The Straits Times, 14 July 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.702. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY JULY 14. 1908. PRTCE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 211 1 JUST ARRIVED: ONE four-cylinder. 12-14 h.p., 1908 Model DE DION, Double Phaeton, Side-entrance Body, fitted with Hood, Wind-screen. Lamps and Tools, complete. Prices and particulars on application to Cpni pavi amaav Wmma (iENKHAL AGENTS tor the n I PIPF >C f; Cm tti t ims L^/ I II "X Lhm
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    • 182 1 AGENT WANTED. For the Eiistelnd. Stoomvctverij. cstablisued 1M veait> <-ince in Weltcvrcden, Pientot Btsie the only one in the hutch Indies. Fabric for cliumically cleaning, etc., and Dyeinj; Finest Ladies Dresses, (tents' and Children's Clothing. Dyeing in all colours required, on Bilk, wool and cotton-stuff. Good conditions offered very easy.
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    • 69 1 Robinson and Company. SANDERSON fiS^ Cameras. J IN MAHOGANY AND TEAK. Ife'l Prices, from $55. J^^^^B ALSO FILM CAMERAS. CATALOOCI A\H PRICE LIST si:\| KMS KIiEE ON AI'IM.UWTKtX. Robinson and Company. CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77. Ormm Bntmk Rnnd. $in<tni> n The Bri^Ltesl and Healthiest Resort in the Cny. Hotel Porter in
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    • 177 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. m o?X m GUEBT NIGHT EVERY SATURDAY. Arrau^ements haw lieeo made for the iiaod of the 2ud R:_. 11 Wes: Kent i^bnaal I dorms and after Dinner on the FIRST SiTITRDAY OF EVERY MONTH up to 11 p.m. No c: ira charge for booking tables. Please riDg up
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  • 387 2 NOTED ROMAN BEAUTY'S DEBIT AT COVENT GVRDEN. Can Take Part in Twenty Operas Puccini s picturesque opera. Manon Lcscaut, was brilliantly revived at C ovrnt Garden recently, and tho performance was of si>ecial interest because it served for the debut in England of Signora Nataliua C'avalieri. the.
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  • 143 2 Aida at Covent (jarden. Verdi s spectacular opera Aida was |>er-li-imi il .it mm nt 1 1. .i.I. ii i l.i other day with a cast. A crowded audience enthusiastically welcomed the f.imiliar music aud warmly applauded the -tunny choruses aud gorgeous processional scenes, for which, by the way-
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  • 495 2 Novelty at Aldwych. .Mr. Oscar .Who ami Mis* l.ily ltra> t -u Imvi hit upou -uiiiL'tliiag u( a novelty lot theii "NBM mumiii M Wimmf prices, 1 which ij'vM'i on Juno k at the Aldwwh Theatre. Fat The Two Pius, by I" rank Sl.iylon is a mediaeval Imi. i Mi
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  • 156 2 Theatrical Wedding. An interesting theatrical ueildiug is about to take place, says a Home exchange, tin contracting parties being Miss IriR Hoey and Mr. Lam i de Krtce, both of whom are now appearing in "Butterflies" at the Apollo. The prospective bridegroom is a brother of Mr. Walter de Frccc,
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  • 185 2 Classical Concert Society. The existence of the Joachim concerts having couie to a termination tin ou-li the death of Dr. .Joachim, the conjiuittee have decided to reconstitute the association under the name of the Classical Concert Society. The object of the uew society will be to provide a series of
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  • 140 2 Festival Performances. The festival (jorforiuauci-H tit Bajnoth will commence on .Inly 2"J. the \rnrks to be ■41 vi n being I>er limy des Nilirhiiiyi-ii. Lohengrin, and Parsifal. The conductors will be Dr. H.iii-. liichtci. Dr. Karl Muck, Hcrr Michael ISalling. aud llcrr Siegfried Warner, ami nuumg the fmlfati engaged are
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  • 114 2 Another Version of Fau5t. Mr. Stcplieu I'hillipss. kMfl-Wkad of version of Goethe's TwatA is at last irithia siyht of production in l.uudon. Mr. Trie will open his luitiitmi season at His Majesty's with this poetic drama, auil recently, he riuM the rehearsals. The cast is incomplete as yet. but the
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  • 171 2 Of all the fruits of the eaith, the durian is perhaps the most extraordinary. Ten thousand acres are devoted to its culture in ISurma. The natives give it high vounding titles, aud make verses to it. but a European has to live some years in the K&st
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 460 2 CONGO V)ropieal Sioofing [S The Ideal Roofing for this Climate CHEAP SANITARY DURABLE VERMIN-PROOF Thf thickest quality ply) •an now i>- supplied v $12 \>*>r roll of 216 n:i r. u-t't complete with raps, nails and cement |OI Ii \tli_;. AGENTS The Borneo Co., Ltd., BUCHANAN'S WHISKIES. aoi tv experiment
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    • 189 2 3 ffn no you A Cure That Cures There are men and women in every localitywhoare being ncktd to death with Rheumatism. M:my of them have tried electricity, liniments Turkish and mineral bntlis, massage, &c, while others have been doctoreJ until they have 10->t all hope and patience. Little's Oriental
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    • 377 2 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST REPUTATION EVEKYWUERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease litli iotaMlthtd 1»2f.) ESSENCE OR FLUID EXTRACT OF H£D JAMAICA 'w» rant Hit aiwAi ■m^h^WA^Bi^^^irSjTa^riß^gT^Brpy' NiV ui<vr it B^m^mT H Iwßol I mmNF EK> MM Pronounced by the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES JgliW Torpid
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  • 757 3 TALES OF TALKS AND WALKS WITH CARLVLE Masson's Memories of London Ill tin- May issue of Klackwood's Magazine, David Masson's Memories of London in the 'Forties, are printed, and include Mh following stories of Thomas Carlyle If you dropped in about, or a little after, seven o'clock, you
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  • 149 3 French View of United States. A volume fwt published in I'aris. Notes t«ur Ic8 F.tats Luis La Socii'tr, la I'oliti<|ue, la Dipluinutie. l>y M. Andre Tardieu, foreign editor of the Temps. cooxtitutc» au interesting aud original contribution on a subject that lias of late years attracted increasing attention in Franco,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 577 3 SEVERE BRUISE WOULDII HEAL Instructor of Physical Development Could Not Work for Three Weeks —Many Remedies Failed to Cure Wound on His Leg— ln Ten Days CURED BY USE OF CUTICURA RESOLVENT "I mistainwi a f-evprp wound on thp «hin through my partner aoridpntally dropping a ISO-Ib. har-lioll on it
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    • 321 3 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO.. LTD. Portland Cement. To Casks of 87") lbp. net. Drain Pipes, any shape. In Bags of 260 lbs. net. Gntterways. Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, pr<wed. Glazed Paving Tiles. Paving Bricks. Priaaa, Matayln lull pMtiMlan will be lorwaid.'l M apiilication to Agent: W.A. STOPANI, DUM IB
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    • 153 3 J. DA. PEREIR'. IH.HTI'CMI HIST AM KU HIST Collector and BspOltaf et Ocebidt I>ipHm* md Gold ill dal from the Int.- K ,iv ol Denmark By Special Appointment to His Mnjepty. th' King of Siam., 11. H., thtHuiti u of J:hon,ajii H. H., the Boltan of Lingga. Freeh Cat Flowers
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  • 698 4 Sanii', port, iirohalii- date •>/ ariical, m I mmv oj Agent*. BTB UIBBB ii. i :,m.i. A i; W. M m >.(.iey, July "Jl Boa I \i.\ LivmTWll. July 29; \V. \nil.:m. tUmbnif, July tt Ittlia Meyf-r An-.uug, Hamburg, -I -ily -.'I Beha Mc\er ■\r oaia, Colombo,
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  • 167 4 The naval baifeoorat Dover ia raoogniaod as om< ut tlic m.-st cosily of all Admiralty Unadera. l'lic whole constmctiou lias becu a digajaMe m-jJJi-. ami CLfli&flOO L;ul bo.v -*!>■ ut on il up hi bottom mouths .i^'i Moor iu_:^ i v iliifi rpnt elsswi ol
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 57 4 A GOOD SUGGESTION. Cany bottle ol (.'huuibvi'.aiu Lolic, Chuli r. i aad Hanhata Ueiuedy in your hand InifaW wlieu tfavdUag. It canuot be obtamed ou iioar.l the train or steamship. \ou will tiieu be protected aj^aiu^t attaeUs ot diarrhoea, whioh ehMMJi ol water and diet so oAoa brings on. For
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    • 737 4 STEAMER SAILIN6S. P. O STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China. Japan, Penang, <-'e>U»<i Australia, India, Aden, Ksrypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Blll» sf Lading mcod t M Ccm», Persian Gulf, Continental, arl I Port*. Si^mar" will le»»a Si i?i»3 r MAIL LINE l<)uiicard ior CMjm). llri Ddfj Jnly 1R
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    • 730 4 STEAMER SAILINGS, HANDEL AND BCHEEPYAART MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of tbii company malata-.n > regular aervioe between: Singapore, Sourabava. Bandjermasln, Pulo t.iot, Batik Papan, Koetei, with transhipment lit Bandiormaslo tor Saranit, Mandawai Xoemai, Kotta Warlngin, Djelal. The steamers have good aooomodation tor first and second class passengers. Toss Okn.
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    • 486 4 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAK NAY CO. LTD. The Companies dteuuar* despatched from Liverpool ontwardu for the Strait-,! t 'hiyi and Japan ever; weok. and from Jap&n bOMM' wards for'London, Amsterdam and Antwerp ovory fortnight and f&r Genoa. Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. Oue cutward sleamcr
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    • 606 4 STEAMER SAILINGS HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Th« saaanktß of this Company maintain a re^'.lar service between Hsmburtf, Bremen, Aarwatp, &na Rotterdam, auJ the Straits, 1 i. -i aca Japan. ?:c3«wuds. they are despatched fortnightly fc: 3a~re asd Hamburg and once a month tor Ertnierhavc-j lirect, calling at Penang and I
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    • 813 4 STEAMER SAILINGS WdX. FIORODEUT CHER LLOYD (toriMM Mai' Lute. Tne fast anJ *all «;t,i s».i swam ri this Company jail fcrljigh;:;.- 'rc.n BtSta i Hamburg vl» Rotterdam Ajtwrp, 3ou'.ln tou, Gibraltar, Qoan Htftea, (c:on;;t:i Marseilles, Naples, Alextui-v aalvita Port Said, Saer., Aicu, ..j.iiaj, I'j; Singapore, Hongkong, Shan^nai, Nagaaik.. asd
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  • 1348 5 i ni i h tlti-i iiH fling ittfl (ullnwtnir tbbtfi u».*.l -«t>. *t..uu«r nli.-Hibip; l*j.— bwrtjue; «eh.— mill HIT- t VMM; «.rii.— «;rui«ir; (I'M. -iiuiikMti Tor.~Turp.Mi.. il.p. -HurM-|>uw<ir Krit.Kr.tuli. U. 8,-UwW KWj Kch.~Hr«iicli <.«.- -u. 1.1 i.j Hut. »iil.-li Il\l.--It:tliiui;Npan.—r<|>tinih-«»r.—Marawak lie— (Joner.U ont^o; <l.p.— dark pas »onn«i
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  • 85 5 Wharves ai which Vessels are Berthed To-day. T»«jOH8 P»«»« Kiht Wuu Basin— Nil. Bast W. Bcctior 1— Augsborg, Euryalus, Lai Sang, Meteor. Scot. 1 (Bnnas Wbakt)-— Nil. Sectiob No. I— Fook Sang, Krroll. B— Patani 4— BUley. Hild. 8 Oriana, Flintshire. 7— Bencleucb.
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  • 68 5 HOMIWABD P. AND O Mill.. The P. and O. homeward mail steamer Malta left Hongkong, at 1 p.m on Saturday, imi is due here at 6 a.m., on Thursday, the 16th instant. Octwabd P. and O. Mail. The P. and O. outward mail steamer Delta left Colombo
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  • 110 5 X..8 fa Braum Tim TnKORIK'W luamba and Natuim Is. Hero 7 a.m. <.PabanK, I'ekau, T'gaou R. S. llaroe 10 a in. 3angkok Patani Ham. r'gaau, Kelantan, Patani Redang 11 a.m. tfuntok, Banka, Butavia Tm Diimen 11 a.m. ?enang and Colombo Wnk.ita Zlaru Ip.m. ft S'tenbam and Penaog Kittna
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  • 93 5 From Eoropb— By the P. 4 O steamer Delta, due July 17. From CniNi— B\ tbe P. it O. Bteamsr Malta, nesien, due July 16. Jane June Jane Jane Jane July July July July IS M. M. July 19 P. AO. July 33 N. D. L. July
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  • 82 5 July i] Gwalior, Brit atr, Penang and Rangoon tOmta, Brit sr, Bourabnya Singapore, Biitatr. Bangkok 4 Polynenieo, Fch str, Marseilles via port« Vorwarts, Ocr str, P. Swetteuham and P»n»ng La Seyne, Fch str, Batavia Fook Sang, Brit atr, Penang and Calcutta Mob, Hong Brit utr, H'kong, Amoy, Swatow Hild,
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  • 276 5 Passengers Outward 1 Per P. and O. Macedonia, connecting with the .-.vamer Delta at Colombo, due July 17.- Mr. B. Goold. Mr. A. C. Ballingal. Mr. C. S. Richardson. Mr. U Nash, Mr. I H. Pen j ney, Mr. C. W. Andrews, Mr. C. K. McL.-od, Mi.
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  • 105 5 Among the passengers who transhipped ai Colombo from the steamer Himalaya was Captain D. Francesco Fiyuiira, who is pm ceeding to Macao to take up a high cominauil there. Captain Figueira, it will be reuiemberi d, was by Kiny Carlos's side on that fatal February 1. It
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 587 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAY. CO., LTD. Thk atei»int>r» Una Compacy maintain a reiiuUr direct service betwueu Calcutta, Strain, Hongkong. Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo on throngli Bills of Lading (or Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Cbefoo, TienUin, Newchw»n({, Yangtsze Fort*. Formosa, the Philippines, Ac, Ac. »!< aiiicrTom Commander KDTSAJia 4,898 R.
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    • 631 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR LINE OK STEAMERS Tbi ondc.rmnutinned mail iknunon of the above lime iiiunttm > regular Herviou between CaloutU ami Japhn. callim; at Penaug. Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai an r^utr FLEET. Tons Commander M. "Juu" 8.3(10 J O.OurniT 8.8. OwtooßT Awar 4.600 8. H. Bkuor S.S. ArRATOON AfCAh" ■*,">.
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    • 439 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ks. Jr. Iv. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO KUKOPE VIA CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and In. UNITED BTATEH. Hoot* from noiigkong, via Shanghai, Na^uakl, (Inland Sea o! Japan). Kobe. Yokohama. Victoria and Vancouver, K.M.H. "KMrniMd or Im>u" Twin screw stea K.M.B. "EuFßibw
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    • 260 5 LATEST ADVEKTISEMENTS. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. WOOOLEI6H FILTERS AND CLEAR WATER TANK. STRUCTURAL iSTEEL WORKS FOX CLEAR WATER TANK. TenderH aro invitud by the Municipal Commissioner!) of the Towu of Singapore for the supply of steel stanchions, jm-ts and connections for the roof of the Clear Wiiter Tauk, amounting io all to
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    • 134 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. July 18— At Lyndhurxt, No. 12, Lloyd II 1 valuable teak household furmtiwu, etc., at 2-30 p.m. 21 At Sale-room, valuable freehold pro perties in Orchard Road and Scott* Road, at 2 30 p.m Ang 4— At Sale-room, valuable freehold land known as Sengkang Kutate,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 327 5 DAY BY DAY Tuesday, July 14. High Water. 10-26 p.m. Football Cup Final. R.G.A. r. R.W.K. I Full Moon. 4-47 a.m. L.L.T.C. American tennis tournament. Lawn Bowling Tonruament. Harmston's Circus 9-15 p.m. Albambra. 780 p m Japanese Cinematograph. 7-HO p.m Hirima Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m Wayang Kassim. 9 p.m. Wednesday, July
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  • 1218 6 Tne Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, JUL Y 14 Df Murrihun b UMMMaaI ti>. lieuch daaaaaii ler Baaaaajllßi tt". Hh rj.ii of a riUageai FieoaU teattoc] neat aehuau m t!;-j KflHpl Wiler aud Hk BHaflk jn 1 ir..E'.b patrol iv rreuck terntury ueai Laukai. "n tho Vuuuau border, appear
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  • 16 6 1 Ii has been bund that the vratti Mippl] •t Calcutta ooataina an excoas ol ohlorine.
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  • 25 6 A land owner at IVsnaofi baa bo n oruV 1 '.I tv abate the nuiaanc eaoaed Uy a nwauipy piece uf ground within six months.
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  • 23 6 II Uie electric lighting in 1 uteaded in li r.air_'. tin: I'onimiMdoncn will re«|nire about 4XII.IKK) for th. pur.ha-.. and; down of
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  • 29 6 The Mfinagnr of the Soei. te dew Ktain d< Iviuta nlihwi that the output ol thi am pauy's lniins lor May wan pieuh md fur I line piciils -J.IKM.'.M
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  • 31 6 A cargo of 5,'J00 tons ul putrolvuin arrivul huui r.,1'*****1 111 ruuti Ui VbulivtM torday, by Um< Ku*<iaii stuaiuci Hotoor. The Uaptaiu ruportN tin- >k»tli of a Htokur f row beat
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  • 34 6 I 11 .ii' million I nutrnota-il in ii liiu a 1 .If Mil ixtrj I'u I m 1 iM'.u with lit, 111 lion;; ami S'liiu^hal banking IVirrmialiwi is repayable within Uin U yi ;irs.
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  • 35 6 Tin: Hoard Id i nti ad n ti^at.' the use „i (ureign loanH burrowed by the various provinoua, and bait ordered thu liuard to prupOSU the Ih st luellio I ut di-|i. n--111.4 tin funds.
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  • 38 6 It is reported in Japaa that the I'rmriduut uf the Mitsu liishi Dockyard and blngine Wurks at N'agaaaki, who h.i teoentiyreturned i i on i a tuur in hiua, Moured a contract fur the euustrnetiun of three warship*.
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  • 34 6 That man can be BOfnittad. -iiiil the I bird Uagfaatate, Mr. K. K. Uohnaa, jnatwdaj atturnooD, rcgardiag man who waacharsed with the (kjssi ssiuu ol morphia He ban died in huspital. said laapeotor Connor.
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  • 39 6 In the histii. i i bafon Mr, C. J. Saunders. yesterday. Si ah Peak Scab aeourod judgment against Mrs. Harali Behutxe l»r »:Ri<i.BH, as principal an. l intermit oa a inurbane. Sir. C. KverHl appearod fur the plaintiM.
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  • 40 6 Ohinamaa waw nuutuueed to five w Dithrujorooi iuprfaonmenl by the Third Magix trite, Mr. I.. BVCohaan, ywterJay foi theft of a belt and a ooat, trained at s n ueota, Uu property ol another Chiaatnaa In in;; at Craig Itoad.
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  • 43 6 The line in w potiec statiun at WoodlwidH has huh lx;en nompletod, an, l the |«)lice lioin Krauji are reuiuviu-j tv il to-d ly. The Kranji Htatitm. which baa boon in oocuua tiun fur a lon» term uf years, is luiin; abin d.ue.l
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  • 44 6 <>vi: luiuth of Urn opium bonaui ia tinat Shanghai wereokned oa the M instuut. in anonnlaanri with tin procla luatiun issued by the Muni, ipal Coonoil and the I'uliee. huts were drawn uiau\ »,,U a«u to drcide in tin- liist lot Iv be nlnwri
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  • 48 6 The (iuveiuuieut iust. oa Saturday, a paiz uf trousers wbioll hud lit en by I and a Cliiuainaii. naiu.d Tan Hciil;. i D teuced tv three months ri^uiuus imprison ment by Mr. K. K. Cohuau. yrsterday. for having despoiled the puwers that be vi tinvaluabli- as-i t
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  • 47 6 .Mrs. UamMNwH and Oompaoy nomrod jiidumcnt by default, yeatorday, m the ulatilut Cuurt. before Mr. C. J. sauu.lers. a^aiust .Messrs Wiu. and J. B. Kiiisry fur *170 as funeral BHpumea in euiui.etion »itli the death ol Mrs. s. .1. Kiusey. Mr. l\ If. Klliot appeared tot pi.uiitiiN.
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  • 54 6 Miss Klurinci bUI w, Beorotary of the Vonng Women'! diriatiaii k iciatioß, who oaau tv SiuyainTe abuut a year ;iu.l a half ;i^u. has tendered nor resignation. A farewell gather iug i« Ikiuji yiven tv her at the baadijuartorb uf the Assuciatiuu. ill Uivir \;illey Kuail on Thnnday, tbo MUi
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  • 55 6 Mr. Mamie. Thunder, ih. fuurtb Muyi Irate, wav U) hau KMlUMftl lln> inuuuu;; tin In .v.ii'- „i ih, ol Mt. lean baflu j'ju r. Mr. I urn Kuu!, vi ■itb .livatiug and eriiuiuu! bread; ut tru t hnt tfan IrnrinTf PaMn rroaamitoi *h Hi. tiuy^ Jlhodt ■j. i.u^a,.;eJ >• im
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  • 57 6 taapaotoi Cvn nut proHuoutud uj uatued .-suah Keu^ VeoL in the Di trid oart bofori Mi. li. Howard, yeaterday, us ._ii hou Kibicaluu;; auil theft at > piucapul. i.i.tuiv 315 .\.Miii i.ii.i',, 1;,, i Miiij-: iu>{ to Woe Uuu Th.. pnpertj stuleii was sul'ltriny nulls, sul.lci IH strip- "I tin.
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  • 68 6 Kroui our tin ijuotiitious to.luy. says Die I'in.inn <i,..zi)tt,' of tln> t i insi .itiniv b, aaaa that tin- price baafpMx up froui wot yesterday to 4147 KM. w, and that tlii- liso is dan to i rupurt that Ut. t.MMMI Vi'piJM. wllicli I'll I". ll.Hl fell I. "II .lvii
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  • 83 6 Tlie i LUauy Muui'.ij il Luiumis- i.pum calliui; for louden fur the OOMtrnctJOß ut Bataaa ilcitrvctur-i. Then an ti> U. Hum daaaraoton wiih tLic lon had .ysteiu, an, l the carls will go up an innHnad plane to tip tlic rutuoo into tht iLßtructors. It was lou sid. rud at
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  • 466 6 Hi. W. II liv i- I,- luooned Dr. v. Urad i.iv MB(atc ttargeon, N.-n Scuibilan. Tin- Uoulu-SaKau wedding v\.i- uX|tccb<l to take place in Ijouduu mi tl ,iii instant Hr, i. liyriu Ilaoki tl n tary ul thr Conntry Chih 5i,..,,.;,.,, ia borne. hr. Leicester, who ii
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  • 117 6 liiuinni.tioii l iii Ih en nr. it. .1 by vii i lalooiaJ 6> < retry from Uie Hemdent, Labiuui ilio 1...V..H,. arrived a Laotian on thr l(Mh instant and landed on the morning of lliu I Hli .iusuuit. a "iiiinl of-uonour being pi rided hy
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  • 20 6 liiu.uijitu employed .i uwhii-r l>y tin' I'harturud Kaiil. li..- roimrtul iv ill. Polio Mil' til. "I l.'-l, ..M.I 1.,.,,,, Ihw
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  • 22 6 II" >l.'l.'\ .\"lil .11 H. i'. „1 ..1,1 vili. alt< iij|iU'.l vii by 'U"i I lit i l|. 'Mill. I. M|.
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  • 19 6 'jl J I pel. li Wl i I utl i I t i, ti" iruil on ■> lii.Ji Hi. bjng >
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  • 70 6 bid 'I. it. .in .in. .i ,i,u tin -li, ii piauod i" All Saiul UI I nit; in' >.y (;I tin' I. ill Mi John Syuiuof Taluk An-.., ii, mho Cm \<nt> < n yotu was ,vi iuspcctui iii ti:. I'orah I'", afterward* —fliniprr H tin lla^iui Datuli Khtiitc.
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  • 60 6 Mr. \lii. Km ..i „i tli. I', n m J >\ In i >■■■■ i• .i iv unce vi (ha Child Polioe Otfioui iur laih-. to retarn a ijmtiun ot liis kit. The di |di J not put iv hu appear.viu on Friday, Ui'. 01 A I ...ll' II-
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  • 50 6 1" d.iy ia n.i'.ii' M .\,i\ with Urn I '.< Ijcli, btin;4 tip. annivi i hi y jl tin di liou ul the Uastille. Couil^ de IJundy!;i irio French Cooaal-Qeueral, will receive hi* cumI i-.. I it Atj'.i. Uoo b, N"u. lot; Orcli Ui mil -J li urtaka m tho
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 78 6 AMSTEL Lager BEER. i dc./eu Quarts, Aud iv Drums in cases vi H ()oZ( n ints 'S^. containing 7| Oallons. SAMPLKs I I. M Caldbeck, Macgregor and Co. JUST LANDED: A SMALL SHIPMENT OF Full-Cream English Milk. QUART BOTTLES 38 CTS. w PINT BOTTLES 26 CTB. Guaranteed Pure. john little
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    • 231 6 ALHAMBRA' ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. U V, WILLIS pnmarti BEIST HUB;; In I'OSLS lI.ASTIQI 88, L I'KVTS. uf STKBNOTH and KNIHKAXCK. j 1 Bkm Mi ii. the PaOOR Hkic i LBo, weight W I stun. haN been prououueed by the lead- in^mc liciilmtu in Australia to BaMOHnHM iv SVMMKI'HK VI. UkVKLoI'MKM t.)
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  • 239 7 THE GOVERNMENT'S BUILDING PROGRAMME. Conservative Member's Concern for the Future. |U»iTki i Thhmux l.oudou. July 11. With rclci. nee fo till i.pui d dilt. i. nee in tin Navy, Mr. ;vua!.i McKiin.a. hint Lord of the Idrairalty bid In b, lieved they ii.ilaln.idv given plaoe to more satisfactory
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  • 86 7 dermaii Action Arouses MHcosel Frenchmen. RBI TM s Tki.K IRAN London. Inly 11. <ou iderabli irritation aprxarx to have been caUHed iv I'aris hy tin n that Uei many has notilnd i lima thai she UM as. i im. d protection ul TurkMi subjects in <hina. thus
    86 words
  • 48 7 MR. CHAMBERLAIN 'S MOTOR TRIP i>KI I K1.K.18" >! IxMidou. July 11. vii ..iid Mi. i pi i i hauibutiaio, who went lo Ai\ li-s I', uu. r, ntly Ir mi Nice. have left Ai\ li s Uaina tor r.uis They will uiotor bj stages to Urn Krenofa inetronulia.
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  • 43 7 F R ENCH REINFORCEMENTS FOR TONKIN GARRISON. |I)sr i»iT»HiAim IjLotd Tklkukam' 1., iiu. .Inly l:i. i Krancc is Hondinn IJn oiii i and iuOU men to Imlo liin.i at unce I'lirtlier reiu i lorcei.ii nt oi 5U ml. and lilt will follow liortlv.
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  • 24 7 [Dan OauNunnowi Lasts Tsananant] r.i-ih'i. .inly I M. Isvolnky, l.'u-sia'i lon ii;u Minister, baa wamod liulgaria apunsi attaclm on Turkuh tenitorv
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  • 42 7 I >MH OSIASIAI I UK I.LoVl' I r-.1.K, .1. .1 llcliii. -Inly U, The Kus-.ian r.'t >i latli instant states that the Imperial itenoan llank imported .'lK i.l hi: 1,1 KM iiimi'l "oil m Ih" in., nil, oi .Inn.
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  • 134 7 Mnnitntiix vi |||c .CMMM >iii^apor«; b iaj tin- ado b in the (lieu kbt ( j pii.l i tribute at tin l^^ latirc Louucil on rhundaj H I'oli graph t tin .th iv.taut a howiug it ou in a more prononnced manner in th> uioaificeot donalion, they
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  • 79 7 '.in. wa* tried befon the Second Magistrate. Mr. C. F. J. mm, Mnteniaj afternoon, en aenara oi theft o! i.vv. 11. i> v J to his uneli II i.l;i iiia ma,-. 1 that t'.u jewellery was his Mfaar'i i'u hi deatfa il--.'icj'lbt.i tv hi ha.',
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  • 430 7 Fi\e Years' Prison for Ex-Police Orderly. Shortly alter I p.m.. yesterday, the *Moial inry. sitting at the Assizes to try Kadir bu Mat. aged 10 years, on a charge of attempted murder, brought in a unanimous verdict of guilty on tin assumption that, if the man had died,
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  • 236 7 Chinese Towkays Utcjiiest Help from Government. in riuiisil.ty ,i!ti .in ion a depuutlou of inlluentiiil Chini^c icsidi uts of Ipoh appruadicd me Ui ideal in oosaeeeion with the financial daptoadoa at present existing tiiioughout the Siai in various industries. They wen- courtcnily received by the Acting I.Ysidcut,
    236 words
  • 113 7 bold Chinese Itliof i nt .cd a house near tin I'liitial Pottot Station, on Sunday morDIDg, and altempU'l to walk oil' with a coat to a Chinese woman. He was caught in the act aud appeared before the Third Vlagiatoatu, Hr. K. B. Colmau, yesteri
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  • 79 7 A icport m made at the beach Koad I'olicc station, la t uigkj that two Bengalis had lx.en Dol WWd it the 'th mile Chaniji liujd Poua vm i,. Nt tv investigate, and louiid two mm dead aud lour others iv a ila/.nl c.nidition. It was auecrtnincd
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  • 80 7 li" lui'i. in i oontparaai dtattc.jLLt ot the cultivated rubber exported from the Federated M lav Btaal laiiug tiic years 1908 and 1907 lvii' Total Total 1908 1908 1907 lbs. lbs. lbs. Perak Jl's; im.tU 9H.591 Mmrm ITMaO BMJM7 .v.-l. ;•_>•» Vim SenUlaa ■-U-47 tt»VMB 208,610 letak
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  • 78 7 ENGLISH WORKMEN ATTACKED in STRIKERS. One Man Killed Seven Injured. (Rbotik's Tklxokam l.oudou, -Inly 10. Thtre has beeaageßaral dock strike iv Sweden, aud Ku^ have been iuipoited to replace the strikers. This has already led ■mX al Oothenburg, when a bond) exploded iv -ii>. luilU MalwWl?, utilised
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  • 257 7 Two I dlv* -Countrymen Charged with Wrongful Removal. Anna Uatc mßm sued Sheikh Salliui bin Abdullah Bajarie ami Sheikh Sycd bin Abdullah Bajarie in tbe I >istriet Court, before Mr. K. 0. Howard, yesterday afternoon, for the n turn of certain jewellery alleged to have been -a
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  • 206 7 The amatmif riding contest at Harmston s Circus. bjMt uight, proved a very entertaiuing and amusing feature of the programme. There were six amateurs contesting lor the handsome dressing else which was presented to the' winner at the eouclusiou. Sonic of them appeared quite
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  • 203 7 The steamer Cowrie. Captain W. 1. Daniel, which arrived at Colombo, from Alexandria, ou July 3, brougiil the uevvs of the steamer Orinlcy of Belfast, stranded iv latitude Idegrees N seconds, aud longitude I. degrees. i 7 sccouds. The steauier Ormley, which was bound from
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  • 147 7 Ihloic Mi. 1.. Howard, at the district Ccurt, yesterday, lus|>cctor Couuor prose ootai v man. uamed [.ou Ah look, on a charge of robbing OM Teu Kirn Tiau of a silver watch, valued at -1.,, a gold chain, valued at in and a riug, valued at IM,
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  • 37 7 Mr. Is. Hudson, who haj bceu Acting M.mugcr for about two yean ou Sangkui Estate, the prop: rty of tut MalayuU Rubber Company, Limited, of London, has been afpeuuted Managei by tu-j Board ot Directors at home.
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  • 966 7 OPERATIONS OF NEW BREWING SYNDICATE. Reduction in the Price of Liquor Wlien the handle is turned that starts the first brew for the Far Eastern Syndicate, of the Kiitish Bm ISrewcries. there will be coiuiiieuced a process iv the mauufueture ol mall Hqooc that is strange and new
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  • 78 7 An action is pending in the District Court of Colombo in which Mr. Thomas Cary sues Mr. C. E. Welldon for rupees :!0,000. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant defamed him by giving information to the police that he had destroyed oouic books of tbe Ceylon Tea I'lantations
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  • 411 7 Straits Trading Company's Agent Shoots Himself. It is with the deepest regret, says the Times of Malaya, tiiat we have to record another suicide in i'crak, Mr. Stanley kcud rick, Agent of the Straits Tradiug Company at Taipiug, having shot himself on the 1 lth instant,
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  • 240 7 Husband Savagely Attacks Wife with Knife. Iv the court of Mr. K. Keays, Second Presidency Magistrate, at Calcutta, on June 27, a maintenance case brought by Manna Bibi against her husband, Jfaliim Bux, was takeu up aud adjourned. After the order had beeu passed the man took
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  • 183 7 Iv connection with the l'euaug water supply, the question of waste once more alforded a topic of discussion at Friday s meeting of the Ivnang Municipal Coiumissiouers, when the l'rcsiilcut i.Mr. F. J. Hallifax) said that the miuimum charge for a single water tap service is at
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  • 80 7 ihu police of Hongkoug are taking stringeut measures to put a to the practice which Chinese firms have of chopping each other's books when accounts are being paid Iv future MM document:, imi ,t bear a proper utamp. For this otleuce a defendant was prosecuted at the
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  • 131 7 I have a wile ami children in China. Mid aii MBd morphia iujoctoi who was before ll'O Third Magistrate, slr. E. E. Colmau, yesterday afternoon, on a charge of po-irjuasion of a syringe for injecting purposes. Don't you think that they would like tv see you, say
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  • 76 7 KING EDWARD OPENS STADIUM AT EXHIBITION. Lawn Tennis Championship Won by an Englishman. KIUTIK's T«LIUKAM. l.ondou, .Inly 11. kiuf,' Kdward opened the stadium for the Olympic Sports at the Frauco-liritish K\hi bitiou at Shepherd's Hush yesterday. There were 2'i.000 paOMM present. Loudou, .Inly 1,:. The lawn tcuui.s clMUipionship
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  • 10 7 Kitchic receives a gold medal aud Froit,heiiu a silver medal.
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  • 31 7 Over 1,200 entries were received ir uuuee tiou with the Olympian panics, including representatives of Britain. Canada. Australasia, South Africa, the I'nited States, (■oriuany, and most of the other European nations.
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  • 253 7 Dutch Out of- Date Vessels Engag e in Manoeuvres. lots i id, tin end of last mouth, the Kit. r. Squadron in Netherlands India iimlcrtool, combine! maun uvrcs loi tin lust time for many years. <»v this side, the mameuvres o\tondcd Iv Khio. Tin. Home Government aims
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  • 68 7 The I'euang correspondent to the Times of Malaya writes on July 10 The bazaar hero is still in a rotten state. and, during the past ii>w days, there have been a couple uioro big failures. A Chinese firm, a piece-goods dealer, has tailed with liabilities of
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  • 133 7 The Kgyptiau QaawMe of .luue 18, says that the I', and O. steamer Himalaya arrived, at I'ort Said the day previous bound East with passengers ami mails, under circuui stances which, happily, are uot common to I*. and C). steamers. Whilst approaching the port, her
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  • 151 7 A Chinese Lailoi. who was given two valuable pieces of silk with which to make bajus for a Chinese woman, and who neut them by a Muttd U> a pawnshop, appc.irid baton Urn Third .Magistrate Mr. K. X, Colmau, yestafMVy afternoon ou I OBHBJi "> cnujiuai breu'jh
    151 words
  • 150 7 The Acting Chief .lu.U>i of lUh^uum ou June passed orders in the appeal of S. I*. Chattel jcc. Hospital Assistant, ISogalc, who as nt'.uccd by the MMMMI 'ndgc. I'olta. to three im rigorous imprisonment ou eacli ot MX charges, the sentences to run concurrently. Two charges wf
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  • 421 8 CHRISTIAN CIVILISATION FOR NATIVE RACES. Further Arguments on Doctrinal Question. We Iriw received the following further corre-ipoodunce with reference to Foreign Missions To tho Editor of the Straits Time*. Singapore, .luly l.'l. i Sir, "Conscience's arginuents are based I „n piiniiws. tiie truth of which ix open to
    421 words
  • 762 8 To 'I In Editor of tlio Straits Times. Singapore, July 12. Sir, —With reference to the correspondence ov. i Uh utiinc I iY:ir it is obviously iuc"uveni< ut to discuss in the columns of a n.'»s|«]icr doctrinal questions, much less to t uter into tlie labyrinth of biblical criticism.
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  • 253 8 To the Editor of the Straits Time;. Singapore, July IS. Sir, May I claim space for a few final lines before leaving the Colony. Conscience's simile of the human mind and the tea cup is unworthy of the 20th contury. Undoubtedly such enigmas as the cause and purpose of the
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  • 391 8 Chinese Scholar's Choice Specimen of English. The following essay on the British Army was perpetrated by a Chinese youth at Malacca, and is a choice specimen of English as it is written by the average Chinese schoolboy 1. Tho Uritish army is very strong, and powerful in
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  • 116 8 The heavy swell from the sea, which followed upon the bursting of the monsoon, has a bad effect upon the southern dam erected in connection with the formation of the new dock which in cou<*so of construction. About June 13, the southern dam,
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  • 101 8 Writing on .Inne 2,">, a correspondent says that ]ii>mb:iy has reached the end of the plague epidemic, which set in in February It has proved the lightest experienced since the city was first attacked in IH9U. The daily returns published ou June 24. indicated that there had
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 28 8 The Turf Club dance at the Lake Club, Kuala Lumpnr. on Friday night was a great success. )v r r a hundred people were present.
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    • 30 8 The Asian, which is now in its thirtieth year of publication, has changed hands and lias been transferred to a Limited Liability Company, bearing the title of Tbe Asian Limited.
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    • 57 8 A wrestling match, in catch-os catch-can style, between Kauf, of Hyderabad and Suliiu.iii, of Delhi, took place at .Madras, recently. Suliman tried to wear bis opponent down, but in his dodging tactics left the arena several times and was cautioned by the referee. He did it once too often, and
      57 words
    • 43 8 Keppel Golf Club. The qualifying round for tbe Cup presented by tho Hon. Captain Young, C.M.0., is to be played on the Keppel (Jolt Club's links on .luly 2.1 and 26. The conditions will be the same as for the President's prize.
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    • 78 8 Princess of Wales' stake«. The race at Newmarket for the Princess of Wales' Stakes resulted as follows Mr. BMd Walker's Queen's Advocate... 1 Lord Howard de Waldens Caigill I Mr. B. A. Brice's Koyal Kox H Nine lior-i-s started. The nn-c was won by a head, and four
      78 words
    • 100 8 The New Pavilion. The work in counection with tho erection of ihe pavilion M tlie Esplanade for the I'enang Cricket Club has roiumeuced. In order to provide suitable arcomnjoda tion for memberfi during the construction of Mm new building, the whole of tho old pivii.on, excepting the
      100 words
    • 123 8 The Cup Tie Final. Thin eveuing, the final in the Cup Tie competition will be played ou the KsplaDade between the West K-uts I. and the IUi.A. The teams will be Wkst bm I. -Waunell. goal; Kapaon and llyland. backs: Stringer, Brewer ami Mills, half backs: Trevena, Barry,
      123 words
    • 165 8 Singapore v. Bangkok. Tho following is tho position iv the cable chess match between Singapore and Bangkok 1. P— K 4 2. Kt— K B 8 3. B— Kts 4. Castles 5. P— vj 4 6. Q— K2 7. B x Xt 8. PxP 9. Kt— B 8 10.
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    • 195 8 S.C.C. Tournament. I ll.iv s play in tbe S.C.C. Lawn Bowling tournament is as follows Sinolk Handicap. F. E. Marsh, v. A. H. Withers, owe 4. H Harris, I v. Hay, 5. A. W. Blackstonc, 5v.G. W. Pu S h. ft Open Pairs. Sinclair and Tiirnhnll v. Bntrhart.
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    • 445 8 All-England Championships. Mr. A. W. Gore, who beat Mr. Itojier Barrett in the Gentlemen s Singles, at Wimbledon, on i June HO, first came into prominence as a player wheu he caused a break in It. F. Doherty's successive li«t of victories for four years by winning the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 443 8 HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS. LOCATION -BEACH ROAD. Last FIVE Nights of this Great Show in Singapore. AGAIN TO-NIGHT. Our All Star Company of Star Artiste* HEADED BY THE MAHVELLOI S KRANTZ TKOUPE. FRIDAY NIGHT, JULY 17. GRAND COMPLIMENTARY BENEFIT TENDERED TO COL. 808 LOVE. On this occasion the First High .lumping
      443 words
    • 213 8 EUROPEAN ASSISTANT WANIEO. Wanted .tt MM a European AmMml in large roeruin tie oinYr. for ttmpatmry .luty. \||'lj,auU, who should b»\e i.l t n.m Icilije of b'wks mi. i .locooiilH, xuo:'lil taiMi inpira iiiH of tin ir tc-Ktiinoiiial«. AdilrcH* Assiitant, c/o Stm is TkMa. nl.V>6 AUCTION SALE THE STEKI. STKAMI.K-CONsrvM
      213 words

    • 89 9 vJMLbicr 7.4.J >lc (Cube No 1 lupiekei H.-»<» i( ra Bali 685 do Pontianak i .">:> Pepper. Black 11/20 do White 6% 17.30 Save Flcnr Sarav.-.ii-. 2 92J do Brnnei Ha I 2.80 Pearl Sa«o 3.6.1 Coffee Bali picked 2:100 CoPfto. Pak-mbani!, •»•> nom. Jnffc-o Libirian HJOQ tapiora small
      89 words
    • 118 9 n wMm -Bank 4 tv/i Demand ke 6 vi -'/4J do Sm> -'M* n ■inwin,- Rank d/d 3861 Private 3 u./n MO) 1o »m/« mj n ;'r,i-icv— Hank d/d JPI PrivaW: 8 B/t 285* io 6 m,i JfrB 'jn mAui— Bank T. T. 174{ Privato 80 d/l 176 \l-ng\ong—
      118 words
    • 43 9 Howarth Erekins t% 1600,003 9% orc.r Hiley Hargrsaves t% 395,000 2^prfm Spore Electric Tram way* Co., Ltd. K 350,000 nominal -uii!»porc Mnnicipa: 6% 400,000 20% pr«;n 8% 1,873,000 3%pre-n *i% 1.600.000 9%prem i% 603,900 2%di3o;m StraiU Engineering Syd.. Ltd. 6% 43.000 par
      43 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 339 9 Unas .jt f oi maion Capital ;sub«rib«i! j *K |™j co»p«^ q*,,— 1803 1907 1901 1903 i»O7 1901 1906 1909 1906 1906 ISOB 1906 1907 1904 1907 '-80S IM 1903 1900 1907 1907 1906 1899 ISO 7 1902 1200,000 •JC<\ooo teoo.ooc £100.000 ♦■100,000 £eo,ooo £100,000 1.10 000 cuoiooo £30,000
      339 words
    • 361 9 iiOl 1903 i;o6 IMM 1906 1906 1907 •"Of am IS9S i»oe > 903 1306 1904 1904 ISHB 180$ !908 1906 !?(•■> IMM £150,000 WW.OOO i. 10,000 i.",LC«J fISO.OCO £13,000 £75,000 £310,000 £160,000 £380,000 -175,000 (230,000 £100,000 £300,000 fUMM •250,000 £30,000 ♦100.000 £80.000 f«:.-00 HGU.OOd £110,000 Hi: dl «c ./.uo
      361 words
    • 193 9 1834 I £'..177.10.0 4,80) T.BS'i 13/6 li/6 IS9B hjvmo «,noo I so to IMS UtttHMM 15.0J0.C00 12J.000 US ;MS i9us ja.ioo.coo 3,*00,000 1836 M4M..OT l.wm 40(J0 10Q m 1)01 i >54,000 34.00U 3,400 10 10 im »87«.ooo i 878.000 }gg :jw j l»03 IdOO.OOO j 2(0,000 < 54.000
      193 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 140 9 C.H Willis, TURF ACCOUNTANT AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. I- now doing business on the forthcoming PENANG RAGES, JULY 28 AND 30 AND AUGUST 1. Long Odds, STRAIGHT-OUT DOUBLEB. TREBLES AND STARTING PRICE ON ALL RACES. For price*, nj'|>U r o The International and Onif's |:lbo^e Robinson I'iano o's Shop). 33.
      140 words
    • 152 9 Pohoomull Bros. 48E HIGH BTREET. BILK MERCHANTS. Dwftlarj iv Iligh-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, Curios and Silverware of every description, Brassware, etc. m CHARGES VERY MODERATE. INBPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED W* The gentlemau above has thought his forehead into a bump. Up has wasted much time thinking how to .save
      152 words
    • 61 9 ST ANDREWS HOUBE. A Cbarcb of tDgi&nu 3oerdmg Hoase for European tod Eurasian boys wbo desire to •tteod the schools of the place. Applications to be made to the House Master, St. Andrew's House er to the Colonial Chaplain. PILSENER BEER KEY BRAND IMPORTED SINCE il;e BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. Im«
      61 words
      126 words

  • 683 10 A LARGE INFLUX OF STRANGhRS FROM EVERYWHERE. Remarkable Boom in Visitors. Nut since the Coronation has I <ondon worn sue) i an air of gay festivity an was apparent recently in the streets of the West EnJ. The most conservative estimates place the number of American, Continental,
    683 words
  • 120 10 The new Holland-America liner Rotterdam, built by HarUnd and Wolff at Belfast, has left Southampton for Rotterdam. Though uot exceptionally large, the Rotterdam is described an the heaviest ship in the world, with a capacity of 2;i,000 tons gross and 20,000 net. Her length is
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  • 145 10 Thi; famous uiomjue called after the Vadda Miyan of Lahore haR been acquired by the North -Western Hailway at a cost of rupees 4.500, in order that the site occupied by it may be added on to the railway workshop workmen's quarters. Maulvi Tajud-Din, the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 635 10 BANKING COMPANIES, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA ANO CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid np Capital in 60,000 Shares of fJOeach «l,»00.00C: Keeene Fund «I,v«iKX. Reeerve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000; BANKERS. Bank ot England. National Bank of Scotland. Tbe London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. SINOAPORE BRANCH. Current AcoounU are
      635 words
    • 476 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. .-"AID UP CiPITAL 115.000,000 RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve 118,000,0001 too VM 000 Silver Reserve IIS.MO.OOo} W^ so0 000 taserve Liability of Propristora 115.000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswiok. Chairman. E. Gootz, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. 1 E.G. Barrett, Esq. 0. R. Lenzmann.Eaq.
      476 words
    • 24 10 STKiisN-i 1 HaUMMB Ci-ke always affords prompt relief, not only iv headache, but neuralgia, muscular and joint pain«. and all forms of neuralgic ]>am.
      24 words
    • 165 10 Straits Cycle Motor Co., 15, BATTERY ROAD. Enamelling, Plating and General Repairs by Skilled Workmen. Electrical Plant Accumulators Charged. Motor and Cycle Requisites, Oils, Grease, etc., etc. Carbide of Calcium, Gasolene Lamps, Mantles, Sewing Machines, Dunlop Cycle Tyres. AGENTS I Smith Premier Typewriters. Star Cycle Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton. THE CHEAPEST
      165 words
    • 571 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MOTOR CAR AND TURNOUT. Tbo following ill be ImMml m the Fur nitare Mi At LYNDIH Its I, 'NO. 12, I.LOYMROAD j Ok B'ttnrday, July IS at mhomt MM I HI'MBER MOTOR CAR. A 10/12 HP, rive seated, aide-entrance (.'oventry Hnmbei' Car, with new Dnnlop tyres, and
      571 words
    • 494 10 INSURANCE Companies THE IMPERIAL FIRE OFFICE. CHITKO WITB fat A: makcz Asscunci Compact, Lianas A 2 Bartbolmew Lane, London. ■BTIBUSBXD ISO 3. Capital £5.250,00 C Total Funda exceed.. £lo,ooo,ooo General Manager, Robebi Liww, Esq. BARLOW A CO..— Agmu UNION FIRE INSURANCE OOMPAMI OF PAKIS. ■FTASUHBU) IR2B RESERVES AND TOTAL GUARANTEES
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 172 10 The Straits Times, AND The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issue per year 180.00 do per quarter 7.50 do per month 2.50 do per copy 10 Weekly issue per year 12-00 do per quarter 8.00 do per copy M When sent by post, there is added for
      172 words

  • 474 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. The following coricspmuliii'e between Mr. l>' Arcy linker, managing director. Kiat Motors Limited, and Mr. I'., do !;■>■! ikuw-ld, clerk of tlio MM, Crookiands Automobile Ragtag iciub. has \\>< hem paUUhei in immmI of 1 the Fiat Napier match To the Secretary.
    474 words
  • 52 11 Mary's Car. Mary liad a little car, She lx.ii.jht it at the hKuw. Anil where she didn't want it to i I he car MM sure to go. It ran into a cart one day. It M ay.un-i the rule. The miinistratcH then made her pay. And sent her back
    52 words
  • 306 11 The Scottish Circuit. No tour of linai Britain would be complete which did uut include what has now come to be known as tho .Scottish Circuit, the route selected by tin- Scottish AC for tin. 1 pMMgi of the cars in the great reliability trial. As the itinerary provides souie
    306 words
  • 225 11 Taken for a Marquis. In 1904 I was making a tour of France and Germany, says a Home motorist. Arriving at the Grand Hotel at St. Quentin in tbe evening, I was astonished to find myself surrounded by a small army of servants, who exhibited great eagerness to render me
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 389 11 MOTOR CABS. ARGYLLS. Adams-Hewitts. Rovers. Fattowiagran -lightly "ih -;ue at very limtli n-.1u.-i t I'rictONE 10 HP, 3SEATED ADAMS-HEWIH. ONE 6 HP.. 2 SEATED ROVER. I itlt with liih.ils, Boagmtn and <l' ;><" on rie* at the SING A POUR >H»Ti>i; < \i; Co.. Onl.aul Read SfSSuSIVS'tS SYME and COMPANY.
      389 words
    • 219 11 NEVER FAIL 9. MKTIiVLOIDS alwavscure allcctions of the urinaiy tract. Tlx y never produce Htricture aud are far superior to sautal or copaiba. They cure in a short time unilvm. can notice the results tiirer hours alter usiti^. They relieve Mm pain and obviate the iucouvrnirucc of injection^. Although taken
      219 words
    • 170 11 f Central Engine "Works, SILENT SIX-CYLINDER, 20 H.P. STANDARD Sole Ujcn;- lot SS.FMv Tin- < k r yin M »all; ■Inawrflll of .luva h.,,1 Bmtmtra *hW Mag drifH n TOPOBAft C. F. F. Wearne i k<s hilu "«*ar*w and Co., 168-169, ORCHARD ROAO. Von iarited to have a trial run
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    • 94 11 LOOK VAN KIT, DENTIST. AND DENTAL SUPPLIES RokM, B<uth Qaaal Roaii, aud 17. Sontb Bridge Road. Huju-Cfau* Work. Moderate Charges. Con suiting RoHiiii- MM aHa electric lights and faue. rtc. eta. 1 V 1 Wines Wines Genuine table claret at 475 per doi Vermouth of Tarin 120p litre b>i Moscat
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 583 12 Scale of Charges, PREPAID ADVERTIBEMENTB.-Mlaeel-iHtootttiß!' Krt.-y Description, Honae», •aid, etc lo lei, are inserted at she following MMt— One- losertioD I 1.20 per Inch. Two 1.00 Throe l.sO Blx B.W Hlce 5.40 TweWe 7.10 Twenty-fire 10 00 (Eacb juljoqct^". is 'siu S3 pej insb.j The abore rmte in bued upon
      583 words
    • 545 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. BiTtSt— Foat Linti, one M two lanKtmt. r. Bf tta* Inch, Scali of Chuftr BRICKMAKER WANTED Wanted r.t once for Brickfields :n Borueo, experienced man Apfiy to P. P.. c•: -traiti Times. TIMEKEEPER WANTED i Wasted at onoe for Borneo, experienced Chinese Clerk for Machine shop must ?peak
      545 words
    • 589 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bin —Pom Linei, oat or two InMrtnn fi.'M By tbe Inch, tee wide o! chkrgM. HOUBE TO LET. No. 4, Monnt Rosie. Apply Raffles Hotel. ■M HOUBE TO BE LET. No. 1, Oxley Rise, to be let. Apply Meyer Brothers. 1149 ROOM TO LET. Boom
      589 words
    • 551 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. L SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kind 6 and shapes All kinds ol HOSE, Suction, Delivery, Steam. for Carriages, Motor Cars, etc. Hydraulic. Rockdrill. Oardenhoee. Brake-RE-TREADING AND RE-RUBBERING OF or Raihvav8 Speaking Tub.*, MOTOR TYRES. CODDRINGS. GAUGE-GLASS RINGS. aim- a tTD o«• jc f v
      551 words
    • 366 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES bo* 1 t»t Month, 110 per inch. Subsequent soDthi, I';, trot shorter perioli te Sc\l« of Chargts. NOTICE. OWNERS OF PIANOS who £o3 it neeea3ary to leave tbe Colony for any leogth'oi time, can hare their Pianos WAREHOUSED and kept in GOOD ORDER, at a very moderate charge,
      366 words
    • 238 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES R«TI5 lit Month, 1 10 |»r inch. Hubsaqnant months, as. Fur.hon.r p«rio<lK s«e Malt ofCh.-uvt-nJOTJCET The mterebt acil re^pon«ibi!:tv 1 Mr. Tec Chm Siang m the busmen of The Chin Huat Hin Oil Trading Co. at No. -Jiti. South Brides 1 Road, ceased as from the 20tli of
      238 words