The Straits Times, 4 August 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.720. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. AUGUST 4. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 359 1 "The highest testimonials in regard to reliability and lasting qualities have always been written in favour of •S-DE DION BOUTON. The ffUn Moiou," June -J. 1908. says: "We cannot It MMMcd of botowing undue praise, when we say that the De Dion Bouton Company has always succeeded in securing for
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    • 357 1 I^OBI3STSO3ST CO. £J I 111 l 111 If Iff I I ff n L MJ% 9 -i"' ">^-iV nLUUM^IIJMXIffJJ liM. P^ f I* T {I jP^^^jflri i 1 y^M f^^Bl^lfcll ft ~ft\7\m[m \^{j THE RAMSBOTTOM WTV W% fiI SPALDING S "DOMINO RACKET, W GOLD MEDAL RACKET, THE LATEST PATENT PNEUMATIC
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  • 1242 2 A PRIMA DONNA'S BEAITIIIL JEWELS. Singer with £70,009 worth at Count Garden. All tlie wocld known, or .ihuuld kaow, that tbu Komuu ria§BTi Si^noiina Nataliua I .iva-li<-t. is the proud possessor uf rduarkuble jewi Hi ry. huil the other iii«hi. aßa ak«a the audiiiiiL- at Covent Garden
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 470 2 Electric Motor Cars ARE NOT MORE SILENT WHEN RUNNING THAN HUMBERS v^**X "HUMBER" por SIMPLICITY RELIABILITY and ELEGANCE Thesa Cars are Unrivalled. 23 have been sold locally, and every one of them is giving complete satisfaction. A recent testimonial says I have completed 25,000 milea on Coventry Uuuiber, aud Car
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    • 249 2 Vii till.' s|« eil- iMst. Ixny plainly told, HO it may n> .m II lie laid .i' nine that as a pi awl tonic and strength restorer tin n uothiii^ su yood us Mtearaa Winr. It \vli«.ts the i<i.|K.-tiu and atn>agUieaa th< -to dumb mo that tin bad aVwa
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    • 366 2 MAINTAIN TIIE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease litii „il*bl!th»« Unot IBJI I EgSENCg OR FLUIO gXTRACf Ur WI.O JAMAICA hit'j.j'Ji t tWp b tL%sSw m H I few I [il. Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AJTHORITitS %l T «iv'&«-* Torpid
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  • 1449 3 OFFENSIVE BOOKS CONDEMNED 1 BY CHLRCHMEN. The Curse of Bad Novels Once upon a time the Missionary meeting •>:is the stupi.lest thing known of iuterest to nobody but those who attended at the call of a deep sense of duty, and a very unplea- sant duty. The Pan
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 494 3 NATURAL HEALTH-GIVING FRTTXI? REFRESHING /NV/GORAT/NG Tonic, Restorative, Digestive Wine Very palatable. Known throughout the world and prescribed in nil cases ofAncemia, Debility an! convalescence, n> young women, children and the aged. Invaluable m hot CUmUll'S. DOSE One wioe-glaim alter the two principal meali. Each bottle of genuine YI N SAINT-RAPHAEL
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    • 267 3 COLEMAN'S I "The King of Restoratives." WINCARNIS To avoid loss of mental and f~J physical stamina, and to fortify IcftiuMttLJ your constitution against disease j and exhaustion, take Coleman's lijllfj Wincarnis. /F/[-.|Jijlii\ Coleman'i Wincarnis" it ;> delightfal resUxativQ /'^V'vA'liilw when increase of nourishnn nt is i ailed t'<>v in case
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    • 119 3 PTJ.Collisßrowjie's f /*s/&%£} ThaOmCtNAtand ONLY GENUINE. B JTCOUGHS, COLDS. SPAB m 9 M ASIHMA. BRUNCHIIIS. NEURAL c A COUT, I DIARKHiI V DYSEmtY. miM lIHIUMtTI MB, TOOTHACHE. St. Marceaux l Champagne. Haig's Celebrated Whisky. Allsopp's Red Hand Brand Beers. Watney Coombe Reid Co. s Stout. QVMF >L Cr\ SOLE AGENTS
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  • 755 4 Nam>; port, probabU date of arrival, and mm oj A'j'rtts. STEAMEKS Ailiillcs, Liverpool. St|M 10; W. MuusncM A „-iineinnon, China. Aaj3; W. ilamlield A. rlic, Sydney Aojil Boast«ad lisa, China, sept ;W. Mauaflel.l Alcuiout, Livf rp.;ol H«.-);t VI W. Mamlield Ambria, Hamburg, iafl 3 Bebn Meyi-r Antung, Hon^ic,D_;,
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  • 184 4 Passengers Outward By the N. 1). L. steamer l»erttiiunu», due Auguit o.— Mr. A. J. Crickney. lVr I. and <). India, coun.-ctiun with tho .Malta at Colombo, due August 14.Mr. „v.l Mrs. A. .luraicson, Mr. and Mrs. K. Forrester, Mr. A. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. W. M;\in,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 68 4 TRY THIB FOR CHRONIC DIARRHOEA. Mauly -.utTorcr.s from uhronic diarrhoea have obtainrd prompt relict by the vac of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea L-;edy. Somo of tho wor-.; oasfM ut tlii c Jiw ast- have boen permaucntly curt it by it after tlier treatment aud -kiik.l |hp*la*aai had failed. Try
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    • 688 4 STEAMER BAILINGB. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan. Penang. Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bill* it Lading issued for Clou* Coast, Penian Galf. CoatinecUl, «;i' Am Forts. S»e»>nors will leave Siagnp re on M *!>;:i MAIL LINE. iO'itieard for chin i). 19? Malta
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    • 683 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SCHEEPVAART MY. BANDJER. BANDJERHABIN. Tbc Steamer* of this oompany maintain a regular service between: Singapore, Sourabaya. Bandjfmadn, Polo Laut, Balik Papan, Koetel, with transhipment at Bandiermasu for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Kotta Waringin, Dfelai. The steamer* have good aoeomodatlcn for tint and second olam passengers. Ton Oan.
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    • 475 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. ».vn CHINA MUTUAL STEAM HAY* CO. LTD. The Companies' steamers ar* lci{*tcfcod from Liverpool outwards for the Strain, China and Japan every week, and from Japan hoaieward* for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight ud for Genoa. Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One satward
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    • 616 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. i Tlii. 'steamers of this Company raaintaiu a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait*, China and Japan. Homeward*, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaveo direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 806 4 STEAMER SAILINBB. N. D. L. NORDOEUT3CHER LLOYO imperial tlirmsn Mali Lin*. The tart and well known mail steamers .'1 this Oompany sail fortnightly from Br.>m~ Hamburg %la Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soathtuap ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonot Marseille*, Naples, Alexandria, and vice nm Port Said, Suer, Aden, Colombo, Penan.. Singapore, Boagkoag, Shanghai,
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  • 1127 5 1 -.i-i k Hi- taMta| m« fxllt-vinr ■»ml»t1 M ir i»i.- Mr. -sUMoer: •h.-"!up: U|. -I. .n|u. Kb. ncliooow Vol.— YacUl; Uri-.-Cruiwr I. M. (..m bo»t; T«r. -T»rp«iu: 11.p Home-power Krr. Kntiiih; D. 8,-tuMd Hutw: Kch. I (i«rm<tn;Dui.-Diiii'l. >i -ItaUaa;B| i». Mir.— Mir .».k i. oner tl
    1,127 words
  • 111 5 StntfMfrf*! Hrr. -tr. MM tous, Capt (.'rerar, icgut 1. Ifaiefaa, Jahf Conl. Pa tor- ton Simon-' *•'■>. 0 -W. I ,iroh,i, Bfil sir- 9KI tous, Captaiu Jacobs. \ugoat I. From M.idrau. luh M. O.c aud 216 l.|i. BuaaaaadatCo. For Madras. Aug 6— W. Tringjanu, Gcr. btr. 6'JO louts, Capt Keumor,
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  • 160 5 August I lilon.itu:'. BfUitr, I olombo, IVduu, Aulwaij. DcVMroagH, ('cr sir Uuuykok \au ili-i I/-JM, Dut su, 1' uuaDil., biu^kawftug Bania. Brit atr, Uongkong and Japau 2 fV>u Hooin, Dut sir, Baiawa biam. llrit ttr, HnugLon'; Bullmualb Br-| n BbaagbM via I. Hunbo* ili"ll>tt. Onl II I nriHUli. i.i
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  • 113 5 From Ei-iuu'L— By tlic N. )>. L. Htoamur Daf iliogpr. due \.uj,'itst 7. FmmGum r>> tht H. K. tkmmat Toorma*, lM A h^ii-L 10. I .cf I Siugapore 1' v m Ij ■•ilIl-u Jnue M M. .\l Jul.v t» July H P. .VO. July M M I
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  • 81 5 Wharves at whtch VesseU are Berthed To. day. T«HJON« Kami Whahf Balim— Nil. bAM W. RconuH X- Morapi, Taroba Htm. 1 (Hbubb WHABrf -Ktmtlidvlu Skotion No 2— Niiipon. Hil.l a— Nil. i— CariMi-vouHbiru. 6— Mia. I— l'hingWo Ulomuueiu 7-1 [ebe. B— Pruiz Ejadwii;.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 420 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. O. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. TUX NATIONAL HIGHWAY Tti KUitOPI VIA (iUINA JAI'AM, CANADA aaa ivUNITED RTATKK Uoutc (rern Unm'/ioug, ■<<■ .Shanghai. N&k'aaakl, (lalaud c ..a >f Japau). Kobe. Yokobamn, VicVjri.» and Vinoonver, tSaVBVW or tata" ITniil ■ami steaK > "Kail— 111
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    • 655 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OF STEAMERS. Tui uudermeutioned mail steamers of tbe above Line maintain a regular service between Calcutta and Jipsu, calling at Penang, Singa pore, U.jugkoug and Shanghai fn route FLEET, Sbbb Ccmmauder a. a. "Japik" 6,300 J. Q. Olitemt s.B. GsEnoBT ArcAH 1,600 S. H. Bklron s.n.
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    • 490 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAV.COm LTD. > I Toe ati'ami r» uf thia Compauy maintain a > regular direct jervica betneen Calcutta, btraita, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Bwatow, Amoy, Cbefoo, Tientsin, Nowchwaui;, Yaugtaze Forts. Famaaa, the Philippine *0,, *o. Steamers Toua
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    • 550 5 STEAMERS BAIUNG. nTyjk. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTO A regular FORTNIOHTLY service is maintained between Japan and Enrope by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with tho Imperial Japan oue Government, specially designed for tbe Company's European Service, lighted through'.nt by Elcctrioity, provided with excellunt accommodation for First
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    • 232 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TYPIST WANTED. Wantad, Tvpidt uad Shorthand nter Ktnarlandqnu'k at DfUU*, Applj by lettei la ate w, o/o straits Inn. I7H HOUSE TO BE LET. Large Compiuud HjiijoU br In. Biiuatu iv Knnipeau rviideutial (,>ua.tor. B -nt open to offer. Apply II 1,. C'JQHLAN AND CO.. ilonsi' Agonts. 1-17J1
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 128 5 Singapore Tide Table. (fhoa &om i i ra Aid,. io.> men \v\ii:i;. r.uvv W.VTKK H'gEt Time H'giii Auyiut lll < 'iiiu. fi ins. hrii.niiu. [I in lLL I Ml pru S.I x:il|»n. :i.6 p. LUm M lO.Maai l.b j.lUpm 0.1 a ,v a 5 U1 W ATCBD41 M !)in
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    • 167 5 DAY BY DM Tuesday, August 4. Ilieh '-V*U>' 2.45 pm. Lawn Bowling Tuarunmout. Variety Entertainment. Toatouia Club. 915 p.m Hale's Tours. Wavauj- Kaaeim. 9 p.m. Alharubra. Ben Uur 7-30 nm. Japanese Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Harinm Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Wednesday, August 5. High Water. 2.53 ra 3.23 m Carter. Ttutouia Club.
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  • 743 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, AUGUST 4. When Sir Henry Blake was Governor of Hongkong, he did made no heroic sacrifices for the sake of the Colony. He was a faithful servant of the Colonial Office. Whatever private opinions he may have held in regard to Colonial Office
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  • 418 6 The defeat of the Liberals at the Haggorston bye-election is one more nail in the coffin of the present Administration. Hero in a constituency which contains a large proportion of working-class electors, which had elected its former Radical Member five times (the last time by a majority of 401 votosi,
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  • 26 6 The engagement is announced of Miss Anderson, daughter Hi* Excellency the Oovernor, Sir John Anderson, K.C.M.G., and Mr. Geoffrey hair int. of Messrs. Fraser and Co.
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  • 14 6 During the p»st \rm. there were 119 sub sciihcrs to the liangkok Library Association
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  • 12 6 Mr. Winckler, of the Revenue Survey I).|.(irtiiieiit. Sereniban, is resigning the service.
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  • 16 6 As the letter from Financier has appeared eltewhere, it rannot bo published in the Stiaits Times.
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  • 15 6 llu Sunday night, the N.D.L. steamer Li -i> --in arrived from Hoihow, with 940 passengers.
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  • 19 6 i in. tiger is on the passenger list of the British steamer Hebe, which arrived from Penang. this morning.
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  • 17 6 Carter, the American magician, who pe.r forms at the Teutonia Club to-morrow arrived from Hongkong this morning.
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  • 21 6 Many of the streewi in different parts of the town are being torn up for the laying of electric wires underground.
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  • 27 6 The rubber harvested on the Balgownie Rubber Estates in July amounted to :i,247 lbs. dry, making 10.'.i'.t.. lbs. for the first four months of the financial year.
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  • 25 6 Miss r.llis. the V.M.I .A. secretary, having been transferred to Calcutta, all communion tions should bo addressed to Miss E. Brown. Grassdale.. River Valley Road.
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  • 28 6 In Tinlaud suggests that the miners iv SeUngor should club together and engage the services of supervising engineers in order to "hvc the consumption on waste of fuel.
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  • 30 6 lieport lm- been made to the police by a dresser employed at the General Hospital that his Tamil servant has absconded. A gold ring valued at Sfi.l is missing also.
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  • 28 6 When the additions to the Taiping Root House are completed, it will be one of the handsomest buildings of tho kind in the Peniusula, says our Tuiping contemporary.
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  • 32 6 Wong I'.iK.k. a ricksha puller, was fined > or, in default, sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment by the Third Magis tr.ite. Mr. K. K. Cclman. this morning, for pov.Hsion of illicit chandu.
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  • 31 6 An employe ot Tan Kwee Swec wan sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonliieui. by tho Third Magistrate, Mr. K. K. Colman. thi m< <ruiu.". for theft of 890 from his towkav.
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  • 34 6 Major Sento, ot Ulakun Mati. has reported to the police that his servant fell off a tree, at 11 a.m.. on Sundty, mid was injured dangerously. The wrvint was removed to the military hospital.
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  • 35 6 Before the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Colman, a Hylam lad was charged, this morning, with theft of eight loaves of broad from the Unities Hotel. The hearing of the case wag postponed till to-morrow.
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  • 31 6 Says ilic Siam Advertiser The Singapore Municipal Board has just accepted a tender for a new gasholder. Judging by oveu the most abbreviated reports of their meetings, it was much neodrd.
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  • 32 6 Arrangements havo been concluded for the. transportation of reliefs and time-expired men of the (iurman i{Arrinonß in North China, via the South Manchuria Railway and Siberia instead of via Sue/, as heretofore.
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  • 41 6 A shopkeeper, of Sonth liridgc Hoa<l_Jias reported to the police that three thieves entered his shop last night, and, while one of them hold a huge knife over him, tho other two iuade away with pieces of silk, raised ai MM
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  • 42 6 The Directors of the Hongkong and Whampoa Dock Company, Limited, will recommend at the forthcoming meeting a dividend of 8 per cent --$4 per share; pass $60,000 to special account, write 870,000 off Kowloon and Cosmopolitan Docks and carry forward about *382,000.
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  • 45 6 Mr. S. Jacobs, who was charged with possession of a coat which bad been stolen from Abdul Gunny, was discharged by the Second Mugi»iraic k on Saturday, aud a uian named Abdulrahman was fined 915 on a charge of criminal misappropriation of tho same coat.
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  • 56 6 It is very seldom that a vessel touches this port bound to or from one of ttie ports of the Gulf of Mexico. One arrived yesterd, y, however, the Toyo Kisen Kaisha's steamer Soyo Maru, en route from Yokohama to Port Arthur, Texas, U.S.A. There is a large Japanese Colony
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  • 60 6 A great crowd of rickstha coolies gathered ou the Esplanade at 10.80 last night. The police were informed that six pullers had laid a bet for a race around the Ksplanade, and tho others had gathered to see the fun.. Six arrests were made, the charge being disorderly conduct. The
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  • 59 6 The Malay Mail says that, the Federated Engineering* Company has secured the contract for the erection of the new Gombak bridge on Batu Hoail. Kuala I.umpur. It i« to be constructed of rolled steel joists, using existing abutments which will be widened, but unlike the present bridge there will be
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  • 65 6 On July IS, a tolegram was received at Sandakan from the Knsiident at Kudat to the effect that he had received news that the Paitan Station. British North Borneo, had again been fired on by rebels. It was reported recently that all the rebels' boats had been captured, and it
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  • 693 6 Mr. C ColliiiKwood. of the Si.iues* Hoyal Survey Department, h:i» pnao linme on <iix months' leave Mr. C. W. Abranis wa.s a pMMBfIM froiu Penane by the Hritish In.iia -reHmer Kistna. yesterday. H. H. I'rince Aramon. a wd u( II It. II Chantaburi of Siam, is going
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  • 18 6 The price of tin in Singapore to da> is »B9'j pc" pi<"nl. Twenty five »nn« hnre beeu sold.
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  • 30 6 Four youthful Macaos MM trust before the Third Magistrate, this iucirnii.4, on cbargu t)f wilful trespass in an empty bouse. No. 87 Upper Chinchew Street. They were fined »3 cadi.
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  • 70 6 Hales's tour through North Wales has been a groat success. Tomorrow i W'eilnch day i night, there will be three entirely now holiday trips Ixindon to Paris, Rcrlin to Koine, through a Burma teak forest, in addition to railway and comic mm AMi tional large faun and extractors havo been
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 167 6 PABST Milwaukee BEER. Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co. A New Novel! I THE OLD ALLEGIANCE I Hubert Wales. The Greatest Surprise of iJU oi THE YOKE MH NU €Jp MRS. VILLIKRS •••> any of his Books T cynthia isthe WXLDIR'o'Kss. ORDER AT ONCE JOHN LITTLE i~T ARROL JOHNSTON sass™ (COPY OF
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    • 205 6 ALHAMBRA' LAST NIGHT OF BEN HUR In I'dso> IHastiqncs. PAIHE FfiERES BEMJTIFIII PICTURE, i The Dreyfus-Affaire,' Now on. Acknowledged by Press and Public to be THE MOBT REALISTIC FILM EVERY BHEWN IN SINGAPORE. TRUE TO LIFE. This film nbows the different incidents of this well-known case, which still dwell in
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  • 275 7 A I IBERAL LEADER JOINS THE CABINET. Loyalty of the Constantinople Garrison. i:»er««'s T»i.i..haw liondon, August The i itio'uMii Bank is advancing funds to the 'I urkisli Governmeut to tide it over its difficulties, pending the raising of a loan, which will little to receive the ratification
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  • 83 7 Another Great Victory for the tnionist Party. IRinriit's Trlkmum.] London, August -t. I'tio result of the byc-eleetion for Haggerston Division i.-i'nore<htclii is a notable victory lor the I'uinniflts. The poll resulted Hon. rfupert Guinness i I'niuuisti z>o", Wai ren (Liberal) I7M Rniiini (flnoiiHrt) uh; l'he ionner member w;ts
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  • 87 7 linn .-ik's TklioramJ London. August •>. The majority of the printers in l'aris began it twenty-four hours' strike yesterday. Half the journals are not appearing today. London, August I. \esi. lay pi-sed I'.iietly in Paris. The orders for a universal strike wore generally disregarded |Dkp OsTAßunsiHi
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  • 45 7 German and French Soldiers Killed and Wounded. IRIOTIB'S TiUURAMJ London, August .1. The barracks of the German Legation guard at Peking has been destroyed by fire. The magazine exploded, killing two (ierman soldier" and one French and woundmy seventeen Germans and French.
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  • 48 7 Captain and Lieutenant killed. IJpiTfh's Tn-M.KAM.j London, August 8. A Kr. mil detachment, whilst pursuing CkiMM bandits in Tonkin, was ambuscaded •ml the captain and lieutenant killed. The GhMMM losses during the past fort uigbt amount ie ll'. l killed and 117 captured.
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  • 27 7 I ik Om*m»ti*oh» Lloyd Tiliokam] Berlin, August 3. It m r* ported that the Embassies at Teheran are refusing refugee rights to the people
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  • 730 7 General Trade Continues Dull and Languishing. Kk'.i Ol K ()WV < 'DKM9PONUBNT.J U.tmburg, July 9. Trade continue^ dull and languishing; business on the stock exchange here and in Berlin i- contlnpd almost entirely to professional operators, as the public holds aloof. The political situation may in some
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  • 207 7 Mr. .1. M. Sinclair. GommMMmJ igMucf tho Government of Victoria, ha« piut <1 before us some samples of the VMM o; Urn State ho MBMMMM. They me ihjj Urn Groat Western Vitiey.«rJ, of wliicb Mr. Hans W. 11 Irvine is tl.. piuptiuloi. Like all Australian wines, these samples
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  • 127 7 The ottlcial world at Puking is interesting itself keenly u tho proposed Chinese Navy. The War Minister intends asking Chinese Ambassadors abroad to send him copies of all the laws and recitations relatiug to the naval forces ot foi. i,'u powers. Want of money is Urn dbM
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  • 323 7 GREAT SUCCESS OF DREDGING OPERATIONS. A World's Record for the Dredge. (From Ocr Own ColiKKspovdbnt.) Penaug. August 4. 9.40 a.m. The tin dredging operations of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Company, which are being conducted nnrler the superintendence of Mr, Myles, have met with the greatest measure
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  • 506 7 Suggested Sale of Municipal Works to Private Company. With r.';"i I to the important question of our electric light, and the extension of plant, what the Municipal Commissioners seem to regard as v sort of thunderbolt lias been suddenly dropped in their midst, aud so seriously do tiiey
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  • 134 7 A medical authority expresses the belief that we live too long for the kind of work most of us do, and hence so many "go off their heads." The advanced medical knowledge of to-day," said he, "keeps a multitude of persons alive whose minds
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  • 54 7 Mr. O. C. Koch, Assistant Treasurer, Kuala Lumpnr, has taken up bis duties as Sniiervisor of Customs, Port Swettenham, but is for the time being employtd in the Chinese »oretariat. Mr. W. T. Chapman, Acting Supervisor of Customs. Euala Lampur, is carrying on the duties of Assistant Treasurer in addition
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  • 676 7 SUGGESTED APPOINTMENT OF A PROFESSIONAL. Endowment Fund Proposed The following letter on our proposal fnrthe employment of a golf professional for Singapore will be read with interest and some degree of amusement by local players To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, August 4. Sir,— As
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  • 308 7 Appealing from Sentence on Malay Corporal. In the Supreme Court, this morning, Mr. K. St. J. Braddell brought to the notice of Mr. Justice T. Sercombe Smith the case of Police Corporal Ahmat, who was convicted recently of having accepted an illegal gratification from a fowl seller
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  • 42 7 There is to be only one more performance of The Starboard Lights, which takes place to-night at the Teutonia Club. Persons wishing to secure seats are advised to put in an appearance early, as the booking is extremely heavy.
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  • 593 7 Encouraging Cat Keeping to Prevent Plague. At a meeting of the Sanitary Board of Hongkong, the other afternoon, the following correspondence with regard to cats, as plague preventers, was read The Colonial Secretary forwarded to His Excellency the Governor the following communication I attach an extract
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  • 130 7 Dutch Parliament Replies to a Socialist's Inquiries. Mr. Van Kol, a Socialist deputy in the Dutch Parliament, has brought forward tin subject of Chinese coolie recruiting in Netherlands India. It is submitted that the system cannot bear investigation. On July 14, the Minister for the Colonies explained matters
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  • 147 7 News has reached Kuala Lumpur of a providential escape from what, there is little doubt, would have been instant death which has been the fortune of Mrs. Willes Douglas, wife of the Acting Commissioner of Police, F.M.S., and her daughter. Mrs. Douglas, as is well known,
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  • 156 7 In the Penang Supreme Court on Friday, Mr. Justice T. de M. L. Braddell gave his decision with reference to an interlocutory injunction granted the previous week to the Straits Trading Conipauy restraining Mr. W. J. Thome, formerly in their employment, from working in the service
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  • 146 7 ANOTHER LETTER BY SIR HENRY BLAKE. Advocacy of Remission of Military Contribution. lUltkr's Tklkohvm.j London, August 4. In a long letter presumably to The Times), I Sir Henry Blake, formerly Governor of Hongkong and afterwards of Ceylon, criticises severely the closing of the opium divans in the
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  • 121 7 Actively Warlike Altitude of the Dutch Populace. Da* Ostasiatiscbi Lloyd Tiliooam] Berlin, August 8. Throughout Holland there are signs that the people will not allow the Caracas ncident to drop before the matter has been investigated thoroughly. At Amsterdam, the Chamber of Commerce has sent a numerously
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  • 53 7 |Dm Ostasiatisuhi Lloyd Tiliokami Borlin, August :t. President Roosevelt has sent a congratu latory message to the Government of Cuba iv reference to the recent electious. and remarks that the manner in which tb-y were conducted is proof of the soundness ut the policy of self-govcrnmout
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  • 32 7 |D»m O»t»suiisch« Lloyd Tulkoka* Berlin, Alien M Herr von Schueu, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, has been chosen t > accoinpauy the German Emperor to Friedrickshof to ni«..t King Edward.
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  • 11 7 Han OsTASIATIDOHa I.loiD Tlll-ikla Berlin, August 8 Lucuniis is dead.
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  • 384 7 Customs Returns Show Large and Steady Expansion. The Customs statistics of the foreign trade of Bangkok for 1907 8 show a large aud steady expansion of trade. Excluding treasure, opium, gold leaf Hud re-exports, the total trailo for tho >vnr 1905 < amouuteil to Ticals 164,974,255, tor
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 720 8 SUBSTANTIAL VICTORY FOR THE SETTLEMENTS. line Baiting by Griffith Jones and Bailey. Whou in. representatives of the X.M.S. eloßod their secoud innings for 14rt. leaving the >uttlemuuts 111 runs to get I 1 win. ilVas felt that it was anybody's yami. The wickot was showing signs of
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  • 62 8 TaoUi V>'.ii lUu SMjxriiucndi'Mt of the k,biM«e action of tht- Cantun-llnncknu" ixailway, ha- complied with tin- Uii<-f BumWmt* aafaait, made to tho Waiwupu, to oinploy Indian* as watchiuon at the various piaccti where mattnutlb axe utorod. Oo tba other band, tho Taotai object: to U» tngicyn*
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  • 77 8 The Kooslnluli l'uutball Club will uicct the Oanl Post Office's eleven this iifturuoou. iv the Cohiiau Shield cuuipttitiou. Billy Bellew. a pugilist well kuuun 111 llongkoug. met VYalluct: of O'ougpao, Philippines, iv a boxing contest and knocked him out in the secoud round. W .illaee. who is
    77 words
  • 94 8 Selangor Ladies' Club. After a practice shoot at 10U yards between the mombers of the Selaugor Ladies' Kifie Club at Knala Lumpur on Thursday, there was great surprise ut the discovery of a parcel bearing written diroctiouH thut tho contents v gold and ruby brooch) were to be
    94 words
  • 101 8 Singapore (Jolf Club. The August Mulul, which wao playod toi ou the Race Course link-, ou Saturday uud Sunday, was wou by l\ Ferguson. wlk played excellent golf and went round iv 7 The following are the priucipal scores I"'. Kcrgusou 17 +IM I ii I. MoKcU/iie Hi -10
    101 words
  • 76 8 5.C.C- Tournament. The followiug arc to day s ties in the S.C.C. I .aw n Dowliug tournament OsumoMaV. Court No. I -McKeau, v. Keldou. Court No. J— Lyall or Ortou, v. Hay. UoLBLts HaNDIC.VI 1 Court No. o— Brown uud White, owe v. isiddulph aud Siucluir. 8, Wednesday's
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  • 256 8 SJbC v. /Vlediuil School. The uud the Medical School tried couelusioas ut eriekot on the Esplanade ye« torday uud the yame eudod iv a draw. The scons were as follow Alu>i».u gc— OU— FttW I.NMN..-. Dr. MttuGre^or b I'oarso 2 A. •saravuuauiuttoo c An^us b Hoi-uars ,1 M.
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  • 160 8 Ou th* Ixit visit to America ot the latt Mr. K. H. Stiobfil. General Adviser to tht si a tii Government, he informed the Librarian of Harvard University that if the library would seenrt all books that are now being published on Siam he would
    160 words
  • 30 8 riu Muuijiipility took adv»Dt»i«e of tho Bank Holiday to repair the mach-trarolltd road at Empress Waco, at *bo approach to Cavonagh Bridge. Tic w*k w lo ataioat nmaiieJ, thU inSruiiJ
    30 words
  • 1039 8 DEVASTATION BY LAND AND WATER DESCRIBED. Gallantry of Astraea Bluejackets. lint v- lied (Jreeu ou the Tnuiur. and a close stillness with v lUgye-liou of sulphur, were the only signs at S.:iO p.m. on .July 87, that a typhoon wa-, affMMfcaafi At cloven 0 clock raiu was
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  • 372 8 Neglected Relief from the Tropical Heat. il M aOIUMMU instance oi iousii v^it'iui lii^t the Flinipuaa iv Calcutta so siUlinj IaIHW iidv.iuUi^i; of the lUt loot cuuiuion to nearly all houses iv the KatopaM qO»f*OC, to oLlain loliet' houi the heal. l-'rolu liuie iniiueuioiiai. lam Ui.
    372 words
  • 154 8 Direct Dotofa unthuiity is ouly |iist now Maguateoed iua Chiuu .Sea i*laud H rou l» known at I'uloh Tujoh. consi->tiut; of about *X) islauds and inlets, which arc bottor kuowu to Singapore traded M the Auambas and Natuua Inlands. Coma. -liaweod. aud tis>li ate tlu
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  • 106 8 Gel an uunc<: of dowers of sulphur and a lemon, also v hard nail lini*. Put a little of the sulphur iuto a saucer, and squeeze the I. uiiiii juice over. Damp the hat with cold water, tin. ii scrub it with the lemon anil •abbot till it le (|uite
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 437 8 WRESTLING MATCH. Sunday, August 9, at 4 p.m., \T 'I'll I ALHAMBRA iBKAUM HOAU Ben Hur < Nicca Singh ,Al."sTK\l.l.\i. ivi.iv I'Jtaaißwa of tln» N.W.P in. in. a I'iirsr [n-cr,. utcil U\ tlu proprietor uf tin ALHAMBBa tot tlw beat oi thrui; fulU. l-'ull | hi Wi iiui-.'l iv
      437 words

  • 270 9 sjiauou, Acoi'sT 1, 1808. PRODUCE. 'jatibier buy«;r« «.6O Jo vCube No lianpioke-J 11-60 Copra Bali < -iO do PonUanak «-70 Pepper, Black buyers 10.67 i jo White 6% l?-50 ■%a«o Flont Saravu!: -••2i do Bronei No. 1 -.86 ?e«: Sa*;o i-^ Ooffec Bali, pickd 4 -00 Coffee. Palsmbant, b»-i-
    270 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 342 9 Date of i form* Capital ion Subscribed 4omber of Sbam lime Paid Bfcarei < Value jop to Uniaiued mpaay i QOOTATIOM 180S $300,000 1907 1300,000 1901 6600,000 1903 £400,000 1907 6400,000 1901 £60,000 1906 £100,000 1906 1150,000 1908 £110,000 1906 £30,000 1906 t4M,000 1808 £180,000 1807 £100,000 1904 £120,000
      342 words
    • 357 9 IWM i 4160,000 1903 1300,000 1904 £30,000 ISOa £70,000 1906 6150,000 1904 416,000 ■605 i 176,000 '< ISM 4610,000 1908 £180,000 1807 £390,000 l U O6 I 1 176.000 1808 8160,000 j 1886 £100,000 1806 £300,000 124,126 136.000 91,760 66,700 IW.OOO 16,000 66,000 469,330 160,000 301,500 176,000 316,000 76,100
      357 words
    • 195 9 I ISM fI.CT.ItJI 4,805 7,888 13/6 l*/t 1898 I J 15,000 3M.000 4,600 60 80 l« 118.000,000 15,000,000 120,000 I 116 1M :9.1S 11,400,000 1,*00,000 'JjJJJ }^o 1898 »1 ,000,01k) I.UW.UOU <^ j^ jqq 100 1301 131,000 34,000 3,400 10 10 1399 1*78,000 «7M)00 J7M 1()0 1(x) 1909 tCOO.OOO
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 105 9 vi;rm'inprool fire resisting s;OOL A DURABLE rKfll 0- TNC ■-RKI I 3 '<• --4 yds Adamio., 3:lflll_a 3o Pohoomull Bros. 40E HGH BTREET. 3& SILK MERCHANTS. Dealers in High aim Indian, Chiuebe aud Japanese Silk, Cnrioe aud Silverwari* of every descriptiou, Brassware, etc. CHAR6ES VERY MODERATE. INBPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED Jeffrey's
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    • 173 9 M-MH HAWUFACTURING JEWELLER. »ai_«*_J P^tron^e >l o j H.K.H. tk* Dvka -ot-1 Purveyor lo 11. J. Thc|K v. 4 -ipi. HAB NOW ON VIEW. AT 62 AND 63 HIGH STREET. A magnificent -.touo. i _ii_j..uJ Jewellery of -.Lie late-i an iuiiucnsn -i>;h of Storb'ng Silver ta& Kaocy Goods nitaUi fo:
      173 words

  • 678 10 COURT INVITATIONS TO MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. Criticisms in the London i'ress M.l'.s wire not invited to tin. Kiny's recent gaiden -party at Windsor. Tins is an unprocedcntt d tlnug. an. l has OMMi much criticism. Tht; M.l'.'s concerned are presumed to liave offended the King
    678 words
  • 138 10 Prospectors Awaiting Anxiously the Geologist's Report. I'lic province uf Jambi iv South Sumatra is reputed to Vx' rich in mineral wealth aud to offer a piomising I'n-ld to minin>> entcrpriHe. The Nttlici lauds India Government Ins doaad tlic country to auythiug of the kiuil. uutil a j'iM|ii
    138 words
  • 117 10 The following refers to the cl.Ust brother of Mr. J. G. Cookson, formerly of Sarnia and Dotlands aud liadulla, tben of Messrs. K. B. Creasy, also of Ceylon, and now of tbe Bombay Burma Trading Corporation A Kliort time ago Major Montyn Eden Cookaon, of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 34 10 WELL NAMED. Chniuberlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keuitdy h ju»t what its name implies. For paius iv the stomach, cramp colic or diarrhoea, it has no cjual Fo* ttlt by all (>i«rHn«arioii and dealers
      34 words
    • 573 10 INSURANCE Companies I ROYAL NSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. FIRE AND LIFE TOTAL FCNDS EXCEED fl 4,260,000 rei LAfcuKri naE omr> in tui woaLU. BOUSTEAD Cc.,— Agenu. l THE IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE I r:>iTi" WITB TBI Alliabci AjiscaAKci CoaiAht, Lmmo it 1 Bartholmew Lane, Lonooa. teTASLISUKT 1903. Capital £4.ittO.GOC Total Fnnda exceed
      573 words
    • 646 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. NCOKPORATiD BY KOYAL CHAKltli Paid ap Capital in 60,000 Shares of MO each «1,300.000 tc.irvt K-.ui.l «I,SJS.iIOC feecrte Liability of Proprietors A'l.^O.ikxi BANKKRb. bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. rbe London City A Midland Bank, l.i SINGAPORE BRANCH Onrrent Aoooanta
      646 words
    • 405 10 BANKING I COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. .'aid up capital lu.coooot ».K«ERVE FOND Sterling Reserve lIS.OOG.OW m I -i'»er Reeorve 1 1 3 iJOO.nOO 28 .«».<» l >e*fr?e Liability of Proprietors lU.OOO.nOC COURT OF DIRECTORS. Sin. Mr. Henry Kcswiok. Chairman. E. Qotit. Esq.— Deputy Chairman. K.O. Barrett, K> i.
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  • 1178 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTLRHST TO MOTORISTS. Maaypaopk wfll remember Uie r>M fciir-hor-Ht; mail couch from Chatham to l.onilon. It wan r< plucr-'l by :i motor M f*fc)B n niontb ag... Always be aure that tbe bole in tbe Bltet cap of lbs |H-trol taul; is L-kar. otbarwiM a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 410 11 MOTOR CARS. ARGTLLS. Adams-Hewitts. Rovers. TWO 14-16 H.P. "ARGYLL CARS ENTERED I* THE SCOTTISH RELIABILITY TRIALS COMPLETED NON-STO' RUNS DURING THE FIVE DAYS. ■Ugbtfj 'ahuevMOea i hi Mh at \<o lv ONE 10 H.P.. 3SEATED ADAMS-HEWITT ONE 6 H.P.. 2-SEATED ROVER. Kissed wit! to aud nil on rieti at Urn
      410 words
    • 242 11 A 6000 SUGGESTION. Carry a bottle of Chamberlain.- GsMs, Ohoiara aud Diarrhoea Iterucdy iv your liand hlgPfi when ti.i\i Iliufj. It cannot be obtained on board the train or steamship. You uill tli. v b. protected against attacks of diarrhoea, which change of water and diet so ofteu brings on.
      242 words
    • 123 11 CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. I SILENT SIX-CYLINDER. 20 HP STANDARD Sole Agent* for K S F.JIS.. Tin- Cai y i > whIK ul.>nn-«lt. ol Java aud Sumatra wlji)st |k ,l nvoll QgAJ C. FF. Wearne N- uki s hak M if th y leva) ground and Co., 168-169. ORCHARD ROAD.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 551 12 Scale of Charges. I PREPAID ADVERTIEF.JIEHTB.— MIsoeIaaaous Wants of Every r eariptton, Houses, ftaad, etc., to let, are Inserted at the following Use Insertion LM per looh Two J.OO Three > K BU »■*> ■hie I*2 Twelve ".to Twenty-flTe K 00 (Each subsequent mctii IS per Inch. lie abeve rate
      551 words
    • 456 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Rath -J ia.: I Ha, oat or two laratloaa, (1.00 Br th* twsfc. M« BesJt of Coargw. I LADY TEACHER WANTED. Appl> in pen-o- to the Principal of the ANGLO CHINESE SCHOOL, Coleman Street. BILL COLLECTOR WANTED. i WanUd 3.M C:'!?ct^r good security required. Ap[i> I Th. Btrait'-
      456 words
    • 597 12 TO BE LET OR 80LD. Ban Fosi Llasi, on 01 two tawrtlos iI.OO Bf tiji inch, seals 0! ehatf u. HOUBE TO LET. No. i. Mount Rosie. Apply Raffles Hotel. cMI HOUSE TO BE LET. Mo. 1, Ozley Rise, to be let. Apply Meyer Brothers. 1149 ROOM TO LET. Room
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    • 598 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. L. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds oi HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam, for Carriages Motor Cate, etc. Hydraulic. Rockdrill, Gard< nhose. Brakeptt TRFAmxra uotor tvrfk- hose tor Speaking Tubes, RE-TREADING MOTOR TYRES CODDRINGS. GAUGE-GLASS RINGs! All kinds of I.R. Buffers and
      598 words
    • 419 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bites :-Four I.inei. en. or two linertionvtl.u By tbe inch, m .Vale of Ctmpfv FREBH BEEF FOR BALE. All oute of Fresh Beef can be obta.ncd at 16 cents per Ib. at No. 7, Rochore Road. MM RUBBER STUMPS FOR SALE Good Rubber Stumps, 10 months old.*
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    • 391 12 BOARD ANO LODGING. Binji— 7oir Lints, oa. or two Imrtloai, r. K *f th. loch. Soala of ChorgM. BOARO AND APARTMENTS Fc. single gentlemen. Terms moderate Apply at Rockhr.rst, 11, Dhoby Ghaut. 1634 BOARO ANO RESIDENCE To rooms to let. for bwhelor*. Mr,, rat, 8, Mount hliiateth MM BOARO
      391 words