The Straits Times, 1 August 1908

Total Pages: 13
1 13 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.718. SINGAPORE. SATURDAY. AUGUST I. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 354 1 'The highest testimonials in regard to'reliability and lasting qualities' have always b«'< n written in fnvonr of DE DION BOUTON.™ Tuk CSommem lvi- Motor, JniiG 4, J9OB, says: "We cannot be accused of bestowing ondne praisp. when we Hay that the De Dion Bouton Company has always Huoceeded ■vowing foi
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    • 216 1 i^obzitsoit co. New /^^^i Shipment. THE RAMSBOTTOM ifP^^P/ SPALDING'S M DOMHO^ MGKET, *%*~fff GOLD MEDAL RACKET, THE LATEST PATENT PNEUMATIC SOLE TENNIS SHOES. NON-SLIPPING. CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77. 'irais Bnsah Road. SingaporeT' >,-'.ahi"% <uid H^thimt Rooort is Uie City. Hmel Porter in onlforai v.. f- -J: Bostaaod Trmlu. P w B
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  • 677 2 THE AGITATION AGAINST LONDON STATUE*. Philistinism and Hypocrisy As v.. i Ihj iv uOTuuiuIMM uicro hasbvji v r.i Juj; iii'.ii>. '-"itilffli pnaia Ji^>cushion aLuub llio itn_:itn auJ demerits of gcverui of liio figures whicb ar being pla. hiyli up 03 tho MW biiiKliu<> of thf. ISiitisii
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  • 158 2 Aa a result of importiu^ grafts of the famous Alfonso Bombay inau^ocs into Florida through the I'nited States Cousul in India, Mm Florida fruit-tree propae&tors claim that th. y will lw I'iialjii i! iv a few years to ship jUiiutitios of this fruit to London. Iniriui;
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  • 100 2 The Australasian of July 4 publisher the following Fircnieu arc responsible for damage may bet duo to collision s between their engines <<ud ordiuary traffic that tails to get out of the way while they are to a Ira, if the collision is due to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 456 2 DEE'S Concentrated Disinfectant. 1 Gallon Drum $1.75 2 3.25 800 This Disinfectant is imported in a highly concentrated form, and may be diluted up to 60 times its bulk, producing a MILK-WHITE FLUID WHICH WILL NOT STAIN. This is the most economical and effective Disinfectant it is possible to procure.
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    • 60 2 Old hwttoMd copaiba ,;ml taut.i! arc :i -w 3upc:*'dcl by f'^HYLOIDS, tbo LuoJern scieuw. i ;!edy for edacfbal iffcct:on-t ot tlie urimu.. I".*. TUoao uuy '.a-tolos-, capsules give via. "milt* in a «w hours and promptly. better liau any injection and far saiei' anil lore convenient. A trial will
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    • 824 2 DESPAIRED OF CURING BOILS sl.(Tiornl |nroceniit!y for Yiar They wrcc Very UffcC and Pain was D'ea "ii! —Conic Hr.raiy Bear Clothing— Health Much Impaired. WAS ABSOLUTELY CURED BY CUTICUKA REMEDIES "1 linvo thank Cucirura ftein^ di«« t'M toripb-tply curing ny» of on* of the wont afta"ks of b</ils if i--
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  • 1508 3 LITTLE KNOWN CORNER 01 THE EMPIRE. l.iie in Papua Described 1 ;n nr.-.i hi o.ii bottM Ml -.1 i i il the Sex en >< :.>■ Liy is a \trji iip^i i .v the an:i::'- nf liiiti^h \t\- (>. ici.i lit ;u -forth to U ■-Ijlkl i'Rfua,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 289 3 The United Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ld. SOLE AGENTB FOR THE UNITED FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING CO.. LD. Bronze and Steel FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING. WILL NOT CHAR. KINK Oft CRUSH ANO 18 UNAFFECTED BY CLIMATIC CHANGES Btockf h-ld to tf d'amcter. Paterson, Simons and Company, Ltd., Agent*. CROWN <Sj|b' PERFUMERY THE CROWN
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    • 268 3 JM By Special -AJLj^ Purve>or. ■^■S HM Th Xin 1 1 n Btti Celebrated Oilmen s Stores H AW I C PICKLES. SOUPS. JAMS. JELLIES, Im^ I I^H POTTED MEATS, MALT VINEGAR. H I Acmu for LEA PERRINS MfOBCESTERSHIRE SAUCE J/jJ Crosse Blackw ell, Ltd. T B R AS l
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    • 636 3 SINGAPORE AND KRANJI RAILWAY. FROP APRIL 1. 1908. ANO UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TRAIN SERVICE FOR WEEK DAYS ONLY. OP TRAINS 1 2 i 4 S 8 7 8 I 10 U tt tt U U k.U. A.M. k.U. K.U. K.Y.. A.M. A.M. r.M. P.*. P.M. P.M. r.M. Ml, I Passir
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  • 712 4 port, prolabk dale oj arrived, umt name, of Agents. SIEAMERS. f ,-l.ii:.- 1... t al, (kp) 10; W. Mankfivid lugt| W. MtUhfielcl A, me. -v<iuh> Aog Si Bon<to»o W. M»Q«fle!'l i .1 P M .t II W. Man- field -ml. mi. Hamburg, Aog 6 i r..hnMey*r Istanft. mgl
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 58 4 A GOOD SUGGESTION. Carry a bottlo of Chaaabsxiaia'l Colic, Ohalm &ud Diarrhcx.^ licun dy in your hand lug«<.,je when traielling. It cannot be obtajnnl t«n board tlic tiaiu or rttaaaaUav You will Una bo prcuctud against attacks of diarrhoea, which change of water aud diet •o o'tcr. I, lings on.
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    • 741 4 STEAMER SAIUNG3. P. f OJ STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan. Penan*. Ceylon, Australia. India. Aden. Etypt. Mediterranean Ports. Plymouth and London Through BUla oi Lading issued tor ('bin Jiaat, Persian Golf, Continental, aud Amenoa" SteameH will leave Singapore on oi about MAIL LINE. [Outward for China). 1908 sd*» Au«
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    • 716 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND SCHEEPVMRT MY. "BANDJER." BANUJERMASIH. Tho Steamara of this oompany maintain a regular service between:— Singapore, Bourabaya. Bandjermaain, Polo Laut, Ballk Papan, Koetei, with transhipment st Bandjermaain for Sampit, Mandawal, Koemai, Kotaa WarlngH, Djelal. The rtnamnn bars good aac&modatioii for era! and aooond oiau passengers. Tow C.m.
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    • 481 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAV< CO. LTO. The Oumpanlne' steamers are daspatchoJ from Liverpool ontnards for the Straits, Chin* and Jat*n every wcok, and from Japan homi wards tve London. Am4ter.iMn aod Antwerp every fortnight and for Gonoa, Marseilles ac J j Liverpool
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    • 608 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE HAMBURG. The atonniire of (hi- Comoauy n: uutiui a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Strait*, China and Japan. Homewards, they aro desnt'ohed fortni?at'y for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month fur Breraerbave 1 direct, calling at Peuang au.l Colombo
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    • 815 4 i STEAMER SAILINGS. INI. mJn jLj* NOROOEUTSCHER LLOTO imperial (lirmin Mail Up*. The fast and wsll ajaj att>TTl I this Ocopany nil fortnightly from Br-m<o Hamburg via Battordsm, Antwerp, Siatbtata %on, Gibraltar, Gsaoa, Naples, (conocoti^n HartatUsa, Naples, Aloxindrla, and vtae *«nai Pert Bald, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Panto: Singapore, Hongkong
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 104 4 Singapore Tide Table. (Fbom Acorn 1 m Ai ■■< st 7.) HIGH H \1 KB LOW vv al l K fi in-. iTI i llt pm -0 B 43pm ;v9 1 17 am 1.7 M«| 7 Man 2.1 i.\.. i a j S.s am 1 1.8 B.loam II 91
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  • 1125 5 1 DUthtl b.-.. .in< <l.s Ml, .«iiu alifeiUMl vt 1 tfWM; ivha— tchuoi»T; Vet— VMM; Cru. Clmaar, '.'it <»a» bu'it r.,i Tory.*). Hi. lli,iw|>..w«r; Urit.- ,,t,.,l HfcUaa X,-:,._! n.i.rli: i>r.i»«it. Hatch; Ital. lt«liaa;Kp Ir.'l p.. •i.tiar"--: I !i■ r. v. I'.n i lM.,ir; P. H.-f'UI.-Nuaa; T.R.— TM|im|
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  • 74 5 Wharves at which Vessel* are Berthed To -day B»rt Wnv BisiN- Dja-nbi. K**r W, Hiotion 1- lUrapi. Nameau'^, Tatcaf BtoT. 1 |Sh»w H».mi|,- Nil. SiCTioa N.i. Nil. 8 -Nil. 4-l<l*ke. 4— Van Ifoorn. 6— Minilya. 7— Nil. i, 8— At tang. 9- Nil.
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  • 215 5 Ni^ht Attack and Robbery by Armed Dacoits. A daring daioity \vs» romnittori on July 11, in the h iusc of Ua/.i S<li.:b, a rich xemimlir ami tr, .tier of K iloottlUli mat ll.i-ii hiit. India. TI'O Gazi Saheb hnrl cnlli-cttMl rnpci'--10,(100 in ca«ii and O. C uotcs
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  • 91 5 A short time ago two si amen, «li«c pass, ago as far a« Aden was paid at Sinfßporr, ki rived at Colombo by the A. L. steamer Tries**. The men wore landed at the U y lon port, and were told that they would be taken
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  • 100 5 Li Yao Chun, a member of the Chinese Board of Ministry, who wa* wnt to Jh|>md wouie time ayo lo iuvi-,iij»;tl!- tin: adniiiii*. I ration of justice in dial country, is ou the wav to If kiiiK to ic-prrt. He is at prewnt iv Mnaajial •■■m\ the
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  • 802 5 MUNIC IPAL BOARD. Warning to Residents Regarding Water Supply. At the ordinary meeting of the Municipal Ciuiiiiii-siiiiit i*. yeetndiy :ifti-tn.H)ii, tiie •J. l'ol«lasc. I), pntv I'ic-i.l, nt F.I. n'nji.' li. Id, Acting s, < v 11. (;,,st«),k. \.iiim Knyineer; C W. Dtlbfehiie, A. \V I!,ii,y A. .1. W. Wtikiw. W.
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  • 129 5 The notorious hriyand Luk Liv Cliina, who re<( ntly yave MjOUO the ll od relief fund, went to Chan Chin, a lai^e toaiu market in Shun Tak district, nd visit, d all the (jrain merchants, tliyaalaailia. if they 'oho ih price of ur.iin he
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  • 124 5 When th' 1 riv.r st ■.■»rin;r Liutnn arrived in Honuknng from Canton, on tin- S3 il inxUn', on iiifuniir.i.iii rcr iv .1. klie po i.-c Uiardcd her and arwrtid tli>- Indian They al-o removed 1 1 liosoit 1 tlie C i M*l ticket collector,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 540 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. The ateiitoeri* of this Company maintain a "•c^ulur direcl servioe tx-tweou Calcutta, Straits, Uongkoug, Sbaughai auJ Japaa, lakinfi canjo on through Bills of Lading for Cauton, Swatow, Amoy, Cnefoo, Tientsin, Nowcbwang, Yangtare Porta, Fcraoi*, tbe Philippines, &0.. Ao. Mmm liiub Commander Ktrruiia 4,K9$
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    • 532 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. oni:i\m sumo or THE OCEAN S. S. COY.. LTD.. I THE WEST AUSTRALIAN S. N. CO.. LTD. pit'iik FKKIIt\TI.E d'ERTII) MIKTII WKST I> POKTS. JAVA kS» SIMtiPOKR Regnlar Fortnightly sailings bHtwco Singa pore and Western Australia, calliug st Jan (m inducement offert), I)«rhy, King's Sound (Fort for
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    • 474 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C.PR. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line THK NATIONAL MOM WAY T*i BUROHK CHINA JAPAN, CANADA aod Ibe UNITED riTATKS KnnW rrom H it. via Hbanabal, NaK-aoaKl iiniand Bsa of JapaD). Kobe. Toaoaaaaa, Viotona and VanooDTer, K M.H. "Karuvorlni'ii" 1 Twin Jcrew -itea R.M.B. K«p«r.»H or
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    • 121 5 I.AT»T ADVFWIIS^MRMS WAYANG KASSiM. THE INDRA-ZANIBAR ROYAL THEATRICAL CO. AT TBS New Theatre Royal north mudqk road. To-Night! To-Night!! Saturday, August 1, "SERiEKANDEE." To-morr w N ght "EDWARD WILLIAM." Prices as usual. S. K\SSIM, Solt Proprietor. TUE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE 18&-. In tuf Scpkkhk Cn-m ok tue Stiuits Majraaaußa. SETTL UENT
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    • 33 5 LAXATINE, the Ideal Purgative. re<vm<nende<i by tbr hp-t ■HHliral aiiih-o-'ti"* R« y ■o lake aod certain in raialtd. To be bad of ail bemisM. Wuoi«-«ir from Too f tiiun. > <<tt> -V Rn«<l. Kint;auort
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 184 5 DAY BY UAV Saturday, August I. Mil'ti WHt»r 1.19 „.iu. Limning Day Pauaag Baoai Third day. Vunely Knu-rLiiiiiiiunL. Teutouia Club 9 IS p.m. f ricket. Colony v. F.MS. Haie'< Tour. Wayaug Kasoim. 9 p.m. Albamtira. lieu llur. 7S' p in Japanese Cin<m.atot>rapD. 7 <0 p.m llarima Cm ma'ograpb. 7 311
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  • 686 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. SATURDAY, AUGUST 1. I'lic iucreasiug uuiabur of MM ol uuturic t'cvoi iv Colombo lias MMMI much cuueurn, aud the l'iiuci]'al Civil Mcdicul Ufficur ul Health ;md Ju»ixxtorOcui.ral ol liospitalx, DX. A. I'wry, iiits prepaiutl ;i tcport ou thu ml^oui «uicii inity bo ot lit:l[i
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  • 606 6 There are .tevcral hundretU of goltcvo iv Singapore— mostly datlors. Iv thu lirst Uight, we have about haU-a-du^eu who are able to bold their own with the best amateurs in England, Scotlaud or Ireland tbeii come a few who are slightly above mediocrity, and last of all the pwt army
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  • 13 6 From 'uly 10 to _:>. rath uuuiberin;' »S I Imve been collevtid in Singapore.
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  • 12 6 Tin T.raziliau Uainiu;; ship Beujamin Con stunt I. ft. this iiiuininy. vv.-,tward
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  • 13 6 h'RMi Amoy and Bwatow, D-J5 passengers arrivul. yestorday. by the. British steamer GHwugle.
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  • 16 6 I'roin Laugkat, 21.1 XX) tins of kerosiu. oil arriviil. yesttrdiiy afteruoon. by Hi. British steamer Mm.
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  • 23 6 Out tboiisaud ton- of cargo an.l about n\o Iniudieil passengers arrived from Hoiigkou; 1 yest< i day, by the BrJatah sUainoi Naiu Sun;;.
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  • 19 6 \l tiic inectiug ol the Muuicipui (.unnuis siouers, yesterday moon. bills uinountiu' to i>1!i.017.0". wen p,i<-sed for payment.
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  • 29 6 A Macao vm.s aricstcd in fMaiilfiml Koad at 0.1 o a.m., to-duy, with v basket coutaiuing plates, spoons, forks and n lien. Tin police are looking for the owner.
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  • 27 6 Captain Ulseu. ot tlio .Norwegian itnanmr. Profit, wbieb arrived from Bangkok, on Wednesday, reports that a Chinese 1 „iilor 101 l overboard and was drowned, on Mci.lav
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  • 30 6 A Lom'uittoc lias bet.v appoint, -i to retioft ou tbc pay aud allowaucc o: tlie lu-.tiau Goternujtut clerks, whe>se rates ol paj have ie-maiuL'l uuchant'otl during tbc pant 10 year
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  • 33 6 The Statenmau says tiler., is a deurtti uf 1.. M.5. ufliccrs of l«:ugnl, iv cousc<}ucuc< of which many civil obamM an- bang tilled Cioni tlie ranks ol th< lodteß raboidinaAe iM'- departs Di
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  • 27 6 St. Mobllkowski. the Bewtj iippoiuled Governor Geueral of Judo-Chiuu. wit leave Marseilles about the middle of September next for Saigon, where lie ifc expected early in October.
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  • 31 6 Tbe < !Utbm<Mit at the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, yesterday afternoon, showed a balaueeou hand ot 244. 1211. 46, a* opposed to «'J-Jf.,(wa.B9. at the dat<> af tin previous meeting.
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  • 33 6 At the- nicctiii;.: ot the Municipal Commibhiouers, yestorday aflcrnoou. a contract with Mr. C. I'oster for the supply of grauitc aud sand for the foundation of the Sew Gas-hold-er was signed and soalcd.
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  • 30 6 Tbe Captaiu oi the Dutch atoamer Jausseus. which arrived trom Sampit. thin moruiug, reports- having passed tho German barque Kicknicr Itickmers, on Thursday. She wished to be reported all well.
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  • 42 6 A Uokiou. who was charge-d with erimiual breach of trust as a servant iv respect ot o'.OOO nieces of tiro wood, valued at 110, fron a twakow oil' lieach Uoad. was cautiouud aud discharged by the Third MagMntc. >!,-. B. B. Coliij:ui. MMdn
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  • 42 6 A (lavas wire announces Uiat a Cill u> authorise the raising of au ludo-Cliiua loau to the amouut of H millions of Irune'h huu been brought betore tho Chamber ot Deuutii h at Paris, which lias referred it to a special CoiumittOfc.
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  • 36 6 A IJuiigal.. uau.e.l Kalietla.un MiTukißrjtt. ha-. l>ecu tried bel'jre tlie Magistrate at Aligarh, ludia, for i.!ic pj.-ses.siou of arms aud ammunition, aud he alno suspected ot printing a letter, throateuiug tho Viceroy's life. Judgment was reserved.
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  • 37 6 A Roll wu» HmW iv Tcmplo Mieet, yesterday, with eight eoiiuterfeit five-cent piece-, iv hio possossioii. The ctt->- ua> ineiitioueil to the Third Magistrate and adjourned, to give the Government Analyst an opportunity to examine the coins.
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  • 44 6 Tin tollowiug telegram has lei v priutod iv a llongkuu'. paper .--Two Ciormau spies. it i> K-portt it. have beeu fouud ou buard fixliiug trawler iv tin- North Sea. watrluug the übmariiH mauouvrcs which are now beiug carritil oat Tin; faml \v;ts waiuea ofi.
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  • 47 6 Ou the itl: luslaul K'u^ Kdwaril aud •J in n Alecaudia o[)eneU Die neu uuiversity buildings at l.ted- «0,(JOO school children ■taMM the cereuiouv. The King said he rejoiced that the heiliMul for the study of scientific agriculture ;iud .subjects of commercial utility hail SO greatly incre-aaod.
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  • 48 6 ihechurge ol luiuduleul pobSe-s^iou ot a cheque against Tioiig Kwye, has been amended lo one of u^iug as genuine a forged document. It was mentioned to tbe Third Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Column, yesterday, and adjourned till Aaguct 7, when it il! be taken as a preliminary enquiry.
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  • 45 6 Application lor riHMi in tho proposed Nationu! Bauk of China having been in excess of tbo number of sbbrtt a-ailable, tke Board of VMi and Commuuicatioas hM memorialised tbe Throne at Peking tc have tbe capital increased by another 100,000 shares, making it tae!» 10,000,000.
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  • 49 6 Ihe case brought by Mr. Jean Chatlojon against Mr. Louis Hornient, a iocal broker, was again before the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. Maurice Thunder, yesterday afternoon. The Magistrate decided to begin tbe case over again, as a preliminary enquiry, and Friday next was fixed for Hit n.-oprnin" of flic cane.
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  • 55 6 The Waiwupu has wind to Uk following reprCHontativcs uf Chirm -U fliin Knii", Kngland; W.i Ting Fanfj. (tatted Staf/m Lin Hbib II 'ii. Franof- aud to Li Japan, requesting them to report on 'Ik Colonial shipping tacilitiofa of tbe% four uationn and to ascertain whether there arc openiogu for Chinese
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  • 63 6 Uue uimplu bat urgently uuedod measure which, it is to bo hoped, will not be long delayed in Bangkok is a |HMI system of regißtration of deaths and of infocioas diseatck, similar to tbu byutsmti in foroa at Singapore, Hongkong, arid every other modern city. Tbe lack ot »uch a
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  • 198 6 Mr Jiauriee (bonder, lv rtli U i;. ya/.ottt-il M ;> PMm < i.l.' Hie HeV .1. Mcuiiiv ni liv- ixen appoiulc 1 au houorary Chaplain to the Pi uiiuj; Yoluu tei rs Np.-cia: t u.jiiui, au buiug uiiuio iroiu l^ei regarding Pr. Smm Hcdin. but no u>
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  • 17 6 taryo ol citton lor H(iU|;l(on r urived trom BombajTi vesterda; atUr».>.>M by U» British RteanPi SnmV rland.
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  • 50 6 Mi. L. K Culom.ii tb* Cfainl u M*'4mvi' oowclnded. yartcidi .ihhimoh. tbu hinriii^ of the cas< in w j i a iii^i, Btreet dealer in Malacca ciiii'":-. U.i ii. t rladji Pitcfauj, oban.'od an employ.- uaiuul Mm it bin lalf.n vvtli theft id cane- i.r "i.".. AMOMd wa« .••Cqlliltol
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  • 56 6 To mark its app. oiatioa of tin i-guct of Pi'it-i'letil Roost elt iv accepting th>;ii invitation lo the An rican battleship Beet Iv vis t Japanese port' the Mikado s OovciU iui ut is plauniuy a -jmarkable welcome at Yolohama Twaatj jut .'apaucsc armouicil viaiships uml mauy -mailer craft v\
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  • 58 6 A Wrhtat in the ">i Ljon Hpiuiou deal> iv n pehsimistie moenl vm i tin. trouljl. ot Indo Chiuu. Ln Auuttui. _\o!t' In Tonkin, as ~u-sinuliou uud n eilion Iv Cambodia bripandaye mm) i ::y! In Cochin Chinu apparently calm, i 'asked sedition, mute treason! A spurt* mid -,itlie< I"
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  • 65 6 Auothel joul lUltte has lieeu opcueii uj near llaipnou; in 'I vukiu. M. liarriure, ot that town. ha.s secured the concession, and has made a road to '.be mines MMM country cut up by \alley:.. ML Darrieri be^an to werk the Uliuc on .Hive 8. The coul is said to
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  • 61 6 Carter the Auicricau magician who I exhibiting at tbe Teutouia Chib on Wed uesduy, -Vugust 5, will, auioug his nicks, give some displays ul CbtMH coujuriug tt'lil he has learned Horn (hang Ling la th< musician tv Uw Empeior vi China. Carte' not uuK pwrfmnm ull Uw tricl.-- of the
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  • 67 6 Singapore has ii» owu tubbei laotory which i-. uudei looil to be doing vory well, with the Malay; 1 supplier ready to hand aud we teel nure that if oue «ure sot ay in Colombo, adds the Ciylou Observi i. in dm course tin' addotl element of competitiou it would
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  • 78 6 I Molia.ued KIMKHM slid Air. I. i as adiuiuistrator ol tho affairs of au linliui. illop, iv the I'istricl Oodrt botore Ml. B. I C. Homed ymtwday nltf nmm. (or M 46.28 a.s v\ageo aud cu^l utl i\m n until I Mr. I M. Chopard .Tpj ..i t'.n- the plaiutill
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  • 82 6 Chiue-.e bujeutliuy ba» just abserleU il__,' strongly -it H.iu.ioug iv East Java iv connection «rtth Luijpcan firm en<ja^;ed iv tl.i import i-.ud c.'.port trade. Tho Cl:iue>e me cantile cjnjiuuuity grew dissatisfied with Uio firm, aud decided lo boycott it t>o long aa the managing partner conducted the buwuesL. About twenty
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  • 96 6 Tho Indo-Cliini Goverun.eni hi out r ruoro practical »vay cf dou-Hug witt refugee Chinese reformers or rovolationini than that of confining them on an islet on tbe coast. One hundred and fourteen rof ugeon who had laid down tbeir arms were forwarded from Tonkin to Saijpn, where they arrived ou
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  • 133 6 \eliii^ iiinler li.i .u-l. i..n- „i tii Inpeefal of Sf:honl'i. Mnn-I,i Inrli, vhl I ll'iin. i r i \liiii:ml ,Mn! lit, i- .i id. C"l Miini S<-orofary'-: Office li ikl 'ii I tir.o of ai\ candidate who applied for ti' position of Malay teachor at tho Government College, Japan. In
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 220 6 AMSTEL Lager BEER. >AMPLES Hi »JI: Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co. THE ONLY fe%lS RELIABLE T2;j<Jt NEVER A MILK fQKI3) bao t *M' urfii i 5), LriT^^v^^ g«§gr ARROL JOHNSTON (COPY OF TESTIMONIAL). "U>"<jatcsb, Ji > v n i\''i^. Messrs. THE CENTRAL EXGINK \VC»tlv;s -INGAPOI;K Dears >>irReplying to your enquiry, we
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    • 158 6 ALHAMBRA CINEMATOGRAPH. UKAI U RO\l». TO-NIGHT! New Programme. TheDreyfus'Affaire.' Tb;s Him bbovvL tliu ditfbreut iuciduuta of this v\»U-koovvn case, wbicti still dwell in I tbu miudd of every body. Ti;o wbole of the j affaire'' iisbowu, from the beginning of tbu discovery of tbu miosiuß .tociun.'un tho >.id'i ition of
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    • 12 6 The Strut* Tune-- will a, pu^lisked at uoon M Mcudt; .Ba^.. Hoiul».',.
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  • 247 7 STRIKERS FIGHT BEHIND STREET BARRICADES. Troops Dislodge and Pursue the Enemy. l'mjT«H .i TaUMBAM. Lonilou. July BL Senuuh riotb, involviny oollisioUb w-ith tin aiiiK.i. d fmai V'rauct. At Damveil Vlgnooxand V'iUuuenvti aeai Paris, ana riotan banioadad U aw* tad polled thutn'op.i with txbblts Bad B eil
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  • 67 7 OLD -AGE PENSIONS. Conflict Between the Houses of Parliament. InaWtan'i TaUMBUJtj i.ouiion Augnnt i. The Ho: is. ot Commous has rejected tin amendments ot the House ol Lords to the Old-Age Pcusiols Bill, sonn on tin grounds of privilege. olhe> :i the luerit. Lord l.ansili.wtu (Unionl I BNtaetad M'gorou-ly, dicluiim:
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  • 81 7 SumminK-uD b> the Lord Chief Justice. IKanTßß's Taaaanan l.ouiiuu, .luly BL lv summing up on Uu Sieviet oaaa the l.ortl Chiel I i t m eXtoanM ilifticulty ol dnoMinfl bete: bu coutradietory videuci. Me poiuteii mil beat tl:i- v a-, a case of a neb uiau appri
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  • 22 7 IHbuiiik'h lanaeauM. Li.utlou July l. liv Houm Uwan Im rend bY hiah I mvi r- ities Bill liiir.l tin*
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  • 30 7 [Ksoiaa'i Tnuwi :.i. Loudou, July U. Ibi Bcitiafa Laboni "nrty will visit Germany next Whitsuntide in ordoi to promote an undorstauuic^ between Bagheb cud German workert.
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  • 35 7 Racreaa taaaajaa] London, July 31. Iho American rbonwe aotov (.ci. which participated ia the race from Now York to Paris, arrived at ParL en Monday last. Ti:lv IT,
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  • 31 7 |Uaa O;ir»-,iAi).M h» Lloyo TbliilHaml U.-rhu. .Inly <1 Uaaat fa i m eelebrati.u ..t tboBSOUi anuivenar) ol Urn •lena I'niM.sity. alu ild odnoational in attatioa ia the eonntr>
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  • 24 7 .)J»u OjiAoi.iT:.\nv Lloyd TnUU iieCiiu, Juiy Hi. Great Britain ia n putted to have withdrawn tho propositio'i af a living uolumn for Macedonia.
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  • 19 7 'Dm ORnauanjoaw Lloyd TiLk^iuk Berliu. July 61 Ts« Dctcb aruiaor Hoeiu-^urk h*.. bees de*r*»ch*J to venezoeik
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  • 295 7 Correspondent Condemns the Use of the Cat." \Se iiave neeived lot pnUtoatioa tin. (nl lowing letter witfa relti.ue. to Crime iv Singapore: It- s BvenUoi mi nl lo the Editor ol the stilts Tfanes. ■re .i-ig i t I I h,. not bad th. advantagi vi i
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  • 646 7 ADELPHI HOTEL AFF AIRS. Extensive Transactions in Mining Concerns. At Hi. Sipr> en Court, yurtmday *fttriiihju befan Mr ifnntinr T. sotcihuU- Smith Mr. i m. i: .vi. I v. the Votint Official .iaMgnao, tmatinmiil the nxunhmtiun > m bankruptcy oi Mes- r-. A. >l. Sarkii .lohaunes. iv rosjiec' to the
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  • 52 7 i ni lainu nl .1 Tin si irtmord Li ;i.; .ill h." 1 givrn to n (nil houcf 1 ;ii Hit. 1 j Clob to-nir;ht. Every available -oat is booked, and many .eats arc also booked for Tuesday Bight pertemanOß. Tickets for Tuesday's porfortrnuc. should be appUad
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  • 57 7 liefuic Liruteii.tnt (Jator, at Urn Mmlm Court, fMlatdafi two Chinese stowaways plo&did guilty and wt.-o fined SlOO cacli. Id diuult ot payment, they weut to gaol tor lour »vi» At the expiration of that period. tb< y will be roturatid la Cbiaa tH tbt> expecet of tte owners
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  • 408 7 TO-DAYS CRICKET MVTCH ON THE HSPLANADE. Disastrous Start by the States. Tin nMaofa betwean the raaavaentollvoa el the I'ciliiateil Hi 'iy BtojhM ami tin MruitH Settlemeuts opened on the Bafanmade this iKenoOß ami will b< ntiuued on Monday. Winning ihe lorn, Hubback. wfaooaptaintid tin Msr.urs, decided lv
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  • 144 7 A Uhineee appiculice shoemakei m chained BetON the Third Magistrate, Mr. K. B. Colemau, this morniug, with cruelty to a eat. He said thut the cat was iv the court of the house making a noise, and he threw il out: that wax all. Where is
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  • 85 7 Althel'oliuL Co.irLLoday Tan Hay Loou.ol Aiuoy, was brought bclore the Senior atagMtrate, Mr. K.C. C. llov.ard. toahow can-.i- wh] he hoiild uol be e..'.i.iilileil on a charge of fraudulent baffkiuptcy. alleged to haM been committed in Auioy. It was stated b\ the eomplaiuaul that i'.eeiised had told
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  • 197 7 iiaigangbadhar Tilak, tbe editor and propiietoi of a oeditioub organ, has been Bentenctid at Bombay to d.i years' traanportatiou to the Andamaus, and a nno of 1,000 rupees baa aim been imposed. His addrotH to tho jury was very lengthy. aHagaahef aix daytj being abeorbod in the
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  • 73 7 Dnringthe mouths of .lime aud .Inly, only l.tti'J doga bavi bean ragMamd, in Siuganan, a* .3p|x>s<il to 3,-JoO during the same period of last year. This i- aaariaed to the very stringent rurasurt-b in force recently for the di -tructiou of unmuzzled ana*. Daring tbe period from July 17 to
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  • 1274 7 THE DISCOVERY OF DOCUMENTS Rl USED. Decision ol the Court of Appeal. I'IOIU 111 :l.iii. till UJO a.m. to ilav. Mr. Justice Bamonibe Smith was angagad at Mm Supreme Court iv reading tho decision of tin Appeal Co'.ut, on tbe appeal by the Mtoii.i-v <•. in ni ayiiust
    1,274 words
  • 252 7 Opening Ceremony of a NewSingapore Enterprise. Without loruiaiity. a uuuiber of leading reoideata werv sho»u wa the new brewery t tablinhed iv CMangoc Street by the Ilritisii linr Bre«ery Byndtonta The vi-itors were received uy the Jlaua^ir, Mr. W. O Couuor. illicit:!' whom ail tne preliminary work
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  • 195 7 seta uit 11,I 1 ii, |it r. i i miv, named T.iy Ho at tbe DUtrict C >urt oetore Mr. li 0. C. II niiir.l. yaatetday, ou a eii.irgo oi i bonasbn ikiuy with Intent to commit theft, at 'J p.m. ou .liiy 21. at the boam of
    195 words
  • 169 7 TblOO Chun si hue beM ci rested ou a ohatiie ot theit oi watob, vaJoad at *io. :.u«l iv m.iiH iruiu v fellow .ni tin- Barawab > r, H 'j.ili ol Sarawak, when that steamer *H .1 hundred miles Sing 'I'm Boouwid i*'. taken to tbe Third
    169 words
  • 132 7 We have loccived tbo following ticiu Mr. J. \V. Caiupboll, bocieury of tho AgrJ liotti cult.ral Show At the request ot several ladies, it lias beeu decided to l>ostpouo tiio Table Decoration nompntiMon at the Auri HoiUcultural Show until tbe >ocond day, August 11, the ja.i^iu^ tor
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  • 108 7 i.irty thoaaaad ioUan ot Hrn new coin ntly niiiitnl by tli. (antnn Miutaml put into circlfttion. It is okaarvai kba4 onrranoy an sad nimnlating iii the mark' t. It ir, M>■ ad that -uiue astnto people with an eve to bu-incss ha* h beon col.
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  • 115 7 SULTAN AMNESTIES POLITICAL OFIENDERS. Young Turkish Party Still in the Ascendency. [Baa 1 tart Taiiena»w| I.. union, August I There baa been pawral exodus of obuoxions „i: nail t'oiu the I'.ilaco at Coustautiuople. There M maili ih^i]iiiotiido over tbe MaHMI oi MO ciiiuiii.iU wiiii laca« uumbur ot
    115 words
  • 66 7 I'«h OanauTvcaa Uum rmnniß Berliu, July 31. The torcign Press in onga»i>l in tho dis of tin. oiiiuious of tho Power. ri '^aidioy a prugnunme, drawn up iv Luudou. lor the estab'ii-liiuout oi rnloi to nj;ulate any possible uaval war. The programme is unuouuct ,i
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  • 187 7 List of Handicaps and Scratchings in To> Day's Events. The lollowing are the weights lor to-day's Hacos at Reusing Bacoan Boabotu Habdkuf ilj ujileiti.l.neitcr 1 1 12, Barbel 11.2. On-lia 108, Con n»i|ht Kaiiyir Ooaaajpmd 9 7 I'knas.. Pun. (Oaa mii. >. -BxaeMorM, BUM 8 It. Has
    187 words
  • 121 7 Directly aflat the N 0 L. Wcstfalcu waa —■tjiittii this atternoou o ttwaid b .mini from Bremen via tin C ip atyi .i Kreiuautlu wire of July 1:; l>.t .-tue D.mpscy, of Perth, ac coup mini by Di tectivc Lynch, wout out iv the launch
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  • 152 7 Mr. Haatiaga Rbodea, Hrn Dnpoe* Pnblk il ni' iitiom d to tin: Third MagiH r-. .it. Mr K. K. Culm i". yeatord iy, tin: case against in tin. 'i. Seek, charged by Meaara. Travers and Sana, Limited, with criminal broach of tuist, h •yinj^ tlmt
    152 words
  • 192 7 understand that tho following gcntloim.i. li m pii-!-.;il tin ir wiUingßaaa to be.mill mi imlh i- ami imooiatei oi the Singapore branch ol tin National Service League which ni referred to loom idei oolnmni lust Wi.lne (lav The Hon. Mr. J. O. tpthoaJM, Colonial Tuwwnrnr Hun. Dr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 1108 8 SATISFACTORY ANNUM REPORT OF COMMITTEE. The following is the report of tho Comtuilt< e'nf the Siu^iporc Cricket Club^for tl c year ended June M) I'inasi I -Tlic cenoral account closes with a baiaii.c in li.iud of *;!.OS.S -JO. The a. MI timiil aubaoriptioa at .ji) cints amounted
    1,108 words
  • 64 8 In Urn rally hours of July 21, a ninu of Cbiuese auemptedta onumiiburgUry at the Chun se I. -I llili.c. Shiii ghui. A Iv 1 1 1 1 iti 'lnn <ii, »ho was on duty, wiib a nil. i If. nd strenuous row anco but
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  • 242 8 The Darul TUhar will meet the Sunlight team in the Colman Shield competition ou the Beach lioad Reclamation ibis evening. Playing for Cambridge in the Inter-Varsitj cricket match agniust Oxfoid on July 7 aun H, H. Muglistou KCJreil 8 in the first luuingaud none iv the second
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  • 110 8 5.C.C. and XI v. KM A team represtnting tho U.K. opposed f> -cciinl eleven of thu S.C C. at Hockey, y< s crd iy, and a »o kI and fairly fast game wa >vitnes~ed. 'llie lejlMM were the first ti -core, but they slucki-ned iv t ff.-ctive plaj gradually
    110 words
  • 117 8 I S R.C. v. Warders and RE. A team, coinpns.d of Wirdors and Roya tiiiliiiiccra, played au eleven of the C. soccer on the fcl-planaie. yesterday, a lairh vjood game resulting The Warden), wh. were the stronger team both in attack am U fence, played one man
    117 words
  • 257 8 S.C R.C. Tournament. The final in the SC.H.C. Liwn Tenni touruameut was played at tho Cl lan* I'M .itioii Club last evening. Senw l'o' Long, who had worked his way through tin preliminary lotinds, met Oug Tek Liui, tbe champion, but he could not wrest the honoui ■rom
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  • 114 8 S.C.C. Tournament. The following were the result of yesterday's play iv the S.C.C. Lawn llowliug touruaujcut: Open Pairs. Court No. I— ltidd.ilph and Freeman beat I'ugli and Uuut'ey, 21—20. CUAMI-lONSUIP. Court No.l Sinclair beat van Cuylcnburg w. o. Docblk Handicap. Court Vo. 3— McKenzie aud Lyall beat Dossett
    114 words
  • 60 8 It is reported that in future persons sranc«''"K arms and ammunition into China will be icvcrtly dealt »iih. 'I he Peking antli >rities luve instructed the various pruviuciHl><ovt'rumi!utHtliattlieumcersiu charge if the •'u-tiiiu Hta'Jon bctwtvn the port of oiitjiu and the port of iie«iiimtion willlnv. to undirgo s.vxie puuiubmeut should they
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  • 787 8 FIGHT TOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP! OF THE KEGIMENT. Unfortunate Foul Stops Capital Contest. The boxing championship of tbe 2nd I! ivul We-t Kent liegiment has been won by Lauce- Corporal Sheppard, because lie was fouled in a match last night with Lance-Corporal Kirov- It was an unfortunate incident
    787 words
  • 123 8 Miss Georgie Corlass, who sails for home in the Simla uext week, says a recent Calcutta paper, bids adieu to the East. .Miss Coilass, who is Calcutta's most popular actress iv musical comedy, is to be tendered a tttrewcll hem tit ou Momuy night, when
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  • 126 8 Writing from Secuuderabad, India, on July 22. a correspondent of the Madras I'iiiic- ttlHttH Geueial Wolfe Murray, who has come to Secuude|g>bad espt-cially for the purpose, lias to-day opeued au enquiry into the circumstances of the military authorities oidering Major l'atton-Bethuue, retired list, to leave the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1129 8 CAUGHT BY THE GRIPRELEASED BY PE-RU-NA. La Crlppe Is Epidemic Catarrh. 1 1 /^^"^MCX $K "TTHE disoaae now known as 'grip' /J^ *^'j f S '^W^ffi^ "~^j s system and producei more profound dig- \-^>«T^/ ti^ -ij? L» \f' VfM "MosTcffectlve Medicine Ever Tried |"*1 \*T ■Jg He l« a
      1,129 words

  • 378 9 (Sunday, KugtUl j HD4I hi i. I Munr'i Cubmil 7 a.m. Hatim iiiniinio-i (Chora!) 913 a m i|..l> Commanioß (Phial i :i mi m. Sunday Inafrol U p-m. frOili frltim QinlM); s»b m Erenaong and In— St. MMiiir.V. Slwk I.i-.j.-. I] 11 ».m. F.-o I to |..n.. Ban
    378 words
  • 112 9 ■Jh<.i( Natfca. >i-»enth Sun Jay \iti-r Trinity I "i,-~t i I Cliroaiole* KM. St« «i i.• l:ou:anf>ll,l7. 11-.- i :i Pi I. I Introil Uai s 1 tl'C s. rvi. smatt llyiuo ai i>ti< itor> 168 Hyi"u al u'u::i.'ii..ii M t Cwainfl Hymn *l\ ■v m
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 245 9 i !j. tin- baUa np, M to support him after,' acoording to Bhatea poaw i iii!; urn i" ~i aawaeed "attor-oopport" to well g I v;'ii\ If btjatttlM tiling to briDf; i t'.tli hi .1 uc-'iir. wild nth. red tilood counting through the vciu». <>ood for pi JlsHtlt RUBBER
      245 words
    • 487 9 INSURANCE Companies GUARDIAN ASSURANCE rOMFANY. LIMITED, LONDON. dibacribed Capital X2.000.000 Total Inreited Fandu 16.M0.O00 Annas! Income £1,100,000 The andursigned. Amenta tor the aPCTt I mpany, are prepared to aouept fire naki 'or short periods of ten days or longer period.1 current ratoa to ba named ou application to PATER^iN PTMONS
      487 words
    • 480 9 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. j Tenderx a 11 b« Noatval M sha Re. lent ('..uociilor's O 11. up to noen of riaptaailnir U l.OS. Id* the fcUcra iur works Supply au.l t reel 1 m <.f ett-3l nork only for Itblrtj t.vo oorragaaed iron MUtagi and t< i: 1 irr.i'.it-.d iron amllitiHo
      480 words
    • 443 9 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. i < < r :id it Iki tmntmtf'u Otfiee, up to noon ui A:\>;iisi J, KH"», f..r tbt iodMTtag vri ifta: Brectioo of Com) Htr from I. W.G IT to end of penal l'itr «t tin Pi M fkmmf Ughthot t. Kvi i r- r.[ii'.viDg f..r a frrm
      443 words
    • 124 9 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co Ld. ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE Commences TO-DAY. WaSSIAMUIIAsSOMULU Co. Have Removed TO THEIR NEW PREMISES. OPPOSITE. No. 56 and 57/.High'Street. •NTIRELY NEW STOCK UNPACKED. '"'"Vo'tt.^ -,t« DAHLS MILK. The ONLY canned Milk in which the full flavour of fresh cows Milk is retained [2 R<>NEl o clj mi
      124 words
    • 23 9 RUBBER STUMPS Fob Sals. Carefully Packed. 18 months and 11 months old. •30 t <t 1,000 and Hi .'0 per 1,000, *pi»y>OSTTAraSTATE.TCUJK ANSON
      23 words

  • 452 10 AN ACT WHICH MAY COST A THRONE. View of a Persian M.IV .Miiva <\^hu ol Ispahan, Mtcubti ol tLe I'c.rsiaij l'arliaiucat for the l'rovinc: of Azer baijac. who arrived in London recently, has j been iiiterviewed by Renter Agency on the r-ituatioc in Persia. Mm Apha »i> i.
    452 words
  • 113 10 A member of the Canton gentry eurcaued Yik recently fell in love witl: a ftitl in cor of the Sing Song Lonscs in Chan Tom.- Nam. < He arranged for her pnrchanc and made pre- j parations for Ltr rrccptlon M Ul ninth concubine. After 6p<nilio<,'
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 496 10 AUCTION SALE or <AY, NBKOKEBb 1 UNREI'.- WMB PLEDGER 'ie held at Powell I Co.* Bale rooir Mrnday, Augu. I 5, 1908, at IC MM II tdne»day, Augiirt 5, 190 i, a. 10 a.m. Iran. stuff 7, Zr<cVf, a' V aTtweeVtf coosistiog o[ Wnlchtt, (inns, D.ap: cd Bine?, BrofH-hes, Ear-ringi',
      496 words
    • 342 10 WELL NAMED. C';iauiberlain"s Colic, Choleru nm: liar-, rhoen Remedy is just «liat itn name implies. I For paisb in the stomach, cramp colic or diarrhoea, it has no equal. For ealc by all Dispensaries and dealers. NOTICE, CHATS WORTH KOAI. v. I. U oicsed to the public on Katr.rdaA, the
      342 words
    • 649 10 BAHKIHCI COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INOOWOKA'i.r.I Bl- KOIAL rnAlllEK. Paid op Capital in 60.000 Shares ot Ctteaoh £1.500,000 Roecrrc Funri tU.r.gj.OOO Rwerrc UtMIM) I krci>nekr tl JOO.OOO HiNKEK.-:. Batik cl England. National Bank of Soctland Toe lisodon City ft Midland P»i: Ud. HINOAPOBE BKAMOH. Uarreut Accounts
      649 words
    • 500 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. :'aJL/VP Capital I■*EBEBVK FUND dtarilng Iteserre UiS,OOO,OOO dllTerßeserrt •19.600,000. ™W.OM i .s»fr»t LiabUit -f ProrriMr-' lU.MMM wOURT OP DIRECTORS Ujd. Mr. Henry Keswick.— Chairman E. Qoetz, Eerj.— Deputy Chairman. K.O. Barrett. K=q. 0. B. Lenzsnann 1. v 0. Drodersen, Etn. E. SheUim, Esq.
      500 words
    • 416 10 2ND CLASS RUBBtK-TYriED 6HARRIEB. BEST RUBBER-TYRED CA«R!A6EB AT F. CLARKE AND CO.'S Livery Stables, 207. QUEEN BTREET, SINGAPORE Forf'i' i'tnvcrrd fo onji I'orf of the fijmnd WL SPECIALISE fo. I i. KMTi RK KEMONALS «uU as BEKI B \1- CA URIKKS in any capacity. I ZIMMKRMANN, relcj'u' N Ml Pi-oprii
      416 words

  • 776 11 STRAITS PROBLEM OF TAXATION DISCUSSED. Comparisons with Colombo. l'LuaDi? Automobile i_lub is that the Siutfapoio Club ba* takoa up the .jjostion of disc i-^in^ thu occontrio demand of the Ooveruuiuut ioi a ta\ of three dollars per month ou a motor-car, a .[uo^tiou which is cauaiug no little vezatiou
    776 words
  • 62 11 > wuty-tive thousand people have asKffllMml at Dieppe, I Kreuch port ou the Eu^tish Channil. to watch an international automobile nee. Missis. Hall and Watt, I prominent RmMi inotmleM. have been acci- ikutally killed while motoiiug near Dieppe. Biflhi in nine <.eiiuau cars competing in the automobile race* at
    62 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 397 11 The Wonderful "STELLA" I The moat ailent running and beat hill climber on the market. Trial row cam be arr&nged. STRAITS MOTOR GARAGE SYND.. SIITGAPOBE. TATTERSALL S MONSTER CONSULTATIONS. 6EOR6E ADAMB. 40BART. TASMANIA, AUSTRALIA ntauai -'3 t**-. Oc all %w*iOi on race* rai atter Janu- ■■■IMnvailV Bl«ft^ltf%B« U7 let >*»,
      397 words
    • 66 11 TRY THIS FOR CHRONIC DIARRHOEA. 1 Manly NBIaMH from chronic Jiarrbxa have obtained prompt relief by the use of < liauibtrlain's Colic, Lhokra au<l Diarihoea ltemedy. Some of tbo worst cwi ot this disease ha\ bocn permanently cured by it after other treatment aud skilled physicians had failed. Try it
      66 words
    • 188 11 Write for New Catalogue HUMBER CARS. Latest improvements I Reduct ion In Prices I i THE BORNEO CO., LTD. Straits Cycle Motor Co., 15, BATTERY ROAD. J I I Enamelling, Plating and General Repairs by Skilled Workmen. Electrical Plant Accumulators Charged. Motor and Cycle Requisites, Oils, Grease. etc., etc. Carbide
      188 words
    • 97 11 I 'V' '•>' po»nt. I -„,i,>,,u,, CENTRAL ENGINE WORKS. I SILENT SIX-CYLINDER, W HP STANDARD Sole Agfuta fer H.S., c". 'A- Th. ,io of -)»va and tj'.mat^ rtflst betag Jriven J !"I>.;BAR, C. F. F Wearne and Co., 168-169. ORCHARD ROAD. in Udri UAB I'H .md G. OTOMUNE CO., SINGAPORE
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 598 12 Scale ot Cbacoca. '-REPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— Miawi•■eona Waota of E»ery Lieacniitiou, House*. I 1. i-io., lo im, are inaerwd at tbe loUowidk IMS*:— Doe Insertion I 1.10 per Inch Two 1.00 Three taO fill MO Mine 1.40 Twelve T.SO Twenty five 10.00 (Each aQbaoqneat mcolb IS per Inch.) Ibe above rate
      598 words
    • 433 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. ttam I— Po<r Lnn am» at two in.rrtloM. |1 LAOY TEACHER WANTED. Apply iv per* >n to the Principal of tbe ANOLO CHINESE BCBOOL. Coleman Street. BILL COLLECTOR WANTED. W»nicd. Bill Colle.tor; good security reqnied A|.ply to Tbc hlrait-t Kngiueeiing hyndi «to, Lid. MM ASSISTANT WANTED. Wonkd. an
      433 words
    • 635 12 10 BE LET OR SOLD.! furs -Poor Unas, on or two ln»mioa II By Ula inch. .aM> of olliuf as. HOUSE TO LET. No. 4, Monnt Rosie. Apply Raffles Hotel. HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 1, Oiley Rise, to be let. Apply M.-yer Brothers. KF 1119 ROOM TO LET. Room
      635 words
    • 603 12 ir Straits Immigration Syndicate, SECTION X, CAVANAGH BRIDGE BUILDINGS, SINGAPORE. CABLE ADDRESS: IMMIGRATE. CODE A.B.C. STH. ED. USED. WE supply strong, healthj Javaneae eodiea tor Estates and Mines. WE undertake all formalities required by the Netherlands Government and thus save our customers trouble and inconvenience. We do this free of
      603 words
    • 157 12 30AR0 AND LODGING. Msjaa ..r i»o iu.»rtio«a »i.m th» lash. "oiU. of Obuim BOARO ANO APARTMENTS. For .ing a geuilemen. Ton™ 'nnderate 4pplv at R(«!kbar»t, it, Dhoby Uhaut. BOARO AND RESIDENCE. Two oom- to lc». f>r buhelirs. Mr 9. vgn Barßcn. n, M nut E.iz^belh. UN BOARO AND RESIDENCE.
      157 words
    • 93 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bates :-Fi.ui l.ii -i, ono or two iniwrtioin,ir. By the task, aaa Mcalaoil Charrm. RUBBER ESTATE FOR SALE. Atom I tonM tally plan Hd. abiat ;,000 Immlm yean tld Optwa kg tale up \cr»-s mr.Tt ooi .i Mad adjmunii!. K.r Mtbkb, a, ply to II Abrarr-,
      93 words

  • Stock and Shares.
    • 320 13 loon 0 0 I I rH H Nam cer I I«iue P..<i Rhwea M.OOO 10 I 10 M.6OU J 10 1G 7.500 I 60,000 10 10 '40.000 1 1 M.OOO J7.-.100 10 30 »,600 j =0,0.X) 1 1 100.000 111 8,900 10 10 6,1'» 110,000 1 1 i
      320 words
    • 309 13 Im.m 1126.000 2J.750 B 6 7j<> IJ.VIOO I 48. MO 103,500 12.601 22.750 £6 7JO I'J.AOO I 10.000 I 8,000 55,000 J 181,451 I 1 123,548 180,000 f 184.000 i 70,000 I 110 n,MO 661,000 i\ 10,000 1 1.1.000 i 140,000 f 45.000 20,000 12,500 2,688 11,41* 990 800.030
      309 words
    • 178 13 10.0 tJM T.BBB 0 115.000 t.SOU to i i»j.oo> I «-«w~ i *as 00 84,000 5.400 M 878.000 s|^ K'O 140.0-V) Jt',ool >w MJMt Ml KM 400,000 400,000 000 I 111,000 1,120 Oti i tOo,<Klii l.ono ,V 0 SOO.OOO 4,958 •Mi %.O i •■■<'■ SO),-ii>j ,Oft.» I t«
      178 words
  • 234 13 Iriv 31. 1901 I PHOOUCI3 buyers s 7 M buyers IOH7J K 175r> ■>vih Ml No. 1 *2.8.> H 8.65 I '210.1 'IM- Sj«.' OOm. H, 6.12! p.-;it: pear! •"> NO 70 00 Boon \Ytii.i< No. 1 174 I 1 >, ii- t 'per case,, K'2o >l:v. llnliiant {l-
    234 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 78 13 A BHEEP SHEARERS TRIALB. I have followed the shearing si-aw.r through New Zealand and all over Australia.' says Mr. H. L. Mcliean of Duntroon, N. and the changes of water and tucker a) way. bring an attack of diarrhoea. The only relief I can obtain is from Chamberlain Colic, Cholera
      78 words