The Straits Times, 5 August 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.721. SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 507 1 "The highest testimonials in regard to reliability and lasting qualities' have always been written in favour of DE DION BOUTON.-H" I'heCommr. Hotor," June A, 1908, >:*>>: We cannot be of bestowing undue praise beii \v Bay that the i>e Dion Bouton Company has always succeeded in securing fo its
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    • 222 1 I^OBll^T^ CD3ST J±I<TJD CO. THE RAMSBOTTOM life^'Plttl SPAIOiNG S DOMINO RACKET. W^S^MI OOLD MEOAI RACKET. Strung Bhak Gut. X^^O^^^r^M Strung Black Gut. THE LATEST PATENT PNEUMATIC SOIE TENNIS SHOES, NON-SLIPPING. 6HICOIIM MOTEL 1 77. V i L'ij{ht<"i vaA HtfMWMI Roaott tht> t';ty. yote! P« rtat i^ nnifcrra tneetß iSi Oo»t,
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    • 161 1 Afin 6* ft£ 3 9JAT 27 THE langham hotel A?fC»L.r§tt! 3tUl^S- t OF THE EAST. GUF.ST PviIGHT-EVERY SATURDAY. THE HAM- 2nd BOYAL WEST KENT REGIMENT will play during and kttac Din a [BSI \ni;i>\Y of BVEBY MoNTH up to 11 p.m. N j j ibl--. Plcr.-'e riu>; tip Telephone No.
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  • 1099 2 CAPITAL OK PERAk PUNTATMNIS INCREASED. The Industry in South Ccorg Tha -cconil annual report of tht din c tors* of l he Ntak Itubbcr Plantationk, Ltd.. for the- year ending March It, shows that, after bringing furward £1,011 os. 4d. from last yenr'B accounts, providing for a portion
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 261 2 EAGLE CEMENT. Jiigd-chss XVork ON THE LIST OF THE CROWN AGENTS FOR THE COLONIES. Importers The Borneo Co., Ltd. BUCHANANS WHISKIES ovl im eipvruswul Ths; hate beto Ibc avocrito a. v >tuc lor diaav >o<rs and an rapidly if 1 *saaai popalarity In tht Jotoaitx. No v ipeaeo I'r
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    • 170 2 ALBERT L. A. DALEY Undertaker Tomb> Builder ISO, Middle Rotd. Sole Agent for I Mi .<ar- Dottri;lge Brothers, Ltd., Loaaaa, i c lOCS TslepUone No. 610. Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. NSAR BNTtUNCB TO BORNKO'WUaRF Telephone 1026. ties stocks ol all kioda oi Frozen Meats, etc., cau be delivered to
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    • 33 2 LAXAI'INE, the Meal Purgrttra. reocmaiended by she bset msdical snilijrii.a. Easy lo lane and wr'Ain in result^ To be bad of %11 bum-' Wholesale f.- .m Ih. t'bcmk v, Hmury H>».l Siog»po« iMi
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    • 562 2 ITCHING HUMOUR Ol HMO FACE Became Unbearable— Little Girl Suffered Terribly— Would Tear Her Flesh Grew Thinner Day by Day— Now Healthier than Ever. CUTICURA CURED"HER ECZEMA PERMANENTLY "Last August I found a litti>> pimple exnctly on tli" crown of my little daiiKtitor's aaadL it u-yjp-T" gan to gmw larasr
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    • 162 2 VAN HOUTEN S Stands Alone." £^9 THE COCOA THE CHILDREN ENJOY. The Distinctive Flavour and Quality of FROMY'S i Medical i^ Reserve FROMY iikk F ROCEE Co, Cognac i ALL MTABLISfIED DEALERS. 1815. v t^ u^ IUESSs? eMO A FROMY'S "MEDICAL RESERVE"' X U.c LANCET »jrte ob 17th Mtrck MM
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  • 1504 3 SOME PRVCTICAL HINTS FOR THE HOME. How to Prevent Stooping. Many K r<)Wln M >i' T^-' l«ixh ially Ikoai tall (or tlioir ajje, are inclined to stoop, and well lucauing personH oftt'D advooatp the use of braces or shoulder-straps as a meai s of correctiD)> the tendency. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 1077 3 JqSBBNA U^B^^ Warrant <?J39£s> H.M. 11.. Kin«. S|p MM Celebrated Oilmen's Stores fl| J\T IK PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES, sB lUL Iflß potted meats, malt vinegar. We Bi AgenU f r LEA PERRINS WORCESTERSHIRE MI U UF Crosse Blackwel! 9 Ltd. AN IDEAL INVALID FOOD IN HOT CLIMATES. §ftttof% n
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  • 762 4 Sana, port, prtiiablc date oj arrived, and Mine oj Agents. STEAMERS. Liverpool. Sept 10; W. Mansfield A^amvinnou, China. \a£i\ W. Mansfield Airlie, Kvdney. Aur 21 Bouetead \,ax. Cliidh. B*pt W. Mauifleld Xl.iuous. Liverp.wl Sept 12 W. Mau^neUl \ Hamburg, Aug 6 Kehn Meyer \ntung, Hongkong, Hehn Meyer VntUoehtu,
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  • 179 4 Passengers Outward. iiy tliv V U I rtraainr DatMagKi tm Sir. A. .1. i roknoy. iP. .m>l t). lmlia. nonimiHiiH w I tlio Malta at C'olotubo. duo August 14. Ml aud Mi.. A. Jamkaon, -Mr. mid Mrs. I{. FoniAter, Mr. A. Mitchfll. Mr. aud Mn. W. Alaiu.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 48 4 I ili^ si.'lilk is ilotll ill- 1 ilu very iittblood 01 o;r ealerpdae." j.. indood. Tin vrajp to avoid aioka s^ 1^ Ux Iwly iv perfect ln'ulth by tlie DOcaninml D*t oi Steanta' Wiuo. which im--tn.nj;tli :o Mat >ystoiu ;iuJ in Uood. i«a •-ouic__'l appetizer it taatcu plratiagtowaty.
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    • 673 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penana;. Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through BiHa J Lading ne:iad 'or Cbm-' Coast, Pcraiao Oulf. CrntiD»tt»l, acd AmricaiV ri btear^ir-- wfU lc:%rr Sicg^p'.r' Co 01 *o r MAIL LINE. (.>,if*ir.l yr CUm). 19(S Malta Aug 1
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    • 1179 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BCHEEPVAART MY. BANDJER." __E__fl_T* **VHHaaaaa_a. ls^^_-ia_l^s BANDJEttMASIH. The Steamers of this company mai&taiD a regular service between;— Singapore, Soarabaya. Bandjermaein, Palo Lant, Balik Papan, Koetel, with transhipment at Bandjermaein for Sampit, Mandawai, Koeraai, Kotta Waringin, Djelal. The stoamera have good aooomodation for flrat and seoond class
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    • 607 4 STEAMER SAILINGSHAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The 'stoamera of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg. Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Pecang and Colombo. Taking cargo at
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    • 775 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORODEUTSCHER LLOYD Imperial Merman Mall Line. The fait and well known mail steam I this Company sail fortnightly from HHambnrgna Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sooth* ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naplea, (ooao Maraeillei. Naples, Alexandria, and vioe v<- Pori Said, %mm, Aden, Colombo, Pent-. Singapore. Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagaaaki, asKobe
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  • 902 5 kh« lulluwiati hMffovtifcUoii* an I-,, i- ,r.|lit VI H-: -iioi« pi.»«i »:.ii. I Wham; Keh. tt'in-h; (i«t.- i He mUh J.D. jmck PM i 11. -k*pi;»: llari P. n hi Wh.ii n. v.. •Ai ti 4* B*aß| .Man-oi-\N ar. 1, H M. cr:i., taOOtnaa. MOonw, ltl iOOO
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  • 85 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. t»»jo«e r»t«« Uaht Wbui Bahih-Nil. Baht W. Bection I— Mvrapi, Taioba, Palitana. 3BCT. 1 (8H«««n Wbakfi:— Nil. ■i«CTie>N No. Nippon. 8 Strathclyde. 4— Yetorofii Mara 4— Nil. B— Ajjamrni.u 7 'ierrier. 0— H.M S. Astraea, Dagmar.
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  • 109 5 Oitwakii Geriiak Mail. The Imperial German mail Bteamer Derfilmger having left Colombo, at 7 a.m. on the 2nd instant, and may be expected to arrive here at uoon on Friday, the 7th mstant. Octwahd B. 1. Mail The B. I. contract packet steamer Thongwa, with the London
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  • 140 5 .a Fit Stkihsb Tnu To-UOBROW Cncob OIOTMI 9.30 a.m Malacca, P. D and P. 8. Umk Sicoll Ipm. IVjangaud RaDgooa Sipp.m 1 p.m. Malacca and Linggi A' '»■«</ a>,i.« 1 p.m. Maar Sultan 2 p.m. Europe via port* Taroba 8 p.m Telok AnnoD via ports S'ippho i p.m
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  • 85 5 August 4 Mm, Brit str, Langkat via Bengkalia Cuyaboga, Brit str, San Francisco Cbing Wo, Brit str, Genoa and Liverpool Uomeous, Brit ttr, H'koug, Keelucg, Japan Solva, Nor str, Bangkok Hild, Nor atr, Bombay Freya, Nor atr, Bangkok S 'Loyal, Brit str, Bangkok So> 6 Mara, Jap str. Pert
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  • 165 5 English and Chinese Cent Pieces Examined. The Hongkong Government Analyst's report coutaiu-i iuti ii'^tinij lUH'tir in reference to Iba txuniination of coin. For example, the following rcsuits were obtained from examiuing English ami Cliiucso cent pieces Copper, EngKah 94.82. Chinow 90 39; Tin, K. 4.10, C.
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  • 114 5 From Echopi -By the N. D. L. st«am.>r Derftlingi r, due Angnst 7. From China— By the M. M. steamer Tuurauo. dne Angunt 10. TIME TABIiK OF MAILB DUE Left biogaimra Dae in London Jane 2* M. M. July 2.H Inly 8 P. 40. July H ■Inly
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  • 50 5 There are far too mauy pawnshop* in Ban^l ok, and it is a generally recognised fact that they are a source of much evil, says the Siam Free Press, in advocating the establishment of State Banks to meet the wants of the public in a similar way as the pawnshops.
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  • 47 5 Ti« Baixh on Fort Canning and Mount Paber drop daily at I p.m., Bingaporo standard tint* corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich meantime. The time gun is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Knnday, when it is fired »t one o'olook.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 634 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. nTyTk. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIUIiTLY aervloe is maintained butueeu Japan and Europe by the following NF.W TWIN-SCKEW STEAMERS. Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japan cur Government, specially dusigncd for the Company'a Enr poan Service, lighted throughout by Electricity, provided with excellent acorn modat
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    • 455 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. CRT CHARGEURS REUNIS "R3UND THE WORLD LINF. Tho ui-vi twin screw Steamer "Ouessant" 10,000 tons ili^i l;uvn..'iit. DUE ABOUT AUGUST 21. 1908. Splendid Passenger Accommodation urn HONGKONG, SHAN3HAI. CHNWANTAO, KOBE. YOKOHAMA AND AMERICA. First-class Afemami tan from to CANADA PC| UNITED STATKS TO ELKOPK I (VIACAVADIAN 1177 4A
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    • 473 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. i 1 Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line !tHK NATIONAL UKiHWAY TO KUKOFK VIA OIIINA >Al an, CANADA *n< in, DNITED BTATBB Know from Uougkong, Ha Hhaughal, NitKiwakl llolaud Hos a] Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, V-.-ioru* and Vaoooaver. K.M.H. 'I—oTit' J Twin screw -itta i R.M.B. E«
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    • 260 5 AUCTION SALES Powell and Co. Ang 7 Ai Sale-room, unredeemed pledges, at 10 a.m. H. L. Coghlan and Co. Aog 6— At Sale-room, unredeemed pledgex, at 10 am. 6— At Bale-room, valuable properties in Selegie K .ad, Thompson R ad, Kirn Keat lioad aud Ilavelock 11.-a.i. at a-3'l p.m. 7
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    • 69 5 INFANTILE CHOLERA. Any unusual looseness of a child's bowels during the hot weather should bo a warning to mothers. Infantile cholera may develop in a few hours, and prompt action hhould be taken to avoid it. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hcmody, followed by a dose of castor oil, will
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 349 5 OAY BY IM Wednesday, August 5. High Water. Ml p.m Carter. Teatonia Club. L.L.T.C. Autumn tournament. Lawn Bowling Tournament. Hale's Tours. Wayang Kassim. 9 p.m. Albambra. Ben Hur. 7-»!i p m Japanese Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m Harima Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m Thursday, August 6. High Water. Ml a.m 4-11 p.m. Jewish Festival.
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  • 705 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. The latest ,iiccc-.s of Count Zoppulin'a airship will probably call forth the customary telegram froiii Lii Imperial admirer and deservedly so. Whether tho airship on the balloon principle or the aeroplane is to be the future mode of aerial locomotion, the
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  • 290 6 The SulUn of I'assir. a potty Male iv Mutch -South-East Bornuo, is now iv lSat.ivia s coking redress for grievances from the Oovcniji-Geuural. The State has business relations with Singapore, and abounds in petroleum. Much is spokeu of its underground riches, but the Dutch Uoverumeut lias closed the country to
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  • 14 6 At the date of last advices, thttro was an epidemic of mumps iv Bangkok.
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  • 18 6 Tbb output ol rubber for the month of July from the I r1r.,1, I .n» wast 16.578 Ib-
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  • 18 6 A ciocodile. 14 f' et long, <v« taken nut of thf :*ing»porb River, nt>ar h iberiviu < U.i- lU'ium,
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  • 15 6 Forty dollars have beeu stolen from a (Ircok by Ml Chinese servant, who has absconded.
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  • 18 6 Complaint has been made to the police by a towkay that his bill collector has abscoudcd with «I<ls.
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  • 14 6 From I'.angkoU, a cargo ol rice .urivid, yesterday afternoon, by the Norwegian steamer Dovrc.
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  • 15 6 From Bangkok and Patani, 1 M cattle arrived by the Norwegian steamer Brcid. this morning.
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  • 24 6 Mrs. Ueorgc C. Cobb, of Mount HafUa, has reported to the police the lorn ol Chinese boy, a 85 note and a gold chain.
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  • 30 6 Fire broke out on the steaiiict I'uk snug, at Shanghai, on July M, One of the lire men on board was seriously burnt. The damage to the vessel is unimportant.
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  • 29 6 At the celebrations in Peking in connection with the Emperor's Birthday, sevoral persons were killed at the illuminations at night owing to the breakage of au electric vv ire.
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  • 30 6 Sir .loim .lacksou is the name ul a steamer belonging to the Westminster Shipping Cum pauy which arrived from Pcrim, yesterday with a general cargo for Sir -lohu Jackson Limited.
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  • 30 6 From I'ulu Samboe. the British steamer, Cuyahoga, arrived, yesterday, w 'th a cargo of ben/.ine for San Francisco. She lies at anchor outside harbour limits, aud left the same evening.
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  • 35 6 Increased motor tra'l'n- in Pcrak ha, led to a beginniug of road widening, nays the Siam Observer, who adds that in Bangkok it has led to a vast improvement iv the condition of the roads.
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  • 37 6 Mr. C. F. J. Green, the Socund Magistrate, fined a Hokien V>.">. this morning, or, in default, sentenced him to two weeks' rigorous inprisonment, for possession of illicit chandu valued at SI, at No. 1 Prinscp Street.
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  • 43 6 A moving-picture trust, with capital of eight million dollars, has been formed at l>uf falo, New York, to control the moving picture business of the world. One good feature of this combination will be a refusal to sell except to properly licensed operators.
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  • 42 6 As was anticipaU''' the Miaughai Duck aud Engineering Company has been awarded the contract for eight steel lighters for use by the Quartermaster's Department. The cost of the lighters will be -7-VOW gold and they are to be set up iv Manila.
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  • 42 6 The handsome and substantial ucu structure of the Chartered Bank at Bangkok is making steady if not rapid progress towards completion in the hands of tho contractors, Messrs Uowarth Erskinc. Limited, who are working to the plans of Messrs Swan anil Maclureu.
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  • 47 6 Mr. C. F. J. Grceu sentenced a Cinnuuiau, named Wong Ling, to twu months rigorous imprisonment, yesterday, for cheating a pawnbroker, named Chong Bong, by securing $12 from him by making him believe that bracelets aud chopsticks which he v ished to pawn were made of silver
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  • 54 6 'the huge motor watering van, winch has been at work ou ISuUit Tiuiah and Seraugoou lioads. for the past three weeks, got stuck in a hole in the roadway near Newton Station, this morning, where the road was being repaired, and had to discharge all its water before it could
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  • 56 6 Ot late, there have been a considerable number of commercial scheme*- set afoot among the Siamese. Some of these are -uund enough, says the Siam Observer, aud should yield good returns. One ol the latest is the formation ol a company to establish a uiutoi garage aud repairing shop, with
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  • 61 6 At .51 (Jueeu street lives a t»cugal> tailor who keeps his most valuable possession iv a box ou which ho rents his feet when he sloeps at night, lie slept so soundly last night, however, that he did not uuticc that some one had mot ml hi feet aside, carefully
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  • 61 6 There was au affray in Taiijoug Pagar Koad ut :i.4() p.m.. uu Monday, and thirtythr'jc arrests were made. The trouble is believed to have been connected with a secret society. About a score of tho accused were fined $5 each and bouud over to keep the peace. One man was
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  • 68 6 It appears from tin: Siam Free Press that the old, ram->backle rickshas which have been dispensed with iv Singapore are to be found ou the streets at Bangkok. One would have thought they had been exported to Kuala Lumpur These rickety old vehicles are of a most fragile nature and
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  • 79 6 A Chinese shopkeeper, named Cheung Lhiug Nam. who has a shop at •_''> South lirklge Koad in which gramaphoncs and records are sold, prosecuted a young Macao, named Wong Ah Tow, in the Third Magistrate's Court, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of stealing IT records. Accused said that lie was
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  • 79 6 Mr. O. Mamoli sued Ah Poll in the District Court before Mr. E. C. C. Howard, youtorday afternoon, fur 440 M damages alleged to have beeu dune by ilcieiidant to plaintiff h ricksha. Judgment waa given for plaintiff for ilo. and ?1 M Mats, f'laiutitt aluo Bued Mr. Jdiiiu: Snodgrai,u
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  • 329 6 The dentil is auuouncud ol Sn ThutßAH Stevenson, senior Seioutilic Analv ,1 tv the Home Dili. Mr. I. M. Marry I'oh.e Probalnnu r F.M.S.. lias pawed in Ibe t autoncs. dialect of Chine-*.-. Mi. T. C. Blathcruick. Temporal taut Engineer. Public Works IVpurtim nl Pahaiig, Ims resumed
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  • 29 6 C. Heudry. a E.nopean iv th< employ ul .Messrs. Nichols uxl louipauy, stew-don, ot Rangoon, while no ng from the whan to board steami r. slipped and was drowned
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  • 46 6 ii. M.s. A.,tri«. t i luiu Ryu, arrived bom Hongkong, thismoniug. eu route to Colombo. and wont direct tv No. h wharf, Tanjong Pagar. She i-- vessel of 4,300 tons 7.(H)n horsepower, and carries teu guns ami a crew of 320. Sin leav, Miu'apurr un Friday.
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  • 54 6 Ncvcral times of late the electric fails at the Supreme Court. Hongkong, have stopped uu account of the fusing uf the win--. u the heat in the Court was so onl Connw 1 engaged in a case, discarded their wigs Mid gowns. The Chief Justice, Sir Francis I'ig gott. also
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  • 82 6 \s Acting Inspector is it ami:. for home, this afternoon. t*e Third May istrate took his evidence this umriiiuu; in tie ease against I. iiu Siu Yew RevuDiie Oflleei No. 2. who was first charged with attempted robbery of twenty cents, but BOW stand-, charged with atlouiptod extortiou. Ml
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  • 82 6 .Mr. Hustings lihodes. the Depot] Public Prosecutor, mentioned to tin Smun MagH trate, Mr. X..1. (iiecu. this morning, the case against Li Tui, cliai^ci with Un uiuider ul his wife .ml her paramour liy puisoning. in Waterloo Street. The d"etor-> li.i'lI i.i' I uot yet ill leriuiin what the poisui.
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  • 82 6 The lolluwiug item of news ap|xar\ in the Echo de Chiuch translations [cow thi Chinese vernacular amnpafen: The Hi< tish police at Siugajwre have arre-ti.l ...i Chinese revolutionists, who rose iv rebellion iv Kwangsi Province, last year, and alter wards tied to Indo-Chiua. These nvolu tionists are, almost all of
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  • 126 6 At the half-yearly meeting ut tin Ikiuj; kok Manufacture Company Limited. Hit chairman (Dr. 1. H. Haysi sUtc that it was the policy ot the directors uot to pay out bigdividonds, but to have a big reserve in sol i> I cash so that iv the event of future possible
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  • 137 6 Wlio is tin tallest in the Kar Hast Recently, tlir Siam Observer boasted Uwt Siam posscßscd a man, in tin person of Mr. H. Watson, manager of the Wolfram mini st Koh-Samui, who itanda 6ft. J^in. in histocking feet. The Times of M..lay i explained that at Ipoh the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 219 6 TEUTONIA CLUB. Kor Two Ni^'litK ouly, OMMMacnfl WXDNKBDAY, ALGLSJ i. At tin I'iuuaclc of hit I'roic-Mon Carter, Carter, THE MODERN MIRACLE-WORKER AND PRINCE OF PRESTIDIGITATORS. Id r ...i ujplilici tin M\n\n,Li'r udvauco hM rxcii iimilt 1 in Mai^ic iv ncout yuar^. It in uu education lo Mac Hun It
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    • 73 6 STRAITS CYCLE MOTOR Co., Ltd., 15, Battery Road. SOLE AGENCY DEPOT. The Famous ALPHA MOTOR OU^. CYLINDER. WATER COOLED. AIR COOLED. OALIiON'! 1 GALLON ;2 CiALLON GALLON 1 MOTOR (rREASE. Cheapest House in the Trade. BITUATION WANTED, fe Young l,n^lish Lady. dia«ngai;o<l Suplombir, extiericncod with children wonld like situation m
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    • 267 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH, BEACU ROAD To-Night s Programme. FIRST SHOW: AT 7-30 P.M. 1 Hnucbback briu^ Good Lock On the Brink i Mr and Mr». Thomas aud Bab) i Walter, the raral 1' man j Picturee<iuu Java 6 A Champion All the Bmm 7 The Golden Beetle 8 Tbe Little Cripple
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  • 349 7 SICCESSFUL JOURNEY IN THE RHINE VALLEY. Enthusiastic Scenes at Strassburg and Mannheim. |Uib OauaiaxaMai Laavs Tulkuham; l;. rim. August 1. omit /i p(M liv starud on a long air ■.hip jouraey, making very uccev-fiil start His ascent caused gieat excitement .uuoug the populace at Kriedrichshali 11. Later.
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  • 86 7 Turkish Consul at Tabriz Threatens Intervention. ,rv»DX«KsT«L«.IBAM.| London. August 5. I'ightiug liax been in pnajNH at Tabriz :iince Monday morning. The Turkish onsul In demauilo'. the 1 ,-,ati"U uf c;ivil W, "th. 1 .use his governuieut *ill haxe t>. in fo protect iajamd Tw 1 Advices
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  • 107 7 I riendly Toasts are Exchanged at Stockholm- !{«< ikk's TaLKOKAii.j London, \ugn--i I Tin ol Guriuun>. ooooojpMMSd by the KmpiL>ss. Uds arnvi.l at Stockholm, where they weic receivoii b the Kini; anil < >hix:ii of Sweden. Dob Osiasiatiscbi Lloyu Tiliuram 1 I.i r l i
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  • 51 7 IRaOTIK'3 TILIOKAMJ London. August 4. lhou^li the paenl itnke 111 l\ni~ 1 a UUBCO, several OOttiaioM occirri-d between the |Kiho< and demoustrators yesterday. number of policemen WOTO injured. I Do* Osta.hutis.jhi Lloyd Tiliorasi Berlin, August 1. The expc-cteil strike in Paris has so far been
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  • 43 7 [Rbdtir's TiLiaRAM| London. August I. The British cruiser Indomitable, with the Frini'i' nt Wales on board, hai arrived at Cot»cs from Quebec. She broke tho transatlantic record for warships, uiakin;; tin pav^aKC in "> day^ 1H hours and 40 minute
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  • 29 7 hi-ilm. August 4 Vi. SveD H-.dii'. il- t aaanal *mm h ylerer. ha* arrmJ Mil du>l soumi. *u4 in *»cell. ot ht«lth. *t fink k
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  • 347 7 More Merriment at the Teutonia Club. When Mat curtain was unrolled al the close of the second (icrfortnancc of The Starboard Lights, lastcvening. auotiiei BUSK att< udanee w;us satisti' d that the clTjiisot the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Committee to please their patrons were even more ■iccesstul kaaa on
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  • 319 7 Seeking information from Possible Reformers It is well known Unit the filial IW lo<.al ollieials iv the s >uth are at theii wits end iv regard to PtwMe Kclormers that die suspected to Ik inoviug about amougst the |m opli an. l inline. icing tin m iv
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  • 156 7 I The Agenor Appeal Case Settled by the Tokio Court. The appeal ot the BOeaocd iv the Ayeuor c.ise was dismiss* 1! "11 July by the Tokio \p[Kral oiui mii.l iir lvii olViiwii Will onoa i^iucelleil, aud lie vi 1- a^aii: arrested. The Court, in ilismissiu^ the
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  • 128 7 The Salvation Army in Java, which has its lieadijuartcr.s at Saiuarau^;, has opened a branch at Sourabayu. Colon 1 VM Immh, the head of the organisatiou, delivered a speech on the occasion of the upeuin.' ceremony about the middle of .Inly. He spoke of the success
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  • 80 7 Twenty seven ducks in a l>ask< t like tln.s is uot too uiauy: othi r people carry Marty ji.\. said a i-taiwart CUaNM eoOBM whin diar^;. .1 with ci'itlty to animals 'D th«- Third llMMtl art, y .-.terday He*, dot -i lv' > brt:.tht asked thi Magiatraai
    80 words
  • 80 7 TERRIBLE DISASTER IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. 170 Killed; 7 Towns Destroyed. Rooter's Teliobaml London. August 1. A busii fin his Bwapt hundreils of square miles in the Crow Not I'ass region of liritish Columbia Several townships w^c deattoyod. Thousands of people ace boaMlaoß, and 170 are reported as
    80 words
  • 233 7 The Construction of a Modern Boat Suggested. O|h rations with a view ol Mlviag the <icm 1 iiineiit kng I'ulliu, which sauk iv ilccp water, off I'eiiang, as the result of a collision, have now li 11 commeu. ..1 by the Kasti ru Shipping Company. It
    233 words
  • 389 7 Ipoh Project to be Considerably Modified. At last, tin: long-talked of Kirch Memorial is about to materiali/.e. but shorn alas! ol much of its intended glory, writM the [poll cem-spoudent to the Malay Mail. It is the old story of launching ,t ptojoot without counting the cost,
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  • 216 7 Rewards Offered for the Capture of Rebels. Sib-Liang, the Viceroy of Yunnan, is get ting still more tired of iii high office, now that the French Government is pressing tor his recall. He had already urged as pretexts, Im gieat age and the unhealthy climate of the proviuce.
    216 words
  • 45 7 \u uutortuu.iU Tamil cr-.a'vl i .oii.-.idirablr mttk mint at Mi. Police Courtu, this: moio ing. by hi-, j-. ilia dut'c- He seized 6V-.1-, ibiDg hn rmiH reach dud, th.ugL b»uJcut]-. 1 it rtquirtri two Foliee CnusUblea to k«*- 4 lum in *v tiuu,. rtMombliog urd«r.
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  • 590 7 SUGGESTED APPOINTMENT OF A PROFESSIONAL. Further Arguments in Support of the Proposal. We have received for publication the following letter with reference to our proposal loi- the employment of a golf professional for Singapore To the Kiliur ot the Straits Times. Singapore. Aajgait I. Sir.— Aour leader
    590 words
  • 121 7 To the Kditor of the Straits Tim Singapore. UlojMOt I. Sir, Ai the representative ol one ol the I.M.S. gi)ll club-.. I wisli to ad. l a wor.l iv support of your proposal that a prolr,sional co;ich sli'iiifd be engaged for Siugapoiv. I feel cerUiu that il the four Singapore
    121 words
  • 145 7 A Step Which May Lead to Evil Results. Another chauge in Acheen is the establishment of Government schools lor the Aihinese 011 a large scale, and ton thott-nnd guilders have been allotted for that poKfOOB. The Nibiiws van den Dag inijuucs, however, whether tne (ioi'crnmcut has yone
    145 words
  • 72 7 Cdrler. tho American master magiciau, performs at the Teutonia Club to-night, and aided by his retinue of skilled promises his audience an entertainment as mysterious and wonderful as it is mirth provoking. In addition to the various tricks thai will be 1 xliibited by Carter
    72 words
  • 59 7 H.E. Tang rihao-yi. Govoinur of Kcugtii.ll, lias I* 1 11 appointed special envoy to America, to return thanks for the remission of tin BOM iudcuinity He was to start 011 hi |ouriny on Inly 48, and it in reported that upon In-, r.-tiirn t--CUba. h< "ill
    59 words
  • 19 7 Tii-- |'i k 1 ni us in "if..; n I ildy 1569 per pionl. r.i_.,iy.fK. i hnve bwii •old.
    19 words
  • 288 7 European Engineer Imprisoned for Fourteen Days. I. Harrison, of the crew of the British steamer Burrstield. pleaded guilty at the Marine Court before Lieutenant Cator. yes tcrday ut'tcrueou, to a charge of wilful .hsobedieuce to lawful commands ou his steamer, on Wednesday last. Captain McKcnzic said that
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  • 420 7 Official Details of the Tragedy in Tonkin. Kvtr .me. Urn murclei Uwk plan '11 Tonkin of Messrs. (1. li Ktmrliy and J. Sutherland, two \u>tia'ian pro, p. .elm di.tail:* of tin <-rimo have been lacking. We are ahk nn\>. liow vor. |o give the official version of the
    420 words
  • 63 7 There i. 1 .1 tUU Mr, kjfl I'ckiny wire, ot July M, that the Waiwupu has been informed by the I uited States Government thai no portion ol tU unity. rwniUed by the American Govcruuicut, should be applied towards the re-organisatiou of the Navy or the raising
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  • 155 7 The followiug Singapore propcrti. MM disposed of by auction at Messrs I'owoll and Company's Saleroom yesterday afternoon Xos. 9.j aud 96 New Bridge Road, area J. l.'ii I sijuare feet, Ireehold, monthly rent 10— Bought by A. Desker for iII.OOO. No. ID Market Street, area 1,067 Mn feet.
    155 words
  • 35 7 Obaag Shau, Viceroy of Fukicn, has meuu.ri:ili nl the Tlimue **pt tlmt oil poppy pUiiit.-it ion-, iv tlie province should be ordered t.> In- turutil into paddy fields umler penalty of ronlix itiou.
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  • 63 7 Peking -Hankow Railway. lli> Ministry "I Fi it mi LuujLu'mie.i tious at I'ekiug. will uiak< j. piuvi-uu .1 Bye luillici' tatl- aowafdi U H purchaai "t Uia r. king Hank B lirway I h ImUij. t oi tea milli >n will 1.. i u d b/ Mm i-ii. or l
    63 words
  • 109 7 PARLIAMENT TO ASSEMBLE IN NOVEMBER. The Sultan's Message to his Soldiers at Adrianople. Khikks TnaaaUM.] London. Augusl >. The miliUry deputation which visited tin Snltau iv Coustautiuople has returuod to Adrianople. It conveyed the Sultans greeting to the army, and also promises of the payment oi arrears
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  • 52 7 |Uaa Oacaaunaoaoi Uora TauaMaa Kerlin \ii;;iihl I. An IxhiK iip.iii the iateraaaioaal l>...itioii in tin < on;:i> Icinioiy baajnatbeva p'lbh ,he.l. It in ie|~.rU'.| Uial the Work ■11. Iv ively that Ihe cnlinnil le. Im.; of couiliet aotwooa Oreat Britain and Bel. |[iuui 1 1.
    52 words
  • 24 7 K| I I > X'« Tk|.K..K Ml. I .'llllloll ll^ll t \<i liilernational I ic. Trade < ongi. Ken opened in London
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  • 651 7 Graphic Description of the Sinking of the Vinj* King. Describing the loiiudeniie d tin nv.i OtaoßMf fian Kiag during the typhoon Hi Uongkoofl, on July JH, Mi. Kergussnii th. Chief officer, .aid >t was the force ot I which brought about the wreck of the ship. They
    651 words
  • 21 7 I■ I I■ i bant L'.iui. I 'i' i Fourth Maipati&U tin. (i gniw< »itli«ul !p. rum II- >M hn.-ii f.xi >„
    21 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 143 8 The autumn grifllus will be drawn for at 7 n iv. on Saturday at Messrs. Lambert's i.ables in Orchard Koad. Tho S.C'.C. Cricket totirnniut nt final will bo plityi il on Saturday b'twttti the Law Hini Civil Service ami Uttiuers of the Garrison. We aro asked to
      143 words
    • 81 8 Home Matches. Following are tho results of some of the oommoßOl >1 on July "23 Mnl IU si x, at Lords, defeated Lancashire by 100 runs. At lilackhtath Kent defeated Surrey by ">O6 runs. A victory over Not'.iughamshire wasgaiued by Glouccsn-ishiro at Nottingham, by 0»i runs. Piaying at Lcyton
      81 words
    • 203 8 Colman Shield Competition. One of tho most interesting matches that hnve as yet been played in the Colman Shieid competition was the tie between the Post Office and the IfOCiafllWah Club, y.ster day, which was witnessed by a large irowd. Mr. Colman. Mr. Heil.thel'ostinastir (ienciai. ami a large
      203 words
    • 105 8 S.C.C. Tournament. Tho following are the results of yesterday's ties in the S.C.C. Lawn Bowu'ug tournalui.ut: in oii'inssUlP. McKean, beat Feldon,21 10. Lyall beat tJrtuii, 21—18. Lyall v. Hay, imiiimsheil. Dot i'.lks Handicap. Biddul) h and Sinclair, 3, brai Brown and Wiiite,— ;S,2l— lo. To-day* Ties. Six. ilk
      105 words
  • 142 8 A lliUien sampan man was prosecuted before the Third Magistrate, Mr. K. E. Col man, yest n rdjy afternoon, on a charge of fraudulent possession of scveu bags of paddy, valued at ,it K.>ss, who had charge of the case, said that, on .June I.,
    142 words
  • 64 8 At Allahabad, on July 2.'), Mr. and Mrs■l. 11 Wall wire sentenced on charges of banns raocfaad lOegal gratification in con Dection uitli orders jjiven to J. Bell and Conip uir be bsmta. uud famine tools for the Government. Wall, who was nn executive engineer, goes to
    64 words
  • 101 8 A talc^TMß, ihitid the Ihi^ue, July 24, ■latoa tinit :ln> loaa famUotf .iitticultiet) botwirn Holland and Vearraala rauio to a bead tbrrogb an iU-adriaad letter written by Vr Bmm, Urn l>uuii H'-ilhm Ftnilrlirt at Caraca the <-a|Mtal of Vaacsai la, to a HVmpN iv AiD-urdain. In tbat
    101 words
  • 629 8 Entries in Ladies' Lawn Tennis Club's Tournament. The following are the handicaps in the Ladies' Law v Tennis Club's Autumn Lawn 1.-niiis tournament, which coiumences today !,.\lMh^' SIMILKS. Mrs. rs —IU Mrs. Freer Scr. Mrs Wadilcll 161 Mrs. Hartuellpls. Mrs. Gansloser —1M Miss Gibson pis. -4 Miss
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  • 233 8 College Stroke Faints After Stubborn Race. The mont dramatic incident of Henley Rajiatta took pla -c the other day at the cud of tlic yreat rnce between Wadham and Chtiat Churcli, wlio wan in the liiial» [or both the Grand and Thames eighta. Wadham won, but
    233 words
  • 92 8 The passing of lo more death sentences on poison plotters at Hanoi by the Special ComirisMon is ascribec to the shock caused in Franco by the recent execution of three of tlic ringleaders. It is well known that President Failures is altogether against the death penalty. In
    92 words
  • 649 8 Description of Three Months' Tour in China and Japan. Mr. G. K. Itice, of the Army Accounts Department, Singapore, taaaai to have made good use of hi* tin m iiths t< aye in China nnd Japan, judging from the interesting addrea* be gava at Urn Mi-siouary
    649 words
  • 197 8 Who is Responsible for the Troubles in Acheen? General Van Daalen, the late Governor of Acbcen, refuses to be drawn in the matter of the differences between him and tbe Gov-ernor-General of Netherlands India, which resulted in his resignation of the Governorship. The editor of the Sourabaya Handelsblad
    197 words
  • 80 8 The French authorities actively took np the pursuit of the murderers of Messrs. G. R. Fearby and .1. Sutherland, two Australian prospectors who lived in a mud house, at Trai-inoi, Tonkin. The chief of the village was arrested, as ho guided the murderers. From him no
    80 words
  • 124 8 Tin result of the experiments in li^ht vixi bility conducted by (ierinany aud the NetherlllM wcirkiiii; in Imrinony an M lol> Iowa: A liylit of 1 cuudlcpower is plaioly visible at one mile, and one of 8 candlepower at three ruilts. A 10 candle-power li-jht was
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 455 8 PE-RU-NA PROMPTLY RELIEVES A Case of Dreadful Suffering Which Had Continued For Months. 1* Aeeounl of a Rema'kable Re,m>ery uivm fit Alt At)r,a WjoU, I eat fur =f a frtt'itte ScMoo/ at launtt\rnn, /"/m mania. MB AND MRS 4UBfDWOO(i I; Mr. Alfred Wood, who tin* a private wliuol at 2t
      455 words
    • 343 8 WAYANG KASSIM. THE INDRA-ZANISAR ROYAL THEATRICAL CO. al ikk New Theatre Royal XOKTH BBIDOI ROAD For a Few Nights More Only To-Night To-Night II Wednesday, August 5, "THE WONDERS OF THE DEEP. Phrea as usual B. kassim. Boh fomiefcn NOW READY." Exchange Tables. DOLLARS into STERLING I STERLING into DOLLABS.'
      343 words

  • 269 9 3INQAFOU, AWOTV 4, WOT. f>KODUCE. 3amoier buyers MO dc (Cube No li anpi<-ked UM Cmm B»ii J-JJ So Pootiacak 6.10 ft ppcr Black b>y< rs 10.H7J <Jo Wbite 6% buyers ITJI ■^aec Flonr Sarawak -.924 do Brunei No. 1 MO tearl Sa«o 8-sj» Ccffte Bali pioked 24.00 Coffee, Pa'.em
    269 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 349 9 >ate of form* ion Otyitt SotMcribcd Number Ot Share* Inoe PeJd Share* Yalne op to Untuned i mjecv CJCOTiIII 1906 «300,000 100,000 1907 I3OOOCO 328,000 1801 $800,000 800,000 1 903 £400,000 350,000 1907 MOO.OOO 375,000 1901 160,000 60,000 1906 £100,000 t 100,000 1906 $150,000 99,000 1&06 £120,000 120,000 1906
      349 words
    • 370 9 Laos i IMS »200,000 19M £80.000 1903 470,000 1906 I 1150,000 1901 tl6 000 1906 £75,000 sor, 1:10,000 1906 £180,000 1907 I £320,000 1906 I ,178,000 >BC6 »260,000 18M I £100,000 1908 j £200,000 1903 £if,OOo 1806 6260,000 190* I 19IM I 6100.000 1898 «W 000 1803
      370 words
    • 203 9 i 1894 I gJ.J77.IM <,8«^ 7,886 12/8 12/6 1894 HH.OOO ■»>«.<!*) 4,800 60 60 I«M |»15.000,000 16,000,000 123,000 126 I*6 iMi w,«n,gM j.«so,ooo j I 'e'o^S 100 im iMHyM •• i j i;g~ ;JS UOl «8 1,000 i 34,003 3.400 10 10 :.i9 WI.OOQ i mm »:?g i !SS
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 409 9 m mabtiims y. >•• -I J GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. TaaeVen wiß be laaafaai at the '",,i..niai 9c raeary'* OAee, up to v"m m Anijnst 6, r tho followmfi works WiJenini; a'ul Deeping Channel of Siugaport: ilix.r below Oanaoagfc Bridge. Every per* id applunn for a tottß oi Ti.-ndir ni! b.- nqabed
      409 words
    • 190 9 BT. ANDREWS HOUSE. A Church of fcngJauu Boarding House for European and Eurasian boys who desire to attend the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew's House or to the Colonial Chaplain. TOE i.^V ORDINANCE, 188 S. i.s the Sci'REME Court or iuk
      190 words
    • 94 9 Pohoomull Bros. WE HI6H STREET SILK MERCHANTS Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, Curio* and Silverware oi every description, Brassware, etc. m CHARGES VERY MODERATE. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED NOTICE. OWNERS OF PIANOS who find it necessary j to leave tbe Colony for any length of time, can i
      94 words
    • 48 9 NOTICE. MESSRS ALMEIDA AND CO., Civil Engi neers, Architects, Surveyors and Auctioneers, have removed to tbe large premises kno'vn as No. 2, Malacca Street, and will undertake AUCTIONEERING business of any descrip. ti iii, at moderate rates. Please consult them before going elsewhere. Consultation free of charge. 1727
      48 words
    • 286 9 iHfeß. P. de Silva,^3 MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. i. eaaje >■( o Jurt appointed Purveyor to H.M TheiKlns uf Siam, !>£.■>.-« HAS NOW ON VIEW. AT 62 AND 63 HIGH ISTREET. A magniljcent iiock of Uiaraoad Jewellery i;t I i.iUst disi^m, in iiutui-iw it of Silver Articles and Fancy Ooods i iitabl<-
      286 words

  • 678 10 WORM WAR BETWEEN MOURNERS AND UNDERTAKER. Police Court Case in Hongkong. \try extraordinary, not to say grMMM, story was disclo^id in a i ase whi« Ii was heard by Mr. .1.11. \\'oo«l in the Hongkoui; J'olic Court, on July ".'7. The paities concerned iv the case
    678 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      1,152 words
    • 108 10 ■■^Ba^ V I >z*^ m An Assassin Rheumatism 11 like an IaaBBSBa, I, creep* up from behin I vr'R-n y.,nr ba.k is turned. Befor* you know it yo i are in its power, and the terrible pains and Mb. me was jtow UTTLE'S Oriental Bairn forßheumatinn. It is applied outwardly,
      108 words
    • 553 10 INSURANCE Companies LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMIANV. Capital £»,390.00C Paid up Capital OTS.OnO Reserve Fund £1,*****6 The undersigned. Agents fcr the (.Lmpaoy. >re prepared to accept fire risks at ?urren> rate* of premium. BOUPTEAD A Cc—Atmi, BOYAL NSURANCE COMFANV LIMITED. FIIIK AND LIFE TOTAL FINDS EXCEED JtU, 250,000 IB*
      553 words
    • 652 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. >NCOKPOnAT/.D BT KOYAL CEAKTtK PaM op Capital in 60,000 Shares of £3C&acb £I,KK).UOC rfeserre Fund tl .',j-..0 Reserve Liability cf Proprietors 41.M0.001' BAKKEK6. Bank ol England. National Bank of Sootland. Tbe London City A Midland Baak. Lie 61 NO AFORE BRANCH.
      652 words
    • 431 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. jaarttMßaaarva 1U.000.00a a'!ver Rewrie 113.600.000 '.twrve Liability of Proprietor* 1)5 000 000 COUKT OF DIRECTORS. Hen. Mr. Henry Kecwiok.— ('ha'naao. E. QoeU. Esq.— Deputy Chauman. £.0. Barrelt, Esq. 0. R. Lenzmaun. Emj O. Brodvrsen, Esq. E. Sbellim, Esq. iosUvKrieslaml. Esq. fl. BLewan,
      431 words

  • 1205 11 CONTROVERSY ON BRITISH AND PORtIGN MAKES. 11., MU.winu letters have bf t v Kat t.i us lot [.üblicaiion To the Kditoi ct the Stiaits Tim, s. Singapore, August Sir, Biwring iv mind the recent controversy frith NRBtd to British and foreign cars. ptrh"a|<s the following, culled from The Motor
    1,205 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 407 11 MOTOR CARS. ARGYLIjS. Adams-Hewitts. Rovers. TWO 14-16 HP. "ARBVU. CARS ENTERED IM THE BCOTTISH RELIABILITY TRIALS COMPLETEO NONSTO- 1 RUNB DURING THE FIVE DAYS. i riiafaUj i w«> I "< i c 1 •■•••i Priess, ONE 10 H.P.. 3-SEATED AOAMS-HEWin ONE 6 HP. 2 SEATED ROVER. i ltt y (sete
      407 words
    • 290 11 A BHEEP SHEARER 8 TRIALB. I have follovvL-d the Hhcarinj» season throiigliNcvT /.(.-aland Bud nil o»-cr Australia." I y,~ >Ir I"- I* Mcßoan oi Ountroou. N. audtlu-clian^tsof watoraud t'.ickoi alvvays biiuj! jii si iliftnlmea. The ou'.y! relief I can obtain is from Chamberlain's I Colic. Cholera ;ind iJimrliota BsBM
      290 words
    • 301 11 I .vlkaokn^ CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. I SILENT SIX-CYLINDER. 20 HP STANDARD Bole Agenii- for S S.. F M.B Thi < ir y- Baa waft a!'di bI Hsmsal Bamsm wbflst bsiag drirse oa TOPOBAR C. F. F. Wearne and Co., 168-169. ORCHARD ROAD. tod bo hare atria v,u khia MARVBLLUI B
      301 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 513 12 Scale of Cbaroes. PREPAID ADVKBTIBEMENIS MUoelIHto:i V/auta ot fcrei) Description, Hoaaet, ••■<!. etc., to let, axe inserted al the fallo-rlng lain One Inßertion I I.W per Inch. Two 1.00 Three 1.80 Bii B.M ■ia* 8.40 l-velre 7.J0 Twrnty-arc 10.00 |L» :n aaaatajaaat mouth is per loch Tse above rat ■>
      513 words
    • 393 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. ainil-tnt Urn—, on* or two im>r:i.<2i. H Bf lta« loeta, m< Seal* of Cbugti LADY TEACHER WANTEO Apply m per*ou to tbe Pr.jcipal of tbe ANGLO r HINESK SCHOOL Coleman Street. BILL COLLECTOR WANTEO Wanted. Bill Ooßti H :> required. Apply to Tl Btiaitl Kac veering byudicate. Ltd!
      393 words
    • 588 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bati —Foot Linn, obi or two laitrtien fI.OC Bt th« Inch, it* •o&It ot ohargtj. HOUBE TO LET. No. 4, Mount Rosie. Apply Raffles Hotel •M HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 1, Oxley Rise, tj be let. Apply Mever Brothers. 1149 ROOM TO LET. Room
      588 words
    • 1059 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. L D SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds ol HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam. for Carriages Motor Cats, etc. Hydraulic, Rock-drill, Gwdenkote, Brak->-RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES- mLmv, 1 I"^'1 Shaking Tnb. •>. CODDRINGS. OAUOE-GLABB RINGS, All kinds of I.R. Buffers and Springs for
      1,059 words