BE ALARMED. UKTHYLGIDB will cure il ailafiectiona ol the 'in llna are fOickl) I BK d whb Methy loids. Their elli.e l ik rapid and They relievi pain and pioinplly ainat thu diacbarge. Where utht r ii, .h. h.i\c Uilid try Mt.thyioi.K and wat' h th. ie.-.ii11.-,. C
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 65 5 WEATHER REPORT. KanJang Kerbau, dwfM 1908. 9 a. M. 3 P. II. 9 F. u. Rkkirkb. Bar. 32 Fab 29.946 29.839 MM Temp 86.0 89/2 78.2 a Wet Bulb Ther 80.0 "7.6 75.S jo, Dir of Wind calm i aim calm M Max. Temp 87. j 5 S Mm
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    • 142 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fiiou A1..1-1 13 i" kmvm 19.) HIGH WATKK LUWWATBB Time H'ght Timu H'ght August lira. nun. (tins, brs.miii. ft. 111 Thch.sdav13 Tl1»0 H.111 9.0 Vltam 0.3 1HCHMU113 |n.i Opm 10 5. 9 pm 40 |6' 55 pm M vSZ M 0.41 am 10.6 7.9 am 1.0 Bami
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    • 144 5 DAY BY DAI Thursday, August 13. High Water. 11.10 p.m. P. A. O. homeward mail duo. S.C.C. tuuuis preliminaries. Alhanibra Cinematograph. 7 .-to p.m. Agri horticultural Show. Kuala Lumpur. Lawn Bowling Tournament. L.L.T.C. Autumn tournament. Hale Tours. Japanese Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Hanma Ciuematograpb. 730 p.m. Wayaug Kassim. 9 p.m. Priday,
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  • 1056 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13. It is. we take it, the purpose of tlie annual Agri-Horticnltural Sliows, held uudur the auspices of the Straits Settlements aud Federated Malay States Oovernuteuts, to encourage every art ami industry tnakiug fur the betterment of the inhabitants of British Malaya,
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  • 19 6 During the week ended August 1, one case of plague and one <>f email \»>s. were reported at Bangkok.
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  • 20 6 For contempt of court by smoking within the sacred precincts, a Hokien was fined ">2 by the Third Magistrate, yesterday.
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  • 21 6 Meetings in sympathy with Tilal. arc being held in various towns of Bengal and Assam. National institutions and shops are closed.
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  • 24 6 Ten long tenu prisoners escaped from Montgomery gaol, near Calcutta, some injuring themselves badly in jumping the wall. All have been since re arrested.
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  • 30 6 Three steamers arrived from Bangkok, yesterday morning, one with a <rargo of teak for Calcutta. <>y with .~>6 bullocks and a general cargo, and the third with a general cargo.
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  • 31 6 The stall' aud scholars of tho WaterlooRoad School. Londou. MO sendiug to the Waterloo School. Sydney, a Hag and photographic albums iv exchange for a recent gitt from the Sydney school.
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  • 36 6 Mr. J.Cohen. Boarding Officer, on Tuesday, prosecuted in the Second Magistrate's Court, a 1 1 vlam for trespassing in his compound at No. 2 Wilkie Road, at h 20 p.m., on Saturday. The accused was fined
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  • 34 6 Wee Ah Vong, the Hylaui servant who, it was alleged, committed criminal breach of trust in respect of throe Batek sarongs belonging to a nonya. was fined *:t by the Second Magistrate, on Tuesday.
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  • 31 6 A Proclamation has been issued by the Bombay Government, calling upon sober citizens to assist in restoring order, in contradicting false rumours and in restoring peace and prosperity to the city.
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  • 35 6 A delightful dinner has been given on board the Russian steamer Saratov by the captain and agents, to a few gentlemen connected with tho Port of Caloutta freight market and tea trade aud tea buyers.
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  • 33 6 An ordinary meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners is to ho bold tomorrow. The business will be of a routine character. Tenders for theatre furniture nud the purchase of coal will be considered.
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  • 40 6 The Dutch Trading Society has been authorised by the Colonial Minis-er at the Haguo to announce to the Mercantile community there that the quantity of Banka tin to be offered for sale next year is, at present, estimated at lHO.OOOpiculs.
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  • 37 6 No less than tJUt haudlooms are at work in the Patna District at the present day weaving s-itranjis, the weavers being almost entirely Mahomedans. Since the Swadeshi agitation, the demand for satranjis has enormously increased in Bengal.
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  • 38 6 For possession of illicit cbandu and for selling chandu without a licence, a Hokien living at No. '■> Angullia Road was fined 975 or. in default, sentenced to six week- 1 rigorous imprisonment, by the BmM Magistrate, this uioruiug.
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  • 46 6 For the theft of five >.'i notes. $6 in silver, two bajus and other clothing, the whole having a value of MM, from a Malay boatman, a Teochew was sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment by the Second Magis trate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, yesterday.
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  • 43 6 Captain A. T. Stuart, M.V.0., of the battle ship Repulse, has died at the Koyal Naval Hospital at Plymouth. He had seen considerable service in suppressing the slave trade on the West Coast of Africa, and discovered Stuart Island, iv the Australian Seas.
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  • 46 6 •Tau Kong, tho Chiuaman who attempted suicide un .Sunday night, at midnight, by jumping into the 'sea at the mouth of the Singapore River, appeared before the Third Magi Ante, on Tursday. He was Rent to the hospital for observation as to his state of mind.
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  • 44 6 According to a Moji journal, tlwre are twenty steamers, of from 700 to h.mio tons displacement, owned by individuals, lying idle at Yokohama. Kobe, and other ports. There a>e also many Japanese liners laid up, owing to thu depressed state of lilt) shipping industry.
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  • 48 6 On the Magistrates' lists for preliminary enquiry, yesterday, were turou murder cases, in which the number of the deceased was five, two cases of alleged attempted murder and one case of ulleged causing death by a rash act. .Most i them had to be postponed, for various reasous.
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  • 50 6 Mr. E. C. C. Howard, the District Judge, on Tuesday afternoon, did uot continue the hearing of the cases against the Sri Wongsee for damages for non-delivery of goods Bhippcd by that steamer when she sank near liatu I'ahat. in April last, the matter having been settled out of court.
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  • 42 6 Inchc Abdul Hamid bin llussain has been appointed Malay teacher under the Japanese Government. He was subjected to another examination last night. Abdul Hamid received the greater part of bis education at Johore liahru, at the hands of Mr. W. N. Gawler.
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  • 47 6 Eight hundred and sixty-six per cent, interest per annum was charged to a Liverpool dock labourer's wife, who poisoned herself because she was unable to repay a small loan by a money-lending neighbour. It was simply the act of a vampire, said the coroner at the inquest.
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  • 49 6 Two Teochews, charged with theft as servants of four pieces of machinery from a pineapple cannery at No U Pitt Street, wore sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment each by the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green on Tuesday. The stolen property, which was recovered, was valued at
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  • 56 6 There are now iv the F.M.S. service appointments to be known as Malay Cadets, and these are, an exchange hears, open to scions of the Malay Koyal House. At present, two appointments have been filled, one being a Forest Hanger, who is attached to the Resident-General's Office, aud the other
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  • 73 6 Mr. E. E. Colman, the Third Magistrate, resumed, yesterday, the preliminary enquiry into the charge of attempted murder against Adalan and Arshiman. two lioyanese who are alleged to hive assaulted a fellow-country-man, named Moadiu, near the KafHus Museum at 11 p.m. on June '26. fracturing his skull. Complainant said that
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  • 494 6 Mr. S. UrighoiiM.' hM baN .ipnointed Crowu Ailvwate at Bangkok vie? Mr H. B. H. (iibbous it-iViu-.1. Mr. Justice Brnddill has returned to Penang. After a short stay there, he will go to KuaU Lumpur. The Key. Father D' Hondt, tho Rev Father Ferlay and Mr. Bolhonime
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  • 30 6 The Chinese storekeeper of the Australian steamer Paroo has reported, to the police that he was roliln .1 of his belt ami ISM iv money iv Beach Koad, yesterday afternoon.
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  • 42 6 At No. N Sago Lane, a Macao woman, named Lee See. was found <lead under suspicions circumstances, at 2 p.m., yesterday. She had only been married eight days aud her husband is -aid to have gone to Johore.. Tho police are investigating.
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  • 49 6 A Calcutta telegram on August 8 -;iys that the appeal of Kliudiram Boee, umler sen tence of death lor the nmrder of Mrs. ami Miss Keiim dy, at Mo/.ulferpur. has beeu rejected by tho (iovernment of India. The execution was fixed to take place on tint 11th m st.
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  • 59 6 Additional evidence w<ts taken by Mr. E. E. Colman, tlm Third Magistrate, yesterday, in the prcliniinury enquiry into the charge against Teo Ah Kce ol atteuiptiug to murder Keo Tong iv a house of ill-repute in I'pper Hokien Street, on the night of July lit. by stabbing him in the
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  • 63 6 According to the Pinang lia/.ette. ouiiig to the large amount of subsidiary coin <n the hands of Penang Chinese merchants, (tan are about to be taken with a view to approach ing the (iovernment to change it for notes. There are now, according to returns sent iv, •200,000 in small
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  • 60 6 On Friday last, we published a statement to the effect that Mr. I. Victor seeun.l judgment in the histrict Court, fur -lilt./, against Mr. S. I>. Sassoon and Mr. aud Mm. S. E. Solomon, as Proprietors of the Stamboul Cinematograph. It uliouhl have read, against Mr. and .Mrs. S. D.
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  • 62 6 Alluding to KM Tougl> ill dr. dip r, tho Siam Observer states that a resident who has visited Tongkah recently says that the dredging scheme will not ouiy revolutionise the place but will undoubtedly l< a<i to similar ones being tried at other places in the Malay Peninsula, where it
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  • 75 6 In the Supreme Court, this morning, a point arose respecting the supplying of tinJudges with copies of documents, Mr. E. C. Ellis asking Mr. Justice Sercomlx' Smith for a ruling on the subject. He poiuU-d out that to have copies of documents for their Lordships would increase the cost of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 94 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH, BEACH ROAD. To-Night PATHE FRERES BEAUTIFUL PICTURES. L F. WILLIS, Maum;.T *Hlfynuf9ftnT£p[» I PIANOS ON HIRE FROM $12 per month. m Tuningitnd Ragnlar Attention inclneive. Robinson Piano Co., Ld C.R. LAMBERT CO. L« ESTABLISHED 1878. Photographers to H.M., tbe King of Siam, and U.H., the Sultan of Johore
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  • 458 7 KING EDWARD'S MEETING WITH THE KAISER. The Development of a Pan -European Policy. IDib OsTAaurimui Lloyd Tuliokaiil Berlin, August 12. When King Kduard met tin.- German Kmperor at Crouburg. their Majesties appeared tj be in perfect health ami humour, and the gicctiug was marked with genuine cordiality. I'hey
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  • 66 7 Conspiracy to Create a Greco-Slav Republic. [Rsotib's T»liiir*ii| London. August 12. Smut roiis prn min. Nt Croatians, Itosniaus .in.l N.istics were arrested on the 7th instant in connection with a Greater Servia Irredentist movement. The alleged conspirators arc charged with planning a revolt in Croatia and
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  • 35 7 I Da* OsiAsuTisem Lloyd Tiliokam) Berlin. August IS, According to a St. Petersburg telegram, .lapan is anxious to join with (ireat Britain, the I'nited States and Russia for the preservation of pelagic seals.
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  • 31 7 I D*k OSTASUTISCHB I.LOVD TILIORAM| Berlin, August IS. The principal Turkish uewspaper published at Constantinople urges the Sultau of Turkey to invite King Kdarard to visit Constantinople.
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  • 23 7 IDm Ostasiatischb Lloyd Tklii.ram Berlin, August 12. Sultan Abdul A/.i/ is reported to have had several skirmishes with Mulai Hatid. his rival.
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  • 467 7 Historic Settlement's Exhibits at Kuala Lumpur Show. iFi:o\i 0(1 Own Cokuksponhkn r.i Malacca, August 12. Owing to n combination of circumstances, chief among them perhaps being the counterattraction at Kuala Lumpur, the cricket I match which was to be played on Coronation Day under the auspices of
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  • 300 7 Charge of Criminal Trespass at the Raffles Museum. An enterprising Macao, named Chau Ah Hong, entered the RaflßM Museum at ten minutes to three, yesterday afternoon, with a rule and a diamond glass cutter of Kuropoan make. Ooingtoaglasssliow casein which valuable coins were kept, he proceeded to
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  • 119 7 A telegram from Mexico City gives details of tbe terrific explosion which occurred on July 10 in an underground oil reservoir in which a firo had just previously been reported. The reservoir was a very large one, and the explosion was terrific. The crust of the earth
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  • 120 7 Copper, another Java product, which is found iv the province of Madiun. has attracted the attention of capitalists in Great Britain, where inouoy has been raised to open up the minis. In Java itself, no capitalist would risk investing mouey in these mines, which are reported to
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  • 14 7 There will be a service at St. Andrew's Cathedral to-morrow evening at 6 o'clock.
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  • 121 7 PUNISHMENT FOR OFFICERS OF THE BUFFS. Army Council's Warning to the Service. |I!*ptir's Tilkoram.! London, August U. In connection with a recent order published in the Gazette, removing from the British Army Lieutenants 11. Smith and Robertson, of the ted lUttiliou of the Buffs. Kast Keut
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  • 101 7 Two Cars Overturn on Brooklands Track. Six racing motorcars were competing for the Ogowman trophy on the Brooklauds track yesterday, says a Loudou telegram of August i, whou a Napier car. which vas leadiug at a pace of niucty six miles an hour, overturned. Its ■Kjeiipants, however, escaped
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  • 315 7 Policeman and his Mother in-Law Charged with Murder. Mr. R. St. J. Braddell. who appears for Jobar Singh, a Police Onstablo, and his mother-in-law. Deoraji. who are charged with the murder of two other Bengalis, argued iv the Second Magistrate's Court, yesterday, for the release of his clients
    315 words
  • 50 7 The mutilated bodies of two soldiers of the West Yorkshire Regiment, who had been missing for several days, have been found by a Mo nster Fusilier, accidentally, near Murree. stripped, and all their limbs and their heads sitii~hed. says a wire from Calcutta on August 4.
    50 words
  • 60 7 According to a Calcutta wire on August 4, the Mahommcdan servant who killed Miss Hooper, a European nurse, at the little Military Cantonment of Jutogh, near Simla, oi: July 30, has confessed. Corporal Cullin, who shot a mule-driver in cantonments, has ueposcd before his commandiug officer that
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  • 50 7 London, July ML A fire broke out yesterday in the wooden framework of two shafts of the High-house colliery at Aunhinleck, in the South of Ayrshire, Scotland. Sixty miners were imprisoned, but after tremendous efforts the outbreak was extinguished, aud the whole of the men saved.
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  • 119 7 The project to erect in Bangkok a bronze statue of the King of Siaiu on horseback in commemoration of His Majesty's fortieth year of reign, ha-, miv- the Siam Observor, been received with the most marked satisfaction wherever mooted, and none who has any acquaintance
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  • 803 7 ACTION BY MESSRS. GUTHRIE AND COMPANY. Cross-Examination of Mr. Palliser Wheu tho hearing of the action brought by Messrs. (iuthrie an. l Company, Ltd., against Mr. K. N. Adis was resumed, before Mr. Justice Soreombo Smith, in the Supreme Court, yesterday afternoon, Mr. Walter PalUser, contractor, gave
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  • 130 7 The World reiterates the statement that Mr. Churchill has received an informal commission to overhaul the War Office. He has almost taken up, his official residence in that institution. He has ransacked the drawers, has turned out pigeon holes and called for papers. He
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  • 68 7 There are great rejoicings in Jamaica, says a London telegram to Colombo exchanges on August 5, over the judgment of the Privy Council upholding the decision of the Jamaican Courts that certain fires at the time of the late earthquake were accidental and not due to the
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  • 929 7 Charge of Double Murder Against a Chinaman. Li Tui, charged with murder of his wife, Tan Siow, and her paramour, oue Tau Hong, in Waterloo Street in June last, was before the Second Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. (ireni, yesterday afternoon, for preliminary enquiry. Sub-Inspector Kirn Swee,
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  • 90 7 The Government of India are now considering the question of tbe heavy fall in the revenue of the Telegraph Department. The introduction of the four-anna telegram has proved a very heavy expense, and it seems highly probable that a pix-auna telegram will have to be introduced in its
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  • 37 7 Mr. F. J. Benjafield is to give a lantern lecture to-night at the Short Street School on a Trip to Europe. The proceedings commence at 8 15, and there is every promise of the lecture being interesting.
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  • 128 7 ROOSEVELT DEVELOPING A NEW POLICY. Japanese Concessions to a British Syndicate. (From Ock Own OeMMMMBtJ Loudon, August 12, p.m. The Birmingham Post publishes a state meut that President Roosevelt has arranged to send a Commission of ex|H>rts to tho Far East to report on the possibility of
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  • 69 7 Employers Accused of Spoiling the Scheme. Rkutkr's Tklki.kam. London, August 13. The newspapers are complaining of the attitude of employers towards the Territorial Army, especially of employers in London. It is alleged that they are spoiling the efficacy of the territorial training now in progress on Salisbury Plain
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  • 37 7 [l)m OsTiSUTIBOHi Lloyd Tkli ikam Berlin, August 12 Excitement over the Caracas trouble n> still intense throughout Holland, and it is feared the incident will lead to hostile relations between Venezuela aud the Netherlands.
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  • 14 7 Berlin, August 12. The New York Herald is propagating an American-Chinese Alliance.
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  • 229 7 Planters Agree Upon Experimental Gardens. The Rubber Planters iv the I'reaug. r provinces, East Java, have recently formed themselves into an Association, which bat been recognised by the Government. The aim is to forward the interests of the members, and, iv paiticular, those of that line of
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  • 53 7 The Colonial Secretary at Hongkong sayH it would appear from the letter of the Department of State that the United States Government did not accept the invitation of the Hongkong Government to the American Fleet to visit Hongkong. A mistake was made in the. cablegram from London
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  • 112 7 The Governor of West Sumatra, under uate July 30, sends word of a singular Malay festivity to mark the fact that tho rebellion there had finished. The Malays of the land had risen in ignorant impatience of fresh taxation, and had fared badly in the contest
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  • 62 7 During July, the number and tonnage of vessels visiting Bangkok was 03 ami 58,7 1 0, respectively. German ships top thf list with 28, and a tonnage of NJtt. British vi-ssi In come third with a tonnage ol 11.441, the number of ships being 10. From Singapore during
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 22 8 1 11 the I olman Shield contest, the Sa jaratol Muntaha will play the Marine Police on the lirtllle-. Reclamation, this afternoon.
      22 words
    • 33 8 A li tt- r from S. H. C. Member, rultrriiiy tv Itidvr h Hii^ustion in yesterday's issm for NKM fur m utknicn riders at the Autumn K.u is i lulil over till tomorrow.
      33 words
    • 47 8 >.C.C. Tournament. Pit n- was mi play yesterday in tin S.C.C. Lawn Howling Uiuruauioat. To-day's tie is M follows I'liAMiioNsuii' Final. Hrown v. McKoan. Tomorrow, the final in tlit Opcu Pairs will bo played, the finalists Wag Biddulpli .iii-l I-'- fiuiui v. Hay and l-'cldou.
      47 words
    • 63 8 linglish County Results. The following results were wired to Ceylon exchanges on August t Kent has boatcu Sussex by an iuniugs and tun. Derbyshire has beaten Hampshire by 128. Gloucestershire has beaten Essex by 48. Worcestershire v. Warwickshire, and Leicestershire v. Northamptonshire wore drawn. Surrey v. Notts, and Somerset
      63 words
    • 150 8 Hen Hur v. Nicca singh. The wrostliug match bctwe^u Ben Hur and Nicca Singh took place at the Alhambra a little before trn o clock last night. There WM a lull house. ,uid a good many Europeans were among tin spectators. Sergeaut Major (juost, Itoyal West Kents, acted as
      150 words
    • 422 8 Ladies' L.T.C. Tournament. Yesterday's play iv the Ladies Lawu Teunis Clubs Touruaiuont resulted M follows Ladies' HOMUW. Misa I '.irbi-Uirc. scr., beat Mrs. lloldcu uwe 1.6-4. 1-6,6—:!. Ladiks' Din;i!Lt~. Mrs. i mi n and Mrs. Oanslosei. sur.. bout Mrs. I ),irbi -hire and Mrs. .1 ago, 15, I>.
      422 words
    • 34 8 Launch Departures. The Swimming Club lauuches will leave Johnston's I>ier on Sunday at 9, 10 and 11a.m.. 2.:!0 and MOmaa.; returning from Bungalow at (».:(0 aud 11.30 a.m., l'J.lO, ;l and 5.:K) p.m.
      34 words
    • 454 8 Ipoh Ladies' Rifle Club. The following are the scon s for the Mills Challenge Cop shot for at the 100 yards range at Ipoh receutly: Mrs. Walker Mrs. Spinks ;;i Mrs. Rutledgi. '29 Mrs. Cockram J.i Mrs. Kollar -J8 Mrs. Lawronce 27 Mrs. Valpy 27 Mrs. Hannah 24
      454 words
  • 99 8 I- or jumping off a tram while it was in motion in North Bridge Koad at 7.:13 p.m.. yesterday, a Chinaman, named Tay Kiat, was arrested, though unconscious, having landed on his chin, and appeared before the Tliinl Magistrate, Mr. K. E. Coluian. this
    99 words
  • 133 8 Tun was bctore the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. K. i nliuaii. yesterday, for preliminary enquiry into a charge of manslaughter by causing the death of one Liiu Tcow Koon. on .luly J7, by knocking him into the Singapore Hiver, near Kirn Seng I toad, from a
    133 words
  • 55 8 A Calcutta telegram ou August ."> -,tutis that the Calcutta mail coach was looted at Chanduur. The coachmau was killed, and three school-boys travelling by the coach are in is-.ii!.... Tlie dacoits cut the telegraph wires. Insured parols an<l letters were looted, and the contents of the
    55 words
  • 26 8 London, August b. fart of Lord Brassuy's scat. N'ormanhurst in Sussex, has been burned down and many valnable art treasure* have been destroyed
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  • 275 8 Deadly Exhibits in a Session of the High Court. The scene inside the courtroom at Calcutta during the trial of persons accused under the Arms Ait was a curiously interesting one. Almost half of the large table at which counsel usually sit was taken up by an array
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  • 223 8 Present Position of Undertaking Described. Now that the troubles iv Yuuuau have attracted attention to the railway under con. structiou in that Province, a Paris trade journal reminds the public that the concession fur the line was granted by China to the French Government, in IH9H. The
    223 words
  • 68 8 A icmarkable ease of a train robbery is report< d to have occurred on the Eastern Bengal StaU; Railway, the other night, when a steel truuk. containing gold ornaments, jewellery and cash, valued at rupees 1.1.000, was stolen from a Bengali woman, by a train thief, after
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  • 156 8 A Ira weeks ago, Mr. V. Kinkleston. of Kota Tinggi, .lohore, shot a handsome specimen of tigress, which, in company with the n-alc cumpanion and a cub, had been causing niuc'i uneasiness among the inhabitants of Kota Tinggi. On the 9th instant, Mr. l-'inkleston captured the
    156 words
  • 312 8 Passionate Husband Kills his Wife and Children. The trial of .^iniaudarissa, villager of the Panadura district of Ceylon, for the murder ot his wife and two children, was resumed at the Colombo Criminal Sessions before Mr. Justice Grenier aud au English-speaking jury. The accused's defence was
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  • 228 8 Japan's Foreign Trade Indicates Big Decrease. The total amount of Japan's foreigu trade for the first six months of the year was yen 4-26,015,0<)0. showing a decrease of yen .!<>,l." compared with the corresponding period of last year. Of this the exports totalled yen 173,019,000. a
    228 words
  • 125 8 The Superintendent of Police at Canton baa made a report ol the census ul the popu lation of the city taken by his which shows these to be !K),m;:; shops aud a popu lation of |H7..;:{<',. of which 17 1,70(1 are females. There must be a mistake
    125 words
  • 67 8 A I'ekiug message of .luly H states that the director-general of the Imperial Household. 11. E. Kwei Chun, has been instructed by their Majesties the Empress Dowager and the Emperor of China to have the anti-opium smoking regulations drafted by the special commissioners of the anti-opium
    67 words
  • 159 8 Weekly Report by Registrar of Births and Deaths. Tin mortality report of Dr. Gihnorc Bib, Registrai oi Itirths aud heaths. Singapore, states that 2."i4 poisons died in Singapore during tin; week ended August B, the death rate being equal to IH.7:i per thousand of the estimated population. Altogether,
    159 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 736 8 NOW READY. Exchange Tables. DOLLARS into BTEBLING 4MB STERLING into DOLLIUB. From 'is. 3d. to 2s. sd. Ascending by l/Biad of n potiujr. PRISE: $2 PER COPY. POST FREE $2.12 PER COPY. C.A.RIBEIRO&GO.. MMITKK. STATIONERS, frti JT£RS. BJOKBINOcRS AND Miiiti SfA IP MANUFACTURERS. SU3APORE. AUCTION SALE OK MANITAI Tl UEUi'
      736 words

    • 96 9 imtlW, ASOTM 12, 1006. iambier buyers I 8.00 do (Cube No li nnpirke'l 11.75 Copra Bali 7.60 do Pontianuk 7.00 Ptpper. Blactt buyers 11.124 oo White 6% buyers 17.:T> SaRO Floor Sarawak ftM Btnu<J No. i 2.HJ Fear! S, 8.60 (Mm Bali picked 24.00 CcSoe PalombanK M bMN com.
      96 words
    • 125 9 On London Bauk 4 ni/s 2/4J Demand nivatc 6 w.'H 2/4j| i do 8 m/B 2/4 nmMiy -Bank d/d 286 Private 8 m/B 240* do 0 m/s 24'J On front' -Bank a;d 291 Private 8 m/B MfcH do 8 m/B 298 jn Jnd**— Bank T. T. 175 Private 80
      125 words
    • 54 9 is *»rth Erak'n* 8% (600,000 ?.%pnn-. '■.'ley Haru.-r uca ?V- 2W5.000 2% prem. pert Electric Tramway* Co.. Ltd. 5% 350,000 oominn! niDMpo*. 400.aK? W%fMB. i% 1,878 000 3%pren>. 4*% 1,600 000 5% pram. i% 601,9^ 3% dlf ucro iraitr Engineering Byd.. Ltd. 6% 45,000 par. i anjong I'ai.'.ir Dock
      54 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 337 9 Date uf formaioo Capital Number 0.-cr.oed of Share* Imu Paid Sham Value np to Dniatued Ccuipasy Quotation 1903 1907 1901 190>. 1907 1901 1906 :»03 1306 1906 1906 1908 1907 JO4 1907 1900 .093 1305 1198 1900 1907 1907 1906 1899 1907 190? 1300,000 •SOO.OOO 1600,000 •400,000 £60,000
      337 words
    • 363 9 180fl £150,000 I*os I tSOO.OOO 1904 £30,000 :V)3 iC70.000 1906 $150,00 C 1904 £***** 190« C 75.000 1906 £310,000 1906 £180,000 1907 £320,000 1 906 176,000 1906 »260,03 C 1685 £100,000 1906 j 4800,000 1903 430,000 1906 «250,000 1904 £20,000 IUO4 »100.000 1898 «*n 000 ;9i: 1909 1100.000 1906
      363 words
    • 206 9 1894 *,SO6 LBM .n« l«, 000 »15,000.'il)0 16,000,000 i 906 IMMMM i,«oc,cOv; '896 11.000.'.00 l.O&C 30C .901 »3J, 000 1 -4.000 1899 «-7';,<joo 575.00 C 1903 9b00,000 340,000 1891 $?;;,"is; so.ooci 1903 £400,000 i 400,000 1934 1160,000 113,000 1864 t ttOO.OOO 300,000 l<*9o ISOO.OCO 300,000 ISB7 >ii.OCO.OOO 8,000,00 C
      206 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 459 9 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. The Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penaug. roMnirt a Mechanical Engineer for the Nightsoil Puuipiug Station recently reeled by them He must be a properly inclined Mfcluiiiica' Engineer with experience I ,U work, ii iu at be sober aud f -uads ami regular habits. Afi between 25 and
      459 words
    • 164 9 MARTIN nfcifor Ladies] gf* LLk§ 1 Wines Wines I Oennine table claret at 475 per dox Vermonth of Tnrin 1 .20 p. litrebot Moecat of Syracuse, an invigorating wive mostly recommended for weak people and ladiee at 91 .00 per quart. Chianti Wine, Braccbetto j (a delicious red aparkling wine),
      164 words
    • 94 9 \W ipQQ/^IWTQ T0 WWTTO. SA^fcHB. MERCHANTB. LiILOOVyINO MINERB. PLANTERS, AND EVERYONE INTERESTED IN BRITISH MALAYA. IN Ju-jitsu Fencing. A Yea >s Record STRAITS BUDGET Lessons given in Ju-jitsu and Fencing by G. Mayeda, at the ISO 7 Japanese Fencing School, No. Strongly Bound in Leather, $20 per Copy. 376, Victoria
      94 words
      151 words

  • 523 10 CHINESE DISCOVERED ROBBING BODY OF LOST CAPTAIN. It was while cruising off Castle Peak Island, Hongkong, that Mr. C'hee Shek Yee observed four men fishing in a small sampan attempting to rip open the pocket of a F.uro pcau corpse. Casting off her tow the junk which receives
    523 words
  • 135 10 A straugo affair liappem d in Wir.g Lok Street, Hongkong, the other morning. A Chinese woikman belonging to the Chiua and Japan Telephone Company was engaged in attending to the telephone wires, which had In en destroyed by the typhoon. Iv order to M-ve himself the trouble of
    135 words
  • 103 10 The Pioneer regards the new« received from I-eh regarding Dr. Sven Htdiu as only partially satisfactory. It seems strange that if a letter has been received from one of his servants no coiumuuicatiou from the explorer himself uliould have come to hand. It is now mmc eight
    103 words
  • 127 10 A murder trial, which has been proceeding at Hyderabad, is interesting from the fact that the Magistrate enunciated a curious and, to some uiimls, humane provision of Maliomedan law, namely, that a person guilty of murder need not suffer the extreme penalty of the law for
    127 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 811 10 SALES BY AUCTION. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE' OF A PARTICULARLY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PLANTS. The property of Mm A. T. NIEUWKAMP (who is proceeding to Europe), At MOUNT ROSIE. OFF CHANCERY LANE. On Saturday, August 22, at 2.30 p.m. This collection, which is oue ol the finest grown in Singapore, comprises
      811 words
    • 57 10 d GOOD SUGGESTION. Carry a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in your band luggage when travelling. It cannot be obtained on board the train or btcatunbip. You I will then be protected agaiust attacks of diarrhoea, which change of water and diet so often brings on. For
      57 words
      559 words
    • 651 10 BANKING COMPANIES.! CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. j INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER, j Paid op Capital In 60,000 Shares of £20each ..£1,200,000' Reserve Faud ..£1,624.000! Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 i BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank sf Scotland. The London City 4 Midland Bank, Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH.
      651 words
    • 352 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. I .--aid-up Capital iisooonoo lE6ER VE FUND Sterling Reserve 118,000,000 „c «v> nnn 1 1 Silver Reserve 113,800,000/ M».SOO,000 ilieserve Liability of Propriators 116.000 000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. E. Staellim, Eeq. Chairman. Hon. Mr. WJ.AfSMMk Deputy Chairman. 1 £.Q. Barrett, Esq. I \V.
      352 words

    • 264 11 ,.,«./■<;/. Oehbrr U l-THl M\ll>i;S l'l.ATK Value »600. and *S0 U- th Secoti.l Horee. A Ka<v for lUidM UonOO. \\>it;ht »*t. fa Oriffinn lOovai 7 lb». Eutrautv. t'>o. I)i»Un.. B.I '—THE LAWN SI AKKS -Value t400. au.l •SOW the K.coud Hone. A Haudicap for all K>: fiiiitinrt. Entmuce,
      264 words
    • 326 11 Thmning, OcUb* /i THE inn OKIKKIN IIASDKAP.Value H00. and t-">0 k I '-''e Second Home A Ilun<lu-:i|< for (Jnffina that have entered f-rthe rir*t (lnffiu Hace (No. 7) on the Kirat Day. Winner exc ndeci iJHUnciScurry Course tnrloagi. 1 1 1 yards). •J— THE "READ STVKF.S- Value »600.
      326 words
    • 487 11 S,itur<l,uj. Oetafar IT. l.-THK O-KN QRIFFIN llAM'U APYalue SImi. mi.i IV) to l! A Handicap (or all Oriflai that have ruu at th Mei-tmi;. Bntmuc*, Slu. DUmm R.O. S.— THE SIN(; IPORE BTAKE8 ValuelOO ■adlMih* KcoooJ II i— A Handicap for all HOHM '.list haw mo iu Rmm
      487 words
    • 275 11 O*MM "f OriffiuH are entitle.) to cuter for fithrr of tii. following guriea of Raceu Knr.E S'riet No. 1 First I>h_v— Race No.h Second Day— Race No. Third Day— Race No. H .S. fie* So. Firm Day— Race No. 7 Second Day Rac« No. I Third Day— Rac« No. li
      275 words
  • 1432 11 THE MOTOR OWNER'S LIABILITY FOR ACCIDENTS. Altai a motor accident, ihe .|Ut>tion tha most commouly aiises is: Who is legall n sponsible for the damage The ausmr i uot always the same, for the circumstances i>t i.irl. MM dilfer. A ft-w simple rules- ol law t which determine with
    1,432 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 101 11 HARVEY'S Special Whisky. CHOP RV\ PRICE: $13 PER CASE. DUTY PAID. Sold hy VOMi lIOA SEN'li. OHEK SOON. YOX<J LEE SENO. Hot IN KEAT. ANN LOCK KIM HIN 501 E AGENTS: PATERSON, SIMONS Co., Ltd. Books Just Received. o Knquire within upon everything 51.40 The Old Old Fairy Tales 2.00
      101 words
    • 313 11 j WB-^j^l-rWiB J MODERATE '■iQSEffCwZZ^'' I'KICEIX VKS, '\y&BEJr\ Skilfully |)imj;iii(l to reduce Wear on lyrrs to tlu' lowe-t po>- ihli [H.iut. Kor hutlnr particulars apply to the si)i.kagi;mv CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. STANDARDS, REPS STARS. s.-KI and delivered during last six weeUOne SO h.p.. >.i\ rylimler STAB Tuiiriny C;ir. One 20
      313 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 509 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMEHTB.— MiteeI- ««'ii Wants of Erery Description, Houses, kaci, etc., to l«l, are Inserted at the following One Insertion I I.M) per Inch. Two 1.00 Three 1.80 Bix I.M ■iM b.M Twtlre 7.80 Twenty firs 10.00 (£arb achoequenl month M per Inob.) lie abore rate is
      509 words
    • 430 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. tUm I— Foil LioM, on* 0' two initrttom. lI. TO By tb* UNh, m« Soal* ot Chug**. LADY TEACHER WANTEO. Apply in person to the Principal of the ANGLO CHINESE SCHOOL. Coleman Street. ASSISTANT WANTEO. Wanted, an Assistant 'vitli experience of Road making and Bridge building. Apply, atating
      430 words
    • 606 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bin —Foat Llim, oi* or two iiMrtioa 11.00 Br th* Inch, m* tcaJ. of obit,.. HOUBE TO LET. No. 4, Mount Rosie. Apply Raffles Hotel iM HOUBE TO BE LET. No. 1, Oxley Rtae, (0 be Irt. Apply Meyer Brothers. 1149 ROOM TO LET. Room
      606 words
    • 529 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. L SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds ol HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, for Carriages Motor Cars, etc. Hydraulic, Rockdrill, Gardenhose, Brake-BE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES- So^^'SSw&S rSoS. All kinds oi I.R. Buffers and Springs for Rail- INDIA RUBBER FLOOR TILES and MATways, etc.
      529 words
    • 347 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Rates Four Lines, one 01 two insertiu:<vi].»i By the inch,'|M scale of Charfw. FRESH BEEF FOR 8ALE. All oats of Fresh Beef can be obtained at 16 cento per lb. at No. 7, Rochore Road. 1633 LADY S SIDE 8A00LE FOR SALE. Lady's side saddle by Champion
      347 words
    • 216 12 BOARD AND LODGING Bf tt» looh, mi Seals of Cbugta. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. For einRle geuilenieii. Terms rnodsrat' Apply at Ro-ikham tl, Dhoby 1774 BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Two rooms to lut. for bachelors. Mr*, var Bargea, 8, Mount Kii.abPtb. 1531 BOARD AND RESIDENCE Large and comfortable room tf Uotiee,
      216 words