The Straits Times, 7 May 1908

Total Pages: 12
1 12 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. NO. 22.644. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY. MAY 7. 1908. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 536 1 ASK THE MAN WHO DRIVES A DE DION Letter from a customer who has just bought an 8 h.p. DE DION: I With reference to the small 6 h.p. de DION I bought from Mr. Hatchell (.Chief Police Officer), and which he had been driving about nine months, you will
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    • 70 1 Robinson and Company. Sweets and 3jP|pP Chocolates "4fc f^F Frequent fresh supplies are received from this celebrated Regent Street Virm of Confectioners, Rush Pampers h Ws T g^U A FRESH SUPPLY <L pnßlN<tfN Z Pfl JUST RECEIVED, f KUDINoUIN UU. OFFICE AND GOOOWN TO LET. No. M, Bobinson Hoad. Moderate
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    • 245 1 ADELPHI HOTEL. THE O^S om THE ONLY HOTEL IN SINGAPORE UNDER ENGLISH MANAGEMENT. Anglo-French Cnisine English Otatolinew Home Comforts I Moderate Terms GUEST NIGHT— EVERY SATURDAY. On Saturday next. May 9, by special desire, a third Plebiscite Dinner will be gi\eu. The Meuu will consist of dishes, for which the
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  • 1105 2 TAMIL MADE EASY FOR THE BEGINNER. Imu Vkhsi'm: A Tamil Handbook for Beginners. By F. O. Harvey, Singapore Kelly and Walsh. We admire the frankness of Mr. Harvey on much as we do his efforts to aßsist the planting community in general and creepers in particular. He lias
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 494 2 Tansan (in common with every article of PROVED MERIT) has its IMITATORS. Tansan is bottled under the strictest EUROPEAN Supervision. The extensive, up-to-date Plant is open to the inspection of all visitors to Takaradzuka, Japan, where the bottling of Tansan in its natural state may be seen. No contamination is
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    • 103 2 ji To ami -<?[>{ u ally cleanse the I teeth. 2nd polish, without I scratching the enamel in short, to perfect the work I 1 of your tooth-brush, use iCalvert's j Carbolic Tooth Powder 1 1 Sold by local ChtmisU and Stores. I xAoe ir F. C. divert Co., Muchettcr,
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    • 32 2 L.AXATINE, the Ideal PargaHre, reccmm >nded by the best mediotl »othontie«. EttT to take and ourtain in result*. To be bad of all ohuniaW. Wholesale from Tbe Pharmacy, Battery R<ad. Singapore, IIW
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    • 348 2 NOTICE OF REMOVAL" We big to inform the public that, pending tht ouiuplt tion of our New Premises at la, Kling Street, we have this day removed temporarily h> Nos. 22 and 23, South Canal Road. '"ap^isi i«* Kirn Hin Co. GREEN ISLAND CEMENT CO., LTD. PORTLAND CEMENT. In Casks
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  • 517 3 COMPLICATED COMBINATIONS OF LETTERS. According to a message reoeived from London at the beginning of the month, there was an outcry amongst the Chambers of Commerce in India against the intention of certaiu European States to oppose, at the forthcoming Telegraph Conference, the continuance of the use
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  • 145 3 Foreign sugar in the Hongkong market is a Hainan paper says, now in season, and there will probably be no small stock of it in the place of production, but as such sugar in Hongkong is in good demand in Chinese places and in consequence of Javanese sugar
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  • 205 3 Londoners in Singapore will be interested to learn that there wan a considerable amount of bustle the other day at the Marble Arch, where the London County Council improvements are being carried oat. The barriers were taken down, and the magnificent road on the Park side of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 517 3 %&rS Cocoa u W enables you to tread the road of life with a brisk, strong, steady 1 ste P> because it is rich in strength-imparting essentials, I —g^TM* 11^ therefore promotes physical endurance X J^S-v^M and hardihood. It is the purest and best JdL ML Wj.'-"j$\ f°°^ s >
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    • 489 3 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. SPRING RACE MEETING. Tueiday lgth, Thuroiioy 14th, .m,l Saturday 16th May. TiokeM of admission to the Grand S and can now be had at Messrs John Littm Co., Ltd Oilly Ticket 4 •eason SlO Ladie* Tickets tree on application \> the Secretary by Members of the Club.
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    • 312 3 Lindstroem Talking Machines. LINDSTROEM Phono-Tables. »T- -i LEVY HERMANOS. We are direct importers aud can sell these Machines at Manufacturers' Call at our Phono-Hali itirst lloor). LEVY HERMANOS, 3'3 "TSSK A Boon to the Bilious. Ar« >ou comp«lle<l to deny yaaraall many wawlaaena (omla bacanaa you think j ihay will
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  • 121 4 Curious Superstitious Beliefs in China. Incendiary firus have of late been so •oiumon at Peking that the authorities put them down to tbe activity ot revolutionists and have been scared into taking >«everc measures. Hut the people in general, including mauy of the lettered cUns, t'mvy that
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  • 202 4 Colonial Office Applies for an Order to Clear. Hidden away in some of the underground mata in DowaUfl Street is an accumulation of State documents— many of them of no importance or value— which for years past have been occupying uiueh needed room. The doBtructi'):i of those
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  • 193 4 Tragedy at the Switchboard during Dinner. rionnT Diouisio Uiaiu. .i wealthy proprietac of tin- Saiuoiiustro ■fauag district of Hilbao, Spuiu. has boou ilectriK'utnl under extra ordinary lircmnstauccs. The other night, •hiring a thuiulervtorui. the electric light <;ables were disturbed, aud the current broke >loun. Seuur ltiain. who WM
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  • 286 4 European Railway Passenger's Experience. >;< nt.loiu.ui ntataeog from Calcutta, which he left on the evening of April IS, Li i\t lli-ii via Kupor. r'ortiinatrly. an l'.n liujitcd supply .>f ice m provided by the H.iiKwiv authuiilio. I'ihui wise he considers tlmt few of the K iropMae
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  • 59 4 i v i tinn of the planters of I'ahan^was held in the Huub Club on Wednesday, April 9, and an association was formed called tin- l.'aub District I'laute. Association The object of the Associai.xu is to protect the interests of the planting community in I'ahaun. Mr. C. Kuxton \va appointed
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  • 848 4 Xante, port, probable date oj arrival, and name of Agents. STEAMERS. Achilles, China, May 24 W. Mansfield Alrlie, Sydney, In.. 24 Bonstead Alcinons. China, Moy 25 W. Mansfield Antiloohua, China. Ima 12 W. Mansfield Arcadia, Colombo, May 22; P. it O. Coy. Australien, Saigon, May 18; M. Maritime*
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  • 145 4 Passengers Outward. IVr 11,I 1 aud O. steamer brilannia, connecting with the steamer Delhi at Coloml May Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Pringle and children, Mr. A. H. <;allie. Mr. A. lioyJ, Mr. and Mrs. K. I'rai^ an<l nhtMriM, fir. J. Ma\tun. Per I. and O. stvamtr
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 71 4 CHAMBERLAIN 8 PAIN BALM. Von will hunt a good while bet'ou- you tind a liniment that is cijual to Chamberlain's Pain ISahu. In ease- of rheumatism aud aoiatica it relieves the intense pain and makes »leup and rest possible Soreness of tbe muscles, swellingn and lameness are -jiiickly relieved by
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    • 732 4 STEAMER SAILING 3. P. &O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. Por China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon. Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London Through Bill* at Lading leaned for CainCoast, Persian Gulf, Continental, and America" Port*. Steamer* will leave Singapore on o- abiv MAIL LINE. Outwtrd {for Chita). 1908 Delhi May
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    • 1168 4 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA LINE. HAMBURG. Tbe steamers of this Company maintain a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, Antwerp, and Rotterdam, and the Straita, China and Japan. Homewards, they are despatched fortnightly for Havre and Hamburg uid once a month for Bremerhaven direct, calling at Penang and Colombo. Taking oargo
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    • 791 4 STEAMER 3AIUNBB. N. D. L. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Imperial German Mall Line The fact and wall known mail ateamem of Ifaie Company sail fortnightly from Bremen Hamborg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Soutnami ton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Naples, (oonnectioi Marseille*, Naples, Alexandria, and vioe versa, Por Said, Bom, Aden, Colombo, Penan. 1 Singapore, Hongkong,
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    • 39 4 HAVE YOU RHEUMATISM It so. appy Chaujb< riain's Pain balui. It has cured others and t licit h uo reason why il should uot cure you. Oae appliaation relieves tin: pain. For saie by a)! Mi-p' >isaries and dealer*.
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  • 1184 5 1 M>KR Una baiuling Hi* tollowinn ibhr«Ti itiuti» are o**-i »lr. nt«^m«r Hh. ibip; Vhj. harqu* neb.— 1i....n.r; Yct.-Y.kcht; Cr«.— Crater irhl. <lnnboat; Tor.— Tornado H.p.— HorM-pow*r Krlt.— British; U. -I lined suite- K.h. Krmirh (l»r.ll»rni:iii Dut.- llutrh Hal. Italian|i,iuih; Hat. -Sarawak; **.c— Oeneral cargo d.p.
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  • 118 5 Foa Pn Btbuub Tun Xo-Honow Europe vis ports Drvanha 6 a.m. Pontianak, bingkawnng Brouicer 8 a.m. Bandjermagflin, eto. Tatman 8 a.m. Mantok and Palembaug G. G. Meijer 10 pm. Batavia A. WMem 111 1 p.m. Pontianak Bun Hin OMM 1 p.m. Muar and Malacca Hainam 3 p.m. Batu
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  • 80 5 Wharves at which Vessels are Berthed To-day. TaajOMM Bin Wbabf Bun— Nil. East W. Saonoa I— Glenogle, Santhia. Bm, 1 (Suns Wuir):- Nil. 8iono« No. 2— Itaura, Patani. 6— Kobe. 4— Kiev. 6—lYrak. 6 Korat, Priam. 7— Persia. B— Trieste, Carlyle. Nil. Jiaonn'i
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  • 92 5 From Eoaora— By the P. AO. Mb Delhi, due May 8. From Canu— By Urn N. I). L. s.s Yorok, lac May 10. Bli April April April April April April April April *Vy ingapure Di 6 M. M 10 P. AO. 13 N.D.1.. 16 R. I. M
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  • 444 5 MR. STEAD'S ATTRACTION FOR THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS. As an attraction for his review Mr. W. T. Stead has been eliciting the opinions of prominent men, who have lived to old age on what to eat, drink, and avoid. One dictum by the Nonconformist theologian, Dr. A.
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  • 218 5 Gold in Her Property in America. Before Lady de Batho came into her title she, as Lily Lan^try, always used two L's interwoven into the Durham knot as her monogram. The LL was always construed by her friends as being symbolical of Lauutry luck. That her proverbial
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  • 102 5 By the Devanha, Captain T. 11. Hide, May 6. From Hongkong: Mr. Yeo Boon Lan, Mr. Mak Hin, Mr. Mak Chien, Mr. ivoon, Mr. Chun Chawk Wan, Mr. Chung Fong Chang, Mr. Li Wall Shang. Mr iiDg Wai, Mr. Chin Win, and Mr. K. Ma mtrye. By
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  • 52 5 May 6 Yebosi Mam, Jap str, H'kong, S'ghai, Japan Umvoti, Brit bq, Mauritius Meinam, Fch str, H'kong, Shanghai, Japan Fnh Wo, Brit str, Langkat 7 Persia, Aust str, Trieste via ports Priam, lint str, Hongkong, Shanghai, Hankow Ban Liong, Dut str, Cotie via ports Banka, Brit str, Anaraba and
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  • 85 5 An important case under the recent Workmen's Compensation Act, as applied to seamen, was heard at the West Hartlepool County Court, recently. Compensation was claimed in respect to tho deatli of a fireman on board a steamship in the Red Sea. It was urged that death was dne to heat
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 585 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. INDOCHINA STEAM NAV.CIL LTD. Tn steamers of thii Company maintain regular direct service between Calcutta, BtraiU, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan, taking cargo on through Bills of Lading for Canton, Bwatow, Amoy, Cbefoo, Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangteze Porti, Formosa, the Philippines, Ac, Ao. H trainers Tons Commander Kotbano 4,896 K.
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    • 445 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. OCEAN STEAM SHIP CO LTD. AND CHINA MUTUAL BTEAM NAY CO. LTD. The Computes' rt— mar* ar* despatched from Liverpool ontwurdu for the Straits, China and Japan every week, and from Japan home wards for London, Amsterdam and Antwerp every fortnight and for Osnoa, Marseilles and Liverpool monthly.
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    • 502 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. APCAR UNE OP STEAMERS Thi undermentioned mail steamers of the above Line maintain regular wrvioe between Oalontta and Japan, calling at Panang, Binga pore, Hongkong and Shanghai t» routt FLEET. Torn Commander 'JkliM" 6,800 J G. OIJFEHT i.B. "OaaaokiArcA*" 4,800 B. H. Bkisom g.B. "AuuwxmAw**" 4,800 A. Bt«wa»t
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    • 587 5 STEAMER SAILINGS. C. P. R. Canadian Pacific Railway Company's Royal Mail Steamship Lino. THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY TO EUROPE VIA OH IN A JAPAN, CANADA »ud Ibe DNITEI) STATES Boat* trots Hongkong, via Shanghai, Nagasaki, (Inland Bea of Japan), Kobe, Yokohama, Vtolorta and Vanooover, R.M.B. "EnpiuwaoF Imu" Twin-screw steaR.M.B. "Emujwh or
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    • 58 5 Old fashioned copaiba and santal are now superseded by METHYLOIOS. the modern scientific remedy for catarrlial affections of the urinary tract. These tiny tasteless capsules give visible results in a few hoars and cure promptly. Much better than any injection and far safer and more convenient. A trial will convince
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 138 5 Singapore Tide Table. (Kaon May 7 to May 18.) HIGH WATER. LOW WATER Tim* Ifghti! Time I H'gh t hrs. mm. jft. ins, hrs.mln.jtt. ins. T I 1.37 am 8.1 B.Blam 1.8 IBOimuT j sBJpm 85 1 815pm 46 8 1 2 ln 9.81 am 1.9 VXD 4.87pm 6.2 9.18pm
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    • 108 5 DAY BY DAY. Thursday, May 7. High Water. 325 p.m. Philharmonic Orchestra Practice. 8-80 p.m. Alhambra Cinematograph 7-K0 p m Japanese Cinematograph. 7.-0 p.m. Harima's Cinematograph. 7-80 p.m Hippodrome. 7-30 p.m. Friday, May 8. High Water. 2-17 a.m. 4-37 p.m. P. St. 0. outward mail dne. Children's Concert. 5-30 p.m.
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  • 711 6 The Straits Times. PRICE 10 CENTS. THURSDAY, MAY 7. Sir Special Telegram from London today cause a considerable amount of surprise in Uie Colony. To the officials responsible for the administration of the Colony's affairs, who liave to deal with questions of ways and means, it may or may not
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  • 530 6 It is not our intention to dofciid the scheme for the construction of a mule or breakwater iv the roadstead of Singapore and the reclamation at Teluk Ayer, but certain strong -,Ut< in. in-, made by our contemporary on Monday last havo ltd us to make some i in |iiirit«,
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  • 19 6 A European tram inspector, living in Seraogoon Road, has re|>orted to the Police that his boy has absconded with
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  • 20 6 A cargo of copra and 41 passengers arrived from the Natuna and Anauibas Islands yesterday afternoon, by the local steamer
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  • 20 6 A cargo of petroleum has arrived from Pulo Sainboe by the British steamer Bulhuouth. belonging to the Anglo-Saxon Potroleum Company.
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  • 27 6 It is suggested in a. Calcutta contemporary that a grand mosquito-trap could be arranged easily in one's bathroom by smearing a bit of black cloth with paste.
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  • 28 6 Ou the evening of April 28, Sir Charles Allen, in the presence of a huge gathering, laid the foundation stone of Mr. Bandmann's new Empire Theatre, at Calcutta.
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  • 28 6 Ng Pek. of Kampong Batak, charged with mischief by maiming a pig belonging to Tan Cbcong, was discharged by Mr. C. F. J. Green, the Second Magistrate, yesterday.
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  • 31 6 Two Chinese, uamed Ang Chong and Lim Guan iJ way. were tried before Mr. E. C. Howard, District Judge, yesterday, on a charge of robbery of $61. .'J0. and were acquitted.
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  • 36 6 It is seldom that a -lew appears before one of the Magistrates on a charge of drunkenness, but one giving the name of Joseph Nazareth was fined 92 for that offence by the Second Magistrate, yesterday.
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  • 31 6 Poria Kar|ien Chetty, of No. 2t>. Market Street, charged with cheating and criminal breach of trust in respect of tIHO belonging to one Gopalasauiy, was discharged by the Second Magistrate, yesterday.
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  • 32 6 The Straits Echo states that Strawberry Hill. Pcncng, which Government propose to purchase in connection with the Railway, belongs to Mr. van Somercn, the well-known Singapore lawyer, who wants 924,1400 for it.
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  • 36 6 A Malay woman was found in North Bridge Road, yesterday, in a speechless condition and suffering from a bruise near one eye. She was sent to the Tan Tuck Seng Hospital. Her husband has been arrested.
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  • 42 6 Chop Guan Watt and Company sued Mr. It. A. J, E. Bidwell before Mr. C. J. Saunders. at the District Court, yesterday, for »214.7'J alleged to I)C due for goods sold and deliver cd. Judgment was given for the plaiutitf with cost*.
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  • 41 6 A telegram to the China Mail states that Yuan Shih Kai. Chang Chih Tung and Lv Chuau Lin are likely to be appointed to the Chinese Naval Ministry in order to bring about an immediate re-organisation of the Chinese Naval scheme.
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  • 43 6 Cholera seems pretty general all over Bengal and has also been raging in Calcutta some time. It now has appeared in the men's and children's wards of the Presidency Goneral Hospital, where there have been some half v dn/cii cases, one endiug fatally.
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  • 44 6 The results hitherto of recruiting tor the Territorial Army have been vory disappoint iug. Itecruiting dow uot exceed thirty pur ecnt of the totul number, but it is Imped' that marked iuipruvciuout will be experienced 4jy .In in: ;m. which is the limit allowed.
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  • 44 6 The case against Tan Kirn Tck, manager of a shop owned by Mr. Ho Yang Peng, in South Canal Road, and who was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of 9620.25, on March 24, was withdrawn in the Third Magistrate's Court, yesterday.
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  • 47 6 As Mr. M. W. Pett, Superintendent of the Fire Brigade, is leaving for home on furlough to-morrow, an eutertainment and general send-off of a Malay character is being arranged in his honour by the members of the Brigade for to-night. The Central Fire Station is decorated gaily.
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  • 47 6 At the inquest on the victims of the Gladiator disaster, a verdict of accidental death was returned, nobody being criminally to blame. While being towed to SheernosK, half of the destroyer Gala sank en rout*!. At the time of the collision there were eighty men on board.
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  • 56 6 It is proposed to raise the status of the Asiatic Society of Bengal which will be, in future, called the Imperial Asiatic Society of India, and Dr. Schuster who received recently an honorarium of rupees 5,000 for delivering a series of scientific lectures to the University, will be elected the
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  • 57 6 The line German four mast' <1 barijue, Itene Kickmers, has arrived in Rangoon ninety-nine days out. She had rather an adventurous passage as shortly after leaving New York a hurricane struck the ship resulting in a heavy list to starboard. Between une and two thousand cases of oil had to
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  • 52 6 Another accident due to negligent and rash motor-driving is reported in Penang, says the Straita Echo. A motorcar knocked down a riksha puller, who wan proceeding aloug tin road, oiul ruu over him. Thin took place at the cross roadti opposite the Magazine Police Station. The victim wan removed tv
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  • 54 6 At midnight, on Friday, as Mr. L. Lidutior, Chief Engine Driver, Municipal Electric Generating Station, I-onaag, kiu eveiiug along River Bo»J to take bis turn of duty. lie was waylaid by some men and bit over the bead wits a parang. Xha assailants ran awaj, and toe injured man was
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  • 336 6 Mr. A. W. Shorter, of tho W. Soap Company, died of cholera at the Ouueral Hospital, Calcutta, on April 2;i. in consequence of continued ill health. Lady Clarke, the wife of the (ioveruur of Bombay, has been ordonxl home. His Excellency tlio Governor will be At Home"
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  • 17 6 The price of tin in Singapore U) ilny i 470K per picul. Fifty tons have been Hold.
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  • 63 6 On April 24, it was telegraphed from London that Keiite. understands that the drufl of the Siamese treaty agreed upon between Mi. Paget, British Minister, and the Siamese Government has reached the Foreign Office but has not yet been submitted to the < 'abim t There is every reason to
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  • 63 6 In a letter to M. Kane, member of it;Senate, published by the Paris Aurure. Mme. Zola regrets that her husbuud remains arc to be disturbed, and she e.\ presses the conviction that lii- labours uf forty years, his attitude ut the time uf tin: Dreyfus case, and the unjustifiable insult
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  • 64 6 Two interesting engagement:, buy been recently annouucinl in Simla, nuinely, that of Miss Miller, daughter of the Hon. Sir. .1. o. Miller, Member of the Viceroy's Council, and Captain Robertson, recently A.D.C. to th; late Sir Denzil lbbetson:aud Mis.-, Stuart. laughter of Sir Harold Stuart, officiating Home Secretary to the
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  • 79 6 The addition uf The Yoke and Cynthia in the Wilderness to the shelves of the Kaugkok Ladies Library has caused a lady correspondent to the Bangkok Times to ask the Library management why The Winning Post Annual has not beer also stained. She points out that this latte> publication is
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  • 73 6 The perils of journalism at Peking may be judged of from the fact that the chiet editor of a vernacular newspaper there has just been cast into prison. His crime the publishing of a report sent in by an Imperial Censor, charging two high official. with greed, favouritism, and the
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  • 80 6 Inspector Connor prosecuted a Chinaman uamed Kow Cbia. before the Second Magis trate, Mr. C. K. J. Green, thin uiorniug, mi a charge of giving false information tv Police Corporal 30, on May 1. it wan alleged that accused bad lent money to Too
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  • 82 6 Mr. E. M. Toaar, a local lawyer, appoaruJ before Mr. C. J. Sauuderb at the I'lotrii.'. Court, yesterday, un a judgment tuiamoob, at the intUuco of It. Id. I: H. 11. Mootliiah Chatty, who claimed $3141.44 on a judgment given on September 18, 1907. Mr. T. explained
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 269 6 Caldbeck Macgregor Go's >|J^K SPK/^/ EXTRA SPECIAL A LIQUEUR WHISKY, I CALDBECK MACGREGOR *C? y tmnt.Hii.niaiio linn tsrt.ns mnmiro/ "CHOP RAJAH." j 3E I '*,n~.>«~*j»i.~M»»Wrt» mummmm OBTAINAIILK Every wh ere. THE 'GILLETTE" SAFETY RAZOR. o^. The "GILLETTE Safety Ra/.or gives a ■nt clean. smooth and comfortable shave. without risk of
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    • 274 6 CORRICKS. MAURICE E. BANOMANN Presents (be MARVELLOUS CORRICK KAMILY OK ENTERTAINERS. lnbtrumeutalists. ocalitttK. GleeSingers, Dancers. Humorists. Handbell-Ringers. ISO Silver toned Handbells 150 UfATAH Opening Night llltl f or the Place .iu'l book your seats now at tin KOBINSON PIANO COMPANY. CORRICKS. ALHAMBRA BKAOH ROAD. To- Night To-Ni^ht ALL NEW PICTURES.
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  • 424 7 DRASTIC RESOLUTION OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Closing of Opium Dens in Far Eastern Colonies. (Fkom Ock Own Cokkkm-ondkniO London. May 7, 12.10 a.m. The lions, of Commons, without a divi sion, has adopted a resolution proposed by Mr. William Johnson, thu Labour Member fur the Nuneaton Division
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  • 76 7 Proposals Fmbmlietl in the ,New Treaty. I Xiu Tin 1 Tbhurav 1 London, May i Sir Kdward <>re.y, Foruigu Minister, speak lug in the lluuse of Commons, said the modification of tho status of Britishers in Siam, with provisions to safeguard their interests, forms part of the
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  • 44 7 Mr. Winston Churchill's Efforts to Arrange a Compromise. iltlOTlH's TILIORAMI London. May 6. Mr. Winston Churchill has left Dundee to confer with tho Labour representatives iv London with a view of arriving at a uottlomcut uf thu dispute in tho shipbuilding tr.lde.
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  • 28 7 [KaOTUt'B TaLBOBAU] London, May 7. Owing to the great depression of business, two hundred stockbrokers are not renewing their yearly membership of the London Stock Exchange.
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  • 27 7 RICTIB's TIUOBAMs] London, May 7. flu Emperor William, accompanied by the Empress, ha.- arrived at Poia, tlie chief naval port of Austria, from Corfu.
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  • 33 7 I Dai Ostasutuchi Lloyd T«lihha«| I rlui. May 6. It ih c i^xlul that Siguur italliruii. the Italiau Minister to Peking, will succeed Conte Toruielli a Ambassador iv Paris.
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  • 574 7 Suppressing Troublesome Natives in Bali. (Fkom Our Own CobhkspondkniO Sourabaya, April 29. As I wired to you, the Dutch troops are engaged now in Bali. Tins very fertile island, sometimes called Little Java, is inhabited by a highly intelligent, but rather proud, people in my opinion one of
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  • 265 7 Chinese Partner Charged with Breach of Trust. The charge of criminal breach of trust of $120 against Too Loey was further heard before Mr. B. E. Column, the Third Magistrate, yesterday afternoon. Mr. A. U. Lowell appeared for tbc accused and Mr. G. S. Carver for the
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  • 130 7 Englishman Levels Revolver at a Dane. Mi. Maurice Thunder held an iuvestigation iv chambers, this morning, into a brawl bi'twevi: Europeans, in Singapore, on Sunday night law. Amoug i'ir large number of people, who were standiug about at thu time of the trouble way a French lady,
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  • 300 7 FRANK PROPOSAL BY RUSSIAN JOURNAL. Native Princes Offer Military Help to the Government. [RaOTH'3 TILBORAM.I London, May 6. Reuters correspondent at Lundi Kotal states that Sufi Mullah is returning to Afghanistan. This probably means the end of the trouble iv the Khybcr Pass. Several Indiau princes have olTured
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  • 35 7 Uu in. Tklkokam London. May 7. The result of the race for the Two Thousand Guineas at the Newmarket Spring Mooting is as follows: Norman 1 Sir Archibald i White Eagle 3
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  • 380 7 Magistrate to Consider Interesting Point. Mr. L. K. Gaoul appeared before the Fourth Magistrate, Mr. M. Thunder, this morning, on behalf of a Chiuauian, named Liui II" Chung." who wan charged with importing sauisoo iv a quantity lees than one hundred gallons. Mr. Gaunt stated that accused
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  • 55 7 lieutenant Harry W. Gregg, 14th Infantry, PB.A 1 thot and fatally killed an American soldier named Dailey at Ormoc. Loyte, in tho Philippines, 00 April 22. Dailey was under arrest and uacap-ji. When discovered, he resitted arrest. Tho civil authorities had taken no action at the
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  • 851 7 POPULAR DERBY RUNNER BREAKS DOWN. (Fkom Our BmoM OmbhmMß.) Thursday morning. Very little fast work was seen od the Course Jus morning, the majority of the horses having eased up with their gallops. Acotine aud Rapid Pilgrim were given 1 j miles at a good, strong gallop,
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  • 167 7 Perjurer in Alsagoff Case Pleads Guilty. With the exception of the passing of sentence, the charges against Seng Kirn Hcng', Yeo Toh Hoo and Koh Pang, of attempting to administer a stupefying drug, and of house breaking by night, were concluded at the Assizes, yesterday afternoon, before Mr.
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  • 827 7 Japanese Seamen before the Marine Magistrate. The alleged offenders in the trouble at Pulo Bukom, on the 4th instant, appeared before Lieutenant Cator, Acting Master Attendant, at the Marine Court, this morniug. to answer two charges preferred against them. Nine of them were charged with wilful disobedience
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  • 105 7 Thu revenue collected iv the Registrar General s Department at Hongkong during 1907 was >1d.'),261.1H. a sum of > I l,oj;i,ns below the 1906 returns. <>f the total revenue collected, 67 per cent came from the rent of market premises, and 18 per cent from fees for hawkers'
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  • 132 7 The reforming zeal of the Chinese (iovernment now extends to Tibet, and an Imperial decree, issued early last month, sets forth that tlic Emperor has set his heart upon mending matters in that country. The decree, ax summarised in the Echo de Chive, dwells upon the
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  • 132 7 GREAT UNIONIST SUCCESS AT WOLVERHAMPTON. Extraordinary Admission of a Free Trade Organ. (RauTw's Tklkc.ram London. Mtq|ti. The following is the result of the bye-elec tion for the East Division of Wolvcrhauiptou. vacant through tho tratihlatiou to the House of Lords of Viscount Wolvcrhaiupton Thome 1 Liberal I
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  • 269 7 Messrs. Lambert and Co.'s Portrait Gallery. Souii; idea of tho woudnrtul developmun l that has taken place in photography in recent years may be obtained from a visit to tho show rooms uf Messrs. G. R. Lambert and Company at Grosham House, Hatteiy l.'oad. In the large collection
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  • 144 7 Weekly Statistics of Registrar of Deaths. During the wuek endod May 2. JM di-atlr, took place iv Singapore, according to statis tics prepared by Dr. D. K. McDowell, the l.v.;isuar of liirths and Deaths. Of thi: number. 18) were Chinese. -II Malay* |h Indians and Kurasianb. Thirty
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  • 92 7 Messrs. (i. A. Fernandez and Company yesterday, conducted .1 sale of property. The M years leasehold lan? and houses. known as Nos. 27 aud J.i J'jar Koad, area 2,140 square feet, went pin jhased by S. M. A. K. A. Letchmon Chitty for »2,650, who also bought
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  • 107 7 Private torture on a medieval scale was alleged against a Calcutta Bengali in a police-court case recently. It was alleged that the defendant missed a gold chain from his house, and. suspecting his servant 1 the complainant 1 uf theft, tried to extort a con fessiun. The
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  • 116 7 I would likt t'> know what Li .1 claim Im $JOO damage MMHHtai Mi ioldriug at Hongkong, the other day. when the Snmniar Court was fixing the date for hMffaat v case bctwecu two Chinese arising -"it uf a dog that wa.. killed. I suppose it iii
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 38 7 Linggi Rubber Output. M»3«rt. GutUri-j anJ Company. Limited nave r«ce;vu«i a telegram frsm Uk luaoagcr. U tb« Li-gg: I UnUtiocb Ltd.. ad-i^ag sh-j total qu&Qtity of Rubber lurreated on the Estates, during tb« month of April, as 19,000
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  • 102 8 Notes in General. The lianykok Sky rtae« Meeting commenced on Friday April 24. There wax Homo exceptionally good races. Artie Tully wishes it to be stated that hi* doubles and trebles will go aomrdine to his H'ln-rtis<'im-iil on Kiicrs M, 4. and I only. Tin- Chattagi Shield, which
    102 words
  • 66 8 i uii\ •> Latest Prices*. lii- following are Artie Tully Intent prices on the Singapore Derby Win Inylcwo.).! 20 to 1 i.iilo 4 1 is, n., a J even Nowbury 4 1 I jxly Brockleigh U 1 Kapid Pilgrim 10 1 Ukore 7 1 Acitim- 20 „1 Durbar
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  • 113 8 Malay States Volunteers. The. following scores were made at the S|kxiii Shoot in connection with the .Malay States Volunteers, at Kuala Lumpur A t/LASS. 200 ROO 600 W. Hay if 2 8:t 82 2 U. H. PbillipH M N 30 net It. St. (j. Caulfcild H «4 28+4
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  • 172 8 Match on the Esplanade. '1 he Twilight Football Club will meet the BJLC. ou the Ksplanade in a friendly Footl. ili match to-morrow, and the following will reprewut the Twilight Club Tan Cheng Ann, goal; Koh Chong Bong, and Tcug Chee Heong, backs; Nan Kirn (hoon, Urn Geok
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  • 213 8 Ceylon Planter's Advice to Intending Pupils. A Ccylnu planter writ«'M to the Dnily Mail Through the medinm of your paper, niiiy 1 H'lvisr all young men who are meditating coming out hero as planting pupils, or, as ilu'V arc called out hero, creepers, to think twice Ix'forc
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  • 76 8 A curious defence wan net up in Calcutta tin' other day on Ix halt of a man charged with resmiine a prisoner from police custody. The man who waH rescued waa subsequently acquitted of tlic charge against him, nod it was therefore contended that the
    76 words
  • 143 8 Ad intcrcxtioy iMOMMJ lian just been made io tin Dharwar district of India on the property over which the Mysore Gold Mining I'oujpauy lias au option. When cleaning out an old working, preparatory to sinking a mine, a number of -ti.iiii;<' wooden iiiipUiiitiitH and tools were
    143 words
  • 376 8 Robberies by Soldiers to Obtain Redress. Ibe Police have arrested two soldiers. Privates Gillanderx and W. Morritton. o( the 2nd Battalion, Uordon Highlanders, station fd in Fort William (or looting shop* in Calcutta. The other night the soMiers walked into a jeweller's shop in Corporation Street,
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  • 275 8 Vengeance Wreaked on Unintended Victim; News of a dastardly outrage is just to hand, the perpetrator of which is a syce named Naganna, lately in the employ of Lieutenant Caxson Walker, 2nd Koyal r- usiliers, and the victim an old man named Elliah, aged 60, who lived
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  • 187 8 Successful Congress of Adherents at Djokjakarta. Theosophy has progressed mo much in •lava that a congress of its adherents was held at Djokjakarta on April 18. It was presided over by Mr. Krickc, a leading Theosophist, who had been deputed for the purpose by Mrs. Annie Itesaut.
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  • 126 8 An Aden correspondent states that reports have been received that the Sultan of Habban, Nasir Bin Saleh Bin Ahmed, has been mortally wounded by one of his soldiers while sitting in a window of his palace. The cause which led to the outrage is reported
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  • 61 8 A hopeful feature in the outlook iv the Punjab for the hot weather is the promise of an abundant yield of mangoes and of mahua flowers Even in ordinary years these product- make up a substantial portion of the food of the poorer classes during the summer, and when food-grains
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  • 295 8 GREAT OCEAN RACE BETWEEN TWO BIG SHIPS. After one of the most exciting Transatlantic racen of recent years, the White Star liner Teutonic steamed triumphantly into port the other day, outstripping the Canard liner Caronia by one hour 26min. Virtually it wax a neck and neck race
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  • 609 8 Returns of Kuantan and Belat Tin Mining Companies. The following is the monthly report of the Manager to the Directors of the Kuantan Tin Mining Company, Limited: Kuantan May 2, 1908. There ban been a scarcity of water this month and was obliged to stop the puddler on
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  • 346 8 United States Battleships to Visit Hongkong. According to Hongkong exchange, the American fleet is expected to visit Hongkong shortly. Toe news has been received with glad- 1 ness and general satisfaction, in the northern Colony, and it can be taken as assured that the visitors will receive
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  • 481 8 European Shoots a Daring Thief on the Footboard. A sensational story comes to hand from Lahore of a robbery on the North Western Railway in India. While the Bombay mail, which left Lahore at about 11-10 on the night of April IT, was on its way to
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  • 112 8 Dr. G. A. D'Orsey, the American ethnologist and curator of the anthropological section of the Field Colombian Museum, Chicago, who is visiting Darjeeling, Assam, and Chota Xagpur, arrived in M^roa on April 20, and left two days later, for Ootacamand to see the Todas, Badaga-s,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 417 8 Alhamhra. TO-NIGHT I entire Change of Programme. FOR FURTHER DETAILS SEE PAGE 6. L. F. WILLIS. Manager. LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICE TO BE LET. l'pp>r floor of No. 12 i, ltaffles Place, formerly occupied by The Singapore Towing and Lighterage Company. \U> a month. Apply to Shaik Abnobakar Lajam, 1.1, Armenian
      417 words
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  • Stocks and Shares.
    • 350 9 form*- 1 C«piui BabMrikMd ioa i nun Mr ol BhM» Una Yulue ftJd ap to 1908 IMOO.000 IdOO.OOO 1907 MOO.000 M*'™ 1901 MOO.OOO 8000 1 1908 £400,000 £860,000 1907 1400,000 1373,000 1901 £60,000 460,000 1906 £100,000 4100,000 1906 9160,000 199,000 1906 £1M,OOO 41*0,000 1906 £80,000 £80,000 1906 1450,000 1887,900
      350 words
    • 326 9 908 £150,000 C116.6M j £1 18/ 1908 MO0.O00 W06.000 10,'sOO WO MO 1904 £80,000 £16.*N J;°^0 j 41 16/ 1908 £70,000 £61,000 BlloOO 1906 W50.000 I1M.000 lt.600 WO WO !9i,4 I £11.000 £10,M» SioOO Si 15/ 1908 £76,000 £M,000 wioOO I 1906 £810,000 £243,M7 }J£$J tl Io/ 1906 £180,000
      326 words
    • 203 9 1894 I £5,377.10.0^ £4.806 7,688 1898 ttU.000 lttS.000 4,500 1865 'lie.OOO.OOO 1115.000,000 Ht.000 I30J jW.400,000 W,«00,000 l l'$% I 6 000 1898 ,11,000,000 $1,000,000 4'^ 1901 I IM.OOO j 134,000 1899 I 9876,000 1875,003 1903 I 1600,000 tMO.OOO 34,000 1891 130,000 930,000 600 1903 £730,000 £750,000 40,000 19 '4
      203 words
  • 266 9 Mkaipou, Mr, o, 1906. PRODUCE. EXCHANQE. DEBENTURES. G'.u-buT b.WJ do (Cube No. 1) unpicked 10.50 Copra Bali 6.63 do Pontianak 6.20 Pepper, Black H..j5 do White 6% buyers 19.12* nago Floor Sarawak 3.00 To Brnnei No. 1 2.95 Pearl Sago 3.90 Coffee Bali, picked 27.00 Coffee, Palembani;, 20% basis
    266 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 POSTCARDS! POSTCARDS!! POSTCARDS!!! HO Different Views of Singapore Coloured Postcards. JUST RECEIVED. \LL NEW PICTURES. iM!<l>i-ct-.on cordiiilly iuMle<l. KOH AND COMPANY, 80. BR*« BASAI! ROAD. SINGAPORE. PILSENER BEER KEY BRAND IMPORTED tINCB i«7* I^S&l* w^*'*'"«- **\«fc^^A BEWARE OP IMITATIUN9. *m toiiM vitMt tbt iktn tn Ufc b. BEHN MEYER A
      54 words
    • 203 9 H. WILLIS, Turf Commission Agent is here, and has opened a book on the Forthcoming Singapore Races, Also on the ENGLISH DERBY boi priaMi apply c/o THE INTERNATIONAL 90., and HOTEL de lal'AlX The Straits Times, AKD The Straits Budget. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Advance. Daily issue per ye*r 580.00
      203 words
    • 120 9 fVOai Seng Qo. 12 BAnERY RO. «fc SINGAPORE. BEST TWEEDS, SERGES AND FLANNELS FOR GENTLEMEN'S SUITING. DUTGH dGARS. Latakia $2.75 Estrella Nueva 2.60 Ping Pong 2.50 Renata 2.40 Perla De Habana 2.25 931 KELLY WALSH, Ltd. New Supply. TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES. Ardath Tobacco Co.'s Specialities. TOBACCO. CIGARETTES. ARDATH SPECIAL 1
      120 words
    • 263 9 £t&B.P.deSilva,§§| Kat&blUb«l UN, 55EET MANUFACTURING JEWELLER. »h Pitronag* of o I kU Just appointed Parveyor to H.M. The King of Biam, l«k I HAS NOW ON VIEW. AT 62 AND 63 HIGH STREET. A magnificent stock of Diamond Jewellery of tbe latest dumgn?. au Ihhm Mi ci of Sterling Silver
      263 words

  • 1050 10 ARMY COUNCIL OR COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF. The Territorial Artillery. According to returns to March 1, the Indian estaolixhnient oi 72,69*2 has actually a small surplus but a nure correct appreciation of the position can be obtained at the end of the trooping season. The deficit on the Home and
    1,050 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 593 10 BANKING COMPANIES. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. rAiDUP capital •15,000,000 BESERVE FUND Sterling Reserve •10.000.000 l M 8 mo 000 Bilverßesorve #18,500,000 f w uuu Beserv* Liability of Proprietor* 115,000,000 COURT OP DIRECTORS Hon. Mr. Henry Keswick. Chairman. E. Goetz, Esq. Deputy Chairman. E.G. Barrett, Esq. 0. R. Lenzmann.Esq. GustavFrieeland.Esq.
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    • 602 10 BANKING COMPANIES. i CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUBTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Share* of £K)each £1,200,000 Reserve Fand £1,476,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor* £1 ,300,000 BANKERS. Bank ol England. National Bank of Bootland. Tbe London City A Midland Bank. Ltd. SINGAPORE BRANCH. Ourrent
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    • 572 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE OF WAR DEPARTMENT STORES, To be held at The Ordnance Depot, Pulo Brani, On Friday, May S. at 2 p.m. Tents, Leather Accoutrements, Brushes, Cordage. Baths, Metals of all kinds. Oil, Blankets and other Bedding. Military clothing. Also two old boilers. Powell ty Co., 910
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    • 617 10 SALES BY AUCTION. AUCTION SALE BCBAP IRON AND STEEL CVTTINGS, At Messers. Riley Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., Foundry, Read Street, Ok Friday. May 8, at 5.30 p JR. H. L. Coghlan V Co., Lioenaed Auctioneer* 963 and Surveyor*. AUCTION SALE OF 16 DOZEN BENTWOOD CHAIRS AND 4 DOZEN KATTAN CHAIRS,
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    • 528 10 INSURANCE Companies COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANO COMPANY, LIMITED FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT GUARANTEE. Fundt Exceed £18,000,000. W. A. SIMS, r 1375 Manager, Eastern Brauoh. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA (Cstskllskse is«> ABBBIB .£0,000,000 Incoiu, 1906 ,£1,200,000 Oft* 1 B»tter> X.1.. 1 m. A. WHITE. MilWpor*. Man.iK»r, Sonth-Kutarn A»i». The Standard Life.
      528 words

  • 168 11 NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST TO MOTORISTS. An American firm, the Thomas Company, has entered a car for the Orand Prix race ibis year. Two French motor makers, Leon Kollee and the Clement Bayard Co., are turning their attention to airships, and have orders already in hand. <Nm American
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  • 1121 11 It is sometimes a difficult matter to separate parts of au engine or car that have become tightly stuck together because of dirt and corrosion during a lung period of use. T n such a case nothing promises better than recourse to a fairly liberal application of paraffin,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 307 11 MOTOR CARS. NOW IN STOCK. ARGYLLS THE CELEBRATED SILENT 14-16 s DE LUXE. Adams Hewitts. Rovers. ON VIEW AT fiUAIM DAAM £Q MMI and MM* Orchard Road 3»UII nWlfl XT (Two Doors from Cold Storage Depot). Dunlop Motor Tyres. "NON-SLIPS" (GROOVED; AND "ORDINARY" (PLAIN) HEAVY TYRES STOCKED IN ALL THE
      307 words
    • 218 11 Hkadachks are never too large to be driven away by Steams' Headache Cure. It's a small dose, and it's safe and it ib easy to take, but it docs the work every time. Write for New Catalogue OF HUMBER CARS. Latest Improvements I Reduction in Prices I THE BORNEO CO.,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 476 12 Scale of Cbaroee. r\ \ZS AH. ADVERTISEMENTS.— MiMaI■Mocis Wanti of Every Description, House*, wd. etc. v i«t arc inverted at the following tn- One '.iH-t;ic I.M par lnob. Tire 1.00 Tbrtt I.M Bii B.JO Ni»t «.4O T«tM 7.M T»«l»' t»t i 10.00 f Eact rcfMqtent month M par lnob.) Tiaabct
      476 words
    • 519 12 Miscellaneous WANTS. Bins Fomr Lim, one or two loMrtloof, Bt Mm Inch, Seal* ot CSurgtSTOREKEEPER WANTED. Wanted, an experienced Chinese Produce Storekeeper. Apply to C. R. P.. o/r. Straits Times. uMO BHORTHANO-TYPIBT WANTED. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a geed Typist and Shorthand Writer. Eurasian preferred. Must have good handwriting. Apply, with references,
      519 words
    • 617 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. lUtm :-Po»r Llnu, oat or two laantioas, t\ Br tb« Inch, Seal* of Char««. MOM TO LET. Room suitable for Married Couple or two Bachelors. Apply Eden Hall, Nawim Road. cSll OFFICE GODOWN TO BE LET With Immediate entry No. 7, Malacca Street Apply to
      617 words
    • 538 12 TO BE LET OR SOLD. Bin —Pour Llimi, ont or two Iwrtlon II.X Bf the Inch, m« seal* ot ohargw. HOUBE TO LET. No. 4, Monnt Rosie. Apply Raffles Hotel. iM HOUSE TO LET. No. 14, Sophia Road. Apply to D. Kitovitz, No. 2, Raffles Place. 977 HOUSE TO LET.
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    • 478 12 M\ S. ALLSOPP SONS, LTD. L\ j4 Brew ra to Hlm "M/«* <y The King. V^J LAGER BEER, PALE ALE, STOUT. «4C 8^ Obtainable from the t3 Syme Co. Prinoipal Dealers. r^AOl H**^ Agent*. ARTICLES FOR SALE. Bins .-—row Lino, od« or tw I— Mim, II .ou Br U» ißcb,
      478 words
    • 531 12 Miscellaneous NOTICES Ratis :-ut Month. (10 pw inch. SnbMqunt monthi, as. Forinort«rp«rlo<l»»»»3cal« of Charge*. NOTICE. Mr. Andrew Aguew being no longer in out employment, we herewith notify that the 1 of Attorney for our Firm held by him is can oelled as from this date, April 30. SYME AND CO..
      531 words