The Straits Times, 11 May 1908

Total Pages: 13
1 13 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times NO. 22.647. SINGAPORE. MONDAY. MAY 11. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 404 1 ASK THE MAN WHO DRIVES A DE DION Letter from a customer who has just bought an 8 h.p. DE DION With reference to the small B h.p. de DION I bought from Mr. Hatchell (Chief Police Officer), and which he had been driving about nine months, you will note
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    • 45 1 CALEDONIAN HOTEL 77. Brims liosnh Road, Singaporeline Brightest and Healthiest Resort io the City. Hotel Porter in uniform meets all Botta and Trains. Pure and 'Z^mSsL Wholesome ASAHI BEER. Of all Dealers. Wholesale ouly from THE MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA, THE DAI NIPPON BREWERY COMPANY. LTD.
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    • 130 1 Robinson and Company. $WeCts and ifovEr Chocolates Frequent fresh supplies are received from this celebrated Regent Street Hrm of Confectioners. Otl^|% K^it%ttta>t+£ e^ wit^ Fuse's Best Chocolates. wish namper> A Most AccepubU Presmt A FRESH SUPPLY RnmiKMl I m just received. KUdINoUN UU. Piants, Flowers. A Basket of Beautiful ROSES
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    • 235 1 ADELPH I HOT EL. ™^K 8 r L THE ONLY HOTEL IN SINGAPORE UNDER ENGLISH MANAGEMENT. Anglo-French Cuisine English Cleanliness Home Comf.-.rts Moderate Terms I GUEST NIGHT EVERY SATURDAY. Special Dinners and Tiffins every day daring Race Week, and M Saturday uext. May 16. by general request, "THE KING'S DINNER,"
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    • 143 1 NOTICE. I: is hereby notified tbat the Exchange Bauks I will be closed ou Tue-iUy, Mny \>.\ at qoou, Kace I'a\ r- Thursday, Ma\ 14.) 1022 TO TAPIOCA CULTIVATORS. Excellent opportunity is offered to ClucestCapitalist to undertake the planting and tnami facture of Tapioca on about 6CO acres of laci
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  • 1304 2 EARTHQUAKES AND MOUNTAIN FORMATION. The Old Theory and the New In ti:e P/oceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Professor I, .f. J. See, U.S.N., the astronomer, has published a pa] er on tbe new theory ot earthquakes and mountain formation as illustrated by processes now at work in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 479 2 Electric Motor Cars are not more silent when running than H UMBERS. For SIMPLICITY RELIABILITY and ELEGANCE These Cars are unrivalled. 16 have been sold locally and every one of them is giving complete satisfaction. A recent testimonial says I have completed 25,000 miles on a Coventry Humbei aud Car
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    • 116 2 f*FOH LADIESM rJORETtHOMLE'S'APIOL" i* the mott tur* rimed? agtlntt tit* Sicknett, and othtr tffectt earned fey Mm dtlay of th» rtgultr periods. StoPlW.ftin.iettJlo.S^Hoaort.PmiS FIR^REHISTISG COOL A DURABLE CHf ftPCST o* THC hixt dujjpliod iii Bo!L« 3 24 yd«. l 13 Ltd I V^Wynr^W These tiny ASi^^^^aFA Capsules superior ViTllß^S^r to
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    • 157 2 Maura. O. J. Hit mi* 4, Co 6.» io ottmr thmlv nfrim as AGENTS IN fN UNO C*/(6»«A«W Im Ihmr mavm m thorough mmmmrlmmfmm •< IM* mmrkmlm. mmm' mxmmrlmnom *t Emmlmrn rmqulrmmmntm. Th* hmmdm mt tmm Hum »/r» mar mortal •«/p«r»/«/on la mtl mmmlmamm. and with cml Mmm Inrtfa thoaa
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    • 410 2 W Fussell s GREEN BUTTERFLY BRAND Fresh Cows Milk IN STERILIZED TINS Recently Analysed, gave 371 Cream. A DUTCH M,!k shewed 2 3?.. A GERMAN M.IL produced 2 6',. The Recognised MINIMUM is 3 Insist, therefore, on Fissell's Norwegian MUk. Pint Tins and "Travellers" ;ize (one-man rations). £k Keep your
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  • 466 3 PROPERTY IN BRITISH NORTH BORNEO. Report of Tenom Rubber Company Tlr auuual report of the Tenom (Borneo! Rubber Company, states that during 1907 a further area of seventy acres was felled, and .'hhi acres were planted making at the close of the year and as tbe result of
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  • 223 3 The utterances of Mr. H. K. Rutherford are always valuable, and when, at tlieSeaneld Company b meeting he spoke upon the generally accepted price of rubber collection in Malaya, the shareholders were considerably interested. He remarked that (or somo reason the cost was generally accepted
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  • 268 3 A new wheel has been invented by Mr. Frederick Wicks which may prove a more important substitute for rubber than the synthetic bogies, which have so alarmed some people. The component parts of the Wick's wheel are of steel, and he claims to present for the
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  • 373 3 At the -tatutory meeting of thiß Company, held on April 1:1, Mr. Frank Copnman, who presided, said One is uot surprised that these estates have met with considerable favour ..lii-i, one L" ars in mind that they were planted up by experienced planters who had been
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 770 3 A MATRON of the Y.W.C.A. HOME ifHi *^W_>* /if "-F Neuritis, Lassitude, Neuralgia— Almost everyone h;is known tliat feeling of re! ef and thankfulness when they have ti.und tomaoiM who OnW l)e '.ii-er.hd :tpou' without doubt or disappointment, whoso word can !>e accepted unquestionably well that is wiiat ilie writers
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    • 863 3 Siobinson *Piano (80., Jbta. MANUFACTURERS TT Ql AUfIC OF THE CELEBRATED tAft rIANIIO. PRICES: $350 AND $450. Specially Adapted for TROPICAL CLIMATES. A'.-o, Importers ot tho renown.-J makfs STEINWAY. BECHSTEIN. BRINSMEAD. HAAKE BABY GRAND. WINKELMANN BABY 6RAND And THE RACHALS AUTO PIANO, lTh Second- hand Pianos from $200. Pianos on
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  • 116 4 Assistance Sought to Avert French Domination. A heavily capitalized Japanese coiuuicrcial company has just begun business at Hanoi. It is a pioneer venture which has had un expected political results, uwint; to the beadn of thu conceru haviu^ received lettcm from prominent Tonkiuct>c, asking the help of
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  • 171 4 Directors Authorised to Sell the Company. At an uMraui'diuary geucral meeting of the Cowic Harbour Coal Company. Limited, held at Winchester House, on April 14. a resolution was passed to the effect that the directors be authorised to treat with certain tirins iv I. melon aud China,
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  • 87 4 There are now 271 I'enny Savings Kauks iv operation in (ilas^ow ami the West of Scotl.iud which ackii'iwleil^c the Glasgow Savings Bank as the parent institution. The value of those minor banks is very threat, uot ouly iv baenlotkittu the virtuo of thrift in childhood,
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  • 108 4 Passengers Outward. l'tr I', aud O. stcatuor Namur, duu May 14 M.s. K. J. Ueujatiei.l and cliild, Mrs. K. N. I v jatii'ld and children. Miss N. Sal/manu, Mrs. A. Norman and child. Mr. A. P. Griffin, Mr. W. A. R. Wood, Mr. A. l.indley, Mr. W.
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  • 29 4 By tin Si lauyor, eaptnin W. Co\, May 'J. Pnaal Telok Ajaagsj via aori*: Jlr. K. A, Suiitli. Mi. Tiive. Mr. C. !>. C.ttdrw. Mr Aslibury, aud Mr. Lowe.
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  • 117 4 (tao« .>hn 11 to May 17.) The above is Singapore Btaadanl Time to obtain Mean Time, subtract live tninutee from the time given in the tables. HIGH WATER. LOW WATEF Inn.- U'chi Time H'gbl hr» mm. ft ion bin mm ft in* Mo.NDit 11 J 7 9pni
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  • 104 4 From Ecaora —By tbe N. D. 1., s.s. I'rm/ ■Moiieb, dne Msy 14. From Cbi.ii-By tbe M. M. s.s. Ausiralieu, due May 18. Ml April April April April April April So M May Mk .Dgapore i.ii 10 P. X O. It N.D. L. 16 B. 1. 20
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 75 4 AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER MAN S EXPERIENCE WITH DIARRHOEA. Mr. S. <;. Mathers, publisher ol t'lirouklo. Normantown, Queensland, says Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und I Marrhoua ltemedy completely cured me of ehrooic dysentery from which I had suffered for years. 1 feel tmtiilont that this remedy also saved the life of my infaut
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    • 719 4 STEAMER BAIUNBB. p. a?o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penan*, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Portj, Plymouth and London Through Bill* at Lading Issued tor Cbinn Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and American Ports. Stsamsrs arill leave Singapore on or abom MAIL LINE. Outward {for C'Mna;. 19C8 Arcadia May
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    • 726 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. (HANDEL MID ttHEEWURT MY. BANDJER. BANDJERMASIN. The Steamers ot this oompacy maintain a regular servioe between:— Singapore, Sourabaya. Bandjermaiin, Polo Lant, Balik Papan, Koetai, with transhipmeot at Bandjermasfn for Sampit, Mandawai, Koemal, Kotta Waringin, Djelai. The steamer* have good aooomodation for first and second elaa* passengers. Ton Cm.
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    • 457 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. i HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. The steamer* of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and tbe Straits, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg and onoe a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking
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    • 632 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAV.CtI.LTD. Tax steamers of this Company maintain a regular direct servioe between Calcutta, Straits, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking oargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Chefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtsze Ports, Formosa, tbe Philippines, Ac, Ac. Steamers Tons Commander Kutsaito 4,896 R. C.
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    • 791 4 STEAMER MILINBB. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOTD. Imperial Herman Mall Line. The tsist and well known mail steamers of this Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Boathamp ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonnr.:. Marseilles, Naples, Alexandria, and vice v, r.- Por Said, Sues, Aden, Colombo, Penau--, Singapore, Hongkong,
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  • 787 5 S'.'.nr, pirt, proltable date of arrival, and name, of Aqmts. STEAMEKS. .t.'bill.H, 'bum. May M| W. Mmhucl.l Airlie, Hydney, .luui> 24 Bonutoad Alcinons, China M»\ 2.1; W Mansfield Anuloohux. Ciinii .him- lt| W. Mansfield Arcadia, Colombo, May 22 P. *O. Coy. Australian), Kni^.u. May 18; M. Maritime* Ayatbia,
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  • 82 5 Wharves at which VeueU are Berthed To-day. t»«jo«re Ktxi Wauat Bism Olenogle. Kin W. Saonoa I— ltaura. Taroba, A. Apcar. Saci. 1 (Bbubs Whim): N, I Bioiiu* No. 9 Paum. Cardigannhir*. t Laugdali-. Nil. 6— Marud", Tyileu*. I— Tjiboda* 8— Japan, Yorck. i.
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  • 1167 5 UNDia Iliti baailing tlia (oUowilK ahhraTi.uluna an u*d atr.— Mwnn ah.— ahlp; hq.— harqua nob.— ■clioonar; Yet.— Yacht; Cru.— c'nitaar Ci'bt.—Ounooat; Tor.— Tornado H.p.— Horaa-powar Brit.— ttritiah; I. X.— United Mutes; Feb.— Franeh Oer.— lorroun Hut. —Dutch; It d.— ltalian; Span.— Mp.iuiib. Sar. -Sarawak U.c— Uauaral carao
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  • 250 5 Countess Claims Damages from an American General. Major Uiueral John Rrooke, retired, of the I.S. Army, lias been awarded judgment by the United States Supreme Court in the long pending claim of the Countess of Buena Vista, otherwise known as Dona Maria Fran cinca O'Keilly. The Countess
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  • 91 5 In official quarteni, in Canton, it is stated that, iv view of the fact that European countries anticipated a conflict between China and Japan as the result of the Tatsu Maru II case, the Peking Government has wired all particulars relating to the case to
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  • 78 5 Fob P»a Hiuuk 1 im To-Hoaao* Palembang Ban Yon-i Seng noon Palembang Ophir 1 p.m. Muar and Malacca Hong Wan Ip.m. F. Swettenham, Peuaug Omaper* 1 pro Muar and Malacca Huinam 3 p.m. Sarawak RajahofSarawaki p.m Pontianak Amhertt 3pm P. Swettenham wa ports Poll Ann 3 p.m H'ongk,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 Why uxr painful and inconvenient inj«vi, on w In ii METHYIOID*. takcu inti'i uiilly. m much Utter for i-atairliMt affectioiiH ot tho urinary tract? Mi'lhyloid* urn' tWUI ri-sults in a few hours and cure completely in a short time. t an not cause stricture as injections often i do Piice
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    • 617 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C P R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mall Steamship Line. l'Hr. NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA CHINA JAPAN. CANADA and UM UNITED STATES Route from Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Sea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Viotorta and Vaooonver. i.M.B. "KapßKiin ur Inuu" 1 Twin eorew ateart.M.B. "KarpacHH
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    • 544 5 STEAMER SAILINGSOCEAN STEAM SHIP CO., LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL STEAM NAY CO. LTD. a Ths Companies' rtwunnn an du»i»Kjhed from Liverpool outwards for the Btnita, China md Japan every week, and from Japan homerards for Louden, Amsterdam and Antwerp j»erv fortnight and for Oenoa, Maneillea and Liverpool moutbly. One outward
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    • 466 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. KY7K. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. LTD A regular FORTNIGHTLY gervloe It maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN-SCREW STEAMERS, Under Mail Contract with the Imperial Japaneae Government, specially designed for the Company* European Servioe, lighted throughout by Electrioity, provided with excellent aooommodation for First and
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    • 211 5 AUCTION SALES. Powell and Co. May 13 At Saleroom, cinematograph machine and accessories, films, talku.g machine and records, etc., at 11 a.m. 18— At No. 340, North Bridge Road, valua ble pineapple machinery and appurtenances, together with the goodwill. at 230 p.m. 19— At Sale-room, valuable trade-mark, the property of
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 178 5 DAY BY DAY Monday, May 11. High Water. 7-69 p.m. Corrick Family. Memorial Hall. 9 p.m. Prize distribution. Angio-Chinese Free Sohool. 11-30 a.m. Alhambra Cinematograph 7SO p m Japanese Cinematograph. 7-30 p.m. Harima's Cinematograph. 7-80 p.m Tuesday, May la. High Water. 734 a.m. 835 p.m First day's Races. Wednesday, May
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  • 22 6 Sladkes.— At Woodnide," Crowthorue, Berkshire, on May 6, the beloved daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. F. Butler Madden aged nine months,
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  • 666 6 The Straits Times. PRICK 10 CENTS. MONDAY, MAY 11 We publish iv another ooluuiu a metnor andura drawn up by the Planters of Malaya as the result of two meetings held at Kuala Lumpur. The momorandnm deals with the proposals adepted at a meeting of the Malaya Section of the
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  • 455 6 Sir Hubert ll. u I I n -.p. i.h d, n, „t Uiu liiucm' Imperial Maritime Custom*, arrived iv Sin u.ii ion.'. >x->tcriliiy afternoon, homeward bound, on board of lliu Gemma mail 'ituamur Yorck. Ouly three times rim lie look mcr the command of the tliuu small civil ineffectual Chinese
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  • 12 6 The body of a Chinaman was found iv the river on Saturday
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  • 13 6 From Bali. 667 pigs arrived, on Saturday, hy the German steamer Kwong Eng.
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  • 14 6 A cargo of coal arrived from Kuchinotsu this morning, by the British steamer Breconshire.
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  • 17 6 From Calcutta, I.UOO sheep and goats arrived by the A pear liner A. A pear, on Saturday.
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  • 19 6 The price of tin in Singapore to-day is #60} per pical. A hundred and twentytivc tons have been sold.
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  • 16 6 His Excellency the Governor ai'il party returned from Port Swetteuham by the Sea Mew, this morning.
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  • 30 6 Since the Dogs' Ordinance came iuto force over -J,500 dogs havo been destroyed by the police outside of the Municipal limits, while inside •-!.'.»">:( specimens have escaped the worries of muzzles.
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  • 33 6 E. C. Howard sentenced a Chinaman, named Lee Hye, to six months' rigorous imprisonment, this morning, at the District Court, for robbing Lim Wall Seng of 1.99 in Havclock Koad on May 2.
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  • 34 6 A request has been made to the Waiwupu for a railway concession in Mongolia by Kus&ia. A proposition for joint working has been submitted. It is stated that the Waiwupu has declined the request.
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  • 38 6 There )>cing no funds to pay salaries for the officials for April in the province of Mukden, the Peking Government has ordered the Bank of China iHupu Bank) to send live million taels worth of its bank notes.
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  • 34 6 The Russian sailing ship Ocean, which arrived recently, from Hobart, Tasmania, with timber for Sir John Jackson. Limited, is now lying opposite Telok Ayer. near to the Harbour Works and is discharging her cargo.
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  • 44 6 A Malay appeared before the Secoud Magistrate, Mr. C. F. J. Green, this morning, on a charge of refusing to pay tram fare. The conductor who made the charge was fined 110 for bringing a frivolous charge, the fine to go to the accused.
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  • 44 6 Two Chinese were arrested last night for wandering about Chinatown with sheath Uuiyes. When they were being taken to the Police Statiou led by the cjuoui\ a.s is the usual «ay. one of them cut oil his own queue with his kuife aud cscapod.
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  • 52 6 The I'm liij;iii cruiser AdamaKtor arrived Irom the •Seychelles, yesterday afternoon, en route to Macao. She is a vessel of 1.757 tone aud 4,000 hone-power tt ud uarrios a crow of £»4 auil M guiis. She saluted the port on her arrival and the salute was returned, this morning, at
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  • 49 6 Mr. Artio Tully, the bookmaker, advertises that all trebles or doubles on horses ruuuiu^ iv No. I Paddock Stakes aie off, and thai mouey placed on thorn will bo refunded on applying at Mr. Tuliy's office. Only doublos aud trebles ou races :>, t and •">. as advertised, will hold
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  • 50 6 Captain C. Kundsen, of the Danish steamer Cambodia, which arrived from Newcastle. N. S. W., this morning, with a cargo of coal, reports that he had to put into Townsville en route with his bunker on fire. The fire was extinguished and the vessel proceeded on its journey to Singapore.
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  • 57 6 The Kedah correspondent to the Straits Echo says that Mr. A Fletcher, who was for many years the chief clerk in the Penang Post Office, and who retired on pension, is now the Postmaster at Pulau Langkawi. The Post Office thero will, however, soon be abolished as revenue derived from
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  • 55 6 Mariners have been notified that a shoal patch, with seven fathoms of water, has been reported as extending to the west of Passir Panjang. The following bearings are given: Peak Island in the centre of gap between Lazarus Island and East Pulo Ringit. The Pilot Office at Tanjong Pagar is
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  • 64 6 A most disastrous season has uc-eu expoiienced by the sealing fleet at Newfoundland. The catches have been poor, and scarcely a vessel has escaped being badly mauled by the weather, bo far there, says a Home exchange, have been three total losses, those of the Panther, Walrus, and the Grand
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  • 60 6 The funeral of the latu Dr. V. A. W ray. Assistant Port Health Of&cer, took place at the Bukit Timah Road oemetory on Saturday evening. The "interment was attended largely. Dr. McDowell, C.M.G. Dr. Frew ana Dr. Keith wero amongst these present. The subordinate branch of the Medical Service was
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  • 723 6 The Norwegian Minister in London, Df Nansen, has resigued his post. Calcutta conspirators have threatened tin life of Lord Kitchener of Khartoum. Mr. G. T. Tiekell has beuu oCmd M appointment in the Palumg I'iililic Wort Department. Karon I'ollimore, who M burn iv In.h and who was
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  • 52 6 <)\vinn to the fact that the icratchiug ii the horses does not take place until five o'clock tliis evening, it is impossible for us to publish tips (or to-morrow's races. In to-morrow's issue, however, which will be published early, we hope to yivr our racing correspondent
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 392 6 FISH I2ST TIiTS J^lsTT) J^K/S. IVr doz. Each. Per do*. Each. Anchovie> in oil j bots... :> 80 0 50 Lobster I lb. tin X 40 0 61 au« l Pickles fi 00 M 1 lb. tin Bl'mterH, Pri-Mirvcd mild cured 1 DM Mackerel '2 60 •fl Clu.i.e Yarmonth I
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    • 308 6 Grand Opening OF TH NEW VICTORIA THEATRE. Monday, May 11. MAURICE E. BANDMANN Presents the Wonderful CORRICKS. The Event of the Year. POPULAR PRICES. Orchestra Seats tj. FirHt Circle $8. Second Circle |2. l*it Stalls »i. Doom open 9. Commence 'J. 30. Seats will be rettcrvod in priority of application,
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    • 72 6 First Aid for Seamen. A claw in rir^t Aid to the injured, mi DM uoc^iou with the St. John AuibulaucAaeociation, will be held forthbbenent of tb< shipping community at the roome of tL'. V.M.C.A oo May 14. The classes will ran continuously for five lectured on the following day :-May
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  • 243 7 PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF TRADE RETURNED. Suffragettes Disturb Another Open* Air Meeting. IKauTaa's Tilioram London. May 10. Tbe Sutlrageltch. with a clanging railway bell and escorted by a crowd of inon. again disturbed an open air meting being held by Mr. Winston Churchill at Dundee, yesterday. Mr. Churchill
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  • 67 7 [Rbutbb's Tblbobam I London, May 11. Iv reply to a remonstrance from the Indian Government, the Ameer of Afghanistan has replied to the effect that he has recalled the Afghans who crossed the frontier aud has ordered that others shall be preveuted from crossing
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  • 68 7 |Rbutbr's Tblbgkamj London, May 9. Kail, amounting Vi half a million marks, has been refused in connection with the arrest of Prince Phillip of Eulcnberg. on a charge of committing perjury at the trial of Herr Harden. Dm Ootasiatihciiii Lloyd Tblbobam| I. rhu,
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  • 59 7 1 •>" i »i L km Haj 11. At Macteo m Notlli < arohna. the afeehefl Wright, tin. Amen, ,in imnitoi-. ol ,iv tioro plane, travelled by then aeroplane a distance of liftetu mild wawawl Bad b.ick at a height of 11KHI feet. The
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  • 39 7 |RiuTan'9 Tiliiha*; Londou, May 'J. The licet of Cuilcd States battleships, was reviewed at San Francisco by Mr. Victor II Mctoalf, Secretary of the Navy. There were forty-oight ships present at the review.
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  • 36 7 |RlCTlß's TILKJIUM.] London, May 10. Major-General Sir James Willocks. commanding the Peshawur District, has been ordered to proceed immediately with two brigades against the Mohmands. in view of the failure of the jirgah.
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  • 39 7 [RbDTBB's TILMOKAMJ London, May 11. The eugiueers who are to cairy out the survey of the NovacMitrovitza Railway iv the Balkans have gone thither Throe squadrons of Turkish cavalry have also gone to mountain order.
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  • 55 7 |DIH O U..HIMHI 1.1 'H' i'KLKuHAMI !.y 10. Herr Dernburg. tbe dcrmau Colonial !-.dcrt)Urv. who M going on tour in the British Colosit* to study the railway .-■•>■ terns, hag loft Berlia for London. The Order of the Crown cf I'r-issia i firstclaw; hao been
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  • 200 7 Chinaman Sentenced to Death for Murder. Mok Yew, charged with Killing another Chinaman named Cheng Moy, was soutcucctl to death by Mr. Justice Scrcoiubc Smith ut the Assi/os. ou Friday uftcrnoon. The witnesses and the accused iv the other murder case arrived from Labuan yesterday. The hearing
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  • 211 7 Opening Night at New Club House in Singapore. The Singapore Musical AssociHtion is the name of a new society which has been formed recently among the leading Eurasians of Singapore, and, on Saturday night. it opened its quarters, at No. 11:), Syod Alwi Kmd with a concert and
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  • 106 7 With reference to the telegram published by us a few days ago announcing a rebel victory ou the Vunnam frontier, the Chinese Consul-Goneral, Mr, Tso Ping-lung, sends us the following telegraphic message received by him on Saturday from the Viceroy at Canton: As Hokow
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  • 102 7 The execution of the uomaii Liang Shun;; 'In. wbd mm charged with deliberately murdering her hu bund in old' r to free honjclf i■ marry auulhcr man, with whom «he ha bee* associate! for wuic time. wa» carried out at 'auton, on M m cinder
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  • 101 7 Some person or persons entered the Orchard Road studio of Messrs. Lambert and Company, photographers, during last night or the early hours of this morning, and did a great deal of mischief. No goods wore stolen, but some twenty photographs were ill used. In some instauces,
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  • 61 7 The marvellous Corricks, who have arrived in Singapore from India, via Penang and Kuala Lumpur, give their opening performance in Singapore, at the New Victoria Theatre, to-night. The family are clever society entertainers and there should be a large house to night. Their programme is an excellent
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  • 36 7 The following are the advance figures, which ore liable to correction, of the export of tin from the State of Perak during April Tin 4834 piculs 78 catties. Tin-ore ***** 28 Duty 4336.438.5
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  • 59 7 The hiue-i Imperial Anti-Opium Edict rbmaina a dead letter iv the port of Swatow, which has important commercial relations with Siagapore. Muacwhile, a more destructive habit than that of opium-amokioc is fast gaining head at S atow. Many coolies and sailors •returning itom Singapore and Siam find opiom too de&r
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  • 237 7 THE PRICES FOR PLANTATION PRODUCE. New Issue of Sumatra Para Shares. (Fuom OVa Own Cukkksihsdk.nt.) London (via Penaug), May 10. Prices for Plantation Rubber art: up five (icuce. since the last sales, for first qualities. The prices quoted are as follow Good Biscuits :is. lOd. to 4s. Old.
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  • 28 7 |Dkk i) Lloyd Tklkukamj Buriiu, .May 10. Mr. Fock. formerly Ditch Foroign Minister. has been appointed Governor of Surinam i hutch Guiauai.
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  • 40 7 [l)BB OSTASIATISOHB LLOTD TbLBORAM| Berlin, May 9. It is stated iv the newspapers that Japau cse agents are now in St. Petersburg uego tiatiug for the pretended sale of the Southern Manchuriau Railway to Japau.
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  • 26 7 [Dbk OsrASMTiscBB Lloyd Tmlkoram] Berlin, May 'J. The death is anuoniiced at Paris of M. Ludovic Halovy. the well-known French author.
    26 words
  • 41 7 llalevy was a novelist and dramatist, aud had the honour of being a member of the French Academy since 18& i. He was born at Paris on January 1. \*-'>l. and was a grand-uuphew of the composer of the same name.
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  • 37 7 IDm Ouia.iaii ,i fih Li.iivd Tbliukam| Berlin, May 10. The l.'uited Stales Government proposes that the Opium Conference should be held al Shanghai. It agrees ;cim i.dly to the pi'ribibiliou ol the trade ill opium
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  • 40 7 ■I'kk OsTASiATistuH Lloyd Tblkuram| Merlin, May The Euvoy of the Sultan Mulai Hand has been received uuofUeially by the (icrmaus. He was granted (icrmissioii to interview a member of the Legation r.'at Tangier) as a private person.
    40 words
  • 35 7 [Dia Ostasutischi Lloyd Tilr»k.\m Berlin, May 10. Prince Siriwongsee of Siam, who was a student at the Military Academy at Ncissc, in Saxony, has died of inflammation of tin lungs.
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  • 23 7 [Daß OSTASIATISCHB LI..D TkLKORAM] Berlin, May 9. A Portuguese expedition in New Guinea has been attacked by the natives.
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  • 203 7 Honour from the Peking Government Declined. A wire from Peking, dated the 4th instant, says that Mr. Woo Cliv Chun, who has been honoured by the Imperial Chinese Government with the rank of King Hing of the 3rd class, and has been suggested to the Throne as
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  • 1182 7 REPLY TO RUBBER GROWERS' CIRCULAR. Proposals Strongly Criticised The following important memorandum dealing with the propsals adopted by the Ii.G.A. at a meeting held iv Londou on February 11. was considered aud unanimously approved by two largely attended meetings of planters in Kuala Lumpur, on 12th and 26th
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  • 501 7 Annual Outing of St. Andrew's Children. The scholars attending the Sunday Schools connected with St. Andrew s Cathedral, and the members of the Bible classes, held their annual picnic on Saturday. Siglap was the place visited, Mr. Ho Yang Peng having kindly placed his plantation once again at
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  • 130 7 The homeward bound mail steamer YoMh has on board a distinguished passenger iv the person of Sir Robert Hart. Bart., the lns|>ectorCieucral of the Chinese Imperial Maritime. Customs, who is going home ou a holiday the first in thirty years —which is expected to end in
    130 words
  • 121 7 There was an affray in Duzton Uoad at 6.15 p.m. on Saturday, and five Chinese were arrested. The police captured 19 stioks, some lamps, buicks. and wooden clogs which had been used by the fighters. The strife was between ricksha coolies of the sects Hoh and Kwek. They
    121 words
  • 58 7 The following additional outputs for tho mouth of April are roportcd Tronoh Tin Mini. 1, 190.95 piculs. Mendros Mines 170 North Tronoh Mines 271.45 The value of the ontput at Tronob is $90,484.77. Pusing Lama Tin Mine. The output from the Puskg Lao.; T:a Mine for April wan
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  • 1001 7 REFERENCE TO BENEFIOENCI OF LOCAL CHINESE. Principals Report and Prize List Many scholars attended the prize ilitstri butiou at tlio *Tlflln ITIIIUBUI Free School, in Cecil Street, this morning, by Lady F.vclvn Young. Among other- pnaeat «m Capluiu A. 11. Young, C.M.G., the liev. .1. A. B. Cook.
    1,001 words

  • Sporting Intelligence.
    • 129 8 Bowling in the match between the S.C.C. mid the 5.R.1 on the Esplanade on Saturday, A \V. He veu |>erformed the "hat trick," taking the last three wickets with successive balls. Hie Mrtioiclii has received a report from Vamada stating that tho famous wrestler HitachiytinH has accepted
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    • 32 8 V.M.C.A. Tournament. The semi nnaU in Class B of the V.M.C.A. billiard tournament are being played to-night and tomorrow night, and the final in Class A will be played on Wednesday.
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    • 131 8 The Coming liatavia Races. The approaching races at liatavia promiseto be the best ever held since the establishment of the Turf Club there. Up to April 27, says the Java Bode, twonty foreign horses had arrived to compete for the evcuts. One of the Javanese Sultans* will send
      131 words
    • 187 8 Warders v. R« An interesting soccer match was played at Sepoy Lines on Saturday between the Warders and the R.G.A. Good play wa* witnessed and the contest was fairly keen The Warders were the first to score, but the Gunners equalised before the interval. After the restart, the
      187 words
    • 135 8 The New President. A special meeting was held at the Recreation Club on Tuesdaj < \ening last, at which all the members worv present, to nasjwi Mr. Oliver Marks as their new President. After this had bee.n done, the question aj h bar wa- discussed, and it
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    • 227 8 5.C.C. v. S.R.C. Two cricket matches betweon the Siuga pore Cricket Club and tho Singapore Recreation Club were arranged for Saturday, but the match between the second teams did not come off. The results of the match between the first teams were an follow:— S.C.C. Capt. A'ilson c Galistan
      227 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 216 8 To the Kditor of the Straits Times. Singapore, May 9, 1908. Sir,— With reference to the announcement in your paper of au entertainment to be given on Monday night in th" new Theatre, adjoining Victoria Memorial Hall, I am desired to point out that the use of
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  • 216 8 Peking Covered with Mottled Yellow Dust. On Wednesday afternoon, April lf>, the Peking correspondent of the China Times says, a heavy cloud appeared in the west and in a few minutes the sun faded altogether out of sight. It was not long before tho city was wrapptnl
    216 words
  • 200 8 Moscow Undergraduates Seeking Funds. The Press of St. Petersburg is devoting considerable attention to the expedients adopted by poor university students in or. lei to secure the. means of existence while corn plnting their education. An indigent undergraduate of Moscow University has offered tin fill the cellars
    200 words
  • 165 8 ITE. New Orleans Surprised by Ship's Appearance. The first Dutch man-o'-war which has ever visited New Orleans dropped anchor the other Sunday just oil the head of Canal street. She was the second class cruiser Gelderland, and was as spick and span a ship as ever
    165 words
  • 136 8 The wandering pesos are coming home. Their intrinsic value has slipped down below their token value and the wily Chinese having no further use for them art. shipping them home from tiie Flowery Kingdom. When silver went soaring last year, the Filipino peso went to a premium that
    136 words
  • 1314 8 ANNUAL REPORT OF COLONIAL ENGINEER. Over Two Million Dollars Expended. The total expenditure in the Public Works, in I'ftrh settlement, was Singapore M ,081,581, IVnanu, inclnding Province Welleslcy and he binding!), $942,870.48, and Malacca. «187.-2.">8.65; total »'2,161.060.1;1. But this urn does not include a Hum of 14.019.98
    1,314 words
  • 341 8 Alleged Maltreatment by Police Officials. An article which appears in a recent issue of a contemporary— The Saturday Review 1 Shanghai anent the alleged maltreatment of Chiueso coolies by Sikh policemen at that port, applies as well to some of our Sikb constables, whose lieliaviour towards the
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  • 355 8 Reason for the Tumult and Sedition in India. A correspondent at Ipoh sends us a copy of the Cornish Post of April 9, which coutains the following account of a speech of the Rev. C. T. Winters at a missionary meetiug at Camborn Rev. C. T. Winters, who
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  • 65 8 On the afternoon of the Brd instant, a vast number of opium utensils which had been taken from a large opium-shop in the French Concession, Shanghai, were heaped together, in the Commercial Bazaar, in a bonfire and publicly consigned to the names. The incident aroused the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 412 8 Alhambra. TO-NIGHT I entire Change of Programme. f FOR FURTHER DETAILS SEE PAGE 6. L. F. WILLIS, Manager For a few Nights only LIGHTNING JAPANESE JUGGLERY AND CONJURING BY The Japanese Magic and Comedy Co. (On Tour to Europe), l'ndt>r the Sole direction of I'KOK. kIhCdORO 12 Lady and Gentleman
      412 words
    • 297 8 NOTICE. j All people baying Treulex H Doubles M 1 1 horses muniim in No. I Paddock Stakes arx s notified that them are off, and thai money will be refunded on applying at ih.i office. Only doubles and vrrbleo r>n Itaceti :i, 4 and S will hf.ld «'X)d a«
      297 words

  • 285 9 Sinsipom, M«v 9, 1909. PRODUCE. 3ambier buyers b.85 do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.15 Copra Bali 6.70 do Pontianak 6.30 Pepper, Black buyers 11.121 do White 6% buyers 19.00 Sago Floor Sarawak 3.00 do Branei No. 1 2.95 Pearl Sago 8.90 Coffee Bali, picked 26.00 Coffee, Palembang. 20% b&«>
    285 words
  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 349 9 >ate of formaion I 9.Uoab«cribed Number of Share* Isaac V»lnc Paid Dp tO Shan* Uninaued Company Qcoiatios- 1903 |»*****0 1000.000 1907 1300,000 1226,000 1901 1800,000 1600,000 1903 £400,000 £360,000 1907 MOO.OOO 1376,000 1901 £60,000 £60,000 1906 £100,000 £100,000 1906 1150,000 199,000 1906 £110,000 £120,000 1906 £30,000 £30,000 1906 1450.000
      349 words
    • 378 9 1906 £16C,000 £116,613 1906 1200,000 1108,000 1904 £30,000 £15,380 190* £70,000 £61,000 1906 l! 50,000 112J.000 1904 £13,000 £10,600 1906 £76,000 £16,000 1908 £310.000 £243,337 1906 i £160,000 £180,000 1907 £890,000 £301,600 1906 1 176,000 (175,000 1906 1250 OCX; 1336,000 *8,600 I 98,600 10,600 7,000 I 11.000 61,000 13,500
      378 words
    • 201 9 18S4 1898 1808 1908 1896 IMI 1899 «8,877.10.0 14,808 7,888 •2*5,000 4,100 1U.000.000 I It. 0-30, 000 12J.000 M,40C,00C t1.t00.000 j I ILOOCOOO 11,000,000 •54.000 •34,000 M7(,030 i»;s,ooo MOO.OOO »i 40,030 14,000 •HG.OOO i 13U,U00 800 £750.000 £750,000 40,000 < 160 00b 1111,000 1,130 1200 000 •MO.OOO 1,000
      201 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 543 9 POLICE NOTICE. $200 REWARD. The above reward will be paid to any person or persons who will give such information which will lead to the arrest of one Ec Chin Ooan, wanted for Criminal Breach of Trait w a clerk by Messrs. Adamson Oilnllan and Co., Ltd., of No. 15,
      543 words
    • 641 9 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. SPRING RACE MEETING. Tuttday 12th, Thursday 14th, and Saturday 16th May. Tickets of admission to the Grind Stand cm now be had at Messrs. John Littlb A Co., Ltd. Dally Ticket ..9 4 Season Jio Ladies' Tickets Free on application to the Secretary by Members of the
      641 words
    • 187 9 ADELPHI HOTEL. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Mme. DONALD (the great Scottish Prima Donna, late Prima Donna of the English Opera House, The Savoy Theatre and the Carl Rosa Opera Company) has kindly consented to Bing on Saturday evening. May 16. The Royal West Kent Band will give a specially selected programme. 1018
      187 words
    • 130 9 WaSSIAMULIAsSOMULU Co. S INDIAN STORE, 2. 3 mud High Street. o NEWLY UNPACKED: A large consignment of SILKS, JEWELLERY AND CURIOS OF THE BEST QUALITY. Clearing at Reduced Prices. Inspection Invited. Pohoomull Bros. 46e HIGH STREET. SILK MERCHANTS. Dealers in High-class Indian, Chinese and Japanese Silk, Oarisi and Silverware of
      130 words

  • 282 10 ALLEGATIONS WHICH INVOLVE ITS AUTHOR. According to a special telegram to the Manila Times, most sensational developments have ari-.n in connection with the submarine scandal at Washington. Representative I Lilley. of Connecticut, the member of the House Committee on Naval affairs, who made 1 the allegations of bribery
    282 words
  • 180 10 Enormous Consumption, in the World's Metropolis. In the array of staggering figures given in the annual report of the Metropolitan Water Board for the year ending March H, 1907, the uioet impressive are those which express London's yearly consumption of water. In tbe twelve months tbis amounted
    180 words
  • 158 10 Three Thousand Coolies Employed Busily. A telegram from Osaka stated a yrcat snow storm occurred in Tokio on April BL Tbe snow lay in some places five feet thick, and three thousand coolies were employed to remove the snow from tbe track of the electric tram cars.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 654 10 BANKING COMPANIESHONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. rAn>-np capital 115,000,000 RESERVE FUND Sterling Reeerre »15,000,000 i MP mo 000 Bluer Reaerre •18,500,000[ Baaerre Liability of Proprietor! 116,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS. 800. Mr. Henr; Keewiok.— Chairman. B. Ooatz, Eaq. Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Esq. R. Leunnann.Esq. Gnats* Friealand.Eaq. E. Bhellim, Esq. A.
      654 words
    • 543 10 BANKING COMPANIES. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. > I Paid up Capital in 60,000 Share* of fwlacr/ £l.i 00.000; 1 Reserre Fund «1.52?.000! i Reserve Liability of Proprietors i 1,200,000, 200,000 BANKERS. Bank oi England. National Bank of Scotland. I The London City A
      543 words
    • 184 10 I The Tortures of Savages ♦s. are rot more cruelly ingenious than n those inflicted by* that arclj-fiend p hinonjr ailments— Neuralgia. Only A thoso who have surfered know tho nerve-racking torments of this painful disease. It is impossible V S for nature to bring about a cure v V
      184 words
    • 613 10 SALEB BY AUCTION. MORTGAGEES SALE OF VALUABLE 999 YEARS' LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, District of Tanjong Pagar, At Messrs. H. L. Cogblan Co.'s Sale-rooms, Monday, M.ty IS, IWS, at 2.30 p.m. All the valuable piece of Leasehold l.iud situate in tho District of Tanjong Psgar, being Lot No. 161 of Grant No.
      613 words
    • 623 10 SALES BY AUCTION. _i AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC.. At No. 23-2, Race Course Road, On Friday, May IS, at 4 p.m. On \iew from Wednesday, May 13. Catalogues issued. H L. Coghlan V Co., Licensed Auctioneers 1017 and Surveyors AUCTION SALE OF 1 VALUABLE TRADE MARK, To be
      623 words
    • 532 10 INSURANCE Companies LONDON AND LANCASHIRE FIRE INbCRANCE COMFANX. Capital £3,280,000 Paid cp Capital 238,000 Reserve Fond «1,3 M,068 The undersigned, Agents fcr the Company, are prepared to accept Ere risks si current rates of premium. BOUSTEAD Cc..-.a>i!rt». ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE AND LIFE. TOTAL FUNDB X15,50C,000. isi LAiesar nu
      532 words

  • 911 11 GREAT FUTURE FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES. Matter of Standardisation For the future expansion of tin* motor industry, the recent show of commercial vehicles at Olyuij'ia U of most hopeful character. Vast progress has been made in the last year or two in the adaptation of the motor vehicle to purposes
    911 words
  • 333 11 Proposals for drastic penalties, including I the withdrawal of driving licences at the I instance of the lowest rank of judicial autho- I rities. l.aye recently had a disturbing inrtu- eoce on the motor industry in France. A new cause for alarm in the industry is I found
    333 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 153 11 MOTOR CARS. NOW IN STOCK. ARGYLLS THE CELEUUATED SILENT 14-16's DE LUXE. Adams Hewitts. Rovers. ON VIEW AT fiIIAIH RAaflM SQ 142-34 and 142-23. Orchard Road OHIfWW nUUin (TwoDoora from Cold Storage Depot). Dunlop Motor Tyres. "MM-SUfS" IOKOOVEDi AND ORDINARY" (PLAIN) HK.VVY TYRES STOCKED IX ALL THE PRINCIPAL SIZES. Catalogues
      153 words
    • 80 11 MARTIN'S amMJ", ni tic* rr.nuK Kstfr fa' «U ltrwul«rniM i»u... 1 1 IMF •K<o)Utr:'ll.f:MiTnia.kci..r iw»aic. i A GREAT BARGAIN. I lin An A.i-t ni'.tn Mare, and steady, two Mated Victoria wiia small frnot seat, receutlj done up 1 set harness and accessories. Also 1 Calcutta Dogcart in excellent order,
      80 words
    • 54 11 Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements i Reduction in Prices I i THE BORNEO CO., LTD. CHARLES -^b HEIDSIECKS fJMgfilK White Seal \Js^ Champagne. j|| SOLE AGKSTS M Behn, Hayar A Co Ld Singapore aod Ptiuxng. OEPOT I Ha^B^ai Singapore, HPBR jobs umi e»., im. L- -1
      54 words
    • 212 11 A Xkw Hi- ad on You. If your head aches, try Steam*' Headache Cure. Your head will soon feel like a new oue. It's the same head, but tbe ache is gone. TO LAWYERS, BANKERS. MERCHANTS. MINERB, PLANTERS. ANO EVERYONE INTERESTED IN BRITISH MALAYA. A Year's Record. STRAITS BUDGET ros
      212 words
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      43 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 475 12 Scale of Cbaroes. F&ZPAID ADVERTISEMENTS.— Mi»osIiMai li Want* ot Every Description, House*, ■V «a «to., to let, are Inserted at the following Horn One Insertion I.M per Inoh. Two ».00 Idtm m S-80 Sii I.M Sine 1.40 Twelve 7.J0 Twenty-five 10.00 r£ioh subsequent month M per Inoh.) TM) »bove rate
      475 words
    • 458 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Bath :-Fooi Übw, oh or twokaMitioa*. KM By ths inch, .m Seal* ot ChargM. STOREKEEPER WANTEO. Wanted, an experienced Chinese Produce Store keeper. Apply to C. S. P., c/o Straita Times. 0960 DRAUGHTSMAN WANTED. Draughtsman required in a Surveyor's Office. Must be neat and able to plot from
      458 words
    • 636 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. a»ni:— Foir Lint, on* or two ta**rtiou, fl. Bj ths Inoh, SciW of ChugM. ROOM TO LET. 1 Room suitable for Married Couple or two I Bachelors. Apply Eden Ha.l, Ntuim Road. cSll OFFICE ft GODOWN TO BE LET. With immediate entry No. 7, Malacoa
      636 words
    • 605 12 TO BE LET OR SOLO. lUti —Pair Lion, on ar two bucrtian fl.oo Bj the Inoh, teal* ot ofcugM. HOUBE TO LET. No. 4, Mount Rosie. Apply Raffles Hotel. u9Bl HOUBE TO LET. No. 14, Sophia Road. Apply to D. Kitovitz, No. 8, Raffle* Place. 977 OFFICE ANO GOOOWN TO
      605 words
    • 467 12 V 0 V DAN MACFARLANE COMPANY'S Royal Liqueur Scotch Whisky. OBTAINABLE OF ALL DEALERS. HTiolesale from SYME and CO., Sol, Agents. Syrup of Raspberry PURELY MADE OF GUARANTEED NATURAL RASPBERRY JUICE AND SUGAR. Mixed with iced water or soda water, iWorms a very palatable, refreshing acd healthy driuk. which is
      467 words
    • 334 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES R»TH:-lit Month, li? per mcli. Subs«qnri-. months.. 15. For >borUr p*ri<xts tmt» cf Ch:.rg«... NOTICE. The Power cf Attcruey i;iven by M in favoa' of Mr. 0, Molinari has, from April 30, bee:, revoked, he having severed his ccnnectioc with ML THE "SCHWEIGER 1013 Import acd Export Co..
      334 words

  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 345 13 •ate of formaion (apiul I Snbeoribod Ham bar of Bharee brae Value Paid Shane I op to UniMned Company yCOTITIOSW 1903 1907 1901 1903 1907 1901 1906 1908 1906 1906 1906 1300,000 •600,000 £400,000 ♦400,000 £60,000 2100,000 •160,000 £130,000 £30,000 •490,000 •400,000 •M 6.000 •600,000 060.000 ••76,000 £80,000
      345 words
    • 358 13 1905 1905 1904 1908 19*8 £160,000 •800,000 £80,000 £70,000 •150,000 £118,6U •105,000 £16,160 £81,000 •IU.OOO £10,400 46,600 I M.500 10,600 I 7,000 I H.OOO 81,000 18,500 I 6,000 t 6.000 66,000 I 181,454 1 183,548 180,000 f 184,000 1 70,000 640 I 180 88,600 900,000 I 10,000 r 115,000
      358 words
    • 184 13 1814 1898 1865 «fi,577.10.0 • •16,000,000 •3,400,000 24,808 •IU.OOO •15,000,000 7,688 4,500 123,000 18,000 6,000 6,006 4,000 8,400 f 6,000 >.7M 34,000 600 40,000 1,120 1,000 5,000 800,000 1,5W 11/6 •80 •118 •100 •100 •100 •100 •10 •100 •100 •10 •80 41 •100 •100 •100 •10 •10 i'i/e MO
      184 words