The Straits Times, 7 July 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.69<>. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. JULY 7. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 234 1 TARGA FLORIO RACE BWSSE Remarkable Success De Dion Bouton TOURING CARS. De Dion Bouton 2nd. De Dion Bouton 3rd. De Dion Bouton 4th. De Dion Bouton sth. De Dion Bouton 6th. 11 cars started. 6 finished. OF THE SIX WHICH FINISHED 5 were De Dions. IN THE SAME EVENT LAST
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    • 149 1 NOTICE. ii ir tii utauve has arrived, and may hi consulted nt Hotel de l'Earopc. CONSI/LTATION FREE. Hours It to 12 and to f. LAWRENCE AND MAYO. Opthalmic Optician^. Manufacturers of all Scientific Instruments, Contractors to His Majesty's Government. Head Office- 87 and 89, Chancery Lane, London. Offices in the
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    • 190 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. m £gffir THE ONLY HOTEL IN SINGAPORE UNI'ER ENGMSH MAK4OEMSHT. icglo-French Cnitine! English Cieauliaew! Homo Comfmts! Kodmli Terr,- 1 GUEBT NIGHT- EVERY SATUHDAY. B> special deeire, the Plebiwjiie Dinner^ are being con l.ina«i. CJ.ic -i< b sld n I v requests for an> Speoial Di»he» desirfd on or
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  • 1340 2 WHAT THEY SING IN MUSIC HALLS TO-DAY. The People's Ballads. Let me make" (lie ballads ol a pMfll .mil let who cares make its laws. With that phrase echoing in my head, writrs Mr. Harold Spender, in the Daily Chrouiclo, I walked into the first music simp
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  • 76 2 It may not perhaps be generally known that :X),000 of the Ml *hort riQes destined for the Cavalry have been lyiug unused in various Arsenals for upwards of four years, awaiting tho convenience of some brilliant genius who can invent a way of carrying them on horseback. In these days
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 414 2 GARRETTS PORTABLE ENGINES.. i m\ .Mi kJr J t V Fitted with their Patent Fire Box KOK IURMNG WOOD FUEL ARK HOSI Efficient and Economical. OVEH FIFTY IN V9M IX THE FEDEHATE'J MALAY STATES. IMPORTERS: The Borneo Co., Ltd., SINGAPORE. albert l. a. daley t'ndertiker 4 Tomb-Builder. li^1c' e 1{o~i
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    • 70 2 Artie Tully, TIN MINING AND COMMISSION AGENT. Properties reported on by H. SCRIVENER. Manager Sereudah Bahru, SuRKSbAH. ARTIE TOLLY btgs to inform his clients that he has opened a $10,000 book on tbe forthcoming Kuala Lumpnr Meeting. Treble Events ON Races 2, 6 9. Double Events ON Races 2 6,
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    • 112 2 LAXATINE, tbo Ideal Purgative, recommended by the beat medioal authorities. Easy to take and certain in results. To be had of all ihemiata. Whnlemle from The Pharmacy, B»tt<jry Read, Hiniptport KM C. H.Willis, TURF ACCOUNTANT AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT. Is prepared to do business on the forthcoming KUALA LUMPUR RACES,
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    • 213 2 MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST KEPUTAITON EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE VSUH HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease mtli VA/,iJpl^«^_3|U IT^^ A^ail Ma^MMfcifl \s ltu:iMHh»< Mno* 1829.) KBBENCE OR FLUID IXTRACT Of K»O JAMAIC* t.* Ui^'iij \'i it." aa^^^V mI Avß Ju^ Pronounced by the HIUHfcST MEDICAL AJTMORIT' Torpid Liver, Debility,
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  • 1397 3 THE POSITION OF THE COMPANY INDICATED. Annual Meeting of Shareholders The annual guncral mcctiug of the Hbarc- holdcrx of tin- Uuhk 1 l'lantationu, Limitcil, was held on June 9 at the institute of Directors, Corbet Court, Graccchurch Street. Sir I William Hood Treaober, K.C.M.U. (cbair- ii, -tn of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 106 3 A tbroubinu head taken all the sweetness out of life. Steam*' Headache Cure drives the ache away aud brings the HwoetnosH back Costs little, dots much. J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers. Jewellers. Opticians. hBPAIKS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. MALARIA FEVERS. Owing to its easy absorption, LEMCO is of great value in fever cases.
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    • 418 3 GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO., LTD. Portland Cement. In Casks of 375 lbp. n«t. Drain Pipes, nnv shape. In Bags of 250 lbs. net. Gntterways. Cemeut Tiles, any pattern. Firebrick?, pressed. Glazed Paviug Tiles. Paving Bricks. Prices, ttamplo* nod fnl! particular-- will be forwarded ou ap|plioatiou to Agent: W. A. STOPANI,
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  • 614 4 Postmaster- General's Annual Report on tbe Department. Mr. W.O. aUa,Hai Naaaaaaaar4*aa*BßL, in his auntial report ou the Postal and Telegraph Department of tho Straits Settlemeuts for the yciu, states that tho Colonial Telegrapli -ystcm is counncd at present to the SetUiiiHiiU oi l'cuang and Malacca. The laud-lines
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  • 175 4 Vajdona o.spi.'i-iiuculs have lx;n made iv lu'lia in the inaitur of wireless telegraphy on 1. v.l as il was lio|mJ that the sy»tom oould be api'liei! with mlvantago ou and beyond the Xortn-Wetf KraatMec; b.d aa practical results hay< v t n been gaiuud. The li.'Ul-U'ii
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  • 152 4 Passengers Outward. Pat X.D.L. rttMN ScUaruhurst. iluc July i. Mrs. J. A. I'ulliuiorc and child, and Mr. K. Cliallcn. Per P. and O. Syria, due .July 9. Mrs. W. luuiiuiu^s aud children, Mr. S. l'ui-.t. Mrs. C. Kit-on indclMld. Mrs. I pton, Km. M. Kirby. Miss Kirby,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 75 4 INFANTILE CHOLERA. Any BMaaaal luo« ucvi of a ahaafa aavMai during tho hot weather -.houlil bu a warning to uioiKis. lut'autilt ehalaaa may develop in a In hours, aud prompt action should bo t BM la avoid it. Chaiuborlaiu'a Colic, ChuUiu :iu.l D iriho.a t.i inwly. follu»c<l by a ilo.n»
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    • 770 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China. Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Billi of Lading iroaed fcr 'bn; 0»3l, Persian Gnlf. Contineaul, and Am-ru* Ports. Sttsaman will leave Sin^'a;) >r^ oi >• v..- i MAIL LINE. iOufuarJ for Chitii). MM
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    • 703 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BGHEEPVAART MY. BANDJER. BANDJEKMASIN. j Tbe Steamert of this oompany maintain a regular tervioe between: Singapore, Boarabaya, Bandjarmaain, Palo La-t, Ballk Papan, Koetei, with transhipmeat tt Bandiermasin for Sampit, Manda-vai, Koecial, Kotta Warlngiu, Djelai. The iteamert have good aeoomodation for first and second class paatengen. Toas
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    • 480 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AVl> CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY GO. LTD. The Oompanlet' steamers are despatched bom Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan borne wards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One
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    • 590 4 STEAMER SAILINGS HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Tbe steamert of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direot, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 823 4 3TBWEH SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUT- CHER LLOYD Inparlal Oarmaa .tlall l.t.ia. Iha aad wall known mail sioam t= thli Ccmpany sail fortnightly from Brett./. Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soatham ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonacctii Marseilles. Naplti, Alexandria, and vloe vert-. Per: Eaid. Saet. Aden, Colombo, Penan Singapore, Hcagkcng, Shanghai,
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  • 771 5 General Manager's Monthly Report to the Directors. Tlic following is Mm report of tin Manager of t)i«- Kaub Australian Gold MiaiM Company, Limit; rl. for tho tour works' ended June 20:— Geiitlcimr. I hrr> with ktM Ni s ibiiit my report on your Mining and .Milling Hpeiatiom.
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  • 55 5 July 6 Tji|ianas, Put »tr, Saigon, H'kong, Shanghai r-heang Chew, Brit Peniing Hong Hob, Brit str. i'enaug 7 '('ormlhia, Brit str, Bowrtf r --tr, Bwnrnhw m* porte Omm, It-iu'r. New York Bwaag Km 1 Oaratr, Gorontalo via ports Rajah of Sanivviik, Sar str. Sarawak Lady Will. Brit str. Malacca
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  • 26 5 Fr.,m 1 non-lj rhe I 1) L. steamer tvlnrnln.r-t. due July y. Frmn Cms.- By tlie MM. rtMBMI I'ol) Dt-Mitu. ,ln JuU 13.
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  • 93 5 M»> il one June iloue June il'iue Juuo June Hi'H Jnne .in July mt!»pori Di *■< B I >!.M S 1* O 9 V D L 11 I! I U M. M 1H V. VO, ti N. 1). L. H K. 1 U 8
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  • 233 5 Court Reprimands Captain and Second Mate. The Marine Court of Inquiry at Hongkong, consisting of the Hon. Commander Basil Taylor, R N., and Lieutenant Henry Butterworth, H.N., of H.M.S. Taraar; Captain J. Page, of the steamer Yiug King Mr. S. j Crowe, master of the steamer KWoB||
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  • 87 5 Wharvr* at wh'ch are Berthed To-day. f««jo»» Mom East Wbabf Ba«in-N.I. I East W. Section I— Teeata. i Sxot. 1 (Sanaa Wharf):— Olenogle. SiOTioa No. 2— Kalomo, Bharata. 3 Samui 4— Nil. 6 A— Fuh Wo, Kintuck. ■> 7 Catherine Apcar. B— Curonia.
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  • 130 5 It is reported that some 200 sponec hantvrs visited Port Said tho other day for the purpose of sponge fishing. A party oi these, who had do diving suits, became excited at the others' success, and a 'not light ensued, with tho result that
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  • 97 5 Fo« ft* Htei>» Tin To-mokbow Colombo Cardiganthire II a.m. P. S'tenham and Peuang Kittna 1 p.m. Bahak and Djambie Ilrouwrr 1 p.m. Malacca and Muar Ilony Lian 2p.m. Bangkok Frey<i 3 p.m. Teluk Anson via port* Kinla 3 p.m. Bandjernuuisin, etc. Bm Liong 4 p.m. Thdnidat. Siak, Pakan.
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  • 47 5 Time-Balls on Fort Canning and Monnt Faber drop daily at 1 p.m., Singapore standard time corresponding to 6 a.m. Greenwich mean time. The time grin is fired at 12 o'clock noon, indicating Singapore standard time, on every day excepting Sunday, when it is firod at one o'clock.
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  • 1185 5 UM'KRUm linultny th« follow. Hi. »hl,r»iiMK,n» i»»l -«tr.— «t»»in«T ih.—ahip; l-q.-baryu. «eh.— .•h.wD»p; Vet. -Yacht; Cm. -<:rn'wr <ibt.— iianHMt; Tor. Torp«l« ll.p. -11,,, power Krit.— ;.iti»li: IJ.B,— V&UmUmt Fdi. -Pr-nch O,rlarautn Dm. -Dutch [t.i!. ItiUi in (Van.— Span;<i, *M. MHMilki <1.0. <J»',«rKl cargo .1.p.-Mfn. wng.r, r.-llnrartiiis; W.-Wlwxf;
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 627 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDO CHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Tan MMmenol tbiq Company mairiain rn^nlar direct service between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking oargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, wi.... ni.-r MWirarm Kmim }™i Rrnß^in Kctbaho 4,895 R. C. D. Buduj :J ll H <0 p%
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    • 539 5 j STEAMER SAILINGS. the ocean s. s. coy., ltd.. THE WEBT AUSTRALIAN c y on Ijn a U mwi«» fKK.HAKTLB (PERTH.) \OKTH WEST 4VBTBAI I IK POBTS Regular Fortnightly xnilinga between Sings I P ore n(^ Western Aabiralia, calling at Java indncement offers), Derby, Kiug's Sonnd, I (Port for the
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    • 574 5 I STEAMER SAILINGS. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lino. I TUE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EOROPi II VIA CHINA JAPAN. CANADA and th« B UNITED STATEK. c 1 Koutu from Hongkong, ma Shanghai, Nagiuakl llolatid Sea of Japan), Kob", Tokobania, Viotoiin and VanoonTcr, X.M.X. "EiirßK-woF Ihwa" 1 Twtu-aorow stea
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    • 187 5 COMPANIA TRASATLANTICA OF BARCELONA. FOR COLOMBO, PORT SAID, GENOA, SPANISH PORTS. LISBON AND LIVERPOOL. The Spanish Mail ijteamer ALICANTE is expected to arrive here from Manila on Saturday evening, tbe lltn inst.. and will be despatched for the above ports on the following day. She has excellent accommodation for Ist
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 153 5 DAY BY DAY Tuesday, July 7. High Water. 4-29 p m. N. D. L. homeward mail dne. Selangor Kaces. First day. Convent Bazaar. 8 p.m. Assizes. I Straita Trading Company. No id Football Cup tie. BOA. v. B K.C. I Lawn Bowling Tournament. L.L.T.C American tennis tournament. Harmston'a Circus. 9-15
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    • 160 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Fao« Juli 7 to July 18.) HIOH WATER. (LOW WATER "!~Time H'gbt TirnlPTrght Jn| y I bra, mm. ft. ins. bra. mm. ft. ins. t-«. t J 3.S2am| 7.8 '9 39 an 3 1 Tuesday 7 4 29pm 78 10 .i8p n 4 .4 W'm.n.» R I
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  • 920 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, JULY 7, Wo are iudtbtetl to Mr. Matoudu. the •apam Mini v 1 of riuaucc for a copy of the Eighth liuaucia! aud Kcououiic Auuual ut Japan, traubmitted to us by Mr. K. Kisbi, Acting Consul for Japan at this port. This valuable
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  • 15 6 The body of a newly bern Chiueae infant ■H Jumped in Gaylasg Road, last night.
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  • 18 6 A launch OolUdtd with auother which was at auchor oft Beach Koad. ou Friday. The damage was slight.
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  • 22 6 Acconling to the Piuuug "iazetU ullairs in II 11 Ij.uaar ,a I'ouuug ure i-vin mamt thilU thiy mm a -hurt time ago.
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  • 24 6 The 1 it-rinaii -li ..hi. i I'riu/ L.ndwig vi.Mi- hat last trip up to Hongkong kM 2»iugaporo. ia 4 dajfi and I liour-
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  • 33 6 1.0 Straits Echo correspondent in Kedab says that Ku Yahaya, the Superintendent of education, Kodah, ib standing his trial for embezzlement of over $1,000 Government money, partly out of the Malay teachers' salaries.
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  • 40 6 Delivering the Graduation Day address at the Illinois University on June 10, Wn Ting-fang, the Chinese Minister to the United Statoajpredicted the commercial supremacy of the Waited States, in the Far East, provided that Americans were aw&iM to their opportunities.
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  • 35 6 The wife of 11 Javanese syeo liviuj; in Orcliaril Koad lias reported to the police tbc loss of a baju un which were piuued two broocheu. valued at 3. r >'V The polim arc investigating.
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  • 36 6 Hadji I'iu.hay. a dealer iv Malacca earn-, ai No. l;s Ili^h Street, ban charged an Mliployeo Kirn* with tluit of tr.o eum-s valued ut MUT*. mat has been mU and uluitus Sl'.i as mgM due.
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  • 39 6 A Chinaman han bc<;U arrested ou a charge ot theft ol a bag containing 1 13.43. from the Maypole liar. The case was mentioned lo tbe Third Magistrate. Mr. K. E. Column yestt-rda\. aud adjoin nod for a week
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  • 38 6 The Tamil who uas (ooad iv a ditch by the i-ailway lives iv ISukit Tiinah l.'oad. yesterday, was still dive, this manias, though he is not e\|iecU;d to li\e thnmyh the day. us lie has a (factored skuli.
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  • 40 6 v l\eh has iepoitcd to the police tli.u In was attaflhai by tour Chin'-., uoai the Chinese Protectorate, la-,1 DJgU, and robo-d ot M. waUhman employed at the I'm toctorate arrested oik mail who hail a dollar in his poohai,
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  • 50 6 Two ai ies ol grass were binned .it the irove Khtate Tuujoug KallMg yesterday aft< riioou aud -everal coconut lues \un-destioyr-.l A Chinaman is Mid t-i ha\e i-aii-ed tin I've by thruwiug a match, >vith which be lukl just HghM a i igar ou l<> a patch of dry gras-
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  • 55 6 Tuiwbew ha- aowpiaiucd t" tl» Potiou that three llokien inbtul u| In- bell iv lanjoug l'a;;ar l!oad lasTnight and -a\s that the lx It onlj c.utiUiied I:; ci nt- Hi ueiit into a sh.ip afi .i tin robberi and while he uas tin re a man stepped iv, handed him
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  • 51 6 Lim bi-e, ti.uliug uuder th>. tiim e.iil'c '»t VhopTeK SeuglJti, sued Ml. C. I'ostcr in tin- District Court before Mr. < .1. Haunch is yesterday, lor Sail!.: *>, lor the hire of a bo;it for traus|Hjrtiui; brokcu grunite. The da. teudant did uut appear aud judguieul was givcu for tin
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  • 58 6 A Chinese bullock cart driver h.wl some loug timbers in bin curt in South Bridge Koad. yesterday, aud the ends came into <on tact with a train car. breaUiug off a piece of iron. The carter appeared t» fore the Third Magistrate. Mr. K. E. Coltnau. this moruiug. and was
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  • 60 6 A middle aged .Malay woman attempted suicide by cutting her throat iv her house in Uaytaas Hoad, Haas miles from towu. last uight. Shi was prevented from accouiphslnu;: her purpose by her friends, but Micceuled in inllietiiif such injuries that she had to be sent to the hospital. Shi is
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  • 67 6 Tbc other day. says the Siam ob-erver. among her other parcels post matter, the steamer I >cli brought up from Siuguporc two complete swarms of boes. They came- from Italy aud were for one of the fathers in the r-rcDch Mission. They hail, ef course, been carefully packed iv boxes
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  • 72 6 Urn waterworks scheme faf liangkok. says the Siaiu Observer, has been m>w finally adjustod. There has been a slight alteration in the plan. The water will be carried past the railway line, the river side, the le-Kcrvoirt., filter beds, aud so torth being at Sauiaeu, as already stated. The scheme
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  • 83 6 'i esterday atternwou. at about I o clock, a pony aud gharry belonging to Mr. Maclean, of Seraugoon Itoad. wcue waiting in frout of thel'.t'..M.t>. sollio;, Treasury Building, when the ion; took friglit aud dashed agaiust a Chinaman who was carrying water. The man was hurled on to a spiked
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  • 93 6 Tho buildiug of tin: I .M.S. Lunatic Asylum, at Taujoug lUmbutau. is to be comuienced it ouce. say-^ l!n- Times of Malay. aud alreti'ly the [ie;;giu^ out of the various buildiug and mw has beguu under the ol Mr. S. Clarke. I'.W.Ji. Clerk ul' \\orlis. who has receutly arrived from
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  • 126 6 A uroblem for occultistb tc hln preseut^ itself at Cholon, a suburb of Saigou, where the bouse of a wealthy Chicamaz was, towardt the middle of last month, bombarded continually with stoned, burnin? torches, broken bottles, and pieces of iron without any oue being able to point out whore they
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  • 123 6 The Klau^ Klarion mw tin utn i.t publication kaaai by mtrtain afnrtiag enthusiasts at tho Klaug GyuUhaua C'lub't, Meeting. It appealed in tho popular pink garb, and contained four pages of matter, which, nays the Malay Mail, would be very largely actionable wero it not for tho far- seeing editorial
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  • 291 6 Kiuut. Bddut. K.E ha* been removed trou the sick list. There i-> BOW !n> daajfl r u< tli< IVnan VohutoM Corps lxiu(j ilisbaii'l. .1 Mr. K. r.illiiiiuiuc .\---i -l.uil t ci) Km^iu llaiifjkok. i- yi'in^ home i>u It live slnntlv Mi. I'h. Uaethke. eouti.u.U>i. of HtumJk has
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  • 102 6 Hi, lintisl, Vd.n.rHliy ha- dwakxl Uml the iustallntion irf \ii«li- i. I. wraphy in tin: Krilish \a\\ iias n lid. red liniMjcuHsary the navy eaiii- pi«eons wllidh ha\e bein bud to li from any dn-ition. Agi ills i. f the ii m i.i I mii cm
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  • 91 6 great buruiug luotiud on the titan l.yuie Iti'^is. Dwauti isdesiiibeil as having bei n iv ciuptiou ou Juue lU. A loud rumbling sound was heard, aud the burning mound broke in two. One hall collapsed into tin- sen. and v deu-c cloud ol sulphurous fames belched lorth
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  • 110 6 At cholou (Saigon 1 ou Joae il, a Uuitti storekeeper who limnd his pntrollHllli tni to bo leaking t<x>U th>-ui t" the Uiteln-n for repairs. The result of this bright idea wa I In which coiisuujed U n business prouiisCf, befon engines cheeked thr further progress
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  • 118 6 In due a Ihiuly pmjylwi and >-. ku m region ot ludu '-hiua ebolern ha?, bro iv a viruleiit torm with nob -in -u-jrmeu death-rate th^t th-j pagpk have becoui-. pauic-Btrickeu. Every year, a cholera epidemic ..e:/t.:. qptw the country and the uuinber of dbutbu il
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  • 127 6 Surgi-aiitl'ari .'l.'.li M yuludtuUMl Jlo i lioui Su-.ui> ik vural iij'iiilli ago, au'l ih.-r. wou tin Five-Mik Pn lidency Cham piuusiiip mm! utlMd prl« ai rived 3 ,1, imlmil. „n Jono having liad .1 Bind ami trying n«j>— I«iim 'ii hi > (.urn cyolt rid" Ucj
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  • 19 6 The price of tin iv siuijiiporu to-uVy f6H<i ;.jr Lien!. T w,i hinJvca »vi twouiyfive tons nave been ao'.i.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 87 6 AMSTEL Lager BEER. ,1 Uozeu l^uurts. (gftfc. Viul iv Drums v,asc-, 01 H z(>n inl^ couUiuiii« 7i lialloiis. AMTKH I -i. .i }aldbeck, Macgregor and Co. JUST LANDED: A SMALL SHIPMENT OF ull-Cream English Milk. QUART BOTTLEB 38 CTS w pint BOTTLES 28 CTS. Guaranteed Pure. ni'n.. JOHN LITTLE AND
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  • 383 7 PARAGUAYAN REVOLUTIONARY SUCCESSES. Troubles of a South American State. itK l'l XX'> i LK.KAM London July i. revolution ban I iv rVu Tin OovaramaDl Imm i>--.i >iverthrown, alt. r aW i' lightiir. Th« Mini, I. I h.iv 1..i i; i" the Atgeuttni firqatrT The l.'epnbiic oi
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  • 69 7 U .S. PRESIDENCY. Mr. W. 4. Bryan's Chances lor the Dcmocnit iNomination. 'Hi; ia»v Tataaaaa I. 'lid. mi. July 7 I ne DuaKwratk uuii ution Cm tha asnaV nation of eaiidid,it< H '.Ir l*n id. ney aud Vice I'resideucy ot Un i uite.i Htatea awoai at Doavat to day. Mr.
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  • 109 7 Proposed Visit In Lnglanri During Cowes Regatta. KlllKK- IKLK.,K\I 1.-.ndou. July The Daily Uhroaiek -Lille- that it luis Im*hi practic.illv im I lint tin C/ai and < /anua will b'ugUutJ during the Oowoa llogatta Weak t" ictiir ;uc vi-it of King I dward aud i.iiic.u Alexandra
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  • 52 7 |Uaur»H't> Tklki.ia.m i L'judou 'ul\ Ihi llUbUc., ol t!i. 0 .1 til I loWUMiit I'und ha 1 appfDved of the iu.iiii;uratiou of a Lectureship iv the Japaui i langoagi and Kftanam Ihe!^ ha Urn Proa a tabip vi chiuese at Oxlord since 199* aud at Oanibridge
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  • 21 7 London, Juiy 1, i 0.000.000 o: 2< per cu^t. Iri^h Lsud Stock liivu boon issued at 89
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  • 42 7 ;i>kk OauauißKH hum l^LKuhAMi becUn, July b. Hu 1.u.-iiu rW 't tin- dth iaetaat publishes details of a terrible cntl.i^iatic n iv the oilfields of Galicui No danaiU- iaformatioii i ,ii U> baud of Hi. |..-,'f life iml
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  • 30 7 tuaa Of>i»Hi\ii" h» Ll 'ti> ■''■liiiihj berliu, July The Frcs.-, ot Rome auuouuc- s the retirement into private life of tho German Ambassador to Italy, Count von Monts.
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  • 23 7 The following i- th June jutj-ui jt lianaboi, Limitcl Elevator i^.6'2 puul.-. genera! Tiihutc 179jl pic^U. T0u.... akak Qtld dßafirs.
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  • 287 7 Towkay Charged with Cheating Katz Brothers. iv, m. I am r-Bayaei appeared before tnKeooad HaaMnaa, Mr. D. 1. 3. Oreau yeeterday after aooa, oa hnhnW ol Wm i-'h' a young towkay who is charged witl cheating Mes-i KatK Brother* in <■ jewellery. Valued ai 117^000.
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  • 234 7 FmMmmMc (iatheriii^ at St. Margaret >, Westmiiisler. I.miml |nndi "i >■. June ii Vetturday, Ibcn ;l s .i un*A n.'.i. ol straits pwptu at Mias Hilda Barkinklinw wroililing, übicli (auk pi lee at '-t. Uargurot a i lunch. WtMtminnter, iv Ihe |'n eno ol a laqp! iiumbir
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  • 344 7 Creditor Questions Mr. A. M. Sarkies in Court. The public examination in buukiu|ii< of \l< s-rs. A. .M. stride- and E. .loliauues. iv connection with the failure al llic \dcliihi Motel, was continued at the Supreme Court yesterday atUjrnoou. before Mr. Justice Sercoiiib. Smith. .Mr. I. M. liaddeley.
    344 words
  • 130 7 llm a.-. towiial ItatuMluu i Ili|(ll1 v.K-ii'ci.iu- in il aiiprii'intion al Mm programme protptod. Tiie performanoa was 'jiutc n[> .1 ii nal aaodard e.eiiUuce audtho,< ■ho bavaaot wttaaaavd il iboold certainly not miss the opportunity. Tho comic entrees by the Xcvertuofe and the Dawn Brothers brought forth roars
    130 words
  • 110 7 EXPENSES OF NAVAL MANOEUVRES DISCUSSED. Liberal Party Causes a Sensation. [Daa OetAaunaoai i.t. jvu 'lumkamj Ijerlin, July iv rtiaulliinlllH the naval DMHMMnBM ol the Hiitisli lle.l in the North Boa, in which it is m auuouueed '£!<< warship- will parUulpaJß, lean ban iun i xincs-cd. .by ijuiiiln is
    110 words
  • 73 7 THE GREATEST FLEET IN THE WORLD |)aa QauaunaoM l*on Taiiaaaw| Loudou. -lul. Ariaii'V ll i" (.ontpii Ud al IJM l-'Muciv > f"i- Mm departure >>f tin \tlmtic lleet. Hear K. Spet-,}. who in- laUeu over tin oumiuand ir.iiu Kear \.huiial liobley D. K\ mm wrill leave the »bipi that
    73 words
  • 138 7 N'-v. Consulates in l.a.i Asia anil liattlesliip Votes. W— taa'i ilk. i ciJi London, iltily Tin I'iiMi.'. Iv approved (In Ii" i i^ <;,n' imijeut prupuwla tor esta&likhing Consulates (icucral ut ll.irbni aud Mukden aniU'oii-iilate- .it Iviuu. TsiUihai. and l> iluy. and a Vice Consulate at Kwau-chentsi V
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  • 378 7 Six Charged with Murder and One Attempted Murder. There are ci' veil eases on Ibn h-t at the A-sizcs. which beguu thi- uiorniug. bafan Mi. -lu-aice Sereoiiilje Smith. Than an tout oaaaa of aiKge. l murder, the accu-ed being -ix in niuub. r aud. by a strange coiueidi
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  • 174 7 I went to prison for stealing chickens and only got out on Thursday. When complainant a»W me pa-ssiug bis shop, he cried out thiit I had I'isi got of jail and would MM I), in a^.iiu, and Linn li. had lOC arrc'l d on tin- falv
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  • 902 7 THE RUBBER FACTORY AT PASIR PANJANG. Description of a Dutch Enterprise The XuiieilamU Qattapenha Oooapaay, Limited, can claim to have established the ouiy rubber factory En^x. ol Sue-;, aud to be developing, at I'asir I'aujaug. M industry that |lfaa every premise of Mag carried to a most Mietes
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  • 110 7 T he Convent Bazaar. Thu Convent Bazaar open at the Memorial Hall at 8 o'clock to-night, aud an unusally interesting programme has been arranged in additiou to the usual array of fancy waro, sweet meats, and such like, which are on siile. There will be concerts to-uight aud tomorrow, a
    110 words
  • 781 7 Enquiry into Financial Standing of Chop Eng Watt. Jay lliian Lok, who has beeu iradiny as ('hop Kug Watt, and dealing in kecosine oil and piece goods, at U Circular Koa.l. came before 3lr. Juslicp Sercombc Smith for his public examination, iv bankruptcy. at tiie Supreme Court,
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  • 87 7 Fbe Aotintf Chief JneUoi Ur \.G. Luw, had baton him in the. Suprcuie Court, this morning, tho claim ot M. T. A. MootiahChetty agaiust Khoo Eng Hoon and Sous and Chop S )ou Beo tor $'24,600. principal and interest alleged to be due on three
    87 words
  • 182 7 Ttaa ordinary general mooting ot th-j Straits Trading Company was held at the Company';) Registered OfHco, at noon to-day. Mr. McArthur Managing Dirtvlor, probided, aud there was a fairly hi r attendance of shareholders. The half yearly statement of accounts and baIMOC ibeai which lias already been
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  • 420 7 BRITISH ENGINEERS KILLED BY PIRATES. Attacked by Savages at Night Toward the close of last month, a tdegraa. Baaahad Boanhong that Meaara. Q. K. l-'oarby and Sutherland, miuing engineers, represeut in^; a1 i. :il qnaVaatl l. -tmg ground iv Ton. kin. wero niurilcrrd by afaataa. t'oiiliriu itiou
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  • 336 7 In the Supreme Court, this morning, il" acting Cliief Justice. Mi. A. G. Law gave, judgment in the case of Kutlar Siugh against Shell; Hussaiii Tuan Imam, iv whieli plain till claimed dainiges for malicious piosocu tion without rea- mablc aud probable cause. Mr. Yarborongn appaan I
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  • 76 7 A Hokiuu named Tan bocu Ml, 1 v tried by tho Third .Magistratj, Mr. E E Colman. yesterday atternoou, ou a charge ot theft ot 1-0 empty bottlub trom 11 Chine Street bottle dealer. Accused said that he had beun sent tc another house for some empty
    76 words
  • 174 7 A .Malabaii servant ni tin. employ ut a T.nuil dreaMT al the General ilo-pilal was Mad b. luri tii. Hamad MaaMrata, Mr. c. r. .1. fin "II .leldav. (ill i clcn theft ol two cont-. nair of trOOMfa :ind a shir' which UM dIWMi I'iicl given to
    174 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 120 8 The Selauyor Race Meeting opens to-day. Raptnra hai b*>ou orratched for all events at tho Selan-jor It ice Mri.-ting and Romp has bcun scratched for one race on the first day- The Garrison orders state that the entries j for the Warren Football aud Tug-of War Bhiald*
      120 words
    • 90 8 Maxim Company's Shoot. In vi. wot the handicapping for the Monthly Shoot for the M;ixim Company, 8.V.A., l!) shots e;i<li wore iircl at tho new Hub taißei in the S.V.C. Drill Hall, yesterday afternoon, with the following result:— (i llilifi <i. D. Neilbronner 45 out of possible
      90 words
    • 96 8 S.R.C. Tournament. The S.U.C. Lawn Tennis touruam°nt was concluded on Friday last when C. Oliveiro wup the championship, beating F A. IVralta. the holder lur the last live or six years, by 6— •->, o, 6— a. The following were the prizo winners Championship C Oliveiro. li'iunei up
      96 words
    • 172 8 S.C.C. v. Royal West Kents. A viry and keenly contested game of bochaj «a^ I'liiytd on the Esplanade, y»sterday bctwi m i ltveus npreseuting the S.C.C. anil the Hiyal West Kents. Play was of a tine order throughout, the passing and conbin^tiou on both sides being generally good
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    • 204 8 S.C.C. Tournament. The n suits of last night's play in the S.C.C. Lawn Howling Tournament wore as follow I au Handicap. Brown—? beat f^yall— ii (21— 17.) llanliug r 4 C. M. van Cuylenburg -r 5. (•21-0.) OrKN Pairs. Ilav aud Feldou beat White and Applcton (21-14) MiK.
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  • 105 8 A 8 U'i Constable ww two Chinese at l'.i^ir. j i sum. lay, walking away wuli mmm pieOM of machinery. When ordarrd to stop, tin v duamd tin- and r >-»- I Hi"" J"iu|Ki.i into tho Mia, but both wen r.i|iluri'd an. l
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  • Correspondence.
    • 239 8 To the Milaf of tlio Straits Times. IS, Omß Stree t, Singapore, July 6. Sir, Regarding the tramcar accident on Saturday morning, whereby a Chinaman eceivtd serious injuries, which may perhaps ■ml fatally, allow me to mention that this is not the first time such an accident
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    • 466 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, July 5. Sir, My critic Anathema, self named, does not, 1 think, deserve such a name. It i« too positivo for one. who, like myself. wjabai to bow before the sliriue of Truth aud Kcjuity. I do not think the
      466 words
  • 194 8 Five Chinese Boys Imprisoned for Seven Days. Five Chinese boys charged with deserting from the British steamer Olenlogau, on June ■J7. ap|n -an ii before Lieutenant Cator at the Marine Court, ycstirday. Mr. V. 1). Knottiest defended them. They said that they were to have been paid
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  • 126 8 Details of the suicide of t'.ipt liv 11ms Cox. one of the senior masters in the employ ot tlir liulo Chiua S vain Navigation Company, who jumped overboard from his vesxi the (>i s^ lioof4kun};<on July l.areto liand. Irif.ii i, ni. hi available j,ms to
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  • 695 8 BRITISH MISSIONARY REPLIES TO BRITISHER. Sir Henry McCallum's Experience Questioned. The following is a reply to the loug letter From tin- pen of Britisher, which was published in the Straits Timrs on Friday last: To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, July 4. Sir,— A veritable Daniel
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  • 87 8 On Sunday, the titular feast of the Chinese Church of St. Peter and Paul was celebrated at the Church. His Lordship Bishop Barillon, assißti d by Key. Fathers Uazcau and I'ouge, oili'Mateil at pontifical high mass. Michaele llallei s Mass in two voices was render**] by the choir under the
    87 words
  • 409 8 Messrs. H. L. Coghlaii and Company Dispose of Chinese Estate. Yesterday afternoon, Messrs. H. L. Civilian md Company conducted a sale of tlio estate j( the late Cliia Keow. The followiug lots were disposed of No. 98 Mi Idle Road, aren 1.106 sq. ft. 99 years with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 829 8 HARMSTON'S GRAND CIRCUS. LOCATION-BEACH ROAD. AGAIN The Fratttx Troupe. TO-NIGHT The Decarrs off to the Races. AT 9.15. Florizell's Contortion Act. AGAIN The Musical Emanuels. TO-NIGHT Almero, Midshipman Aloft. AT 9.15. The Beautiful Ponies. UATIIICC TO.IinDDnUf I l>i«li«"*t .arthly l.ouours In, iv o- -i..«. .I ITIHIinCC 111 IflUnllUlf <>" tin-
      829 words

  • 265 9 -'iN)Ai>oßa, Iclv 6, 1806. PRODUCh 3*mbier 7.U7] Jo (Cube M*.l)aapickfl4 11. MO Copra Bali Mi Jo Fontianak 8.95 Popper, Black buyers 10.40 do White 5% buyers 17.00 Sa^o Floar Suavik 2 924 do Brnnti No I 2.86 Pearl Sago 8.85 Coffee Bali, picked -"2.00 Ccffee, Paletnba-'ig, 20 bi >-
    265 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 434 9 Date of I forma Capital Rabioribed •CD I Number of Shares law Paid j Bharei Value lan to j Unissued Company QvoiAnoM 1903 1300,000 400,000 1907 1300,000 i tM.OOO 1901 MOO.OOO 800,000 1908 £400,000 380,000 I 1907 1400,000 378,000 1901 £80,000 80,000 1908 £100,000 100,000 j 1900 1150,000 99,000
      434 words
    • 357 9 1908 £150,000 1908 1200,000 1904 £80,000 1908 £70,000 1906 (160,000 1904 £11,000 1SO« 179,000 !906 £,10,000 1908 £180,000 1907 £3*0,000 1908 r 178,030 1906 8280,000 IS9B £100,000 124.135 108.000 33,780 61,000 IW.OOO 10,800 53,000 348,137 180,000 301,600 175,000 316,000 39,300 I 48,600 11 106,600 1 15/ 10,600 10 10
      357 words
    • 199 9 18S4 M 377.10.0, 4,808 1898 ttM.OOO MB, 000 186.1 t15.000,000 18.000.000 1908 »2, 100,000 2,t00,000 139 C 11.000, :0O 1,000,000 1001 134,000 34.000 1399 l'?S,000 879,000 7,688 li/e it/el 4,(00 SO 60 12J.000 >15 115 18,000 100 6,000 100 i 6.000 100 100 4,000 {100 100 3,400 10 10
      199 words
  • 470 9 Outline of the Scheme Approved in Australia. The Federal BoWIMMM iias put the auishiun to'irhos to tbc OKI- Age Pensions Bill, 9oid a reoon; isauo of The A utrala -iau. H contains no strikingly novel features. All poi-ioii!) who liave been 2u years resident in tho Commonwealth, and
    470 words
  • 39 9 Mauy gMBHI at t:io Kr.-uch Autoiujbilo I'lub. at a ban.) iot hold in I'aris on Jmm 10. Jhriaa f'ruiu ptomaine poisouin^ lha day haaaWHg, "U'J of the oM*t> dii-d. aud soy. ral ut'iL-rs. i'loludiuii tlic Manjuis <le .-orijusly ill.
    39 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 56 9 A GOOD SUGGESTION. t'airy v Mate 01 Cliamberlatu l olio, Ohafcaa la)i Diarrhoea Heiuedy in your Uaud lui^a^o whon travelling. It cannot be obtainod on board Hrn tiMin m Von .viil tin n be protected o^oin^t attacks of din -rliooa, which ehMfje of water aud diet 10 oiVn brings aft,
      56 words
    • 54 9 W ASSIAMULLASSOMULL ft Co. I Have Removed THEIR NEW PREMISES. OPPOSITE, No. 56 and 57, High Street. ENTIRELY NEW STOCK UNPACKED. mc c T ol°,Vtv j|Ep| SOMETHING SQiJjWjJSjf^llLK'i At the special request of ■kJSLsHßsSsJ^'*^ OUP customers SLEDGE Brand MILK isi.jw )iacked in tins half the usual size. OBTAINABLE KV&BYWHEBE. J.
      54 words
    • 193 9 NOTICE. OWNERS OF PIANOS who nod it necessary to leave the Colony for arty length "of time, oan have their Pianos WAREHOUSED and kept in GOOD ORDER, at a very moderate charge, or PRIVATELY SOLD. This will be found a more remunerative and sat i'rfactory arrangement than selling by anotion.
      193 words
    • 177 9 %p£ MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. HH.. e sai to I'Jr-iuw o j "•"clu'iiViiJ"* U rt »PP lllnt <l Pnrveyor to H.M. The|K zi f r.m ).Dore. HAS NOW ON VIEW. AT 62 AND 63 HIGH STREET, A magaidcen: btook oi Diamond Jewellery of -iv Utt-c j i I'iaiuono( Sterling 9Un r Article-
      177 words

  • 1000 10 A CRITIC AND THE SHORT STORY. Growth of the Art of Production Two facts about the sliort story are wry Hignificant it is probably the oldest literary form, and it was the latest in -point of time to receive exact dt liuitiou of its purpose aud xcopo and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
      471 words
    • 638 10 UNKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital in 60,000 Shares of £10 eAsh *l,JO0,000 Reserve Fund £1,V»,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor! ..£1,300,000 BAN KERB. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City <k Midland Bank, Ltd. BINOAPORE BRANCH. Oarrent
      638 words
    • 429 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. ■•aid-up capital RESERVE FUND:— Sterling Reserve 115,000,0001 6lWer Reserve 118,500,000} iB .sW.onu isierve Liability of Proprietors 115.000.000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. Henry Keewiok. Chairman. E. Goetz, Esq. Deputy Chairman. E.O. Barrett, Esq. O. R. Lenzmann.Esq. C. Brodersen, Esq. E. Shellim, Esq.
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    • 63 10 "An honest talc speedx best, being plainly told," so it may as well be said at ouce tliat as a general tonic and strength-restorer there's nothing ho good as Stearus' Wine. It whets the appetite and strengthens the atemach so that the food does good. It cures by assisting the
      63 words
    • 413 10 Straits Cycle Motor Co., 15, BATTERY ROAD. Enamelling, Plating and General Repairs by Skilled Workmen. Electrical Plant Accumulators Charged. Motor and Cycle Requisites, Oils, Qrease, etc., etc. Carbide of Calcium, Gasolene Lamps, Mantles, Sewing Machines, Dunl»p Cycle Tyres. AGENTS Smith Premier Typewriters. Star Cycle Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE
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    • 547 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. U.dns.lay, .Jhi u „f p.m. Freehold Land and Houh knuwn ax No 6. •lalan Uatoh, area 12,( 00 G. A. Fernandez Co., 1478 Auctioneers, Surveyors, otc MORTGAGEE S SALE. r«tWa4ap,/«% s. „t p.m. Fr. ..hold Land situate off (laylang Road Hroa 1 acre. G.
      547 words

  • 1289 11 CURRENT TOPICS IN MOTORING DISCUSSED. Motor HBHiihni traffic has been opem-d up bttuien Marieubad and Karlsbad, where a line of cms pliid for the first time last year. Mr. Sorcl loft I'aris on May 21, at MO p.m., and Hirmii ut Moscow at 11 a.m. on the morning of
    1,289 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 389 11 MOTOR CARS. ARGYLLS. Adams- Hewitts. Rovers. Full Farticulnra of Storks from t!^ A-ent>- SYME CO., Singapore. Dunlop pMi) Motor Tyres. \sjjl*/ IVIiIAV XfMTOPK'I'Q when specifying Tyre« IMHAA .'II'IUKIMO will do well to remember THE LONGEVITY OF BRITISH-MADE DUNLOPS. "OVER 14.000 MILES 7 14.100 MILES ON A HEUVY MB. The Autocar
      389 words
    • 106 11 Write for New Catalogue .01 HUMBER CARS. Latest improvements Reduction in Prices!! THE BORNEO CO., LTD. STRAITS MOTOR GARAGE Sl£ New Motors New Motors for immediate delivery S^^ J.VX U LVJI O Just Landed ;(^-^on.,4ti:'""vuLOAN"ciir Vv >>s > LATEST 1908 MUMb. ;Onu.»H»j/^^ >^ TRIAL 1U S 01VE V »V APPOIXTMEXT.
      106 words
    • 287 11 ,\®gE^[*j?^? SOLE AGENTS: Central Engine Works, SIIST G- APORHi. SILENT SIX-CYLINDER. 20 H.P. STANDARD Sole Agent* bt S.S., F.M.S., The Car yon can vvnlU alongsido of Java aud Smnatia whj st on To GEAJ{ C. F. F. WGdrne au<l u > n as >%*» level croiind. s and Co., 168-169,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1050 12 Scale of Charges, Miscellaneous WANTS. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENT,. fitlaoel- ■*~8;-Foar Liu-, on. cr two I-Hrttoai, il.oo _a out Wants of Erei? Description, House*, Br tbs toe-, m Seal* ol Chai_«. •»ud, etc., to let, are ln*€rte<3 at lbs following One Insertion I I.JC per taoh. DISPENBER WANTED. Two »0C Wanted, a
      1,050 words
    • 577 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD.; B-TB —Tomt limm, eat or two IbmtMoo (100 I Hi Urn tnefa, KaU of ehatfaa. HOUBE TO LET. No. 4, Mount Rosie. Apply Baffles Hotel. iM HOUBE TO BE LET No. 1, Oxley Rise, to be let. Apply Mever Brothers. 1149 ROOM TO LET. Boom
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    • 563 12 Netherlands Guttapercha Co. Lo. SINGAPORE RUBBER WORKS. India Rubber Tyres, all kinds and shapes All kinds ol HOSE. Suction, Delivery, Steam, for Carriages, Motor Cats, etc. Hydraulic. Rockdrill. <Jard< nhoee. Brake-RE-TREADING AND RE-RUBBERING OF i° T r Raihva .v s Bpe_kh_g Tube*, MOTOR TYRES. CODDRINGS. (iAUGE-GLASS KINGS. TT> -j a
      563 words
    • 345 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. RiTKs -Four Lines, one or tv<, iu^rti i,- B) tbe inch, Scaleicf Onr**". PALANQUIN FOR BALE. For sale, Australian Horse aud Rubber tyred Palanquin. Complete with Imi.r.-. harnest'and syce's nniform. Price »225. Apply tc D. 11. O c/o Straits Times. IM RUBBER EBTATE FOR SALE About ISO
      345 words
    • 248 12 BOARD ANO LODGING. ri&i— Four I.j.i on* or Ire Iniert.- m, ti.oo By tba inch, ie« of Ctafftt. BOARD ANO LOD6ING. j Fc 6ing:e p;_ileme_. Term; moderate Appl at Rockhnret. Jl. I>_obv Ghp.nt UN BOARD AND RESIDENCE. On? large room, euitable fc. a marritd couple »r tvo bachelors, and
      248 words