The Straits Times, 27 May 1908

Total Pages: 13
1 13 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.661. SINGAPORE. WEDNESDAY. MAY 27. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 539 1 ASK THE MAN WHO DRIVES A DE DION Letter from a customer who has just bought an 8 h.p. DE DION With reference to the small 6 h.p. de DION 1 bought from Mr. Hatchell j (Chief Police Officer), and which he had been driving about nine months, you will
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    • 431 1 Robinson and Company. T W P < ~--------l^ m/M "BONNY BRIDGE" jjfpl m RAHUL. J isr£f V FORBURNING GOAL WOOD. Jf A new hanJ'ome range, with specially lar^e hot plate and Fire Chamber.— The Clean- way Firt-bai>. witli Itiick Linings oreu accommodation. The Heartli Plate is removable. f or oj,
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  • 906 2 SECRETS OF SUCCESS OF PARTIES FOR CHILDREN. Fun for the Little Ones. One of the secrets of a successful birthday entertainment for children is to specify the hours in the invitation, say from 8 to C. 6 to 8, 7 to 10, according to the ages of the
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  • 67 2 At about twenty-five minates past ten o'clock last night, says the Chefoo Morning Post of May 6, a strong earthquake shook was felt throughout the Settlement. It was preceded by a strange rumbling noise, similar to that made by a heavy vehicle passing along a stony road,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 458 2 CONGO Wropieal fßjoofing is The Ideal Roofing for this Climate CHEAP! SANITARY! DURABLE VERMIN-PROOF The thickest quality (3 ply) can now be supplied at $12 per roll of 210 square feet complete with caps, nails and cement for fixing. AGENTS The Borneo Co., Ltd., ALBERT L A. DALEY Undertaker A
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    • 402 2 ECZEMA COVERED FffiJpEST Little Boy Suffered Very Badly Under Medical Care for WeeksBecame Steadily Worse— Doctor Said It Would last for YearsOne Box of Cuticura Cured Him. MOTHER RECOMMENDS CUTICURA TO FRIENDS "Two years ago my little son was suffering very badly from ecinuia. I took him to a doctor
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    • 64 2 LINGERING COUGHS. Persistent coughs that continue through the spring and snmmer usually indicate some throat or rang trouble, and it is a serious mistake to neglect them. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for its cure* of coughs of this nature and a few doses taken in time may save a
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    • 253 2 Maynard (So., Jbtdi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEMISTS. DRUGGISTS AND OPTK lANB. I I SINGAPORE. Q f GOVERNMENTS. OISPENBARIES. ESTATES, MINING COMPANIES. ETC. Supplied with Drugs. Hospital Requisites of the Finest Quality, at lowest Possible Prices. p«o#«i£t«»t Aancics optical aooot or pnoto«ii«fmic chcmicais MCOICIHCS All OCSCMIPTIOa. TOILf T •CO.wI.ITCS HEAO OFFICE:
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  • 880 3 HIGHLANDS AND LOWLANDS COMPANY. Report by the Directors. Messrs. Karlow and Company, tin Singapore agents of this Company send us the following report The Directors have pleasure in submitting their second annual report and accounts for the year ending December 81. 1907, together with Mr. Harrison's reports on
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  • 34 3 Of all the many headache remedies on the market, none can compare favourably with Stearns' Headache Care. It is so nice to take, gives such certain results, and is free from I bad effects.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1158 3 W^L Hy Special -«saawt»f^ Purveyors to V^3 LasT^slsß Warrant M The X S In MM Celebrated Oilmen s Stores W pM m\f IK PICKLES, SOUPS, JAMS, JELLIES, j| I KJL. PB POTTED MEATS, MALT VINEGAR. *m SI Hal 1^ A enU for LEA PERRIN>S WOBCESTERSHUE SAUCE jgj Crosse Blackwell, Ltd.
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    • 629 3 BANKING COMPAHIEB, CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital in 60,000 Share* of £Weaoh <1,500,000 Reserre Fond CI.SiVOOO Reeerre Liability of Proprietor!. ..£1.»00,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Onrrent Accounts are opened
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    • 420 3 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG ANO SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. paid up capital n,v 000,00 c eUSBERVE FUND Starling Reserrs 115,000,0001 iM SllTtr Reserve 113.800,000) M .WO.«» t**srrs LiabiUty of Proprietors $15,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswiok.— Chairman. E. Ooetz. Esq. Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Esa. 0. R. LeDzmann, Esq OnstaTFriesl&nd.Esq.
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  • 826 4 Name, port, probable date oj arrival, and name of Agents. STEAMERS. Airlie. Sydney, June 24 Boustead Alicante, Barcelonie, June 18 Barlow Antilochus, China, June 12 W. Mansfield Arcadia, Hongkong, July 2 P. AO. Coy. Aroonia, Colombo, July 8 East Asiatic Coy Aynthia. Bombay. June 12; Borneo Coy Amiral
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  • 133 4 Revolutionary Movement by the Natives Against Taxation.. Ala ruling reports arc current at Saigou regarding the political situation in Annam, where the natives are moving to throw off the burden of taxation aud have held Jeim.uHtrations to show their impatience. The Courrner Saigonnars says that there is no
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 61 4 No matter what else may have failed METHYLOIOS. will give satisfaction in catarrhal affections of tbe urinary tract. They relieve pain, I tx'k tbe discharge aud effect a lasting cure. Much superior to any injection or to old-fashioned remedies such as copaiba; tn«l santaJ. Try a bottle and be convinced
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    • 679 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan* Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porta, Plymouth and London. Through Bills 9t Lading issued for Chins Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and Amerioan Ports. Bteameri will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINE. Outward (for Chira). MM Malta June
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    • 692 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BCHEEPYAART MY. "BANDJER. fa BANDJEKMASIS, The Steamers of this company maintain a regular servioe between:— Singapore, Sonrabaye. Bandjermasin, Polo Laut, Balik Pspan, Koetei, with transhipment at Bandjermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemal, Kotta Waringin. Djelai. The steamers have good scoomodaHoa for first and second class passengers. Toas
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    • 432 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LWE. HAMBURG, The steamers of this Company maintain a regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerharen direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 641 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM 9NAV CO. LTD. The Oompanies' steamers are despatched (rom Liverpool outwards (or the Straits, China and) Japan every week, and (rom Japan homewards (or London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and (or Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One oatward
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    • 795 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial Carman Mall Lin*. The fast and wall known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly bom BremeD Bam burg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Sootham;. k», Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (ooanection Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa i Por Said, Boss, Aden, Oolombo, Penani-. Singapore,
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  • 1359 5 I SSJM Uji» b«»-llim tb* lollowlDf »bbr»il»tlon» iv« ihJ: Mr. -MMn<iir «h.— «hlp; bq.— haras* «eh.— KkooDM, V>-t.- Yacht; Cm.— CrnlMr O'bt.-Osn-Britteli U. S.-lfniuxl SUtw Fell.— Fraoeh Q«r.O»ria»j i Dot -lJuu-h lUI. -Italian Span Hp^niih; Sar.- Markwak (i r.— U«iwral cario; il.p.— durt pa» Miif »t I.—U
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  • 156 5 May as P. E Fnelricb, Ocr str, Hamburg via ports Cunri. Ital str, Penang and Bombay ♦Providence. Nor str. Bangkok Sultan van Langkat, Dut str Swatow. Canton Tftkasaki Mara, Jap str, Hongkong, Japan ■i Kintuck, Brit »tr. Shanghai and Japan tßrecinshire, Brit str, alcutta Fub Wo, Brit ntr, Langkat
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  • 81 5 Wharves at which Vessel* are Berthed To-day Tasjjosjsj »»o«« &un Weoi Basoi— Glenogle, Lady Weld. East W. BaonoM I— Teesta, Itinda. Saoi. 1 (Bion Wsakt):— Nil. Haonoa No. Sirocco, Amiral Magon. S -Nil. 4 Langbank. Nil. 6— Blake, Achilles. 7 Keemun. B—Lydia.^Carnarvonshire.8 Lydia.^Carnarvonshire.
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  • 150 5 Kws Pn Htbamii, i ius To-MOMOW Rhio, Singkep, Indragih Lauren* Pit 1 a.m. Batavia DeCarpentier noon Malacca and Linggi Kheng Seng 1 p.m. Muar Sultan p.m. Penang, Madras, Knrope Trata 8 p.m Penang and Colombo AchUU* 8 pm. PonimnAk Kan Hin (hum S p.m. P. Rwettenham via ports
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  • 100 5 Passengers Outward. Per P. and O. steamer Sardinia; dne May 28.— Captain D. E. N. M. Crichton, Mr. W. T. Clayton, Mrs. Downing, Captain H. E. Harire, Mr. R. C. Kinderaley. Per P. and O. steamer China, connecting with the steamer Malta at Colombo, due June s.—
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  • 69 5 By the Penang, Cap**in Perry, May 20. From Port Swettenham ilr. .T.Gray Barclay, Mr. W. A. Stopain, and Mr. V. F. de Almeida. By the Sappho, Captain R. H. D. Sanderson, May 27. From T. Ansoo via "alacca Mr. R. L. Leigh, Hon. W. Evans, Mrs. Sect Cheng Heo,
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  • 284 5 By the Print Eitel Friedrich, May 26. For PeDaufc Mr. and Mrs. A. Bowers Smith, Mr. Isaac F. Callaco, Mr. Low Oek Seng, Mrs. Outher, Mr. and Mrs. Srrutton, Mr. H. Campbell Dobbie, Mr. Abu Baker, Mr. D. Kcrr, Mr. M. Bon, and Rev. Donmeck. For Colombo: Mr. O.
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  • 94 5 From B<rao»s— By the N. D. L. s.s. Kleist. dne May 38. From Cmu— By the M. M. Tarn, da* Jane 1 im timj or maim •>(». April April April May M»y May *ay May M.y May 54 P. AO. May W n ND. L. M»y V>
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 72 5 AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER MAN 8 EXPERIENCE WITH DIARRHOEA. Mr. S. G. Mathers, publisher of Chronicle, Normantown, Qwensland, says Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy completely cured me of chronic dysentery from which I bad suffered for years. I feel confident that this remedy aim saved tbe life of my infant daughter,
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    • 587 5 STEAMER SAIUNtt. N.Y.K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD. A regular FORTNIGHTLY servtoe is maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Government, specially designed for tbe Company's European Service, lighted throughout by Electrioitv, provided with excellent accommodation for First and
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    • 694 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. COMBINED BBstTlt'E OF THE OCEAN 8. 8. COY.. LTD.. A THE WEST AUSTRALIAN 8. N. CO.. LTD. lITWIII ntBMANTLE (PEKTHi NORTH WEST II HTK4LIA* FOBTfI. Jiil AND BINCAPOBE. Regular Fortnightly sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound, (Port for tbe
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    • 377 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P R Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE FU CHINA JAPAN, CANADA and the UNITED STATES. Route bom Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki. (Inland Bea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama. Victoria and Vanooaver, R.M.H. "Ehfrbw or Irou" Twin- screw steaR.M.B. "Ewuai of
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    • 203 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. Hay 28— At 211. Bencoolen Street, household furniture, at 4 p.m. Jane I—At1 At Central Police Station, unservice able Police Stores, unclaimed and confiscated property and intestate estate property, etc., at 2-80 p.m. 2— At Sale-room, valuable freehold residential property, known aa "Bans Souci," River
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 139 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Faou May J7 to Junk t.) HIGH WATBRJlLOW WATEB Time Fifghtj Tim* H'pht May hri. min. [ft. fitf.'ihri. min. ft. ini. w o 7 "TOiTS 8.rj! aSsam] j.8 WB18DAia7,j 8Mpm 8-S 2 13 pm 2.4 TMnaBOAiSBJ 9s0pnl 87 8.37pm 8.6 (10.90am 8.7 3. Mam l.S FiroiT M
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    • 134 5 DAY BY l)A> Wednesday, May 27. High Water. 861 p.m Deave's Marionnettes. 780 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph. 7-1)0 p.m Ilarima Hall. Japanese Magic. 9 p.m. Thursday, May 28. High Water. 9-tt am. 9-80 p.m Ascension Day. N. D. L. outward mail due. B. I. homeward mail closes 8 p.m. Friday, May
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  • 1120 6 The Straits Times PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 27. We published yesterday a letter upon Utv xobject of the Kegistration of Deeds Ordinance and the rexurvey of Singapore, not because we were in any way in sympathy with either the tone or the reasoning of th letter, but because it
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  • 17 6 A cargo of 6,190 tons of coal arrived from Kuchinotsu, this morning, by the British steamer Strathdon.
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  • 18 6 From Newcastle, N.S.W., a cargo of 5,475 tons of coal arrived, this morning, by the British steamer Goodwin.
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  • 24 6 From Swatow. 842 passengers arrived by the N.D.L. steamer I'aklat, this morning. The N.K.1., steamer liujaburi brought 607 more from Hongkong and Hoi bow.
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  • 48 6 (I low Ah Yec, appeared before the Third Magistrate, Mr. E. K. Culman, this morning, vii a charge of criiniual breach of trust ay a servant, ot four diamonds valued at SlOO, the property of a nonya, named Teo Fek. The ate was transferred to the District Court.
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  • 64 6 A Chinese passenger on the CUn Mackintosh, from Rangoon, lost a belt containing 3t*i cents in cash, a passenger ticket valued at 17 and a draft valued at $10. Another passenger was suspected and, when searched, the belt and contents were found in his poseasion. He was sentenced to thrgo
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  • 12 6 Tin ore valued at JttJ.tVMj was. produced in the Transvaal during February.
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  • 13 6 Au effort is being made to establish a Ladies' Rifle Association in Penang.
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  • 22 6 The I'iuang Gazette hears that a proposal has been put forward to erect new Penang l>iMtrut aud Police Courts iv Downing Street.
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  • 23 6 A Chinese lad, eleven years ol age, has been sent to the Penang Reformatory School for five years for attempting to commit suicide.
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  • 29 6 To-morrow being Ascension Day. there w ill be a choral celebration of the Holy Communion at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 7.80 a.m., and evensong with an address at (> p.m.
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  • 33 6 A Tamil boy, thirteen years of age. was lined a dollar by tbe Second MagiHtrate, Mr. C. F. J. Orecn, yesterday, for throwing stones at a tram from which he had been ejected.
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  • 29 6 Hassan, the driver of a traction engine owned by Messrs. Howarth Erskine and Company, Limited, was lined }2 by Mr. K. K. Coluian, the Third Magistrate, yesterday, for obstruction.
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  • 33 6 We are informed by Messrs. Fran/en aud Company that the case of housebreaking and theft which occurred, on Monday, at No. I Malacca Street was at their office. They have no shop there.
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  • 33 6 A Japanese has beeu arrested lor tin it. of property valued at »9« from another Ja|>anese living at No. fiO-1 Victoria Street. The case was mentioned to the Second Magistrate, yesterday, and postponed.
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  • 32 6 A Chinaman, who had a previous cou\ic tion, was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment by the Third Magistrate, Mr. K. E. Column, yesterday afternoon, for fraudulent possession of twenty gunny bags.
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  • 44 6 Gay Seng was fined »:i by the Third Magistrate, Mr. K. E. Coluian. yesterday, for assaulting a tram conductor named Mahdu, on tho tram in South Bridge Road, on Sun day morning. His ticket had expirod and h« resented being put off the tram.
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  • 48 6 Han Chow Pong, a 1 ly lam servant em ployed by Mr. liernard Morris, of Xo. 2 -It Lloyd Road, was sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment by the Second Magis tratc. Mr. C. F. J. Green, yesterday morning, fur theft of a *5 note from his master.
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  • 36 6 A locomotive belonging to the SingaporeKranji Railway, drawing a passenger train, ran off the track near Itorneu Wharf, yesterday evening. The cars stayed on the rails and the sole damage was to the engine aud track.
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  • 40 6 The health returns of the Penang Municipality for the week ended May J show that there were 5!) deaths -;17 males aud H females— equal to a death-rate of WMH per millc per annum. Of this number |:i« were Chinese.
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  • 46 6 M K. K. Column, the Third Magistrate, acquitted, yesterday afternoon, a Chinese woman who was charged with depositing the dead body of a male child, about three months of age, in the live-foot- way in front of the house in which she was employed as maid-servant.
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  • 49 6 The Waiwupu having learned that there are, in Shanghai, foreigners recruiting Chinese coolie> for labour in Kurope and America, and that about a hundred have already bcou engaged, has scut au oSicial despatch to H. E. Tuou Fang askiug him to take measures to prevent auy such "pei tiou-.
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  • 46 6 The following additional subscriptions liav« boon lately paid in to the StagßMte liisliopiu: I mid ,v lli< I'euaug branch uf the Hongkong and Shiuiyhai Uauk Messrs. Prilchard and Company. %'IM, Mr. Justice Braddell 5100, Dr. Avotooin »."><>, Mr. W. K. Armstrong ».">0 Mr. R. P. Piuhorn, Hi.
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  • 38 6 At Castlemaine, Australia, an old age pensioner, aged 84 years, and a woman, 76 years of age, an inmate of the local charitable institution, contemplated matrimony, bnt the Registrar, actiug on instructions, has refused to perform the ceremony.
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  • 61 6 Tin [Kjrturuiauces of the Japanese Magic aud Comedy Company at Harima Hall in North Bridge Koad arc drawing to a close, as will be seen from their advertisement on page 1. The admission prices have been reduced so as to give everybody a chance of seeing this fine show, and
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  • 59 6 In provision of the works which are about to be undertaken by the British Government in Waihaiwei, namely the construction of harbour improvements and of military barracks, numbers of Chinese arc now nocking to the port. Already more than 1.10 natives have opened small stores, and besides, a few hundred
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  • 68 6 A tine specimen of rock python was captured at Oreen Island Signal Station, at the entrance to Hongkong harbour, the other day. The watchman in charge of the station is a fancier of rabbits, and so was the python, which was chasing up a third that week when caught. The
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  • 98 6 Ailvicoa Irouj Tonkin, dated May If, .UW> that Si-Leaug, the Viceroy of Yunnan, waa at the town of Meng-taz at the head of 6,000 regular troops. Tho revolutionists were in force along tin. Tonkin frontier quite clone to tho French poets. Tliis led to fatal blundering near the town of
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  • 407 6 The members of tin- liatllles School Company of tbe Cadet Corps are giving a ilance at the liaffles Institution on June .'>. Mr. W. Btaaa, Rariiaat Councillor at Malacca, was a passenger from the I. M.S. hy the local steamer Sappho, this morning. The marriage between Miss
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  • 68 6 Mr. U. I. .1. Green, the Second Magistrate tiued a Muluy fireman MO, yesterday lor assaulting a Chinaman. lus|>cctoi' Coiiiimi informed the .Magistrate that there were numerous complaints against the members of the Fire Brigade attached to the Tan i,Hie( Lan Street Fire Station. His Worship threatened to
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  • 124 6 Our correspondent at Malacca »uu-. M follows under yesterday's date Mr. llaiutncrton, Mauagei ol llukit lUjah l> libber Kstate. s|«'iit a d;iv of two n Malacca livst weekMr. 11. 1.. Sunnier, ItMpeotV uf School, for the Ncgn Sciubilau, and lunu tunt niiiHlci' in the High School.
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  • 191 6 Mon Trtsor is the t'tle of excellent book of excellent maxiius fre .i the pen of our fellow-citizen Captaiu <'• jvauni liaggiuu. and the fact that it has attained a second edition is in itself testimony of its worth and of its acceptability to tho public.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 236 6 The Robinson j PJ o *^»/-V Cr\ A Pcr>>lllbP cr>>1Ilb ll v »'S claims agaiuM the late JL Idl 1 V) VjUi Ltd Second Lieutenant Barou Hugh Frederick Leir, of thu Keoond Koval Wost Kent Regiment, are I liuruby requested to send particulars thereof to the undersigned on or before
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    • 236 6 ALHAMBRA: To-Night s Programme. PATHE FRERES BEAUTIFUL PICTURES IS ON.IL'MTION WITH Deave's Marionettes. PROGRAM ME. AT 7-30 P.M. 1 Modern Sampson i Bua Life in China 3 The Little Chimney Sweeper 4 An OooamoDal Porter 3 The Bargee'b Daughter 6 Wanderings of a Floa 7 Tbe reculiar People h The
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    • 64 6 St. Andrew's Cathedral. ChoirNoticc.- AM.en.sion l »«y. May IS. i IOAJL HiLt r'<'MMI.'NION I ''HOB A I I. Introit 301 Service Smart Hymn at Oflortcry 144 Hvuiu at Communion I7U Closing Hy run J2l iv >Mi MiTfim 6 f.H.— EvENaO-Vii AM SCBXOK. Rosponbeu Festal. Pbahna 2i, 47, 108 As Sot.
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  • 176 7 THE BANQUET AT BUCKINGHAM PALACE. King Edward Decorates the French President. [IUJUTIR's TbUORAII] London, May M. At the State banquet ut Buckingham I'alaee to the I'rcuch In -idcut aud the I'reueh l-'oreigu Minister. King Kdward said that with all his heart he hoped the entente eordiale may be
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  • 92 7 Labour Member's Proposal in the House of Commons. IKbutbh's Tileokam.J London, May 87. In the House ol Commons, yesterday. Ml. lames O'Grady. the Labour member fo r Kast I .eeds. moved the adjournment of the 1 1 hum' iv order to call attention to the King's
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  • 68 7 Sir James Willcocks Gains Another Victory. I Hkutkh'.m Trlrokanl London. May Mb It is M |mi lid from I'eshawur that MajorGeneral Sir .lames Willcoeks. commanding the British force s on the North West (•'rontier ot India, attacked and routed a force of MOO I'lmaii Khels strongly posted on
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  • 53 7 I Kurt im<* Tki.kukaml I lon. M.i\ MbMfbjOMM Wl'l l» jiTIOUOI Bhurtlj I'M .ill i..iv ot XI ..MHi.tH hi ,t, rim.; Chinese Hallway hw |*i i cut Ikiihl'-. mci ued by the surplus reveuue ul the Vulhcin Kailway. It is expected that the price of issue
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  • 54 7 [HirilKJ I KLKUI. AM j London. May 27. St. Petersburg telegrams report that mes iago.. have been received from I ssurisk to the effect that rive thousand Chinese troops from Kiriu have been sent to Chieutao, because the .lapauese, alleging that Chieutao belongs to Korea, have
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  • 26 7 IKKLTKK's TtLH.KAM London, May 27. Couut Bottaro Costa, formerly Secretary of the Embassy in London, has been appointed Italian Ambassador to Japan.
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  • 40 7 [Dm Ostasutiscbi Lloyd Thilkui Berlin, May M, M. .lules Cambou. French Ambassador to Germany, lias iufortucd the authorities bore that new iustruclious have been issued to the 1- reuch military commanders iv Morocco. The Ki'iiiien Spanish incident is settled.
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  • 26 7 IDIB 'NIUUUS' HI LMOB iILBURAMI Berlin, May 26. It La; bceu arrangeJ to hJA i German Art Exhibit;.:: in Haw YurL
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  • 18 7 I>M.* LLOYb T»L«JBA3I', Berliii May -0. laund&uoiib bjMo occurred at Jerika (.wherever that nay be).
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  • 624 7 4> Action of Government Upheld and Eulogised. The following communications have been received To the Editor of the Straits Times Singapore, May 27. Sir, The letter which you publish iv your issue of yesterday calls for comment. It would seem, according to your correspondent, that the suspension of
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  • 194 7 Three Chinese Charged with Causing Mischief. I. un Scong, a tea stall-keeper, charged thn Chinese, uamed Soli Hob. Soh Hu Lew and llon^ Si. »ig, before the Third Magistrate, Mr. I Iv Cohnan. yesterday, with mischief, using criminal force and causing the death of oue Lim Siew
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  • 90 7 A Chinaman, named Ng Boon Koh, was prosecuted by Detective Inspector Meredith, in the District Court, before Mr. E. C. Howard, yesterday, on a charge of dishonestly retaining a quantity of white clothing which hod been stolen from a dhoby, named Ah Tyc. The dh"bv
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  • 84 7 Detective Lance Corporal y24 s»\v v Chiunman picking the pocket ot a Malay at the Beach Road footba!! ground os Saturday afternoon. The Malay was unaware of the fact that he had lost hfal watch and chain, valued at »2C, till told of it by
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  • 505 7 HEAVILY LADEN NATIVE BOATS CAPSIZE. Hundreds of Passengers Perish by Night. One ot the uust appalling calamities that has occurred iv this part of the world for many years past, was witnessed in Batavia harbour ou the night of May l-'t. During the poddy cutting season, whole
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  • 65 7 The foilowiug despatch has been seul to us for publication Dowuiug Street. May 1. I'Htsi. Sir, I have the honour to inform you that His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington has repotted that the I uited >Utc I'leet which is at present cruising ii the
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  • 39 7 I Dir Osiamaii.. iih Lloyd Tilk iiuxj ''.erliu, May tk The elections for the Kelgian Chamber of Representatives have given the Catholic party a majority ot eight. Iv the Senate, the party has a majority of seventeen.
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  • 28 7 [Dik Osiisuu. n« Lloyd TklioramJ Berlin. May '2t>. The French Chauil r of Deputies has passed the Bil'-*providiug for the raising of an income tax.
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  • 212 7 w Bank Manager Appears in Court Under Protest. T-he Manager of the Deutsch Asiatic Bank appeared in the Third Magistrate's Court under protest, yesterday afternoon, to give evidence in the case against Wee Choo Kirn, who is charged with criminal breach of trust of 87,688.7;!. from
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  • 512 7 INCREASES IN IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. Decline in Malacca Commerce. The return of imports and exports for the year 1'.H17. which has been published at the Government Printing Office, shows substantial increases iv both the imports to aud exports from the Straits Settlements. The total value of
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  • 75 7 Ja[iauese papers report that Messrs. Simon, K\ersand Company's Kobe godowus have bocu legally attacked by the DeutschAsiatsche Bank and that the linn's property iv Yokohama seized by tho same creditor. on April M. The Hougkong and Shanghai Itauk, the Yokohama Specie Haul, and other
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  • 115 7 Preliminary surveys for a railway through Mid-Sumatra, from the southern end of the island to Deli, have just been completed by a party of engineers from Java, who had infinite trouble in finding their way through a trackless wilderness. The results will be laid before the Netherlands
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  • 159 7 The \eheen war is now in its thirty-sixth ynr. In April. 1H7:I. a field force about ■'{,400 strong, lauded there aud inarched on the capital On April 14, after some successes, the Commanding Officer, (icneral Kohler. was killed iv an attack on the Sultan's palace. His death struck
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  • 251 7 Terrible Freak of a Dethroned Monarch. The ex-King of Annam, Thau Thai by name, whom the French Government lately dethroned on account of his madness which made itself apparent in murderous acts on his wives and courtiers, has agaiu brought himself under public notice by another atrocious'
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  • 519 7 Mr. John Anderson's Contentions Outlined. In the Supreme Court, this morning, before Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith, the hearing ol' the claim for 47.4011. made by Mrs. M. A. K. Dunmaii. Miss I>n ntn: n and .Mi -si. C. .1. Laccy and I.'. Dun man, trustees of the
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  • 120 7 Like several of the Premiers of the last century, the late Sir Henry CampbellBannerman finds his last resting-place in a country churchyard. The pretty little Perthshire village of Mciglc, in the romantic vale of Stratumorc, where the late Prime Minister was buried is situated close
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  • 115 7 < .nwi iiiiK'iit Department would hardly strike the Itritish public as a hk< 'y hunting grouud for objects of stiniug interest. The Commercial Intelligence I'.rauch of the Hoard of Trade, however, possesses quite a museum at basiughall-Strect, aud the Board of Trade Journal anxiou-ly directs the attention
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  • 636 7 CONVICTION ON TWO CHARGES AFFIRMED. Doctor Fined for Possession of Morphia and Poisons. iKrom Our Own OMHBMomuTtI l'euang. May 'J7. 10.10 a.m. On Kcbruary jy, Dr. Guoh I.eau Tuck, a Chinese doctor in I'enang. was summoned at the I'eiiiing Police Court before Mr. Ralph Scott (I) for
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  • 205 7 Kilkenny Poachers' Escapade on the Nore. The dubious of a recent holiday m Kilkenny was relieved by a rouiar'-ablo iueident. which provided entertain' rut for many hundreds of the city aud ooi utrv folk. A party of alleged mMI wa surprised by the police on the river
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  • 77 7 The Uatlil VooHobln itmi .itiil- s lli.i L t'i<- < rbwa I'riucc Oeotgo ofSwria who r now "1 yearn of ugo, wvs amu .mi; luin.ii li' with a revolver, shouting the ash olf a lighted cigarette placed in a soldier's mouth, when he shot and killed
    77 words
  • 33 7 The large warehouse situated io Claronc.: aud Kent Streets, Sydney, occupied by V \V. Campbell and Company, furniture wai housemen, wa& guttodbyfire on tho Itb inHtant, the damage being roughly v MinuteX atXBOOO.
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  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 29 8 Tho National Union enter the cricket arena f >r the first time, on Saturday, when they play St. Joseph's Cricket Club, on tbe Old Gaol Site.
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    • 29 8 Sepoy Lines Club. The Men's Foursome Competition (Naval Cap) will be played at Sepoy Lines during Juno. Entries may be made np to 6 p.m. on May 81.
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    • 49 8 Ladies' L.T.C. Tournament. The following are the ties for today in the Croquet tournament at tho Ladies Lawn Tennis Club:— Mixed Doubles.— Mrs. Jago and A. W. Bailey v. Mr. and Mrs. Green, to finish. Singles Handicap. Mrs. Gaunt v. Mrs. Jago Captain Young v. A. W. Bailey.
      49 words
    • 65 8 New Zealand v. Australia. The following players were chosen to represent Australia against New Zealand on the Btb instant Full back, He Hoy (Glebe) three quarters, D. M'Lean (Q Messenger (Eastern Suburbs), Devereux (North Syduey), and Cheadle (Nowtown) halves, Ronenfeld (E. Suburbs) and Dore (Q forwards, Graves (Balmain)
      65 words
    • 337 8 Empire Day Match at Malacca. Writing from Malacca yesterday our correspondent says lii./ Empire Day Shooting Competition for the tli^li School Cadets took place at Bukit St bukcr on Monday afternoon. The VI- 1 1 1 iit was tinr, but the competitors found the wind troublesome at
      337 words
    • 429 8 Colman Shield Competition. Tlie second tie in tho Colman Shield competition was played off, on the Beach Road ground, yesterday, before a large crowd of Fpectators, the contestants being the Sunlight Fnotball Association and the Fathol Munir Club. Tho last named was looked upon as the better team,
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    • 290 8 Holiday Match at Malacca. Oar Malacca correspondent writes In Malacca, a holiday is not considered well-spent unless the greater part of it is devoted to cricket. Empire Day was, as usual, annexed by the wioiders of the willow, Firmstooe's side playing Moorhouse's. The former, winning the toss, sent in
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  • 780 8 Plea (or Sympathetic Treatment by F.M.S. Government. The price of tin has been falling steadily, Saturday's quotation being 966, and we think, says In Tin Und, that, from the visible appearance of the condition of the market, it is not likely that there is much chance
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  • 30 8 There have been no fresh oases ot cholera since the 14th nit. on the Province Welles ley side of the Muda River, which has baaa declared free of this disease
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  • 524 8 From Occident to Orient and Around the World. The land Orient, with its mystic l»nH«, bM stood sponsor, daring centuries of slow advancement, for the most remarkable epoch in the annals of the world's history. It has been the mother of invention, of highly accomplished arts,
    524 words
  • 71 8 His Highness Tuanku Mahmood, President of the Council of State, Kedah, and Tnan Tay, Auditor General, Kedah. who were in Penang en route for Kulim, loft for Alor Star on Saturday, as the people who had left Kulim are now returning thither. We hear, says the Pinang Gazette, that fully
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 199 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. BOOKKEEPER. ETC.. WANTED. Wanted, a smart and intelligent Head Book-keeper. None but experienced mon need apply. Also, one or two smart lads as apprentices. Apply personally to THE MANAGER, The Singapore Dispensary, Ltd. SINGAPORE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. Tb. Annual General Meting of the above Association will be held on
      199 words
    • 1108 8 JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT Suffered Four Months From the After-Effects of the Grip--Relieved By Pe-ru-na. Ponuitt bai b^oom© fknuou* in ft* Catarrh Yictimi Susceptible. f W."uT pYr'nou^Jß^uti ~S«nator "auaK^Sp^cT^udKe^fthV SupremPeople who have bad catarrh of the of TexM> an( WM aI(W BrtK ,d t e r -o«.,,era! in Confederate
      1,108 words

  • 213 9 BINBAPOM, May VJb, 190 b. PRODUCE. jambier buytrn I 7.'f7V do (Cube No. 111 1 onpicked 10-rtO Copra Bali 6.t!n do Pontianak 623 Pepper, Black H.rt-'i do White 6% 18-37* Saeo Floor Sarawak 3.02* do Brunei No. 1 2.95 PeailSago 3-90 Coffee Bali, picked 26.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20%Jbaw« nom.
    213 words
  • 57 9 Ucnarlb Erakine t% MOO.OOO 3% prero. Riley BargreaTa* 1% 138,000 3% prcm S'fore Electric Tramwayi Co., Ltd. 5% 350,000 uominal smc»pore Municipal 6% 400,000 M% pram 8% 1,878,000 3% pram 44% 1,600.000 5% pram 4% 601,900 2%dimom Strait* Engineering Byd.,Ltd. 6% 43,000 par. Tanjong P. D. B. 8% 250,000
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 341 9 Do You Collect Postcards Stamps? If so, subscribe to KOH AND COMPANY'S POSTCARD EXCHANGE RE6ISTER. I Monthly Journal of information chiefly relating to Philatelists and Postoard Collectors. The only Journal of it<> kind iv the Straits. Published on \.h- Mtb of each month. MM i cents per copy Of ">0
      341 words
    • 565 9 Miscellaneous NOTICES Bin> -lit Mimh, HO t*r inch. Subsequent months, *t. For ihortar period* **-Seal* of Ch&rgsii. NOTICE. Persons having any claims against the Estate of the late Dr. C. Raikes are requested t; forward them forthwith to the undersigned. d. k. McDowell. Prinoipal Civil Medical Officer's Offioe, Singapore. May
      565 words
    • 587 9 Miscellaneous NOTICES Bins:— lit Moßth, (10 par iach. BabM^sMt Boatlu,(6. For shorter p*rl<xliM«:Sca]< of Chug m. NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF LICENSING JUBTICEB. The Meeting of the Lioensing Justices for tbe Quarter commencing July 1. 1908, will be held in the First Magistrate's Court, at 2-30 p.m., on
      587 words
    • 377 9 BOARD AND LODGING. IUSK-rw LIM, on «t Iwo tßMTtioaa. H M Mr th. l»th. Sc»J« of Ck»n«. BOARD AND LOOSING. For tingle gentlemen. Terms moderate. Apply at Rockbarat, 11, Dhoby Ghaat. 10M BOARD AND RESIDENCE. Large and Comfortable Roomi. Tennis Court. Apply, Mn.von Bargen, No. 8, Monni Elizabeth. BOARD AND
      377 words
    • 166 9 ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT Deave's Marionettes. The Finest Marionette Show Ever Produced in the East. Pohoomull Bros. 48E HIGH STREET. SILK MERCHANTB. Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, Cdt:'ob and Silverware of every description, Brassware, etc. i« CHARBEB VERY MODERATE. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. UNITED Asbestos Oriental Agency, Ltd.,
      166 words

  • 1064 10 PROGRAMME. July 7, 9 and 11, 1908. FIRSfDAY. 1. Mmdkn Pi.vte.— Value 1400. A Race lor Maiden horses. Weight 9 atone. Ex-grif-fins allowed 7 lbs. Entrance 820. Distance K. C. I 2. alaa Handi.-»p.— Value »500. 850 to '2nd horse, provided there are I starter*, the property
    1,064 words
  • 666 10 FANATICAL SECT MURDER A CHILD. Blood Sacrifice in Pennsylvania. According to a despatch published in New York, recently, from Nazareth, Pennsylvania, Irene May Smith, a pretty little six- year old girl, with big, brown eyea, has been sacrificed murdered would be the better word in a wild religious
    666 words
  • 29 10 The Shokai Shimbun, a Socialist organ in Tokio, has been suppressed, and the editor and publisher prosecuted on a charge of having published comments injurious to the public peace.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 462 10 INSURANCE Companies. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE LIMITED. Capital Subscribed.... l2UWo.oOC Amount paid-up 600,000 Reserve fund 1,678,000 Hud Omci, HonaioKo. The undersigned, having been appointed tgente of tbe above Company, are prepared K tooept Marine Risks at ourrent rates. BOU6TEAD A Co.,— Agmu. LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £S,SM,OOO Paid
      462 words
    • 146 10 Story of a Slave To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of sljvery. Mr. W. Knowles, Tragant Street, Bath, Eng., says "About five years ago I was prostrated with Sciatica. From my right thigh to the bottom of my foot
      146 words
    • 528 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF VALIABLE TEAK AND NADLN WOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Etc., The Property of THE REVO. J. ANDREW SMITH. To be held at ELPIS, NO. 151, MIDDLE ROAD, Baturdny, May. 30, at 2 p.m. Comprising iron single bedsteads with tubular posts, Teak wardrobe with fnll length mirror,
      528 words
    • 614 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF V I. TABLE HOUSEHOLD KCRN I TURE, ETC.. To bo held at HO. 430, SIRANQOON ROAD. Saturday, May 30, at '1 p.m. Comprising Iron Double and SingV B d ateadd. Teak Tables with Marble Tops, Redwood Almeirahs with glass door*, Dressing Tables with mirrors
      614 words
    • 317 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OK VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND AND HOUSE rROPEBTY. SITUATE AT XAMPONGB1HRU ROAD AND SILAT BOAD, SINGAPORE. To be held at Powell and Co. 'a Sale room, On Tutiday, Jun. S, at 2.30 p.m.. Valuable Freehold Land, area 14 acres, 19J poles comprise 1 in Government Grant
      317 words

  • 1332 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. a Speed on Principal Roads in Great Britain. With further regard to speed on the ruad, the Autocar, in its notes in a recent issue, oomments upon the disgracefully inconsiderate driviug which too often takes place at weekends ou the Brighton and
    1,332 words
  • 60 11 Few persons are anhappier tlian thin nervous, fretful women. They realize their condition and being bh they think, powerless to help tbemseWes, they grow worse. Steams' Wine in a wonderful thing to calm the irritated nerves, and soothe the tired, fretful brain. Women who take it 6oon find their strength
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 307 11 MOTOR CARS. NOW IN BTOGK. ARGYLLS THE CELEBRATED SILENT 14-16s DE LUXL Adams Hewitts. Rovers. ON VIEW AT OUAUI QAAH £Q 142 24 and 142-25, Orchard Road «9tlUvV If Wm SBr (Two Doors from Cold Btorage Depot). Dunlop Motor Tyres. "NON-SUM" (OKOOVED) AND "ORDINARY (PLAIN) HEAVY TYRES STOCKED IN ALL
      307 words
    • 482 11 |Write for New Catalogue OF HUM BE* CARS. Latest Improvements i Reduction in Prices I i THE BORNEO 00., LTD. THREE TROPICAL SCOURGES. DYSENTERY. FEVER AND ULCERS. With Prescriptions tor bell Treatment and Role* for Prevention, by Dr. LAMBART, (m.a., m.0.) (Fellow of tbe Tropical Society). In simple language, the
      482 words
    • 468 11 Local Motor Car Agencies. Extract from The Motor A Sweet-running Car. ■'•a<i the opportanity a few days ago of a short ruu on the new 14 b.p. Biddeley. The chassis, for a fouroylinder oar, is OintlCl CV eitremely cimple, and I greatly struck with its beautiful OlUUbl »mc-'thoe«sof ac'ion and
      468 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1011 12 Scale of Cbaroes. |>B£f AID ADVERTIBEMENTB.— MisoeII'aoomWanto of Erery Deseripwoo, Houses, ftrarf «to., to let, an bunted at the following Jne Insertion I 1.10 per lnoh. two «.00 Three I.M Six •me (.40 TwelT* 7.W m Twenty flYe 10.00 reach subsequent month M par Inch.) T'«3 tbora rate la based
      1,011 words
    • 785 12 IISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ■Uru Foot Urn—, om or two lnMrtlou, II .00 Bt tke lack, sm 80W of Chut**. FENDERS INVITED. GOVERNMENT Of SEUMGOR. Tenders will be received at the ottioe of the Secretary to Resident, Selangor, up to noon on he IStb June, 1908, for renting the undermenioned Farms for
      785 words
    • 625 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. R»T«s.-— Pou Lin**, oat or two lasertloaa, fl. Bf tht IMS, sm Seals et CfcugM. ROOM TO LET. Boom suitable for Married Couple or two Baohelor*. Apply Eden Hall, Nassim Road. 0 811 OFFICE ANO GODOWN TO LET. No. 96, Robinson Road. Moderate rent. Apply
      625 words
    • 829 12 V.O.V. DAN MACFARLANE i. COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLB OF ALL DEALERS. HTiolesale from SYME and CO., Sol, Agents. Syrup of Raspberry PURELY MADE OF GUARANTEED NATURAL RASPBERRY JUICE ANO SUGAR. Mixed with iced water or soda water, it form« a very palatable, refreshing and healthy drink, which is
      829 words

  • Stocks and Shares. SINGAPORE, MAY 27, 1908.
    • 343 13 formsc.piui BabMribad Mom bar of Sham iMae Pud V»iuc O p to 8h*re« UniMaed 1903 1907 1901 1003 1907 1901 190« 1905 1906 1908 1906 1906 1907 ltort 1907 1906 •800,000 •800,000 •600,000 £400,000 •400,000 £60,000 £100,000 •160,000 £120,000 £30,000 •450,000 £350,000 £100,000 «l»i.ui>0 •450,000 £47,000 400,000 1*6,000 600,000
      343 words
    • 364 13 IMS 1908 1904 1B0S 1906 1904 1908 ieoe 1806 1907 1906 1906 £160,000 •200,000 £30,000 £70,000 1160,000 £11,000 £76,000 £810,000 £180,000 £310,000 f 76.000 riM.OOO £100,000 1-24.1-J-. 108,000 15,100 61,000 113,000 10.SUO M.OOO 343,117 180,000 301,600 175,003 1W.0O0 46.500 I 108,500 1U...J0 7.0U0 I 11.000 61.000 11.300 I 8.000
      364 words
    • 212 13 -"1 '898 1"«S £.1,177.10.0 •mvooo 118,000,000 4,<U)ft 15.0OO.UOn 7,888 .500 12 i. > i I 18,000 1 8.000 f 6,000 I 4.000 3,400 I 6,000 I «.7W 14,000 600 400,000 1,120 i.oon 4,958 30J.JUO l.SBS u/a so in 100 100 100 100 10 100 l'JO 10 so 1 100
      212 words