The Straits Times, 26 May 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.660. SINGAPORE. TUESDAY. MAY 26. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 420 1 ASK THE MAN WHO DRIVES A DE DION Letter from a customer who has just bought an 8 h.p. DE DION:— I With reference to the small 6 h.p. de DION I bought from Mr. Hatchell (Chief Police Officer), and which he had been driving about nine months, you will
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    • 425 1 Robinson and Company. i "BONNYBRIDGE" MSII RANGE, /^^J FOR BURNING COAL WOOD. Jr u,u<(koim- ran^'. wMi sp-cially laryc hot plate and Fire thauibcr.— The Clean-way Fiubai-. with Briok Liuiu-, ecommodaticn. Tl«. Heartii Plate is removable. for coal, and tin- fall-duwu lire-barn far Wood Fnc! 111 1 Ovcu •nstnictMl with ia>.tirou
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  • 999 2 TETRAZZINIS WELCOME BACK TO LONDON The New Opera Season The opera season at Corent Garden wus opened the other nigLt under the most brilliant circumstances, a crowded and distinguished audience having assembled for a performance of Verdi's Traviuta. a representation wade specially interesting in consequence of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 440 2 EAGLE CEMENT. f /SiL PRI M A .J^s\ Jor all Jiig6-class VOork ON THE LIST OF THE CROWN AGENTS FOR THE COLONIES. Importers The Borneo Co., Ltd. BUCHANANS WHISKIES. •re not tn experiment. They have bee a the favourite blenda at home tor many re%ra and •re rapidly gaining similar
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    • 121 2 PHOSFERINE I Tfe« artttMl «M T«. I A4M4HM m*jnrm I U Mfc h>w I a. t To be clean and (eel clean on a hot dusty day that U the refreshing feeling which follows the use of Calvert's Carbolic Toilet Soap. i Pure, utueptk and nicely perUmcd Soli b local
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    • 403 2 MAINTAINS TBE HIGHEST KEPUTATIOX EVERYWHERE. BUILD UP and PRESERVE YOUR HEALTH and Fortify the System against Disease witli Pronounced by the HIQHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES Torpid Liver, Debility, Eruptions, ad -WONDERFUL PURIFIER of (lie HUMAN JLOCO. Fortify tbe System against Disease with PURE BLCOD. Has over 70 Years' World Wide Reputation.
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  • 890 3 4 APPRECIATIVE REFERENCES TO FAMOUS WRITERS Country's Genius in Literature. There are certain writers whose privilege it setinis to give to the contemporary genius of their country an adequate expression in literature, says a writer in the Quarterly Review. They neither follow public opinion nor lead it, for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 325 3 TO ARRIVE OH MAY 22 ONE 10-12 H.P. Brasier Car, PHAETON, TWO CYLINDERS BRASIER CARS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LEADING DO 80 TODAY. Tho performances of Bra->ier Cars in all international contents aro TTITIP.A.R/.A.IjIjIEIjEID. TO ARRIVE SHORTLY: Renault Freres 1 Cars. Holders of the Record aniiaimm. m mOmi iv one hour,
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    • 392 3 PHOTO DEPOT. 104, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. AU sorts of Photographic Apparatus and Materials, Tiz. Cameras, Lenses, Plates, Papers, Chrmioals, Films, Mounts, Photo Frames, eto. Prioes very moderate. Prio Lists post free KONG HING CHIONO A CO 1867 J. MOTION CO. Watchmakers. Jeweller*. Opticians. REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. J. DA. PEREIRA. HORTICULTURIST
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    • 643 3 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shared of £10 each £1.200,000 Reserve Fund «1, 525,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,300,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. National Bank of Scotland. The London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Current
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    • 485 3 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. r*AiD-cp capital *****0000 SKBERVE FUND SterUng Reserve 11.5,000,000 I SiWerßesene 113,800,000/ •*.800,000 leserve Liability of Proprietors 115.000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Hon. Mr. Henry Keswiok.— Chairman. B. Ooeti, Esq.— Deputy Chairman. E. G. Barrett, Esq. 0 R. Lenzmann Esq OustavFriesland, Esq. E. fihellim, Esq.
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  • 833 4 Nanif, port, probable date oj arrival, and name oj Agents STEAMERS. AJrlie. Sydney, Jane 24 Boustead Alicuuto. liarcelouie, June 18 Barlow Antiloubns, China, June 12 W. Mansfield Aroadia, Hongkong, July 2; P.iO. Coy. Aiconia, Colombo, July 8; East Asiatic toy Ayalbia. Bombay. Jane 12; Borneo Coy \-mral Ma;;
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  • 53 4 M. A run ii^iunl. I'lesidcut uf the French Society of Aerial Navigation, has invented an apparatus supplementing the power of vision by artificial devices, based on the employment of electricity. Tl t apparatus, it is claimed, will make it |K>ssil.le to sco immenso distances, possibly from Paris
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  • 87 4 v u uuuouncumcnt lias been lu.ide that coolies will bo recruited to serve as soldiers. According to a mm item from Canton, 90 a lnontli are offered to any one desiring to go but when their service> are actually required their juy is to be increased to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 38 4 HAVE YOU RHEUMATISM P If so. appy Cliaiuburlaiu s Pain Balm. It hai cured others and there is uo reason why it should not euro you. Out- application relieves the pain. For sale by all Dispensaries and dealers.
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    • 702 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bill* of Lading issued tor Chic Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and A m^riov Ports. Steamers will leate Singapore on or au^ut MAIL LINE. Outward {for Chit a). 1908
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    • 692 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HANDEL AND BCHEEPVMRT MY. "BANDJER." BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers of this company maintain a regular service between: Singapore, Soarabaya, Baodjermaain, Pulo Laut. Balik Papan, Koetel. with transhipment at Bandiermasin for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemai, Koita Waringin, Djelai. The steamers have good aooomodation for first and second olas* passenger*. Tom Cam.
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    • 434 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamers of this Company maintain regular servioe between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Peuang and Colombo. Taking cargo at
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    • 716 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM !NAV CO. LTD. pa Th* Companies' steamer* are dospalohed from Liverpool outwards for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan homeward* for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Genoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly. One
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    • 789 4 1 STEAMER BAIUNBB. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial (Wrman Mall Line The fact and well known mail steamers this Company sail fortnightly from Brem Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Souths-. ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonn Marseillea, Naples, Alexandria, and vice veroKi Por Said, Saee, Aden, Colombo, Penac.. Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,
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  • 1329 5 I mikr this h.vltiu the following abbreviation* an ««~l •tr.-«t»*mer nil.— «hip: bq.— barque; arh.— u-u.*.n.,r VoW— tarhi; Cru.— Cruiwr O'ltt.-iiun-boat: Tor.— Tortoio H.p. -Ilone-miwer Brll.— Bntini<: I. M.-Vuitwl St»u«: Feb.— French; (t«r.|l a m>ii Dut.— ftiitrh Ital.— ltalian Span.— Npaniah; H<u.— s*r*w:i» <t i\— »«n«r»l carlo;
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  • 316 5 Powell and Co. May 37 At Bale-room, high-class table electroplated ware, at 11 a.m. 28— At 211 Bencoolen Street, household furniture, at 4 p.m. .In n( I—At1 At Central Police Station, unserviceable Polio- Stores, unclaimed and oonfiHoated property and intestate estate property, etc., at 3-80 p.m. ■J \t
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  • 86 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. Taajoaa PMaaj. East Wiabt Babib— Olenogle, Lady Weld. Eakt W. fiscTioN I— TeeHta, Itinda Ban. 1 (Bhkxbb Wharf):— Nil. Sscriod No. 9 Birocoo, Alcinoun. 3 -Nil. 4 Clan Macintosh. s- Nil 6— Blake, Aohilleo. 7 Dortmund.
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  • 66 5 Fob Pu Bruins Tun To-MOBBOW Muntok and Billiton Speelman 11a.m. P. S'tenham and Penang A'ufmi 1 p.m. Sabak and Djambie Brouwrr 1 p.m. Pontianak Amhent 3 pm. Mnar and Malacca Hainom 3 p.m. Telnk Anson via ports Kinta 8 p.m. Sydney via ports Gulhrif 4 p.m. Thcbsdat. Rhio.
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  • 102 5 From Rrmon— By the N. D. L. s.s. Ki.-.-i. due May 88. From Chwa— By tbs M M. s.s Tarra, doe June 1. TIME TABLI Of MAILS IUS. Singapore Due in Londen Arrived April S4P. 40. May 16 May 16 April 37 N.D 1.. May 30 May
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  • 681 5 Resignation of Senhor Coutlnbo of Macao. An occasional contributor to tho Hongkong Daily Press writes as follows from Macao, on May 17 As none of tbe Hongkong papers seem to have gathered the correct facts, and incidents which occauioned tbe Oovernor of Macao's abrupt departure from
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  • 115 5 An Indian correspondent, writing from Rawalpindi about the management of the Mobmand Expedition, says: The smoothness and noiselessness with which mobilisation is taking place so much so indeed that no visible change has taken place in the routine business of the people is due mainly
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 685 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Line. THE NATIONAL HIOHWAV TO KUKOPK VIA OHINA JAPAN, CANADA and tbs UNITUD BTATEB. Route trom Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotoria and Vanoonver, R.M.B. Kurantn or Ihdu Twtn-sonw atea R.M.B. "Evnuns or
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    • 622 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO.. LTD. Thi steamers of this Company maintain a regular direct servioe between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Cbefoo, Tientsin, Newobwang, Yangtaze Porta, Formosa, the Philippines. <to,, *o. Steaiaeiti Tons Commander KuTßAitn 4,895
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    • 679 5 TENDERS INVITED. GOVERNMENT OF SELANGOR. Tenders will be received at the office of the Secretary to Resident, Relangor, np to noon on th« 15th June, 1908, for renting the undermentioned Farms for tbe period commencing the 16th day of Jnly, 1908, and ending on the Slat day of December, 1909,
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    • 69 5 CHAMBERLAINS PAIN BALM. You will hunt a good while before you find a liniment that is equal to Chaniberlaiu's Pain Balm. In cases of rheumatism and sciatica it relieves the intense pain and makes sleep and rest possible. Soreness of tbe muscles, swellings and lameness are quickly relieved by it,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 61 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hotpital, May 26, 1908. 8 a. M. jS r. m. 8 r. ■.IBduoi," Bar. 83 Fab 29.939 39. »«6 29. «99' Temp 87. S 89.9 1 83.6 I Wet Bulb Ther 80.6 «0.0 79.8 IMr or Wind.. S.W. B.W. calm j Max. Temp 92.0 Mm. 75.8
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    • 157 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Faoa Mat 36 to Jcmz 1.) HIGH WATEB.I|LOW WATER 1 Time |HH 7 ght; Time tt'ght May hrs. mm. jft ins, hrs.min. ft. ins. 1 7.17 am 7.6~ii l.^am, ».8 T"" 00 1 M 1 8.14 pm 7.9 i| 1 49 pro «.S 'J 8.31 am 8.1
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    • 110 5 DAY BY DAY Tuesday, May a 6. High Water. 8-14 p.m. Football. B.C.C. v. R.G A. Deave's Marionnettes. 7-80 p.m. Japanese Cinematograph. 7 .^U p.m Harima Hall. Japanese Magio. 9 p.m. Wednesday, May 27. High Water. 8-31 a.m. 8-64 p.m. Thursday, May 28. High Water. 9-29 a.m. 9-80 p.m Aaoenaion
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  • 397 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. TUESDAY, MAY 26. London met the example of agitating against the increasing noiues of the public streets. There is uot the least doubt that the conditions under which people live in crowded cities nowadays are shattering to the nervous system, and it is not
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  • 543 6 From time to time, we have written id these columns warning the local Chinese against embarking money in some of the projects for building railways in China. This advice was given because we had no faith iv some of the official! who were put iv charge of this work, none
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  • 14 6 A cargo of rice arrived from Bangkok, this morning, by the Norwegian steamer Dovre.
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  • 15 6 An unusually large number of theft cases have been reported to the Police since Saturday.
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  • 40 6 A London cable, of the 17th instant, states that the prices of Japanese 4 and 5 per cent bonds are hardening upon the London market, as the result of a report of the excellent financial position of Japan at present.
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  • 37 6 The Kormosan Government revenue from camphor, during the last fiscal year, is reported to be yen 7,234,297 in total, against the estimate of yen 8,205,580. the excess of the actual revenue over that calculated being yen 1,028,714,660.
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  • 41 6 In couui-ctiun with the -mbmdy tv the Nintii Ourtuan liluyd. uientiouwl io uur pa|ier yuttcrday, it will uot be forguttcu that tli«. KeicliHtag reduced it tv £11,500 sterling, eHniioating the amount for the service of steamers betwees Singapore and New Qur'ea.
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  • 91 6 Madame Diet* having seoazed the services oi Madame Weber, so well known in this city as a skilful 'cello-player, begs to inform the guests of Raffles Hotel and the Singapore public in general that she is starting her concerts at the Hotel on Thursday evening next, the «6th instant- She
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  • 22 6 The Viceroy of Canton has beeu instructed to keep a sharp look out in the city for fear of a rising there.
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  • 14 6 Special instructions have been issued to the Yokohama police to proteot foreigners, especially newcomers.
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  • 24 6 The latest report in regard to the M.itsu si lima disaster is that there were lt;:i per sons on board, of whom 228 perished.
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  • 24 6 A big tire occurred in Old Clothes .Street. Tientsin, on tbe 17th instant, as a result of which more than 600 house.? were destroyed.
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  • 26 6 After their tour in Japan and the North, the Bandmann Opera Company will return to Hongkong on June 2. They will play there for two nights.
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  • 28 6 A New York telegram to the Shanghai Times, dated May 14, States that Wall St. bankers are unwilling to lend Japan money at less than eight per cent.
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  • 26 6 Thirty thousand hop growers 1 I pickers I have assembled at Trafalgar Square. London, and passed a resolution demanding an import duty on all foreign hops.
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  • 29 6 According to Tokio papers, tho Governmont intends to import sheep for breeding purposes. It is said that the import of wool lias been increasing considerably for some years past.
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  • 30 6 The staff ot the Hongkong General Pout Office including that at Kowloon aud the WcHtofti branch consists of 71 staff, clerks, and sorters, and U9 postmen, messengers and launch crew.
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  • 30 6 Au interesting case is .beiug brought iv Shanghai by Browne Burke, a lawyer of Tiontsiu, against the United States Consul, Mr. Ragstlalo, the sum iuvolvod amounting to thirty thousand tuck.
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  • 32 6 The Paklet tramway, Siam, built by tin: Menam Motor Moat Compauy, was opened for traffic ou the lttth iustaul by the Minister of Local Govornmunt. Tho tramway is about I,IXIO metres lung.
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  • 31 6 Ou the P. and O. intermediate slcauior Japan, wbieli arrived from Yokohama, last night, eu ruute to London there are seven Naval Petty Officers Hud 16 trooim, homeward bound from Shanghai.
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  • 36 6 The total uf the savings deposits iv the Japanese Post OfticoH on April :><> was yen 'Ju,808,228, the number of depositors being, ByWTJM. The sum per head thus works out at a little more than yen 10.U7.
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  • 32 6 The directors of the Peak Tramway Company of Hongkong, are nimble to say when work on the new live will be commenced. DiflieultieM have arisen iv connection with the negotiations with Government.
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  • 35 6 Tho KlllK 111 purer of Japan lias beeu pleased to grant yen ;K),UOO to Count Okuiua in view of the proposed extension of the Waseda University in commemoration of the twentyfifth anniversary of its establishment.
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  • 39 6 Vernacular papers state that the recent strike at Hankow, arising out of the prohibition of stall keepers from keeping stalls in the streets, is at an end. It is reported that a number of Japanese merchants are claiming indemnities.
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  • 40 6 Am a result of the Chinese boycott of Japanese goods, shipments of bechedemere. dried prawns, and other marine delicacies are being made from Australia. Reports from Japan state that the trade in these articles is very depressed there just now.
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  • 36 6 Kloctioneering in Japan is tragic. An agent of a candidate, disgusted at the secession of some of his supporters, committed liarakiri. Out of respect to his memory both sides desisted from electioneer ing tho following day.
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  • 45 6 A Chinaman named Tan Chwoe Liiu appeared before the Second Magistrate. Mr. C. F. J. Green, this morning, on a charge of housebroakiug. ami theft of VJ Im. belonging to Koh Ah Lok, of Muar Road. The hearing of the case was postponed till to-morrow.
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  • 42 6 An lndiau, named Mohamed Ismail, has beeu arrested on a charge of stealing five carts of lateritv. valued at 180, and claimed by a contractor named Tajaratrua. The case was mentioned to the Second Magistrate, this morning, and adjourned for a week.
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  • 47 6 His Kxcellency Chan Pik, President of tho Hoard of Posts and Communications, upon learning that the shareholders of tho Chinese Telegraph Company, Lti, are unwilling to part with their holdings in tho Company, has abandoned the proposal to buy in the shares on behalf of the Government.
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  • 62 6 At the Hongkong Magistracy recently. 17 women and three men were charged with stowing away on board the Shinchiku Maru from Japan. Detective Sergeant WUden found the stowaways hiding between the keelson and the lower hold. The men were fined $500 each and the women ISO each, while three of
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  • 70 6 I In 1 nivHtory uf the biimtxl t<nj;;k;in^ lias been discluaud. an the uwuor hah iuforujed tbt) Polioo llittl he liHtdul tin- reHHi'l with I.JHJU casts of benzine at I'ulu Bukuui ami left it in charge of a buy 1111 11 houio tuauuer unkuowc it caught urt and the cargo
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  • 69 6 A Manila contemporary contributes a scorching article on wicked Shanghai and the opium question which is refreshing in hot weather. Such spleen is unfortunate if Manila wivhes to preserve bur good relations with Shanghai and Hongkong. It is easy to be virtuous in one way in Manila, but not so
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  • 483 6 Mr. West, General Manager of the State Railways, British North Borneo, is indisposed. Mr. A. Konseca has returned from loave and assumed duty m Assistant Auditor. Kuala Lumpur. It is understood that Dr. E. N. Graham mot returning to Perak. Dr. D. M. Ford there fore will
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  • 19 6 Three Chinese robbod a Chinaman ul 12.95 in Serangoon Road, near tho Tan Tuck Seng Hospital, ou Saturday night.
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  • 22 6 The return of Imports aud Exports in tin Straits Settlements for the year IUO7, has been issued from the Government PrintiuL' Office.
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  • 28 6 Defamatory articles published by < v liapers. in which foreign firms are montioued, have moved Messrs. Kaspo aud Cuuipauy to institute proceedings for the recovery of damages for libel.
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  • 37 6 The Hoard of Kcveuuc at Peking hu issued instructions to all Provincial Govern ments to discourage the use of sycec shoe* as currency, and to call them in with a iow of minting them into standard coins.
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  • 46 6 Li Yeow was arrey' dd at the Tauk Ituad Itailway Station, on Sunday, at noon, un a charge of picking tho pocket of another Chinaman of a leather [touch containing •2.20. The case was mentioned to tlie Second Magistrate, this morning, and ad journed till Thursday.
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  • 51 6 On arrival at Kobe the steamer Icurus reported the discovery of the crew of the ill fated Wolga, which, it will be remembered, was wrecked some weeks ago on her passage from Yokohama to Kobe. They landed on the Island of Miaca, and have taken passage to Yokohama in a
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  • 84 6 Say» a Hongkuug uontuiii|K>rary I A pouy. formerly used for racing purposes, pruvided some excitement down Wanchai way on Friday by bolting. It was attached to a gharry in which were seated several Chinouc ladies aud gentlemen and, becoming frightc nod when a Ixin of matclic:'. nxploiTod in the liuiiil
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  • 95 6 Three v Jthiul Indian IMsWm iffMMd before tbo Third Magiatrate, this morning, on a charge of housebreaking and theft V the shop of A. brazen and Company, No. Malacca Street, yesterday morning. Two jf them were also charged with fraudulent pobbQe&ion of stolen property, in their quar tore at the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 229 6 Caldbeck Macgregor Co s I^^Jl^^l I EXTRA SPECIAL LIQUEUR WHISKY, «wr« as I CALDBECK MACGRtCORiC? "CHOP RAJAH." m oiu sHoZmsruiMimmnn^ Everywhere. I=l ALHAMBRA CIGAR FACTORY, MANILA. 0 Messrs. John Little Co., I'IUCE LIST OX LIMITED, APPLICATION. arc Sole Aguuts for this Celebrated I 1 Factory for Singapore and F.M.S. It
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    • 289 6 ALHAMBRA To-Night' s Programme. PATHE FREREB BEAUTIFUL PICTURES IN IONJI-ycTION WITH Deave's Marionettes. PROGRAMME. AT 7-30 P.M. 1 Modern Sampson 8 Sea Life in China 8 The Little Chimney Sweeper 4 An Ooouional Porter 5 The Bargee's Daughter 6 Wanderings of a Kloa 7 The peculiar People 6 The Highwaymen
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  • 381 7 FRENCH PRESIDENTS VISIT TO KING EDWARD. Magnificent Reception to the Visitors at Dover. [Redtbe's Tilbobam] London, May 20. Thirteen British battleships, eight cruisers and a swarm of momjuito craft have arrived at Dover to welcome M. Failures, the French President, on the occasion of bis visit to King
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  • 52 7 Congo Responsible for Reduction of Government Majority. tUuTit's Telegram London, May °iC. The rcxiiU of tbr Imlgian elections is jto redugti the Govcrnuuut majority of twelve to eight in the t'lmnbjr uf Representatives. The journals claim that this result is a demonstration ag.iin-t the annexation of tho Congo
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  • 50 7 [Kbdtm's TslioramJ London. May H. A court-martial lvi: been held at St. Petersburg u|«'ii eleven members of the Kcvulutionary Comiuillec. Karl, the leader uf the revolution of IUO.i, aud three others were sentenced to be hanged, aud tho remainder to periods of penal servitude and deportation.
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  • 38 7 |RbTJTM's TSLIORAM.J London, May I he Dominion Government is appointing a Commission to into tho textile industry. The men who arc at present ou strike will resume work pending the result of the enquiry.
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  • 27 7 IRictkb's Telegram] London, May 25. llorr Hardens appeal for a new trial in the Moltko case was granted on a purely technical point.
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  • 27 7 [Dm OaTASUTiscHi Lloyd Telkurah| Berlin, May 20. Continuously stormy weather is being c*l<urktncvd throughout Kuro|x Suow hi 1 1 1 it in Swil/erl.iml
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  • 34 7 'Dm Ostasutiscsi Lloyd TiLiatm Berlin, May 25. Ibfc Cz&r grants ireteia. a postponement of the construction of the Bagdad Railway until tho Helif of Mm »p ml i i if r-'o^cd.
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  • 19 7 Di« OsTututiscHß Lloyd Tuiaux, Berlin, May 26. TtM death ia announced of Larronge, tn< tamaticpoet
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  • 255 7 Royal West Kents Lose a Populai Lieutenant. At the Bukit Timah Road Cemetery yesterday evening, the remains of Lieutenant Baron Hugh Frederick Leir, of the Queen'i Own, Royal West Kent Regiment, who diec earlier in the day from enteric fever, wen laid to rest in
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  • 261 7 Celebrating Feast- Da> or Bishop Barillon. A musical entertainment was held hist evening by the members uf the Miaffapwß Cathuhc Club, at their Club-huuse, iv hououi of the occasion of the Feast- Day ol his Lordship Mishop Carillon. The premises had boon dressed, aud presented a gay
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  • 113 7 Substantial improvements are in progress iv Kling Street, which, at parts, has been the narrowest of any of the much-used streets of the town. A long row of old shops has vow been demolished and is being reconstructed ut some distance back from the present roadway border.
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  • 205 7 Those who wish a couple of hours diversion after dinner cannot do better than pay a visit to the Alhambra Cinematograph, where a novelty has been introduced in the programme. Besides a well-seleojed scries of living pictures, the management have secured the services of tho Heave's Marionettes, and
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  • 79 7 i If I had gone into the house, I would havt stolen something, explained a Chinaman whe was charged with criminal trespass it another Chinaman's house, before the Thirc Magistrate, Mr. E. E. Cohuan, this morning Accused admitted that he had, recently come out of gaol,
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  • 54 7 CHIRCH PARADES THROUGHOUI THE EMPIRE, I A Grand Review at Sydney. I |Rbutbk's Teleuramj r London, May 26. Church parades in celebration of Empire 3 Day were general throughout England, Aust ralia, Canada and New Zealand. i The Earl of Xorthcote, Governor-General of the Commonwealth, reviewed three tbou-
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  • 142 7 Two Thousand Children Assemble on the Esplanade. 1 (Fkom Ouk Own Cokkksponuen'T.) I'enang. May 26, 10.10 a.m. Empire Day was celebrated in Penang. yesterday, in a right royal fashion. Tho I'en.iug Cadet Corps and the pupils of the Anglo-Chinese Free School aud of the St. Xavier's School,
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  • 48 7 Death of an Employe of the Raman Tin Company. iFkoji Ouk Own ONHMMnJ I'euaug, May 26, 10.10 a.m. The death occurred lost night of Mr. David Fyfe, of the Wamaii Tin Compauy at the age of twenty-seven years. The cause of death was typhoid fever.
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  • 230 7 Absolute Dearth of Ready Money in the Country. An advertisement appears iv the Malay Matt with reference to the Selangur Government calling for tenders for the General Farms. The present Farms, says uur contemporary, have only been held since January, and it is understood that tho Farmer
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  • 89 7 Hundreds of Natives Killed in Sharp Encounters. Colonel Swart, tho Governor of Celebes, who has been appointed to bo Governor of Acheen. has made short work of the rebellion in Sumbawa island. Hundreds of the rebels fell in different engagements. Troops then marched all over the island
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  • 150 7 Speaking at the annual May meeting of the Religious Tract Society. Professor Alexander Macalister, who lectured in Singapore some months ago, referred to the establishment of schools throughout China for the teaching of Western knowledge. He said one of the great needs of China is more
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  • 48 7 I No less than 15,097 kin of pineapple a valued at- yen 270, which wan produced ii Hozan, in booth Formosa, wete exportec from Apping to the opposite coast lajat month i, It is Mid that the production this year i> expected to be great.
    48 words
  • 1147 7 r CONDEMNATORY REFERENCES TO ACTION OF GOVERNMENT. Serious Question for Landowners. We have received the following letter for publication To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singaporo, May 23. Sir, After all, Government has suspended section 15 of the Registration Ordinance Have they studied properly this serious question
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  • 403 7 Fully- Laden Wagon Collides with Lamp- Post. An alarming accident occurred at St. James's level crossing of the Singapore and Pasir Panjang Railway about half-past four o'clock, yesterday afternoon, and the halfdozen men concerned in it may deem themselves extremely luck; in escaping injury, if not, indeed
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  • 190 7 Protest by Hongkong Chamber of Commerce. The following resolution was passed uuauimousl- by the Committee of the Hongkong 'hbinbcr of Commerce, at a meeting held un Saturday May 16: The Committee of the Chamber record their strong protest against any arbitrary orders from the Imperial Government to
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  • 44 7 The International Conference on Traffic iv Arms and Ammunition in Africa, silting at Brussels, is discussing the extension of the zone of prohibition to the Kcd Sea and the Persian Gulf. Turkey is especially advocating its extension to the Gulf.
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  • 49 7 During the mouths of -January to April, l'ahang exported piculs 10,847.66 of tin and tin ore, as compared with piculs 10,462.93 in the corresponding period of last year, an increase of piculs 384.73. The duty paid was »65,059.72, as compared with 188,370.57, a decrease of 428,310.85.
    49 words
  • 67 7 Following is the result of work at Raub I for the four weeks ending tho i'ird instant Hi km Koman. Stone crushed, 3,555 tons i Gold obtained, 771 o/s.; Average pur ton, (.33 dwt. Bckit Malacca. Stone crashed. 1,925 tons; Gold obtained, 150 ozs.; Average per ton,
    67 words
  • 129 7 The other day, a fire brukc out iv out of the coolie lines on the eaUk. •>{ the Bikain Rubber Syndicate, Sungkai. Mr. Crea well, the Acting Managor. immediately on discovering tho fire, made his way as quickly as possible to tbo 1in0.,, where he
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  • 221 7 LEADERS FOR THE DAILY MAIL CHALLENGE CUPS. Malay States Guides Take Sixteenth Place. [Rbctbb's Tblboram] London, May -b. Six hundred and twelve Kifle Clubs at Homo and in the Colonies participated in the competition for the Daily Mail Kmpire Hundred Guinea Challongo Cup and the two fifty-guinea cups
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  • 474 7 Precautions Against the Predatory Domestic. Turning to mutters of interest uearcr home than the outlook iii Hongkong, we should invite the attention uf our readers for mouieut tv the following shrewd obucrvutiun by Colonel Bruce, the respected Captain Superintendent of Police, in his report to the Council on
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  • 154 7 Strong rumours arc in the air uf impending changes in the .Medical Department, says tbo Perak Pioneer. Its Federation, it it* reported, is to be brought into effect at an early date. At first, it was auticipatod that Dr. McDowell, P.C.M.O. of the Straits Settlements, and Inspector
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  • 83 7 On December 1, 1907, a new system, inaugurated by the Post Office of tho Strait.-. Settlements, was introduced into Hongkong for the purpose of providing illiterate coolie.s with a mean., of taking their savings back to China by means of money ordors payable to bearer witbont any
    83 words

  • 1256 8 IN MEMORY OF GERMANY'S HOME MISSION FOUNDER Appreciative Biographical Sketch. (From Odr Own Cokrksponurnt.) Hamburg, April 80. It was a hundred yearn on the 21st inst. that one of Hamburg's noblest hoos. Johann Wichern. the founder of the Rauho Haus. aud ono of thu foremost organisers of Home
    1,256 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 644 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Singapore, May 25. Sir,—It is high time something more than a feeble wail is uttered with reference to the Street Noises of Singapore, about which you wrote some time ago. in the locality of the Hotels where Enropeans live in numbers,
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  • 83 8 The Java Government has directed inquiries to be made into what fibres are produced in that island useful in the textile industry and in paper-making. The Department of Agriculture are con ductioß ks investigation to find out which of these fibres are mutable for the market as
    83 words
  • 73 8 j It was reported recently that some Chinose merchants at Nagasaki were in financial difficulties. The Nagasaki Press now reports that an arrangement bag been made whereby those involved pay twenty per cent, of their liabilities now and the remainder in eleven instalments during the next five
    73 words
  • 1528 8 Notes in General The shooting competition for the Warren Shield will take place at Kuala Lumpur on Whit-Monday. Usually, firing in thin event has taken place on the ranges belonging to the respective competitors, and the new departure, namely, for the whole of the competitors to fire on
    Daily Mail  -  1,528 words
  • 263 8 From tho office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, in India, s copy of the twenty-third annual report of the National Association for Supplying Female Medical Aid to the Women of India, has been received. Better known perhaps as the Countess of Dnfferio's Fund, the report
    263 words
  • 128 8 Pepper-growers in Indo-China now bewail the evils of ovor- production. The industry wax in a low condition a few years back, until pepper from the Colony was allowed preferential customs rates in Franco. Preferential treatment did wonders md the output rose from 288 French tons n 1883 to
    128 words
  • 151 8 Final List of Subscriptions Towards the Fund. The following is the final list of nubscrip tion* towards the Destitute Stranger's Aid Fund, which has been forwarded to us by the Rov. J. A. Gray, M.A., Hon. Treasurer:— Mr. K. Farrnr-Baynes tlO Mr. J. Winter Mr. K. O. van
    151 words
  • 151 8 Invention by American Student of Chinese. The translation of Chinese characters and all they mean by the use of a machine is the latest wonderful invention that is occupying the time of professors in tho United States. The inventor, Donald H. Miller, a student of Chinese, is
    151 words
  • 78 8 Prices, for the fortnight beginning May 20, 1908, of cultivated rubber on which export dnty is leviable vn ad valorem basis, under the Customs Duties Enactment, are given bblow. Duty will be assessed in the States of Perak, Selangor and Negri Sembilan in accordance with these prices
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 412 8 ALHAMBRA BEACH ROAD. TO-NIGHT Deave's Marionettes. The Finest Marionette Show Ever Produced in the East. BOAKD AND RESIDENCE One large room, suitable for n married rotipl* or two taoLelorrf, and one smnll room, at Cambo Honnc, River Valley Bond. 11 -li AUCTION SALE Of THK STOCK IN TRADE, SHOP FITTINGS
      412 words

  • 569 9 RENTALS AND COST OF LIVING COMPARED. Mr. Wilbur T. Uracey. Vnited States Con hiil at Tsinntau. makes an interesting state mmi relative to the increased cost of living in the Far East. He says The cast of living in China has increased considerably during the last few
    569 words
  • 444 9 Sentenced to Imprisonment for Disobedience. I n the Mariue Court at FTongfrrMg nee jtly, Captain A. W. SfaafWOß, m MM steamer Clan MaiMillan. pio->cciited lour of Hi iiiifii, all UmHi 'or continue'! wilful diaobedieoM to his lawful commands since Kn 18, in Hnngkouy harbour. The prosecutor stated that,
    444 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 348 9 Date of form* ion Capital I BabaorilMd I Nambu Shaft bm Paid Vain* aplo Shan* Unlanxd Company QoorinoM 1003 $800,000 i $300,uW 1907 $300,000 MIS.OOO 1901 MOO.OOO $600,000 1903 £400,000 £360,000 1907 MOO.OOO 1375,000 1901 £60,000 £60,000 1906 £100,000 £100,000 1905 IIW.OOO >99,000 1906 £110,000 £110,600 1906 £30,000 £30.000
      348 words
    • 359 9 1906 £150,000 £124,125 jj*'^ 1906 1200,000 1104,000 10,600 1804 £80,000 £16,160 J'°°°, 1908 £70,000 £61,000 61^000 1906 •150,000 |ltS,OOO 1f,600 1904 £12,000 £10,«00 1906 £76,000 £66,000 wioOO 1906 £810,000 £243,2*7 }JJ'^g 1906 £180,000 £160.000 180,000 1907 £820,000 -j £201.500 1906 M 76.000 175,000 f *JJ 1906 1250,0"-: »>36.000 21,500
      359 words
    • 208 9 1894 £4.377.10.0! 44,90* 7,889 11/6 1898 Hm.oll »J15.00> 4.500 |M Ist] ttt mo.'.iK) ll),o<W,'Jo; 12 I.OJJ «1M 1304 U.00.00i W.«03.03J 1 «;SoO 1100 1893 ii.ooi.jiw MMM J;|JjJJ j JJ^ 190! i »ii«, 000 MMM 110 ISM WS.OM IMMN i[ Jj l^ 1908 1600.0 JJ i lit J.I)) ij|oOO 110
      208 words
  • 274 9 Sinoapou, May 28, 1608. PRODUCE. Oambier buyers I 7.05 do (Cube No. 111 1 unpicked 10.60 Copra Bali 6.70 do Pontiacak 6.25 Pepper, Black 11.25 do White 6% buyers 19.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 8.02* do Brunei No. 1 2.95 Pearl Sago 8.90 Coffee Bah", picked 36.00 Coffee, Palembang, 20%
    274 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 66 9 If you have friend-, or relative* in bad In ;i!th. you can do tlx.-m uo mere timely service thau to till tin in oi the value of Steams' Wine. It is a true tonic, and builds up thr -yitem by a«.-istinK the body to make full use •i the food
      66 words
    • 238 9 TO STRAITB PLANTERS. A planter iv C«ylou desires a situation as AssUuu.l ca rakbM estate in the Straits. Has had experience in opening op land for rubber. Would accept a small salary to begin with, if prospects are good. Addreß* HARDWORKING, c/o POWELL AND CO.. Singapore u9(H TO TAPIOCA CULTIVATORS.
      238 words
    • 26 9 PILSENER BEER KEY BRAND IMPORTBD SINCfc i»7» Vw^fl^aC T "ojJ^sSw BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. fcM ««uiM «itMt m +m tw Uk*. BEHN MEYER Co. Ltd. ■•I. laMran
      26 words
    • 172 9 WASSIAMULLASSOMULU Co. INDIAN STORE, 2. 3 and 4, High Street. o NEWLY UNPACKED: A large consignment ot SILKS, JEWELLERY AND CURIOS OF THE BEST QUALITY. Clearing at Reduced Prices. 9 Inspection Invited. pj CJT T7T^.O X7 (S^4s2 MTT \C You are not satisfied with the milk you ape using at
      172 words

  • 512 10 WHERE PROBLEMS ARE BETTER SOLVED. Suggestions for Local Municipal Commissioners. Mr. R. H. Schauffler. in the World's Work for May, points out certain things that Germany can teach us. One is the elimination of ugliness. For instance Street advertising is almost entirely confined to pillars at street-corners,
    512 words
  • 180 10 It is claimed for the Matoppos in Southern Rhodesia, the hill-top on which Cecil Rhodes sleeps, that it possesses the healthiest, most invigorating air in the world. Apart from the pure, strong tableland air, the surrounding scenery is most impressive. The place, with its
    180 words
  • 94 10 A curious MM of an elephant which seems to have had a strange appetite for stones was laid before the Zoological Society by Dr. A. Smith Woodward. Out of the elephant's stomach were taken low stones, weighing altogether 7 lb. 18 oz. They were chiefly of quartzite, and
    94 words
  • 95 10 The China Times says A rumour—or would suggestion be a better term is goicg the round of Tientsin in reference to the succession to the Inspectorship-General of the Imperial Chinese Maritime Customs. Perhaps it is merely an expression of the antagonism shown by several interests to the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 503 10 INSURANCE Companies LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £3.380,000 Paid up Capital 338.000 Reserve Fund £1,664,068 The undersigned, Agent* for the Company are prepared to aooept fir* risks at ourreni rate* of premium. BOU6TEAD Co.,— Atmts. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE AND LIFE. TOTAL FUNDS £18,600,000. tu übur im
      503 words
    • 582 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE 8 SALE. At Mosbrs. H. L. Coghlan k Co.'s Sale-rooms, Wednesday, May 29, at ~>.30 p.m. k'.\ ttat piece of Land situate in the District of Upper Mandai, comprised in Government Lease Nr 1474 far 999 year*. Arei 20 acre*. 12 po!-.s. Quit rant 56.30. H.
      582 words
    • 54 10 PAIN IN THE BTOMACH. It is most annoying, as well as disagreeable, to be troubled with pains in the stomach, and there is no need of it, for one dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will allay the pain. Try it once and be convinced. For sale by
      54 words
    • 591 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE* SALE. On Wednesday, May 27, at 2.30 p.m. Freehold Land and House known as No 528, OH Gaylang Road area]: 6,560 square feet G. A. Fernandez V Co, 1124 Auctioneer*, Surveyors, eta MORTGAGEES BALE. On Wednesday, May 27, at 2.30 p.m. Freehold Land and Hnuw known
      591 words
    • 605 10 BALES BY AUCTIONMORTGAGEES SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. NO. 5. DEVONSHIRE ROAD, At Messrs. H. L. Coghlan and Co.'s Sale rooms, Wednesday, May 27, at 2.30 p.m. All that piece of Freehold Land situate in the District of Claymore, being part of Grant No. >, having an estimated area
      605 words
    • 317 10 SALES BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEE'S SAIE 0* valuable Ireeuold land asd house property, sitcate at kampongblhrd road and -ilat road, singapore. To be held at Powell and Co.'s Sale room. On Tuesday, fmm 2, at 2.!J0 p.m., Vsloablo Freehold Land, area :11 acre*, 19$ poles oomprised is Government. Grant No. Jl.
      317 words

  • 823 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. Good, Better and Best Cars. There are ho many good cars, so many better car*, aud so many best cars to pick and chouse from, that it is no easy matter for a novice to choose his motor-car, says a writer in
    823 words
  • 171 11 A Penang Complaint. A correspondent who signs himself Thoughtful, has written to the Pinang Gazette an follows It seems that the rules for the regulation of traffic through thoroughfares are not strict enough, especially those relating to the driving of motor-cars." That a good many folks who own and run
    171 words
  • 103 11 The Speed Bogey. Nobody could equal him at ncorcliitg. He'd been before the beak several times and been fined, and now be had to appear again. You've been at it again with that car of yours, have you snapped the magistrate. Such people as yon are a danger to the
    103 words
  • 109 11 Road Hogs in Ceylon. The following letter appeared in a recent issue of a Ceylon exchange above the signature lipcountry We have to be thankful that at last a road hog has been laid by the littls and fined rupees 100 or three months. Those who use those motor machines
    109 words
  • 45 11 On Guard. Yes, I sleep in the garnet now and the chauffeur sleeps in the honse. What's that for? Tbe chauffeur is troubled with insomnia, and the midnight rides he took in my oar io order to pass away the time were altogether too expensive.
    45 words
  • 43 11 The Department of Commerce aud Labonr in Washington ban compiled statistics which show that 213 automobiles, valued at $858,809, were exported from America in February of this year, while in February, 1907, there were but lfil oars exported, which were valued at 1801,240.
    43 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 308 11 MOTOR CARS. NOW IN STOCK. ARGYLLS THE CELEBRATED SILENT 14-16 s DE LUXE. Adams Hewitts. Rovers. ON VIEW AT CUAIU DAAM <£3 14 --'< i4 aD(I !♦'•*•&>. Orchard Road OIIUWW IIIfVIWI (Two Doors from Cold Storage Depot). Dunlop Motor Tyres. "NON-SLtfS" (GROOVED) AND "ORDINARY (PLAIN) HEAVY TYRES STOCKED IN ALL
      308 words
    • 217 11 Stkakss" Hkadachk Ccrk delights all who use it. It is so nioe to takr, and acts so promptly and pleasantly. Cures all kinds of headache*. |Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements t Reduction in Prices THE BORNEO CO., LTD. MOTORS MOTORS MOTORS Strolls Motor enrage synd. 3,
      217 words
    • 372 11 Local Motor Car Agencies. \tract from The Motor' A Swett-Punnlng CtP. by Henry Sturaey. j Ltd fte opportanitv mUm lgQ of ft gholt ruQ Qa the new 14 h.p. Biddeley. The chasuis, for a four cylinder oar, i. CinnCl C V extremely cimple, and I uas greatly (truck with it.
      372 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 451 12 Scale of Charges. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— MIsoeIIcosons Wants of Every Description, House*, eke., to Ist, an Inserted at the following |S)tSI One Insertion 1.80 per Inch. Two i-OO Three 8.80 8_ I" Din* 1.40 Twelve 7.80 Twenty tire 10.00 (Each subsequent month M per Inob.) The above rate is based upon
      451 words
    • 549 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Bins few L— os* or two i_«rtio_, tl.oo Bj th« inch, ih Seal* ot 01— rg_-STORE-KEEPER WANTEO. Wanted, an experienced Chinese Produce Store keeper. Apply to C. S. P., c/o Straits Times. C 960 BOARD ANO LOOGING WANTEO. One cr two rooms. Stale terms. Apply E. J. H.,
      549 words
    • 625 12 rO BE LET OB SOLD. Bins:— Foot Llom, on* or two l_sillu_, fl. Bf the Inch, Seal* of ChaigM. ROOM TO LET. Room suitable for Married Couple or two Bachelors. Apply Eden Hall, Nassim Road. 0 011 OFFICE ANO GODOWN TO LET. No. 95, Robinson Road. Moderate rent. Apply to
      625 words
    • 547 12 FO BE LET OR SOLO. lUTI Fo«r Linn, out ot two Inwrtion ft JOB By th« inch, see seal* of eha r~». HOUBE TO LET. No. 4, Mount Rosie. Apply Raffles Hotel. HOUSE TO BE LET. No. 1, Oxley Road, to be let. Apply Meyer Brothers. 1149 OOMPOUND HOUSE TO
      547 words
    • 606 12 ARTICLES FOR SALE. Kat~ Four l.inea. one or two iiuertiona. »l.ou By the task, >«• Scale of Charge*. RUBBER EBTATE FOR BALE. About 190 acres fully planted, about 3,000 urees ton years old. Option to take up 1,000 acres more good land adjoining. For particulars, apply to H. Abrams, Orchard
      606 words
    • 511 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES Bin lit M ah, r.i per iach. Sabi*qa*n: month i ts. <r iborttr p«rl<xti M* 8C&1( A CfaUgM. NOTICE. Will tbe lady i to took, by mistake, a cloak from the cloal rOMBI at Raffles Hotel on Saturday night, Itaj 16. kindly return same tc THE MANAGER, UH
      511 words